#yandere pregame saihara shuichi
s1llycilantro · 7 months
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stupid ass funky ass au ill NEVER make a comic for
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bluemoondust · 2 years
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✧General Yandere Headcanons✧ — Pregame
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Character(s): Pregame Akamatsu Kaede, Saihara Shuichi, Ouma Kokichi, Momota Kaito
A/N: These are based off my own interpretation on their personalities, so oof. One of the things I wanted to do when writing these was to slightly mirror these four off of their counterparts when it comes to behavior and traits as a yandere.
Warning(s): Bullying (Emotional, Slight Physical), Obsessive/Delusional Behavior, Hints of Intense Stalking, Unhealthy Lifestyle (on Shuichi's end), Hints of Murder, Manipulation, Victim Mentality (from Kokichi), Injuries on Purpose (by Kokichi), Guilt Tripping, Sadistic Behavior, Possessive Mindset/Behavior, Hints of D.ubcon/N.oncon (on Kaito's part), Selfish Behavior
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✧Akamatsu Kaede✧
Kaede isn't someone who would take these feelings in a good light. Even if they were healthy, her reaction towards it wouldn't be any better. Immediately she blames you for how she's feeling because who else will she blame? Herself? Absolutely not. You're the dolt who managed to weasel themselves into her head just so you could mess with her. She just can't let that slide. From then on Kaede became a dreadful presence in your life. Snide remarks, comments targeted towards your insecurities, and some light physical harm such as shoving or pinching you. It's hard to escape from her as she insists on tormenting you day in and day out. It makes you ponder on why the insistence of it all. Why does she bother? If you look a little further as well, you can also catch onto something. How would she even know what to say in order to get under your skin?
Truth be told, no matter how much Kaede had attempted to get rid of you from her thoughts, nothing did the trick. All she could do now was bully you into taking responsibility. Even if you're not aware of it. I will say, deep down she does love you even if she lowkey hates possessing these emotions. They act as a weakness to her so she shoves them down when they insist on rising up. This is entirely unhealthy but Kaede has managed to turn it into a norm in her everyday life.
But oh, does she seethe with anger whenever she catches you laughing and smiling with friends. It's jealousy, envy but all she sees it as you trying to get under her skin. Who gave you the right? So, obviously her next target will be your friends. Kaede's ultimate goal is to ensure you have no one else to turn to except her. At least she can tolerate your annoying, blubbering self instead of those piss-poor "friends" of yours. Even if you reject her after all that, it's difficult to carry on without her constant presence. You're stuck with her.
If you're instant on avoiding her, Kaede gets irritated. Eventually she'll force you to hang out with her, dragging you around wherever she goes. You have no friends so you have no where else to go, so don't f.ucking push her away. Don't make excuses. You have time for her now. Kaede is extremely good at emotionally manipulation which is why she's able to push you into joining her. Kaede will never admit this, but she lowkey does feel lonely in life and maybe she was projecting when her jealousy took over her actions after seeing you with friends. Humanity has done nothing but disappointment her over the years. People lie, steal, cheat for the sake of themselves. However, Kaede saw you as the only good thing in this world, so she had to have you.
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✧Saihara Shuichi✧
Unlike ingame Shuichi, this man is extremely delusional. Everything you do or say will be taken into consideration for all the wrong reasons. The moment you either give him the time of day or show a similar interest in Danganronpa, he's immediately hooked. Everything that you considered private is now at the palm of his hand. He's memorized your schedule, taken into account what your likes and dislikes are, drawn up various topics the two of you can have conversations about, and especially mapped out wherever you go (including where you live)! It's nothing to fret about. Your deepest darkest secrets are safe with him and he doesn't judge you at all! He loves you so much to ever hate you! Talking to you brings so much joy in his life (and other feelings...) even when he can't say much in your company due to nerves.
Shuichi is the type to make excuses in order to have your time. Be it through purposely getting hurt so you could coddle him or downright say whatever comes to mind that'll catch your attention. To him, being around you is addicting and without his daily dose of serotonin from hanging off of every word you speak, he gets irritable. His mood is all grumpy until he finally has you at his side. It's apparent that he's unhealthy dependent/attached. He also has the tendency to push everything to the side in favor of his interests, which right now are you and Danganronpa. He neglects himself because you're considered a higher priority. If you call him out on such, he revels in this new discovery that you also snap your attention on him for this reason. He promises to get better. It's half a lie, but he loves being doted on like this.
Rivals irk him to no end. Shuichi deems them as pests, scum, and dirt under his feet. He makes extra sure that he's right next to you when you're talking to either friends or people who've got their eye on you. What's a little unsettling is how quiet he is. Shuichi only talks when you ask him a question or your voice is directed to him. Your friends will probably think he's weird or creepy, and he hopes that's the case. He wants them to back off because they're uncomfortable around him. If they can't deal with him, they don't deserve you. Overall, Shuichi hates sharing you.
Being persistent only leads them to meeting an unfortunate fate. It's difficult to fully confront them, but working behind the scenes is what Shuichi does best. He's got enough of them to ruin their lives. As an alternative, which is much better in his opinion, he can just erase their entire existence off the face of the earth. Some people can never learn unless they're faced with true fear.
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✧Ouma Kokichi✧
Kokichi here is probably the least yandere to worry about out of the four, as well as the most tame. On a scale of aware to delusional when it comes to his behavior, he's somewhat aware but sometimes he just ignores the gnawing feeling that something is amiss. It's not like he's hurting anyone or you, so why bother? To narrow everything down, Kokichi is a clingy and manipulative yandere. He's anxious sometimes when you're not around but lowkey feels like a burden to you. The crippling fear of being alone is much greater though. Despite all that, he isn't afraid to tell you of his suspicions about a person you're interacting with. Even if what he's saying about them is not entirely true. It's only out of dreadful feeling that one someone will be more interesting to you and he will be left in the dust. Kokichi can't let that happen.
He plays victim as much as he can; it's literally something he is extremely talented at.This is where the manipulative tendencies come in. In your eyes, Kokichi is a person who people take joy in tormenting due to his shorter than average stature and how passive he acts. He always comes to you to vent about how awful life is towards him. In reality, he is a rather mediocre to some and would sometimes get bullied or used. Other than that, most don't bat an eyelash when it comes to him. So, it's easy for him to stick labels on himself when it comes to your perception of him. If anyone who he suspects is trying to take you away, he runs to you with tears in his eyes. Someone apparently shoved him to the pavement and now his knees and palms are all scraped up. Trust me, he has evidence.
Calling him out on his behavior, if you ever catch on, results in him getting defensive. He's not mad. That's the worst part of it. Kokichi tears up as he questions why you're accusing him of something so heinous. Don't you trust him? He's been good to you, why are you acting like this? Every single thing you point out, he jabs back with a very airtight excuse for such. Now you look like the bad guy in this situation and you feel awful. To put more salt on those feelings, Kokichi forgives you... Because he loves you. After the two of you make up, his mind is reeling to find out just what bastard made you think of such things about him. He has to know, so it's assured that you'll never ever trust their judgement again. I mean, their so called words of advice made you look like an asshole so why ever believe them after that?
Bringing up his awareness again, it gets really bad done the line. Sure, he is somewhat aware but over time Kokichi will make excuses for himself for the things he's doing. Everyone is out to get him and any shred of happiness he could achieve. You have been such a good thing in life, so it makes sense that the universe would try to rip that away from him with people vying for your attention or someone planting misinformed into your mind. There's no way in hell that he will ever let you go.
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✧Momota Kaito✧
The absolute worst to put it plain and simple. Kaito is a sadistic and possessive yandere who is all take and no give. It is highly advised to stay far away from him when he gains this unhealthy obsession towards you. Because the moment he figures it out, your life will not be the same. Kaito does not care about whether or not what he's feeling is the normal or twisted. One thing is for sure, you're not getting away from him. He finds it amusing to see you in a state of panic, knowing how he treats you. Every single day he comes around to make sure you're on your best behavior. Meaning you are not doing anything that can piss him off like try to make friends, tell anyone about what he's doing, or god forbid catching feelings for someone. Kaito intends to have full control over you and whatever threatens that has to deal with him. That includes you, which is something you absolutely don't want.
Kaito gets right to the point on the subject of rivals; either beating them black and blue or killing them. No in between. Even worse is if you're around when this happens, he will not care. He's glad you saw since this is just another reason why you shouldn't defy him. Also, how f.ucking dare you instigate this? No matter where you stood in these circumstances, Kaito will find any reason to blame it on you. Then of course a fitting punishment is in order. Every single one just leaves you pathetic and helpless since this man is cruel. He'll deprive you of things, isolate you, heavily degrade you, or force himself on you. Speaking of such, he's horrible due to the fact that whenever he's in the mood, it doesn't matter if you want it or not. It's all about what he wants.
He will occasionally roughly grab you by the wrist and drag you to a semi secluded area. Doesn't waste anytime as his actions are hasty and abrasive. Even outside of that, Kaito is always has his hands somewhere on you. Don't complain or whine, unless you want him to be unhappy. It's absolutely suffocating as he forces you to go with him or do things you'd never do. Again, there's no room for protesting. Do what you're told.
Overall, Kaito is an incredibly selfish human being to deal with as a yandere. No one, not even you, are safe from him. He's someone who sees something he likes and decides it'll be his. No matter what. You would even question if he loves you or not. It's just... He has an exceedingly cruel way of showing it and genuine believes that having you on a tight leash will ensure you never leave. He always tells you during a punishment that he could have had anyone he wanted, but he ultimately chose you. So that amounts to something, correct? Don't be so picky.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I request general hcs for Ryoma Hoshi? If not, then Shuichi Saiahra?
(Feel free to ignore this)
I can do Shuichi, yeah! I tried to keep this as spoiler free as I could, but just in case, I suggest before you read this you've atleast seen Chapter 1 until the end.
I hope I got his character right!
Yandere! Shuichi Saihara Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Implied intimacy, Dubious relationship, Touch starved Shuichi, Isolation mention, Implied stalking, Confidence issues, Trust issues, Delusional behavior.
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Shuichi shows at least two, maybe three different personalities throughout the game.
The one before Kaede's death, the one after, and pregame if you want to count that one.
However, this concept will focus on Pre/Post Kaede death.
You most likely met Shuichi before the first class trial.
At this point Shuichi is shy, easily nervous, and doesn't have a lot of confidence in his situation.
Kaede is most likely the bridge between you until he has some confidence of his own.
The bubbly girl makes you three a trio throughout your first few days in this isolated hell of yours.
Shuichi trusts you and sees you as an ally and friend.
You'll find he flusters quickly and blushes whenever he talks with you.
He doesn't necessarily have feelings yet but it does happen a lot around you.
Kaede probably makes small jabs at him about his staring and blushing around you.
This does not help him compose himself in the slightest.
Shuichi's attraction is subtle until after the first class trial.
Many are a mess after Kaede's death, including you and Shuichi.
Although, her death brings you two closer.
No longer a trio, instead a duo, you two help console each other.
This helps solidify Shuichi's festering feelings about you.
Even when you two hang around with Kaito or Kokichi, Shuichi still finds himself the closest with you.
Shuichi is Clingy, Manipulative, Loyal, Delusional and very dependent when it comes to his darling for the most part.
It's said Shuichi is shy about romance, but he takes it very seriously.
He trusts his darling with his life.
He also trusts you to be loyal like him, yet his lack of confidence makes him scared you'll like someone else.
Shuichi is also a bit submissive towards his darling.
He likes your touch and feels safe around you....
Shuichi gets incredibly defensive when people bring up his obsession.
He isn't a creep, he swears!
Shuichi tries to convince himself his obsession over you is normal considering the situation.
He just... wants to fulfill Kaede's promise with you.
That's why he follows you everywhere-
Plus he just seems like himself when around you.
He visits your room often, walks with you everywhere, he's just happy to be with you.
He'd be so flustered at physical contact at first.
So if you like to hug, he'll freeze before giving into it.
He gets better the more it happens.
He loves your hugs, your warmth is the most comforting thing in this place.
There's times you'll barely get alone time as Shuichi acts like he's scared to leave you alone.
He would be lying if he said he trusted everyone around you-
Shuichi himself is a liar at times, which makes him manipulative.
V3 brings in the mechanic of lies into Danganronpa.
A lot of the V3 cast would lie to encourage you to do something.
Shuichi does it just to keep you beside him.
He hates being so cautious about everyone...
Although one slip up and he may lose you forever.
Better safe than sorry.
Shuichi promises to you, truthful as always, that he'll never let anyone harm you.
Kaede would want him to look after you while she's gone... he knows it.
Shuichi would probably stutter and lose a lot of his confidence if you ever asked him to go to the love hotel.
He wants to... he really does...
He just needs time to prepare-
Shuichi seems like the type of yandere to do whatever he can to show he loves you.
He's dedicated, but not deranged enough to kill someone out of jealousy or kidnap fully.
He may try to convince you to stay in his room for long periods of time, however.
Isolation would probably be up his alley if he was able to.
Shuichi would be so sloppy when it comes to affection.
He's so nervous when it comes to hugs and kisses.
Your touch just feels so good, though...
Touch starved. Shuichi definitely feels like the touch starved type.
While Shuichi gains confidence, he'd still probably want his darling to say he's theirs.
Shuichi wants nothing more than to have his darling be his, and him be yours.
You could use him however you wish, he doesn't care, he loves and trusts you almost blindly with his obsession.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Dragon's Ultimate Danganronpa: Killing Harmony Masterlist
How Yandere Kokichi Would React to His Darling Escaping
Yandere Rantaro Amami x Gang Leader Reader
Yandere Shuichi Saihara with a Darling Who's Best Friends With Maki Harukawa
Maki Harukawa Confession Headcanons
Shuichi Saihara Fluff Headcanons
Yandere Korekiyo Shinguji with a Clingy Darling
Kokichi Oma x Stoic Reader Who Easily Gets Him Flustered
'Secret Psycho Admirer' Rantaro Amami x Reader
Yandere Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Gang Leader Reader Part Two
Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Dies/Becomes Blackened
Rantaro Amami Crush Headcanons
Korekiyo Shinguji Cuddling Headcanons
Gamer Kokichi Oma x Nintendo Fan Reader
Gonta Gokuhara Fluff Headcanons
Yandere Shuichi Saihara x Reader Who's Afraid of Him
Rantaro Amami x Reader Who Snaps Like Mikan Tsumiki During the Class Trial
Gonta Gokuhara Crush Headcanons
Yandere Kokichi Oma Fluff Headcanons
Kokichi Oma Reacting to His Crush Dying in the Killing Game
Kokichi Oma x Crush Reader Who Died in the Killing Game Part Two (?) - How It Affects Everyone Else
Shuichi x Reader Who Introduces Him to Lofi Music Headcanons
Rantaro Amami Dating a Reader With a Bad Reputation Headcanons
Rantaro Amami x Reader Who Loves Traveling and Going to Disney World
Yandere Mastermind Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Military Reader
Yandere Mastermind Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Weaponsmith Reader
DV3 Cast x Reader Who Commits Suicide to Save Them
Rantaro Amami x Reader Who Goes Insane During the Killing Game
Gonta Gokuhara x Self Deprecating Reader
Regular/Mastermind/Pregame Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Florist Reader
Pregame Gonta Gokuhara Dating Headcanons
Kokichi Oma x Ultimate Suicide Reader
Makoto, Hajime, Shuichi and Komaru with an Ultimate Refrigerator Reader Headcanons
Kokichi Oma Comforting a Best Friend Reader Who Acts Like his Therapist
Yasuhiro, Sakura, Akane, Nagito, Kokichi, and Maki x Ultimate Refrigerator Reader Headcanons
Sayaka, Kaede, Tsumugi, and Celeste x Female Reader Who Gets out of a Pool in a 'Hot' Way
Kaede Akamatsu and Kirumi Tojo x Hyper Reader
Kyoko Kirigiri, Mukuro Ikusaba, Peko Pekoyama and Maki Harukawa x Ultimate Angel Reader Headcanons
Mahiru and Tenko x Male Ultimate Street Fighter Reader Who is Also a Delinquent Headcanons
Sayaka, Chiaki and Kokichi x Ultimate Exorcist Reader Who's Like Chongyun (Genshin Impact)
Himiko, Tenko, Sonia and Ibuki x Ultimate Occultist Reader Who is Chihiro’s Sibling
Tenko, Peko, Mahiru, Mukuro and Maki x Reader Who’s Like Kyou Sawagi (Ben-To)
Celeste, Makoto, Mikan, Korekiyo and Gonta x Reader Who’s Like Sangonomiya (Genshin Impact)
Shuichi, Kaito, Gonta, Maki, and Tenko x Reader Going Through a Deadly Time Loop like Kokona (Yandere Simulator)
Monokuma's Motive - DV3 Edition
Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Kyoko, Peko and Miu with a Stoic S/O Who Texts Like a Crackhead
Tenko, Aoi, Maki, Kirumi, Angie and Kaede x Stoic Reader Who Texts Like a Crackhead
Ibuki, Mikan, Hiyoko, Mahiru and Miu x Reader Who’s Like Chieko Maki (Danganronpa Abandoned Sanity)
Mikan, Hiyoko and Miu x Affectionate Reader Who Loves to Praise Them
Akane, Ryoma, Chihiro, and Mondo x Reader Who's Like Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Breaks up with Them with a Note
Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Breaks up with Them with a Note Part Two
Sayaka, Kaede, Miu, Celeste, Kyoko and Sonia x Reader Who’s Like Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
Himiko, Tenko, Celestia, Akane, Sonia, Ibuki, Korekiyo and Maki x Reader Who’s Like Cutthroat (Akudama Drive)
Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Gives Them Kisses (Breakup Part Three)
Miu, Kyoko, Celeste, Sayaka and Kaede x Reader Who Sticks Their Cold Hands on Their Backs
Sayaka, Kaede, Miu, Celeste, Kyoko and Sonia x Reader Who’s Like Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Chiaki, Sonia, Kyoko, Junko, Mukuro, Peko and Maki with an S/O Who Vocal Stims With Their Name
Kaede, Miu and Sayaka x Reader Who Messes With Them While Swimming
Junko, Miu, Hiyoko, Maki, Mikan, Mahiru and Celestia x Reader Who Holds Their Face in Their Hands
Miu, Kyoko, Celeste, Mondo, Sayaka and Kaede x Reader Who Screams and Faints When They See a Body
Mondo, Celestia, Akane, Sonia, Junko, Leon and Maki x Reader Who’s Like Lawrence Oleander (Boyfriend to Death)
Kyoko, Kaede and Maki x Ultimate Actor Reader
Angie Yonaga x Reader Who Loves to Squish Her Cheeks
Yandere Junko, Mukuro, Maki, Tenko, Miu, Kaede and Sonia with a Willing Reader Headcanons
Yandere Mahiru, Aoi, Akane, Peko, Kirumi, Mikan and Celeste with a Willing Reader Headcanons
Miu, Tenko, Akane, Ibuki, Mukuro and Mikan x Reader Who Gushes Over How Cool They Are
Miu, Mikan, Ibuki, Mahiru, Akane, Tenko and Junko x Reader Who Stims With Their Clothing
Kaede, Miu and Komaru's Ahoges Forming Hearts Around Crush Reader
Mukuro, Kyoko, Maki, Peko, Tenko, Sakura and Natsumi Fighting Over a Kind and Pure Female Reader
Tenko, Himiko, Ibuki, Natsumi, Maki, Akane and Sonia Fighting Over Reader Who’s Like Chieko Maki (Danganronpa Abandoned Sanity)
Kyoko, Maki and Mukuro Watching Reader Jump Out of a Window
Shuichi Saihara x Reader Who's The Exact Opposite of Him
Hiyoko, Miu, Kaede, Aoi and Ibuki and a Childhood Friend Reader Who’s Like Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
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disregardthesun · 11 months
danganronpa masterlist
Trigger Happy Havoc
Chihiro Fujisaki
Junko Enoshima
Makoto Naegi
Goodbye Despair
Hajime Hinata
Izuru Kamukura
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito Komaeda (Tsundere)
Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede Akamatsu (pregame)
Kaito Momota (pregame)
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi Oma (pregame)
Maki Harukawa (Yandere)
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi Saihara (pregame)
Ultra Despair Girls
Kotoko Utsugi
Haiji Towa
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"hi there! could i ask for a pregame shuichi saihara(danganronpa) stimboard with almost yandere type themes if that makes sense? thank you!"
~🦇 Homulilly
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fastrainbowdas · 2 years
Adding onto your recent meta about the Pregames, one line stuck out to me. Where you said for the pregames that are supposed to be 'real people' they sure feel a lot more like caricatures. I'm really glad you brought up this point, especially considering the Pregames are supposed to represent the Danganronpa fandom, which is us. I feel like the understand the Pregames better, you need to world-build a little bit as to what their 'outside world' is like. It's heavily dubious what Tsumugi said about the outside world being peaceful and non-violet. With how people people were willing to sign away their lives so easily, the pregames feel more like su//c//dal teens that need a fuck ton of therapy. Many people in the 'real' DR fandom (at least from whom I met) have many personal issues that cripple their mental health and make them turn to fiction as a escape from their harsh life. I mean.........who hasn't thought "I wish I could live in that fictional world?" before?
The Pregames are really supposed to represent us, the Danganronpa fandom. So it actually makes me greatly concerned that people would 'self-project' the 'accepted fanon' of Pregame Shuichi being a sadistic yandere, Pregame Kaede being a nihilistic bully, Pregame Kokichi being a uwu femboy cinnamon bun, etc. It really does come to show that people would put shipping characters into a trope rather than using these pregames as their self-projection canvases
And while everyone in the Danganronpa fandom isn't the same, no version of the pregames have to be either. There's many pregame stories on Ao3, which has probably influenced and encouraged the misconceptualizing of the pregames. I understand that none of them have a canon personality, and since Ingame Saimatsu and Saiouma can never happen canonically, people will turn to the pregame AU to make it happen the way they want it. Then again, it is totally okay to write whatever an author wants, but it does take away good character discussion when the Pregames are boiled down to *insert name's* love intersted
Anyways, sorry for rambling. But yeah, here is my two cents about your essay. Great thoughts and I appreciated reading that very much as a pregame V3 enthusiast
I'm so sorry but you sent this to the wrong person SNGJFDNSZFDJVFGNJDNVJS
@hello-kitty-shuichi-saihara This is for you
But ya I do agree that the pregame characters are supposed to represent us. And deciding the characters' personalities based on tropes and shipping only is really funny when you can just Go Replay The Prologue and see the character is Nothing Like That Trope
Like, in the prologue Kokichi asks reasonable questions very clearly which is very different from uwu stuttering "pwease dont huwt me" fanon pregame Kokichi (Who probably would've been silent tbh). Kaede has a bit of a temper (and so does ingame Kaede) but is still nice to people around her (Shuichi is the obvious one) which. Y'know, if she was the popular bully girl like in fanon she probably would've insulted absolutely everyone without hesitation right? But she doesn't. Yandere Shuichi (Like, unironically) straight up squicks me? Because the way I see it, people decided he's like that because of his audition tape. Like, good job guys, you took a guy ranting about his kinda fucked up interest and decided he's a homicidal maniac who obsesses over Danganronpa and his uwu soft boyfwiend who needs pwotection at all costs. I'm flabbergasted that people don't realize what picture they're painting of themselves, since they're also Danganronpa fans, but aside from that... As someone who also rants abt their interests like that it just. I hate it DJKSANKJDSNFANFDJS
These characters are a lot more similar to their ingame selves than people give them credit for haha
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I see the real you (even when you don't)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/R85volV
by purewater100, tsurugikinjo
Shuichi steadied his breathing as he gazed into the small apartment. Today was the day. Today was finally the day! He would introduce himself to his one true love!
Well, he supposed that was inaccurate. His one true love would always be the rush he felt during an execution. The anticipation for the fatal blow… people who didn’t watch the show had no clue what that felt like! Hell, maybe nobody else did! Too many fans sympathized with the killer, and didn’t appreciate the art they were witnessing. What a waste. _________________________________________
Shuichi and Rantaro. The death of an idol.
Words: 2303, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Saihara Shuichi, Amami Rantaro
Relationships: Amami Rantaro/Saihara Shuichi, Pregame!Rantaro/Pregame!Shuichi
Additional Tags: Yandere Saihara Shuichi, Gore, Horror, Heavy Angst, Pre-Game Saihara Shuichi, Pre-Game Amami Rantaro, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, POV Saihara Shuichi, Unreliable Narrator, Sadism, Blood Kink, (nothing explicitly sexual happens but it is quite kinky I think), Non-Consensual Kissing, Blood Drinking, Suicide, Dark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/R85volV
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shumaiseyeliner · 3 years
200+ Follower Special
A/N: so first, thank you guys for following me! I really appreciate it! This is basically just a very long yandere post with my depiction of the pregame characters so I hope you enjoy it ❤︎
@soupforkie I feel like I messed up your request, so here’s some pg! Shuichi 😊
Warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy mindsets, unhealthy behavior, slight nsfw on several of them, nothing too extreme though, Shuichi is a hoe, masochistic tendencies, these are kind of darker than my usual posts 🤭, bullying, abuse, cults, feral yandere
Saihara Shuichi
Baby boy is a freak, sorry, but he is. Shuichi’s hobbies bleed into who he is as a person, and he wants someone to beat the shit out of him. On the same note, though, Shuichi wants someone who treats him like he matters to them. An unhealthy mixture of these two things is what Shuichi craves, and something he looks for in a lover. Things don’t always work out as planned, though, and he ends up getting infatuated with some poor darling who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Shuichi always gets the short end of the stick, he’s used to it by now.
So, instead of fixating on someone else (something he is literally unable to do), Shuichi does everything in his power to make them hurt him. If he was friends with his darling before, that friendship is completely ruined the day he realizes he wants them to hurt him. He’s a known freak, and he isn’t exact ashamed, and as his former friend, his darling most definitely knows this all too well. Shuichi is just so desperate, and the longer it takes his darling to take action, the more he pushes it on them. He’s just so... masochistic. It’s really pathetic, actually.
Other than wanting to be abused by his darling, Shuichi is a simp. He does literally anything his darling asks of him. Anything. He’s so public about it, too, not seeing the need to hide how he feels about his darling. Takes the title of being his darlings simp with pure pride, it’s so embarrassing to be out in public with him, I swear. However, he can get kind of... anxiety-filled. Baby boy is afraid that he’s not good enough and that his darling will pick someone over him. Shuichi gets so desperate when his anxiety kicks in, anything suffices, but he needs them to pay attention to him in some type of way.
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Akamatsu Kaede
Pregame Kaede is a bully. She’s had a lot of messed up things happen around her and is really just a product of despair and society. That’s no excuse for how she acts, though. Kaede doesn’t just bully people she sees as threats, she bullies her darling as well. She can’t help it, because she absolutely hates how they make her feel. Kaede doesn’t hate her darling, but because of her trauma and having zero human communication in her life, she has no idea how to process her affection that she holds for her darling. So, instead of showing them her love, she pushes them around like a rag doll.
Zero tolerance for other people being friendly or mean towards her darling. She basically isolates her darling, it’s toxic as hell. Kaede knows that the way she treats her darling on a regular basis is messed up, but she doesn’t like the idea of them leaving her in the dust for someone else. So, in order to stop that from happening, Kaede makes sure that there’s no one to be her competition because she knows how fast she would lose. It’s kind of depressing to watch from the outside, Kaede is just so desperate to make sure that she’s the only person her darling has.
Kaede is extremely insecure on the inside, but again, this doesn’t excuse any of her behavior. I think once she fully processes how she feels, she’d start to treat her darling a lot better. She doesn’t get physical with them at least. She’s still verbally abusive at times, but that’s really just her nature and she can’t help it. Kaede desperately wants that cliche happy ending with her darling, and will do anything to get it. On this list, she’s the most prone to kidnapping her darling, especially if they don’t favor her too much. Kaede is just lonely, pretty much.
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Oma Kokichi
He, on the other hand, is the one getting bullied on a constant basis. Kokichi isn’t shy, I don’t think, he just doesn’t like other people because of how annoying and mean they can get. This is exactly how he gets infatuated with his darling. Kokichi’s a little twisted, of course, but he isn’t like Saihara. He doesn’t want someone to hurt him, he wants someone to comfort and pity him like he deserves. Someone who genuinely cares for him and won’t tolerate him suffering. This is what he finds in his darling, comfort and what he perceives as love.
His darling saves Kokichi from some of his bullies and suddenly he’s latching onto them like some kind of leech. He’s always by their side, sticking to them like a small child to it’s mother. Kokichi knows that he’s pathetic, he knows, and that’s exactly why he gets away with so much after becoming infatuated with his darling. Kokichi is small and defenseless, that’s what he is, but he has other ways to manipulate his situation to his favor. Kokichi is constantly covered in bruises, so it’s easy to get his darling to pity him, this is where he plants himself and starts to absolutely root himself into his darlings life, whether the notice this happening or not is up to how observant they are.
Overall, though, he’s just... clingy. It can be seen as cute if his darling isn’t aware of how twisted he really is mentally. Kokichi gets away with so much, and he does it while depending on the trust that he’s built with his darling. They trust him because he’s defenseless in every single way, but that doesn’t mean he’s innocent. He’s manipulative, basically. Kokichi worms himself into situations that would ordinarily be inappropriate for just two friends, but since it’s him, Kokichi’s darling doesn’t think much of it. They’ll never suspect him of anything, and if they do he’ll guilt trip them until he’s blue in the face. It’s not too rare to find him in his darlings bed, cuddling to make up for hoe bad they treated him.
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Harukawa Maki
She’s the cliche sweet girl turned psycho, but it’s really just out of love for her darling. Maki is extremely sweet, and while her hobbies can be quite conflicting with her personality, it’s not hard to find her pleasant to be around. This makes her extremely dangerous as a yandere because no one will ever suspect anything, least of all her darling. Maki is just so extremely careful about how she presents herself around her darling, it’s natural for her, and it’s gotten to the point where she likes putting on a show if it means they’ll like her more. Maki just looks for her darlings approval all of the time. She’s desperate for it, not that anyone will ever notice.
Maki fantasizes about living a sweet and domestic life with her darling. Getting married, livin* in a cottage, having kids in the future with them, things like that. So, without really getting their approval first, Maki makes her darling do domestic activities that married couples would do all of the time. She’s a tad bit delusional, but Maki knows when to stop. If she senses that her darling is getting upset with her, she’ll cease everything immediately, because like I mentioned before, she lives for their approval. It’s necessary for her to live, or at least she thinks so. She also does things that she thinks would make her seem like a wife. Like, Maki will cook her darling food constantly.
Maki just generally will not tolerate her darling picking other people over her. It’s just... aggravating for her. She spends so much time trying to make her darling love her, and she can’t stand the thought of her darling being with someone else. It makes her sick just thinking about it. She goes feral if she realizes that someone else is courting her darling, Maki just won’t stand for it. She refuses to let this happen. Maki is not above sabotaging her darlings relationships, or even killing her competition. Like, she knows that she should be, but she most definitely isn’t. She’s just irrevocably angry. She’s seething. However, Maki refuses to let her darling see her like that.
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Iruma Miu
She gets bullied a lot so Miu is extremely distrusting and shy. Bashful and terrified at the same time, basically. Mix’s darling is someone very gentle and caring because of these traits, she wouldn’t love them otherwise. Miu doesn’t talk much to her darling, though, just because she’s too shy and is terrified that they’ll be bully as well. Miu isn’t too sure at first how she really feels so she initially thinks that she just wants to be friends with her darling. This, however, turns out not to be the case and she’s completely infatuated with them. Miu tries not to be obvious, but girly is a starer. She just looks at her darling all of the time. They’re just so pretty, she can’t help herself, really.
Miu, despite her shy personality, gets extremely jealous, extremely quickly. She just can’t stand the thought of someone taking away her darling, it’s almost offensive to her. Miu monopolizes he’d darlings time, inside and outside the professional setting. She wants to know everything about her darling, so Miu is very clingy and questions her darling about nearly everything. She doesn’t like her darling having other friends outside of her, especially if she isn’t dating her darling yet, however, Miu isn’t a strong willed girl, not by a long shot. She doesn’t put up much of a fight when her darling has to go and do other things with other people. She doesn’t fight her darling, anyway.
Her darling can blow Miu off as much as they want, but she doesn’t make it easy, not in the slightest. Miu will cry. She dies slightly on the inside when being rejected by her darling, she just can’t stand the thought of them being with someone else and leaving her in the dust. Miu can become hysterical, tears running down her cheeks as she grabs onto her darling and begs them not to leave her. She doesn’t care where she is when this happens, either. Miu has done this in public before, in the middle of the hallway even. She doesn’t guilt trip her darling on purpose, of course, but unless they want to be that jerk that made a cute girl cry hysterically in the hallway, her darling almost never goes against Miu’s wishes.
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Amami Rantaro
Pregame Rantaro is a certified asshole, seriously. He’s absolutely terrible to his darling, and this is because he’s fully aware that what he’s feeling is wrong. He feels as if his darling has made him abnormal, so of course he blames them for it. Rantaro is labeled as a bully, but it goes farther than that at times. He’s just genuinely terrible to them for no reason that they know of. His treatment of his darling often leaves Rantaro feeling disgusting, but it’s the on,y way he can really deal with his emotions until he fully processes everything. Rantaro does little things to apologize every single time, though. Scaring off his darlings other bullies, making sure that they’re fed properly, things like that.
Despite being a jerk to his darling almost constantly, Rantaro is a protective dude. He’s got the mentality that he’s the only one allowed to be mean to his darling so everyone else is going to get their ass beat if they mistreat his darling. Rantaro won’t admit it out loud, but he’s extremely scared that something really bad is going to happen to his darling, so even while he bullies them, he’s always looking out for them in his own twisted way. He follows them around a lot, especially if he feels like someone else is trying to get worh his darling. Rantaro isn’t too fond of having an competition, so anyone who gets close to his darling who isn’t their family he considers a threat.
I genuinely feel like he’s a jealous guy. Like, Rantaro is extremely jealous. This ties into how he sees basically everyone as a threat to the relationship he has with his darling. For this reason, I think he’d be the most likely to kidnap his darling. It doesn’t take much for him to snap, just him thinking that his darling likes someone else, and they’re suddenly being hit over the head and being tied to his bed. I can say that his attitude towards his darling changes after he kidnaps them, though. He no longer has to keep up the violent act he had going because no one was around to see how infatuated he is with his darling. Is a shame thing for Rantaro, so once he has them to himself, he gets a lot gentler.
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Shinguji Korekiyo
Now, he’s desperate. Korekiyo craves nothing but a comforting relationship with his darling. This is, of course, due to the abuse he suffered from his older sister. After he meets his darling, he realizes that they’re what he wants, completely and utterly. He’s not much different from postgame Korekiyo in the regard that he’s most definitely, without a doubt, a worshipper. Korekiyo wants his darling to know just how much they mean to him, and he really hails them as his savior, literally. Things get worse for him before they get better after he realizes that he’s in love with his darling, but Korekiyo is all too eager to bear it if it means he can be with his darling happily.
Korekiyo, personality wise, is a quiet kid. He’s also kind of sickly, so he’s not that strong. Due to this, he isn’t the kind of yandere to go around and boss around his darling. He wouldn’t want to, in fact. Korekiyo, instead, uses his brain to control the situation he’s put himself in. Korekiyo is good at manipulation, he just is. He doesn’t exactly feel bad about it like some yanderes do, so that makes him more likely to do it more often. He’s insecure about his body and thinks that his darling wouldn’t find him attractive, so he’d rather manipulate them than let them reject him. It’s really just Korekiyo protecting himself from potential heartbreak. Might pop a blood vessel if his darling calls him pretty, though.
There are some yanderes who let their darling do whatever for the sake of their happiness, Korekiyo is not one of those. He may prioritize his darlings happiness, but they do not get a choice in who they date. It’s going to be him. It has to be him. He doesn’t think it’d be fair, especially since he’d been so very loyal to them. He’d even taken beatings for them. The least his darling could do is love him. Korekiyo is one of those who don’t really care if his darling really loves him or not. They can pretend, he doesn’t exactly mind it, as long as he’s getting the affection he wants, it’s fine with him. Wants his darling all to his self, though, so he won’t tolthem trying to play him.
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Yonaga Angie
Pregame Angie was raised inside of a cult, so she’s pretty unhinged when it comes to her darling. They are, quite literally, her world, and she doesn’t see why she needs to hide how she feels about them. That being said, girl is so very open about how she feels and her courting her darling is an event to see. Angie dedicates so much time to trying to woe her darling, it’s almost unnecessary. However, she sees no issue in it, it almost seems natural to Angie, and she loves showing her devotion to her darling. It’s like a religion to her, and she just feels so happy when someone calls her out on her odd behavior. Angie doesn’t see it as something negative or odd, it’s just love.
There are some people in this world, according to Angie, that just don’t understand love. That’s their own personal problem, of course, but she won’t let anyone interfere with her relationship with her darling. Angie can be extremely dangerous because of her background, but her classmates don’t really realize that and end up insulting her darling because they think it’s funny when Angie gets mad. It’s like treason to Angie, and honey has fought a bitch over her darling several times. It’s all justified in her mind, of course, but her darling might not see it that way so I can definitely imagine her trying to hide such unsavory things from her darling so they always see her in a good light.
Angie gets bullied, like, a lot. She just thinks that the people mistreating her are people who are confused about their fate. However, if her darling ever tries to protect her from her bullies, Angie will take it fully out of context. She’ll propose on the spot or something dramatic like that. Angie can be considered one of the feral yanderes, because of how far she’s willing to go for her darling. Going far for her cause isn’t something she needs to think hard about, and Angie is definitely delusional, so just give her a reason to go feral and she will. Next to Rantaro, I feel like she’d be very prone to kidnapping her darling, but she won’t see it like that. She’s just protecting her darling from the outside world!
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yanderepalace · 2 years
I only saw one Shuichi post (from what I found, don’t know if it’s the tags messing up or just me being stupid) and knew I had to step in! The Ultimate Shuichi simp has joined the party!
Sorry for the dramatic opening, but could I request like crazy Shuichi and PG Shuichi with an oblivious s/o?
Basically the two of them are quite out of their mind, being basically the worst yandere to ever counter, with them being over the top with everything.
Yandere Shuichi and Pregame Shuuichi with an oblivious darling
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warnings: stalking, manipulation, kinda s/a implication, drugging
notes: I forgot how much i love writing pg shuichi, hope you enjoy!
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Pregame Shuichi
Oh he’s having a lot of fun with this one.
There is nothing more entertaining to Kagehara than doing things around you others would chastise him for.
and you are none the wiser.
Poor y/n
He would make it his goal to see how far he can push you until you realize what the situation really is.
Once he sees how oblivious you really are, he sees no point in just watching from the shadows anymore.
Something about how empty minded you can be about the world drives him mad. He just had to have you, and keep his unsuspecting darling all to himself.
Overtime, he’d slowly try to associate with you, wiggling his way into your friend group.
Much to the dismay of your other friends but you.. didn’t seem to mind as much, always happy to have a new friend!
Your friends obviously get concerned for you.
The way he stares at you, the unhinged things he says that you don’t seem to pick up on.
Don’t get me wrong, he treats you good! Maybe a little too good.
Your friends on the other hand.. not so much.
He doesn’t like to compete for your attention.
And they don’t like him either! He’s not just creepy, he’s just generally annoying and insufferable to be around.
Even when your not around all he talks about is you
or danganronpa..
Nobody ever sees one without the other, he’s like your shadow, even if you’re unaware he’s always looking over your shoulder.
He loves the fact that he can pull almost anything around you.
Stealing your things, more than friendly touching, snooping all around your life.
“Don’t worry y/n, I can throw that away for you.” He says as he stuffs your trash into his pocket.
Another one for the shrine!
He often tries to get you two alone but everytime he tries, you immediately decide to invite someone to come.
Which might be for the best..
Who knows what would go down if you two were alone.
Shuichi Saihara
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He can get frustrated.
He keeps trying to hint at his feelings but you never seem to pick up on it.
He can be pretty shy, ESPECIALLY around you but that doesn’t mean he’s content with just being your friend forever.
Shuichi knows eventually he wants NEEDS to be closer to you.
But unfortunately for him, all his flirting and chivalry goes to waste.
Don’t get me wrong, part of him thinks it’s adorable but..
How else is he supposed to express his feelings.
He is very much the “Nice guy” stereotype around you.
Much like pregame, he feels the need to be around you all the time.
He’s be more of a stalker due to getting easily flustered and nervous around his darling.
He can be shy, but he desperately wants you to notice him, to acknowledge his feelings and efforts.
When he does munster up the courage to talk to you, he’s overly polite.
He’s the type to give you a lot of cheesy gifts like teddy bears or whatever you like.
Also lots of handwritten letters.
Every time he confesses, you just thank him and move on thinking it was just a compliment.
Running out of options, Shuichi sees only one way to get through to you, to show you how you two were meant to be.
That being drugging you and bringing you to his home.
Once you wake up, he slowly explains the situation.
There’s no way you can misinterpret this, right?
All you need is a little help and Shuichi is more than happy to give that to you <3
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Like Me? (Pregame! Shuichi x Self-Aware! Reader)
Tw: bullying, self-aware reader, mentions of s*ic*de attempts, implications of violence, foreshadowing, y*nd*r*, manipulation, stick to the plan, unreliable narrator, false narrative,
Word Count: 2213
"So you love me....you really love me..."
Kagehara's face seemed to twist into a look of happiness with a mix of something else you couldn't really identify. He was shaking and trying so hard to keep himself in one piece as he accepted your confession. You often imagine him with little hearts in those slate grey eyes of his, as cliché as that might sound. Those eyes that you rarely had the chance to get a good look at...which were staring back at you with a look of pure admiration. Something you were used to getting from him by now.
That look fills you with a sense of guilt. You know it's way too late to back out of this now. It's done, game over, you said it out loud and now you have to deal with whatever happens next. You knew that if he did stumble upon the truth that he'd be somewhat hurt, but forgiving. You wouldn't leave him alone after all, so why would he hold a grudge? Why would he ever even think about hating someone so nice to him? To go so far in order to make him happy, you, his friend, role model, his god partner. He'd want to move past it, you know it very well by now. His every move is predictable when he's right in front of you. At least, that's what you thought. He's...full of surprises.
Your first impression of him, he was...well...off-putting. He looked sick when you first met him, despite not getting to see his entire face half the time. You noted his extremely pale skin which contrasted with the blue he used to dye his hair, later noticing growing dark circles under his eyes as well as some other worrying things.
You almost felt like you were doing something wrong, following him around like this. You knew on some level it was rude to even stare for this long, but something was definitely wrong with him. You could see it in the way he moved. He needed help. He needed your help. Whether or not it was actually your place to help him wasn't your problem. You weren't just going to stand there and watch him waste away.
He never seemed to be able to get out much more than a "hello" before someone started talking over him outside of class. He was almost shaking in your presence when you worked with him on projects. He'd stutter on his words during class, showed a sheer lack of confidence in his body language, and had very few friends. An overall word you'd use to describe him: meek.
You noticed that he didn't seem to eat when lunch came around, he would just leave the classroom in a hurry. By that time you lost him completely, he always ran off somewhere most likely to hide. He didn't seem to like being around so many people at one time. The one time you tried looking for him you found him in the back of the school's library with his nose in a book, taking his eyes off of his book only to scan his surroundings for a few moments. You thought he spotted you since he made a face, but he went back to his book shortly after. Why were you even doing this to yourself? You two aren't even friends yet...
His weight was off for a guy his age, it was wayyy off. You figured that he was neglecting to take care of himself, which was more or less proved to be true the countless times he "fell asleep" passed out in class. His loosely fitting uniform didn't help relieve that suspicion.
You started bringing him something to eat everyday after your attempts of making friends with him. You lied and told him you simply made too much for yourself and thought he might like it. You almost had to force him to take it. He didn't eat it while you were there looking at him. As soon as you left the room though, you heard the familiar "tink" of the lunch box opening. You peaked in just to make sure he didn't just throw it away, but no, he was eating it. Rather....quickly you noticed. That...didn't help you feel much better.
He was being gossiped about on a daily basis due to his disheveled appearance before you started begging him to just eat something bringing him lunch everyday. It never seemed to help him that he was getting a little better, as these petty classmates of yours always made up lies to hurt him. It was never fair, not for him. You had seen him try to return a girl's bag, and the next day there was a new rumor that he was following her around like some creepy stalker. That rumor seemed to stick to him due to his timid behaviors that others mistook for being creepy.
A lot of the nice things you saw him doing were twisted into some nasty rumors. Despite the rumors he still tried his best to do nice things for the people around him, even if they didn't appreciate it or outwardly ignored him. Over and over you watched him try to please other people just so they'd see him on the same level as them. You pulled him away from that cycle before it ended up breaking him.
He never did anything really weird... Not at first. The longer that you knew him the more comfortable he got with talking about things he liked with you. He was obsessed with a murder-mystery show called Danganronpa. Seemingly unaffected by the amount of gore and blood you know the show had. He wanted to audition himself, talking about his death as if it were something to look forward to. When he went onto one of his rants about auditioning, you tried to change the subject to his favorite characters instead. You were doing it in an attempt to discourage him, but he never seemed to catch the hint. Other than that, he was sweet.
You saw him be shoved around on a few occasions, it was never anything too brutal in public. You never attempted to follow him home, so you wouldn't know that he gets jumped pretty often. Being his friend, he would sometimes come to you for help patching up some of the wounds. You didn't make the same mistake twice.
Everything was hitting him rather hard, you had just no idea how he was able to manage it for so long. You found out soon enough that he wasn't.
The times his sleeves would roll down you would notice what you first thought were scratches raking down his arms. The first time you looked past it, though the second time you actually looked instead of thinking he was fine. Old and new alike adorned him, some of which you had to get closer to see. He caught onto what you were doing and quickly pulled his sleeve back down before you could see the old bruises accompanying them. He was too slow with his reflexes though, and your face dropped.
He didn't look you straight in the eyes. Or rather, he couldn't.
"Did you....?"
"A-ah... Y/N... What are you-?"
You pulled his sleeve up again despite his minor protest.
"I told you I was going to be here for you...so why would you....?"
"I...I'm s-sorry..." He still wouldn't look you in the eyes, so you took his chin into your hand and made him look at you.
"You're going to be ok. Please believe me."
You didn't have the heart to start telling him how to live his life, but you weren't about to let this continue. You had a plan. Why didn't you stick with it.....?
He started following you around school not so soon afterwards, not to bother you intentionally, but somehow becoming your second shadow. It felt as if every time you turned around he'd be there, sneaking peeks of you around the corner of the hallway, or when he was feeling bold, almost stepping on your heels. At first, you thought it was a little creepy, as he never said much of anything to you while trailing behind. You had the notion to tell him to stop following you around. Then you would remember who he is, your friend. Your lonely, sweet friend that only wanted to be a little closer to you.
And then you remembered that just a short while ago you were doing the exact same thing to him. It wouldn't be fair to tell him to leave you alone when you more or less stalked him yourself. He'd already been hurt so much already, you weren't going to break his little heart by abandoning him.
All of that...lead you to this.
He was already in tears when you went to hug him. You weren't expecting that kind of reaction from getting a love confession, but you were happy to help him calm down a little. His grip was rather tight despite the lack of strength he really had.
He's still working on gaining that back so he could save you one day like you did him.
"You don't have to cry, it's not like I'm going anywhere."
"I'm just so happy..."
This wasn't a part of the plan, and yet, you feel somewhat relieved. He's so...sweet, you couldn't just let someone who didn't treat him right grab ahold of him. You tell yourself this was the only way, that telling the consoler wouldn't have helped him, that being away from you wouldn't have helped him. In some ways, you were right. He clung onto you much more than he did his other friends, like being away from you would kill him. You wonder just what would have happened had you stuck with the plan.
It was a tad bit annoying that his tears were choosing to soak into your shirt, but you can bear it. As long as he's happy, he can take as long as he needs to recover from this. Bouncing back has always been a difficulty for him, especially for negative events, as they always seem to play on rewind every time you leave him alone for the night/day. He hates being left alone, you learned that very quickly.
You don't say no to him. You don't even try.
If anything, you probably should've expected this. Shuichi's social anxiety always kept him from making real friends. The friends he does have are completely used to his behaviors by now. Being close to him is actually a lot more difficult to achieve than others believe it to be. Getting him to look you in the eyes instead of hiding behind that hat of his, being the hardest thing to coax him into doing himself. He was a lesson in patience, you would never bother spending so much time on anyone else.
He's so sweet, how could you possibly not fall in love with him?
You thought he was a little clingy just being a good friend of yours, now he's constantly trailing behind you like a lost puppy. You've got used to the outrageous amount of texts he sends you when you have to part ways to go home. The one time you forgot to tell him you were going to bed, he freaked out and showed up at your window to check up on you.
He snuck in without waking you up. He stayed the night. You woke up with him in your bed.
He's just so lonely without you. Can you blame him for it? Can you blame him for never wanting to be away from you when all you do is make him happier? You love him so much, don't you?
At this point, you start to realize that the reason why you hyper-focused on him wasn't because there was something wrong with him. There was something wrong with you.
You actually looked it up. It explained it all, why you only followed him around like that, why you lied to so many people, why you hurt those people that hurt him...
He. Deserved. To. Be. Happy.
Now he's just looking at the display in front of him in shock. He dropped the groceries. He's looking at you, what you're holding. What you're doing. He found out. He wasn't supposed to be home this early, and now you're just frozen.
There's so much blood on your hands. He doesn't say a thing until he closes the door behind him.
With a smile, he says, "I'm glad to know it isn't just me."
With that, you knew it was fate. You make such a darling couple.
Once more you check that tab you had opened on your computer, and for the final time, you acknowledged what you were.
You are a -
“Yandere? Hon you know those are only fictional right? A trope made up for stories, to make things more entertaining?” Shuichi had snuck up on you once again! You're going to have to put a bell on him or something, this is getting ridiculous.
“Yeah. I’m not so sure about that anymore.”
"We don't tell people what we are angel."
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s1llycilantro · 2 months
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Hey guys did you miss my au!! Did you uh... did... did u miss it... aha 🫦
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yanderedanganronpa · 3 years
*clears throat* can i pretty please request the yandere alphabet for pg shuichi??? 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Pregame Shuichi Yandere Alphabet
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TYSM!! I feel like I couldn’t express his character that well with these questions but I love writing pg shuichi. Ugh I want more Kagehara requests after I clear my inbox.
A- Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
One of the most intense. His affections can get pretty unapologetically vigorous and passionate, It’s so hard to control himself around you, so he finds himself going way too far a lot of the time, and he just doesn’t even care. His feelings are just so overwhelming when he sees you. He loves holding you tightly in his arms, he enjoying running his fingers through your hair just always touching you, exploring every inch of you up close.
B- Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He loves the blood, taking a lot of enjoyment along with being extra sadistic is his killing if it’s for you especially, he would bathe in it practically. The fact that he’s doing it all for you makes it ten times better.
C- Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He can be mean sometimes but it’s mostly just selfishness and sadism. He might have some fun taunting you though, seeing your funny and adorable reactions.
D-Death, Do they feel any sorrow for their victims at all?
Not at all, in fact when he thinks back on the unfortunate people who had to be sacrificed punished ,so he could have you, it’s makes him excited, it makes everything feel so worth it when he thinks back to it all.
E- Earnest, Are they intense?
So intense it’s scary, how could he possibly be calm? He has you all to himself to play with forever. He’s ecstatic and basically maybe literally drooling just to hold you.
F- Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Well, he can’t say he likes it exactly, but he doesn’t hate it as much as other yanderes. There’s some prey/predator element in it that he LOVES. But not too much though. It’s best not to get on his nerves, he wants your love too, yknow~
G- Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not so much as a game to him, he’ll indulge himself at first, enjoying watching you run and scream, but he’ll get tired of it after a while. Calm down already, let him enjoy you~
H- Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
If he loses his grip just a little too much, he’s the type to hurt you out of love so he might just hurt you more than he had planned. If it ever got to that point, he’s going out with you.
I- Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
At the very core of Kagehara, he is a true romantic. If I didn’t say he wants a loving relationship filled with affection, talks of devotion and mutual obsession, I’d be lying.
J- Jet: How fast would it happen for them to go yandere?
As soon as he saw you he was instantly infatuated, there’s something about you that’s so enamoring to him. He wouldn’t realize he’s obsessed with you for a tops of a few days. Then it’s game on!
K- Kill- Would they hurt anyone to get to you?
Duh! No hesitation, no second thoughts.
L-Lonely, How much loneliness would they feel if you two were apart?
It would severely discomfort him, he would feel incomplete without you by his side. Almost like lacking oxygen, he just needs to see you or hear you, smell you, even. Just anything.
M- Might: How aggressive would they be towards you?
Affectionately aggressive if that makes sense. He just wants to feel you and hold you. Everything you you you, he just can’t get enough, so he might get a little rough.
N- Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He is a big fan of carving initials or full names so if he had to hurt you he would take this opportunity to make sure your remember who you belong to.
Q- Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
NO! This man is devoted to the very end and will find you. Whether that be in the outside world or the afterlife. You can’t escape.
R- Rain: Would they keep you trapped inside forever?
Probably so, he really thrives on the fact that you’re so priceless, and he has you all to himself. Everyone wants you back home but you are all his, and he doesn’t want that to change.
S- Stalker: Would they stalk you? How intense would it go?
He would barely try to hide it to be honest but even so, it would get intense. He’s the type to view your snap story two seconds after posting (and screenshoting) The type to have hidden cameras in your room just to watch you 24/7, just like in-game Shuichi. Even if he installed the cameras he prefers watching in real life, whether that’s through the window or inside your room.
T- Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He loves to see each one of your different expressions but like I said, he’d get tired of the crying when he wants to love you. Isolation? Don’t even think about it, you’re staying next to him at all times.
U- Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He is obsessed with everything, and I mean everything. From your toes to every strand of hair on your head he’s infatuated. Anything you touch too, anything that remind him of you, he absolutely adores, and it’s all going in your shrine :)
Along with that he probably has the biggest shrine you’ve ever seen, he just can’t let anything go to waste, no matter how small. Twelve pairs of underwear? A fucking toenail clipping? All neatly organized as his most valued possessions.
W -Wild Card, a random yandere headcannon.
When he’s stalking you up until he kidnaps you, he really gets off on the fact that you were so ignorant to the whole situation. He knew what was going to happen but you didn’t, you were absolutely clueless.
X- Xenophobia: How much would they get angry from their jealousy?
He gets mad at first glance, but he can calm himself by telling himself that it’s not a problem because he can always take care of any “issues” later.
Y- Yander: How many crimes would they commit?
He doesn’t care at all about following the law, especially when it comes to having you to himself, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do, illegal or legal.
Z- Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Leaning on no, he’s definitely a more obsessive type, so he likes you the way you are, that’s who he fell for in the first place, he wouldn’t want to change you, he wouldn’t want to but like I said it’s hard to control himself around you sometimes.
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iforgottowalkmyfish · 3 years
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....now wait a damn minute
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craetor · 3 years
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For you, I'd end the world
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yoshi-self-ships · 2 years
Pregame Yandere!Shuichi, Kokichi and Kiibo headcanons
(tw for rape and abuse mentions)
Shuichi - Is willing to kill, rape, manipulate, etc, to have the person he loves. He's very entitled, thinking that, once he falls for someone, he deserves them. He will even kill the person he loves to keep them with him forever. He can act nice albeit crazy to trick others into thinking that he's harmless. Underneath that lies a very smart and dangerous teen.
Kokichi - Has suffered abuse all his life. Due to this, if anyone is nice to him, he'll start thinking that the person likes him like that and he'll do what he can to protect them. Unlike Shuichi, he'll only murder. He doesn't like to kill but feels like he has to. Despite that, he won't kill the person he loves. He'd rather die then let that happen.
Kiibo - For one thing, he's human. He's also quite indifferent to how other people feel or what happens to them. He tends to come off an emotionless jerk due to that. Despite his cold nature, he is capable of falling in love. When that happens, he will make damn sure that no one comes between him and his love. Not even family.
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