yamayamawrites · 4 years
Accidental Confessions on AO3
Hi everyone! I posted a work on my AO3 page (find it here) that consists of all the Accidental Confession posts I’ve written so far! Please continue to send in your prompts (based on this post). I’m using this as an opportunity to round out my writing skills as well, so I would truly appreciate any and all feedback you have for me!
Thanks everyone for your support thus far! I’m very grateful for all the prompts you’ve already sent in!
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yamayamawrites · 4 years
Pickle - A Switched Prequel
A/N: Hello hello! In my recent fic “Switched”, I mentioned that Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi had a cat named “Pickle”. I got the brilliant idea to write a one-shot about how they got Pickle, and also, how they got together. They can be read alone but technically they take place in the same universe! You don’t need to read one to understand the other - they just share a headcanon of mine that Tsukki and Yamaguchi have a pet together! 
You can find this on my AO3 page here or you can read below! Either way, as always thanks for reading and I really hope you enjoy!
Tsukkishima stood outside Yamaguchi’s door, shifting a bit uncomfortably in the cool fall air. They had the day off from practice, and Yamaguchi hadn’t come to school, which was unusual. Normally Tsukkishima would play like he didn’t care and go home, but his feet dragged him here without his consent. He’d gone home and at first, he thought he’d stay there, but without even realizing it he’d packed an overnight bag and was out the door with a quick goodbye to his mother. Said overnight bag sat by his feet as he debated whether he should knock.
He didn’t need to, as it turned out. Yamaguchi swung the door open, jumping a bit in surprise and almost dropping the potted plant in his hand. “Oh, hey Tsukki!” he chirped in his normal way, despite the fact that his eyes were very clearly saying “asshole, you nearly gave me a heart attack”.
“Mind if I come in?” Tsukki asked, his usual droning tone having vanished. Yamaguchi wordlessly stepped aside.
“I’ll be in in a minute, this pot just needs more dirt.”
“Okay,” Tsukki called over his shoulder, already welcoming himself into the western-style home. He looked around at the dozens of potted plants, breathing in the air which smelled mostly like Yamaguchi with a hint of dirt. This was probably the most bizarre part of Yamaguchi’s personality, and the one that surprised him the most when he first came over. Both Yamaguchi and his mother (who Tsukki rarely saw anymore) had such natural green thumbs that half the time when Tsukki came over it was because his mother asked him to go get some fresh vegetables from their garden. Now, though, with the onslaught of winter just a few weeks away, all the outdoor vegetables migrated inside.
Tsukki spent his time trying to find a surface that didn’t contain a plant. That was how he usually spent his time when Yamaguchi wandered the house, watering plants while he watched. Sometimes they moved; Tsukki made note that the tall tree-like plant that had been in the corner by the television had now made its way to the dining area.
Though it was bizarre, it was never anything Tsukki really paid much mind to outside of Yamaguchi’s home. The smell of dirt didn’t follow Yamaguchi the way Tsukki might have expected it to, and aside from the occasional dirt stain on Yamaguchi’s uniform he gave no hints to his hobby. Tsukki almost wondered if Yamaguchi felt embarrassed of it, but no, that couldn’t be it, because on occasion he brought fresh pies and such for the team members using the fruits and vegetables grown at home.
Yamaguchi toed his shoes off at the front door as he returned inside, setting down a relatively large strawberry plant on the table in the front window – which was now so overcrowded with plants that Tsukki worried one might topple. Judging by the smear of dirt on the rug, that’s what had happened that required Yamaguchi to refill the pot in the first place.
“I’m really glad you’re here, Tsukki,” Yamaguchi commented offhandedly as he readjusted the pots on the table so they were at least a little less likely to fall. “I was actually going to call and ask you to come over.”
“Oh yeah?” Tsukki droned back, but his heart skipped a bit. He and Yamaguchi were in a weird sort of limbo with their relationship; he had no better way to describe it than a weird game where they tried to act like everything was normal between them, when it most certainly wasn’t. Not after Tsukki last spent the night.
In fact, that was mostly why he ended up here – to clear the air. He wondered if Yamaguchi had stayed home to avoid him, but as his eager friend ushered him down the hall towards his bedroom, he panicked and thought maybe Yamaguchi was done pretending.
When Yamaguchi pushed open the door, Tsukkishima realized, oh, we’re not going to talk about it.
Sitting on the bed with a piece of ribbon around its neck as a makeshift collar was an orange kitten, maybe not even eight weeks old, playing with a ping pong ball. “So,” Yamaguchi cleared his throat, grabbing Tsukki’s wrist and pulling him into the room before closing the door behind them, “this is…a cat.”
“I can see that,” Tsukki replied. “Mind explaining a little more?”
“Well,” Yamaguchi rubbed his neck sheepishly, teetering back and forth on the balls of his feet. “See, when I woke up I put my cucumber plants out on my windowsill so they could get some extra sun while I took a shower. And well, when I came back…he was here. Gnawing away on my cucumber plant.”
“What happened to the plant?”
“Who cares, Tsukki?” Yamaguchi replied with a stifled giggle. “What do you think we should name him?”
“’We’?” Tsukki questioned, the smallest hint of a blush touching his cheeks. “I’m not taking joint custody of a rat.”
“First of all, it’s a kitten,” Yamaguchi pouted, “and second, I can’t really…afford to take care of it on my own.”
“Then let it go,” Tsukki droned.
“No, it’ll die!” Yamaguchi huffed. “I think it’s one of the strays around here’s kitten. Haven’t seen her around in weeks, and I even asked a few of the neighbors if their kitten got out.”
“Is this why you weren’t at school today?” Tsukki asked finally.
“Does it matter? Okay, yes, I wasn’t at school. You’re changing the topic,” Yamaguchi whined in a way that made Tsukki want to bite his tongue and never annoy Yamaguchi again.
“What do you want from me?” Tsukkishima asked cautiously. This all crept towards ‘couple’ territory – owning a pet together was the first step in having kids together, and Tsukki’s face turned a sickly green. Oh god, we can’t have kids, we barely even kissed and we can’t even talk to each other about that and a cat is super close to raising a kid…
“I’m not going to ask for much,” Yamaguchi replied just as cautiously. He could tell Tsukki’s mind had already reeled itself into a knot by the way his face turned green. “You don’t even have to act like it’s yours. I was just wondering if you could lend me some supplies.”
Tsukki’s childhood cat had passed away when he was ten, and both boys knew well that instead of donate the food bowl and litter box, his mother had stored them away in case they ever decided to get another cat. Nearly six years later and there was no cat to show for it. Tsukki’s shoulders relaxed; he was sure his mother would rather give the supplies to someone she knew, anyway. Plus, this meant that his earlier conclusion of joint custody could have been off.
“Also will you help pick a name?” Yamaguchi spat quickly, his cheeks flushing as he snapped his head to the floor to avoid looking at Tsukki.
“Ah, yes to the supplies. No to the name.”
“Tsukki,” Yamaguchi whined.
“Fine. How about ‘Tadashi’?”
Tsukkishima huffed, running a hand through his hair. “Alright, alright…you’re sure you want to keep it, though?”
“Yeah! He’ll keep me company when mom’s not home.”
That statement in itself probably would have had Tsukki in tears (internally; he didn’t cry on the outside) had they not been in such a weird place with their relationship and his mind not been taken up trying to unfurl that mess.
Yamaguchi scratched the cat behind the ears, eliciting a purr from him. “What do you think of ‘Pickle’?”
“Why Pickle?” Tsukki asked, cautiously stepping forward to pet the cat as well.
“Because he was eating my cucumber plant,” Yamaguchi shrugged. “And ‘Cucumber’ isn’t as cute.”
“I like it,” Tsukki murmured, voice ever so soft as his knuckles bumped against Yamaguchi’s. Neither of them looked at each other, blushing furiously; instead, they stared down at the cat, which was tilting its head this way and that to encourage more head pats.
After a few moments, Yamaguchi cleared his throat. “U-um,” he broke the silence, “I hate to ask you to do this, since you came all the way here and all, but could you—”
“You want me to go get the stuff, huh?” Tsukki droned. Yamaguchi flushed and nodded quickly.
Tsukki finally sighed and got up, rifling through Yamaguchi’s closet.
“H-hey!” Yamaguchi cried. “What are you doing?”
“It’s cold and I left my jacket at home,” Tsukkishima replied with a slight shrug. In all honesty, it had been something of a ploy to encourage them to talk about what happened between them. Still, without that conversation happening, Tsukki felt an odd satisfaction in making Yamaguchi so embarrassed. “I figured it’s only fair, since you want me to go back out in the cold.”
“I-I’ll have hot cocoa waiting for you when you get back.”
Yamaguchi wasn’t lying. As Tsukkishima trudged back up to his door nearly an hour later, food bowl and litterbox awkwardly in his hands, Yamaguchi swung it open for him, already holding two steaming mugs. “Tsukki!” he said excitedly. “I almost thought you wouldn’t come back.”
“Sorry it took so long,” he said in a condescending tone. That shut Yamaguchi up. “It’s a little hard to carry this stuff such a long way.”
“Right!” Yamaguchi set the mugs down on the dining table and grabbed the litterbox from him. “I don’t suppose you’d want to go to the store with me to buy litter and food, would you?” he asked hopefully.
“Yamaguchi,” Tsukki replied in a warning tone.
“You’re right, you’re right!” he squeaked. “I’ll, um, I’ll go tomorrow morning.”
“If you want to go tonight, I can stay here and watch…the cat,” he mumbled, a little embarrassed that he would even suggest watching the thing.
Yamaguchi perked up. “You would?! Oh, that would be great!”
“Only if you’re quick,” Tsukki snapped uncharacteristically. He supposed it was mostly due to the tension that revolved around the two of them. “Sorry,” he supplied shortly after.
“I’ll be quick,” Yamaguchi agreed. “I just need a few things. Like a collar and stuff!”
The two flopped down onto the couch side by side, watching the curious kitten stumble his way out of Yamaguchi’s bedroom. He was cautious, sniffing everything in sight, stilling when he saw Tsukki and Yamaguchi watching him. “He’s a little skittish,” Yamaguchi murmured. “Please don’t scare him.”
“I won’t do anything on purpose,” Tsukki supplied, and though it was genuine, Yamaguchi laughed at the implication that Tsukkishima was intimidating even to cats.
By the time they had finished their hot cocoa, Pickle had decided the couch was a safe bet and settled onto it, still eyeing the two of them curiously. Yamaguchi carefully took the mug from Tsukki’s hands, making sure not to touch him (which frustrated Tsukki much more than it should have). He said little more than what was necessary to Tsukki before he gathered his things and left, and then it was just Tsukki and Pickle, who had taken to digging his paws into the couch.
Tsukkishima tried to redirect his attention with the strap of his overnight bag, which worked for approximately five minutes until the cat became bored again. He half-debated letting the cat run rampant and just playing on his phone, but he knew Yamaguchi would probably lose his mind if the cat knocked over one of the plants. So, every time the cat got even close to doing so, Tsukki would pluck him from his spot and move him somewhere else.
He chased the cat around the house for about an hour before Yamaguchi finally returned, carrying a few grocery bags. “I had to get the small bags because I don’t think I’d be able to carry it all the way,” he huffed, setting the bags aside while he took his shoes off. Tsukki grabbed the food out of the bag and took it along with the food dish to the sink.
“What’re you doing?” Yamaguchi asked quizzically.
“It’s a kitten,” Tsukki replied with a shrug. “It probably can’t eat super hard food. I’m going to mix it with some water.”
Tsukki missed the way Yamaguchi gazed at him like he was some sort of angel, and he certainly missed the way Yamaguchi blushed and wrapped his arms around himself defensively. Before long, he heard Yamaguchi pouring kitty litter into the litterbox, and while he mixed the food he could hear Yamaguchi chasing the kitten around the living room, trying to put its new collar on it.
Tsukki set the food dish near the front door, and immediately Pickle trotted over to him, making a happy noise before digging into the dish of mushy cat food. Yamaguchi watched him, a bit breathless from chasing the cat around. “You know a lot about animals, don’t you?” he asked.
“No,” Tsukkishima countered. “My childhood cat just had kittens one time, and I remember that’s how we fed the babies when they were old enough to eat.”
“Oh,” Yamaguchi mumbled. He slumped onto the couch, Tsukki by his side, and they watched the cat eat.
Every time their shoulders blushed Tsukkishima could feel Yamaguchi shy away, and it upset him to the point that he decided he was sick of playing this game of acting like everything was normal. “Can we please talk, Yama?” he asked softly, despite his anger.
“About?” Yamaguchi countered, but the way his body stiffened, Tsukki was sure Yamaguchi knew exactly what about.
“Last time I spent the night.”
A silence fell over them, save for the noises of Pickle eating in the background. “I’m not mad,” Tsukkishima said finally, hoping maybe it would encourage Yamaguchi to explain why he kissed him.
He watched Yamaguchi’s shoulders slump. “I can’t apologize enough for that, huh?” Yamaguchi asked, almost a bit bitterly. “Look, I get it if you don’t have feelings for me or—”
“Who said that?” Tsukki countered, taking on a bitter tone himself. “You can’t make decisions like that for me and then lead me to believe something when—”
Tsukkishima stopped talking then, as Yamaguchi’s shoulders began to tremble. Tsukki dropped a gentle hand to Yamaguchi’s thigh, and the boy didn’t pull away. Instead, he glanced up, a few tears trickling down his cheeks. Tsukki used his other hand to wipe them away wordlessly, and before either of them could restrain themselves, their lips were brushing on each other’s again.
It was different this time. For one, Tsukkishima hadn’t been in the middle of talking and interrupted by an eager Yamaguchi stealing the words from his mouth. No, this one felt more longing, a bit more understanding of each other. Hearing Tsukkishima deny him an apology, even if that didn’t mean he also had feelings for him, felt like the most wonderful moment in the world. Tsukki himself had been toying with the idea of attraction towards Yamaguchi long before the kiss, and when Yamaguchi forced an apology and begged them to pretend nothing happened after the first kiss, it had broken his heart. But now, now he felt like he could finally repay Yamaguchi how he should have in the first place; he returned the kiss, or perhaps he initiated it. Neither of them knew who moved first, nor would they bother to pin that blame.
Their lips met with more intensity the second they parted to breathe. Having known Yamaguchi so long, Tsukki wondered idly (between the near-constant thoughts of wow, this feels nice) if that’s how their lips moved together so wonderfully. Any clumsiness his classmates had talked about when they had their first kisses hadn’t presented itself. Tsukki’s hand that had been on Yamaguchi’s thigh moved to grab his waist, his body turning to face Yamaguchi more.
The feeling of Yamaguchi’s arms winding their way around Tsukki’s neck was shocking enough itself, were it not for the ease with which Yamaguchi pressed their bodies together, resulting in Tsukki laying on the couch with a surprisingly dominant Yamaguchi on top.
A soft ‘meow’ across the room had them pulling apart just as quickly as they’d connected, faces flushed and breath labored. They refused to look at each other. Pickle the kitten was proudly sitting in the mush of food, cleaning his paws with his tongue.
“Such an efficient way to eat food,” Tsukki droned sarcastically, and Yamaguchi laughed.
Maybe nothing really had changed; maybe this was how it was meant to be. Tsukkishima couldn’t help but hope so.
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yamayamawrites · 6 years
Oct 3: College Football Game
Hello hello! It was hard to choose who I wanted to write for with this one in a way that made sense and could be easily explained. Thankfully, I think I did a decent job of it! I’m very excited to be writing these, and I hope you all are enjoying them! They’re also going up on my AO3 page, so if you like what I’m writing, go check out some of my other stuff on there!
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Marinette x Adrien
Word Count: 666 (yes, really)
Marinette made it a point to keep contact with Adrien when he went to graduate school in New York. She sometimes made too much of a point of it; exhaustion was a real issue since he left, what with all the nights she stayed up to Skype him. He always thanked her profusely, talking about how hard it was not being able to see everyone.
So, she decided to surprise him.
Her internship at a famous French fashion studio was rather flexible, especially when Marinette requested time off to visit the New York. On her request, her boss proposed a new idea: study the American fashion trends in the city of fashion, take a slightly longer vacation, and get paid overtime rates to do it. She had already planned to observe the trends, and so she snatched up the opportunity to turn her vacation into a very well-paid trip to see her friend.
When she first touched down, Adrien was at the airport to greet her. He hugged her tightly and even helped her with all her luggage--two months’ worth of clothes and all her work supplies was quite a lot to lug to a new continent--and brought her to his apartment. They had made arrangements prior to her arrival: his apartment had two bedrooms, one of which he used as a study, that was emptied and now had a futon and a spare dresser.
Adrien helped the girl unpack. “Y’know, Mari, this place is really cool,” he mused. “And the only thing that could make it better is right here.”
Marinette blushed and grinned. Over the years, she’d gotten over her fear of talking to Adrien and was now just immensely grateful to be such close friends with him (but nevertheless, the crush was still there).
“Let’s go to a football game!” Adrien beamed.
“It’s ‘soccer’ in the states,” Marinette teased.
“I mean American football,” Adrien teased back, and they laughed. “It’s actually really entertaining.”
That Saturday, Adrien took her to her first American football game. They stood in the stands with some of Adrien’s American friends. Adrien had a blanket tucked under his arm, and Marinette didn’t know how to ask to use it; while her jacket was fashionable, it wasn’t particularly well insulated. After a few minutes, though, he noticed her shivering and draped it over her shoulders.
At halftime, it started raining. Adrien gasped in surprise and pulled his hood up while Marinette used the blanket to cover her head as well. Noticing the lack of coverage Adrien had from the rain, she stretched on her tiptoes to hold the blanket over his head as well. He thanked her profusely and huddled next to her.
The rain stopped by the end of the third quarter, but the two remained under the blanket together. Marinette’s shoulder pressed into Adrien’s arm as she leaned closer to him, unconsciously seeking out his body heat. Adrien did nothing to stop it.
One of Adrien’s friends (Marinette felt bad for already forgetting his name) asked, “Adrien, how come you waited this long to invite your girlfriend out here?”
Both blushed profusely and moved away from each other. The blanket fell between them in their embarrassment, and as both bent to pick it up at the same time, they bonked their heads together. Laughing, Marinette scooped up the blanket while Adrien explained that they weren’t dating, just good friends from high school.”
“Bullshit,” the friend chuckled, but he dropped it anyways.
The two were more or less quiet for the rest of the game, despite all they still wished to share with each other about their new lives. They were each mulling over what Adrien’s friend had so bravely announced; Adrien contemplated his true feelings towards Marinette, while the girl in question wondered if she’d been too obvious about her own feelings.
Needless to say, the couple had a long discussion (followed by a long make-out session) on the topic when they returned to Adrien’s apartment that night.
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