#writing is so hard jkhdgkjhgkdhgk
amelia-yap · 3 years
How did Ruby meet dragon Weiss? Was it similar to their meeting at Beacon?
i dunno. heres a thing.
I have always loved to explore, to have adventures -- simple as that. Wandering into the unknown, discovering new sights, walking on land that millions might already have, it was all exciting to me.
Whenever I got the chance to camp, I would immediately pack all the essentials I needed with vigor, no matter the weather. Staying still in one place for too long just didn’t sit well for me.
A gust of wind blew in my direction. The cold air stung my cheeks, so I pulled the red scarf I was wearing closer to my face, When I looked around, a blanket of snow was covering the ground and trees of all sizes. Everything seemed to be quiet. The only sound I could hear was my boots creaking in the snow.
The forest I was camping in appeared to be devoid of any wildlife, no foxes, no wolves nor bears I was used to seeing. I paid no mind and continued to explore and search for a suitable place to spend the night in. Which, not too long after, I spotted a cave within a good distance.
Happy I had shelter taken care of, I made my way towards the cave. The first thing that registered in my brain is that how the cave strongly it smelled of fresh pinecones. Crystals jutted out in random from every inch of the land, the ground coated with a thin layer of ice.
The cave itself wasn’t very large, but it seemed oddly well-preserved and clean, as if there was actually someone living in here-
“What do you think you’re doing?!” a voice cried out
A dragon.
Icy blue eyes narrowed at me, wings flared up in defiance.
A real, live dragon.
About 25 ft tall, standing right in front of me,
I blinked, unsure if I was hallucinating. It was not unheard of that dragon sightings could be found time to time, but to witness one with my very own eyes was wholly another question.
If winter could be personified, or in this case, dragonified? It would look like this. Brilliant pure white scales cascaded throughout its entire body like freshly fallen snow, horns in a shade of what painted the deep dark chilly nights, bright blue gemstones sprouted out of its back with the exception of a handful of rubies on its tail, illuminating a warm glow.
The most captivating sight however, was the scar streaking down its left eye.
The dragon in question scowled at my lack of response, “Leave. You’re not welcomed here.” Irritated, it started to walk away.
The soft thumping of the ground broke me out of my daze and I quickly burst into a jog in hopes of keeping up with the white dragon. Why were dragons so large? It wasn’t fair, humans were so tiny.
“So, um. My name is Ruby!” I yelled, in case it didn’t hear me or something, attempting to bring up conversation.
The dragon harrumphed, tail swishing like a disgruntled cat being forced to take a bath, clearly uninterested in what I had to say.
Besides being pretty, it had a big personality too.
My right hand reached up to rub my neck, feet shuffling uneasily on the ground as I stood outside the cave. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dragon I met, albeit having made a less-than-stellar first impression breaking into her home.
In my defense, I didn't know there would be a dragon in there.
Against my better judgment, I returned after (an embarrassing) two hours, hoping I’d see White, preferably in a good mood now. There was something the dragon that interested me.
A cough caught my attention, and silver orbs met icy blue once again.
And like the first time, I was left speechless. She. She was now in her human form, a navy blue cloak draped over her shoulders with a dress and belt clipped on underneath.
“Are you going to come in, or die of hypothermia standing here?” the woman hissed, crossing her arms, “If you hadn’t noticed, the weather isn’t getting any better. I would rather not have a dead body in front of my doorstep.”
“Look,” the dragon lady finally grumbled, impatience bleeding out every corner of her voice,“I don’t understand why you’re back. Maybe you’re incapable of listening to instructions or just plain stupid, I don’t know.”
If looks could kill, the glare she’s sending to me right now is liable to destroy galaxies.
I tugged the hem of my sweater, smiling awkwardly like it would salvage the situation, “What’s your name?”
“I…” she hesitated, “I’m Weiss.”
“Awesome! You and I are going to be besties from now on, Weiss!”
“Y- What? No.” she deadpanned.
“I broke into your home.” I countered, grinning all the while, ” We’re practically like, best friends now.”
“Dunce, what kind of logic is that??”
My grin grew larger, “I dunno, it sounds like a legitimate reason to me.”
She scrunched up her nose, not willing to partake in my nonsense any longer, and flicked my forehead.
“Owie!” I yelped, hands shooting up to nurse the bruise,”Why’d you do that?!”
Weiss rolled her eyes, “Don’t be dramatic, Ruby. Now get in before you freeze out here for real.”
I immediately perked up at the mention of my name,”Aw, Weiss! You remembered my name!”
“I actually have a good memory. Unlike you, you dunce.”
Despite the barbs she dressed around her words, I caught her eyes twinkling with amusement.
And that was good enough.
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