#y'all i went to his concert two days ago and i GAVE HIM A HUG AAHH
banana1514 · 5 years
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just leaving this here
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hoodharlow · 3 years
Como Antes
AN: So I'm gonna include this in the El Novio Quarantine Edition masterpost, so y'all don't confused with original El Cumpleañero on the actual El Novio masterpost. Also to shout out to @findingliam-o and her y/n-esque dreams that brought this baby back to existence.
Requested: by steph i guess lol, ilysm bby
Warnings: smut, brief angst and mentions of shitty boyfriend that gave out baby Claudia shit for not being a virgin
Word Count: 3.6k words
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Claudia’s finger followed the words on the computer screen as she wrote down the quote she was going to use for her paper. She hated reading off PDFs because it made her eyes tired. She liked having physical copies of her assigned readings because she paid more attention to what was being said and she could write in the margins little annotations. The book she needed was at Calum’s house and there was no way in hell she was going to go back to his place after what Ashton said.
Calum had called and texted her nonstop, but she ignored him. She was just embarrassed that she acted like a coward. She should have stood her ground and told Ashton he was wrong about her. But she didn’t.
Even Michael and Sierra called her to check in on her after hearing through Luke that something happened between her and Ashton. Claudia ignored her too and the past week she acted like they didn’t exist. She just wanted the ground to swallow her whole and make Calum forget about her existence.
Frustrated with the reading she got up from her desk chair and went to the kitchen to get a snack. She grabbed a juice box and reheated some noodles she ordered the other day.
The house was surprisingly quiet. Her housemates went out to some frat party Ale's brother was throwing. They invited Claudia, but she wasn't in the mood to go. After getting home from Calum's, she cried at how stupid Ashton made her feel. They comforted her, reminding her that Calum knew her and that Ashton is a jerk that doesn’t know her.
She dumped her noodles on a plate and soaked the pan. She took her plate and went back to her room. Claudia knew she wasn't going to get her work done that night, so she pulled up Netflix. She stumbled on a show about three women robbing a grocery store because one of them had a daughter with a bad kidney and another was about to lose her house because her husband was a cheating piece of shit. While the other is just a mess working a minimum wage job.
Claudia was deep in IMDB trying to figure out where she saw the mistress, when she heard the doorbell. She paused the show and made her way to the front door. She peeked through the window sills and saw Ariel red hair.
She rolled her eyes and went to open the door.
"What do you want?" She deadpanned when she opened the door. She reached for a blanket and stepped outside.
"Hello to you too." Ashton sassed.
"What do you want?" Claudia repeated.
"I came to apologize. Calum hasn't talked to me in days and— why are you rolling your eyes?"
"Because you're full of shit. You're only here so you can go back to Cal and tell him you apologized so he can talk to you again. You only care about making yourself feel good after you stuck your nose where it's not supposed to be."
"Oh now it's Claudia. I was really starting to think my name was radio girl."
"You're really making it hard to apologize."
"I'm not. I'm just saying that just how you didn't give a fuck about my feelings when you told Cal that I'm only with him to catch some dick, I don't care about yours. If you came to apologize then do it."
Ashton was quiet. Claudia scoffed and turned back to go inside.
"Claudia, I'm sorry," He began. She turned back and leaned against the door frame. "It was shitty of me to say that about you. You're right, it wasn't my place to tell Cal that. In addition I shouldn't assume your sexual history."
"More like a lack of sexual history." Claudia mumbled out loud. Her eyes widened upon realizing she said that out loud.
"Oh you're a…"
"Well, now I feel like an even bigger asshole." Ashton said. He scratched the back of his neck.
They both stood quietly, looking down at the ground.
"Um Cal didn't want a party for his birthday this year. Apparently, he has plans in the evening. So Sierra and I reserved a room at this restaurant for brunch. It's just gonna be the guys and Sierra. KayKay is still out of town and Crystal is working an event or something. I'm sure Cal would be happy to see you."
"I'll think about it."
Calum pulled out his keys from the ignition, yawning. Only Ashton and Sierra would plan to do something in the morning. Granted it was almost eleven, but with the lack of sleep Calum was going through, it was too early for him. Not to mention he didn't want to go. He was still pissed at Ashton for making things awkward with Claudia. Sierra reassured him that that was resolved and that he should go.
He grabbed his leather jacket and stepped out of the car. He shoved his hands in his pockets, surprised at how cold it was even with the bright sun out. When he walked in the place, he heard Ashton's hearty laugh followed by Luke and Michael's giggles, letting him know he went to the right place. He followed the hostess to a room in the back.
"About time you showed up." Sierra said, making Claudia look up from her phone.
She softly smiled at him. Michael pulled Calum into a hug, bringing him back to reality. Luke and Sierra hugged him as well and wished him a happy birthday.
Ashton got up and pulled him away from the table. He ran his hand through his red hair and cleared his throat.
"Claudia and I had a talk a few days ago." Ashton said.
"So I heard." Calum nodded.
"I apologized to her and we're good. But I want to apologize to you too." Ashton looked behind Calum's shoulder watching Claudia pose with Sierra as Luke took pictures of them. "I'm sorry for not trusting your judgment. You were right. Claudia's a good person with even greater intentions."
"Well, I wasn't expecting that." Calum awkwardly chuckled. "Uh, apology accepted I guess."
"One question though."
"What's up?"
"Why haven't you asked her out? It's fucking obvious to the world and their dog that both of you have feelings for each other."
"She broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago. I don't wanna ask her out and potentially fuck up a good friendship."
Ashton thought back to what Claudia accidentally told him so he just nodded and said. "You'll know when the right time is."
They went back to the table. Calum pulled Claudia to a hug when he sat next to her.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here." He said, placing his arm on the back of her chair.
"Ashton convinced men with free food."
"I did what?" Ashton asked, confused.
"Yeah, you offered to pay for my food too." Michael called out while sipping his mimosa.
The brunch went by smoothly. By the end their server came by with a red velvet cake Claudia made. She showed up early and asked the manager if they could hold the cake while they ate.
Calum offered to walk Claudia back to her car since she parked the furthest. She held onto his arm cold from the breeze that blew. She knew she should have worn a jacket over her turtleneck.
"What are you doing later?" Calum asked her.
"Nothing, probably watch some tv." She said, rummaging through her bag for her keys.
"Wanna go to a concert? Management managed to get me some tickets to see Bad Bunny and since you got me into him I want to take you."
"You got tickets? I've been trying to get some for weeks."
"So that's a yes?"
"Oh my god yes!" She wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you!"
They talked a bit, mostly planning out the night. Calum was picking her up a bit early so they could eat something beforehand because concessions are always a mess. As they discussed what they wanted to eat, a black Mercedes parked in front of Claudia's car, leaving her no room to get out.
"No mames," she cursed as the driver of the Benz walked past them. She smiled sweetly at Calum. "Can you pull out?"
"Pull out?" He blinked, confused.
"Like can you get my car out of the parking spot." she explained. "It's too snug for me."
"How did you even get your licence?" He asked her while taking her keys.
"I wore some shorts and a halter top." She gestured over her outfit. "You think a turtleneck and some jeans would have done the job?"
Calum shamelessly scanned her up and down, keeping his eyes on her ass for an extra second. He looked over to her and smiled. "It does the job for me."
"Here," Calum said, handing Claudia a flannel he had in his car. "I have a hoodie if you want."
"I'll take the flannel. You don't wear hoodies to a Bad Bunny concert." She said. She let one of the sleeves fall off her shoulder. "Also you're not getting this back. This is now my flannel."
"Oi! That's my favorite flannel."
"That's too bad." Claudia smiled as she fluffed her hair and tugged down her dress. She noticed Calum checking her out as she fixed her outfit on the car door's reflection.
"Ready?" He asked her. She nodded her response.
The arena parking lot was surprisingly packed despite the doors opening in two more hours. Calum and Claudia walked hand in hand, not wanting to get separated from each other. They went over to the line at the taco truck.
Claudia stood in front of him while they waited. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. She relaxed a bit. She wasn't used to all the touching, but she didn't mind it. Calum made her feel safe and comfortable. He didn't do anything that made her feel like he wanted more from her.
It was finally their turn to order. Calum ordered a loaded quesadilla and beer. Before Claudia even processed he was ordering her five tacos de carne asada with the toppings on the side and agua de horchata. He paid the cashier and tugged her towards a free table.
"How did you know my order?" Claudia asked, reaching for his beer and taking a sip.
"We've hung out enough times for me to remember." He shrugged. He took back his beer and drank some. "There weren't carne asada fries on the menu, and you usually order tacos when they're not listed. Plus you've said that carne asada tacos are your safest bet at a taco truck."
"Oh." Claudia quietly said, playing with the wrapper of her straw.
She felt her cheeks warm up. Someone remembering the little things about her always got to her. It made her feel seen. Especially if that someone is Calum. He's an international rockstar that knows hundreds of people and he managed to remember her taco order.
The server came by their table and dropped off their basket of food. They pointed at the salsa station that had seven different types of salsas, limes, radishes, and pickled jalapeños with carrots. Claudia got up to get salsa while Calum stayed behind with their food. He watched her look disinterested at whatever the guy that was hogging the station was telling her.
"Hey, love," Calum called out to Claudia. He held up her phone in the air. "Your mum's calling."
She walked over to him and pretended to answer the phone. "Thank you,'' she whispered.
"What salsas do you want?" he asked.
"There's a creamy green one and the one that looks like regular salsa verde." she said, nodding along to her fake phone call.
Calum squeezed her hand and went to the salsa station. The guy that was trying to talk to Claudia was already talking to another girl.
"Excuse me." he said, wedging himself between them to get to the salsas.
He returned to his table. Claudia was on her phone, frowning.
"What's wrong?" He asked, handing her the salsas.
"Danny's here and he didn't even tell me he was coming up."
"Here as in LA or…"
"He's literally here eating Korean tacos on the other side." She sighed. She bit into her taco and chewed. Covering her mouth, she said. "It's fine though. No one is fucking this night up."
The concert went by quickly. They ran into some of Calum's fans and he took some pictures with them. He traded the group their tickets for the box tickets management got him. They wanted to enjoy the actual concert and not get distracted with all the other activities that were the private room.
"I had fun tonight, thank you for inviting me." Claudia told Calum when they got in his car.
"There's no one I would have rather spent the night with." He said shyly.
They both let out nervous giggles. Claudia smiled softly at him and took in his scent. It is a bright and woody cologne mixed with beer someone accidentally spilled on him. It was a comforting scent, as if she was at home. She looked up at Calum, and he glanced down to her lips.
He met her eyes and pushed back some of her curls before cupping her face with one hand. He leaned and pulled her for a quick kiss. As he pulled away, Claudia pulled him back and deepened the kiss.
Without breaking their kiss, she climbed to his lap and cupped his face. Her dress rode up to her waist. Claudia sighed into Calum's lips, feeling his hands slide up her thighs to her ass. She moaned out loudly as he squeezed her ass.
She pulled away and kissed down his neck, nipping and sucking. One of her hands wandered down to his belt. In one swift moment she unbuckled his belt and undid the buttons. Before she went further, Calum's hand pushed hers away.
"As much as I want to, I don't want our first time in my car." He groaned.
But Claudia only heard 'first time.'
"Did Ashton say something?" She asked him. The last thing she wanted was for him to find out that she was a virgin through his best friend.
"What does Ash have to do with this?"
"Nothing, I'm just confused why we stopped."
"Trust me I didn't want to. But I don't want a quickie in my car to be your first impression of me."
"Oh," she said, relieved.
"Good thing you live twenty minutes away. Maybe you can impress me there." She whispered, kissing his jaw.
"Wait seriously? You want to go back to my place?"
"Yeah." She sat back in her seat and pulled down her dress. Quickly noticing that they'll be stuck in the parking lot for a while, she turned back to him. "Maybe I can impress you with my mouth while we wait to leave?"
"You mean like a—"
"A blowjob? Yes."
“I’m not one to turn down a blowie.”
Calum had Claudia pressed against the door. Their tongues battled to see who got the upper hand. He grabbed the back of her thighs and effortlessly picked her up. He carefully carried her up to his bedroom. There once again he backed her up against the door
She pulled away and slipped off her flannel. Claudia helped him unbutton his shirt and helped him out of the ever present black tank top he wore under it. She slid her hands over his chest and up to his face. She couldn’t believe he was in front of her.
More kisses led them to the bed. The last few layers of clothes shed as they got reacquainted with their bodies.
“Can I have a taste?” Calum whispered in her ear. Claudia looked up at him with an unreadable expression. “I don’t have to, of course. Whatever we do is up to you. If you just want to make out then we’ll just make out. But if you want to have sex, fine by me. I want you to know that you’re not obligated to do anything. We can stop and just act like—”
“Go for it.” she said, stopping him from rambling.
“Wait, seriously?” His face lit up.
“Yes.” she softly giggled.
Claudia wrapped her arms around him as she deepened the kiss. She let out a soft whine when Calum pulled away. She watched him kiss her body as he made his way down.
He looked up at her when he reached her dripping core. “Ready?” he asked.
Calum placed her legs over his shoulders and gently kissed thighs purposely ignoring where she wanted him the most.
His fingers grazed her entrance, coating them with her arousal. He licked his fingers and continued to tease her. He smirked as her breathing quickened, and her soft pleas filled the room. He finally laid on his stomach and began to kiss the inside of her thighs before placing them over
his shoulders.
"Fuck." He moaned once he tasted her.
His tongue worked its wonders on Claudia. She never felt so desired. She was on edge minutes later. One of her hands
wrapped around his fresh blonde curls while the other tugged one of her breasts.
"Cal, please,” she begged.
“Gonna you use my fingers now okay?” he said.
“Just be gentle.” She said, stopping him from rambling.
“Of course.”
He kissed her thigh reassuringly. He made a show, licking his middle and ring fingers and making Claudia needy for him. Calum slid his fingers in her. He looked up and saw Claudia’s face contorted in pain.
“Did I hurt you?”
“No… a little, but it’s okay. You’re good, honest.” Claudia sait putting his mind at ease.
Calum nodded and buried his face between her thighs. He slipped his fingers inside of her once more. She squirmed at how he was thrusting his fingers in her. Then he added his thumb and slowly rubbed her clit, bringing her to her orgasm. He continued licking and thrusting his fingers into her as she came.
The tight grip on his hair loosened. Claudia sighed as Calum pulled his fingers out of her. He licked them clean and laid next to her. He turned to his side just as she did. He pushed back her curls and laid his hand on her cheek.
“I didn’t hurt you earlier, right?” He asked her softly.
“No, it kinda caught me off guard since no one’s ever done that. Overall A+.” she commented, earning a snort from him.
Calum gently pushed back and reclaimed her lips. They kissed for what seemed like forever. Not wanting her lips off away from him, he awkwardly reached over and patted around the nightstand, looking for the drawer. He pulled it out too hard and the drawer fell along with all of its content.
“Smooth.” Claudia teased.
“Shut up.” he bent down and opened the box of condoms, taking one out.
Claudia watched Calum slide the condom on himself before he got on top of her. He leaned down and captured her lips. They kissed for a while with some touches here and there.
“Calum, please do something.” Claudia whined. She reached for him and slowly pumped him.
“Eager are we, pretty girl.” He teased her. He lined himself up against her.
“Just want to get this over with.” she mumbled out loud. She cursed. “I didn’t mean like that…”
“Then how did you?”Calum got up and grabbed his boxers. “You just don’t tell someone you’re about to hook up with that you wanna get it over with, Claudia.”
“You do when it’s your first time.” She said quietly, wrapping Calum’s bed sheet around her.
Calum stood silent, processing what she said. His mind went over the little comments they said here and there throughout. Then it finally hit him.
“Claudia, are you a virgin?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes it does. It makes a—”
“What, you don’t fuck virgins either?”
“What— Can we just talk about this?”
“What is there to talk about? You’re just like Paco; you want nothing to do with me because I’m a virgin.” Claudia met Calum’s eyes, hurt filled his soft brown eyes. She looked down, embarrassed at herself.
Calum is nothing like Paco.
“I’m sorry. It just all happened so quickly and I freaked out. You’re nothing like Paco, you actually like going down on me.” she added the last bit to lighten up the mood.
Calum sat next to her on the bed. He watched her pull the sheet tighter around her. She sniffled and wiped a few tears away from her cheek.
“Claudia, what really happened between you and your ex?” He asked her gently, not wanting her to feel obligated to share.
“Isn’t it obvious?” she laughed dryly. “He dumped my ass because I never put out.”
“He’s a selfish idiot.” Calum said. He pushed back some of her hair and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry if I pressured you into something you aren’t ready for.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry for not telling you that I was a virgin. I was scared that I was gonna push you away or that I’d make things awkward between us if you knew… wait I just did the latter.”
Calum snorted. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her head once more. He scratched her scalp when she laid her head on his shoulder.
“Not to one up your awkwardness but Duke has been in the room the whole time.”
Taglist: @f-mu @another-lonely-heart ​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021​​   @calumscalm ​ @karajaynetoday ​ @cherryxwildflower ​ @myloverboyash ​  @idontneedanyone ​ @findingliam-o ​ @5-secondsofcolor ​ @spicycal ​ @sexgodashton ​ @fckingpernico ​ @2fangirl4u ​ @calpops
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A Gift
Luke x ghost!reader
Summary: It's your birthday and you wish you could spend it with your family. Luke and the band try to cheer you up (super fluffy).
Requested?: Nope
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
A/n: This kinda came out of nowhere and once I had the idea I got carried away. I hope y'all like it!!
For you birthdays were a big thing when you were alive. You and your family would always go on a camping trip and have the time of your lives together. It wasn’t just limited to your family either, it was open to your friends too. It was your favorite tradition.
When you had met Luke, you had been looking forward to inviting him and the band, but then the fateful night at the Orpheum had happened. You and the rest of the band had died that night, now it was twenty-twenty and you were ghosts.
It had been great meeting Julie and forming a band with her, but as your birthday rolled around you were feeling immensely sad. Like Luke you had visited their family and you had seen them preparing to go on the camping trip in your honor. While it made you happy to see them keeping up the tradition, it also felt like a stab to the heart that you couldn’t be there with them.
In the days leading up to your birthday you had grown quiet and more reserved, struggling to find the energy to be happy. You couldn’t visit your family anymore, it just made you cry, but knowing that they were camping and you couldn’t be there also made you cry. It was a lose-lose.
So you had spent most of your time at the beach, watching the ocean and letting it calm you. There was something so relaxing about the way the waves moved and the push and pull of the tide. It was also nice to have privacy, just the crashing waves to keep you company.
It was inevitable that the band would notice your mood and absence of course, and notice they did.
You were at the beach, watching the ocean like normal. It was admittedly a beautiful day for your birthday. The sun was just breaking through the marine layer, creating bright orange patterns on the clouds.
Luke poofed in beside you, startling you out of your sad thoughts. The two of you had been dating since you got the band together and he was always there to comfort you.
“Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around you. You sniffed in return.
“You didn’t think I would forget what today is, did you?” He asked, giving a small smile.
“No,” you answered, smiling a little bit.
“Good,” he stood up in front of you and grabbed your hands. “You are amazing and you are so great and understanding when it comes to me missing my parents, now it’s my turn to help you with your grief.”
You didn’t have time to respond before you felt the cold sand disappear from beneath you. The world shifted to new surroundings, ones that you definitely did not recognize.
“Luke?” You asked, letting go of his hand. You weren’t exactly in the mood for any surprises at the moment.
Luke moved back to standing in front of you. “Trust me on this, okay?”
He took your hand again and led you down a path. You looked around, trying to find anything that would clue you into where you were.
You slowly began to recognize your surroundings and you stopped walking. “What’s wrong?” Luke asked, stopping with you once he realized you weren’t moving.
“Luke, I-I’ve already visited, seeing them just makes me even sadder.”
“That isn’t why we’re here, Y/n/n. I’ve got a completely unrelated surprise for you.”
You hesitantly began to walk and Luke gave you an encouraging smile. “You are going to have a great day today. I promise.”
You gave him a weak and slightly nervous smile as you followed him. You walked over a hill and what you saw made you smile for real.
Julie and her family were setting up a campsite while the rest of the band and Flynn helped. After the whole Caleb fiasco Julie had let her family in on the ghostly little secret.
“Happy Birthday!” Luke exclaimed, gesturing excitedly at everyone.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” Everyone called, though Flynn, Carlos, Victoria, and Ray were a little late since they didn’t see your arrival.
You smiled at your found family. “Guys, this is so sweet.”
“Oh, this isn’t everything,” Reggie said excitedly. “Wait till you see what else we have planned.”
For the first time in a while, you forgot your grief and excitement replaced it. “I can’t wait.”
After a few incredibly fun activities, you made it back to your campsite. The sun was still up and you had a while before everyone would eat dinner.
Still hyped up you had a lot of energy and you didn’t know if you could just sit around and chat or play cards. Thankfully Carlos suggested a game of Ultimate frisbee and once the words were out of his mouth, Reggie was chanting it to. You were definitely up for a game and from there, teams were formed.
It was you, Julie, and Alex versus Luke, Reggie, Flynn, and Carlos. You may or may not have specifically engineered it to have Alex on your team, him being the tallest gave an advantage.
You took on Luke. He smirked at you as Alex threw the frisbee to Julie and Flynn intercepted. You rolled your eyes and saw Flynn get ready to throw the frisbee at Carlos. Julie was trying to guard her and Alex was on Reggie, so in a split second you ran over to Carlos. You knew you were faster than Luke so you’d be able to get to Carlos and catch the frisbee first and fortunately you were right.
You intercepted and Luke tried to guard you, giving you a pouty face when Alex caught your throw. You smirked at him, running past Alex to the area near your goal. You had barely stopped running when Alex tossed the frisbee back to you. Luke was almost to you and Julie was open. You threw it to her and smiled as she caught it, scoring a point.
“We’ll get it next time,” Luke called running off towards his team's end of the field.
“Sure!” You called back, a bright smile on your face. However, Luke was right, his team scored the next two times and your team scored the last time before dinner, leaving you at a tie.
You all made your way back to the campsite and you ghosts sat down while the ‘lifers’ got their food.
“It was interesting seeing the frisbee get caught in midair.” Ray chuckled as he took his seat, almost sitting in Reggie before Julie warned him.
“Yes, I’m glad you were having fun,” Victoria said, patting Julie. You smiled at the gesture, trying not to feel sad about your own aunts.
Dinner was full of fun chatting and Julie translating for you and the guys. After dinner the guys got their instruments out and began to sing ‘happy birthday’ to you. You sang along so everyone could see you and it turned into an impromptu concert.
As the sun disappeared and the stars came out, you and your found family sang, enjoying the moment. You would definitely treasure these memories for years to come.
After you finished singing Luke came over to you. “Just close your eyes for a second,” he said, grinning at you like an excited puppy. You did what he asked, though rather reluctantly.
“Guys, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“We wanted to,” Alex said.
You heard a lot of shuffling right in front of you and eventually Luke spoke. “Okay, open your eyes.”
In front of you was a small pile of gifts. “Guys-“
Luke cut you off before you could protest any further, “Stop, you deserve all of this and more. And don’t say you feel bad for not doing more for our birthdays, I know how long it takes you to knit those scarves.”
“Fine,” you smiled. “Which one first?”
“Ooo! Open mine!” Reggie begged, pointing at a cleanly wrapped box.” You unwrapped it, careful to make sure none of the trash went anywhere, and gasped at what you were holding. It was an incredibly detailed and beautiful sketch of a horse.
“Reggie, did you draw this?”
He nodded. “And it’s got the first country song we wrote together on it.”
You beamed at him. “We’ll get that country album some day,” you vowed, gently nudging Luke when he rolled his eyes.
“Mine next,” Alex requested, pointing to an even more elaborately wrapped box. You opened it to see Alex had decorated your old guitar strap, painting it with your favorite colors. You had been meaning to do that since you got it and you were grateful he had taken the initiative.
“I love it.”
“Good, I’m not that artistic so I didn’t know what to get you and then I remembered that you had been meaning to decorate your guitar strap since you got it, so I did it,” Alex rambled.
You laughed. “How very thoughtful of you.”
You turned your attention back to the rest of the stack, but Luke was already ready. “Here’s mine.”
“You took the small package from him and opened it. Inside was a little box and in that there was a necklace. The pendant was an old guitar pick branded with the sunset curve logo and with it was a little card in Luke’s messy handwriting: A memento of the band we started all those years ago.
“I think I’m gonna cry.” You put your hand to your mouth and Luke took the necklace from the box, putting it on you.
“I love you so much,” Luke whispered to you.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, kissing his cheek.
After admiring the necklace for a little while longer, you went to open the rest of the pile. Julie got you a gift card so you could shop together(you still only had your clothes from the nineties). Ray gave you a framed photograph of you guys at the garage party singing Edge of Great and Carlos got you a ball of yarn. Even Victoria even got you a little candle that you absolutely adored and Flynn got you a bracelet that matched one that she and Julie were wearing.
“Guys, these are all so great, I can’t thank you enough! You better bet I’ll be stepping it up for your guys’ birthdays.”
“Looking forward to it,” Carlos said, after Julie repeated what you said. He turned to his left and smiled at you and you laughed, you were sitting more to his right.
“Tell him that I can’t wait,” you requested and Julie obliged.
While she did that you got up and hugged everyone you could. “Guys, this could not have been a better day.”
“It’s not over yet. We have one last gift for you!” Reggie said excitedly and you smiled brightly, tears of joy forming in your eyes.
“You guys didn’t have to,” you protested, blushing at the kindness they had been showing you. “You’ve already done so much for me.”
“Yes we did.” Julie sat down next to you and Luke sat on the other side, with an arm around you while Reggie and Alex leaned in behind you. You tilted your head as Julie turned on her phone and went to her camera roll.
You were about to ask what was going on when she played a video. Julie and the guys appeared on screen and you saw that they were standing outside the garage.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” They all yelled and you smiled, expecting them to do a little birthday recording of a song for you, but instead of getting their instruments Luke spoke.
“We noticed how sad you were about your parents and we had this idea...” with that the screen shifted.
You were only more confused when you recognized the inside of your parents house. It was easy to tell that the camera was filming from just inside your old kitchen. You watched curiously as Julie and your parents stepped into the frame.
“If you could say one thing to her, what would you say?” Julie asked and you realized she was talking about you.
Your mom sniffed, tears in her eyes. “I’d let her know how much I love her and how proud we are of her. I just wish we could tell her that. She was so talented, I just wish she could have lived her dream.”
Tears welled in your eyes at what your mom said, but they started falling when your dad spoke. “I’d wish her a happy birthday and tell her that I wish she could come camping with us. We kept up our tradition and I just wish she could know how much she meant-means to us. We missed out on so much with her and though we can’t get it back I hope she knows that we love her with all of our hearts.”
The video faded into a slideshow of some pictures of you, and in the background Now or Never was playing.
A good majority of the old pictures were taken during your camping trips and it was interesting to see how you had grown. When you were twelve, guitars began to appear in the pictures and there were quite a few ones of you playing around a campfire. Everyone was laughing in those, and it made you smile to remember when they were taken.
After the pictures of your family, they faded to pictures of you with the guys. There was even one of your first gig, you recalled that your mom had taken it. Your parents had been so excited for you. You had always felt so lucky to have such supportive parents.
From there, there were the newest pictures, ones of you with Julie and even some from your current camping trip that she must have added at the last minute.
After the last picture faded away you immediately grabbed all of your friends into a group hug. You couldn’t believe they had done this for you. You felt so unbelievably honored and touched.
You sniffed. “Guys, how did you do this?”
“Well, Alex, Reggie, and I got most of the pictures, we used some cameras to sneak them,” Luke explained.
“Yeah, it was not easy. I can’t count the number of times your parents almost saw the floating cameras,” Reggie said and you laughed.
You turned to Julie. “It means the world to me that you got my parents to say that. How?”
“I told them that I was trying to get to know the old band that had once practiced in my garage and from there they told me everything.” You hugged the girl tightly.
“I can’t begin to explain how much this means to me.” You opened your mouth to explain more, but nothing came out. “Just...this is...wow, guys. I-I just, thank you? I don’t know, thank you doesn’t sound like enough.”
“You don’t have to explain, Y/n, we’re just glad you liked it,” Alex said.
“After this, I’m gonna make sure you guys have great birthdays too.” Some more tears fell. “I just, wow.”
“So you liked it?” Luke asked and you beamed at him.
“I loved it.”
Tada, I hope y'all enjoyed this! Once I started writing it bloomed into this and I'm happy with what it came out to be. It's also been a while since I played frisbee, so sorry if the rules are wrong. Anyways, I loved writing this and I hope y'all have a fantastically safe and wonderful day/night!
Also if you want me to do more gender neutral fics just let me know, I only do she/her because that's what I’m most comfortable with, but please let me know if you want they/them on more stuff. I want to make this blog inclusive.
P.S. I am open to requests, but I won't get to them until after Halloween :) Please check my blog for the pinned post before requesting.
P.P.S. if you want to be on my taglist for all things Julie and the Phantoms, feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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aiyaar · 3 years
Merry Christmas everyone!💫💕 Hope you're having an amazing Christmas with the people you love. Here's my Christmas gift for y'all. Solangelo celebrating Christmas 🖤💛🌲💫
Ariana Grande- Love Is Everything
Nico woke up the next morning, feeling so much happiness. Sunlight streamed throught the curtains and shone in his eyes. Apollo had already started his day.
Nico felt a hand in his hair and rolled over, meeting with sky blue eyes.
“Merry Christmas.” Will whispered, smiling at him.
“Merry Christmas.”
Nico lifted himself a little bit, resting his chin on Will’s chest, drawing his finger around the tattoo on his left pectoral.
“Still can’t believe it’s real.” Nico said, raising on elbow and looking Will in the eyes. ”You’re real. And I’m finally home. With you.”
Will lay on his back, entangling his long fingers in the black curls.
“A whole month.” He said, cupping Nico’s face with his hands. “So many things we can do. But all I want is to lie in the bed like this with you.”
“I’d like to spend the whole Christmas day like this.” Nico said, feeling Will’s scent. He always smelled like morning dew, grass and medicaments.
“But we have a lot to do.” Nico felt Will’s chest lifting up a little with a sigh. “Mom’s been calling since 6 a.m. And I promised Kayla and Austin we will visit camp today. Dad will come too.”
“Yeah.” Nico smiled, thinking about Naomi. Will had an amazing mother. “I also need to see Hazel.”
“Then I’ll go and make us breakfast. After that we’ll go celebrating Christmas with our families.”
Will tried to get up but Nico was still lying on top of him.
“Or we can cuddle ten more minutes.”
“Okay.” Will chuckled, lying down and kissing Nico’s forehead. “Ten more minutes.”
Ten minutes grew into an hour, so now they were driving on the highway to see Will’s mother. And they were late
They were wearing the sweaters Naomi made for them last year: Nico’s was black, with a skull in a Christmas year and Will’s yellow, reindeers on his sweater were circling around an embroidered bright sun.
Naomi Solace opened the door, wearing a red dress and an apron. Her auburn hair were gathered in a bun.
“Boys!” She cried, hugging them both. She smelled like cookies and chocolate. “Come in, come in. I have so many things to ask you. Nico, how’s there in Venice?”
Nico always loved that atmosphere that was in the air in Will’s childhood house on Christmas. It was special.
Naomi kept asking about Nico’s college, Venice, Will’s exams. She told them about many Christmas concerts she had. They were talking, laughing, singing.
The camp Half-Blood was always quiet on Christmas. There were like twenty people who stayed and Nico loved that calmness around the camp.
Walking to the Big House, Nico had so many memories. There’s the lake, where he and Will like to go on a canoe date. Here’s his cabin, no one lived there for a couple of years. He looked at the dining pavilion, a hole he made in a Christmas day many years ago, the worst day of his life. He looked at the Big House and could almost see teenagers Will and Nico playing this stupid card game with Dionysus on the porch.
Nostalgia flooded his heart and tears appeared in his eyes as he remembered the first day he saw this mazing place. It was ages ago but he remembered it as if it was tomorrow.
Will took his hand and Nico knew that Will had the same sweet ache in his heart.
Chiron galloped on the snowy meadow, greeting them and wishing merry Christmas. Dionysus looked as grumpy as usual but he felicitated them and gave Nico a candy cane. Nico never understood it but Dionysus had grown to care about Nico as if he was his son. Ever since that Tartarus thing… No, he told himself, don’t think about it.
They met Apollo on the archery spot.
“My boys!” He hugged Will and kissed the top of Nico’s head. Nico got used to this, the sun god has been doing this every time he saw Nico after the battle in the tower of Nero. It was sort of a habit.
“You guys look so good.” Apollo beamed at them. “How have you been? My boy was probably dying there without his cute little boyfriend on his side.” Apollo petted Nico’s cheek. Nico should’ve already get used to it but he still blushed.
After Apollo they met Piper and Leo, who returned to camp to work on some secret project or whatever. Then they met Kayla and Austin and went to the dining pavilion to drink eggnog together.
The next stop were Jacksons. Sally’s greeting was as warm as usual. She almost treated Percy’s demigod friends as if they are her own children. Estelle was already six and she kept clinging to Nico, ranting about everything.
Will and Annabeth were discussing something about colleges, while Percy told Nico about New Rome, the huntresses and all that he missed when he was in Venice.
“Thank the fates there’s no titans, giants and gods who seek for help this year.” Percy said, snatching a cookie from Sally’s tray. “It’s been calm for years.”
“Hey.” Nico slightly hit him on the head. “Don’t jinx it, idiota. “
Percy rubbed his head, pouting a little but couldn’t argue with di Angelo.
They didn’t stay for a long time in Hades place. It wasn’t in the Underworld, no. He had a luxurious house, little gloomy but snug in the living world. Nico always felt uncomfortable when Demeter was around, so he was happy it was only his father and Persephone.
His stepmother wasn’t that horrible now, after all these years she had grown to maybe like Nico and Will, being the son of a son god, had a good effect on her flowers, so she didn’t mind them visiting sometimes. As a Christmas present she gave Nico a whole bouquet of roses and he had no idea what to do with them. The bouquet was two big and Will said it was cute how when Nico hold it, his face couldn’t be seen and roses almost overbalanced them.
It was the most awkward meeting this Christmas. Hades had gave Nico too many presents: the brand new IPhone that came out like yesterday, new watches (Nico didn’t even wear watches) and transferred more money to his bank account. Knowing that Nico, didn’t like driving, he solemnly handed over new car keys for Will, staying that the car was already on the parking lot of their house. Hades gave Will a new car every Christmas, since he was 17 and Will didn’t know what to do with them all. When they tried to sell one, Hades took offense, so they had to keep them.
Besides the present he kept glaring at Will as if he did something bad and even though they’ve been together for five years now, he asked what was his actual intentions, while Persephone gave Nico a lecture about why they should have more flowers in home.
They walked out of Hades’ place embarrassed, as usual.
The New Rome was, unlike Camp Half-Blood, very animated. The Christmas was in the air.
Huntresses of Artemis came by, having a day of. Nico was happy to chat with Reyna but he kept looking for one particular person in the crowd.
Jason told him he’ll come back to America too and will celebrate Christmas in New Rome.
Nico looked around, suddenly yelping when someone hugged him from the back, lifting him from the ground.
“Jason!” Nico laughed.
“Hey, lil bro.” Jason smiled, petting his head. “Hello, Will.” He gave Will a high-five.
“How are you? How’s London.” Nico asked, when they sat down on the bench.
“Everything’s cool. A little busy, though. I won’t be able to stay for too long.” Jason answered.
“Well,” Will faced Jason. “You definitely have to visit us before you leave.”
“Yeah.” Nico said. “Anything new in your…personal life?” Nico asked curiously.
Jason laughed softly.
“Maybe.” Nico squinted at him. “Come on, you know I’d tell you if it was serious.” But Jason looked slightly embarrassed. “Ugh, so… Did you guys see Hazel already?”
“Nah.” Nico said. “Reyna said she and Frank are a little busy now.”
“I wonder what are they busy with.” Will chuckled, making both Jason and Nico’s eyes widen.
A half an hour later, Hazel and Frank finally walked out of their praetor house. Frank squeezed Nico and Will in a bear hug, Hazel kissed Nico on the check and hugged Will.
“Gods, I’ve missed you.” She said, taking Nico’s hand. “How’s college?”
They walked together, Nico talking about his year in Venice, Will about his exams and stuff. Frank told them that he’s been planning to go back to Canada next year. He wants to join an army.
“Really?” Nico was a little shocked. “But what about your praetor position.”
Frank looked around, observing the camp as the stood on the hill.
“There’s a lot of worthy guys. Lavinia, for example.” He sighed. “We were just thinking about trying to have our own life, you know? No war, no gods.”
Will looked at Hazel.
“So you’re leaving too?”
Hazel looked a little sad but a gleam lightened in her eyes.
“I want to go to college. In Canada. We’re planning to move together.” She looked at Nico, as if expecting his reaction. He took her hand.
“That’s great! I’m sure you guys we’ll be fine.”
Hazel smiled at him, resting her curly head on her brother’s shoulder.
They drove back home in silence, a warm feeling in their hearts.
“You know.” Nico started, looking at Will. “Five years ago I couldn’t imagine it’ll be like this.”
Will quickly glanced at him, then returning his eyes on the road.
“What do you mean?”
Nico sighed, closing his eyes.
“I have everything now, you know. And it scares me, how fast the nights are changing. I still remember the Battle of Manhattan, as if it was yesterday. And here we are now. And all this changes, they are… Scary. Me living in Venice, you here, Hazel and Frank leaving to Canada. Even Percy and Annabeth are planning to move somewhere else. And what if with all these changes… we’ll lose each other?”
Will removed one hand from the steering wheel, resting it on Nico’s lap. He slowed down the car a little and looked at Nico.
“I know what you mean. Ever since you went to college, it’s been bothering me. But you know what?” Will smiled, squeezing Nico’s hand. “No matter what, we are family. All of us. This Christmas all I can think about is family. My mom, dad, siblings. You. You and your friends, your sister. Even your father.” Will chuckled. “We all are family. And it doesn’t matter where we live and what we do. We’re always together.”
Nico fell silent for a moment, thinking about Will’s words. Then he smiled.
“Right.” He rubbed Will’s hand with a thumb, feeling his warmth. “Family.”
So many years Nico spent looking for something, that will make him feel calm. Happy. He had friends, sister. He met Will. And on this Christmas evening he finally found the right word. They were together, no matter what. Jason, Reyna, Percy. Will’s parents and Nico’s parents. Hazel and Frank. And, most important, Will. He had them all. They were his actual family.
Nico closed his eyes, feeling drowsy as the car wiggled a little. He used to wonder how his life would go if Bianca was with him. But now it didn’t matter. All the things he’s been through was perfectly safe in his heart and he loved them. His life led him to something wonderful.
Eight years passed since the worst Christmas of his life. And today was probably the best Christmas he’d ever had.
Yes, it didn’t matter if he was in Venice, Will in America and Hazel in Canada. It didn’t matter where his family was. As long as love lived in his heart, they are together.
Nico opened his eyes, glancing at Will, who was concentrating on the road. He smiled, closing his eyes again.
Family, he thought as he fell asleep, still feeling Will’s hand in his own.
(Thank you guys for supporting and reading my blog. I've started it few month ago and there's already so many of you! Thank you so much 💕💕💕💕 Merry Christmas guys
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imaushuyuna · 4 years
One More Chance, Please
 😥:He left you one day and didn't say anything two you now three years later what happens when he comes back wanting a second chance.
😥:Mokyo x Reader with the occasional mentions of other artist || Angst//Fluff//Smut later on
😥:Hey peeps,I have been working on this for a while i decided to release it also i’m not saying my baby Mokyo would do some thing like this so don’t get mad OK?  I didn’t proofread OK.
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(get this man some more gifs plz)
Three years ago...... It was three years ago when he said it was over when he felt that his heart didn’t beat the way it used when you guys first meet, but that’s in the past you’re doing better than you’ve been doing got a new job, new friends, and that’s all you need right.
No. you’re not doing the best your lonely you need someone to feel that space in your heart but no matter how hard you try to move on for some reason your heart always goes back to him and it kills you to see him everywhere on billboards but at least he's making his dreams come true.
it was the next day but for some reason you felt like something could go bad at any moment.
You work at Aurora a fashion company, you’re an intern for your creepy boss who you want to just punch in the face but you know you would lose your job, but you went through so much trouble for this job you just couldn’t give it up. 
‘Y/N there you are I've been looking everywhere for you” Birdie your coworker pointed out. 
“I just got here the bus was extra full this morning” you stated.
“ girl anyway I saw an old friend and he gave us concert tickets’ she mentioned as she danced around you.
thinking to yourself you only knew one person who sings Mokyo, just thinking about him made you shiver. You also knew that Birdie had all kinds of friends so it could be anyone at this point.
“ look I have many things to do birdie I don’t know if i should go or not”, you mumbled looking at the ground.
“ look y/n i’m not going to force you to go but if you do here” she handed you the address where the concert was being held.
You decided it was good idea to go because in all honest you just needed to get out the stress was becoming to much for you to handle any more.
But you were mostly thinking that you could potentially get a man so you wont be as lonely.
Walking into the venue you found Birdie pretty fast as she had already had men surrounding her. You went to see next to her and as soon as you sat down the announcer came on stage.
“ARE YOU READY FOR A FUN NIGHT TODAY LADIES AND GENTLEMAN’ he yelled into the mic trying to get the crowed hyped up. 
the crowed screamed as a response to the man.
“our first singer up is Mokyo” he said more quietly this time.
No is all you though to yourself you cant see him you cant, but as you went to run away your feet didn't want to move its like they had mind of their own, and when you heard his voice  you just wanted to run up there and give him a hug but no.
You had to get out of there so you ran and ran, but little did you know was he  ran after you.
“Y/N please com back i wan to talk please” He pleaded as he ran.
“ I don’t want to talk to you Moyko, you threw away everything we had three years ago and you didn't even say goodbye what is there to day huh”, you yelled clearly hurt bye him.
“ Y/N i know i left you without a word but I just want to explain now why I left you please can we talk please” he had tears in as he said that.
A/N: oop what do y'all think he wants to say? and why do you think he left?
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for-his-dream-xciii · 4 years
New Happiness (F)
Pairing: sf9 chani x reader.
Genre: fluff, one shot.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 3k.
A/N: Hello there, if anyone is reading this, I hope you can enjoy this story a lot. This is my first time writing a thing like this so, I’m sorry for all my mistakes. Also, english is not my first language so again sorry, hehe. I noticed that there aren’t many sf9 scenarios and since I craved for a chani scenario a lot because he’s my baby, I got inspired by a dream I had so I wrote this, also adding more elements to make it more interesting. Fantasies, I love y’all.♡
Also a big thank you to Guille who helped me a lot with this and for being the only one who is always there for me when I cry about chani.~
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As you were arriving to the venue you still couldn’t believe how your sister had managed to convince your mother into letting her go to this concert and by all means drag you with her as well. You were trying to concentrate all your energies into the upcoming exams you had to prepare for this semester so, dealing with this stuff right now felt like a waste of time and got a little bit on your nerves. Of course you loved your sister a lot, and you would do anything for her, but right now you were just so stressed that everything in your surroundings felt annoying and you just wanted to get this done so you could get back home as soon as possible.
Spring was around the corner when the news about this indie band that wasn’t even that famous came along. And so, Amelie, your little sister, got interested in them a lot, since she liked the simple vibe their songs had, unlike other girls of her age, her interests were different and very unique. You were certainly quite proud of how well she had grown up through the years, after helping your mother to raise her in any aspect you could. You three were alone in the world, and because of that you were always there to support each other.
The concert date was approaching but you just kept studying and didn’t pay much attention to your sister who was so excited about it. Though, deep down you were happy that she had found a thing or two to distract herself in a healthy way from all the stressful stuff she had going on sometimes.
D-day was here and now Amelie and you were waiting on the line outside the venue with a bunch of people. There weren’t that many but it was enough to fill both floors inside. The queue moved, and you proceeded to pay for the tickets with the code you had already saved online a couple weeks ago, you gave it to the boy who was attending and he handed you over the two tickets with no problems.
Calmly and side hugging your sis, you entered the hall, now the only thing left was for them to open the doors and then the concert would be starting soon. You were sure it wouldn’t be that long, as soon as the sun went completely down they will be done and you will get to finally go home.
You separated from the hug and while walking you decided to check your phone and as you tried to reply to the messages from your best friend who was telling you how she couldn’t decide what she was going to have for dinner you stumbled into someone.
“Oh my- I am so sorry.” you said as your eyes went up to meet a brown haired guy who was also looking apologetically for not paying attention to where he was going either.
You both stayed still for a moment. Breathless for a second that felt like forever.
“Chani? Lucas! Hey, how are you?” Amelie said smiling. Chani and you were still staring at each other. He had the cutest, shiniest brown eyes and the sweetest stare you had ever seen before. But of course, you being you, got overwhelmed at the situation and immediately looked away before you even dare to blush. How did this guy managed to almost get that from you? Yes, he was very good looking but, was it that much of a big deal to almost make you blush? You took a quick glance at him again, from head to toe, his beauty was truly breathtaking and you felt a rush of excitement running through your body. May all at those love-at-first-sight stories be damn, you did not believe in such things. But again, who said love? You were allowed to think a guy looked extremely fine at first sight, right?
Wait, so Amelie knew them?
“Y/N, this is Lucas, he’s one of my classmates.” your sister explained. “And he’s Chani, his older brother.”
You all exchanged some polite “Nice to meet you.” and then proceeded to keep walking to the doors, where a certain amount of people were already gathering.
After saying your goodbyes, Lucas and Chani kept walking forward, you and your sister stayed still, close to one of the doors.
“So… I guess you aren’t that close to Lucas. I thought you two would maybe want to go inside together.” you stated while watching Amelie’s reaction, she looked unbothered. “It’s better when you have nice people to share this kinda stuff with, you know.” You were hoping not to sound too lonely, but Amelie looked up at you.
“It’s okay dude, we are here together.” And that’s how she cut off the subject and y'all finally got inside the venue a few minutes later.
While going inside many people went to the second floor and many people chose to stay in the first one. The truth was, each floor had a nice view of the scenario so it was really up to the personal preferences of each person to choose where you were going to stay during the whole presentation. Amelie wanted to stay in the first one so you went further to get close to the stage, even though a lot of people were already stuck right beside it.
As you waited, a few songs of the band were softly playing as background music so you were hoping to recognize some songs later on when they will came out and do them live.
While you were enjoying one particular song, you had this weird feeling that a gaze was on you, so you started to look around and yet everybody seemed to be minding their own business jamming to the songs or talking to each other, it wasn’t until you started to scan the second floor when your eyes met Chani’s for the second time that evening. The moment it happened he played it cool, looking away while keeping a straight face. In fact, when you had just met him a few minutes ago, he was also holding this serious, yet not rude expression. It only made you more curious about him.
You turned to look at the stage again, trying to not think about Chani anymore, and kept humming to a song Amelie made sure to get it stuck in your subconscious before today.
As the background music died, the band members started to come out and all the people cheered for them warmly. The concert was going great, many of the songs were slow jams but it was a very enjoyable atmosphere. At some point you grow weak and looked up to check on Chani, he seemed to be enjoying this even more than Lucas. You really started to regret the fact that he and Amelie weren’t close enough to stick together earlier.
But then you got an idea.
“Hey… wanna go to the second floor?” you asked, trying not to look straight at Amelie’s face, she would read through you right away and you weren’t sure if you could give her a proper explanation to your sudden request.
“Why? We are fine here, besides I’m sure there’s only a few more songs left. What if we don’t get a comfortable spot? We are okay here.” she said without looking at you. She was right, the concert was probably gonna end soon because you could tell the sun was starting to go down, just as you predicted. The concert will be done as soon as the sun gets fully hidden.
“You’re right, but still... we should go up. Don’t you think it would be great if we can see the two perspectives of the show? I mean, we are lucky enough to be here. We should enjoy it as much as we can.” And from where the hell did all of that came? You were taken aback yourself at how smooth you sounded.
For a moment, Amelie stood unbothered, but then she looked up at you.
“Alright then, let’s go.” YES. YES. Wait, why am I so excited? Please, be chill.
You both quickly took the stairs so you wouldn’t miss many parts of the show taking too much time going up. As soon as you started moving through the people who were on this floor you regretted coming here. What were you thinking? It’s not like you could just go wherever Lucas and Chani were and act like y'all were friends or something.
You spotted them leaning on the railing and decided to play it cool so you would look like you didn’t see them and were casually going around.
But Amelie also spotted them, and right away she looked at you smiling. “Oh… my God.”
“What?” you asked looking at her. She knew you too well. She knew you don’t usually do this kind of stuff just because. You must have a reason.
“You brought me here so we could be closer to Chani? Did you like him? You from all people? The almighty I-don’t-have-time-for-boys Y/N? This is hilarious.”
“Oh please don’t be silly-”
“I thought It was weird when you asked to move, you hate moving around in events like this. Now it makes sense.”
“It’s really not like that Amelie-”
“Hey.” she stopped on her tracks. “For once, let me help you, as much as you always help me. Come on.” She grabbed your hand and started to drag you closer to where to boys were. “Just try to be friendly you know, I mean wait, don’t, don’t try, just be you and see what’s up. I will do my best to get along with Lucas so you two can freely talk.”
“What? Amelie I swear-” but you never got to finish your sentence because you were already behind the boys.
“Hey guys, we meet again.” Amelie let out, both turned around. Chani looked at you gifting you a shy smile. W-was he really smiling at… you? CHILL, REMEMBER TO BE CHILL.
“Hey, are you guys having fun?” you asked, you exchanged looks with Lucas and he felt relieved… Relieved? Relieved of what?
“One of the best shows I ever attended to.” said Lucas now looking at Amelie, she returned a smile to him. “And now that you’re both finally here I shall finally have peac-” he was interrupted by Chani. “I’m sure what my little brother is trying to say is that he’s glad we are not alone anymore, he gets easily tired of me. Don’t you, little demon?” Chani said while ruffling his hair.
“Please, let go of me, talk to her alre-”
“Don’t y'all love this song?” Chani half screamed, you jumped a little bit because of his voice, he had a very low tone while speaking and that half scream took you by surprise.
As if Amelie immediately understood what was going on she turned to Lucas and started to talk about lot of stuff related to the songs, the band and members. You were left wondering why she waited to this day and this moment to finally get close to this boy. Was she really trying her best because she thought you liked Chani and she could help you both to get along if she did the same with Lucas? You truly raised the sweetest girl.
“So… how long has it been since you know this band? I thought they weren’t that popular?” You asked Chani, now all of you moving to lean again into the railing. The sun was still present but it wasn’t hot, unlike many concerts that are during the day, today was a lovely spring day and for some reason your body just felt super relaxed, as if you lungs were getting clearer oxygen, it was a strange but exciting sensation.
“I actually discovered them about a year and a half ago, I think. Ever since I found out about them, both me and Lucas enjoyed many of their songs so, coming today was a must.” He replied, looking at the stage where the vocalist was looking at one of his bandmates and smiling.
You found yourself admiring Chani’s side profile, he seemed to have no bad angles…
“That’s cute.” you laughed. “I actually don’t know many of their songs but I came here for Amelie.”
“I guess I owe Amelie a big one.” he let out on an almost inaudible voice, thinking you wouldn’t be able to catch it, still focused on the stage where the band was starting the last chorus of that song. But you did hear it.
And that’s all it took. You were blushing. As you were just admiring how it was such a beautiful day, now you suddenly felt hot. And even if you didn’t understand why, you liked it. Though, the little tingles in your stomach made you panic. You could be just assuming things, you thought. Don’t.
Brushing off the tingles you decided to also focus on the stage now, where the drummer was explaining how only 3 songs were left.
You were sad, why didn’t you think about coming up here earlier. You hadn’t done much, and you still didn’t know how to face him and tell him you wanted to know more about him.
As you kept struggling searching for the right words to say so you wouldn’t sound too desperate, you heard Lucas and Amelie who now were a little far from Chani and you, but their conversation still was able to reach your ears.
“… I swear, the entire concert Chani hasn’t shut up about your sister, he wanted to convince me to go down on the first floor but I told him It would look creepy, besides, I didn’t want to bother you two, you gave me the impression of wanting to be left alone.” You were one hundred percent sure neither of them knew you were listening, so you kept a straight face and kept looking at the scenario.
“Oh no, don’t worry.” Amelie said. “I also thought It was strange of my sister, wanting to come up here. I guess they shared a thing.” she mischievously laughed. “And please, don’t think about us like that, I’m just not good at making friends I guess and well my sister, yes she looks kinda scary because she doesn’t smile that much, but she is very friendly once you get to know her.”
“Guess Chani just found someone who will understand him-” Lucas started to laugh.
“Also…” Amelie wasn’t finished. “I do like you a lot, you know Christina told me about what you did for her, I thought you were a very nice person. I’m just not too talkative, It’s truly not your fault.”
“Well, you are being talkative now… Thank you, I guess. It’s good to know… I also think you are a very nice person yourself.”
They both kept chatting and your attention went back to the stage when only 2 songs were left.
Chani and you kept exchanging shy looks and he came closer to you, so now his right arm oftenly made contact with your left arm. The tingles again. May them be damn.
“You know…” you finally said, looking directly at Chani’s eyes. As the sun was now directly hitting you both, you now had to close one of your eyes while looking up to him. According to you, you probably looked ridiculous. But for Chani, he felt his heart melt as he found you quite adorable.
The whole concert he kept looking at you. He never saw a girl like you before. You had this cool and serious aura, he felt very attracted to you since your eyes met again inside the venue. He kept having this strange feeling of wanting to get to know you. And since he couldn’t come up with a better idea he started to let it all out with Lucas. He kept asking him about you, and of course Lucas didn’t know much. He told Chani the only things he ever heard Amelie said, about how much time you dedicate to college, that’s why you couldn’t always be there for some of Amelie’s school activities. Unlike Chani, who spent a lot of time helping Lucas with them. So that’s why you two had never met before.
“I think their last song today is gonna be one of my favorites.” you breathed. You felt happy. A brand new kind of happy. You were glowing. So then, you gave him a little smile.
That’s all it took for him. He broke into a wide smile staring at you. He was almost speechless. He wanted nothing more than to get enough luck so you would get interested in him too. Having you by his side felt so right and warm, at that moment he knew he didn’t ever wanted you to go too far away from him, he had a thousand butterflies going crazy in his stomach so after a rush of courage he let out. “So… uh, if you want to, maybe I could give you my number? Is that okay?” His heart was about to jump from that second floor as if going into a suicide mission.
“That sounds great, I shall give you mine too then.” You agreed, you looked away while the last song started. You refused to look at him again, you didn’t want him to notice how flustered you were, you felt so damn lucky as if you had just won the lottery. Gathering all your strength, you managed to get back to your cool stare, while the song was breaking into the chorus you tried to enjoy the last drops of today’s show. Just as you predicted the sunset was here. As the song was reaching the end, by instinct you looked up and locked stares with Chani who was being sunkissed in the most beautiful way you never knew a person could be, smiling at you. While looking straight into his eyes, your heartbeats went faster and appreciating all his features you couldn’t help to wonder if you ever would be able to kiss him like the sun was doing it right now.
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imaginedeux · 5 years
Girl At The Rock Show (E.D. Imagine)
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A/N: So Warped Tour happened like almost a year ago now, and I've been wanting to write something. I’ve read a couple of imagines where the reader goes to Cochella with the twins, but I haven't read them going to Warped Tour, and that’s honestly a concept. The show is going to be in San Diego, but i’ll be putting set times from when I went.
“Hey whats up guys! We’re back! Well, I’m back, Grayson is sick and can't film/ can't leave the house, but don't worry, we have four other amazing people here to help me with today’s video! Please introduce yourselves to the camera!” Ethan yelled at the camera from the passenger seat, pointing it at you.
“Hey! It’s (Y/N)! And I’m currently driving E’s car the three hour journey to San Diego.” You fake groaned, before you smiled at the camera, making sure you stayed in your lane. Your three other friends in the back seat all yelled hello before Ethan said he would update them when they got to the location.
“Awesome, now for a 3 hour nap.” Ethan sighed, putting his feet onto the dashboard.
“Oh, heck nah! You have at least three hours to learn one song from one of the bands playing today.” You explained, giving him your phone that was tethered to the car’s bluetooth. “I have a playlist on Spotify with a bunch of songs from some bands playing today, so you better get learning.”
“I’ll give you 3 seconds to guess where we are today!” Ethan yelled at his camera as you grabbed your draw string backpack from the trunk, ready to get the long day stared. “Well you’re probably wrong, or you're right cause you read the title to the video. I’m at the LAST Vans Warped Tour in San Diego! As you know a couple of months ago, Gray and I surprised (Y/N) with a ticket to Cochella, and she had the time of her life. Now a month-ish ago she surprised Gray and I with tickets to Warped Tour, but unfortunately Gray got sick, so we gave his ticket to one of (Y/N)’s friends since they didn't have the chance to buy a ticket before it sold out. So now we’re here, I’m not sure how much i’ll be able to film because it is a sold out gig and there are going to be a ton of people, I might just get (Y/N) to film for me.”
“I’ll only film for you if you end up crowd surfing, everything else is on you.” You shook your head closing the trunk of his car, after making sure everyone had what they needed. “Alright lets head out!” A five minute walk from the rather sketchy $20 parking lot later, your group came across the end of the line. “No fucking way, the entrance is literally around the block, and the doors don't open for another hour.”
“See, I told you we should have brought the cans of food, we would have gotten early entrances.” Your friend Carla, lectured as people with bags of food cans walked by.
“I completely forgot about them! I could have sworn I had them at the apartment before we left, but I couldn't find them this morning.” You explained, groaning. If you had non-perishable cans of food, or even an old cellphone, and you donated them, you'd be able to enter the grounds, about half an hour before everyone else did.
“Wait, were they all cans of corn?” Ethan asked from behind you. Turning, you gave him a look.
“Yes...” You answered squinting your eyes at him. “Did you take them?! I swear E, if you did...” You started before Ethan covered your mouth with his free hand, the other holding onto the camera recording the scene in front of him.
“No, wait, they’re in the car. They were in the cardboard boxes next to the first aid kit.” Ethan explained, pointing the camera at himself, before the group of you started to yell.
“E, can you PLEASE, go and grab them? Please! I’ll buy you a whole pineapple pizza to yourself when we get to the hotel tonight.” You pleaded, taking the camera away from him. A laugh at the group later, he was sprinting back towards the car, ready to get this long day started.
“Thank you guys for the donations, you all have a good day!” The woman taking the cans said, scanning your tickets.
“Likewise!” The lot of you smiled back, making your way towards the grounds. “So how is this going to work? Cause I know Carla, Kevin and Jack wanna go and see Crown The Empire, and it looks like they’re one of the first to play at the White Lightning Stage, and that’s on the other side of the venue.” You said looking up between the inflatable line-up and the venue map you payed way too much for. 
“Well, it looks like All Time Low is gonna be the last to play today at the Right Foot Stage at 8:30, and thats a band we all wanna see so we can meet up at the end of the day of thats what you want?” Jack, said pointing at the line up. This was one of the things about warped, most of the time the bands you wanna see play at same time and on opposite sides of the venue. 
“Wait look, Chase Atlantic is playing at 7:55, isn't that the band you wanna see?” You asked looking up at Ethan, who was looking back at the line up.
“Yeah it is, but its at 7:55, which means that we’ll be late to the band y'all wanna see.” Ethan realized, looking at how long Chase would play. “I know you’ve been wanting to see All Time Low for years, and I don't want you to miss out on them.”
“Thats nonsense, so looks like we have a plan. Jack, you, Carla and Kevin wanna see the same bands, so you can stick together. I’ll stick with Ethan, so we’ll meet you at the Right Foot Stage at around 8:30, if anything I brought an extra battery pack so I can text y'all.” You smiled at the group before the five of you split. 
“You ready to see a real rock show?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, maybe its a good idea that Gray didn't come, he’d be freaking out about Chase, he’s the one who got me into them.” Ethan laughed as the two of you walked by multiple vendors trying to sell the two of you things you really didn't need. 
“Get your free bracelet for the opportunity to meet State Champs!” A vendor yelled as you walked by, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. You weren't sure if it was the State Champs t-shirt you decided to wear with a pair of high waisted black shorts and your trusty Sk-8 Hi black Vans, or if it was the multiple home-made SC patches that decorated our backpack, that made the lady yell the moment you passed by.
“E, give me a second.” You whispered, before you hauled ass towards the booth with the lady who was yelling. “Hi, is it true you’re giving fans a chance to meet State Champs?”
“Yup, I saw your patches and I couldn't let the opportunity pass. So, it is a free meet and greet, all you have to do is watch this video, its only 2 minutes long so it won't take too much time out of your day, then after its done, we’ll go ahead and give you a bracelet for the meet and greet at 1:30 at the tent right next door.” She explained pointing at the places that you needed to go to, to be able to meet your favorite band at the festival.
“Can I get to meet them too?” The hazel eyed boy asked from beside you.
“Sure, just go ahead and watch a quick video and I’ll give you a bracelet to meet them at 1:30 at the tent next door.” She gave him the same smile she gave you, pointing everything out. The video was short and to the point, don't smoke, it'll kill you. “Thank you so much for watching the video, and here are the bracelets you need to meet State Champs. The meet and greet will start at 1:30 so if you want to get here before hand thats alright.”
“Thank you!” The two of you yelled, walking away from the tent not sure what to do next. “So are there any bands you wanna see?” 
“DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Ethan yelled coming back up from behind you, you had to admit that you were surprised to see Ethan actually crowd surf his way to the front where Mayday Parade was playing.
“Of course I did, and you're gonna be happy I got that all on film.” You laughed at him, with the camera in your hand. You and your friends were concert goers but not brave enough to crowd surf yet. “This video is going to be killer to edit next week.”
“Dont worry I’ll get Gray to edit it since he was too sick to come along.” Ethan laughed looking over the crowd as they jumped and danced along to the band covering Blink-182′s Girl at The Rock Show. “Not even at Coachella are people this hyped to see their favorite band or artist. We need to come to more of these.”
“Some of the bands have been making music since a lot of these kids were young, they grew up hearing these bands. Warped is decently priced so this might be some of these peoples only chance of seeing their favorite band live.” You explained as the lead singer, Derek thanked the crowd for letting them play main stage, and said they would be playing their last song next, which was a fan favorite. “Come on E, Mayday’s almost done, so that means its almost 1:30, its time to meet State Champs.”
“Next please!” The already annoyed merch employee yelled as some kids stepped out of the tent.
“Holy shit E, it really is them!” You mumbled covering your mouth as you and Ethan stepped into the tent.
“Hey yall, how’s warped tour going?” Derek, the lead singer asked as the two of you came face to face with one of your favorite bands in the last couple of years.
“It’s good so far, it’ll be even better once I see yall play! By the way, can I get a hug please?” You asked almost shaking, this band was the reason you got out of the comfort zone of your hometown and are the reason you moved to L.A., they gave you the courage to do everything you were scared to do before.
“Come on in here!” Ryan, one of the guitarists laughed bringing you in for a bone crushing hug. “You to my man! Hugs for everyone.” E’s laugh rumbled through the tent as the group of you came in for a group hug. You never thought that you’d ever be able to meet them, much less hug them.
“Can we get a group picture?” Ethan asked this time, you’d honestly forgotten about asking for picture with them, being in the same city as them was good enough for you.
“Sure, anything you guys wanna do?” Tyler, the other guitarist asked.
“How about 90′s rap cover group picture?” You asked shaking out of your state of shock. “Honestly its the only thing I can think of and I’m just remembering the photo of pigeons that looked like they were about to drop the greatest rap album of the century.”
“I know which one you’re talking about! Dude I honestly didn’t think anyone remembers that photo.” Tony, the bass player grinned at the thought of the pigeon photo. Handing over his phone, Ethan quickly squatted down in front of you, Derek doing the same as the rest of the band stood next to you, allowing you to be in the center of the picture. 
“Thank you again for coming to Warped Tour, thank you for being a fan of us and allowing us to come out and play all away across the country from our hometown.” Evan said giving you another hug. 
“Thank you all as well, your music gave me the courage to move out of my little hometown to L.A., without ya’ll, I don’t know where I would be.” You grinned, before you hugged all of them one last time. “Can’t wait to see yall play later!”
“I still can’t believe that we met State Champs, they’re all as beautiful as they look like on Instagram.” You gushed biting into one of the ice pops the two of you bought for way too much.
“(Y/N), that was like two hours ago, you even got to see them live. How are you still going on about them?” Ethan asked chucking the stick into the nearest trashcan, it’d been a couple of hours since State Champs played and the two of you decided to wonder around the festival grounds.
“I don’t know, their music gave me so much courage to be myself, they’re the reason why i’m standing here in San Diego, because without them I wouldn’t have moved to L.A., met you, Gray, Carla, Jack, and Kevin, and without yall, I wouldnt have gotten the chance at meeting them.” You explained grinning at Ethan. “I really do owe it all to them. So, anyways, what do you wanna do now? We have a couple more hours till Chase, so we have time to do anything you want.”
“We haven’t filmed anything for the vlog in a while, why don’t we find a place to sit, and talk to the viewers.”
“Sorry it’s been a minute since we’ve updated you, but the group was disbanded so we could watch the bands we wanted to watch. What bands have we seen today?” Ethan asked, looking between you and the camera the two of you set up on an empty picnic table you were able to grab.
“We’ve seen Mayday Parade, we got to see a part of 3OH!3′s set, which was at more lit than I thought it was going to be, we saw my band State Champs, go follow them on all social media you wont regret it, when we finally got out of the pit, we got to see the last couple of songs for Simple Plan, and we just finished watching Bowling For Soup’s set. For those who dont know, Warped Tour is consisted of six different stages, the Journey’s Left Foot and Right Foot stage are the two main stages of the festival, while the other four are smaller stages, two are for the heavier bands and the other two are for smaller bands. Anyways, the reason we’ve seen 5 bands, is because they’ve been on the Left and Right stages so they’re right next to each other. Now we’re waiting for Chase Atlantic’s set and we’re going to meet back up with the group to watch All Time Low, another band you should go and follow on all social media, just follow all the bands, they’re all good.”
“Wow, talk about that plug. But I have to admit, their music has been really good, a lot of music you could work out too for sure. Oh, we also met (Y/N)’s favorite band State Champs, and they were actually really cool, they seemed really down to earth,” Ethan started before you gestured to put the photo in the video. “Insert picture here, I dont know how it looks and (Y/N), chose the pose, so if we look like idiots, blame (Y/N).”
“Hey, I’m giving them quality content, so you’re welcome.” You sassed looking down at your phone. “My friend from back home is mad at me that I’m Warped without her, and shes telling me to go check out a band if they haven’t played yet. Can I borrow your phone, to see if they’ve played yet?”
“So demanding,” Ethan joked as you grabbed his phone out of his hand. “If you have a chance at trying to come to one of these shows, do it. If you don’t mind walking around for hours, or being around large groups of people, and some of these band’s fans do go hard and start moshing, but if you don’t mind any of that, it something everyone should do at least once in their life.” 
“Hey, the band my friend is talking about is going to play in like 30 minutes, can we head over? It’s on the same page Chase Atlantic is playing at.”
“We’re With Confidence, we’re all the way from Sydney, Australia, thank you so much for letting us play few songs for you guys today!” The lead singer, and also bassist said smiling. “I’m Jayden, this beautiful man on guitar is Inigo, and this equally beautiful man on drums is Josh. If you guys dont mind we’ll be meeting any one that wants to meet us, right at our tent over there, it’s big and pink you cant miss it. We’ll be signing your things and if you want, you can pre-order our album coming out at the end of the summer, and you can get both a physical and digital copy when you buy today.” 
“Oh my god, do you hear those accents? Why are they so beautiful?” You gushed as they played a new song coming out on the album they were talking about. Like most of the other songs they had played, they were all high energy, the kids up at the barricades were jumping along to the beat, and some of the kids in the middle of the crowd were opening up the pit for a circle pit, the dust flying up into the air as they ran around in a circle. That was one of the perks of being far from the barricades, and on the outside perimeter of the pit, you were able to see everything, and how the kids were reacting to the band. “I’ve never heard of this band, but they are amazing, i’m definitely signing up for a CD.”
“First, State Champs, now these guys? Who don’t you love, (Y/N)?” Ethan sighed, rolling his eyes as you got footage of the band and of the kids in the moshpit.
“I fall easily, all it takes is a pretty face and an amazing accent.” You stuck your tongue out at Ethan as the band started to play their final song.
“This entire video is going to be just you meeting bands.”  Ethan laughed as you pulled him to the meet and greet line for With Confidence.
“Hey, i’m at least giving you content E, you would have probably just pranked Gray if it wasnt for me.” You grinned at the camera knowing it was true.
“I mean true.”
“And, i’m giving your Instagram followers content as well, y’all have no idea how many times E has taken his shirt off today because of how warm it got, and he’s definitely gotten some stares from some of the kids here.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault it’s gotten warm!” He explained grabbing the camera from you, pointing it at himself as he tried to defend his actions.
“Um, I told you to wear shorts and a tank top, but no! I know how to dress for a festival, and its not going to get hot.” You mocked Ethan, grabbing the camera out of his hands as you used his cool voice. “And here he is suffering in black plaid jeans and a white long sleeve.” Laughing you showed the viewers the outfit he decided to wear to a summer festival.
“Well you’ll be the one complaining later when we go and see All Time Low, and you’re freezing.” Ethan shot back as one of the security guards started allowing the first kid to meet With Confidence.
“That’s what you think! While you were meeting some of fans, I went and bought myself an All Time Low hoodie so HA!” You laughed, shoving the camera towards Ethan to grab the hoodie you got from your favorite band. “They didnt have my size so I had to get the next size up, but its so comfortable guys.” You could already feel the shift in temperature so it was the perfect time to put on your hoodie. The hoodie reached below the hem of your shorts, and the sleeves went passed the tips of your fingers with ease, it looked like you were ready for bed, not ready to rock out at a concert.
Meeting With Confidence was a whole other experience, they were so happy to see people lining up to meet them. They were constantly thanking you and Ethan for being there to see them, and giving their band a chance. They were happy to hear that you were going to buy a CD and a couple of shirt from their merch stand, and were like that with the kids before and after you. A couple of heavier bands later, and Chase Atlantic started to play is when you started recording the crowd’s reaction to the band. Both you and Ethan realized that the music they’ve released, is played differently live. Rather than the sensual RnB vibe, they sounded like all the other rock bands that played that day. Midway through their set they thanked everyone for stay to see them play since they were one of the last bands playing that day, as they continued to thank the crowd, Ethan grabbed the camera and started recording the crowd from his perspective. This is something that the two of you had been doing all day, so both of you could enjoy the band, and it would give Gray more angles to edit. Its once Ethan started recording the crowd and the band that he realized how well you knew the lyrics to the songs. You swayed when the music slowed, you jumped along to the kick drum, you spun around as the lead singer sang the lyrics all the kids in the crowd knew. Ethan stepped back and started recording you as the lead singer stopped singing, allowing the crowd to sing the lyrics to one of their more famous songs. Although the temperatures continued to lower, that wasnt causing the blush on Ethan’s cheeks to appear.
“Alright, this is going to be the last song we play tonight, thank you for allowing us to play here to night, and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the evening.” The lead singer, Mitchel, thanked as the band started playing the last song.
“E, come on! We need to head to the Right Foot Stage, Carla, Kevin and Jack are already there!” You yelled, literally pulling him out of his day dream and out of the crowd. As the two of you ran to one of the last stages still up, the two of you could hear the sea of kids singing along to some of the songs that were playing through the speakers, waiting for the final band to play. “Look, there they are!”
“Thank you guys so much!” Alex thanked the crowd before he started the last song of San Diego’s Warped Tour. 
“I’ve got your picture, i’m coming with you. Dear Maria count me in, theres a story at the bottom of this bottle and i’m the pen!” The entire crowd sang as, Alex, Jack and Zack jumped around the stage and around Rian, who was playing the drums. By the time the lot of you had gotten to the stage, you were a good twenty yards away from the stage, but it didnt bother you. If anything it allowed your group to step back, and be able to dance along to the songs you grew up with. It also gave Ethan the opportunity to record you guys without being shoved around in the pit. Then the song reached the long awaited climax, as Jack and Alex threw their guitars across the stage, the confetti cannons showered the crowd in multi colored paper. Although the sounds of the cannons startled Ethan, he never took his eyes off you as the pieces of paper fell around you. It was the gasp that made you stop spinning around to look at Ethan. 
He could have sworn that the sound of the crowd drowned out his gasp, but apparently it was loud enough for you to hear and stop spinning. It was the smile that put the nail in the coffin for Ethan. It was the biggest, and the realest smile he’s ever seen from you. Since the beginning of your friendship with Ethan, there was a difference in it. It wasn’t a normal friendship the two of you shared, it was something more. although the two of you refused to admit it. The two of you could lean on each other, the two of you were closer than even the fans knew about, and a majority knew how close the two of you lead on. The two of you talked about everything, from things that you saw that reminded you of each other, to desires of what you wanted to do in both the near and far future. When you started talking about how you wanted to go to the Last Cross Country Warped Tour, Ethan instantly jumped on the chance to buy the two of you tickets. So, no, Grayson wasn’t sick, he knew about the little plan his twin brother was creating. But since you weren’t aware, you invited your friends, who weren’t aware of the plan Ethan was planning either, along since they also had tickets.
The thing was, you had a plan up your sleeve as well. You knew from the very beginning that your friends were going to be watching groups you and Ethan hadnt heard of before, so you knew you would have some time with Ethan without feeling pressured by your friends to make a move. Through out the day the two of you laughed at random jokes, you shared your drinks and food with each other, you even encouraged each other to do things you’d never have the guts to do if you were by yourself. As the day continued, the two of you held on to each other as the bands you were watching played the slow song of the set. You hugged Ethan longer, and harder after meeting With Confidence, and State Champs, quietly thanking him for sharing the experience with you. With a smile still on your face, you brought Ethan in for a hug, one harder than any of the ones the two of you had shared before.
“Thank you so much. You have no idea what today means to me. It wouldnt have been the same without you.” You confessed looking up at him.
The look in your eyes were ones Ethan had never seen before. There was something about them that were different, but looked familiar.
Its the look my parents have when they look at each other. You realized as Ethan looked down at you, swaying the two of you back and forth. As the song started to fade, you started to stand on your tip toes as Ethan started to lead down. Little did the two of you know that your friends were sneakily taking a photo of the moment, something they had been doing all day. Besides seeing their favorite bands, your friends knew of the plan through Grayson, and were capturing the moments neither of you were getting on camera. What a better way to end Warped Tour in the arms of someone you cared for deeply, and that care for you the same way.
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sawthingsiimagined · 7 years
[ Water Is Wet- Jace]
"Good night Chicago!" I screamed into the microphone before running off stage. The show wasn't sold out but it was by far the loudest audience we had had since the start of our tour. It was also exciting because at this point of the tour, the majority of the crowds were singing a couple of our songs with us. We were now being played on the radio and our online buzz was steadily increasing. Jada and I hugged as we always do when get offstage and then we went our separate ways to our personal dressing rooms. I wasn't totally sure if I would be attending the afterparty tonight. I was a little tired and had some ideas for a song that I wanted to get out of my head. I was really anxious about getting back into the studio and working on our album.
TJ beat me back to my dressing room ranting and raving about someone rearranging his settings for the lights before the show started. He was furious. I tried my best to calm him down because usually after a show I enjoyed sitting in silence.
"So are we going to the afterparty or not? I saw this cute young tender back at the hotel that I don't mind stalking if we skip out on the party," he said switching tones from anger to desperate.
"I don't know. I don't want to miss anything fun and Chicago seems like a fun city," I replied.
"You're right about that. Well, I say let's at least go for a little while and see what trouble we can get into," he said rubbing his hands together. "Oh yea, you didn't finish telling me about the dream you had....about kissing Teecie." I saw him roll his eyes as he made his last statement. He probably knew I was lying. I wanted to tell him what happened between Teecie and I on the roof top but I told him it was dream so he wouldn't be too judgmental. TJ was very harsh when it came to expressing his opinions and my hard-on, or lack thereof, didn't warrant his opinion. I went ahead and told him the rest of my 'dream'.
"Boy, that probably means you need to wake up and do you. Trying to force this crap with Teecie. It ain't gonna work. I mean, she's cute and all but do you consider yourself bi?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked him genuinely.
"Well, I mean, do you like girls too?" he asked.
"What do you mean too? I like girls period," I said slightly offended.
"And boys," he said as if he was finishing my statement. Little did he know I was finished with my statement after I said 'I like girls'.
"TJ where do you get this idea that I'm...well..that I have a thing for guys?" I asked.
"My grandma always said, you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time," he said changing his tone to sound like some older woman from the hood.
"And what does that mean? Did I say something or do something that implied that I'm....gay?" I asked.
There was a knock at the door. I got really quite in hopes that whoever it was didn't hear me being slandered or defending myself in my dressing room. I opened the door and to my surprise it was Demarion.
"Yo champ. Did you have to kill them out there like that?" he said with a laugh grabbing both of my shoulders as if he was about to shake me.
I smiled and grabbed his arms in playful wrestling-like way.
"And that's all I needed to know," TJ said sarcastically before exiting the room. I felt so played. I hadn't told him about the wrestling match Demarion and I had or about the 'remote control' in my shorts. Maybe it was just obvious. I doubt it though. TJ was a bit obsessive, nosey and always speculating something. As much as I enjoyed our friendship, at times it was extremely tiring to deal with his antics.
"So what are we doing tonight?" Demarion asked.
"We?" I asked trying to trigger a sarcastic reply out of him.
"Oh so now you don't want to hang with me anymore? Cool my mans. I'll go see if the other shorties want a good time," he said pretending to turn and exit the room.
"Man sit down. What do you want to do? I didn't assume you wanted to hang with me tonight," I said.
"I always want to hang with you. Don't we have fun? You act like two days ago we weren't running through that museum photobombing people's selfies and shit," he said. I gave him a look because he was aware of how I felt about swearing. "My bad homie. But yea I wanna hang. How about we run through the afterparty spot and if it's dead we go eat and drink?" he asked.
"That sounds fun. TJ will probably come along too. He was just in here asking what I was doing." I said.
"Oh," he said in a solemn tone.
"Oh? What does that mean?" I asked with my eyebrows raised and looking him directly in the eye.
"I was meaning 'we' as in me and you. TJ is mad cool but he be all over the place," he said laughing to avoid coming off as offensive.
"I feel you. Which means that we will probably end up without him. After 15 minutes he will get lost in the club and probably end up laying down drunk in one of the booths," I said laughing. "I'll text him anyways though."
Demarion sat on the vanity counter beside me while I texted TJ. I pretended to look for the text app on my phone but glanced up at him without raising my head. What if I was....gay...no...curious maybe? Nah...Demarion is just a nice guy. And yes he's very nice looking but he's definitely not gay. Every girl on our dance team has tried to get with him. Tracey has stalked Demarion since day one. Last week he was in the fitness center at the hotel running on the treadmill shirtless. His dark body was shining in sweat. She also brought attention to his gym shorts and the movement inside of them. She kept finding reasons to walk by the center when he worked out. He's also made mention about a baby momma back home. He hasn't showed us a photo of a baby so I took that term as in there was a girl back home that he was planning to make his baby mama.
He was scrolling through his Instagram feed, no doubt searching for videos tagged of him playing the drums tonight. I could tell he found one when his eyes lit up and he smiled.
"What do you see?" I asked curious to know what he was smiling for.
"Jace, man...this little move you did right here took the audience out. It was like you were floating on air and then you landed in a split!" he said with the excitement I usually reserve for performers like Michael Jackson. The split I landed in was courtesy of the three years of gymnastics I was enrolled in during Junior High. The dancing is credited to my family genes. We may be church people but everyone in my family could dance and we often showed our skills at family functions. I moved closer to him so I could see the video. He chuckled and smiled again bumping into me.
TJ came through the door. "What are we watching boys?" he asked coming toward us.
"Demarion spends an hour after each show gawking over footage from the performance," I said moving away to finish drying myself off from the sweat of our performance.
"Interesting," TJ said. I really wasn't enjoying his tone.
"So we figured we'd all go out to the afterparty and if it's dead we can go somewhere for drinks," I informed him.
"No thanks. Bro. I got a tip that my crush is at the pool at the hotel. So I'm going for a swim," he said rubbing his hands together. "My phone died so I was coming to tell you before I left. But y'all have fun. Not too much fun without me," he winked at me as if he was insinuating something. Ugh. I was going to have to fight TJ. I could see that now. He left and shut the door behind him.
"Well I'm about to change really quick, then we can go watch SASSY perform and then go hit up the party," I said. I thought Demarion would also leave while I changed but he moved to the sofa across the room and pulled the phone up to his face. Wow.
I didn't want to be rude so I began changing in a discreet manner. The shirt I had on was tight and extra fitted because of the sweat. I was having a hard time pulling it off. Demarion looked up and laughed before coming over to help me pull the shirt off over my head. At this point I'm breathing hard. I stand there and look at myself in the mirror for about 4 seconds.
"Someone has been throwing weights. I see you man," Demarion said also looking at me in the mirror. I gave him a 'boy please' expression through the mirror and he threw up his hands and returned to his seat. I was a long way from his body type and I'd pay for knee implants to be his height.
I finished changing and then we went to sit in the sky-booth to watch SASSY performed. I enjoyed the way they performed but it was obvious that they either didn't get along or they didn't know each other outside of rehearsals. They just didn't mesh really well like most girl groups.
After the concert I let Demarion ride in our car. Jada said she had 'plans' and wouldn't be going to the afterparty. She had been acting weird lately. I wasn't bothered. As long as I knew my sister was safe and as long as she gave one hundred percent on stage, I was cool. He didn't say much on the ride to the club. He was doing his usual search and  watching video posts of our performance.
When we arrived to the club we both picked up a drink from the bar. He then suggested that we take a shot. One shot turned into two shots and before I knew it we were both on the dance floor. He danced with a dancer girl from SASSY's group and I moved amongst the people around me. You could say that I was dancing with everyone. It was quite unusual for me to be on the dance floor. Although I was great at dancing, I wasn't fond of dancing in clubs. The drinks made me feel like a new person though and before I knew it, I was giving the club a full performance.
I felt someone grab me from behind and pull me into them. I turned around and realized it was Tracey. We danced for an entire song before I noticed that Demarion had stopped dancing. He was actually staring at us from the bar with a new drink in his hand and a weird look on his face. I smiled at him but he looked away. I could sense tension but I didn't know why. After the song ended, I hugged Tracey and went to get another drink. Demarion excused himself to go to the restroom so I was basically chilling by myself. Instead of standing there alone I decided to go sit in a booth and finish my drink. After about 15 minutes Demarion texted me.
The text read: "Where are you?"
Before texting back I looked towards the dance floor and noticed him searching for me. He almost seemed like he was annoyed.
I replied: "Sitting in the booth to your left"
He came over and sat beside me.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing man, I just needed some air," he said.
"Do you want to leave and get food?" I asked trying to ease the tension.
"I'm chilling man," he said with a slight attitude.
I wasn't sure why the mood changed but I knew I didn't want to sit there quiet. I got up to walk away and he grabbed my arm. I turned around and he was looking up at me. I gave him a slight frown. I was confused. I sat back down.
"What's wrong with you?" I said in an annoyed toned.
"I don't know," he said. We looked in each other's eyes for about 5 seconds. "I'm sorry."
"I don't know what you're apologizing for. Clearly I did something to upset you. I saw the way you were looking at me," I said. He leaned back into the booth and slumped down. He opened his legs and begin playing on his phone.
I really don't like to upset people. I wasn't totally sure how I upset him but we were having fun one minute and not talking to each other the next. I was already tipsy and that made me feel more sensitive than I usually am. Before I knew it my eyes began to water. I wiped my eye with my finger and the same hand I had used, he grabbed and pulled it down onto the booth  placing his hand on top of mine. I wasn't sure if it was my slow reflexes from the drink or not but for some reason I didn't feel the need to move my hand. Before we had the chance to say anything further the DJ broke the moment. "Last call. This is last call. We will be closing in 30 minutes," he said. Demarion squeezed my hand and stood up to walk away. I followed him. Once outside of the club, he turned and looked at me.
"Are we going to eat or go back to the hotel?" he asked in a low tone. I just looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. Luckily the car had pulled up and stopped any further conversation. My emotions were totally out of control. At this point I wasn't even sure what I was upset about. When we got in the car I looked out the window to avoid eye contact with him. What was I feeling? Why was he making me upset or was I upsetting him? Why did I care? He pulled at my arm as if he wanted me to move closer to him. Looking out of the window was making me nauseous so I obliged. I still didn't look at him.
"Are you mad at me?" he asked. My drunk self started crying again. He pulled me again and I laid my head on his shoulder. He stretched his arm to reach around me and he squeezed my arm. We sat like that the entire ride to the hotel.
While walking into the hotel lobby he whispered, "Do you trust me?". "Yea," I said. "Can I trust you?" he asked. "Yes Demarion," I said looking at him. "Follow me," he instructed.
We walk to the pool area. It was 3:30 in the morning but the pool was still accessible but empty. The pool was in the rear of the hotel and most people seemed settled for the night.
"Take off your clothes," he said.
"What?" I asked in a confused tone.
"Just do it," he said. I took off my clothes leaving on my underwear. I was aware of what I was doing but was too tipsy to ask myself why. I was really acting out of character. Once I was undressed I stood there looking down at myself. All of a sudden Demarion pushed me into the pool. The water was very cold but because of the shock it didn't phase me much. Once I resurfaced I wiped the chlorine water out of my eye. I looked up at him and saw him standing there in nothing but his boxer briefs. He bit his bottom lip and jumped in splashing water all over me. He swam from under the water and came up directly in front of me.
"Still mad at me," he said with big smile on his face.
"No nigga," I said.
"Oh snap. My man said nigga," he said before bursting into laughter. I splashed water on him and that lead to a water fight. Once we were tired he swam behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck as if he was about to jump on my back. He leaned into my ear and said "Why do you do me like this?"
"Do you like what boy?" I asked.
"See how you play. You know what you're doing," he said with a chuckle and then pulled me under water. I fought my way back up kicking him. I accidentally kicked him hard in the leg.
"Ouch dude!" He yelled in pain.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I replied. "I didn't mean to kick you in the leg".
He went from moaning in pain to laughter. "Well, that sure wasn't my leg," he said.
I stood up in the water in shock. If that wasn't his leg..then that was his....wow....it was hard like his leg though......double wow.
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