mintsunshore · 2 years
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20220512 | twt link
makoto event!!!
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waka-sorahogiya · 1 year
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最終週の金曜日までお仕事たくさん頂戴して、本日大晦日を迎えました ⁡ 占い師だし、オンオフの境目が曖昧な個人事業 ⁡ そういえばコロナ前にはこんな風に年末ギリギリまでご依頼を頂戴していたなぁ、と ⁡ お陰さまで晴れやかな気分で年が越せそうです ⁡ 今年1年 新たにご縁を頂いた皆さま 数年ぶり、10数年ぶりに嬉しい再会を果たした皆さま いつも変わらず側で温かく見守り、応援して下さる皆さま そしてここまで出会った全てのご縁とご支援に心からの感謝を表します ⁡ 2023年も変わらぬお引き立てとご愛顧の程賜りますよう、何卒よろしくお願いします😌🙏🏼💖✨ ⁡ 2022.12.31 ⁡ 宙星祝屋若夏 ⁡ #blissoftheday #newyearseve #magic #wizard #alchemist #alchemistjourney #sorahogiya #japan🇯🇵 #instagram #instadaily #tokyotower🗼 #tokyotower #イニシエート占星術 #宙星祝屋 #Y2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm1ihKkSZ40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stlhandyman · 1 year
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blindmanspuff · 1 year
Dunbarton Ships StillWell Star Holiday Y2022 - Cigar News
Dunbarton Ships StillWell Star Holiday Y2022 - #Cigar News @stevesaka #cigars
Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust has started shipping the inaugural annual Holiday release of its StillWell Star cigar using luxury pipe tobacco. The cigar itself, simply called the “Holiday Y2022”, is a blend of traditional black cigar tobaccos combined with a unique custom crafted aromatic pipe blend from the pipe tobacco maker Cornell & Diehl. “A tradition in Pipe Culture is for carvers to craft…
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cyber-sec · 2 years
FBI: Look out, crooks stole $1.3b in cryptocurrency in just three months this year
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Source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/09/01/fbi_cybercrime_defi_cryptocurrency/
More info: https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA220829
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hackernewsrobot · 2 years
Premature Optimization is the Root of all Evil
https://martin.leyrer.priv.at/y2022/m09/premature_optimisation.html Comments
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makurasoshi-blog · 1 year
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Healthy diets leads to healthy brain, why? because studies has shown that it can help in the increase of neuron production in the brain. The better the connections of these neurons and the more they are, the better we are able to think, learn and memorize. Our Physiological Psychology PSYM313 PYN3Am class, Second Semester, S/Y2022-2023 of the Ateneo de Naga University is happy to share some tips and reminders on How to Take Care of our Brain or Improve our Mindset.
Hope this helps! Thank you! References:
Addante, R. J., Jones, S. V. R., Musacchia, G., & James, E. (n.d.). Healthy meal, happy brain: How diet affects brain functioning. Frontiers for Young Minds. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2021.578214#:~:text=Proper%2C%20healthy%20nutrition%20can%20benefit,number%20of%20connections%20between%20neurons. 
The Times of India. (2021, August 2). What is Mediterranean cuisine? explore the famous delicacies of Mediterranean cuisine. The Times of India. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/what-is-mediterranean-cuisine-explore-the-famous-delicacies-of-mediterranean-cuisine/photostory/84895223.cms 
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milkfrost · 1 year
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1st meal of the Year goes to Prosperity 🍔 & Twister Fries from @mcdsg ! Actually it’s supposed to be the last meal of Y2022 but by the time I got home from work & settled down, it was already past midnight. So yeah… it becomes the 1st meal of Y2023 😅 Btw, the mgr was damn rude! Before I even ask for a simple question, he shoot me off saying that he has a lot of orders to pack & if I have any issues, send in my feedback! Yes, I can see that u’ve got lots of orders but, Hello?! I only wanted to ask for a BBQ sauce, dude! You didn’t even give me a chance to speak! 😡 . . #mcdssg #mcds #foodporn #supper #igsg #sgig #iphone12pic #iphone12 #shotbyiphone12 #iphone12user #rudemanager https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5aPc4SZ45/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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l0ckedmem0ries · 1 year
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FAMILY. 👨‍👩‍👧🐶🐶 ⁣ ⁣ Blessed to have all of you in my life. 💕 To another awesome year together. 🥂 Ending Y2022 with this as my final post. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm1U4qjygjI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mintsunshore · 2 years
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20220510 | twt link
maid day 💙
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waka-sorahogiya · 1 year
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5回目のお声掛けありがとうございました! 12月28日(水)、The Dave Fromm Show 2022年最後の「オカルト陰謀コーナー」に出演して参りました。 初出演はコロナ騒動直前の2019年10月、そして4度目となった前回の出演が2021年の11月。 その後、今年7月にデイブさんが病に倒れられ、年内復帰の発表がないまま年の瀬を迎えたので、年内の出演は叶わないものと覚悟していました。 12月には、来年からはデイブフロムチャンネルの母体であるデイブフロムショーのラジオからの放送は週1回と規模が縮小となる旨、発表となりました。 2020年1月の2回目の出演時、初めてデイブフロムショーチーム全員のデータをお預かりして、DFSチーム��ホロスコープに秘められたマジカルな関係性をお伝えしました。 でも一方で、その回の中でお伝えしていた将来的な運勢が、望まない形で的中してしまったことに、ずっと胸中複雑な思いを抱えてきたこの半年でした。 今回、デイブさんの1日もお早い復帰をお祈りしつつ、ホロスコープから導き出せる精一杯の言祝ぎを、激励のメッセージとしてお伝えして参りました。 2022年の終わりに、このような機会を頂戴しましたこと、大変嬉しく、また光栄に存じました。 そして何よりも!直後、同じ週の金曜日。デイブフロムショー の帯放送終了回となった締めの放送で、デイブさんがサプライズで電話出演なさり、来春の番組復帰を力強く宣言なさったことが嬉しくて、同時にホッとして、帰省先に向かう移動中の電車内で1人静かに号泣しました😭 ホロスコープは太陽系システムの惑星たちの配置図で、宇宙の計画進行表のようなもの。地球という宇宙の一部に生きているわたしたちが、むしろそのシステムの影響を受けていないはずがない、というのがわたしのスタンスです。 これからもホロスコープから読み解く宇宙の計画を言葉のメッセージに翻訳してお伝えしていきたい所存です☺️🙏🏼💖 デイブさん、チームDFS、デイブフロムショー&デイブフロムチャンネル。そしてデイブフロムショーのリスナー&デイブフロムチャンネルの視聴者の皆さま。 ここからの更なる躍進と、ますますのご発展を心よりお祈りしています! May the whole Universe Align with You🙏🏼💖✨ #blissoftheday #dfs897 #davefrommshow #davefrommchannel #alienDJ #magic #wizard #alchemist #alchemistjourney #sorahogiya #japan🇯🇵 #instagram #instadaily #イニシエート占星術 #宙星祝屋 #Y2022 (at Interfm897) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm1L0gTSZs3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kickagainstfraud · 1 year
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Cyber criminals are purchasing search engine advertisements to impersonate actual businesses and tricking users into providing login credentials or downloading malware onto their computers on lookalike webpages. Learn how to protect yourself at ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PS…
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staipa · 1 year
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Un nuovo post è stato pubblicato su https://www.staipa.it/blog/deepfake-ai-colloqui-di-lavoro/?feed_id=619&_unique_id=636bc78f0810a %TITLE% Sono passati pochi giorni da quando ho cambiato lavoro, tra le varie caratteristiche del mio nuovo lavoro una è il full remote, ossia la possibilità di lavorare sempre e solo da remoto, da casa o da qualunque luogo in cui mi trovi. In questi mesi, prima del cambio, ho fatto parecchi colloqui sia presso l'azienda dove lavoro ora che presso altre aziende molte delle quali mi avrebbero fatto lavorare in full remote. Tutti i colloqui sono stati in remoto. Si tratta essenzialmente del futuro, che piaccia o no. Ma tra i vari pericoli che queste scelte possono portare uno è quello a cui raramente si pensa: cosa succederebbe se durante i colloqui di lavoro il candidato sostituisse il proprio volto e la propria voce digitalmente in diretta? A quanto pare l'FBI ha lanciato un'allerta per questo rischio considerandolo come concreto (https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA220628), in particolare il rischio è soprattutto per quanto riguarda lavori nell'ambito informatico nei quali è possibile avere accesso a dati privati o a segreti industriali. Farsi assumere da un'azienda fornendo recapiti di prestanome, con documenti falsi potrebbe essere un metodo sfruttato per il furto di informazioni o il sabotaggio. Il governo statunitense ha perfino rilasciato un documento con delle linee guida e dei consigli per limitare questo genere di attacchi (https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/126/20220516_dprk_it_worker_fact_sheet.pdf), il che rende l'idea di un colloquio deepfake molto meno goliardica e più seria di quanto potrebbe sembrare a un primo sguardo. I consigli riportati sono tuttavia abbastanza semplici: focalizzarsi sugli occhi, difficilmente un software di gestione deepfake si gestisce accuratamente i tempi in cui un essere umano reale chiude gli occhi periodicamente, o focalizzarsi in particolare sulle espressioni di sorpresa. Basta magari una domanda particolare per costringere interlocutore a fare qualche espressione che il programma potrebbe non gestire, o fare caso a momenti particolari come un colpo di tosse o uno starnuto, difficilmente gestiti da un software. Inoltre, più banalmente proponendo di inviare del materiale all'indirizzo fisico di posta fornito dal candidato è possibile che questi non possa realmente riceverlo, avendone presumibilmente fornito uno falso. Chiamare il candidato a sorpresa per una domanda veloce, può far scoprire qualche problema nell'attivare in automatico il software di falsificazione. Per chi volesse mettersi alla prova il MIT ha sviluppato un sito di test che permette di mettersi alla prova nel riconoscere un video Deepfake (https://detectfakes.media.mit.edu/). Propone una serie di video e chiede all'utente quanto ritiene sia probabile sia reale o falso. Provando, personalmente ho trovato grosse difficoltà in alcuni frangenti. Farsi un'idea di questi pericoli può essere utile, magari non per i colloqui di lavoro ma per diminuire il rischio di truffe, estorsioni o sextortion (https://short.staipa.it/09o1z).
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cuttergod · 2 years
"Cut your lips off so i can kiss you from anywhere you are" - lipy Y2022/M9/D18
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cyber-sec · 2 years
FBI warning: Crooks are using deepfake videos in interviews for remote gigs
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Source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/29/fbi_deepfake_job_applicant_warning/
More info: https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA220628
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binaryblogger · 2 years
Episode 1269 - FBI Issues Warning To DeFi Cryptocurrency Groups
The FBI has issued a warning to Decentralized Finance platforms (DeFi) and their investors after hackers have stolen over a billion dollars from them this year. This episode goes through the details and the recommendations the FBI has for them.
Source - https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA220829
Be aware, be safe.
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Check out this episode!
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