allofuswantgwinam · 18 days
it’s so irritating when you order food and they fuck it up i s2g
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whatever-dude · 1 year
They made the wrong call?!? I am not surprised!!
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alex-guerin · 2 years
I think I'm caught in a RL s1/s2 Malex storyline and I am very much not okay with this. I don't know if I'm Alex or Michael in all of this....
There's a guy I used to work with and became super fast friends with, was instantly attracted to him when I first saw him (which had me in a panic cuz I didn't know if he was a guy or a girl (AFAB) and was having a gay!panic moment over it). We both had hella crushes on each other but I was being stupid with a different guy and Jensen wasn't out yet and still going by his deadname and so the timing, right? Didn't work.
He eventually came out and started on T, my whatever with the other guy ended, me and Jensen kept texting occasionally but not as much cuz he didn't work there anymore and we were both busy. He found out things between me and the other guy were over and asked me out, confessed he'd always had a crush on me cuz of the connection we'd had and he really really liked me and wanted to be with me. I was hella burned from the other guy and turned him down and plus was trying to figure myself out (not sure I have yet, but, y'know....). We didn’t talk for awhile or if we did it was pretty sporadic.
He texted me this morning saying he had a ticket to Six Flags with my name on it, I needed to blow off work and come with him. I can't cuz work. But like....I still have a hella thing for him...and I really wanted to go and we've been kinda texting thru the day...and there's a part of me that wants to go, "Hey uh, still wanna go on that date?" But the bigger part of me is going, "You had your chance and you blew it..."
So yeah. I definitely feel like I'm stuck in some horrible storyline and I hate it.
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bronzeagepizzeria · 6 months
idk i don't think bad wolf having no lingering effects on rose is a bad thing. the whole point of that arc is that even as she became this superpowered time goddess, she still remained incredibly human. her motivations remained human. that's what dw is about. being ordinary and human is beautiful. it saves the world, even!
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euryalex · 1 year
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"When the world falls into the flames, we will rise again."
I got the chance to commission the super talented @mooreaux for a piece inspired by my upcoming fic (Collapse) and I am so glad I did. They did such an amazing job capturing the vibe I wanted, and did Evie and Joey so much justice. Definitely go commission them if you can!!
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thirdeyeblue · 1 year
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Leather Rose Tyler 💖
Deviantart | Pillowfort
Brought about by witnessing wayward discussions about Rose having a leather fetish by the time she’s with Tentoo
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fromiftowhen · 1 year
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Please tell me it's occurred to someone else that there is maybe a small chance that these two men have met? Or that any of the Daggers knew/knew of Logan?
Because it's 1AM and it just occurred to me and now I might never stop thinking about it.
Would they be best friends? Would they despise each other? God knows they'd compete fiercely and look pretty while they did.
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jinruihokankeikaku · 2 years
aaaaaaaaaa i got sleepy....(~﹃~)~zZ (_ _)。゜zzZ
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nbwriteschaos · 2 years
31 for anyone you want
wooohooo i’m hoping that this is for this ask game ???? 👉🏻👈🏻
31 for Camilia!! Your character gets invited to a masquerade ball, what do they wear?
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definitely something like this!!! (found on pinterest) she’d be absolutely stunning… kind of inspiring me to write a lil sum
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cattailtales · 4 months
had to do a couple minor plumbing fixes 12 dead 47 injured
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allofuswantgwinam · 1 month
I just hung out with one of my bestest friends and the person who probably put up with me the most when i was in my past messy ass relationship. it was kinda surreal to catch him up on everything for so many reasons.
1. I am more of a bad ass than I give myself credit for lol even before I finally caught my ex in his bs officially, those last few months I was not mfing PLAYING. bravo to me, I needed to re read this shit I s2g
2. It’s still a punch in the face. It still feels insane that it’s over forever and that he was not who he portrayed to be at all. it is a fucking big ass knuckle sandwich to my goddamn heart. Unfortunately.
It’s really fucked up how you can give your heart to someone and they don’t have any real intent to keep it safe. to return the love they say they have for you. they say all these things. make all these promises. I mean they really just fucking play you so good and you don’t even see it. and then once you start to see it it’s like “nah it’s not that. I’m tripppin” bc they keep feeding you bs and you believe them but then at the end of it all it’s always the same end game. I used to think that bc I left him that I won. I don’t really feel that way anymore. I will say I did win myself back and i am so grateful that I was strong enough to want myself and not him anymore. but I didn’t win shit. This isn’t what I wanted but I accept things for what they are. I lost in so many more ways than I even want to accept. But I didn’t win this situation. this is the saddest and most painful thing I’ve ever had to get through in my life. It’s really irritating that I even stil care. It will have been a year in about a month or so. I’m still hurting and he’s probably out there still doing the same damn things. It is infuriating to know that I’m left here with all this pain, this self doubt, this fear of ever getting close to anyone again and he is fine. I didn’t win. but I’m glad to lose if that means I get myself back.
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dragonfairies · 2 years
I fukin understand why the Camino arc was Camino. It's where a hidden army that was genetically created was hidden away. Ugh why did that take me years
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shower-phantom-ideas · 8 months
More au stuf lets gooooooooo
Danny keeps masks of each superhero for when he visits their citys/towns/wtfe to wear while heroing there.
He 100% knows it just Amity Parks problem that they don’t connect Fenton and Phantom and he doesn’t wanna be outed and chanced around by the government in both forms. So he needs a mask. Well he has shit taste and both Sam and Tucker dismissed any he made so he said “fuck it ill use theirs” and just gets cheap costume masks for all the heros.
Why is he going from town to town though? Dani is taking him on a tour of all the best and weirdest food trucks she has found on her travels. Who cares if CW also has some missions for him while hes in those towns. Hes here for the food 100% sorry Clocky u r a side quest.
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euryalex · 1 year
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𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙: 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐼 & 𝐼𝐼 + 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙: 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒 Joey Hudson and Evelyn McDaniel share a long story together, tracing back all the way to their teenage years in Great Falls. It's almost like fate wants them to meet time and time again.
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thirdeyeblue · 9 months
Fic Authors Self Rec!
Thank you @bronzeagepizzeria for tagging me 💖
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Did not expect this to be as difficult as it was. Also not sure I’ll feel this way in the morning, but here we are.
Anyway, some smut for you!
Bloodstream (200k)
I can’t not mention my baby 😭 For people who like very long, very smutty, emotional action/adventure fics that don’t skip smut. Even though I feel like I’ve improved a lot since writing this, I’m very proud of this story! It was my main vice for all of the happy feels and horniness that came from 300mg of Wellbutrin.
Extemporary Intimacy (28k)
A different take on the whole “virgin/asexual Ten” thing. Where the Doctor regenerates into something of a horny thing, and as a result, enlists Rose’s help to teach him about sex. And, oh yes, there is quite a bit of that 💀
For All We’re Worth (30k)
There need to be way more fics where the Doctor gives Rose her very first orgasm. This is me begging any writers who might be reading this — please write that concept. Fuck. In the meantime, here is this fic, which I hold very near and dear to my heart. Oh, and there’s truth serum. Yay!
Washed Up Together (20k)
This was my first standalone Tentoo/Rose fic 🥺 The OTP of all OTP’s. Also my first gift to my dear friend Niyati (tagged above). Love, misunderstandings, a little bit of jealousy, and lots of very graphic first time smut — my favorite thing.
The Purpose of Repose (95k)
My Ten/Martha-Ten/Rose fic that I’m always apprehensive to rec (for obvious reasons) — but to be honest, I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written 💀 Being that the majority of the readers are diehard TenRose shippers, I feel just comfortable enough tacking it onto this list!
If you feel inclined to participate — no pressure: @badxwolfxrising @demdifferentstories @mulderscully @aintfraidanoghosts @flamesandpages @dreamcaught @somekndofnature
And a rogue tag of an OG fave I can’t imagine will see this but wtfe @kscribbles my beloved
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Okay, so I was briefly like "I'm glad Top isn't pulling the 'we weren't technically dating yet' schtick and making excuses" and then, he tried making it about Mew and Ray, which is stupid for many reasons.
But. Mew got so mad, and I know that he doesn't like "stoop to their level" or wtfe in revenge, and now I am very concerned that he makes Ray an offer that he knows he won't be able to refuse, because Ray has put all his love and hope in a Mew shaped basket for years, and I want to cry actually. That he's going to go for revenge via making the thing Top was afraid of true.
Like, the levels of manipulation and assholery and cruelty that that would entail...
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