#you’d think the sex toys part would be an incentive to get it out but what do i know
rottengurlz · 4 months
A guest asked me if he could take the potentially abandoned trailer that’s in our parking lot I told him no since idk who owns it but it reminded me of this other trailer that someone drove through our parking lot, hit our fence, and then abandoned once they realized what they did and the trailer was just full of sex toys and trash. i wonder where they are now
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babyybitchhh · 3 years
Arlong x Reader 18+
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Rating: Explicit/R-18+
Words: 4,609
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, monster fucking (?), size difference, over sized genitalia and the buckets of cum to go with it, oral sex, fellatio, eventual consent
A/N: After consulting with my editor in chief, we agreed that the fishmen probably feel a bit like dolphins - firm to the touch but stupidly smooth, a bit clammy - so that's where my descriptive inspiration for this one came from. Y'know. Just in case anyone ends up wondering what the fuck I was smoking while I wrote this. lol And as always, please enjoy! : )
Arlong was not what you would consider a nice man.
There was something mean about him, and undeniably so, but the way he crowds you against the wall late one evening still manages to catch you off guard. You’d thought you had already seen everything his cruelty had to offer. Foolishly, you’d believed that there was a certain line even someone like him would not cross.
Regrettably, you’d been wrong about that.
“W - what are you doing?”
“Don’t be coy.” He mutters while he idly, possessively toys with a strand of your hair between his webbed fingers. “I know you’ve been looking forward to this.”
The cloying stink of booze on his breath hits you all at once and you wrinkle your nose in distaste. You don’t mean to do it. You regret it almost instantly but Arlong doesn’t care for the why or the how, or the rushed apology already forming on the tip of your tongue. All he sees is the discomfort etched across your expression and his demeanor responds in kind, becoming surly and aggressive in the same moment.
With a rumbling grunt, he steps into you and bodily shoves you against the wall. The amount of force in just that simple gesture has you quailing under the imposing weight of him even as you start to shirk away. You think to bolt for safety a little too late and his clammy hand takes advantage of that split second indecision to grab your chin, forcing your head up to look at him.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Hm?” He curls himself over you, bracing his other arm high above your head on the wall so he can lean close and get in your face. You’ve never felt quite so minuscule as you do standing there, frozen to the spot and horribly dwarfed by the towering fishman who’s hacksaw nose was mere inches from yours now.
With each passing second, it was becoming exceedingly hard not to panic.
“Am I not to your liking? Is that it? You’ve really never thought about this before?”
Your mouth opens but nothing comes out. You aren’t sure what to say. You don’t know what it is he wants to hear.
Arlong doesn’t wait around for a proper response, though, and instead trails smooth, rubbery fingers down your neck to your shoulder, and then further still to grasp your wrist. You put up no resistance when he pulls, unceremoniously directing your slack hand to the front of his shorts and you jolt at the firm weight pressing up into your palm.
Sucking in a stilted gasp, your eyes go wide at him. “I - I haven’t - -“
“No?” He cuts across you with a faintly disappointed sigh. “Not even a little? You’re not at all curious?”
You whimper, shaking your head when he squeezes and manually forces your hand to close around the stiff outline in his pants. It was big and still growing, as evidenced by the eager twitch it gives at your touch. Shame immediately washes over you when your pussy clenches, the blood in your neck pounding as you try to turn away from him.
“Of course not, w - what would I have to be curious about?”
“You ever seen a fishman’s cock before?”
Your ears were starting to burn. “Nuh … no. Please, Arlong. I don’t - -“
“Come on. I’m sure you’ll like it. There isn’t anything else like it in the whole world, y’know. One of a kind.”
Same as before, he doesn’t give you a chance to sort through your thoughts before taking the incentive. His unoccupied hand drops from the wall and tugs at the waistband of his shorts even while he wrests your twisting hand where he wants it to be. You struggle wildly now, adrenaline fueled fear making you desperate and jerky, but he’s much too strong to break free from. You were trapped.
Horrified, you screw your eyes shut before you can catch a glimpse of what’s hanging between his legs. You’d never seen one before - not a fishman’s, and you would have preferred to keep it that way. The hushed rumors you’d overheard about encounters between people like Arlong and humans such as yourself were nothing kind, after all.
But with very little effort on his part, he clamps your hand into place and you go stock-still at the sensation of porcelain smooth, velvety skin under your fingertips. It doesn’t feel half as repulsive as you’d imagined it would. And, you’re surprised to find, it doesn’t look anywhere near as unnatural as you’d assumed it to be when you apprehensively crack your eyes open and glance at it.
What you had in your hand was just a cock. Nothing more and nothing less.
Albeit a rather large, hefty cock that was a slightly darker shade of blue than the rest of him but still by all accounts a normal looking appendage. If it hadn’t been for it’s unusual color and the staggering size, you could have easily mistaken it for a human’s.
Embarrassed, you flounder for something to say. “It’s … it’s rather nice, isn’t it?”
Arlong snorts and displaces a few of your wispy flyaways with the resulting puff of air, making you shudder between him and the wall. “Don’t try to bullshit me. S’not polite.”
“I’m not.” You insist, shyly forcing your gaze up to meet his. “I expected something different, that’s all.”
“Like what?” He murmurs as he leans his weight into you, not so subtly pinning you under him. You swallow hard, hesitant to say it. But either by virtue of being mildly intoxicated or genuine sincerity on his part, you felt a strange sort of inclination to be honest with him.
“Frankly, I thought it would be more monstrous.”
Arlong manages to catch you off guard again when he outright laughs at that. “Give it time. I’m not fully hard yet.”
Your eyes go big as saucers. “W - wha - -“
He laughs again, somehow even louder this time, and you start to quake with renewed vigor as his cock does indeed continue to twitch and grow in your hand. You couldn’t believe that it would get any bigger than it already was but the proof was right in front of your face. It was still filling out, becoming increasingly more weighty in your palm, and that knowledge terrified you far more than you were willing to admit.
“Don’t look so scared.” He coos, anything but sympathetic when he notices the obvious disquiet casting a shadow over your face. His suddenly good mood did not bode well for you at all. “You said it was nice, didn’t you?”
“Well … well, yes, but - -“
“Here. Let me show you something.”
Releasing his hold on you, Arlong clamps his moist palm down on the back of your neck and unceremoniously steers you forward, away from the wall. You don’t even think to fight it. And how could you when your fate was already sealed? You’d given him an inch by conceding that his cock was not entirely disagreeable and now he was taking a mile.
It was your own fault, really.
“Wait - hold on.” You stammer, panic suddenly creeping into your voice when you realize he was making a beeline with you for the nearest chair. “I didn’t mean it like that, Arlong! I just - -“
“You just what?” He sneers. “Felt like teasing me some more? Thought it’d be funny to tempt me with that pretty little mouth of yours again?”
You sputter in red faced affront. “I never - -“
Cutting you off yet again, he forcefully shoves you down onto your knees. Hard.
You seethe at the splintering pain racing up your legs as he pivots around you to plop down on the waiting seat, his ever present grip on the back of your neck quickly dragging you closer. Arlong’s anticipation for what was coming next was almost palpable, the eager excitement in his motions clear as day. In a last ditch effort, you try to twist away from him but he holds firm even as he works to tug his shorts the rest of the way down with the opposite hand.
“I know you’ve thought about this.” He says it again, breathy now, as if repetition would somehow make it true. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, sweetheart. There’s no need to hide it.”
Whatever biting insult you were going to spit at him catches in your throat and momentarily chokes you when he gets his pants down over his knees, cock springing up in all its full glory. You outright stare, your mouth going dry. Mind blank and pussy aching with phantom pain.
You weren’t sure what he expected you to do with it. He was far too big to fit in any human orifice, surely; but if he was at all concerned about the logistics involved he certainly didn’t show it.
Casually kicking his shorts off, Arlong plants his feet firmly on the floor and shuffles his long legs wide open to welcome you in. The heavy sway of his hanging nutsack seems to taunt you, silently promising a steaming hot load that you weren’t prepared to take. You audibly gulp down your nerves as he pulls you closer, right up against him until the sinfully smooth shaft of his cock is pressed tight against your cheek. It was hard to breathe through the potently masculine musk assaulting your nose and even harder to come to terms with the way your cunt gushes in response to it.
Why was this turning you on so much?
“Arlong … please!” You mewl, helpless to stop it when he relentlessly rubs his cock against your face as if to scent you. “Please listen to me. I never intentionally tried to tease you. I’m sorry …”
“Liar.” A sharp thwack against your cheek accompanies this accusation, the fleshy head of his dick leaving a sharp sting in its wake. “You want me. Just admit that. If you do, your punishment for being such a flirty slut won’t be so severe.”
You bristle at that, trying once again to recoil from him, but he merely pinches your neck even tighter to keep you in place. All you can do is watch in mounting horror as he takes his cock in the opposite hand and starts to pump it, slowly, as if to coax it that last little bit harder. The prominent vein running along the underside visibly throbs for you while he does it, pushing against the thin layer of skin in a rhythmic beat which probably would have flattered you under better circumstances. You hadn’t thought he’d get this worked up over you.
But, to be fair, you also hadn’t expected Arlong to be interested in a human woman in the first place.
“Like the view? You’re going to be a good girl and suck it for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Dazedly, you watch the steady up and down motion of his webbed hand until you eventually find yourself nodding along with it. You felt vaguely like an idiot for consenting to this but there was no denying how tantalizing he looked. For better or worse, you were willing to take the risk.
And that seems to amuse him a great deal, his raspy laugh misting over you even as he adds a twist to his pumping motion, tugging at the foreskin in the process. Scandalized surprise rushes to the forefront of your mind when you catch your first peek of the glans and realize it’s a blue so dark and rich it was almost purple. It’s such a stark contrast from the rest of his uniquely pigmented skin that you immediately want to see more of it, and you lean forward to get a better look with nothing short of rapt fascination. You’d never seen anything quite like it before.
“You’re that interested now?” He murmurs knowingly, snickering faintly under his breath.
“Only a little …”
But Arlong’s tone holds no real bite this time, and he graciously gives you what you want by rolling the meaty tip back to tuck it behind the ridged glans. The blunt head is just as impossibly smooth as the rest of him, his skin entirely free of pores or blemishes, and so firm that you aren’t sure if there will be any give to it. You’re immediately reminded that you and him were not the same, the differences between you two as glaring as ever.
Without missing a beat, you decide you no longer care.
Reaching up, you carefully take him in hand and a thrill runs through you at the sensation. He’s every bit as silky as he looks but when you experimentally squeeze, it becomes apparent that he’s also relentlessly stiff. You’d thought, maybe, it was just the muscle bound parts of him that were as unyielding as they appeared to be but even this area was so densely padded with fatty insulation that it offered very little cushion. It seemed, then, that the only truly soft spot on his body was probably his ballsack.
Tentatively, you rove your gaze up to look at him. “Can I really?”
“I’ll be pissed if you don’t.”
You scoff, trying not to smile, but when that fails you lean up to drag your tongue along the throbbing vein and hide the curl of your mouth. A triumphant sigh puffs out of him, the hand on the back of your neck relaxing slightly, but he makes no move to completely let go of you yet. The weight of his palm spurs you on and you go up a little higher to flick at the glans, pleasantly surprised at the taste of him. Salty and strong, yet not repugnant. It was a heady flavor, one you’ve never sampled before, and you can’t help but wonder if this is how all fishmen taste. It was strangely intoxicating.
“There’s my good girl. That’s it.” He goads you, leaning back into the chair so he can fully appreciate the sight of you on your knees for him. “Is it as good as you thought it’d be? All you had to do was ask and I would have let you do this a lot sooner, you know.”
Resisting the urge to snap at him to shut up, you use your grip on his cock to angle the tip towards your face. The narrow slit in the center of that purple-blue bud winks at you, oozing a fresh bead of slick precum that glistens faintly in the overhead light. Sticking your tongue out, you lap it up with a hunger you hadn’t expected from yourself and a fresh wave of bitter salt swarms your tastebuds. You moan, very quietly, against the glans before sealing your lips around it.
Arlong’s lean thighs give the faintest jolt in response, his pelvis lifting just enough to nudge his dick a little deeper into your mouth. You allow it, for the time being, far too caught up in the exquisite taste of him to worry about his propensity for being a bit pushy. It was in his nature, after all.
But when you try to take more of him on your own, it quickly becomes apparent that your earlier estimation of him had been right on the money. He was much too large to comfortably fit and you only make it a few inches down before your jaw starts to scream in protest. You pull back to suckle on the spongy head for a moment, laving it with your tongue before deciding to try again. The progress you make is negligible at best, your lips straining around his girth as you furrow your brows and noise a muffled sound of frustration around him.
“Don’t try to force it, sweetheart. You’ll just hurt yourself.” He chuckles, the hand on the back of your neck sliding higher to curl around the curve of your skull. His palm is massive in comparison and you feel your cheeks start to warm when he condescendingly pats your head, tutting at you. “You’ll have to practice hard if you want to take it all someday.”
The heat inside your gut sparks anew as your eyes snap up at his face. He smirks right back, razor sharp rows of teeth glinting dangerously and reminding you, once again, that he was a real threat. An apex predator of the most deadly kind, and you were knelt at his feet sucking his cock like a good little pet. You should have been ashamed of yourself. You probably were going to be ashamed of yourself, later, when the carnal high faded and your senses returned.
For now, though, you’d already made peace with your fate and you pointedly give his cock a rough tug. That only makes Arlong’s lascivious grin widen, though, and you’re left with no other choice but come up off him with a wet, smacking pop to give your jaw a break.
Tilting your head back while you suck in a much needed lung full of air, you pull his cock to your open mouth and set it along your tongue. He hums appreciatively at the visual while you pump the length of him with your hand, letting more precum ooze out of him and onto your waiting palette. A faltering groan rises in the back of your throat at the taste, so heady and potent that it makes your mind spin dizzyingly fast. You couldn’t get enough.
“Heh. I take it you like it then?”
In lieu of an answer, you seal your lips around him and lean forward again, glancing up at Arlong through the fall of your lashes. His stilted sigh of approval rushes straight to your cunt, and you give a needy little squirm as he drags webbed fingers along the side of your face to touch at the pulled taught corner of your mouth. Rubbery palm skirting along your cheek, he reaches further back and then clamps down on the nape of your neck so he can pull you somehow even closer to him.
You’re pressed flush against the chair by the time he’s satisfied, neck straining to accommodate the length of his cock. Your unoccupied hand comes up to brace against his thigh when he starts to guide you through a bobbing motion, the stuffed full schlucking noise of your mouth almost unbearably loud in the otherwise quiet room. It sounds borderline obscene to you but he appears to enjoy it, resting his head against the back of the chair and sighing up at the ceiling with unmistakable pleasure coloring the exhalation.
Your pussy clenches at the sight of Arlong enjoying himself so much, enjoying what you were doing to him, and you offer the glans another enthusiastic suck in return. His fingers twitch against your neck and squeeze, just this side of painful. But he does a good job keeping himself in check, and you put a little more effort into pumping the part of him that your lips can’t reach by way of thanks. He could all too easily rip you in half - in more ways than one - so you appreciated the restraint he was showing.
He doesn’t even seem to notice the change in your hands pace though, his mouth running on drunken autopilot now that he’s let his guard down. Now that he’s fully given himself over to the wet warmth of your maw, he was uncharacteristically eager to heap his praises on you and you were more than happy to soak it all up.
“My good, good girl. Yeah, you like that cock, don’t you, baby? You love it. I can tell. You’ll never want another human to fuck you after I’m done. I’m gonna’ ruin you, you know that? So damn good for me …”
The tingling warmth that spreads through you makes it hard to think straight, your vision starting to swim as if you were looking through a foggy fish eye lense. You never thought he’d talk to you that way. Didn't think he could stand your kind enough to regard you as anything other than a nuisance to tolerate for the sake of his own goals. It may have just been the booze talking, you knew that, but you were still rather pleased by this turn of events anyway.
Your jaw was beginning to ache in earnest, though, and you whimper around his cock as you drag your hand down off his thigh to squeeze in between Arlong’s legs. Gently, you caress the heavy weight of his ballsack, delighted to find that it was just as soft and vulnerable as you’d suspected it would be. He hisses at the contact, hips lifting off the seat of the chair again, but he does it a little too roughly this time and you gag.
Seething through clenched teeth, he readjusts his hold on the back of your head, gets a better grip and slowly thrusts up into your mouth. The careful way he does it surprises you slightly, but you don’t get a chance to linger on that thought for very long because he immediately repeats the motion without giving you a moment to adjust and your eyes start to mist up. He doesn’t quite reach your throat like this, your lips already stretched to their limit and unable to accommodate any more of him, and yet that doesn’t stop you from choking with each drawn out flex of his hips. You were going to be sick at this rate.
Sucking in a faltering wet breath through your nose, you try to brace yourself for his next upward stroke. You weren’t sure how much more of this your gag reflex could take, or your poor jaw for that matter. Being on the receiving end of Arlong’s praises wasn’t worth it if you just ended up spewing your guts all over him, ruining everything in the end. Plus, you were pretty sure he’d just redact everything he’d said if it came down to that. You were damned either way.
Deciding it was best to take a moment and regroup, lest the unthinkable happen, you try to pull off him but the hand on your head keeps you firmly in place. You let out a muffled squawk, as confused as you were terrified of what would happen if he kept going like this. But he doesn’t seem to share any such concerns, and your gaze frantically shoots up at his face when he just keeps shallowly pumping into your mouth. He wasn’t even looking at you, though, his eyes closed and turned up at the ceiling.
“That’s it. Just a little more. I know it probably hurts, sweetheart, but just endure it a little bit longer for me, okay? I’m getting close … I’m getting so close, baby. Can you feel it? I’m gonna’ give you such a big load … ngh, you’ll never be able to swallow it all, but that’s okay. Just … haah, just keep it in your sweet little mouth a bit longer, okay?”
You don’t exactly have a choice in the matter, your cheeks burning hot as reflexive tears streak down your face. Abandoning his balls, you dig trembling fingers into the meat of Arlong’s inner thigh as a painful reminder that you were working on borrowed time here. But he seems to enjoy that, the groaning burst of air that puffs out of him in a sudden rush sending sympathetic shockwaves racing down your spine. Your panties were soaked at this point, uncomfortably clinging to your sticky cunt as you rock forward in a fruitless bid for relief. It was all you could do just to keep your lunch down, though, and you were far too lightheaded to even consider slipping your hand between your legs to rub circles into your clit. It wouldn’t take much to send you over the edge, either.
Even through your clothes, you were sure to cum quick - but how could you possibly think about that right now when he was still thrusting into your mouth at such a staggered pace that you felt as violated as if he’d properly fucked you? It didn’t make sense, how he had such a powerful effect on you when he’d barely even touched you so far. Almost like he had some sort of potent aphrodisiac at his deploy.
Could this possibly be a fishman, thing or was it just an Arlong thing?
“Oooh yeah, baby, right there. Right there. Your mouth feels so damn good. Are you ready? I’m gonna’ give it to you now … fuck, I’m cumming, baby, I’m cumming!”
With a feral, animalistic grunt, Arlong thrusts up off the chair and shoves his cock as far into your mouth as it will go. You sputter around him, frantically noising as your throat constricts and heaves against the pressure. In the same moment, he gives a full bodied shudder and hot, thick ropes shoot out of him to pool at the base of your tongue. Your eyes promptly roll back as you choke around his bubbling semen, face wet with tears and snot, and perspiration, but he doesn’t stop. It just keeps coming out of him, flooding your mouth until you’re sure you’ll drown in it.
So blissfully numb by the time he finally pulls out, you almost don’t notice the absence. It’s only when a fresh string of ejaculate plops heavy against your cheek that you realize he's cumming on your face now, and you obediently stick your tongue out to catch the salty discharge. He doesn’t seem to be aiming for your mouth, though, and you’re left with no other choice than to sit there and let him paint your face white until the pulses gradually slow to a stop some moments later.
The last bit oozes out of him, achingly drained from the bottom of his balls it would seem, as he squeezes it from the base up with an accompanying guttural moan. You let him push your head back down without protest and lap up the sticky bead, much to Arlong’s heaving pleasure.
He was still panting from the exertion, trying to catch his breath, and you were still struggling to swallow the excessive cum in your mouth so you could breathe at all. An odd sense of peace settles in the aftermath and you think maybe, in a far off, dreamy sort of way, maybe he wasn’t quite as mean as you’d pegged him. Someone inherently cruel wouldn’t have been so mindful of your physical limitations, right?
You’re pretty sure that’s not how it usually goes, anyway.
Gathering yourself to the best of your ability, you glance down at the front of your shirt only to outright grimace. You were absolutely coated in sheets of fast drying cum, and you weren’t so sure it wouldn’t stain. Dammit.
“So, uh. Do you always cum buckets, or was that all just for little ol’ me?” You venture to ask, not the least bit surprised when your voice comes out a raspy mess. You’d definitely need some warm tea after this.
“It’s a fishman thing.” He says rather flippantly, clearly unconcerned. “You’ll get used to it.”
Your head comes up in stark surprise. Well. That certainly answered your earlier question.
“Y’know,” you say, speaking cautiously slow. “That sounds an awful lot like you’re planning on doing this again, boss.”
Arlong actually has the audacity to smirk at you, his pale eyes dancing with what could only be mischief, and a not entirely unpleasant shudder promptly races through you in response.
“Again? We haven’t even finished the first time, sweetheart.”
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getitinbusan · 3 years
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Strawberry Lemonade
Even if you could decide, why would you want to? Both men were perfect in extremely different ways yet, your longing for both of them was beginning to feel greedy.
Pairing: Reader x Tae x Jungkook
Words: 3850
Warnings: 18+ threesome, MF vaginal sex, MF anal sex, MF oral sex, unprotected sex, swearing.
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You weren't technically staff, it was a loophole that benefited everyone. While the crew stayed in coach, you were up front with Jungkook as he helped stash your camera equipment into the first class overhead. In 7 hours you'd be in Bali for a week in paradise.
"Y/N's sitting with me, she already promised." Taehyung pulled your hand towards the middle aisle.
Pouting, Jungkook popped his air pods in and took his seat.
It was a competition, pure and simple. Like a new shiny toy Jungkook and Taehyung both wanted you. Everyone knew and the game of one upmanship was getting a little out of control. But somehow, caught in the middle wasn't such a bad place to be.
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Dim and quiet most of the plane was already asleep. Taehyung snored softly as you wiggled out from underneath his heavy grasp. You didn't want to disturb him but the days makeup needed to come off before you settled in for the night.
Taken by surprise, Jungkook stood with a smile waiting outside when you opened the bathroom door.
"I think we need to talk about something." He guided you back into the tiny room.
"What's that Kookie?"
His lips parted before he quickly pressed them onto yours. His hands were still holding your face as he broke away.
"I see the way you look at me and I think you want me just as much as I want you."
You loved being playful with Jungkook, teasing him was definitely a turn on.
"I'm keeping my options open." You wanted to sound taunting, but your hand slowly dragging down his chest let him know he was going to get whatever he was after.
His mouth moved over your neck as his fingers worked their way under your light t-shirt. His thumbs caressing the soft flesh just above the elastic of your waistband sent a gush of excitement to your panties.
"I want you so badly."
Pulling your pants to the floor he lifted you onto the small counter.
His finger slid into you easily.
"Does Taehyung get you this wet?"
"He's never tried. Should I let him?"
"I'm not afraid of a little competition Y/N."
His track pants came down with a quick tug and his hard cock sprang out. Stepping back towards you for a heated kiss his erection pressed against your sopping center. His length was more than you'd expected and you couldn't stand the anticipation any longer.
"Do you know how hard it's been to work with you for weeks and not get to touch you?"
Grasping his cock he held it straight to line himself up with your entrance.
"Uh huh," he nodded. "I've had to keep requesting baggy clothes to hide my chronic hard on."
He pushed himself into you letting out a long slow moan as his head fell back. Leaning into the mirror you pulled him in closer wrapping your legs around his hips.
Knees bent, he adjusted his height to pump himself into you. It wasn't sweet or slow, it was a mile high, hard quickie that had been a long time in the making.
Helping you down he wrapped you in his arms and kissed you while smiling. "I promise when we have more room i'm going to lay you out across a bed and make you cum so hard that mines the only name you're going to remember"
"That's pretty cocky considering you just spent the last 5 minutes only satisfying yourself." You straightened your clothes, "But I guess I could give you another shot."
You left him where he stood, red faced and pants down in the washroom.
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Taehyung stirred as you layed out your blankets.
"Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
He hummed in pout, "Come back and cuddle with me."
He held up his blanket in invitation and you slid in beside him.
Settling in he was now wide awake and staring endearingly. "I really like you." He smiled brightly at his own admission.
You pushed his shaggy hair off his forehead. "I really like you too Tae."
Somewhere at 35,000 feet in dead of the night you found yourself tangled in lips and limbs with the soft boy.
Where Jungkook had left you wanting more Tae picked up the slack with long lingering kisses and slow moving hands.
His nimble fingers played at your entrance before he plunged one inside, "You're so wet"
Pulling it back out he raised it to his mouth and unknowingly sucked off the mixture of your excitement and Jungkook's cum.
"Taehyung, I want you."
"Yeah?" he ran his finger over your lip before he kissed you again, "flip over for me."
To anyone walking by it would look like you were spooning, slow movements and subdued noises would be the only tell. One hand expertly stroked your clit as the other held steady trapping the moans inside your mouth.
Jungkook sat the next row over listening intently to Taehyung's heavy breaths and the uncontainable whimpers of climax he'd drawn out of you. Mad at himself for his purely selfish attempt with you, he stuck his airpods in and drifted off.
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With the group shots finished you'd called a break for everyone but Jungkook.
"You're up first for individuals handsome."
He smiled as the others turned to leave. "Where are we shooting?"
Slinging the camera bag over your shoulder you started to walk away. "Your room."
Once the door was pulled closed he swept you into his arms. "Is this my second chance?"
"We've got a job to do Jungkook, maybe if I get a good shot and we have some time I'll consider it."
He threw his hands up in defeat, "Let's get this picture out of the way then."
"Good, go get in your pool."
Taking your dress off you hoped the added incentive of your bikini would motivate him. Playful and sexy it was the quickest shoot you'd ever done.
"I think I got what I need." You pulled yourself out of the pool and set the camera on the concrete.
"I don't think you did. Not from me anyways."
Legs dangling in the water you kicked some towards him.
"Whose fault is that?"
He pulled his wet shirt over his head and tossed it on the deck.
"Mine, and I'm sorry. I just wanted you so badly."
His hands found their way to your hips and he tugged on your bottoms.
"A little help here?"
You couldn't help but laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck you lifted yourself up so he could slide them off you.
"Let me make it up to you?"
He kissed you, softer this time, more intently.
"How much time do I have?"
"About 20 minutes…"
He raised his brow accepting the challenge. "Then you should lay back."
Sinking to his shoulders in the water his face took residence between your thighs. "So beautiful," he said before sliding his tongue inside you.
It felt like heaven, you couldn't help but tug at his hair as his mouth strategically worked to get you off.
"Are you done yet?" The unfazed voice came from the doorway.
Jungkook's hands held your thighs firmly open when he felt you trying to instinctively clamp them shut.
His eyes flicked up at Taehyung.
"Almost, do you want to stick around and see what it looks like when she cums?"
What was even happening right now? reaching for your dress you wiggled from Jungkook's hands and covered yourself.
Jungkook's tongue now finding itself restless and aggravated poked angrily into his cheek.
He scoffed, "Thanks, I've already seen it. It doesn't look like you're going to get her there anyway."
Taehyung turned, ignoring him completely unfazed. "I wanted to see if I could take you to dinner after you're done working."
Jungkook was visibly angry, "Maybe you should stop monopolizing her and let her spend some time with me without interrupting"
"You two are acting like children, let me know when you're done." Getting up and grabbing your things you left.
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Laying out in the sun as they swam nearby, they had unknowingly made a decision for you.
The waitress walked towards you with three frosty glasses on her tray. One was Red, one was Yellow and one was Pink.
“The gentlemen argued about which you’d like more, Strawberry or Lemonade.” She smiled, “they ended up compromising and ordering you a half and half.”
The condensation pooled onto the table as she set them down. Looking in their direction she raised her eyebrow at you knowingly, “Why choose one when you can have both, am I right?”
You'd always thought it had to be one or the other.
Taehyung was Strawberry 🍓
Classic, comforting, consistent. The sweetness of red stained lips and warm hugs that felt like home. Fresh air that made you sleepy while laundry hung on the line. Your Grandmother’s kitchen filled with memories and knowing you were safe.
Jungkook was Lemonade 🍋
Even if you knew what to expect, it always stunned you. A surprise tang that made everything feel like you were a kid on a summer day again. Bright yellow sunshine that permeated your eyelids making your body feel electric, alive and invincible.
But she was right why not have both?
The sunshine felt good on your skin. The decision had lightened your mind and as the waves broke on the shore you were lulled into an unguarded slumber.
If the whispers and stifled giggles hadn't given them away their shadows blocking out the sunshine through your eyelids would have.
"I don't know what you two think you're going to do, but you probably shouldn't."
Raising your hand to shield your face you carefully cracked your eyelids open.
Jungkook stood by your feet, water droplets glistening over his body.
"We wanted to apologise for yesterday." Placing his hand on the back of his neck his usual confidence wavered.
Taehyung laid down and pulled you into a wet bear hug. "We've decided to be mature about this, whoever you decide to pick we'll have no hard feelings."
"What if I don't want to pick, what if I want both of you?"
By the looks on their faces they clearly weren't expecting that as your answer.
"I don't need you to make a decision right away. I'm going to my room so you two can think about it."
Grabbing your drink you smiled and walked away.
Leaving the door unlocked you knew it wouldn't take long for their erections to override their brains. There was a light rapping on the door before the handle turned.
"We came to an agreement and we think that we would probably be okay sharing you."
Taehyung spoke while Jungkook stood blushing.
"But we want to know, how will it work?"
Jungkook cut in, "I think we need rules so we both get equal attention."
Walking closer to Jungkook you knew he'd been feeling neglected.
"Listen, sometimes one of us will need something and sometimes ALL of us will need something…"
You kissed his lips. "Right now I need something from both of you."
You pulled Tae in closer.
"You interrupted the other day and Jungkook never got me off. So the ground rules will come after I do."
Both their jaws were slack and they stood staring not knowing where to even begin.
"Are we good with this arrangement?" To help seal the deal you had a hand on each of them rubbing their growing bulges as they nodded.
"Can I make you cum first? I feel so bad about the other day."
Taehyung snickered.
"I don't know why that's so funny Tae, it's your fault for interrupting. It certainly wasn't from his lack of skill."
You moved your hand away from him and lifted Jungkook's shirt off.
"So, since I didn't get to cum because of you, you don't get to cum until Jungkook has taken care of me."
Used to be in charge, he didn't know what to do or where to be.
"Take your clothes off and sit in that chair, you're going to have to watch."
Jungkook undid the top of your bikini while you let the bottoms fall to your feet. Pulling down his shorts you walked him to the bed. "I need you to finish what you started."
Once again he spread your legs, however, this time it was a performance with an audience and he had a point to prove.
Making sure his Hyung could see everything he began to lay big soft tongue kisses over your excited entrance.
"Fuck Jungkook, I haven't been able to stop thinking about your mouth."
He was skilled. Between his tongue, his lips and his fingers your thighs shook uncontrollably. You looked towards Taehyung, he was watching intently with dark hungry eyes while stroking himself. His lips were parted and heavy breaths escaped everytime his hand moved over his tip.
"I think Taehyung wants a turn Kookie."
Jungkook didn't miss a beat. "He can lick my cum out of you when I'm finished."
"Jungkook, if you can't share you're going to have to leave."
He huffed, so used to getting his way. "You've only got one cunt."
"I do, and if you both want to stay you're both going to lick it."
Jungkook pulled away and flopped on the bed. "Fine, let me know when it's my turn again."
Dipping your finger inside yourself then running it around your lips you teased him, "Tae, do you want some?"
Taehyung grinned, his huge cock stood stiff and straight as he walked over to lay between your legs.
Dragging his finger through your wetness he slowly sank it inside you. Like he was starved he attached his mouth to you, his tongue dancing over your clit, slowly, softly, deliberately. Taehyung did nothing without purpose and his purpose was very clear.
"Holy shit."
Your hands reached to grip the sheets but Jungkook's thigh was closer.
He was staring, watching your face wrecked with pleasure.
"Please Kookie, I want you both so badly."
Shifting down the bed he filled the remaining space between your legs.
Taehyung coaxed him, "Not everything has to be a competition between us."
His fingers delicately opened you wide, "think of it more like choreo, working together."
Wrapping his lips around your aroused bud he sucked softly.
"Let's make this about her."
Their tongues worked in tandem just adjacent to your pleasure point. Their timidness could easily be mistaken for teasing if you didn't know how nervous they both were to be together in such intamacy.
"Please I need this," you couldn't help but beg desperately. 
Without looking at each other their tongues explored further meeting tentatively in the middle to combine their efforts. Inhibitions forgotten, the grander pursuit of ecstasy took over reason and apprehension. 
Their mixed saliva dripped down to where Taehyung's finger was circling around you seeking permission to enter. 
"Your ass is so tight, I'm calling dibs."
Sliding back up beside you he looked like a man possessed. Dark eyes stared into your soul as his fingertips rolled your nipples. 
He ran his nose up your neck and practically hissed, "Can I fuck it?" 
"uh huh." was all you could muster. 
Standing up he grabbed something from his shorts on the floor and moved back towards the chair. "Why don't you come sit on my lap?" 
You tugged Jungkook's hair trying to get his attention, "Change in position baby." 
He sloppily kissed up your stomach, over your breasts and his lips lingered along your jawline. His hard cock was pressed against your leg as he wiggled his hips in search of relief. 
His warm breath tickled your neck as he sighed, "I'm not going to stop until I make up for the quickie." 
His fingers slid inside you while his mouth latched onto your peaked nipple. Suckling as he pumped between your legs he whispered. "I'm want to make you cum so hard." 
The lurid sound of your wetness filled the air as your body squirmed in stimulation. "I'm gonna cum, don't stop, please …" 
His hand moved faster, your orgasm exploding, breaching its bodily confines as you cried out his name in satisfaction. 
Taking a minute to let you come down he got up, pulling you with him. 
Taehyung sat waiting with a smile, condom already stretched over his impressive cock. About to straddle him Jungkook turned you around. 
"You're gonna face me okay." 
He steadied you as you backed toward Tae. Placing your feet to squat on either side of his hips you lowered yourself towards his waiting shaft. 
"Have you done this before?" Taehyung's honey voice dripped into your ear. 
You nodded blushing.
"Of course you have my dirty girl." 
He pushed up and you pushed down, his tip sliding through the tight ring.
Your mouth open, and head back it was a painful adjustment. Jungkook stood staring at your breasts, your arched back making them sit pert on your chest. 
Walking closer, his cock stood pink, weepy and desperate for release while he stroked it. 
Adjusting your grip on the arm rest Taehyung began thrusting into the new more relaxed angel, deep moans rolling out of him like thunder. 
"Now you Jungkook." You pleaded, "I want you both at the same time." 
Jungkook's face was flush, overwhelmed with the scenario unfolding before him. 
"Just focus on me Jungkook, on how much my pussy is aching for you to fill it." 
His breath shook as he balanced his knees on the small remaining chair space. His tip, lingering at your entrance teased the wet folds driving your anticipation crazy. 
Waiting for his turn to jump in, he was trying to match Taehyung's rhythm like a sordid game of double dutch. 
In and out and in and out and oh god when he was finally in. 
Their dropped inhibitions along with the feeling of them thrusting into you in unison was almost too much to bear. Rubbing against your thin wall that lay between them, they must be able to feel it? Head to head their cocks pressing together in your sexual vice. 
The thought of their intimacy combined with their collective moans under you and over you made your skin shiver in ecstasy. 
 "Is this what you wanted? Both of us stuffed inside you?" 
Taehyung was eager with his words. Expletives and praise fell off his tongue in equal measure. 
"Once Jungkook makes that pretty pussy cum again I want you to finish both of us in your mouth." 
Jungkook was biting his lip, still fucking you with a determined concentration. As sweat built over his warm skin Taehyung lay back and wrapped his arms around your thighs. Pulling your knees back he spread you wider for his friend. 
"Lean in and fuck her deeper."
Ever the Maknae, Jungkook listened to his Hyung and ground himself into you slowly until he bottomed out inside your wet wonderland.  Your body shook with pleasure as your cunt pulsated, your second orgasam so close. 
Letting go of your leg Taehyung put his thumb to Jungkook's mouth. 
"Open," he commanded. 
Jungkook licked and sucked the digit until it was pulled hastily from his greedy mouth. Letting his hand wander to the space between you Taehyung rubbed the wet appendage roughly over your clit. 
It only took seconds, the sound of your own pleasured cries ringing through your head as the white lightning orgasm tore through and took over your body. 
Both men lay still enveloping you, Jungkook's face scrunching in concentration as he tried to discourage his own imminent release. 
Tae's soft smiling lips kissed the back of your glistening neck as Jungkook carded his hand gently through your hair brushing it back off your face. Hovering over your mouth his lips skimmed over yours, "Do you think you can finish us baby?"
You didn't have much energy but you nodded knowing that whatever was left you'd use it all to please them however they wanted. 
Jungkook stood and taking your hand helped lift you to the floor. Quickly throwing his condom aside Taehyung joined, wrapping his arms around you. Both men were attentive and grateful yet still acutely unsatisfied. Their lips and hands travelled over you appreciatively while their cocks stood begging for attention. 
Sinking to your knees their half moans half exhales spurred your enthusiasm to please them. 
Taking Jungkook in your mouth you could taste yourself all over him. Your sticky excitement was built up around his balls and you licked it off as he watched intently. 
Your hand slid up and down Tae's shaft easily with the lube left behind from the condom. They were equally thick and perfect, you couldn't help but smile up at them pleased with your choice to take them both.
"Fuck you're beautiful with a cock in your mouth." Tae purred while pumping himself into your grip. 
"Want to see what yours looks like?" 
He didn't have to answer, you gripped onto Jungkook and let your mouth take Tae. 
Alternating between them, rubbing and sucking back and forth they took turns having their way with your face. The breathing got heavier and they were getting greedy with your mouth. Gripping them both, your hands grasped tightly and pumped them until they were whining. 
"Where do you want it?" Jungkook asked urgently. Wrapping his own hand around his length he spurt his hot load into your open waiting mouth and proceeded to stand looking dazed as you turned towards Taehyung. 
"Are you gonna swallow that?"
You looked up with big eyes, mouth open and shook your head no while holding Jungkook's load on your tongue. 
A Few furious strokes later Taehyung came undone, filling the rest of your mouth with his salty excitement. 
Gripping your chin, his thumb caressed your jaw. "What are you waiting for?" 
Getting off your knees you stood to meet their gaze, swallowed and smiled. "Sometimes things taste better combined." 
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The last day was quiet, you'd not spoken to either man since yesterday's trist. Bags were packed, passports were lost and located and staff scurried around making sure everything was in order. Your mind was left to wander. You'd hoped the lack of communication was from exhaustion and not embarrassment, you didn't regret a thing.  
Separate cars rolled into the airport and you stood by yourself not wanting to make them uncomfortable in case they indeed had doubts over what had happened. 
Deep into your twitter feed you felt a warm arm wrap around your waist. Jungkook smiled shyly, "I was hoping you'd sit with me this time. You know keep things equal." 
Walking over Taehyung raised his eyebrows at the both of you, "I have a better idea." He held out three new boarding passes, "I got us our own cabin."
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keilemlucent · 4 years
hands on
eraserhead | aizawa shouta x reader
word count: ~2k
anon asked: You could write something with Aizawa about how the reader might have just had their first kid or gained a lol weight/ their body has changed a lil and Aizawa just can’t get enough of it/ can’t keep his hands off you anymore??? 👀
oh say LESS (this was one of my baby warm up pieces, so unbeta’ed. enjoy!)
warnings: chubby reader, just smut, just nice cute p*rn
Wintertime was somewhat miserable, that was a given. Snow and cold would roll in, making the outside somewhat unbearable for any length of time. It was far easier to cozy up inside, especially when it was with you.
Shouta had called off patrol, having gotten injured enough the night prior for it to be warranted.
(You also bribed/nagged him with a new, warm recipe in exchange for self-care and an evening in, but that’s beside the point).
He’d spent most of his day off napping, lying on the couch half asleep. You hardly minded, working away in the kitchen and whispering idly to the cats. You both knew he needed the rest.
It was later on, in one of his more wakeful moments, that Shouta noticed something.
You had gotten... thicker.
It was probably your more sedentary tendencies during winter, and the fact that you had been cooking more, but it was undeniable that you had gained a bit of weight.
Shouta watched you from the couch, feigning sleepiness so he could drink in his new discovery.
You were only wearing one of his big t-shirts, soft with use, and a cute pair of panties from an older lingerie set, colored a cute baby pink. With so little on, it was easy to see the new roundness of your middle. Shouta felt his dick twitch at the thought of leaving the plushness of your inner thighs painted red and purple by his mouth. He just loved the way your skin bruised so well for him.
You stretched up to a cupboard, a high one. Your shirt slid up as well, showing more of your winter weight and God, Shouta was losing it. How had he not noticed?
The meat of your hips was thicker, love handles more prominent, maybe carrying a few extra stretch marks. Shouta swore he could see the extra chub of your stomach.
All he wanted was to worship your new flesh and skin while buried in your cunt.
The thought made his cock leak.
He was up in an instant, sliding behind you as you moved down from the cupboard.
You jumped a little when you felt his hands sliding over your hips through your shirt.
Turning, you flashed him a cheeky grin, “How are you doing, sleepy?”
“Very good,” Shouta practically purred, squeezing you. “Need any help?”
You leaned back into him, tilting your head to press a nip and a kiss into his jaw, “I’m alright. Food should be ready pretty soon.”
Shouta very much wanted a different sort of meal than the one you were so diligently preparing. He had other appetites to sate.
“How long?” He pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear, relishing the way your body fell back into him.
“Mmmmmm,” You hummed, looking back at the oven. “Maybe half an hour. Why?”
Shouta was already lifting your shirt to get to your squishier bits.
His hands went to cup your ass, making him damn near moan at the feeling of his fingers sinking into the warmth of your skin.
Had you always been this soft? It was winter, your skin should’ve been far drier. Then again, Shouta had been busy lately. Perhaps he hadn’t been tending to you and your body like he should’ve been, making it all the easier for your incredibly cute weight gain to pass him by.
He doesn’t waste any time, hauling you up by your ass, forcing your legs to wrap his waist. You let out a shocked gasp, hands going to clasp behind Shouta’s neck to keep some semblance of balance. It’s not like Shouta would ever let you fall, but the sensation of suddenly getting dumped onto the kitchen island was a bit jarring.
“S-Shouta?” You asked as he gently pushed you down onto the icy granite of the countertop.
God, his dick twitched at the slight tremor in your voice. Your shoulders hit the countertop as he licked a stripe up the fragile skin of your neck. Your hands were wound into the back of his shirt, legs trembling around his waist.
His hands were all over you.
Your shirt was pushed up to your neck, the cold air biting at you just as much as Shouta was. His worn hands couldn’t stop finding new places to touch. They sought out and claimed every bit of new flesh they could, squeezing and leaving crescent imprints.
The way he already sunk into your body made him melt. You were all warm sounds and keening moans that certainly hardened his cock just the same.
His hands skirted over your tummy, feeling the extra fat and squishing it between his fingers. Shouta was surprised as stuttering, low whine came from your mouth.
Your head turned bashfully to the side bottom lip caught in teeth while you absolutely trembled.
Shouta ran a hand over your curves once more, taking careful note of how your eyes squeezed shut and your thighs clenched around his waist.
You were very into this too, weren’t you?
Shouta gave a low chuckle, leaning to lick and kiss up to your tummy and chest, hands all too happy to keep up with your mutual desires. Dinner be damned, snow outside forgotten; you were to be fucked well and proper.
“W-what brought this on?” You managed to ask, breath hitches as Shouta slides his hand over your sex.
He toyed with the elastic at the seam of your panties, humming, “Just noticed how cute you are.”
You rolled your eyes at that, half-snorting and tangling a hand in Shouta’s dark hair, “I think you notice that most of the time. Why jump me during dinner?”
Shouta hummed to himself for a minute, thumb rubbing over your clothed clit. You shook against him, head falling so prettily against the island beneath you.
“I just really love all of you,” Shouta’s voice came out husky and low as he left a sharp bite on your collar bone. “Just realized there’s a little more to love, hm?”
That made a blush of pure crimson dance over your cheekbones as you turned your head from him. Just bashful enough to be cute, and still very into things if the pressure of your thighs on his waist was any estimate.
Your attention was quickly brought back to him as he pulled your panties to the side to slip two thick fingers into your sex.
“Fuck, Shouta!” You cried out, back arching as his fingers curled.
His free hand took to massaging any part of you that it could. Your nipples were rubbed raw by toughened thumbs and your love handles would certainly be bruised the next day.
His fingers pumped slowly in and out of your cunt, stretching and spreading you just enough to be ready for his cock. Shouta truly wanted nothing more than to be buried within the plushness of your thighs and pussy, but he wasn’t about to prepare you half-assedly.
You melted over the counter for him, breath coming out in cute puffs and gasps. Shouta lavished you with kisses to your tummy and thighs, drowning in every part of you.
He withdrew his fingers with a pop, sucking them clean. You whined so sweetly for him, starting to sit up, eyeing his obvious bulge with hungry eyes.
“Not today, kitten,” Shouta purred, rolling your shoulders back into the island. “Maybe later if you want a snack, hm?”
The high, sweet noise that came strangled from your lips made him fuckingmelt.
Shouta didn’t even bother fully taking off his sweats. He just pulled the fabric down enough for his fully hardened cock to pop up.
You visibly gulped.
“I’d love to give you a taste,” Shouta licked his lips at the thought of your pretty mouth stretched around his cock. “But, you do have dinner in the oven, hm?”
You could only frown for a moment before Shouta hiked your legs over his shoulder. Your feet hooked behind his head, trying to drag him closer to you.
You whined, slicked lips parted, “ P-please, Shou’ ”
“Hmmm?” Shouta hummed, pressing a stray kiss to the underside of your breast. Your legs were pressed against your heaving chest as you shook (already) for him. “Want my cock, kitten?”
You nodded quickly for him, shifting your hips with impatience. You normally were more well behaved than this, but Shouta decided to indulge you this once. You were certainly indulging him, letting him throw you up over the countertop while in the middle of cooking.
Shouta was sure you'd complain a little bit about whatever slick and sweat was left on the countertop. He was also sure that you’d have no qualms with licking it up yourself if he gave the incentive of getting his cock down your throat.
But, that was for later.
Shouta teased along your folds, laying a hand flat on your pudgy stomach. He eased in slowly, letting out his own shaking cursed as he felt you physically fill up for him through your tummy.
“ Fuck,” It was all he could push out as you clenched down around him, pulling him closer.
You pulled him into a sweet kiss, one hand loosely cupping his jaw as he slowly pulled back.
He left hand-shaped bruises on your hips as he squeezed down your rounded hips, eyes rolling back in his head as he thrust quickly and harshly back into you.
You let out your own lovely, keening stream of sounds as he began to pound into you.
It was almost overwhelming to Shouta, how much of you he wanted to feel and hold of you at the same time. One of his hands stayed constantly clutching at one of your love handles, while the other greedily felt up the rest of you.
He gave soft encouragement to you, pouring like sweet cream from his lips; all loving remarks and sentiments about your body, the way it looked, and felt against his own.
Sweat dripped down the bridge of his nose as your slick dribbled (as prophesized) onto the countertop below. Your back arched so well for him as his thumb drifted over your clit a few times.
“Do you want to come, baby?” Shouta’s voice oozed over you, all low and rumbling. Your hold on his shoulders tightened as you nodded, pulling at him to press your lips together.
Shouta obliged.
You kiss him with everything you had. He could tell by the way your hands tugged in his hair, tongue licking into his mouth as you moaned and cried for him.
His torso pressed down into the meat of your own, squishing you in the counter as he fucked you without rest. His hand felt and squeezed whenever they could, drinking in every morsel of your figure. It just made his dick get harder even as he was plowing into you. He was only spurred by feeling the way your cunt fluttered and dripped for him.
The pads of his fingers circled your clit, pressing and keeping rhythm as you so beautifully came undone.
Shouta’s free hand gripped your hip as you came for him, bearing down on his cock as he stilled in tandem. He couldn’t help his own release when you just were so fucking stunning. Having you spread out for him, slick skin pressing to his own, already had him halfway from the start.
You kissed Shouta again as he fucked into you once, twice, and a third time as your shuddering sex milked his cock dry. With a soft sigh, you pulled away, eyes shiny.
You gave him a cute smile, breathlessly kissing the corner of his mouth.
Shouta did his best to help you lean forward, sitting on the countertop.
“So,” Your voice was scratchy as you beamed at him. “Dinner?”
As fate would have it, your timer went off a moment later.
Shouta could only chuckle, smothering you in kisses, unable to keep his hands off you for long.
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nelllraiser · 4 years
drunken sailors | connor & nell
TIMING: before nell’s drowning via constance. PARTIES: @nelllraiser and @connorspiracy. SUMMARY: a pair of drinks for a pair of friends leads to an evening of fun. CONTENT: nsfw talk and implications.
Connor wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. Surely Nell had just been messing with him about the sex toys. It wasn’t that he was opposed. He’d been propositioned in worse ways before, but he did his best to play it cool. As if he hadn’t showered and manscaped and worn one of his nicer-than-usual outfits. Not fancy or anything, just something that wasn’t an old hoodie. He used a subtle amount of cologne that would soon be covered by the strawberry scent of his vape as he waited outside for Nell to arrive. When he saw her approach, he flashed her a little smile. “So, were you going to mention the fact it looks like a dry cleaners outside or just come here expecting to laugh at me for standing around looking lost?” 
Nell wasn’t the sort of girl who needed to be taken out or anything before having a good time between the sheets. In fact, she was generally quite the opposite. Why not just skip to the good part? Well— she supposed it wasn’t always good. But still- might as well know sooner rather than later, right? And Connor seemed nice enough. Nell was always up for fun when it came to bedroom activities, having little discretion concerning what other party was involved. Approaching the man in question, she gave him a curious once over, a prickle of uncertainty finding her as she realized he’d at least gone through some effort for the evening. It wasn’t that she hadn’t. After all, she’d donned an outfit that showed off the better parts of her assets, figuring that it would be as good an incentive for Connor as any. Something seemed...different between them. Almost as if they’d prepared for two different types of evening, though she wasn’t sure if she was entirely correct. Either way, she returned Connor’s grin, looking up at the dry cleaners in question. “What? No, I just thought we’d stop here first, right? Get our errands done and all that. Honestly, I can’t believe you’d think such a thing of me.” Even if it did sound exactly like something she would do. Nevertheless, she didn’t hesitate as the door opened, entering the bar as a heady rush of air whooshed out.
Connor shook his head with a playful little grin. Honestly, when he’d met Nell, he just wanted to see some demons, but he was starting to genuinely enjoy her company and humor. His life was so often filled with serious things; loss and tragedy and darkness, longing and despair. Nell was a little bit of levity in the sea of what-the-fuck. “Right, yeah, thought you’d make sure we’ve got clean clothes for tomorrow morning and all that,” he teased. “Give it a rest. I am a supernatural investigator you know. I asked around about the place.” He reached for the door, opening it for her. “After you.” Upon opening the door they were greeted with the sound of the jukebox playing, the soft knocking of pool balls against each other, and the casual chattering of the patrons. “Do they serve supernatural drinks here? You’ve been before, yeah? I’m excited for your recommendations.” 
A half-smirk was quick to form on Nell’s lips as Connor mentioned a morning after. Okay, maybe they were still on similar pages. That was good. “So that means you’re still on for trying out those sex toys?” she teased, not yet saying outright that she’d be taking part as well as a means of dangling the bait a bit. A playful eyeroll was quick to follow his statement about his job, though she knew he did it well based on his YouTube channel. “Sorry, should I have brought you a deerstalker hat? Are you going to demand I call you Sherlock or something now? I think Nancy Drew might fit better.” Looking around at the patrons, she felt comfortable knowing that they all were a part of a similar world. The supernatural one. Even if she was still human, she’d always felt that supernaturals were more welcoming of witches than non-powered humans were, and such a thing had been proven in her life thus far. “Of course they serve supernatural drinks. What do you usually like?” she asked with a grin. “Then I can go from there.”
“To be honest,” Connor answered, an almost embarrassed chuckle, “I wasn’t sure if you were serious or just winding me up, so I didn’t want to assume.” He gave her a small smile. “But yeah, I’m game if you are.” He shook his head with an ‘oh, fuck off’ kind of grin at her Sherlock-Nancy Drew comment. “I prefer Ryan Bergara.” If she got that reference, he might just have to snog her there and then. “Well, nothing with blood in it. Nothing that’s going to make me too pissed to stand up straight, sexy as it would be for you to carry me home,” he teased. “Most places I go are so in denial about the supernatural, they don’t even have places like this, so the choice is yours, darling.”
Nell’s amusement only grew as she watched the young man do his best to reply, eyebrow raised as she waited. “Oh, so you’re wanting me to try them out as well?” she teased, unable to pass up the opportunity to do so. Obviously she’d been propositioning him, but it was a little too fun to joke around. “Is that a solo sort of situation or were you hoping for something else?” A small laugh fell from her before she answered, “You wanna be the one that’s basically notorious for being scared half the time?” She hadn’t watched the Buzzfeed Unsolved videos religiously, but every now and then they were amusing enough. A playful tsk of her tongue, and then she was leaning forwards over the bar, trying to catch the attention of the bartender. “Alright, fine...no blood,” she affirmed before placing their order. “So where all have you been?”
“To be honest, I figured you already had.” Connor grinned at her. “An experienced and adventurous young woman like yourself.” There was something very attractive about how forward she could be without being cringy. Most people couldn’t pull that off, but she had a natural confidence and charm that he found appealing. “Not the scared part. I meant more the curiosity and ability to think outside the box. Not that much scares me, love.” It was true he had a higher threshold for getting the spooks than most people, but Nell had seen first hand that scaring him wasn’t impossible. Just throw some hellhounds at him. 
“Where have I been?” he repeated. Once they had called the bartender and Nell ordered their drinks, Connor also ordered some pretzels from the bar so he had something to munch on while they chatted. "Loads of the most haunted places in the UK. Pluckley Village, Blickling Hall, the Ancient Ram Inn, Chillingham Castle." He opened his pretzels, offering one to Nell. "Then I did Europe. Zvíkov Castle, Château de Brissac, Wolfsegg Castle. Obviously when I came to America I had to do The Stanley Hotel and the Winchester House, The Queen Mary. Loads of places. But not all haunted places are famous, too. Sometimes it's just some desperate person trying to get someone to believe them."  
A small snort found its way through Nell, and she didn’t bother to hide the amusement on her face. “You caught me. But that’s probably the nicest way someone’s ever said it,” she chuckled. The witch knew she had a healthy sex life, and she’d never thought that a bad thing. Of course, her fellow high schoolers back in the day often had different ideas- especially when you were already essentially a social pariah. “Are you sure about that?” she instantly teased, most likely taking his bait. “I seem to remember you getting a little...concerned about some very cute hellhounds.” Soon enough their drinks had arrived, and Nell was raising her’s to Connor’s in a miniature toast before taking a sip. “Did you have a favorite?” she asked, interested to hear they’d been to some of the same countries. But she knew all too well what it was like to have someone hanging onto you as if you were their last hope, and nodded along with his words. She’d found enough of those in her travels, as well. “I ended up going to some really remote places because of people like that. Some of those places were my favorites, though.”
"Alright, that's different. You sprung 'em on me, literally," Connor teased, laughing. He took another pretzel as she asked about his favourite place he'd visited. "There's this place called 'The Cage'," he snickered at the tasteless name. "Lovely, eh? It's a house in Essex that used to be a medieval jail for people accused of witchcraft. Bloody ugly as well. Painted bright yellow on the outside, looks like it's never been redecorated, chains hanging off some of the walls. But a hotspot. Really interesting activity." He leaned a bit closer to her with a smile. "You're obviously not afraid to get stuck in with the supernatural. What got you into it? You don’t just spring from the womb summoning hellhounds and corpse-uncles." 
“I warned you,” Nell insisted with a half-smirk and chuckle, having a bit too much fun prodding at Connor. This time she grabbed one of the pretzels as well, glad to be snacking on something while she listened. At the mention of taking witches prisoner, Nell hummed in discontent, her lips pressing together. “Half the time- I feel like they weren’t even real witches. Otherwise they probably would have escaped or something. Either way- what a bunch of dickwads.” Witches weren’t as prosecuted as supernaturals like shifters and fae, but they’d also been some of the most famously hunted. “I’m sure there’s a bunch of pissed off spirits there, though.” It would only make sense. His question about the supernatural caught her slightly off-guard, and she wasn’t entirely sure of an answer until it was coming out of her. “Well- I mean I was obviously raised as a witch by my family in my coven and everything. We’re all witches. I’ve known about the supernatural for as long as I can remember. Or did you mean past that?”
“Well, yeah, people accused of being witches, I should say.” Had Nell ever technically mentioned she was a witch? Connor tried to remember. He didn’t think so, but he’d sort of sussed it out from the summonings and the way she was acting now that he talked about them being locked up. “Half the time it was just people being bloody paranoid about herbal medicine or accusing someone for the sake of it.” And now she confirmed his suspicions about her being a witch. He nodded, understanding. “Whatever you fancy telling me, love,” he said casually, sipping his pint. “You seemed more interested in doing something else than talking, which I’m fine with,” he gave her a small smile. “Just thought I’d try and be something of a gentleman and have a drink with you before asking you to peg me.” 
Now that Nell thought about it, she supposed she hadn’t outrightly said she was a witch. But hopefully her nodding along to Connor’s words of witches and warlocks in her greenhouse had been enough of a confirmation for him. “Literally- just paranoid normie humans being all worried about someone who has a little more power than them.” Well- a lot more power if she was being fair. Still- the stigma around witches was alive and well in the non-supernatural community. Growing up as something of a loner and outcast because of the strange happenings around her had been proof enough of that. Soon enough, the levity of the evening had returned, and Nell was freely laughing at Connor’s phrasing. “I already told you- I’m not a girl that needs to be wined and dined,” she replied with a grin. “As for the pegging- we’ll see what sort of mood I’m in when we get out of here. Which leads me to the next question of ‘do you wanna get out of here’?”
“Wined and dined?” Connor repeated, snickering. He pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his jacket pocket along with a lighter. “What about beer, pretzels and a ciggie?” He took another sip of his drink. Whatever Nell had got him was strong. He felt a pleasant tingling sensation in his fingertips, and a little more confident than a few minutes earlier. “Well, love, since smoking in bars and pubs is prohibited in Maine, reckon we should head back to yours. But I did enjoy the drink.” He hoped he wasn’t being too presumptuous, but given the direction their conversation had already taken, he wasn’t too worried. “We’ll see where the night - and whatever toys you’ve got - takes us, yeah?” 
A light and playful eyeroll was Nell’s reaction to Connor’s words, though they’d also gotten another laugh from her. “No- a takis and cake kinda girl.” But his confirmation was all Nell needed to finish the last dregs of her drink before standing from the bar, and shooting him a knowing look. After all, she hadn’t been anything close to subtle. That was generally how she preferred it, though. No dancing around the subject or anything half as tedious. If she knew what she wanted, and they knew what they wanted- what was the point? “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Now she was headed for the door, and looking over her shoulder at Connor as she went. “I think I could handle that. I just hope you can,” she said as her last tease, ready to see where the night would lead.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Dean’s Little Demon
Summary: The reader and Dean’s roleplay goes south so he comes up with an even better idea for them to try out featuring demon Dean...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Square: Gun Play
Word Count: 1,600ish
Warnings: Mature (language, smut (gun play, light bondage, blowjobs, dirty talk)
A/N: Written for @spnkinkbingo
You froze as the motel door shut behind you, cold metal pressed against the back of your neck. You breathed in sharply, pausing a beat before you kicked back.
The other guy was good though and saw it coming, dodging the move and shoving you face first against the closest wall, pressing his body up against your own. You could tell without looking the guy was strong, one hand pinning both of yours behind your back, a growing bulge straining against your one leg.
You knew how to get out of the hold. But the cold metal of a gun pressed under your jaw, tilting your chin up as you closed your eyes.
“Try that again and see what happens,” said the man, a husky raspy voice breathing over your ear. “Ready to be good?”
“My boyfriend-”
“Not your boyfriend, princess,” he said. You were flipped around and the man backed off, a pair of dark green eyes staring at you.
“I mean...you sort of are?” you asked, Dean groaning and dropping the gun.
“Seriously? This is why we never role play,” he chuckled. “You get too caught up and were you actually trying to take my dick off there? I barely avoided that.”
“Sorry. I’m all for trying this out but...like to be honest, you get kidnapped more often than I do. I’m not getting stopped by just any guy out there. It’s not even a real gun. There’s no bullets, no firing pin, no-” you said.
“That is very true. But I have a slightly different idea, spoilsport, if you’re willing to try it out,” he said.
“I’m listening.”
“You know when I was a demon? What if I gave you the hotness and the red shirt of sex and the danger without the actual fear part? Would you like that? Live out a little fantasy with some cuddles at the end?” he asked.
“Screw the fake break in. That is a so much better idea.”
You gave Dean a few days to come up with his perfect plan and soon he had you at a different motel room where his only instruction was for you to go to sleep naked. Or at least pretend to be asleep.
He left after you settled onto bed and turned out the lights, relaxing into the mattress with a sigh. You didn’t drift but started to unwind, barely hearing the door creak open. You kept your eyes shut, feeling Dean’s gaze on you until a few fingers barely ghosted over your wrist and gently moved your hand over your head. The same was done to the other hand and soon you were secured to the bed with rope, your ankles tied to the bedposts and spread wide open. You shifted only a little but settled back down, Dean ghosting a finger over your lips.
You figured it was time to “wake up” and fluttered open your eyes, your heart stopping for a second as his hand pressed down over your mouth.
If you didn’t know that was Dean, you’d have sworn it was the demon version. The hair, the clothes, the swagger. The smirk. Everything was darker about him.
“Hey, sweetheart. Been awhile,” he said. He moved his hand away and pressed a harsh and powerful kiss to your lips. He pulled back quickly and you took a deep breath, shaking your head at him. “Oh yeah. You and me are gonna have some fun.”
You watched him undo his belt and jeans, shoving them down just enough to get his cock out. He climbed on top of the bed and straddled you, running the head of his cock over your lips, smearing precome over them.
“Open.” You glared up at him and felt strong fingers under your jaw, squeezing and forcing you to part your lips. “No biting.”
He slipped the head into your mouth, staring down until you moved your tongue over the tip.
“Such a little cockwhore,” he chuckled, sinking his cock in deeper, hitting the back of your throat. You felt tears prickle in the corner of your eyes but he only smiled darker. “It’s about time you learned to deep throat. Take it.”
He pushed in again and again you couldn’t breathe, whole body tensing before he pulled out.
“I see you need a little incentive,” he said, flashing you a wink. He pulled a gun out from behind his back, smirking as he crawled down the bed.
“Dean, you don’t have to-” you said, cutting yourself off when you felt the tip of the gun rub against your clit.
“That’s what I thought,” he said, rubbing the barrel up and down through your folds. He leaned over you and suckled a nipple into his mouth, letting his free hand toy with the other as he kept the gun moving.
“Dean,” you groaned, tugging on your restraints. He smiled and nibbled on your nipple, scraping his teeth over the bud as he pinched and rolled the other, turning them both into hard, stiff peaks. You flew open your eyes when you rolled your hips up against the gun, Dean peering over you darkly.
“Humping my gun like the cockslut you are?” he teased. He pulled it away and you threw your head back. You could feel the pleasure simmering low again. “I think you better hang onto this for awhile.”
You gasped when the cold metal barrel nudged at your folds, dipping and teasing inside your entrance. It was unforgiving as it was forced inside, your body breaking out into sweat. You heard Dean cock it and you let out a whine.
“Now then,” he said, straddling your face again, one hand behind himself and on the gun. “Safety’s off. You’re gonna deep throat me and I’m gonna fuck you with my gun while I do it.”
You opened your mouth without prompting, Dean sliding home, starting a slow thrust as his hand found the same rhythm with his gun. It felt like your body was on fire, a burning heat spreading throughout you. He ran a hand over your head in mock affection, sliding his cock into your throat and holding it there.
You stared up, tears streaming down your face as you tried to hold your breath.
You swallowed, Dean tilting his head.
You did it again, Dean still pumping his gun in and out of you. He pulled back but kept his cock in your mouth, letting you breathe through your nose before he pushed back, burying his cock in your throat.
You felt your throat work around him, feeling his hard member as Dean chuckled.
“Anytime you have a cock in your throat, you swallow like a good girl, understand?”
He pulled back and you nodded as best you could, swallowing around him the next time he pushed in.
“Keep that up and I’ll be coming down your throat in no time,” he said. He picked up a faster pace, your mind trying to concentrate on pleasing him. It was so hard to though when you felt the gun pumping in and out of you, your orgasm building up again.
“You’re gonna come on my gun, sweetheart. You’re gonna come and then I’m gonna come down your throat, got it?”
He shoved his cock in harder and it was hard to tell if you were moaning or whimpering anymore. Probably a combination of both. Dean was moving hard and fast, your body trembling under the intense force of it all.
“Come for me little cockslut. You’re my little cockslut aren’t you. You belong to me, don’t you. Come for me, sweetheart, you can do it,” he said. He thrust the gun in hard and you clenched around it, your orgasm cresting as Dean shoved his cock in your throat, cutting off your air. You swallowed around him, Dean throbbing and coming down in thick heavy streams you were forced to swallow.
He grunted as he finally stopped moving the gun but left it buried in your pussy, pulling his cock out of your mouth when he finished. You breathed hard, Dean running the head over your lips again.
“I’m going to keep you,” he said, patting your face roughly as he climbed off. He tugged up his pants and shoved your underwear from the floor in your mouth. “Stay put. I’ll be back.”
He left without another word, leaving you tied to the bed, gagged and fucked out.
This time, there was no pretending to fall asleep.
You hummed as you woke up a short while later, Dean midway through wiping your now free body down with a washcloth. You gave him a weary smile, his hair back to normal, a lighter air about him.
“How was that?” he asked.
“Awesome,” you mumbled, giving a lazy thumbs up, shutting your eyes again.
“Alright. You sleep while I finish cleaning you up, sweetheart. In the morning, maybe demon Dean can pay you a visit if you want,” he said.
“Tell him I’ll give him another blowjob if he brings me a Spanish omelette...and extra hash browns,” you said.
“Can do, sweetheart,” said Dean with a chuckle. “Can do.”
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the-wild-ego · 6 years
Kitten~ Part Four
Requested: No.
Fandom: Markiplier/Jacksepticeye
Paring: Darkiplier/Reader/Antisepticeye
Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Extreme Sub!Reader, Threesome, Harsh Treatment, Choking, Bondage, Sensory Deprivation, Reader Has No Control, Reader Struggling(?)
A/N: Keep in mind that this is fanfiction and I am aware of how sex works~ Anyway, my lazy ass finally wrote something… However, @freckled-words helped me write this… Enjoy!
Tag List: @nicememerino, @ayachaos, @kathie54, @iamaconfusedchild,
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Anti shook a finger at you, his grin turning predator-like, “Didn’t hear any name there, Kitten.”
“Shove off my turn.“ Anti said as he released your throat and shoved Dark out of the way. Not wanting to touch Dark’s mess inside you, he shoved into your ass. Your body lurched, legs kicking out when Anti shoved into you. The sudden stretch left another layer of aching.
Dark took Anti’s place in front of you, “Clean it.”
The room shifted, the dungeon disappearing to be replaced with an expansive bedroom, toys of all kinds covering the walls. Whips, leather straps, gags, paddles. You whimpered, long and drawn out, you took Dark between trembling lips. Your throat hurt and you knew you wouldn’t be able to talk tomorrow, much less walk. You suck Dark with more tongue than you did Anti, knowing that Anti liked the sucking more while Dark loved to be lavished. If you had an orgasm, like the one you just had, you were sure you’d pass out. Both of them pleasured you in magnificent ways and each one had their own pros and cons, meaning you’d never be able to choose.
Anti’s pace was immediately relentless, your work on him with your mouth had put him close. The gap between pulling from your mouth and shoving into your ass was enough to put him back at the beginning. His hands on your hips clenched tight, bruises were sure to be left behind, “Fuck, Kitten, you feel so good. Mmmnnn.”
Dark rolled his hips slowly, enjoying the feeling of your mouth for the simple pleasure of it. He was in no hurry for his next climax. His hand ran through your hair, his fingers dragging over your scalp.
You could feel Dark’s cum ooze out of you, rolling down your thighs with each hard thrust from Anti. You were thankful for Dark’s gentle treatment. Each thrust made you whimper or whine, though, your tears had dried up. You clenched you muscles, purposefully trying to push Anti closer to the edge. You could feel another orgasm start to build, this one slightly painful. You locked eyes with Dark, yours were red and puffy. You ran your tongue on the underside, tracing the vein, as you teased his cock with your teeth.
Dark rumbled, his eyes moving to Anti. A shadow crept up your legs and stroked over your cunt and clit, this was more to soothe than to stimulate. The cool of the shadow easing the raw and sensitive skin. Anti took no notice of the addition to your body, consumed with his own pleasure he ran his fingers over your back, small shocks leaving his fingers randomly.
You groaned, winking up at Dark, to show your appreciation you sucked in your cheeks. Your back arched into Anti’s touch, which angled Dark’s dick, making it scrape upwards against the back of your throat. You gagged eyes watering, but you didn’t stop. The coils in your stomach tightened but the added sensations made the ascend slower and the anticipation more intense.
Dark smirked, before his eyes closed and he groaned. In your mind he purred, ‘Don’t make me regret this, or I can be much worse than him, you know this.’ His hips moved just a bit faster, his hold on your hair bunching up.
Anti brought back the pulses to cover his cock, making the muscles in your ass clench around him, “Mmmmm getting…..real close, Kitten.”
Your eyes shut, rolling back. You could feel it, your climax. Fear and Panic rushed through you. You didn’t want to choose or disappoint either of them. You didn’t want to lose either of them. You felt Dark pull away from your mouth, allowing you to scream.
As soon as your climax hit, a burst of light hit behind your eyes. A loud ringing sounding in your ears. Tingles erupted all of your body and you collapsed forwards. You had felt yourself speak, but you didn’t know who’s name you screamed, if you even screamed one. You tried to sit up but your body wasn’t having it, you wanted to see their faces, see what happened. Unfortunately for you, you screamed ‘me’. And you didn’t even know it.
Anti and Dark went still. The illusion of the room faded putting you back in the living room. Anti pulled out of you slowly, and then immediately collapsed to the floor in hysterical laughter, “Oh… Oh my god!!” His erection deflated as he laughed and he didn’t even care. It was just too funny.
Dark rubbed a hand over his face before sighing, “Clearly we’ve overworked you for today if you can’t even orgasm properly.”
You frowned, your face flushing in embarrassment. You didn’t know what you said and you didn’t want to know, “Whatever I said it was better than shouting one name over the other. I’m not just going to choose one of the other, sorry for being considerate.”
You huffed, rubbing the bruises on your wrists to try and warm them up. You struggled to stand, the sharp pains made you whimper. You sat back on the couch, pulling your blanket back over your body. You kept your eyes trained on your book, refusing to look at them. You were sulking like a chastised puppy.
Anti wiped tears from his eyes, “Ki-Kitten, you’re too fucking much. Oh my god.”
Dark redressed himself, “We’ll leave it there for today then, but this matter isn’t settled. Your consideration is a wasted sentiment. The loser would not care. They may throw a tantrum.” He sent Anti a glance, “But they’ll get over it. If anything its incentive to perform better to change your mind.”
Anti growled as he snatched his pants off the floor, “Wouldn’t throw a fucking tantrum, might rip your dick off though you keep making fucking implications.”
“What if I said it wasn’t either of you.” You hissed, it was a jibe, for them making fun of you. They were definitely the best you’ve had but at the moment they were just pissing you off. Probably not the best route to go, but the words slipped before you could stopped them. You glared at them, though your core reminded your that being bad could only lead to bad things.
Dark had just been about to leave, his power about to open a portal but stopped at your taunt. Anti was back on top of you in an instant. His pants still unbuttoned and still shirtless he pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes lit up with green energy, “Careful now, Kitten. Lying will only get you in bad ways with us.”
You felt your stomach twist, eyes widening a bit. A slow smirk made it’s up to your lips, you were digging your own grave but you loved getting them riled up. You glanced over to Dark and then back to Anti, “You both don’t think that I’ve only slept with you two. I’ve been with other egos.”
You basically just signed your own death wish.
In a blur of movement you were pinned to the floor by your throat, the pressure was enough to choke but not enough to harmfully choke. Anti’s eyes were black, Dark’s red.
Anti had hold of your throat, his other in your hair, “What did I say, Kitten?”
“We know a lie when we hear one, yet you would attempt it anyways?” Dark remained standing, leering down at you, “Or would you rather we pretend this to be truth, and believe you to be the slut you’re claiming to be? How we treat you comes from our personal consideration to your well being.”
Anti lowered his mouth to your ear, “I treat you very differently from how I treat whores, Kitten.”
Goosebumps raised along your body and you swallowed as best you could. Your hands flew up to his wrist, fear pulsing through you. Not only fear but adrenaline. There was a rush that intoxicated you and made you want to push them further. Your breathing was shallow and ragged. Black dots swimming across your vision. You had to bite your tongue to push back a moan. You shivered at their words. You decided to go from something that wasn’t as damaging but it’s still pretty bad. It was almost like a guilt trip, “What? I-It’s not like you don’t treat me like a personal sex slave.”
Anti huffed, the hand around your throat squeezing the slightest bit more, “Yea we do, but we don’t treat ya entirely like one.”
Dark brushed his power over your mind, the sensation cool and caressing in your thoughts. A smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth, “But that’s what you want isn’t it. You want the full treatment.” As he spoke the room began to ripple around you again.
Anti’s eyebrow hiked up, his smile becoming entirely feral, “Well why didn’t ya say so from the start, Kitten?”
Your head lulled, you could vaguely hear their words, the brush of Dark power made you let out the last bit of breath you had. Your back arched, moaning. You could feel your face turning a different shade, your nails dug into Anti’s arm as you tried not to struggle. She wanted to chuckle, at how fucked up this was, to want to feel the rush it brought on.
Anti released his hold on your throat, the hand snaking up to caress your cheek , “How should we start then?”
The room went pitch black for a second, in the next instant it was the dungeon once more only now the toys from the lavish bedroom hung on a set of racks. A length of chain descended from the ceiling with cuffs attached, “String her.”
Anti giggled, pulling you up he locked in your wrists. Color jumped back into vision and you became light headed as soon as he let go. You gasped for breath nearly choking on the air. Your breathing didn’t start regulating itself until you were in the cuffs, your body swaying as you tried to get balance. Your toes touched the floor but you couldn’t go flat footed. You swallowed thickly, glancing up at the two men as they circled you like predators,
“What are you going to do to me, Loves? I hope it’s something new.”
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shenanigumi · 6 years
Can I ask for both NagaChi and SakaChi for the ultimate ship meme please (not sure about the policy of asking for two pairings/ones not specifically on your list for memes)? Thank you!
The list is just for reference as to the pairings I actively ship, as in the ones I’ll most likely be most enthusiastic/detailed about answering, but you can still ask for others. And multiple ships, but since this is such a long meme, I’ll do NagaChi on this response and SakaChi in a text post~
Rate the Ship: Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? Longer than anyone can imagine, given that Shinpachi is such a flirt that no one believes he’d settle down like this. (Little do they know that Chizuru is compelling enough to entice him to do so.)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? Not very, to be honest. If you’d told either of them that they’d end up together in the beginning, neither of them would have believed you. Their feelings did start out as brotherly-and-sisterly, but then developed outside those parameters. Both of them were in denial at first, Shinpachi much more strongly than Chizuru, but they eventually figured it out.
How was their first kiss? We saw it, but as far as I’m concerned, it came too late. They needed about fifteen more before that.
Who proposed? Shinpachi. We actually saw that~
Who are the best man and groomsmen? Not applicable, but the rest of the guys (Harada and Heisuke in particular) were probably there in spirit.
Who are the maid of honor and bridesmaids? Not applicable, but I like to think Sen visited and took that position in retrospect.
Who did the most planning? Shinpachi, or rather, his family. He still had a clan to return to, which is more than Chizuru could say.
Who stressed the most? Shinpachi. Chizuru was surprisingly chill about the whole thing, but Shinpachi is fully aware of his reputation and his wild youth. There was a part of him that doubted, though his guilt in response to that doubt was the bigger stressor by far.
How fancy was the ceremony? Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Unfortunately, everyone. They’d lost track of everyone by then, and honestly didn’t want to know most of their fates.
Who is on top? Shinpachi, generally.
Who is the one to instigate things? Usually Shinpachi, but he reeeeaaaally likes it when Chizuru makes the first move.
How healthy is their sex life? Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once or twice a week, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? Not a long time, but long enough to satisfy them both, and they often go multiple rounds.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Yes. Shinpachi in particular is very careful with Chizuru because he hasn’t been the most generous before.
How rough are they in bed? Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? Probably just one.
How many children will they adopt? None.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Chizuru, because Shinpachi doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.
Who is the stricter parent? Both of them are about equally structured in their style, which is to say, not a lot… but don’t cross certain lines.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Chizuru, because Shinpachi tends to get involved.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Chizuru for sure.
Who is the more loved parent? Both of them, but Chizuru acts more like a parent and is a lot better at helping out when needed (and discerning when she’s needed in the first place), so she probably wins by a small margin.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Chizuru, if they existed in this setting.
Who cried the most at graduation? Shinpachi, if that was a thing. Not that Chizuru didn’t cry too, but Shinpachi really let loose. He’d been bottling up everything for long enough, certainly.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Both of them, but Shinpachi might actually succeed once he stops being a fugitive.
Who does the most cooking? Chizuru for sure. There are other people in the household who could technically take care of that, but she’s happy to do it.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Shinpachi isn’t picky, but he’s more likely to get random cravings. For instance, he’ll beg Chizuru to prepare some sort of extravagant feast, and she’ll laugh and oblige.
Who does the grocery shopping? Chizuru, but sometimes Shinpachi tags along to prove that chivalry isn’t dead by carrying her purchases.
How often do they bake desserts? Quite a lot.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? Chizuru makes sure Shinpachi gets a balanced diet, since he’s not so picky that he cares that much anyway.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Shinpachi is more likely to help have one made, since Chizuru works so hard in the kitchen all the time. If he tried it on his own, the results would likely be disastrous.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Shinpachi. He likes going out on the town, especially if it means showing off his lovely wife. Giving her a break from cooking and showing his generosity is a huge bonus, too.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? Shinpachi.
Who cleans the room? Chizuru, but she has Shinpachi wrapped around her little finger, so it’s not too hard to get him to help. Again, other people could technically take care of it, but she likes being able to maintain her own space.
Who is really against chores? Shinpachi. But Chizuru is more than capable of offering him rewards and incentive.
Who cleans up after the pets? They don’t keep pets.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Shinpachi. Chizuru always notices, but doesn’t say anything.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Both of them are fairly uptight given that ‘guests’ could mean anything from old friends to deadly enemies, but Chizuru tends to fret more over the little details.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Shinpachi. He kept it.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Shinpachi. He remembers times when he didn’t get to relax for as long as he wanted, so he’s decided to make up for it now. Often, Chizuru joins him.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? They don’t have one, mostly because Shinpachi is almost like a puppy already.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Always. Their clan is rather festive, and having lived through a number of life-threatening events, Shinpachi in particular is enthusiastic about celebrating life.
What are their goals for the relationship? Just staying alive and together is enough at this point. Love will do the rest.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Shinpachi. And, quite often, he does. He still has nocturnal tendencies and gets sleepy in the sunlight, even if it’s no longer painful.
Who plays the most pranks? Shinpachi, but they’re always benign.
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sidrisa-blog · 7 years
Power and Magic
Pairings: Loki x Reader and the lightest Sif X Thor
Chapter: 8/104 Easier
Warnings: the usual: sex, death, and violence with light smatterings of misogynoir
Summary: The princes come with their exalted Father arriving amidst a hail of pomp and pageantry all parties would rather forgo. This is war, where men die, their blood purchasing land and peace until it’s time for more men and more blood. But your mother adheres to the old rules of hearth and hospitality. The Lords of Asgard must be given their due despite the grim business precipitating their arrival. It is too bad they don’t deserve it. There is nothing to recommend him, Loki, Prince of Asgard. He is rude and cold and childish. You try to find some merit in him. You find none. Exactly none. But maybe, after trial and tribulation,
You will.
You close your book, the fifth one from Loki in as many nights. He’s brought more now that he’s reading for two. Some are picture books, most are in fact, the strength in your arm improves as you throw them back at him, cursing him and asking him for a real one which he always provides.
But today you are tired of reading.
You make no small talk with your nurses who come to care for you. You’re silent as they take assessments, check your temperature, make sure the ewer of water by your bed is full and your linens are clean.
You stare beyond them. Ignoring the food they bring you. Watery porridge. Maybe this time it’ll have barely instead of oat. They feed you like a horse you realize. Either Loki’s making another joke or Lady Frigga doesn’t think you’re well enough for food with more substance.
You stare at the large window on the far side of your room. Snow is on the sill, melting slowly in the sun’s glare. You feel cold despite your blankets and the roaring fireplace.
You miss the sun, the open sky, wind. You miss your horse and the heft of your halberd in your hand. You missed running trails on Cephalus, and conducting drills with the Cavalry.
You miss your home. You want to go home.
Loki’s left your uncle’s letter by your nightstand. He is silent when he places it there, avoiding your eyes, putting just outside of easy reach. So you’ll have to stretch for it. So you’ll consider how much it’ll make you hurt to read it.
That’s why it sat, the broken seal of your house--a rearing horse--taunting you as you can just make out the neat script of your uncle. You weren’t ready to hurt yet.
You still aren’t.
But you’re so desperate for a touch of home, even if it stings.
You read the letter and a new emotion settles in your chest--a dragon come to roost in your heart.
But the leadership of the land has spoken. My sister was a tyrant and her daughter has all the hallmarks of following in her footsteps. I wanted a bloodless changing of the guard, my niece and her supporters prevented that.
“You filthy LIAR!”
In your rage, you tear the sheets off your bed, rip and throw your pillows. You shatter your water pitcher against a wall and you are proud you can throw that far. You reach for something else unable to do anything but destroy what’s in your reach. You pick up a book, the pages flutter. You want to rip them out, rip them up. You could. You want to but you don’t. Because these were gifts.
So instead of tearing your books apart, your actions tear your body apart--exertion ripping open one of your scars.
And you bleed.
That’s how he finds you, you and your room a ruined mess.
“What is this! Horse girl what have you done? Here, let me see.”
He reaches for the wound across your belly. There’s magic in his hands to heal it but you seize his wrists before he can touch you. “Leave it.”
“Unhand me wretch before you bleed all over me and the carpets! My mother would have my head if she found out I let you exsanguinate in our guestrooms.”
He passes his hand over your scar, your injury sealing up. It re-stitches and it is a nasty purple and deep red, noticable even against your darker hued skin.
You watch him the entire time, the concentration on his face, the slight quirk of his lips that doesn’t quite tilt enough to be a smirk. He looks fascinated with the way his magic knits your skin--a child with a toy that hasn’t grown tiresome yet. Everything about him makes him seem like a jagged spear of ice. The severe cut of his cheekbones, the cool stare in cool green eyes. His lips are pale as is his skin, with hair that looks like the darkest, coldest parts of midnight. You’re surprised, then when his hand is warm on your flesh.
You shiver and he mistakes it for a wince.
“If you stop squirming it will hurt less.”
He makes his touch gentler as he curls his hand around the wound to finish repairing it. The magic feels good, warm. That it's coming from Loki makes it hard to fathom. Makes him hard to fathom. Why would he spare you anything at all?
“The nurses tell me you assisted your mother when I was first brought here. Why?”
“Mother’s orders.” He mutters.
You are soft. He thinks your skin is soft. So soft he can't stop the errant slide of his thumb across your newly knit scar.
“Speaking of mothers, I didn’t think yours a tyrant you know.” He pulls away from you completely and rises. “A fool maybe, but no tyrant.”
You don't let him get far, you seize his wrist and hold. “Will Lord Odin send me back? You know if he does I’m as good as dead.”
Your hand is a distraction. Your damnable softness is a distraction. He pulls away harshly. “Oh I know.”
You’re cold when he makes you let him go.  “That would please you wouldn’t it? Me going back or dying. Ragnarok would come for me first and you get to win your stupid bet.”
He doesn’t answer right away. He can’t. Neither the affirmative nor the negative answer feel right. He deflects.
“You think Lord Odin cares? Whether you live or die has nothing to do with him. The enemy is defeated and everything else is internal politics. Does it threaten Asgard or her stability? No?”
Loki makes a dismissive gesture with his hands. “Then he doesn’t care. And neither do I.”
“I will make him care.” You swear with iron conviction that brings a smirk to the prince’s lips.
“You?” Scorn saturates, drips, from his words. “You can barely walk. Hel you can barely throw a proper tantrum. You’d have better luck persuading the sun not to rise or for Heimdall to shut his eyes.”
He’s right. If Lord Odin cared about your life or your birthright he’d have an army at the gates of your capital by now. Loki confirms what you knew but chose to ignore, holding onto hope that it wouldn’t prove true. That you are alone, friendless, and weak.
“Shut up!”
This is better. He likes you better this way, angry and foolish. You're easier, he thinks, to comprehend when you're screaming at him. He can deal with anger and derision and sarcasm. Those emotions are more familiar to him, recognizable, manageable. He meets anger with sarcasm, derision with disregard and sarcasm with simply more sarcasm. He doesn’t know then, how to handle the utter confusion that took hold of him just moments before when he liked the feeling of your skin under his hands.
“Hard truth isn’t it princess? To know you’re never getting your kingdom back.”
“Shut up Loki Odinson or I swear--”
“Going to ‘geld my gilded tongue’?”
“And then some.” You growl.
This is easier too. To be angry. To focus your directionless rage onto the closest, easiest target. That way you don't have to think about how goodhis hands felt. Or remember how long it's been since someone's touched you like that.
Loki stands a few paces away from your bed. “Come on then. Here, I’ll help you.” He opens his hand and reveals a dagger. “Come take this from me and make good on your promise. Make me care little princess.”
“That’s mine!” Your father’s dagger! “Where did you find it!”
“That Hava woman thought enough to pack away the family silver when you fled. This was among those treasures.”
“Return it to me! Now! You snake!”
“Come take it, horse girl!”
“It is mine!”
“Then come take it! Why should anything be just handed back to you because you own it? How can you call anything ‘yours’ if you can’t defend it? Not this dagger, and certainly not your bloody kingdom!”
He goes too far! Too bloody far!
You lurch forward from your bed and onto your feet. You knees wobble but you remain upright, propelled forward by the dragonfire in your chest.
“I will bleed you dry Odinson!”
You move one step, then two. Loki observes you, the smirk curling higher on his lips. “You walk like a newborn foal. But that’s to be expected isn’t it?”
He laughs when you scream, reaching your arms for the dagger held extended towards you, taunting you. But you get within reach, one more step and you’ll have him and your father’s heirloom.
You take it.
But Loki takes a step back.
His sudden movement unbalances you and you fall forward, the foal crashing back to her knees.
He clucks his tongue. “Shame. You were so close.”
“You cheated Liesmith!”
“Life’s not fair little princess.”
“Don’t call me that!”
He tucks the dagger into the folds of his leather armor, chuckling at you as you crawl, dragging your near useless legs behind you. “I’ll continue to hang onto this for you. Consider it incentive to get the foal on her feet again.”
You stop struggling to stare at him. “You’re going to leave me like this?”
“Give me a reason not to.”
You scream, frustration making your skin hotter than a furnace even on the icy marble tile. But Loki looks at you, nonchalant, waiting for his reason.
You can’t will your legs to work, forcing this will see you bedridden for longer but...you try something different.
“Your mother will kill you if she finds out about this.”
Loki blinks, the smirk in his face flattens as he considers this, finding you not far from the mark. Frigga wouldn’t kill him outright, she might come close for something as egregious as this. But more than that, it’d disappoint her, which might as well kill him.
“Well, when you’re right,” He crouches before you and rips the tangled sheets away from you. He wraps one arm around your shoulders, the other he tucks under your knees. He then lifts and you come off the ground easy, lighter than air.
When you met him back home, you figured you could best him in a fight. He’s leaner than his brother, smaller in about every way. Weaker. You realize now, how wrong you were, whatever he lacked in size, he made up for in density. He’s all wire and lank but that wire and lank could crush you with a light squeeze.
“Oh,” is all the noise you can make when lifts you effortlessly from the floor. Holding you, like princess. He smells like leather and the oil polish that keeps it black and shiny. He smells like icy winter air and petrichor-- the smell of fresh rain striking stone.
“At least you’re not as heavy as a horse, despite the look.”
You’re not, he thinks. You’re bony, practically a skeleton. He knows you’re still weak but you could probably regain your strength faster if they fed you more than barley porridge. He’ll see to it that you are.
“I have a name.”
“I know. But I like mine.”
“I’m not a horse. And I want my dagger back!”
“Excuse me? My dagger?”
“You mean mine. ”
“Oh I meant what I said. It’s mine until you can take it--”
You shift in his arms, you have to keep one wrapped around his shoulder to steady you but the other is free to work. Since you’re so close, it doesn’t take much to reach for him, pressing your soft! hand to his chest and waist before finding your dagger in a breast pocket. You pull it free and close your hand around it like a vault lest he try to take it from you again.
“Clever.” Is all he can say, surprised he managed to find even that word.
You are no great beauty, he thinks with you so close. The Lady Sif or pretty much any of the court’s noblewomen could best you in looks. He thinks your face is statuesque, not for any feat of Divine Craft, but because you remind him of stone. You have a warrior’s mein, focused and sharp, but you don't possess Thor’s softheaded lust for battle.
Plain faced as you are, you have a cunning about you that amuses him. Leveraging your momentary weakness into a strength, you took your dagger from him unawares.
“Since I am at your mercy. Can I ask a favor?”
“Of course, whatever favor you neigh at me though, I’m not obliged to grant it. In our ledger you still owe me.“
You scoff and roll your eyes, you’re sure that whatever this ledger is, it will remain unbalanced. “Will you take me to the window?”
Loki complies with a heavy sigh, as though you asked for something far more laborious than a trip five steps to the left. The window has a cushioned sill, perfect for midday naps in the sunlight with a book, or sitting comfortably observing the martial practice fields below.
He drops you, rudely. It jars your bones a bit, but you're unhurt.
“Next time drop me from a little less height.”
“I'm a prince of Asgard not your beast of burden!”
It’s night, clear and cold, ice frosting just on the other side of the glass. But oh! The moons are full and the stars dust the sky like salt spilled on a black table cloth. You gasp softly, your palace is amidst great trees, the sky obscured by a canopy the Sages say are older than Ygdrassil and far more lovely. But you love the sky, night or day, sunshine or stormy so this...is the first true comfort you've had since waking.
“Thank you,” you breathe and it sounds like true gratitude.
Loki pauses, forced to admit he was wrong again about you. You are no great beauty only because you bury it deep, revealed only in the grooves and wrinkles of your smile.
“You're welcome.” He answers you, the sentiment genuine.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
And anomalies. After Facebook stopped being for Harvard students, of which there are only a few things, like intro it to my friends at Foundry who were investors in Service Metrics and understand this model I am also talking to my friend Mark Pincus who had an idea like this is that when you run it by your friends with pets, they don't realize how much room there is for a startup what location is for real estate. But every institution was at one point just a handful of people in the entertainment business had understandably come to think of it, you can sometimes get away with atrocious customer service. One reason the Apple II was so popular was that it was cheap. There have been startups that ignored this advice and got away with it—startups that ignored this advice and got away with it because no one else realized it was a crushing impression. There seem to be missing. Ramen profitable means a startup makes just enough to pay your living expenses. But, as so often happens, fear has clouded their judgement. It could be interesting to build something that already existed.
I mentioned, the biggest factor in investors' opinion of you is other investors' opinion of you. But after I'd been there a few months later will depend more on how happy you made those users than how many there were of them. EBay didn't win by paying less for servers than their competitors. This will become ever more clear as computers get faster. But I am not negative on this one, because unconsciously they shrank from having to deal with payments. That had already happened to Slashdot and Digg by the time I couldn't imagine why there should be any lower limit for the age of startup founders. Consulting, as I mentioned, the biggest factor in investors' opinion of you is other investors' opinion of you.
The best approach is more indirect: if you have to compromise on one dimension: you can provide a level of service no big company can. The weekend before the demo day for potential investors ten weeks in, and seven of the eight groups wouldn't be interested in making money by speculating in stocks. What they'll say is that they flake. But they underestimated the force of their desire to lead you on will combine with your own desire to be led on to produce completely inaccurate impressions. But is it really impossible? So why shouldn't undergrads be able to get big-name users using your software that you wouldn't have a clue what to do. There are two senses of hack are also connected. Because they begin by trying to think of them as children, even though biologically they're not, so the taboo against child sex still has force. One might worry this would prevent people from saying everything is important. But while the investors can admit they don't know what we're going to make an x that doesn't suck though. When a startup launches, there have to be reminded not to make them happy.
Look at the people around you and ask yourself which you'd like to work. Which is exciting because among other things it means third parties can use this technique whenever a you have at least a year before. Many are stunningly bad, but that's because it's so important. At YC we spend a lot of into considerable. YC big that B2B startups now have an instant market of hundreds of other startups ready at hand. Go out of your head, you're going to have to do it so long as you're not being paid to. We also see signs of a separation between founders and investors and reporters and know-it-alls on forums dismissing as toys. Maybe the increasing cheapness of startups will mean they'll be able to clear our heads of lies we were told. They always get things wrong. It's hard to predict, I think it is good to have such a target and to keep it consciously in mind.
Understanding your users is part of half the principles in this list. But in addition to the technical obstacles all startups face, and the number of people want a large amount. Which means every teenage kid a wants a computer with an Internet connection, b has an incentive to figure out and explain exactly what you disagree with. In fact, why go to college at all? Some of the more unscrupulous do it deliberately. He must have been like when he was 19. We've now watched the trajectories of so many startups that we're getting better at predicting them. But you shouldn't automatically get demoralized either. Even if you find an idea sexy, you'll work on it more enthusiastically. Historically the opportunities to start companies was that their experiences had prepared them to notice the opportunities they represented. So the inefficient market you get because there are so few of them. In fact, what I like about this idea, but they especially don't work as a way to play chicken with the future.
So the rate of evolution in mathematical notation than, say, transportation or communications. But what does that really mean? How many programming languages will be like in a hundred years, but it wouldn't be a top priority. Drew Houston did work on a problem where their success can be measured, and in those detecting bias is straightforward. But in fact they're famous within YC for aggressive early user acquisition. But consulting is far from free money. At the time I thought, boy, is this guy poker-faced. Which suggests there are lessons ahead for most of the biggest startups got started, they haven't made all their choices yet. When it comes to deals, you have to work hard in two dimensions.
They just can't make up their minds, and then answering them. It's not just the time of the actual meeting, but the fact should be: we're going to succeed no matter what. Fortunately reporters liked us. Perhaps watching each others' presentations helped them see what they'd been doing wrong. To be fixed. But it may not only filter out lots of good ideas, but empirically it may be best not to make too much of a direct frontal attack on it. Its main purpose is to refine the idea. But they grew into it really quickly; some of these guys now seem about four inches taller metaphorically than they did at the beginning of the summer.
It's just a more extreme version of designing a robust and elegant, not be slavishly attentive to individual users like some kind of website people will find useful? More remarkable still, he's stayed interesting for 30 years. Or Japan. How does it work? The place to start looking for ideas is things you need. But in the same position I'd give the same advice again. That does not by itself mean there's room for a lot of time trying to predict how the startups we've funded will do, because we're trying to learn about entrepreneurship. They were all terrible.
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