#yaz used this sonic once and loved it enough to keep it to herself
nightmanatee · 2 years
i'd like to accept the idea that yaz sneaked the sonic (and honestly many other things) out of 13's pockets while the doctor was still unconscious. as a treat (for yaz)
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My Past Frozen Behind Glass
Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor x Reader, Thirteenth Doctor x River Song x Reader
Word Count: 8,857
Warnings: Angst, besties there’s SO much angst, mentions of death, mourning, ridiculous amounts of bittersweet pining curtesy of a one (1) Doctor™ 
Summary: The ghosts of the Doctors past haunt her. She had long since convinced herself that she could move on, that she could accept the fleetingness of human mortality. But an encounter with the people she once loved most causes her to reconsider that maybe, just maybe, it doesn’t have to be this way.
A/N: I’ve got one, maybe two more parts planned to pair with this fic, but this is still it’s own standalone. I NEED thank the thirsting for thirteen discord, y’all are wonderful and I love you all, thank you for putting up with me screaming about this fic for days, and I hope you enjoy your well overdue pain. 
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It was a quiet day on the TARDIS, innocent enough. The Doctor was working on the TARDIS’ brake system – on their last adventure they had crashed, and the TARDIS had been quite upset. Even now, whilst the Doctor worked on repairing her grumpy ship, the TARDIS innocuously zapped her with lose wires.
The others – the Doctors delightful fam, were also gathered in the console room, as they often did these days. But, for the life of her, the Doctor hadn’t been paying attention to what they were doing. She could hear idle conversation, and if she really concentrated, she could make out some words.
Something to do with “not the first” and “oh, who’s this.”
The connecting wire to the piston assembly wheel sparked, whacking the Doctor on the nose. She flinched back, scrunching up her face as she did so. “Aw come on,” she protested. “That wasn’t necessary!”
She went to grab the wire, but it went off again, the sparks burning her thumb. The Doctor hissed, driving her thumb into her mouth. “If you keep this up,” she pulled her thumb from her mouth and spoke softly, so only the TARDIS could hear her. “I’ll use the Paxus V Lubricant Oil on you, don’t you think I won’t,” she added a glare for extra effect. “Just you wait, we’ll get to oiling your disk plates and the WD-40 will be gone.”
She didn’t think her glare was too effective, but, after a whirr of protest, the wire stopped sparking. The Doctor took that as a win.
She snatched the wire, fiddling with the copper ends with her trusty sonic, when a voice broke through her concentration. She paused, poking her head up to the console level. “What was that?”
The fam was gathered around the projector, sitting on a mismatch of pillows and blankets. Ryan was even eating popcorn. Yaz turned back to face the Doctor.
“The TARDIS,” she repeated. “She’s showing us pictures of people.”
“We’re inventing stories for them,” Ryan added, although he didn’t turn to look at the Doctor when he spoke, and instead chose to shovel another handful of popcorn into his mouth.
“And we were just wondering who these two were,” Yaz pointed her thumb towards the wall, and the Doctors followed her movements, regarding the projector.
The Doctors gaze locked onto the image, and she froze. Her eyes roved over a mess of white curls, paired with a halo of tightly coiled black ones. She mapped out a bright smile and a bright top, with dark arms wrapped around a sullen figure with a small smile of his own, one hand gripping an electric guitar, and the other holding a box of chips. There was a thumb in the corner of the photo, blurry and unfocused, the thumb of the person taking the photo.
The first thing she felt was grief, such a violent wave of it that it threatened to consume her. It sunk from her skin, pierced her bones, and settled into her gut. The Doctor felt bruised and a masochistic part of herself almost delighted in the sense of melancholy that grew from her heart, twisting around her fragile frame, and pressing into her chest and throat.
But then her eyes swept over Bill’s face, grinning up there on that large screen, and the Doctor couldn’t help but smile. Just a small one, smaller than the one she was giving in the photo, but it was there.
“That’s me,” she said softly. “Me and an old friend.”
The Doctor felt her fam’s gazes turn to her as she pulled herself upwards. She stepped away from the console, walking towards where they were.
“Which one’s you?” Graham asked, but his voice matched the Doctors volume, soft, knowing.
“Him,” she nodded towards the picture. “He was my last face actually,” she grazed her fingers across her cheek. “Before this one.”
The Doctor walked over slowly, her eyes never leaving Bills. There was so much life in them, so much joy.
“So,” Ryan spoke over a mouthful of popcorn. “You really were an old Scottish dude once.”
“I’m still old,” she said, and wrapped herself around one of the crystal pillars. She chuckled, a thought occurring to her, something so bright, so full of wonder, that it momentarily stopped her hearts. “My wife would probably be happier with this face though.”
Ryan blanched. “You’re married?”
The Doctor almost gawked. “Alright Ryan Sinclair, say what you really think.”
He backtracked. “Sorry it’s just – it’s not something that you’ve ever really brought up.”
The Doctor thought about River, her wild curls, her addictive grin, and her familiar perfume. The memory danced around her, wrapping her in warm arms and holding her there. But it burned too, because the very arms that held her there were gone – long gone, trapped in a dream – or maybe a memory, inside the bowls of a very large, very lonely library.
And the Doctor had been the one to do so.
Part of her hoped, really hoped, that River had omitted things from her diary. That maybe their story wasn’t over.
But that wasn’t really possible, was it.
So no, she didn’t really bring it up.
Instead, she nodded back towards the screen. “So yeah, Scottish. That was me. Big angry eyebrows too.”
The others hummed and took the cue for what it was. They settled in, turning back to the picture in question.
The Doctor let their voices melt over her and settled back into the crystal pillar. She drummed her fingers against it and spoke so softly that only the TARDIS could hear. “Why’re you showing them this old girl?”
Another image appeared just as suddenly, and the Doctors hearts clenched. It was a face she hadn’t seen in a very long time. A wide, delighted grin, a mane of blonde hair, tangled into a nice updo, and bright hazel eyes staring into the camera. She was on the back of a motorcycle, her bright pink dress puffing out at the sides.
“Oh, she’s definitely having the time of her life,” Ryan commented.
“I don’t think she’s actually from the 1950’s though,” Yaz added. “Look at her makeup…”
The pain in the Doctor hearts dampened into a dull throb as the voices of her friends sung into the background. This was an old wound, one that left an echo in the back of the Doctors mind. She let the grief dispel from her frame, let it leach from her toes and her fingertips, into the cool crystal she was holding.
This was a nice photo. Here, she was smiling.
“Another friend,” she said over the voices of the fam, who were chattering away and inventing a dazzling life for Rose. “I haven’t seen her in years.”
The Doctor could feel the quizzical, empathetic look Yaz was giving her. Could hear it too in her voice when she spoke. “Where is she now?”
The Doctor thought of Bad Wolf Bay, of the kiss she had witnessed, and gave a small, sad smile “Happy. I hope.”
There was a hum, then a spark from the console lit up the room. The Doctor snorted fondly. “Yeah, yeah I hear you,” she said, loud enough so the others could hear. “I’ll get back to them brakes now.”
She wandered back and plopped under the console, picking up the stray wire between her two fingers. Using the sonic, she began repairing it, tightening the copper. She softly thought of Nardole’s fat fingers, and of the friends she wasn’t going to see again. But that was okay, wasn’t it? She held them close with her, kept the memory of them and their smiles safe in her hearts.
Then Yaz cried out. “Oh, that’s such a cool jacket.”
The curiosity ate away at her, coiling itself into her gut. She didn’t want to look, something inside the Doctor told her she shouldn’t look – but before she could respond to that feeling, let it settle, let herself analyse why she was feeling that way, she had already turned around-
-And came face to face with you.
The Doctor dropped her sonic. There was the distant sound of it clattering against the floor. She barely noticed. Her brain stuttered for a moment. Your eyes were bright, so, so bright, and alive. She felt them looking into her own. Shining with mirth as they were, it was like the camera wasn’t there. There was this warm glow about you, one that seemed to radiate from beyond the image.
It felt as though, if the Doctor would only reach out her hand, she could touch you. So she did, and met nothing but air. Something inside her shattered.
She turned back to the console abruptly, with nothing but white noise serenading her impeding breakdown. She swallowed, her eyes stinging so sharply that for a moment the Doctor was blinded by it. It stunned her, the surprise rocking her core so violently that it shocked her from tears at all. The Doctor was not a crier, in this face she never had been.
There was a laugh from the floor, and the Doctor almost mistook it for yours.
She glared at the wire. “You’re getting the Paxus V Lubricant Oil.”
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Except – it didn’t end there.
Ryan had asked to visit the moon, an idea that had latched onto Graham and Yaz, making them fervently agree.
Yaz leapt into the air, her spacesuit bright against her darker skin. “When was the last time you were on the moon Doc?”
“Oh yeah,” Ryan said. “You ever been to the moon before?”
“Oh loads of times,” the Doctor replied. She threw herself into the air, letting herself float, before settling back down. For a moment, she hoped it wouldn’t damage the creature inside.
“So, what’d you do here then?” Graham asked. He was settled firmly on the ground, dusting off different moon stones and inspecting them carefully. “Did you just jump around like this?”
“Nah not really,” the Doctor thought on it for a moment, launching herself back into the air. “ast time I had fun on the moon was-”
The Doctor crashed, landing on her left shoulder. Pain rocked into her body, shooting through her neck and down her chest. She rolled over, panting out a heavy breath.
The last time she had been to the moon to have fun.
Was with Clara.
The Doctor sobered, sitting up suddenly just as Yaz came rushing over.
“Oh Doc, hey, are you okay?” She came to the Doctors side, crouching.
The Doctor gave her a pained smile, hoping it looked like a smile, and not the sneer she was sure she was actually giving. “Me? Oh yeah of course, I’m a peachy as a fruit salad.”
Yaz scrunched up her face. “That doesn’t make a whole load of sense.”
The Doctor brushed her off, standing on shaky legs. She had to get inside, get away from this all. She brushed her hands against her legs, the space suit making a funny noise at the contact. “You lot keep doing your thing, I’ve got to fix myself up. It was a bit of a fall, that.”
Yaz gave her a disbelieving look, and the Doctor refused to look at Ryan and Graham, knowing they would be giving her the same. Instead, she turned around and moon-marched back to the TARDIS.
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Yaz had asked to see Rome, and this time, the Doctor had actually landed there. The four of them were wandering through the city, decked out in their personal togas, and enjoying the spoils that the marketplace had to offer.
The Doctor was distracted by a merchant’s honey when Graham came by her side. “It’s really nice to see you like this Doc,” he said. “I woulda thought you’d be bored of stuff like this now. You must come to Rome all the time.”
The Doctor hummed. “I actually haven’t been for a couple of centuries,” the Doctor paused, thinking about it carefully. “I must’ve been in my seventh face at the time. Just did a quick pit stop, really.”
Graham did a double take. “Wait Doc hold on, you’re married?”
She tasted some of the merchant’s honey. It was sweet and delightful; she could taste eucalyptus and the valleys of woodland by the sea.
Behind her, there was a loud shout. A man screaming that he didn’t speak Celtic.
Ice ran down the Doctors veins, and she turned around so suddenly she gave herself whiplash. She scanned the crowd, trying to find a familiar bob of loud red hair and an even louder mouth.
Her eyes found the merchant, standing among a collection of ceramic pots and kitchen bowls, asking a woman to repeat herself. She turned away in a huff. Long black hair and olive skin.
She wasn’t Donna.
The Doctor swallowed and ran a hand through her hair. Graham came into her vision, his face pulled into a concerned frown. He lay a gentle hand on her arm. “Hey Doc, you okay?”
The Doctor nodded slowly, pulling her gaze away from the woman. “Yeah,” she lied. “I’m fine.”
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The forest had long since made its claim over the old city, it’s ruins threatening to crumble as they explored. They stuck close together, warring against the eerie chill that had settled over them when they had first arrived.
That is, until Yaz had wandered off.
So the Doctor, Graham, and Ryan were busy looking for her.
In truth, the Doctor wasn’t quite sure what these ruins were, or what civilisation had formed them. This planet was pretty new to her – she actually wasn’t sure if she had been here before, but the ruins reminded her of an old English village.
They came across a large field, lined by a field of stone walls, some as tall as the Ryan’s head, whilst some barely reached the Doctors thigh. It was a mismatched maze, long forgotten to the winds and time. Carefully, the Doctor, Graham, and Ryan navigated themselves through it, sticking together. Everyone once in a while, one of them would call after Yaz, cupping their hands over their mouths.
The Doctor drummed her fingers along the wall, thinking out loud. “Maybe a century or so, it’s been here. Certainly not long enough for it to have been degraded as it has.”
“Do you think aliens have had something to do with it then?” Graham asked, and then called out for Yaz.
The Doctor hummed. “Well probably, since aliens are the ones who built this place.”
The Doctor could practically feel Graham’s eye roll. “I meant different aliens, Doc.”
The Doctor forced her face into a bright smile, itching to call out Yaz’s name again. Why wasn’t she here? The Doctor had strictly told this lot not to wander off.  
“Well, that could be possible too,” The Doctor conceded. “Who knows.”
Ryan snorted. “Not us, apparently.”
The Doctor nodded. Yaz might know. After all, she had wandered off.
They came around a bend and the Doctor practically froze. Yaz was standing by a dead end, the wall twisting around her and running back the way they had come. The Doctor’s eyes widened, her breathing quicker, her mind tingling. Yaz looked… fine. Which wasn’t right. She seemed calm enough, her posture relaxed, her stance at ease. It was so polar opposite of how she should be standing. Rigid, poised, ready to run. Because in front of her was a statue.
A statue of an angel.
Ryan laughed out loud, the sound an echo against the raging tide turning in the Doctors mind. He began to run over to Yaz, Graham not far behind him.
The Doctor couldn’t help the way her voice broke. She threw out her hand. “Don’t!”
Graham and Ryan paused, turning back to her. Yaz turned too, giving the Doctor a raised eyebrow, but her gaze never left the statue. “Whatever you do,” she spoke slowly, grateful at how level her voice was. “Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. You blink and we’re gone.”
Her friends paled.
“Doc,” Graham said. “What’re you talking about?”
“That right there,” the Doctor said. “It’s called a weeping angel. They’re predators, some the nastiest in the universe.”
Yaz’s eyes widened, and she stumbled a half step away. “Sorry – what?”
“One touch from them and they trap you in the past,” the Doctor explained, her hearts jumping into her throat. “They feed off of the remaining time energy.”
Ryan relaxed. “Oh, that’s not too bad. We’ve got a time machine after all.”
The Doctor shook her head, her eyes never leaving the statue. They weren’t getting it, how weren’t they getting it?
The Doctors mind flashed to a graveyard, of red hair and glassy eyes. Of time stolen from a lost centurion. Of a gravestone she would never mention, and of arms that had held her as she screamed – so selfishly, so full of pain.
Her fam had to understand.
“If they touch you,” she said again. “There’s no coming back. I-” her voice broke. “I can’t get you back.”
Yaz swallowed, her eyes wide. Distantly, the Doctor wondered if she herself looked scared. She certainly felt it. “Because they consume our remaining time?” Yaz ventured.
The Doctor nodded; mouth set in a grim line. She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t bring out the words.
It only took one touch.
It couldn’t happen again.
The Doctor took in a shaky breath. “Listen to me,” she said. “They’re quantum locked; they can’t move as long as they’re being watched. As long as we’re watching it, it won’t move.”
The others nodded with various degrees of certainty. The Doctor reached out her hands, keeping her gaze locked on the statue. “Come take my hand, I won’t let it hurt you.”
Then suddenly, the Earth was ground shakey. No – that was wrong, that wasn’t the right English. It didn’t make sense – the Doctor couldn’t wrap her mind around what was happening. One minute she was standing, eyes transfixed on the damn statue, then in the next she found herself on the ground, her body crashing into the grass.
Distantly, she heard the cry of her friends, an echo in the scenery the Doctor couldn’t see, couldn’t hear. The force of the ground’s movements reverberated in the Doctors skull, in her toes, in her fingertips, against the throbbing pounding pain in her shoulder, and her back.
She groaned into the silence, it was quiet, a dead sort of silence that suffocated the life out of the Doctor breath. It was an earthquake – well, planetquake, there should be noise. But it was silent. A silence so absolutely wrong that it boarded on terrifying. She tried to sit up, but the force of the quake forced her down. It rattled her, the doctor could feel her fragile bones clatter against one another, grating and painful.
And just as suddenly as it had started, it just… stopped.
The Doctor blinked.
Immediately, she threw herself upwards, her body ignoring gravity. The Doctor hastily spun herself around, her gaze locking onto her friends. She called out, her voice hoarse, and, belatedly, they responded.
They were okay.
The Doctor paused. If she was looking at her fam, and her fam was looking at her. Then…
In an instant, the Doctor snapped her gaze to the statue. How it hadn’t hurt her friends, how it hadn’t taken her friends, she didn’t know.  
The Doctor let out a laugh, slightly deranged, but oh so full of relief. The statue stood still, intact, in the same position. It was just a normal, bland, old statue.
Which meant it wasn’t an angel.
She saw her fam give her equally confused expressions, and the Doctor doubled over, her laugh devolving into cackles. “I was wrong,” she breathed out. “Oh gods, for once I was wrong.”
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The Doctor woke slowly, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the harsh fluorescent lights above her. She could vaguely hear voices, a tense conversation punctuated by a knock against… something. Glass?
The Doctor pulled herself up, letting out a tired groan. She captured her head in her hand, leaning into her other palm, which was resting on the cool floor. She blinked a couple of times before squeezing her eyes shut. Did her head hurt? Why did it hurt?
“That won’t work,” a voice said, and the Doctors blood ran cold. “I tried it when I first arrived.”
The Doctor was imagining things, surely. There was no way this voice was here. It wasn’t possible.
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try again, right?” That was Yaz – wasn’t it? Why was Yaz here?
The voice – that voice, the one that made the hair on the Doctor’s arms stand on end. The one that ghosted against the nape of the Doctor’s neck, sending chills down her spine. It spoke again. “I mean – sure,” there was some shuffling. “Let me help you out.”
The Doctor lifted her head off of her hand, taking in the space. It was… white. Pristine white floors stretched out from her and met equally sterile white walls. Even the roof was white, untouched.
The Doctor stood up on wobbly legs, shooting forward. There was a cry – Ryan, maybe, and just as suddenly, a hand was holding her shoulder. “Hey,” the voice, that voice, the voice that couldn’t be possible, spoke again. It was soft, quiet, so impossibly caring – and it shouldn’t exist. “Are you okay?”
A familiar feeling settled in the Doctors frame, right against her chest. It clawed against her, in her gut, in her fingers, and in her toes. She didn’t want to turn around; she couldn’t turn around. She was afraid.
She took in a shaky breath, and then, on unsteady feet, her hands trembling, she turned.
Only to come face to face with-
Her hearts caught, and the Doctor found herself rooted in place. It was as if her body were surprised, like it hadn’t caught up with her mind, as if it couldn’t possibly know that it had been you. With your voice, and your hand, and your eyes – oh your eyes. So large, so bright, so warm. Your eyes were tight and worried, skirting over her face, looking for… something.
There was a beat, only one, where the Doctor just let herself simply bask in your presence. The fluorescent lights shone behind you, giving you this incandescent glow.
“It’s okay to be afraid,” you said eventually, your voice soft, reassuring. “We’ve been drugged, it’s normal to feel out of it.”
Distantly, the Doctor could feel herself nod, like a wire was pulling her head up and down. A hand ran through her hair – her own hair, the Doctor realised, untangling some of the knotting at the ends.
It was absolutely unfathomable. You were here. In front of her. Your hand on her shoulder, grounding, warm. You smiled at her, as though no one but the Doctor was important to you. You looked at her almost in the way you used to, like the Doctor really could be as brilliant as you believed.
“Hey Doc-,” The Doctor’s gaze snapped to the final voice, Graham, who was walking over slowly. “You alright?”
The spell had been broken.
The Doctor leaned into your hand, revelling in the contact – she still couldn’t believe it was you, and turned to Graham. “Absolutely,” she said. “Just took me a few minutes to get my bearings.”
“You’re a doctor then?” You asked, and something fell in the Doctors chest.
You didn’t recognise her.
Of course you didn’t recognise her. The Doctor mentally slapped herself. She was different, oh so very different since she had last seen you. When you had been alive, when you had been happy.
It was foolish of herself to think otherwise.
Oh – oh no. You couldn’t know who she was. Blasted laws of time. The Doctor wanted to shake you, wrap her arms around you and ask – no, demand, to know how you were here. Her hands itched to take yours and never let go. Hold you by her side. She wanted to tell you everything, about the fam, about the TARDIS’ new interior – about her own hearts, and how she had never stopped lov-
She couldn’t.
You couldn’t know who she was, not really. You were a ghost, an echo of her past. To know the truth – it could break everything, slash a tear into the very fabric of space and time. Your end, her end with you, was a fixed point. As solid and real as well-
As River’s end had been.
She pulled her hands to her sides. She wasn’t going to reach out to you.
“Yeah,” she responded, after what felt like an impossibly long time, but, judging from your expression, it maybe had only been a beat. “Doctor Jane Smith, that’s me.”
You raised an eyebrow, so subtle that if the Doctor hadn’t been mapping out your features, the slope of your nose, the quirk of your lips, the way your eyes sparkled under the light, she would have missed it entirely. “Sounds like a friend of mine.”
The Doctor felt her face go cold. That was another slap. Jane Smith – too obvious, too revealing.
Your eyes raked over her person, and you gave her the smallest, cheekiest of grins. “You might just be cuter than him, though.”
Wait – cute? Oh.
“Well,” the Doctor said, attempting to salvage anything she could. She used the first example she could. “Are they an archaeologist too?”
Was she copying her wife? Yes. Would it keep you safe? Also yes.
And that was all that mattered.
She purposely ignored the confused stares of her fam – she didn’t need to see them to know they were giving her strange looks.
You gave her a small, amused grin, and the Doctor wanted to lock it up and keep it. “Something like that.”
“Oh yep, that’s the Doc,” Yaz said, and the Doctor was surprised by how convincing she sounded. “She’s mad for archaeology.”
Well – she wasn’t wrong.
You laughed, the sound so bright, so beautiful, that it fluttered into the Doctors stomach, teaming with butterflies. “That’s completely understandable,” you gave her a considering look. “Y’know, you’d probably get along with my friend. You’ve got a similar vibe. At the very least,” you squeezed her shoulder, a sparkle in your eye. “You’re just as endearing as him.”
“Oh yeah I’m sure,” Yaz said, coming up beside both you and the Doctor – you! Yaz gave the Doctor an absolutely flabbergasted look, one she carefully masked behind a single raised eyebrow and a nod of her head towards you.
The Doctor set her mouth in a line, nodding back. Yes, as far as she was concerned, it was you.
She really wanted it to be you.
Besides – you’d called her endearing.
“Anyway,” you continued, and the Doctor tried to ignore how cold she felt when you moved your hand away. “You arrived here maybe an hour ago? I’m not sure, time’s really difficult to track, and so far, I haven’t found a way out.”
The Doctor cocked her head to the side, glancing around the room. It was a box, a big white box with white glass walls. “How do y’know it’s been an hour?”
Your frowned slightly, turning back to her. “You don’t hear it?”
The Doctor chewed on her lower lip. There was… something. A ticking noise, very faint, almost impossible to hear. You smiled at her, bright and proud, and a part of the Doctor melted.
Gods, she had missed you.
“It’s ticking to the same speed as my watch,” you shook your wrist, an analogue watch – one she didn’t recognise, was wrapped around your wrist. “So, I’m assuming that wherever we are, it’s running on the same time as Earth.”
The Doctor gave you a delighted grin. She’d almost forgotten how clever you were, how ridiculously, wonderfully clever you were. “Of course,” she breathed. “So, we must be in an invented artificial space.”
You grinned. “Clever and cute. Amazing.”
The Doctor gawped, her jaw falling. In the same instance, she slammed it shut. The fact that you liked her, in this body, something so new, something so different. Well… it didn’t make her feel bad, that was for sure.
Testing the air pressure, the Doctor bounced. Once, then twice.
It was-
“The same gravity as Earth,” you gestured to the Doctor. “At least, that’s how it feels to me. That was the other clue.”
You were right, of course you were right.
Graham frowned. “How can you tell that?”
You shrugged. “I’ve travelled a lot, after a while you start to pick up on how it feels different, especially when you’re from Earth,” you waved your hand. “It’s like how you can feel the moon’s a different gravity, it’s lighter. Here, it’s heavier.”
“Wow,” Ryan said. “That’s wild.”
You gave them a small smile. “Yeah, I guess. Again, you get used to it,” you paused suddenly. “So, I have a theory on why I’m here. What about you?”
Yaz raised an eyebrow. “Well, what’s your theory?”
You gave them a bashful smile. “Sorry but… I’ve only just met you, and there’s four of you against one of me.”
Something inside the Doctor broke, tarnishing her weary, forlorn hearts. You had never not trusted her. Ever.
The Doctor swallowed, thinking back on her life with you, back before everything went wrong. She could hazard a guess, could judge it by the way your eyes sparkled when Graham had called her ‘Doctor,’ in the way you had so expertly analysed what little information was around you.
“You’re here because the Doctor,” she breathed. “You know him, don’t you?”
Ryan almost squawked, she could hear his intake of breath, the way he coughed and spluttered. She knew how absurd she sounded, how utterly baffling it was to her fam. But you couldn’t know the truth. She had to keep you safe.
Your eyes grew sad, almost as if you were regarding her differently. “Yes, I assume you do too?”
“We travel with the Doctor,” Yaz said carefully, slowly. “You do too?”
Your eyes grew wide – surprised, no, that wasn’t quite right. There was a beat, only for a moment, and the Doctor had never wanted to reach out to you more.
She kept her hands to her sides.
“You come after me,” you breathed out, your voice so impossibly small. You shook your head, clearing your throat. When you spoke your voice was clearer, more assured “I do, well – I did, from your perspective,” your voice grew smaller when you spoke again. “You must all be pretty close to him, right?”
The Doctor swallowed. “Yeah, you could say that.”
You nodded. “Well, any friend of the Doctor’s is a friend of mine,” you gave them a small grin, but it didn’t reach your eyes. The Doctor wasn’t sure how to interpret that, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to interpret it. She didn’t want to see you in pain – ever. “You’re right though, I think I’m here because of the Doctor, have to be. I’m not sure who else anyone would try to glean information from.”
“So, you think we’re going to be interrogated?” Yaz said, giving you a considering look.
“Yeah, I-,” You face fell suddenly, and you let out a soft oh. “Maybe we already are.”
It clicked.
“Because we’re talking about him,” she said, just as quickly.
“Wait,” Graham said. “So they’ve got us all together so that we’ll talk about her – er, him. What’s that gonna accomplish?”
“Think about what you do when you’re out with your mates,” Yaz said, her eyes growing wide as the implications dawned on her. “What do you talk about, especially with people you’ve just met.”
“Your mutual friends,” Ryan breathed out.
Your gaze swept to the one of the walls, the one that was glass. “We’re being watched.”
The Doctor felt it first. A soft rumbling under her feet, niggling against her toes and running up her legs, into her back, and coursing down into her fingers. She turned towards the glass wall, the same wall you were looking at – with all the contempt of a women who was being unjustly watched, eyeing it warily. Why was she feeling this? It felt far too similar to-
A big boom rocked against them. You let out a startled cry, the sound absorbing the Doctor’s other senses. Before she could stop herself, the Doctor reached out, pulling you against herself as she threw herself to the ground.
For a moment she let herself revel in it, in the feeling of you in her arms once again – so warm, so real, so alive. You were tucked into her, you head resting in the crook of her neck, your hand grasping her waist. You held her almost desperately, like the Doctor was important to you, important enough to be held.
There was something so warm about it, something so right, that for a moment the Doctors brain short circuited. There was only you, you in her arms, with the familiar scent of your shampoo and the familiar feeling of your body in hers, everything else was white noise.
Until the blast smacked right into the Doctors frame. Shards of glass splintered, shrieking in protest as it almost danced in the air above. A wave of air hit the Doctor square in the back, tendrils roaming over her person.
She supressed a groan, choosing instead to look down at you. You blinked up at her wildly, but otherwise you were unharmed.
You were safe, and that – as it had always been, was the most important thing.  
The dust and glass settled, and carefully, you removed yourself from the Doctor, nodding her a small thank you. The Doctor tried to ignore how cold she felt. You looked up behind her, and immediately, your face brightened, your mouth stretching into a large, almost recognisable grin.
“Well, I can say with good authority that no one is watching you anymore.”
The Doctor had barely moved, and yet, the air she had been holding so firmly in her lungs knocked out of her. She knew that voice, would recognise it anywhere, knew it the very way she knew how her own bones were stitched together.
“Hello darling.”
You threw yourself up, oblivious to the Doctors inner turmoil, laughing that beautiful, gorgeous laugh. If it were anyone but you, the Doctor would have barely acknowledged it.
You leapt over the Doctor and breathed out, completely elated. “River.”
The Doctor looked up; she couldn’t help it. River Song was colour, vibrant and brilliant, so full of the utter beauty of the cosmos. She glowed, the burn of the fire she had left behind framing her crown of curls.
River held you tightly, the way the Doctor wanted to, the way she had been holding you, and gave you a small, soft kiss on the forehead. “Did you think I wouldn’t find you.”
You pulled away, still holding River, your eyes only for her. “Never.”
Throat dry, the Doctor swallowed.
You pulled away, finally, and cocked your head to the side, giving River – her River, a small, cocky smile. “Did you have fun there,��� you nodded behind them, where the fire in the observatory room burned.
The observatory-
The Doctors gaze flickered to the wall – well, what was left of it. Shards of glass stuck from the roof and the floor, jagged and sharp. They were no longer white, and instead reflected the oranges and reds of the fire burning behind them. Behind what was left of the wall were a series of desks, long since deserted, devolving into charcoal before the Doctor’s very eyes.
And there River stood, so proudly, so sure of herself, in all her brilliant glory. The Doctor gasped a little, her hearts pounding just a little bit harder – skipping every couple of beats, and absolutely reeling. How was this possible? You and River were here right in front of her. So impossibly close, and yet, she couldn’t reach out.
There was a groan behind her, and the Doctors breathing hitched. How could she? She’d been so caught up in her own emotional turmoil, stumbling over the impossible made possible, that she had completely ignored her fam.
Breathe, she had to breathe. They weren’t out of the woods yet.
She turned away from you and River – both of you, and focused on her fam, who needed her right now. She ran to Ryan first, who was slowly sitting up, holding his head in his hand. “Oh wow,” he groaned, his voice rough. “That was intense, man.”
She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Look up at me, will you?”
He did so, and the Doctor pulled out her sonic. Carefully, she scanned his eyes, noticing with relief as his pupils shrunk almost instantly. No concussion then. She rubbed up and down his arm, pulling the sonic back and checking her readings. No discernible injuries.
She went to Graham next, who had been knocked into an opposing wall. After a quick check over, she was glad to find that he too, was okay.
“Bloody hell D- er, Jane,” he said, cupping his head in his hand. “That was a whole number.”
The Doctor nodded; her mouth set in a grim line. “Yeah,” she replied. “It was, huh.”
Yaz was standing by the time the Doctor got to her, shaking glass out of her hair. The Doctor scanned her, grateful that she too, was uninjured.
It was something, at least.
With a small, determined grin, she turned back to them. “Everyone alright?”
Yaz gave her a small smile, and she noticed the others following suit. Gods, she adored them. Despite everything, all the secrets, all the pain, they knew just what to do. “Yeah,” Yaz said. “I think we’re good.”
Your voice interrupted them. “I thought you were an archaeologist, not a medical Doctor.”
River, who the Doctor noticed had been fussing over you, judging by how she shot her sonic trowel – a trowel of all things, over your frame, looked up in interest. “An archaeologist, you say?”
You nodded, still looking at the Doctor. “So she’s said. This lot travel with the Doctor.”
River cocked her head to that, wrapping an arm over your shoulder, so you were nestled into her side. The Doctors hearts ached, she wanted to be there too. “Oh?” River said, her voice low, almost sultry. “How interesting.”
The Doctor wanted to bury herself alive. You and River were both far too clever for her.
River gave the Doctor a considering look. “What’s he like?”
“Busy,” Yaz said suddenly, coming to stand by the Doctor’s side. “Obsessed with fezzes.”
The Doctor could have rejoiced. Yaz was brilliant, completely and utterly brilliant. What would the Doctor do without her?
Get tongue tied, probably.
What did humans call their partners these days? Significant Others?
Well, there they were, the two most important people to the Doctor, her significant others, her people. And she couldn’t do anything about it.
You and River let out a harmonised groan. “Of course he’s still into the fezzes,” you said.
“We were fools to expect anything less,” River agreed. She then nodded towards the Doctor. “At the very least, hon,” she winked, her eyes drifting over the Doctor’s body, almost lazily, like she had all the time in the world. “You were quite a sight to watch just then. Very formidable.”
The Doctor blinked. Once. Twice. She swallowed, trying to ignore the butterflies that twisted through her gut, making her body feel like a flustered balloon. It was so odd to get flirted with, knowing that River didn’t know who the Doctor truly was.
You laughed – again, that sound, nudging River with your shoulder. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Oh darling,” she mused. “As if you didn’t do the same,” she turned back to the Doctor. “Look at her.”
You hummed in agreement. “No, no. You’re right,” you turned back to River, who still hadn’t taken her arm off of you. You were completely comfortable with it too – which, of course you were. It was River, and it was you. River was everything to you.
The Doctor had been too.
She probably still was, in all honesty. Her past face, younger.
The one who had failed you.
That was a third slap. Another reason why you couldn’t know who she was, why neither of you could know. Because the Doctor had failed you – she was going to fail you.
And if you knew…
Gods, time was nothing but a wibbly wobbly… thing.
And, for you? The Doctor was scared of how far she would be willing to go to break it.
Speaking to River, as if time hadn’t completely frozen for the Doctor, you asked. “Oh hey, whilst you were blowing stuff up, did you happen to find out why we’re here?”
River laughed, and something caught in the Doctors throat. She hadn’t forgotten what it sounded like – not really, not ever, but it was gorgeous. Musical in a way that was beyond compare. “Oh darling,” she said. “I don’t blow things up, I simply,” she waved her free hand, the hand that wasn’t wrapped around you. “Held the fire in the right persuasion.”
You snorted. “Alright.”
“In any case,” River continued. “It makes sense that you lot,” she gestured to the Doctor and her fam. “Are friends with the Doctor. They had a few… choice files on him.”
You glanced back to the observation room. “Not anymore though, I assume.”
“No,” River said, her voice cold. “Not anymore.”
You squeezed her hand, giving her a warm look of reassurance. Neither of you spoke, but the Doctor knew you didn’t need to. It was innate with you; it always had been. She felt it down in her bones.
She missed you both. So, so much. The Doctor completely ached for you.
River then turned to the Doctor and her fam, her voice lighter. “We’re in Sheffield, 2019,” she said. “No idea why, but it should help. Do you need a way home?”
The Doctor breathed out a sigh of relief. They could walk to Yaz’s place, easy. That’s where the TARDIS was.
“Nah,” she said. “We’re from ‘round here. We’ll be fine.”
River nodded. “A shame, I would have liked having you around.”
You snorted, tilting your head onto her arm with a laugh. “River that was awful.”
River grinned. “Oh, you love it.”
You sobered quickly, giving her a look so earnest, that, if the Doctor were anyone else, she’d feel compelled to look away. You spoke softly. “Always.”
The Doctor swallowed and did look away. She couldn’t handle it, not when she knew she wouldn’t get the same look from either of you. Not with this face, not in this time.
You squeezed River’s hand a final time, before detangling yourself from her. “It should be safe for people to get out of here right?”
River raised an eyebrow, her eyes shining with mirth. “Oh alright. That desperate to get rid of me are you.”
You laughed. “No, we’re sticking together, I’m not going through that again.”
River nodded sagely. “Well, I won’t say I’m opposed to that.”
“We are getting out of her though,” Ryan said. “…Right?”
You nodded. “Oh yes, of course. We’ll have to walk single file, and River and I should stick to the end, because we’re more familiar with this sort of stuff – sorry.”
Yaz gave the Doctor a wide-eyed look, but the Doctor only nodded. They weren’t wrong, the Doctor loved her fam, but you and River had years of experience on them.
You looked towards the observatory room, letting out a breath of relief as the fires began to settle. “If you want to get started, we should be out of here soon.”
“Hang on,” Graham said. “Shouldn’t you,” he gestured to River. “Be leading us out of her.”
River shook her head. “I’m not leaving Y/N.”
The Doctor held up her hands, surprised that they were somewhat shaking. “It’s fine. We’re happy to go first.”
The Doctor shoved her hands into her pockets.
Yaz nodded, resolute. “Okay, let’s go then.”
Soon, Yaz, Graham, and Ryan were heading off, picking through the glass and evading the dwindling fires. You and River however, lingered, so the Doctor did too. Why weren’t you following?
Eventually, once the fam were out of sight, you collapsed against a wall, letting your head rest against it. You let out a shaky sigh. River turned to you, her face falling into worry. She lay a hand on your back, whispering to you.
If the Doctor wanted, she could strain her ears to listen.
But she would give you your privacy. It was the right thing to do.  
The sound of the Doctors boots crunching into the glass practically echoed in the otherwise silent room, as she was slowly itching her way across to the observatory room. You were silent for a beat. Then another. Until, suddenly, you said. “Obsessed with fezzes, huh?”
The Doctor could practically feel the way her eyes bulged from her skull. River paused her movements. “Y-yeah,” the Doctor coughed. “Loves a fez.”
River’s jaw fell. She threw her head to the Doctor, back to you, the Doctor, then to you again. She spoke in a heated whisper. “It can’t be.”
You turned away from the wall, looking back at the Doctor – truly looking at her. It was like your gaze pierced through the Doctors skin, like you could see into her very hearts. You walked towards her, slowly, oh so very slowly, but the Doctor found she couldn’t – or maybe wouldn’t move.
The Doctor’s breathing hitched as you met her, landing almost nose to nose. You squinted eyes slightly, crooking your head to the side. There was silence between you, long and hazy. You gave her an expectant look, almost daring the Doctor to say something.
But then you spoke instead. “You’re a terrible actor, Jane Smith.”
There was a shout behind them. “Oh my god.”
The Doctor swallowed, but before she could respond, before she could do much of anything, River was beside you. She looked hurt – like she had washed been in acid. Her eyes were wide, almost frightened. Her eyes flitted across the Doctors face, searching for something. Slowly, she took in a shaky breath. She looked absolutely and completely broken.
The slap stung, the clap echoing across the room. Pain stretched across the Doctors cheek, throbbing and burning all at the same time. The Doctor reeled, shooting back from the force.
Quickly, she threw her hand to her cheek to cup it gently. “Ow.”
River seethed. “How dare you.”
The Doctor laughed. It overtook her, overwhelming her senses. It travelled through her arms, wrapped itself around her chest, and burst a blubbering cackle from the very depths of her diaphragm.
Your face fell. So did Rivers. And instantly, you reached a hand to hold her. “Oh gosh Doctor, are you okay?”
She let herself laugh some more. Doctor.
She’d forgotten how that sounded. She’d forgotten how you looked at her, like she was just oh so very important – more important than the stars she took you to see, more important than the songs, the hymns, that civilisations sung about you.
River ran a hand through her hair, her eyes jumped through the room, she was thinking, something that was always very dangerous with her. But when she looked at the Doctor – gods, when she truly saw the Doctor, it was freeing.
She composed herself, she couldn’t squander this chance. She was with you, her people. And she didn’t want to waste a second. “I just…” She could feel how light her voice was when she spoke. “Gods, I can’t begin to tell you how much I missed you.”
River’s face fell into a sad smile. “And I you.”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Always.”
The Doctor paused, her gaze flitting between the two of you. You were both so… sad. Why were you so sad.
“We can’t be here,” River said, her voice so soft it was like she was talking to a spooked animal. Maybe she was. “All of us, together, now,” she continued. “This can’t happen.”
And it dawned on the Doctor, so violently it threated to shake her core.
“When?” She asked, her voice breaking over the word. She could hazard a guess, but she didn’t want to be right. For once, she couldn’t be.  
River gave her the saddest of looks, one that ate the Doctor to the bone. The Doctor almost told her to stop, to never, ever speak it. But speak it, River did. “After Darillium.”
You let out a gasp, turning to River. “No.”
Utter anguish threatened to consume the Doctor. Here you were, both of you, right in front of her after all this time – and you were on the road towards your end. There was nothing she could do about it. She wanted to scream, or maybe cry out, the complete desolate misery rolling in her gut, coiling around her fragile hearts.
It was just so unfair.
She neither screamed nor cried out. Instead, she took in a single, shaky breath, and allowed the thought to pass.
She could fix this.
You were here, this had to mean something. Her gaze found your wildly, and she spoke in almost blind hope. “Come with me.”
River paled, her eyes growing watery. Despite this, she remained composed. “You know we-”
“Don’t,” The Doctor said, her voice almost broken. She closed her eyes. She couldn’t face it “Don’t finish that sentence.”
River sighed, and, after a beat, the Doctor felt a soft, small kiss on her forehead. The Doctor leaned into it, terrified of opening her eyes.
In a shallow, devastated breath, River spoke. “Goodbye, sweetie.”
“Wait-,” you said, and the Doctor scrambled, opening her eyes in an instant. However, River was already gone. Gone with the same fire that had brought her here.
The Doctor let out a harsh, angry cry, and you took her hand. The Doctor looked at it for a moment, marvelling in the way your fingers were wrapped around her own. She let her gaze travel up your arm, you were wearing your favourite jumper, the one she had always been desperate to try.
You rubbed your eyes with the back of your jumper’s sleeve. Then, you braced the Doctor with a hard look. “Listen. Come find me. Come find us.”
The Doctor shook her head.  There was fire and glass, and everything was lost. She had accepted this, learned how to accept it, and do her best to move on.
How unfair, how utterly cruel that she was faced with you both once more, knowing that she couldn’t have you. “It’s not possible,” her voice wavered. “You’re gone.”
“That is complete and utter nonsense, and you know it,” you replied, your voice like steel. You were sure of yourself, composed in a way the Doctor had always once been for you. “If there’s one thing you’re good at Doctor, it’s doing the impossible.”
The Doctor swallowed, and you took a step forward, so your noses were touching. You poked her in the chest, leaving your finger in its place. You narrowed your eyes. “Don’t you dare give up on us, on me, on her.”
The Doctor blinked owlishly at you. Was it possible? Could she find you? Could she save you – both of you?
“I don’t know what’s going to happen Doctor,” you continued. “But I know, whatever it is, we can fix it.”
What was it about time? There was something important about it, she had been thinking about it only a moment earlier. Wibbly-wobbly.
You squeezed her hand, before pulling her into a bone crushing hug. The Doctor let herself melt into it, she was selfish like that, and she couldn’t let you go.
But you pulled away.
Before she could open your eyes, you covered them with your hand. With more conviction than the Doctor thought she had ever heard you speak, you spoke two words, only two, and somehow – it was enough to change everything. “Find us.”
Then, just as suddenly as River, perfect, formidable River, you were gone.
In the empty white room, with glass scattered around her feet, and the dying embers burning behind her, the Doctor stood. She ghosted her hand over her forehead, where Rivers lips had just been, and held her hand – the hand you had been holding, against her hearts.
Time, it was fragile, wasn’t it? There was some law about it, something about fixed time points, certain things being set in stone. People came and went, that was how the Doctors life had always been. She’d even gotten used to the grief by now, letting it pass over her, letting it drift into the voices of strangers and the faces of those she’d never get a chance to see.
But sometimes – well, sometimes rules were made to be broken, weren’t they?
She was going to find you. She was going to save you.
Both of you. 
A/N^2: It’s important to mention that ‘big boom’ and ‘ground shakey’ were descriptions curtesy of @bizarredalek and @fabulouspotatosister respectively. I’m both equally impressed by what you came up with, and that I could unironically fit them in here. Also shout out to @iced-tea-possibly for sticking with me pretty much the entire time I wrote it, you’re far too good to me. Love y’all loads
175 notes · View notes
morganaspendragonss · 3 years
i saw you were accepting prompts - could you possibly do one with thirteen and the fam where one of them gets kidnapped and the rest have to get whoever it is back?
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holly's august extravaganza day 15: find you here inside the dark
thank you for the prompt!
@badthingshappenbingo prompt: blindfolded
ao3 | 1.5k | kidnapping, psychological torture, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, set vaguely during s12
Yaz has been thinking.
There’s not much else to do, really, wherever she is; the room she’s being kept in is windowless and featureless, and the only interesting parts of her day are when the visor she’s being forced to wear darkens, effectively blindfolding her. She’s not really sure what happens during those times, except that someone—presumably one of her captors—joins her, stays in silence, then, after an unidentified amount of time, leaves.
Though, to be honest, all her time here is unidentified. Yaz has no idea how she’s supposed to track the days; she’s pretty sure she’s not on Earth, so there’s no guarantee that days are days anyway. She tracks the passage of time through the periodic meals she receives, but as those are pretty much all the same, there’s no way to tell what equates to morning, noon, and evening.
She tried, at first, but it became too confusing too quickly. So, instead, she thinks.
First it was about ways of getting out of here. Yaz is nothing if not proactive and, while she trusts the Doctor to save her, she’s always liked figuring things out for herself. Especially when said things are Doctor-related, because it feels like she’s proving herself, or something. Like she’s showing the Doctor that she’s worth it, that she can handle all the running and fighting and general chaos that follows them wherever they go.
Like she is capable of staying by her side forever.
But Yaz has walked this room too many times to count now; she’s traced her fingertips over the walls, searching for any cracks or crevices to indicate where there might be a door. There is none, apparently, and Yaz has to concede that their technology is beyond her.
If the Doctor were here, she’d have her sonic out by now, spitting out words, only half of which Yaz could understand. She’d find a way out in no time.
Or, if not, at least she’d be here. Talking a mile a minute, probably annoying the hell out of their captors. Yaz can almost hear her now—
She can hear her now.
It’s faint and distorted, but unmistakably the Doctor, and Yaz feels hope flash through her. If the Doctor is here, then maybe… Maybe she’s going to get out of here.
It’s not that it’s been bad here, per se, but Yaz hasn’t spoken to another person in so long that she’s starting to go a little out of her mind. Whatever thing has her, it’s not chatty; the only reason Yaz knows there’s actually someone else around somewhere is that she’s heard its heavy breathing whenever it comes into the room.
The Doctor’s voice gets louder and Yaz jumps to her feet, spinning in a circle to try and pinpoint where it’s coming from.
“Doctor!” she cries. “Doctor, it’s me, I’m here!”
The sounds pause for a moment, then suddenly resume at Yaz’s back. She turns and runs to the wall, pressing her ear against it to try and hear something—anything—but just like that, it’s gone.
For the first time since she’s been here, Yaz feels tears building in her eyes. She’s been so certain, for so long, that the Doctor is coming for her, and now she knows; the Doctor was here, feet away, and now she’s—
She’s behind her; she has to be. Yaz spins, grinning, arms out to drag the Doctor into a hug—but she’s not there. She frowns, but she doesn’t have time to process it before her name is called from another corner of the room, so clear that it feels like it’s right in the room with her.
But Yaz is alone, still, except for the voice that bounces from wall to wall, surrounding her and sending her dizzy from trying to follow it. She can’t see for tears as she realises—it’s all a trick. For what purpose, Yaz doesn’t know, but she doesn’t care to figure it out either.
The Doctor isn’t here. She never was.
And then, as if to torture her further, the visor darkens, and Yaz is blind.
She lives in darkness from then on. Unlike every other time, it doesn’t clear, not even when she’s brought meals, so Yaz just sits pressed into a corner, entirely alone.
And she thinks.
She knew, back when they started travelling with the Doctor, that there would be danger. That she’d probably fear for her life, maybe even get hurt along the way. They’d all accepted the risk, but Yaz—Yaz hadn’t even had to think about it. Maybe it’s because of her job, but the thought of danger hadn’t phased her for even a second; it had exhilarated her.
All her life, Yaz has wanted to do something. She’s always needed that adrenaline rush, that thrill, and she hadn’t found it sitting in her police car breaking up minor disputes. Then the Doctor appeared and handed it to her on a platter, and who was Yaz to turn that down? Travelling with the Doctor has been everything; there’s nowhere Yaz would rather be than with her.
But Ryan has been saying, lately, that he doesn’t know how much longer he can do this. He wants to leave, Yaz can tell, even if he hasn’t said it directly.
“Where does it end, Yaz?” he’d said to her once. “How many times have we almost died already? We can’t get lucky forever.”
“I trust the Doctor,” Yaz had replied. “She’s always kept us safe, and she always will.”
She doesn’t think Ryan believed her, but Yaz has never been more certain of anything in her life. Except… Except, now, she’s starting to wonder. Yaz doesn’t know how long ago she was taken, but she’s fairly certain it’s been too long. Hours, days, weeks spent holding onto the knowledge that the Doctor would come for her; most people probably would have given up by now, but the thought never even entered Yaz’s head.
The Doctor would come; it was never a question.
Except she hasn’t, and Yaz is alone in the dark, and she’s losing faith.
Yaz loves the Doctor’s voice. She loves to listen to her talk, loves the way her eyes light up at anything new, loves the sheer emotion she pours into every single word.
Now, though, she’d give anything to get her to stop.
It’s been like this since the first time; Yaz will hear the Doctor’s voice calling for her, promising her that she’s coming, that she’ll be free soon, and it will be so clear that Yaz could swear she’s right in front of her. But she’ll reach out and feel nothing, and no-one, and disappointment will flood her all over again.
She should be used to it by now; she should expect it, even. But every time, there’s hope. And every time, it’s crushed.
So, the next time it starts, Yaz assumes it will be no different.
“Yaz,” the Doctor, or whatever’s mimicking her says. “Yaz, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here; we all are, just hang on.”
It’s the same as always. Yaz presses herself further into her corner and buries her head in her arms—not that it makes any difference. “No,” she whispers. “Stop it.”
“Yaz, it’s me!”
“Yaz!” Ryan—that’s a new one. Yaz doesn’t let it get to her though; this just means they’re getting more creative now. She doesn’t budge, not even at the slight shuffle off feet along the floor. Everything they’ve done to her has felt realistic, so why shouldn’t the same go for this now?
Something steps close to her, fabric rustling gently, and Yaz could swear she feels hot breath on the top of her head. She tenses to keep herself from moving; this means nothing.
Don’t hope don’t hope don’t hope.
“Oh,” she hears, then there’s a high pitched whirring in her ear—a sound so familiar she could cry, but she won’t, she refuses.
“Yaz, you can look now,” the Doctor says gently. “It’s alright, I’ve got you.”
The hands on her face tell Yaz she has no choice in the matter, and she puts up little resistance as her head is slowly raised. She doesn’t know what’s going on, and she has no time to work it out before she realises she can see, and—
“Oh my god,” Yaz sobs, all but collapsing into the Doctor’s arms. She grips the back of her coat tightly and presses her face into her chest, relishing in her warmth, in the heartbeats echoing rhythmically in Yaz’s ears. “You’re here, you’re actually here.”
The Doctor hugs her tightly, running her hands through Yaz’s hair. “I’m sorry I took so long.”
Yaz pulls back, though only slightly, only enough so she can look the Doctor full in the face. She brings her hands up to her face and strokes her thumbs over her cheekbones, taking her in like she hasn’t been able to do in so long. She’s vaguely aware of Graham and Ryan standing behind the Doctor, but she barely pays them any notice, too focused on the Doctor. “I thought—”
“I know,” the Doctor shushes, smiling sadly. “I know. I swear to you though, Yaz, I’ll always come back for you. I’ll never leave you. I promise.”
And Yaz believes her.
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doctorthasmin · 4 years
“I’ll buy the chips don’t worry.” Ryan chuckles as they wander up the cobbled street, the Doctor playing hop scotch with herself testing the true limits to her balance.
“No no no, a deal is a deal is a deal. I’ll find a way, I’m very resourceful you know.” The Doctor reassures, bumping into him as she loses her balance. The street seems to fill up with night time revellers of all ages, the bass of music coming out of various clubs and bars. She sees Ryan clock a few lads his age, nodding their way.
“Sure you don’t fancy another drink? I promise I won’t embarrass you in front of your friends.” The Doctor promises, her face a little dewy from the ginger beer and vigorous sporting exercise she’s had tonight. Ryan frowns at her, stopping her stride to face her.
“Hey wait, why would you think I’d be embarrassed to be with you in front of my friends?” Ryan asks sincerely, catching as the Doctor swallows and looks away.
“You’re all very kind but I know I’m a bit, you know, eccentric or weird, I say stuff that’s not right for your time or make references that are too old.” The Doctor mumbles, staring down at her trainers before looking up plastering a big grin on her face. But Ryan’s face is a picture of sadness which stumps her.
“Doctor, I’ve had a lot of ‘friends’ in my short life but none of them have actually spent time to listen and encourage me with the stuff that I find hard. So you’re a bit out of time, who cares, you’re the best thing that’s happened to all of us, not just Yaz, even if she makes you all gooey eyed.” Ryan jokes, rubbing her shoulder as she leans into his side for a rare hug.
“Thanks Ryan, needed to hear that.” The Doctor mumbles into his shirt, before dramatically sniffing the air.
“Don’t even be telling me I smell, that’s why you wear lynx on a night out.” Ryan starts before the Doctor grabs his hand and pulls him forward with all her strength.
“I smell really good chips Ryan, and a fridge leaking coolant.” The Doctor yells as they skip and slide their way down the street across the main road to a chip van, bedazzled in fairy lights.
“Oo that’s pretty, Yaz wants lights like that in the bedroom you know.” The Doctor starts as they approach the chip van, the Doctor sniffing around like a bloodhound in an airport.
“So what’s the plan Doctor?” Ryan whispers out the side of his mouth as the man in the chip van rams his hand against the side of his warm fridge.
“Oh right yeah, charm, here take my sonic and follow my lead.” The Doctor murmurs handing him the sonic discreetly.
“What will it be kids?” The man asks leaning over his counter to see Ryan and the Doctor grinning away.
“Oh well it all looks amazing! My friend here is a mechanic, he says these are the best chips in Sheffield.” The Doctor starts seeing the man’s eyes widen at the ‘mechanic’ part.
“Well it’s tough competition round here even on a nighttime. I’m afraid my drinks aren’t cold, damn refrigerator keeps breaking on me.” The man complains, waiting a moment as the Doctor turns to Ryan widening her eyes obviously.
“Oh I’m sure Ryan could help out, this is his bread and butter you know, we could do a trade, two portions of chips for a fixed fridge eh?” The Doctor barters smiling at the man before he chuckles nodding opening the door to the van from the inside.
“In you come son, any help would be appreciated.” The man says as the Doctor flicks the sonic to the right setting before hastily handing it back to Ryan as he climbs in.
“No worries mate, the cooling systems on these old fridges are temperamental you know. Salt and vinegar on mine please.” Ryan says shoving his arm to the back of the fridge to use the sonic, he can hear it whirring away the orange glow of the crystal spinning inside the screwdriver.
“What about you darlin?” The man asks shovelling hot chips into a styrofoam container.
“Plenty salt and vinegar too please.” The Doctor shines smiling at the man as the fridge light suddenly comes back on and the electric whir of the fridge returns.
“Oh that’s brilliant thanks son!” The man cheers as Ryan excuses himself to climb out of the van. The Doctor is holding his portion of chips out for him as he hands her back the sonic.
“No worries mate, thanks for the chips.” Ryan thanks through a mouthful of crispy thick chips. They walk away with a wave finding a park bench to look on at the Tardis a few hundred metres away.
“These are lush.” The Doctor groans through another bite, making Ryan burst out laughing.
“Everything tastes better after a few pints. Have you had fun?” Ryan asks stabbing some more chips with his wooden two pronged fork.
The Doctor turns to look at him grinning and nods. “Of course, we can do stuff like this more often you know, if you wanted too.” The Doctor offers, leaving a chip on the arm rest of the bench for a particularly insistent pigeon.
“Sure, next time let’s do a bro night in the 50th century or something.” Ryan suggests watching as the Doctor grins back nodding.
“You know who we should invite, Jack, he’ll know the best spots for the 50th century, though I don’t think he’d come unless Graham came too.” The Doctor chuckles winking as Ryan laughs agreeing.
“So video games then?” The Doctor asks as they bin their chip containers, making their way back to the Tardis.
“For me yeah, I think I’ve hogged you long enough, go have a cuddle with Yaz.” Ryan teases making silly kissing faces much to the Doctor’s embarrassment as she blushes, opening the Tardis door quietly as they sneak in.
“Fair do’s, thanks for tonight Ryan.” The Doctor whispers, pinching his cheek slightly before moving towards their living quarters.
Yaz is awake, lying cosy in amongst many blankets as the Doctor tip toes in. She’s put the fairy lights up all around the bedroom giving off a soft yellow glow, the familiar scent of her Shea butter and vanilla moisturiser clings to the air.
“You look lovely.” The Doctor whispers dopily coming to kneel by the bed, kissing the top of Yaz’s hand.
“You look drunk, and happy.” Yaz whispers back pulling her closer onto the bed with her arm. She snuggles into the Doctor’s side, her gangly arms wrapped tightly around Yaz.
“I’m merry, we had a nice time, Maisie got your note by the way.” The Doctor mumbles back sleepily, before she feels Yaz’s finger poke her chest.
“Who’s Maisie?” Yaz asks confused, the Doctor’s eyes wide and orb like staring back at her in admiration or as Ryan liked to call them ‘the Doctor’s gooey eyes’.
“The girl who wanted to buy me a drink, I gave her your note. How did you know that was going to happen by the way?” The Doctor asks closing her eyes once more to rest her face in Yaz’s hair.
Yaz chuckles, sliding her free hand through the Doctor’s short hair, scratching her scalp, receiving a humming purr from the Doctor.
“Educated guess, you’re more adorable than you realise.” Yaz whispers as she hears the gentle snores of sleep start to rumble from the Doctors slight frame. At utter peace in this room of warmth and love.
This is the final part to this story hope you guys liked it!
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riversofmars · 3 years
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December 1st    December 2nd    December 3rd    
December 4th    December 5th     December 6th
“Doctor, how is she here? We literally just saw her in the Library and…“ Donna stared at River, struggling to comprehend.
“Younger version? Surely. She said she was a time traveller from my future, remember?“ The young Doctor said slowly, trying to get to grips with it as well. The older Doctors looked on with a sense of sorrow, remember what he - they - had just been through.
“No… older actually… Hello, Doctor.“ River smiled softly. This time, she kept a reserved distance, knowing full well this Doctor didn’t know her in the way the others did.
“Seriously?“ Yaz shook her head in disbelief. “Another one of you?!“
“This is getting really unnerving…“ The Doctor huffed and pulled them along to take cover behind a large bauble display so they could listen in without being noticed.
“You don’t have to tell us…“ Graham shook his head.
“But you just, we just…“ Sandshoes looked at River, he didn't understand what was going on.
“You’ve just been to the Library.“ River deduced from their shocked expressions. River couldn’t deny how much the knowledge that the Doctor had always known how she would die pained her. Not for herself. He had given her the maddest adventures, his heartfelt devotion and the most incredible life… but for him. He had done all those things, loved her so much, despite all the while knowing how things would end, unable to stop it.
“I feel like I’m missing a trick here, what happened at the Library?“ Amy asked, looking around, everybody else seemed to know apart from her and Rory, who looked just as confused. River took a deep breath trying to keep her emotions at bay. Amy looked around at everyone else. Eyebrows and Bowtie shared a sorrowful glance. Bill, despite not knowing much about them, found herself at a lack for words. Donna and Sandshoes picked up on the uneasiness of the others and, having the least knowledge of future events, chose to remain quiet. “River?“ Amy placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, needing an explanation.
“The Library is where I die.“ River answered turning to face her at last.
“What?“ Amy and Rory looked back at their daughter in shock. “The day the Doctor first meets me in the day I die, our timelines run in opposite directions for the most part, remember…“ She gave them a sad smile.
“But she managed to get out.“ Eyebrows interjected quickly, he couldn’t bare the devastation on the Ponds’ faces. “She’s alive now.“
“I saved her, her consciousness, to the Library’s data base.“ Sandshoes spoke up, hoping to give them some assurance. He didn’t know who these people were but it was obvious they had a strong connection to River.
“I’m okay, I’m here.“ River assured her parents, hoping to ease the shock of it all, she pulled Amy close, wrapping her arms around her mother.
“Well, you better be, Melody, else I would have been very cross!“ Amy tried to blink away her tears but didn’t quite manage it. River kissed the top of her head and caught Rory’s eyes, full of heartbreak. She grabbed his hand while still holding on to Amy.
“Was this it then?“ Rory asked slowly, trying not to get chocked up. “That terrible day you were talking about…“
“And I made it through.“ River gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand.
“And you, you knew this whole time and never said anything?!“ Rory turned to Bowtie, anger sweeping through him like he hadn’t known before. “You knew, this whole time, how and when my daughter - your wife - was going to die and you never said? Didn’t even try to save her?!“
“Rory, I…“ Bowtie didn’t know what to say, taken aback by gentle Rory’s fierce reaction.
“It had already happened, it was fixed time, there was nothing any of us could do, and believe me, in the thousands of years since, not a day has gone by that I didn’t try and work out that impossible problem.“ Eyebrows interrupted.
“And apparently, at some point we will work it out.“ Bowtie added gently.
“What makes you think it was you, you can’t even remember, I wouldn't take credit just yet.“ River chuckled, trying to lighten the atmosphere and succeeding.
“You. Count your blessings that she’s alive now, else you would have been in big trouble!“ Amy let go of her daughter and jabbed her finger at Bowtie who held his hands up defensively.
“I am, actually... counting my blessings.“ Bowtie smiled looking to River with nothing but relief and love in his eyes.
“Right, sorry to interrupt.“ Sandshoes spoke up, now that the situation seemed to be less volatile. He felt a weird sort of jealousy at he couldn’t quite explain, seeing how the other men were looking at River. “Who are you people.“ He looked around the group utterly bewildered. From what he had heard he had some suspicions, but they couldn’t possibly be true could they.
“Well, Doctor, you never mentioned you used to be so handsome…“ Amy looked from her Doctor to Sandshoes, giving him a once over, distracted from her emotional upheaval, by a handsome young man.
“No, no, that’s enough, one is enough to compete with, thank you.“ Rory pulled his wife back.
“Doctor?“ Sandshoes looked to Bowtie in disbelief.
“Well, that is going to be a bit more complicated to explain…“ River scratched the back of her head.
“You can say that again…“ Bill looked in between the three Doctors utterly confused. It was hard to believe that they were all the same person, but somehow, oddly, it was obvious that they were.
“Okay, now, that’s one coincidence too many.“ Eyebrows interrupted.
“Coincidence?“ Sandshoes retorted. “Never ignore coincidence.“
“Unless you’re busy, we know.“ Eyebrows huffed.
“Right okay… struggling with this but just going with it…“ Sandshoes shook his head to himself before looking to River, who appeared the more immediate concern. “How did you manage to escape?“
“Well, that seems to be a pivotal question, does it not.“ River huffed, annoyed that she didn't have an answer. “I don’t remember anything… and you’re sure you don’t remember either?“ She looked to Eyebrows who shook his head.
“I should remember if it was me, I’m the oldest here…“
“That you certainly are…“ Bowtie chuckled. “And I don’t know what happened either, the last time I saw her was on…“
“Shhh spoilers!“ Sandshoes interrupted and Eyebrows rolled his eyes at him.
“We’re not going to remember this anyway.“ He pointed out.
“What if there is another one?“ Amy asked suddenly.
“What?“ The three Doctors retorted in unison.
“Another Doctor?“ River asked to confirm and Amy nodded.
In their hiding place, the Doctor winced. Clever Amy. But she did't have those answers about River either.
“If none of them remember how they saved you, maybe it hasn’t happened for them yet?“ Amy suggested. “Maybe there is another, older version.“
“Older than me?“ Eyebrows frowned.
“Hardly seems possible but yeah…“ Bowtie had to agree.
“If you don’t stop the age jokes already…“
“Stop bickering, you two.“ River interrupted her husbands.
“So she really is your wife then, is she?“ Donna grinned to her Doctor as she watched the others interact with great amusement. Sandshoes just gave her a huff and diverted attention back to the facts:
“Well, if there is another Doctor, there should be another TARDIS?“
“Or another person with two hearts?“ Eyebrows agreed.
“Let’s have a scan.“ Bowtie suggested and all three Doctors pulled their sonic screwdrivers out simultaneously.
“Trying really hard to not see this as a euphemism.“ Amy mumbled to her daughter who smirked in turn:
“The mind races, does it not.“
“No, nope, nooo. He’s still my son-in-law… all of them are… sort of takes the fun out of it.“ Amy looked to Sandshoes in disappointment.
“I’m really going to need a flowchart for this…“ Sandshoes huffed shaking his head, trying to wrap his head around what was going on. “Hang on… that can’t be possible…“ He looked up to the other Doctors, all of them with the same shocked expression at their findings.
“Fourteen?!“ They chanted in unison and the Doctor went very pale behind the bauble display.
“Oh no, that’s even worse than I thought.“ She whispered, pulling out her own sonic to confirm.
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gallifreyan-writer · 4 years
Doctor Who x Reader - A Not So Lost Love
Authors Note: It may or may not be 5 in the morning but that’s when I do my best writing. I have been on the internet for hours trying to find a way to watch episode 9 of Doctor Who and at the same time not see any spoilers and I didn’t want to wait 14 hours for it to be available to stream on BBC America’s website but looks like I’m gonna have to... fuck. Thank you to @lostshadow12 for the amazing request! Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Request: Can u please do 13th doctor x fem timelady reader x(older brother) Dhawan Master where 13th doctor meets the reader again after many years of thinking she was dead and she realises that she still have a crush on reader(just like all her previous incarnations)and The Master not being so amused when the doc flirts with his little sis(cue annoying yet lovable overprotective brother)but he tolerates her just because he sees how happy reader is with the Doctor and allowing her to go of with the Doc but only if reader promise him to visit him and never forget him.
Warning(s): Angst, fluff
Pairing(s): 13th Doctor x reader, Dhawan!Master x Sister!Reader
“Doctor!” A voice that the Doctor knew and loved echoed followed by the mechanical voice, “you will be upgraded.”
“(Y/n)!” The Doctor yelled as he appeared at the end of the hallway. He stood frozen with shock and his eyes widened. There at the of the corridor he saw her as cold, metal fingers gripped her tightly. He could see the fear in her eyes as a single tear ran down her cheek, but through everything, she stood strong.
“Get out of here!” Her voice ripped through her voice caring to the Doctors ears, at this point, his eyes were filling with tears as well.
“I’m not leaving you!” He replied but knew that it was useless, her mind was made up.
“I’ve got this, but you have to get out, this place is going to blow and the world needs you, the universe needs you.”
“Just as much as it needs you. I need you.” His voice cracked at the end.
“I will always be with you. Now go!” She was dragged away with the metalic “Delete, delete.” The Doctor was frozen for a few seconds until he turned away and ran in the other direction not turning around to see her, to see the women he loved. The women that he spent the days with under the twin suns on Gallifrey, on the orange grass. He had lost her once during the time war, but she somehow was able to find herself back to him, against all odds. He knew that this would be the last time that they would see each other, there were no more miracles. If he were to turn and look at her, in that moment he knew that he would stop in his tracks, turn around and risk not only his life but hers and everyone else’s. All that the Doctor could do at this time, was pray that she would beat all odds, but he knew that he was asking too much from the universe, even if he saved it a few thousand times.
As the Doctor finally made it out, within seconds the building that he had escaped, burst into a fiery explosion. There was no way that (Y/n) would’ve made it out alive. He sunk to his knees looking up as the flames felt hotter and hotter against his skin but he didn’t move, he simply looked down on the silver engagement band on his finger. Any pain that the fire could’ve caused couldn’t compare to the pain in his hearts. He had lost his everything that day.
That was a thousand years ago and time has not healed the wounds that still lay deep within. The Doctor never lost hope of finding (Y/n) again but with the years coming and going, it seemed to slowly fade away. The Doctor had few regrets in her life but there was one that stuck with her, she never told (Y/n) how she felt about her, how she truly and deeply loved her. She looked up slightly at the photo of (Y/n) that was sitting on the council. She didn’t always keep it out though as it reminded her of what she lost but she liked looking at it every once in a while. (Y/n)’s soft smile could get the Doctor through anything it seemed, no matter how terrible the time.
“Who is that, Doc?” Graham asked from behind her, Ryan and Yaz standing by his sides.
“What? Oh, no one.” The Doctor quickly replied, putting the photograph out of sight from the others.
“Well obviously she’s someone.” Ryan spoke up.
“Ryan.” Yaz said in a hushed tone as she smacked him on the arm as hard as she could without leaving a mark.
“I just meant that she was obviously someone special to the Doctor, that’s all.” Ryan said, trying to defend himself.
“She was.” The Doctor spoke up, turning to face all three of them, her voice wasn’t as strong as it normally was, she was hurting. “She was brilliant, we grew up together, traveled all of time and space together, and then lost each other once. But, we found one another and started traveling again.” She gave a small smile, thinking back on all the good times.
“That sounds wonderful, what happened?” Yaz asked, trying to sound as comforting as possible but wanting answers.
“She’s gone.” The Doctor said simply looking down at the ground not wanting to see the pity in the eyes of her companions, her smile gone. She didn’t want them to feel bad for her, that was the last thing she wanted.
Some time passed and everything went back to the normal shenanigans, that was until their fun came to a quick halt as the dinner party that they were attending in a Victorian castle during the 10th century became over ran with cybermen.
“What are those things?” Ryan asked as all the dinner guests ran in different directions.
“Cybermen, I’ve had a few run ins with them.” The Doctor said frantically looking every which way.
“So you know how to stop these things?” Yaz asked. The four of them were all hiding behind a table that way knocked over in all of the caos.
“Yes, but we need to get the three of you out of here and into the TARDIS.” The doctor said standing up motioning them to follow her.
“We’re not leaving you Doc, we can help fight.” Graham spoke up.
“There won’t be much of a fight.” The Doctor tried to stay calm, she’s always felt on end whenever she runs into the cybermen, ever since that day. Whenever she sees them, she is haunted by that memory, the memory that plagues her dreams to this day.
“Well there must be something that we can do.” Yaz said as they all followed the Doctor back to the TARDIS.
“There is, stay in the TARDIS.”
“But,” Ryan tried to speak but was quickly interrupted by the Doctor.
“But nothing, I have lost too many to those things. I refuse to lose anyone else.” She spun around to face them before stepping into the TARDIS, everyone else following suit.
“That’s how you lost her wasn’t it, the girl in the photo?” Yaz asked, sorrow in her eyes. The Doctor just looked down, it answered Yaz’s question simply enough.
“She was taken and I couldn’t save her, instead she saved me. I was there when the cybermen took her and there was nothing that I could do. I was useless and now she’s gone.” Tears started filling her eyes as frustration entered her blood stream. “I’m going, and you’re staying here.” With that the Doctor fled out of the TARDIS and used her sonic to lock the doors from the outside so that they couldn’t get out, she knew that it was risky but it was the only way to keep them safe.
The hallways were starting to get harder and harder to navigate through all the twists and turns of this seemingly never ending castle, cybermen were littered everywhere. After some time she came up with a plan but that plan came to a screeching halt when the Doctor came face to face with multiple cybermen when she turned a corner. She tried to turn and run in the opposite direction but her path was blocked by more coming in and surrounding her. Her ears were filled with horrible sounds of metal clanking against the marble floors with their screams of “delete” that have haunted her for so many years. She held them off as much as she could with her handy sonic screwdriver until it short circuited.
“Stay away from her!” A voice that she never thought that she would hear again filled her ears and echoed down the corridor. The next thing she knows the heads of the cybermen around her start exploding one after the other in a beam of blue light. When all was said and done, the Doctor looked up from the chaos and saw her face, the face she had longed to see in person for longer than anyone could imagine.
“(Y/n)?” The Doctor asked not believing her eyes, tears quickly filling them.
“Doctor.” (Y/n) said letting out a sigh of relief seeing her. She ran up to her and wrapped her arms tightly around her. She then took a slight step back and continued, “you’re a woman, I like it.” She said with a laugh, the Doctor laughed too.
“I don’t understand, the cybermen, I thought that you were dead, I thought I lost you.” The Doctor’s hand came up to (Y/n)’s face.
“I told you that I would always be with you.” She placed her hand on top of the Doctors, kissing the inside of her palm.
“You don’t think that I would let my little sister die, would you?” Behind (Y/n) stood the master. “Believe it or not but I care deeply about my family, so I put a failsafe in the motherboard all the way back to the first cyberman. Pretty much when they scan the DNA and if it matches close enough the entire system will shut down.”
“Wow, how generous of you.” The Doctor said sarcastically.
“You have to get out, I will be fine, I just need to know that you’re safe.” (Y/n) said directing all of her attention to the Doctor.
“No, I’m not leaving you.”
“I will be fine, go to the TARDIS, everything will be fine.”
“No, I can’t do that!” The Doctor’s tone shifted slightly and raised to almost a shout as the two started arguing back and forth.
“And why not?!”
“Because I love you and I can’t lose you again!” The Doctor finally said. “I went on for so long thinking that you were dead and that I would never be able to tell you how I felt and losing you was the worst pain imaginable.”
(Y/n) didn’t know what to say, her mouth just hung open as she processed everything. Suddenly she just grabbed the Doctor’s face and kissed her. During this exchange, the Master stood next to them awkwardly not knowing what to do.
“Okay that’s enough.” He finally said breaking the two of them up, big brother mode kicking in. “Just go, both of you, I know how to stop this once and for all.”
“What do you mean?” (Y/n) asked, not knowing what her older brother was saying.
“I’m saying that you two belong together, I mean you keep an old photo of her, well him, in your pocket at all times. Just promise you’ll come visit me.” He gave the pair a soft smile.
“Of course, I mean where would I be without you.” (Y/n) walked up to him and gave him a small hug before turning away and running off with the Doctor.
The two quickly got to the TARDIS before turning to one another.
“You ready to travel all of time and space?” The Doctor asked.
“Of course.” (Y/n) replied, grinning ear to ear.
“Brilliant, there’s some people I would like you to meet first.”
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oswildin · 4 years
Back To The Start ~ Dhawan!Master x F!Reader (FINAL - Option 1 - to ‘Unlucky in Love’ Series)
~ You have chose Option 1! Enjoy! Thank you for your support on this series! ~
Summary: The Master saves (Y/N) once again, with repercussions for the Doctor...
Warnings: Kissing. Finally.
Read part 5 before reading - https://oswildin.tumblr.com/post/190290230270/reckless-dhawanmaster-x-freader-part-5-in-the
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(Y/N) was laid on the ground, a needle sticking out of her neck as the Master felt rage burning inside of him. He pulled out his laser sonic, growling as he aimed it at the Cyberman.
“You’re going to regret that.” The Master spike darkly, the Doctor and the fam watching in fear. “Any last words.”
“Delete.” The Cyberman, lifted its own arm as the Master tightened his jaw, pressing a button on his laser sonic as it instantly hit the Cyberman, turning it into ash. The Doctor quickly ran over to (Y/N) as she checked to make sure she was ok. She sighed in relief.
“It’s ok... Just some anaesthetic.” The told them all as they felt relief wash over them all. The Master felt his body relax at her words, but couldn’t help but feel anger also.
“She was in your care, Doctor.” The Master spoke darkly. “You were responsible for her!” He said a bit louder as the Doctor looked at him with a stern stare. She felt guilt creeping up inside her.
“I know.” She told him sadly.
“I can’t be here every time she’s in trouble!” He added, shaking his head. “You take on a responsibility when you pick up your pet humans to travel with you round the universe!” The Doctor felt small under his glare. The others didn’t know what to do or say...
“What do you want me to say?!” The Doctor exclaimed, finally snapping. “I’m sorry?!” She shook her head. “Don’t you think I try! I try my damn best to keep them all safe!”
“Well maybe it isn’t enough.” He said quietly, stepping past her as he knelt down, putting his arms underneath (Y/N)‘s body. He lifted her up, as she fell limp against his chest. He exited the room, as Yaz approached the Doctor putting a comforting hand on her shoulder as she gave her a small smile. Ryan and Graham sent each other a glance, as they began to realise life with the Doctor wasn’t always fun and adventure...
(Y/N) began to awaken, her body heavy as she tried to move.
“Go steady.” She heard the Doctor’s voice. “The affects of the anaesthetic are still wearing off.”
Yaz helped the girl sit up, as she offered her support. She felt her head spin as she tried to focus her eyes.
“Anaesthetic?” She mumbled, furrowing her brows slightly as she looked up.
“Yes.” The Master stepped forward, as (Y/N) looked up at him, her heart racing. “The Cyberman injected you, in hopes of taking you with it to upgrade you.”
“Sounds pleasant.” She said sarcastically. The Master sighed, running a hand over his face as he stood with a hand on his hip.
“Why don’t you understand the severity of the situation?” The Master looked down at her as she almost shrunk under his gaze. “You’ve been getting careless.”
“So what if I have?” She shook her head, regaining her strength as she used the console to pull herself up. “You two are reckless and careless all the time!”
“But you are human!” The Master exclaimed. “You get hurt, you die!” The Doctor looked down at her feet as the others watched on. “We survive. We keep on surviving.” (Y/N) swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Are you going to leave again?” She asked, her voice small as she stared at him. He shook his head.
“No.” He told her. She looked surprised as her brows raised. “We’re both leaving.”
“What?” Yaz furrowed her brows, shaking her head. “That’s not fair.”
“Yaz, don’t.” The Doctor looked at her friend, sending her a reassuring look. “It’s ok. It’s for the best.” She approached (Y/N). “Go with him. I think you need some time out.” (Y/N) looked over at the Master then back to the Doctor.
“Do you want me to go?” She asked sadly as the Doctor instantly shook her head.
“Of course not!” She gave her a small smile. “But I know you want to be with him. And he can protect you in ways I can’t.”
(Y/N)‘s expression softened, looking back at the Master as he raised a brow.
“What do you say?” The Master asked, smirking as he stepped forwards. (Y/N) glanced once more at her friend before walking over to the Master. He stared down at her with soft eyes.
“We’ve got to stop making a habit of meeting like this.” She teased, as he clicked his tongue.
“Well if you didn’t enjoy getting yourself into trouble, we wouldn’t have to.” He retorted. “Besides, that’s my job to cause trouble.”
They stared at each other for a moment, before (Y/N) decided to finally make her move. It was a long time coming. She reached up, grabbing the back of his neck with her hands as she closed the gap between them, crashing her lips to his. He was taken back at first, feeling adrenaline run through his veins as he finally reacted, kissing her back.
“Ergh.” The Doctor pulled a face, turning her back as she looked back at her friends who were smirking. “Have they stopped yet?” She asked, as Yaz laughed lightly.
(Y/N) pulled away as she stared up at him with bright eyes.
“Well...” He cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair. “I take that as a yes.” He smirked as she smiled up at him.
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femreader · 4 years
Not Millenium Falcon - 13th Doctor
Summary: Yaz x reader where Yaz introducees the reader to team TARDIS when they come back to Yorkshire and then the reader joins team TARDIS because she misses Yaz and has a bit of a crush on 13 and everyone likes her???
Pairing: Platonic!Yaz x Fem!reader
Warnings: None
A/N: also the new trailer ??!!! Eeeek This is so late sorry I’m now on a writing spree and try to empty out my drafts 😅
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“Where are we going!?” Yasmin exclaimed as the Tardis twisted and grumbled underneath them. She, like everyone else, was barely standing, trying to grasp on anything to keep her upright. The Doctor who still had her very, very dirtied coat on and hair in a mess tried to balance the spaceship. Yasmin wondered if they all looked so crazy, probably. With a quick glance to Graham and Ryan, the police came to the conclusion that they all were like walking trash bags. 
“Uh, I’m not quite sure. Hold up!”
The Doctor pulled a lever and they seemed to crash through something. A shriek echoed from somewhere further away as the Tardis finally stopped and stood still. The lights flickered around them until complete darkness surrounded them. Everyone stood up carefully and The Doctor grabbed out her sonic screwdriver, just as the doors were slammed open and a gust of wind made the fam back away and outside of the spaceship. 
“Bloody hell, what’s up with that?”
“She’s fixing herself,” The Doctor mumbled and went to open the door, she rattled the handle multiple times before throwing her head back and exhaling loudly. “I swear I love you but sometime’s you just get on my nerves on the tiniest bit,” She pinched her thumb and index finger together, before turning to Yas, Graham, and Ryan. 
“Anyway, who’s up for some-”
“I’m sorry,” A voice spoke from the doorway. They all turned around and looked at the woman, who was holding a steaming cup in her hands. 
“But who are you and how did you exactly crash through my apartment ceiling?”
“Y/N?” Yasmin exhaled once she turned on the lights and her best friend’s face was revealed. Y/N’s eyes widened the same and she hastily set down her mug before embracing Yaz into a hug. Quickly her nose scrunched up and she pulled away from the hug. 
“Ugh, what is that smell?” 
“Uh, yeah, sorry,” Yasmin mumbled, her cheeks flushing red. She glanced at her friends, who were still peeping out of the Tardis. 
“It’s a long story.” 
Y/N nodded, a tight smile on her face. She looked at the strangers behind her best friend and scanned their appearances. All of their faces were splashed with... soot? Their clothes were tattered and full of different colored stains, Y/N wondered if they just walked out of a wasteland. 
“This is Ryan, Graham and the Doctor,” Yazmin suddenly realized and introduced them hastily. “Guys, this is Y/N.” 
They exchanged small and awkward waves and smiles. Y/N felt her cheeks tint a little redder when the Doctor smiled brightly to her. 
“Do you guys need a shower,” The woman suggested, still slightly bemused and taken aback by the situation. She looked at Yasmin, playfully making a disgusted face again as she looked at her best friend up and down. 
“No offense but you guys kinda look like you bathed in trash or something,” Y/N ended with a chuckle. Yazmin looked at her friends with raised eyebrows, while sipping Y/N’s beverage from her cup. 
“Okay,” Y/N ate the last of her sandwich and leaned back in her spot on the couch. The tray which used to be full of small sandwiches was now laying on the kitchen counter with just a couple of crumbs on it. Y/N wiped the corner of her mouth with the side of her hand. 
“You met them when the electricity ball phenomenon was going on on the train?” She pointed to Yaz and then turned to The Doctor. “And you have a space ship? Like in Star Wars?” 
The blonde made a slight face and pondered it in her spot. “It’s a bit more multipurpose than that. A library, a swimming pool, a restaurant,” She raised her eyebrows. The devil herself, the blue police box which was still parked to the hallway of Y/N’s apartment made a slight whooshing sound like it was a laugh or a scoff. Y/N noticed the blonde squinting her eyes at the box, in a slightly warning way. 
“Alright,” Y/N trailed off and pursed her lips. Ryan came out of the shower, now also wearing clean clothes they had gotten from the Tardis. ‘
“Thanks for the shower again,” He said as Y/N gave him a sandwich which she had to take out of the tray while it was full. Ryan thanked her and sat down on the edge of an armchair. 
“It’s alright,” Y/N smiled and took the empty tray from the coffee table to take it into the kitchen. The stereo of hers was playing Elton John in the background. Y/N silently sang the chorus of the Rocketman under her breath as she put all the cups and plates into the washing machine. 
From the counter she glanced at the unusual bunch in her living room, noticing the blonde had also changed her clothes from the funny long coat and suspenders. Now she was sporting a button-up and another pair of dark blue trousers. Y/N felt the heat sneak up in the back of her neck, she placed her chill hand there and shook her head with a slight smile. 
“Alright, Y/N,” The blondie stood up suddenly from her spot and Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“Would you like to see our spaceship?” The box made another sound from the hallway and Y/N opened and closed her mouth like a fish. She wiped her hands into the towel hanging by the counter and she looked all of them with slight disbelief look. 
“Y-you know... I was kinda joking-” She was already pulled by Yaz towards the public call box. Y/N almost stumbled on her feet when she was rather roughly pulled into the box. 
Jaw gaping and eyes wide she made a full 360 in her spot. The Doctor and the crew followed her reaction, the former waiting for the punchline of her own inside joke. 
Y/N looked at the panel, which had multiple pedals, buttons, control sticks and levers blinking, almost asking her to touch them. There were crystal-like pillars leaning over the middle like a roof. The Tardis made a sound that sounded much like a gleeful laugh. 
“It’s... I mean it’s...” She began, looking at the panel closely but not touching anything.
“Yeah?” The Doctor jumped in, pressing some of the buttons and switching the gears. A slight smug smile was on her face as she waited for the familiar words.
“It’s nothing like The Millenium Falcon,” Y/N stated. Yasmin cracked up and laughed while walking in with Ryan and Graham. The blondie made a face while pulling the lever. 
“Also it’s much bigger on the inside,” She continued and the Doctor nodded, pursing her lips. 
“Close enough,” the Timelord mumbled to herself. “Alright then! Where to?” 
Y/N’s eyes were glistening as she looked around and she leaned over the panel to look at the blonde on the other side. 
“Anywhere?” She asked, almost jumping out of her trousers. 
“Anywhere,” The timelord confirmed and a huge smile spread on Y/N’s face. 
“Live-aid, 1985,” She challenged and the Doctor nodded, rolling the ball on the panel to set the right time and place. 
“Hold on.” 
Tag list: @morbid-gaymer​ @g00dl13​ @spidey-charles @svmwinvhester​ @aspiring-bookcollector​ @originofthedragonjim @charlotte-writes-blog​ @rosawright​ @pharaoh-of-time-and-space @wolfie-doggo​ @willow-days02​ @fightuntilyoucan​ @probablypirates @thegayspunk​ @habitualworrierwarrior​ @the13teens-wife @gayforjodiewhittaker​
71 notes · View notes
Otp fic prompts. "Did you ever get a chance to look?", Writers choice
The Doctor sits in her bedroom on board the Tardis, smile on her face as she watched River’s silhouette move on the other side of the bathroom door. 
Her wife is back.
It makes her heart full, her head spin with love and excitement and happiness - the kind only River could ever give her. Having River back - whole and warm and in her arms - she can’t describe how she feels. She loves her wife, and spending centuries apart doesn’t make any difference. 
She sits on her bed with a wrapped gift in her hand, bouncing excitedly as she waits for River to finish showering - they’d had a very long, passionate reunion on the Tardis console, much to the very loud protests of Yaz, Ryan and Graham. But once River had removed her hand from under the Doctor’s shirt and the Doctor stopped kissing River long enough, she explained who River is to her. Graham was the first one to nod and smile in understanding, a sad crinkle in the corner of his eyes as he looks at them.
“We’ll leave you be, Doctor.” He says quietly. As Yaz and Ryan fumble to ask questions, eyes wide as they stare at River, he speaks over them. “And we’ll be heading on back to our rooms. Won’t we, kids?”
“Well- ” Ryan starts, but Graham stares at him with a little look, and he sighs. “Right. See you tomorrow, Doctor.”
“Yeah,” Yaz says, looking slightly disappointed. “And the Doctor’s wife.”
They all give a slight wave as they walk back towards their rooms, whispering together.
“The Doctor’s married?“ 
“Did you see what her wife looks like?”
“The Doctor’s married? God, I can’t believe it.”
River had teased her a little afterwards, but the Doctor wasn’t in the mood for it. Remembering how River used to get her to stop talking, she pushed River back to the console and grabbed her hips, capturing her lips in another passionate kiss.
Her wife hadn’t changed. She delighted in exploring all the parts of her that remained sensitive, parts she hasn’t touched in a century. River, on the other hand, delighted in discovering certain erogenous parts on her wife’s body, teasing her mercilessly with her wicked tongue and her sinful touch.
Not that the Doctor minded.
But when River finally fell asleep, that was when she remembered - what was sitting, waiting on one of the bookshelves in the Tardis library. A perfect gift for River as a ‘welcome home and please never leave again’ present. 
It took a total of twenty minutes for her to find it and wrap it in pink cloth - she’d lost the key to the wrapping paper room a few bodies ago - and when she arrived back in their bedroom, she was a little disappointed to see that River was still taking a shower. Maybe she just really needed a good cleanse. After all, there wasn’t really a shower in the database, was there?
River emerges from the shower another twenty minutes later, her skin flushed pink and steam emitting from behind her. The effect and the white robe makes her look like a water goddess, and the Doctor gapes at her.
“Oh darling, I have missed making you speechless.” River laughs, as she rubs the towel between wet curls. “Your last body was frustratingly hard to surprise.”
The Doctor smiles. “That’s not how I remembered it. I just never showed it well.”
“Same difference.” River says, as she takes off her robe and lets it fall to the floor. The Doctor’s mouth goes dry and she admires her wife’s curves, the way she moves around as she puts on her clothes. She’s missed all of it - every part of being with River.
River smirks as though she can feel the Doctor’s gaze washing over her skin and she turns back, locking eyes with her wife and winking. The Doctor smiles a little, her cheeks coloured just a bit red - bless. She so does remind her of the one with the bow tie.
River is about to tease the Doctor about picking braces up again when she spots the little package sitting on her lap.
“What do you have there, Doctor?” She asks, tying the knot on her silk robe quickly. 
“A little gift for you,” the Doctor says, beaming excitedly and reaching out to tug River onto the bed beside her. She hands River the present, tied up with a shoelace that she took from someone - she’ll return it later. 
River’s eyes soften as she looks at the little package, no doubt remembering all the times  the Doctor showered her with gifts in Darillium. After that little quip about the sonic screwdriver being the first gift the Doctor gave her, her last body had set about ensuring that that statement was no longer true. 
“Thank you,” she says softly, accepting the package and unwrapping it carefully. It’s a little heavy and a little thick, and when she sees a familiar blue pattern, she gasps.
Underneath the hot pink fabric, out falls a Tardis blue book. Old and worn and thoroughly used - thoroughly loved. 
“My diary,” River breathes, her fingers tracing the cover lovingly. The Doctor is reminded of another set of fingers, older, longer and thinner, gently caressing the same book her wife is holding. “I haven’t seen it since- ”
“Yeah, I know.” The Doctor says, putting her hands over River’s on the diary. “But now, there aren’t anymore spoilers between us. For real this time. None on my end, at least.”
She looks questioningly over at her wife and River shakes her head, still staring at the diary with glassy eyes. “No more spoilers.”
The Doctor visibly sags with relief. “Good.” She nods, but her smile dims a little when she sees how River is looking at the book. “River?”
“I can’t believe you kept it,” she whispers, still not looking at the Doctor. “I thought you would’ve - I don’t know - thrown it away or something.”
“I couldn’t,” the Doctor admits. “My last body was - well, he was broken after Darillium. And keeping your diary close felt like having you back again.”
River sniffs a little, a watery smile on her face as she finally looks into the Doctor’s eyes. “Sentimental idiot.”
“Always.” The Doctor says, smiling widely and gripping River’s hands tighter in hers. “Always your idiot.”
River leafs through the pages, smudges and stains clear on every page; she really did treasure that diary. She flips through it slowly, a small and sentimental smile on her face as she remembers each of the adventures she had with her spouse. 
“Did you ever get a chance to look?” River asks, tilting her head a little towards the book. 
The Doctor smiles guiltily. “I used to read it every day. And then I got to- ” the Doctor gestured vaguely, still not quite sure how to put it into words as River nods in understanding. “and I couldn’t continue.”
River reaches out to tug the Doctor’s face closer to hers, tilting her head and capturing her wife’s lips in a slow kiss. When she pulls away, she smiles and looks into her wife’s eyes, her own filled to the brim with tears.
“Read it with me?” She asks softly.
“From the beginning?” The Doctor asks.
River shrugs. “I’ve got nowhere else to be.”
The Doctor smiles, laying among the pillows, her back against the headrest. River’s head is on her shoulder, eyes closed and arms wrapped around the Doctor’s middle. She waits for the Doctor’s voice to calm and soothe her, the same way it had done a thousand times before. No matter which body, the Doctor’s voice has this unique ability to lull her into a calm state of mind.
As the Doctor starts reading, River feels herself drift off, content and happy. She can’t remember the last time she felt this way - it certainly hadn’t been like this in the Library. But with the Doctor in her arms, and her voice in her ear, she feels her heart swell.
Happy. What a beautiful feeling. 
Send me more prompts!
1. Otp Fic Prompts
2. Soft Angst Starters
113 notes · View notes
iamnotoriginalphil · 5 years
yaz is in love w reader but reader doesn’t realize until something happens to yaz. reader and yaz are separated. reader bangs on the wall as yaz gets pulled away. they later find yaz, drained of energy but in pain. reader cries in front of yaz and says “i was so worried,”
Here you go, love. Sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy it.
It felt as if you’d been running for days. Your legs were tired and your breathing hurt but you couldn’t stop. They were too close behind you, just out of reach but so close you could practically feel them breathing down your neck. The Doctor was in front, unlocking the doors as you went and Yaz was brining up the rear, keeping a lookout to make sure they weren’t about to grab any of you.
You pushed through a door as it began to close. You heard it slam shut, looking over your shoulder to make sure Yaz had made it through. You watched her slam into the door, her hand pounding on the metal. You stopped, your legs no longer working. You thought they might collapse under you.
“Yaz” you shouted.
You heard the others stop too, the Doctor’s heavy boots clunking over to the door. You heard the sonic, saw the light in the corner of your eyes. You saw the aliens march around the corner, guns in hand, faces covered by masks. You screamed.
The front ones grabbed Yaz’s arm, tearing her away from the door. You slammed your hand on the glass, shouting for her. They dragged her back, kicking and screaming and all you could do was watch.
The Doctor was trying to manually open the door, getting into the side panel but nothing was happening. The aliens were beginning to disappear back around the corner and you were screaming at them to stop.
“Come on, we have to go,” the Doctor said, watching Yaz be pulled around the corner.
“What about Yaz?” you demanded, rounding on her.
“We’ll get her back but first we need to get the systems back online,” she said.
The Doctor began running again. Ryan grabbed your shoulder, shoving you forward to get you running again. Graham kept pace beside you, supporting you as your legs felt like jelly. You still couldn’t breath enough.
The Doctor was dealing with the command centre once you’d made it safely. Ryan and Graham were guarding the door, acting as look out in case the aliens found you. You were being useless, sitting hunched with your back against the wall. All you could think about was what was happening to Yaz. You wanted to throw up.
The lights came back, blinding you. You squinted through them, watching the Doctor input something into the computer, pulling up the internal sensor network.
“Found her,” the Doctor shouted.
You hauled yourself off the floor, getting ready to run again. The Doctor held her hand out to you, stopping you before you went barrelling off into danger. She typed something into the computer again, her eyes scanning over the read out.
“They’re retreating,” she said.
“Why?” you asked, “are they taking her with them?”
“No, they’re leaving her behind,” she said, “they’re spreading out.”
“A trap?” you asked.
“Might be,” she said.
“We’re still going, right?”
“Course we are.”
She turned away from the screen, walking out of the room. You fell into step behind her, Graham and Ryan flanking you. Each door opened as you approached, the motion sensors back online. You wanted to run, to recklessly rush towards Yaz, to make sure she was okay. You felt as if your body was too small to hold all the emotions you were feeling.
“What do we do if we meet more of those things?” Graham asked.
“What we always do,” the Doctor said.
“Which is?” Ryan asked.
“Be clever,” she said.
You hurried on, trying not to think about what that might entail. You were barely conscious of the halls you were passing through, the doors and the path leading you towards somewhere you both longed for and dreaded. You were scared of what you might find when you got there.
You walked through the final door, stopping by the end of a table. Yaz was strapped to it, sweat and blood sticking her shirt to her skin. She was barely conscious, moaning and mumbling to herself. Tears gathered in your eyes and you had to look away.
The Doctor rushed over, running the sonic over her body. She read the scan but said nothing, her mouth becoming set in a firm line.
“Graham, help me with these,” she said, pulling at the bindings on Yaz’s wrists.
Graham hurried over to help, while the tears came thick and fast from you. You couldn’t get a handle on them, couldn’t stop them. You could barely see.
“Doctor,” Yaz muttered.
“I’m here,” she said, “nothing to worry about. We’re going to get you back to the TARDIS safe and sound.”
You stepped forward. Her eyes flickered open, turning to look at you. She smiled, weak and barely there. You stroked her hair from her face.
“It hurts,” she said.
“I know,” you said.
Her skin was burning up, her eyes unfocused. You felt your heart clench but you tried to smile for her. You could still feel the tears running down your face.
“I was so worried,” you said. She tried to smile again but couldn’t quite manage it.
“Ryan, can you carry her?” the Doctor said, “we’ll cover you.”
Ryan didn’t hesitate to pick Yaz up from the table and begin to walk back to the TARDIS. The Doctor was scanning the way ahead and behind, trying to read for any life signs from the aliens. You wanted to run, to get back to safety as quickly as possible. You wanted Yaz out of danger.
“Why are they letting us go?” you asked.
“I don’t know but I don’t like it,” the Doctor said, glancing over her shoulder.
You could see the TARDIS at the end of the hall. Ryan was the first through the doors but you couldn’t let out the breath you’d been holding until the doors shut with a click behind you. The alien army couldn’t get in. Ryan rushed to the med bay, the Doctor following after. You wanted to join them but felt as if that would destroy you.
“She’s going to be okay,” Graham said, “the Doc will patch her up.”
You nodded. You knew she would be okay. You refused to accept anything else.
Tags: @doctorofhope-teamtardis @oneandahalfeggs @thegayspunk @morbid-gaymer @alecmidnight @mexicanto@gallifreyan-wakandan @th13teens-wife @iknowyoubutyoudontknow @gohamber @fromflametofire @g00dl13 @aspiring-bookcollector @pureplutonium @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @bingewatchingmylifegoby @river-greenleaf @twizzziee @xemilylhx @wtfffisgoingonn
(If you’d like to be tagged in future Doctor fics, drop me a message)
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theskyexists · 3 years
Revolution of the Daleks
im actually really happy with this, Yaz not being able to let go. Ryan and Graham having practice. i could wish a million things had happened with Ryan (!) and Graham before but this is as good as it’s gonna get from this point
i like the way they’re trying to imitate the Doctor explicitly
‘this is hard, innit?”
‘have you had work done?’ ‘you can talk!’ (that sounded so Nine and Jack!!! hahahaa) edit: it was litearlly Ten and Jack
DOCTOR AND JACK HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leo......is a very cynical representation of an amoral scientist.
How the hell is Trump-analogue the sane one here lolololol. but he’s dumb enough to leave incinerating the thing to Leo.
what an idiot - opening the casing. im not really into how the narrative is basically like: trump is right about stupid scientists! hah...
the banter between jack and the doctor is so good? imitation of the original product clearly but still GOOD
love how the Doctor instantly goes - i need to go see the fam
she was in space jail for decades (she doesn’t mention the decades)
noooooooooooooooo OUCH - ouch! YAZ!
‘im sorreh’
my god Doctor. give them some perspective PLEASE
Jack’s ‘whoops’ is hilarious if you consider his history with teh Doctor
Ryan - god i love Ryan.
Actually didn’t like Graham’s response to Jack. narratively, homophobic
absolutely despise the orange lettering
this episode really goes to show that Chibnall thinks structurally extremely slowly. he picks threads up from ages ago. and then he does do something decent with it. does this mean that the longer he keeps on the better it will get?
i think it’s pretty fuckin hilariously sad though that the companions are once again relegated to couriers - they note that they can’t do stuff on their own (even though the season finale last time gave them ‘Doctor-like’ sequences even if they never managed to impact the story of the Doctor herself - so i guess we’ve gone backwards in this arc) and then they CAN’T do stuff on their own and the Doctor comes in
it’s not the Doctor OR the companions Chibs. and if these companions are just incapable - make that a point! that would be a wonderful contrast to Clara
Woah Jack fuckin infodump
i do love Yaz’s response. this seems to build up to some final DESERVED - i need to know MORE doctor - now.
‘oh she’s good’ - that’s such a RTD thing to say. chibs just directly copy-pasting a lot here. this is acceptable if he can give it new meaning. inverse meaning
why even drop two people off - whats the Doctor gonna do - nothing?
i actually like the new dalek design very much. oh confront Robertsen? i still can’t get used to the explicit task division set-up - even if this time it was used for characterisation
i - adore. this talk between Jack and Yaz. because it’s Yaz accessing so much shit from the Doctor’s past suddenly. and then it becomes extra clear that Jack’s and the Doctor’s connection was kinda romantic in whatever way - and it’s directly paralleled with Yaz. that romantic tragic attachment - doomed to hurt. (i.e. my fav)
god mandip gill is yeeting this out of the park. I LOVE IT. i love these lines. ‘we’re the lucky ones yaz’ - graham also told her something like this in demons of the punjab.
‘the joy, is worth the pain’ - is it? Jack thinks so - still! my god.that’s so tragic - so beautiful. so much rtd feel here.
jezus chibnall - fuckin sonic gun even???? ‘thanks, that’s it??’ hahahahaha. ok you did good. nobody’s ever impressed at it. LOL DAMN YAZ
‘they’re growing daleks’ - this secondary reveal doesn’t matter bc no reveal would have been a genuine reveal anyway
the new prime minister givin her speech and the doctor explaining daleks should have had snappier editing - specifically the music should not have gone back to simple british empire horns or whatever- but should have had an undertone of dalek in there
really! ALIEN REFERENCES! MY GOD CHIBNALL!!! everybody was thinking it but you did it.... i guess it’s done now. sexual politics wise i’d say Robertsen might have been a much better choice.
guns and explosives will solve everything!!!!!! oh chibnall
i love this lil talk between Ryan and teh Doctor - because it goes to show that the Doctor actually really cared. it would be fitting if they all left now actually lol - that would be nice and dramatic. Jodie is doing great on the acting here - i can FEEL the warning messages in her brains going AAAAAAAAAAA im losing this one!!!!
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ryan - oh finally - finally this is coming out. calling her out, ‘how do you feel about that’‘  - the counsellor
‘things change, all the time, and they should, cos they have to’ - oh ffffff and ryan inverts things on her. oh i would have loved that if they’d done the extensive groundwork for it. now it just feels like a final death knell - the Doctor paternalised in classic Doctor words by her pseudo-son (but not really bc we never got it for real). couldn’t chibnall have left that for a dude actor ....
i love Jodie’s acting here my GOD. the mouth, the thin lips. The Doctor’s thinking - ah ive lost him - he doesn’t need me at all. ‘always’ this is Ryan’s motif actually. Yaz said the same thing about him.
LOL and Leo reveals himself only when the bombs have been planted and the Doctor’s arrived
lol ok that’s a pretty grisly reveal chibs, BUT would have been cooler if Yaz somehow found out herself and not through villain exposition. Robertsen really is VERY good comic relief here ‘this is a pr disaster’
that was actually a GOOD use of the Doctor going hmmm what’s wrong here and Yaz going well maybe this
ok but because chibnall has such dumb and obvious twists all the time it makes the Doctor always look dumb for slowly stumbling through a self-deprecating  explanation. the least authoritative doctor ever my god.... like she could feel the shock to her system coming and that’s why she was born so un-self-assured. hate that shit. not what i wanted
the recon dalek used ultra viiolet light to teleport. lol. but then the Doctor is too late to stop it. hmm a bit uh..........idk conflicted about all the poc getting exterminated at the border...is this irony???
so how is the Dalek electrocuting Leo with nothing but a shitty slime body? also don’t like that. especially because Robertsen is getting away scot free again probably
‘no weapons’ (what about the bombs - couldn’t jack have interjected with knowledge on that shit - before the daleks teleported mysteriously????) ‘no time to think’ - Doctor i thought it was established that you could think at 3000 miles per fraction of a second.
forget it. forget it forget it forget it. chibnall and I will never agree on this. if the Doctor hits rock bottom here - then it better be a companion that picks her back up. nope, she gets back up herself. best job they’ve done so far on that i admit but then they cut immediately to a leisurely discussion as people are getting gunned the fuck down in the streets.
ah, shes inviting the original fleet to destroy these daleks which are ‘corrupted’
why..................did they explain the whole plan before it happened. WHY. OH WHY! is Chibnall so structurally BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!
this would have WORKED as a GOOD twist if he’d made it an actual fucking TWIST. please chibs....let me at the scripts....please....
the stakes are also not well-established because none of the companions said: oh shit but we could barely get rid of ONE, now there’s thousands!
‘they shouldn’t know im here’ *materialises TARDIS right in front of hundreds of Daleks*
this whole scene between the two sets of Daleks would have been great if we hadn’t been spoiled
is................Robertsen gonna pay for his arrogance - ignoring the Doctor? or is the Doctor’s ineffective ‘get back here’ going to be the last we see of this. Betraying the Doctor?
Chibs if you dont make this guy pay i will give up
Ryan stepping up to save Earth. hmmhm.
Jack: w-wait are you okay with this?
Jack she’s been sending these idiots in without supervision for no reason for ages. she just did it with Yaz?? but its a nice era-contrast - even if the meaning is muddled
So i guess Jack’s just got hundreds of bombs on him? at all times?
who the fuck doctors the script
why............did Chibnall regress Graham’s and Ryan’s relationship into awkwardness in their final episode. that’s just plain sad.
inversely, NOW would have been good to know the second plan because then we would have known why the Daleks knowing about the Doctor is bad SPECIFICALLY
‘even if we blow up the ship, theres still SAS daleks marauding through earth’s skies’ she says, like she wasn’t supposed to have a plan to stop them ??????
‘right’ she said, walked off, and then didn’t think of a plan
‘orrr.... you’re gonna have to trust me on this one Yaz’
this is such a TERRIBLE and unsubtle and stupid way to segue into discussing the Doctor’s problems with disappearing
wow - that’s really shit of the Doctor - just telling a TARDIS to destroy itself completely......
really chibnall.....really you’re gonna let this man get away LIKE THIS. I’m done. i’m done. im sorry but this is not something to just PLAY with. letting a Trump guy get the better of the female Doctor not once, but twice? this makes me so sad. and im done. it’s just insult after insult. he just doesn’t GET it. this is too close to my heart. this is not a GAME. this is supposed to be a  fucking POWER FANTASY - and he can’t even fucking make it that. he can’t discuss the problems with power because he can’t even FATHOM the Doctor as a power fantasy in this form. fuck. this.
‘can you believe that’ - ‘yeah i can’
thanks - thanks for this political hopelessness on top of the real shit Chibnall. that’s not what Doctor Who is about - that’s the starting point - not the fucking end state
i know it’s supposed to be related to Ryan and how it’s quite subtly about making the world a better place politically bc it’s going to hell - and Robertsen is definitely coming back because chibnall just does that shit
if he wanted to do that he should have had Ryan and Robertsen have a confrontation this episode
a hug. a HUG. my god. so what was the absence of hugs all about then? now im grumpy about THAT. fck
this is good acting, good lines, good normal ending to Graham’s time in the TARDIS, it ties in just a little bit with his family arc. but it’s not particularly coherent - guess that;s life ?
‘it’s ok to be sad’ - cut to black. that was good
so the conclusion is that all they needed to be like the Doctor is a little gadget. this is deeply incoherent but it appeals to me anyway. and i dont really understand how Robertsen features into protecting the planet from aliens then
what is this weird Ryan speech lol. Tosin did incredibly good on making that seem halfway organic.
ok so Grace appearing made me tear up lol
0 notes
riversofmars · 3 years
Tumblr media
The Doctor finds an ally in the Monk. Perhaps he can help her escape but where could she possibly run to?
Chapter 5: The Flipside
“When we turn right in a minute, behind the alcove, there is a tunnel to the outside, do you know it?“ The Monk hissed to the Doctor as he urged her along. He looked around to see if anyone had heard him, there were a couple of guards walking their way so the Doctor focused on moving forward without looking around.
“I- I think I know what you mean, how do you…“ She didn’t know what to say. Was he actually trying to help her?
“You follow that path, into the city. Way down below, where not a flash of sunlight reaches, someone will be waiting to pick you up.“ The Monk mumbled and fell silent as the guards came within earshot. The Doctor carried on walking, holding her breath, hoping the guards didn’t suspect anything.
They walked past without a word and the Doctor took a breath again, relieved.
“Someone? Who’s someone?“ She asked looking around when the guards were gone but he manoeuvred her to the right, ignoring her question, they didn’t have the time.
“It’s now or never, Doctor.“ He looked around quickly. “Please make it look believable, if they guess I was in on it, they will have my head so please.“
“Does Clara know about this?“ The Doctor couldn’t help but ask. She was still reeling from her encounter with Clara and trying to figure out how much - if anything - she told her was true.
“No. Of course not. She might be torn but… not enough to risk what she has on a whim. And not without considering her own advantage.“ The Monk explained quickly as they came to a halt by the alcove he had referred to.
“What about you.“ The Doctor asked trying to wrap her head around what was going on. In the same way as it was difficult to regard her friends as the very opposite, she also couldn’t quite bring herself to trust someone she considered a foe.
“You are the first glimmer of hope we have seen in years.“ The Monk answered with the faintest smile, an expression of hope and encouragement she had never seen cross his features before. It shook her, almost more than the startling encounter with Clara moments ago. “Do it now, Doctor, or we will miss our chance.“ The Monk looked around again. “There are guards coming our way and they will hunt you down. You know the way?“
“Yes.“ The Doctor nodded.
“Then go.“ He insisted and taking a deep breath, the Doctor punched the Monk in the face. Hard. She had to make it look believable, she didn’t want him to have to pay for his kindness with his life. She wondered for a moment what he was involved in, who and how she might find help in this place but it made sense. While all the people she loved and trusted stood against her, someone she had always considered untrustworthy and a criminal, stood up for her, facilitated her escape. This truly was a mirror of her life.
“Stop right there!“ A voice called from way down the corridor.
The Doctor bolted. She knew exactly where she was going. She had used the escape route many times when she was at the Academy and her and the Master had snuck off skipping class.
“Send word right now!“ She heard the guards shouting behind her. “Stop!“ The Doctor threw herself against a panel that she knew would give way and it did. She found herself on the top ledge of a steep staircase. Quickly she slammed the door shut behind herself and used her sonic to seal it. Taking two steps at a time, she sprinted down the stairs, if she knew of this passage, likelihood was, so did the Emperor. She had to hurry.  
“What the hell is happening here?!“ The Emperor yelled and Amy, Rory and Clara looked around in surprise. The heavy door she had pushed open smashed into the wall with a crash making them jump. River entered the room right behind her, her expression concerned, particularly when she realised the sort of showdown they had just walked in on.
“Clara!“ The Emperor thundered and instantly, the tattoo on Clara’s chest snapped back into shape. “What do you think you’re doing?!“
“Just a little disagreement over being interrupted while having a chat with the Doctor.“ Clara answered quickly taking a step away from the Ponds to appear less threatening. She gave the Emperor an apologetic - yet sweet - smile which made River’s expression harden. She stepped up to her parents to ensure they were okay.
“Can’t really call it a chat, it was more of a close physical examination.“ Rory pointed out as he put his sword away.
“Couldn’t really speak with her tongue down her throat.“ Amy added and looked to her daughter.
“Clara?“ The Emperor growled exasperated.
“I was gaining her trust and it was working too until these two interrupted!“ Clara exclaimed jabbing her finger at the Ponds. She didn’t take kindly to her methods being questioned. She shot them a deadly glare knowing full well she could kill them in a heartbeat. “You know I always get results, if they’d just let me…“ She looked back to the Emperor hoping she would redirect her anger accordingly.
“Why are you even here?!“ The Emperor snapped at her in-laws growing more and more impatient.
“Well, we…“ Amy looked to River for help who promptly intervened.
“I don’t really think this is important right now.“ River stepped up and put her hand in her wife’s shoulder.
“Do not tell me this is because you were fighting again!“ The Doctor looked to River, then to Clara and back again. “River, please, my love, we have talked about this at length!“ She groaned thoroughly annoyed by the whole situation.
“I’m not the problem here.“ Clara pointed out crossing her arms in front of her chest, she couldn’t keep herself from smirking a little for seeing River in hot water for once.
“I beg to differ.“ River shot back, giving her a withering glare.
“You need to stop, both of you.“ The Emperor interrupted. “River, for the one thousandth time, I trust Clara.“ She turned to her wife and took her hands in hers, reassuring her.
“Fuck knows why.“ River huffed, annoyed, though she silently delighted in the display of affection in front of Clara.
“And Clara, you better not have fucked this up for me, please tell me I am not wrong about trusting you with this.“ The Emperor turned back to Clara regarding her with a stern warning. “Where is she? Have you gotten anywhere?“
“Your Honour!“ A guard appeared at the door, clearly looking for Clara, freezing upon seeing the Emperor herself. “Your Eminence, I’m sorry, I…“
“This better be good.“ The Emperor growled, annoyed to be interrupted.
“It’s the prisoner… they’ve escaped.“ The guard didn’t know how to best phrase it so he just blurted out with it.
“WHAT?“ They all exclaimed in disbelief.
“The Monk, he… was attacked, she fled down one of the emergency passage ways.“ The guard elaborated going very pale at the expression on the Emperor’s face.
“YOU BETTER BE MISTAKEN.“ The Emperor was upon him in a flash going straight for his throat. She knocked him against the wall on the other side of the corridor baring her teeth at him.  
“I’m not, I’m so sorry.“ He croaked barely able to speak. “I was just trying to get help.“
“How did this happen?!“ She barked as River, Clara, Amy and Rory joined her on the corridor exchanging worried glances. None of them dared interrupt. More guards were flooding the corridors now, frantically looking for the prisoner. Yaz, Ryan and Graham hurried towards them expecting instructions.
“W-We found the M-Monk unconscious… I don’t … I don't know what h-happened…“ The guard stuttered bringing his hands to her wrists trying to pull her off. The Emperor let go of him unceremoniously and he slumped to his knees catching his breath. She turned, as if she had already forgotten about him.
“What happened?“ She focused on Clara who tried her best to hide her anxiety.
“The Monk was taking her back to her cell while we sorted this out.“ She explained trying to stay calm despite all eyes on her. “He must be in on it.“ Her mind was reeling at what could have happened, how this incredible fuck up could have happened on her watch. Her immediately instinct was to place blame on someone else. Particularly as parts of her conversation with the Doctor - if anyone else had heard it - would surely make her look suspicious, no matter how obvious her lies were to everyone else.
“The Monk was knocked out cold, she broke his nose and cheekbone.“ Yaz interjected having gathered the information already.
“I underestimated her.“ The Emperor growled virtually shaking with rage.
“We will find her.“ Amy spoke up.
“You better.“ The Emperor snapped addressing everyone around her. She couldn’t believe the level of incompetence. She couldn’t believe the Doctor had managed this by herself, Clara had been right. Someone had to be in on it. River could see the suspicion on her face, watching her eyes dart around, assessing them all.
“Darling…“ She said softly reaching out for her shoulder but the Emperor pulled away.
“If I find out any of you are to blame for this, all the gods in the universe can't save you.“ She growled, her eyes lingering on Clara, Amy and Rory. Their fight had allowed for this to happen, whether it had been intentional or not. She didn’t want to entertain the possibility that one of her closest friends might be willing to betray her, but she couldn’t discount the possibility either.
“Find her. Bring her to me. Whatever it takes, Captain.“ She raised her voice, for the guards to hear and looked to Yaz who was quick to nod.
“Yes Emperor.“ She gestured to Ryan and Graham and they all saluted before departing.
“And you.“ The Emperor looked around to the guard who had been the bearer of the bad news. He tensed up under her gaze. “Bring me the Monk.“ He was the most likely culprit and she already had a very clear idea on what to do about it.
The Doctor didn’t stop running until she reached the outskirts of the Citadel, well below where the well-to-dos of the timelords dwelled. The Doctor remembered coming down here during her academy days, running from the teachers and even during the Time War, when the council sought after her, she would sometimes seek refuge down here, away from everything.
What she found was in no way better than what she had seen in the Time War. The streets were dirty and dim, even with two suns in the sky, the light didn’t reach this far down. The old fashioned lamps meant to light the walkways were weak and flickering, as if something was draining them.
There were more people than she had expected to see, hanging around in doorways or surrounding some simple stalls on a sort of make shift market square. A lot of people just sat on the ground, around small campfires and as she looked further along, tents had sprung up among the dirty streets. A whole city within a city. The Doctor felt a lump forming in her throat, she had been all over the universe but she had rarely seen such poverty and sorrow.
She started walking slowly, remembering the Monk’s words, someone would be waiting for her but how would she recognise them? It wasn’t exactly like they had the opportunity to chat before her escape. She felt a lot of eyes on her.
“There it is.“ A loud voice cut through the oppressive atmosphere. “That’s the exit of the tunnel.“ The words were enough to make her dive into a doorway, clearly someone had followed her.
“Hey, what are you doing?“ A man huffed, giving her a little shove as she bumped into him.
“Sorry, I just…“ She didn’t have to carry on, the atmosphere was changing, growing more agitated, there were unsettled murmurs and curses being thrown around at the arrival of a set of guards.
“Alright folks, no need to panic, has anyone seen someone coming out of there.“ One of the guards called out, addressing the crowd around.
“They after you?“ The man guessed leaning in the doorway, glancing out as the Doctor pressed herself against the wall. There was something familiar about him but she couldn’t quite place him.
“I’ll be out of your hair in no time, just please…“ She whispered and he gave her an amused smirk.
“Don’t worry, we don't snitch to that lot.“ He took a few steps out of the doorway, walking past her as if she wasn’t even there.
“To what do we owe the pleasure of this delightful visit.“ He called out, drawing their attention.
“You can fuck right off.“ Another man called and there was laughter.
“A reward for anyone who can tell us where they are. And anyone who tries to hide them will be killed so make your choice quickly.“ One of the guards announced displaying his rifle for emphasis.
“For God’s sake…“ The Doctor mumbled, she just couldn’t catch a break could she.
“You’re not welcome down here.“ The man close to her called. “You have no power here.“
“Everything to the dirt you crawl in belongs to the Empire!“ The guard spat. “We are here on orders of the Emperor herself, you will show some respect.“
“Fuck the Emperor.“ A woman to the other side of the road called and there was more laughter.
“You really don’t want to do this.“ The other guard shot back threateningly.
“Maybe we do.“ The man next to the Doctor replied and she froze up when she heard the sound of safeties being taken off guns.
“Don’t…“ She breathed to the man but he either didn’t hear her or ignored her as he stepped further into the road.
“Last warning.“ One of the guards called and the Doctor took a deep breath, she couldn’t be responsible for anyone getting hurt on her account. These people had done nothing and they had been dealt a terrible hand already, she couldn’t be responsible for causing them more trouble. She had been so close to escaping…
“Wait!“ She called out and stepped out of the doorway but before anyone could so much as lay eyes on her, everything went dark around them. All the lights were drowned out, it was almost as if the darkness was alive, a protective cloud around them, engulfing her first and flooding the street. “What the…“ The Doctor couldn’t see anything, it was pitch-black around her and yet she could tell there was something in that darkness. It was abuzz with life and held her close like in a tight embrace, not cold and frightening but warm and reassuring.  
“I can’t see anything.“ It was impossible to make out where the guard’s voice was coming from now.
“Ouch, what the…“ The Doctor couldn’t be sure whether it was the darkness itself or the people around - in cover of darkness - going for the guards but something was happening.
“You’ll regret this!“ One of them shouted and the other called:
“We will be back!“
“What is going on here?“ The Doctor breathed. She knew she should be frightened for her complete lack of bearings but somehow she wasn’t. “What are you?“ She spoke to the darkness as if it was a breathing living thing and somehow she knew it was. She reached out, feeling soft vibrations against her fingertips.
“That was a close call.“ The voice of the man from the doorway spoke close to her. All of a sudden, that voice seemed a lot more familiar as it was all she had to focus on.
“Do I know you?“ She asked softly.
“In another life perhaps.“ He answered. “You must be the Doctor?“
“Colonel Manton?“ The penny dropped. It had been several lifetimes since Demons Run.
“I’m no Colonel.“ He chuckled. “Not here, anyway.“
“Right…“ The Doctor said softly as the darkness lifted at last. It was almost as if it was retreating, returning to the shadows as the lights around flickered back on. It’s what’s in the dark, what’s always in the dark… “Vashta Nerada… but how is that possible…“ She mumbled, her eyes widening as she marvelled: “Polar opposites… This is remarkable.“ There seemed to be good in this world after all.
“Are you okay, Doctor?“ He asked with genuinely concern in his voice and she looked back to him, giving him soft smile.
“Yeah, fine, sorry… it’s just… this place is so different.“ She couldn’t very well tell him that in her universe, they would have all been picked clean off the bone now, so she settled for a shrug and an awkward grin.
“I’m sure it must be.“ He gave her a smile in return. “Let’s get you away from here. If those guards come back, you’ll stand out like a Christmas tree in those clothes.“ He chuckled.
“Yeah, right, okay…“ The Doctor looked down herself and around them, she really looked rather out of place as they started walking. Some of the people gave them a little wave and a nod of appreciation. The Doctor felt her stomach tighten as a sense of uneasiness and guilt overcame her. How could she possibly ignore the suffering of these people? She couldn’t just leave. She had to do something. “Did the Monk sent you?“ She asked. “Who else is in on this? Maybe I can help.“
“We were really hoping you would say that, this way…“ Manton smiled, leading her into the tent city.
“What’s taking so bloody long.“ The Emperor growled pacing the room, she eyed the spread of food on the coffee table with displeasure.
“I was trying the carrot seeing as the stick didn’t work for you.“ Clara was quick to explain before she could question it.
“And how did that turn out for you?“ The Emperor shot back angrily and with a swipe of her hand, half the plates and bowls smashed onto the floor. Clara and the Ponds jumped a little while River stepped closer to her wife.
“They will find her in no time.“ She tried to reassure her. She ran her fingers through her hair which always seemed to calm her.
“They better.“ She huffed. She shot the others angry glances, as if blaming them personally. Clara was just about to speak up when the guard finally returned with the Monk.
“Apologies for the delay your Eminence.“ The guard remained by the door and shoved the Monk inside. He stumbled forward coming to a halt at a respectable distance, for his own safety more than anything else.
“Your Excellence, I’m so sorry…“ He started mumbling, pressing an icepack to his swollen face.
“What happened?!“ The Emperor barked, her anger resurfacing as she stepped towards him.
“She just… I was taking her back to her cell when she attacked me, she must have known her way around the palace to know where she could escape to.“ He tried to sound convincing, reciting the story he had rehearsed many times in his head. He knew his life depended on this.
“And you expect me to believe that?“ The Emperor chuckled. “You expect me to believe she overpowered you?“ She actually started laughing.
“You’d be able to overpower him…“ River reminded her.
“SHE’S NOTHING LIKE ME!“ The Emperor burst out. She had had enough of constantly being reminded of their similarities. She didn’t dwell on it long, instead she turned back to the Monk, her voice low but clear in the tense silence. “You want to know what I think really happened? I think you told her how to escape and tried to make it look like you were the victim.“
“I’d never…“ He started but she interrupted him sharply, she didn’t want to hear any more.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re just going to deny it and we will walk around in circles. You’ll end up with more broken bones and I’ll get even more irritated than I already am. Unfortunately, we haven’t got time for that right now, so I’m going to cut to the chase and we make this really easy. Clara?“ She looked around and Clara was quick to respond.
“Yes?“ She took a little step forward.
“Put a chronolock on him, 24 hours should do it.“ The Emperor ordered with a sense of excitement. The Monk went incredibly pale and looked to Clara, knowing full well that pleading and bargaining would do no good. Clara just nodded and obeyed quickly without second guessing her.
“No, please, Emperor…“ The Monk’s eyes widened in shock and fear but it was too late, the tattoo materialised on the back of his neck. He gave a strangled sob, knowing his fate was sealed. Had his actions been worth it? He could only hope so.
“Shush and listen or I will rip your tongue out for good measure.“ The Emperor growled and stepped closer to him. “You have 24 hours to bring her back to me. If you do, I will spare your life and you will have proven your loyalty.“ She gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder with a patronising smile. He flinched back and she smirked, delighting in his fear: “If you don’t, the Raven will find you, and I will assume you died screaming amongst your traitor friends. When you see the Doctor, you tell her from me: I will turn this city upside down, kill every man, woman and child with my very own hands until I find her. And I will make a spectacle for all the universe to see of everyone trying to hide her. Is that understood?“
“I will bring her back…“ He said weakly, trying his best to keep up the pretence for a moment longer, touching the tattoo on the back of his neck.
“You better.“ River gave him a little wave. “Off you go.“
“Do you really think the Monk is in on it though?“ Amy asked watching him leave.
“Probably just as well we make an example of someone so no-one gets the wrong idea.“ River shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter if he was or not. Death makes for a fantastic incentive.“ The Emperor mused.
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