#wtnv rambling
chaoticbuggybitchboy · 4 months
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fox-guardian · 1 year
As funny as it would be for there to be another sans vs reigen standoff, I Do think it'd be really funny if we got Cecil to go all the way. Especially since, in my opinion, he stands the test of time and has come all the way around to the new brand of sexyman.
Like, yes, he was, in WTNV's early days, given the twink treatment. Dapper style, youthful features, etc. But he was never like that canonically.
He dresses horrifically (affectionate), he's canonically an older man even in the podcast's beginning, and he is and never has been a twink (he is neither thin, nor fat. Implying at thinnest, straight-sized, and at biggest, mid-sized).
Obviously this doesn't change the fandom's sexymanification of him, but it does lead him to fit more nicely into the sexyman that the aging tumblr userbase has recently developed:
The Babygirl.
Listen. Apart from the above, he can't cook for shit, he's petty, he's written Jaws slash fic and had his intern beta read it, he is CANONICALLY a dilf, he grows his own weed, he loves his husband So Goddamn Much, he won't shut up about how much he carnally desires said husband, he mentions his kinks on the fucking air, AND HE EVEN HAS A FUCKING TUMBLR.
I think he fits the bill for the pathetic older queer man that tumblr has grown so very Normal about. He is so very powerful. And after ten years of being this way I think he should be allowed to go all the way to the top. I think he's earned it.
Sure, if he doesn't stand a chance in the final four, I'll accept sans vs reigen. But if it gets close enough, say, above 40%.... Maybe we could push to go all the way. For the bit. For one of the original sexymen of tumblr history. For our dear gay uncle, Cecil Gershwin Palmer. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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woodlouseonastring · 4 months
podcasts are great because it's like having a friend tell you about their day while you're doing the dishes but instead it's a bunch of guys running around and experiencing the horrors
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Reasons to vote cecil:
1. He's an aquarius it's his birthday season
2. There's a good chance for him to actually mention this in an episode cmon it would be so funny
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emotionalcowboy18 · 3 months
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carlos the scientist
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kindcolors · 2 months
I love kevin because how do you lose out on being the prophet of your OWN religion you wrote all the text for. your own centipede doesnt fuck with you
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cadaverkeys · 1 year
I think what I was most pleased with about Cecil winning is to do with the idea of him being (physically) attractive being entirely a vibe gleaned from his voice and confidence. If it was a character with a preestablished appearance it's like. Oh well. This company/developer/director made a guy that people found sexy. But Cecil is a crowdsourced sexyman. A community effort. A locally grown effigy of attractiveness.
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smallfilms · 1 year
a vote for cecil gershwin palmer is a vote for all the faceless entities that cannot be tied to conventional standards of beauty. a vote for cecil is a vote for our perceptions of what is attractive to be solely gauged through the connections of souls to words, and not the physicality of a bodily form. a vote for cecil gershwin palmer is a vote for the ways we learn to love that are not inherantly tied to flesh. a vote for cecil is a vote for focusing on the being within and not the vessel without.
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fluctuating-fanby · 2 months
Yeah, Kevin's the mirror that shows everything Cecil fears and never wants to be, but do you think Kevin ever looks at Cecil and is reminded of his past imperfect self that Strex killed? Cecil has his silhouette but is drawn in the darkness that the Smiling God finds abhorrent; Kevin is Cecil's broken reflection but Cecil is Kevin's shadow.
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this is where kevin posts from btw, if you even care...
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windwenn · 4 months
Obsessed with how good wtnv is at manipulating you. They'll tell you that you feel as though youre staring into the void at the end of an episode and you will truly be feeling as though you have gazed into the dark abyss and seen no distant light at all. And you WILL NOT realise until the last minute.
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 3 months
I am such a little bitch for the bittersweet pain of what could have been and that agony being all the more brutal for the fact that it should have been.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
"cecil can't be a sexyman, he's doesn't have a physical appearance" ignoring the sexymen who are only sexymen due to fanon humanizations, Cecil lacking a canon appearance is what MAKES him a good sexyman. His sexiness is up to viewer interpretation by design. He's schrondinger's sexyman.
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localratwithcowboyhat · 7 months
How to make a horror podcast
1. Gay people
2. AaagAAAAAAAA ?????????
3. Profit.
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cecil gerswhin palmer will say he’s not really a cat person and then become The Cat Person five episodes later
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