#yes I named a cat noct
axel-fics · 5 years
Hi! Can I request That when Axel/Lea goes to his s/o’s house/apartment he finds out their a cat person? And he gets to meet all of his s/o’s sweet fur babies.
I’m sorry this took sooo long but I hope you like it! 
“So, wanna go back to your place?”
The question completely threw you off guard, and the lack of fronting a poker face said it all. For the last five months that you and Axel have been dating, not once has he been over to your place nor has he ever actually asked. It was always meeting up in various places around town and sometimes ending up at his small apartment at the end of the day. The thought of having him over never really crossed your mind if you were to be honest. 
“My place?” 
“Yes, your place,” he smiled. “I’ve never been; thought it’d be a nice change of environment from my dungeon of an apartment.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but your place is not a ‘dungeon’,” you laughed, booping his nose with your finger. “But sure, we can do my place. Right after some sea-salt ice cream!” 
The entire walk back to your place, your heart thumped inside your chest. You were overthinking over practically nothing: When did I last clean? Did I leave too many dishes in the sink? When was the last time I took out the trash? Mostly, you were worried about Axel finding out about your four cats at home. Yes, that’s right: four cats. It had occurred to you that you never brought up the fact that you had so many cats at home. You felt like a bad cat-mom for not even showing one picture to Axel this entire time!
Fumbling with your keys, you cracked open the door to your apartment and paused. “Hey, you’re not allergic to fur or anything, right?”
“Uhhh, no? Why, do you have a pet?”
“Well…not just ‘a’ pet…”
You opened up the door in full and switched on the lights to your living room. Instantly, you were greeted by one of your four cats, who pranced his way towards to. He looked up curiously at Axel with bright green eyes and cautiously made his way over to him, sniffing him before rubbing himself up against Axel’s legs. 
“Awww, Gula’s already warming up to you,” you smiled. Picking up the orange-striped cat, you made your way to the little play area that you had set up in the corner of the living room. A fluffy black head poked out lazily from one of the holes of the three-tier cat home, meowing softly. 
“Hi there, Noct,” you cooed. 
The cat meowed to you in response before jumping out of his comfy spot, eyeing Axel just as Gula had a few seconds ago.
“You have two cats?”
“Uhmm… four, actually,” you said sheepishly. 
“Seriously? Four? And I honestly had you pegged as a dog person,” he mused. 
“I love dogs! But my landlord doesn’t allow them. I honestly wasn’t planning on having so many cats, but once I found Gula roaming around Market Street and took him in, I just couldn’t stop myself from rescuing the others.” You placed Gula down on the floor before making your way to the kitchen to grab a few cans of cat food from the pantry. 
“You rescued all of them?” Axel’s heart fluttered inside his rib cage. The thought that you actually went out of your way to save not one, but four cats made his feelings for you grow even stronger. He always knew you were a sweet, caring person and this only further proved that point. “So where are the other two?” 
“Hiding somewhere most likely; they’re a bit more on the shy side. The gray one is Chirithy and the brown Tabby cat is Lulu. They’ll probably come around once I finish getting their dinner ready.” You continued scooping out the wet cat food onto four small plates before placing them on the floor and joined Axel on the couch. 
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Axel stretched his arm behind your back and brought you into a side hug, kissing your temple. You giggled, breathing in his scent of cologne mixed with the lingering aroma of the Bistro. 
The two of you settled into a comfortable position on the couch, flicking on the TV to watch a movie or two. Throughout the night, the cats would make their way over, intrigued by the new guest. Gula, already stricken by Axel, sat on his lap and purred contently as Axel rubbed his head soothingly. Noct jumped up and walked along the back of the couch, settling down on Axel’s shoulders and wrapped his tail lazily down the side of his neck. Eventually, Chirithy and Lulu appeared. They were a bit more skeptical of Axel, but once they noticed their fellow felines enjoying his company, they too climbed up onto the couch. 
By the end of the movie, you looked over to find all four of your cats snoozing lazily on Axel, who was also lightly snoring away. Stifling a laugh, you grabbed your phone and quickly took a photo of the scene and posted it to your Keygram page tagging “World’s Best Cat-Dad!” Instantly the photo received numerous likes and comments from your friends.
Moments later, Axel’s phone pinged with a new message, stirring him from his sleep. “Hey, babe? Why would Isa call me a ‘fur-ball’?”
Axel opened up his notifications to see one from you, tagging him in a photo with all four cats sleeping on him. 
“Gotta go, byeee!” You jumped up from the couch and ran into the bedroom, Axel hot on your tail and tackled you onto the bed. All four cats poked their heads in the doorframe and watched a playful Axel get his revenge on you as you squealed. 
Needless to say, there were many more nights like these to come. 
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followthestars · 3 years
More on Chocobros 2.0 meeting 1.0.
Ignis actually panicked when asked for Noctis’ name after he warped out of them. Noct Gar was used and the little shit known as the King of Light was just... so smug about it.
Prompto ended up being renamed Promis because Gladio cut in first.
Ignis kept his name, but Gladio 100% named himself Gerald after the main character of a book he was reading.
No, it was not a trashy romance novel. Yes it was.
Ignis does spin the story of Noct and Gerald both being bastards from Lucis. And Promis being a half Lucian bastard of a Nif. And that they’re planning to kidnap his half-brother.
Also mentions needing to make a stop at Angelgard and their plans to ‘borrow’ a boat.
Ignis knows Regis might just offer use of a boat of his own instead.
No, he offers to bring them to HIS boat and take them there himself.
Noct gets dragged back at this point. He doesn’t know how to react to the fact that his father now thinks they’re half-brothers.
Promis does not like the name Ignis chose.
“Shouldn’t have left us behind then.”
Cid brings up Titan.
Noct just “Yeah, I did not mean to summon him in that fight, but we were overwhelmed by nifs.”
Chocobros 1.0 need a moment to process that Regis’ supposed half-brother... can summon the ASTRALS
Clarus... does not want Mors finding out about this LC’s full power.
They do get to witness Chocobros 2.0 banter.
Regis 100% accidentally finds and puts on the Miqo’te armor.
Cid and Cor will NEVER let Regis forget the time he accidentally turned himself part cat.
Noct laughs until the glamour prisom is put on him.
“Do I be the cat that naps all the time, or the asshole cat that knocks over everyone’s stuff... except Ignis’.”
Noct is not dumb enough to risk Ignis’ ire if he knocked over their limited supply of Ebony.
Promis 100% got a photo of Regis with the ears and tail. Cor and Cid both want copies so they can make sure Regis will never live that moment down.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Can you please make another part to please be okay? That Noctis x shy female reader. When she opens her eyes. But,she’s confused about how she got there and what happened before. He tries to explain. Only she asks who she is. He tells her and then asks her if she knows who he is. She says yes. (Because she has heard about him in magazines. So she was really confused when he entered her room and also really shy.)
You’ll Be Okay Part 3
Warnings: same as the last two parts
Rating: SFW
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Noctis woke up and headed over to the hospital. He recently got a call saying that you woke up from recovery. He got to the hospital and the doctor showed him to your new room.
“I should warn you though. The trauma from the fire had caused her to forget somethings,” he said.
“Like what?” Noctis asked. 
“I think you should find out for yourself.” Noctis opened the door and saw you sitting on your bed, watching some T.V and holding your bunny plushie. 
“I’ll leave you two be,” the doctor said. 
“Thanks.” The doctor left the room and Noctis walked over to your bed. 
“Hey, baby. Do you remember what happened?” he asked. 
“N-not really,” you said. Noctis started to explain what happened but you got slightly confused. Who are you and where are you?
“U-um, d-do you know where I am and who I-I am?” you asked. Noctis felt his heart shatter when you said you didn’t know who you were.
“Your name is (Y/N) (L/N) and you’re in a hospital. And you have been for two weeks now,” he said. 
“Oh.” was all you said. 
“Do you know who I am?” he asked. 
“Mhm. I-I’ve read about you in some of the magazine’s I’ve been given,” you said. 
“I’m also your boyfriend.”
“B-boyfriend? B-but you’re a prince and I-I’m just--”
“The luckiest girl ever.” You looked at Noctis and blushed super hard. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal the doctor from earlier.
“Sorry to interrupt but could I steal you away for just a sec?” he asked Noctis. 
“Sure.” Noctis stood up and followed the doctor outside. 
“What’s up?” Noct asked. 
“I just got her cat scan back and she has some amnesia right now,” the doctor said. 
“Is it permanent?”
“No. It’s only temporary. She should be back to her normal self in a couple of weeks.”
“Okay. Is it still okay to visit her?”
“Of course. I would like her to stay here so that I can keep track of how much she can remember.”
“It would be even better if you were here to help.”
“Sure. I’ll be happy to help.” He then thanked the doctor and spent the rest of the day with you. Before he left, he kissed your head goodnight and told you that he loved you. He went back home and had the same dream again.
“Please remember soon,” he whispered in his head. 
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ffxvficrec · 3 years
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A couple of call outs -
- We have listed relationships [platonic and romantic], ratings, and Archive Warnings
- With that in mind, please tread mindfully! Remember to look at the tags before reading.
Day 1: Duty | Found Family | NSFW: Bruises & Aftercare
beautiful little family by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
In which Monica celebrates her birthday.
The Language of Hair by AmaraBliss
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No Archive Warnings Apply
Luche Lazarus wasn't always the cold driven soldier. He came from a place, and while it wasn't the same paradise that Nyx and Libertus lived in...it was still Galahd. It was still part of him. Cutting that out killed him more than anyone could know, not he would let them know...afterall, he's a survivor. He'll always do what he needs to, to survive.
Blood Is Thicker Than Water by liibertus
No Archive Warnings Apply
Axis Arra & Sonitus Bellum & Tredd Furia
Found Family
Day 2: Nightmares | Name change | NSFW: Afterhours in the office 
Mine Tonight by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
Titus Drautos | Glauca/Cor Leonis
Titus Drautos | Glauca/Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
"You want him?" Drautos muttered. "Come get him, then."
Unlikely Visitor by Data_HEX
No Archive Warnings Apply
Titus Drautos | Glauca/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis rarely stayed at the Citadel any more, having his own apartment across town, so when Titus found the man sitting in his chair waiting for him, he was a bit shocked. No words were spoken, however, as he closed and locked his office door while Noct slipped from the chair to his knees, waiting. They both knew what he wanted, and Titus was more than willing to give it.
Day 3: Uniform | Something’s wrong | NSFW: Only one bed/sharing a tent
Just A Tease by AmaraBliss
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No Archive Warnings Apply
Crowe Altius/Luche Lazarus
Crowe Altius/Pelna Khara
Crowe Altius/Pelna Khara/Luche Lazarus
Pelna Khara/Luche Lazarus
Five Glaives crammed in a tent. One wakes up hearing a nightmare, another wakes up. Two Glaives awake in a tent...Luche and Pelna work to relax a tense Crowe after having a nightmare. NSFW, just a tease...
A Fine Partner by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
Dustin Ackers & Monica Elshett
"Monica," he said frankly, "we're supposed to be partners. But here you are, trying to do all the work yourself, even now. Let me help you."
Day 4: Rivalry | Loss | NSFW: Showers
After The Fall by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
Shock. He was in shock. They all were. Him, Monica, Dustin, standing there not knowing what to say.
Day 5: The fall of Insomnia | NSFW: Confessions before the Fall
When The King Fell by Data_HEX
Major Character Death
Teen Rating
“Marshal, is this urgent? If you haven’t noticed, Insomnia is under attack.”
The Captain’s voice was laced with irritation, frustration, and urgency. There were shouts, screams and the sound of gunfire in the background.
“Captain… Titus, where is his Majesty? Where is Regis?”
There was silence for a moment. Cor’s heartbeat pounding in his ears as he waited with baited breath for the answer he knew was coming.
cats & chamomile by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
Monica Elshett & Cor Leonis
"Gilgamesh nightmare?" she asked gently.
"Yes," he said, so soft she could barely hear him on the other end. "Can I come over there?"
"Course," she said sleepily. "Always."
a victim of love by jonphaedrus
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
“I wonder,” Ardyn said at last, voice hardly a whisper, “Where we’ll all be when this is over.”
It was too soon to think of the future peace.
Cor turned his hand to tangle their fingers together, squeezed.
“Same places we are now, probably.”
Day 6: Trauma | Acceptance | NSFW: Fake dating 
The Superior Pizza by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
Titus Drautos | Glauca/Nyx Ulric
She opened up the box of pizza they'd ordered for the Guard. The superior pizza. The pizza from Mark's Pizzeria and not Cam's.
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secret-engima · 4 years
In Fangs and Feathers, what are everyone else's reactions to meeting Xanxus, and vice versa? Are any other reincarnations going to pop up?
In GENERAL reactions are shock (the king has another son?), horror (he’s so VIOLENT AND RUDE), and incredulity (why does Noctis LIKE this guy???). Some more specific ones would be-
-Cor. Cor and Xanxus DO NOT get along for the longest time. It’s like introducing two cats very, very improperly. They tolerate each other at best. Cor thinks Xanxus is violent, uncontrolled, reckless, and selfish. Xanxus thinks Cor is a very, very dangerous man playing at being more calm and in control than he is and that triggers bad memories of Nono’s guardians and their trickery.
-These two will eventually come to a more stable neutrality toward each other after Xanxus stops acting like he’s going to stab Regis at any moment (ie when Xanxus realizes that Regis genuinely does love his illegitimate son and has all the snake-like qualities of a sad fluffy dog) and after many very bloody sparring matches that leave them both exhausted and in need of an elixir.
-Ignis is straight up horrified. He knows Noctis attracts strange people (look at Crowe) and forgives the dangerous ones (look at the various assassins that Noctis has converted) but .... but THIS is Noctis’s brother? Regis’s other son and Titus’s nephew? He’s so .... ANGRY. He walks around like he’s about to commit murder at any given second and yet Noctis ADORES him. It’s only the fact that Ignis can see Xanxus adores Noctis in return that keeps Ignis from trying to poison Xanxus’s tea or something.
-Xanxus, for his part, actually likes Ignis? He’s a Bby Inverted Sun who is clearly very protective and loyal to his Sky. Very smart for his age, and smart enough to be both wary and willing to throw the rule book out the window in favor of protecting Noctis (or better yet, using the rulebook to tangle someone up and trip them legally down the nearest elevator shaft). Ignis knows Xanxus is dangerous and is prepared to fight him to the death the moment Xanxus proves a threat to Noctis. Xanxus approves. He knows Ignis won’t WIN, but he approves. Finally Small Trash gains an Element that isn’t useless or suicidal and hasn’t tried to murder him beforehand.
-Xanxus’s arrival is before Gladio’s Nicked Lung incident (we’ll all just assume Xanxus was out on a Hunt or something when that happened k?) but he’s always ... been neutral toward Gladio. Neutral leaning toward negative. The kid is a brat. Arrogant brat that takes pride in his duty while also being scornful of the bby Sky in his care and THAT makes Xanxus dislike him. BUT, he’s also a kid and kids can change. Plus this is Small Trash’s Storm, he is fully expecting some kind of violent Incident to happen to turn the kid’s attitude around. This does not mean Xanxus won’t join Crowe in kicking the pants off Gladio after he gets back and hears about the Nicked Lung Incident OR from holding it over Gladio’s head for years after but it does mean he won’t outright try to kill Gladio because he knows this is ... how Tsuna-Noct always courts his Elements.
-Gladio thinks Xanxus is SCARY, but also admires him. He ... almost wishes he could be Xanxus’s Shield instead of Noctis’s at first (until the Incident) and thinks Xanxus is a “real man” for always being on the move and ready to fight and get things done. But he also dislikes Xanxus to an extent because Xanxus tends to ignore him or call him Trash instead of his name so....
-After Xanxus hears of the Nicked Lung Incident, Gladio upgrades his opinion of Xanxus from “scary but kinda cool” to “UTTERLY TERRIFYING DO NOT ENGAGE ABORT ABORT ABORT” and also becomes glad he is NOT Xanxus’s Shield because Xanxus is a feral mass of instincts, magic, and wrath tied together in the rough shape of a prince.
-Clarus always knew Regis’s reckless youth would come back to bite. He just ... didn’t expect it to be QUITE this bad. Or violent. Or magically powerful. Or CUNNING because this boy has never touched the political scene before yet he maneuvers through it with the careless abandon that only comes from knowing EXACTLY what all the rules and dangers are and just not giving a flying tonberry.
-He is ready for YEARS for Xanxus to either turn on Regis or turn on Noctis. Or both. Especially after Xanxus’s Shield shows up (more on him later). It ... takes him a long time to accept that yes, Xanxus is loyal and loving, he’s just a feral Cor turned up to 11 all the time and age is not going to make him Chill like it did Cor.
-Xanxus equates Clarus to Nono’s favorite Guardian. Specifically the one that abused Xanxus as a kid and continued to belittle him and treat him as a mad dog for the rest of his life. For obvious reasons, even if this first impression is incorrect, it sours Xanxus’s view of Clarus for years. They come to a silent non-aggression agreement for Regis’s and Noctis’s sake eventually, but not without much glaring (on both parts), snarling (on Xanxus’s part), swearing (on Xanxus’s part), and veiled comments (on Clarus’s part). Once Xanxus is wayyyyyyy older and has been around long enough, their antagonism mellows into something of a snarky frenemies thing, but it takes a while.
-Prompto thought Xanxus was terrifying for all of the ten minutes it took Xanxus to walk in glaring and then let himself get bowled over by a happy Noctis. Seeing the man lying on the floor complaining about “Small Trash get a diet you’re heavy” while absently petting Noctis’s hair went a long way to turn Xanxus from “nigh-eldritch demon” to “really grumpy cat” in Prompto’s brain. It helps that Prompto is the sweetest thing on the planet and even Xanxus doesn’t have the heart to be mean around him (plus Prom is a kid, the most kid-like of all Noctis’s friends, and Xanxus has always had a soft spot from brats as long as they weren’t threats to his Elements or the Vongola).
-Xanxus takes one look at Prompto and goes “ah. Bby Inverted Cloud. Abused bby Cloud. I will protecc.” then hides it under fifty billion layers of Gruff that fools everyone but Noctis, Prompto, and Xanxus’s own Shield.
-Is secretly ECSTATIC when Prompto shows a talent/interest in firearms and proceeds to gleefully train Prompto up to Varia Quality in them. Needless to say, Prompto is now the deadliest thing on the planet (Xanxus is more deadly, but Prompto looks like a cinnamon roll and thus is always underestimated, making him more deadly in the long run).
-The glaives are terrified. Captain’s nephew is powerful, is the King’s oops baby, AND has the general temperament of a rabid Coeurl stabbed to a chainsaw.
-Check that, all the glaives are terrified except for Tredd and Nyx. Tredd loves to antagonize despite the bruises it leaves him and Nyx wants to be friends because HUMAN COEURL. Lib and Luche are a Despair.
-Everyone is a Fear (even Nyx) the day they realize that Xanxus is Titus’s choice for Captain replacement. Which explains why Xanxus signed up the day after he turned 18 despite hating the military but STILL.
-Xanxus ... secretly loves the Glaives. These absolute morons are like his Varia but slightly less psychotic and loud. They are also his Uncle’s People so they must be protected (even if protection comes in the form of chasing them around the training ground shooting at them until they learn to dodge properly NYX). Tredd is a pest, but what do you expect of Storms, and Nyx is a blast because he can actually keep up with Xanxus’s crazy and is usually up for 90% of it. Xanxus’s favorite is actually Lib because Long-suffering Braincell Cloud but shhhh Xanxus isn’t supposed to play favorites with his future troops.
-To answer your last question ... yes there will be more reincarnations, but I haven’t decided which ones yet? I know that most of Tsuna’s guardians are NOT present because that makes the cast too big and risks overthrowing the Chocobro dynamic. I also have no plans to bring in any of the Arcobaleno so far and most of the Varia are also not present because I wanna focus on Xanxus and the glaives but.... There IS one member I’ve decided to bring. XDD
-Xanxus spends the three month trial run being kept secret from the world just in case he decides he hates Regis. Obviously he doesn’t, because Regis is the Best Dad™ and that means AFTER that, Regis has to man up and hold a press conference on the existence of his eldest son (who there are rumors about because even the best can’t keep Xanxus completely off the radar).
-Literally one week after the press conference where Regis did his speech and then was surprised when Xanxus actually PLAYED NICE for the camera (ie: didn’t cuss everyone out and only used the word trash ten times, even if he did scowl the entire time and ignore any questions aimed his way), all of Insomnia is thrown into a panic because someone just kamikaze ran a gunship at the Wall and used the diversion to slip through the opening that had been made to let in the weekly trucker convoy of foodstuffs and whatever. Naturally all the Crownsguard and Kingsglaive are up in arms to find the infiltrator that punched the border patrol in the nose and then disappeared into the back alleys.
-Another week goes by with no sign of the infiltrator until he once again rigs a diversion in the form of a truly astronomical amount of firecrackers set off at 4 AM right next to Crownsguard HQ. In the chaos of responding to the “gunfire”, the Nif infiltrator proceeds to careen his way through Citadel security, avoiding capture or death through truly insane shenanigans that make Crowe’s invasion years earlier look like a kitten run.
-Xanxus disobeys orders to stay in his room to instead go hunting for the Trash daring to invade his new home and, being Varia quality, successfully finds the infiltrator before anyone else does in the gardens. Xanxus pulls out a pistol, intending to shoot the Trash through his kneecaps because no doubt the king will want to interrogate him, when the Nif teenager, who has to BARELY be enlistment age and probably only four months out of Imperial boot camp, whirls around and CUTS THE BULLETS with his sword. Which promptly shatters.
-“VOI!” The teen yowls loud enough to shake the leaves of the trees and maybe a few window panes and Xanxus freezes. The teen drops his useless sword hilt on the ground and bares his teeth at Xanxus, green eyes glittering with fury and white-blond, waist length hair left to fly every which way in the breeze (noble’s kid then, no way he’d escape regulation haircuts if he wasn’t from some high noble’s spawn), “You! Get over here and let me stab you!”
-Xanxus holsters his pistol and stalks forward without a word. The teen gets nervous the closer Xanxus gets, Xanxus’s magic flaring around them to box them in with a Shield spell. Once he’s nose to nose with the teen, he reaches out with his magic, poking and prodding angrily at the soul in front of him. The teen doesn’t flinch, just glares with something feral and desperate in his eyes, something manic and NEEDY that reaches out and catches at Xanxus’s burning magic without fear.
-Xanxus takes a breath and its shaky, “Squalo?”
-The Niflheim teenage officer bursts into tears even though he’s trying not to, cussing Xanxus out in between his sobs because Xanxus DIED and he LEFT THEM and HOW COULD YOU YOU IDIOT TRASH BOSS.
-Because they are alone, and because this is his Rain that he thought was forever lost, Xanxus pulls Squalo into a hug that was almost spine breaking and shakes as he pours his magic into the gaping hole in his Shark’s soul.
-The Kingsglaive find them in the garden an hour later, no tears in sight (but eyes suspiciously red) yelling at each other and wrestling like long lost playmates on the ground. Titus, who is used to assessing his nephew’s condition via magic sensing, picks out the vibrate bond of magic between them and groans. “Xanxus, HE’S A NIF. HE’S LITERALLY THE ENEMY.”
-Xanxus hauls the boy (who’s birth certificate would tell you is Tempestas Highwind) to his feet and then pulls him protectively behind him with a snarl of, “Back off, Shark Trash is mine.” When Regis and Clarus, just arriving on the scene and already getting flashbacks to Crowe, make faint noises of protest, he grins and declares-
-“Shark Trash is my Shield, and if any of you have a problem with that you can put it where the sun don’t shine.”
-And Regis wonders what kind of horrible person he was in a previous life to deserve this. Son. Son pls, son he is AN OFFICER OF THE ENEMY FORCES YOU CAN’T MAKE HIM A SHIELD.
-Tempestas/Squalo, loud enough to shake window panes, “VOI I DEFECT FROM THE EMPIRE.”
-Titus just ... groans. Because he knows that look in his nephew’s eyes, that’s both Xanxus’s innate stubbornness AND Lucis Caelum possessiveness. The only way they’re getting rid of this Nif kid is by prying him from Xanxus’s cold dead hands.
-Also fun fact, YES, Squalo is related to Aranea. He is her older brother by a year and YES this is going to lead to the sibling spat to end all spats when she learns her brother uP AND DEFECTED TO LUCIS for seemingly no reason. Tho honestly she’s not surprised, because Tempestas has always vocally hated the empire.
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lisatelramor · 4 years
Truth and Lies
I’ve wanted to write something for FF15 since I started playing the game and reading fic, but hadn’t had any ideas my brain latched onto. So here, finally, is something it deigned to write. @vulcansdarkest, hope you enjoy <3 (It’s not detective!Ignis, but it is Ignis-centric ^_^ ) To everyone in quarantine or living their lives, hope you can keep safe! 
“I’m bored,” Noctis groaned, flat on his back in the tent. It was raining outside as it had been all evening. Ordinarily, this would mean a round of King’s Knight, but their phones were on the last dregs of battery life after days of hiking in the wilderness. Their second-best option would have been a card game, but a mishap during one of Noctis’s fishing marathons had taken away that option.
“Read a book,” Gladio said, tossing one of his paperbacks at Noctis’s head.
“Ow! Not all of us are into whatever historical epic-romantic whatever you’re reading at the moment,” Noctis grumbled tossing the book into the Armiger.
Ignis was about to suggest Noctis help go over their inventory and funds if he had such a dire need to keep himself engaged when Prompto sat bolt upright with a wide grin.
“Ooh, I got an idea!” He pulled something out of the Armiger and set it on the tent floor with a soft thump. “Ta-dah! We could play a drinking game!”
“Prompto,” Ignis said looking over the bottle of high proof vodka he’d pulled out. “Where did you get the funds for that?”
“Psh, I didn’t raid our budget, Iggy,” Prompto said with a wave of his hand. “I sold off some bits and bobs I collected a while back. Sometimes you can find neat stuff near all those fishing spots. I figured it might be nice to relax and have a drink once in a while.”
“I’m not sure we can really afford a night of drunken revelry,” Ignis said, though it was tempting. They’d been working hard lately, pulling hunt after hunt to gather up a better buffer of money. And when they weren’t doing that, they were looking for any hint of a royal tomb around them. It was wearing them ragged even when they weren’t roughing it camping for over a week straight.
“Please?” Prompto asked with the puppy eyes that were far more effective on all of them than they would ever admit to Prompto lest he abuse them. “It doesn’t have to be drunk-drunk, just like, a few shots?”
Gladio examined the bottle. “Vodka’s crap, but you got a less shitty brand so, sure, sign me up. Noct?”
“Sounds better than staring at the tent ceiling,” Noctis said.
Outnumbered three to one, Ignis sighed. “Very well, but we’re not drinking straight vodka.” He had a can or two of fruit juice in the Armiger to water it down with.
“Yes!” Prompto did a little seated dance. “Ok, what’re we playing? Never have I ever? Buzz? Most likely?”
“Dude do you just have a list of drinking games you want to play?” Noctis asked.
“Uh, maybe if you’d have come to one of the parties in school you’d recognize them.”
“Yeah, that was never going to happen back then and you know it.”
Prompto pouted and Ignis and Gladio exchanged an amused look. Ignis pulled out juice and a carafe and started mixing the alcohol. “Well it’s not like we can do the games with other props,” Prompto said after a moment. “No cards. No cups and balls for beer pong. Not drunk enough for the games like Thump.”
“I can’t even remotely imagine what any of those games are with names like that,” Noctis said with a yawn. “Hey Ignis, what game do you think?”
“Well, considering there’s only four of us and we don’t have props, games like never have I ever are probably the better choice. Although given how many shared experiences we have here…” Everyone grimaced. Between growing up together in the citadel to running around all of Lucis on this trip, Prompto would likely get them all drunk very fast on the sheer principle that he had more unique personal experiences that the rest of them lacked. But a game that involved talking was more or less a given. “How about… two truths and a lie?”
“Not truth or dare?” Prompto asked.
Ignis gave him a look. “With everyone’s competitive streak and magic to fuel drunken shenanigans, I think not introducing the possibility of wild dares is the best option.”
“Ok, yeah, fair enough.”
Ignis still remembered a memorable occasion where Noctis got stuck on a roof when he was still new to warping thanks to one of Gladio’s dares. They were not going that route. “Besides, two truths and a lie will be a good test to see how well we actually know each other.”
Prompto sighed. “Dude, you guys all grew up together. Kinda rigged.”
“And yet we have very little knowledge of your life,” Ignis countered. “So if any of us has an advantage, it’s Noctis for knowing all of us.”
“Ooh, good point. Guess it works in the name of bonding.” Prompto grinned. “Gonna know you guys better than I know myself at the end of this trip.”
“Quite.” This hadn’t been what any of them expected when they left but leave it to Prompto to find a glimmer of brightness in the mess. “Here’s how we’ll play: we each have a cup, no more than two helpings of the drink to work with, and will take turns telling various facts and lies while the next person in the circle guesses which was the truth or lie. If they guess wrong, they take a drink, if they guess right, the person whose turn it was takes a drink. When you run out of alcohol, you’re out of the game. Does this seem fair?”
“Geeze, Iggy, that’s a lot of rules for a drinking game,” Prompto says. “But sure, sounds great, gimme the booze!”
Ignis rolled his eyes and handed around glasses of vodka mixture.
Gladio sniffed it. “Smells more like juice than vodka.”
“The point is not to have a debilitating hangover tomorrow,” Ignis said drily.
“Ok, but those two are lightweights and I have an iron liver.”
Ignis rolled his eyes again and added a shot to Gladio’s cup. “Is that satisfactory?”
Gladio grinned. “Yeah, that’s a bit more like it. Now who goes first?”
“Specs,” Noctis said, sniffing his own cup with a wrinkle of his nose. “Since you chose the game.”
“Very well.” Ignis sat in their loose circle. Two truths and a lie… “I speak six languages, I stabbed a man when I was five, and I can do a backflip in heels.” He looked pointedly to his left at Prompto.
“Damn, starting things out on hard mode,” Prompto said with a grimace. “Uh… The flip in heels is the lie?”
Ignis smirked.
“Aw man.” Prompto took a drink. He at least didn’t seem to dislike the taste. “Wait, you can do a flip in high heels?” A beat. “You’ve worn high heels?”
Ignis kept smirking.
“Iggy!” Prompto groaned. “What was the lie?”
“He only speaks three languages,” Gladio said. “He can read six. I don’t remember you stabbing anyone when you were five though.”
“It was an accident learning how to use daggers.” Ignis’s lips tilted into a real smile. “I never said I stabbed someone purposefully.”
“None of you are surprised by the heels?” Prompto asked.
Noctis and Gladio exchange a look. “A bet,” they said in unison. “Though only Ignis would take it as a challenge to master movement in high heels in general,” Noctis added.
“One never knows if that skill might be useful,” Ignis said. He wasn’t exactly going to admit that he’d liked how they’d accentuated his legs.
“The more ya know,” Prompto said. “Okay. My turn! Uh, lesse…” He tapped his cup absently. “My first kiss was with Jessia from eighth grade, I love cucumbers, and I have a whole USB filled with nothing but dog pictures.”
Noctis pointed at Prompto. “The first kiss is the lie.”
“Bzzzt,” Prompto said.
“What? You’d have told me if you’d had your first kiss!”
“Dude, I had it before we were friends. Also, like, it went horribly and she never talked to me again so I don’t really bring it up much.”
“Wait, so either you don’t have a USB of dog photos—which you totally do—or you secretly hate cucumbers? I thought you liked vegetables.”
“I eat healthy cuz it’s healthy not cuz I like all of it,” Prompto said. “You should try it.”
Ignis made a mental note to avoid giving Prompto anything with cucumber in the future. “Drink up, Noct,” Ignis said when Noctis kept giving Prompto a look like he’d just destroyed one of the pillars of his understanding.
Noctis rolled his eyes and took a swig. “Whatever. Ok, Gladio. My favorite character in King’s Knight is Toby, I once pet a cat that had ten toes on each paw, and I caught a two-headed fish one time.”
Gladio raised an eyebrow. “That’s not even hard. You’d have talked our ears off if you caught a two-headed fish.”
“Eh, fair enough.” Noctis took another swallow of his drink.
“You just want to get drunk, don’t you?” Gladio said, amused. “My turn. I can bench a hundred and twenty kilos, on one of my camping trips I hiked forty kilometers in one day, and I once ate eight cup noodles in one sitting.”
Ignis hummed, turning the numbers over in his head.
“You know,” Prompto said, “I honestly would believe all of those actually happened. You’re not normal.”
Gladio snorted. “Thanks for the backhanded compliment.”
“You’re welcome.”
“The hiking one is a lie,” Ignis said after a moment. “I know your average bench press numbers and I remember you trying to prove something stupid with how many cup noodles you could eat in one sitting—and definitely remember you throwing them back up.”
“Worth it.”
“So the hiking distance has to be the lie.”
“You would logic it out,” Gladio said, snickering. “Yeah, you win.” He took a drink. “Your turn again Iggy.”
“Wait wait wait,” Prompto said. “I’m not going to have to guess Ignis every time am I? He’s like, way too good at deadpan for that.”
“Hmm, you have a point,” Ignis said. “Noctis and I can swap positions this next round and then you can swap with Gladio and by alternating like that we can keep things fair.”
“You’re making this way too complicated,” Noctis said, but he obligingly swapped places in the circle with Ignis.
“It makes things more interesting,” Ignis countered with a sharp grin. He had every intention of playing this game to win—by which he meant he intended to stay as sober as possible while watching his friends fall into drunken antics.
“Whatever, just get on with it,” Noctis said with a sigh.
Ignis glanced at Gladio. Gladio was privy to far more of Ignis’s private life than perhaps anyone in part because while he couldn’t always talk to Noctis—because friend or not, there were still the occasional professional boundary lines—Gladio was someone who shared a responsibility in caring for Noct and as such someone who could commiserate over some of the worse aspects of their prince’s personality. Still, he didn’t know everything about Ignis’s life. “My favorite knives are a gift from my uncle, I’ve always loved the taste of Ebony…” He pretended to put an extra second of thought into this, like he was hesitating over a lie. “One of my earliest memories is of reading a book.”
He could see Gladio labeling the knife fact as truth; Ignis hadn’t been subtle about his preferred weapon choice in combat and the topic had come up before. But Ignis was also banking on Gladio’s association of Ignis and Ebony; he’d been drinking some form of coffee since his early teenage years, and for as long as he and Gladio had any significant interaction.
“As hilarious as the idea of baby-Iggy reading is, I’m calling that out as a lie,” he said after a moment.
Ignis smiled triumphantly. “While not my earliest memory, I was reading full sentences by the age of three, so yes, it is one of my earliest memories. I actually detested Ebony the first time I tasted it and poured the can down the drain. It was only the lure of caffeine that ever got me to pick up another can.”
“No kidding.” Gladio didn’t look the least upset by guessing wrong, but he was probably happy enough to be ingesting some alcohol. “Sometimes I think you pretty much run on the stuff like the Regalia does gasoline.”
Ignis snorted. “It’s not an inaccurate assumption.” Thank goodness for caffeine for his overworked, frequently sleep deprived body.
Gladio took a larger-than-necessary swallow from his cup. “Right. So. I ran away from home when I was six, I tried to give Iris away when she was first born because she kept crying, and I can’t float when I swim.”
Noctis frowned. “I’m pretty sure everyone can float. That’s swimming 101.”
“Take a drink because I can’t.” Gladio grinned, then grimaced. “It’s actually a downside to muscle. It’s dense as hell and sinks more than my lung capacity can make me float. I can swim just fine, but it’s kind of hell trying to tread water for long.”
“Huh. You learn something every day,” Noctis said taking a drink.
“Did you really try to give Iris away?” Prompto asked. “Because I can’t see it.”
“No. I mean I was tempted because she was the worst, colicky baby ever but I was old enough that I wasn’t that impulsive.” Gladio picked at the edge of his cup. “Now if I was a couple years younger at the time…”
“I remember hearing your dad complaining to my dad,” Noctis said. “She was only quiet when she was asleep and even then that was almost never the first month.”
“Yeah, I feel so lucky she grew out of that.”
“Noctis’s turn!” Prompto chirped. “Go easy on me, buddy.”
“You wish,” Noctis said, sticking his tongue out at him. “Okay. I’ve killed every plant I’ve tried to grow, I broke three priceless vases as a kid and told no one, and I set Iggy’s first boyfriend on fire once.”
“Noctis Lucis Caelum!” Ignis said, scandalized and more than a little annoyed. “That was you?!” Ignis had been dumped very soon after that incident.
“That guy was a jerk,” Noctis said.
“I could have dumped him myself instead of the indignity of it being the other way around!”
“Uh,” said Prompto. “I’m guessing that’s not the lie.”
Ignis huffed, and Noctis waited.
“Plants are the lie?” Prompto said tentatively trying to steer things back toward the game.
“Nope. Actually it was Gladio that set the guy on fire.”
“Way to throw a man under a bus, Noct,” Gladio grumbled. He held up his hands when Ignis turned his glare on him. “Hey, he’s right. The guy was a dick.”
Gladio leaned a bit away from Ignis, a sheepish grin on his face. “I mean, no one got permanently injured.”
“Which of you ran off my next boyfriend, then?” Ignis demanded. Neither of them met his eyes.
“Uh,” Prompto said again into the tense silence. “So… Iggy, you like dudes?”
And Ignis had the horrifying realization that Prompto didn’t know.
“Oh shit,” Noctis said. “Uh, sorry Specs…”
“It’s fine,” Ignis said, hoping that it actually was fine and this revelation hadn’t just made their current close-quarters living arrangements strained. He’d forgotten for a moment, too comfortable with Noctis and Gladio being in the know, that not all of his friends actually had the knowledge that he was more interested in men than women.
“No, hey!” Prompto waved his hands frantically. “It’s cool, I’m fine with it, shit, I wasn’t trying to make things weird!”
“Prompto…” Ignis took a breath. “If this is—”
“My turn next,” Prompto blurted over him and Ignis frowned, trying to cut in only to have Prompto keep talking over him. “I’ve only kissed girls,” he said, which stung a bit considering what was just revealed, “I’m bi,” oh, “and I’ve never, uh, never had a crush on anyone here,” Prompto finished, his confidence draining into nerves. There was a faint blush on his face.
“Prompto,” Ignis said softly, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“What, continue the game?” he said with a forced smile. “Uh yeah I did, we still have booze so…” His gaze pleaded for Ignis to play along.
And Ignis couldn’t refuse considering his friend had chosen to out himself just to make Ignis feel less uncomfortable. “I take it the last one wasn’t a lie,” he said gently.
“You got me there.” Prompto took a large swallow of his drink. His cheeks were pink and he couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes.
“Shit,” Noctis mumbled. “…I wasn’t trying to make this real, I just wanted to tease Ignis.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Full disclosure, you’re not the only one who’s had a crush on someone here, Prom.”
Prompto’s jaw dropped. “Wait, is Gladio the only one here that’s straight?”
Gladio snorted. “I mean I’m mostly straight,” Gladio said. “But if we were playing a game of never-have-I-ever, the only one of us who wouldn’t drink to having a crush on Ignis is Ignis.”
Ignis went bright red.
“There was more than one reason we didn’t think your boyfriends were good enough,” Gladio said with a snort of laughter.
“…Did either of you approve of any of them?”
“Uh, the one Glaive was okay but…”
Noctis finished for him, “You weren’t into him half as much as he was into you.”
Ignis pinched the bridge of his nose. He was going to have to reevaluate so many previous interactions with a new perspective.
“Wait, Prompto, is that why you keep taking ass shots of Gladio?” Noctis asked.
Prompto sputtered. “I do not take ass shots! Of anyone!”
Gladio laughed. “Uh, hate to break it to you but you kind of do. Don’t worry, I don’t mind.”
“You take ass pics of Gladio, Ignis whenever he’s doing acrobatics, and usually half of what you take of me is mid-warp.”
“That’s just because you’re always warping, Noct,” Prompto said, settling into an embarrassed pout. “And Iggy’s usually doing backflips or setting something on fire like a boss so…” His shoulders hunched. “Also Gladio’s always rushing in so of course I get pictures from behind in battle.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Noctis said with a shit eating grin.
“Well,” Ignis said, feeling vaguely uncomfortable and ready to finish the game, “I think we’ve learned enough about each other for one night.”
“No, no,” Gladio said. “Prompto’s right. We still have booze. Also you and Noct haven’t interacted yet and I haven’t traded lies with Prompto.” He swished his cup around. “Besides, we’re still bored. Scared you’ll get embarrassed more?” he teased.
Ignis rolled his eyes. “Not at all.” It was just that if things continued along the current lines of affairs things could get complicated in ways that their trip didn’t allow for. From the way Gladio gave him a teasing eyebrow wiggle, he was thinking along the same lines without considering the fallout. He sighed. Ignis was not going to let things run in even more flirtatious directions thank you very much. “Noct.” Coming up with something for Noctis was about as hard as Gladio. On the one hand, Noctis could be unobservant. On the other, when he did use his powers of observation, they were uncannily accurate and stuck in his memory. “I choose to keep my accent,” he said after a moment of thought, “I had tutors before I was chosen to train to be your chamberlain, and I hated cooking when I first started learning.”
Noctis frowned. “I could see you keeping the accent because you like it and it reminds you of home. I know nothing of your life before you came to the Citadel more or less, and knowing you you’re probably banking on that. So, weird as it is to think of you hating cooking, I’m calling the second one a lie.”
Ignis smiled ruefully. It figured that he’d apply logic to it. “You’re correct.” He took a swallow of his drink and was pleased at its flavor, the alcohol a faint aftertaste on his tongue.
“If you didn’t like cooking, why’d you stick with it?” Prompto asked.
“Because it’s a useful skill,” Ignis said. “Knowing it is an important life skill as well as useful for caring for others; it was non-negotiable to learn. It just took a bit of a learning curve to get good enough at it that it wasn’t troublesome. Once I started looking at it as a puzzle made of ingredients it was a lot more enjoyable.”
“You know, you’re allowed to like or dislike something based on other things than usefulness,” Noctis said with a slight edge to his voice like he was somewhere along the lines of sad and exasperated.
Ignis, of course, knew that. But when growing up with a large job to fill, there had never been much room for non-useful things. Even his hobbies were chosen to be practical. “I can also enjoy things that also happen to be practical,” he pointed out. He liked languages. And while he couldn’t say he liked cleaning, it gave him a sense of satisfaction. Cooking was similar. These days it was one part puzzle, one part challenge, and the satisfaction of an end result. Baking on the other hand… “I do enjoy baking though.”
“Oh?” Noctis said.
Ignis smiled. He’d started because he’d hoped to make Noctis smile. And every time Noct ate one of his desserts and looked a bit happier, it had made Ignis happy. “I’d have to to make the same dessert over and over with slight changes for years.”
“Wow, that almost sounds like you’re accusing me of something,” Noctis joked.
“Accuse? Never,” Ignis said, grinning back. “I am surprised you never got sick of me trying though.”
“They were good,” Noctis said. “Even the worst of the failures. And they were…”
“They were?”
Noctis looked faintly embarrassed. “They were part of how you showed you cared so… it meant a lot.”
More than the cleaning and cooking or giving condensed reports ever did if Noctis’s embarrassment meant anything.
“And this is getting weirdly emotional,” Gladio cut in. “I know Noct drank a bit, but you only took a sip.”
Ignis rolled his eyes. “It’s reminiscing and nostalgia, Gladio.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” Gladio gave him a look that had Ignis blushing slight enough that hopefully no one would notice. “Anyway, Noct, either you go or I’m going next.”
“Fine.” Noctis drummed his fingers for a moment. “I like traveling and helping people out. I don’t like how crowded we are. I sometimes wish that things could always be this simple.”
Ignis had the strong desire to give Noctis a hug, like he’d done when they were children. There was vulnerability and defensiveness warring under his attempted nonchalance and if they still had the sort of uncomplicated relationship that children had, he’d already have Noctis in an embrace. But they were adults and Noct might accept side hugs and slaps on the shoulder from Prompto and Gladio, there had been a wall of propriety between him and Ignis for a while. A wall that he should really start to take down. Propriety was pointless when there wasn’t anyone left who would care.
“The second one is a lie,” Ignis said softly.
Noctis smiled, lopsided. “Yeah.” He took a drink.
“Aw, we like crowding you too,” Prompto said, nudging Noctis with an elbow. “I mean, sometimes a little privacy would be nice, but honestly you can’t feel lonely like this and that’s been good.”
Left to their own devices they weren’t the sorts to spend every waking moment with another person, but they had been spending more or less that for months now. Ignis, if asked before their trip started, would have thought that they’d have gotten on their last nerve at some point or another, but they hadn’t. There was quiet, introspective time on car rides, or brief moments at havens to break away from the group and have a private moment, but surprisingly they hadn’t needed more than that so far. It was almost nice if Ignis didn’t think about the circumstances. And for Noctis who had never really had enough time to spend with friends with his busy life… Well, Ignis, having a busy life of his own, could more than understand why the lifestyle they’d been living appealed.
“We can’t forget our purpose though,” Gladio pointed out.
“Dude,” Prompto said, “I don’t think any of us could no matter how many fetch quests people send us on.”
“I’m just saying,” Gladio grumbled.
“And I’m just saying that tonight’s time to not think about the things that are always looming over us,” Prompto said, pushing back more than he normally would. “Please? Like we’re all strung out, that’s why we gotta relax and recharge sometimes or we’ll just burn out.”
Gladio rubbed a hand down his face and took a drink even though it wasn’t part of the game. “Yeah.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Noctis added in a quiet voice. “I promise.”
“We’re really missing the point to this game,” Prompto said with a sigh. “Getting too real, guys. On that note, Gladio—Two truths and a lie. I’ve always wanted a pet, I bought my first camera with allowance money, and I am naturally a morning person.”
Gladio took a second to switch gears but when he did he relaxed in a very deliberate looking manner. “Well considering how you go on about chocobos, I wouldn’t be surprised if you always wanted one as a pet. And how you’re friends with Sleeping Beauty over there, it’s a mystery because you don’t need coffee in the morning like Ignis and you don’t sleep in like Noct. So, how’d you actually get your first camera?”
“I bought it with money from a part time job,” Prompto said after taking a drink. “Technically I had a phone camera before, but I was kind of frustrated at the limitations and after taking a photography class… Yeah, I was hooked.” He smiled. “So I saved up and bought this beauty,” Prompto said patting his camera. “It’s not like high end, but with multiple lenses and filters and a hella good zoom, it’s a pretty dang good first camera, you know?”
“I commend your work ethic,” Ignis said, though Prompto’s work ethic had always been good, even if he and Noctis were enablers in indulging in their gaming interests at the expense of other tasks at times. Prompto had gotten decent grades his whole life, and worked from no prior combat knowledge to full-fledged Crownsguard, pulling his own weight on this trip purely because he cared for Noctis. It wasn’t really surprising that he’d seen the goal of a nice camera and put the effort into getting it.
“Thanks, Iggy,” Prompto said with a pleased grin.
“Now if only Noct had a bit more of that,” Gladio joked.
“Of all of us, I think Prompto and I have the best work-life balance,” Noctis shot back.
“Besides,” Ignis added, “Noctis is hardworking. Unfortunately he just has a tendency to drop less pressing tasks in favor of immediate ones.”
“Is this about not sewing the button back on my shirt? Because I’m going to sew the button back on my shirt.”
“I’ve actually been impressed by how much help you’ve been with tasks like dishes and laundry,” Ignis said, a bit mean to do, but it was a sore point between them. Then again, Noctis was more likely to drop what he was doing and help than Gladio. Prompto was fine if given directions at least. Goodness knew Ignis couldn’t run every minutia of their lives no matter how much he wanted to.
Noctis groaned. “You’re never going to let high school go are you?”
Ignis smiled. “If it was only high school, I would.”
“He’s got you there, dude,” Prompto said. “You’re kind of a trash master when you get distracted.”
Distracted being anything from work, to a gaming binge, to one of Noctis’s occasional depressive episodes. Ignis was sympathetic to the latter and exasperated by the former.
“It’s Gladio’s turn,” Noctis said pointedly turning the conversation away from himself.
“Fine,” he sighed. “I am a dog person, I kill houseplants no matter how I try to keep them alive, and I kind of wish I’d gone to college.”
Prompto squinted at him. “This is the sort of thing I was worried about playing this. I have no idea which of those is a lie.”
“Guess,” Gladio said unhelpfully.
“Plants?” Prompto asked more than stated.
“Bzzt. I’m not a dog person. They’re cute and all but they’re high maintenance compared to cats.”
“Harsh, dogs are great,” Prompto said taking a drink. “They’re loyal and hard working. Don’t get me wrong, cats are adorable, but they’d abandon you for a sardine.”
“Lies and slander,” Noctis said.
“Dude, they’re super picky and you fall for their begging every time.”
“You feed every dog that looks your direction,” Noctis countered.
“Uh, no, we’ve seen like three dogs and one of those is Dave’s. You’re the one busting out super expensive cat food. Anyway, we can all agree chocobos are best.”
Noctis laughed. “I think it’s just you there.”
“Nah, chocobos are more useful and better fighters than either of them,” Gladio said, “so they win in my book too.”
“Why didn’t you attend university?” Ignis asked.
“You think I’d have had the time? I don’t know how you did it, honestly. I had my plate full learning everything I needed to protect Noct.”
Ignis could see a small, guilty twitch from Noctis. Ignis’s own university years had been…hmm, eventful. And the largest reason for his caffeine addiction. “Out of curiosity, what would you have studied?”
Gladio shrugged. “I dunno. I like history, and some of the stuff I’ve talked with Sania about’s pretty cool.”
“Oh yeah, you are friends with her aren’t you?” Prompto said. “Are frogs really that exciting?”
“Okay, the frogs are just one of the things she studies,” Gladio said. “Her greater research is on wildlife in general and you’d know that if you listened to what she said when we help her that she’s been looking into the change in daylight and the increase in scourge infected wildlife—”
“Holy shit have you been hiding a nerdy side this whole time?” Prompto said with the expression of a man who’d just witnessed something life changing. “Gladio, are you a science nerd under all that muscle?”
Gladio frowned. “Could you not say it like that? Also, I haven’t been hiding anything. I already know a lot about physiology from training, and nature is a thing I clearly enjoy as you guys love to complain about how I like camping. At least one of the books I’ve read on this trip was Sania’s research.”
“Well shit, man.” Prompto downed the rest of his drink. “The more you know. I think we all learned something today.” He blinked. “I should not have drank that all at once.”
Noctis laughed. “So we’re all on board to just drink now, huh?” He took a pointed swallow of his drink. “Might as well.”
“Really?” Ignis sighed.
“Eh, let ‘em,” Gladio said, taking a drink from his own cup. “As you guys keep saying, we’re trying to relax. Besides we were getting nowhere fast with the game.”
“That’s the point,” Ignis said. “To not get drunk.”
“They can’t get that drunk,” Gladio pointed out. “You made sure of it.”
Ignis pursed his lips, but Noctis and Prompto were elbowing each other and laughing and no one was going to end up so inebriated they were hung over the next day. It was almost like back in Insomnia…
Gladio slung an arm around him. “Don’t think too hard.”
“I am trying not to but…” They hadn’t really given themselves any proper time to grieve had they? One moment they were watching Insomnia burn and the next they were throwing themselves into seeking out royal arms and helping random strangers and going on hunts with barely any time to breathe because if they relaxed too much it might all fall apart. Ignis was used to setting how he felt aside, and so were the rest of them, but that didn’t necessarily make it healthy. Noctis and Prompto could laugh like this, so they would be okay. But sometimes Ignis wondered if he would be. That if he ever stopped he’d pull himself back together again.
“Drink if you think it’ll help,” Gladio said softly under the shriek of Noctis engaging Prompto to an impromptu tickling fight. “If you think it’ll be worse, leave it. Be in the moment, not the past.”
“I know that,” Ignis said. “I have been.” But the game had been about the past. On automatic, he saved the alcohol from getting spilled all over the tent floor as the tickle fight got wilder. Gladio gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“How about we team up against them, hmm?” Gladio offered.
Ignis pushed the mess of feelings back to deal with another day and managed a smile that almost reached his usual standards. “Would that be fair?”
“Anything’s fair in a tickling fight,” Gladio said. “Noct or Prompto first?”
“Noctis; Prompto is easier to subdue.”
“I’ll get his arms.”
“And I’ll handle his feet.”
Noctis and Prompto jumped when they entered the fight and Noctis yelped as Gladio caught him and Ignis exploited his weak points until he was gasping. Prompto laughed at his misfortune. At least until Ignis and Gladio shared a glance and turned to him, leaving Noctis to recover.
Later, much later, after more alcohol and Gladio ultimately emerging the victor of the tickle fight—he was only ticklish on his neck and that was hard to reach even when he wasn’t guarding it—they collapsed into a comfortable pile of bodies, curled up around each other, propriety and personal space be damned. They needed this, Ignis thought hazily on the edge of sleep. The laughter. The contact. The reassurance that they were still friends and close even after—or perhaps because of—everything that had happened.
“I haven’t done something like this in ages,” Gladio said, breaking the silence. “Not since… Hell, I don’t know. When I was a teenager?”
“Same,” Noctis said.
“Do our elbow fights over racing games not count?” Prompto asked. “Because we did that less than a year ago.”
“Yeah, but that’s… different,” Noctis muttered. “For one, Ignis joined in this time.” He lifted himself on one elbow long enough to fake-scowl in Ignis’s direction. “You’re brutal, by the way.”
Ignis laughed and had to stifle it on the nearest surface, which happened to be Noct’s thigh. When the laughter ran out though, he felt a bit drained, happy and sad at the same time. “I don’t think I’ve let go quite this much before.”
“Eighteenth birthday?” Gladio countered.
“Mm, but not everyone here was present for that.” And it hadn’t ended in a cuddle-pile on the ground. This was much better and would hopefully have less hangover-induced nausea the next morning.
“Well we’re all here now,” Noctis said, and like that was all that needed to be said, they went quiet, just the soft sounds of breathing and the occasional shift of limbs as they got comfortable.
Ignis ended up with Prompto’s head on his stomach and his own in Noctis’s lap. Gladio was both Noctis’s pillow and a heat source in how he managed to curl around Noctis and half of Prompto in the process. They were all going to wake up with limbs asleep and cricks in their necks, but for the moment it was all terribly comfortable.
Ignis drifted, letting the familiar sounds of his friends existing lure him toward sleep.
He was almost there when Prompto shifted against his chest.
“Ignis?” Prompto whispered, easily heard above the whistle-y start of Gladio’s snores and Noctis’s softer breathing.
“Mm?” When Prompto was silent, Ignis let a hand curl against his back, reassuring.
Prompto breathed out, relaxing minutely. “Do you think we’ll do this again someday?”
Ignis hummed. They didn’t have much downtime, though playing games happened when they did, but he knew that wasn’t what Prompto meant. They’d all shared parts of themselves tonight and boundaries had been crossed in other ways too, or they wouldn’t be curled up like this. But would it last beyond the morning?
Altissia loomed in their future and Ignis, for all that he would be glad to reach the city safely, equally dreaded it. It was one more step along some pre-destined path Noctis had laid out for him that only seemed to grow more burdensome the more Ignis let himself dissect what little he knew about Noct’s fate.
No, Ignis didn’t think that they would do this again. Not with this level of uncomplicated friendship, with their burdens as easily set aside. Those burdens only grew as days trickled by.
But he knew that wasn’t what Prompto needed to hear though, so for the moment he pulled on comforting hopes instead of his more realistic fears.
“We will,” he said, making himself sound sure.
“Promise?” Prompto asked.
He was so young, all of them were, but Ignis felt it in this fragile moment. All the more so because Prompto didn’t come from a life where things were predetermined. He’d forged his own path here, and perhaps that made him the most driven out of all of them. But because of that, he didn’t hold the same assurances. He didn’t see that he’d forged his own bonds here or that they were just as strong—if not more—as anything Ignis or Gladio shared with Noctis. Or with each other truly.
They were all friends and more than by this point. Comrades. A family of a sort, the last that each other had.
Ignis wanted to protect that with all his heart.
“I promise,” he said gently.
“Double promise,” Noctis slurred, patting randomly in Prompto’s direction. “Now go t’sleep.”
Prompto stifled a giggle. “Back at you, dude.” Noctis, apparently, fell truly asleep at that. Or perhaps he was already asleep and in one of his odd, in-between lucid moments.
“You’re one of us,” Ignis murmured, “and we’re going to stick together.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Prompto said, getting comfortable again.
As Ignis relaxed again, letting sleep pull him under, his last thought was how lucky they were to still have so much in each other.
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gehrmans-apprentice · 4 years
Character Interview: Chiron Scientia
I was tagged by my good friend @simon-hartler​ and since he did his character Erebus I figured I’d do Chiron.
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OC Interview: Chiron Scientia
Name: Chiron Scientia neé Fulgur
Are you single: *shows wedding ring* Hell no! Happily married thank you very much.
Are you happy: I would say so. Demons are few and far between these days which is nice.
Are you angry: At one point yes. Erebus can confirm I used to hate both the empire and Lucis. Now I'm more neutral on politics.
Are your parents still married: Considering my Nif mother was a spy and killed my dad when I was five...I'm gonna go with no but thanks for asking :)
Nine Facts
Birthplace: Lucis apparently
Hair Color: Auburn but was redder when younger
Eye Color: Hazel
Birthdate: March 14th, M.E. 221
Mood: Not as jaded as before the light returned. Nowadays I just take things easy.
Gender: Male
Summer or winter: Winter cause then I have an excuse to drag Ignis into bed from his office work for cuddles.
Morning or afternoon: Mornings only if I have enough sleep otherwise I'd rather be up later.
Eight things about your love life
Are you in love: With the fact that I still look at Ignis like I did over ten years ago...yeah I'm hopelessly in love.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Not necessarily. I believe in the idea that someone can instantly feel things towards someone based on first time meetings though.
Who ended your last relationship: Uh Holly and I ended things mutually cause of Cindy. Also I never officially dated Dave despite what everyone claims!
Have you ever broken someone’s heart: Not that I'm aware of but I mean by marrying Igs I was the person he broke Coctura's heart over so does that count?
Are you afraid of commitment: Nah I proposed to Ignis after all and eventually eloped with him in private while the guys were in Lestallum.
Have you hugged someone in the past week: My husband, my daughter, Cindy, and Venere(tho cause she helped with girl stuff for my daughter)
Have you ever had a secret admirer: Not that I know of.
Have you ever broken your own heart: When I told myself early on that I wasn’t right for Ignis.
Six Choices
Love or Lust: When I was younger lust was my choice but now love no question.
Lemonade or Iced Tea: Iced tea unless it has no sugar then lemonade.
Cats or dogs: I have to choose? Dogs if forced to choose but chocobos over anything.
A few best friends or regular friends: The guys, Venere, Holly, Dave, the hunters, and Cindy.
Wild night out or romantic night in: Depends on what I can drag Ignis away from his workload for. Personally now that our daughter has moved out staying in is just nice. Plus I’m too old for clubbing.
Day or night: Night. I enjoy the stars and just being with Ignis and I never see him during the day unless Noct needs me in Insomnia.
Been caught sneaking out: Yes and explaining to Cid about Holly and I was not easy...
Fallen up/down stairs: Both and I’m not proud of it.
Wanted someone/something so badly it hurt: My daughter. I love Ignis but both of us would do anything if it meant her survival and that would include sacrificing the other to do so.
Wanted to disappear: When the guys first shoved me and Ignis into that hotel room in Lestallum.
Four Preferences
Smile or eyes: The cheesy answer is both or the eyes and while I love Ignis’ eyes...his smile is much rarer and when I see the one he only gives me I fall deeper in love.
Shorter or taller: As someone who is 5′6 and has a husband who is 6′2...what do you think?
Intelligence or attraction: Well Ignis is both but attraction came first and then I realized he was dead smart.
Hook up or relationship: Younger me was one who slept around but as of now a relationship. Ignis is too important to me.
Do you and your family get along: My adopted family yes. Cid was the only dad I needed growing up and Cindy was the sister I never had. My found family with Ignis and the guys of course. Now my daughter and I get along as much as one can as a parent and child.
Would you say you have messed up in life: Oh quite but that comes with life.
Have you ever ran away from home: No unless you count having memories wiped at the age of 5 and dumped at Hammerhead afterwards.
Have you ever gotten kicked out: Cid did once when I was 16 and decided to join the hunters. He came around eventually but at first he was not thrilled.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: No otherwise they wouldn’t be my friends. Though Erebus and I did not get along well at first till we finally told our stories to each other.
Do you consider all of your friends ‘good friends’: Without any doubt. They are more than friends. They are family.
Who is your best friend: Back in the day it was Holly but now? Venere. Erebus likes to claim that he is it but his wife has been my closest confidant when things go to shit.
Who knows everything about you: Cindy hands down.
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wxyfxring · 5 years
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► NAME ➔ Taliesin Secata ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➔  “Guess you could call it that.” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➔ “Eh.” ► ARE YOU ANGRY? ➔  “Probably.” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➔ “They’re dead, thanks for asking.”
► BIRTHPLACE ➔ Gralea, Niflheim ► HAIR COLOUR ➔brown ► EYE COLOUR ➔  blue ► BIRTHDAY ➔   October 25 ► MOOD ➔ “Cold angry bitch.” ► GENDER ➔  female ► SUMMER OR WINTER? ➔ winter ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON? ➔ “Sunset.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➔  “No.” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➔  “Fairy tales. No such thing.” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➔  “Never had one.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➔ “Probably.” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➔ “No! ...maybe. ...all right, fine, yes, move on.” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➔ “No.” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➔ “*shrug*” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➔ “Don’t have one left to break.”
► LOVE OR LUST? ➔ “Lust. Easier to understand.” ► LEMONADE OR ICE TEA? ➔ “I can’t pick something stronger?” ► CATS OR DOGS? ➔  Cats ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS? ➔ “No friends.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN? ➔ Wild night out ► DAY OR NIGHT? ➔  night
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT? ➔  No ► FALLEN DOWN / UP THE STAIRS? ➔ “...no one saw it so it can’t be proven.” ► WANTED SOMEONE / SOMETHING SO BADLY IT HURT? ➔ “...yes.” ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR? ➔ “Always.”
► SMILE OR EYES? ➔ Eyes ► SHORTER OR TALLER? ➔ Taller ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION? ➔ “Attraction. Again, easier to work with.” ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIPS? ➔  “Hook-ups. No mess, no fuss.”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS? ➔ “I don’t have friends.” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS?➔ “I. Don’t. Have. Friends.” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? ➔ Growing up, Ardyn Izunia ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU? ➔  Ardyn. That whole childhood best friend thing
TAGGED BY: STOLEN FROM: @thundaraborn
TAGGING: @ofargentum, @ofscientia, @triggerxhappy, @lunarbranded (Noct!), @firelightfanfare, and anyone else!
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cookignis · 5 years
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► NAME ➔  “Ignis Scientia.” ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➔  “Single.” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➔  “Content.” ► ARE YOU ANGRY? ➔  “Not right now, no.” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➔ “Yes, they are..”
► BIRTHPLACE ➔  “Vannath Manor.” ► HAIR COLOUR ➔ “I think people call it ‘dirty blond’.” ► EYE COLOUR ➔  “Green. Sometimes sea green in certain lighting or so I’ve been told.” ► BIRTHDAY ➔   “February seventh.” ► MOOD ➔ “Neutral.” ► GENDER ➔  “Male.” ► SUMMER OR WINTER? ➔  “If I had to choose, summer. I dislike the cold.” ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON? ➔ “Morning.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➔  “Not that I’m aware of.” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➔  “No.” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➔  “No one. I’ve never been in one.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➔ “I’ve been called a ‘heart-breaker’ by Gladio once or twice during high school.” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➔ “No.” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➔ “Yes.” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➔ “I’ve been told that I had many but I’m not sure if it’s true or not.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➔ “No.”
► LOVE OR LUST? ➔ “Preferably love.” ► LEMONADE OR ICE TEA? ➔ “Neither. Coffee.” ► CATS OR DOGS? ➔  “Cats.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS? ➔ “A few best friends.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN? ➔ "Between those two, a romantic night in.” ► DAY OR NIGHT? ➔  “Day.”
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT? ➔  “Yes, plenty of times.” ► FALLEN DOWN / UP THE STAIRS? ➔ “Unfortunately, yes.” ► WANTED SOMEONE / SOMETHING SO BADLY IT HURT? ➔ “Yes...” ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR? ➔  “Yes.”
► SMILE OR EYES? ➔  “Eyes.” ► SHORTER OR TALLER? ➔  “Doesn’t really matter.” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION? ➔  “Intelligence.” ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIPS? ➔  “Relationships.”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS? ➔ “No. If I did then we wouldn’t be friends. I prefer not to have shallow pretenses of friendship.” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS?➔ “No. Some people are acquaintances.” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? ➔ “Noct.” ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU? ➔  “Myself.”
TAGGED BY: @rexcrystallis TAGGING: @praesidioest; @lucishield; @dragoonandspear; @drachendive; @scarletcommodore; @ofargentum; @ofliminality (Aranea or Cor!); @thundaraborn; and anyone else who wants to!
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caelestis-aurumxv · 5 years
FFXV’s One-shot: ‘When you save them’ Noctis Ver.
(ALERT: This one-shot have violenty content, blood, fights, so... If you don’t want to read it, don’t do it.)
—Could you explain to me exactly… WHY WILL WE GO TO A HUNT OF COEURL?!—You shouted, in the middle of the group, all following Noctis, who stopped and looked at you from head to toe.
—Do you want to run away?—The king of Insomnia asked.
—Of course I want, but I can’t do It, I must protect you, your majesty…—You sighed looking at the dark-haired boy. The dark-haired boy smiled, walked over to you and took your shoulder.
—Thank you for having that loyalty to the crown, just like the other guys—said the King, to which your gaze only avoided him, somewhat nervous.
—D-Don’t say that nonsense… Let’s go!—It wasn’t what you really wanted, but you didn’t want the king of Insomnia to notice that your feelings for him were more than loyalty.
—Remember, you must be alert…—Ignis said, as they all resumed trotting through the trees—They are very fast…
—Surely we’ll go out with a couple of scratches…—Prompto made a face, which you noticed.
—But you can attack from a distance, Prompto—You said, keeping up with the other boys.
—HA! As if those things weren’t going to reach him in a single jump—Gladio said with a loud laugh.
—It’s true, the coeurl are similar to a jaguar, so they will attack immediately and with tremendous speed…—The blond boy sighed.
—Noct, should we really do it?—You asked.
—We don’t have much money, and the Regalia is running out of gas, we must get to Caem later…—the king replied without looking back as he made his way through the forest.
—Guys, weapons…—Ignis muttered.
—Wouldn’t it be better to attack them with ice?—Prompto asked.
—It’s an option...—ignis muttered, no one dared to take a single step, beyond there were five felines walking from one side to another—But it must be done without them noticing, the ice spell may reach two, maximum three, but not all of them…
—It will be a tough fight…—Noctis said, you were next to him with a little accelerated breathing—___________, try to keep his whiskers from touching you.
—Well, they are a bit long, but I’ll keep it in mind…—You murmured, something nervous, to what you felt as Noctis took your wrist, you just turned to see it and his other hand placed a ribbon on your wrist, it was an object that allowed them from instant death.
               Gladio positioned his arm back, leaving his wrist on his shoulder waiting for his Greatsword, which appeared instantly and the brunette took it firmly in his hand. Ignis brought both arms back, to which the daggers appeared in each of his hands and caught them in the moment when they began to materialize. Prompto knelt down waiting for his guns to appear and when they were there he smiled looking at the king of Insomnia, who when everyone was ready would surely attack with a warp-strike. Noctis turned to see you and when you smiled you showed your hand in front of you, like other, you were also using the ribbon, you sighed and waiting for the javelin to appear you closed your eyes, a blue flash was born from your hands a long cane it materialized with and emerald tip and you took it in your hands.
—On the count of three…—Ignis whispered, in his hand the ice spell began to fall carefully, like small particles.
—Don’t die—Noctis muttered.
—See you at the end...—Gladio said, sure he would leave almost unscathed from the hunt.  
—When I say now…you attack those who reach the ice, _____________—Ignis whispered.
               Your heart was beating heard, your eyes weren’t detached from the five feline figures that went from side to side. You heard a movement of the Ignis arms and could notice how and icy wind caressed your neck. The spell went straight to the center and before it fell, three Coeurl realized the attack, leaping. However, two of those who were left were injured and remained on the ground, wallowing.
               The others jumped at you in two seconds and each one took charge of taking their positions. Gladio blocked the attack of one of the felines that was going in your direction, his greatsword was in his two hands like a protective stick, the animal just moved quickly trying to starch the man and you ran out in the direction of where the other two frozen Coeurl were-
—Ignis, behind you!—Prompto shouted when his glasses mate was entertaining hurting another cat with daggers. The instant sound of the blond boy’s gun appeared, which caused the Coeurl to fall; That would be the task of Prompto from afar, to attack those who approached from behind.
—____________, now! The on the left!—Noctis ordered you, performing a warp-strike that allowed him to dig into the back of the Coeurl with which Gladio was entertaining.
               Instead, you made a great jump on a rock and then a longer one, positioning the javelin in front of you, the force of your hands drove it down and embedded in the dead of the Coeurl that Noctis had pointed out to you, it was still moving and of his whiskers got entangled in your javelin and caught your hands. You closed your eyes and wait for the animal to electrocute your hand and so it happened. The electric flow ran through your whole body, you avoided screaming, you bit your lips hard and ended up embedding the javelin completely in the head of the Coeurl.
               And the first of the five was already out.
—__________, beware!—Ignis shouted, giving a somersault to avoid the attack of the Coeurl, who were now approaching from his back—Prompto!
—Yes, yes, I’m coming!—and Prompto shot towards the Coeurl that was heading towards Ignis, stopping his movements. He entered the battlefield and shot the one who was still frozen at your feet, to immobilize him for a while.
—The javelin, take it out!—Gladio shouted, moving his greatsword to make a cut in the stomach of the Coeurl that Noctis was still riding.
               Noctis clenched his teeth and switching to the Axe of the Conqueror he positioned one of the ax’s blades against the animal’s neck, pulled the handle of the weapon and created a large wound on the animal’s neck. It disappeared with a flash and next to a somersault in the air it fell on the Coeurl, embedding its ax in the skull of the animal that now moved frantically.
—Gladio, now!—Noctis indicated and Gladio fanned his greatsword causing a cut that left all the nearby felines critical, allowing Noctis to end up slitting the animal’s head.
—__________!—Gladio called your name and you still couldn’t remove the javelin from the late Coeurl, his moustache was long enough to allow your hands to come out quickly.
—SHIT!—You exclaimed, taking the javelin with both hands, tumbling around it and then kicking the Coeurl that was next to you, the effect of the ice was gone.
               You renounced to recover the javelin and with a blade you cut the cat’s mustache, releasing your right hand, it was you in the front of the cat that was thirsty of revenge. His whiskers fluttered in the air and moved like and electric flow.  You knew your hands were resentful, but the ribbon that Noctis had given you had protected you from Instant dead.
—___________!—Ignis called you, he was next to Prompto busy getting rid of another Coeurl, there were still two more apart from the one in front of you.
—Shit…—Noctis muttered, disappearing in a flash and appearing in front of you. Not two seconds passed and the king of Insomnia took you in his arms, another flash and you were a little further from the battle site.
—NOCT! I-I MUST GO BACK!—You shouted angrily at the king.
—NOT WHIT THOSE WOUNDS IN YOUR HANDS!—Noctis shouted, you just kept quiet, looking at the boy with your bright eyes with tears that threatened to leave.
               He drops a potion on your hands and you feel your hands a little more rehabilitated.
—A little of help!—Gladio shouted, fanning his greatsword again, now he was against two Coeurl.
—Prompto!—Ignis shouted, the gunman was rolling on the ground, the Coeurl they were fighting had taken a bite on his arm.
—Ignis!—Noctis exclaimed, disappearing from your side and then appearing next to his back guard. He pierced the cat from the stomach to his back, using the Sword of the Wise.
—NOCT!—The light-haired boy exclaimed, watching the cat stick his teeth in the king’s shoulder.
               The  dark-haired boy only gave a big shout, took the sword with both hands in such and abrupt movement that the animal forced him to do without letting go of his shoulder, and withdrew the sword from his entrails and before he was going to nail it again Prompto appeared with a shot. The perfect movement at the right time, Ignis the buried both daggers in the animal’s skull, one on the left and one on the right.
—IGNIS!—Prompto exclaimed, Noctis fell beside him, gripping his shoulder tightly.
               And the whiskers of the Coeurl that Ignis fought against rolled up in his arm creating an electric shock. The boy in glasses shouted, but just like you, the warrior did not loosen his grip and completely embedded his weapons until the animal stopped moving.
—NOCTIS! NOW, GET OUT!—Gladio exclaimed, he knew that the king of Insomnia was the only one who could make the boys get out in a single flash move.
               As fast as Gladio ordered, who fought using his greatsword and shield at the same time, Noctis disappeared with both boys and brought them with you in a single flash.
—Guys…—you murmured and then quickly put your hands together, whispering a spell that faded the wounds a little on your three companions.
               But Noctis shoulder hadn’t improved much.
—I’ll go for Gladio…—The king of Insomnia muttered.
—Noct!—Ignis exclaimed, but immediately lay back down, apart from the electric shock he had many other scratches on his body.
—Prompto…—You murmured looking at him, the boy was holding his right hand now, using the other hand, he sat and pointed at one of the felines. Two straight shots.
—Just a little help…—the blond boy whispered and his body collapsed. Like Ignis, he was also full of scratches.
               You turned to see the scene and the two Coeurl fell on their backs due the gunslinger shooting, Gladio jumped and stuck his greatsword in the stomach of one of the animals, and as a result Noctis did the same in the open mouth of the animal, going through it.
—WATCH OUT!—You screamed and both boys turned to watch in slow motion as the last Coeurl was biting Gladio’s side hard.
               The big man tried to get rid of the grip, but one mustache circle his hip and the other one take Noctis, making them both shout loudly at the electric shock.
—Let him go!—Noctis was badly wounded, but with a last spell he took the animal’s skull and froze it slowly, resulting in the Coeurl slowly releasing them and falling to the ground.
               His breathes were broken, the kin fog Insomnia saw Gladio noticing hos his side was bleeding, almost equal to his shoulder. He couldn’t leave it there, he had to take it where you were, since between you and Ignis could cure him.
—_____________!—Noctis shouted your name, he didn’t have enough magic to disappear with another flash, then he took Gladio’s arm and climbed it over his shoulder. The king of Insomnia fell on his knees this time.
—I-Im going!—You got up after having vast another spell, healing on your companions and ran in the direction of the remaining two.
—He’s very hurt…—Noctis murmured when you came to them.
—Like you…—You said looking at the boy who only made a face, you placed your hand on the side of Gladio’s body and began to heal him. You and Ignis were in charge of healing.
—Are you all right, big guy?—Noctis asked to his friend, who nodded, showing a weak smile.
—I want noodle soup…—Gladio muttered with a weak laugh.
—Hunger never fails…—You said laughing with the two boys.
               And the a deafening scream appeared, from on second to another Noctis exclaimed. The final Coeurl did not die and had grabbed his arm. His teeth dug into his flesh so the cat jumped and pulled him away from the group.
—NOCT!—You and Gladio shouted, but the second fell on his legs; He still didn’t heal.
               Your legs only reacted to running, you watched as the dark-haired boy were away from you, dragged by the animal. He wore a grimace of big pain on his face and tried to get away as he could.
—NOCTIS!—You called him.
               The boy tried to disappear from that situation with a flash and failed, his arm had begun to mode only by inertia. Your eyes were full of tears at that moment and you could only take with a superhuman force the javelin that minutes ago didn’t want to leave, for a thousand demons, you thought in a fraction of seconds and with force you threw the weapon that was now embedded in the back of the Coeurl.
               You noticed how the animal stopped and just threw your friend to one side, the cat was now trying to remove the annoying javelin from his back. Noctis opened his eyes when he was lying on the ground, feeling his body totally dejected by the bites, his eyes were somewhat blurred, it was difficult to see for him, but the distinguished the shadow of the Coeurl and a shadow that now took the javelin on the back of the cat.
               The movements of the animal wew abrupt, but you didn’t loosen the grip pf the javelin, burying it more in the back of the Coeurl. The animal threw itself on the side and in an attempt to get rid of the javelin it threw a scratch into the air that fell on your arm and it make a big wound, now it sends another scratch and your face was bleeding. You were screaming by the attacks noticing how the blood were splashed on the animal’s fur and almost like a bad movie you saw his whiskers fluttering… They were going to attack; you were completely lost.
                               Trying to look for stone that couldn’t even save you, you found behind you one of the blades that you carried with you, thinking that then you would regret this, you took both whisked of the animal in a fast grip, receiving another electric shock that made you scream causing everyone to react again.
               And when everyone got up, they saw a scene of a magnificent display. The Coeurl had risen again for the last fight. And there you were cutting the cat’s whiskers in a second. Throwing on him to bury the blade on the snout while whit your knees you manipulated the javelin to leave it straight and immobilize the Coeurl from its back. You stuck the blade even deeper inside, watching as your fingers were stained with the animal’s red blood and finally the cat was still, it had stopped moving and was slowly falling to the ground, just as your body now did too.
—____________!—Prompto shouted your name, receiving a potion from Ignis.
—Noct!—Gladio exclaimed, the together with Ignis they went to look for the king of Insomnia, who had already spent a couple of potions on his shoulder and his arm.
—__________!—Noctis rose, ignoring the call of the elders of the group, running to where Prompto was now.
—Dam thing…—said the blond, removing the javelin from the animal’s back and kicking the body when he saw you on the floor— dear, say something, please…
—Noctis… he’s okay?—You asked, slowly opening your eyes.
               And when you pronounced his name it was as if you had invoked him, the boy looked at you clenching his lips, his eyes had a different glow, as if he were going to break into tears. He saw how your arm was bleeding, your body full of scratches, your face with a little blood and burns on your hands from the Coeurl electric shock.
—I’m glad you’re well…—You murmured, giving to the king of Insomnia a smile.
               Noctis said nothing and just took you in his arms, hugged you tightly and with slight sobs began to moisten your shoulder. As you listened to that little cry of the boy, as if he were a five-year-old boy, you saw how green flashes surrounded your body… As the boy cried, he also healed you with some potions.
—Thank you…—you said in a faint whisper.
—No, no… you saved me—said the boy, not letting go of that hug.
—Can we… have a noodle soup?—you asked, and in that Noctis released you letting all the other boys see you.
—Of course, warrior…—Gladio said with a smile.
—Come one guys, to claim the money…—Ignis helped both you and Noctis to get up.
—Can you walk...?—the king of Insomnia looked at you totally worried.
—Noct, I’m fine…—You answered a little blushing, at so much concern before him.
               And as if you were flying for a second, you noticed how the king of Insomnia managed to get you on his back. It didn’t seem to be a problem to take you.
—Noctis, you’re hurt…—You murmured worried.
—I’m fine, thanks to you…—The dark-haired boy said and you touched his shoulders to lave another healing spell—Thank you for saving me.
—It’s my duty Noct—you said then, leaving a kiss on the boy’s cheek, who just smiled with a small blush on his cheeks.
—Let’s go for a shower!—Prompto said cheerfully, raising his arm.
               And so everyone left the forest, going to the Regalia, where you sat between Gladio and Noctis. You looked at your teammates, it was already a normal scene to see them all smiling with wounds, bruises and some blood on their faces, the emotions of the fights were indescribable, but the feeling and tranquility of seeing your friends alive and laughing after a great hunt… Yes, they left a tremendous feeling of peace in you, one that led you to fall asleep on the side of Noctis, who in second responded to the approach by resting his head against yours, falling into a small restful sleep.
I really liked this one, yes, yes... They are three more one-shots to come. I want to upload them before the tomorrow because i’ll be out of home, so... I don’t want to let with with nothing to read... 
Like if you want more, reblog and send some ask if you want a type of scenario. 
Thanks for your support <3
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Cor with a Daughter HC
Hey guys, it’s ya girl, thechocoboos, here to deliver some Cor HC bc he’s great! 
In this scenario, that weird fucker Verstael makes female clones alongside the normal ones (so yes there are female MTs in this AU) and Cor steals one when he takes baby Prom away, so uh... It’s a mess, but it’s a cute mess.
So Cor was the one who stole baby Prompto away right? Right. So, turns out, Verstael made a female clone as well (that also means that in this au there are female MTs)
And guess what? Cor stole one of those too.
Just picture this: a scuffed up, young Cor Leonis on the run from the Empire with two little blond, freckled babies in his arms. I know. It’s cute.
Cor knew he was supposed to return both babies, but the second he looked into the girl’s cornflower blue eyes, he knew he couldn’t give her up
It hurt enough to give up the boy after getting so attached in only a few days, but when she looked into his eyes, he vowed he’d raise her as his own
She had been so calm, merely sucking on her thumb while her brother (what he could only assume was her brother) was wailing his adorable little head off
Even so, he saw the fear in her sparkling blue eyes and promised that she would never have to feel that fear again; Papa Cor was gonna raise her in a safe environment
And he did.
He turned baby Prompto over and had to watch as he was put in the foster system, but he quietly adopted the girl as his own with no one knowing where she came from save for Regis and Clarus
Everyone else? Well, he simply told them that she was the niece of a distant relative that was unable to care for her
“Aww, that’s so sweet of you!” or “Aw, look at you bein’ a big ole softee.” is what everyone said, and it was always followed by, “What’s her name???”
“Poppy.” she may be the same poppy from the actor au but who knows
Papa Cor raised Poppy well
He always gave her the best toys and always, always left work early so he could pick her up from daycare with a warm smile and all
He’d pick her right up in his arms, earning a cute bubble of laughter from her and he’d ask, “How was my little princess’s day?”
All the women in the area swooned (me too)
Unfortunately, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows
In the beginning, Cor was terrified. He had no idea how to raise a child, and he didn’t even have baby furniture for a week (not to mention his apartment wasn’t babyproofed either like y i k e s)
He only survived through the help of his elderly neighbor, Gertrude. She was the mother of four kids and had more grandkids than he could count
But she was always willing to help him. “It’s not often that I see a single dad tryin’ to make it on his own like this,” She told him a couple months after he adopted Poppy, “But it always warms my heart to see a young father trying so hard. Keep it up, young man.”
And he did.
He stuck through it--through the potty training, through the tears, tantrums, incessant babbles and the waking him up in the middle of the night
He stuck through it all and never regretted it
When Poppy said her first words, he practically shouted for joy and even called Regis and Clarus up and the day after? Oh man, the trainees were scared to see such a smile on Cor’s face (he actually went easy on them that day so it was pretty nice for them)
Cor kept pictures of her in his office and always had a small pic of her in his wallet and i swear to you, if he ever had the chance to bring her up in conversation, he would brag and brag away
Poppy really liked reading and wasn’t a big fan of athletics or fighting, much to Cor’s relief
He tried keeping her away from politics and such, didn’t want her questioning too much, ya know?
Still, he knew he’d have to teach her basic combat, just in case (plus he knew one day she’d start dating and he didn’t trust those teenage boys…)
And he did. And surprisingly, as much as Poppy hated it, she was really, really good at it
Cor figured her out-of-nowhere skills at combat were due to the Empire, but he was more relieved than not that she hated fighting; it gave him some reassurance that she wouldn’t ever abuse her skills
Although it wasn’t a big concern in the first place, his daughter was pretty damn soft-spoken and shy; she hated conflict and fighting more than most
Overall, she was a tame kid
She followed the rules, listened well, was a fantastic student… Honestly, Cor counted himself lucky that she was such a good kid
Although whenever he mentioned it to Clarus, Clarus would only chuckle and say, “Yeah, you raised her that way, Cor.”
It always seemed strange to him, that he--a gruff, tough soldier--could raise someone so sweet and shy, but there many more moments where all he felt was pride--pride for himself and pride for his daughter
Still, Poppy had her faults: she had too big of a heart for her own good
She was always trying to bring in hurt animals or asking if they could get a dog or a cat (Cor ended up relenting when she was 10; they ended up with an elderly cat named Haggus and Poppy swears he’s the kindest cat ever)
And then there was her trusting nature. She was incredibly trusting and understanding; Cor was terrified that she’d get taken advantage of one day (all though, deep down, he knew she wouldn’t. At the end of the day, she was a Leonis and he raised her to be reasonable and carry a healthy amount of suspicion)
Sometimes when she was still little, he would worry about her getting into some shit or something going wrong and when he did, it would bug him in the back of his mind until he went to pick her up from daycare (he always gave her tighter hugs on those days)
Cor raised Poppy as his own, but he also told her that she was, in fact, adopted when she was around 11. He didn’t want her to find out through someone else and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could avoid questions about her mom or the strange barcode tattoo (he always told her to keep the barcode covered, and he was always so firm about it that she never dared to do otherwise)
Of course, he didn’t tell her the entire truth. Yes, she was adopted, but he still stuck by the story that she was the niece of a distant relative and eventually, Poppy stopped asking
And as previously mentioned, Cor kept Poppy out of politics and the Citadel
Like, there were a few times when she went to balls or social events (and everyone would always coo over how cute she was) and sometimes Cor might take her to work with him (when she was young), but outside of that, she was never really in the Citadel, not even when Cor was training her
However, whenever she was there, she ended up being around Noctis
There weren’t very many kids there besides her and Noct--sometimes Iggy (maybe Gladio, but he was always with the adults), so they often ended up hanging out
She’d see Gladio around here and there, too, and was pretty curious about him, but Noctis was always super reluctant to go talk to Gladio (let’s face it, Gladdy was probably a dick as a kid and tried to act older than his actual age, so basically, no fun for Noct)
They’d giggle together and run around the Citadel, playing games and goofing off while the adults went around with their boring chatter
Despite how much fun they had, those few social events a year were the only times they saw each other and as they got older, Poppy was able to stay at home instead of attending
So then, they stopped seeing each other at all
Cor always felt a little bad whenever she would ask about Noctis, but he was determined to keep Poppy and work separate (something he was very good at doing)
Still, despite all of Cor’s attempts, Poppy and Noct ran into each other again in high school
They were pretty quick to befriend each other again after a few weeks of awkward small talk, and when Cor found out, he couldn’t help but feel a tad annoyed (I mean, he’d been trying to keep her away from politics and shit for years)
Of course, through Noct, Poppy got to know Ignis very well (he was often in the background of those damn social events when they were kids, so they knew each other existed for sure)
Ignis was fairly fond of Poppy. He always said that she might be a good influence on Noctis.
Gladio was aware of Poppy and she was aware of him, and tbh, they thought the other was pretty damn cute but they never really interacted beyond group outings that centered around Noct (tho they would become surprisingly close down the line)
And Prompto? It was a bit of a weird thing
In summary: their first meeting was weird as fuck
Noct was the first one to befriend Prom, and the first time they properly met, he was absolutely S H O O K
Prompto was so similar to Poppy. They had the same freckles, the same cornflower blue eyes, same shade of hair… They even seemed to have the same inflections in their voices
The longer Noct was around Prompto, the more similarities he saw between him and Poppy and tbh… it weirded him out
And theeen… Then, there was the day that Prompto and Poppy met
Noct offhandedly mentioned that Prompto would be joining them at the arcade, to which Poppy eagerly agreed. Noct had mentioned Prom quite a bit, so at that point she figured that she should meet him
“Oh! I found Prom!” Noct said later, nodding his head towards Prompto’s familiar silhouette, “Hey, Prom!”
Prompto turned around of course, beaming as he walked closer to them in the arcade, “Hey, Noct! And you’re Poppy, ri-” He froze when he saw her
Her mouth was open to speak, but she couldn’t help but freeze when she saw him only a few feet away
It was like looking at a weird, distorted version of herself
Noct kept glancing between them, “Shit, I didn’t realize how similar you guys were until now.”
Luckily, it broke whatever weird spell they were under
Prompto managed to laugh it off and they had a quick, very awkward introduction before moving onto the arcade
It was strange and surreal for both Poppy and Prompto, and honestly, at first? Awkward as hell
They didn’t talk much to each other and seemed to be avoiding one another as best they could
Poppy even ended up going home earlier than planned, giving Noctis an apologetic smile and saying something about how her dad wanted her to help him with some pie (Cor hated pie so it was a bald-faced lie)
That evening, Cor could tell something was up
“Thought you’d be out with the Prince until pretty late.”
Poppy tried to dismiss his statement with a shrug, but Cor’s steady gaze and open silence pushed her for more info. “Just wasn’t feeling it. Met another one of his friends and it was kinda weird, ya know? His name’s Prompto and he’s plenty nice enough but…”
It clicked into place, and with a stoic nod, Cor didn’t ask any more questions. Internally, however, he was beating himself up
He knew very well it was the same Prompto he stole from the Empire with Poppy and he knew something like this would happen with her hanging around the Prince so often
It was only a matter of time before she pieced together some kind of connection and honestly? Cor wasn’t sure what to do when she did
Luckily for Cor, it was a long time before that happened
In the meantime, however, Poppy and Prompto somehow got over their awkward avoidance of each other (it was defo thanks to Noctis)
They ended up clicking very well. They’d finish each other’s sentences, laugh at the same damn stuff, freak out at the same things, and they were absolutely fantastic at teaming up together
Simply put, they became best friends. Noctis and Ignis were surprised at how well they got along, especially after the rocky start to their friendship, but at that point, they were practically stuck at the hip
Cor was uneasy as hell when it came to Prompto
There were times when Poppy’s friends were over and he was strangely tense (although he would always tell Poppy it was just at surprise at seeing the Prince in his apartment with his advisor and bodyguard)
Still, it was only a year before Noct left for his marriage to Lunafreya that Prom and Poppy found out about their barcodes
They had been goofing around like normal before deciding to try their hand at making cheesecake in Poppy’s kitchen
She didn’t want to get her long sleeves dirty and rolled them up, figuring that Prompto wouldn’t notice her wrist in their goofing around
Unfortunately, there were a few minutes of comfortable silence when he did
And boy did he clam up
“Uh… Poppy, is that uh, a tattoo?”
Poppy freaked out about it of course, “Uh, no--it’s just one of those fake stick-on tattoos ya know?” She had tried to lie her way out of the situation
“Oh--that's, that’s cool…” He didn’t believe it completely, “But,” but he had to try, right? “I actually have a similar one! Haha,”
“You do?” The seriousness in her voice was enough to cut all humor out of the room
“Y-yeah,” and he showed her.
Poppy felt the closest to understanding her damn tattoo than she’d ever felt before
Neither of them knew what it meant, but they felt an intense sense of solidarity and there was an unspoken pact between them from then on
They never really spoke about it for a long time, and Poppy never asked Cor. She was almost too scared to; she didn’t know what it meant and didn’t want to break their small family apart trying to figure it out
When she finally did find out, she was worried that Cor secretly hated her and that she was an abomination
Of course, Cor ended that pretty quickly. She ended up having a breakdown one night, and it was all Cor could do not to break down with her
He knelt down to look her in the eyes, holding onto her hands with his own just like whenever she fell as a kid and he wanted to cheer her up
“Poppy, you’re my daughter. I took you from that place and raised you myself. The second I looked you in the eye, you had me wrapped around your little finger. I could never hate you, not for spilling my favorite beer or waking me up when you were little, and definitely not for where you came from. You’re my kid, Poppy, and nothing’s gonna change that.” He managed to give her a shaky smile and earn one from her too, wrapping her in a big, comforting hug and making all of her worries disappear
“I love you, dad.”
“Love you, too, kiddo.”
Look i just love this ok. Give Me Papa Cor or Give Me Death.
B/c I’m a slut for a happy ending: Poppy did go on that road trip with the bros but guess what?
Luna lived, Noctis lived, they both got married and had some cute kids
Poppy ended up in a relationship with Gladdy (he kind of fell in love with how cute and sweet she was, plus the fact that if she had to she would kick his ass--which she did on multiple occasions)
Cor became a grandpa and both loved and hated it. He also never stopped giving Gladio hell.
Prompto married a swell gal and had some kids. Auntie Poppy spoiled them rotten btw
Regis and Clarus were proud Grandpapas, Iris and Poppy got along really really well (Iris said that if Gladio didn’t marry Poppy then she would)
Ardyn lived and became a weird trash uncle who spoiled the family kids and no one knows where he got his fortune from
Anyways, everyone lived happily ever after
Hope you guys enjoyed and let me know if you want some more realistic plot hc!
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dragoonxdive · 5 years
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► NAME ➔  ❝ Aranea Highwind. ❞ ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➔  ❝ Yeah. ❞ ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➔  ❝ Well, the world is quite something these days, right ? But I am, for what it is. ❞ ► ARE YOU ANGRY? ➔  ❝ A part of me is, but I control my anger, anyway. ❞ ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➔ ❝ Yes. ❞
► BIRTHPLACE ➔  ❝ Niflheim. ❞ ► HAIR COLOUR ➔ ❝ Silver blonde. ❞ ► EYE COLOUR ➔  ❝ Green. ❞ ► BIRTHDAY ➔  ❝ March 10. ❞ ► MOOD ➔  ❝ Sarcastic, and annoyed by those questions. ❞ ► GENDER ➔  ❝ Female. ❞ ► SUMMER OR WINTER? ➔  ❝ Winter. I love those sports. ❞ ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON? ➔ ❝ My answer would be evening, but I guess I’ll say morning. ❞
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➔ ❝ Maybe I am, but I won’t tell you. ❞ ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➔  ❝ No. A deep connection is needed for love, and that feeling is really rare from me. ❞ ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➔  ❝ Me. ❞ ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➔ ❝ Probably, but no one told me. ❞ ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➔ ❝ ... I am, a bit. ❞ ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➔ ❝ I don’t think so. ❞ ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➔ ❝ How could I know if they’re a secret admirer ? ❞ ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➔ ❝ No. ❞
► LOVE OR LUST? ➔ ❝ It depends of who’s the person in front of me. Both could be great. ❞ ► LEMONADE OR ICE TEA? ➔ ❝ Lemonade. ❞ ► CATS OR DOGS? ➔  ❝ Dogs. ❞ ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS? ➔ ❝ A few best friends. ❞ ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN? ➔  ❝ Again, it depends of who’s the person I’m with.. ❞ ► DAY OR NIGHT? ➔  ❝ Night. ❞
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT? ➔  ❝ Of course no. ❞ ► FALLEN DOWN / UP THE STAIRS? ➔ ❝ No. ❞ ► WANTED SOMEONE / SOMETHING SO BADLY IT HURT? ➔ ❝ Maybe I did, and maybe I still feel that way. ❞ ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR? ➔  ❝ No. ❞
► SMILE OR EYES? ➔  ❝ Smile. I always manage to feel if it’s sincere. ❞ ► SHORTER OR TALLER? ➔  ❝ Taller. But I’m small so it’s not difficult. ❞ ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION? ➔  ❝ It depends for what kind of relationship, but intelligence, because I usually get really annoyed with someone who’s attractive but stupid. ❞ ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIPS? ➔  ❝ Hook-ups. Relationships are so complicated, and so many people you trust can disappoint you... ❞
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG? ➔ ❝ Yes, but they’re hidden nowadays, so I don’t see them. ❞ ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE?” ➔  ❝ Of course. ❞ ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME? ➔ ❝ I did, to join Niflheim Empire. But that wasn’t because of my parents. ❞ ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT? ➔ ❝ No. ❞
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS? ➔ ❝ I wouldn’t be friend with them if I hated them; I’m too honest for that. ❞ ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS?➔ ❝ Some friends are better than others. ❞ ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? ➔ ❝ My best friend, mmh ? I don’t even know. Ignis or Prompto. We’ve met quite recently, but we just get along well. ❞ ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU? ➔  ❝ No one, of course.  ❞
TAGGED BY: @wxyfxring tagged Prompto, but he had already done it, so I did it with Aranea ;) TAGGING: @equesxalbum​ @liikeglitterandgcld (Noct) @dawnturnstodusk (Prompto) @theconsortsadviser @khresme @yunhuntress & YOU ;D
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xadoheandterra · 5 years
Series: The Burning of Solheim Title: The Path Untrodden Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Chapters: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII Characters: Prompto Argentum, Aranea Highwind, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Cor Leonis, Gladiolus Amicitia Tags: 10 years older!Prompto, Prompto’s barcorde, Cor is the sane one, Noctis is a cat Summary:  Solheim was the height of civilization long enough that their ruins were ruins over 2000 years ago, and still had the power to function in the time of the King of Light. They should’ve realized something was very wrong the minute Prompto remarked on the lights being on, and yet no one was home.
Prompto rolled onto his side and vomited.
Clinically the signs of a concussion were there; nausea, the blinding headache and distant ringing in his ears, and—oh, he couldn’t forget this one—disorientation. Prompto had no idea where he was except probably in Steyliff, and probably not anywhere near Ardyn. In fact, despite the haze of headache and deja-vu that niggled at the faint end of memory, Prompto could recall a time much like this before wherein he’d lost a tie to a Monarch and the faintest recollection that Ardyn—Ardyn would be dead in a scant few years. Prompto couldn’t really recall right now how he knew that.
Prompto breathed through his nose and shuffled away from the vomit. He tried to get to his feet, succeeded, but stumbled for a moment with his balance upended. He squinted—a light somewhere, bright and foreboding, lit up the chamber he found himself in. The Pilgrimage chamber, if he remembered right. The one under the waters of the Vesperpool that signified the path into the Beyond to ancient Solheim practices.
For a brief moment Prompto debated an elixir or potion—he kept a few in pockets on his person out of habit these days, from when he lacked the tie to the Lucis Caelum magic—but Prompto also remembered a fair few of Ardyn’s lectures on how not to treat certain injuries. Elixir’s and potions could cause more damage with a concussion, right?
“Better not risk it,” Prompto mumbled, and winced at the lights. Artificial, he noted faintly. When had he last seen artificial lights like this, so bright they drove the daemons away? He put that out of mind for the moment and glanced at the ground and—yes, the panel.
Prompto knelt and stared as best he could with vision that swam and attention that wanted to drift every which way, at the words on the panel. Perhaps he could figure out just where the blasted thing sent him—that was always an option, right? He didn’t have his notes, and something twisted in his gut at the memory that he stored them in the armiger for safe keeping, but Prompto also had an impeccable memory. He just—needed—to figure this out—
“Hey! Who the fuck are you?”
Prompto yelped and flailed forward at the sudden voice. He fought down the urge to vomit again as the nausea reared its ugly head even as he crashed on top of the panel and braced himself to be dragged away—except, not. He felt around it and frowned—the subtle hum to the thing was gone. Had it fully lost power? That should be fairly impossible right? Solheim was a fount of magical and technological innovations that lasted well beyond the civilizations fall. Feasibly it’d have to be thousands of years before the power source could fail to reach whole sections of tombs and temples and—
“I said who the fuck are you?!”
“Jeez, no need to yell,” Prompto groaned and rolled himself over. He squinted and tried to place the face—she wasn’t dressed in the typical armor and accoutrements Prompto had grown used to over ten years. Actually, what she wore felt vaguely familiar—like the shirt Prompto had on when he arrived in Steyliff all those years ago. Hadn’t there been a woman in the party then? What was her name? Prompto hissed between his teeth and curled forward and—yeah, no use stopping now.
Prompto threw up.
“Thanks,” Prompto croaked as Aranea handed him a cup of water and some saltines to chow down on. He’d vomited at least three more times after the first two, all of which happened as she dragged his dazed and concussed ass out of Steyliff and into the night sky.
The night sky looked weird to Prompto. There were less stars, more miasma in the dark then he found himself used to. Vesperpool with Ardyn had beauty at night, and while night was dangerous because of daemons there were ways to enjoy the dark without the risk. Here Aranea’s people had artificial lights so bright they hurt placed strategically around Steyliff and the Imperial dropship she rode in on.
How long had it been since he’d seen an Imperial dropship? Prompto blinked into his glass of water. He could remember traveling with Noct and Gladio and Ignis through the wilds of Leide and Cleigne. They took on hunts for the people for protection—monsters and daemons alike—and on occasion an Imperial dropship would come hurtling through and dump a series of MT’s and Prompto would scream—
Imperial’s above us!
—but he’d grown used to travel by just chocobo and no car. He’d grown used to not having to fear enemies from above, but rather those that snuck within the foliage. He’d grown used to fighting men and not soulless automata. Prompto wondered what this made him now; he had blood on his hands from protecting Ardyn and that—would the others like that? How long had he been gone?
Aranea huffed from where she leaned against the dropship wall while she watched Prompto fall into contemplation and sip at the water and nibble at the saltines. She let him have his peace if only because the concussion really fucked him over and she knew how concussions went. When it seemed more like Prompto was himself she sighed loudly to catch his attention.
“You mind telling me what you were doing in there?” Aranea demanded.
Prompto pursed his lips. “I…” he fumbled for his words and looked down at his hands. Then he mumbled, “Aranea,” like an epiphany hit him and Aranea blinked. She hadn’t given her name. “Aranea! Oh, that’s right.”
“Okay,” Aranea drawled, but Prompto barreled on.
“You were with us when we went searching for Mythril,” Prompto said, and his voice got this tone of wistful enthusiasm. “Called us out on our ‘shitty disguises’ and all! Fuck I can’t believe how long its been!” Prompto laughed lightly, then frowned. “Wait—how long has it been?”
Aranea frowned. “Blondie?” she questioned, and when she gained a nod that quickly turned a face green enough that Prompto stopped, Aranea sighed explosively. “Well, shit.”
“Sums it up quite nice,” Prompto muttered. “Solheim shit is fucking weird.” Prompto scrubbed at his goatee. “That fucking panel dumps you into a different time, and it’d have to be a different space too with the planet rotation to take into effect. Plus the differences in ages and then you also have to account for the language barrier that might arise—maybe that’s what the language script meant?” For a moment Prompto devolved into quiet muttering to himself before Aranea cleared her throat and he glanced back up at her sheepishly.
“I have no idea what you just said,” Aranea told him bluntly.
Aranea waved him off and slumped down with a sigh. “You’ve been missing for a week, blondie.” She watched the way he blinked, and then tilted his head in a confused sort of way that left her chuckling because yeah, this was definitely the blondie she’d met with the Prince and his entourage.
“A week? But that—perhaps the temporal displacement is not entirely accurate?” Prompto mumbled. “What could interfere with that mechanic of the system though? Or perhaps it’s the rotation—needs to be in the right rotation to drop you off at the right space?” Aranea cleared her throat again and Prompto flushed pink.
“Your boys are going to be pickled pink to know you’re not dead,” Aranea told him, then paused. “I’d tell ‘em, but I lack their numbers.”
Prompto sighed. “No trouble. They’re probably already in Altissia.”
Aranea scoffed. “Last I heard they were still in Lestallum, and that was a day ago. Stopped looking for Mythril after you up and vanished.”
That surprised Prompto, he fiddled with the cup in his hands and his head down. He’d spent time getting over his insecurities with Gil and Ardyn, but the thought of Noct and the others—they were his best friends—upset that he vanished? Upset enough that they put their plans on hold? Prompto couldn’t fathom it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to the city proper so you can search them out,” Aranea said. “I’ve been scouring this place for Mythril as an apology.”
Prompto scrubbed a hand over his face. “Don’t bother. I’ve got plenty.” Without thought he dipped his mental fingers into the armiger and tugged out three glittering pieces of mythril to show off. He banished them back into the familiar cold blue of Noct’s magic, and then froze stiff a second later. He could feel Noct’s magic. He could feel Noct. He could access Noct’s armiger! Ten years and Prompto missed the cold warmth of Noctis, the way it suffused through him and nestled near his heart. He found some solace with Ardyn, but the feel of them were like night and day. Noctis burned cold, but bright, like a nice breeze in the summer time that came off a fishing dock. Ardyn burned hot, like the comfort of the sun on a lounge chair and the heat of the desert but in the way that wasn’t stifling.
A second later Prompto realized he could still feel Ardyn’s magic nestled next to Noct’s and that—that left him breathless. Ardyn should be dead two-thousand years over and the magic gone, but it rested there like a fresh bond; Noct’s too felt new and fresh and whole. It felt like the Oaths he’d taken had dropped into the void, and then slammed back home where they belong the minute he paid attention to it. Prompto breathed in heavily and forced the panic away, well aware of Aranea’s attention on him.
“I’ll pay you in Mythril if you take me to Lestallum,” Prompto said as he pushed aside thoughts of Ardyn and why, and instead reached mental fingers into Noct’s side of the magic and tugged out his phone. “And don’t’ worry about telling the guys; I’ve got Iggy’s number.”
They agreed to meet at a neutral location on Ignis’ demand, and Prompto couldn’t blame them. He could remember how paranoid the Nifs made them; how hunted Noctis and them were for the mere fact that they survived the destruction of Insomnia. Prompto could remember it more like a dream, something that happened for a few short months ten years ago. Prompto’s weariness and paranoia stemmed from more immediate threats that he discovered in the past. Bandits on the road were always a concern, and daemons at night—and then there were the Scourge infected, half-turned or ill and the dangers they represented themselves.
Neutral ground really was best for the first meeting since the mess in Steyliff.
Prompto hopped off the bird he’d rented from where Aranea dropped him off and scratched just under her beak. He murmured a soft goodbye for the time being and turned around to look at Old Lestallum and sigh. They said the Crows Nest for a start, and honestly Prompto could do with a bite of food anyway so he turned toward the restaurant and jogged across the street.
The dinner didn’t have a lot of patrons today, probably due to the grey clouds hanging overhead, which suited Prompto just fine. He headed up to the counter and softly ordered some ‘Kenny’s Fries’, reached into Noct’s armiger, and tugged out the required gil from underneath the counter.
“Thanks!” Prompto cheered, turned around, and plopped himself down into one of the booths furthest away from the tipster to wait. With happy aplomb Prompto dumbed the fries into a mixture of ranch and ketchup and began to chow down with a closed eye groan of happiness. He missed fries. He missed Iggy’s cooking too.
Gods above Prompto missed a lot of things that he carefully stuffed away in the back of his mind these past ten years and—he struggled to stop himself from crying. Outside he could hear the Regalia purr into the parking space and the doors open. One of them slammed, and he could hear faint voices—someone yelling, Prompto thought, as he set his fries down and looked up.
For half-a-second Prompto saw a head of dark hair that he never thought he’d see again. It was messier than he was used to, and the slate blue eyes were brighter than he remembered, but time and distance often warped memory. Slowly Prompto slid out of the booth and stood to his feet, where Noctis turned and stared at him with wide eyes—and the next thing Prompto knew he felt the familiar cold-warmth of Noct’s light burst in his chest. Noctis wrapped arms around Prompto and hugged him close and—yeah, Prompto could feel the tears.
“H-Hey, buddy,” Prompto said, and his own voice trembled just a bit. “Miss me?”
Cor stared, and he couldn’t exactly help it because here was the one-year-old brat he’d dragged back to Insomnia some nineteen years previously, and fuck the kid wasn’t twenty anymore. The little blond monkey had new scars that Cor knew he hadn’t seen the last time he was with these boys, back at Keycatrich, and a goatee that took work beyond a few scant months. Cor knew full well that the boy didn’t even have the beginnings of facial hair yet so the goatee shouldn’t be a thing and fuck, of course Noctis and his retinue would get up to more insane bullshit than Regis ever tried.
He’d seen a lot, being part of Mors guard, and then shuffled off to Regis when Mors died. Cor saw too much sometimes; things that involved dead ghosts with honor-bound oaths that still roam the earth. The Blademaster had to be one of the most terrifying discovers of his life even if he blundered it under bravado, spite, fury, and a recklessness that really should’ve killed him long ago. To see Prompto now, to see the age worn on him, it felt like he’d stepped into one of Clarus’ fictional novels the bastard loved so much.
Cor hated to think it, but it also hurt how Ingis and Gladiolus worked to keep Noctis as far away from Prompto as possible. He wondered if he could see the blatant hurt that crossed the blonds face, the way his brows tilted down and his eyes grew a bit glassy. All this arguing and posturing started to get on his nerves, too. He wanted to punch something, or kill something—maybe take another stab at that bastard Blademaster—and those were dangerous thoughts in times like these so Cor breathed in deep, then breathed out, and stepped between the two groups before this argument got out of hand.
Instantly Ignis quieted and Prompto glanced to Cor. Cor eyed the way the boy straightened up and stood tall, and then looked over to Ignis and Gladiolus who were trying to keep Noctis from even so much as looking at the ‘stranger’ in their midst.
“Let me get a few things straight,” Cor said, and they kept attention raptly on him. “You claim that ten years have passed,” he looked to Prompto who nodded sharply. “We,” he looked to Ignis and Noctis and Gladiolus, “know that Prompto disappeared in the middle of Solheim ruins roughly one week ago.”
“One week, seven hours, fifteen minutes,” Ignis rattled off, and then flushed pink at the way Prompto gaped at him. “I was…” Ignis pursed his lips and looked away.
“Right,” Cor continued as if Ignis hadn’t displayed all of the weird shit that came with being the Hand of the King. Wesk used to do the same weirdness, once upon a time. If Cor hadn’t known Wesk to not have any kids, or interest in kids, or interest in women, or even a family then Cor might’ve questioned Ignis being a Scientia in the first place. Still he pressed on and glanced between the two.
“When Prompto disappeared your Majesty you said it felt like the bond broke?” Cor asked, and he saw the way Prompto went pale in understanding.
“Yeah,” Noctis said from behind Gladiolus, then grunted when Gladiolus pushed him back. “Except also not? It was weird, Cor, okay? Like something just…took it—but it’s back now! It’s back, and I can feel—it’s back….” Noctis’ voice broke faintly and Prompto grit his teeth and looked away.
“Noct…” Ignis muttered, but he didn’t turn around to comfort, and normally Cor would applaud the caution but now it felt just—stupid.
Cor sighed. “Right. Prompto?”
Prompto perked up. “Yes?”
“Show me your wrist.”
The room went deadly silent. Ignis glanced to Gladiolus, who shrugged and shook his head in confusion. Cor spared them only the briefest of glances before he returned his gaze solely to Prompto who froze, eyes wide. After a second one hand hesitantly went and grasped at Prompto’s right wrist, where the glove went up to cover half way onto the forearm. Prompto eyed Cor warily, lips pressed together as he breathed in slowly.
“Y-You know about that?” Prompto asked, voice soft and more timid than he’d heard out of the other man all day. Cor massaged the bridge of his nose.
“Yes, I know,” Cor said, then glanced at the group, then back to Prompto. Fuck it—at this rate keeping the whole mess a secret was worthless. Regis wasn’t King anymore, that fell to Noctis’ shoulders now, and secrets were messy and frustrating anyway. “I’m the one who brought you into Insomnia, Prompto.”
From the royal trio there was a stiffened spine and a hissed what and Prompto seemed to swallow heavily on his side. Cor could hear Noctis fighting with Gladiolus to get around and demand answers, but Ignis helped to contain the young King which was fine for now. Cor stepped up to Prompto.
“You know what it is?” Prompto asked.
“I do,” Cor said softly. “I can tell you more, but right now I need to see it.” Prompto chewed on his lip, then nodded, and carefully began to pull off his glove. Cor breathed a sigh of relief and snatched the wrist before Prompto could cover it with his other hand and began to study the barcode intensely.
N-iP01357 – 05953234
Cor breathed out heavily and let the wrist drop. “Alright.” He looked to Prompto and said, softly, “Thank you.” Prompto nodded slowly once and carefully tugged his glove back on to cover the mark. He refused to look at Cor which—okay, fine, Cor could deal with that. It wasn’t like Prompto was his brat, even if he’d snuck a check up on him frequently over the years after the kid got adopted into the Argentum household.
Cor turned and faced the three blockheads who finally stopped fighting with one another and stared, waiting, for Cor to say something or anything. Noctis had finally wormed his way to the front and had a bright scowl on his face, Ignis sported a bruise on his cheek, and it looked like Gladio got nicked by a blade of some sort. Cor wanted to mutter kids under his breath and wondered if this was how Regis felt all those years ago when fifteen year old Cor got pulled into being part of Mors’ guard.
Instead Cor uttered, “It’s him,” to the boys and watched how Ignis went slack and Gladiolus looked ready to protest, but both didn’t stop Noctis from the jump forward to wrap Prompto back into a hug. Cor sighed as Ignis stepped close to him, eyes wide with barely repressed hope.
“A-Are you sure, Marshal?” Ignis asked and Cor glanced to where Prompto laughed and Noctis had basically squirrelled the thirty year old man onto one of the beds, commandeered him as a pillow, and began to play Kings Knight on his phone with Prompto.
“A hundred percent,” Cor said eventually and Ignis looked ready to question that further until Gladiolus slapped the man on the shoulder and smiled tiredly.
“Go cuddle with the kids, Iggy,” Gladiolus said, graced the hard stare of Ignis with aplomb, and then watched how Ignis carefully approached the duo on the bed before Noctis dragged him down and they became a trio.
Cor glanced to Gladiolus who settled down into one of the chairs on the caravan and pulled out two bottles of booze from the armiger. Cor frowned, accepted one, and dropped into the other chair even as he said, “You know that is for storing weaponry and curatives, not alcoholic beverages.”
“Pff, like you guys didn’t do the same,” Gladiolus rumbled and Cor snorted. They both watched the three with equal parts fondness and Gladiolus with more regret than the man should have, but then Cor received the dressing down from Ignis just the same and that—that kind of stung.
Perhaps, Cor realized with a bitter thought, he hadn’t gotten over his impulsiveness as much as he’d like now in his forties. Not if he happily brought Gladiolus to the point of potential death and—yeah, he deserved the dressing down even if it came from a kid half his age. Cor sighed and sipped at the beer for a moment, felt himself relax into the sound of laughter and Ignis’ soft scolding or questions about why are your clothes in such terrible states of disarray, Prompto?
Eventually Gladiolus brought up what was on his mind. “The barcode?” he said, and kept his voice pitched low so that the squealing Prompto couldn’t hear him, nor Noctis over the sounds of sudden tickling and protests as Ignis demanded all of Prompto’s clothes so that he could repair them appropriately.
Cor glanced to Gladiolus. “You know about that?”
“Saw it once or twice.”
Cor nodded, and said, “Yeah. The barcode.”
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neckromantics · 6 years
Game Night With the Chocobros! Pt. 1: The snack situation.
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This is not serious at all.
OK well as soon as someone suggested game night, you knew that the whole food situation was going to be a hellish task for Ignis. So when he asks you if you could assist him (he's a real busy guy), your eyes rolled right out of your skull and down the sidewalk like that ravioli can in the old Chef Boyardee commercial.
Although you did your best (your best meaning you texted them all about what they wanted to have for dinner that night, and then let them battle it out while you were at work.) they all seemed to have different ideas about what was appropriate. Prom and Noct were very excited about the idea of just having a snack marathon until they passed out on your floor in front of the TV. Iggy thought it'd be better if you all had an actual meal. Yanno how that man's always looking out for nutrition. That's just part of his job.
You came home from work on the second day to an Ignis who was ready to eat his own gloves in frustration, practically begging the group chat to AT LEAST agree on some form of dinner with substance. Something. Anything more than what was at your nearest convenient store.
Gladio was rather quiet. Occasionally those three little dots appeared next to his name and then disappeared as if he had something to say and was too afraid to say it.
Prompto conveniently dropped out of the chat when he realized that he could not diffuse the situation with silly gifs of cats.
"We cannot survive off of cheese puffs and monster energy alone. You do this every night." Ignis insisted. "Choose an actual meal. I doubt our friend wants to spend all of their earnings on snacks for you."
"No!" Noct replied, and continued just to piss Iggy off even further. "I want my insides to rot! AND I'll pay Y/N."
insert obnoxious emoji here.
Gladiolus then sent in one simple text that saved your entire life, and kind of made you want to kiss him a little.
"Y/N, just order a damn pizza. Now, would you all shut up? It's 11pm."
So that's it right? A couple of pizzas would totally be fine. What a great idea! Right?
The day comes where you're all piled into your tiny living room. The bros are all off to the side trying to agree on the first game of the night while you're slouched into the crease in the sofa, listing off topping after topping as slowly as you can for the poor, clueless teenager taking your order.
It's a surprising amount of pizza for only five people, but then again your four besties are still growing boys. Young men? Whatever. Gladio can easily down two pizzas without even thinking about it, and Noctis can just inhale around a cardboard box and vacuum up any food that might be inside so yanno. Gotta be prepared.
Anyways. Noctis shuffles up beside of you at one point, a little closer than usual, but you don't think much of it because the dude on the other end of the phone has gotten Prompto's order wrong three times in a row now and you're cursing the whole restaurant for not having an online order option like civilized folk.
It's not until his chin lands on your shoulder that you really notice his presence, and one glance over shows you that he's sporting the biggest, shiniest Caelum puppy dog eyes™ that he can manage. His stupid, wobbling bottom lip is almost cute. It would have definitely been cute, if you couldn't smell the deception from a mile away.
"Noctis?" You sigh, already exhausted as you politely cover the phone's mic.
"Yes, Y/n?"
"You're not about to ask if I can go get snacks for you when I'm already buying pizza, right?"
"Weeeelllll." This prince is so spoiled and you can't blame anyone bc you're definitely part of the problem. You're genuinely going to put your shoes on and go to the convenient store in your PJ's for him.
Ignis whips his head around a full 180 degrees and makes eye contact with you just as you snatch your keys up, and before you can make up some ridiculous excuse he's holding out a list for you to take with you.
This man tried his best, and still prepared for y'all to be covered in Cheeto dust by the end of the night. In his eyes you see pain. A deep sadness.
The list is fairly simple. Chips. A few candy bars. A six pack of soda. (A can of Ebony.) Easy.
Then you had to go and be a good friend and ask the room for any other suggestions. What a mistake.
Noct snatches the list from your hands like a rabid racoon, chicken scratching a long line of items down the page as if you have enough arms to carry the bags it will take to hold it all.
When you look at the new additions to the list all you have to ask is: "Aren't redvines and twizzlers like the same thing?"
To which he replies, "I could have you killed for that, you know."
Gladiolus at first says he doesn't really need anything special, but grasps you by the arm on your way out to declare almost desperately that he "needs shrimp chips" or he "might die by the end of the night."
Gladio really has a thing for specifically sea food flavored crisps, and the store by your home has his favorite brand. They're not bad tasting honestly, but they leave your house smelling like a fishy puddle for days.
Prompto, bless him, offers to go with you to help out but you decline, pocketing your list and speed walking to the door before anyone can make another request.
Because if you stay in this room for much longer someone's probably gonna ask for you to bring them a human kidney and you won't even question it.
You're halfway down the hall before Prom's head pops out of your apartment door, hands cupped around his mouth in a makeshift megaphone. There's not even a little bit of an apology in his voice as he SCREAMS.
"Ice cream, please!!!"
Now you might be asking "Why can't the bros just go with you?" And the answer to that is simple.
Going. To. Any. Kind. Of. Shop. With. Them. Is. Hell. On. Earth.
The last time you tried it they argued the whole damn time. The younger two disappeared for half an hour and came back with a cart stuff full of half price donuts. Gladio hit on the person at the register in hopes for a discount, and somehow ended up costing you guys more. Prompto broke the slushy machine and ended up slipping in it.
Poor Iggy looked like a parent who was so torn down and ready to send his children off to military school, and you hate putting him under stress when he's already got one of the hardest jobs as it is.
At least when they're at your house you know they're not going to be able to get into much trouble. Sure, they could probably set the place on fire but at this point you'll take your chances.
You manage to find pretty much everything on the list in record time (and even get a few things for yourself with Noct's rich-boy-royalty credit card if u catch my drift).
(You're almost through shopping when your phone pings, and at first you think it's the pizza guy needing directions to your place.)
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(You're a sucker for the Pocky game excuse.)
Good news!
When you get back to the apartment Noct is so happy that he's kinda vibrating in place as he looks over his bags of non-nutritious treasures.
Prompto rips open an ice cream bar and does this little dance that Gladio copies just bc it's funny.
It makes Ignis laugh, and your stomach does this wobbly "oh my god my friends are the best" thing.
So honestly? You feel like you've done well. You donea good thing, you think.
At least until tomorrow, when you'll be picking candy wrappers out of your window blinds and swiffering crumbs off of every surface in the damn place.
Ding, ding!
You better get the door before Gladdy tries to flirt with the pizza guy and ask for a discount.
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10 Years Ago
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV/Ignis Scientia
Rating: PG (minor mentions of blood)
Original Idea: IDK I just saw a prompt about falling and scraping knees and this begged to be written. Childhood crushes y’all!
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This one’s kinda contemplative...
10 Years Ago…
Whimpering in pain, Estelle did her utmost not to cry, but wasn’t succeeding. She wasn’t sobbing, but tears were sliding down her face. She was holding her leg just above the knee with both hands.
Ignis knelt in front of her. “You alright, princess?” he asked gently. His glasses caught the light and flashed.
Estelle nodded. “I'm okay. Just fell.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her shoulder.
“Come along. Let’s get you cleaned up,” Ignis said. He leaned forward and scooped her up, ignoring her yelp of surprise. For being twelve and her being eight, she was still tiny and light and easy to carry. Ignis trotted from the garden to the infirmary, giving nods to other palace workers and pretending he wasn’t holding a bleeding, crying princess in his arms.
He set her down on the small stool that the palace physician usually sat on to give examinations and pulled a cloth out of the drawer. “It’s alright, princess,” he said, wetting the cloth in the sink and putting some soap on it. “Although… this may sting a little.” Gently he began to dab at her bleeding knee. The soap ran down her leg, cutting tracks into the gunk that smeared over her leg when she fell. She hissed and whimpered again.
Once he cleaned the scrapes, he rung out a new cloth over it to rinse the soap out. As it began to air dry, he spread some antibacterial ointment over the injury and started searching the drawers for some bandages.
The door burst open. King Regis stood there, Clarus Amicitia and Cor the Immortal behind him. “There you are, Estelle! I’ve been looking all over for—what happened?!” Regis demanded.
“W-well, I… I, uh…” Estelle stammered, lip quivering from pain and fear. Technically she wasn’t supposed to be out in the gardens this late in the evening without an adult.
Ignis looked up from the drawers. “It’s my fault, sire,” he lied.
“Ignis?” King Regis asked, looking confused and curious, but not angry.
“It was my idea. Estelle and I were out in the garden, taking a break from her studies. I thought the flowers and fresh air would clear her mind. I heard a noise in the bush and pushed her behind me to keep her safe. Turned out to only be a stray cat that had managed to sneak in but when I pushed Estelle back she fell and scraped her knee. I'm sorry, sire. I take full responsibility.”
King Regis waved a hand half-heartedly. “It’s alright, Ignis. It was an accident,” he said. “I'm just relieved you both are safe.”
Ignis bowed and scooped a roll of bandages from the drawer after finally finding them. He approached Estelle and wrapped her scraped knee as best he could. She watched him with big doe eyes, deep brown and full of curiosity—and tears. She was still clutching her thigh just above her knee with both hands.
Once he tied off the bandaging, he smoothed down her messy hair. “See, princess? Everthing’s okay,” he said, running one hand comfortingly down her leg.
Estelle giggled and kicked softly with both tiny feet. “Iggy! That tickles!” she protested.
Regis smiled and glanced back at Clarus and Cor. Both of them had small grins on their faces. Regis nodded to them. The two left. The king turned to look at the children again. “Ignis?” he asked. The boy jumped to attention and whirled around, using one finger to push his glasses up his nose. Regis chuckled. “At ease, my boy. I was just going to thank you for looking out for my children.”
Ignis bowed. “Of course, Your Majesty,” he said.
Regis ruffled Ignis’ hair. “You’re a good kid, Ignis.”
“Thank you, sire.” Ignis bowed again.
Present Day…
Ignis glanced at Estelle in the rearview mirror, crammed between Gladiolus and Noctis. She didn’t seem to mind. Even after ten years she was still small. She’d grown, of course, but the boys had grown more to the point where she looked even smaller now than she’d been before—proportionately in comparison to the boys. Ignis was 6’2” and she was a foot shorter. She was reading Gladio’s book over his shoulder, appearing not to be bothered by the cramped space.
He remembered that day when they were children fondly and often. He thought of it every time she got injured and he had to patch her up. Every time, she still watched him with big brown doe eyes—sometimes curious, other times bravely trying to seem strong.
“Specs watch the road!” Noctis shouted as the car drifted a bit. Ignis corrected the course of the car.
“My apologies. Just checking the rearview and thought I saw something in the reflection,” he said. Only partially lying.
“Gee. Iggy’s usually the best driver of the four of us!” Prompto remarked with a laugh.
“Ig? Want me to drive for a while?” Estelle asked.
“No, no. I'm alright,” Ignis said. “I thought I saw an imperial airship behind us.”
“Of course.”
The drive into Lestallum didn’t take long from there. Estelle kept reading Gladio’s book and Noctis took a nap while Prompto took pictures of the landscape.
By the time they arrived, the sun was setting. Everyone piled out. Estelle was tired but all smiles. Some things never changed. Barring injury, she was a happy, cheerful person. Even more so than Prompto.
“How ‘bout I do more of the driving tomorrow, Ig?” Estelle asked quietly as Noctis and Prompto led the group to their usual hotel—the Leville. “So you can rest your eyes a little bit. I'm a better driver than you and Noc doesn’t even know it yet.” She giggled. Ignis let a small grin of amusement tug on his mouth.
“Perhaps,” he said. “In the morning we’ll see how tired my eyes are after a good night’s sleep.”
Noct’s adopted sister smiled at him. “Sounds like a plan.” She skipped ahead to ask Gladio if she could borrow his book for the night because she’d started reading it over his shoulder without the context of the beginning. Ignis watched her go, following her progress with his eyes.
Prompto fell back, falling into step with Ignis. “So,” he said. “Still crushing on Noct’s sister?”
“What?” Ignis asked quietly.
“C’mon, Iggy. It’s obvious!”
“Princess Estelle is a good friend and an admirable young woman. Nothing more.”
“Rrrrriiight,” Prompto said, obviously unconvinced.
“Prompto, it would be entirely improper—even if I did harbor feelings for the princess—for me to express those feelings. Estelle is the princess of Lucis. I am a servant of the Crownsguard.”
Prompto looked confused and Ignis had to remind himself that Prompto wasn’t as well-versed in royal protocol as he and Gladio were. “But…” Prompto began, “wasn’t her real dad a servant of the Crownsguard too?”
Ignis pursed his lips. “‘Real dad’ is a matter of opinion,” he said. “That being said, yes: her birth father was a servant of the Crownsguard as well. She and I were born the same rank. However, when she was six-years-old and her father died saving King Regis and Prince Noctis from the empire’s attack on Tenebrae leaving her without any parent to raise her, King Regis adopted her. He bestowed upon her the name Lucis Caelum, thus making her legally and properly the princess of Lucis. We may have been born the same rank, but for the majority of our lives we have not been the same rank.”
“So… that means…?”
“That means it would be improper for me to express any feelings of romantic affection toward her.”
Prompto made a face. “Ugh. So many rules,” he complained.
Ignis turned his eyes briefly toward the ceiling, in lieu of rolling them. “That’s just the way things are, Prompto,” he said.
Up ahead, Gladio and Noctis were handling the check-in. Gladio was too distracted to notice Estelle sliding his book out of his hand with a large grin on her face, biting the tip of her tongue to keep herself from giggling. She opened it up to the first page and started reading it. Her long hair was messy from sitting in the backseat of the Regalia all day where the wind was stronger.
Ignis stared for a moment, almost forgetting to keep pace with Prompto. He quickened his step till he was once again side-by-side with Prompto and lapsed into thoughtful silence.
Perhaps, when all this was over, there’d be time yet for feelings to be made known.
But not yet.
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loqibesthia · 5 years
Loqi: sprays Noct with holy water
Noctis: le hisses like cat
Loqi: The commander is not going to spend time with the likes of you
Noctis: Says who? The Imp?
Loqi: I may not be royal but I am of royal blood and I have far more class than you
Noctis: did mommy Arenea tell you that?
Loqi: You're just jealous that I'm screwing her
Noctis: hope your size makes up for your height.
Loqi: I don't know why don't you ask your bride to be?
Noctis: I’ll ask Ravus later.
Loqi: I have more class than sleeping with my superior officer =_=
Noctis: ‘Superior.’
Loqi: You're not worth his time to be considered a "conquest"
Noctis: He has time bitch about me tho. You do it too. Is that all Niffs do? Bitch?
Noctis: I don’t know what else I expected.
Loqi: My foot up your ass?
Noctis: only if you can reach that high Half Pint.
Loqi: *tackles*
Noctis: *falls back landing on his side* trying to test me today?? Get off!
Noctis: .... If you say so. *grabs and Warps up a wall 6 stories high* I want to see if Niffs fly, want to be my guinea pig?
Loqi: *bites his hand just to be a dick*
Noctis: AH! *winces and warps to ground level deciding it wasn't worth it* You bit me..!
Loqi: Yes I've had my shots
Noctis: I don't believe you. You're rabid. You've always been rabid.
Loqi: Yes well why don't you go over to Luna and she'll kiss it and make it better
Noctis: I'm not spreading your disease.
Loqi: Yes well then get your shield checked too
Noctis: Why? What did you do??
Loqi: nothing he's just also aggressively rabid
Noctis: At least he doesn't try picking fights all the time with people he can't handle. Unlike SOMEBODY who asks for three rematches and loses.
Loqi: Yes well unlike you I care when my family name is soiled, Prince night light sky
Noctis: I don't care for petty insults to my name because it isn't worth my time.
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