#yay we've finally got an event going on
inastarlesssky · 4 months
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Hi everyone!
The Salamanders & Suitcases Discord Server is happy to present our first event, for this next month of February, in honor of Newt's birthday. It's basically going through the month of February, but from February 19th to the 23rd, we'll be revealing works tagged with the specific prompts that correspond to each day. Any works not tagged as specified will be revealed on the last day. The authors will be revealed from the 24th unto the end of the month. We're announcing the prompts ahead of time so you can start thinking and get inspired. The prompts are prompts, so go with what inspires you!
The Prompts:
Far-off Countries
Newt's Suitcase
Hogwarts vs Ilvermorny
Submission Deadline: February 23rd If you find you will not be able to arrive to submit according to the deadline and would like to ask for an extension, feel free to let one of the mods know. You can message us via the server blog, and we’ll get in touch.
Length of the work: Up to you, but we ask that only completed works be submitted. Minimum word count is 100 words, but if you want to write more, go for it.
Please be sure to tag the works for each day as follows:
Prompt: Far Off Countries
Prompt: Newt's Suitcase
Prompt: Magic
Prompt: Nifflers
Prompt: Hogwarts vs. Ilvermorny
…and be sure to use the tag #salamandersandsuitcasesDS (if you're submitting here on Tumblr, but can also be used for Ao3 as well) , and #sasnewtsbirthday2024 for the event! If you do post your work to Tumblr, we'll reblog it to the server Tumblr during the event.
Have fun with it, and happy writing!
The event has now started! If you'd like to participate, you're most welcome to. You have until the 23rd to submit works (fanfiction, art etc) to our AO3 collection here.
Please be sure to use the tag #sasnewtsbirthday2024 when posting! After the fics are revealed, we'll be featuring them on the server blog Salamanders & Suitcases. If you have any questions, send us an ask there or on the Discord.
The invite link for our server, if you'd like to join is here: https://discord.gg/GdgEUSmAXf
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chamomiletealeaf · 14 hours
Based on a True Event
So a few months ago my family went to Busch Gardens and I wanted to see the penguins before they closed so my family and I went back in but our tickets wouldn't scan. We got the tickets from my dad since he was working there. The people were super rude and wouldn't let my mom in and told her to go all the way to the back of the line and it took us forever to get in.
But imagine this with Simon, and he makes it all better.
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to hate on customer service workers. I am a customer service worker myself, this is just my experience with the Busch Gardens people lol.
Warnings: none :) just a bunch of fluffiness and Simon being in love with you.
You convinced Simon to take you to an amusement park you've been dying to go to. When he finally said yes you were ecstatic and couldn't wait to have fun with him in one of your favorite places.
"Si come on! Hurry before the line fills up!" You pull him along, wanting so badly to get into the park.
"Alright alright I'm coming." Simon grumbles, but he can't help but smile at your giddiness.
"They have penguins here! Can we go there first? Please? I want to see them so bad they're so cute!" You beamed up at him in the line to get into the park.
"Of course love whatever you want." He says with a smile.
You two were next in line to have your tickets scanned by the workers who looked like they'd rather be anywhere but there.
Not wanting to upset them further, you quietly held your phone out to scan the ticket.
The scanner makes a chiming noise and a big red "X" comes up on the reader.
"Ticket's no good." The worker says emotionless, not even looking up at you.
"What?" You ask panicking, looking at Simon for help.
"Here try mine." Simon says, stepping in front of you to scan his ticket.
The scanner dings again, but this time it was a happier tone and a green checkmark shows up.
"You're good, have a great day sir. You miss are gonna have to go to the back of the line and try again or leave. NEXT!" The worker says, and you raise your eyebrows in shock.
"Wait so he can go in but I can't? Can't you try again? Please we've been waiting all day to be here." You plead with the worker, sadness filling your eyes at the thought of not being able to see the cute little penguins you've been dying to see swim and waddle around.
"Sorry miss, you can try buying another ticket for another day or you can leave. You're holding up the line." The worker says, scanning other people's tickets and not looking at you.
Your eyes start to fill with tears of frustration and sadness knowing that Simon was going on deployment soon and you don't know when else you would be able to do this with him again. You look up at Simon looking devastated and he can't take it.
That's when he steps in.
The worker senses his presence and looks up at him. Simon crosses his arms and looks down at him, intimidating the guy so much that he actually makes eye contact with you two for the first time.
"Listen mate, the missus here has been waiting ages to get in here, and I'm never one to leave my woman unsatisfied. So you're either gonna let her in with me, or I'm gonna have to find a way to get her in myself." Simon stares down at the smaller man, who is now showing a fearful expression instead of a bored and uninterested one upon seeing Simon's scars and tattoos let alone his towering size.
And without another word the worker opens the turnstile and rushes you two through.
"Have a nice day you two!" He says, as if he wasn't shitting his pants right now at Simon's threat.
"Yeah that's what I thought." Simon grumbles under his breath.
You jump with joy and kiss Simon's cheek.
"Yay! Thank you honey!" You chime. "Let's see the penguins!" You say, practically pulling Simon's arm off rushing him along.
"Ok sweetheart I'm coming." He laughs.
"That was really hot." You say, leaning into his arm.
"What was?" He asks with a smirk, wanting to hear you say it.
"Sticking up for me. You're hot when you're all big and scary." You say with a giggle.
"Well of course, like I said, I'm never one to leave my missus unsatisfied. In any way." He whispers into your ear with a smirk while he squeezes your waist and you blush at his innuendo.
Then you spot the penguins and you squeal with excitement.
"Simon look! the babies!"
You run up to the tank to admire the little penguins. They were African penguins. Small and cute.
"Oh Simon, look at their little waddles! How cute are they!" You coo at the penguins watching as they waddle and swim around in their tank.
"Funny little blokes aren't they." Simon says, but he's not looking at the penguins.
Simon is watching you.
Simon stands next to you and admires your joy and how much you glow when you're happy like this. It's something he lives for. It's why he risks his life out on the battlefield every deployment. So you can have a fulfilling life. Everything Simon does is for you, and he can sleep better at night knowing that even though he's murdered, even though he's done heinous things, you will always be the one good thing that keeps him from falling into the darkness.
As Simon gets lost in his thoughts and love for you, a penguin waddles it's way up to you behind the glass.
"Simon! baby get a picture! Look at this little sweetie!" You say, and he snaps out of his thoughts to pull his phone out to snap a picture of you and the penguin.
The penguin flaps his wings playfully and you lean down to it's level and turn your head, making a kissy face pretending to give the penguin a kiss on the head.
Simon takes the picture and immediately makes it his lock screen and home screen.
You walk up to him to see the photo and smile.
"It's perfect! He's the cutest, sweetest little baby isn't he?" You ask and Simon just nods and smiles, thinking that you're actually sweetest thing.
Then, a penguin waddles out with a feather pattern that looks like it's wearing an eye mask. The penguin was white with black splotches of feathers on his body, but it's head was black, with a white mask around the eyes.
You notice it, and you gasp.
"Simon! It's you!" You excitedly exclaim and tap his arm getting him to look.
"It's a Ghost penguin!" You say, and he laughs out loud at that.
"Oh baby c'mon you gotta take a picture with it. Please? For me? It'll be so cute!" You plead, and how can Simon resist your glittering eyes and the crinkle in your nose from your smile.
"Ok ok. Just one picture though." And he walks up to the tank to pose with the penguin and you snap a picture, immediately sending it to Johnny and making it your lockscreen and homescreen as well.
Simon comes back to your side and you show him the picture, which earns another laugh out of him.
"Thank you honey." You tell Simon.
"For what?" He asks.
"For doing this for me. For being the best boyfriend in the world. For showing me what real love is like." You say with a smile, and Simon looks down at you.
Simon isn't one for PDA, but there was something about you in this moment that he couldn't resist kissing you right there in front of the penguins and all those around the exhibit.
"You're welcome my love." Simon whispers and smiles against your forehead after breaking the kiss.
You two spent the rest of the day walking around the park, forcing Simon to go on rides with you, and occasionally passing the penguins again where Simon buys you a little stuffed penguin that you named "Ghost", after the penguin that looked like Simon with his mask in the exhibit.
And that night, you two fell asleep in each other's arms with little penguin Ghost between you, exhausted from the long day of walking and fun, knowing that tomorrow you would both awaken in the morning seeing the one thing you both live to see:
And that's each other.
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poetryandfluffycats · 4 months
Girls Night
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A/N: yay lesbians. i really cant tell if this is good or not
Pairing: Arashi Narukami x fem! reader
Warnings: suggestive at points, sexual tension
Content: Arashi is trying to help her girlfriend get ready for a girls night with Pretty 5, but it seems like they both have something different on their minds.
Words: 656
Oneshot after cut!
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"Please, just stay still!"
"No! You're gonna poke my damn eye out!"
"No I won't! Stop being so dramatic"
I wasn't too sure how I ended up in this situation. Sitting on the floor, makeup products scattered all around me as Arashi desperately tried to "make me more beautiful" as she put it. She had already convinced me to put some foundation on-which I could tolerated to an extent-but the eyeliner stick she held in her hand now was leading me to question why I let her do this.
"Please (name)! I promise I'll be gentle" She whined, a large pout on her face as she slowing inched closer and closer to me with the eyeliner, "you need to look good for girls night!"
I turned my head and shuffled away from the blond idol, hiding my head in my hands, "I do not need a full face of makeup for girls night, and you look good enough for the both of us. If you come any closer to me with that thing I swear-Ah!"
Before I could finish my sentence, I was tackled by a pair of strong arms. My head hit the floor and my whole head went foggy for a second. As my vision slowly came back, I was greeted by the sight of Arashi straddling my hips and pinning my arms above my head, a smirk playing at her lips.
"Got you~" She giggled, bringing the eyeliner down closer to my eye.
"H-hey! Naru-chan! Let me go!" I kicked and thrashed to no avail, Arashi had me well and truly trapped.
"Oh please, its not the first time we've been in this position" She giggled again, her breath hot against my face.
My face went hot at the implications of her words and I turned my head away, opting to stay silent rather than even try arguing with her.
"Thats what I thought. Now stay still"
She quickly got to work, brushing the pencil gently across my lash line, occasionally pausing to admire her handy work. Her tounge was hanging out of her mouth slightly and her eyes were hyper-focused on my features. I felt like a woman possessed as I watched her work, her movements were so delicate and soft and the look on her face was so... intense.
It was all causing a familiar warmth to grow in my lower belly.
"All done" Arashis voice snapped me out of my trance, my eyes darting to meet hers. She smirked down at me, a mischievous glint in her eye, "What are you looking at me like that for, (name)?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head, unable to find my words under Arashis gaze. Her blue eyes that were usually so bright were filled with a darkness I only ever saw when we were alone.
"Oh? Nothing to say? Hm, that's okay. I suppose it's about time for us to go anyway. The rest of Pretty 5 will be waiting for us" She finally released my arms from her grip and stood up, leaving me dumbfounded and flustered on the ground.
She held her hand out to me and I gratefully accepted it, allowing her to pull me to my feet and steady me. Humming, she brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead.
"You're so beautiful, (name)" Her voice was soft and sweet and my cheeks dusted pink at her words.
"T-thank you... so are you" I nuzzled into her shoulder.
She giggled and pulled away from me, playfully bopping me on the nose, "I know it. Come on, let's go"
With that, she skipped away towards the door. I obediently followed behind her, still reeling from the previous events and the lingering feeling in my lower half.
I couldn't wait for what Arashi had in store for me tonight.
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hiding-in-the-vault · 2 months
I would love to know more about the cave au. Why are the cave more dangerous now? Who's death Dream managed to get safety for bringing them back?
And because I'm a huge fantasy dwarves and fallen london fan : how did the architecture change? Is it safe to build underground or is everyone nomadic now? How is the food situation?
Long post oh boy!
The cave au is kinda like taking Dream's original mention of a "world altering event" and making it very literal. In minecraft terms, I'd describe it like the cave and cliff update installed overnight except on amplified mode. All of this is because there is so much imbalance™, that's the overworld is behaving erratically.
Most of the shifting already occurred underground by the time they noticed something was wrong. But things shifted a looott to the point where what they had explored had been altered or displaced, and what now expands below dwarfs their existing tunnels in comparison. So to answer the first question, it's essentially uncharted, for one. For two, the mobs are acting as unpredictable as the earth is, swarming the tunnels en masse. But more importantly, the longer theyre down there, the longer this goes on, the more the mobs get altered themselves. (which originally was so i can say hey more things glow now :) pretty!) But now, we're talking like massive spiders in every classic work of fantasy. I'm mulling over introducing new things here too, for flavor. (like those mods with the huge centipedes ughuhg) Maybe a warden or two gets displaced and starts wandering the tunnels, who knows! On that note, sculk is probably on the rise as well and they need to be careful about keeping it from getting too close.
As for who dies-- ngl, I haven't decided 100%. For what it's worth, this is only the First death, not the only one. I've been thinking one of the teens, as they seem most likely to wander too out from camp and get Got by something. First I thought Tubbo, but I don't really want Tommy to have to ask Dream to bring him back. (not like he'd do it alone- the entire group wants to avoid casualties) Then I thought Tommy, but discduo can't hog limbo forever, right, we've been there and seen that! My desire to not repeat things that already happened in canon vs whatever actually feels most likely, FIGHT!!
I haven't put too much thought into generated structures yet, like the dungeons or ancient cities, but I would like there to be some change there as well. It'd be coooool. (shaking your hand, i loove dwarven architecture) The walls of the caverns themselves often have a stretched feel about them. A looot of stalactite and stalagmites, on massive scales. I'd say it is safe enough to build, once they find a place that feels fitting- a cavern big enough for them but not too big that they'll have to share it. Water, nutrient rich dirt, existing vegetation preferred, etc etc. But even then, the caves do still shift on occasion. Basically earthquakes that will require them to do some repairs and plan structures around, but it's possible! They think, anyway :D
And finally food. They go in prepared the best they can. A lot of them has massive farms and lots of animals, ofc. They can't drag too many animals into the caves with them, but they prepared as much food as they could before going on, with intentions to start new farms once they settle down. Lots of potatoes, yay for Dream! And Some the underground lakes have a surprising about of fish in them. In all the uproar above ground, there was a lot of flooding, but many of those bodies of water pooled underground as well, taking the fish with them. This becomes a bit more reliable as time passes as well, as the fish adapt.
I'm kinda rolling with mobs very short life cycles and using that to explain why they change so much faster. Also Magic™
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eutravels · 9 months
Doctor Who: Redacted
So, more than a year after the release of this audio series, I've decided to give it a go. I've listened to the trailer and so far it's great! I'll give each episode a review and publish it all when I'll have listened to the whole piece.
If you don't wanna get spoiled, you might want to skip the ep by ep review straight to the end of the post to read my overall opinion on the series.
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Episode One: SOS
The episodes are pretty short, so I felt like this one went very quickly. Nothing much happens however there's already so much mystery and interrogations, I'm already hooked! There's also quite an important amount of background development for at least one the main characters. I find it really easy to like them from this first episode only since they are written and acted so naturally. I already love Cleo, whom I guess is the main character. Shawna and Abby are just a lovely little funny duet that works really well, and oh my god, Shawna's clearly in love with Abby, I can't wait to hear more about that.
I liked that L.I.N.D.A. was mentioned since the setting is really similar to this iconic story and it kind of makes it canon that the L.I.N.D.A. organisation survived the Love and Monsters events.
Also, oh my my my, I LOVE Rani I can't wait to hear more of her in the next episodes, I didn't know she was in this!
Episode 2: Hysteria
Oh this one was great as well! Certainly not as good as the first one in terms of character work, but there's a lot happening!
The references to the previous events from the TV show are great but also so frightening because you can really see the consequences of these events on the lives of the direct witnesses. I guess the two characters we met so far are the ones we see in the actual episodes (that journalist girl in Partners in Crime and that doctor who gets interviewed at the end of Smith and Jones). The latter one's story is pretty sad, I wish I could have given him a hug :(
Can't wait to hear the next one!
Episode 3: Lost
Oooooh some answers! But more questions...
It's really getting a lot more mysterious and I'm completely involved in the plot!
I don't have much more to say at this point, let's see what Episode 4 brings!
Episode 4: Angels
Yay! A whole episode referencing Blink! The return of Larry! With clothes hopefully this time!
Apparently he's not married to Sally, as the end of Blink pointed towards a romance between the two characters, but that's fine.
He said the Doctor's turning against them. What does it meeeaaaaan???
It's great to have the girls altogether in one place, even though now they seem to be in a bad position... I'm turning on the next one right away, I need to know what happens next!
Episode 5: Interrogation
I'm glad it was just UNIT because now we got to have Kate again and that is GREAT!
Also, Cleo is such a badass, she slayed this whole episode.
The tension kept going up throughout every interrogation until the climax, and just when you thought the episode couldn't be more interesting than it already was, this enigmatic guy comes in and makes Cleo speak out her bad bitch speech.
Episode 6: Recruits
A lot happens in there! Finally the Doctor appears briefly, the team is arguing, what is going ON???
The soft reveal about Cleo's father means he met the Doctor, maybe he's someone we know from the show, or a victim of one of the events from the show.
Too many questions!
Can't wait for episode 7!
Episode 7: Requiem
Oh the Doctor's finally back.
So much happens but at the same time so little does. There's only three episodes left, we've barely heard the Doctor, we have no answers...
I don't know if it gets me hooked or frustrated but I need more! All I know is that time flies by when I'm listening to this, the dialogues are superb, amazing writing and direction. It kind of makes me want to read Dawson's books!
Episode 8: Ghosts
This one was proper scary! So Requiem was Madam Vastra? I'm kind of sad they couldn't get Neve McIntosh to come back for the part but it helped not spoiling the reveal to me so that's a win I guess.
I know that there's a second series but I kind of hope the story gets wrapped up by the end of this one so that it makes a whole. We'll see!
Episode 9: Rescue
Actually we don't know a lot but we do know more. It's great!
I was NOT expecting Cleo to be Redacted and it's really an interesting twist that may give the finale a lot of work to do.
I can't wait to here about it!
Episode 10: Salvation
Oh the finale was so good, I didn't expect such a satisfying ending.
Cleo not joining the Tardis makes a lot of sense because she has a lot to deal with at home, she has to reconnect with her mother and learn to forgive her and herself for what they did to each other, it's not an adequate moment to fly off in the universe.
I'm glad I could finally hear 13 a bit more, and she was as great as always.
Abby and Shawna!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!! I wasn't sure their relationship was going to end up this way so I'm happy for them!
Great end, I love it!
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Fanart by @dykepaldi
How lucky were we to have this last year! And to think I only caught up with this now! It's a wonderful piece of free media from the Whoniverse in a very well known format for the fans, but directed in such a fresh brilliant modern way! It's important to mention how important this piece is to the LGBTQIA+ community, because the main director and producer, the main writer and the members of the main cast are all part of our community. I, as a cis gay man, am not represented (I think) in this play, but it was still so emotional to me to see such bold and open trans and sapphic representation. I love that for our community and in hard times like these, it's great to be reminded that safe spaces exist. And if like for me, your safe space is just anything Doctor Who related, you know that despite the bigotry you may find around you, Doctor Who is there and cares about you.
Storywise, it's clearly written by fans, for fans, and they meddle, they play with the TV show's events, I love it, I absolutely adore it. Some parts of the story feel more hard-hitting than others do, but the overall arc is just brilliant.
It's a timing coincidence that I started listening to this less than a week before the release of the second series but honestly I'm not sure if I'll give it a go considering how Ella Watts was kicked out of the production without a word and being replaced by James Goss (whom I love) who certainly does not have a hard time finding his voice in the Whoniverse. I don't understand this decision and I'm really disappointed. Watts apparently responded with class and dignity but I'll have to say that the BBC are kind of backstabbing her after she created the whole project that was so successful in the end. Just... not cool...
I like Goss' works so maybe I'll listen to it some day, but I think I need to process the info first.
To end on a much more positive note: listen to this. You need no knowledge of any other spin off or eu stuff, and it's free on the BBC app worldwide. You're in for a great time if you haven't listened to it already.
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quodekash · 11 months
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every time they speak english in thai shows it throws me off for a sec, jeez i was not ready for that
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i find that really funny for no reason
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new insult just dropped
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this entire episode so far has been boyfriend behaviour and im losing my mind
theyre such boyfriends and they dont even know it
like. the clothes shopping?????? GWEGPUISDGHVPO
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he broke him.
zo's too attractive and now joke is broken
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lmao good luck
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bro cannot see a thing
where the hell are his glasses
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"okay, you wont ask your crush out on a date? okay then, you're going on a date with me"
i got distracted because i had to have dinner and then i remembered the piano exists so i practiced that for like 30 minutes BUT IM BACK
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oh no, what a shame, what a terrible turn of events, i cant believe it
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im just gonna shut up about the boyfriend behaviour because if i point out every moment of boyfriend behaviour in this scene, i'll run out of images within 30 seconds
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theyre just so happy and natural with each other, and even through theyre not technically dating yet (even tho they are boyfriends in my heart), they're at least friends, and id even say theyre close friends with how comfortable and happy they are around one another, and theyre just so happy and they make me so happy and hrbgdhjgkbr
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ohhhhh noooooo does that mean they have to go on another date?? what a shaaaaaaaame
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hell to the freaking yes
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how the hell did zo hear about that tho
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gun gungawin, that you?
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okay- well- i mean thats not quite how the story went, but they're bonding and i get what he's getting at, so i'll allow it.
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also: what's with the H bracelet? or is it a capital i? i want to know the symbolism behind him wearing that bracelet now
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he did it!! im so proud of him!!
im obviously not rooting for nita and zo as a couple, but i do love them both and im very proud of my boy for finally mustering up the guts to talk to her and arrange a meet up (even tho the "date" word isnt used, it's still progress and im proud of him)
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oh nooo it's gonna be super awkward, isn't it :(
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awww that's the end of the episode
im excited for next week
also there was a disappointing lack (well, absence) of jengpok today, BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, WE'VE GOTTEN HEAPS OF DEVELOPMENT OF JOKE AND ZO WHICH IM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT SO YAY
okay goodnight folks, it took me more than 4 hours to watch this one episode (how)
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The Centenary
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Something was here.
Something was there.
Some big event was here, forboding across the land. And most couldn't see it.
But Ramshackle Dorm could.
Grim embraced the kindness being shown to him, while Yuu and Quentin. . . were more nervous about the situation.
Everyone around them was more generous than the three remembered, especially at Night Raven College.
More parties and celebrations being thrown for no real reason.
There was more joy in the air. And it seems everything felt that joy.
Well, all but Ramshackle dorm.
It was. . . interesting.
Friends where suddenly more willing to pay for lunch, less homework and schoolwork from teachers.
Everyone was still, well, everyone just with more. . . generosity.
It was strange.
Strange times indeed.
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"Dorm Leader Nighty-Sallow!" Yuu called out and Grim came into Ramshackle's dorm lounge to their dorm leader, sitting in her rocking chair.
"Yes?" Quentin answered, stopping what she was doing.
"I found these strange coins!" Yuu proclaimed.
"Even stranger than the other coins with the strange symbols and 100s on them?" Quentin asked, to which Yuu nodded before pulling out three coins-all with pictures of them on it with the strange symbols and 100s plus another set of symbols for their pocket, and putting it on the table.
Grim's chest puffed out with pride. "It's nice to know we're finally getting the recognition we deserve, especially me!"
"But who would do this? And why coins?" Yuu asked, with a hint of worry in their voice.
Quentin pulled out her magical pen-and the coins glowed with magical power for a moment before falling back on the table. "I can't find anything. It seems like totally normal coins."
"Huh." Yuu said in confusion, but Grim's chest puffed out again.
"See! It's a coin of recognition! Someone finally recognizes us for our hard work!"
"But who made it?" Yuu asked, once again.
"Could be the same people made this 100 coins." Quentin said. "And Yuu seems to be able to find use of it, so if you want to keep it Yuu, you can keep it."
"Really?" Yuu asked, with a face that Quentin couldn't tell was joy, confusion, or disgust, so it probably was a mix of all of them.
"Yes. My magic has determined they're harmless, so I don't see anything bad about keeping them if they might help you with whatever you're doing."
Yuu nodded. The coins stayed in Yuu's possession.
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"We're going to the National Art Museum in the Land of Dawn!" Dire Crowley smiled to the other dorm leaders.
He'd called an emergency dorm leader meeting. . . for a sudden announcement?
Typical Crowley. Quentin looked at the cheery old crow with scorn.
"I'm sorry?" Riddle Rosehearts, Heartslabyul's dorm leader asked, clearly confused.
But Quentin knew Riddle. Riddle wasn't asking a question, he was panicking at the suddenness of the Dire Crowley's announcement.
"Yay!" Kalim smiled, even pumping his fist in the air before the tattooed boy blinked a few time sand dawned a confused face. "Wait. Where is the Museum?"
"In the Land of Dawn, didn't you listen?" Leona Kingscholar spoke up, his ears twitching in irritation.
"Right, sorry." Kalim rubbed the back of his head.
"An Art Museum?" Malleus leaned over to Quentin.
"It's like an art gallery, only it's more for the public than for one family," Quentin answered to which Malleus nodded.
"Why, exactly?" Azul Ashengrotto spoke up.
"Because they're holding an anniversary party for a '100 years'!" Dire Crowley cheerfully said, making almost everyone in the room sigh.
"We've got a free pass to the Museum because there's an event going on and you've always wanted to go there, didn't you?" Quentin simply looked at Crowley.
"My Ms. Nighty-Sallow! You make it sound like I planned this out!"
"Because I'm pretty sure you did." Quentin sighed and the tablet in the room, representing Idia, made a snickering noise.
"Quentin realy said no mercy today. We stan a girl who ran out of fucks to give." Idia giggled.
"It's true that the Nation Museum of Art in the Land of Dawn is famous for its' art, but this truly is a once-in-a-lifetime for you all as well! We've been invited to the celebration afterward as well!" Crowley said.
"A party?" Vil Schoenheit commented, and Crowley nodded enthusiastically, seeing to make the Pormfoire dorm leader cringe.
Quentin narrowed her eyes at Crowley then looked around the room-the other dorm leaders, besides Kalim, didn't seem all that interested in the event, and if Quentin was honest, neither was she.
A Party? With art people?
No, thank you. Quentin already had enough pretentious people to deal with in her life.
"I'm sorry, Headmaster." Quentin said formally, seeming to grab Crowley's, and well as everyone else's attention. "I don't think I, or my dormmates for that matter, will make to the event. After all, I, much less Ramshackle dorm have no formal clothing for a centenury event, much less have the resources to get there on our own plus our school obligations will prohibit us from fully joining the event because we've been so busy lately. Please go without us."
The other dorm leaders seemed to catch on to what Quentin was saying and they shot smirks at her as if to tell her she'd done a good job, well, besides Kalim, who seemed to be downtrodden at the mention of Ramshackle's financial situation and Crowley who seemed surprised for a moment.
"Aw!" Kalim said, rushing over to the other side of the table and holding unto Quentin's hands seeming to tear up. "You all can't go?"
"I'm sorry Kalim. Ramshackle just doesn't have the resources like the other dorms all do." Quentin said. "We'll have to sit this event out."
But before Quentin could even relish in her clever comeback to Crowley's proclamation, Crowley spoke back. "Oh, there's no need to worry about that."
Several 'Tch!' noises sounded through the air as well as a small laugh from Malleus.
"Because it's a school event! The school will provide the outfits necessary and the transportation."
"Oh, I see." Quentin said, to which Kalim tackled her into her chair with hug.
"Isn't it great Ramshackle can go?!" Kalim smiled.
"Indeed, it is." Quentin said, sighing.
So, Quentin walked back to her dorm and told her dormmates.
"We've got a celebration to go to tomorrow," Quentin told Yuu and Grim, making them confused.
"For what?" Yuu asked.
"We've been invited to an art museum and Crowley wants the whole school to go." Quentin said.
"What's an art musuem?" Grim asked.
"It's a place where pieces of art are put in one place. Normally it's a public place." Quentin answered.
Grim nodded in understanding.
"There's a party afterwords and we're also going to that as well."
"Really?!" Grim's eyes lit up.
"Yup." Quentin sighed.
"When is this party?"
"TOMORROW?!" Yuu and Grim said in almost complete unison, though with completely different tones.
"YES!" Grim cheered, bouncing up and down with his whole body with pure joy.
Yuu, on the other hand, was not happy. They seemed rather confused and worried. "Isn't that too sudden?"
Quentin sighed. "You know that old crow. He does what he pleases."
Yuu sighed as well before smiling. "Well, at least we're getting out of school for this."
Quentin then smiled herself. "Yes, that's one bonus."
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The next day, the dorm found a box.
"Open it! Open it!" Grim cheered from his dorm leader's shoulder.
"I'm working on it, Grim." Quentin teased and opened the box.
Inside the box was. . . outfits.
"Outfits?" Yuu questioned.
"This must be Crowley's outfits for us." Quentin said. "I feel bad for Crewel."
"I want to try it on!" Grim said.
"Grim, we have to-"
"I WANT TO PUT IT ON!" Grim quoted, even throwing himself into the box and clinging to the fabric with all the power his tiny paws could muster.
"Grim, listen to me!" Quentin picked up the cat, who still clung to the fabric but seemed to be listening. "We can put them on after we eat breakfast! None us have eaten yet!"
Grim lit up and the proposition. "Oh yeah! Of course we can!"
Grim then let go of the shiny fabric and went rushing towards the kitchen and Quentin and Yuu looked at each other before laughing their way to the kitchen.
After a decent breakfast, Grim insisted the group try on the outfits in his and Yuu's room. So, with a very insistent Grim, Quentin brought the box to the duo's room.
After laying out the outfits, there were three of them, each in a bag with each of their names on it.
A small bag that had the name 'Grim', there was a small silver and purple suit that Grim enthusiastically put on when he saw how sparkly he was. He had a silver sparkly long suit jacket with silver buttons, a white shirt with the same silver buttons, a purple pair of pants with silver buttons, and a small black bowtie. But, after a while, Grim seemed to be struggling to put on the pants before he gave a pleading look to Quentin, a signal he needed help.
Quentin gave a sigh then a smile then looked at Yuu. "I'll help Grim put on the suit. You go put on your outfit in the bathroom, if you need help, I'm here to help. I'll put on my outfit when I know you two have yours on."
To which, Yuu nodded, grabbed the bag with their name on it, and then went out the door, hopefully to go to the bathroom.
Soon enough, Quentin went back to what she was doing and helped Grim into his clothes. First, the pants were a lot more form-fitting than what Grim was used to since, well, he normally doesn't wear anything.
"Hey, is 100 years a long time?" Grim asked, seeming genuine.
Quentin laughed. "As a human, I think so."
"That's not a good answer." Grim pouted as Quentin finished buttoning up his vest, which honestly acted more like a vest.
"I'm serious." Quentin smiled at Grim before she pulled out the coat. "Everything has its own sense of time. Humans only live around 100 years, so for us, it's a long time. But to other species, that may not be as long. Some Beastman can live longer than humans, so they think it's a shorter amount of time, like a few years. And the Fae, well, to them a hundred years feels a little more than what we call a year."
Grim looked at her in wonder. "How long will I live?"
Quentin laughed again. "That depends on you."
Grim looked confused as Quentin adjusted his coat and continued, "I'm not sure what kind of monster you are, so I can't tell you how long you're expected to live. But I can tell you this-as long as you take care of yourself, you'll live a long life."
Grim looked at Quentin for a moment and then spoke again, "So then, what's a 'legecy', and how do I make it?"
Quentin looked at Grim in confusion, but then stopped, as she seemed to have finished. "Ah. Has Crewel been talking about it?"
Grim nodded.
Quentin sighed. "A Legecy-is complicated."
"Complicated?" Grim tilted his head.
"A legacy is something you leave behind after you've done something. It's what happens after an action. It can be good, it can be bad. Like a magical war leaves a legacy of damage to anything around it, or a magician can leave a legacy of people wanting to learn magic as well."
Grim's face scrunched. "That is complicated."
But QUetin quickly grabbed Grim in her arms and hugged him before Grim started to protest. "But you don't have to worry about it. It's too early for you to worry about your actions just yet. You're a young magician. It's okay to be irresponsible while you're learning how to deal with magic. I was irresponsible with my magic when I was still learning how to use it"
Grim looked at his dorm leader seriously. "Really?"
Quentin laughed. "I've done so many stupid things. I used to love flying on a broom-and I'd chase people around just for fun on my broom, or go to the highest place I could when people told me not to. Or I'd play with magical animals that weren't safe for me. I think it's better you learn your magic in a safe place than in the real world-where things can get complicated if you make one wrong move and they'll get mad at you."
Grim looked at Quentin-and but there was nothing there. There was nothing in those eyes of hers. A dead woman lived in those eyes. but Grim didn't have much time to study Quentin before not for long as Yuu walked in their outfit, and all of a sudden-the light in her eyes came back.
"What are you two doing?" Yuu asked.
"Waiting for you!" Grim said, jumping out of Quentin's arms and towards where Yuu was standing.
"You look good." Quentin stood up and looked at Yuu. "I think it suits you. You look like a polished diamond."
"Of my minion does!" Grim said cheerfully as Yuu blushed. "Only we could see their true worth before, but now the outfit they're wearing really shows it."
"Indeed it does. I bet the boys will regret ever treating you badly. after they see you" Quentin laughed
Yuu was starting to become the same color as Riddle face when he was mad. But they thought quickly and grabbed the bag with the dorm leader's name on it. "Are you going to make us do a fasion show by ourselves? Put yours on!"
"Sure, sure." Quentin said and she quickly cast a spell to put on her version of the purple and silver clothes.
The Dorm Leader's outfit was a dress silver princess dress with see-through silver sleeves and a huge white bow with a smaller purple bow on the inside and a purple strand flowing down the dress across the waistband of the dress with a silver asymmetrical skirt with a purple lining underneath. She also had a pair of matching purple gloves with a single silver bracelet on her left wrist and a pinwheel silver bow with a purple gem in her hair.
"You look beatiful, too." Yuu offered.
"Pfft." Quentin laughed as she put an arm around Yuu, the kind of way a close friend would when trying to tease, to pull you towards a place, to hold close and show that you were there. "No way. You look more beautiful then me!"
"No way!" Yuu laughed and pushed on back playfully.
But before the group could say anything else, a white flash of light came from the room, engulfing the room, and taking those inside with it.
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Quentin clung to Yuu for dear life as they found themselves in a void of white, Quentin then looked around and saw Grim before quickly grabbing his hands and tucking them as close as she could into her chest as the surroundings around them seemed to be. . . almost coming into focus like a blur camera being adjusted to come back into focus.
Soon enough, Quentin's feet touched a solid surface. Then she started to see the lighting of the area, and then, she finally could see where her dorm was.
She was. . . in front of. . . what would you even call a building as big as this?
There was no way that was a house. It was simply too big for a single person. It seemed like it could fit a whole city comfortably.
A mansion? A castle?
Maybe both with how big it was.
The building in front looked something like a Cape Cod-Victorian styled mansion-castle that glowed with lurid light that shined into the sky as if it was announcing the building to the world. From what Quentin could tell, the building was made from stone, which had silver and purple decorations scattered all over the building, like what looked like party decorations. Ballons and various other objects seemed to be leaking from the windows like there were too many to hold inside and could burst at any moment.
The place looked so glittering and radiant that was almost like it was begging for them to come inside. And if Quentin was honest. . . this place was beyond gaudy. It almost made her sick how extravagant this place was.
Quentin no doubt this place was hiding something. There was no way this was just a party for a celebration. that was an excuse.
This was a display of wealth.
But. . . for what?
She, Yuu and Grim were in a garden of sorts with various displays of statues flowers, and shrubbery of all kinds.
And. . . the place was filled with people coming in and out that Quentin couldn't even get a count of people. . . and filled with noise.
"Quentin. . . where are we?" Grim asked.
"I. . . don't know." Quentin answered. "Are you two okay?"
To which Yuu and Grim nodded.
"Hello!" A voice appeared out of nowhere, and a glowing disc-like mouse head with dots all over that seemed to glow in the dark appeared out of nowhere, as well as a pair of gloved hands coming from the flat disc-like head.
Yuu and Grim let out a screech in panic while Quentin tried to pull out the dorm weapon. . . which had turned into a. . . white cane?
"Oh! I'm sorry, does your world not have technology?" the flat disc-like head creature said, fearfully..
"Um, I'm sorry, where are we?" Quentin asked, putting down the cane.
"The party, of course!" the robot smiled as if trying to calm them down.
"The party?" Grim poked his head out from Quentin's neck.
"Yes! You were invited by Mickey himself, weren't you?" the flat disc-like head robot asked.
"How do you know Mickey?" Yuu asked, and the robotic being beamed.
"Why, Mickey and Minnie knows everyone! They're the ones hosting the party, after all! You three are Mickey's friends, as well, as under Oswald's protection! Mickey never, ever leaves anyone close to him out! Nor would Oswald ever let you all be forgotten!" the robot smiled.
"What are you?" Grim asked, to which the robot head smiled kindly.
"I'm Toodles, I'm here to help you!" the flat disc-like head said. "Now, I know you three don't have much time to party with us-"
"Woah, woah, woah there." Quentin said, even unintentionally slamming the cane into the ground. "We never got an invitation."
The floating flat disc-like head looked confused. "No. You did."
The robot's hands pointed to one of Yuu's pockets. To which, Yuu shuffled through their pockets pulling out the three coins that said a word, and then a "100" and the Ramshackle trio's faces on it, and when the robot saw the little coins in Yuu's hand, he beamed. "See? You have an invitation!"
"Um, how does this count as a-" Yuu asked but was quickly cut off.
"So, like I said before," the robot head started to float away and the Ramshackle trio followed him. "Mickey knows you all have business to attend to soon, but nonetheless, he still wanted you to enjoy the festivities on a day such as this. He said you all can come back later if you'd like, and he'll even provide dinner for you all."
"Dinner?!" Grim smiled, making Quentin sigh.
Toodles smiled with such optimism it kind of freaked Quentin out a little. "Yes! Should I tell him you'll be having dinner with him?!"
"Hold on, can we go to our obligation and see how we feel afterward? We've got a lot on our plate for our event." Quentin quickly jumped in, before Toodles could force them into something else.
But the robot didn't seem phased at all as he and the trio approached a large door with grand cravings on it of a mouse's head. "Why, of course, you can!"
Toodles then opened the door to reveal. . . A grand party with so many people Quentin couldn't even begin to count them. If she thought there were so many coming in and out-she was wrong. There were so many people here she couldn't get a headcount. But she noticed one thing-all of them were wearing white, purple, or both.
Just like her dorm's outfits.
And they were partying it up.
Quentin only had to look around for a few moment before she understood what kind of party this was right now.
She'd seen this kind of party before. Not exactly like this, but in a different form.
This. . . was a pure party on the verge of going into chaos.
Almost everyone where was drunk on pure ecstasy. Like all of them were truly happy.
But before Quentin could deduce what exactly what the party atmosphere was-she noticed there was a small crowd of people around the door, as if waiting for them. An anthroponotic group of animals, to be exact. She could see two white ducks, one male one female, a tall black dog-like creature, two smaller chipmunks, a yellow dog, a female black cat, a female black mouse and. . .
Wait. . . is that. . . ?
She recognized a rabbit and a mouse. They were. . . Mickey and Oswald, right?
They were the ones she saw in her dream when the school was almost taken over by Malleus' Unique Magic.
The rabbit, Oswald, if Quentin remembered right, was wearing a white top hat and rubbing a white cane with an outfit mirroring Grim's outfit, only without the buttons on his pants and an open vest.
The mouse, which if Quentin's memory served her well was Mickey, who was also wearing a similar outfit as Grim. No scratch that-it was almost the exact same outfit, where it not for the buttons on the mouse's shorts being bigger than Grim's.
"What if they got lost? Or they didn't send them here? What if-" the rabbit fretted, alongside the male mouse who had a very worried look on his face.
"Oswald," A female black cat in a white dress and hat spoke up, holding the rabbit's shoulders, and another mouse figure put her hand on the other mouse's shoulders. "Your dorm will be okay. They're probably coming with Toodles as we speak."
"I've brought the last guests, Mickey!" Toodles announced, and the group of animal's heads whipped around to look at the trio. When Oswald saw the three of them, his whole body lit up with joy.
The kind of joy that you get from your guardians when you graduate from school, or doing something great and accomplish something-a mix of pride, pure joy, hope, and love all in one bundle. That moment that you remember as a happy moment for years when you have nothing left.
"There you all are!" the black rabbit smiled, and quickly tackled the three in a bone-crushing hug. The kind of loving hug like they hadn't seen you in a long time. "I was getting worried about you three."
"Um, hi." Yuu spoke up.
"What is going on?" Grim asked.
The group of animals looked at each other for a moment in confusion but after a few moments, they all seemed to have realized something.
"Ah. It must have been so sudden for you all. Sorry 'bout that." Oswald scratched behind his head.
"I'll explain," Micket spoke up. "but first let's sit down and eat. You all must be hungry after the journey."
Grim's once more eyes lit up at the mention of food, but upon seeing his realization, he seemed to snap back to being skeptical, like Quentin and Yuu were. Despite this, none of the other animal-like creatures seemed alarmed they seemed rather relaxed.
Mickey lead the trio to a more secluded area of the party, one where you could still see and hear the party but wasn't as loud as in the main room and the other animals followed suit, almost seeming to form a circle around the Ramshackle trio as they walked towards the spot the mouse had designated.
As the group walked, Mickey kept getting called out to.
"Hey Mickey!" A boy with spikey brown hair called out. "Where did you go?"
"Hey-ya, Sora!" Mickey called back. "I was just waiting for the last of other friends!"
"Ah. The ones you said would be late?" the boy answered back. "You got to introduce me to them!"
Mickey nodded. "You betcha!"
"Mickey!" A man with elf-like apperance with red hair appeared before the Ramshackle trio upside down before looking towards the black mouse. "Are those the ones from Twisted Wonderland?"
"Yup!" Mickey nodded. "But they need some time, it being their first time with this and all."
The man gave a smirk before flying off.
"Mickey." A lion that looked. . . No. The King of Beasts said from a nearby bed. "Don't us me wait too long."
"I won't Scar!" Mickey answered back, with fear in his voice.
Mickey then guided the group up a flight of stairs, and then guided the group to a large table, and gestured to the seats, Ramshackle did find their seats, to and the other animals sat near them, especially Oswald and Mickey, who sat closest to the dorm members.
"To answer your question, Grim." Mickey said. "Well, I think it would be best if we introduce ourselves. You all know me. Just in a different form."
"Different form?" Grim questioned before Mickey nodded.
"Hold on a 'eond." Mickey smiled, before he seemed to change and. . .changed into someone they knew.
The red pants with the white buttons and big yellow shoes and black eyes with no pupils.
"Mickey!" Yuu and Grim said at the same time in joyous voice.
"Aw shucks." Mickey simply said, matching their joy and putting his hands on his hips. "Now you're embarrassing me."
Yuu and Grim seemed to relax after seeing a familiar face, but Quentin didn't.
"This is Minnie, my girlfriend," Mickey gestured to the female mouse that had comforted him earlier who gave a little wave.
"This is Goofy and Donald, who I'd mentioned earlier, Yuu." Mickey smiled, gesturing to the male duck and tall dog-like beings who smiled at the Ramshackle members.
"This is Daisy." the female duck smiled kindly and waved a little at the trio.
"This is my dog, Pluto." Mickey gesturing to the yellow dog.
"And the chipmunks you saw earlier-they where named CHip and Dale. They're off getting food." Mickey sighed.
"Or causing trouble." Donald offered.
"And but not least, this is Oswald, and his wife, Orsentia." Mickey gestured to Oswald and the cat who had comforted him eariler. Oswald and Orsentia beamed at being introduced.
"I've been waiting to meet you three ever since you were sorted into my dorm." Oswald smiled while Yuu looked confused, and now Quentin looked alarmed.
Grim, meanwhile seemed to find nothing wrong here, smirked. "Of course you have! I mean, who wouldn't want to meet the Great Grim?!" which seemed to make Yuu and Quentin sigh but made the other animals laugh.
"Oh, it's so nice Twisted Wonderland could join the party this year!" Minnie said, clapping her hands together, and a wave of nods came from the anthropomorphic animals. "Despite how old you are, you weren't invited to anything so only Mickey could really tell us anything about what was going on over there. I thought they wouldn't allow you all into the party this year, but thankfully I was wrong!"
"Yeah!" Goofy smiled. "It's nice to have some new faces around here!"
"Yeah!" Donald cheered. "I can't wait to see how your story plays out!"
After some chatting, Grim seemed to get more comfortable and Yuu seemed okay enough to go with him eventually, the two first years were led down the stairs with Donald, Daisy, Goofy, and Pluto to where the food was.
Quentin watched them as they went into the main party with a look in her eyes that was hard to pinpoint. Sadness? Confusion? Unease?
"What's the long face for, my elect?" Oswald spoke up.
"I'm sorry I just-" Quentin sighed. "I don't understand. I'm really confused."
"You don't have to." Mickey simply said. "This is a party, you're here to have fun."
"That's not what I mean-" Quentin said. "What's all this about Twisted Wonderland and 'new faces'? Who is 'they'? What do you mean by 'your story'?"
Both Mickey and Oswald looked at each other for a moment before looking at Quentin with a smile on their faces. The kind of empathetic smile like they are hiding something-but not without reason. THe kind of smile Quentin saw too often.
Then Oswald took Quentin's hands. "It's alright. You don't have to understand."
"Understand what?" Quentin asked.
Oswald sighed, the kind of tired sigh like a father would give. A sigh that worries the child on the other end, despite the father not meaning to. "There are things in this world that are completely out of your understanding. Out of the laws and principles of your world. Forces beyond comprehension are at play in your everyday life. And while it is scary-it's completely okay."
"You don't have to understand everything," Mickey added, also taking Quentin's hands, placing his on top of hers and Oswald's as if to protect them. "Actually, it may be better if you turn a blind eye to this one. You won't have to feel the pain like we do."
"Pain?" Quentin asked.
"Think of this as a dream." Mickey smiled and said in such a soft voice, it was like he was comforting Quentin as if trying to comfort her very being. "And I think you'll be alright."
Quentin looked at Mickey and Oswald in confusion, but the rabbit and the mouse seemed to want to change the subject, and eventually lead Quentin down the stairs into the party as well.
Mickey and Oswald lead Quentin to the food table and give Quentin one of each food despite her protests and insist she try some.
The food was good-there was many kinds to try, all oddly enough either looked like people at the party or was based on a theme and Grim and Yuu seemed to enjoy it even if people kept coming up to them.
Eventually, Quentin was surrounded by just as many people asking so many questions about her, Twisted Wonderland, what was going on that Quentin was starting to feel overwhelmed. She wasn't sure when exactly sure when she lost track of people, but she did after a while and started going through the motions, hoping she'd survive.
The Great Seven came to the trio first and spoke with the trio. They went parading the three around like favored children to a bunch other other people, who also struck up a conversation with Quentin. Quentin couldn't remember the conversation to save her life-but she thought it was mostly praise and asking about oddly specific things...
Next, Quentin remembers talking to some princesses and princes after the Great Seven, they probably asked the trio were right and then asked them a few questions.
Quentin remembers seeing the people from stories she'd read as a child-The Brave Prince, The Wicked Queen, The Designer Princess, The Lawyer, The Foreign Queen and even the Foreign Princess who all seemed to love her and treated her to lot. Quentin really felt a connection to the Foreign Princess
Next, Quentin remembers a blur of others who were like her-and the rest of it Quentin doesn't remember at all. Things blended into each other until things became as shiny as the silver on everyone's bodies.
Yuu and Grim seemed tired of talking, as after a while, they started to hide behind Quentin whenever someone came up to them like scared children hiding from strangers.
But, before anything else could happen, a clock chimed and everyone seemed to suddenly rush outside.
"What's going on?!" Quentin asked as the Foreign Princess dragged her out, but the Princess simply smiled.
"It's almost time!" the princess in blue smiled as widely as she could.
"It's almost 5:30 for them!" the Princess proclaimed.
Quentin looked confused, but let the princess drag her outside.
When she got outside, almost everyone was outside, looking at the sky as if waiting for something before someone started to count down.
A loud bell rang outside, and as soon as the bell rang, the loud cheer and animals calls ripped through the people around her.
Bottles popped, glasses clinked, party-poppers went off, balloons and streamers were released into the open air and people hugged each other.
A hysteria of joy flooded in the area and infected the people around her.
Quentin looked at the darkness that the light didn't touch.
And all of a sudden, she was in the party, and not in the party at the same time.
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Quentin opened her eyes.
"Child of Andalasia?" Malleus Draconia called to Quentin. "Are you alright?"
Quentin reached up her hand. "I fell asleep, didn't I?"
Malleus nodded. "It is time for us to go."
Quentin laughed as she place a arm over her head. "I had a strange dream just now."
"Is that so?" Malleus asked.
"I don't remember much-only shades of silver, purple, gold and black and talking to people and something with fireworks."
Malleus seemed confused. "Was it good?"
"I think so."
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silver-crowned-riders · 6 months
// A video is attatched to this post, blank otherwise:
"Aaaaaaand we're live~!"
[ Beau holds the phone camera up to Jace, who plucks the guitar nervously. He has a fluffy winter coat on rather than his usual hoodie. The sky is pure white, and there's a dark whistle of a breeze around them. "Girlgoop", the strange breed of Yamask they had aquired from Basil, can be seen slightly out of frame by her ears at Jace's side. ]
"...Hey man, you're gonna do great. I mean it."
[ Jace looks up, seeming a bit suprised by Beau's sudden sincerity. She continues on. ]
"If anything bad happens, we've only got less than an hour of the party left before we pack up for the storm. No one would mind if we go cool off together, with Chessy and Clementine and all."
[ Jace looks to his side, presumably to the rest of the bonfire party. ]
"...And if I do well?"
[ Jace scratches his head. ]
"...I, uh, promised to myself... that I'd do something I've been meaning to if this went well. It's... it's hard to explain, I-"
[ The team can be heard cheering at the previous song that just wrapped up. Jace curses under his breath. But he looks at Beau again, and he seems reassured. ]
[ Beau turns the camera to follow Jace heading down, scooting past Girlgoop, who doesn't exactly seem aware of the events happening. ]
[ Jace holds his guitar close as he heads up to the stage, a large rock with a slope leading up serving as such. The whole team can be seen looking up to him from Beau's angle behind it all, it's rather tense. Still, Jace climbs up on the slope. He sits down, takes a deep breath, and begins the song. ]
[ There's a small cheer once the crowd realizes what it is. Casey's eyes light up, and he whoops in excitement and bumps his fist. Jace blushes a little at the reaction. A good reaction, yes, but there's absolutely no turning back now... ]
"An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day..."
[ The song has a different feel here, live and acoustic. Without the deep and echoing instrumental, without the trumpets and keys, the narrator who once blended into the background of the story he was telling is now under the spotlight. Jace seemed almost vulnerable, up there on stage. ]
"Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way..."
[ His voice still isn't deep. But he doesn't sound un-confident, he doesn't lose the haunting and humbling story. Because it's just that-- he isn't trying to make his voice more suitingly dramatic, trying to change it into something he isn't, he's only looking into the night sky as he tells a story much bigger than him, his frail and very human singing voice bringing something... new. ]
"When all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed ghosts he saw, plowing through the ragged skies... and up a cloudy draw..."
[ Jace goes on to sing about the ghostly fires trailing Chandelure, the pale masks of Duskulls, countless flickering spirits following the growing storm in the sky, and the mere human below them watching on in fear. ]
[ There were clearly a few riders grunts around who were waiting to get back to the energetic part of the day. There was clear respect for the team admin present, though. Casey, especially, was immersed. He watched Jace strum and patted his leg along to the tempo. ]
"For he saw the riders comin' hard, and he heard their mournful cry..."
[ Then, no hesitation, ]
"Yippie-i-yo, yippie-i-yay!"
[ Beau can be heard smiling and chuckling a little from behind the camera. He finally got over that hurdle. ]
[ As he gets into the final lines, where the old cowboy makes eye contact with the legendary and fearsome Ushidin itself, Jace no longer looks into the sky, but looks down at Casey. The rough team leader has a very sincere smile on his face, and Jace smiles back, the song easing him into the confidence to do so. There were many great and terrifying forces out there in the world, what was scary about a song? It's like what Casey always said about Pokemon, that they only care about the things that really matter. ]
[ The Pokemon huddled around the place wouldn't scorn Jace for stealing a glimpse. They love purely and absolutely. They understood little of humans, and yet could be understanding of everything. They would understand, even, if Jace was... ]
[ ...The riders all sing together for the final yippie-i-yo chant, and Jace finishes out with one last guitar flourish. The crowd applauds. Beau squeals happily from behind the camera. Casey gets up and cheers, beaming with pride and excitement. ]
" Ahaha!!! You killed it up there, boy! "
[ Jace sets the guitar away and climbs down from the boulder serving as a stage. He joyfully accepts fist bumps and hi-fives as he makes his way to Casey. ]
[ What they're saying can't be made out among the crowd noise, so Beau zooms the camera in close. Someone watching very closely and focusing might slightly be able to read lips. ]
"...knew you had that in you! ...just never shown me that before, heheh."
[ Jace laughs and scratches his head. ]
"...knew you liked... thought it would... to finish things out! Heheheheh..."
[ Unexpectedly, while they talk, Jace puts his hand on Casey's shoulder. He looks a little serious now. ]
[ Jace starts talking with a sincere look. Maybe worry? It's hard to tell, and it's hard to read what he's saying either. He fidgets, and struggles to keep looking at Casey. Casey looks a little suprised, even a bit flustered. But then, he smiles, and takes Jace's side tenderly. Beau gasps quietly from behind the camera, lowering it a little. Jace looks into his eyes. The two start to lean in... ]
[ Then, Jace gets redder, and he pushes Casey away. Casey tries to say something to him, but Jace just covers his face in shame and backs away. Casey looks sad, but empathetic, as he dissapears into the crowd. Beau sighs. ]
[ Jace comes up to Beau, embarrassed and defeated. ]
" Can ya... edit that part out? I, I know you like to mess with me, but I mean it- "
" Yeah, yeah I understand, don't worry. "
[ Beau lets the phone hang down from her hand, the camera now upside down and capturing the quietly whistling snowy forest landscape. ]
" You know... you know that we support you right? I mean, it's never too late to- "
[ Snow crunches. Beau follows him, sitting down and resting the phone on her lap as things turn upright again. ]
" I just- gh... I thought, if I got over that hurdle, maybe telling him would be easier... and, I don't know why I can accept it in others, but not... Well, I do know why, I know WHO, even! But I HATE them! And, and I haven't seen any of them in YEARS! So why should I care if they wouldn't want me to be... "
[ Jace sighs in frustration, not letting himself say the word. Beau listened through the rant quietly, then spoke after a pause. ]
" ...Do you know how Casey found himself? Like, the way accepted not being a girl? "
"...No... how? "
" Well, what he told me was- "
" WAIT. "
[ Suddenly Jace stands upright. ]
" ...Where's Girlgoop? "
" Wuh? "
[ Beau stands up as well. Jace looks around, then looks at xem. They both mumble: ]
"...Oh fuuuuuuuuuhhhk..."
[ Both sprint off into the trees, and Beau hurriedly ends the recording ]
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caernua · 2 years
thoughts on the valhalla final chapter preview
beyond embarrassing. what the fuck was that 💀
i mean i guess at least i'm glad they're doing SOMETHING to conclude eivor's story but oh wow just a small quest that i think was said was gonna be free (not that i'm upset about not paying money lmao but it shows it's not a high effort expansion) a few stilted animations like we're used to, eivor going 'hm i think it's time to go actually byeee' that's so,,,,
when i played the main story i expected a grand continuation. there's imo quite a heavy implication that eivor will be forced to leave england,,, (godwin tells her 'this island will not be conquered by you, you will not subdue it by force', she tells basim england 'snarls at us at every corner, i begin to despair for ever settling here' and basim replies with 'perhaps the stars write your path and you will never have a home here', and randvi mentions that aelfred definitely knows about ravensthorpe and it remains to be seen if the settlement will stand the test of time which sounds REALLY ominous) but i guess eivor just. decides to go????
i feel like the loose ends don't even end there, there's a lot of questions remaining about the extent to which eivor understands her isu ancestry and/or basim's betrayal. it looks like they'll address to odin part but. why is he showing up as m!eivor instead of the old man, like we've always seen him so far. ig they'll come up w an explanation like 'oh well eivor sees odin looking a lot more like her noww' but. sounds dumb either way
i am happy that they're FINALLY gonna be touching on the fact that aelfred is in the middle of creating the fucking templar order cause that was a loose end that would've been really stupid to abandon lmao. and it looks like she's going to talk to hytham so. yay for that at least
but it's so fucking disappointing like. remember dawn of ragnarok??? the dlc that had nothing to do with anything and that NO ONE asked for?? remember how they paid for a whole fucking cinematic trailer?? remember how it played everytime you opened the game man they went heavy with the promotion and for what. this is what eivor's final chapter should have been. a grand story, good animation, new and exciting locations, a shocking event that sets things into motion like aelfred destroying ravensthorpe. eivor deserves so much better and i'm so fucking mad. maybe i'll be proven wrong but the showcase really worried me. you usually show some of the best you've got in a promotion right? there was not even a mo-capped scene, no different looking locations, nothing. it looks awful and my girl deserves so much better
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky Gallery (3/11)
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previous chapter / next chapter
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Chapter 3
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Kazunari: Sumi, awesome job wrapping up the performance!
Muku: I'm glad it went well!
Misumi: Thank you~!
Kumon: Oh, and good job with your location shoot too, Tenma-san~!
Tenma: Why am I the side note.
Kazunari: Filming in a place like that must've been tough, huh.
Misumi: And our souvenirs are...~?
Tenma: Geez, you have no shame....
Tenma: Here. These are the only triangles I could find.
Misumi: Uwah~! Triangle mochi!
Tenma: And these are for you guys.
Yuki: Locally themed keychains...
Tenma: Sorry, that's all I could think of. I didn't have time to ask you guys what you wanted.
Kazunari: Tenten, we couldn't get in touch with you~.
Tenma: The film site was deep in the mountains, so there wasn't any phone signal. Though, the 'digital detox' wasn't bad.
Kumon: Digital detox?
Kazunari: Intentionally taking time away from your phone or computer. Kinda like.... a digital version of fasting?
Yuki: Of course you'd know.
Muku: I'd be a little anxious if I didn't have a way to contact anyone...
Kumon: Well, Tenma-san's like a grandpa, so maybe that's why he could handle it?
Tenma: Oi.
Kazunari: I'd literally die!
Yuki: Let's tone it down a bit.
Tenma: Oh, by the way, one of my co-stars said he became a fan of Summer Troupe after seeing 'WONDER RUSH'.
Kumon: Really!?
Kazunari: So even celebs can be stans... amazing!
Tenma: The director of the drama also mentioned seeing Misumi's play. He spoke highly of him, too.
Kumon: That's awesome, Sumi-san!
Kazunari: Yay for Sumi!
Misumi: Yay~!
Yuki: I guess guest roles are the way to get your name out there as an actor.
Tenma: He told me about an establishment party he's having for his office, he invited all of us.
Kumon: Seriously!?
Kazunari: Look at us, finally getting invited to huge events like this.
Tenma: I don't think he really meant that though, just trying to be polite.
Kumon: Ehh~. What~.
Izumi: Well, it's still good he remembers your names.
(door opens)
Tsuzuru: Oh, you're all here.
Tsuzuru: I was just planning to tell Director first, but this works too.
Izumi: What is it?
Tsuzuru: Based on the stuff Miyoshi-san told me at the gallery the other day, I got an idea for a story set in a gallery where young artists come together.
Tsuzuru: It's just a rough idea, but...
Izumi: A gallery, heh. That'll be a first for us. Sounds interesting.
Muku: If it's going to be about painting, Kazu-kun definitely has to be the lead.
Yuki: Yeah, it just wouldn't feel right if he wasn't.
Tenma: I think he'd be a good fit. Out of all of us, he certainly knows the most about painting.
Kazunari: If that's what we're going with, I'll do my best!
Tsuzuru: I also had Miyoshi-san in mind. Though I'm still thinking about what to do about the co-lead and the other roles...
Izumi: Oh, for the co-lead, how about Tenma-kun? He hasn't been a lead or co-lead since 'New Theory · Legend of Kurou'.
Misumi: Yeah~!
Kumon: It's your turn, Tenma-san!
Tenma: No.... I'm busy with work right now, so I need to think it over.
Muku: Huh....?
Yuki: Normally, you'd choose a play over work any day.
Tenma: ---I don't know my schedule yet, I don't have a choice.
Yuki: Huhhh?
Izumi: Well, let's just hold off on deciding until we have a better idea of what kind of role the co-lead will play.
Izumi: By the way, Kazunari-kun, did you ever do anything about that open-call exhibition you were talking about at the gallery?
Tenma: Open-call exhibition?
Kumon: The company a friend of Kazu-san's dad belongs to is holding one, and he asked Kazu-san if he wanted to apply.
Kazunari: I never applied to anything like that as a student. Maybe should try to experience one after all.
Kazunari: And who knows, maybe I'll get some hints as to what I'm aiming towards as a future UMC~!
Yuki: But you'll have to create a new piece for the exhibition, yeah? Can you do that while also playing a lead role?
Kazunari: We've still got a while before the play, and it doesn't seem like it'll conflict with the creation period, so no prob!
Izumi: I see. I think it's good that you're trying different things, best of luck!
Muku: I'm sure Kazu-kun will do just fine!
Misumi: Kazu~! Good luck~!
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Kazunari: Thanks, guys!
Tenma: (I'm glad filming wrapped up early. I was able to buy the things I wanted to get, and now all that's left is to head home--).
Kazunari: ....Huh? Tenten? What're you doing here?
Tenma: I got off work early, so I went shopping.
Kazunari: Ooh, wait, an encounter like this is totally an Inste moment!
Tenma: Oi, don't I get a chance to refuse.
Tenma: What are you doing here, Kazunari?
Kazunari: I'm thinking about heading to a few galleries to get some inspo for the open-call exhibition.
Kazunari: When people tell me I can do whatever I want, I have trouble getting a solid image in mind~.
Kazunari: To start, I figured I'd go see an exhibition at the gallery I regularly visit. Wanna join me, Tenten?
Tenma: I see--.
Kazunari: I know I'm getting ahead of myself--but since our next play will be about a gallery, I think if you study paintings, it might convince you to be the co-lead!
Tenma: ....Right.
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
The Seeds of Friendship
Summer Break Challenge, Day 3: Watermelon
Danielle Parkin, Saffron Summers, Nova Mae, Scarlett Tempest
It's Dana's birthday today, yay! Happy birthday to my little buttercup Gryffindor, who is sweet as a cupcake but with a little chilli inside. If any of my OCs could be real and my best friend, ngl, it would be you ❤️
Find all the stories of this challenge here. The other members of the HPMA Breakfast Club belong to @the-al-chemist, @kc-and-co and @whatwouldvalerydo respectively. This challenge was created by the lovely @usernoneexistent.
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Warning: mentions of underage drinking
The wind was rustling through the trees in the Parkins' garden on the border of Wigtown. Dana let her feet dangle in the cool water of the garden pond and lay back on the red-and-white chequered picnic blanket with a content sigh.
Next to her, Nova, Scarlett and Saffron - Dana's three best friends from school - had their own ways of appreciating the hot summer day. Scarlett was lounging in the sun in a black bikini and shades covering half of her face. Nova and Saffron were busy discussing the flawless handiwork of the macarons Nova's dad had made for Dana's birthday.
Dana turned onto her stomach, happy to have her friends with her. Scarlett and Nova would leave tomorrow, while Saffron would stay with Dana and her family. The Parkins would be taking a Portkey to the finals of the Quidditch World Cup in Argentina tomorrow night. Since Dana wasn't too fond of the family sport, she had been allowed to bring a friend. 
The thought of the World Cup made Dana's smile falter. It wasn't so much that she had to go and watch a sport she didn't enjoy with the most fanatic family on the planet, but the prospect of who would be joining them. As always for big events like these, her parents would meet up with the family of Dana's godmother. Spending time with the Amaris had always been something to look forward to for Dana. This time, however, the thought of listening to her aunt Skye's lecture on why it was a scam that Scotland hadn't even qualified for the tournament - again - suddenly had a strange appeal.  
Dana's mind was taken off her glum thoughts when the patio door opened and her mother stepped into the garden. Penny Parkin was wearing a white summer dress with yellow sunflowers, looking just like the pattern Nova had painted onto Dana's nails this morning. A tray with homemade lemonade and a plate of sliced watermelons was floating behind her as she made her way over to where the girls were sitting in the grass.
"I brought you some snacks," Penny beamed and sat the tray down on the picnic blanket. Dana thought she would be leaving again, but instead, her mother sat down on the blanket next to Nova.
"So, what's the news?" she said in a conversational tone and began filling the glasses with lemonade. "How has your year been?"
Scarlett, Nova and Saffron each told her politely about their previous year at Hogwarts, and Penny nodded knowingly. When they were done, Penny lowered her voice, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "And what about the interesting things?" She winked. "You know, the boys and all?"
Dana felt her cheeks go red. "Mum," she groaned, "please don't."
"What?" Penny asked, looking surprised. "You can tell me. We've all been there, haven't we? I won't judge, I promise. I'm not like other mums. I'm a cool mum."
"Mum!" Dana said vehemently. She pointedly looked at the house. "Don't you need to check on the food or something?"
Taking the hint, Penny rose to her feet, a slight dusting of pink on her cheeks. "Of course. Once Dad and Maisie are home from practice, we'll get the barbecue started, is that alright? Don't worry," she said, directed at Saffron and Nova, "I've got all the vegan options for the two of you."
"Thank you, Mrs Parkin," Saffron smiled broadly. 
"You shouldn't have," Nova agreed. "The sides would have been fine."
"Don't mention it," Penny smiled back. Her eyes went back to her daughter, taking on an uncertain expression. "Are you sure you don't want me to send a Patronus to Lizzie and ask them to come? We've got enough food and drinks, and I bet they'll love to -"
"We've been over this, Mum," Dana said with a strained voice. "It's fine."
"But it will be the first time we'll celebrate your birthday without them."
"I have my friends here; that's really all I need. Dylan's probably busy showing his little girlfriend some stupid mountains anyway."
"Oh?" Penny said, a curious look forming on her face. "Dylan has a girlfriend? You never said a word."
Dana bit the insides of her cheeks, wishing she hadn't brought it up as her mother sat down again. Penny's voice grew soft. "Is there anything you want to talk about, sweetie?"
Dana glanced at her friends, who were suddenly very busy looking at their phones or - in Saffron's case - an ant making its way to the plate with watermelons. 
"It's fine," she said curtly. "Forget I said anything." 
"You know you can always talk to me."
"I said it's fine," Dana repeated, more harshly than she had meant. 
Penny looked taken aback by the sudden sharpness in her daughter's voice. Dana thought she wanted to say something, but before she could, Saffron spoke up.
"Don't worry, Mrs Parkin," she said, her voice lowered conspiratorially. "I already gave Dana a rose quartz."
Penny frowned. "A rose quartz? Isn't that for love?"
"And heartache," Saffron sighed, not minding the dark look Dana was giving her.
"Did you hear that? Sounded like someone Apparating, must be Dad and Maisie. Better go check," Dana said, furiously hoping that her mother would just leave. 
"Uh, yes, sure. Must be them," Penny mumbled and got up. With a last look at Dana, she turned and walked back to the house. When she was out of ear-shot, Dana exhaled audibly. 
Next to her, Nova sniggered. "Gosh, I love your mum."
"Speak for yourself."
"She just wanted to be nice."
"I know," Dana sighed. "It's just that sometimes she's a little too nice. And nosy."
"Well," Nova said, more softly now, "do you want to talk about Dylan?"
Dana grimaced. "It's my birthday. Can we just not?"
"Sure," Scarlett said and reached for her bag. She pulled out a gleaming silver flask, unscrewed it and poured its content into each of the girls' glasses. Looking at Dana for a second, she added another swig. "Let's rather drink on your birthday. Who needs those bloody blokes when we have each other?"
"Cheers to that," Nova said flatly and raised her glass.
Their conversation soon drifted off to other topics. Nova, Dana and Scarlett were enjoying their watermelon, macarons and spiked lemonade, but Saffron had gone oddly quiet. When she looked over, Dana was astounded to see that Saffron had taken hold of the plate where they had discarded their watermelon seeds. She was holding it on her lap and busy digging little holes in the ground. Into each hole, Saffron popped a watermelon seed and lovingly spread the soil over it again. 
"Saff," Dana said slowly, "what in Merlin's name are you doing there?"
"Giving the Earth Mother back what is hers," Saffron replied with a serene smile, never stopping her planting. "She gave us these watermelons to enjoy, and now we must give her something back. The cycle must always continue."
Saffron must have been at it longer than any of them had noticed because several small heaps of earth were already surrounding her. Dana counted them, and her eyebrows rose.
"At the rate you're going, there'll be a whole field of watermelons here next year."
"We can all go and harvest them then," Saffron smiled. "The cycle, you know?"
"If that means you'll come back for my birthday next year, I say that's a great idea," Dana smiled back, took a seed from the plate and put it into the ground next to the one Saffron had just planted. She handed Nova and Scarlett a handful of seeds as well and - after Dana had given a reluctant Scarlett a pointed look - both girls planted some watermelons of their own.
"The things I do for you," Scarlett sighed, looking disapprovingly at the earth on her fingernails. She shrugged and reached for her lemonade.
"Cheers," she said and raised her glass in the direction of her friends, who did the same. "To Dana's birthday, friends, and watermelons." 
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atherix · 1 year
YOU- I'm very sorry for not screaming in your ask box a lot lately, life's been a thing... BUT IM HERE NOW, AND OHMYGOD seems like ohmygrian would also work given recent events ATHERIX IM SCREAMING AND SHAKING YOU WHAT JUST HAPPENED
Ok ok ok, so lore lots of lore where to begin
Let's start off with one of the big ones. WATCHERS?? I am very calmly and politely asking you what the hell is happening with Scott and Jimmy. What. is. happening. Listener lore?? Other equally interesting plot points?? Only time will tell I suppose... I don't like how much power you hold over us atherix 😑 you like the tourment a little too much 😑 but seriously I love it so much you evil writer
Don't you just love it when your mate is brutaly murdered infront of you, then ages later (is it hundereds of years? thousands? i cant remember. lets just say time. Time has passed), you find 2 new mates! Who you love very deeply! Who you would do anything for! Only to learn one of them is constantly tap dancing at deaths door, and the other has now become a God after friggin dying in front of you 🙂 You cradled his dead body in your arms. You uselessly checked for breath even while knowing there was none left. You begged him to come back, to not leave you like she did begged him to LIVE. couldn't save them couldn't save them couldn't save And then he does. he comes back. And he's a watcher now! So you know. There's that. Then he tries to single handedly fight off two harbingers of death while injured, and while using his godly powers for the first time! <3 like an idiot <3 Everything's going great :D
Then scar. Scar. I think him and I need to have a little chat about the whole distracting the warden thing. Brave! Stupid! Suicidal! Luv I don't care if you think you're gonna die at any moment, please have some self preservation <33 if not for your sake, at least for your son?? And your mates?? (On the other hand it was very sweet. Still stupid, but sweet) But wow is he going through it too... nothing like a track record of your loved ones consistently dying for you :) it's something he's definitely not traumatised over :)) it's all completely fine :))) someone get this man some cuddles and emotional support STAT
By the way Tubbo must be having a great time right now 😃
All of their mental and physical health needs some serious help rn
Atherix. ATHERIX. 30 thousand years?? The magic residue?? The unsolved mysteries?? What does scar know... what's going on... what pieces of the puzzle are we missing... or have we completed the puzzle and it's just upside-down? Either way it's pain :D
Also the worldbuilding detail?? The descriptions of the city?? The wardens?? The enchanting?? This all makes me very happy <33
Im sure I've forgotten a LOT about these last 2 chapters, but this is all I got for now... your writing has a grip on me ohmygod
So yeah I'm normal about this. Thank you for consuming my waking hours <33
(This is also from chapter 8/9 not the latest chapter <3)
No worry! Real life is Like That sometimes <3 I hope everything's okay! Highkey if it hadn't been a Serious Moment Grian would have said "you're welcome" when Tubbo said "thank god" LMAO A LOT HAPPENED-
So much lore mmm
YEP. WATCHERS. WE'VE FINALLY MADE IT FOLKS, WE'RE HERE, THE WATCHERS ARE HERE. Haha well we've answered Jimmy, haven't gotten into Scott yet but that will come up in the future <3 I on the other hand LOVE the amount of power I hold over y'all :) This is delightful <3 <3 <3
Mmmm Mumbo was born almost 500 years ago so it's been probably a little more than 4.5 centuries <3 But yes. Mmmm history sure does rhyme. "One of them is constantly tap dancing at death's door" I'M SORRY I AM SENT HJKSJKJKFSHJ but yes! Yes! Mmm Mumbo watching yet another mate of his get killed and he has absolutely no power to stop it :) Only this time the mate WAKES UP and now he has to trust the mate who just died and came back to know what he's doing so Mumbo can go help their mate to not die, too! Yay! Oh the trauma haha Mumbo will have nightmares about this day for the rest of his long life :) Also my dear 🍂Autumn 🍂 Anon how in the world did you make this even angstier than it already is <3 (Fun fact I plan to write a tumblr exclusive/aside of that moment from Mumbo's pov <3) Hahaha yeah god or not might not want to fight off the "monster god" who has ended the world who knows how many times <3 But at least they're there to stop him from facing down the Warden like he tried to face down Blondie <3
Oh yes, Scar is certainly going to be getting Talked With by a few different people in the coming days :) Once they've recovered more haha. "Hey Scar what the fuck" <3 But yes! If he's gonna die he's gonna make it matter </3 Try and give them a chance to get away <3 Mind you Grian's little trick didn't actually work, the Warden just fuckin. Mm. But the fire is a surprise tool for the future ;) God yeah :) Scar is so. Mmm trauma. He doesn't want anyone else to die for or because of him </3 He'll get cuddles and emotional support but he might also need a li'l therapy <3
Tubbo is having a GREAT time haha "I said I was FASCINATED by the Warden, I didn't say I wanted to MEET one!!"
Oh yes. Absolutely. They need all the help they can get.
:) Haha chapter ten answers these <3
I love worldbuilding and I really wanted to flesh the Ancient City out so <3 I'm glad you enjoy this~! <3 hjhgjfdj <3
Haha you've summed it up pretty well methinks <3 Thank you much <33 hhghjjhgdj <3
Thank you for reading~! <3
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Hi :) Yay, finally we've got the trailers of season 4 BB! I'd love to discuss them with you. Sorry if I have too many questions, I'm just super excited!
What are your expectations? It seems that Gerlotte shippers (me!) will be disappointed. Lotte says that she hates him for joining the Nazis and that he is dead for her :( Do you think she will eventually find out that Gereon is doing the Nazi stuff undecover? Will they ever be able to open up to each other? I'm afraid no more romance for these two, only more sufferings and horrors, together but mostly apart.
I've got an impression that Lotte is back at square one, she is clubbing, meeting her patrons and sleeping with Rudi. Apparently she wants to get Toni out of trouble, and maybe she will meet her paternal brother who is a boxer (and here I hope he won't try to buy her services of a sex worker).
Why was Helga so mad at Nyssen? Her face was smutty. Did she survive the car explosion? Did Nyssen marry her or are they only lovers? And Moritz? The trailer didn't show him. And no Gräf :(
Will Gereon kill Anno by accident? Anno was covered in blood and Gereon was crying over his body so bitterly.
I'd be happy if you could share any of your ideas and expectations with me.
Hey! The more the merrier! :)
I was already once answering this today. I think the first thought we have to keep in mind, it is that this is a trailer. It has a certain job to do. It is supposed to tease us. The trailer is not a sum up of everything that is going to happen. So everything that is shown to us as a problem can be solved step by step during the events of this season.
Don't get me wrong, I was never daring to hope Charlotte and Gereon would just be happy with each other. They are definitely in the wrong time for that. If I'm completely honest now, what has happened last season, the way they made out, it was already pretty much for me. Which does not mean there cannot happen more in this season. The show runners know there is a lot of fans out there. Definitely a lot of shippers. I do not think it is their intention to just intentionally hurt us. I think this trailer is simply doing an amazing job and making us really anxious about what is happening. While we all will watch step-by-step how definitely scary things are going to happen. But the two of them are going to deal with them. So, this is just my personal opinion. I think definitely she's going to find out what hes doing even if it takes some time. She is his partner. She is the one he trusts. About the romance... Someone told me she wakes up on his couch in one scene of the trailer..
About her being back where she was, I am agreeing. If she has to chase after her sister she is definitely going to use all her connections to make that happening. I guess it is somehow like last season, she will be dealing with a lot of stuff all on her own. But I do not think the show runners are now going to just back off from everything we were seeing last season. After all her family problems were even reachting to her office. He was witnessing a lot of things. I think he will also witness things this season.  I just think we will need a lot of patience.
Well all those questions they were very hard to answer. I think with them there's everything open. I guess Moritz is still going to be with the Hitler Jugend. I have to be honest to you. Helga is the character I care the least about... Just like his brother is. I do not think Arno will die because of Gereon. Actually I was more thinking he will be dying because of all the underground war going on. Since he was having connections to a lot of those gangsters...
In general I am not so bad about the trailer. I know from a lot of experience trailers are very often not displaying at all what is show later in a movie or in a series. So I am darinng right now to be hopeful! :)
(And be prepared to be heavily bruised)
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officialbillhader · 1 year
Being an adult and having to actually do stuff that my parents used to do can lead to a strange series of events. Like my goal was to cut my cat's nails bc they were getting long. But ive got him on his back already so i might as well check him for fleas bc we've been fighting fleas for months in my apartment. And i see a few fleas so now after i cut his nails i have to force a pill down his throat so the feas will be killed. Except cutting his nails and being forced to swallow a pill irritates him so afterwards i make sure to love on and play with him to try and teach him to associate negative things with good experiences. And im playing with him and woah! Hes trying to eat a teeny tiny screw! So i take the screw away from him and im like, i think this goes to my laptop. And sure enough it does! Im not sure how long that screws been sitting on my carpet but im just happy to have found it before i vacuum this weekend. Except im not quite sure where i put my teeny tiny screwdriver (the one i took from my organization's large amazon order bc we ordered like 12 cases of lights and each one came with a teeny tiny screwdriver and i thought that having one could be pretty useful one day) so i start checking the drawer that im /pretty/ sure, but not positive, its in. But the drawer is a junk drawer and theres too much junk for me to find the screwdriver so i think maybe i put it in my toolkit. It isnt in my toolkit. So i check my bike toolkit. Maybe its in there. It was not. So i decide its either in the junk drawer or it got lost. I start to take everything out of the junk drawer. I find some dollar store lights that im not using anymore but still have the batteries in them. I realize the batteries need to be taken out so i dont risk them corroding in the battery pack. But i also wonder why i didnt take them out when i put them in the drawer and lo and behold its bc it needs a teeny tiny screwdriver to open the pack! I keep taking stuff out of the drawer. I find that theyre a lot of wires in the drawer, even tho i have a different drawer meant for various wires. I finally find the screwdriver! Yay! I take the batteries out of the pack, set them aside (with the other random battery i found in the drawer), then go put the screw back in my laptop. And tighten all the others while im at it. I then put the teeny tiny screwdriver in my toolkit because it is a tool afterall. Its safer in there (i hope). Then i put the wires in the wire drawer and the rest of the junk back in the junk drawer. But now i also have 3 batteries to take care so i grab my battery daddy (a late christmas present that started as a joke until it was in my hands 3 days after christmas bc my mom found it for sale in kroger) and test the batteries. One is low, one is good, and one is dead. Two good ones go in the daddy. And now i can feel satisfied right? Except suddenly its 1 am and my cat still wants to play
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ladyaceofspades · 4 months
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Current life update as proof of life:
* not sure where I left off last time but I was a dental assistant for a bit in the Oral Surgery department at work, then went to become a CBCT tech in the Radiology department. OS was not happy, so I lost a friend (one of the attending doctors was a friend) and my supervisor wasn't speaking to me for a very long time. My supervisor at the time also wrote really unprofessional emails to my now supervisor and department head so they both blocked my old supervisor.
* before I left OS, they asked that I take a certification test for Dental Anesthesia Assistant so I did. It took me two times but I passed January 2024 and now I'm certified!!
*I began working for Radiology in May 2023. I love it. My supervisor treats us very well, and we are close as a department. We are a small department of 3 techs, a supervisor, a department head, and a department head in training. I don't usually include the other radiologists because we don't see them, but there are 2 of them besides the department heads, who are also radiologists. My supervisor bought us a coffee machine and a coffee subscription, and brings us treats like pastries, sweets, snacks, drinks, and various creamers.
*there's always inter-departmental drama but the most recent was my old supervisor from OS, who is finally speaking to me again, offered to hire me back after I passed my test, at a much higher rate than she was paying me before ($5 more than she was paying me, and $2- something more than I make now). I told her I like where I am because I like working with the dental students and teaching them, but she's so committed to misunderstanding me that she just said "it's understandable you don't want to work with the patients". Not what I said, but I know what my truth is.
*Zelda, Princess of the Toe Beans is doing well and captures my heart every day with her adorable way she is herself. We are currently being lazy on the couch as I'm avoiding adult responsibility. Plus we both have our periods and she kept me up all night by not settling and pulling out her pad we've chance she got.
*I've started going to the gym! I'm trying to get healthier, and I was doing well but the week of the test threw me off because I was stress eating like crazy, or not eating at all. Trying to get back to eating healthier choices and at home more. I've been craving McDonald's a lot though so it's hard.
*got Ben to go to the doctor for his blood pressure finally. I'm so proud of him. I've been begging him for like a year to go to the doctor, and we have only gone to PatientFirst if there's a near heart attack or possible heart event. His blood pressure had been through the roof so now he's on meds and had appointments to see other doctors. First he saw his primary care on a Telehealth visit and I felt like I had to coach him through his symptoms and time lines for those symptoms. Like the doctor would ask him a question and Ben would look at me, for me to mouth the answer. He even looked at me when the doctor asked him to come into the office for an in person visit early in the morning and I had to remind him that he's not a morning person (meaning his making it to the appointment in time would be slim if it was early, if it was in the afternoon, he would have a higher chance of showing up on time). When he went into the visit, I had texted a bunch of questions for him to go over with his doctor, including a reminder to ask about checking for blood clots since there's a family history of embolism. Apparently Ben just handed the doctor the phone to read, but because of the mention of family history, Ben now has to see a pulmonologist so that'll be good. Yay for him!!
*I'm going to drag so many people out of the Prep department at work. It's the department I started in, and it's a good way to get your foot in the door and network with the dental students and attending doctors. I'm so proud of my friends that have gotten into school and are trying to get certified to become dental assistants. I've offered my help to help them study, and I'll have to retype up my practice tests from when I took the radiation safety test so I can test them on it, and I've offered to help them take practice x-rays when the time comes. I've offered them my books and everything, and even if all they need me for is to hold up flash cards, I'll do it. They deserve all the success in the world!
*I'm going to re dye my hair purple, take a break from the blue
*I may be starting a cookie business at work. I made butter crunch cookies for the floorvtech for his birthday and he LOVED them. I make batches sporadically and hand them out and people LOVE them. One of the girls at the front desk was calling and texting me for like a half hour before my lunch asking for her cookies but since I was working with students and patients, my phone was off. She got her cookies but apparently she was bugging my coworker about where I was for awhile. I gave a cookie to a lady in the Prep and one of her coworkers fussed that she had a cookie and he didn't (he loves the cookies) so she gave it to him and didn't have it so I owe her a few for that. Same Prep area, different make coworker had his mind blown when he tried the cookies for the first time and thought they were snickerdoodles with cinnamon (no cinnamon at all and they're butter crunch). Took them to one of Ben's family events and there were none left to take home (GOOD because we didn't need them, but now Ben's mom is asking for them for her birthday present and had asked for them for Christmas, these may be at the same level as carnitas because I made carnitas so many times for family events that I can't even eat them anymore). The ladies at the Cafe love the cookies too, and so do their families. Apparently the families ate all the cookies before two of the ladies could try any, and the other lady tears them up with her girlfriend so I always give her a lot. It's gotten to the point where I'm making 4 batches at a time and they're wiped out. If I had more space in my apartment and could consistently brown butter well, I'd make like 8 batches and hang up signs to sell them. Anyway, I have an instagram for it but no pics yet.
*got hired to make a cake but can't decide on a recipe so that's what I'm doing this afternoon lol
*trying to outsource some chores around the house like sending laundry out since our washer can't handle laundry like that and the laundry room downstairs has been locked for months. Apparently they changed the locks and didn't give us a key even though we've been in the same building for going on 5 years now. Our apartment complex is getting shittier and shittier.
*house hunting but not seriously, trying to decrease our debt
*made new friends!!
More later
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thegongoozlerreacts · 8 months
Welcome Home (Part 6)
ok so this has been going on for much longer than i thought it would (i started making this post in july, its september now, so i might not remember stuff from before bc its been so long)
now that i have some free time, i can finally continue and hopefully finish this
anyways i decided i was gonna organize all the secret stuff ive found so far by making tab groups
which was the BEST decision i made because it made me go back to old links (the askew letter stuff) and i have found NEW stuff !! on the old stuff !!
all of that and more under the cut
so first off
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bug spotted !! i got scared seeing it LOL
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an animation doodle !!
so lets start with the bug video
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ok so until the end i was so confused what the hell i was looking at, and im pretty sure that its paint
what the painting's supposed to be, ive got no idea but very fascinating
this bug video was Barnaby recounting the day's events to Home, most of those events being other bug videos
also !! i copied the link of this bug video and noticed it ended in '14-14-bh'
i checked the other bug video links and they're all similar !! which means there's 14 of these videos and hopefully ive found them all (i will be re-organizing this so that its in order)
also i think the last two letters are the first letters in the names of whichever neighbors are talking in the videos
ok ive ordered them and i am missing videos 13, 7, and 3! so there's only 3 more bugs for me to find !! hopefully i didnt miss any in past searching (but i will probably double-check if by the end im still missing some videos)
next up is the doodle audio
so this one is titled 'way' and its Wally asking why cant he hear us, and it ends with him saying 'let me in'
im not sure how many of these audios there are, but im sure they all amount to one giant message and i just need to find all the pieces and put them in the right order
well thats it for the new stuff in the old stuff, onto new-new stuff
i last explored The Playfellow Exhibition and the distorted version of it, so now its time to go through the guestbook!
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aww thats cute
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ok, this one is Wally talking about how we've looked into his eyes so many times and that we're looking at him now
tbh lowkey i was expecting his eyes to just appear out of nowhere when he said that, like in that one askew letters link
now onto the actual guestbook
currently just going through all the doodles on it since if u open the image they have titles in the tab
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bug spotted !!
so it leads us to video number 7, and its Julie and Eddie playing pretend business! like that one drawing
also breen berry strikes again
Barnaby calls and asks for Wally
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also the little drawing is just so cute
i love these bug videos even tho they have some ominous implications
its just all the neighbors being silly together its so cute dude !!
anyways continuing the search on the guestbook
i am forever gonna laugh at Wally giving a drawing of Barnaby bc a guest said they love clowns and Frank said Barnaby was a clown
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oh bug spotted
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this is cute too !! Sally buying stuff at Howdy's !! also ?? wdym one large sponge Howdy?? WOODCHIPS N SAWDUST ???
and at the end when Wally pushes the box further im just imagining he's just been standing there the whole time with his groceries and im laughing
thats video number 3, so now im just missing 13
well i think thats it for the guestbook i mean there are new doodles and messages on page 8, but nothing all too interesting
and that is, in fact, everything new i think? i am still missing bug video number 13 but if push comes to shove i'll just search up where to find it haha
or maybe even guess the link code since they all follow the same format
i guess time to go back and see if i have missed anything
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oh i did miss something
yay video 13 !!
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silly Eddie u need to chill out (flashbacks to Frank telling him that he always did work too hard)
and thats all the bug videos yay !!!!
ok so i guessed the order but then i went and searched up all audio locations in Welcome Home just to make sure that i got everything and the article i found put it in order too lol
'I Will Help You understand' 'I will find a way soon Neighbor' sooo very fascinating
and yep i played it in order and it soubds like it could be one giant message
the last one, 'Neighbor', is in morse code tho but idk if i want to try and decode it myself or just search up the answer lol
ok i have no idea how to translate the audio into the dots and dashes so i will just look up the answer
so i have not found any answers LOL maybe i'll try my hand at translating it myself again some other time
well!!! this is the end !! i have seen and gone through literally everything !! (well i hope i have because i will lose my mind if i missed anything else)
its the end of this series !! for now at least
will definitely come back when there's a new update, but maybe i'll post something about all my theories in the future
alright then !! byebye !! now that ive finished the Welcome Home update, i will be moving on to arcadekitten's games! tune in next time for my playthrough of It's Not Me, It's My Basement (when will it be posted?? i have no idea !!) farewell, neighbors!
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