#yeti fashion victim
luv-doritos · 9 months
If every doctor had a news coverage abt them
-Teachers get kidnapped ; old homeless man suspected.
- Excentric self-proclaimed doctor and scottish boyfriend cause mischief with Yetis in London Underground ; Futurist female friend and her photograph girlfriend still at their search.
-Old fancy man defeats bearded leader with karate and military intervention.
-Beloved bohemian scientist falls off of a tower ; Thinks Dr.Sullivan is an imbecile, and develops affection for peculiar robotic pet dog. Journalist Sarah-Jane Smith refuses to cover the news.
-Cricket-like Father of four takes on adventures into space ; unfortunately becomes father of three as the fourth sacrifices himself.
-Arrogant blonde man with horrible fashion choices fights the Matrix with american woman and redhead woman ; gets defeated by "The Rani".
-Goofy but manipulative spoon-player unofficially adopts troubled teenage girl who masters explosives.
-Young man goes back between the 19th and the 20th century to find hot girls and guys to fuck.
-Bald man saves people around time and space and cheats on blonde woman with Sherlock Holmes.
-Adored silly man ruins redhead woman's marriage ; still revered by thousands.
-Knockoff of the adored silly man forgets how to interact with humans and has a complicated romance with woman called River Pond.
-Old emo teenager accused of murder ; says the victim was 'dead already'.
-Silly blonde woman who has midlife crisis at age 20 has pakistani lesbian lover ; denies.
-Adored silly man resurrects from death ; is Jesus ?
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Decoding Meghans Whistler dress sense: distinctly heading Dagenham by u/Mickleborough
Decoding Meghan’s Whistler dress sense: distinctly heading Dagenham* Objective observations and conclusions drawn from Meghan’s 3 main appearances at Whistler.Day 1 - ‘…[W]hat’s a colour that [senior royals] will probably never wear…Camel? Beige? White?’: 2022 Netflix fauxcumentaryI thought I’d Yeti see the Abominable Snowman, but that Bigfoot on Meghan has Sasquatched that belief.- White, cream, beige, and brown are complementary - but not all in one look.- The accent navy beret doesn’t fit anywhere. Maybe not a good idea if you’ve got dark hair - it all looks like one.- No gloves, but it’s a cold day.- Jeans in a ski resort? Not even off the slopes - it simply won’t keep you warm. Not even with thermal underwear - denim’s the wrong look for snow.- Jewellery in winter’s not a good idea. Fingers might shrink from the cold, causing rings to fall off. Ditto stones. And metal’s a conductor. Day 2 - ‘…[W]hen you’re going through a stressful time, [this is reflected by] wearing things that are more monochrome or darker in tone’: 2015 interview with InStyleIn the navy / Come on be bold and make a stand - not spectacle.- Black and navy can be worn together, but maybe not more than one shade of each. Also, textures matter.- Navy leather gloves smacks of trying too hard. Navy leather gloves aren’t terribly common - trying to match leather gloves to scarf and beanie is a bit much. NB Gloves were removed - see above- £3,000 / $3,800 Hermès puffer jacket reeks of paying for the label. Hermès of course wouldn’t put their name to anything of low quality - but why pay that much for a generic black puffer jacket? If it had a characteristic Hermès design or distinctive chic - yes. You buy what the brand’s known for. Otherwise, what justifies the price, apart from the label? - Jeans in a ski resort - see above.- Brown boots jar in an already cacophonous combination of navy and black. - Bottega Veneta phone cover. Fashion victim - they’re whatever phone covers are made from, in the Bottega woven leather pattern (but not leather), made in China, costing about 4-5 times a good specialist cover. - Jewellery - as above.Day 3 - ‘Women are fighting greasy pots and pans…’: 1993 Ivory Clear dishwashing detergent ad, Procter & GambleSeal clapping 675 metres / 2,214 feet above sea level.- It‘s almost 2 colours - but not quite.- It’s cold, hence the long gloves. But why opera gloves (in a singularly unattractive colour)? Not right for a ski resort, - If Meghan’s arms were cold (so she needed long gloves) - why wear a jumper with 3/4 length sleeves? Meghan’s basically wearing a coat, the short-sleeved jumper, and opera gloves in some weird colour, all for a weirder look.- Riding boots - more likely, boots in the style of riding boots. Not all boots are the same - you can’t wear riding boots to places where you wear snow boots, because they’d look out of place. Horses tend not to go skiing. ConclusionMeghan’s fashion choices over the 3 days were increasingly worse: she went from mediocre to bizarre. Can it be a sign of mental illness? Or did snow blindness affect her vision?* On the London Underground, Dagenham is 3 stops past Barking - think ‘mad’. post link: https://ift.tt/Q74hDkL author: Mickleborough submitted: February 18, 2024 at 01:47AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
Favorite Monsters and Cryptids
1) Black-Eyed Children: What these beings are no one knows. Some cite them as being demons or vampires who require permission to be allowed in. Some say they're alien-human hybrids or tulpas (thought beings). Even interdimensional entities or the ghosts of deceased children. They are described as either wearing old-timey clothing or dark-colored hoodies. They have extremely pale, oftentimes peachy skin tones and speak in a monotonous, adult-like fashion. They approach their target's home or car to knock or their door or window saying that they needed to get in because of bizarre reasons. If they are further denied entry, they become increasingly enraged and reveal their dark, turquoise eyes. In some cases, the witness almost considers opening the door...at least until they catch a glimpse of their eyes. 
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2) Mothman: A large, red-eyed creature that was described as stalking Point Pleasant from 1966-1967 in West Virginia. Typical descriptions depict the Mothman as bat-like in appearance that had a deafening screech. On December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge collapsed killing 46 civilians. Strangely enough, Mothman seemingly disappeared after the tragedy, many believing that the Mothman was a harbinger of the bad omen. 
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3) Reptilians: Crazy conspiracy theory aside, Reptilians are shapeshifting extraterrestrials said to hail from the Alpha Draconis star system. David Icke, in particular, believes that they infiltrated the Earth to take over each of the world's governing bodies. Some also say that they terrorize humanity because they feed on negative emotions and what better way than to stoke the flames of anger and fearmongering than with propaganda? 
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4) Shadow People: Ever thing you catch something moving from the corner of your eye? Shadow People are believed to be different things ranging from guardian angels; demons; interdimensional beings, etc. The Hatman is often considered to be the leader of the Shadow People and is considered as being the most dangerous out of his wicked kind, but many say that he is an entirely different being. 
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5) Kuchisake-Onna: A Japanese urban legend, it is said that Kuchisake was once a beautiful woman married to a samurai. When the samurai felt that she was being unfaithful, he cut her mouth and killed her. Since then, she had become a vengeful spirit wearing a trench coat with a surgical mask. Carrying a pair of scissors, if she approaches a victim, she would ask them if they thought she was pretty. If they say no, she kills them. If yes, she would remove her mask to reveal her Glasgow grin and asks the question again. If the victim said yes again, she would make their mouth like hers. 
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6) Teke Teke: Another ghost from Japanese folklore, Teke Teke was a woman or schoolgirl who was bisected by a train. One take of the legends have her ask her victims if they knew where her legs were. If they said no, she would rip their legs off. Another variation has Teke Teke go after the listener if they heard the story. 
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7) Eight Foot Tall: A demon disguising itself as an 8-ft tall woman wearing a sundress and straw hat. She targets children and is recognizable by her demonic droning. 
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8) Machine Elves: They are extradimensional entities often described as being sighted by those taking DMT. They claim to be the architects of different planes of existence but have unstable forms that continually contort. Everything happens at a fast pace in their world with all of them having high-pitched voices.
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9) Greys: The stock character many think of when the possibility of extraterrestrial life is speculated. They are buglike in depiction with almond-shaped black eyes. Some say they were created by the reptilians as a slave race that deflected. They are commonly associated with alien abductions.
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10) Butterfly People of Joplin: In 2011, a devastating tornado hit Joplin, Missouri that killed several people. But from the disaster, many children claimed that they experienced winged beings that saved them by holding back falling debris with their wings. One boy was found miles away in a field claiming that the Butterfly People wrapped him in it to smoothen his fall. 
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11) Chupacabra: Later takes of the cryptid posit the creature as being more canine in its features. They are accredited to draining the blood from livestock such as goats. 
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12) Jersey Devil: its origin story is really unique. The story goes that when a mother of 12 kids was due to have a 13th, she in annoyance, prayed for that child to be a devil. The baby is born and appears to be relatively normal. But then it, of course, transforms into a horrible abomination, escaping into the woods. 
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13) Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman: Bigfoot or the Sasquatch is an ape-like, humanoid creature believed to have been sighted in several parts of North America. Some believe that the Sasquatch is either an ancient ape species that had escaped extinction, or some even assume that Bigfoot is the missing link that researchers have been searching for. The Abominable Snowman is similar to Sasquatch in some fashion, the exception being that the creature was sighted in the mountains of the Himalayas. There have been some samples of hair believed to have been those of a Yeti's that were analyzed to be the fur of an extinct species of bear from the time of the ice age. 
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14) Mongolian Death Worm: In the Gobi Desert, there is believed to be a large species of worm that is said to have lethal venom that could kill anyone who even slightly touched the creature. It can even generate electricity. The worm was also known to hunt camels, and would then lay its eggs in the intestines. 
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15) The Loch Ness Monster: Probably one of the most famous examples of a cryptid in cryptozoology. Believed to be an ancient creature such as a plesiosaur, the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is believed to inhabit Loch Ness. Described as having a long neck, flippers, and endless humps, accounts of the creature date far back to the time of Saint Columbia. Interest in the creature continued until in the 1930s, an alleged photograph of the monster dubbed the Surgeon's Photograph goes down in history as one of the best cases for the existence of Nessie. Even though the photograph was a hoax, many others had given their accounts of the Loch Ness Monster through the use of sonar and photography. 
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16) Black Stick Men are what happens when you take drawings of simple stick figures and give them sentience. They are believed to be two-dimensional in appearance, and can even generate electrical discharges. Unlike with other paranormal entities, Black Stick Men are not connected to supernatural events. So, they just appear randomly for no real rhyme nor reason. They are believed to feed on negative emotions and their presence incites aggression and uneasiness. 
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17) Wendigo: In Native American myth, a Wendigo is born when a hapless human commits the act of cannibalism in desperation. As punishment, they are transformed into a monster with an insatiable hunger that would never be quenched. They don't have a corporal form, but they are often represented as antlered-humanoids. 
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18) Ningen: These are giant, aquatic humanoid entities that are commonly sighted in the waters of the Arctic. Some species are alleged to grow to great lengths.
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mask131 · 4 years
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From “Cabin in the Woods: The Official Visual Companion”
Details from the pictures:
Picture 1: Some zombies eating the entrails of some guards
Picture 2: The Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch attacking an employee in the locker room
Picture 3: A close-up on the Witch, as she is about to steal someone’s soul
Picture 4: A sketch of how the Goblins (or Dismemberment Goblins) kill their victims
Picture 5: The Werewolf eating his victim
Picture 6: The Unicorn
Picture 7; The Scarecrow folks, killing Alex Truman
Picture 8: The Merman, approaching his victim
A look at the original script for the movie (present in the Visual Companion) :
# The “elevator scene” was roughly exactly like in the movie. We see the Werewolf ; the Ballerina (not named, but described as a “little girl in ragged ballerina outfit, not a tutu but a limp torn skirt, and with no face but a circle-mouth full of teeth) and the Hell Lord/Buzzhead (described as a man in a long leather futuristic coat, with dead white skin, no hair, and buzzwas stuck in his head in a neat row. His arms are ringed with barbed wire stuck deep). The script actually calls him Sawhead. However, the script mentions the deleted scene of the heroes seeing the Alien in his elevator.
# Among the first wave unleashed by the Purge, the script mentions the Werewolves, Aliens (yes, Aliens with an S), the Mutants, Robots (again, with an S), and the Zombies. 
# The script mentons the “scientist tackled by mutants, who vomit toxic waste on him” (a scene seen on one of the security screens) ; “a monster that knocks down a guy over the balcony” (but without the giant snake) ; a “Jack O’Lanternman, fire smoldering in his mouth” (also seen on some security screens) ; “four people in doll masks” ; “a guard running from a floating, screaming witch who grabs his head to mystically suck the life out of it” (in the script it is part of the scenes saw in the massacre throughout the facility, while in the movie they put it in the first wae of the Purge). Is also mentionned the scene of the alien attacking a guard ; the “zombies in the stairs” scene (seen on the security screen) and a “Nosferatu ripping out the throat of a worker” (there is a Nosferatu in the movie, and we see him hypnotize a female worker on the security screens, but I don’t recall us seeing the throat being ripped off). 
# There is the famous deleted Kevin scene. Kevin is here described as “quiet and simple man, at ease in the carnage”, walking through it. Seeing a wounded guard, he “kneels near him and exsanguinate him in the most unpleasant fashion”. 
# The Angry Dogs are mentionned in the script. The Clown taking bullets is also mentionned in the script - and so are the scenes of the Unicorn impaling and hte Werewolf devouring a worker. There are also mention of the “unseen” scene of the Goblins mowing down a scientist with a golf cart (even though it may be on the security screens, I need to check it out”
# The “Scarecrow Folk” were described in the script as having “knife-fingers” which they used to stab.
# The description of the Merman in the script was : “black fin and dorsal like a whale, black soaking hair, and black eyes. Everything else is white as its razor sharp teeth. Webbed hands.”
# And, while the Kraken is not mentionned by name, there is still a giant tentacle snatching away Wendy. 
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Beneath an Aurora Sky (Ch. 3)
Summary: The South Pole Station is equipped for research and Edge has always made sure things run smoothly for the inhabitants. His charges are meant to follow his rules and regulations, and in turn, he makes sure they survive in the arctic temperatures. It takes plenty of hard work and determination and Edge, along with his crew, can handle both.
He wasn’t counting on one of the newest researchers. He wasn’t expecting Rus.
Tags: Spicyhoney, First Time, Arctic AU, Hurt/Comfort
Notes: So, @cheapbourbon came up with an amazing AU and did some lovely art for it: please look at it and love it.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Newest: Chapter 3
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The first day with a new roster always started early, even in a place where the daylight hours were currently brief at best. Generally, the researchers did not complain about that; they weren’t here to sleep.
Their impatience came with dealing with briefings throughout their opening week. One of the first things they would have discovered, after recovering from the exhausting walk from the boat, was a welcome and safety packet, along with neatly typed schedule on their desk that included times for the safety training.
Anyone attempting to complain would immediately be reminded of the agreement they had signed. Humans were far more sensitive to the weather conditions and they could change for the worse abruptly. They needed to know how to handle a sudden white-out or a situation where their vehicle was disabled, and they wouldn’t be allowed to venture more than fifty yards from the station without a guide until they’d passed the survival course.
Time slots for Edge, Undyne, and Red’s availability as guides were strictly limited, so most of them tried to pass the survival courses as quickly as possible. Plus, anyone who was assigned Red a guide usually had extra incentive.
The packet they all received also listed the wi-fi password on the last page. Edge was strict, but he wasn’t cruel, and all those who read through the briefing deserved a reward.
The first survival course was scheduled before breakfast and Edge was up hours in advance to run through his morning routine. First, he needed to send his paperwork up to his supervisors at the institution and he did it while sipping a cup of coffee. The expensive grounds were one of the personal luxuries he ordered, fresh from the boat, and brewed from his personal machine.
He read over the checklists that all the others sent him concerning station power and necessary repairs, along with the daily and weekly weather reports. Clear skies, so far, low temperatures. Nothing unexpected was looming, but he would check it again in the afternoon.
A glance at the clock told him it was ten minutes to the appointed time and Edge slipped on an insulated jacket over his thermal shirt and started down to the vestibule where all the researchers had been told to be waiting.
Conversation died off as Edge walked into the room. They were all broken off into clusters of twos and threes, separated into their groups, most of them with coffee cups in hand which meant Bonnie was feeling generous this morning and brought down a few pots.
A quick headcount told him everyone was here, but one, and it was entirely too easily to see who was missing. Their only soloist.
Edge sighed internally. There was still a few of minutes before they were supposed to begin but it was not encouraging to see he that he didn’t seem to be taking this seriously. That sass and fire from yesterday may have been more of a sudden flare that burned out quickly than an internal furnace.
Not that Edge was disappointed by that.
Two minutes before they were to begin, the outer door opened, and everyone turned to look at the well-bundled figure coming in from the outside.
Too tall to be Undyne or Red, and Edge watched in disbelief as Rus stripped off his heavy parka and pushed up his goggles, “oh, hey, everyone.”
By the soul of the Unnamed Queen, what the fuck…
Edge pushed through the group, over to wear Rus was hanging up his parka. Pale eye lights blinked looked down at him in surprise, and Edge wasn’t so irritated that he didn’t see that Rus was wearing his jacket over the same sweatshirt as yesterday. It made him wonder, despite all the cases he’d brought, if he even had a different one.
“What do you think you’re doing,” Edge asked, low, not wanting to embarrass him, that wasn’t the point, but it was said through clenched teeth. Not that it mattered; the other researches were discreetly pretending not to watch but there was no doubt they were straining to hear every word. Humans and Monsters urge for gossip was remarkably similar.
Rus held up a shiny metal square between two fingers. A lighter? “this is a no smoking facility, right? i wanna play by the rules, so, i stepped outside.”
“You went outside to smoke a cigarette?” Edge asked in disbelief. Before the safety classes and alone, he’d gone outside for a damn smoke, in fucking Antarctica.
“sure,” Rus shrugged. There were a few steaming mugs still sitting on one of the tables and Rus scooped one up. He took a sip, grimaced, and poured sugar into it. “i read the safety packet and i walked outside for a mile yesterday. there was nothing that said i couldn’t, just that there was no smoking inside, and figured i was safe enough from the polar bears and yetis for a butt.”
One of the others chose that moment to pipe up, “Polar bears are...”
“…in the arctic, the north pole,” Rus finished with a sigh. “yeah, yeah, it was a joke. you guys have heard of those, right.” He looked around into the looming silence around him. “tough crowd. okay, boss, since i am here, and on time, i will point out, are we doing this?”
“…yes,” Edge ground out. He made a mental note to add that they were not allowed to venture outside before the safety briefing to the welcome packet. “You may as well put your parka back on. Everyone else, you have five minutes to have your outer gear on. If you’d like to be able to continue seeing for your time here, do not forget your goggles.” He looked back at Rus. “You can prove to me later that you can gear up in the required time frame.”
“sure, boss. i don’t mind dressing for you.”
It was said in the same tone as his ‘sleep well’ the night before, soft as velvet and despite his annoyance, Edge had to suppress a shiver.
This was going to be a long two months.
Two hours later, the group was stumbling back inside, all of them weary and ready for breakfast. They’d struggled, but Edge was satisfied enough with their performance, which had included a frustrating and amusing fifteen minutes of watching the group stumble around with buckets on their heads to simulate whiteout conditions.
Rus hung around outside to the end, taking the time to smoke another cigarette while the others were making their way in. He timed it so that he was stepping through the door just before Edge did, politely palming his extinguished butt rather than tossing it into the snow.
The others were mostly gone, only a few stragglers finishing up, and Undyne was there, instructing them on the proper way to store everything to ensure it dried quickly.
Rus was fast enough stripping off his gear and Edge made a mental note not to forget to double-check that he was capably putting it on. His responsibility was the only reason he was watching as Rus bent over to untie his boots; it would be the worst shirking of his duty to not ensure Rus was well protected against the elements.
A fact he would remind Undyne of soon enough. At the moment, she was by the door, close enough to watch if not to hear. It wouldn’t wipe the grin from her face, but it was still the truth. He was still finishing with his own boots as Rus slipped on a pair of indoor shoes.
“see there, boss, didn’t even keep you waiting for me,” Rus said cheerily. He leaned against the row of lockers, blatantly watching as Edge untied his boots. “whatcha think, how did we do today?”
“I think you’re all going to die, and they’ll find your corpses a thousand years from now buried in whatever remains of the world’s icebergs,” Edge told him dryly. He nudged Rus over so that he could open his locker and he went, barely far enough to let Edge set his boots within it. “But you all passed the bare minimum requirement. Once you pass your vehicle test, I’m legally allowed to give you a chance to seek your demise.”
“you’re a regular ball of sunshine, aren’t you,” Rus said wryly. Slouching the way that he was, they were at an even height, and when Edge shut his locker door, it set their faces a little too close. “would it cause you much pain to lighten up, sunny?
Rus’s eye lights were white and gave no clue as to the color of his magic. His bones were glossy smooth ivory, startlingly so, and Edge realized he was leaning in for a closer look almost too late.
He reared back, turning away. “There’s currently only six hours of minimal daylight. If that’s not enough, I recommend using the full spectrum therapy lights in the recreation area.”
“gotcha. your point is well taken,” Rus gave him a sloppy salute. That sly grin was growing far too familiar. “maybe i’ll lay down and take some in later. think i’ll go get some breakfast while there’s still some to eat, for now. later, boss.”
He walked over to the door, brushing past Undyne with a cheery, “morning, sugar mamma.”
Her punch to his arm was hard enough to make Edge wince but Rus only laughed aloud, rubbing at what would surely be a bruise as he went on his way. 
She was going to get a punch of her own, far closer to her face, if she didn’t wipe that smirk from it.
“having fun with the fashion victim?” Her glee was worse than Rus’s flirting.
“I thought you were keeping an eye on him,” Edge said irritably, shoving his feet into his indoor shoes. “How did he get outside on his own without you seeing it?”
“I did see it,” she countered. “Watched him get up and go shiver his ass off sucking on his cancer stick. He wasn’t wandering, stayed right by the door, didn’t seem a reason to stop him.”
“Aside from the fact he hadn’t taken the safety course.”
“C’mon, boss, you let him trudge through the snow yesterday on his own carrying twice the shit everyone else had, and he survived. If he’s gonna die from ciggies, it won’t be because I let him smoke one right outside the door.” She clapped Edge on the back hard enough to send him forward a step. “Now, let’s get some breakfast and start the day right, boss! We’ve got all kinds of plans to play with the new kids!”
True enough. They were all busy the first few days. His schedule this morning included taking the two women of the group out for a combination of vehicle testing and to set up some of their equipment in the outmost post. That was fine; a long ride would help clear his thoughts.
“By the way, changed up the schedule a little,” Undyne told him with malicious cheer, slinging an arm over his shoulders and tugging him towards the door.
Edge’s soul sank. He’d always known giving her responsibility for the roster was a mistake.
She went on, pulling him reluctantly along. “That trio of what-the-fucks, the guys who study icebergs?”
“Yeah, them. They need daylight for their first round of shit, so I rescheduled them for the time slot first thing tomorrow. So, for tonight, you get to work with Rus.”
Of course he was. He jammed an elbow into her gut, but she was ready for it, dancing away with a cackle of laughter. “That is remarkably unsubtle, even for you.”
“Gotta win money somehow,” Undyne said cheerily.
“I didn’t bet!”
“Who said I was talking about you?” she countered. “Come on, Bonnie’ll let us starve if we’re late.”
Very true. Edge swallowed his irritation and went in the direction of the mess hall. “How do you feel about sparring this afternoon?”
Her grin exposed her full mouth of needle-sharp teeth. “Anytime, boss. If you won’t get a workout one way, I can help you with another.”
“You’re such a bitch,” he sighed.
She laughed again, but her eyes were shining red. “And you’ll pay for that this afternoon.”
He was sure he would, one way or another.
Read Chapter Four
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rpmemesyo · 6 years
Spyro 3 sentence starters
“We managed to capture the eggs, your highness.”
“Maybe you will amount to something after all.”
“Go guard the tunnels. Stop anyone from coming through!”
“Where are the eggs?”
“You’re our only chance.”
“You won’t like me when I’m angry.”
“I just found one of those portal thingamajigs that leads to a different world!”
“I saw something shiny in that cave over there. Let’s go check it out!”
“Let me catch my breath and I’ll kick that other guy’s butt.”
“Thanks for the help, but I think I would have worn him down in a minute.”
“Have you seen any of our giant chickens?”
“I’m sorry, that was the ugliest chicken I’ve ever seen.”
“I found this gladiator training arena and it makes a pretty cool skate park!”
“Your kind-hearted nature might be your downfall someday.”
“I hope you appreciate this favor I’m doing in letting you out.”
“No hard feelings, eh?”
“Dragons used to rule this entire world, you know.”
“The weird thing is, after they left all the magic in the world just sorta went with them.”
“They say this world used to have magic coming out the wazoo! Flying ships, singing forests, wishing stones, you name it!”
“Let’s play a joke! Take this egg and smash it on __’s house, ok?”
“Look out, it’s the scaaary sorceress!”
“Come back when you’ve finished witch school!”
“Is it just me, or is __ kinda cute when they’re angry?”
“I’m late for a dinner party at the Tiki Lodge.”
“If I can’t find where they’ve hidden their heads, they won’t let me join the Tiki Lodge.”
“Take this egg as a sign of your honorary membership in the lodge.”
“My friends borrowed the rhynocs’ submarine. Then they took it for a joyride, and then they smashed it into a big pile of rocks.”
“The rhynocs have built a fortress on our beach and we’re going to blow it to smithereens!”
“Wow! I can’t believe I survived that blast!”
“__ has challenged us to a naval battle. Our speed boat versus his nuclear shark submarine.”
“I’ll never see a rainbow again.”
“Our sun has gone out. We can make a new one with our lava fusion cauldron and three sun seeds.”
“Why haven’t you disposed of that infernal dragon!?”
“I’ve tried to scare him off, but he’s just not afraid of anything!”
“Why have I been training you all these years!?”
“Use some magic!”
“Kill him?”
“This wussy green toad will be no match for the two of us!”
“You’ve managed to survive longer than I expected.”
“The rumors of our extinction were slightly exaggerated. We just wanted a little peace and quiet.”
“Without your leadership we didn’t put up an effective resistance.”
“I’ve captured the enemy rations. They won’t march far on an empty stomach.”
“There is no yeti here, and there never was! He was just a myth. As far as you know.”
“Why’d you have to scare her off?”
“I haven’t been able to hit a dang thing all morning.”
“Behind this door is the single greatest show on earth!”
“Oh I sure wish I had a partner. Someone courageous and strong and handsome and… purple… who breathes fire.”
“That’s ok, it didn’t hurt as much as it looked.”
“The world breathlessly awaits my brilliant four-dimensional masterpiece.”
“Well there’s no shame in losing to the master… At least not much shame.”
“Oh no, he’s started his bone dance again!”
“You’re not gonna believe this, but there are sheep saucers and space cows all over this place!”
“He swore to destroy whoever lights the tea lamps. Better you than me.”
“I’m off to kick butt.”
“No more Haiku… please!”
“I’m sure you would succeed if you were to try again.”
“You bumbling, idiotic, worthless fool!”
“__ is planning a trap for you, and if she catches you… believe me, you don’t want to know what she’s going to do.”
“The first rejuvenating breath of freedom!”
“It’d be really cool if you smashed that boulder.”
“Some bear sold us a laser defense system.”
“__ and I were having a snowman building competition when the sorceress brought them to life with a spell.”
“That dumb yeti took my ball!”
“As you probably know, Frozen Altars is the birthplace of the great sport of cat hockey.”
“Dere be more ghosts in dis here shipyard den I kin shake me pick at!”
“They said you’re slower than a Molten Crater fire slug. I stuck up for you, though! I told them I’ve seen some pretty fast fire slugs.”
“You schooled ‘em like a bunch of dizzy, one-toed sand gnorcs!”
“Did you bring any chips?”
“If we don’t stop them right away, they’ll force __ to marry __!”
“According to legends, there’s a golden goose at the top of this here mountain.”
“She’s just a friend, you understand… it’s a strictly platonic relationship.”
“Won’t that kill them?”
“I don’t have to kill them, it just stops them from wriggling so much.”
“You’re terrible! I can’t believe I ever listened to you!”
“This might be our last stand, __.”
“It’s a life-size space monkey action figure, complete with a fully operational laser!”
“You’ve always had a weakness for helping silly little creatures, haven’t you, __?”
“You ever see a bear dance?”
“Huzzah! Yippee! Whoohoo!”
“Take it from me, __, never spend a week in a cage!”
“Mr. Laser Blaster and I have a whole lot of work to do!”
“The machine room is overrun with birds.”
“I’m not sure if this is a bird egg or dragon egg. What do you think?”
“Would you like to see a magic trick?”
“Did you know I happen to be a very talented amateur magician?”
“They need a good bonk on the head to calm them down.”
“You know, sometimes you just long for the simple, old-fashioned pleasures of yesteryear.”
“I spend all day pressing switches and shoving boxes around, and you just waltz in here expecting to claim the treasure!”
“I’ve been training my new pet manta ray to carry the latest technology super-high-impact underwater missile launchers!”
“Try not to get hit with the exploding ammo, ok?”
“Let’s just hope you’re made of tougher stuff than the last guy.”
“__ seems to have disappeared again so I should go make sure he’s not in more trouble. You haven’t seen him, have you?”
“How many times have I told you not to tease that moose?”
“It was __’s idea!”
“Another noble warrior falls victim to the plague of love.”
“You’ve come this far, __. I know you can beat her!”
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monstersdownthepath · 6 years
Theme Bestiary: Yetis
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CR 4
Neutral Large Monstrous Humanoid
Pathfinder Bestiary 1, pg. 287
The Abominable Snowman that stalks the Himalayan range on Earth has also taken up residence on Golarion, inhabiting the highest of mountaintops where both the air and the barriers between worlds are at their thinnest. They live in secret colonies, hunting game across the mountains and generally living as the Sasquatch from a couple days ago--happily separated from other races. Interestingly, the book notes that Yeti may in fact be guarding the low lands from horrors that emerge from the mountains, and their largest colonies are always found where portals to other realms can be located, holding the line against incursions from malevolent forces.
In some fashion, one could see their situation as a reversed version of the various underground races that hold back the horrors of the Darklands (they even speak and understand Aklo!). And because of that, there’s also a danger of Yeti who simply can’t stand that way of life arising from the population. For one reason or another, they abandon their post or cast aside their mission, and for that they are exiled from the high lands. The cruelest and most violent of their kind are also quickly thrown out as well, giving the Yeti species as a whole an unfortunate reputation among the low lands folk; the most frequent interactions they have are not with the peaceful, honorbound but secretive colonies above, but the outcasts, the pariahs, and the maliciously vile members. The ones with very little need or desire to practice peace or self-restraint.
Anyone meeting the eyes of a malevolent Yeti finds themselves subjected to its Frightful Gaze, and failing the save against it stuns them in pure fear for 1 round. While a Yeti may normally take this time to simply steal the unfortunate traveler’s belongings (or animals), the worst of the outcasts may use the opening in the victim’s defenses to tear into them with their huge claws. Ironically they’re actually weaker than the Sasquatch, their claws dealing 1d6+4 damage versus the Sasquatch’s own 1d4+9 damage, but the Yeti make up for this by being surrounded with a supernatural Cold. Making physical contact with one of them causes 1d6 Cold damage, and this includes when they make physical contact with you, tacking 1d6 Cold damage onto each of their two claw attacks and to their 1d6+6 rend that hits whenever a victim takes both claw attacks in one round.
A full attack from a Yeti deals a grand total of 2d6+8+1d6+6 +3d6 Cold damage, which adds up to 20 damage at minimum. With a 10ft reach they can terrorize an entire party at once, shredding through anyone that makes their Will save versus its gaze while leaving the others helplessly paralyzed for the surprise round. Thankfully, unlike most of the other creatures on this list, malevolent Yeti are truly solitary and likely have no backup if they find themselves in a bad position.
Instead, they may have class levels. And god help you if you manage to find and anger the entire tribe in the high lands...
You can read more about them here.
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fuckthename4 · 2 years
The Mysteries ocean
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The ocean is a large body of salt water that spans 70.8 percent of the Earth's surface and contains 97 percent of the planet's water. "Any of the large bodies of water into which the vast ocean is split," according to another definition.
Facts About the Ocean That Are Stranger Than Fiction
These tiny marine Marie Antionettes were guillotining themselves in order to renew their bodies and become even more formidable ocean monarchs. Yes, you'll want to read the entire tale here. A narwhal's only wish for Christmas is for his or her two front teeth, as that is all they have. You know how narwhals have such a large horn that turns them become mythical sea unicorns? That's a massive, very sensitive tooth that can help them shock their prey. The horn of a narwhal is very stunning! Discover the narwhal's secrets here. 
While some crabs want to be SHINY, the Yeti Crab likes to be cuddly and fluffy. These hairy companions may be found around thermal vents in the deepest sections of the ocean. They live in a perilous situation there: go too close to the vents and they'll fry; get too far away and they'll die of cold. Their "fur" is really blonde setae, which are bristles that allow them to gather bacteria, which is their major source of nourishment. They dance about in the water, waving their claws to receive a steady supply of oxygen and develop the bacteria they eat. Find out more about these fashionable crustaceans.
Extra, extra, extra! Read everything there is to know about it. On the ocean floor, there are eight-legged brawls. Researchers discovered that octopuses hit the fish that join them in underwater hunting expeditions on occasion. The octopus would sometimes want the fish to flee from its prey or required to divert the fish. Other times, only the cranky cephalopod knows why the octopus did what he did, and he's keeping his secrets. Here's your chance to go into the heads of these jerks.
Assume you're in a submarine saloon. On the piano, a jellyfish is playing a nice music. After a long day of wrasse wrestling, you're sharing some great seawater. Everyone comes to a halt as the bar doors burst open, revealing the greatest gunslinger of the western waters: the Pistol Shrimp. This shrimp can make bubbles with its claw that may travel at 60 miles per hour, killing or stuning its victim. These bubbles may reach 210 decibels when they explode. The sound of a gunshot is only 140-175 dB. The pistol shrimp is a formidable opponent (or ally). Learn more about these snappy snapping shrimp by watching the video below.
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The worst type of home guests are Phronima. They charge in, never leave, rear their offspring inside of you, and surf the waves on your corpse. They're the worst, and they'll most likely damage your favourite throw pillow while they're here. Their filthy habits haunt my dreams, and they were also the inspiration for the Facehuggers in Alien. Find out which other fictional aliens were influenced by real-life sea creatures.
That is, sea dragons! Even if they don't wish to battle knights or fall in love with donkeys, they are magnificent in their own right. Their leafy appendages aid in camouflaging them in the lush woodlands where they live. But don't be fooled by their fragile appearance; these dragons have their own armour in the shape of bony plates that cover their whole body. Here's evidence that sea dragons do exist.
Cher famously hoped she could go back in time, and somewhere along the way, a jellyfish heard her request and whispered, "Watch me." That isn't the true genesis tale of this jellyfish's extraordinary ability, but it is the one I want to think. Turritopsis dohrnii has earned the moniker "immortal jellyfish" because it may return to a younger polyp form after reaching full maturity. Imagine being able to turn back the clock and return to a more youthful state whenever you were hurt! Read a jellyfish's guide to staying youthful for the rest of your life.
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Sharks are unable to sneeze, while marine iguanas are. These cool beach lizards consume much too much salt. As a result, evolution devised an odd and quirky solution: snot rockets. These seashore sweethearts sneeze so frequently that they often have a crust of salt on their faces and heads from their own nasal snot. Salute to the real Salt Bae.
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myrmelodiea · 6 years
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HW Sightseeing Log #7 - The Bed of Bones
"From high atop the western highlands of Coerthas, I looked out upon the realm in all her glory. There I saw a sight that will be sung of for as long as songs are sung."
It remains to be confirmed whether, as the tales say, yetis prefer to slumber atop makeshift bedding fashioned from the remains of their victims─in large part because prominent naturalists have been reluctant to do the fieldwork necessary to corroborate this claim.
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mastcomm · 4 years
Many risks of Feminine Genital Mutilation
Illustration: Feminine genital mutilation
By Ikenna Osuoha (Information Company of Nigeria)
Feminine Genital Mutilation (FGM) entails the partial or whole elimination of the exterior feminine genitalia or different harm to the feminine genital organs for non-medical causes.
It’s categorized by consultants into 4 main sorts, specifically:
Kind 1 is the partial or whole elimination of the glans clitoris (the exterior and visual a part of the clitoris, which is a delicate a part of the feminine genitals), and/or the prepuce/ clitoral hood (the fold of pores and skin surrounding the clitoris).
Kind 2 is the partial or whole elimination of the glans clitoris and the labia minora (the inside folds of the vulva), with or with out elimination of the labia majora (the outer folds of pores and skin of the vulva ).
Kind 3, often known as infibulation, is the narrowing of the vaginal opening by way of the creation of a overlaying seal, the place the seal is fashioned by reducing and repositioning the labia minora, or labia majora, generally by way of stitching, with or with out elimination of the clitoral hood and glans.
Kind 4 consists of all different dangerous procedures to the feminine genitalia for non-medical functions, e.g. pricking, piercing, incising, scrapping and cauterising the genital.
Societies and communities across the globe apply the various kinds of FGM, claiming it’s a panacea for promiscuity and technique of defending girls’s chastity.
It’s prevalent in about 28 nations in Africa and few scattered communities globally. However its burden is seen in Nigeria, Egypt, Mali, Eritrea, Sudan, Central African Republic and Northern a part of Ghana, the place it has been an previous conventional and cultural apply.
In Nigeria, the 2018 Nigeria and Demographic Well being Survey (NDHS) report reveals that the apply is prevalent within the South-South with 77 per cent, adopted by South East with 68 per cent, South West with 65 per cent, however practiced on a smaller scale within the North.
Nevertheless, it’s recognised internationally as a violation of the precise of women and girls, as consultants conclude that it’s a dangerous apply and has no well being advantages.
International marketing campaign towards it’s celebrated yearly on Might 23 as World Fistula Day to carry to the fore, the various disadvantages and ills of the apply and the way it impacts girls and women, in addition to proffer resolution to treatment the scenario.
The theme of the 2020 version is “Finish Gender Inequality! Finish Well being Inequities! Finish Fistula now!”.
Dr Juliet Ofor, a medical practitioner with Federal Medical Centre, Jabi, Abuja mentioned “the act is a mirrored image of deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes excessive type of discrimination towards girls.”
Ofor mentioned it’s carried out on minors, making it a violation of the rights of youngsters.
The apply is a complete violation of an individual’s proper to well being, safety and bodily integrity; the precise to be free from torture and inhuman or degrading remedy, and the precise to life when the process outcomes to dying.
The medical practitioner, who emphasised the necessity for nationwide and worldwide laws towards FGM, mentioned it has no well being advantages however hurt.
He famous that deinfibulation, a surgical process carried out to re-open the vaginal introitus of ladies dwelling with sort III FGM, is usually obligatory for improved well being and well-being, in addition to to permit intercourse or to facilitate childbirth.
She provides that “FGM has no well being advantages, it harms women and girls in some ways. It entails eradicating and damaging wholesome and regular feminine genital tissue, and interferes with the pure features of women’ and ladies’s our bodies.
“The dangers of FGM improve with growing severity, which corresponds to the quantity of tissue broken, though all types of FGM are related to elevated well being threat.”
“It’s clear that prevalence charges progressively decline within the younger age teams and about 37 per cent of circumcised girls don’t want it to proceed.”
Ofor urges authorities in any respect ranges to start large sensitisation and schooling on the ills of FGM, noting, nevertheless, that “states like Ebonyi, Osun and Imo, the place the apply is excessive, have, nevertheless, recorded discount.
“However there may be want for steady schooling of the lots on the dangerous cultural apply. Many stakeholders have persistently referred to as on well being staff to organise programmes on the dangerous results of FGM in rural areas, the place it’s seen as a cultural proper, utilizing native languages and citing examples of the issues.”
Adaku Okadigbo, an Abuja resident who mentioned she was a sufferer of FGM, described the apply as a silent killer.
She mentioned the damaging results of FGM on her are so many to say “and I’ll by no means apply it on my youngsters or encourage any of my relations or buddies to do it on their lady youngsters.”
She added that the apply is simply to dehumanise the victims and never a panacea towards promiscuity “as a result of a promiscuous lady will nonetheless do it it doesn’t matter what you do to her.”
Additionally, Dr Yeti Kunle of College of Port Harcourt Educating Hospital, listed the numerouscomplications of FGM as extreme ache, extreme bleeding (haemorrhage), genital tissue swelling, fever, an infection, urinary issues, wound therapeutic issues, harm to surrounding genital tissue, shock, and even dying.
In response to her, long-term issues can embody urinary issues (painful urination, urinary tract infections, vaginal issues (discharge, itching, bacterial vaginosis and different infections); menstrual issues (painful menstruation, problem in passing menstrual blood), and lots of extra.
Due to this fact, a Lecturer at Angel Crown School of Training, Abuja, Mrs Sylvia Oguamanam, emphasised the necessity for change of conventional and cultural ideology in goal communities.
Oguamanam, who says there may be appreciable assist for the apply in areas the place it’s deeply rooted in native custom and ignorance, famous that conventional rulers have to be concerned as main stakeholders to realize the specified change.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com.ng/news/many-risks-of-feminine-genital-mutilation/
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