#xD can you tell im not good at backgrounds?
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"That'd just be rude! So of course I wouldn't, I also told the other not to touch anything! I didn't want to make you more upset by doing that..." She sighed and paused for a long moment before she continued on her recap.
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Cel looked nervously at him for a reaction but Klaus didn't say anything, he didn't even look at her or make any type of expression.
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She gave one final exhale before she walked ahead of Klaus. She could tell he was very disinterested in talking, so she didn't want to bother him anymore. "Oh!"
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She made an excited gesture with her hoof, pointing towards a large building off in the distance "There! Look look!"
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-> Cel and Klaus have arrived at The East Mouth Library
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tamagoneko · 18 days
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
You never fail to make my day when I see the notif that you answered my Tuna&Co. rambles
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What can I say? I really love that you make this silly little creatures and develop them and I get to witness the art <3
Octo and Ellie having the same body language is so real, I love them, have I told you that? They are so very dear to me
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Spidercrab poor long-legged man, he got yeeted out of his area (medicine) and almost died! Who takes care of the medic when he's down? Himself? Who is someone capable of treating injured if not the medic? Maybe Seafom? Ellie? Tuna? Coco???
Tuna being scared and in awe at the same time is so very him I love him. On one side "she can transform into a gigant somehow and didn't tell anybody, she doesn't inspire me trust, also, what else can she do that we dont know about? She's dangerous.", on the other "she could have used this against us and didn't, she isn't that bad... right?"
The fact that Tuna cares so much about the crew safety is so <3 knowing he doesn't have a nice past among people... Like, the "people hurted me badly, but I see you're different. Im trying my best to be friendly, but I dont know how to do this. Im new to not being treated like garbage by others." he has going on is so precious to me. He really cares about this guys. It's really sweet that he has people who care for him and who he cares for. He struggles with them and he isn't the best to be around to, but... just look at him, he's trying! He's healing! He is such a nice character WAAAAAH. He was a jerk, for sure, and a meanace, and no-one wanted him nearby, but he ended up caring so very much to the point of "is she a treat to the crew?". He probably won't admit it never-ever, but still I love that algae-brained boy <3
And then he opened up by bits and...
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It took long but he did it :')
Please I can imagine them planing their next move on pranking Coco or sth while they eat something and Ellie looks at them "hehe, this is bad" I love them stop this madness.
Love for you loge four your cookies love for everyone today is love day
(In response to this)
:DD I'm glad you're having fun with my responses!
Hmm.. that's actually a good question.. who does take care of Spidercrab when he's down? I wanna say Ellie would be the backup medic. Since she isn't a fighter and has a caring heart deep down, I can see her learning how to patch up the crew.. it's possible she isn't as good a medic as Spider, but I'm sure she'd be qualified to care for him/anyone who needs it :00
And yes yes! Deep down Tuna does care for his crew and assume the best of them. He's just got a lot of psychological defenses to break down before he can really open up to them. <:)
XD and yeeess, Tuna and Pinwheel going to prank Coco. With Ellie watching it all go down in the background. Sounds about right! 🤣🤣
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i love when the subject of modern au for the arcana comes up cause my only metric of judgement for it is What are you gonna do with Muriel. is he still. you know. practically homeless
cause it can be done well i believe it!! but i mean its interesting to me cause theres so many um. cultural differences i guess i can call it, and ramifications and implications and fucking more thesaurus words we get it to consider in comparing our "everyone has to have a document about *Everything*, whats your assigned number at birth, let me record you with 50 cameras at all times just in case, gimme your PapERS HOW OLD ARE YOU WHATS YOUR GRANDMAS MAIDEN NAME NO IM NOT SELLING YOU THIS CARTON OF EGGS UNTIL YOU TELL ME" society (Admittedly! not every single place in the world today is like this necessarily!!! so you can just put them someplace else and work from there!!! but youd have to know how life there actually looks like And also wait whats the point of this au if everything ends up the same lmao i wanted asra to have tiktok and work at starbucks what are we doing here) vs the old timey fantasy world presented in the game where its just "yeah sure you can go live in a forest theres no fences here lol bye dont get dysentery" which is how the world used to be i guess and thats so fun to ponder for me lol we really were just monkeys fucking about with sticks huh. good times
man this is why i dont actually write fanfics i get too lost in four different trains of thought and dont finish any of them lmao and i guess also cause of the "i Cant POSSIBLY write this story about kissing a dude if i cant describe the sociopolitical climate in this neighbourhood in the netherlands after the Batavian Rebellion and how it influenced the contemporaneous fauvistic arT MOVEMENT with UTMOST ACCURACY cause THATS WHAT HIS FAVOURITE PAINTING WAS THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP IN THIS THREE SECOND BLURRY BACKGROUND CLIP OF THIS SCENE IN HIS APARTMENT AND IS CRUCIAL TO HIS CHARACTER AND I HAVE TO NAIL IT WHAT DONT YOU GET" type personality i got going which i guess writers deal with by just going full "lol whatever i am god here and i make law" mode
i just started thinking about this cause of the new story on dorian in a modern au i got pretty hype about it teehee but yeah muriel hasnt shown up yet so i got into that whole spiral about wHERE ARE THEY GONNA PUT ME BOYE AAAGJHFN i hope he gets a good outfit lmao i love jules' vibe but i looked at asra n went aw Hell naw hed be way better dripped out you done my boy dirty cmon man. pashas hawaiian shirt tho fucking we're so back lets go lesbians hkdyyifulj Anyway they made lucio a wholeass bilionaire which had me shook a lil for some reason but i can see him as a total ~Musk-esque~ archetype lmaooo like that is literally so him, just barges in and makes people have good ideas for him gikgststnv oh god i hope theres not any elon fans reading this cause theyre not gonna appreciate that oh fudge ok lets get back to the point which was uuuuhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah i liked your muriel lives in a van concept i thought its good! yeah thats what i wanted to say. what a tumultuous journey i just had to invent to arrive here.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot more posts and questions about the arcana's modern au, and it's why I was so happy to dig up all those old ask arcana posts! I'm so glad we have all that canon content from way back when, it was so sad that I could only put ten images in one post T~T
And Muriel definitely lives off the grid - I also remember another ask arcana that said in modern times he'd wear a cable knit sweater on top and leather pants and demonias on bottom and that works so well for him XD
Here's the screenshots since the links haven't been working:
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writing-plurals · 4 months
back to answer-,
yeah, its just the 2 of them in the system ^^
giving a bit of context of the universe- basically, every time a child wishes their toy was real, a new baby is born with the memories of that toy. most of them end up forgetting this before they're able to talk, but because of trauma, the mc's personality split between the doll she was (calling her Dolly because all characters are still unnamed) and the girl she would've been had she had a good childhood (Lea, again all characters are unnamed im thinking these on the spot XD)
Dolly knows about the system. she knows she's an alter, she knows she's sharing a body with Lea, and she remembers everything that happened to her in her doll life (Lea meanwhile doesn't know shit 💀). at school, Lea meets this one girl (Maya), and since they get close Dolly decides to talk to her (Lea doesn't know tho). Dolly tells Maya about her (doll) life, and asks her to tell Lea about Dolly. Maya does it gently at first, but since Lea is deep in denial, Maya (still with the best intention) kinda gets her to remember her trauma between accidentally and on purpose
and about the ending, Dolly's existence doesn't go too well, so she ends up disappearing- this makes sense as a system, that when an alter goes through a lot of crap they go dormant, but I'm afraid if a singlet reads this they think the only way a system can be happy and/or functional is by becoming only one person
thanks for answering<33
Here's my answer to this follow-up:
Cool stuff. I understand the background a little bit more now, and yeah, I can see where you are coming from.
You have a couple options regarding Dolly's departure from the story and system.
Option one: Stress that Dolly's departure was not something that Lea was actually happy with. Make them friends or even family, and make the departure full of regret. This is a sad ending, but not necessarily a bad one. You can bring Dolly back in a sequel, just know that whatever way you end your first volume, your readers will have expectations for future volumes.
Option two: Let Lea develop someone else in the process of the story. This person might act as a buffer to reduce the effect that Dolly leaving might have on the story or on Lea. I do not like this option personally, since it seems like a band-aid fix and Dolly is just being replaced.
Option three: Stress that Dolly is still alive, the dormancy is temporary, or that Lea is still a system in some way. Single-member systems are still systems. This is especially what you would want to do if you don’t want to write a tragedy.
Option four: Write what makes you happy and publish it— or don’t!—regardless of the consequences. There will always be haters, so as long as you feel your story is representing the right kind of people, you should be proud.
This list is non-exhaustive, so if anyone else has suggestions, feel free to hit reblog.
And to you, Kai, feel free to pick more than one option if you feel that works best for you.
-mod birdie
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smashwolfen · 11 months
Oh it feels good to be brave! Went onto facebook marketplace and built up the nerve to message a seller about their copy of Pokemon Platinum. After scanning and double checking their images they had up beforehand, and then double checking and comparing AGAIN once I had it in hand, I can safely say with 100% certainty that I finally own a legit copy finally! My collection is no longer tainted with counterfeits~!!
Now I fought myself with the pricing (100$ CAN mind you) but it was also the best deal I'd get with the game AND the case (no manuel but no biggie) so Im content with what it was.
The game didnt have much on it, but they don't deserve to get reset, so Im gonna trade them over to my Diamond to give them a home (also the moment I put it in my 3DS, love my modded babeyyyyy)
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For those wondering how to tell the difference I can show you in the read more below!
The fake will always be on the left for easy comparisons and to not confuse!
First off the front,
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-The saturation alone is an indicator if you have a good eye, the left is very faded, almost a tinge lighter than it should be to the right, and the border for the "Nintendo DS" box isnt very defined.
-The font is not as bolded or clearly visible either, if you have a REALLY hard time reading "CONTENT RATED BY" thats above the "ESRB" text, or if "The Pokemon Company" text is hard to see against the red streak in the background. The fakes text is also oddly spaced apart compared to the real copy, like it got stretched a bit becasue the font is so thin.
-This will be the same with the other examples next, but the little insert arrow on the fake is too clear, its more pressed into the cartidge than it should ever be, the real one is perfectly flat all the way across with thr rest of the cartridges face, only difference is that its smooth to the touch as opposed to the texture of the cartidge. You run your nails across the arrow and you shouldn't feel anything stop you or feel a difference!
Next is the back
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-Same as the arrow, it should not be as pressed in to give it a noticable difference in feeling. You rub your fingers across the text you will feel it ever so slightly on a real cartridge, it is more surface area than the arrow, but its nothing that should be of note. The fake will be too pressed in again and you WILL feel it.
-For American, the "NTR 005 PAT. PEND." is on both the fake and real here, most times its not on the fakes but they can be there, just be mindful!
-Some may have been faded overtime, but the black text on the back (for american games, double check your versions region) has a specific code to it. An indicator for being authentic is if the carts have the "CPUE" letters on them on the front and the back, as opposed to the VERY wrong fakes like mine having "CPUE" on the front, but the back has "ADAE" instead XD
Now another indicator may or may not be as viable, but it can be another way to see if its legit or not, it is however NOT a guarentee. Not all carts have these but sometimes at the very top of the cartridge you may see a slight indent (top is fake, bottom is real)
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So far with my copies of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and HeartGold, they all have this little indent. It may not always be there, but it may be slightly more reassurong that it is there if it is XD
Heres hoping its helped those wondering if there game is a fake or not with my own version of discrepancy. If you want more ways or maybe a better explanation of differences, here is a link to a handy guide for all the pokemon games! Same guide i used to tell the difference!
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apricottheapricat · 6 months
Btw i cqme up wit this questin yesterday but forgored to ask
For the royal trio + Zeph + Harold:
What is their reputation like among the ppl that dont know them personally?? How widely known r they??? Id assume theres at least rumours running around abt the zephy xD how is everyon perceived
Also heres plamka
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Oookay thas a lot of people im gonna put this under a read more lol (but ty for the ask!!)
Starting with the royal trio:
Dawn: She had the reputation of being very sweet and honest, which for a queen was unheard of pretty unusual. And naturally she did lean into it aswell, it made her people see her in a more positive light and be more willing to listen and agree with her decisions. With how closely she kept the royal court by her side though there were a few rumors going around that she was relying on them for all her work, but nothing much ever came of it. She was a good queen in her short reign and most people remember her as just that.
Maeve: Polar opposite of deer lady, she was a pretty ruthless queen all things considered. She was known even to outsiders as a force to be reckoned with, which worked to her advantage in diplomatic matters as she (or, well, Arachne speaking for her really) could use it to easily get her way through intimidation alone. She was also somewhat known for her.. creative punishments if someone misbehaved, so ideas of revolting against her were always pretty quickly shot down. The air of confidence about her added to the intimidation factor as well, even if you hadn't personally met her before you could tell what she was like.
Arachne: She's seen as very cold and reserved, even for royalty standards, with less flair than the other queens and much more focus on running the kingdom than on public relations. The people knew her long before she became queen as a prominent member of the royal court, so not much has changed from then to now besides the lack of others to hide behind and speak through. To people she doesn't know personally so to basically anyone thats still alive she's a less cruel version of Maeve, similar in opinions and in the way she carries herself but not quite to the extremes Maeve went. Her citizens are just as distrustful of her as she is of them, public appearances are rather scarce and when they do happen it's never without serious reason. There's rumors about her motives and how she laid claim to the throne but still nobody dares oppose her, she can be just as intimidating as the queen before her when need be.
And moving on to the husbands:
Zephyr: Not as well known as you'd think, though all the locals have at least heard of him in passing. His job is an open secret between those around him, though since nobody (except his loved ones) knows the full context behind it the most common theory is that either the queen keeps him around so he doesn't kill her out of spite, or that they have a deal for reasons nobody is willing to ask either of them about. In general most people that are in the know view him as an amoral murderer, and thus walk on eggshells around him lest they get on his bad side. He doesn't seem to be regretful of what he does either which is just as unnerving.
Harold: People only know him as the local bard, there isn't anyone that doesn't know him personally who knows about his background or his life before coming to this kingdom. Ironically enough his curse is a much better-kept secret than Zephyr's job is, so the most people bring him up is when talking about Zeph instead. It does strike people as weird that this easygoing, cheerful guy would be married to the murderer of all people, but it's a pretty good incentive to not upset him either.
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What is your Enneagram type?
I had an 88% match to Enneagram Type Nine!
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I love watching those big YouTube video essays when I have the time of course. One of my favourites has to be “The Problem With DC’s Heroes” by the Cosmonaut Variety Hour. A close second would be “This video will change how you see Even” by Invaderzz. Honestly any type of video essay that delves deep into a certain piece of media I love is always fun to watchh
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
If I need to fall asleep, usually I’ll either listen to some type of relaxing OST or song; immerse myself into a daydream/scenario and keep the plot going in my head until I fall asleep; or listen to an ASMR sleep aid.
What is your favourite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
I don’t really have a single favourite audio from Redacted, but one of my favourites that I always find myself re-listening to is Davids “Comforted After a Hard Day at Work by Your Alpha Werewolf Boyfriend.” The video itself first of all is so soft spoken so I’ll use it occasionally as background noise or as a sleep-aid. And the most obvious answer is that the video itself is so extremely comforting to me when I need a pick-me-up. (This is getting a bit personal) But I often do feel like I am a burden at times, and so David’s reassurance to Angel at 5:35 is what I often need to hear so thats amazing to have on standby. 
I’ll give you something extra, and tell you my most listened to video as of late (if it helps). But since the video released, I think I’ve listened to Regulus’ “Possessive Yonder Demon Rewrites Your Memories” at *least* 5 times. I love Vega and Regulus’ soft-spoken voices and the way they reverberate in my head, so this video was just so good in that aspect. Also, a lil yandere never hurt no one LMAOO
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Regarding holding no appeal, I think I would have to say Lasko. It’s not that I don’t get the hype like I get why people gravitate towards him, but I just personally can never see him in a romantic light. He’s more of a bestie to me (there isn’t really any characters that I don’t get the hype over; I’m personally able to see the POV as to why people like certain characters that I personally don’t).
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I really want to be best friends with Huxley. I wouldn’t be opposed to a romantic relationship, but I also would really love to be close friends with him. I naturally have a pretty sunshine personality, but I find myself obviously not being able to keep that up at all times and will often shut down. Huxley is the type of guy who I feel like is the best pick-me-up and his energy is just something I would love to surround myself with whenever possible. He’s also just such a cool guy and I often find myself re-watching his first video with freelancer, and his non-canon confession. His videos alone with Freelancer are the best testament as to how he would do anything for his friends, and his platonic love and care for the DAMN friend group is so admirable and loving.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
If I’m going to the gas station, I’ll usually either get some type of sour candy like Sour Cherry Blasters or Sour Patch Kids, or a chip I love like Nacho Doritos or All-Dressed Ruffles! My go-to drink order (not at a Gas station) is usually either an Iced Cappuccino, or some type of cold brew or iced American from Starbucks (right now I LOVE the cinnamon caramel cream cold brew). If Im getting coffee, I don’t like it to be too bitter, but I also hate when its overly sweetened (and I LOVE caffeine XD).
Tell me about your favourite playlist at the moment. 
In general, my favourite playlist on my music streaming things would be my sad vibes playlist I titled, “depressed bitch hours.” I just love the vibes of sad music what can I say
At the moment though, I’ve been constantly listening to my “fav OSTs” playlist, where I compiled my favourite orchestral tracks from media. I’ve been listening to “Violets Final Letter” by Evan Call a lot, but I also love “Pure Love” from the Seven Deadly Sins album, “Main Title: Nemo Egg” by Thomas Newman, and “Ahead of the Road” by Yutaka Yamada.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I find myself getting emotional attached to characters pretty quickly and hard. If a character is able to capture my heart, I will quickly find myself analyzing them as much as I can, figure out their motivations, and also just being extremely connected to what they do and the implications. 
I also see a trend in the characters who I latch on to and without blatantly giving you names (that may take away from the anonymity and make a bias), I really love a tsundere to put it plainly. To expand, in both Redacted and other ASMR/Audio RP character choices, I’ve gravitated towards the initially misunderstood and guarded character who I personally can see has another side to them. I love to be there as those layers are peeled back, and also there’s something so scrumptious to be able to be of aide in that peeling back. Also like, the ones I love have a sex and romantic appeal that is SO SCRUMPTIOUS.
I'm a middle child, and the oldest daughter in an ethnic household so that combo makes for some interesting implications if you can imagine LOL
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Oh, this is a no-brainer. A Type Nine needs a Type Six. The Peacemaker and the Loyalist are one of the best pairs in the Enneagram, and there’s no more loyal, reliable, engaged Type Six than Damien.
First off, Damien is absolutely the only child of an immigrant, single parent, POC household. Coming from me, an eldest daughter, it can be really important and just so comforting to be with someone who gets those family dynamics and the culture, the filial obligations and piety that come as along with that.
I really like the way that sort of presence would be so grounding yet… challenging in a way. Damien would absolutely support you when being sunshine-y and happy is too much, and he’d also encourage you to think about what might motivate you to be positive and sweet until you get to that point. (Nines tend to be huge people-pleasers, after all.)
(Also, both he and Huxley’d get on your case about taking breaks from all the caffeine and coffee with some water, and I think that’d be really cute.)
You’ve come to the right person; I love sad movie scores that I can repurpose for sappy shit. (Not that I have to try very hard. For context, this happens in the part of Love Actually where the pair have to leave each other every day. It is pure, stringed pining, and I adore it.) Damien seems the type to work and study to scores and orchestral music, so this would be at home in that playlist for y’all.
So, two very close, close contenders. Obviously there’s David who you seem to really adore and also gives me “only kid in a single parent, ethnic household” vibes. He’s a nurturer, and god knows us Nines can need it. Speaking of, Sam is the pinnacle of a Type Eight, a Challenger to your Peacemaker, which is a glorious dynamic. (I’d know, I’m a Nine, and my bf of almost six years is an Eight~)
Note: thank you for the video essay rec; I haven’t watched or heard of the second one!
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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minniemariex · 2 years
stream of thoughts (like literally wrote it on the first watch through on yt i’m off now to watch it grey with all of the nc scenes 😏)
okay we’re like 3 mins in (off which good 2,5 was previously on LITA) and rain is already adorable. him hiding behind Phi when he registered an unknown man as threat was a smart and adorable move. shows how much he trusts Phi to keep him safe and to take care of him. and Phi immediately knowing and introducing him to kind of show he is someone he knows. rain still kind of cowed hides behind Phis still.
also the guy gives me a bad vibe. also are all mafia lords gay? cause he clearly said that Big Bosses ‘boy’ got sick. like? hmmm okay
rain holding Phi’s arm in both hands is precious. he gives himself sth to hold onto. quite literally
Phi asking if he now gets why he was so upset when rain snuck into the race last time. and rain actually getting it. it was super careless and irresponsible and down right stupid of him. but now rain is gonna be a Good Boy and stick to Phi like a glue
oh no. the guys from the bathroom. i mean i knew they would cause trouble this ep. but still.
im also wondering about how close Phi and Big Boss are. like are they kinda friends? and that’s why he trusts Phi to fix his bikes? how did they meet? i’m guessing it was a few years back. since it’s pretty obvious that both twins know him pretty well.
another side not does anyone know how old is Phi? he finished his degree so i’m guessing 25/26? and rain is what? like 20?? idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
omg. okay. Prapai talking to rain. and probably wanting some sky info. but getting interrupted by twin nr. 2. and getting roped into beating newcomers into submission. i so do love saifah (lowkey forgot his name for a sec xD)
okay but the fact that no one wants to race P’Pai should be enough of an indication that he’s one of the best and taht you definitely should not race him. especially on your first race. like. UGH 😩 where’s your common sense and self preservation dude???
sorry to interrupt but there’s a hot blond human being in the background. i’m a white shirt (at around 8,28 on yt). and i jsut would like to have an in focus shot of him. for research purposes of course.
not gonna lie i’m living the race scenes. the only thing that bugs me is taht the other guy is racking in fucking jeans and converse. like. dude. you don’t do that. other than that loving it. P’Pai winning by a margin was not a surprise. like at all. the sore lose was also not a surprise. like at all.
i really don’t understand how some people can be dumb enough to not do research when they pretend to be close to someone. like boi. you telling the right hand man you gonna get him fired when he never saw your face? is a dumb move. but what can you do. your head is probably very very empty.
‘are you okay’ Phi ‘that should be my question’ rain. then rain puts his hand on Phi’s face and asks if he’s angry. cuuuuute
i see you rain. i see you. Phi says he’s mad and your eyes just take in his face and you think it’s hot. me too bb. me too. Phi is hot when he’s mad.
being cute and praising how good of a job Phi did by not punching anyone is a great way to elevate Phi’s mood. well chosen tactic rain. and then finish it with ‘smile, you’re scarring me and don’t frown or i’ll cry’ in an obviously not scared voice and we get one Phi in a better mood already.
the hug was everything. as was rain casually calling himself ‘darling’ the whole time (i think at least). and Phi definitely kissed rains ear. and i love that.
the little grab of Phi’s shirt and pulling him into a kiss after saying ‘Phi likes to take things slowly sometimes’ was soooo goood (i’m mad i’m watching this on yt and can’t see the kisses in full - i’m guessing they cut them after last ep)
and can i just say i love the lighting in this scene. rain looks so soft. as does Phi. it brings up the gold in their skin tone so well. and just loooks amazing.
can we talks a little about how Phi is obviously very good at his job? competency is hot. and also liked by his coworkers? and clearly dedicated to doing his best? he has a life outside of his relationship with rain. and taht sth that i feel like we often don’t get in series. idk if it’s cause a lot of them are just romance and everything not relevant is unimportant. and honestly in LITA it’s kind of the same. but here Phi being good at his job is definitely relevant as rain is in university essentially to have the same career. but i still like and appreciate showing us his work space and his colleagues and his job. and the fact he’s good at it is a great motivator for rain but also for the viewers.
Phi rushing to the garage cause he knows rain is there. i love their relationship. i want one for myself.
and rain just being at the garage to study. and do his work. as he promised Phi he would. TIME MÉNAGEMENT YAY
‘Phi there are people around’ looks around at the empty room. lol just let him kiss you rain. get your reward for studying xD
the kiss in the nose was adorable. as was the challenge to kiss rain on the mouth. which Phi did with pleasure.
COMMUNICATION we asked for it. and we got it. and actual conversation in a series where both parties expressed their opinion on a matter, which would normally cause a problem of some kind in a couple. here we got clear intentions and explanation and promise to not get hurt. Phi knows he ha smithing to gain from the race. but he shoma do it anyway. and rain while doesn’t really get it comes to an understanding taht it’s important to his Phi. so he has him promise not to get hurt. to which Phi responds that he’s going to have a bike race not a war. and i love it. thye we’re both level headed at the time of the conversation. clearly some time has passed since saifah came and gave them the news. they both thought about it. and discussed it as couple. got to an understanding. and case closed.
also i want to talk a little about how much Phi and rain hug. like since they got together they’ve been all over each other. hugging and holding hands and kissing. which honestly i don’t see that much in the series. like hugging doesn’t seem to be a huge part of most bl relationships. sure quick hugs or when one is distressed. but just pulling the other flush against and holding him there. that does not happen often. but would love to see it more often. i understand that not all characters have a personality fit for this type of actions. but i simply adore that LITA gives me all of that. cause i would definitely be like rain cling onto my SO hands and arms and just content with being held. and it’s nice to see that on the screen. it’s sth that’s missing (for me) in a lot of series. especially friends to lovers trope a so would imagine they would be quite touchy with each other.
rain is worried. but then he sees Phi in a racing suit and is like ‘Phi never loses’. the guys know that Phi did in fact lose one time. to rain of course xDD but rain doesn’t have to know just how much power he has over his Phi
Phi loves touching rains face. he constantly squished him. and it’s adorable. as is him touching rains hair or head.
omg Phi is so smooth. ‘the suit looks so cool Phi’ ‘it looked cool when i put it on. wanna see me take it off?’ Phi you’re gonna kill rain at some point with your flirting.
‘put them on for me’ gives rain his gloves. i’m in love with this man.
and of course then the duchebag shows up.
rain being protective of his Phi something i would love to see more of. also rain swearing in Phis presence is so hot. since he never does it anymore as Phi doesn’t like ba mannered boys. but when someone touches his Phi? all of that goes out of the window. and Phi is obviously proud of the way rain is supporting him and protecting him (kind of not really but you get what i mean)
also why did the duchebags friend had to have such beautiful and low voice?? he said like two lines but i’m ready to get him out of that friendship.
the race. well obviously Phi will win. i wonder if it’s really the actors. i mean i knwo that some parts at least are them. but i wonder if they had some more capable people race and do it like super fast and then stitch it together. and like i said. Phi won. fair and square.
and apparently that was hot for rain. cause those kisses are saying a lot. yes boy go and take that suit off like Phi wanted you before. UGH YOUTUBE WHY DO YOU KEEP STOPPING BEFORE THE BEST PART?!?!?!?!? imma watch it later on grey xD
rain is discovering a whole new world with Phi. works of wonderful sex and wonderful kinks to try out xD
rain wants to see Phi in a race suit but not race again. and i kinda get it.
Phi’s backstory of why he chose architecture is hilarious. but so true lol. you make some weird choices on some random decisions you made as a kid.
i’m in love with this scene. just them quietly talking about themselves. getting to know each other. and confessing it’s ‘more than like’ and that ‘it been more than like for a while now’ is so wholesome. i want that with my SO some day.
my biggest pet peeve is when you are in bed and under the covers but your feet stand out. CANT STAND IT 😫
rain made breakfast. in underwear. and Phi came in. and smacked his ass. and let me tell you something. thai kind of simple domesticity is great and i love every second of it given to me. rain not even being bothered but the smack has just added few points for the scene.
Phi being a gentleman and kissing rains hand is such a great contrast to him smacking rains ass and i love it.
aww rain is a stay at home boyfriend now. so cute.
that’s suspicious. rain do not go to carry the package. like boi be smart. your Phi jsut had a conflict with a guy who clearly saw you kiss him, thus he knows you’re important to him. this little clue les bean.
okay i’m sorry but like. they didn’t even tie him up. wtf ??
okay i’m sorry? that’s an unbearably messy room?? you’ve clearly never saw mine lol omg is he gonna realize it’s Phi’s triangle (i honestly have no idea what’s it called in english lol)
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
There is so much thoughts lmao, they use a typewriter because their handwriting is really bad but for the first few days of being roomies they don't use the typewriter because they don't wanna annoy Peach with the sound of it, Peach asks like why they have it if they won't use it and they tell Peach well they don't wanna annoy her with it to which Peach is just like like hey crack on if I need a break from it I'll let you know. Just communication and boundaries and honestly the background tapping is probably weirdly rhythmic and soothing to some degree, but if Peach says like hey I have a headache, they absolutely just use another method of note taking
At one point they ask Peach if she's psychic because they've noticed she gets overwhelmed a lot when they're all in one classroom and she always seems to know what someone's gonna say or she knows what they're thinking like when they're thinking about stopping for a snack and drink Peach always suggests a break. So Peach is just *fuck she's onto me* but also eh because she just assumes I'm a psychic human and just agrees. I don't think it's a case of her not trusting her with the truth at that point but probably more so Peach can't be bothered to say anything while they're still in education ya know they've got good vibes rn no need to change it if they stay friends after then yea she'll probably bring it up since this humans pretty nice and trustworthy
She's probably kind of shy and awkward around Peachs family, I have the silly thought of like Ash and Indigo sneak on campus one night and throw pebbles at their window for Peachs attention just being silly and so Peach goes out to lmao tell them off and chat and the human kinda awkwardly peers out the window like oh huh oh yea she's got two brothers before promptly ducking down shyly if either of them spot her but she probably puts her hand up to wave. And then she just writes messages on a whiteboard and holds them up to the window to talk to them because she's kind of too awkward to talk to them in person but whiteboard messages are fine. They'd be sooo shy if invited over on a weekend to meet Peachs parents probably like "should I get a plant? I feel like a should get a plant like hello nice to meet you I know your daughter she's awesome here is a pretty flower to show i am grateful to meet you and very polite" and Peach just lightly snorts because you're fretting for nothing they already know of u they already think ur fine but sure let's get a plant XD because honestly plant gifts are nice.
Would probably love meeting all their Pokémon too lmao highlight of the evening many mons, Pokémon makes the anxiety worth it XD
They also as probably guessed have vocal stims and are decently good at mimicking certain Pokémon sounds, so she absolutely ekekek and meeps and chirps to the baby Zubat and probably means if Peach accidentally purrs or something she doesn't have to worry too much because they think oh she can mimic too or its also vocal stims, very cool
Hell yeah!! Im so happy about this :3
Peach has a broken purr so more likely, it just sounds like a broken mimic!
Careful with Babies around Peach, after Pepoer she gets attached hardcore XD
I do wonder what The Oc's reaction is to toddler Pepper coming to visit mom in the dorm
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ickmick · 8 months
Inktober days 11-15!!
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET TO POST THIS, I HAD IT WRITTEN AND EVERYTHING BUT YET TUMBLR DIDNT POST IT??? So erm.... I scheduled it for 'today' at like... 2 pm i think? my time, that is... LOL (turned out the queue didnt work! so its 6pm!)
so anyways, I'll upload yet again on sunday (tomorrow!) since I also need to post on Halloween!! oh boy!! so theres my uploads for the rest of the month, if you want to check back :D
I've actually gotten further than I thought I would! very proud of myself! and you should be too, even if you've only done a few days!
heres week one and week twos posts!
this one actually has the doc drawing >:3c
plus some other fun ones! its all under the cut, enjoy!
heres the key as always, referring to my prompt lists!!
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 11
wh: butterfly
hc: mischief
ink: wander
life: lava
oh noooo... our local pesky bird!! he fellll... (attempted a new perspective!! a lil wonky but I tried lol)
and can I just say I LOVE how peaceful grian is in the last drawing? hes so pretty and soft looking!! i surprised myself!!
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Day 12
life: soulmate
I got that major life series brainrot... if you cant tell, haha... and dont even get me started on secret life!! more on that in the final notes >:D
also I didnt finish bigb im sorry BFMSVSSB
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Day 13
hc: fashion
life: safety
GRIAN IN CUTE CLOTHES !! feat mumbo in the corner to make up for the last few times of neglect rip
also, was low on spoons and unfortunately did not finish the potentially adorable moment between the buttercups in grians wings... smth... xD
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Day 14
hc: hermit with a background
gore: parasite
ay more like parasyte, am I right? *ba dum tiss*... ... yeah ok sorry LOL that was def more of a meme drawing ngl
AND THE FABLED DOC DRAWING!!! I posted it on its own already because im unbelievably proud of it!! listen... i know it meant to draw a bg... like a forest or smth... BUT!! i thought it was kinda funny... and I swear i was going to actually di the prompt right! but I ran out of spoons XD
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Day 15
ink: dagger
life: spyglass
gore: fungi
another low spoon day, alas! but hey, at least we have some AHAA shenanigans (simply grian giggling) and a not so scar safe object!! (a dagger!! who gave him that?? /silly)
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whew, there we go!! i think this weeks set was pretty good! (not that I actually drew any THIS WEEK, but thats not the point XD)
also, thank you for all the love so far!! you guys are very sweet :D
Im especially blown away from this post of tango, because it was rushed!! but im appreciative still because the post is sort of funny!! <3
*vauge talk of first secret life episodes!!*
its so good already omg... ive watched quite a few of the povs lol... i wont say anything specfic because I havent properly spoiler warned! so I will leave you simply with the wise words 'the fanfic writes itself' /silly (and oh my god scar giving grian the dang blocks ACK /pos /pos /pos)
heres week fours, 5.1s and the last post (5.2)!!
okay!! have a good week!! and remember to be easier on yourself!! I hope to see you next sunday for the next week of drawings!! 💜
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doofus-and-dragons · 11 months
Just finished TMA s3 so you know what time it is!
Spoiler time...it's spoiler time (this also bleeds into parts of s4
Elias can eat a dick. Kudos to Ben for giving him one of the top 10 sexyist voices in TMA, but DAMNIT, HE'S THE WORST 😭
The distortion is struggling to figure out who it is.
Like it or not, you're Helen now buddy (I love you dearly you murderous entity)
I don't like Julia or Trevor
Also, why does every character who gets hurt make strange noises that can be taken out of context (not a complaint, just an observation) (except for that American cop fucker. That guy made me vastly(HA) uncomfortable XD)
I've notice that Jon whimpers when he gets hurt. Poor pathetic wet cat
I'm going to riot
Martin deserved to go apeshit like that
He really did
The desolation in the background: Hey, guys, can I have him?
A good ending to a good season
Oh shit Jon's In a coma
Ok, first off: the trailer did not have to hit me in the emotions quite that hard
I almost cried at my machine
I think Oliver is a pretty sweet guy so far. He even left when he could see how uncomfortable he was making Georgie
I think Jon is realizing that he's losing his Martin. You can always hear the pain in his voice when he talks about/to him
I don't like Melanie.
I haven't since she was introduced in s1.
Like, I've just never cared for her. I get why she's acting the way she is, I understand it. But she's just not a character I've ever enjoyed (kudos to you if you do tho)
Basira... I have no strong opinions of her
Like I domt dislike her
But I'm not a Basira Stan either.
I think she just misses her gf or smth
Breekin and Hope were married
You can't tell me that statement wasn't someone mourning the loss of their immortal life partner
I won't believe you.
Anyway that's as far as I've gotten.
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am-i-sans · 1 year
dnd adventure 16
we spent sometime talking about the logistics of fucking a talking sword
cam goes to eeby deeby and inferno comes out. undyne punches him in the face lol.
we let the mayor know we killed the dragon and he tells the town. mayors kid said theirs a beast of some sort in the woods so were gonna go kill it!
undyne,suzy, frog and tori got fuckin lost lol. dans and inferno corral them cause good lord undyne is punching trees.
2 shambling mounds? gotta free the person!
crit 31 damage from me FINALLY!
we STILL dont see frogs new dagger. dammit moss show meeeee!!!
tori keeps getting hit for rookie numbers lol.
undyne did 29 damage jebus. plus 12 to hit my ass.
frog can FINALLY use the dagger! the guitar solo from bohemian rhapsody? what? dagger of guitar solos?! wtf.
undyne finally kills viney! she saves the dude!
used my hammer to smack the other guy cause yay new weapon!
frogs dagger is now playing freebird help me.
tori learns! she moves out of the way of everyone to use lighting bolt! IT HAS LIGHTNING ABSORPTION YOU KILLED US!
i got hit! so did frog! bazinga. so i slapped it with my boomerang.
(i am once again reminded i murdered the music bot on accident ;-;)
(also raz was so fuckin mad it didnt die in the big hit he did lol)
undyne finally kills it! freedom! LEVEL UP!
got a new spell poggers. frog learned eldrich blast ;-; and fireball xD
going back to tell the mayor that the monster is real!
im going to sell my shit. frog is doing band stuff. undyne and tori are going drinking and forcing inferno around. suzy is being secretive?!
inferno is gambling lol. and i got fuckin loaded selling my shit yeasssss like over a thousand gold *dab* inferno is doing blackjack. he won.
sharing some ale with undyne. inviting tori for some drinking. just some wholesome bonding. dans reassures tori and undyne hes not upset about what happaned. tori contemplates her lighting and hurting others. undyne works her anger out.
we notice suzy isnt back yet. dans passes notes to undyne and tori telling them about the money and to not tell inferno and then eats the notes.
susie found a cave where their family stayed when she was a kid. SUSIE LORE! we go visit the cave. its just a bare cave. her family was an actual pack of fuckin wolves. humans kidnapped her when she got near a town. she stole an axe and escaped. met a bear. lived with her. kidnapped by elves. joined hyenas but they sucked so she left. went solo. mt cave. (cam popped into chat in the middle of this lol) dragon lair. ate her whole. chewed her way out. stomped on its head until it died. met frog and tori and lived near the woods by them.
cams no longer in eeby deeby! and is fuckin freaked at suzys background. 'dragons can be killed?!' lol
we see a flyer about a festival in a city a few days travel away! midsummer festival! party! we get on soupnik!
we see a burnt down town! oh no! undyne was supposed to roll a history but got a 3 lol. tori ALSO knows this place hmmmm sus. thankfully frog calls tori out lol.
tori lore finally! she used to live here :( her mother made 'a poor decison' made a pact and got everyone killed. including her siblings. everyone hug the tori!
to be continued~
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dearestones · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Jamil Viper #2
Warnings: Fluff. 
Anonymous Request: Hellooo~ My name's Yade and I'd like to ask for a romantic matchup with a twst boi! 1st or 2nd year preferably. This is my first time making such a request so please excuse my awkward communication skills lol. She/her pronouns btw :,)
Appearance: Diamond shaped head with sharp facial expressions, dark brown, straight hair that reaches my shoulders- I tie 'em up in a messy bun so that my shorter hair strains at the front can do their own thing tho xD Body type is hourglass and I don't really put a lot of effort into my clothing style: Casual with pale/light colors.
Hobbies: Gardening, listening to music (my earphones are my bebes), designing/decorating- I am also extremely interested in languages: I can speak 6 languages and hope to speak 10 someday
-Very respectful and accepting. I value these two traits a lot as they are the foundation of relationships in my opinion.
- Intelligent and wise, If I do say so myself. Have gone through quite a lot of things and know that I am mentally more mature than others my age. I can be pretty lazy as well, ignorant and stubborn. I tend to get defensive pretty quickly without even realizing it. I am also forgetful- I literally lose my brain everywhere
- My humor is broken af but ppl tell me I'm funny so I'll just go with that lol- If you couldn't already tell Im.. uh- a bit weird HAHA
Thank youuuu if you accept my request and sorry for disturbing u. Bye byeeeee ~
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After going through the description given, I believe that you best pair well with Jamil Viper!
First of all, Jamil isn’t immediately drawn to people who look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. He of all people knows that just because something looks pretty or harmless, that doesn’t mean that it’s true. After all, he had to play the role of a mediocre student and dutiful servant for years. That said, when he first meets you, he is enamored with your long hair and your casual style, but he’s still somewhat standoffish and aloof. 
However, when he does get to know you better, he finds you rather charming. It takes a lot for him to open up to someone—and even longer for him to let you understand that he's far more than just Kalim’s shadow or the duty bound Vice Housewarden of Scarabia. With you, he finds that you accept his entire self—not just the persona that he’s forced to display for the rest of the world. The good, the bad, and his hiddenmost parts of himself you cradle and keep close to your chest. Without you, he thinks that it would have taken years for him to finally reveal himself. 
To you, he feels like he can be his own person with his own personal strengths that he doesn’t have to share or downplay for Kalim. 
When Jamil finally feels comfortable around you, you’ll find that he becomes physically affectionate. He won’t hug you or kiss you in public too often—he prefers subtlety. Often, his displays of affection are whenever he decides to surprise you with homemade meals, tips on how to do your homework, and if you’re lucky, he’ll ask if he can do your hair. (He absolutely loves your hair and how cute you look when it’s messy, but sometimes he wants to run his fingers through it so he can put his own spin on it). 
Have you thought about setting up a garden in Scarabia? Granted, it might be a little hard considering how desert-like the conditions are there, but the both of you can research what plants can be grown in these conditions. Jamil is more than willing to spend his free time with you gardening while listening to some great music in the background. If you ever feel like taking a break, he’ll be ready with a pitcher of refreshing beverages or he’ll drag you to your feet so you can dance together. 
Jamil is amazed by how many languages you speak. How do you have the time or the energy to keep up with so many? Your determination and ambition to know ten languages not only garners you admiration from him, but also pride that he has a lover who does what it takes to achieve her dreams. It took a while for Jamil to speak the language used at Night Raven College and even then, sometimes he makes mistakes. If you have the time, maybe teach him a few tricks? It would be fun! And, if you would like, maybe you would like learning to speak the language most often used in the Scalding Sands. (Provided, of course, if you don’t speak it already. If you do, feel free to converse with him in his native tongue). 
Jamil doesn’t laugh that often, but he does find your humor interesting. Sometimes, your jokes will miss, but when they do hit their mark, Jamil will find himself trying to hold in his laughter and ultimately failing because you’re just so cute and earnest when making them! 
As for your negative personality traits… While your laziness and ignorance heavily reminds him of Kalim, he supposes that they’re not necessarily terrible traits. Unlike Kalim, you’re not his master and you have already acknowledged that he is his own person outside of the Asim name. He’ll gently remind you to complete tasks and if you’re truly that forgetful, he has more than enough handy tips that he has tried to teach Kalim over the years to help you. 
Overall, Jamil is calm around you—he doesn’t feel the need to disguise who he is at his core and he encourages you to show him all of yourself as well. Even though there are some differences in who you are as people, it’s nothing that a little communication can’t fix. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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astranne · 2 years
I just looked at your xiao brainrot list and cracked the hardest smile ever. I did not know i was the stone for so many things
But aaaaaaaanyways im in a brainrot mood 🙏 so! PG!Xiao making a comeback
I dont know much about Valorant, because mainly id cry if someone yelled at me but PG!Xiao would 100% get pissed if someone isn't carrying their weight in the match or trash talking on mic and STILL low on the board. Atp PG!Xiao and like two other people are carrying.
PG!Xiao in a CoD match? Id leave so fast. Immediately. I can see him being insanely good with close quarters. He probably always ranks at the leaderboard. Bro got a badge of damn honor for the amoubt of wins he has
Him in a fortnite match? He says "he doesnt take fortnite serious because of the kids and wanna go easy" till hes the last one alive and he's clenching his mouse and practically stopped breathing to focus on winning. I can, without a doubt see him always running solo natches no matter what. And he limits himself on what he buys because "its a stupid game ill delete it later" and "its a waste of money" then buys the newest pickaxe skin.
Pg!Xiao in minecraft. (The screech made me laugh) He would 100% have a hardcore world thats NEARLY on par with PhilZa's. He respects that man too much to actually showoff his building skills and calls it an insult to humanity when someone compares him to Phil. Forbid you say hes better than Phil hes immediately chewing them out.
PG!Xiao on DreamSMP? I haven't been caught up with that in like a good year honeslty, but ill use what i know. Xiao would 100% have underground tunnels connecting to important places and such. He probably knows everything that goes on, on and off streams. Bro's usually spotted in the background just watching with his stream off which makes it creepier (he claims to see how good they are at pvp and if they can even fight him). For the MCC Championship. God he treats it so casually. Hes calm and collected but each time hes first somewhere hes dying inside because he's mortified of the expectations.
Horror game? Oh my god, he collapses when Hu Tao mentions a game and tells him to stream it ("Xiao itll be funny if you scream like you that time-" "It was one time!") she drags Childe along (the fans loving named them the Ragdoll Trio because Childe practically looses his voice when he screams at a jumpscare, Hu Tao laughs so loud, and Xiao inching around every corner) and makes it worse.
PG!Xiao with his setup tho? Probably green and light blue hues? Ik. If Xiao was a faceless streamer his entire fanbase would LOVE his yaksha mask and he secretly adores it when younger fans makes him fanart. (Dont tell anyone but when they send him fanart he keeps it on a wal behind his camera/monitor so his fans wont see it and he can always feel motivated)
Also, the hater thing? Xiao's fans would absolutely without a single doubt turn from the sweetest most welcoming fans into the most rude and vile fandom on a drop of a hat. Even Xiao gets surprised when drama is brought up within the community or with another because his fans are so... a word doesnt describe how he feels when he sees them ripping apart someone for saying he cant beat a certain streamer (the tiktok comment ratio to likes is always reaching a thousand or more)
-🪶(if i spelt anything wrong my bad its 5am where i live🫶)
damn, fischl anon blessing us again-
as always, more under the cut <3
pg!xiao just hits different. just yeah-always happy he's making a comeback lmao xD
actually, i don't know much about valorant either, but i know xiao would carry his team. and yes, you are totally right- if someone is being an ass, you bet xiao will not hold back. not when his rank is at risk lmao
xiao in CoD is a monster (he's actually a monster in any game he touches but especially CoD). you bet he's actually first known for that, like the really geeky gamers just watch his CoD streams to watch him play and try and get some tips. but then they notice how he slays literally everywhere else and suddenly they are his fans <33
and i don't know much about CoD either, but you bet he's probably one of the best known players there. once you see his name pop up, you know you're fucked
xiao plays fortnite just to spite the kids <3. he will buy all skins to spite all the little brats there <3 he will be the last man standing just to spite everyone <3 and no one can convince him to stop. just- spiteful!xiao-
my days of watching minecraft streamers goes waaay back, so i don't know that many, but even i know the legend. so does xiao. and xiao looks up to this man, i can't even. all of his fans are also PhilZa fans, just because. if you stand xiao, you stan his idols too. many pray for a collab, or just the two of them playing together, but they still have to pray.
i must admit- i know just the barest scraps about DreamSMP. i don't really follow many youtubers, i don't have the time for that even tho i wish i would have. but yes- xiao is all knowing. they actually fear him, since he's so calm and just... so chill?? it doesn't help he's an absolute monster but yeah-
it's actually his fans and mods who snitch to him where everyone is. he has a team of spies (because yes he has) and they have mod roles, but are actually not mods. this helps him when he reads the full chat he always has to get his information. but sometimes it's still too fast and they just,,, spill everything in his discord server, probably whispering in vc where his enemies are. it's the best guarded secret in his fandom, you bet his fans will get feral when someone tries to spill.
RAGDOLL TRIO, RAGDOLL TRIO- yes. the one and only trio. everytime he streams with them, he always reaches super high numbers and those best of moments videos on youtube always gain millions of viewers. hu tao is super proud of that and always reposts them, while childe probably owns one of the most known fan accounts of the ragdoll trio. he just loves to edit himself <3
also, xiao is blessed with his fans. he feels so honored how they defend him but actually kind of fears them too lmao. he just prays he will never make them mad. (xiao darling, you could never-)
OKAY THAT'S IT- aaahh this was so fun?? thank you sm for sending your thoughts my dear anon <33 maybe one day i will write gamer!xiao fr. maybe when my askbox is no longer so full-
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celestialspecial · 2 years
OMG YES! Please please please write a prequel with them (of course only if you want to and are feeling inspired to do so) 🥺🙏🏻 I feel like a prequel would really shed more light into their extraordinarily beautiful and multi-layered relationship that us readers have grown to love so damn much. I already know without a doubt that their journey of meeting and falling in love would be as mesmerizing and fulfilling as their journey was in “These Beautiful Torments” — honestly, perhaps even more so since we’ll have the touching opportunity to actually witness such a treasurable bond and authentic love gradually bloom between these two precious characters of yours. Billy and Reader have one of the strongest and rawest connections I’ve ever seen which had a wondrous deep affect on me while reading, so I can only imagine how moved I’d be at seeing how this connection and love came to be.
Truly though, I love all of your work. You have such a special creativity and way of words that really resonates with your readers. So, whether you decide to write this prequel or venture into an entirely different story, I’ll be happy and you’ll forever have my support 💞 So no pressure either way!
(And by the way, I’m the recent anon who had said I missed your Beautiful Torments Billy and Reader too — I was just too shy at the time to come off anon. But you’re too nice and welcoming for me not to make this message more personal 🤧🫶🏻)
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THANKKKK YOUUU <3 <3 <3  a million times overrrrr Im definitely gonna do it- I just started working on exploding galaxies 3 and I think I’m gonna have to have this going in the background too cause the universe is obviously telling me to do it!
I can’t get over how much the characters truck the chord i wanted with people, it’s crazy i used to write all the time when i was younger then stopped cause I’m a better illustrator in my opinion XD but coming back to this has been so fun!
I always see you reblogging and liking my stuff and i always send a little virtual kiss or hug to the names i see pop up again and again!  
*I honestly might combine my JealousBilly snippet into the prequel cause as i wrote it im like this is totally a thing that happened with them, why try to make it a different story?? It’ll be good and when the first chapter comes out i cant wait to see everyones reaction!
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(fun fact if you just type “love’ into the gif generator its only porn and cat gifs, go figure)
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