#wren ramble s
wayward-wren · 6 months
i'm watching 13's run i'm like River Song in the library being like "i keep wishing the Doctor was here'
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peckforlovingheck · 6 months
fankids writing :3
He remembered the last time he spoke to Wren. Sophomore year. “Hey..? Is anyone in here?” Ethan asks after hearing a noise. He peaked his head around the corner. The bell had rung fifteen minutes ago and the janitors were going to start locking up.
He heard it again. The sound of soft clipping and even softer sobbing.
It was coming from the women’s restroom. Ethan took a deep breath, debating if it was worth it, and then walked in. “Excuse me..? Are you okay?”
There sat someone from Ethan’s classes, kneeling on the floor, school scissors in hand and a choppy uneven cut to her hair.
“████?” Ethan says, looking down at her. She looks up at him, her eyes tearful. It caught him off guard. Usually ████ was so cheerful. Seeing her this miserable was unexpected.
“..Are you okay..??” He asks again, immediately sitting beside her. “..I don’t like.. this..” she gestured to the mirror. “..I didn’t like how I was and I got desperate and-“ absolute word vomit. She rambled, trembling. “Hey. It’s okay. I’ll.. help you.” Ethan says. He takes the scissors and a comb and helps style her hair. A nice short style, a bit rugged and more masculine, but that was generally ████‘s style.
“..Ta-da. What do you think?” He says. “..Thank you.” She hugs him. “No problem. We better call your parents. Don’t want any faculty to have to call them and tell about their daughter’s disappearance, now.” Ethan says as they walk through the hall.
“..well.. I’ve been thinking about that as well. Actually, thoughts like that had led up to this. I don’t really.. want to be a girl.” ████ murmurs.
“Ah. Well we don’t want them to tell about their son’s disappearance..? Child’s?” Ethan asks.
“..Child is fine.” ████ says slowly. “..and.. I’d want to choose a different name too.” They say.
“..like what..?” Ethan wasn’t against it, but it was odd how they were spilling their guys to him, especially over this. They weren’t exactly close.
“Maybe Wren..?” Ethan murmurs, looking out the window at a few of the birds by the tree.
“I love that.” They smile, their usual optimistic attitude returning, only doubled. “Wren the not girl and not boy.” Ethan says.
“WREN THE NOT GIRL NOT BOYYYY-“ Wren yelled down the hall excitedly going to look for their parents’ car.
That was the last time they’ve spoken. But here they were. In the same homeroom class. He stared at them from the distance, being sort of wary. Ethan, much to his own dismay, had always thought of Wren after that. A crush? Maybe. He really didn’t want to think about it too much, but with him having only a few friends, there wasn’t many people to distract him.
He looks up. “Hey Ethan.” Wren smiled, sitting in the row in front of him. “..-Oh! Hi.” He says. Ethan really couldn’t focus on anything else for the entire class period. He always hoped they’d talk to him again, but the one time they do, he can’t find some sort of way to keep the conversation alive. He smiled sheepishly and went back to his notebook.
They made a semi confused look and then continued to talk to Sylvia, then the two of them yelling at Jamie.
Besides that group; Jamie, Sylvia, Wren, and Owen, the only other person who knew that whole situation was Ethan, because he would unintentionally eavesdrop. It’s what helped him get through history.
He finished his work and just began reading when Wren turned again and poked him. “What are you doinggg?” They ask. “Uh. Reading.” He says.
“Cool.” Wren says, leaning against their chair, almost falling over. Sylvia grabs one of the legs and Ethan grabs the back part before it falls. “..hah. Sorry guys.” They say.
“..totally alright.” Ethan replies.
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poggieking3 · 9 months
i really need to ramble about a headcanon on smg3 and smg4 that's been on my mind for like. a week. info under the cut :)
smg3 and smg4 have a special ability called "assisted shapeshifting". it's something only they can do and not all meme guardians. with the mere snap of their fingers, they can transform anybody.
note how smg4 has transformed tari into her redesign, and how smg3 transformed boopkins and meggy into their own redesigns. in my AU this is an actual ability that they can do, where they can transform their friends into pretty much anything, not just giving them redesigns. this is especially helpful when smg4's gang is faced with yet another threat, whether it's to them or to the world.
smg3 and smg4 can also do this to themselves, altering their appearances to become whatever they wish. it's literally limitless; both could transform into werewolves or dragons, and can do the same for their friends.
this ability is especially used in the western spaghetti movie, where smg4 helps transform meggy into a werewolf to fight against oneshot wren in the final battle. instead of meggy shooting him in the head, she rather mauls him, making sure his simulation self was dead. smg4 specifically chose this form for her so that she could also tank out the flurry of bullets wren pelted her with.
this may be an overpowered ability to some, but then again, they're meme guardians with abilities such as superhuman strength and being able to breathe in space. meme guardians are considered powerful otherworldly beings to the mushroom kingdom, but not as powerful as, say, melony's deity form. they have their limits.
this ability isn't actually used all that often. smg3 and smg4 save it for dire situations. it's agreed upon that everyone prefers their normal forms.
during the revelations movie, instead of mario being transformed into a giant head of himself, smg3 shapeshifts him into a huge dragon to carry them both out of the god box. due to this, mario also helped fend off eldritch smg0 with his newfound capabilities.
whenever mario uses power-ups, he receives a suit of the respective powerup. smg3 and smg4 can transform him further, e.g. making him into an actual cat when he uses a super bell. this makes him a bigger threat with his power-ups.
fishy boopkins especially loves this ability, always eagerly asking either meme guardian to transform him. boopkins always strives to be useful and powerful and he commonly asks to be transformed into a big, mean-looking shark, or a sea monster. this way, he can contribute to fights.
smg3 likes using this ability on himself just to scare the shit out of smg4 around the castle, such as turning into a dragon and surprising him at the door.
the assisted shapeshifting ability can be permanent if the person wishes it to be. it doesn't wear off after a certain time, nor does it require smg3 and smg4 to have it last somehow.
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thekrows-nest · 3 months
I heavily implore Krow, and literally everyone else, to google "most vibrant birds" and "most colorful birds". The birds I've witnessed are absolutely gorgeous and make me wanna art so bad. The Lilac-Breasted Roller straight up looks like someone painted them with watercolors, and the Splendid Fairy Wren looks like he overheard people saying blue isn't a good color in nature, and decided to make his entire ensemble to spite whoever said it. Legit, I have received a hefty dose of dopamine from looking at these birds.
"R-right?!" Krow would say with a hefty dose of enthusiasm. "T-there are s-so many wonderful birds o-out there! S-so many colors! Mannerisms! F-flight patterns!"
Then he'll start rambling more if you let him, and for a long time at that. Probably start sketching all these birds from memory too.
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lesbocs · 1 year
as this is in good fun, in the case of a tie (or very close run), i'll ask both participants if they'd like to team up and move on to the next round together as a duo. 😅
anyways. enough rambling. here is round one of the lesbian oc tournament 2023 (be warned a couple of users here have the f slur or d slur in their URLs, shared below!).
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@radiohead2's Rosee VS @faggotroman's Wren!
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@halodwolf's Vesper VS @metamayto's Akako!
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@princesable's Twitch VS @sawvidae's Oriel!
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@sanfielle's Amada & Sofia VS @mimimaws' Lucine!
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@wrathfish's Vincent VS @blackwickcounty's Samuel!
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@pastelstarpieces's Core VS @corvusossifragus's Donnie!
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@kubfoo's Roxy VS @sev-wildfang's Reah!
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@cruelify's Crow & Maggie VS @loveagleam's Faye!
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@upvote's Mariyam VS @mossboss030's Xenia!
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@bonetrix-arts' Rin VS @poicyss' Charming!
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@bashirs' Thalia VS @calpalsworld's Pepper!
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@rhythmroute's Anya & Cecily VS @laguz' Jacira & Tayanna!
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@crabmail's Hecate & Ridley VS @zevbian's Venus Peanus!
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@popfever's Nadya VS @decapod-appreciator's Ciro-Marie!
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@knifekirby's Sarai VS @aligura's Rae!
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@angeat's Arimi VS @archeologydyke's Hikaru!
GLHF to all contestants and please remember this is all in good fun! i have a zero tolerance policy for using this bracket to be rude to other participants and their characters. 👍
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kiawren · 4 months
Ok uh recent kiawren stufffff??
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This one is the redraw of that yaknow that "draw as your otp" the idea is.. honestly.. i also dk.. it's kinda timeskip after kiawren parted (it's an au they don't actually part) and kia/we became a kahuna but he would probbaly look slightly older than this so idk and kinda just ignore my s/i hes not the focus here I also dk what timeskip design to give him. I just wanted to draw kia/we being beautiful
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This one is cuz I've been wanting to draw something for this quote
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And i thought of that scene where he explains his aspirations and ofc replacing ash with myself here if I were there something in my heart would stir and i would be whipped forever. But like. Idk when I'm gonna finish (never) (cuz I often draw finish kia/we and lose all motivation becuz the whole point is my admiration for him)
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Ok i added the pic of the lineart I took for this cuz I really like it lol as if I didnt just trace ace but ok
This idea when it came to me I was like Wow. so au where kiawren is like ya/mato and ace one piss Becuzzz I couldn't stop thinking about kia/we with the mera mera no mi! Like it fits him so well and I always thought they had a lot of similarities and if I watched op with kia/we he'd be like ohh he's just like me for real
Yeah so I'm kinda ya/mato here except Idk whether to keep the height diff becuz i never related to being tall I woukd not see myself in that role. But since I alrsady have ideas of my op s/i having tiangou (chinese mytho dog who eats the sun&moon) which to me is very similar to ya/mato's Japanese mytho wolf devil fruit, It's pretty fitting. I think that changing into anthro/hybrid form would make wren bigger and taller so I could still keep the aspect of being slightly bigger than kia/we and being able to pick him up muahahsh but maybe not as large as ya/mato ok im just rambling here. Anyway I was listening to caraphernelia by Pierce the veil a Lot while thinking about this au
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(The SMG4 fans making theories are getting to me...) Ok, you know what? Why not. Let me throw a theory dart of my own. I feel like while another Adware encounter is too soon, this current timefeame is close to the WOTFI, which is known to be used for critical climaxes in previous Arcs. That is to say, maybe WOTFI might be used this year not to end an Arc but to start one instead. We saw that 4 and Wren were targeted for Reasons in the previous encounters, so what if Adware's next target is SMG3? But in order to get to 3's head, Adware has to gain information. What better source than 3 himself? Whoever made Mario steal 3's diary notebook might be connected to the Adware, and no one would even know it because we don't have information on what Adware even truly is!! As for another reason why target 3, redeemed villains are some of the characters who can have A LOT of personal things used against them selves!! Which is why 3 is freaking out so much, like cmon, he used a paper notebook instead of making diary videos or an online document to prevent hacking or data theft.
Oh wow! I wasn't expecting to get an ask, especially about SMG4 theories but LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!! Also, while I'll try to be pretty clear ans provide sources, forgive me if some parts don't make sense, I tend to word things weirdly sometimes, especially when theorizing like this. Anyways-
I'm gonna start off with the first idea you presented, that being the idea that this WOTFI could be used to start off a new arc instead of end one. As for now, from both what I've seen, and from what I've read/been told, it seems too early to figure out which direction things are going to take, although I will point out that during the outro for the "It's Gotta Be Perfect" movie, Luke did mention that this whole storyline is going to be different, so at this point I'm preparing for anything! (Exact Quote: "And no, this isn't just an arc, this is something much different.")
And as for the TV Adware's next target being SMG3, I'm actually pretty certain this is the direction the current storyline is heading in. And most of your reasoning is pretty solid, and basically what I've been thinking about since first seeing yesterday's episode. Such as whoever Mario gave the notebook to being connected to the TV Adware, and the idea of the information inside of 3's notebook being used against him. Although I do have a few additional ideas I may mention later once I have a bit more evidence for them.
I know I'm basically just typing out a long way of saying that I mostly agree with you, except for being a bit unsure on the first thing, and mentioning that I do have other ideas. But I'm basically just winging this entire response hahaha, I'll defintiely be posting more in depth rambles and general jokes as things continue to happen though lol, because HOLY SHIT I AM HYPED!!!!
Thank you for sending in an ask by the way!!! I love rambling about things like this so it just made my day to hear that someone was interested in my bullshit lmao-
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chocobothis · 10 months
Solus Ve'tra Profile
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Name: Solus Ve’tra (previously Solly Vetra)
Nickname(s): The Tiny Ve’tra, Vaar’ika (runt), Jabiimi Butcher
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Sephi-75%, Human-25%
Birth Year: 40 BBY
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic, Polyamorous
Romantic Status: Single-ish (whatever her and Lumi have surpasses romance)
Love Interest(s): Pre Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze, Lumi Kirrin
Enemy: The Republic, The Jedi Order, The Separatists, The New Mandalorians, The Sith, etc. Look, she’s a former Senior Padawan turned political terrorist in Death Watch. It’s almost easier to list who actually likes her.
Hobbies: Art, Strategy Games, Reading, Hunting,
General Likes: Museums, History (any sort really), Piloting, Mechanic Work
General Dislikes: Most Senators, Jedi Order, Bland Foods, Speaking Basic
One Word To Sum Them Up: Devoted
Noun to Describe Them: Mandokar (the right stuff, the epitome of Mando virtue - a blend of aggression, tenacity, loyalty and a lust for life)
Temperament: She’s rather even tempered with an excellent poker face when it’s necessary. Chaos doesn’t bother her, making her excellent at handling stressful situations from medical wards to battlefields. As a Jedi Commander, her troopers adored her and when settled into Death Watch that rings true there as well.
Other’s First Impression of Them: Appearance wise, she’s almost dainty (5’5”) with an elven beauty about her causing people to underestimate her might. Then personality wise, she comes off as very charismatic with a keen eye for politics.
How did they get here: Even before going to Mandalore as a representative of the Jedi Order and Republic she was having doubts about things. Meeting Pre, getting acknowledged again as Mandalorian, and spending so much time with Satine sealed how much she hated her life. Having a minor mental breakdown, learning of a specific kind of Republic Rot, and she just finally broke. She tore through a false Mandalorian Clan on Nar Shaddaa to get proof, destroyed an information network, and then contacted Ursa. She wanted in on what Death Watch had.
Fun Fact: As much as she fulfills the role of Rally Master, with the context of Death Watch and greater Mandalorian Culture, she’s grumpy about the title. The traditional rally master armor is bulky and entirely red; she likes neither of those things. Her preferred armor style is a sleekier assassin style in blacks, grays, and silvers.
Free Space/Ramble: Because of how I write Sephi (Thustran based specifically) with some vulpine traits and being highly adept to the cold it makes her a little bit arctic fox-esque. Her grandfather (the man she’s the smaller, almost identical feminine form of much to her ire) has the Silver Fox going while she’s a slight prankster. Yes, she will abuse the Force to move a stylus a few inches away from someone without them seeing to be annoying.
Armor Notes: Solus specifically sticks her preferred color scheme in line with what her Clan would traditionally wear. This includes her left pauldron being black with the clan's signet in a muted gold. It's a display of millennia long solidarity between Clan Ve'tra and Clan Wren. Otherwise, she adopts the style of Death Watch, specifically the Nite Owls. Later on, when she has her twins, she tends to decorate her chest plate with one of their hand prints on each side.
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astarionfreak · 3 months
writing patterns tag game!
tagged by @scaryanneee (thank you!)
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
1. Palisade afternoon | Astarion x Fem!reader
The dress you’re meant to wear to the party is hanging near the bed. It’s beautiful. You hate it.
2. Exile (Or: How you learned to stay) | Astarion x Fem!Reader & Shadowheart x Fem!Reader
It’s pouring rain. You’re running. Your bare feet carry you over cobblestones, through alleyways — always in shadow. Never in the light.
3. You'll hate me (make love) | Ascended Astarion x Fem!Reader
This is the last place you should be. He’s not the man you fell in love with. Not anymore. The Rite of Profane Ascension corrupted him — of course it did.
4. Carve it in red | Ascended Astarion x Serin (Fem!Durge)
Astarion stood in the garden, a solitary figure, silhouetted by a low-hanging blood moon. He often found himself here when he needed a moment of quiet reflection.
5. At least you purr for me | Astarion x Fem!Reader
“Alright, soldier. Your turn. Top three orgasms, let’s fucking go,” Karlach says.
You feel the heat rise in your face, you’re blushing. You glance up at Astarion, who is looking at you with an almost smug expression from across the campfire. Does he really expect you to say his name?
6. The blood on your hands is mine | Astarion x Wren (Fem!Durge)
The blighted village was only intended to be a pit stop on their way to locate the druid. But in her haste, Wren led them right into a trap. The goblins had the high ground and they managed to dole out some damage before they finally fell to arrows and spells.
7. Beg like you need it | Astarion x Tessa (Fem!Tav) x Gale
Gale glanced around the room as if expecting another guard to arrive at any moment. “I don’t believe resorting to violence was necessary in this particular instance.”
Astarion stared longingly at the blood on his dagger, almost as if considering licking it. He wiped it off on the guard’s sleeve instead. “Don’t be so wet behind the ears.”
8. Now that his heart beats | Ascended Astarion x Fem!Reader
A warm breeze dances across the garden. You lay in Astarion’s arms, on the lawn, near the roses. You are so still that you can count each blade of grass that bends and sways, brushing against your bare arms and legs.
9. The lick of poison | Astarion x Naenia (Fem!Tav)
“Remind me why we had to return to this vile place?” Astarion gestured to the halls of the Arcane Tower with a flourish.
“Timmask Spores and Tongue of Madness. For Omeluum,” Naenia said. “I’m certain I saw some here. We won’t be long.”
10. You're mine, remember? | Ascended Astarion x Cassowary (Fem!Spawn)
Gale pulled Cassowary into a warm embrace, the likes of which she had not experienced since her transformation. She breathed him in — allowed the beat of his heart, the rush of blood in his veins, and his scent to overwhelm her senses. Gods. His scent — he smelled of old books bound in leather, and the subtle smokey aroma of amber.
Patterns? Umm. I'm sure there's something there that I haven't noticed. I usually try to give the reader some sense of where the character is physically as early as possible (even if in the last one that location is just Gale's arms lol). My favorite intro is the one I wrote for Exile (second favorite is probably the one for At least you purr for me). I know that wasn't the question, but I'm rambling now. Okay, byeee.
Tagging @charmandabear
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wayward-wren · 28 days
me, venturing into the Endeavour episodes I haven't watch first time around: The season six finale is FUN like yes there's high stakes and higher body count but it feels almost like the earlier seasons before everything went wrong, AND we had a fun scene of Morse covered in dust and dirt, and it's not exactly personally emotionally devastating! We love this!
Thursday and Win with the steal chair: You said emotionally devastating?
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octyfish · 1 year
Could you tell us more About Wren?
You wanna know more about Wren? Well damn, sure!
I'll stick this under a read more since it got kind of long.
So, well where to start? Uh, well originally Wren wasn't supposed to be a design that ended up sticking around. She was one of the designs I made for the 2021 FNAF advent calendar. One of the puppet designs.
These are the earliest sketches I have of her since I did some design sketches on paper before making the final posted pics.
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The final design ended up being the one on the right (although I did eventually switch back to side buns instead of top ones) and she ended up in the advent calendar here.
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After that, idk, I just ended up really liking Wren's design and drew her more. Eventually she became more of an OC, so she got an updated non-limited color palette and stuff. She's also kind of stuck in that weird fnaf/non-fnaf character that Nette is at the moment.
As for Wren's personality, she's one of those high energy, bubbly types. You might think that makes her a bit of an airhead, but she's actually quite quick on the uptake and is very knowledgeable about her interests. I also imagine she'd unintentionally be a bit of spiritual magnet, which can get her into trouble without her knowing it.
She works at a shop that's a bit of a mix between a curio shop and an occult/magic shop. Sometimes Nette is her co-worker (again, weird limbo for these characters), and sometimes she's just a friend of theirs. Either way the two of them are very close to one another, even if they can grate on each other's nerves (or more accurately Wren getting on Nette's nerves).
Wren is also friends with @silverxcristal 's Nightmarionne, and also Themmaster (Razzy). They get along well, and Wren may get along with Razzy as more than just a friendship...?
But uh, yeah, that's about all I got for her for now. Thanks for letting me ramble about her.
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rielzero · 1 year
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Wrapped up finishing Umbra’s refsheet(s) (FOR NOW) and realized I made his head smaller.
Man- my consistency sometimes? is non existent. The Seedling’s refsheet has the same issue. Something was bothering me about the design and its literally the headsize on the fullbody lol. I ain’t going back fixing that, ITS TOO MUCH EFFORT FOR HOW MUCH TIME THE SHEET TOOK GEEZ.
Anyway there are several TBA designs I have planned to expand the Eldritch Forms.
I’m making a new concept into the lore which eldritch cultists refer to as ‘’Mirror entities’’ which are alternative forms to Specific Eldritch forms.
The Seedling’s Mirror entity is Bloodbringer! They share the similar design with some visual differences and powerset. The alt form of The Seedling is the aquatic one, so not a mirror entity.
A completely new form is considered an ‘’Eldritch Child’’ on itself, all though the same goes for Mirror Entities. Just a sidenote: They all are essentially the same person, this classification has more to do with how it is perceived by cultists who view these forms as separate gods.
Mirror Entities I plan to make: ‘’Hellraiser Wren’’ ‘’Negative Wren’’ Alternative Forms I plan to make: ‘’Mothman Snowmoth’’ ‘’Frenzied Bloodbringer’’ Completely new forms currently in concept doodle/notebook stage: Death Marrow / Bonemarrow Seraph, Paragon of Insanity
How does Umbra work? Envious Umbra / Sombra the Still are both considered Mirror Entities despite their smaller differences, while Miserable Umbra is the primary eldritch child. (It’s also the most common sighted form.) Their power doesn’t change, just their demeanor / mood slightly alters.
The Seedling (Main form) > Aquatic Seedling (alt form) The Bloodbringer (Mirror Entity) > Frenzied Bloodbringer (alt form)
I do need to remake Bloodbringer’s refsheet before I start working on Frenzied bloodbringer. Basicially he starts boiling and becomes.. Eruptive. Volcanic. Explosive. Big angry sharp boii.
Other Concepts that have been in my head that I won’t go in detail on: -Something that gives me nuclear or decay theme feelings. -’’proxy’’
If we’re counting all the Eldritch children that are finished + in the works we have.. (not counting sal’varis, entropy, or Rielzero)
6. Umbra, Wren, Mothman, Seedling, Marrow, Seraph. If we add the mirror entities, it becomes 9. If we also count Umbra v1 and Sombra, its 11.
That’s a lot of eldritch beings worshipped seperatedly by cultists.
Lore as always, is subject to change until I actually publish it in some official form. Older refsheets may contain lore that is outdated or retconned.
now I’m really done byeeeeee
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sam-glade · 1 year
OCs as Animals Tag
Tagged by @autumnalwalker - their post is here. Thank you for giving me a chance to ramble about this! 💜
Leaving it as an open tag!
Rules: Choose any Oc/s and pick an animal that relates to them and why. You can also include images or drawings of your own but don't have to.
Welp. All of my characters have have a little familiar spirit that takes an animal form. This should be easy... Right?
Lissan - Sword Spirit: a She-Wolf
The Wolf has mostly negative connotations in Slavic folklore, often being associated with the devil, foretelling famine, etc, but in reality is such a lovely, fluffy animal. There's one local tale I've found in a collection of local legends and superstitions from 1881 and it stuck with me, even though I tend to avoid religious imagery. In summary, the Devil wanted to make a pet out of the wolf, and the wolf turned against them.
When the God created the wolf, it was dead. The Devil was very concerned by it and their inability to bring it back to life. The God told the Devil: go tell the wolf "get up, by God's power", but the Devil went and said to the wolf "get up, my my power", and the wolf didn't move. The God then suggested: tell the wolf "get up, by God's power, and rest the Devil", but the devil said "get up, by my power, and eat God", and the wolf didn't move. After a couple more attempts, embarrassed, the Devil whispered "get up, by God's power". The wolf jumped to its feet and lounged at the Devil. It chased the Devil to an alder tree, and bit into their leg, forever staining alder trees red with the Devil's blood.
Gullin - Sword Spirit: a Wren (or goldcrest)
Note: in European folklore these two birds are often used interchangeably.
The usual story goes: the birds held a contest to choose their new king. The eagle was the clear favourite and everyone assumed it would win, but the wren nestled in its feathers and hitched a ride on it, until it couldn't fly any higher. Then it jumped off and flew just enough to win. This sort of underhanded cunning approach is right up Gullin's alley.
Also, look at this little thing, it's less than 4in/10cm long:
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Ianim - Sword Spirit: [redacted]
Sorry! It's a bit of a spoiler, and he isn't willing to talk about it even to his closest friends. However, he also has a cool horse, a grey stallion called Cloud, sired by his Grandfather's Sword Spirit. And while his own Sword isn't all that powerful, he excels at everything related to horse riding.
Notable mentions:
Varré's Spirit is never specified, because I'd love for it to be a fluffiest, angriest pillow a Pallas cat, but alas, it's not native to Europe.
General Anthea, the Chief Strategist and the First Prince, who has a Sword controlling ice and is sometimes nicknamed the Prince of Ice, has a snow leopard. But again, not native to Europe.
General Erya the Ermine, the Army's spymaster, is a feisty little ferret.
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Camp WonderDream: Rock On!! Part 5
The two Counselors headed into the mess hall and found their usual spot among the campers. While they usually did sit above the campers in the Counselors only Lounge, they enjoyed being down with the campers, especially the music loving ones. Mayday would always be honored to pull out her guitar and take song requests, while Zuke would often enjoy listening to some of the kids ramble on and on while he drummed on the tables.
Hakim watched as the two of them walked to a table. He gave a cheeky smile as he disappeared in a flurry of rose petals. Leo watched as Mayday brought out her guitar and played a few songs. "Aren't Mayday and Zuke Counselors?" He asked, biting into a French fry. "Yeah, But Mayday feels like she feels like she belongs with the campers than with the Counselors. They act like a crowd to her." Alberto said, stuffing down trenette al pesto into his mouth. "And she enjoys playing music for us!" Molly said, drinking her tomato basil soup. "I just hope she finds it soon" Wren muttered.
Leo looked confused "Find What?" He asked. Gregory looked around to see if anyone was looking, and then slid under the table, motioning for Leo to follow him. Leo looked confused, but he followed him underneath "OK. So Mayday has this notebook with her that has all of her song ideas. Both Mayday and Zuke keep that book with them 24/7." He explained. Leo still didn't get it "So...what's the rumor?" He asked "Well...I heard that Mayday actually lost the book in their cabin." He whispered "What? I thought that the rumor was that someone stole their book." Yuri said, her head poking down at the two. "Well, which one is it?" Leo asked.
The two of them were about to say, when Hakim's head peeked down at them "Which one is what?" He asked. The three children jumped at his sudden appearance as Gregory and Leo bumped their heads into the bottom of the table. "Counselor Hakim?! What are you doing down here?!" Yuri asked. "I just came down here to see the love birds: Mayday and Zuke." He said, pointing to the two of them performing on a table.
"I'm...not sure they're in love..." Yuri said. Hakim raised an eyebrow at her "And that's where you're wrong Chica! The two of them have IMENSIVE Chemistry." He said. "Um...yeah." Gregory said awkwardly. Leo peeked behind Hakim's shoulder and saw the two of them jamming out on the table, kids around them cheering up a storm. 'They really do make a good team.' He thought. He continued eating his food, as he tried not to make any more conversation with anyone else. But then something caught his eye. Mayday was walking back outside, looking around to see if she was being watched before she sprinted off.
Leo narrowed his eyes. Where was Mayday going?
This is a story inspired by @julili 's VERY adorable camp pic! I hope you enjoy AND go check out her work!
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stageplayhero · 2 years
repost don’t reblog, post what you associate with your muse(s); and then tag others!
Tagged by: @fearlesscxptain (thanks!)
Tagging: I think everyone I know has already been tagged? So tagging YOU if you want to do it, or apply it to a different muse!
ANIMAL: Snakes. And cats (thank you Wren - example)
COLOR(S): Red. I'll throw some of the dark browns from the manor in too
MONTH: August/December
SONG: SLAPS down Tower
(This is your only warning that I'm about to ramble. I've had this drafted in its own post, but I'll just leave it here now. The megalomaniac energy. The control and shaping of an environment. The dramatics. The "life is a dream and you're in mine". The lines that, when associating the song with this blog, are definitely the Entity.
And as an aside, this song is a part of its own story! If you like sci-fi world building and some space funk I highly recommend the album)
PLANT: Date voice: Roses! Passionate, a little prickly
SMELL: Hairspray, coffee
GEMSTONE: Garnet. Again, lots of red things. They symbolize love and friendship, so… gotta love the tragic associations
SEASON: Summer
PLACE: Theatres, both for plays and films
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Pretty sure he'd be Capricorn? But I'd have to associate him with Leo
DRINK: You better believe he loves his wine
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galaxofmuses · 12 hours
Hypothetically, which muse(s) would you get along with the best if they were in the real world?
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Mun Confessions // Accepting!
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// Ah man! This might be a long answer, but i'll see what I can do!
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Honestly just Team Sonic, Sure everyone has their differences, but I think I can get along with all of them! Wren and Sky will be hanging out with the same braincell. Amara and I would cook and bake together and asking for cooking tips. Knux and I would talk about nature and chao!
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I would love to hang out with Daichi and enjoy his ramen shop! I'm just a sucker for comfort food and his positivity and openness are infectious!
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I can ramble more, but i'll refrain for today. Thanks for the inbox ask!
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