#you should know better
letsplayeternity · 2 months
Honestly tho, that journalist should've known better than to ask Max "I always knew if I made it to F1 Charles would also make it" Verstappen if Ferrari fired the wrong driver. What the fuck did you expect him to say? Have you never interviewed him before? Between Charles and Carlos it's not even a question for Max. Jesus Christ they should fire that journalist on the spot.
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kiinghanalister · 1 year
reminder that everyone is allowed to have different fandom opinions and ships.
reminder that people don’t have to interpret scenes the same way as you do.
reminder that tumblr users use tags for sorting through their own blog or help people blacklist tags and rarely to share their content on the tag page.
reminder that every tumblr is run by a person - a living breathing human - you don’t know.
reminder that your impression of user(s) are usually assumptions - cause you literally don’t know them.
reminder that a post you read about someone’s take shouldn’t be the end all be all because they watch/read it differently then you.
fandom is supposed to be fun.
fandom shouldn’t include talking badly about people and their takes. Friendly discourse is welcome, of course it is. Dissing certain people specifically for how they consume the OG content is not.
fandom shouldn’t be spreading rumors (that are meant to hurt) about the writers, crew, celebrities behind the OG content, or fans
fandom shouldn’t be a place where you have to block people to avoid seeing bullying and harassment of other fans
literally everyone is in fandom cause they enjoy the OG content. fans that thrive on these shouldn’ts are a huge reason people leave fandom or even stop enjoying the OG content.
don’t be the person who does the shouldnts. If you truly dislike someone’s takes or even someone’s personality, use the block button instead of publicly talking crap or encouraging talking crap. It’s not funny. It’s not entertaining. It ruins the fun of fandom and could easily hurt someone even more then you know.
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sassy-pistachy · 3 months
So Alice Dyer has survived the Horrors of the OIAR for around a decade, she gets Sam into the OIAR and after a couple weeks she's just gonna follow him along the Get Cursed Speedrun and Probably end up Dead as a Result Path
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ssaalexblake · 8 months
lol @ Seward casually writing in his diary thinking about euthanising Mina and also gormlessly writing about Jonathan with his Big Ass Knife that he ~casually~ has to hand when him and Van Helsing are around, and Not picking up on any potential danger there.
Jack, you're so oblivious that if he Did decide to surprise attack you all, you and Van Helsing would be bleeding to death before you realised it. And probably Arthur too. Quincy with that fast gun draw would be a harder sell, but not Impossible.
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sooorma · 5 months
Now i am blocking anyone and everyone who said anti hindu stuff without any benefit of the doubt
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casualavocados · 1 year
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trupowieszcz-moved · 3 months
i just saw someone caption their cute doodle of a little squid pirate with "intrusive thoughts during a work meeting haha"
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modifiedyincision · 1 month
I am amazed at the complete lack of… animal illness awareness, I guess? In my immediate area. ”I saw a deer that was acting pretty silly lol. But it let me come right up to it! Super friendly” This has been said to me multiple times. Do Me A Favor And Please Contact Fish And Wildlife. Other strong contender: person who told me they saw a sick skunk that was acting funny and then was appalled when i asked if they called anyone about it. HELLO!
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christinered · 8 months
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You would think people would know better then to shoot Jason by now.
It really only makes him mad.
(Mongo too.)
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insane-eli · 4 months
the most important thing you should know is that this is not fanfiction
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When the guy is actually respectful and cares about your well being >>
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amaranthar · 1 year
If these damn announcers don’t learn how to fucking pronounce Andrade El Idolo I’m gonna murder someone.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
New York City Council Member Inna Vernikov was arrested and charged with criminal possession of a firearm early Friday morning after she showed up to counterprotest a pro-Palestine rally outside Brooklyn College packing heat, a New York City Police Department spokesperson confirmed.
Photos and videos taken at the protest show Vernikov, a Republican who recently got a concealed carry license, clearly wearing a pistol on her hip. As City & State previously reported, a New York state law passed last year bans the possession of firearms at protests and rallies – even with a concealed carry permit.
According to the spokesperson, Vernikov turned herself into the 70th Precinct in Brooklyn Thursday night around 2:50 a.m. and was later released. Vernikov could not immediately be reached for comment.
Photos of the council member began circulating on social media after the event, stirring outcry over the presence of the firearm and prompting concerns about its legality. 
Photos of the council member began circulating on social media after the event, stirring outcry over the presence of the firearm and prompting concerns about its legality. 
After Vernikov was arrested, Gov. Kathy Hochul weighed in on social media. “New York’s gun safety laws apply to everyone,” she wrote. This is story was last updated at 11 a.m. and is still developing
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siyteefe · 2 years
If you have red hair and you choose to wear a black shirt and green pants, I’m gonna call you Kim Possible. Cant stop me, it’s what has to happen.
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pxison · 11 months
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BDSM  &  DOM/SUB SMUT PROMPTS @mischievous-misdirection asked: ❝  did i say you could speed up?  fuck me slowly like a good boy or i’ll make you stop completely.  ❞ for the blue roach 😏
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He almost ignored those words and went along with setting his own pace if it weren't for the convenient reminder that Yorin was very much capable of making him stop in all sorts of unpleasant ways. Of course, he didn't like it and had to make a show of his displeasure by gripping hips to a bruising degree as he gnashed his teeth down at them.
He just wanted to have his fun and get out, why the hell should he slow down and delay what was only inevitable for them both?
"And why should I hm? Can't handle my pace?" He chuckled at the idea of that, finding it both amusing and somehow self-soothing while he kept his hips pressed firmly against that shapely ass. Taking a second to just grind it out he almost returns to the speed he set only there was a noticeable difference in how fast he snapped his hips. Seems something got through to him, though it likely wasn't enough to please Yorin and if he felt a certain invisible tether? it was his own damn fault for not listening.
He hardly felt like he could be blamed seeing as he was often used to moving at a pace that overwhelmed most women he bed without care. His specialty was to put power in his hips and legs so why not use them to their fullest potential? He didn't see a reason why he should ever go slower for anybody, and he reasoned with himself that it was only because of past experiences with that pesky devil fruit of Yorin's that he managed to stay his hand, or rather hips even the slightest amount.
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nyxneon · 11 months
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