#you’re literally pathetic— making an account about awareness and acceptance yet you bash other people
talkethtothehandeth · 1 month
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*vague posts a fake claim about particular people in mind*
*turns around to say they would “never” want to fake claim someone because they know how it feels*
Gaslighting IS fake claiming, it is literally denying the extent of which a disorder/condition affects a person, and replaces it with “it’s all in your head, you’re doing it for attention”
And it pisses me off so much because the comment section is FULL of people who you know would be sobbing and throwing up and claiming ableism if someone even thinks about doubting the severity of their disabilities.
Get over the Sick Olympics already, no one fucking wins that. You get no trophy for being the sickest, no one automatically cares about you more when your body gets worse, doctors don’t suddenly give a shit if you’re dying from complex conditions. You’re not special, you don’t get a crown. You’re not better than anyone at all if your body is breaking down the most. Why is it so important to you to be The Worst? Ass pats? No one gets that and the worse you are the less people care about you, genuinely.
Get over yourself, you don’t know shit about what anyone else on the internet goes through, and fake claiming anyone is fucked up, regardless if the person is shitty or not. I hate that the internet learned the term Münchausen Syndrome because if someone doesn’t present exactly how they think they should be if they’re “truly” sick, then they’re faking the way their current symptoms present because it must not be “that bad”.
Wait until people start turning against you, then you’ll realize exactly how shitty it is to have people who are supposed to be on your side act against you because you’re not “sick enough” to them to actually be suffering— you’re not “sick enough” to receive sympathy. Imagine how isolating that is, to have so many people against you because they think you’re not as bad as you know you are. People have their own websites and never ending threads dedicated to “proving” that someone is faking, some of my mutuals are on those threads and have posted about it— without them I wouldn’t have even known these threads existed. Imagine how many you’re on, how many people are talking about you behind your back, even in your own circle.
By the way, I would rather believe 400 (“undiscovered”) fakers than deny support to one person who is actually disabled. And you should too, because one day, you will be that one person who is actually sick, and you will be considered a liar, or dramatic— and in some people’s opinion, you’ll deserve that treatment after what you did and continue to do all in an attempt to feel superior to someone. One day you won’t have the sympathy you’re looking for.
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