#yes i will be posting about joshua
dabbingfrog · 2 months
FF16 is really fun
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k-yujin · 7 months
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read the tags !! // officially quit
#⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ​⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀#ok first of all why am i writing in tags you may ask#well i find it less awkward to express in my tags rather in the actual post it self since im one hell of an awkward piece of shit hihi#ANYWAY TO THE TOPIC OF ME QUITING#this has been very long due#like i mean everyone has to have seen it coming#specially since i dont post as frequently and j lost most of my motivation#one. because school is my current priority (teachers pet ang peg HAHAH CHARIZ)#two. is my personal life !!! i’ve been vry vry busy keeping up with irl frends and also my family#but the main reason had to be my lack of motivation as in its non existent#next topic !!!#i will be deleting most of my asks and random posts soem of which are memorable to me will be rbloged to @diorasz my personal acc !#ah and yes will i be coming back?#probably will be lurking time to time but who knows i might actually come back on joshuas bday solely to post a joshua mb HAHAHAHA#ilovemyman frr#I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST THIS ON THE DAY JOSHUA ACTUALLY POSTED ON HIS IG#ok im getting sooooo off topic#but like hooray my last theme is actually jjong toram HAHAH#i actually quited before november like the end of oct but i was too lazy to make a post about it hehehe#but luvi knew ofc :>#anyway if were close moots frel free to add me in discord not like im actually really active#@stariaz. 🤓#who knows i might actually take this back if suddenly the little devil inside me decides to revive itself#anyway this is user k-yujin offically(?) signing off 🤓🤓#ALSOOO DOESNT MEAN I QUITED PPLCAN USE MY STUFF W/O GIVING CREDS !!! (ehem ehem my dividers 👁)#please give creds or i will literally come alive#i still have someone who acts as my eyes here even though j wont post no more#guys i have to wake up at 5 am gud night 🤩#also i cut my hair 😶#thabks for 3.4k though 🫵🫵
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purplelea · 1 year
One thing that I go crazy over is that Joshua didn't actually lie. He never said he wasn't the Composer. He never said he didn't kill Neku. Every single thing he said has always been partially true or at least not false, or impossible to verify. But he has never ever actually lied in any way. Prove me wrong.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Father's Splatoon 3 Locker
When I posted this on the bird app I had called this my TWEWY and NTWEWY themed locker in Splatoon 3, but really, it's Father's locker.
Spoilers below telling how it relates to each character/TWEWY:
An Angel with Mother and Father's weapons
Planes/Shibuya River
Reapers Game skull and cross bones
Mother's shoes & "furby" (if you've seen/heard the horror furby choir singing that will give you a sneak peak)
Father's phone (it's totally modern it even has phone charms!)
Haz's shoes
Father/NEO's rainbow by book spines
Father's hat, shirt, and shoes for his Splatoon gear. Post NEO AU he starts wearing a beanie for reasons
Joshua's umbrella
CAT/cat fan mini shrine: Coffee mugs. CAT suitcase. Hanekoma's (old? extra? forgotten about?) sunglasses
Inner door is just to offset all the scary-ness that Angels totally are not. But also Father's seemly varying and inconsistent emotions
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finished ffxvi! ending was okay tbh i bet there's like a thousand fix it fics already. gameplay was great and i'm feeling actually interested in doing a ng+ run on hard to get better (except for the dodge ring that i will not give up).
story was mostly fine, world building was serviceable but not stand out, desperately needed more varied landscapes and exploration (like ffxii my most beloved). also at the end i was *desperate* for a party and yet the game kept cockblocking me which i do not appreciate. like yes it's clive's story and he's amazing and babygirl but give me more dion!! characters hamstrung by their sense of duty... my weak spot... also cid was very good but i didn't miss him afterwards. jill was amazing when they actually let her do stuff. this game badly needed both more women and to let the women do more.
final bossfight was boring. actually most eikon fights were boring i do not like playing as ifrit; the only thing worse is playing as phoenix.
anyway despite all of my griping i did enjoy myself a lot. really the gameplay is very satisfying and i need to get better at doing combos. big question is if i will ever put titan in the rotation though. i hate blocking and i hate charge attacks...
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qomrades · 2 years
god like.... bit of a vent. but. you can like a character that's bad, or morally grey, of course you can. but to imply that them atoning makes them innately a good person when, quite literally, all of the evidence (and the TEXT within the ACTUAL GAME) points to the fact that this is not genuine altruism or a change of heart but a reflection of rage and vengeance. that's not atoning? that's not genuine redemption that's doing the same thing but under the false guise of benevolence. it makes for an interesting character, don't get me wrong. but don't tell me that's a "good person". the WHOLE POINT is that it's not.
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devotionbled · 9 months
The dagger within a palm--all red, all holy red, is nothing short of challenging to curl clever, brutal fingers around (devotion does not look tender, not in the abhorrent, fleeing present). It is far too slick with the vehement colour of life.
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The colour of life is red. It is red as the radiance of an eikon; with feathery elegance drenched in embers. It is as red as the forgiveness, the salvation and the greedy kiss of flames. When does the blood begin? When do the flames end? The constant is the unbroken chase between the moon and the sun, the tenebrosity of silvered shadows (her) and blazing deliverance.
There is grace in the chorus and valiant want to defend. The Undying grow bloated from the taste of knowledge. Her wisdom is different. All Jote knows is this: the flames are kind, and the colours red and orange--are her favourite. There are many myths written in history, and the ones she knows are bound to a little girl's living fairytale. A girl who has grown into her--to pirouette, to dance to the crackling song of flames.
It is strange how the night grows without light, the sun long dipping below the horizon to damn Valisthea. The sky cries, lantern extinguished, candle long past flickering in its ephemeral existence. It is a sickening reminder of a truth she denies. The light can die. It is inevitable. But--it is brutal in its short, shuddering existence. The sun burns when one lingers beneath its loving gaze for far too long, violating skin with warped flesh as it bubbles up with red. Its kiss is vicious. Fire is wicked in how it numbs flesh--killing nerves, burning out feeling. Her belly is the home to the gift of art: phoenix in flight, flesh a little bit darker than the rest from where she was seared with red-hot steel in the name of salvation.
Oblivion and fire are awfully the same. Shoulders fall, collapsing beneath the weight of bold ruin. A crack of a branch, and she twirls to point steel towards a new visitor: a new witness to her fervent defence of an Eikon, of his wishes.
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"I suggest you take care," a roll of the shoulders, lips settling into a foul and thin line--brows furrowing. "Lest you dream of death. State your intention, and state it true."
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beenbaanbuun · 4 months
seventeen hyung line’s reaction to their youngest member forgetting to take care of themself
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choi seungcheol
seungcheol is literally your father (or at least he believes so) so be warned, he will be watching you 24/7
notices the small things, like if your eye bags are particularly dark, and will call you out on it immediately
“how much sleep did you get last night?” he falls onto the couch, occupying the spot next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders
“uh, like 4 hours, i guess,” you ignore the glare he gives you, “but it’s only because i was practicing late…”
he hums as he uses his hand to push your head onto his shoulder
“that’s not enough, kid,” he mumbles into your hairline, “not nearly enough, actually. how about you nap now?
you consider arguing, but you know it’s useless so you just nod and let yourself get comfy against him
he just sits and scrolls through his phone for an hour or so before rearranging you so you’re not leant on him
cant help himself when he sees you with your cheeks squished up against the pillow and takes a photo
carats will love it when he posts it on weverse…
yoon jeonghan
jeonghan takes care of you without even noticing you’re not taking care of yourself
it’s all part of being his baby the youngest
so you’re far from surprised when he comes into your room one day with a cup of ramen in his hands
he says he’s just come to see what you’re doing, but you cant help but notice that in between his own bites, he’s shoving mouthful after mouthful in your direction
and you barely get to answer his questions because whenever you try to, he just scolds you for talking with your mouthful
“so what did you say you’re doing?” he leans over to you, eyes trained on your computer screen as he holds another mouthful in front of you
you take it and begin to chew
“well, you s-”
“finish your food before you talk,” he scolds, “don’t be gross!”
you just roll your eyes and do as he says
you know there’s no point in arguing
joshua hong
joshua hong can and will make you go outside with him
most of the time he claims it’s because he’s in need of a photographer, but you begin to notice a pattern
oh, you haven’t been out in a few days? you’re practically counting down the seconds until josh is walking through your door with your shoes, ready to go
and don’t worry if you refuse - joshua has his methods
“i’ll tell seungcheol,” he says as he walks into your room, swinging your trainers from his hands.
“oh yeah? what will you tell him?” you pay him no mind, knowing seungcheol won’t care if you haven’t left the house in a few days…
“i’ll tell him all about how you’ve locked yourself in your room and you’re not sleeping or eating enough,” he grins at you, happy with the lies he’s spouting.
you gasp and stand up in shock
“that’s not fair!” you grumble, “you can’t just lie to him!”
joshua laughs and passes you your shoes.
“i can and i will,” he gives you an innocent smile, “now come on, my little photographer! you have a job to do.”
wen junhui
doesn’t necessarily notice you’ve been living off of energy drinks and snack food until hoshi mentions it one day in practice
and sure enough when he looks over he notices you with a monster can in hand and a bag of chips resting between your thighs
and actually, now that he thinks about it, you woke up too late to eat breakfast so this is your first meal of the day
he excuses himself from his conversation to walk over to you and crouch next to you
“is that all you’re eating?” he pulls you out of your daydream and you look at him in confusion, “i mean, you didn’t have breakfast, which you should’ve because cheol told us to eat a lot since we’d be too busy for lunch.”
you frown and look at the bag of chips, which is almost gone, and think about how you should’ve rationed them more
“i take that as a yes,” he frowns, “and don’t get me started on the monster! if minghao sees you drinking that he’ll have an aneurysm. doesn’t he always warn you about keeping yourself healthy?”
you can’t help but roll your eyes and put your drink down on the floor
“i just need the energy,” you complain, “my body feels tired.”
“yeah, because you didn’t eat this morning,” he argues and stands up, holding his hand out to pull you up too, “now, let’s go and beg cheol for a small lunch break, okay?”
kwon soonyoung
he notices the way you trip over during practice and have to stumble through the rest of the dance with a limp
immediately pauses the music once the routine finished and calls you out on it
“take a seat for a while,” he orders, “you cant dance on an injured ankle, and it’ll make it worse if you try to.”
but you insist that you’re fine because you don’t want to slow down practice or make it difficult for the others
there’s a staring match between you and hoshi for a while, but he will not give in
if there’s two things he cares about to the end of the earth, it’s dance and his members and you’re just unlucky that this involves both of them
“go and sit down before i drag you to the bench myself,” god, you hate how scary he gets when he’s teaching choreography, “and don’t test me because i will do it.”
you know he will, so you just bow your head and hobble to the side of the room where the bench is waiting for you
“good,” he mumbles, going back to the stereo that’s waiting for him to press play, “i’ll get someone to grab an ice pack for you, okay?”
jeon wonwoo
he likes to spend quiet time with you which means more often than not, he’s around to take care of you
like he’ll literally be sat playing games on his pc, checking on you out of the corner of his eye every few minutes
if he sees your eyes drooping for even a second, he pauses his game and gives you a soft look
“go to sleep, kiddo,” he instructs softly, smiling a little when you jolt yourself awake, “i can see you dropping to sleep over there. don’t fight it, you probably need it.”
you grimace, taking a deep breath before you sit up properly and rub your eyes
“i’m fine, woo,” you grumble, widening your eyes slightly to try and make yourself feel more awake
he just laughs to himself, shaking his head as if he didn’t believe you
“go to bed, or i’ll take you myself,” you roll your eyes at him, but open your arms wide
“carry me?” you beg as if you’re a kid rather than someone just a few years younger than him
to which he rolls his eyes jokingly and stands up from his desk
“you’re so lucky i love you,” he chuckles
“you love me?” you tease
“yes, even though you’re annoying…”
lee jihoon
he loves you, he really does, but sometimes he’s a little too busy to pay too much attention to the small things
besides, he trusts him members to take care of their maknae well
except the two of you are in the studio, just messing around really
it was your suggestion because you wanted to spend time with him, and he had nothing too important to do so obviously he said yes
you’re spitting absolute bars into the microphone whilst he struggles to hold in his laughter, but half way through he can’t help but notice a strange grumbling behind your voice
he pauses the track he quickly produced just moments prior to you stepping in the booth and your voice peters away
“have you eaten today?” he furrows his brows as he hears it again, “and don’t even think about lying to me, kid.”
you roll your eyes in annoyance
“i had breakfast…”
“it’s midnight,” he deadpans, “you haven’t eaten since breakfast?”
you shrug, not seeing the big issue
“wasn’t hungry, was i…”
he stands up from his desk and shuffled over to the booth’s door, pulling it open immediately
“don’t care, pipsqueak,” his voice is much clearer now he’s speaking directly to you, “let’s go eat. we can carry this on again later and then we won’t have your tummy grumbling in the background, yeah?”
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thedensworld · 11 days
Towel Argument | H.Js
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Pairing: Joshua x Reader
Genre: fluff, established relationship, bit of angst
Summary: Towel is just a towel. It's not something essential. But why it is able to crack a relationship? Joshua is the first man to proof you that you won't have a towel argument.
You sat on the edge of the bed after finishing your nightly routine. Joshua, your husband, was likely still on his—meticulously ensuring every window was closed and every door locked before coming to bed. Your first intention was to wait for him so you could cuddle together, but your mind drifted to the conversation you had with your friends earlier today.
One of your friends, Jinah, had confessed that she was going to divorce her husband after just two years of marriage. All of you had offered sweet words and encouragement, striving to be the support system Jinah needed. Jinah explained that she had decided to divorce her husband because of a persistent argument about towels that irritated her every day. The irritation had snowballed into something intolerable for Jinah.
You couldn't help but pity the situation between Jinah and her husband. They had dated for seven years before marrying, only for Jinah to discover something post-marriage that she couldn't stand. It made you reflect on the complexities of relationships and how small issues, left unresolved, could lead to such drastic outcomes. You wondered if Jinah might regret this decision later, but respected her choice to pursue what she felt was best for her happiness.
Lost in these thoughts, you barely noticed Joshua finally joining you.
"Hey..." Joshua tapped your shoulder, pulling you away from your thoughts. You looked at him, slightly startled.
"I've been calling you. What's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes. He knelt down in front of you, positioning himself close to your swelling tummy.
A gentle smile lingered on Joshua's face as he wrapped his arms around you, his lips brushing against your stomach in a tender kiss.
"Is something bothering you, love?" he murmured, his voice filled with warmth and care.
You felt a wave of emotions wash over you, grateful for his presence and the way he always seemed to know when something was on your mind.
You sighed, feeling the weight of the day's conversation settle over you again. "It's just something that came up during my gathering with the girls today," you began, your fingers lightly tracing circles on Joshua's arm.
He looked up at you, his eyes full of curiosity and concern. "What happened?"
"Jinah...she told us she's going to divorce her husband," you said, watching his reaction carefully. Joshua's eyebrows lifted in surprise.
"Really? They've only been married for two years, right?"
You nodded. "Yes, but they've been together for seven years in total. It was shocking to all of us. She said it was because of this constant argument about towels that irritated her every day. She felt it was something she just couldn't tolerate anymore, and it snowballed into a bigger issue."
Joshua's expression softened with understanding. "That sounds really tough. It's always the little things, isn't it?"
You took a deep breath, feeling the comfort of Joshua's embrace, but the thoughts continued to swirl in your mind. "I guess, seeing Jinah go through this made me worry about us," you admitted softly. "Especially with the baby on the way. There's just so much to think about—stress, work, everything that could affect our relationship."
Joshua's eyes remained gentle and reassuring as he listened. "I understand," he said, his voice steady. "It's a lot to take in, and it's natural to feel worried."
You felt a lump form in your throat. "I'm scared that with all the changes coming, we might face challenges that we haven't even considered yet. The stress from work, sleepless nights with the baby, trying to balance everything—it just feels overwhelming sometimes."
Joshua squeezed your hand gently, his touch grounding you. "We will have challenges, that's true. But we also have each other. We can face those challenges together, just like we always have."
You looked into his eyes, searching for reassurance. "But what if it's too much? What if we start arguing over little things like Jinah and her husband did?"
Joshua shook his head slightly, his expression resolute. "We'll argue, sure. Every couple does. But the important thing is how we handle those arguments. We need to keep communicating, be honest with each other, and make time for ourselves as a couple, even with a baby in the mix."
Tears welled up in your eyes, a mix of fear and relief. "I just want us to be okay, no matter what."
He brushed a tear from your cheek, his thumb lingering softly on your skin. "We will be. We'll make it through because we care about each other and our family. And when things get tough, we'll lean on each other even more."
As you and Joshua got ready to sleep, both of you lay down on the bed. Joshua was almost drifting off, his breathing slowing into a relaxed rhythm. You, however, couldn't find a comfortable position, something that had become a nightly struggle as your stomach grew. You shifted from side to side, trying to settle in.
Your mind kept circling back to Jinah and her husband. The thought of their crumbling marriage weighed heavily on you. Sensing your restlessness, Joshua stirred and pulled you gently into his embrace.
"Try to get some sleep, love," he whispered, his voice drowsy but caring.
You sighed, unable to hold back your thoughts. "It's not really about the towel, you know," you said softly, your voice tinged with frustration.
Joshua blinked, trying to shake off sleep. "What do you mean?" he asked, confusion evident in his tone.
"It's actually not just about the towel."
"The fact that Jinah had to keep repeating herself every day is a sign that he never really heard her, right? And that hurts," you explained, feeling the depth of Jinah's pain.
Joshua's brow furrowed as he processed your words. "So, it wasn't about the towel at all?"
"No, it wasn't," you replied, your voice firm. "It was about feeling unheard and unappreciated. Imagine telling someone something that's important to you over and over, and they just don't seem to care enough to listen or change. It's exhausting and hurtful."
Joshua nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I get it now. It's about respect and validation. No one wants to feel like they're talking to a wall."
"Exactly," you said, feeling a sense of relief that he understood. "That's what I'm scared of. I don't want us to ever get to that point where we stop listening to each other."
Joshua tightened his embrace, his hand gently rubbing your back. "We won't. We'll make sure we always hear each other, no matter what. Communication is key, and I'll always strive to listen to you, truly listen."
His words brought a sense of calm over you. You snuggled closer, feeling the warmth of his body and the strength of his commitment. "Thank you," you whispered, closing your eyes.
"Always," he murmured, his voice soothing. "Now, let's get some sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow, and our little one needs their rest too."
You smiled, finally finding a comfortable position. With Joshua's reassuring presence, you felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, you could handle anything. As sleep slowly overtook you, the worries about Jinah and her husband faded, replaced by a deep sense of love and security.
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junkissed · 6 months
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member — joshua x gn reader genre — fluff, comfort (18+) word count — 1.1k synopsis — sometimes you just need to take second to wait.  warnings — allusions to past/future sex but no sex happens in this fic, implied that shua is more dom and reader is more sub, this is literally just pure aftercare notes — i never feel like i put enough aftercare into my fics because i'm usually drained by the end of writing and i just want to finish it and hit post so this is kinda to make up for that. also i'm really particular about the way aftercare is written and i feel like i never see the kind i want to read so honestly this is just a super self-indulgent fic, because if you can't find it then write it yourself or whatever toni morrison said, but i hope you can enjoy this too :) i haven't proofread this since 3am so if there's mistakes pls ignore! also this is not based on the song wait by dino as you might have assumed i just thought it was a fitting title because we all need a reminder to just slow down and wait
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"wait, wait... wait!"
joshua starts to stand up off the bed, but hesitates when you call out suddenly. "what's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks quietly, eyes carefully watching your face, searching for signs and trying to figure out what you need.
"don't leave yet," you say softly, your fingers wrapping loosely around his wrist. "don't want you to go.”
he rubs his hand over the back of your palm. "just gonna get you a glass of water,” he explains but he sits back on the bed, waiting anyway.
you're exhausted and you know you both need to shower and change the sheets, but the thought of moving right now only sends you into a panic. you're overheated and sticky with sweat, but still you crave the warmth of joshua’s body next to yours, the feeling of his skin against you as close as he can possibly get.
“later?” you say the word like a statement, but your voice rises in a question. “just stay for now. please.”
there's a time and a place for everything, and joshua knows right now is not the time for rational thinking. sure, you've got twice the amount of laundry to do later and your mouth feels drier than a desert, but that can wait. it can always wait, for joshua. it can wait because right now you need to feel the grounding weight of him beside you, telling you he'll always be there, especially when you need him most. 
even though it's what he immediately wants to do, no amount of sweat-stained sheets could ever come before you in his mind. even though he knows you're thirsty and probably craving a cold shower and he wants nothing more than to jump up and take care of your every wish, that's not always what's best. yes, what you need is fresh laundry, but what you want is him. 
so he settles back in on top of the bed, easily sliding into place beside you without a second thought. because it's always about you. always has been.
"better?" he asks, his finger gently brushing your cheek in slow, repetitive motions. 
you exhale and lean into him, letting your eyes fall shut as you hum in reply. 
the gentleness of his touch is such a stark contrast from how he'd been handling you not even 15 minutes ago, but you can't help but love both sides of him. gone is the hair pulling, the slapping and biting, replaced with soft brushes of your hair and careful caresses of your skin over each of the marks he'd left in the heat of the moment.
really, it's joshua's favorite part, besides the fact that he gets the honor of fucking you and being the one to bring you pleasure. it's the part afterwards that he looks forward to, when you're at your most vulnerable and both still riding an emotional high, when he gets to build you back up after so meticulously taking you apart. it's the trust in him that you show without ever so much as saying a word, the sense of safety and comfort washing over you that only ever comes from the feeling of being held in his arms.
the air seems to hang silently around you, as if even the universe can sense that this is a moment that shouldn't be interrupted, your own little bubble together that exists outside of space and time.
you just need a second to collect yourself, and seconds turns to minutes turns to half an hour before you can fully feel like yourself again. sometimes it's minutes and sometimes it's longer, but he'll wait as long as it takes.
you slowly open your eyes and inhale, lips warming into a smile as you see joshua is still here, still cradling your head against his chest, and that this all wasn't just a pleasant dream. you can always rely on him that when you open your eyes, he'll be there waiting for you. no matter how long you need to rest, he's always there when you're ready.
your thumb brushes over his arm, and he rests his cheek against the top of your head. “okay now?” he asks. “or do you just wanna leave it and go to bed?”
as tired as you are and as comfortable as his body feels, the intense feelings have subsided a little and you've regained enough of your energy to realize that what you need most right now is a shower and a glass of water.
so joshua slips off the bed, but not without leaving you with another sweet kiss because why wouldn't he? and you let him leave without a word of protest, because you don't feel that crushing feeling in your chest anymore of being left alone when you really need someone to hug, so you just wait patiently for him to return.
he comes back not much later with cool, fresh water in your favorite cup, and he sits beside you as you drink with his hand on your thigh because now it's his turn to be cared for, and the way he feels cared for is knowing you feel good and knowing he's doing a good job at making you feel loved. and you know that he needs this time just as much as you do so you savor the seconds spent here, letting the water wash down your throat until you both feel refreshed.
“thank you,” you tell him as you sit atop the sink, watching as he sticks his hand under the faucet to see if the shower is the right temperature yet. the bed’s already been stripped of its sheets and a fresh stack of towels been laid out, one by one ticking things off joshua's mental checklist. it's a routine, one that isn't always this thorough every single night but always equal in the amount of care and love he puts in each step.
and eventually things will return to normal, and you'll wake up the next morning filled with nothing but adoration for the man still sleeping peacefully next to you, and then you'll go about your days and come home in the evening and still be so much in love with him that you do it all again. maybe it goes differently next time, faster or shorter or less intense and you don't need to wait like you did tonight.
but sometimes you need a little extra time. and joshua is a patient man.
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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bangtanintotheroom · 20 days
Just Like Candy (M)(Teaser)
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She's just like candy, she's so sweet
But you know that it ain't real cherry, know that it ain't real cherry
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🔊 candy - doja cat (spotify | soundcloud) 🔊
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• Pairing: S.Coups x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Strangers to Lovers, Smut
• Rating: 18+
• Words (teaser): 583
• Summary: Following a breakup, Seungcheol is looking for a distraction for the night. You catch his eye with your red lips and the rest is history.
• Warnings/themes: mentions of a breakup, sulky Cheol 🥲, drinking, swearing, one night stand, flirting, making out, dirty talk, handjobs, fingering, oral (m. and f. receiving), c*me swallowing, strength kink, manhandling, hint of begging
• Notes: Yes, yes, I know. "There goes AJ falling for another leader!" I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! SO WHAT IF I LIKE A RELIABLE MAN HUH, HUH 🤬 *deep breaths* Anyways. Just enjoy me starting to simp for Mr. Coups and watch as I slowly become a Carat over time 😊
• Teaser Notes: Teasers are a WIP and will not fully reflect the final draft, warnings and themes are subject to change. If you want to be tagged when the final draft is released, either leave a reply or shoot me an ask! PLEASE HAVE YOUR AGE PRESENT IN YOUR BIO OR YOU WILL NOT BE TAGGED.
• Taglist: @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @kiestrokes @swga-ficrecs @hyunjinsjeans @firesighgirl
Reminder that I have a permanent taglist if you're interested in all future fics I post!
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“Yah, is he on his phone again?”
Wonwoo replied to Seungkwan’s question from the front with, “He sure is.”
Every other occupant groaned in exasperation, Chan peering around him to scold, “Seungcheol-hyung, focus! You’re supposed to have fun with us tonight, not pine over her!”
“Just block her already!”
Seungcheol was quick to snap at Joshua’s quip, “No, because then I’ll look bitter.”
Seungkwan turned around in the passenger seat to look directly at him, seeming as if he was about to give the most unhelpful advice ever.
“Hyung, you want my suggestion?”
“Too bad. Fuck her feelings, respectfully—” He was quick to throw in that word after the elder’s face began twisting in displeasure. “—she decided to end it and she’s out there living her best life while you’re moping around. Be selfish for once and focus on your well-being!”
Chan joined in, “Exactly! Are you going to let her distract you from having a good time with us tonight?”
The eldest wanted to fight back on instinct, but the more he stewed on his friends’ words, the more he realized that they had a point.
What was the use in getting in his feelings? He’d just end up being the downer of the group and waste the effort they put in to have him get dressed and come out. Even though it had been a while since he went to a party of this size, the tiniest part of him was excited. His ex was the type to avoid get togethers like this, so he often put off the guys’ invites in favor of pleasing her.
But she wasn’t around anymore…
He sighed heavily. Hopefully, he’d be distracted enough that she wouldn’t run through his mind until he got back to his bed and deleted more of their couple pictures.
“No, I’m not.”
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“Last chance to back out.”
Seungcheol couldn’t help but knit his brows a bit as he pondered. Was he really about to fool around with a complete stranger?
He didn’t need to see Wonwoo’s flabbergasted expression downstairs to know that this was somewhat out-of-character for him. Even when he was single, getting in bed with someone he had only known for a couple of hours was a thought he never entertained. But this was now and he was, to put it lightly, yearning for some physical contact that would keep him distracted for the night.
And quite frankly, he didn’t want to say no to you.
The light call of his name brought him out of his thoughts, looking down to see you gazing up with mild concern.
“You alright?”
He was quick to nod and smile reassuringly, replying, “Yes. Sorry, just…got in my head for a bit.”
Your expression eased up, tongue clicking as you gave his hands a squeeze.
“Well, we can’t have any more of that. C’mon.”
You maneuvered Seungcheol around so his back was facing the bed now.
“Quit thinking about your ex and focus.”
“Believe me, I’m trying. I might need a little more help on your end.”
With the hint of encouragement in his voice, it seemed to shift you into a more domineering mood, cherry lips twisting into an undaunted grin while you let go of his hands.
“Of course. Even if it’s for a moment—“ All of a sudden, he felt a push to his chest and found himself falling to the bed before looking up at your salacious smile. “—I’ll make you forget all about her.”
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2024. Crossposted to AO3. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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purplelea · 2 years
Concept: joshnekushiki but it's from Hazuki's point of view and he's just very confused at Joshua's behaviour towards those humans
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trblsvt · 1 year
3:00 am | yoon jeonghan
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summary | sometimes he just didn't understand what he did wrong, and neither did you. genre | angst, hurt/comfort, fluff (?) warnings | swearing word count | 1.4k words pairing | yoon jeonghan x reader minli | lowercase intended requested by this lovely anon! i apologize if this didn't really follow the prompt :(
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"well, if you don't want me here then i'll just go!" he yelled grabbing his coat and keys. you said nothing. "i'll be joshua's if you need anything," he said before leaving.
"i won't," you muttered as jeonghan left. "i don't need you for anything."
jeonghan made his way to joshua's door, head hung low. the fight was stupid, but it was obviously a sensitive subject that he already regretted bringing up. if he was honest, he forgot why he even brought it up at all. your friends were none of his business, he just saw some things that were concerning, so he brought it up. his mistake.
he trudged his way up the stairs of joshua's apartment and knocked on the door. the door unlocked and swung open. "jeonghan?" joshua asked, obviously exhausted. "what are you doing here? didn't ___ just get back home from that trip?" jeonghan didn't know how to respond. you were extremely close to joshua, and jeonghan worried that joshua might gut him if he found out about the fight despite being his best friend too. "we had a bit of a disagreement, an argument," jeonghan confessed. joshua stared at him and slowly opened the door enough to let jeonghan in. after joshua closed the door he said, "i knew you had a fight. i just got off the phone with ___. good choice being honest with me."
joshua brushed past jeonghan and into the kitchen. jeonghan followed quickly after. he could feel joshua's coldness spreading throughout the room. "do you want something to drink?" joshua offered, which was strange because he never did that. he always just let jeonghan get what he needed. jeonghan shook his head and went to sit down on the couch. he registered the sound of joshua sitting down next to him. "so why'd you do it?" joshua asked finally.
"do what?" jeonghan groaned.
"criticize ___'s friends."
"i wouldn't say i criticized them."
"you said they're awful people and that ___ shouldn't hang out with them." jeonghan couldn't refute that. it was true. your friends treated you horribly, and he felt like he was going crazy. "okay fine! yeah i said that! it's true though," he tried to defend himself.
"you do realize i'm ___'s best friend, right?" joshua deadpanned. jeonghan just stared at him baffled. he couldn't believe this was happening. first you, now joshua. the world was just out to get him. "i'm not talking about you, just please try to stay out of it," jeonghan buried his face in his hands.
"okay, i will. just don't ruin this really amazing thing you have because if you hurt ___-"
"you'll beat the shit out of me okay, yeah got it," jeonghan finished for him. "i'll be out here, just go back to sleep. thanks for letting me crash here."
"yeah, no problem," joshua mumbled, getting up and heading back to his room.
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jeonghan had been awake for the last three hours. it was now officially 3:02 am. he hadn't been able to sleep at all. he knew what he said was out of line, but it didn't mean it wasn't true. your friends sometimes treated you like you didn't even exist. constantly not including you in outings, posting trips that they didn't invite you on, and jeonghan swears to you that he heard them talking poorly about you behind your back. how could you stay friends with people like that? he didn't understand.
but, he knew that wasn't the thing keeping him up. it's what you said after he brought it up.
"it's not like i can just drop them!" you yelled. he had rushed to your side holding you, "yes you can! they're horrible to you. why are hanging out with people who don't treat you nicely?" you flung your arms against him and pulled away. there were tears in your eyes, "they're the only people i have!"
the only people you had? what about him? he knew that he was around less because of his work, and it was a bit new to both of you because he usually wasn't as busy as he is now. but what you said before he left was stirring.
"i don't need you for anything."
he was sure it was just the anger that made you say it, but you said it when he was leaving. could there be some truth behind it? maybe he was overthinking it, but he needed to get this sorted out. it was his nature. he grabbed his phone off the coffee table and pulled up your contact. other than his family, you and joshua were the only ones in his favorites. he didn't know what he would do if he lost you.
his finger hovered over the call button. would you even pick up? what if after you talked you would want to break up with him. he bit the bullet and clicked it. it rang three times and finally, the other line picked up. "han?" you answered. you sounded like you hadn't slept at all. "___, did i wake you? i'm sorry. you can go back to sleep," he rushed, not wanting to worsen the situation.
"no, han, what's wrong? why'd you call?" you didn't sound upset. you sounded concerned. his mind was reeling. "no reason, it's stupid," he coughed. "i'll let you go."
"jeonghan, what's going on? where are you?" you repeated.
"i'm at joshua's. i just- god, this is so stupid. when you said that you don't have anyone, what did you mean by that?" he finally mustered up the courage to ask.
"what are- i don't know what you're talking about," you spluttered, and you were being completely honest. you knew that. jeonghan knew that. you never lied to each other, ever. "when we were arguing. you said you wouldn't drop your friends because they're the only people you have," jeonghan breathed. "i just wanted to know if that's how you actually felt." he heard a catch in your breath so he gave you time. "you have me, and i'm not saying i'm the only person you need because friends are great to have, but only if they treat you well. you said that you didn't need me for anything, but i need you. please tell me you didn't mean that. i'm sorry i'm gone a lot more now, i will do everything to make it up to you." you wanted to say something, but it died in your throat. he continued, "i need you so much, i can't do
you honestly didn't know what to say. you had been friends with your group for years, but suddenly things began to shift. you would have to be blind not to notice it. but, they were the ones who were there, through everything. you could overlook a couple times they forgot to invite you to things, right?
jeonghan obviously didn't think so. it all started when he came home from work, throwing his bag onto the ground and collapsing on the couch next to you. "didn't you have plans with your friends?" he had mumbled into his arm.
"yeah, they, uh, i got the times messed up. they left earlier than i thought," you had said. it was a red flag of course, and jeonghan knew it. "times messed up?" he scoffed. "this is like the fourth time this has happened. do you think they might be doing this on purpose?"
that's what did it. jeonghan had said what you were afraid of and you snapped at him. of course you didn't mean what you said to him. now he was calling second guessing everything. "hannie, of course i didn't mean that. i- i know i have you, it's just so weird for them to be treating me like this," you sighed. "you're everything to me too. i'm sorry i said those things to you, you have to know i didn't mean it. i never meant for you to second guess anything. i was just upset, and that doesn't excuse it-" you rambled on and on, and jeonghan couldn't stand it anymore. he did feel partly responsible for the state you were in. "it's okay, ___. it was a heat of the moment thing. i- i'm just being overdramatic. i know you didn't mean it. it's late and we're both tired. i think you should get some sleep. i'll see you, okay?" he cooed.
"han, can you come back? i don't think i can sleep on my own tonight," you mumbled.
"of course, my love," he said. "i'm sorry for everything, we can get it sorted in the morning, okay?"
"okay. hurry back."
"i will."
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minli | not proofread yet! this was so fun to write. i'm so out of practice with writing angst, i'm sorry! and i'm not sure if i followed the request correctly either :( either way, anon, i hope you like this! leave a like or comment or reblog, anything is appreciated!
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park ranger benrey would like to battle! and also keep asking for your fishing license even though you keep telling them that you’re just here to battle!! also there isn’t even a body of water nearby anyway why are you doing this to me!!!
@microwavesludge had a fun idea for people doing a trainer benry for every pokemon type like the hatsune miku/pokemon voltage crossover and i picked grass 👍🍃 this was such a good idea i love pokemon and benyreyry
and yes i did painstakingly recreate the kanji in the bg to try and make it look more like speedwriter font
joshua’s a raichu only because i didn’t want gordon to seem like a neglectful dad (like 90% of pokemon dads) leaving his kid behind to go on fun pokemon adventures. also i know benry’s supposed to be a grass trainer here but i also think he should have a porygon. i have many more brainworms about this but i don’t want to burden this post with them so i’m gonna stop now bye.
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falloutnewnobody · 3 months
how i think each of the fnv companions/fan favorite characters would react if you asked to stack donuts on it (inspired by the fo4 companion dick donut post) (it not required) with little to no explanation
Cass: 100% absolutely. she brought it up. you're paying for the doughnuts
Boone: Very much no.
Arcade: no, but you can confirmed bachelor him into a hesitant yes that he instantly regrets
Veronica: yes, mostly out of curiosity
raul: no, and he questions your sanity.
vulpes: would call you a degenerate and probably stab you.
Ulysses: absolutely, but gets mad that he didn't think of it first.
benny: he's already done it, but will do it again. brags about how many doughnuts he can fit on it
Joshua graham: would let out the worlds' most disappointed sigh and tell you to get out of his sight and go to church
mr house: he'd say something about how, while he appreciates the boldness of asking and the scientific intentions, there's no way in hell he'd let you do that.
RingofromGoodprings (because i will live and die a ringofromGoodsprings truther): enthusiastic yes, not becuase he's particuarly interested in the activity, but becuase the Courier is like his bestie with a totally different job/work schedule that he sees once a month and actively looks forward to doing stupid shit for the bit with
yes man: he'd say yes, but in that passive aggressive way that makes it clear that he's genuinely worried about your mental health.
any of the think tankers: yes, for science
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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— it's complicated ⟢
one commoner, two princes, and three tales far too complicated to comprehend.
★ FEATURING; chan, joshua, and jeonghan!
★ STATUS; ongoing
★ TAGS; royalty au, magic, jeonghan being a menace (yes, it's a tag that's effective for the entire series lol), slow burn, fluff, angst, smut (MINORS DNI!)
★ NOTES; ok i lied abt posting this later hehe i've been soooo excited to share this entire series since i posted chan's story a few weeks ago <3 i hope you all like it!
★ BANNER CR; @himbocoups thank you so much for helping me out, nu!!!
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✧ promise ring // chan ✧
word count: 21k words
summary: no one would’ve guessed that the daughter of the town’s royal mage has a soft spot for the clumsiest fire elemental in the entire realm. but when the crown prince suddenly asks for your hand in marriage, you’re forced to consider how you feel about a certain lee jung chan a lot more seriously.
tags: childhood friends, mutual pining, love triangle
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✧ eyes meeting, hearts apart // joshua ✧
word count: 30.2k words
summary: you could've fallen for the childhood friend who owns a flower shop, the singer who takes the stage of the bar every other day. hell, even the owner's flirtatious son could've been a better choice. but you can't really help it if your heart longs for a prince who's in love with somebody else.
tags: bartender!reader, requited unrequited love, pining like no other, angst
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✧ starcrossed losers // jeonghan ✧
word count: x
summary: at age fifteen, you’re betrothed to a prince named jeonghan. at age twenty-five, you’re set to marry him. so, when your father gives you a chance to find love all on your own, you immediately take it. now if only jeonghan would stop fucking sabotaging every relationship you’re trying to get into.
tags: royal!reader, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, emotional romantic and sexual tension all in one lmao, more angst than intended
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want to be included in the taglist? send me an ask!
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