#had to remove the new toilet seat I just put on the other day bc the damn hinge fell out and was a total nightmare to put back together
cattailtales · 5 months
had to do a couple minor plumbing fixes 12 dead 47 injured
0 notes
rosy-roulette · 4 years
Nighttime Routine
Pairing: Bang Chan (SKZ) x Fem Reader
Genre: FLUFF, absolutely teeth rotting FLUFF
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I’m back with another Channie fic!! BUT she’s soft and domestic af! I wrote this a little while ago when I first really started to wear makeup more and had to take it off after a gathering and really didn’t want to bc tired lmao. Hope you like it and don’t be afraid to reblog, like, and lmk what you think!!
You and Chan stumble into your shared apartment after coming home from a family party. This wasn’t the first time Chan has been around your extensive family but it’s been a long time since the last big gathering. Playing with your younger cousins and talking to your relatives for hours have left you completely drained. Peeling off your shoes by the front door you start for the kitchen with the bag of leftovers your mother insisted on bringing home to put away but Chan gently places his hand on your arm to stop you.
“I got these, you go get changed.” He said softly as he pressed his lips against your temple. You mumbled a ‘thank you’ as you handed the bag off to your boyfriend before separating.
Closing the door to your shared bedroom you slowly peeled off your clothes, careful to not get any of your makeup on them. You threw them in the direction of your hamper but didn’t bother to see if they made it in or not before tugging on your pajama shorts and a big t-shirt for bed. Flopping down on the bed with a huff, you’re about to forfeit your bedtime routine in favor of just passing out right then and there but the realization you have to take off the hour of hard work and precision off your face makes you grumble in frustration.
You know you have to take off your makeup to go to bed, especially since the thick black eyeliner you had on will definitely come off on the pillowcase with the rest of your makeup. But you’re just. Too tired to move from your spot on the bed. Your legs feel like jelly and your eyelids feel like they have weights attached to them. Feeling your eyes starting to droop close, the door opens. You peel your eyes back open to see Chan leaning against the door frame, a soft smile on his lips.
“You gotta take off your makeup, I know you don’t want to risk a breakout.” He says, almost to coax you out of bed. You pull your lips into a pout.
“I knoooow but I’m too tired.” You whine, turning on your side to face your boyfriend. He chuckles at your pouting, only to cause you to pout more.
“You’re so cute.” He coos, he’s smile growing wider. “Do you want me to take it off for you?”
You think for a moment. “Do you even know how?” You ask, pushing yourself up into a sitting position.
Chan scoffs “I’ve seen you do it enough times to get the gist of it baby. Lemme help you.” He walks over to stand in front of you now, hands out for you to take. You nod and take his hands as he leads you out of the bedroom, a soft smile plastering his face.
Walking into the bathroom, he pats the top of the toilet seat cover.
“Sit for me.” You do as he says, watching as he goes into the medicine cabinet to look for the things he needs. Resting the bottle of liquid and cotton pads in the counter, he turns back to you. He gently takes a hold of your chin and tilts your head slightly back to look up at him. You close your eyes expecting to feel the cool sensation of the makeup remover but instead something is put in your hair. Opening your eyes you give Chan a questioning look.
“What? I needed to get your hair out of your face.” Quickly getting up you look at yourself in the mirror. Your pink cat ear headband is indeed pushing your hair back yes, but at the same time pushing it in off different directions. You giggle at your reflection before sitting back down.
Chan smiled at you as he held your chin in his fingers again, a cotton pad with makeup remover on it in the other hand. Closing your eyes like before and this time you feel a cool sensation glide against your cheek. Chan drags the cotton pad around your face pulling off as much makeup as he can around the plains of your face. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you as he cleans your face.
Pausing to get another pad you open your eyes, Chan finally speaks.
“Sometimes I forget how big your family is until parties like these come around”
You laugh.
“I know. My uncles can’t seem to get enough of the "ultra talented musician” of a boyfriend I have.“ You tease, recalling some of your older family members who are musicians themselves talking to Chan for hours at the party. Chan giggles, seeming to be recalling the same thing as you. You open your eyes to see the faint shade of pink that dusted your boyfriend’s cheeks. "Cute” you thought as he resumed his hold on your chin to take off the rest of makeup on your cheeks and chin.
“I very much like talking to them. I also very much enjoy seeing you entertain your younger cousins.” Your lips form into a grin. You had spent a portion of the party entertaining your many kid cousins; from playing games on the trampoline in the yard, chasing them around in a game of tag, to participating in a braiding train with the younger girls.
“Really? What about it did you like?” You question as you open your eyes. Chan let out an over dramatic, thoughtful sigh.
“Well seeing you play with kids was one of the cutest things to see. You had this glow about you when you were with them. I don’t know if it’s weird, but you looked beautiful.” He ended softly. You felt your heart melt as you gazed up at him.
“Even when I was dog piled on by a bunch of elementary schoolers?” You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend, who burst out laughing.
“Yes even then.” He giggled.
Taking a new pad he began to whip your lips. Throwing the used pad in the trash he got a new one and tapped the corner of his eye with his finger.
“Close your eyes for me.” As your eyes shut you felt Chan peck the tip of your nose before gently pressing the pad to your eyelid. You giggled at his display of affection as he rubbed away your eye makeup. It took a few more makeup remover soaked pads to get all of the eye makeup removed. But finally Chan threw the final pad away and stood back to let you get up and check yourself in the mirror. There were a few spots that were still clinging to your skin but you figured after doing your nightly face routine they would be gone. Turning to Chan you wrapped your arms around him, him embracing you in his own bear hug.
“Thank you, your too good to me.” You mumble into the crook of his neck.
“Anything for my babygirl.” He said, pressing his lips against your temple. You giggle as you pull away.
Chan leaves you to finish getting ready for bed, mentioning over his shoulder he will be in your shared room to change out of his own clothes. You finished washing your face, your thoughts from before being correct as the remaining makeup came off with the extra cleaning. As you brushed your teeth, Chan joined you once again to finish his own night time routine. The two of you stood side by side, the subtle smell of mint filling the air.
This whole night had been so domestic, hell this whole day was. It felt so natural for Chan to be with your family and to spend time with them with you. Him taking care of you in little ways like taking your makeup for you when you’re too tired didn’t feel awkward like you had thought it would. It felt normal. Like something you could let him do again. Or even have it be a normal occurrence. The thought alone made a small smile creep onto your lips.
Finishing up in the bathroom you both crawl into bed, Chan’s arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his chest. You let out a content sigh, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “I love you” you hum, feeling sleep start to take over. “I love you too” Chan whispered as you both drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.
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Here's the sad pining sasuke i wrote last night... it's not finished and who knows when/if i'll finish it. university AU, not edited and there's some naru//hina and sasuke//OC bc i couldn't think of a canon character that fit. The texting part is also weird bc i wrote it all very fast lol. i'm sharing bc why not *shrugs*
It hurts, to look at them.
Sasuke can’t help himself. Naruto is his best friend, after all, and he’s not yet so desperate that he’ll avoid him. It’s worse, somehow, that he can’t even dislike her.
She’s good for him, he thinks, when he’s feeling particularly self-deprecating. Her hair is dark and her skin pale as porcelain, and that’s where the similarities end between him and Hinata.
Sweet, and so patient with Naruto. Soft-spoken, but not a pushover. Impeccably dressed, always, no make-up needed to outshine any girl beside her. A picture perfect couple, that’s what they are. It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t have to watch it unfold from the front row.
How her shyness turned to surety, how her eyes would catch on Naruto and look away before, but now – now she looks at him like he belongs to her, soft smile on her plump lips.
Sasuke can’t even hate her, and he wishes he could.
It’s not her fault that Sasuke is the way he is. She doesn’t know, isn’t doing it on purpose. And yet, there’s a stab to Sasuke’s chest every time she takes his hand, every time Naruto tucks her silky hair behind her perfect ear.
Naruto will kiss her cheek and Sasuke will be looking, always looking. His face devoid of emotion, his voice carefully neutral. He can’t be mean to Naruto’s girlfriend, though he wishes he could. Maybe if Naruto got mad at him and pushed him away, Sasuke would be free to move on.
It’s more likely that Sasuke would apologize and do better, and he’d rather spare himself the embarrassment.
Sometimes he imagines that Hinata will find out, that she’ll start treating him with suspicion, watch his every move with her wide eyes. Feel threatened by him. But Sasuke is no threat. He’s tired and hurting, but he’s not a homewrecker. It would be a lot easier if Naruto didn’t keep nudging him in Sakura’s direction.
It’s not Sakura’s fault, either. She’s dreaming of something she can’t have, and the similarities make him sick to his stomach.
Sometimes he thinks he’ll date her, live the lie to the fullest. Give her what she wants, since he’s doomed anyway. He doubts he’d last long, though. If he had even the slightest bit of interest in women – but when he looks at her, there’s just no attraction. He’s not sure how no one’s noticed yet. It’s not like he’s that good of an actor. He thinks the only reason no one’s figured it out is because he’s so deep in the closet, and they’re all so heterosexual. Why would they suspect he’s gay? It suits them better if he isn’t.
“Oh, I didn’t realize it was that late already,” Sakura says beside him, breaking him out of his thoughts.
The bar is lively around them, but the music is at a bearable noise level. She’s looking at her phone, frowning. On the other side of the small table, Naruto pouts.
“It’s not late!” he objects, the beer in his glass sloshing around as he waves his hands around. “We just got here!”
“We’ve been here for three hours, I think,” Hinata says, leaning her cheek on his shoulder.
Sasuke wonders how she manages, the way he moves around so much. Perhaps her body is as soft as her voice, easily following him.
“I told you I have to get up early tomorrow.” Sakura sighs, irritated. She fishes her bag up from the floor, putting her phone inside it. “I really have to get going.”
“I’ll walk you to the station,” Sasuke offers. Not because he particularly wants to, but he’s not in the mood to subject himself to third-wheeling Naruto and Hinata. “I should get going, anyway.”
“What?” Naruto looks disappointed, more disappointed than when Sakura announced her departure. “I thought you were free tomorrow.”
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke swallows down the last of his drink.
“Doesn’t mean I want to stay up all night,” he counters with, easing out of the booth. “I still have to study.”
“You study too much,” Naruto mutters, giving Hinata a smile like an afterthought when she squeezes his arm.
“Maybe if you studied at all you wouldn’t need to panic before every exam,” Sakura nags at him, coming around the table to wait next to Sasuke. “Some of us care about our grades.”
“Nerds.” At least Naruto looks a little happier, and Sasuke hates to think that it’s because he thinks anything’s going to happen between him and Sakura. “Don’t get lost, you two!”
They say their goodbyes, and Sasuke tries to pretend he doesn’t notice how Sakura’s cheeks fill with color when they step outside the bar. She’s put a jacket on, but Sasuke’s fine in his sweater. It’s not cold enough that her blush can be blamed on the weather.
“Thanks for walking me,” she says, hefting her bag higher up her shoulder. She’d joined them straight from the library, researching her latest paper. “You didn’t have to.”
“It’s fine,” he tells her, hands tucked into his sleeves.
He doesn’t want to run the risk of her attempting to reach for his hand. As much as he dislikes her attention, it’s safer if she thinks he’s just playing hard to get. He won’t have to explain, then, why he hasn’t outright told her to give up. He should, he knows. But Naruto would just nudge him towards some other girl, would bother him about it until Sasuke started going on actual dates. It’s touching, how worried he is over Sasuke potentially being lonely.
Too bad Naruto himself is the cause of it.
“You’re not doing anything tomorrow, then?” Sakura asks, stepping aside as they meet a group of half-drunk businessmen. “I’m working until five…”
It would be so easy to invite her out. To suggest a movie, or trying out that new café near campus. To watch her eyes light up with hope, watch her mouth stretch into an excited smile.
“I really do need to study,” he says. “And I’m almost out of clean clothes.”
None of it is a lie, technically. He’s just not sure he’ll actually do either of those things tomorrow.
She tries to hide her disappointment, and Sasuke is an expert by now at pretending he doesn’t notice. They walk the rest of the way in silence, waving a quick goodbye at the ticket gates as Sakura’s train is due to arrive in just two minutes. Sasuke buys a drink from a vending machine and takes small sips as he waits for his own, mindlessly scrolling through social media. He almost ignores the text Naruto sends.
> Wanna hang out tomorrow?
He contemplates it. On the one hand, yes, of course he wants to. On the other, having an entire day to himself has its appeal.
> I’ll be busy
> Ooh, with sakura?
The train arrives, and Sasuke snags a seat next to a couple too caught up with each other to pay attention to him.
> No
> Got studying and laundry to do
The reply is instant.
> That’s too boring!!! I’m coming over for lunch
> Whatever
He pockets his phone, and stares down at the bottle in his hands for the rest of the trip. It doesn’t help against the warmth rising in his chest. At least he doesn’t do this to Sakura – doesn’t invite himself into her space, ignorant of her feelings. It doesn’t make him feel better.
Sasuke doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s got Naruto, and then there’s his small group of friends from high school. Naruto is the only one who still lives nearby. Rather, Sasuke had ended up staying in Konoha like him. It’s a big enough city that most of his classmates are strangers, although slightly less so in their second year. He stayed with his parents for his first year, but when one of his cousins moved abroad for work he took the opportunity to stay at her apartment instead. It’s closer to his university, and if he, potentially, wanted to bring a guy home then no one would know.
He doesn’t think his parents would mind, but there wouldn’t be any privacy. He relishes in it, and Naruto does, too.
“I should just move in with you,” Naruto groans, spread out on his couch. “You wouldn’t believe how annoying my mom was this morning.”
“I think I can believe it,” Sasuke tells him, cleaning up after their lunch. “And just to be clear, I’ve never said you’d be welcome to live here.”
“Stingy,” Naruto grumbles. “How long is your cousin gone, anyway?”
Shrugging, Sasuke dries off the counter just for something to do with his hands.
“A year at least. We’ll see. So it’s not like I’ll be living here forever.”
“But still!”
“Where would you even sleep?”
Naruto happily pats the couch. When Sasuke scowls at him, he simply grins.
“Come on,” Naruto says. “I want to watch a movie.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said I need to study.”
Still, he gives in too easily. Naruto lifts his legs to give him room, dumping them all over Sasuke’s lap once he sits down. It’s things like this that makes Sasuke’s heart refuse to give up. He leans his elbow on the back of the couch, cheekbone pressed to his closed fist. He doesn’t say anything when Naruto picks a drama at random, letting him comment on the plot as much as he wants. Watching movies with Naruto is certainly never quiet, and he winces as Naruto kicks his legs as he shouts his anger at the main character.
When the movie ends, Naruto doesn’t start a new one. Instead he chews on his bottom lip, playing with the remote. Sasuke considers getting up to use the toilet, maybe suggesting going to the corner store for snacks, but then Naruto clears his throat suspiciously.
“What?” he asks, irritated when Naruto takes his time.
“So, how are things going with Sakura?”
He resists the urge to pinch his nose. He still lets out a heavy breath, not quite a sigh but close enough that Naruto frowns.
“I mean,” Naruto continues, “you could just ask her out. She’s definitely going to say yes.”
Sasuke shifts, uncomfortable. Naruto’s legs are still on top of his. His socks have little frogs on them.
“I’ve told you I’m not really into the idea of a relationship right now.”
“Uh-huh.” Naruto rolls his eyes, pushing himself up and finally removing his legs, crossing them at the ankles instead. “Sounds like excuses to me.”
“Just drop it, Naruto.”
“But if you get together things will be so much easier,” Naruto insists, poking at his arm. “We can go on double dates, and stuff.”
Sending him a glare, Sasuke pulls a leg up to his chest. It won’t prevent Naruto if he decides to get comfy on his lap again, but it might make him think twice at least. Naruto’s only wearing shorts, and all that naked skin isn’t good for his heart. It’s definitely too cold for it, but Naruto’s never been one to care about the weather.
“We already go places together.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same!”
Sasuke pinches his lips, looking away. If he’s not careful, those large blue eyes will convince him to cave in, and then he’ll find himself with a girlfriend. He does a lot for Naruto, but there are limits.
“I’m not going to ask her out,” he mutters, knowing it will only lead to more questioning.
Sure enough, Naruto makes a noise of protest.
“But you haven’t rejected her either!”
“She hasn’t asked me out either.”
“It’s obvious she likes you.”
“That’s her problem.”
Naruto kicks at his thigh, using his heel. He looks properly annoyed now, as if Sasuke is a petulant child, refusing to do what’s best for him.
“If you got over yourself for a minute, you’d realize what a catch she is!”
He doesn’t reply. Let Naruto think he’s just stubborn, or an asshole, or whatever. Let him think Sasuke’s just stringing her along, keeping her attention while refusing to commit. It’s better than the alternative.
“Leave it, Naruto,” he warns, getting up and moving to the kitchen. “We’re not talking about this.”
At least Naruto doesn’t follow him, though it doesn’t make much of a difference. The apartment is small, no wall separating the kitchen from the living room. He searches through his cabinets, locating a forgotten bag of wasabi peas. He throws them at Naruto’s head.
“Eat these and shut up,” he says.
To his relief, Naruto does as told.
He picks up the call from Karin half-distracted, mind still stuck on a question for tomorrow’s seminar. As usual, she doesn’t wait for him to say hi, making her wince with the volume of her voice.
“Do you have any idea how tiring it is to listen to Naruto whine about you?” she starts with, the background noise suggesting she’s outdoors. “Can’t you just tell him you’re gay and put me out of my misery.”
“No thanks.” He drops his pen on his desk, rubbing at his eyes. He regrets not going to the university library, at least then he wouldn’t have been able to pick up the call. “Was that all? I’m kind of busy.”
“You know, this is exactly why I moved away,” she continues, ignoring him. “I thought I could get away from all the high school-level drama. Just get yourself a boyfriend, and go on those stupid double dates my cousin is so desperately yearning for. How hard can it be?!”
He can feel a headache incoming, and he rubs his fingertips between his brows. Naruto had sulked for hours the day before, until Sasuke got sick of it and threw him out. It was definitely backhanded of him to call Karin and complain.
“If you really wanted to be left out of it, why are you calling me? That’s the opposite of not getting involved.”
“Because it’s really painful and I’m morally obligated as the only person with functional brain cells to tell you to move on. Juugo’s too nice to say it and Suigetsu would give you terrible advice and sit back and watch. I’m being nicer to you than you deserve.”
“By telling me to move on,” Sasuke deadpans, wondering why his parents couldn’t have settled down somewhere else.
“Well, someone has to do it! Clearly I’m the gay cousin in the family, so you’re screwed. Might as well get over it and get laid.”
“I really hate you sometimes, you know that?”
She huffs at him, traffic and broken conversations filtering through the phone. There’s the jingle of a shop’s door, and the noise cuts off.
“Your pining is just getting sad,” she eventually replies, distractedly. “Trust me, I know my cousin. He’s not worth it.”
Something unpleasant churns in Sasuke’s stomach. He wants to argue with her that he is worth it, but he doesn’t want to land himself in an hour-long lecture if he can help it. He rolls his neck, making a face. She’s got a point, but he doesn’t enjoy hearing it. His life would be a lot simpler if he could find someone who made him forget about Naruto. He’s just not sure it’s fair to expect someone to instantly replace a lifetime of friendship.
“I don’t think I should have to come out just because Naruto irritates you,” is what he says instead, leaning back in his chair. “What if my parents find out and disown me? You want to be responsible for that?”
“Sasuke,” she sighs, “your brother is literally gay and your parents love his boyfriend.”
“Stop. Making. Excuses.”
He bites his cheek, holding back a denial. He’s not worried about his parents, he’s worried about Naruto’s reaction. That things will change between them. That he’ll think Sasuke has feelings for him, which would be correct but would also ruin absolutely everything.
“I’ll… consider it,” he concedes, after a long silence, during which Karin has finished buying whatever it was she needed.
“Really? Because I’m going to hold you to that.”
He sighs.
“Next time I’m not picking up when you call me.”
A few weeks pass, and not much changes. Naruto still takes up too much space in his head and life, Sakura continues to drop hints but refuses to make the first move, and Hinata is still as lovely as ever. She doesn’t seem to have much of a personality other than being Naruto’s girlfriend, but to be fair Sasuke hasn’t precisely paid attention or tried to get to know her. Naruto’s birthday is drawing closer, and he can’t bring himself to do anything to break the status quo before then.
He’s been considering it, though. It would be a relief to stop pretending. He can’t imagine himself finding a boyfriend, though, because where would he even meet someone? It’s too awkward to use a dating app, and he’s not precisely social. He doesn’t have any experience, either, if you don’t count those childish games they played sometimes when they were younger. And that one time Naruto kissed him by accident when they were twelve.
Because of this, he’s really not expecting it when one day in class, just as the lecture ends, his eyes fall on the messenger bag that the guy next to him has just finished packing. There’s a rainbow pin on it, and Sasuke blurts out his question before he can stop to think about it.
“Are you gay?”
He only lifts his eyes from the pin when the surprised silence stretches out a bit too long. Their eyes meet, and the other boy is staring at him like he’s not sure how to react.
“Uh,” he says eventually, fingers clenching around the bag’s strap. “I mean, yes? But if you’re thinking about the pin it’s just a regular rainbow…”
He trails off, and Sasuke feels his cheeks heat up a bit. He can’t believe he just asked, when he himself has gone to such lengths to make sure no one made such assumptions about him.
“Sorry,” he apologizes. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“It’s fine.”
Maybe he should know the guy’s name, but he doesn’t. He’s pretty short, hair dyed a light brown and glasses perched on his nose. Cute, but Sasuke’s not sure he’s his type. He’s not sure he has a type, other than Naruto.
“Are you gay?” the guy asks him, eyebrows rising above the frame of his glasses.
Sasuke licks his lips. He could say no, but to what end?
“I am,” he forces out, breathing in a deep breath.
“Oh.” There’s red color blooming on the other boy’s face, his eyes flickering to the side for a moment. “I was kind of hoping, but, um… I mean, hoping sounds weird! Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to ask outright.”
When Sasuke stands up, he realizes he’s almost a head taller than him.
“I’m Sasuke,” he offers, clicking his laptop shut and slowly sliding it into his bag.
“I know. I mean! I’m Hiroshi. Nice to meet you.”
Sasuke nods, and awkwardly turns to leave. Hiroshi stops him with a hand to his arm, though, and Sasuke swallows nervously as the turns back. He’s not interested in Hiroshi, not really, but he’s never been asked out by a boy before and the novelty of the situation is getting to him.
“Do you, um, are you busy right now? We could have lunch?”
He weighs the pros and cons in his mind. As nervous as Hiroshi looks, there’s a determined glint in his eyes that sways Sasuke over.
“Okay,” he says, and just like that he’s doing what Karin told him to do.
He’s trying, at least.
Over the course of a week, including having coffee together and a visit to the aquarium, Sasuke learns a lot about Hiroshi. Or Hiro, as he likes his friends to call him. They don’t have too much in common, but they’re both gay and studying agricultural economics. Once Hiro gets over his initial shyness, Sasuke finds he’s got a great sense of humor and won’t hesitate to poke fun at him.
It’s a breath of relief, to spend time with someone who doesn’t know him from before. He didn’t realize how much he needed it – just being able to be himself, without constantly keeping himself in check.
He can’t fool himself to think it’s enough to replace Naruto, but maybe he doesn’t need to replace him. Maybe it’s enough that Hiro seems to like him. He doesn’t really think about it, when he invites Hiro over on a Saturday night, after they’d had dinner at a nice udon place.
“Oh, wow,” Hiro says as he steps into Sasuke’s apartment, making an impressed face. “Nice place.”
“It’s my cousin’s, so no need to sound so impressed.”
Hiro rolls his eyes, taking off his shoes and jacket and following Sasuke inside.
“Alright, I’ll try to keep it in,” he teases, sitting on the couch when Sasuke motions him towards it. “But it must be nice, to have your own place like this. The dorms are fine, but I can’t exactly bring guys there.”
Humming his agreement, Sasuke grabs two cans of soda from the fridge, handing one of them to Hiro when he sinks down on the couch next to him.
“Want to watch something?”
Hiro nods, and Sasuke brings the TV to life. He’s not expecting anything to happen – they’ve only known each other a week. He’s still coming to terms with having a friend other than Karin he can talk to like this, and she doesn’t really count since there was never the potential for anything to happen between them. Hiro is… potentially someone Sasuke could date. At least there’s nothing wrong with him, not yet, and Sasuke’s easing himself into the idea of getting to know him better.
He finds a movie at random, some sci-fi that doesn’t look terrible. The movie turns into background noise as they talk, Hiro’s eyes watching his face more than the screen. It’s nice, in a new, exhilarating way, to have a guy’s attention on him like this. He’s not sure what to do with it. When Hiro moves closer, knee touching Sasuke’s thigh, hand resting on the back of the couch and occasionally touching his neck, Sasuke can’t find it in him to move away.
It feels like a secret, shared between the two of them. He thinks of Naruto for a long moment, allows himself the pain lacing through his chest as he imagines light brown hair replaced with blond, dark eyes replaced with blue. Then, he pushes it away, tells himself he can have this. The emotions are only his own.
It’s all happening too fast when Hiro grows bold, leaning in to press their mouths together, but he doesn’t care. It’s no one’s business if he spends the evening on his couch with a boy in his lap, a boy who isn’t his best friend.
The pain is easier to swallow if he tells himself that he’s the only one hurt.
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kazuhasbunny · 2 years
Ok Im back from listening to all of the songs u recommended forgive me in advance bc this is kinda long but I decided to comment on all the songs individually 😭
I can't fix you - I feel like Sister Location was the first game to mostly give the lore upfront and not make people do research ? Like you still might have to but it's more direct than the other games like with the marionette I had no idea what the deal was til I looked it up 😭 I've heard it before and I downloaded it years ago but I still absolutely love it the lyrics and the voice 🙏🏻 the way it gets kinda quiet and sad but then goes back to being louder and aggressive 👌 I'm abt to go play it on loop lmao
I got no time - I really like this one, if I remember correctly some people say it's probably about the crying child and it probably is which makes it sadder I felt so bad for him
:( that must've been scarring also the fact that the phone guy (I believe it was another phone guy) says that it's amazing how humans can live without their frontal lobe ??? Omg poor child :/
Die in a fire - The kids' spirits or whatever all being there after the animatronics are broken...aaaahhh I love all these songs so much 😭
Join us for a bite - I don't even know what to say bc I can't explain it but I love this one so much 😭 along with I can't fix you it might be one of my faves I just love the vibe baby and Ballora have it's so sad yet sweet? I feel bad for baby but the way she talks about the day she killed Elizabeth is so ugh she sounds like she was so happy but then that happened 😞
Stay calm - I love the repetitiveness of it if that makes sense?? Like obv they're gonna repeat it a few times but i rly like the vibe when they do + I love how the animatronics each have their own voice too 💀 I forget Foxy was supposed to be a pirate sometimes lmao
Five more nights - Omg I remember when I first saw Balloon Boy I thought he was so cute ☺️ then he turned into that monstrosity lmaoo I remember when I was first going through my fnaf phase I watched this one vid (not this song btw) but every time he showed up youtube would crash and it was just ??? I also had no idea what Marionette's relevance was until I did some research and found out it was Henry's daughter's spirit that possesses it and it sounds sad bc Marionette was made to protect her as far as I'm aware going by the canon voice lines and theories, I like the fact that they put both the discarded versions of the animatronics and the new ones! Kinda weird that they removed Chica's beak when she's a literal chicken but whatever 😭 phone guy omg the memories..."they get a bit quirky at night" 💀
The Bonnie song - I really liked it tbh I like the newer versions of the animatronics (like in Sister Location and Security Breach) but at the same time I feel like the old ones gave it a much creepier vibe bc they didn't have the same shine ? It's a good song the broken Bonnie (idk what it's called) reminds me of a toilet seat 👩🏻‍🦯 I'm kinda upset they didn't have Bonnie or Foxy in SB bc I loved them so much a few years ago 😭
can i smooch u maybe😢😢 this literally made me tear up ur explanation is so cool………… and so detailed……. made me feel better about how i always go insane over these 😢 but yes omg sl gave off most of the lore tbh.. u didnt have to really look into it that deep thats why i love it sm 🔥
YEA OMG i got no time is crying child’s song and it made me cry the first time i heard it cause he died in such a painful way… boy got the bite of 83 😢😢 ik it was scarring for him since he was literally afraid of animatronics.. so his death hurt me the alot
i also lovee join us for a bite 😢 the change of music and also tone on certain times just fits so well one times its sad and then it just turns happy again..
TRUEE the lines being repeated did caught me off guard at first until the animatronics started singing omg i love that part sm how they all have their own voices JSNSHW its so sillay and also cute BYE
BALLOON BOY SCARED ME NOOOSHJSW its design just… makes me cry it reminds me of something but i cant clearly make out what… it was… and yes marionette lore 😢😢 i love how she’s like. protect the dead children (i believe?? because in fnaf 3 in the minigames..) i cant believe henry’s daughter got killed though pls it hurts so much. william u crazy .. and true omg chica without a beak PLS why did she look like that 😭😭 goodnight HSNSW also the animatronics get a bit quirky at night. bye. what an iconic line
OMG SAME idk the old animatronics just … scared me alot 😢😢 thats why i didnt slept for the whole night because of freddy fnaf behind my back when i’m taking food from the fridge NIOO or or when i go pee 😓 dont fnaf on me i beg of u. PLSS THE BONNIE TOILET NOOOJDGW😭 i thought the same aswell no wonder i kept laughing ok i feel bad now 💔 so mean.. AND TRUE NOOOOO yk i was so happy to see bonnie again when i saw bonnie bowl in the trailer… just to not see him at all?????? cried so hard. where’s my oomf bonnie and foxy..😢 foxy would fit in the daycare theatre tbh because how he is a pirate and like. was made to entertain aswell since the beginning??? so not including him was ☹️☹️ crying
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this how i look after nerding out the whole ask (insane)
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In Your Dreams ( michael mellxBi! reader)
requested: YEs! “Imagine Michael mell x reader where the reader gets bullied for her bisexuality at school and it comes up when they're playing games in his basement and so he offers her a blunt and it turns into really fluffy smut.... just imagine it “ THIS ONES FOR YOU ANON 
tagged: @sincerlyyme and @earlyjunes bc why not 
WC: 2163 
warnings: lots of fluff, honestly more fluff then smut tbh, Weed use, smut ofc, cursing duh, i like this and i hope you do to ,,,
Since this morning, you knew today was going to be shitty. First, your alarm didn’t go off. Then, you fell ass-first into the toilet, after your younger brother had left the seat up AGAIN. To make matters worse you had missed the bus, forcing you to speed walk to school in the pouring rain. When you had finally gotten to school, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and realized that it hadn't charged whatsoever that night. Jesus Christ, what else could go wrong?
You scurried to the bathroom and jumped when you saw yourself in the mirror. You looked yourself and decided to start fixing your hair, turning the water on and flattening it the best you could. Content with your sudden handiwork, you headed towards the door. Before you could reach the handle, the door was suddenly pushed open, making you jump back in surprise. You grounded yourself before looking up to see who had just borderline assaulted you. You wish you hadn't come to school today. Fucking, of COURSE, she just HAPPENED to walk in. Standing in front of you was none other than the infamous Chloe Valentine and her two shadows.
"Wow, look who it is girls." Chloe grimaced letting a sinister smile spread on her face. Not again. "So (y/n) have you decided to pick a side yet? Or do you still want to be known as the school whore?" You didn’t respond, your eyes glued to your shuffling sneakers, tears begging to fall. "Oh, no Chloe!" Brooke teased. "She's gonna start whiiiinnnniiiinnngg." You sniffled and started to shake. "What a fucking slut, I bet you and that fucking weirdo boyfriend of yours have threesomes huh? I thought so you fucking whore." They all started to laugh and you had had enough, you bolted towards the door, but not before Chloe tripped you on the way out. You fell face first into the hallway and struggled to stand up again. When you regained balance, you ran from the bathroom. You could still hear their laughing echoing through the now empty halls. When had the bell rang? You raced to your first class with tears in your eyes, you looked worse when you had walked in your class. You saw your seat and raced towards it. Either your teacher didn’t notice, or he didn’t care that you were late. You weren't complaining. You immediately turned to look at your boyfriend, Michael. You locked eyes and he shot you a worried look. You just shrugged and turned around to face the front. You immediately felt bad and put your head on your desk.
You were woken up by a warmth on your shoulder, shaking gently. You sat up and looked over. "Hey, what happened?" You could hear the worry in his voice. You sighed deeply and rubbed your eyes. " I don’t really want to talk about it right now…basement?" he understood your request and smiled softly. You smiled back and reached out for his hand, squeezing softly.
The rest of the day was just as bad as bad as your morning, if not worse. It was as if the world was taunting you by making you trip during lunch and making you forget the countless homework assignments that you slaved hours over the night before. Needless to say, the final bell was the sweet release from hell you’ve been waiting for. You busted out of the school doors racing towards the familiar PT Cruiser that was your ticket out of this god-forsaken place. Thankfully, Michael was already inside jamming to the beats flowing from his stereo. You waited there for a moment watching him in absolute bliss. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted. You sighed and pulled open the passenger side door. Sliding into the seat was practically second nature to you, something you were highly fond of. He reached over and turned down the radio, settled back into his seat and looked over at you for a moment. You turned as well locking eyes with him once more. "Operation:' I love (Y/N)' is a go. Over. Do you copy? Over." He lifted the collar of his jacket and spoke into it as if were a walkie-talkie. You mimicked his action spoke into your shirt. "Operation is a go. Over." You giggled as he grabbed your hand and started to rub circles. You sighed. You were feeling better already. When you had finally gotten to his house, he jumped out of his car and ran to your side, quickly opening the door before you had the chance to. You smiled at him. "Wow, I feel like Oprah." You faked swooned and stepped out of the car kissing Michael on the nose before heading for the front door. "PLEASE, your WAYY better than Oprah. Plus you love bread a lot more than she does." "Ouch. But fair point". You bumped his side and opened the door. You raced downstairs and immediately flopped onto his bed. Footsteps were heard coming down stairs but you didn’t move a muscle. Content with your false state of security, based on how soft Michael's comforter was. "Jeez, if you wanted to get in my bed this quickly, we could have skipped school," He said with a chuckle. You visibly tensed at the memory of what had happened earlier that day. He noticed and came to sit by you. "Hey, I'm sorry (Y/N), did I say something to upset you? I'm really sorry." You sat up and leaned your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. He kissed your forehead let his lips linger. He squeezed your side again, as a way to get you to talk. So you did. You told him everything that happened to you. From the alarm to the bathroom incident. When you had finally finished spilling, he wrapped his other arm around you and rubbed circles on your back. "Hey" He broke the silence. "Fuck those girls (Y/N). You are amazing and beautiful and the best this that’s ever happened to me, never forget that." You nodded and sunk into his warmth. You closed your eyes. A few minutes passed before he spoke again. "What are your thinking about babe?" " I'm thinking about how I'm about to beat your ass in Mario Kart." He smiled against your head and laughed. "Not while I'm sober you're not." He reached under his bed and pulled out a tattered up shoe box. He opened it and immediately started to roll a blunt. You got up and headed towards the TV, crouching down and setting up the game console. When you were content with the setup you crawled over to your bean bag and plopped down into it, practically melting for the second time today. When Michael was finished with his handiwork. He followed suit and sat next to you. Grabbing his controller and placing it in his lap. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. He paused for a moment and looked over at you. You noticed and looked over at him. His face was red and unsure. "Do you want a hit?" You were surprised, to say the least. You didn’t have anything against weed, it's just that you never had the chance to try it before. Of course, you had been in a similar situation with Michael before, he just had never offered you it before? You were brought out of your thoughts when Michael started to panic. You didn’t realize how silent you had been. "O-ONLY IF YOU WANT TO?? ITS JUST THAT YOU’VE HAD A PRETTY BAD DAY AND I THOUGHT THIS WOULD HELP??" You placed your hand on his knee to calm him down. He stopped and turned his head to look at you. You squeezed his leg and took a deep breath. You were doing this. This was it. " Michael Mell it would be an honor to get high with you." You spoke softly and calmly. That set Michael off. "Really? Because I don’t want to like peer pressure you or anything?" "No, I'm sure babe, let's do it." You leaned over and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. You pulled back and he nodded. "Um, I'm gonna take the first hit and then I'll teach you how to do it, cool?" You simply nodded and watched as he lit the end of the blunt. He wrapped his lips around it and closed eyes. His breath was deep and slow. You saw the end of the blunt burn red as he sucked in. When he removed it he looked over to you and blew the smoke into your face. You were engulfed in smoke as you struggled to find oxygen. He laughed. "Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be."
So here you were, stoned and content. Your body was radiating happiness and warmth. You had just finished your 10th game of Mario Kart and Michael had gone upstairs to find something to drink. You just sat there, sunken into your chair without a care in the world. You now understood the appeal, you could do this all the time. God, you love Michael. Love Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael has pretty eyes and a pretty face and pretty hair and a pretty voice. WOW. IM DATING Michael!!!
You were so surprised by your new discovery about Michael you didn’t notice him coming downstairs. He scooched closed to you and nudged you with a bottle of water. You jumped and yelped happily when you saw him. So happy in fact that you decided to crawl into his lap and straddle him. He didn’t seem to object so you continued. You grabbed the waters from his hand and placed them on the ground. His hands went to you hips like magnets. You bent down and started to kiss his neck. You made your way up and lingered over his ear breathing deeply. He got chills as your hands moved up his chest. "Thank you for making me feel better babe, I love you so much." You whispered into his ear, causing the grip on your hips to tighten. "Any-anything for you baby, you know I love you " You smirked and started to kiss his neck again. Slower and with more pressure this time, causing a slight grunt escape from his lips. You wiggled your hips against him and he ground against you. "It's getting kind of hot don’t you think?" you pulled back and your hands lingered at the hem of your shirt. Pulling it up slightly. "Hell yeah"
He grabbed your shirt and slowly pulled it off your body. You worked on his belt and pulled it off as soon as you could. You then started pulling off his sweater. His glasses came off with it. Leaving him with an undershirt and jeans. You were about to change that. You started to unbuckle his pants and he reached up to pull your lips on his. You almost got so lost in the kiss that you had forgotten your previous assignment. When you had finally shimmied off his jeans and shirt you two were all over each other. Sloppy kisses and burning skin. A tangle of love and need. He had reached over into his jeans for his wallet, more importantly, a condom. He ripped it open and slid it onto himself, causing a stifled moan to escape his lips. You started to jerk him off slowly, and his head tilted back. His hands went to your breasts as he started to play with them. When you decided you were ready, you pulled yourself over him, using his chest to balance. You watched Michael with half lidded eyes as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. You moaned deep and loud as your hips touched him. You were still for a moment, taking it all in. His hands came from behind and gripped your ass, squeezing lightly. You breathed lightly and started to bounce yourself on him. Hot. Hot. Hot. Michael. Michael. Michael. Your mind was racing as he started to meet your rhythm with equally sloppy thrusts. His moans became erratic as he started to unravel. Your breath became hitched as he put you on edge. "Fuck, Michael...Im gonna-" You were cut off with a moan and a deep thrust. "M-me too baby" You saw stars when you came. Hard. He was fast to follow. You collapsed on him breathing heavily and smiling wide. You listened to his racing heartbeat as his breathing started to slow. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. "I love you (Y/N), never forget that." "I promise you, I won't". You tilted your head in kissed him deeply. "I love you too Michael". "Now, let's get you cleaned up so I can beat you in Super Smash Bros." "In your dreams, love".
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uniformbravo · 7 years
bloop heres a post abt my 3-day trip to san diego B)
this was just gonna be a list of highlights but i ended up talking about a lot so it’s more like a Kind Of The Highlights But I Got A Little Carried Away list
it was a 2 hr drive so i put on some tunes & forced everyone in the car to listen to my thousands of anime ops and piano covers it was *fire emoji* (im not on mobile)
at the end jaelin said she couldn’t hear it the whole time rip
made myself carsick looking at mob psycho memes while we looked for a parking spot at the museum for 20 minutes (it was worth it they were good memes)
the museum we went to had a whole gaming thing going on where they just had a shitload of games out for ppl to play & one of them was just dance projected onto like an entire wall basically & i mean i didnt play but it was fun watching my mom try her best 
she played against two of my sisters who both beat her by more than double her score hgdhgksd bye mom
got a nauseating headache in the science museum & took the opportunity to sit down & look at more mob psycho memes for 35 minutes while the advil kicked in
felt better by the time we went to see this fuckin movie about national parks in the us but idk it was like. the whole reason my mom wanted to go to san diego was to see this movie bc they were getting rid of it soon & after seeing it i can see why they’re taking it out kjgkdjgksd like!!! it would’ve been cool if it told u shit about the parks like fauna and flora shit but it had this dumb little narrative abt these three campers traveling to each park & fucking around & i looked over at jaelin at one point & she was asleep & i was like same
im being too hard on it, it was kind of interesting to watch and had some cool visuals but the acting was pretty embarrassing & unnecessary, i wish it would’ve tried to be a documentary instead of entertaining. that’s my Professional Review of this random movie they’re removing forever soon, hope u enjoyed
realized i had more free time at the hotel than i thought i would & v heavily regretted not bringing my tablet to draw aaaaaahhhhh it was ok tho bc i brought my big sketchbook so i just drew in there B)
i’ve been drawing a lot of terukis i think i accidentally discovered a hidden love for him on the midnight shores of the san diego bay
(what i actually discovered is that he’s v easy to project a rly specific part of myself onto hgkdgksdjkgjsdk)
rented bikes to ride by the bay & it was super fun bc i havent ridden a bike in a long time but like. the second half started getting really hard for me & i thought i was just weak shit bc i literally never exercise but then i realized my back tire had gone flat hfdjghsd my legs were..... so sore
also the seat was shaped weird so my ass was sore for the rest of the trip. it’s still sore tbh. i have a bruised ass
went to a model train museum which was pretty cool bc the little towns had little people & jaelin and i were making up stories for them (my favorite recurring joke was pointing out ppl that had fallen over & calling them dead)
after the trains we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stay a third day to see more museum shit bc why not so we managed to grab a room at a new hotel and #Locked In our decision
on the way to the second hotel we got a flat tire so i was like convinced i was cursed bc wtf it was literally on the same day???
while we waited for the tire repair i got a pink lemonade from taco bell and it was amazing i can’t believe i ever thought piece of shit sprite was worth even looking at over this
ok so i need to talk about the second hotel we stayed at because it was... literally the fanciest hotel i have ever stayed at in my entire 22 year old life
it was a mariott?? but a fuckin Fancy Mariott ok first of all we were on the 19th floor which just..... what the fuck
floor level was the 6th floor, this bitch went underground (though that might have just been the parking garage idk)
the lobby bathroom was like. jesus christ. to flush the toilet u wave ur hand over a sensor??? what’s wrong with just automatic toilets???? why are these toilets so extra????? i couldn’t even get it to work for so long jgkjdkgsd i hate technology
also there were moist towelettes sitting in a neatly folded pile by the sinks like what even. i thought it was paper towels but then it was wet
the lobby also had this fancy-ass bar/lounge where they served starbucks but u had to have a room key to get in i think
in the elevators to get to the rooms you can’t even enter the floor level until you hold your key card against a sensor like what the fuck..... we had to get some strangers to tell us how to do it gjdks i bet if we hadn’t been able to figure it out the elevator wouldve just dropped us 12 floors to our death like Access Denied, Assholes
the room itself was super fucking cramped tho which makes sense like if im gonna be able to afford anything at a place like this u better believe it’s gonna be the size of a damn peanut. it was the fanciest peanut ive ever seen in my life tho
the view was uhh we were directly across from some tall office building so at night u could like see into all the rooms it was kinda cool but also weird
there was a jar of hershey’s kisses on the coffee table when we got there but it was dark chocolate so like get the fuck outta here with that shit how dare you assault Mine Eyes (i ate like 4)
it rly was a tiny room tho and it didnt help that there were 5 of us rip... like there was a main room and a bedroom and a bathroom and already that’s making it sound bigger than it was hgkdjgskd 
but even tho it was small it had a lot like.. there was a kitchenette that was big enough for like 1 person to stand there but it had a fridge/freezer, sink, dishwasher, toaster, microwave, cupboards & coffeemaker like there was so much shit crammed in there, this wasn’t no minimalist living space it was just. a lot crammed into one tiny floor plan
anyway yeah it was really bizarre for me to be in a place like that & i just constantly felt like i didn’t belong there but that was mostly my anxiety lol i really dont like being in fancy places in general idk. it was still kinda fun tho
the natural history museum was cool, they had a bunch of animal skulls & taxidermy which i thought was pretty neat. all their dinosaur stuff was in the basement tho which u had to pay extra to see which like. bye
they did have some cool movies tho, they were like nature documentaries, one on marine biology around baja california and the other on animals of the galapagos & those were pretty neat, way better than that national parks shit we saw at the science center jgkdjkskdkdjg 
ok so this one’s more of a buildup over the 3 days so im gonna give a lil 3-part summary
day 1: we went to panda express for dinner & i had leftovers so i was like “sweet im saving these for when we get home” (bc the hotel had a fridge right)
day 2: got a rly good burger from a vegan place, my brother got the same one but didnt want his second half so i was like “cool more leftovers im gonna have so much good food when we get home this is perfect”
day 3: fucKIGN LEFT BOTH CONTAINERS IN THE FRIDGE ACCIDENTALLY WHEN WE CHECKED OUT HKDJFLSKDG i was literally so good about it the first two days like when we switched hotels i made sure not to forget them and i held onto them & everything & then halfway through the third day i was like “SHIT”
it’s ok tho bc for dinner that 3rd day we did panda again & i got the same thing so i have the same leftovers again hehehehehe
ok i think that’s basically everything & im not just saying that bc it’s 1:45 am and ive been working on this for like an hour and a half at this point.,.,. overall it was pretty fun, i think i liked the bikes & those animal movies the best... also the drive out bc i got to play my music lmfao (i love sharing my music ok)
anyway the end thank u
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