#yeahhh there we go
turtleblogatlast · 2 months
No but like every time I think about Splinter and what he had to go through just to keep the boys alive, my heart hurts for him so badly. Is he perfect? No not at all, but none of them are and by god does he love his sons.
The fact that all of them are alive, and grew to thrive despite the circumstances surrounding them is a testament of how much Splinter loves his boys. He raised four babies following the most traumatic time of his life, all alone with nothing but the sewers to house them (to hide them.) I feel like he’s not given the credit he deserves for all he’s done.
And I get that it’s easy to hold up his flaws and faults when it comes to parenting, I myself like looking into them because flawed characters are super interesting and said flaws make them more realistic and engaging, but he tries, and again, so many others would have given up on the boys or failed along the way but Splinter didn’t.
He’s their father, for all his faults he did his damndest to make sure they survived.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt splinter#rise splinter#he’s not perfect as I’ve said#and he’s got a whole slew of flaws and faults#but he’s a person - we are all flawed#he loves his sons dearly dearly dearly even if he struggles along the way to show that#parenting is not easy! especially as a traumatized mutant who is forced to do it alone#side note but I think this is one of the reasons why it kiiiiiinda ruffles my feathers to see so many people assign parentification to Raph#and in turn make Splinter out to be way worse and way more distant than he is in canon?#like idk I just don’t see what so many others see ig but maybe that’s just me#i guess my thoughts are like- let parents have flaws without villainizing them?#they’re still parents even if they mess up?#we can discuss the repercussions of a parents actions on a child while not casting that parent as an awful person#parents are peopleeee#I could go on but yeahhh#idk it bothers me seeing splinter’s efforts undermined when he’s been through so much#idk if ppl realized this by now but I love me some flawed characters#tho I do think in this fandom the ones whose faults are discussed the most are like#Splinter mostly then Draxum then Leo#of the main cast#and in Splinters case in particular his faults are made to cover his good qualities which makes me sad#because he is SO INTERESTING#they’re all flawed characters and tbh so interesting because their flaws are ALSO their strengths in many aspects
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mad-hunts · 23 days
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nebulaleaf · 8 months
every time i see an au or a post game hc sheet that has akira as a cop i cant help but laugh. literally speedrunning telling me you dont understand the fundamentals of the character you're making content for, or at the very least you're telling me i ought to not trust your ass in general 😭
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Random oc doodles because that class boredom hits deep
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 10 months
Adorned by stars | Changing States
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When he hits the I-70, Jeremiah slots George Michael’s Faith into his ’98 Accord and drives with the windows down. His mother would chide him for two reasons: a) he’s wasting fuel and b) it’s begun to storm. But he likes the way the wind shears through his hair like a nail breaking drywall and he likes the way spats of rain settle on his skin like constellations because on the road, he isn’t just a hand for someone else to hold, a body to handle, a man who looks at another man and fears how much of himself he’s lost in his reflection. No. On the road he is the sky, adorned by stars of his own making, relentless in his abundance, blinking in the absence of any other light.
A little Changing States aesthetic & excerpt!
i'm so normal about him i'm so normal i'm so normal i'm so-
#i can't wait to explain more about this project when I actually get into it#like there's no plot rn but the vibes are impeccable#BUT I DO HAVE A LOGLINE: after a whirlwind romance devastatingly ends#jeremiah moves back to his hometown in maryland for support#only to receive word there’s been a death in the family the day he's set to arrive.#“WHIRLWIND ROMANCE DEVASTATINGLY ENDS” YEAHHH BYEEE#harrison fucked this man up i'm MADDDDDD#you know that scene in BB where harrison's pissed off at the congregation and turns and goes DO ANY OF YOU WANT PITCHFORKS???#the answer rn should be yes BECAUSE WE'RE HUNTING HIM FOR SPORT (quoting That Post) anyway let me be serious#CW: death/grief talk#like i said this is a little autofiction-y in the sense that last yr my family had a maryland trip planned and right before we left#there was a death in the family (I didn't know the person well but it affected my parents/grandparents/uncles a lot)#so what was a trip to just see family was a trip to go to a funeral#anyway I was thinking about those circumstances and what that's like (like packing funeral clothes when they weren't originally in the plan#and what that funeral was like/how interesting it is that times of grief are also times where family reuintes#as I saw people who wouldn't have ever met me or last met me when I was very little#it was also joyous in ways etc while also being incredibly sad to witness the grief anyway so I was drawn to write about that#because I think about that trip a LOT (I was getting back into SV at the time)#and that was the first time I'd been in MD in a long time (just like this is the first time Jeremiah's been in MD in a long time)#for me it was 4 years so maybe I'll make it a similar timeline for him!#anyway Jeremiah means so much to me ughhhh I’m so grateful I created him#changing states
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paramountpetrichor · 1 month
Not a public proshiper myself because of heavy fear
but Lunar x Eclipse x ruin. Especially with Ruin tricking both to their side to work with them.
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first off i am So sorry this took like a week to get to (im still workin on the other thing in my inbox too i prommy </3) and second off, God thats so Real. there's a reason i use a sideblog to be proship instead of my main and that's bc of one huge reason: excruciating anxiety
anygays here's your request <3 if you dont know what the image is based off of please check the cut bc i put it (as well as a lightningless version) under there <3<3<3
ALSO bc this doesn't exactly fit the 'Ruin tricking both of them' part of your request (more like Ru and Lu teaming up to trick Ecci lmao), feel free to ask for another <3 i lovelovelove requests and am actually pretty satisfied with this piece heehee
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tha lightningless ver
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tha og inspo <3
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shopwitchvamp · 3 months
You were born at Landstuhl right? (Sorry if this is weird I was an army medic and your post had strong army family vibes)
You're right about the army family vibes, haha. But that's the wrong part Germany.
I was born in Nürnburg, I think at a German hospital 🤔? My grandma on my mom's side is German & from Nürnburg. My mom was born in 1965, and then ended up at the same hospital having me in 1990. And yeah both of my parents were in the army. My mom got out when I was born, but my dad stayed in for a full career.
We did end up closer to Landstuhl later on though! 2000-2003 we lived in Weisbaden (specifically Mainz-Kastel). All of my middle school years were at Weisbaden American Middle School.
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schmabbald · 9 months
poor olimar. he's not even a full inch tall and he's been sent to the Horrible Alien Death Planet so many times and it's still unclear wether he got to see his family in-between these journeys
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talkfastcal · 4 months
What a song (this is about mama by mcr)
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bunnihearted · 4 months
i think the reason i always feel so lonely is bc rlly all i want is a romantic relationship that is kinda co-dependent but we love eo nd it works for us. idc that it's generally considered toxic. that's what i need nd want. like i do want to experience nd go thru life w someone always by my side. i need someone close to me all the time to seek quiet, verbal nd physical comfort nd reassurance from. i need to share the burden nd horrors of life w someone else. have their warmth nd closeness be an anchor for me.
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
i dont trust a bitch that hates ronance
like wdym u like stedd1e(<3) or god forbid fucking h4rr1ngr0ve(😒) but you dont like ronance🤨🤨🤨🤨
like if u dnt ship it bc ur rooting for robin and vickie or ur a super yay jxncy person or smt sure whatever. but if u HATE ronance??? i do not trust you.
#anyone thats 100% insistent and totally sure that nance is straight gets my side eye tbh#bc like did u listen to murrays lil expose on her💀 'ur scared to be urself and instead rely on safety of conventional man'#yeahhh not queer coded at all#when we talk abt how mlm ships need 100x as much evidence as straight ships to be considered plausible???#yeah that but x10000000 for wlw ones jfc#like steve can have a male friend that says hes got nice abs or smthn and everyones WOOF WOOF BARK GRR GAY PEOPLE!!!#sure okay have fun besties#but nancy is like 🥰robin ik i wanted nothing to do w u 5 seconds ago but ive actually decided ur my fav person🥰#🥰we are gonna spend the rest of our time on this world saving mission glued together ok🥰#anyway. do i believe it has any shot at endgame?? no!#but i do not like the way that people are like st3ddie<333❗❗❗ (i love it too dont get me wrong fruity four my loves)#and then totally ignore ronance. or worse. see them as side characters 💀#i have so many thoughts on this but just. im usually a defender of why fandoms fixate on mlm ships bc women tend to have less development#(im a byler first. bc theyre the most obviously romantically coded in a Oh this one has Actual Potential way)#but robin and nancy are fairly well rounded characters. and they interact a fuck ton in s4. so. usual defenses are a no go#and now im ready to sword fight the haters#ronance#this is incomprehensible#but im right#only censoring ship names so i dnt end up in their tags i love stedd1e and jxncy dw
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etherylelixyr · 2 days
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centi-pedve · 6 days
we'd probably be an objectum posic baddie right now if we didn't discover it when there was like 0 support system for objectum and posic people and everyone we knew was the type of person to tolerate young us (not good) so we've essentially been scared out of experiencing empathy or affectionate feelings towards objects. cuz like gonna be real 4 a sec when everyone else found out they made it their life mission to make us regret it. whenever they found out we grew fond towards any object they would destroy it smash it set it on fire even if it was their own belongings in front of us just so we'd see. the objects we were the most fond of and still feel some fondness towards were from a group that cannot fit into the plushie or tech category and are also considered very disposable so now whenever we look at them and feel anything more positive than pure apathy we are hit with level 1000 dread beam
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mad-hunts · 14 days
@question-marked asked: “are you making fresh pasta?”
barton managed to barely hear eddie over the sound of two of his kids arguing in the background — who seemed to be jack and matilda, respectively, as he would soon call out to them using their names in his native tongue. but the fact remained that he had heard him and so after he essentially told them to ' get along ' in french, barton turned to face the other. he was currently kneading what looked to be some kind of dough with his hands, ❝ sorry, they've been unusually argumentative today with each other. you're going to have to excuse them. but yeah... lucky for you, you caught me right in the middle of making dinner. ❞
barton seemed to have some experience as he hadn't gotten any of the dough on his hands and it seemed to be quite close to having the right texture (not too dry, and not too wet). and truthfully, he did as the recipe he'd gotten for chicken alfredo from winslow? it called for homemade noodles so he figured he might as well try his hand at it. though barton still wasn't good at certain aspects of it, like actually rolling the dough through the pasta maker. a purposely overdramatic sigh left his lips then, ❝ ahh, but i'm really no good at rolling the dough through the pasta maker myself. if only there were someone here who could do it for me. ❞ he discretely looked over to edward afterward as if to say ' i'm totally not talking about you here, but also, i am. ' barton really didn't like to look like he wasn't an expert at things in the kitchen after all when he'd been cooking so long.
but this was only his second time making this, so he supposed it was more than reasonable for him to still struggle with it. barton stopped kneading the dough and looked at edward through squinted eyes as if analyzing him, ❝ i'm still a bit confused as to why you would come here when you're not injured. would you mind telling me again why you're here, considering i don't think you like me enough to be here simply for a social call? oh, and while you're doing that, could you also get me that dough cutter over there? thanks, ❞ a small unreadable smile ghosted across his features while he gestured towards the blade a little ways away from him. edward had honestly given him no reason to hate him, so as it stood, he felt rather ambivalent towards him. ❝ say, you aren't a vegetarian... right? because i'm making chicken alfredo. and enough to feed a small army, probably, so you can definitely have some. ❞
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cosmo-the-overseer · 16 days
hiii i cant decide what to paint so if anyone wants to help .
hi thanks 👍👍
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
These organizations supporting KOSA going through while claiming they want to help marginalized kids are actually so disgusting to me. The posts they make about Nex is just virtue signaling & words when their actions say let’s make things worse for these children.
I’m gonna be 100% honest, they should keep that kid’s name out of their damn mouths so long as they support KOSA. Like actually fuck you & eat shit. Actions speak louder than words, traitorous scumbags. You don’t care, you care about your stakeholders more.
Your organization can only thrive & exist so long as there’s a problem to donate towards solving. Of course you would support KOSA, you need a problem to keep existing in order to look like the good guys & solve it. Just go mask off & call us slurs & your “customers” at this point, it would be less disgusting than covering it up behind kind words.
#this goes out to the Trevor project & PFLAG as well as GLAAD & GLSEN#all of you should keep Nex’s name out your mouth when you have every intention to make things worse for trans kids#I can’t imagine going to work for one of these charity organizations & just seeing your bosses make things worse for the people you are#trying to help#I cannot imagine how frustrating & upsetting that is & then the higher ups are just like okayyyy our organization can keep existing...#so now y’all lower rank workers go help these kids whose lives we just made worse!#these charity orgs function like retail stores I stg; they need customers to keep giving them money meanwhile the higher ups make things#worse for said customers while the cashiers & others just try to help the best they can#you’re doing damage control for your incompetent & terrible upper management; it’s just like every other American workplace#you can also compare supporting a bill that would hurt the people they claim to help as a war economy comparison#they need to keep the class war going by supporting this bill in order to keep having money to keep existing as an organization#they’re playing both sides while on the surface saying we are here to help!#no you aren’t! your workers are; but you as higher ups are prioritizing stakeholders over humanity & for that you’ve lost all my respect#I haven’t looked up evidence about the human rights campaign supporting KOSA but they’ve been bad in the past so I believe it tbh#I mean the recent Zionism from HRC is enough for me to be like yeahhh no they absolutely would be in support of the Kosa bill#mine#op#the trevor project#pflag#glaad#GLSEN
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