#yes professor i do in fact know that. unfortunately im crazy so you're going to be getting as many pages as i can physically produce.
blueskittlesart · 9 months
speaking of art school i had a really fun moment tonight where my sequential art prof asked me how my project was going and i showed them 19 full pages of comic and they were like "you know the final page count for this semester is supposed to be 20 right"
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Hi there cutie! I binged all your NCT scenarios yesterday 💜 and they were amazing! Here's my request. Character: NCT's Winwin 1. Enemy to Lover (I haven't seen any scenario where Winwin hates anyone, so you'll be the first!) 2. My prompt is a bit detailed, but hear me out: First Winwin hates y/n, but then prompt 7 and 39 happen. Then prompt 83. And the conclusion is a happy ending as lovers with 37, 38, and 50. Thank you, and congrats for 1K ohmygoodness gurl you're sLAYin
Dong Sicheng (Winwin) ; “I dreamt about you last night.” , “Don’t cry.” , “Stay there, I’m coming to get you.” , “Can I kiss you?” , “I think you’re beautiful.” + Enemies↣Lovers!AU / College!AU    ↳ College!AU not requested
Prompts here.Masterlists
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hey back cutie thanks for all your support ily
i had to omit one of the numbers (38 specifically) because i had a limit on number requests (which was five) so i hope you don’t mind :)
but thanks for making my job easier by being so detailed lmao
also can i just say listening to day6 helped me write this their lyrics are so salty lwfhakah
so sicheng over here doesn’t hate hate you, he just dislikes your presence
he’s a transfer student from china
so are you, from [country other than s. korea lol]
needless to say, you didn’t have very good first impressions of each other
sicheng had bought a new shirt n trousers for the first day because he wanted to look presentable
he was like the first student in the lecture room
you came in like two minutes late, looking tired af, armed with your supplies and a slightly cold cup of coffee
the lecture room wasn’t that big and there were a lot of students
and the only available seat was beside sicheng or beside the seemingly hungover dude in the corner
you chose sicheng
you had to waddle in between the chairs and the moment you were a mere metre away from sitting down
you tripped over a girl’s bag that she had left on the ground
your books fell atop your chair and on the ground
and your coffee?
it went flying from your hands
and onto an unsuspecting sicheng
you gasped so loudly, and kind of just stood there covering your mouth in shock
sicheng was wide-eyed, obviously in shock
once the initial surprise blew over, he realized how many people were staring, including the professor who had walked in just as the coffee spilled
his cheeks burned in embarrassment as he glared over at you
before you could even blurt out an apology, sicheng excused himself and practically sprinted out the door
the professor just told you to wipe the spill and copy notes for both yourself and sicheng
you agreed because you felt absolutely horrible
he looked traumatized
you ventured to the non-gender specific washrooms to grab a bunch of paper towel
and you found him hunching over one of the sinks, dabbing at his body with an already soaked clump of what you had gone to get
feeling incredibly bad, you got more paper towel and tried to hand it to him
sicheng didn’t even look up, smacking your hand away, in turn making the bundle of paper towels to flutter to the floor
you were kind of like ‘well that was unnecessary’ 
but you didn’t say it out loud, opting to just frown as you cradled your slightly red hand
“i’m sorry for–”
“go away.”
you were shocked again by how deep and off-putting his voice was
he sounded so pissed off with you
however, you were determined to apologize properly, otherwise you’d feel terrible for the rest of the semester
“look, i just want to apologize–”
finally looking up, sicheng narrowed his watering eyes at you in a harsh glare
“i told you already, go away.”
your frown deepened
you couldn’t help but feel slightly ticked off by his behaviour
yes, you did spill coffee on him, but hey! you tried to apologize and help him out by giving him more towels but he completely blew you off
but, you knew that if you were in his shoes, you’d probably be acting the same
you definitely wouldn’t be smiling if it had been you, that’s for sure
you couldn’t even say anything before he began to hunch over the sink even more
you noticed his shoulders shaking slightly, his fingers grasping the edge of the sink tightly
“are you stupid? i told you– go away!”
he sounded much more pressing than he had the first two times
you scoffed at the fact that he had called you stupid, but decided to just leave him be
if he wanted to drench in cold coffee by himself, then so be it
after picking up the paper towels that he had smacked out of your hand and grabbing a bit more, you returned to the lecture room with furrowed brows
sicheng didn’t return to class that day
grumbling, you stayed behind in the school’s library to copy down another pair of notes for sicheng when you would’ve been at home watching tv
you didn’t even know his name
unfortunately for you, the schools only two photocopiers had been malfunctioning since the summer break was coming to an end, and they still hadn’t had a repairman come by to fix it
in other words, you had to copy the four pages worth of notes by hand
it took you roughly half an hour to copy down everything
you made sure the notes were legible, not wanting to piss sicheng off even more because you were going to be honest with yourself; sicheng being mad at you made you mad somehow
you thought it was odd but something about sicheng just irked you
what, you had no clue
anyway, you learned his name the next day when the professor asked him to stay after class
you guys still had to sit together because the other seats were filled
you spent the entire two weeks plain out ignoring each other, and when you did interact there was usually some sour looks involved
everyone thought you were crazy for disliking sicheng
according to literally everyone else on campus, he was a total sweetheart
you: “if only you knew hmph”
although, you did have to come to terms with it after witnessing sicheng being kind to others yourself
then, once that fortnight had passed
you could’ve sworn your professor hated you
he told the class that he was going to have you be in partners to do some major research
and lo and behold
you were partnered up with sicheng
typical cliches amirite
you didn’t have a choice
working with your partner efficiently helped with your mark (ba dum tss)
and you weren’t up to having marks docked purely because you disliked your partner
neither was sicheng
you guys begrudgingly exchanged numbers, avoiding eye contact the entire time
you didn’t even talk face to face you just agreed to meet in the school’s library after his afternoon classes
so after meeting up with your friends n having drinks you had to leave to meet with sicheng
you were dreading it
you had previously convinced yourself that you could just simply ignore him
but as you got closer and closer to the library you realized you couldn’t
anywho, he arrived soon after and the two of you went to a table nearing the far wall
after setting up you kind of just worked in silence
occasionally, he’d ask you a few questions and vice versa
as time passed (luckily the library was accessible 24/7) you were getting more and more tired
however, your pride didn’t allow you to tell sicheng that
so you kept going, holding back yawns
until you literally just fell asleep at your laptop
sicheng didn’t even notice until he realized the clicks of your keyboard had ceased
he frowned at the sight of you before he realized it was past midnight
he just turned your laptop to him and pressed save
sighing, he just kept working
less than ten minutes later his eyes were trailing back to you
he grumbled to himself, realizing you were shivering
mumbling under his breath, he took out his jacket from his bag and hung it over your shoulders
eventually, sicheng got tired as well
realizing it was now almost two in the morning, he decided to just save everything for now and continue the next time you guys were to meet
after packing his things (and yours) he shook you awake
by the time you actually woke up, all you saw was sicheng’s back as he walked off
you realized your things were packed up and blinked in confusion
‘did he really just pack my things for me?’
you went home, the nap making you feel even more tired than before
the next day, you woke up with a start
your roommate, Eunjae, looked at you with a raised brow
“what’s up with you?”
you didn’t answer, choosing to just scream into your pillow, your face red
in your haste, you didn’t even check if your phone was in your bag like you usually did
you went to your morning class early
you nearly cursed the world for making sicheng be your classmate in almost every class you had
luckily, in your next class – mathematics – you sat near the front while he sat in the very back
so you didn’t have to deal with him
that is
until class was over
as you swung your bag over your shoulder and made your way to the exit, sicheng stopped you
memories of what you had dreamed about came flooding back to you
your face went hot and you quickly scrambled away
sicheng was confused
yes he knew you disliked him but you had never reacted like that before
usually you like to have the final word before leaving but that time you didn’t even say anything
he legitimately had to tell you something and he couldn’t exactly text you about it
so he chased after you
“wait!! [Y/N]!”
hearing him yell after you made you sprint faster
buuttttt sicheng is magic ok so he caught up to you
he stopped in front of you, slightly panting
before you could say anything, he took hold of your wrist
while you struggled to escape he went through his jacket pocket before taking out a phone
your phone
“you left this at the library yesterday. i found it when i went back for my mouse.”
you kind of just stared at him
you realized that you were staring for too long when he began to look uncomfortable
looking down at your phone, you took hold of it with your free hand
“thanks,,, i guess”
im literally having an allergic reaction while writing this lol
you took one more glance at his confused look before darting off leaving him confused af
‘why were they acting like that???’ - him for the next few hours
then, he found you again later that night
you were hanging out with your friends in the courtyard
he walked up to you, with intentions of talking about the research
but once you spotted him, you looked ready to jump out of your seat and run a marathon if it meant getting away from him
and so, you did
why– you had no clue
“why have you been so jumpy around me today?”
“you can tell me”
you sighed, just going to face your problems
“i,,, dreamt about you last night.”
after that, you guys kind of stopped hating each other
now you could tolerate the other
you talked a bit more while doing research, but not by much
on the day you guys finished doing the research
sicheng proposed that you do the last bit at a starbucks or smth so you could treat yourselves when you finished
ofc you agreed because honestly coffee after work?? during work??? heavenly.
ironically i don’t like coffee
it was sunny that day
and you guys chose a spot by the window
you were undeterred by the sun, despite the annoying glare it made on your laptop screen
you just kept working, taking the occasional sip of your drink (that sicheng ordered for you)
sicheng was working away at his part of the project too
but as time went on, his hands and eyes were getting tired so he leaned back to take a break
just then, you got a notification from your friend
they had sent you a picture of [whatever your favourite animal is my fav is otters :)]
so you started smiling the moment sicheng looked up at you
he nearly choked right then n there
the way your hair caught the light? he was s h o c k e d
the cute way you tilted your head when you smiled? he was s h o c k e d
okay case in point, he was shocked
he found himself listening to his racing heartbeat rather than the buzz and chatter of the busy shop
his heart had never raced that fast because of you, so why was it now?
he had seen you smile in the past, and he would admit that he thought you were cute but before he wasn’t this affected
“um– i have to use the washroom, excuse me”
you just nodded, still smiling because of the photo
you didn’t notice the way his voice wavered or the way he practically ran to the washroom, too engrossed in either your work or the photo
when sicheng got to the washroom he just locked the door and stared at himself in the mirror with wide eyes
he was still in shock
‘do i like them?’
‘no, it can’t be…’
he’d let out a really quite n frustrated groan, messing up his hair as he rubbed his face in exhaustion
in that moment, in the silence of the washroom, he noticed just how stressed he was
he was on the brink of failing half of his classes due to pure exhaustion and the other two he was barely passing
and now he had to figure out whatever it was he was feeling?? toward someone he could barely stand to sit beside a mere fortnight beforehand?
as he stared down at the eggshell white sink, something fell
he blinked in confusion
looking up, he was surprised to see a single tear falling from his right eye, following the one that had just fell
he was surprised
the last time he cried was when he first got really homesick, but he could see reason for that
was he crying because of stress??
was he crying because he was confused???
he didn’t even bother to wipe his face, he just let his tears slowly cascade down his cheeks
after a while, he finally dabbed at his face with some paper towel and walked out
you made eye contact with him immediately, your straight face becoming concerned
sicheng kept his eyes glued to the tiled flooring, so he didn’t notice the change
when he sat back down without a word and just began typing you frowned
he looked
dead to be honest
you felt as if he wasn’t up for talking right now so you took your phone and sent him a small text
“don’t cry :) it might not be that comforting, but i’m here if you ever want to talk.”
you quickly placed the phone down and went back to work, your eyes flitting over your laptop screen to see his reaction
when his phone vibrated, the noise making a loud buzz against the wood of his chair, you curled up slightly
as he took out his phone, your eyes kept moving from your screen to him
finally, he looked up at you with a confused expression
without saying anything, you just pointed toward your eyes with a sheepish smile
his were slightly red and puffy
it wasn’t too noticeable, but if you were looking at him for longer than five seconds you’d notice
you had sported the same look while watching a drama the other day
instead of replying, sicheng sent you a weak smile before going back to typing
you sighed, doing the same
your drink went cold.
after the research was finished, you and sicheng didn’t really have a reason to talk to each other anymore
you were kind of sad, surprisingly
when the project first started you had been so excited for the day of its completion
but now that it’s come, you were just disappointed
to your own surprise, hanging out with sicheng wasn’t unbearable, not at all
you had found yourself waiting for time to go faster so you could hurry up and meet with him already
sicheng was a pretty nice guy
if you had told yourself that a month ago, you would’ve scoffed
you found yourself searching for him whenever you’d walk into a classroom or into the library
you didn’t even realize you were doing it until your friend pointed it out
at that point, it hit you
you, at some point in time, had grown to like dong sicheng
you, in all honesty, weren’t that surprised
you had suspected that you had feelings when you started feeling hot whenever he’d be near you (so, every other day basically)
and your heart would pound whenever he’d smile in your direction
whenever it’d happen you just shot it down because – no, you can’t possibly like dong sicheng – but lo and behold it’s possible
really, you just accepted it
you couldn’t just stop yourself from liking him, even if you tried
and by accepting it, you accept the thought that he could never like you
in your opinion, he was out of your league
so you just kind of
left your little crush alone
you didn’t make any moves
you didn’t talk to him more
you just continued on with life
unknowingly, you found yourself glancing over in his direction more and more often
you’d start checking if he was looking over at you, even if it was just a mere glance
and more often than not, he would be looking
however, the clock was usually on the other side of you, so maybe he was just watching for the time
before you knew it, your little crush and blown up into something more
by the time you realized how deep you were, you had no idea what to do
by ignoring it, you thought your crush would just go away, but now that it hadn’t you were confused
you found yourself longing for his presence
and missing the way he’d laugh at your little quips whenever you worked together
you talked it over with your friend and what they told you astonished you, despite how obvious it was
“[Y/N],,, you’re in love with sicheng, aren’t you?”
“,,, shit”
once it had truly dawned on you– your true feelings for the male, you started to freak out whenever he’d draw close
it got to the point where you started avoiding him in hallways because you got too flustered at the mere sight of him
me too, [Y/N], me too
this went on for a while
when sicheng noticed you literally spinning on your heel and speed walking the other way he’d be hurt
he thought you hated him
so he asked your friend, the one he sees you with a lot
“this might sound weird but,,,, does [Y/N] hate me again?”
when your friend started laughing, he felt so embarrassed
he thought he had said something wrong or something weird
maybe it was wrong and weird, he didn’t know
once your friend calmed down, they just whispered something before making their way down the hall
after that, sicheng made a valiant effort to approach you
and you notice right away
he’d frown whenever you started sprinting away, but with the new information he had acquired via your friend, he wasn’t as worried anymore
but he was kind of frustrated because he wanted to tell you everything so badly
he couldn’t exactly do that when you were straight up running from him
you weren’t answering texts either
and then that back and forth went on
it was only a month before the senior student’s graduation did something happen
so your friends had invited you to a party
you usually just turned them down, but you felt so stressed over school and work that you just threw caution out the window and agreed
you carpooled to the party
it was the typical type of house party you’d expect
dimmed lights, colourful lights strung from the ceiling, alcoholic drinks and party cups were neatly lined on a table that had been pushed against the wall
there was loud music too, almost deafening
you just stuck to the wall as everyone bounced happily around you, feeling out of your element
suddenly, a drunken man – someone you had recognized as one of the many faces at your school – stumbled through the crowd of bodies, sending you a sleazy smile and what had appeared to be an attempt at a wink
“hey there,” he slurred, stepping so close you could smell the beer in his breath “what’re you doing alone?”
you just kept using your phone
‘hopefully he just goes away’
he didn’t
when you didn’t respond, he roughly gripped a hand around your wrist, pulling you to his torso
“i asked you a question,” he grumbled
wrenching yourself out of his grasp, you pushed him away with knitted brows; “get off me, you drunkard”
bad idea apparently
the man narrowed his eyes at you, moving to reach for you again
you stepped out of his reach
your little taunting vexed him, making him completely lunge at you despite his drunken state
you quickly rushed up the stairs, knowing he’d catch up if you attempted to weave through the crowd to the door
opening a random door, you jumped inside and slammed it shut
you locked it, hearing the pounding knocks that could be from no one but him shortly after
after around ten minutes, the knocking ceased and you heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs
letting out a sigh of relief, you reached for the door knob
you had sighed too early, it seemed
the door was jammed
you frowned, pushing your body weight against the door
it still wouldn’t open
you started to freak out
being stuck in some stranger’s bathroom on a friday night wasn’t exactly ideal
taking out your phone, you quickly dialed your friends number
they didn’t answer
you tried again
still no answer
by this time, you felt scared
you didn’t like how cramped the bathroom felt
even if you aren’t afraid of small spaces, it felt as though the walls were closing in
slowly but surely
you wanted to cry from frustration honestly
when none of your friends bothered, probably too enamoured with the music and/or their dance partners, your frown deepened
realizing it was your only choice then, you dialed the final number in your contacts
soon, a tired little “hello?” came warbling through the receiver
“sicheng? sorry to be calling so late, but i kind of need help”
you explained to him the entire thing, from start to finish
you had begun to shake, eyeing the walls suspiciously
“hey,” he mumbled, his voice soft. “stay there, alright? i’m coming to get you.”
you just nodded, eyeing the jammed door, holding your phone so tightly your knuckles were losing colour
“not like i have a choice, but okay
he chuckled for a moment
“just breath– will you do that for me?”
at his words, you took in a deep breath
you couldn’t even finish your final sentence before he was messaging you back saying he’d be there in ten
sooner than you had expected, the door opened
behind that door, was sicheng
he too looked uncomfortable with the setting, and it wasn’t long before the two of you were rushing out
“i can drive you home,” he suggested
you couldn’t even refuse before he opened the passenger door for you
you sighed, stepping into the ceiling after saying thank you
he got into the other side and started the car
the ride was silent, aside from you telling him where to go
by the time you had reached your house, you were surprised
only five minutes had passed
when you turned to thank sicheng again, he was already looking at you
he looked flustered, something that was apparent under the bright light of the street lamp mere metres away from sicheng’s car
“is something wrong?”
he was silent for a moment, biting his lip in uncertainty
then, he spoke
and when he did, your heart raced once again
“can i,,, kiss you?”
you gasped
sicheng looked embarrassed at the fact that he asked– ashamed even
before he could even apologize
you had leaned over the centre console and cupped his face with your hands before pressing your lips against his in a gentle kiss
sicheng’s eyes were blown wide with surprise, before they finally closed and he relaxed
the kiss was slow and sweet and you pulled away slowly just seconds later, your eyes still closed
sicheng was the first to open his eyes, and when he did he smiled widely
“you know,,,, i think you’re beautiful.”
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