#you have my heart and soul
valeriianz · 1 year
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|| Endless is headlining their first tour! Debut album, summer tour this year! Tickets on sale now! ||
So... this was an idea that snuck up on me last week, and after bothering the immaculate, super talented @issylra, asking if she'd create a mock-up tour poster for my fictional fucking band AU, she not only said yes, but churned this out in a day??
Thank you SO much, Beth! Your skills are unmatched and I hope you enjoy that coffee lol
For my fic, Bolt in the Blue. The slice of life, slow burn Dream x Hob AU that has taken over my life (but I'm not complaining haha).
Special thanks also to @sutoribenda for the title of the tour! Overture-- of course!
Bonus option number 2 featuring the ACTUAL BAND MEMBERS:
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eliashirsch · 18 days
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (1/3)
As of 15th May 2024, these are some of the BEST stories I have read in the fandom. Of course, this is completely subjective and there are many personal factors as to why I crowned them God Tier. 
Reading it for the first time: ‘Oh, this is really good, I’m going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life’
When compiling the list: ‘Oh my god, this fic, man, this fic!!’
There are many other fics that match the first criteria, but for it to be on this list, I needed to have these two reactions.
REMINDER! READ THE AUTHORS' TAGS AND WARNINGS!!! They’re there for a reason. PLEASE make sure you understand where the story is going to be before reading!!
Without further ado, I present to you, my roman empires:)
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
4. Honorary Mentions (4/3)
Best of the Best Authors
Authors that I trust with my life, whose work are ALL incredibly well written. 
COMPACFLT @compacflt
They’re the first person to pop in my head when I was thinking about making this list. No amount of time and words will be enough for me to describe how good their work is. Seriously. It’s on a level I’ve never seen before for fanfiction. The world building, the characterization, the prose, everything. COMPACFLT has a way of understanding these characters, it makes so much sense and fits so well with canon. I’m just at a loss for words. Genuinely the reason I converted to Icemav supremacy.
When We Get Around to Talking About It 
Goose has been dead for a week and a half when Iceman loses his first wingman in a dogfight with six Soviet MiGs over the Sea of Okhotsk. Goose has been dead for thirty years when Iceman loses his second wingman to a surface-to-air missile on the tail-end of a mission he's responsible for: he's sent his family on a suicide mission to destroy a uranium enrichment facility in Russia's Far East. This is the story of those thirty years in the middle. (Or: Tom Kazansky rises through the ranks while trying to stay a good man. If he ever was one to begin with.)
This was the first story I’ve read from them. And it’s so… I don’t have words.  It’s told from Ice’s perspective, filling the gaps between TG and TG:M with added Icemav and Hangster. In my mind this is canon:D
Debriefing (& Other Stories)
"We can start here, I guess. If we're talking about us," Pete says. "Nineteen-eighty-six. The first thing I thought, when I saw you in that O-club, was: Iceman is off-limits. Capital O, capital L." Despite himself, despite the fear, Tom laughs a little. "Oh, yeah? Why's that?" "Well, first off, we were competition. And yeah, you were attractive, but then you opened your mouth and I swear. You were just an asshole. Goose is trying to introduce you to me and here I am thinking about how much of an asshole you are. Shut up about Cougar, asshole." "It was supposed to be a friendly competition!" "Yeah, right. So that's what I was thinking: he's attractive, clearly doesn't know how to talk to other men, might be into the proposition if I framed it the right way. But he's an asshole, so this competition is just gonna be friendly." Pete pauses. Then he says, "Ice, you wanna get married?" And that's how they start talking about it. (Or: they finally get around to talking about it. Plus a couple extra stories for good luck.)
Sigh and send COMPACFLT a loving look. This Maverick's POV adds so much to the story without being repetitive. COMPACFLT deliberately tells their story like puzzle pieces, and they complete each other—just like Icemav, if you will. 
The Slider oneshot is truly something else. I was so eager for the upload and kept an eye on their account for updates religiously. To flesh out a character that barely has any source material is an incredible skill to have. And the Bradley oneshot… Omg… My favorite characterization of Bradley, period. 
Tremors & Aftershocks
They both come back to their senses and stop openly crying again eventually. The stitches fall out of the thirty-year-old wounds and the scars fade back to skin-color. Life stops being so painfully raw after a couple weeks back home. You get used to miracles the way you get used to anything else. One day at a time. [Or: 40 years of extras, from 1982-2022. Some true love, some heartbreak, some miracles.]
To me, this one has a different feeling from the other two. More focused on Ice and Mav’s relationship as opposed to the whole plotline. It’s tender and bittersweet and feels like being hugged for the first time and then told that you wouldn’t get another hug in thirty years time.  
What impresses me most is that, if you go to COMPACFLT’s Tumblr account, you’ll see the thought they’ve put for these stories are INSANE. They’re so educated on the military and its history and it adds so much to these characters. I’m not American and all my writing for Top Gun will always stem from google searches and other fics. If you’re a nerd like me and like to read about other’s analysis about topics they know nothing about, I suggest you go to their account and have fun.
COMPACFLT, you have captured my soul with your writing. Thank you for your service and I wish you well in life.
AortaArgent @aortaargent
If you’re looking for an author who can write smut like nothing else, go to their profile. Better yet, click here, and scroll down to the threads they made about girl!Mav and get horny real quick. It’s a shortcut to heaven really. (And yes, I’m still upset that they seem to have left the fandom, but I still hold the stories they’ve left behind close to my heart:)) My favorites:
like a shotgun (needs an outcome)
“Ice gave me a handjob when we did this,” he argues. “Oh, that’s what gets you moving? Seeing who comes first?” With that, Slider takes hold of him, wrapping his hand around and keeping his fist steady. “Go on, baby girl. Fuck it like a good little -” He squeezes Slider’s balls a little harder than he’d imagine is necessarily pleasant. For Slider. It's definitely nice for him. “Fuck,” Kerner chokes out, weakly. Ice sounds like he’s trying not to laugh. “I told you he bites.” In which there are multiple realisations, improbable numbers of pilots hanging out in a shared shower, volleyball games and verbal tennis. Yes, it's compulsory to wear your dogtags in the shower - never know when you could need identification. (Only kidding, it's for added fuckability.)
It’s so hot... but believable at the same time. BDSM is just one of those things where you read about it and can tell if the author has experience or is just extremely well-informed. 
Eye to Eye 
“Maybe it’s not just us looking to get a piece of you,” Wolf says. He’s right by Maverick’s head, and a shiver rolls down his shoulders in a sweeping tide at the soft click of each word against his ear. “Maybe we offered. You’re so pretty, Mav. It’s not a hard sell.” His hands twitch with the effort of not reaching up to tear off the blindfold and find out if they’re telling the truth or just winding him up. It’s possible. Occupied, blindfolded, he might not have noticed the door opening. More guys could have been in the showers. Two hands circle his ankles, firm over his boots, and hold him steady. Someone else has his left hand, kneading the tendons down the back of it. Anyone and anything is plausible. A continuation. Finally.
HOT DAMN. That’s all.
AortaArgent portrayed Ice and Mav’s relationship as absolute and secure while having fun with Mav’s dynamic with the other guys. All of their works are mind-boggling and simply amazing!
thecarlysutra @icemankazansky
Need I say more? Carly’s one of the most prominent members of the Top Gun fandom. Actually, I trust any member of the Top Gun Old Guard. With Carly, there’s something about their writing that makes me think of discovering an old box of CDs you used to watch relentlessly, dusty and worn, but the nostalgia rushes back and it’s achingly familiar. You can tell they’ve been writing for Top Gun for so long the characters kind of became their own. And when you click on any fic they wrote, you can fall and trust they’ll catch you. My favorites:
and i promise, you're the locksmith
“Is something going on in your neighborhood?” Maverick asked. “Like … a pest problem or something?” “You could say that,” Ice said. “Like … a coyote or something?” “Suitors,” Ice said. Maverick's attempts to woo Iceman are somewhat complicated by the promise Ice has made: Anyone who wants to marry him must catch his cat, which wears the key to his house around its neck on a silver chain. Inspired by the Tumblr legend.
This one’s so cute!!! Ugh, I’m never going to get tired of reading Icemav fall in love over and over again. 
Dreams of Impact
Maverick's trip in Darkstar takes him further than he ever imagined possible.
Sigh for the second time and send hearts Carly’s way. Basically, Mav gets transported to another universe and weird things happen. I love fics that dabble with the universe, the what-ifs, the what could’ve been. Do you ever have that moment when you make a decision, look back and wonder how life would be if you chose differently? Click on the link and read 🫵
aelibia @topgunreacts
God. aelibia’s just too good. It’s like banger after banger after banger. If you’re looking for an author whose work is a guaranteed good read, click the link and it’ll show you magic. They have Icemav ranging from tender and soft to angsty, portraying all different sorts of love and a way of writing explicit sex that I’ve never found anywhere else. 
I can’t even pick which one’s my favorite because they’re all my favorite. Especially the series they wrote, oh my god. I love them all. However, one that I reread religiously and being giddy over is this:
Wine Dark Sea
Raised by a selkie mother bound to a human man, Ice returns to the human world as a teenager with a singular purpose: to find the source of human strength, and claim it for himself. But after a careless mistake binds him to another human man, Ice is forced to reconsider his most fundamental beliefs: What is the meaning of strength? And what is the cost of freedom?
It’s so silly at times and heartbreaking most of the time. I especially love the later chapters where the evil is defeated and Ice is just being a silly seal while Mav’s being the supportive partner that he is. This fic is the SOLE REASON that my favorite animal is a seal. Thank you for opening my eyes to something that has been so obvious from the start, your majesty aelibia.
I also humbly present these seal drawings because the image of Ice galumphing around a Navy base, complete with wet smacks and people shrieking in horror makes me laugh everyday. That, and the scene where Mav is surrounded by four fat harbor seal pups and reading a story to them. Eleven out of ten. 
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This one’s my favorite:}
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saltseashark · 4 months
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space airport show :-)
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jaggybotexe · 1 month
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chonny when he’s charming or something idk (RAHHHH I LOVE CHONNY JASH I WISH AUSTRALIANS WERE REAL‼️‼️‼️)
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Eddie was acting weird.
Well, he was always a little weird. But this was weirder than usual.
For one thing, he kept sneaking into the bedroom as soon as he got home from work, not even acknowledging that Steve was cooking dinner in the kitchen. He always came up behind him and kissed his shoulder before going to shower. Always. But not for the last couple of weeks.
Then, Steve noticed he would be on the phone with Hopper of all people. It’s not that they didn’t get along, they’d moved well past that, but they didn’t exactly seek each other out for conversations. He waited until Steve was in the shower or already in bed, which rubbed Steve a bit wrong. Eddie never hid shit from him.
But the turning point, the moment that Steve decided he needed to say something, was when Eddie went to dinner with Robin. Alone.
Eddie and Robin were friends. Some would even say close friends. It’s hard not to be when you face what they have together. But they always hung out with Steve.
So when Steve found out they’d been out without him, he confronted Eddie.
“What the hell are you up to?”
Steve was maybe coming off as a bit of an asshole. His hands on his hips like he was ready to discipline a child, his face serious, voice stern. But he had to know what was going on.
Eddie raised an eyebrow, not used to being at this end of Steve’s mom pose. He usually stood behind him with a smirk, arms crossed in front of his chest to emphasize his disappointment and amusement at whatever child had earned it.
“What do you mean?”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“Dinner with Robin? Without me?”
“Am I not allowed to be her friend without you?”
Eddie’s voice had turned guarded in a way that it hadn’t been with Steve in years.
Steve paused. Something was wrong. Eddie wouldn’t be acting like this if it wasn’t something big.
But what could he possibly be talking with Robin and Hopper about secretly? Was he in trouble? Were they trying to charge him with something from years ago? Why would he go to Robin about that and not Steve? Why would he have to sneak into the bedroom every evening?
The math wasn’t adding up, but Steve nearly failed math two years in a row so maybe he shouldn’t try to make the calculations.
“Are you in trouble? I can help. We can go somewhere. Hopper doesn’t have to know. Is he helping you? He should, he knows you’re innocent. They can’t even charge you for anything anymore right? There’s like, a statue of limits or something?”
Eddie was staring blankly at him.
It must be worse.
Maybe he was going into Witness Protection and Steve couldn’t come so he was trying to plan how to tell Steve. Oh God, Steve couldn’t let him go with no idea where he would end up or what his name would even be.
“Eds, please. You can’t go. They may not give you a choice, but you could maybe write to me so I can follow you? I’ll change my name too.” Steve felt tears in his eyes, and he hated it. He hated that his reaction to this was panic and crying as if he was the one in trouble and on the run. “Do they know we’re a package deal? And Robin. Robin will have to come. Is that what you talked about at dinner?”
Eddie was still just staring at him.
“Eddie please. Talk to me.”
Eddie shook himself out of his stupor, looking down at the floor and mumbling something Steve couldn’t quite hear.
“What? I can’t hear you.”
“I’m taking you to Disney World.”
That was not a sentence Steve ever thought he would hear. Especially not from Eddie fucking Munson.
His first reaction was to laugh, but when he saw the way Eddie’s face fell, he stopped.
“Um. Okay. You’re serious,” Steve let his thoughts wander as he watched Eddie’s whole body tense the way it did when he was working himself up.
Steve thought about how they had watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade last year and saw a float from a new Disney film, he couldn’t remember which one now, but he remembered turning to Eddie and saying, “you know my parents never took me to Disney World? All that money and they spent it all on their exotic vacations and cruises and left me at home.” Eddie had looked at him like he broke his heart before he said “Wayne could never afford it so I never really bothered to ask.”
And it wasn’t that a lot of their friends had been. Growing up, more kids spent time at beach resorts or the lake for summer vacations. Disney was still so new to people, it seemed like a pipe dream for anyone who didn’t have at least a middle class income.
But Steve saw the commercials. He watched the movies. He secretly loved the idea of a whole park dedicated to the childhood happiness and magic he felt when he watched them.
But he never asked his parents, and by the time he thought he could try to go, he was “too old.”
He’d given up on the thought.
Eddie was playing with his rings nervously, still avoiding eye contact with Steve.
“You’re taking me to Disney World?” Steve felt his voice break as the realization washed over him.
Eddie was somehow finding the money to take him to a place he’d secretly wanted to go since he was a kid, even though it was a place he probably didn’t want to go, and he’d wanted to take him so badly he somehow involved Robin and Hopper in the planning process.
God, he loved him so much.
Steve stepped closer to Eddie, hesitantly reaching out to pull his hands apart and lace their fingers together.
Eddie finally looked up at him and Steve couldn’t help leaning in to kiss him softly.
“You’re taking me to Disney World.”
Eddie nodded, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“How? When? Why does Robin know? Why does Hopper know?”
Eddie chuckled before he placed a kiss on Steve’s forehead.
“Robin knows because she’s been arranging everything. I couldn’t really do it here and work’s been busy so I couldn’t do it there. She offered to help. We’ve been planning it since last Christmas.”
Steve felt himself fall even more in love. Somehow, the love of his life and his platonic soulmate have been planning this incredible trip for him for six months and had only recently given anything away.
“Hopper knows because I did have to make sure I could leave the state. I know my name was cleared, but I just wanted to be certain. Then, he got involved with the planning because he wants to take El and Will this year.”
Steve was gonna start crying, probably any second. He could feel the lump in his throat getting thicker.
“I’ve been saving up anything extra for months. The kids all put in some money to buy your ticket. Mrs. Wheeler let me use Mr. Wheeler’s airline miles to book the flight so it was only about half the cost. Mrs. Henderson gave me her work bonus to put towards the hotel at Dustin’s insistence. Apparently she usually uses it to send him to camp, but he didn’t want to go this year. So. Yeah. Surprise?”
Steve was crying.
Everyone had played a part in this happening, and Eddie was the man behind it all.
Steve threw his arms around Eddie’s neck and jumped to wrap his legs around his waist. He did this all the time, so Eddie only stumbled a little before settling with his hands under Steve’s thighs to hold him up.
“I love you so fucking much,” Steve said against Eddie’s shoulder, tears staining his shirt. “Thank you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
Eddie placed a kiss on Steve's temple, letting his lips linger for a minute before pulling away.
“So we leave this weekend.”
Steve dropped his legs, immediately panicking about the trip.
“What? What about work? I have so much to do. How long will we be gone? I’m supposed to bring Dustin and Will to a show Sunday. Oh no. I don’t even have a bathing suit. There’s a pool at the hotel right?”
Eddie kissed him, effectively shutting him up, though not quite quelling his panic.
“I’ve already arranged all that. Mike got his license and got permission to drive them. Robin got you off the schedule. There’s a bathing suit in the bag I’ve been packing slowly for weeks.”
“Oh my God, that’s what you’ve been doing. I’ve been standing here waiting for my hello kiss while you secretly pack things for a surprise trip to Disney World. I’m so stupid.”
“Hey. None of that.”
Steve nodded once distractedly. Yeah, yeah, no talking negatively about his own intelligence or whatever they all made him agree to.
“When were you gonna tell me? When we were on the plane?”
“As if you would have arrived at an airport without asking me ten million questions,” Eddie rolled his eyes. “I was gonna tell you tomorrow night at dinner. Will even made this card that had clues inside.”
“Shit, I ruined it.”
“Sweetheart, no. It’s okay. I won’t tell Will. You can still keep the card. It’s a really cool design. He made Disney World look like a D&D game, said you’d probably not get all of it, but thought it was cool. It is, and I think I want him to design a tattoo for me when we get back, but I may have to call the shop in Indy I go to and –”
It was Steve’s turn to cut off his rambling with a kiss.
“I can’t wait to go with you. I can’t believe you would want to.”
“I’d go anywhere with you, you know that.”
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
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ayansukkhaphisit · 4 months
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alan, you have a bad mouth. what the fuck.
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otrtbs · 2 months
guys i saw a tiktok with people hating on jarty croucher in the comments and i cackled its so funny to me like you’re gonna let a ship named JARTY CROUCHER upset you??? there’s like 15 people on this ship and like at least 50 tiktok hatersnajskwisiwksks
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Saw this while in the middle to drawing Ted with a ponytail-
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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ew, old men, on inherently opposite moral sides and dramatically different moral values, flirting fighting????
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its more likely than you think ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
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akemi-snow · 11 months
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KakaIru + Those Four Guys From Naruto
I'll assume you've seen the original versions with the canon couples. (I'd link it but have no idea what the OG really is). Now it's the gae version.
#kakairu#koteizu#Genrai#Naruto#Those two guys from Naruto#those two guys from naruto but it's not those two guys#genma shiranui#namiashi raidou#hagane kotetsu#izumo kamizuki#the funniest bit of this is that izumo's screencap isn't edited. Demon Possessed Izumo canon#Also funny that literally 2 seconds after that he's already putting his anger behind because he had a DUO battle tactic idea#Izumo: *is ready to falcon punch Kotetsu into another dimension after embarrassing him in front of 2 ANBU jonin*#Also Izumo: *includes his buddy his friend his sun and stars into his tactic ideas regardless because Friendship Means Friend*#Izumo is the embodiment of 'Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I stopped caring'#Also Izumo is currently on duty in that scene + dealing with Ko's lazy ass + just embarrassed himself in front of 2 respected jonin ->#and STILL had an idea for a killer top tier tactic right there. Brilliant baby. Smart boi. Intelligent cutie. Creative little muffin. I lov#Also this is in no way a diss to iruka. Iruka bby. Iruka my boy. Iruka my heart & soul since naruto 1st aired. i love u bby.#Kotetsu in canon: Wants to fight Izumo. Kotetsu as soon as Izumo wants to fight: NOPE *runs*#also gonna post the not gay version for the non shipper side of fandom. Not like I have more than 4 followers but in case it makes it out#It's just. I've seen The 4 Guys being shipped in PLENTY KakaIru fics. So I assumed someone might enjoy this lmao#also because i ship these 3. Everything gay I ship. I love me some non toxic masculine intimate friendship but I also love my gay sorry
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dontpercievemeplease · 3 months
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Lil whiteboard thing of Tycho (Heart), Jupiter (Mind), and Terra (Whole)! I wanted to be silly with my guys (pro tip don’t try this on whiteboard, if you accidentally erase it’s hell)
Also have silly doodles under the cut so I don’t spam the cccc tag lmao. There’s a lot of Saturn- sorry he’s just so silly to do on whitboards
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birdghosting · 1 year
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happy birthday mhin!!!! 😭💕
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The racism my beloved Simon had to face….my baby. 🥺💔
Although painful to watch, it felt incredibly validating. It was so annoying watching some people say this show was “only about class” while dismissing the BS that Simon had to go through. The abuse was ten fold because he’s POC and S3 finally exposed that.
That being said, and on a more positive note, it was so incredibly sexy when Simon sang happy birthday to Wille in Spanish (he feels safe with him!) and when Wille admitted to fantasizing about stroking those beautiful curlssss (and then actually did it). 🥹❤️‍🩹
Wilmon forever. 🤎🤍
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spaciebabie · 8 months
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this picture isnt real its all happening in twilights head and she's listening ta this as she's having her bi horse fantasies
un blurred below the cut as well as the lineart with flats cuz i want ta show it off sue me
edit: ignore that the images changed slightly i noticed a shading error i missed and it was bothering me 💀
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#mlp#twishy#fluttertwi#mlp fim#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#fluttershy#twilight sparkle#spacie scribbles#twilight narration voice: ''i have to go...'' id say ''its getting late and i need to put spike to bed''#fluttershy would yawn. a gentle cute noise befitting for such a cute pony before she would turn her head sleepily towards me#she would look at me with her big beautiful eyes and study me for a moment before saying in her sweet soft voice#''are you sure you dont want to stay the night? i would hate for something to happen for you on your walk back home...''#oh fluttershy...always looking out for her friends. such a caring and gentle soul. my heart would swell at the thought although#id hesitate....and in response fluttershy would get closer and gently push her muzzle against mine...#''please twilight...stay the night...''#my heart would be galloping out of my chest as the moon would gently glow through the window#the pale light highlighing all of fluttershy's delicate features#its as if luna herself planted the moon in this specific way...on this specific night... just for us....#spike‚ interrupting the daydream: twilight are you...narrating a self insert you wrote abt you and one of your best friends???#twilight: ....NO. BUT. DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS OKAY#spike: oookay! you got it. i wont tell a soul.#*he then tells everyone except fluttershy*#im crazy guys i swear#i just wrote fanfic abt twilight sparkle writing fanfic#she has a fanfic section of the library its all just her x fluttershy#good lord these horses.
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senualothbrok · 5 months
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"It was easier to stare at the celestial abyss than recognise the emptiness within myself. Easier to pretend my destiny lay among such stars, than work to salvage a life on solid ground. You changed all that.
You see me as I am, and do not find me wanting. With these stars as my witness, I swear - you will always be enough for me."
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vanidrabbles · 6 months
Neuvillette: [fully immersed in a new case file, listening to classical music, occasionally sipping his water glass, very focused]
Furina: [upside down on his office's couch] Do you think lakelight lilies have feelings?
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