#yea boooooooy
lavenoon · 1 year
(What if too tired for work, but not too tired for fanfic?) XD But seriously, I’m taking advantage of the fact that I can no longer focus on assignments to be able to read the latest chapters! And boooooooy do I have thoughts! Ok, ok, so first of all, man did Moon take the brunt of that reveal huh? Not only realizing what’s been going on, but now questioning his whole relationship with the Robin he thought he knew. I’m sure their complaints were more annoyed at first, but surely Sun may also have exaggerated a liiiiitle how bad the “coworker” was actually perceived when he told Moon about it, based on how we know Sun has also felt a pang of jealousy when y/n did speak fondly of him. But I can definitely see how Moon needed the space, (even if it actually might have made it worse just spiraling in his thoughts). And then also Sun! Because he’s so, so afraid that y/n wouldn’t see him as the sweet guy that they kinda went on a date with and have been building a closer relationship with, (which I mean, fair assumption, we saw how the ruthlessness went in reverse au even if it was due to have it directed AT them, which canon Sun wouldn’t do at this point). These guys are a combined ball of anxiety and fears. And omg, poor Robin. You have mentioned before that they didn’t use to hang out with anyone before and that they generally didn’t get along with most coworkers, so I suspected they were already a very lonely person (and pretending they could handle it fine) before they met the boys, but wow, this really highlights how much that was the case. They’re very concerned about Moon, and while they themself have disappeared before, they probably felt something was off about this time. And then to come back to find out their neighbor who maybe possibly went on a date with them just the day before is obviously avoiding them? Sun and Moon at least had each other to reassure themselves that everything would be fine when their landlord/rival disappeared . Robin had no one. And knowing how sweet Sun was towards them probably only made them think that whatever they did was a grave offense. So their rival could be dead and they wouldn’t know, and their neighbor might hate them now, and now they tried to fix it, but they’re still terrified of finding out what really is going on. And that loneliness that they probably didn’t even notice was there before is coming twice as strong now that they’re used to the company of two very important people to them. Ough, loving it all, can’t wait until reckless y/n learns the truth and does whatever they’re gonna do!
I sat on this the entire workday wanting to answer, you really sent this right before I left! gdhsj
This. has turned MUCH too long I am so sorry. Read more for you GFHDJS
But yea yea yea! If we compare Moon's reaction about being the "annoying coworker" in the first alt reveal drabble and the canon reveal, the difference is drastic.
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In one, he has the complainer right there - throwing pillows at him, rather than anything actually hostile. Y/N is frantic, and near panic, but did not go further than any attacks they direct at each other on any other day.
Another example from that one unpublished drabble I have no idea when I'll get to it (context: Dusk picked Robin up):
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This is early in the rivalry, but still standard. They fight a bit, but they don't truly hurt each other - in the alt reveal scene he had that immediate reassurance that yes, Robin may snark and throw some punches (or, pillows), but they don't see him as an enemy.
In the canon reveal? He has the immediate comparison of Robin & Dusk vs Y/N & Sun, with the latter being much friendlier and closer (as he thinks). Then he has the thought that he's the coworker, and Y/N isn't there to reassure him of their relationship and dynamic, he only has Sun who's in denial and then freaking out just as much, and he catastrophizes. It's a lot, it's too much, and then he's already buried himself in those worst case thoughts where not even Sun could reach him.
The nights he hides away to think he basically went through all their interactions, trying to interpret them differently, and some (especially earlier) memories might have fit this terrible new pattern he has to consider, but more and more... It doesn't make sense. Things don't add up, and then Sun shares that he was jealous because Y/N wouldn't rest until they heard their coworker is concerned.
So by the time Sun urges him to go back to work to see Robin? He's ready to hope again, and boy does Robin deliver. There's still a lot of hurt, remnants of doubt that he needs to talk to Y/N about, and fear of the unknown future for them all. But when Robin cheers him up, baits him into a chase, and is just so relieved to have him back? That's when things start looking up for him again.
And Sun? "which canon Sun wouldn’t do at this point" well. Maybe not quite - but once Sun leans into the rivalry, Robin is in for a surprise. And not just the "Oh no he's hot" kind! They just have the advantage that they already know all of him by then, unlike reverse Robin meeting the ruthless side first.
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He is ruthless. That is him, and he enjoys a good chase! He's also sweet and loves taking care of Y/N, yes, and if he had thought it's an option he would have hidden away all those parts he wouldn't want them to see and just be that for them. Would he have been entirely happy? Probably not, honestly. The secrecy and cutting off parts of himself to fit into that image he projected would have taken their toll on him.
If, post-reveal when things settle down, you'd ask him if he thinks it was good they found out? Immediate "Yes." He gets to show all of himself to Y/N, and they accept him, and enjoy all of him. He gets to cook for them and ask them if they're staying hydrated and also chase them through the city and fluster them on missions.
But right now? He doesn't know what the future holds. There's just fear that they might find out, and while they might not be horrified at what he's capable of per se, it's still one hell of a contrast to the person he tried to be for them. He thinks they'd see it as a downgrade, as opposed to Moon having an easier time since they already knew his agent side.
Moon's fear is that Robin may have never liked him. They disprove that as soon as they get the chance, unknowingly.
Sun's fear is that Y/N may hate Dawn. He doesn't get the reassurance until they do find out, and then some.
Moon took the brunt of the reveal - but Sun has to endure it longer.
Y/N? They thought they were fine on their own, they were doing well enough, they had some fun, they didn't realize that something was missing until they gained it, and then lost it again.
They were sick when they were "missing", or in the first case in the hospital, though Dusk knew about that.
An animatronic does not get the flu.
They don't know if it's something harmless keeping him, like it was something harmless for them - because their situation simply does not apply to Dusk's.
So when both of their support pillars suddenly crumble and cave in, when they're suddenly all alone again? They're terrified.
They're proud, and don't quite dare pester their supervisor for more info - just "You'd tell me if he was dead, right? I work with the guy regularly, I need to know if he'll be back. When he'll be back" and only gets noncommittal answers back that they assume mean he's fine, because they would tell them if Dusk was dead, right? But they can't be sure.
And they might feel like talking to Sun about it, hear any reassurance even if they can't share much, but... His last text came super late, and was kind of stiff, and they haven't seen him for a while now, where before they used to see each other on the porch or balcony pretty regularly?
Is he... Is he avoiding them? And if yes (because man, that would fit what's happening), why? The distance came after they sent the pictures - was there something wrong with those? They took a bunch of him, and didn't ask every time, was he put off by that? But that wouldn't warrant ghosting, right? Was there something else, something they missed? A signal, a cue, did they mess up? They don't even know, and they're already in a bad headspace, so they just spiral.
Keep hoping Dusk comes back, keep hoping they'll see Sun again.
When neither happens, they reach out to the one they can reach at least, their pride finally having lost to their concern and hope and loneliness.
They got the reassurance that Sun doesn't suddenly hate them for some reason, but he's still tense and unhappy, and Dusk is still missing, so it's still just a small relief.
They start feeling better when Dusk comes back to work, and almost close to normal when he falls back into their usual pattern, and Sun greets them on the porch again when they meet. But things are off, still, somewhat, and, well...
Their boys do have a bomb to drop right back.
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simranger · 2 years
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♥️ fallon's ⋄ bachelorette ⋄ challenge ♥️
☆*: .。. o ☆*: .。. o ☆*: .。. o
the contestants: henley sallow by @moonfromearth ♥️ bee greenfield by @wastelandwhisperer ♥️ maura thibodeaux by @sabrinassims ♥️ vik umtash by @sorrysaturnsims ♥️ kit bastet by @wolfrynn313 ♥️ zlog goldbone by @sims4italianfan ♥️ zander vozenilek by @fwaldorf ♥️ r1ver harzt by @ozinate ♥️ lucas kelekolio by @kazuaru ♥️ pearl hilton by @froppysims ♥️ willow ann-marie by @hvniebee ♥️ isolde murmur by @early-grape ♥️ comedy tragaxus by @blackfern ♥️
☆*: .。. o ☆*: .。. o ☆*: .。. o
apologies for taking so long to actually start posting this! i wanted to wait until i was mostly done playing to start posting & we all know uni is ass <3
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
What Azusa Would Look Like IRL!  (Part One?)
I give a LOT of Credit to @pettyval for inspiring this series! They do a similar series about Kanato, and I thought, “WHy NoT AzUsA?!” So I asked for permission and they said yes!!
 Go Support @pettyval because they’re amazing and I love them. Go see what they do with Kanato!!! Very accurate, from a kanto kinnie :) 
Okay, HERE WE GO! I am SO excited to start this series and include my own head cannons about Azusa in the mix! I have recently been reading the actual game play plot (I’ve read through Ayato in HDB and I’m working on Azusa in the Second Game, thanks to @dialovers-lover-xoxo​ for sending me the translations!!!!) AND OH BOOOOOOOY LMAO THIS IS A TRIP!  SO GOOD. SO SCARY. I LOVE IT. 
TW, duh, because this is DL and all the boys got trauma. SH mentions. yea  
Azusa in real life would be a cutie pie. 
 I checked all the fandom websites and made SURE that I had most of his Zodiac, Height, ect. 
CANNON FACTS: His birthday is October 28th. He’s a Scorpio, 170 cm (5'7"), and he’s in his 3rd year of high-school (night school, whatever). 
So to start off with, I’m gonna be describing his Face features and some of his personality. 
So without further ado, lets begin! 
His facial features would not be overly masculine, but also not overly feminine. He is very alike to Kanato in the sense that he has some female attributes to his character- But with the correct balance of masculinity. In my opinion, Kanato looks more like a feminine child. He uses his vulnerable appearance (along with having Teddy) to manipulate other humans and vampires to get what he needs. 
Azusa does not use the way he presents himself as a way to manipulate other people, but does use it to attract his prey. He’s not insecure about how he looks, but he also doesn't boast about it.  He’s a Scorpio, he’s just kinda... there. He marches the beat to his own drum and doesn't care about anyone else. 
~Side Note: I 100% believe that all of the Sakamaki’s and Mukami’s are physically attractive for the sole purpose of finding prey. Why else are they all hot??? Have you ever met a ugly vampire?? No??????????????? YEAH THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT. 
As a vampire, there’s some sexual attributes to how they consume their prey (Fangs “thrusting” in and out of a woman, the neck being an extremely sensitive place to bite people, tongue, UGH ya know, that sort of thing... @papuru666 ​ talks enough about this sorta shit all the time if you wanna read their head cannons which, again, sinfully accurate, from a kanto kinnie’s perspective @~@). 
This is shown also with Azusa’s eyes WHICH ARE CAPTIVATING and his body features which will be addressed later~ 
(Okay get back to business Sage-)  
SO, his face. Honestly, a LOT like a k-pop star. Face shape is similar to Sota Fukushi. 
Azusa would LOVE to get piercings. He would go in for the rush of pain getting something pierces into his skin. I feel like he’d have his nose done at the very least. maybe his tongue~ and his ears imagine the chains dangling down UWU
Azusa has Asian- inspired eyes with short eyelashes. His eyes are HEAVILY hooded. His eyebrows are rather light. He doesn't have to take care of them, nor does he plan to. (explanation later)   
 Azusa has trouble sleeping because of his avid nightmares, and it’s a form of self harm. Like... It’s not that surprising. He’s into pain. Staying awake for long periods of time gives him a rush of Adrenalin and makes him feel oddly proud of himself. He’s the type of person to have streaks of how long he can stay awake and keeps track. He’d use spicy food to keep him awake, and energy drinks like Bangs/Monsters. 
Kou would laugh and encourage it like the little bitch he is, while Yuma and Ruki would have a freak out and get SUPER worried about his health if they were to find out about it. They’d force him to go to bed, and Azusa would go to sleep... But then he’d do it all over again ;) 
 This man knows no limits. What’s self care? Sleep? We don’t know her. If he can’t get pain from other people, HIS idea of self love (from a base-character-form perspective) is self harm. 
 I’LL SAY IT AGAIN. Let it sink in. His idea of self love/self care, is self harm. Treating himself to a bit of pain after a hard day, staying awake and reading as a treat. Eating spicy food after getting a B on a math test.(fuck math)
Although, since he had an addiction, he wouldn't be able to day no to those urges. It's just giving him an excuse. 
So, because of his lack of sleep, he’d have AVID red/purple/yellow bags under his eyes that stay no matter what, even if he was to get some sleep. This man needs to go to bed-   
Although I feel like if he WAS to actually sleep, he’d sleep for 12 hours straight, dead-ass. 
NOW HEAR ME OUT- He’d totally do a little bit of makeup to mess around, break gender norms, and/or to start a fight so the homophobes would beat him up (sad but true). He’d let his SO do his makeup around his eyes.  
Something like this- a little bit of red on the corners- would be his go-to. Not a lot though, just a little. It would make him look more tired and it would match Justin and Christina. (His SH scars). BOOM. makes the man a little happy. 
Azusa’s hair is not well kept... By himself. I feel like Azusa, at best, only takes showers, really. Other than that, he struggles to take care of his base needs. He barely eats, as seen in the Anime. He knows how to wrap a bandage, but doesn't disinfect the wound, as seen in the Games and one of the DL CD’s. 
And, most likely, he doesn’t know how to pick out a good outfit. He doesn't really want to spend a lot of time taking care of his Hair, makeup, appearance, whatever. It’s not that he want’s to be bad, but he wants to focus more on Self Harm and, eventually, his Eve. 
But... As much as a little shit he is, I feel Like Kou would definitely take some time out of his day to dress him up and cut his hair and play dress up with him from time to time. Kou isn’t the best brother in the world, but he hates seeing Azusa in awful outfits. It would bring his PHYSICAL pain. He gives him outfits to put on, and tells him what goes good with what.
 and Azusa would listen and copy him with open arms.  (the baby, we love to see it @~@) 
Azusa, after his base-character form, would grow out and be able to be put into a man-bun. It would be like a mullet, black, dark, messy.  Nobody can get him to get it cut. He won’t let anyone touch his hair, he’d cut it himself with his knives. 
He loves chains. He likes plain clothes, silver, and is mostly plain when it comes to his appearance. He’s a docile boy, we love to see it. 
SO yeah! That’s pretty much all for now, just the basics about his face. Lemme know If you wanna see it more? 
(I spent a whole week on this please give it some love this is way harder than I thought it would be @~@) 
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freshstartbaby · 4 years
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🎧 Onyeka - Burna Boy
I woke up in my bed. Faded as ever. Sunlight was already invinting itself in my room. I wonder what time is it if it is already that sunny. I tapped the mattress to find my phone. After fews seconds I grabbed it and made the screen turn on. 8:20. Woaw it's early. We came back at the villa at like 5am so I didn't thought that I will wake up this soon. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. I put an oversized t shirt and went downstairs. It seemed like no one was up yet. I went to the kitchen and decided to cook breakfast. I hope they will enjoy it. I like to see my friends happy. I started grab fruits, juice, milk, cup and all I need. I was beginning to make waffle dough when a voice raise
« Hi Rob » Florian said smiling and taking of his airpods
I looked up at him and smiled back
« Well good morning to you Florian »
He came by my side and kiss my cheek while putting a hand on my waist. Boooooooy 🥵
« Don't you wear t-shirt sometimes ? »
He laughed and stepped back
« I do wear clothes » he said as he took a seat « Mhh not right now obviously » I rolled my eyes. He was shirtless again. Like boy you trying to get raped or something ? « I was working out « he said taking his phone « mhh, you're an early bird » I said nobbing my head and got back to the dough
I started chop fruits when he spoke up
« @MlleRob »
I looked up at him again, knowing that it was my ig nickname
« 567 followers, following 407, ok let me see that » « Are you checking on my Instagram just in front of me ? » I said putting the knife in the table « Yup » « You got some nerve » I said shaking my head « You should accepted me faster »he said winking at me « I was waiting to know you better ! » « Suuuuuure » it said sniffing sarcastically « Oh ok I see you got a worked feed, black and white stuff » « Can you not do that ? It's super annoying » « Ok ok I stop, I'm heading to the shower anyway » « Yea that's right, do that, because I can feel you from here » I said laughing, I wasn't smelling him a little
I looked at him to make sure that he understood that I was joking. He looked back at me, nobbed is head like « oh ok so you playin ? » and came behind me. I twisted a little, kept my eyes on him knowing by his glance that I was in trouble. He turned me back straight to my first position, sticked his body to my back, putted his large hands on my waist and hips and bring his mouth to my right ear
« Like last night ? » he whispered
At this point I was helpess. My body tensed up because I was surprised, tetanized and fucking turned on.
« Huh ? » he mumbled waiting for an answer and now sticking his hips to my butt. One of his hand touch my bare thigh and start raising up my shirt. « Ok playboy I was joking go take your shower » I said find a way to come back to reality, faced him and pushed him back softly « Oh you want to be less smart now ? » he said laughing « Just go » I said waiting for him to leave the kitchen before I went back to cooking
Ok i stop you here : nothing happened last night. We just danced. We danced a lot. We had fun really. When he talked about last night he was surely talking about a little accident. It wasn't an real accident I mean. There was dancehall session, I grinded on him for few songs and I felt an erection. It's all. I enjoyed a moment and and told him I was sorry. He excused himself. I felt like the situation made him uncomfortable so I try to reassure him that it wasn't a big deal I mean 🤷🏾‍♀️. We then decided to go back to our seat and talked.
As I ended the breakfast I took a story un put it on ig. I washed my hands and went upstairs to wake up those sleeping heads. I knocked at doors and shakes/carressed them a little with a bright smile telling them that breakfast was ready. Who doesn't want to be wake this way. People always tell that I'm an Ice Queen but the one I love ? Man, pure softness. I went downstairs and start to eat. Yea yea I want to be nice but I'm staving. They arrived slowly and amazed by what was waiting for them. Everyone was here, only Florian was misssing. I took a bite of bacon and saw him arrived.
« Wassup guys » he said « Well I was woke up by a sweet angel telling me that breakfast was made so I'm great » Eve said, she then looked back at Raymond and told him « I want to be wake up like that now » « For suuuuuure » Raymond said raising his eyes « What were you doing «  I questioned Florian « I called my mama » « Owwwwwww » we all shooted in choir « What ? She was checking me out, and I miss her «  he said laughing
We kept eating and talking about what we wanted to do for the day. It will definitely be a beach day. We didn't decided yet if we wanted to do jet ski or quad but we needed adrenaline. We got ready and headed to the beach.
When we got there, we played like kids. The vacay vibe was on top. We built sand castle, jumped in water, taned, bought snowballs. Perfect beach moment. During the all time my eyes kept betraying me watching Florian. Thanks god I kept my sunglasses. I meaaaaan
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What make me laugh the most was that some woman came to him while he was laying down or talking with the boys. He talked to them, he seemed relaxed I even saw him laugh. Like 3 or 5 times. I saw him get the phone of one of them and start typing things. So what makes me laugh was how I felt. Like I could feel my neck srinked and my hands get on fire. You see that exactly why I don't like to appreciate someone too fast. I wasn't pissed, I was more a decepointed. Robyn can you ear yourself, not a week has passed since you know him and you are already decepointed. What a shame. I whipped my hand to clean them from sand and went lay down. A little nap never kill nobody. Let's not mess the mood.
I was laying down when I saw someone if front of the sunlight. I didn't move, thinking that the person will move. But I felt water drip on my skin as a cold and wet hand touch my waist. I quickly opened my eyes, surprise by the feeling when I saw Florian above me. I softly pushed him to the side, so he stopped wetting me (and I took the opportunity to touch his arms).
« You're wetting me » I said « Sorry » he said softly
I took the hand who was resting on my waist and put it on the towel. He needed to stop touching me like this. Even more if it was to flirt with the first woman who came holla at him.
« What do you want » « We're doing a volley match, you want to join us ? » he said, his tone reflect the surprise that I pushed him back « No I'm good thank you «  I  mumbled « Sure ? »
I nodded my head and licked my lips waiting him to go away. He stayed a little watching me. It was becoming akward so pushed down my sunglasses eying him like « what do you want, again ? ». I pouted his face, kissed my cheek and left. I watched him join the party as I put back my sunglasses. Fuckboy.
The rest of the day was cool. We went to a restaurant for lunch it was delicious. We finally decided to do some quad. It was scary and fucking exciting. We took a bunch of photos and went back home. During the afternoon I tried to not giving to much attention to Florian. It was this kind of behavior who made me feel sad after all so if I take my distances it could be easier. I felt him watching my movement sometimes but I didn't watch him back. Let's slow down a little.
Tonight we wanted to go party again. We got ready, picked a club / restaurant more local this time. I was in my bedroom, putting on my shoes and checked on me a last time.
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I went downstairs finding only Florian on the couches. Of course. He raise his eyes as my heels were meeting the ground. He watched me go downstairs and stood up. I approached the couches and watched him eyebrow frowned
« Why are you sitting up ? » i asked sitting down « Mh I don't know, mmh you look stunning « he said putting his hand on the back of his neck and sitting down to « Thank you, you look great to »
He had a set with a short burgundy sleeve shirt, a chino and a white t-shirt. I was wondering witch colour do not fit him. More over his skin was starting to became golder with the tan. I was scrolling my screen when he told me
« I didn't take a picture with you today » « It's true » I mumbled
I finally looked at him seeing him with an arm reached to me. I watched it and stepped closer to him, trying not to look upset. Why the fuck should I be upset, get yourself together Robyn. I stayed on his side eying his phone trying to look cute on selfies
« Did I do something wrong ? « he questioned watching me « No why «  I bitted my lips « I don't know, I felt like you were avoiding me today » « No » I lied « Look if it is because of what I did in the kitchen this morning, I'm so sorry I didn't want to embarrassed you, really I would never »
I looked at him not understanding what the hell he was talking about
« This morning ? In the kitchen ? You feeling my dick ?»
My eye grew wide open and turned back to regular. I laughed softly and said
« Oh my god. That ? No. No. No. don't worry I almost already forgot. We were playing I know that. And I will tell you and you will feel it if I'm not confortable with something you say or you do. »
He nodded his head, I felt like he was going to tell me something when Michael screamed
« Ok we're out of this bitch ! Let's go »
We looked at each other, laughed and stood up, ready for our second night. It was wild like we wanted it. Thanks god this night I wasn't on ride duty so I drank. Maybe more than I should. During all the night I didn't talk that much with Florian, still trying to not overthink about how I felt. But every time we were close, our hand couldn't help but touch each other. An hand on a arm, a hand on one thigh, an arm behind a back, a thumb on a hand...
It was near 3am when I set back to our table finding Florian on his phone. I approached him and tell him
« Can you drop this phone a minute and enjoy your night »
He looked at me and touched is beard laying back on his chair. He is so damn hot. ROBYN STAY FOCUSED.
« Liking asses on Ig like a teen » I said rolling my eyes « I was talking with my brothers » « Yea for sure » « I swear «  he said raising his right hand
I looked at him and nodding my head. We stared at each other few moment when he told me to come closer. The music was loud so he stepped close to my ear and asked me if I wanted to play. I stepped back and frowned my eyebrows. He told me to come closer and asked me if I wanted a drink. I accepted and saw him went to the bar. I waited few minutes and watched him set back without no drink in his hands. I made a hand move to ask him were was my drink and he winked at me, grabbing back his phone. I crossed my arms and my legs. What game was he playing. He putted his phone back on the table and looked with a wide smile. I was lost at this point. I was ready to get my own drink since it was too much to ask when a waiter put a roulette drink game on our table.
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I don't know what kind of face I did but Florian started to laughed hard. When he caught his breath he came back to my ear and asked me
« What colour do you pick ? »
I stepped back and look at him with a smirk
« Black of course » I replied
🎧 Backseat - Little Simz
I woke up feeling muddy. The sunlight attacked my poor eyes, again. I whined softly trying to put my face on my pillow so I can have a little bit of darkness. All my body was feeling heavy. Ok i did drink last night but it wasn't that bad. I didn't find the strength to look for my phone. I just wanted to lay down all day. Oh it's gon be my day off I can feel it. I eared noise downstairs so I think that everyone is probably up. I didn't feel socializing today. I know I shouldn't be thinking like that I enjoy behind alone sometimes. It made me overthink but it doesn't matter. I tried to fall back asleep (sleeping is the best fix I think) but someone knocked at the door. I didn't answer because I just didn't want to when the door started to open slowly. I didn't turn back to see who it was. I just felt a large hand on my thigh who was out of the sheet. I think it was Florian. I start to recognized how his touch feels.
« Robyn » he whispered
I kept my eyes closed, put my hand on his and start to rubbed it with my thumb.
« Wake up sleeping beauty » he said keeping his hand on me an sitting on the bed
I finally turned around, rubbed my eyes and looked k at him. This man is so handsome. It's like I keep being surprise about how gorgeous he is every time I see him. I chuckled a little being decepointed that he wasn't shirtless
« What makes you laugh ? » he said smiling « You finally have some clothes on »
He laughed and squeezed my thighs a little harder (Mhhh don't do that you're goin to make me wet)
« Whatever you need to wake up, we leaving in two hours, I save you a plate for breakfast then you need to get ready, we goin to visit cenotes ! »
It was funny to see him excited like a kid. But I still wasn't goin.
« Thank you but I'm staying home today » I said raising up a little « What do you mean you staying home today ? » he said a little preoccupied « What part did you not understand ? » « The part when you said « I'm staying home today » » he said twisting his face « I'm just not in the mood I need a day off but don't worry I be fine » I said shaking his hand « oh you feeling sick ? Because I got pills-« he said in a hurry « Floooooooo, Im fine, I just want to rest for the day »
He looked at me and stood up
« You do not deserve the plate I saved you » he said in a deep tone, faking to be hurted « I'm sorry » I said smiling a little « but I'm sure you will enjoy your day » « Don't think it will be that easy, I'm goin to tell Alexandra » he said leaving determined.
I layed back in my bed, knowing that Alexandra will arrive soon. But she knows me. She knows that sometimes I just need space. She entered in the room few moments later and came sit next to me
« Good morning sunshine » she hugged me « Hi Love » « You dont want to come today ? » I shook my head « Day off ? » she questioned « Yup » I said softly She nodded her head « We're goin to visit cenotes, I think we will be back for the tea time » I nobbed my head « and we're staying home tonight» « Yea sure »
They finally left the house. I went downstairs to the kitchen area finding the plate Florian saved me. I ate slowly enjoying the calm of the villa. After a quick shower I put on my bikini and went for a swim. I exited the pool 30 minutes later and layed down on a chair to enjoy the sun.
Suddenly I was wondering what Leo was doing. It kills me to know that I still wonder those types of things about him. Visiting Tulum was on our bucket list. It's just weird that I'm there without him.
Leo is my ex fiancé. We been together for 3 years. He was my everything. One of my closest and dearest. I could had done anything for him. First true love no doubt. We grew together and I couldn't wait to become his wife, finally founding my own dream family. More than my boyfriend he also was the only person I was able to talk free, show the vulnerable me. It was so pleasing to have someone I care about and who cares about me back.
It was kind of new for me. I have a complicated family. My father ? I didn't really know him, he left us when I was like 14. The little part that I remember of him is that he used to cheat and hit my mum. It was a relief when he left. But few months later my older brother also left without saying nothing. Leaving me with a depressed mum. His departure hurted me. Because we used to be a team. His friends usually said that I was his woman version. We were like twins actually. I thought it will be him and me forever against the world. But he left. Leaving a huge gap in me. When I think about it, it's been more than 10 years that I haven't seen him.
This observation made me feel dumb and uncomfortable.
My mum ? I tried to be there for her. I mean at the end of the day it was me and her. But she kind of turned her back on me too. We had an argument one day and she turned crazy. I never saw her that way. She put my stuff out side and asked me to leave her house. I was 16. I was just so lost. I couldn't tell my friend I was so ashamed. It was already akward, not to have daddy, do not know where my brother was and now being in the streets ? Naaa. I slept outside two weeks before finding a shelter. Most striking weeks in my life. When you have no where to go and have to sleep outside, you just don't see life the same way. I never eared about my mum after that. It's kind of sad. I met Theo in the shelter. He was making donations with his dad. He was really the light who helps me through the darkness I was leaving.
Then I met Leo and as I told you it was like a blessing for me. Pure fairytale. Helped me with self esteem and trust issues. But all of that work was destroyed on our wedding day.
We left each other the day before so we can meet the following day to say « I do ». But he was late and everyone started to worry. I knew there was a problem when his best man came find me in the room I was waiting, far from wondering guests. When Alexandra saw him she attacked him with a thousands question. Everyone was just tense. But all I could see was this letter with my name on it. I could recognize Leo writing. I always told him that he had a good one for a man.
I read it. Seven times to be correct. I looked at Alexandra and ask her to free the guests.
It was the most humiliating moment of my entire life. Everyone would come and check on me to see if I was ok. But the fact was that the pain was so tough that I couldn't cry. It was just tiresome. I thought that it was the the highest level of pain. And it was already very hard to handle. At least that what I thought.
Until I saw him few months later. Proposing to an another woman. I passed out. Like my body couldn't fake it anymore.
I opened my eyes and look at the view. Life is surprising don't you think ? I'm glad to have friends who try to support me the best that they can. I'm greatful to have a job and have a roof above my head. I am overjoyed to be able to provide for my needs and be able to afford such vacations. Sometimes I look over the sky and wonder what's god plan for me.
I raise up. Blowing all theses painful thoughts. I need to relax a little. I took my towel and took the stairs knowing exactly what I was going to do.
I put only one AirPod so I can be able to ear if someone come. We never know if guys came back earlier. I grabbed my phone and layed down on my bed. I switched in private session and went to my favorite links. I clicked on the one I was looking for
Hot man moaning and dirty talk
As I tapped play on the video, put my phone to my side, I turned on my toys and let it play on my bare pussy. I soft gasp came out of my mouth as I closed my eyes focusing on the feeling. Listening to the man whispering dirty words straight to my ear I couldn't help but think about Florian
Feel his large hands grabbing my ass cheek, his warm mouth and tongue ruining my weak neck and telling that he wants to feel me, as bad as I want it.
I could feel my skin warming up and my breath getting a little heavier. I pushed the fabric from my left nipple and rubbed my skin playin with the jewelry of my piercing. Feeling the wetness between my thighs I finally pushed the vibring toy between my lips
« Mhhhh fuck » I whispered
He could be just in front of me. Stroking his cock while watching me play with my pussy. Asking me if I want to feel him with the same tone that what he told me in the kitchen. Telling me to beg for him and to face down ass up
« God » I shooted
I could feel his tongue slowly licked every part of my womanhood while jiggling my ass and then spank it hard. He grabbed my hips any put the tip-
« Fuuuuuck, oh shittttttttt » I mumbled feeling my body shake out an orgasm by the only thought of him penetrating me.
After taking back my breath I slowly removed my toy from my pussy, turned it off and put it to my side. I took a little time touching my body while the sunlight was messing with him again. Leo was the only man I knew. It was kind of hard with man since I was oversized when I was younger and not really confortable with my body. I always was Robyn the good friend. Leo pushed me to work out if I wanted to fell better in my skin and in my head. So it helped a lot. And I lost a lot of pound after he left me 🙃Moreover masturbation was a great way to accept and know my body better, so thank Leo for pushing me that way.
I finally stood up, went take a shower, put something confortable and took a sit in the living room. Couches were so soft, I found myself falling asleep again. I told you, sleep is my best fix.
Noises filled the room as I started discern voices
« She basically slept all day » Alexandra said « She such a sleeper » Michael added
I felt a presence near me and finally tried to open my eyes and saw Florian squatting in front me. I never saw the different shades of his eyes color. It was like dark green, light green and light brown. Damn boy, God took his time creating you.
« Are you a panda ? » he asked flipping his head to his right side
I stretched, arm opened and let a sound out my mouth. I saw his face pouted as he said « Ow baby ». He stood up and hugged me kissing my forehead. How can he be so sweet. I tightened my arm around his torso and told him
« Im not letting you go now » « This is what happen when you abandon your mate for a entire day » he said kissing my temple
He finally set by my side as the others came sit with us and told me about their days. They showed me awesome pictures and told me all the goofy stories. The conversation splited in few groups as we kept talking. Florian was on his phone, his arm behind my back while my head was on his chest.
I found myself weird being so close of someone I didn't know few days ago. Like it is the total opposite of my regular version. But you know what ? Fuck that let me enjoy that man. So far he was nothing but kind and respectful. I felt his hand going under the fabric of my shirt and let his fingered run through my skin. That feeling made me just hungry. Hungry of a him gripping me harder. I looked up at him and enjoyed his face while thinking of what I have done earlier this day thinking about him. Don't blame me, how can you not think about him in those type of situation. I think my stare lasted more longer that I thought because he finally raise his eyes at me and asked me with a raised eyebrow if he could help me. I stayed silent for a minute and finally asked him if he wanted a milkshake. A large smile appeared on his face.
« Robyn, you know how to talk to me »
I stood up laughing and took his hand before asking louder
« Someone is down for milkshake ? » « You know what, you are lucky because I eared you asking that to big boy only, and I was like, oh ok so now it's like that ? But I see that there is still some good in you » Raymond said clapping his hands and acting like a girl. I laughed I headed to the kitchen with people who wanted milkshakes.
We spend a adorable evening. We didn't felt like goin out tonight. We played different games and bet that the team who loose have to cook dinner. We decided to split guys and girls. Guys are such bad looser, they lost anyway. They cooked us dinner and it wasn't that bad actually.
We improvised a pool party. I was making stories with Alexandra. I spent the evening close to her since I hadn't really enjoyed her today. We were taking thousands pictures when I caught Florian watching us, his drink in his hand. I looked at him like don't judge us. He stepped closer and asked me if we wanted him to take pictures of us, putting his free hands on my waist. Boooooooy stop touching me like that 🥵. I gave him my phone and went close to Alexandra.
Few seconds later, Alexander joined us, then David, Eve and in a minute the entire crew was in front of the camera doing goofy faces and enjoying the moment. It was almost midnight when everyone wanted to go to bed. My babies were tired. For my part I slept all day so 🤷🏾‍♀️ it will be a little complicated. But I could manage it. Everyone went to their room.
I was laying down, fighting for sleep. When my phone buzzed. I grabbed it and saw « @bignasty send you a message ». I smiled softly tapping on the notification.
It was a post of Kanye West sprinting while rapping during a concert. It was just hilarious. I softly laughed reading his text « Talk to your boy 🙄💀 »
We kept sending funny meme and videos since we couldn't sleep.
« Im bored » he texted me « Put your phone down and try to sleep, you're the one saying that you were tired earlier 🙄 » « I'm not anymore » « 😒 » « Jacuzzi ? «
I frowned my eyebrows not totally suuuuuure of what he ment
« 🤨? » « Do you want to go in the Jacuzzi with me ? I haven't test it since we're here »
It's was near 1am. Did you know that it's dangerous to talk with men at night. Because you're more vulnerable. That's shit was true. This kind of proposal, in the middle of the night, surely came from hell. And I'm going to take it. God why play with fire is so pleasing. And moreover I hadn't test the jacuzzi to so 🤷🏾‍♀️
« Let me put my swimsuit 😛 » I replied
I stood up and looked for one bikini and found the red one. Mhhh the color of evil 🤣 Jesus I'm not totally sure of what I'm going to do so please keep an eye on me.
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I switched my clothes, took a towel and wrapped it around my body. I opened my door and saw Florian on his phone leaned on the wall, wearing a red swim trunk. I looked at him twisting my face.
« What ? » he asked « First of all you have no personality wearing same colours as me » he chuckled looking like if I was crazy « and secondly stop being on this damn phone you look like me, we goin in a jacuzzi »
He grabbed my shoulder and pushed it so i can start walking downstairs
« Since when do you got an attitude ? » he said
I turned back and pull out my tongue
« Put this away before I take it »
I turned straight and twisted my tongue in my mouth. Oh it was definitely game time.
We settled in the warm water as the bubbles met our skin. He sat at my opposite side. It was certainly more careful that way. He grabbed his phone and aimed it to me. I raise an eyebrow and asked him
« Are you taking pictures of me ? » « Exactly. » « Well that a kind of thing you warned me before so I can look good » I say starting posing « Oh you look good dont worry about that » he said in a husky voice
His last sentence made me blush so my face started twisting
« Oh I embarrassed you baby » he said stepping closer to me, rubbing my arm with his free hand
I put my hands on my face, trying to hide my large smile. He made me feel like an high school baby girl that so ridiculous. He put his phone behind me and grabbed my wrists putting kisses on my nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. I swear I felt something in my stomach. As I moved my head because his kisses tickled my face, he put my hands on his shoulders and put his head on the crook of my neck. I felt his beard tickling my skin and his mouth didn't even touch my neck that a moan get out my mouth
« Oh god. » i said
I eared him chuckled as I pushed him away put my hands on his abs. If he didn't knew the effect he had on me now he knows. I let my hand slide down his abs when I started focus on them. He questioned me what was the matter since I looked confused. I asked him how many does he have because I really didn't know we had so much muscles hided inside. We told me that it depends on how much he worked out. He step closer and raise my right thigh putting his hand on my inked snake.
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« How many tattoos do you have ? » he said softly
I showed him my tattoos, i have seven on my skin. His eyes were traveling every part of my body when I found him staring at my chest. I pushed his shoulder slightly and put my hands on my tits so he don't watch them. I'm sure they were pointing out since he was standing so close. He pushed my left hand and nodded at me.
« I didn't know you were pierced » he said touching his beard « Well now you know » « Drop that attitude and stop pushing me away » he said grabing the back of my neck in a serious tone and looking at me in the eyes
This action made me have chicken skin. He turned back and settled between my thighs. Instinctively I put my hand on his shoulder and start to rubbed it. His back was so broad. I could feel him put his head back and caressing the outside of my thighs. Hopefully we were in the water so I could not feel how wet I was right now. My body felt just so right near his.
« I know it can sound weird but I really missed you today Rob »
I did not answered. I just wrapped my hand on his chest and placed few kisses behind his ear.
I wasn't the only one fucked up. ——
Wassup guys
How do you feel about chapter three ?
Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks, react and all that stuff
Take care
27 notes · View notes
editoress · 7 years
Elizabeth, I wonder if you might help me with a task I’ve been given by Astrid and Athos. You’ve always been an asset to the White London court and I imagine this should not be terribly difficult for you. There are two hooligans in the city; one wears a red coat with auburn hair, the other is a small young woman in all black. Perhaps you’ve seen them? Any information will be... rewarded handsomely. Perhaps later this evening when I am free. - Holland V.
Well, if this will get them off your back, I don’t see why not.
You know, if that kind of reward is going to be conditional, maybe I don’t want it.  If you show up, it should be because you like my company and the chocolate crisp I’m making.
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sternbilder · 7 years
have u seen that 999 is getting remastered and bundled with VLR for rerelease? o: only on Vita and PS4 I think (neither of which I have, alas/phew) but! I just saw and I'm excited on principle!
YEA BOOOOOOOI also dw it’s also coming to steam so GET HYPE
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switch · 7 years
new ni no kuni game on pc yea boooooooi
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monologuest · 5 years
Yea and i can past this midtest week with hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm I wish I get a great score bcs I still believe that Im not that perfect at least i've tried.
AAAAAAND its time to having fun with ma boooooooi aye aye utube and vlive I'm coming mwah
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