#wonderfamily x wonderson imagine
ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Oooh, I have an idea for a prompt! What about "what the hell do you mean you accidentally joined a cult?" please? Of course you don't have to do this, but I'd love it if you would. Thanks queen :)
2/2 FFF request! "What do you mean you accidentally joined a cult?" pretty please? Thanks Thorne!
SJ, I already had this one in here! <3
“My heart! I have done something today that I must tell you about!”
Jason looked up from the puzzle he’d been doing with his brothers to see his boyfriend walking into the kitchen. “Hey babe. What’d you do today?”
“I have made a great group of friends! Though their actions seem nefarious at times. I must speak to the leader of our group soon to understand why.”
For a moment no one said a word, then Jason asked, “Babe, what group did you join?”
“Some young men and women apart of the Golden Spartans!”
Damian cocked his head up. “That’s the cult on Miagani Island we’ve been tracking.”
“I accidentally joined a cult?” he asked when Jason gaped at him.
“What do you mean you accidentally joined a cult! From the looks of it, you didn’t do it accidentally!” he rubbed a hand across his face. “Ah shit, this is going to be a bitch to explain to our parents.” Jason walked over to his boyfriend and took his arm. “Come on you. We’ve got a cult to get out of.”
“But they seem so nice, my heart! They even offered to give me a suit!”
“I love you so much, but you are not the sharpest sword on the rack.”
“I am offended by your words!”
“You should be.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Thorne, my beloved! Can I get a #7 from the handholding prompts with Wonderson and Jason :)
7. Dancing with their hands holding onto each other
“I do not know what I am doing, my heart,” he stated, tripping over himself, unable to stop the flush of embarrassment flowing through his body, up his spine to burn his face under his skin. “I am making us look foolish.”
Jason snorted, quick to clear his throat when he caught sight of his lover’s narrowed eyes. “Babe, relax. We’re fine.”
He couldn’t help but look around, feeling a thousand eyes on him. He felt exposed, too constricted in the solid black suit and shirt Jason had given him before the party. “People are looking.”
“They’re not,” Jason assured, sliding his hands up the Amazon’s chest to wrap around his neck, fingers brushing the nape of his neck; he shivered, and Jason grinned. “And if they are, it’s ‘cause they’re jealous.”
“Of whom?” he asked, unconsciously tugging the shorter man closer, hands coming up midway to Jason’s back. Warmth bled from his palms through the black tuxedo jacket Jason was wearing, warming the man’s entire body.
“Of us,” the vigilante murmured, leaning up to peck the Amazon’s lips. “Because you are a walking god amongst men.”
“Careful, my heart,” he warned with a grin. “If I am the God, then you are my divine concubine.”
Jason broke into full laughter, burying his face in the other’s neck, body shaking with each giggle; he merely grinned, pecking the side of Jason’s head as they swayed to the orchestral music.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Curiosity got the best of me, how did Diana get wonderson?
So, Diana is some five thousand years old, and during those years when she was maturing into what we would call “our early twenties”, she realized she wanted a child, to be a mother since it wasn’t something that was inherently common amongst the Amazons. She didn’t necessarily share that news with Hippolyta, for fear that her mother would say something like, “You’re not yet ready to have a child, yada-yada-yada”, so Diana decided to keep it a secret.
She went to a rather secluded area in one of the forests where someone had set up a shrine to Artemis and Apollo some thousands of years before she came into being. She gave them offerings and prayed for their guidance and for the two Gods to bless her with a child. When she returned home and slept, the two Gods came in a dream, telling her there would be a growing bud waiting for her. They told her for five hundred years, she would deliver this growing flower nutrients and water every day, and only after doing so, for five centuries, would she be gifted with a child. Diana awoke and returned to the shrine and sure enough, a teeny tiny bud was growing from the grass—thus began her test of devotion.
And so, every day, for five centuries, Diana would go to that shrine and water the flower, would spend hours weeding the area around it, spoke to it, nurtured it, loved it.
After five hundred years of constant daily devotion, the flower had grown, ready to unfurl its petals and Diana eagerly awaited to greet her child. The petals opened and there sat little baby Wonderson, giggling and awaiting his mother. Diana cried tears of joy and relief, took the boy into her arms, and gave thanks to Artemis and Apollo for giving her the child.
So, Wonderson is blessed by Artemis and Apollo, the two Gods worked together to create him (Not that way), though while it took Artemis’ power to grow the child, Apollo bestowed many of the gifts Wonderson has.
So yeah, that’s the creation story for Wonderson!
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
'Please just hold me' with Jason and wonderson?
My babies :')
"Please just hold me."
“My heart, I am worried about you.” the Amazon murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed; he softly rested his palm on Jason’s head, smoothing the onyx tresses away from his face. “You have not eaten anything this day nor have left the bed.”
Jason sighed heavily, shifting his face to press deeper into the pillow as he muttered, “I’m just not feeling good today, babe.”
“Can I do anything for you?” he asked. “I do not feel like I am being a good lover if I am simply letting you suffer alone.”
His boyfriend looked at him, teal eyes pitiful as he begged, “Just hold me, please.”
The Amazon gave him a sad smile and crawled into the bed behind him, ready to press up against Jason’s back when the vigilante turned over and buried his face into the Amazon’s neck, arms winding around his waist. He hummed lowly and wrapped on arm around Jason’s shoulders, laying his palm at the nape of the man’s neck, a protective warmth bleeding into the vigilante’s body; his other arm lifted and rested along Jason’s thumb brushing soothing circles in his lover’s skin.
“I love you, my heart. Please don’t ever forget it.” Dampness seeped against his shirt, but he paid it no mind, simply pressing his lips to Jason’s head.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
“I’m really glad our sons have found love with one another,” Diana murmured, watching delightfully as her own son smiled like he’d seen the havens unfold as Jason perched on one of his legs, leaning sideways against his chest. “They make each other happy.”
Bruce’s gaze flitted over for a moment, and he smiled. “Jason’s never been one for public displays, but with your son, he seems okay with it.”
“Please, just last week we had lunch and when (Y/N) saw Jason he shouted at the top of his lungs, ‘My heart’.” She snorted. “Poor Jason was as red as wine while shushing him. It was adorable.”
“Jason mentioned that half of their relationship is him shushing (Y/N) in public.”
“He is just free with his joy.”
They heard a shout from the other side of the pool, looking over to see (Y/N) with an excited look on his face as he yelled, “My heart! Your thigh is magnificent! Built with such strength! I love it!”
Jason smirked. “Yeah? How ‘bout another one?” he asked as he cocked his other leg into (Y/N)’s lap and the Amazonian’s eyes widened, expression contorting into ecstatic joy.
“ANOTHER!” he cheered and the group around them laughed as Jason pressed his face into (Y/N)’s shoulder, upper body shaking with laughter.
Diana smiled. “They are perfect for one another.”
“They are,” Bruce murmured, leaning against the side of the hot tub. “I bet we’ll be planning a wedding soon.”
“Oh, I love weddings!” she chirped. “They will look magnificent in traditional garb.”
“Something tells me you’re not talking about suits.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Jason hit the ground, and he hit the ground hard. The wind knocked from his lungs as he rolled onto his side, pain blooming outwards from his solar plexus as he tried to breathe, though it came in and out in wheezes. Split second, he wondered why he ever agreed to come with Bruce on this mission. The rest of the Justice League, or at least Bruce, were shouting his name, trying to get to him but their own fights were pulling them away.
The creature stood above him, laughing darkly as he spat, “This is the great Red Hood? You are not worth my fight! Your size is so small!”
A flash of gold seared into Jason’s vision then with wide eyes, he watched as an aegis collided with the creature’s chest, the crack of the metal meeting the chest echoing through the street as it sent the creature back at least thirty yards. Greaved legs appeared in front of him, firmly planted in protection, and he trailed his gaze up the back of his savior, seeing the Amazon standing there, shield in one hand, a xiphos in the other.
The sunlight glittered off the gold armor, fitted to the Amazon’s body like a second skin, and Jason had never been so happy to see his lover. “(Y/N),” he whispered. “You’re here.”
Glancing down at Jason, he smiled, eyes bright behind the opening of his helm. “Of course, my heart. I will always come for you.” Helping Jason off the ground, he worried, “You should get to safety. I shall handle this fight for you.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, looking up at (Y/N). “I can still help you.”
Nodding, he raised his shielded hand, brushing the tips of his fingers against Jason’s bottom lip where the mask had been broken away. “I am positive. You have sustained injury. Retreat while I take care of this.” He turned to the creature hissing as it rolled off the car it’d been thrown into, weakly climbing to its feet.
“I agree with your previous claim!” (Y/N) shouted behind his golden helm. “Red Hood’s size is small!” he cocked the aegis up to his chest, raising the sword beside it, and slid the metal together until sparks exploded.
He bent his legs, body shifted and muscles tensed, readying himself defensively and provoked darkly, “You should engage battle with someone your own size.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Happy FFF! I love the crackhead energy in this exchange:
“don’t worry, I have the key”
“...well where is it?!”
“I said I had it I didn’t say I had it on me”
And who better to have crackhead energy with than Jason and Wonderson!
“Babe, we really need to get out of this place,” Jason worried, running down anther section of the hallway. “I’ve seen enough of the dead bodies and scattered remains to know that there’s something dark and evil in here.”
He chuckled. “This is the Minotaur’s Labyrinth, Jason. We have to find our way to the center then work back.” Lifting the black lasso, he added, “I have been tracking our movement.”
They hit a locked door and Jason slammed his hands against the gate. “Why are there so many gates in this place! I don’t remember them being in the myth!”
A supernatural growling sounded from somewhere within the maze and the two men looked at one another. “I think we have awoken the Minotaur,” he murmured.
Jason groaned. “I don’t have a lockpick set on me.” He cursed. “Fuck. The time I actually need it, I left it in my other jacket.”
“Worry not, I have the key!” his lover chirped.
He blinked at him. “…Well? Where is it?!”
He propped his hands on his hips. “I said I have the key, my heart. I did not say I had it on me right now.”
Jason pressed his hands to his lips and shut his eyes, breathing deeply. “Then where is the key, babe?”
Another growl echoed from another hallway, closer than the last; he smiled. “The key is with the Minotaur we must defeat.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
ooh could you please do something where yn is like i don’t feel so good and starts listing off their symptoms. something like “what are your symptoms”/ “im experiencing palpitations, my body feels like it’s on fire, and the smell of his cologne is intoxicating. am i allergic to him?”/ “… i think you might have a crush on him” idk, just yn being an idiot when it comes to love. thank you!!!!!
I took the liberty of test-running Wonderson!
“My grandson, you have been sitting out here for many hours under the sun.”
He glanced up from the dirt where he’d been drawing aimlessly with a stray twig, an easy smile on his face as he greeted the older woman. “Grandmother, you look absolutely radiant on this summer day.”
Hippolyta chuckled, taking a seat beside him; she rested her arm around his waist, laying her cheek to his bicep. “You have Diana worried,” she noted. “She says you have not been yourself lately.”
His smile lowered into a frown, and he let out a sigh. “Mother has always worried for me, you know this, Grandmother.” He looked out towards the clear waters. “But if you must know…I feel as that I am experiencing symptoms of a sickness I know not the name of.”
“Oh?” Hippolyta murmured. “Tell me my grandson, what are the symptoms that ail you?”
He paused, then gestured to his chest. “I have been feeling this surge in my chest, a rush of warmth through my body—like I am in battle and my heart is racing and my senses are heightened.” His face turned to hers. “The scent of him makes me feel as though I am being intoxicated.”
His frown grew. “Grandmother, I fear that I am becoming ill of my dearest friend, Jason. I do hope that is not the case. I enjoy his company greatly.” He looked so helpless. “Grandmother, what is ailing me?”
Hippolyta merely smiled and patted his thigh before she rose, graceful like a dove. “My dearest grandson, you are not being ailed by illness.”
“Then what is it?”
As she walked away, she laughed warmly. “It is love.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
oh my god;;; imagine diana's son introducing jason to her as his boyfriend for the first time. and she's kind and supportive and she can see jay really makes her son happy. but also If You Dare to Hurt My Little Prince you Will Not Get to See the Light of Day Ever Again :)
So apparently in Ancient Greece it was tradition to throw apples at someone you wanted to propose to--like that was the way to propose? And I'm just imagining poor Jason having to complain to his brothers that he doesn't know how to tell Wonderson he likes him and Tim's all, "Throw an apple." And Jason's like, "Excuse me? The fuck did you just say to me?" Tim says, "Trust me, throw an apple." And Jason's just, "Alright, whatever, because nothing else is working."
And he does, but he misjudges his aim and smacks Wonderson in the forehead with a big ass Gala apple and he's apologizing profusely but Wonderson is too busy throwing him over the shoulder as he runs to find Diana because, "MOTHER I HAVE BEEN PROPOSED TO BY JASON! WE ARE TO MARRY IN THE SPRING! I MUST BE FITTED FOR A NEW SET OF ARMOR!"
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm not sure if you're taking request, but is it possible for more of Wonderson fluff?
Diana happened to look over at Bruce the same time he frowned at his phone screen. And it wasn’t anything different from his usual face, but then she heard the sigh of displeasure and then she knew something was wrong.
“What bothers you, Bruce?” she asked, and he sighed again, impossibly quiet.
“Your son.”
She blinked. “My…son?” That was odd. So far everyone her son had met had nothing but admiration for the Amazon Warrior. “Has he done something wrong?”
“No,” Bruce muttered, turning the phone around to show her. “He’s become a beacon amongst the students at Gotham University. Jason sent me this a few minutes ago during lunch.”
Diana took the phone, squinting at the small screen. Sure enough, her son was in the middle of a giant group of mostly women, all smiling and laughing, and him looking like a pleased golden retriever. “I do not understand…he said there were not many people at the school who were fond of his polite and cheerful demeanor.”
“Jason said he stepped between a man and one of the student assistants when she looked like she was in trouble.” Bruce rubbed his temples. “And then he told the girl if she didn’t feel comfortable walking alone on campus, she was welcome to walk with him.”
She laughed. “And I take it everyone followed in suit.” Diana handed the phone back. “I am pleased he is respecting the young women and protecting them.” She looked rather proud. “He is doing exactly as he was raised to do.”
Bruce glared at her. “I let him apply to Gotham University so he could learn, not disrupt the campus like a high school clique.”
“Bruce,” she admonished lightly with a smile. “Let the boy alone. He is enjoying himself and making friends.”
“Jason can’t even sit with him because he’s being flocked to.”
Diana cocked a brow, and he knew right then that he’d said the wrong thing, especially when her expression turned sly. “So that’s the reason you’re upset. Jason cannot spend time with my son, and he has complained to you about it.”
Bruce grunted. “He just wants to walk around without being crowded.”
“Mhm, sure,” she retorted, then let out a wistful sigh. “I shall talk to my son about it.” Diana stood from her seat, then paused and looked to him. “You know he is very fond of Jason, yes?”
“You mean the way he follows Jason like a puppy? Yeah, I got that.”
She laughed. “You jest, but my son feels things deeply. He cares for Jason.”
Bruce couldn’t help but feel a warmth for their children. “I’m glad.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I humbly request for fff, wonderson being a himbo and the batfam just confused and Jason is like ‘that’s my boyfriend!’
He’d lost sight of him. It’d taken all but fifteen seconds for the Amazon to wander off like a kid in a toy shop and Jason had lost him. That was okay. He’d lost Damian in the Gotham Mall the other day, but to be perfectly honest, he meant to do that. Jason could find him in no time. He was Jason Todd, The Red Hood, Son of Bruce Wayne—he could do this.
That was until he ran into his family—fuck, he had no idea they were coming to the carnival—and had to smile awkwardly like he hadn’t shot himself in the foot with losing his boyfriend like a novice and then again when he lied and said he’d been waiting for them to arrive.
Bruce had an arm around Selina’s waist, and she was gently petting Damian like he was a content little cat, Dick and Kori were giggling as they talked about the photo booth, and Tim, Cass, Steph, and Duke kept making bets on who was going to throw up the most carnival food on the roller coaster. Jason on the other hand was internally panicking, mind going to the worst possible scenarios of what was going to happen to his boyfriend if he didn’t find him fast enough.
He should’ve been holding his hand. Paying more attention. Should’ve—
“JASON!” someone bellowed from the other side of the attractions. “JASON! MY HEART! I HAVE WON YOU THE STUFFED OF ANIMALS!”
Everyone, and Jason meant everyone, turned to see the big and tall man bounding his way over like a giant puppy, waving an even bigger stuffed puppy in his arms.
Jason’s face felt like the sun. he had no doubt that his cheeks were the color of his hood, but he couldn’t help the stupid, giddy smile that was threatening to split his face in half.
“Jason? Who the heck is that?” Dick asked.
He merely giggled—Jason-fucking-Todd giggled like a schoolgirl who’d been kissed on the cheek. “My boyfriend.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Can I get 43 with Kyle? 😊
You can!
43. Giving them a piggy-back ride
“My soul, I have told you that when we climb the lands that we must wear adequate protection!”
Kyle merely let out a humored, ‘pfft’ and inched his chin further on the Amazon’s shoulder. “I’m wearing tennis shoes, babe.”
“These shoes of tennis are not the footwear required to climb mountains, my soul,” he replied, lifting his own leg, and showing his boots. “Your good friend Harold gave these boots to me. They are the perfect mountain climbing shoes. Strong. Sturdy. Built for strenuous activity.”
“Is there a lesson somewhere in here that I haven’t heard yet?”
The Amazon laughed, the shaking rumbling through his back and into Kyle’s chest where the two were pressed up against one another. “Next time we climb the mountains, you should wear good footwear.”
Kyle harrumphed, squeezing the Amazon’s hips with his thighs, feeling the fingers underneath them tighten. “Now why would I do that when this is the treatment I get in the end?”
“You tease, my soul, but you are injured. You remember this, yes?”
“It’s just a sprained ankle. I’ve had worse.”
“True,” the Amazon agreed. “But I would rather you not injure yourself.”
“But if I do, you’ll take care of me, right?” Kyle asked and the Amazon turned his head, smiling at Kyle before brushing his lips to the corner of Kyle’s.
“I will always take care of you, my soul. For as long as we are together and even after we are gone.”
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