#wolfstar remus lupin sirius black remus x sirius pirate captain mermaid pirate and mermaid au
ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter one! Apologies for the delays but life threw responsibilities. Thank you for your patience and a thank you to my co-author and dear best friend Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​ ), if it wasn’t for her, this story would not exist. 
This chapter includes the OC that my friend Olivia has created and I sincerely hope you like him. Hints of mermaid lore is included within the chapter of different types of merfolk that were inspired by the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We are not taking credit of her work. Now enjoy. 
Chapter 1: The Tail of Fates
The gulls glided across the scorching sky, the sun beating down on the port-men docking the ships that traveled across the sea. The merry drunken men who stumbled their way out of the taverns filled with jolly music made their way to the docks. Wincing at the harsh rays of sunlight, the sweltering heat and humidity offers no reprieve for the men who indulged in the advantages of liquid courage to discard their tasks. Merchants bring in goods from the islands that seemed worlds away to a mere boy at the age of 14. The boy had short tawny brown hair, tanned skin from days working out in the sun, and very bright amber colored eyes which seemed to capture the same essence of the crystallized equivalents of the color. Dressed in a rather modest attire appropriate for his status - consisting of a white long sleeved shirt, the sleeves were rolled up due to the heat, light brown slacks and dark brown boots. Around his waist was a light blue scarf, supposedly what he had been found swaddled in when he was just a babe. He could never find the strength to part with it. The guilt overpowered him. 
“The beauties of the islands lads, best three days of me life mate.”
 “Three days of only looking at the dames.” The sailor snorts a retort as he leans against a pillar on the dock. “ They probably ran off in the other direction just at the mere sight of your pathetic self.” The group of three jolly sailors laughed in merriment as the sailor who was sharing his tale shoved the other two in embarrassment.   
The boy had been sweeping the dock nearby the sailors, rolling his eyes at the stories. It was always the same. Seamen making port and bedding the beauties from the mysterious island that he himself has never traversed. Internally, he began counting the seconds till one of the sailors again made mentions of the maidens of the sea, and as always- it took only a count of ten. 
“I wager the beauties on that port can’t hold a candle to their maidens of the sea.” A sailor with three scars slashed across his face grinned. 
“Oh not this, again,” The first sailor, with a fancy for the beauties, with tattered clothes and blonde hair groaned. “ Bloody hell mate, you say that cursed tale every time. The women of the sea, with a fishes tail.” 
“ Aye, and you’d best heed it.” The sailor with three scars eyes his mates in suspicion. “Lest you never return to land, drowned like a dog and fed to the fishes.”    
“No one has seen those monsters for centuries mate. Let it go. It’s nothing but stories to scare sailors, nothing more.” 
“ No!” The sailor yells. “ I’ve seen them! The war didn’t wipe them out. They were the ones who scarred me face! There ain’t anything like it, to hear the songs of those maidens. You try to pull away, to drown it out with your thoughts, but ya can’t. There is no escape, it invades your minds, pulling you to the sea and into their webbed claws!” He grumbles out as he touches his scarred face tenderly. As if the scars were fresh, open with fresh blood spilling. 
“ You lads wouldn’t stand a chance, I should be at the bottom of the sea, but these maidens be fickle things, they are.” He looks out to the sea, calm waves kissing the shore. “To see one, changes your fate. To hear one’s song, is your doom.” 
The boy paused momentarily as he heard the scarred sailors warning. His thoughts race across his mind before he returns to the present when he’s called. 
“Oi boy!” A man from upon the ship called down, leaning overboard. “Come up here lad! There’s a job I need ye to take care of!”
The boy looked up to the adult man, he couldn’t discern fully from this far away the man’s appearance. The high rays of the sun give the wooden docks a shadow of coverage. He was rather reluctant to leave the cool reprieve, however, it would be worse if he neglected his duties of the port, “Be right there.” 
Walking upon the loading dock to the deck of the rather large ship, it was difficult to fight the urge to look around in a strange awe, even though it’s appearance is rather haggard and beaten. Although he has spent many a day upon ship for moments at a time since beginning his work a few years back, there was a certain mystery behind each ship that entered the ports of this bustling town. Each ship held a story behind its experiences. Each cannon battle, the waters of the seven seas it has traversed, the storms it has survived destruction, treasures it has held and lead its captain’s to discover. 
“Yes sir?” The boy looks up to the bulk of an angry looking man whose face always seemed to have a sneer. Even in his sleep. The bulk of a man was dressed in a shirt that looked two sizes too small, and a tattered grey coat that squeezed the man, fitting his frame with strain as his arms were always pulled back. His pants were faded from black to grey, his boots were old and worn. Smelling like a dead rat. His teeth were ghastly to gaze upon, yellow with brown stains, his breath could probably kill a man. His eyes were a beady black like the sharks that swam in the shallow waters, a bald head with black spots. A pity, he must’ve looked worse as a child. As most children do. He glowers at the scrawny boy before he look away.
“Go search the taverns for this ships’ Captain. We leave at dusk. Blokes probably drunk beyond hell, feeling up the women.” He shakes his head as he waves the boy off with a mere wave of his hand. 
With a nod in confirmation, the boy exited the deck and headed off in search of the tavern so that he may find the Captain of the ship, rather grateful to being away from the rather disgusting first mate. If that bulk of a man looked that haggard, he could only imagine the Captain with a shudder at the thought. In the distance, he could see another ship that seemed to be a practical stark contrast. The masts that were open, were as white as the very clouds that floated in the sky, wooden haul was a rich brown mahogany, the railings were painted gold like the sun. The sailors looked well groomed, their clothes neat and fitted to their frames. 
The boy searched from tavern to tavern, until finally he came across the Buccaneers' Oyster. With a sigh of exasperation, he opens the doors and enters the busy tavern hoping that this time he had finally found the correct one. The tavern was dark with dim lighting from the candles that were scattered about the establishment. The windows were the only source of natural sunlight that seeped into the tavern that reeked of alcohol and vomit. The sounds of clinking glassware and cheers from sailors echo all around, the soft giggling of women sitting on the laps of the drunkest of seamen. Ignoring the commotion, and his disgust at the reeking smells, he makes his way to the main counter where a man was the barkeep. The wall behind was lined with large kegs and the shelves were lined with clean pints.
“Excuse me. Do you happen to know if Captain Barclay is here?” The boy says, raising his voice over the loud cheering of the sailors in their merriment. The bar keeper doesn’t even spare the boy a glance as he simply points to the back of the tavern where a man was sitting, well more falling off his chair than anything, as he smiled stupidly at a lady. The captain in question was a tall lanky man with a hooked nose, horrible teeth, a large mole on the side of his neck, tanned skin and green eyes. His clothes were an absolute mess which could possibly be vomit, or mashed potatoes. The boy was very much hoping for the latter. A white shirt with a red stain, rum possibly, short brown pants and his shoes seemed to have vanished. Hopefully the shoes walked away themselves, saving what little dignity they had and drowned themselves in the sea. The stench dying with them. Or the captain had lost his shoes in a gamble. That seemed more likely. 
Taking a deep breath in preparation, he makes his way over to the back of the tavern so that he could finally fetch the man and get out of this place. The man seemed practically worse close up in person, if that was even possible. “Excuse me? Captain Barclay?” He asks, hoping to gain the drunken Captain’s attention and draw it away from the women. “I was asked to fetch you by your first mate. And bring you back to your ship.” 
               The man makes a small noise of acknowledgment as he turns to look at the deck-boy. His alcohol glazed eyes look over the small boy before he shrugs him off and turns the lady he had in his lanky finger. “Bugger off boy, the adults are talkin.’” His hand waves him off with the pint of rum that sloshed to the ground in his sluggish gestures. “Now where we?” 
“Please sir, let me go. I do not work here. I am merely looking for my fiancé.” A pale soft face young lady pulls her hand to try to free herself from the seaman. Her soft brown curls bouncing as she turns her head to the boy. Her hazel eyes lock eyes with his, her skin pale from her bold green dress. Help me she mouths. 
The boy’s eyes widen a small fraction, trying to figure out a way to help the woman out of her predicament. “Captain. I insist.” He repeats, his tone much more firm and without argument. 
With a sneer the lanky captain looked to the boy before he points at the boy with his pint. Standing up, he was two heads taller than the boy. “Listen boy,” he stumbles closer, the pint in his hands dropping what little rum it had to the floor. “ I spent six months at sea, I ain’t about to let a lass like this slip past me, now run off. Before I beat you.”     
“You chose quite a profession that allows you to be at sea for months at a time, Captain.” He says, looking up at the man “Guess there’s sacrifices to make now isn’t there? And if you actually listened with your ears rather than another part of your body, then you would understand that this lady has no interest in you. And is taken.”
“Why you little rat!” The man grips the boy's collar, forgetting the pint, dropping it to the floor, letting the lady go as he raises his fist. “I’m going to enjoy this.” 
“You’re really going to punch a child mate? How low can you get?” A voice interjects, as a rather handsome young man walks over. The tall young man had short tousled red-brown hair, fetching blue eyes and light tanned skin. Dressed in a black long sleeved shirt, burgundy red long buckled coat with bright red accents, dark brown slacks and black boots. On his left hip, a wide looking sword was sheathed in solid black with gold accents. 
“Who the bloody hell are you? Bugger off!” 
“My name is of no importance. Just let him go.”
“Why the hell would I do that, a good beaten ought to teach about being respectful to his elders!” He looks away and aims for a punch.
The man scoffs, “As if you’re worth giving respect. The boy was just doing his job.” He steps forward and grabs the man’s fist in a hard grip as it nears the boy. “If you want respect, then earn it.” 
“Why you!” The man drops the boy and turns to punch the man who stopped him from giving the boy a lesson.
The man can’t help but roll his eyes with a sigh, “Oh for Heaven’s sake.” The drunk captain isn’t even able to reach him before he retaliates with a punch of his own, knocking the captain out cold. A satisfied grin falls upon his lips. The lady gasps before she quickly runs off after giving the man a quick thank you. The man turns to the boy. 
“Are you alright there boy?” 
The boy nods, looking up to the taller man who intervened. Why did he? He cannot help but wonder. Most people would've just ignored the ruckus and not bat an eye. “I’m alright. Thank you Mr…” 
“Sandoval, Quinn Sandoval. But please just call me Quinn.” He smiles down at the boy. “What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you boy now can I?” 
“No, I suppose not.” He replies with a light chuckle, “My name’s Remus. Remus Lupin. It’s nice to meet you, Quinn.”
“Well, Remus, it’s nice to meet you as well.” He looks down to the unconscious captain with an exasperated sigh, lightly kicking his leg. “Best take him back to his ship eh?” He looks at Remus with mirth in his eyes before he walks over to the captain’s head, grabbing ahold one of his arms before pulling him up. “Grab his other arm will you? Let’s take him back to his ship. Although I doubt he will be useful.”  
Remus nods quickly before he walks over to the other side, grabbing ahold of the other arm to help hold him up. “Doubt he will as well, to be frank.”
The pair carry the dunkard back to the docks without much strain. Aside from the occasional bump to the head. They walk up to the ship where the first mate sees them approaching, walking down the loading dock.
“What the bloody hell happened to him? I have been waitin’ here for hours boy!” The bulky man marches to Remus. His face red in anger. 
“Well rather difficult to track down a man with this many taverns in this town isn’t it?” Quinn says in defense, looking down to the unconscious man before continuing an explanation, “Your Captain got himself plastered and in a tavern fight. I had to help the boy carry him back.” He glances to Remus and gives him a conspiratorial wink.
The first mate begrudgingly orders two men from the crew to take the captain onboard. He looks to the boy with a scowl. “What are ye waitin’ for, get back to work!” 
Quinn frowns lightly as he looks to Remus. “You work the docks?” 
Remus fights the urge to flinch at the hard scowl under the first mate’s gaze. He looks to Quinn at his question before nodding. “I do.”
Quinn can only nod once slowly in understanding. He looks to the first mate, then to the docks, then to Remus before he smiles. “ Well not anymore.” 
Remus’ eyes widen as he looks quizzically to the man he had just met. “What?” 
“ What the bloody hell are you talkin’ about.” The first mate growls out.
Quinn ignores the man as he looks over the young boy. “Tell me honestly Remus, would you rather work the docks for men like him, or come with me to my captain’s ship and actually live your life without regrets.” He looks back to the docks and the wrecked ship the bulky man sent the drunk captain to doc. “I know what I’d chose. And it wouldn’t be a life with little to no rewards.” 
Remus looks out to the sea beyond the docked ships, watching the sun’s rays reflect upon the blue waking waters as he contemplates. This man hardly knows him, practically just met him about half an hour ago, and yet he’s offering him a chance to sail? A chance to leave this place? How can someone be this trusting? He looks back to Quinn with a skeptical look, “Why are you offering me this? You hardly know me. I could be a thief for all you know.” 
Quinn smiles. “ Because I like you, you have wit and you clearly are a hard worker. I have a good feeling about you.” He looks to the sea. “ So, what will it be, Remus? A life of servitude, or a life of freedom?” He looks back to Remus.
Remus cannot help but smile in return, “Freedom.”
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! It's been a while guys, welcome to chapter nine! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna (@ladynightmare913) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help!
Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Luna’s blog!
The included lore for this tale has been written under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander. As always it will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose while still having my own twist.
Here's the link to the previous chapter, and if you’ve missed any chapters here’s the link to the masterlist for this story. 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 9: The Escape
Remus was doing his best not to punch the pirate in the face, or at the very least refrain from tossing him into the open sea, which was a true testament to his restraint because the desire was overwhelming. Walking up to the deck, Sirius followed and Remus was praying to God for him to kindly shut up.
“I want to see him, who knows what you’ve done to him.”
“I already told you, he doesn’t wish to be anywhere near you, and I share his sentiment.” He looked at the pirate and for a moment, spotting pain in the other’s storm blue eyes.
But like a lightning strike, it was gone in a second. Sirius hardened his gaze once more.
“So you’ve been telling him lies then.” Sirius sneered.
Remus scoffed, “Contrary to the Captain’s reputation of being callous and merciless, he would never lay a hand on a child. He only took Regulus because he was treated worse than cattle.”
At that, Sirius had nothing further to say, what could he say when it was the truth?
An awkward silence followed the two like an anchor as the tawny-haired boy turned and continued walking on deck, the distant voice of a crewmember calling Remus for assistance. With a sigh, he turns to the ebony-haired boy.
“I have to go, but don’t do anything stupid.”
“What do you think I’m going to do? Sprout wings and fly away?” Sirius scoffed.
Remus rolls his eyes, giving a pointed look. “In this world? I wouldn’t put it past you.” He turns back around and walks off.
Sirius simply shook his head as the pompous tawny-haired boy walked off. He honestly couldn’t fathom why anyone would allow him on this ship. Then again, Sirius thought, it suited the infamous White Sea Serpent to have someone like him aboard his ship.
Pompous, the whole lot of them.
The crew were fine in his opinion, they minded their own business. Which probably explained why they were ignoring him as if he were the plague.
Deciding upon himself that he might as well look around, considering no one was really paying attention to him. He might even be lucky and find his brother. Motivated at the prospect of finding his lost brother, Sirius set out to search the entire ship. He went down to the kitchens, then to the cargo hold which, astonishingly, only had two barrels of wine and not a single barrel of rum.
There were many things Sirius could forgive, but not having rum was a crime he could never forgive. However, there was a ridiculous amount of white grain, labeled rice. And some strange red and green foul-smelling thing that made Sirius gag.
Next, Sirius decided to wander through the hallways of the cabins. Checking through the glass windows to peek inside, in the hopes of spotting his brother. At last, he reached a cabin door where a woman dressed in white sat in a rocking chair, holding two small boys, resting their heads close to her bosom, her eyes were closed and her lips were parted as she sang a soft lullaby that Sirius couldn’t hear through the door.
One of the boys was who Sirius had been searching for. Regulus was being rocked to sleep.
Regulus looked, in peace. His face had a healthy flush, his cheeks had rounded in only just a few days. His clothes were clean and he looked properly dressed. The woman in white, rocked gently, rubbing both of their backs.
Regulus shifted in his sleep, the woman gently lulled the child back into a deeper slumber, shifting to her arms to accommodate the changed positions so Regulus wouldn’t hurt his neck as he slept. The woman smiled as she continued her song, never once did she open her eyes.
Sirius couldn’t help but feel a pang of pain in his chest. Oh, how many times did he long for his mother to hold him as the woman in white did so for the boys, Sirius had lost count. Lost all hope of his mother ever giving them an ounce of affection.
And when Regulus was born, Sirius prayed that his mother would at least show affection to him. Instead, she treated them as nothing more than pests that she must learn to tolerate. Sirius tried to take to the brunt of their “discipline,” but there was only so much he could do as a young boy.
And as soon as Sirius was able, he escaped that hell hole. Leaving Regulus behind. He knew that what he did would only make things worse for Regulus, their mother would take it out on him, and Regulus wouldn’t have Sirius to take the brunt of it. Sirius cursed himself for being weak. Sirius had every intention of coming back for him, to give Regulus a better life. The tawny-haired boy’s words echo in his head.
“He only took Regulus because he was treated worse than cattle.”
Sirius wasn’t blind. Their mother never once loved them. Yet here was this woman, who was not Regulus’ mother, tenderly cradled him, sung him a soft lullaby, rocking him to sleep, as if he was her own, would make anyone think she loved Regulus.
And with how at peace Regulus looked, he might even love her as well. How cruel, for a mother to loathe her offspring, only for a stranger to show them affection and kindness. The boy was right, the captain of this ship didn’t kidnap Regulus, the captain saved him.
And just like before, Sirius came to a decision he thought was best. He will leave Regulus here. But this time, he was leaving Regulus in a place where he was clearly cared for and treated well. Regulus didn’t need him. With a heavy heart, Sirius turned away.
Back on deck, Sirius peered over the railing. He couldn’t swim back to shore, they were too far from land. But, he lamented. Spotting a lifeboat hanging by ropes. He could steal a boat.
Remus managed to finally resolve the problem the crewmate had been dealing with. Returning to the deck, his eyes scanned for the ebony-haired male. His eyes narrowing the longer he searched and still not finding the pirate.
“Captain!” A crewman called. Pointing towards the open sea, “The pirate is making a run for it!”
Of course, he would try to run. Only seemed to be about time. Rushing to the side of the ship, Remus glared at the jolly pirate, watching as his figure grew further from the ship.
He wasn’t even taking Regulus with him?! That good for nothing, pirate!
Captain Hua merely raised a brow, watching the pirate rowing away with an amused smirk. “How daring.”
“Been planning huh?” Opal chuckles as she stands against the base of a cargo net.
Quinn smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned forward on the railing. He looked at the greek woman. “Oh, this’ll be interesting to witness.”
“Shall we turn the ship?” The crewman asked.
“That won’t be necessary,” He looked to Remus, “Remus, please bring Brielle up on deck.”
Remus turned at Captain Hua’s request, nodding in confirmation. Briskly walking across the deck, he couldn't help but wonder why Sirius had decided to forgo his entire reason for ambushing the ship? Did he just not care about his brother anymore? Or had something happened for him to ultimately decide that perhaps Regulus was alright?
There was nothing he could decipher for himself, he muses, as he wouldn’t know the thoughts of the ebony-haired pirate. Or find answers for his theories. Sirius Black, the youngest pirate captain of their age. As infuriating and insufferable as he may be, there was more to him.
If what Brielle said was true, then perhaps there was more to Sirius Black than being a complete idiot.
This was the second time he considered the thought. But why? Standing at the base of the stairs below deck, brought him back to the matter at hand. He found himself at the door to Brielle’s room much sooner than he had anticipated.
Sirius couldn’t help but grin as he rowed farther away. He looked back to the ship, the captain, the first mate, and the tawny-haired boy were all watching him. He was over surprised that they weren’t turning the ship around.
Oh well, more time for him to get farther away.
He heard a loud splash behind him, they’re probably sending another lifeboat out to catch him, he assumes, chuckling to himself. There was no way they could catch him from this distance unless they used the ship.
The boat lurched. Rocking Sirius sharply, causing him to drop the oars. Sirius looked around the small boat, he didn’t see anything, did he hit something? The boat rocked again. Sirius looked back to the ship, and from what he could tell, more people had gathered to watch him. The crew seemed to be laughing. As if they knew something he didn’t.
The boat was rocked nearly capsized this time, Sirius gripped the sides of the tiny boat in panic. His eyes searched everywhere, was he closer to land than he expected? Did he hit a rockbed? A coral reef? Just what exactly did he hit?
Or, did something hit him?
There, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of white. But it was gone when he turned his head. His breath hitched as he saw a clawed hand grip the front of the boat, pulling it into the water. Sirius backed up, gripping the boat for dear life. Whatever it was, it was clearly strong.
The hand sunk into the water just as the front of the boat, ahead rose from the water. Sirius could hear his heart pounding.
“Oh hell, don’t tell me you’re part of that lot too!” Sirius found himself shouting.
The head had dark hair, pale skin, and two slitted eyes with finned ears, the head opened its cursed mouth, revealing a row of pearly white fangs. Sirius most certainly, did not scream.
The head then dared to smile like a mad man, then dove underwater. The boat shot upwards back towards the surface. Then it started to move, a rope pulling it along, as the thing pulled the rope.
The boat moved fast, then it started gaining speed. In just a few moments, Sirius was already within swimming distance of the ship. He started to panic that the thing pulling his small boat was going to make him crash. At the last possible second, the boat came to an abrupt halt, sending Sirius forward.
The crew on the ship laughed at the haggard sight of the pirate.
“So kind of you to join us again Mr. Black.” Captain Hua spoke. “Did you have a nice swim?”
At that, the head dived down, its scaly tail sending a splash right at him. He was soaked.
Sirius couldn’t be certain, but he swears that he saw a gleam in the captain’s eye. “Who are you?” Sirius couldn’t help but ask. He was no fool, that creature definitely belonged to the insane captain with the accursed sword.
“A man of many talents.” Was all the captain said.
The pirate was pulled back aboard the ship, the crew members took in the sight of the soaked pirate before returning to their posts. The first mate threw a blanket at the pirate to dry off. The tawny-haired boy had returned, a small smile on his face from when he tried to contain his laughter.
Remus looked to the pirate after a minute for composure, shaking his head in exasperation. It was rather a hilarious sight, and once again this was a new record towards Sirius’ idiocy.
Quinn completely found the scene amusing, his smirk still clearly evident upon his face.
The sound of dripping water caught Sirius's ear, turning, he saw the hideous head that dragged him back to this awful ship pulled aboard, The head then started to sprout bloody human-looking legs from its tail! The finny fish-like traits vanishing before his eyes, the captain wrapping a blanket around it.
Sirius’ eyes widened, it was the woman in white! The one who tended to Regulus!
The woman, no, the monstrous head, looked to him. She made a mock gasp, her eyes widening. “You!” She responded. A wide grin on her face. Her teeth the same shade of pearly white.
“I take it you had your fun?” The captain eyed the head.
If it weren’t for the fact of what Sirius just went through, he would have called the woman handsome.
“I was only teasing.” The head answered the captain, who only shook his head in amusement.
Sirius decided right there. He did not like her. Nope. Not one bit.
The captain led the head back to wherever it was they were heading to. Sirius turned to Remus when he saw the tawny-haired boy approach.
“You let that thing near the children?”
“I see that you have been sneaking around. And the children are safest with her. Not to mention they love her. Everyone loves Brielle.”
“I don’t love her. In fact, I dare say I hate her.”
“Well, that’s a personal problem then, not mine. And why is that? Might I ask?” Remus tilts his head in mock curiosity. “Is it because she takes better care of your brother than you and she’s not even the same species?”
At that Sirius, only glared, he turned away.
“Remus.” The captain called from his post on the helm. “You have a slippery one on your hands, don’t you?”
“It would appear so captain. I can’t take my eyes off him for a moment.”
The captain nodded, then reached for his sword. Untying it from his belt, then tossed Remus the dark green sword.
Remus caught the hilt and sheath of the sword with careful hands, looking down to the golden snake that could quite simply kill him in one bite. Then he looks back to the captain with a questioning look, “Are you sure?”
“Perhaps it will give Mr. Black the incentive to behave himself.” Captain Hua gave Sirius a knowing glance before he looked back to Remus. “Besides, he missed you.”
With nothing further to add, the Captain turned away.
Sirius looked to the tawny-haired boy. “Who?”
Remus simply held out the sword towards Sirius, a smirk on his lips. Sirius instantly backed up when Remus brought the accursed sword closer to him. “Dúi hǎi.”
Sirius knew that sword, he remembered it quite well, and would kindly prefer to be as far away from it as possible thank you. He did not wish to be bitten again. But up close, Sirius reluctantly had to admire the sword.
It was a wide sword with a dark forest green sheath with gold accents that looked coral. The hilt of the sword had a metallic gold snake, with emerald gemstones for eyes. It blinked, Sirius backed away.
The tiny gold snake came to life, hissing softly as it moved towards the boys' hand. Sirius’ blood froze. Was it going to bite him?
The gold snake slithered up Remus’ hand, then coiled its cold metallic body around his wrist. It looked to Remus for a moment, flicking its tongue. Remus only smiled at the tiny deadly snake.
These people are insane, thought Sirius.
As if reading his thoughts, the gold snake turned to Sirius and hissed loudly. Sirius didn’t need to be told to stay away from that thing.
The snake looked smug. If that were somehow possible? Remus chuckled at Dúi hǎi’s antics. “I think he gets the message Dúi hǎi.”
Satisfied with terrifying the pirate, the snake hissed softly. Then winked at Sirius. These people were most certainly insane. The snake rested its head on the back of Remus’ hand and became inanimate once more. Its emerald eyes shimmering brightly with the rays of the sun.
“That is not a normal sword.”
“Thank you for stating the obvious.”
Previous chapter: Captain Hua
Masterlist: Secrets of the Darkened Seas
Moodboards: SOTDS, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Quinn Sandoval
Tag List: (Let me know if you wish to be added!)
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ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter 10! I know it has been a long while but, reality got in the way. As always, I would like to give a big thank you to my best friend Olivia ( @asunshinepuff ) for inviting me to help her bring this world to life.
Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Olivia’s blog!
As always there is mermaid lore hidden with the story. The included lore for this tale has been written under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander. As always it will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose while putting our own twist.
Don't forget to send me an ask if you have any questions or comments about the story or its characters, or if you simply want to say hello!
Now without further ado,
Chapter 10: Dúi hǎi and Shou
Sirius glared at the snake, which was currently a bracelet on Remus’ hand. “How come it doesn’t bite you?” His eyes never leaving the gold snake.
Remus shrugged nonchalantly, unperturbed as he leaned against the lower walls of the quarterdeck. “He likes me.” He continues looking over his notes in a worn leather notebook.
“What do you mean he, it’s a sword, pretty sure it doesn’t need pronouns.” Sirius had been tasked with tying knots, eyeing Remus opening with contempt.
“And yet we call ships, she.”
“That’s different, you’re talking about a sword as if it can understand what you’re saying.”
Remus glances up for a brief moment, an unreadable expression upon his face as he considers his answer. “Because he can.”
Sirius pauses, “How?” He raises a skeptic's brow. Remus doesn’t respond, ignoring him in favor of continuing his work in the book. Sirius simply rolled his eyes, continuing to tie the knots.
Remus continued to have Sirius work on the ship for many hours. Sirius was not let out of Remus’ sight. And at small moments, Sirius would hear a soft humming sound. As if metal was vibrating. Sirius would look around to try to see where the humming was coming from, but no one seemed to notice.
And every time Sirius focused to find the source of the humming, it would stop. Oddly enough, Remus chuckled to himself softly throughout the day. Insane, Sirius thought as he was sent to retire for the night. Remus threatened another full day of work the next morning. He was definitely insane.
The next day, Remus was once again immersed in his work with that worn leather book of his. Sirius continued to work, mopping the deck under the beating sun. Then the humming returned. He ignored it at first. But as the day drew on, he noticed that it only seemed clearer to hear whenever he was nearby Remus.
“Are you humming?” Sirius prompted.
“No.” Remus look strained as if it physically wounded him to dignify Sirius with a response to such a stupid question. So Sirius carried on. Until he couldn’t take it more.
“What is that incessant humming?! It sounds like ringing metal!” Sirius cried out, searching for any possible source of what that horrid humming was.
Remus froze at the words, finally looking up to Sirius. “Wait… you can hear it?”
“I’ve been hearing it for nearly two days!” Sirius retorted with a dramatic turn of his head.
“I thought it was dramatics,” Remus replied simply.
“Please tell me you hear it too.” Sirius ran a hand through his black locks. “Otherwise, I think I still have some of that thing’s,” he pointed to the gold snake on Remus’ wrist, “venom in my veins.”
“Yes, though not humming, it’s words.” Remus closes the book, placing his quill as a marker in his place. He wouldn’t dare fold the pages of the journal. “There’s no venom.”
Sirius stared at the tawny-haired boy dubiously. “What? What do you mean, it’s words?”
“More a song really.” He continued as if the ebony-haired pirate had never spoken.
Sirius raises a quizzical brow, “Alright, I’ll bite. Who is singing?”
Remus gave the man a pointed look, growing bothered at the simple conversation, “Dúi hǎi.”
Sirius stared unblinkingly. “You’re joking. A sword?”
“Why would I joke? Over humming?”
“Why would a sword sing?” Sirius countered.
“It can’t physically speak to us, so it makes a near-silent song.” A male voice replies.
Sirius turned to the helm, the First Mate was resting his arms on the railing, his legs crossed, a wide grin on his face.
“And not everyone can hear it. Which is why Remus thought you were merely jesting.” Quinn explained.
Sirius’ eyes flickered as he looked between the two. “Can you hear the humming then?”
Quinn nods in reply, “I can. Though it’s a bit different for me, I had to train in order to hear it. It’s a process, but since then, I hear the sword’s song.” He glances down to Remus, “Remus had to train as well.”
“So why can I hear it?” Sirius frowned.
Quinn smiled. “Because you were bitten by Dúi hǎi. Its venom ran the course through your veins, as you so kindly pointed out earlier, it increased your exposure to the sword’s properties rather quickly.”
Sirius glared at the snake. Dúi hǎi took it upon himself to come alive and hiss at the pirate in retaliation.
Quinn tilted his head as he tsked. “Dúi hǎi, be nice. Your venom is very potent you know.”
The snake simply hissed, Quinn stuck his tongue out with a low chuckle. Sirius couldn’t help but watch the interaction with awe and mild horror.
Remus watched silently, amused at the interaction. A small smile upon his face as he watched the little snake.
“It can actually understand you…” Sirius spoke lowly. Disbelief and amazement on his face.
Quinn looked back to the pirate. “He is alive, so of course he can.”
“A language, like an actual living language that people learn and understand?”
Quinn smiled once more. “Well, it’s more like a melodious tune. There are no actual words in the Language of the Spirit Swords.” He chuckled at that. “It was a pain to learn.”
“The sword is alive, it has a spirit. And they are very aware and in tune with their environment. Dúi hǎi is the spirit of the sword. He was born when he was forged but named by his master. My sword is the same.”
Quinn reached for the sword at his side, brushing his fingertips across the hilt. A hum reached their ears. Sirius’ eyes widened.
“How does one come across a sword like yours?” Sirius found himself asking.
Quinn clicks his tongue, tilting his head side to side, contemplating his answer. “It’s a complicated answer. You usually don’t find a sword like ours. Not to mention they could reject you as their master.”
“Oh, there are many reasons. Personalities don’t match. The swordmaster could be cruel. They could physically harm a sword— and yes, you can harm a sword. Sword and master could reject each other. The sword could even be picky. Shou, my own sword is picky about everything.” Quinn paused. “It’s a lot like choosing a horse really.” He chuckled.
Shou, a wide sword with a solid black sheath adorned in gold accents, hummed loudly. Quinn winced a bit but otherwise ignored it. Remus also winced.
The hilt of the sword had red and black cross stitching etched the smooth grip. In the center handle, there was a small lion’s head, engraved in gold, much like the snake of Dúi hǎi.
Sirius simply continued to watch in astonishment, his lips parted. He simply couldn’t believe it.
“Shou and Dúi hǎi were forged for us, to fit our personalities. But even then, it does not guarantee the sword will accept you.”
Sirius found himself nodding as if he were a student. For once in his entire life, Sirius was behaving like a diligent apprentice. Remus stared at Sirius with perplexity. He has never seen the pirate this quiet for so long. Quinn looked between the two teens with a knowing grin.
“Well, I think that’s enough for today’s lesson class. You’re dismissed.” He chuckles. Leaving the two teens to their own devices.
Remus nodded his head in acknowledgment as Quinn left them. Sirius carried on with his task of mopping the deck. Silently.
As the day turned to night, Remus looked at the rising moon, noting that it was nearly full.
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! Welcome to chapter five! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna ( @epithymiahua ) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help! She’s incredible and deserves so much credit for working on this alongside me cause she works so hard. And I feel horrible that she isn’t getting the credit deserves. Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Luna’s blog! 
This chapter features a mention of poisoning, it’s quite brief and only about paragraph but nonetheless here’s your warning. Also, if you have any questions about swords and the reasoning behind Min-Jun’s sword having a name, feel free to ask Luna on her blog, she is great at explaining the lore behind it all and very patient to help you understand. 
As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. There are very subtle mentions of lore within the previous chapters so perhaps read back and see if you can catch it. 
Under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander, the included lore on different types of merfolk will as always, be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We will not take credit for its writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out!
Also! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so that you don’t miss a new chapter! Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy!
If you’ve missed any chapters here’s the link to the masterlist for this story Secrets of the Darkened Seas 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 5: The Sea Serpent’s Venom
Everything happened in a span of mere seconds. Regulus and Tadase both woke up in fear, the crew claimed their weapons, the boys were pulled away by Opal and hidden away, Remus drew his sword, Sirius’ sword clanged against his, and the invading pirates boarded the Dragon’s Pearl. 
Remus glared at the offending man, he stepped back when other pirates began to draw closer. One of the pirates stood next to Sirius Black. He was lean and tall, he wore round spectacles, light skin, the most unruly black hair Remus had ever seen, and a sword at the ready. 
Remus blocked the first to his head, retaliating by swinging his sword. The pirate in spectacles charged at Quinn, who only smirked in response. Easily dancing around the younger pirate, disarming him rather quickly by grabbing the spectacles of the pirate. The man yelled out in surprise, shouting at the unfairness of it all. 
Another pirate, this time a woman with bright green eyes and fiery red hair, charged after Opal. Having just joined the fray, she quickly blocked a blow to her side. She was not amused, nor did she want to deal with practical children, minus Remus of course, trying to steal their ship.
“Where is he?!” Sirius snarled out, his sword pressed against Remus’.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” He snapped in return. Pushing his sword down against the Black.
“Don’t play coy, I know your captain kidnapped my brother!” Sirius pulled his sword free and twirled it with his wrist. “Kidnapped?! My captain practically saved him!” Remus widened his stance, putting the hilt of his sword to his chest.
Sirius didn’t even bother to respond to that, only frowning at the answer Remus gave him. He surged forward again, aiming for Remus’ torso. He blocked and began to advance while Sirius began to retreat to the stairs. He was heading for the Captain’s quarters. In a moment of quick thinking, Remus threw his sword. Sirius found himself pinned to the wall- Remus’ sword piercing his sleeve to the wood of the railing.
Sirius tugged his wrist, trying to pull free, he glared at Remus who only offered a smirk in return. His expression falters at the sight of a young lanky man with dusty blonde hair and grey eyes. The young man’s eyes darted around nervously, he quickly ran towards Sirius, handing the object in his arms to him. 
It was Min-Jun’s sword, the one with a dark green sheath with gold accents. Dú hǎi. Remus paled. The lanky boy had snuck into the Captain’s quarters. Sirius smirked, taking the hilt of the sword.
The crew of the Dragon’s Pearl paused, watching Sirius. With all of the attention on him, Sirius spoke. 
“I’ll be taking over this ship, unless you hand over Regulus Black. If you don’t, I’ll have the Dragon’s Pearl kill you all.” The crew merely looked at the Black in confusion.  
Sirius frowns, he lifts the sword up for the crew to see. “See this! This sword controls the ship, and I hold the sword.” 
Remus looked to Quinn, an intense desire to wring the young Black’s neck was clear upon his face. Quinn merely shook his head, sheathing his sword, and leaned against the railing. Remus only looked at Sirius as if he was watching a child wave a stick and calling it a magic wand.  
Sirius’ brows frowned further into frustration at the lack of a response from the crew, in anger, he pulls the sword from its sheath. Instantly dropping the sword, blood dripping to the deck. Sirius clutched his hand tightly, a tiny metallic gold snake with emerald eyes wrapped its body around Sirius’ wrist, its fangs piercing the skin. 
The metallic gold snake released its fangs, leaving two puncture holes, uncoiling its body, and it fell to the floor. Then slithered its way to the hilt of the sword where it fits perfectly to the deep grooves of the metal hilt that had appeared to have lost a large piece. The snake froze and became inanimate once more. Its emerald eyes shimmering. 
Sirius looked to Remus and Quinn. His vision began to fog up around the edges, his mind felt heavy. “What did you do to me? What is that sword?!”
“Us? We’ve done nothing.” Quinn replied with a shrug.
Remus sheathed his sword and walked forward. His expression was neutral as the crew began to drive out the remaining pirates who had grown in fear at the sight of the sword’s snake coming to life. “That sword, is called Dú hǎi.” 
Sirius fell to his knees, he looked up to Remus. “What the bloody hell does that have to do with anything?!” 
Remus remains passive. “Dú hǎi translates to Venomous Sea.” He crouched down next to the pirate. “You were bitten by the spirit of the sword, and now have its venom running in your veins.” 
The pirate glared at Remus. “Give me the antidote!” 
“I don’t have it, only the White Sea Serpent has it,” Remus answered calmly.  
Sirius froze, he had heard that title before. The White Sea Serpent was a man who had vanquished many pirates and had a magical sword that only served one master. “Who is he?! Where can I find him to give me the antidote!?” 
“He’s my captain,” Remus smirked. “Captain Min-Jun Hua. And I doubt he would give someone like you the antidote. He doesn’t take too kindly to trespassers on his ship.”  
Sirius struggled to keep his eyes open, his heart began to slow, he fell to his side. Quinn walked forward. 
“You got bitten by the White Sea Serpent mate. You’ll become legendary if you survive. Which you won’t since its venom is hell without the antidote.” He leans down to grin at the pirate. “You’d best start praying my captain returns soon, eh?”  
Sirius couldn’t respond, he fell unconscious. Quinn tsks, shaking his head. He stood, “Take him to the infirmary, make sure he stays alive long enough for Min-Jun to arrive.” 
The crew gets to work. Remus watches them drag Sirius away, his arms crossed. “Defeated by the captain’s sword when the captain was nowhere in sight. What a terrible way to die. He doesn’t even have the honor to die with the captain present. How tragic.” 
“Well, now you know how it looks in person. This is why no one has managed to take the ship.” Quinn adds, he grabs the fallen sword, speaking quietly to it. A small hiss answers in return, Quinn resheaths the sword.  
“I’ll go check on the children. They got quite the scare.” Remus offered. He personally wanted to make sure the children weren’t harmed during the fight. 
“Alright, try to get some sleep,” Quinn adds as he looks to the ship that was sailing away. “His own crew left him, not that I blame them. They wouldn’t even be able to help him.” Quinn turned to the infirmary. Dú hǎi in his hand. 
When Remus joined the children, Brielle had taken to hiding Regulus as well. She snarled when the cabin door opened, but stopped when she saw that it was Remus. 
“How are they?” Remus asked softly, kneeling on the ground. The mermaid had not spoken once, but it was clear she could understand them. The mermaid only communicated with Remus telepathically, but even then Remus still struggled to understand the complex mer language. 
Brielle simply looked to her right, the children were huddled under a blanket. She looked back to Remus, her eyes turning silver as she spoke to Remus telepathically.
Remus instantly raised his hands to try to stop her, his head shaking. “Alright, I understand. Please stop doing that, it feels so loud my head might burst.” He looks to Brielle who’s shoulders slumped. He sighs. “At least until I know about your language.” 
Brielle looks away, her hair falling over her shoulder. Remus turned his attention to the blanket, lifting it up a tad to peek at the children underneath. Two pairs of wide eyes stared back at him. Remus couldn’t help but smile. 
“Are you both alright?” The boys nod. Tadase crawls out from the blanket, curling up to the older mer’s side. Purring contentedly. Regulus crawled out as well, hesitantly watching the two mers interact, it looked like he wanted comfort too.  
Without warning, Remus pulled Regulus onto his lap, hugging him tightly. Regulus struggled to pull himself free, but gradually came to a stop. The child’s shoulders began to shake, before he began to sob. 
Remus only rubbed his back in an attempt to soothe him. A sigh leaving his lips, he was angry. Regulus had been so small and thin, he hadn’t spoken a single word for nearly all four days. Only flinching whenever someone mentioned the Blacks. What had they done to him?
“He feels abandoned.” Remus snapped his head up, eyes wide as he looked to the mermaid. She had spoken. In english!
Brielle looked undisturbed with her sudden ability to speak. She watched the boy closely. “I feel, loneliness from him. He feels abandoned.” 
Remus frowned. He wasn’t surprised. The Blacks all but unloved the frail boy in his arms. Regulus was neglected for so long, it must have felt like rejection and abandonment. Brielle tilts her head, the mer child in her arms has fallen asleep. Gently, she places Tadase down beside her. She turns to Remus, her arms stretched, reaching for Regulus. 
“I’ll sing. To help him sleep. No more nightmares.” 
Remus’ eyes widened in surprise. “Mermaid’s can be rid of nightmares?” 
Brielle nodded. “Mothers do, for their babies. I will do it for him.” She pulls the boy into her arms, her clawed hands were so gentle, it amazed Remus how such a fierce creature could become so gentle and tender to others. He had much to learn about his fellow mers it seemed. 
Once settled comfortably upon her lap, Brielle began to sing. And her lullaby soothed out the frown on his face, falling deep into sleep. Tadase curled closer to her. Her lullaby seemed to calm the rage within Remus’ own mind, and all the crew slept well for the first time in days. Even Sirius Black who was fighting for his life, the pain seemed to dull. 
Her song reached everyone aboard the Dragon’s Pearl.
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ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter 6! I would like to say a special thank you to my best friend and co-author Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​ ) for inviting me to work on this story with her. As you may have noticed, we have decided to change on how we release the chapters of our story. We will be alternating from my blog to @asunshinepuff​‘s blog. 
These chapters contain many original characters created by Olivia and myself. All credit for our creations goes to each other for our respective characters because we have both worked so hard to bring these character to life and I would never dare to take credit for any of Olivia’s characters. 
As always there is mermaid lore hidden within the storyline. The included lore on different types of merfolk will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We are taking no credit for her work. The different types of mermaids will be explained later so don’t worry. We have also taken the liberty of creating some of own original types of merfolk.
Now without further adieu!
Chapter 6: The Return of the White Sea Serpent
Min-Jun glared at the sleeping form of Sirius Black. He had returned to the ship in the dead of night, Quinn, Opal and Remus all quickly rushed to explain what had occurred earlier that night. And now, they waited for the Captain’s Verdict. 
“Let’s just throw him overboard.” Remus suggests simply. His arms were crossed as he glared at the unconscious man. 
“To throw him overboard would require him to be alive, Remus.” Min-Jun spoke.  
“He doesn’t have to be.” Remus smiled. 
Min-Jun shook his head in amusement with his young ward. He looked back to Sirius. 
“No, he came looking for his young brother.” He stood from his seat, looking to Remus and Quinn. “I will give him the antidote, I wish to question him. He may be the key to finally be rid of those Black Pirates.”  
“I agree.” Quinn replied with a curt nod. “We should keep an eye on him though, if he came here solely for Regulus, he might attempt to kidnap his brother himself.” He continued, leaning against the wooden wall of the infirmary.
“Tha ítan anóito na apagágei ton aderfó tou.” Would be foolish to abduct his brother. Opal mumbled under her breath, prompting Quinn to give her a look with raised eyebrows. Really?
“And that task falls to you, Remus.” Min-Jun looked at the younger man. “He will be under your care. Do your best not to strangle him.” Without another word, the Captain reached into his coat, pulling a small thin vial from his pocket. He pried Sirius’ jaw  open, poured the contents into his mouth, and rubbed his neck to force Sirius to swallow. 
“It will take some time before it starts taking effect. He should be fine at noon later today.”  
With nothing else left to say, the captain left them to it. 
Remus was not happy with being on babysitting duty. He didn’t mind watching Regulus and Tadase because they were actual children, not an annoying over egotistical adult. Tadase and Regulus were sweet boys, Sirius just made Remus want to smash his face with a hammer.  So in order to calm himself, Remus went in search of the boys because they always somehow managed to calm him down. 
“Your brother is here Regulus,” Remus spoke softly. Tadase rested in his lap, playing with the tassel on the hilt of his sword. Remus looked at Regulus, the boy tensed up. 
“...” Regulus lowered his head down, avoiding Remus’ eyes.  
“Do you want to see-”
“NO!” Regulus shouted. Tadase startled, covering his ears at the older child’s scream.
Remus gawked back at the boy, frowning lightly. “Regulus, don’t shout. You startled Tadase.” 
Chastised, Regulus looked down to his lap. Remus sighed softly pausing for a brief moment, “Alright, if he asks to see you, I’ll keep him away.”
“He knows I’m here?” Regulus’ eyes widen like discs.  
“He came here for you.” Remus replied with a nod.
“...why?” Regulus frowned as if he had eaten something sour. 
“Because he loves you.”
Regulus snapped his head to Brielle, Remus also looked to the older mermaid, she was sitting on a chair, her lessons in walking were slow but steady. Her black hair had been tied into a braid by Opal, she wore a simple flowy blue dress, her feet were covered in flats with lace tied around her ankles. Her dark eyes watched Regulus’ stormy blue ones. 
“No he doesn’t,” Regulus glared, “He left me alone…” 
Brielle tilted her head, her eyes shifted to silver. “Sometimes, people have to leave… but they come back. And he does love you.”  
“How do you know? You never even met him.” Brielle smiled, as if she knew a secret Regulus didn’t. She montined her hand for Regulus to come closer. “I do know, do you want to know how?” 
Regulus eyed her skeptically, eventually the young boy nodded his head. He walked over to the mermaid. She easily lifted the boy to her lap. Her silver eyes only seemed to intensify. Slowly, her clawed hands inched toward the sides of his face. 
“Because Sirius and I are the same.” 
Regulus frowned. “No, you're nice, Sirius is mean.” 
Brielle shook her, gently she pulled Regulus’ head to her chest, “Listen.”
Regulus was confused for a moment before he heard the tell tale sound of a heart beat. “Your heart?” 
Brielle smiled, gently pulling him back to look at his eyes. “Sirius and I, share the same heart.” 
Regulus frowned, “I don’t understand.” 
Brielle only smiled, “We love the same. We are first borns, and we love our younger siblings fiercely.”
“No, he left me!” 
“I leave Tadase to hunt, our mother was not kind, our father was killed by our mother. Tadase had no mother, so I became what he needed.” She rubbed Regulus’ head gently. “Sirius is young, very young, he could not raise you yet, so he left. But his heart never left you.”  
“Why did he leave me?” Regulus’ eyes began to water. 
Brielle pulled him into another hug. “Because sometimes, older siblings are not strong enough to protect their siblings, Sirius knew this. So he left to get stronger, so he could come back for you and raise you. Because he loves you.” 
Regulus wasn’t entirely convinced. “... But how do you know?” 
“Because I did the very same.” Regulus pulled back, his face angry. “Why?! Why did you leave Tadase?!” 
“Our mother is powerful, and I was still too young, but I came back. Because if I didn’t he would not survive. Our mother does not love us.” Brielle responded patiently. 
“Why did your mama not love you?” He questioned.
“Maybe because mother and father were different species, maybe because we looked like our father more. I do not know.”  
Regulus looked down, biting his lip. “That sounds like Mama… and Papa…they don’t like Sirius… or me…” He rubbed his eyes, sobbing as he looked up to the mermaid. “Why, why do they not love us?” 
Brielle’s gaze only softened. “Some cannot love, but Sirius and I, we have so much love to give to our brothers,” She paused, brushing his hair back, “Tadase forgave me, and he is safe in my love,” she tilted Regulus’ chin up, “Forgive your brother, and you will feel just how much love he has to give. He will never leave you again.” 
Regulus wailed, his shoulder shook as he sobbed harshly, Brielle simply rubbed his back as she sang her lullaby for the boys. 
Remus watched in silent study. He knew mermaids were in tune with the emotions of others. And if what Brielle said was true, then perhaps there was more to Sirius Black than being a complete idiot. After listening to the lullaby for a few minutes, Remus left the boys with Brielle as he went back to check on Sirius, only to find the raging idiot shouting at the crew demanding for his brother. 
Sirius somehow had gotten a hold of a sword and was holding one of the crew hostage. “I want to see Regulus!” His skin had returned to a healthy pale tone, his eyes were focused and his strength clearly returned. 
Remus felt a headache coming on. A big one. He sighs, “If you think holding one of my crewmates hostage is a good tact to see your brother, you are a bigger fool than I thought.”
Sirius glared. “You, who do you think you are keeping my brother away from me?” 
“Who do I think I am? Someone who cares about your brother despite only knowing the boy for nearly a week.” He simply retorts.
“Oh like I am supposed to believe that. The Blacks have been chased after by the navy for years, you really think I’m going to believe you’re not holding him for leverage, or for a reward?” Sirius glared.  
Remus glared in return, “You should be thankful you’re even alive. That poison is fast acting. I’d mind your words.”
Sirius gave a humorless laugh, “Oh like I’d expect you to understand. I would travel to the pits of hell for him.” He pressed the blade closer to the crew man’s neck. “Where is he?” 
Before Remus could retort, a melodious song reached their ears. The crew men's eyes began to droop, falling into a trance. 
Quinn stumbled, his hand reaching for the railing to keep himself upright, Opal slowly lowered to the ground, Sirius’ grip on the dagger loosened, falling to the deck. 
Remus blinked in confusion, he turned to the source of the song and saw Brielle standing on deck, holding onto the wall to steady herself, she was singing everyone to sleep. 
Sirius collapsed, Quinn fell unconscious. Opal layed down and fell asleep on a bag of rice. Brielle walked closer to Remus, who remained unaffected since he was a mer as well.  
Min-Jun walked towards him, glaring at Brielle. “Could you not?” 
Brielle eyed Min-Jun in puzzlement, but did stop her song. Min-Jun walked to Sirius. Remus only watched Min-Jun in bewilderment. 
Why hadn’t the song affected The Captain of the Dragon’s Pearl?
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@whataboutmyfries​ @sunflowerfox87​ @spookypotato​ @wonder-womans-ex​
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! Welcome to chapter two! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna ( @epithymiahua​ ) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help!
She’s incredible and deserves so much credit for working on this alongside me cause she works so hard. And I feel horrible that she isn’t getting the credit deserves. Especially since this chapter includes her own oc! All credit for his creation goes to her because she’s worked so hard to create him!
As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however it will be explained over time so no worries. There’s no mention of lore for right now.
The Included lore on different types of merfolk will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. I will not take credit for it’s writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out!
Also! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so that you don’t miss a new chapter!
Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy! 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 2: The Dragon’s Pearl
The man and the young boy made their way to the far side of the docks, the sun was beginning to make it’s descent to the sea. The water rippled below the hull of ships, anchors being lowered or weighing anchors to begin their sails back at sea. Some of the townspeople were making their trek home. Quinn and Remus approach the ship that Remus had seen earlier in the day from a distance. 
But up close, it was truly a sight to behold. The masts that were open, were a starking white, the wooden haul a rich brown mahogany, spotless with not a barnacle in sight. The railings were painted gold like the sun, freshly polished and not a splinter out of place. The bow had a golden nautical figurehead of a creature that Remus had never seen before. With a long serpentine body fully covered in scales, and large horns protruding from its head. A white spherical object clutched in one of its clawed hands. It’s jaws open as if to strike.
Remus’ eyes widened as he gazed upon the ship he had studied earlier. Glancing at Quinn, he couldn’t help but ask, “How has no one tried to steal this ship?”
Quinn chuckles, “Oh they’ve tried, but never got very far. My brother, the captain, is a force of his own that is not to be reckoned with.” He says with a smile. At Remus’ growing concerned face he quickly adds on, “Don’t worry. He might seem a bit… well, rather cold at first. To put it lightly. But he’s not a bad man.”
“How far have they gotten?”
Quinn muses for a moment in silence, as they make their way up the loading dock to the ship’s deck, thinking of the many times pirates - including the Blacks - have tried to take over the ship. “Never past deck.” He smiles at the crewmen preparing to sail as he stands in the middle of all their work. “Anyone seen the Captain?” 
“Last we saw him, he threw Ethan overboard.” A sailor responded courtly. He was dressed in black pants and boots, a white shirt, and a gold sash around his waist. 
Quinn looks to the sailor in bewilderment, “Again? What is that, the fifth time now?”
“Seventh actually, Ethan told the joke about the donkey.” 
“I told him not to do that.” He shakes his head with an exasperated sigh. “Never learns does he?”
A young man with short curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin was soaked to the bone in water as he marched back up to the ship. He looks to Quinn.   
“Don’t look at me like that, I told you not to tell that joke. You’ve brought this upon yourself.” The young man rubs his necks as he walks below deck to change. Quinn shakes his head before he turns to Remus as he claps his hands and rubs them together. “It’s harmless really.” The man groans in pain, as if to contradict Quinn. “Eh, mostly.” 
Remus watches the man in pain walk below the deck with widened eyes. He looks back to Quinn and the sailor, “Does that happen often?”
Quinn tilts his head back and forth with his arms crossed, “I’d like to tell you no, to ease you, but that’d be a lie. It happens on more than one occasion, though less often than you’d think.” He chuckles under his breath, “Now come along. I think it’s time to introduce you.” He then turns behind him and just smiles. “Hello, Min-Jun.”
Remus turns to follow, and nearly jumps in surprise. Lo and behold, said Captain was standing right behind them. The Captain was a tall young Asian man, around the age of twenty-one, with an expressionless face, had short straight black hair with part bangs, fair skin, and dark eyes. He was dressed in a well-tailored black coat with a dark forest green vest on top of a white shirt, black pants, and boots. At his hip was a wide sword with a dark forest green sheath with gold accents. 
“Quinn.” He says in a deep monotone. His posture was as straight at a board, his hand at his side, his left hand on the hilt of his sword. His gaze lowers to the boy beside Quinn, narrowing a fraction before he looks to Quinn. “You were at the Taverns again weren’t you?”  
“I will neither confirm nor deny.” 
“So that’s a yes.” A brow rises ever so slightly before it’s gone in the blink of an eye. The captain turned his head slightly to look over the boy. “Apologies for any idiotic schemes my First mate may have dragged you into. He is not the brightest, but his heart is in the right place. Usually. He has the unfortunate ailment of defying gravity. I once caught him upside down on the masts so there’s that.”
“And who put me there Min-Jun? Cause it certainly wasn’t me. I may do many schemes you might consider idiotic-”
“Because they are.”  His head leans to look at Quinn in a bored expression but his eyes held amusement. 
Quinn raises his eyebrows, giving a pointed look before continuing, “But I wouldn’t do that out of my own volition!’
The captain simply looks away, fully content to ignore the auburn-haired man. “I am Min-Jun Hua. The crew calls me Captain Hua. What is your name?” He looks back towards Remus. 
Remus was silent during the whole exchange, internally studying the interaction closely. He was uncertain whether the Captain and First Mate actually got along or if they hated each other, however, he caught the amusement in his eyes within their banter. They did get along. It was as if they were teasing each other. Maybe they actually did consider each other siblings. He noted with his own amusement now that his initial caution has about this new Captain has diminished. They’re so very different. How did they become companions?
“My name is Remus Lupin, Captain,” Remus replies with a curt nod, as he was trying to contain his nerves and seem content in the situation. He was uncertain if it was effective or not, but he seemed to take comfort in the fact that Quinn was so relaxed with the man.
Captain Hua says nothing for a long while as he stares silently at Remus. Completely motionless for what seemed to Remus, eternity, before the Asian finally looked like he took a breath. The Captain turned his gaze to his First mate. “He’ll be under your care for the meantime. Have him bathed, dressed, and fed before you send him to bed for the night. Tomorrow he can begin.” The captain says nothing more before he looks to Remus once again. “Welcome aboard the Dragon’s Pearl.” He gives a curt nod to Remus before he walks away to resume his duties. 
Remus lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding before looking to Quinn in surprise, “Why didn’t he ask any questions? Wouldn’t he want to know more about me before deciding to let me aboard?”
Quinn merely shakes his head before looking to Remus, “The Captain is an incredibly loyal soul, he respects privacy. If you wish to talk about your past then he will listen, and he will never mention it again without your approval.” He says with a smile. “He cares, deeply. He’d rather have you upon this ship then let you be on your own. That’s what happened to Ethan as well, he’s actually not that much older than you, Remus. He’s turning seventeen next moon.” Looking to the ship, he runs a hand upon the railing gently before continuing. “This old vessel has seen many stray boys board her, and she’s seen many of them become family. The captain only asks for loyalty, truthfulness, bravery, and devotion to family.” 
Remus smiles, comforted by his words. There was always more than meets the eye. He looks around the ship in surprise, “This ship looks brand new. How long has it been sailing waters?”
“Quite a long time. Practically hundreds of years. It’s been passed down through the generations of his family.” 
“That’s incredible.”
“It is.” Quinn remarks with a nod in agreement, before looking back to the boy, “Now, we’ll be embarking at dusk. You want to watch the ship be put to sea?”
The two got situated at a good viewing point for the departure after taking care of duties below deck. It felt rather strange, yet refreshing to Remus to dawn a new set of clothes. Yet his scarf stayed tied around his waist, as usual, at least he could take some part of familiarity with him. The Captain began to call out orders to the crew before he took his place behind the keel, the crew lowered the masts, catching the wind. The colors were hanged, where Remus could see the emblem on the masts and flag of the ship. A gold circle and in the center was the same creature that Remus had seen on the bow of the ship, but from the side. Only without the sphere. 
What sort of creature was that? Remus couldn’t help but wonder in curiosity as he watched the emblem upon the masts and flag of the ship.
“It’s a dragon. An eastern dragon.” Quinn says in reply, with a smirk upon his face as he looked to the boy. It seems Remus accidentally spoke aloud, and for once, he was alright with that. 
A loud shout echoed from a grumbling man who was making his way to The Dragon’s Pearl loading dock. Remus flinched as he recognized the voice of the drunken man from earlier, while Quinn moved defensively to shield the fourteen-year-old from sight. 
 “I know he’s up there! Where is he?!” The slurred words from the drunk captain all but screech out. The hooked nose man stumbled his way on board, his eyes locked onto the auburn-haired man who stood defensively in front of the former deck boy. “You!” 
“Me,” Quinn answered easily with a faint smirk. 
“Where’s that deck boy!?” The drunk captain practically roared into Quinn’s face. To which Quinn’s nose simply twitched at the smell of alcohol that reeked off the man. 
“Behind me, though I doubt you’d be able to grab him.” 
“Where’s your captin’, I ought to have a word with him. You goin’ ‘round stealin’ deck boys, ought to be ‘shamed of yeself.” The man nearly tumbled over.   
“Not stealing when he willingly came aboard. If anyone’s to be ashamed it’s you for your actions.” He retorts with a roll of his eyes then simply tilts his head, “You sure you want to have a word with my captain? You can hardly hold a proper conversation in your state. He won’t take too kindly to that factor.” 
“I wan’ see yer captin!” 
Quinn doesn’t respond for a moment, only looks behind the drunken captain with a bored look upon his face. “Turn around mate.”
“Wha’?” The drunk captain frowns with his mouth hanging open before he turns, nearly falling down when he sees someone standing behind him. Remus couldn’t help but hold a snicker back from behind Quinn as the drunk man flinched at the mere sight of the tall and sober captain. 
Captain Hua looked down at the drunk captain with an emotionless stare but his eyes held a look that screamed ‘How dare you bring your drunken arse onto my pristine and clean ship.’
“You wished to speak to me?” Was the leveled voice of Captain Hua. 
“You are not qualified to speak to me.”
The drunk captain staggered at the impassive tone. His face grew red. “Ye think you’re bet’er than me?” 
“To ask that question offends me.” Captain Hua raised a brow. 
“Where’s ye captin’s hat?”
“I don’t need one, I do not need to parade my status on my own ship, nor to ensure the respect of my own crew. They know who I am.” The Captain looked to his First mate. “Please escort this, man back to his ship.” Calling the drunk captain a man was incredibly respectful. Remus thought, truly Captain Hua had a class that was, unfortunately, being wasted upon this drunkard. But then again, Captain Hua didn’t acknowledge him as a Captain either. 
“That’d be Captain Barclay ta ye.” He shrugs the hand that grips his arm.
“No. I think the Captain is right. Mr. Barclay.” Quinn contradicts with a smile, “Now, allow me to escort you back to your ship. I’m sure you embark soon.”
“Not without that boy.” The drunk captain glared at the boy.
Captain Hua looked at the drunkard, then at the boy. “First Mate Sandoval, please step aside.” The drunk captain’s eyes widen at the title.
Quinn ignores the surprised look upon the drunkard’s face and instead looks to Remus. Giving him a small smile of comfort and a look that says ‘Trust us. You’ll be alright.’ Then looks back to his Captain, and with a nod, he steps aside. 
Captain Hua looked to the drunk man. “You can take this child to your ship, if you answer one question. If you answer correctly, you’re free to take him. If not,” His dark eyes narrowed, his left hand gripped the hilt of his sword, this sword was red compared to the first one Remus had seen. It was sheathed in a red case with gold accents. A strong pulse emitted from the sword as the pulse rippled through the ship. The ropes freed themselves from their knots, moving very much like serpents slithering up trees. 
The crew has stopped working and watched openly. “I will throw you overboard.”  
The drunk man didn’t notice the pulse of gold energy, nor did he notice the ropes begin to move on their own. Remus’ young eyes watched in amazement at Captain Hua, who’s sheer presence became overpowering, his aura seeming to infect the ship. Stupidly, the drunkard agreed. 
“What is the child’s name?”
“...” The drunkard frowned, Remus could practically see the mental strain on the man’s face. His brain was too far gone from the rum. “... Bernard.” 
Captain Hua did not look impressed. Not at all. He simply raised a brow before he looked to Remus to correct the man’s answer. 
Remus simply smiles and shakes his head. “Wrong.”
What happened next happened rather quickly, it was really a blur to be completely honest. Captain Hua wordlessly grabbed the drunkard by the collar of his shirt, lifted him off the ground and proceeded to walk, not in any hurry, effortlessly to the side of the ship, and threw the man overboard with ease. Remus’ jaw dropped a bit. 
“Why didn’t you just use the ropes?” Remus couldn’t help but ask in curiosity. 
Captain Hua merely gazed down at the swimming crewmembers from the drunk captain’s ship who threw themselves overboard to ensure the man didn’t drown. “And deprive myself of the pleasure of doing it myself? Never.” Captain Hua’s stoic face gave a smirk in delight. “I would never disgrace The Dragon’s Pearl to so much as even touch that drunk. It was painful to watch an alcoholic parade around with a captain’s hat and acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum.”  
“... How did you know he didn’t know my name?” 
Captain Hua looked down at Remus. “I have two answers. One; most people who make port hardly ever ask for a deck-boys name.” The captain began to walk away from the railing, Remus followed. “Two; even if by the off chance he did know your name, he would not have the sentimentality, nor the intellectual capacity to remember your name, especially while drunk.” He turned to look at Remus. “I would not have made that wager had I believed for a second he would be able to say your name. Not when he preferred to think with an organ that he did not have instead of his brain. Not to mention your name is unusual. I am not one to gamble. Especially with someone’s life.” 
Remus pauses for a moment taking in the Captain’s words, before asking the question he was truly reluctant to hear. “... What if he did say my name?”
Captain Hua looked at Remus for a long time before he looked away to the setting sun. “Then he would have won.” Captain Hua looked back to Remus. “It may seem cruel, but I will not lie to you, Remus. I do not break my word.” Captain Hua looked to the sunset once more. “I would have just challenged him to a duel if that was the case. The man couldn’t even walk straight let alone hold a sword.” Without another word, he walked away.  
Remus stood silently as he watched the Captain walk away, and looked out to the sunset once he was out of view. There was no relief of tension like he had initially anticipated when he first heard the words of the wager, as if he already knew he was safe. How exactly he determined that conclusion, he had no clue. But in his heart, he knew that was the case. 
He watched the shoreline of the port town he had always known, grow smaller and smaller with every glide of the ship, until it vanished from view- it was the start of a new life. A new chapter. Like each morning rise and evening set of the sun upon the sea.
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ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to chapter 8! 
Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Olivia’s blog! I would like to say a special thank you to my best friend and co-author Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​​ ) for inviting me to work on this story with her. As you may have noticed, we have decided to change on how we release the chapters of our story. We will be alternating from my blog to @asunshinepuff​​‘s blog. 
As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. There are very subtle mentions of lore within the previous chapters so perhaps read back and see if you can catch it.
Under the guide of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander, the included lore on different types of merfolk will as always, be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We will not take credit for its writing. The different types of mermaids will be explained later so don’t worry. We have also taken the liberty of creating some of own original types of merfolk.
These chapters contain many original characters created by Olivia and myself. All credit for our creations goes to each other for our respective characters because we have both worked so hard to bring these character to life and I would never dare to take credit for any of Olivia’s characters. 
Now without further adieu!
Chapter 8: Captain Hua
“At least not completely human,” Brielle thought over. Remus bolted from his seat, rushing out the door. The children startled awake. 
“What happen?” A very sleepy Tadase asked softly. Rubbing his eyes awake, his hair flying in different directions. Brielle sighed as Regulus demanded another song. She shook her head slowly.
Remus marched up to the captain’s quarters, raising his hand to knock on the door but it opened before he could. 
“Stomp any louder I’d think you were a troll with a stone for a head.” The voice of Captain Hua stopped Remus in his tracks. 
All of the adrenaline seemed to have left Remus as he looked up to the captain who only had a raised brow. Remus cleared his throat, “I wish to speak to you.” 
Min-Jun back away from the door, leading Remus into his quarters. Walking to a large wooden desk that was littered with maps and charts. Min-Jun sifted through the papers quickly. “I was charting our course to the Asian Sea.” 
Remus nodded, “Yes, I know. Brielle spoke to me about it.” 
Min-Jun nodded slowly, “Though I take it that it was a brief conversation given your current state.” He looked over Remus’ frame in amusement. “I know what you want to ask, so ask it. I cannot give you an answer if you don’t ask.” 
Remus frowned lightly. Had Quinn gone behind his back and told Min-Jun what he had been doing? Was it Opal? Min-Jun didn’t look surprised for the most part. So perhaps Min-Jun was assuming Remus had another question all together. Remus took a breath before he decided to take a seat in front of  Min-Jun’s desk. The captain himself had taken a seat, he looked completely relaxed. 
“Brielle’s song didn’t affect you.” Remus started. 
“That is not a question, rather a fact Remus.” Min-Jun gave a hint of a smile. It unnerved Remus a bit.  
“Why, did her song not affect you?” Remus finally asked. 
Min-Jun huffed a silent laugh. His gaze only showed the familiar warmth that Remus had grown under. “Remus, it was never my intention to have a secret. One kept from you especially. You just never seemed to notice.”   
Remus relaxed, the Captain seemed sincere. And as blunt and cold Min-Jun was, he had never once doubted the sincerity in his words whenever he spoke. Min-Jun smiled once more, rising from his seat he walked over to the small library to his left. “Tell me Remus, what do you know about the Ballad of Mulan?” 
Remus thought over the name. “I have never heard of it. Why?”
Min-Jun simply pulled out a gold scroll that Remus had seen before over the years. It had the engraving of the dragon emblem on the gold metal. “Mulan was a fierce warrior, she stole her father’s armor, impersonated as a soldier, fought in a war,” Min-Jun turned to Remus, holding out the scroll, “and her name was Hua.” 
Accepting the scroll, Remus stared at the captain in slow comprehension. “Your name… is Hua.” The captain nodded. 
“She lived nearly 3,000 years ago. I am her descendant.” 
Remus gawked at him, leaning into his seat. Min-Jun continued. 
“Once Mulan returned from the war with the blessing of the Emperor of China, to her father. Later she bore three children, the first born was a male. All bearing her name, and her descendants later form the Hua Clan. I am from her bloodline.” 
Remus opened the scroll, inside were chinese characters, and the portrait of an asian on horseback weilding a sword. Remus traced the words gently. “But that doesn’t explain why the song had no affect on you.”  
Min-Jun nodded his head. “Within the Hua Clan, there is a legend.” 
“A legend?” 
“Yes, that Hua Mulan was the daughter of a great war hero, and of a Phoenix.”  
Remus’ jaw dropped. Min-Jun chuckled. 
“Newt had the same expression.” 
“She was the daughter of a phoenix?!” 
“Yes, raised alongside her father’s human wife and half sister. The legend also states that she married a man, who was secretly a dragon.” 
Remus fell off his chair. 
“Are you sure you have no correlation with Newt?” The captain’s brow raised in amusement. He carried on. “It was just thought to have been a legend, but when Mulan’s descendants took to the seas, they found themselves to be immune to many things, including the song of a mermaid. The dragon emblem on our flag is the emblem of the Hua Clan.” Min-Jun helped Remus up. “It’s probably why the kraken stayed away from our ship for so long.” He mused. “I haven’t been tempted to test that theory.”   
“That sounds wise.” Remus laughed awkwardly. 
“Yes I thought so.” 
Remus sat back down, looking down at the scroll, the symbol of what Remus now was the Hua Clan Emblem. “And your swords?” 
Min-Jun smirked. “Perhaps that story should be explained for a later time. I’m sure you have much to think over.”  
Remus nodded slowly, not really paying attention. Min-Jun helped Remus out of his quarters, who couldn’t seem to process Quinn grinning at him. Or Quinn slapping a hand to his back. 
“You alright there Remus?” Quinn smirked knowingly at Min-Jun. 
Remus slowly looked over to Quinn. “Why are you so calm about this?” 
Quinn shrugged. “We grew up together. I just grew up knowing that Min-Jun was from-” He paused, looking to the Captain, “Did you tell him the other part?” 
The captain shook his head. Quinn nodded in understanding. “Makes sense, the lad probably might burst with just how much he still has to learn about the world beyond the sea.” 
Min-Jun smiled before his eyes narrowed, turning his head slightly. He stared at the back of the cabin for a moment before he looked at Remus. “Sirius is awake. Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.” 
“ You’re not worried about him hurting anyone else?” 
Min-Jun smirked. “With you keeping watch? He’d sooner turn to ash before he even thought of pulling another stunt like earlier today.” 
Remus smirked in return, watching Min-Jun and Quinn depart. Min-Jun being the son of a dragon, actually made things make more sense. How he always seemed to know when a storm was coming and how he moved so silently. It was no wonder how the captain gained the name White Sea Serpent. Shaking his head, Remus walked into the infirmary, opening the door, he nearly groaned at the sight before him. 
There was Sirius, laying on the ground. Glaring at him. Remus only raised a brow. How bold of him to glare at him with murderous intent when he was bound. 
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@spookypotato @whataboutmyfries @sunflowerfox87 @wonder-womans-ex @violetatapiamills 
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Surprise!! Welcome to my first multi-chapter ficlet which is honestly entirely on-brand for me and I don’t know WHY I hadn’t done this sooner. I’ve been a little run down on writing lately and once this came to mind it was as if I was back to when I initially started writing. This is a wolfstar story, with Remus as a Merman while Sirius is a Pirate Captain.
Some of my own ocs will be thrown in here as well, alongside a few of my best friend Luna’s who is my co-author for this story. Her blog is @ladynightmare913 so please give her a follow!
This is sort of based upon Pirates of the Caribbean, There will most likely be many references to it and to The Little Mermaid and I don’t care. I’m doing it, cause I’m so excited for this.
I want to give a little shout out to Veronika ( @spookypotato ) and a thank you because if it wasn’t for your random idea this wouldn’t exist.
And a big thank you to my best friend and co-author/beta Luna (who I tagged above) for jumping on the idea to help with the writing since we’re both so obsessed with wolfstar and mermaids.
There is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. Included lore on different types of merfolk was taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. I will not take credit for it’s writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out! 
Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy! 🧜🏻‍♀️
Prologue: Mermaids and Sirens
Across the seven seas, ever since man began to sail, there have been tales of creatures from the depths of the dark waters. Of maidens from the sea whose songs could drive any mad to hear their song. These creatures were only thought to be part of myths and legend, but those who've traveled across the seven seas would tell you the truth. 
They are not just myths and legends, these creatures were real, as real as the sun rising at dawn, and setting at dusk. 
That just to have a glimpse of them would change your fate. 
Merfolk that dwelled in the crystal blue waters. Mysterious, beautiful, and powerful, these mers live throughout the world undiscovered by those who walked upon the surface. At first, mers were revered by these sailors similarly to that of sirens, denizens of the sea whose songs were hypnotic to the ears of man- pulling those poor unfortunate souls to their watery graves of the deep, the two becoming interchangeable. 
Over time, the difference between these two species became known. Legends of the Mermaids began to be revealed, their powers and abilities spreading like wildfire. The humans on land began to desire their rare and mysterious powers and beauty of these strange but deadly creatures. 
The mers began to be hunted for a fetching price, coveted for their beauty, searched throughout the seven seas for their tears- said to be one of the keys for the fountain of youth, or, said to be made of pearls depending on who you’ve heard the story of mermaids from. Yet, what was unknown to the ears of men is that merfolk actually live among humans, more specifically, a particular species of mers referred to as shapeshifters. 
These shapeshifters looked identical to humans, but with two distinct differences, webbing in between their fingers and toes, and gills upon their necks, with faint scales upon their torso, but over the centuries this trait vanished. Allowing the mers who lived among humans to remain hidden within their communities by the sea. 
But not even the vanished traits could fool everyone. Throughout the centuries that merfolk have been hunted and preyed upon, there were families who made it their livelihoods to know and hunt down mermaids, and could sniff out the mers within minutes. These families drove out the mers from land and back to the water. But some didn’t make it back to the sea, some were captured and sold, while others remained hidden. 
Over the years, the mers went deeper into the sea, never to venture near the surface again. And no one has ever seen another mermaid in a century. Until now.
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ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter 2! I would like to say thank you to Olivia (@asunshinepuff​), for inviting me to work on this story with her. 
As always there is mermaid lore hidden with in the story. The included lore on different types of merfolk will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We are taking no credit for her work. 
Now without further ado,    
Chapter 2: The Dragon’s Pearl
The man and the young boy made their way to the far side of the docks, the sun was beginning to make it’s descent to the sea. The water rippled below the hull of ships, anchors being lowered or weighing anchors to begin their sails back at sea. Some of the townspeople were making their trek home. Quinn and Remus approach the ship that Remus had seen earlier in the day from a distance. But up close, it was truly a sight to behold. The masts that were open, were a starking white, wooden haul, a rich brown mahogany, spotless with not a barnacle in sight. The railings were painted gold like the sun, freshly polished and not a splinter out of place. The bow had a golden nautical figurehead of a creature that Remus had never seen before. With a long serpentine body fully covered in scaled, and large horns protruding from it’s head. A white spherical object clutched in one of it’s clawed hands. It’s jaws open as if to strike.
Remus’ eyes widened as he gazed upon the ship he had studied earlier. Glancing to Quinn, he couldn’t help but ask, “How has no one tried to steal this ship?”
Quinn chuckles, “Oh they’ve tried, but never got very far. My brother, the captain, is a force of his own that is not to be reckoned with.” He says with a smile. At Remus’ growing concerned face he quickly adds on, “Don’t worry. He might seem a bit… well, rather cold at first. To put it lightly. But he’s not a bad man.”
“How far have they gotten?”
Quinn muses for a moment in silence, as they make their way up the loading dock to the ship’s deck, thinking of the many times pirates - including the Blacks - have tried to take over the ship. “Never past deck.” He smiles at the crewmen preparing to sail as he stands in the middle of all their work. “Anyone seen the Captain?” 
“Last we saw him, he threw Ethan overboard.” A sailor responded courtly. He was dressed in black pants and boots, a white shirt and a gold sash around his waist. 
Quinn looks to the sailor in bewilderment, “Again? What is that, the fifth time now?”
“Seventh actually, Ethan told the joke about the donkey.” 
“I told him not to do that.” He shakes his head with an exasperated sigh. “Never learns does he?”
A young man with short curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin was soaked to the bone in water as he marched back up to the ship. He looks to Quinn.   
“Don’t look at me like that, I told you not to tell that joke. You’ve brought this upon yourself.” The young man rubs his necks as he walks below deck to change. Quinn shakes his head before he turns to Remus as he claps his hands and rubs them together. “It’s harmless really.” The man groans in pain, as if to contradict Quinn. “Eh, mostly.” 
Remus watches the man in pain walk below the deck with widened eyes. He looks back to Quinn and the sailor, “Does that happen often?”
Quinn tilts his head back and forth with his arms crossed, “I’d like to tell you no, to ease you, but that’d be a lie. It happens on more than one occasion, though less often than you’d think.” He chuckles under his breath, “Now come along. I think it’s time to introduce you.” He then turns behind him and just smiles. “Hello Min-Jun.”
Remus turns to follow, and nearly jumps in surprise. Lo and behold, said Captain was standing right behind them. The Captain was a tall young asian man, around the age of twenty-one, with an expressionless face, he had short straight black hair with part bangs, fair skin, and dark eyes. He was dressed in a well-tailored black coat with a dark forest green vest on top of a white shirt, black pants and boots. At his hip was a wide sword with a dark forest green sheath with gold accents. But no captain’s hat was anywhere in sight. 
“Quinn.” He says in a deep monotone. His posture was as straight at a board, his hand at his side, his left hand on the hilt of his sword. His gaze lowers to the boy beside Quinn, narrowing a fraction before he looks to Quinn. “You were at the Taverns again weren’t you?”  
“I will neither confirm or deny.” 
“So that’s a yes.” A brow rises ever so slightly before it’s gone in the blink of an eye. The captain turned his head lightly to look over the boy. “Apologies for any idotic schemes my First mate may have dragged you into. He is not the brightest, but his heart is in the right place. Usually. He has the unfortunate ailment of defying gravity. I once caught him upside down on the masts so there’s that.”
“And who put me there Min-Jun? Cause it certainly wasn’t me. I may do many schemes you might consider idiotic-”
“Because they are.”  His head leans to look at Quinn in a bored expression but his eyes held amusement. 
Quinn raises his eyebrows, giving a pointed look before continuing, “But I wouldn’t do that out of my own volition!’
The captain simply looks away, fully content to ignore the auburn haired man. “I am Min-Jun Hua. The crew call me Captain Hua. What is your name?” He looks back towards Remus. 
Remus was silent during the whole exchange, internally studying the interaction closely. He was uncertain whether the Captain and First Mate actually got along or if they hated each other, however, he caught the amusement in his eyes within their banter. They did get along. It was as if they were teasing each other. Maybe they actually consider each other siblings. He noted with his own amusement now that his initial caution has about this new Captain has diminished. They’re so very different. How did they become companions?
“My name is Remus Lupin, Captain.” Remus replies with a curt nod, as he was trying to contain his nerves and seem content in the situation. He was uncertain if it was effective or not, but he seemed to take comfort in the fact that Quinn was so relaxed with the man.
Captain Hua says nothing for a long while as he stares silently at Remus. Completely motionless for what seemed to Remus, eternity, before the asian finally looked like he took a breath. The Captain turned his gaze to his First mate. “He’ll be under your care for the meantime. Have him bathed, dressed, and fed before you send him to bed for the night. Tomorrow he can begin.” The captain says nothing more before he looks to Remus once again. “Welcome aboard the Dragon’s Pearl.” He gives a curt nod to Remus before he walks away to resume his duties. 
Remus lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding before looking to Quinn in surprise, “Why didn’t he ask any questions? Wouldn’t he want to know more about me before deciding to let me aboard?”
Quinn merely shakes his head before looking to Remus, “The Captain is an incredibly loyal soul, he respects privacy. If you wish to talk about your past then he will listen, and he will never mention it again without your approval.” He says with a smile. “He cares, deeply. He’d rather have you upon this ship then let you be on your own. That’s what happened to Ethan as well, he’s actually not that much older than you, Remus. He’s turning seventeen next moon.” Looking to the ship, he runs a hand upon the railing gently before continuing. “This old vessel has seen many stray boys board her, and she’s seen many of them become family. The captain only asks for loyalty, truthfulness, bravery, and devotion to family.” 
Remus smiles, comforted by his words. There was always more than meets the eye. He looks around the ship in surprise, “This ship looks brand new. How long has it been sailing waters?”
“Quite a long time. Practically hundreds of years. It’s been passed down through the generations of his family.” 
“That’s incredible.” 
“It is.” Quinn remarks with a nod in agreement, before looking back to the boy, “Now, we’ll be embarking at dusk. You want to watch the ship be put to sea?”
The two got situated at a good viewing point for the departure after taking care of duties below deck. It felt rather strange, yet refreshing to Remus to dawn a new set of clothes. Yet his scarf stayed tied around his waist as usual, at least he could take some part of familiarity with him. The Captain began to call out orders to the crew before he took his place behind the keel, the crew lowered the masts, catching the wind. The colors were hanged, where Remus could see the emblem on the masts and flag of the ship. A gold circle and in the center was the same creature that Remus had seen on the bow of the ship, but from the side. Only without the sphere. 
What sort of creature was that? Remus couldn’t help but wonder in curiosity as he watched the emblem upon the masts and flag of the ship.
“It’s a dragon. An eastern dragon.” Quinn says in reply, with a smirk upon his face as he looked to the boy. It seems Remus accidentally spoke aloud, and for once, he was alright with that. 
                A loud shout echoed from a grumbling man who was making his way to The Dragon’s Pearl  loading dock. Remus flinched as he recognized the voice of the drunken man from earlier, while Quinn moved defensively to shield the fourteen year old from sight. 
 “I know he’s up there! Where is he?!” The slurred words from the drunk captain all but screech out. The hooked nose man stumbled his way on board, his eyes locked onto the auburn haired man who stood defensively in front of the former deck boy. “You!” 
“Me.” Quinn answered easily with a faint smirk. 
“Where’s that deck boy!?” The drunk captain practically roared into Quinn’s face. To which Quinn’s nose simply twitched at the smell of alcohol that reeked off the man. “Behind me, though I doubt you’d be able to grab him.” 
“Where’s your captin’, I ought to have a word with him. You goin’ ‘round stealin’ deck boys, ought to be ‘shamed of yeself.” The man nearly tumbled over.   
“Not stealing when he willingly came aboard. If anyone’s to be ashamed it’s you for your actions.” He retorts with a roll of his eyes then simply tilts his head, “ You sure you want to have a word with my captain? You can hardly hold a proper conversation in your state. He won’t take too kindly to that factor.” 
“I wan’ see yer captin!” 
Quinn doesn’t respond for a moment, only looks behind the drunken captain with a bored look upon his face. “Turn around mate.”
“Wha’?” The drunk captain frowns with his mouth hanging open before he turns, nearly falling down when he sees someone standing behind him. Remus couldn’t help but hold a snicker back from behind Quinn as the drunk man flinched at the mere sight of the tall and sober captain. 
Captain Hua looked down at the drunk captain with an emotionless stare but his eyes held a look that screamed ‘How dare you bring your dunken arse onto my pristine and clean ship.’
“You wished to speak to me?” Was the leveled voice of Captain Hua. 
“You are not qualified to speak to me.”
The drunk captain staggered at the impassive tone. His face grew red. “Ye think you’re bet’er than me?” 
“To ask that question offends me.” Captain Hua raised a brow. 
“Where’s ye captin’s hat?”
“I don’t need one, I do not need to parade my status on my own ship, nor to ensure the respect of my own crew. They know who I am.” The Captain looked to his First mate. “Please escort this, man back to his ship.” Calling the drunk captain a man was incredibly respectful. Remus thought, truly Captain Hua had class that was unfortunately being wasted upon this drunkard. But then again, Captain Hua didn’t acknowledge him as a Captain either. 
“That’d be Captain Barclay ta ye.” He shrugs the hand that grips his arm.
“No. I think the Captain is right. Mr. Barclay.” Quinn contradicts with a smile, “Now, allow me to escort you back to your ship. I’m sure you embark soon.”
“Not without that boy.” The drunk captain glared at the boy.
Captain Hua looked at the drunkard, then at the boy. “First Mate Sandoval, please step aside.” The drunk captain’s eyes widen at the title.
Quinn ignores the surprised look upon the drunkard’s face and instead looks to Remus. Giving him a small smile of comfort and a look that says Trust us. You’ll be alright. Then looks back to his Captain, and with a nod, he steps aside. 
Captain Hua looked to the drunk man. “You can take this child to your ship, if you answer one question. If you answer correctly, you’re free to take him. If not,” His dark eyes narrowed, his left hand gripped the hilt of his sword, this sword was red compared to the first one Remus had seen. It was sheathed in a red case with gold accents. A strong pulse emitted from the sword as the pulse rippled through the ship. The ropes freed themselves from their knots, moving very much like serpents slithering up trees. The crew have stopped working and watched openly. “I will throw you overboard.”  
            The drunk man didn’t notice the pulse of gold energy, nor did he notice the ropes begin to move on their own. Remus’ young eyes watched in amazement at Captain Hua, who’s sheer presence became overpowering, his aura seeming to infect the ship. Stupidly, the drunkard agreed. 
“What is the child’s name?”
“...” The drunkard frowned, Remus could practically see the mental strain on the man’s face. His brain was too far gone from the rum. “... Bernard.” 
Captain Hua did not look impressed. Not at all. He simply raised a brow before he looked to Remus to correct the man’s answer. 
Remus simply smiles and shakes his head. “Wrong.”
What happened next happened rather quickly, it was really a blur to be completely honest. Captain Hua wordlessly grabbed the drunkard by the collar of his shirt, lifted him off the ground and proceeded to walk, not in any hurry, effortlessly to the side of the ship, and threw the man overboard with ease. Remus’ jaw dropped a bit. 
“Why didn’t you just use the ropes?” Remus couldn’t help but ask in curiosity. 
Captain Hua merrily gazed down at the swimming crew members from the drunk captain’s ship who threw themselves overboard to ensure the man didn’t drown. “And deprive myself of the pleasure of doing it myself? Never.” Captain Hua’s stoic face gave a smirk in delight. “I would never disgrace The Dragon’s Pearl to so much as even touch that drunk. It was painful to watch an alcoholic parade around with a captain’s hat and acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum.”  
“... How did you know he didn’t know my name?” 
Captain Hua looked down to Remus. “I have two answers. One; most people who make port hardly ever ask for a deck-boys name.” The captain began to walk away from the railing, Remus followed. “Two; even if by the off chance he did know your name, he would not have the sentimentality, nor the intellectual capacity to remember your name, especially while drunk.” He turned to look at Remus. “I would not have made that wager had I believed for a second he would be able to say your name. Not when he preferred to think with an organ that he did not have instead of his brain. Not to mention your name is unusual. I am not one to gamble. Especially with someone’s life.” 
Remus pauses for a moment taking in the Captain’s words, before asking the question he was truly reluctant to hear. “... What if he did say my name?”
Captain Hua looked at Remus for a long time before he looked away to the setting sun. “Then he would have won.” Captain Hua looked back to Remus. “It may seem cruel, but I will not lie to you Remus. I do not break my word.” Captain Hua looked to the sunset once more. “I would have just challenged him to a duel if that was the case. The man couldn’t even walk straight let alone hold a sword.” Without another word, he walked away.  
Remus stood silently as he watched the Captain walk away, and looked out to the sunset once he was out of view. There was no relief of tension like he had initially anticipated when he first heard the words of the wager, as if he already knew he was safe. How exactly he determined that conclusion, he had no clue. But in his heart he knew that was the case. He watched the shore line of the port town he had always known, grow smaller and smaller with every glide of the ship, until it vanished from view- it was the start of a new life. A new chapter. Like each morning rise and evening set of the sun upon the sea.
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ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Secret of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter 3! I want to say thank you Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​ ) who is my best friend and co-author, for inviting me to create this wonderful story with her! This chapter contains many original characters created by Olivia and myself. 
This chapter holds many new faces to join us in our mermaid adventure! All credit for creation goes to each other for our respective characters because we have both spent a lot of time creating our ocs and I would dare to take credit for any of Olivia’s characters. 
Small warning, there is a minor character death. 
As always these chapters contain hidden mermaid lore included within this storyline. They will be explained overtime so don’t worry. The lore from the different types of merfolk will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We are not taking credit for her work. 
Now without further adieu! 
Chapter 3: A Sea of Fireworks
Three years passed as The Dragon’s Pearl sailed the seven seas. There had been many fierce battles and grand adventures as Remus learned the ways of the sword from both Captain Hua and First mate Sandoval. During the past few years, Remus found a particular fondness for literature that grew further than when he was younger. Along the way there have been many new companions to join the shipmates, and the secrets of a certain young man were revealed. A year on his own at sea taught Remus many things, but he couldn’t help but miss the company of those upon The Dragons’ Pearl. Now at seventeen years old, the once young boy has grown into a fine young man. 
Under the sea, there was a mythical creature with bright shimmering amber scales, varying in shades of accent tones from the top of his tail, to his fluke. The moonlight breached the surface of the darkened sea, the light reflected off of his amber eyes, as if they began to shine and glow under the moon’s pale beauty. The mer turned down before his arms moved forwards as he dived down deeper into the sea. The deeper he went, the darker it became. As he reached the sea floor, he swam at a leisurely pace, brushing a clawed hand against the sea grass. Looking up, the sea grass became littered with life, crabs, small, fish, seahorses, an octopus, and coral. He chuckled to himself as the fish scattered when he swam near them, a green sea turtle by his side seemed to follow him, wherever he went. It had felt too long since he had last been in the sea. 
The merman’s head turned sharply upwards as he picked up the sound of a muffled screeching noise coming from the surface. Then a muted bang before a flash of scattered gold light. With a strong flick of his tail, the floor beneath him vanished from sight as he neared the surface. 
Breaching from the water, he looks up to the familiar ship with concern, “Opal! What’s happening?!” He yells up to the deck. 
In an instant, a tall beautiful Greek woman, around the age of twenty-three, with long light brown hair, hazel green eyes, lightly tanned skin peered over the railing of the deck to respond. She was dressed in a sea blue off the shoulder long sleeved shirt that was tucked into her light brown pants, with a black corset vest on top, and black boots. At her hip was a wide sword with a dark blue sheathe, and it’s hilt had the detailing of a trident. “Min-Jun received a letter! We have to make port in Portland! The Blacks and Greyback have been spotted off the coast of Dorset!” She lowers the rope ladder and opens the small gate, “Get your tail up here!”
Remus catches the ladder with ease and pulls himself up onto it, “What’s the sudden hurry? We’re currently off the coast of Dorset ourselves.” He comments, looking back up to his friend. 
“Quinn’s family lives in Portland, and he thinks they’ll be going after them!” Opal replies, tossing down a blanket for Remus to dry his scales with.
Remus winces as the blanket lands upon his head, frowning as it blocks his view. Pulling the soft cloth from his head, he sets to work on drying himself and his scales, “But why would they go after his family?” He yells out. 
Opal pauses, a somber look upon her face as she watches Remus make his way up the rope ladder with his two legs, scales now nowhere to be seen. She shakes her head as he reaches the deck, “I don’t know. But I think something’s wrong.”
Two quarters of an hour pass with The Dragon’s Pearl sailing at full speed to Portland. The sea seemed to be at their side that night, the sound of cannon fire reached the members of the crew. The lifeboats were lowered with First mate Sandoval and Remus inside one of the boats. 
Remus’ eyes widened when he saw the pitch black sails of The Ophiuchus which could barely be seen from a distance. The ship’s colors had a black flag with a white skull with a snake coming out of an eye socket. The Blacks. The ancient pirate ship passed down from generation to generation of Blacks. Rumors and tales continuously traveled from sailors aboard many ships about the family, the ship gaining the nickname of Grimmauld amongst the gossiping sailors. Remus had heard many tales himself in the past. The Blacks were ruthless in their pliage for gold, leaving no survivors. There were tales of The Ophiuchus battling The Dragon’s Pearl when Captain Orion Black attempted to steal the other Captain’s ship. Although Captain Hua was young, he forced the Blacks to flee when their ship suffered too much damage. The Captain of The Dragon’s Pearl had given them a warning years ago that should he ever see them again, he would kill the Captain of The Ophiuchus.              
The boats reached the docks before everyone ran up to the small town of Portland. Quinn cut down any pirate who foolishly stood in his way. Remus followed close behind, sword drawn at the ready and cut down any pirate who tried to go after Quinn whilst the man’s back was turned. Remus had grown used to the occasional battle, but hardly ever were the stakes this high. Opal and Captain Hua had stayed on the ship with a skeleton crew, while the other sailors joined Remus and Quinn to shore. 
Remus stopped in his tracks when one of the pirates was running straight for him. With the sword in his hand, Remus quickly stabbed the pirate in the abdomen before pulling his sword free and running to catch up with Quinn. Who was running up a hill towards the Lighthouse faster than Remus had ever seen the man move. Up close the Lighthouse was rather beautiful for it’s old age, time had been kind to it, yet the years have clearly made their marks all throughout the house. The lighthouse more than likely had many stories to tell. Standing tall with red and white patterns, a small quaint cottage at the base of the lighthouse became visible as Remus neared the property. The house was alight with shadows dancing across the windows as pirates breached the door, the sound of clanging swords could be heard coming from inside the house. Quinn cut down pirates until he finally managed to enter the house. 
Quinn’s eyes widened as he surveyed the state of the house, there were countless pirates from both the Black’s and Greyback’s sailors engaged in sword fights. There was hardly a break as he entered the fray of battle, cutting down unsuspecting men from behind and never letting his guard down.
A middle aged woman with black hair tied into a messy bun, bright brown eyes, fair skin and rosy lips gripped the rapier in her hand tightly as she slashed down another pirate. She twirled expertly, her white nightgown and dark robe twirling with her, to dodge a blow from another pirate before she stabs them, she pulls the sword free before she raises it to the man who just entered the cottage, freezing as her eyes widen in surprise. “Quinn!” She exclaimed before her eyes darted to a pirate behind him who began to stir awake. 
He smiles at the exclamation before following her line of sight, turning behind him he sees the pirate that began to stir awake. Flipping the hilt of his sword in hand, he stabs the newly conscious pirate in the chest before turning back to the woman, “Mother are you alright?” He looked over the cottage, objects just laying scatter on the floor before he looked back to his mother. 
“I’m perfectly alright, it’s your father I’m worried about, that blasted Greyback cornered him to the basement!” The woman turned her gaze to the young man who just reached the door, quickly assessing him before offering him a small nod. “And you must be Remus.”  
Remus nods in return, “I am. How did you-” He cuts himself off as the answer was obvious and gives his First mate a pointed look, “Quinn. You’ve told them about me haven’t you?”
“Remus. Who do you take me for? Of course I did.” Quinn mirrors the same pointed look back, “How else do you think Min-Jun and I were able to help you as a child?” He looks back to his mother, “We better move quickly. Hopefully father is using the basement to his advantage.”
“Quinn, this is your father, of course he is.” The woman turns to a door that leads to a staircase to the basement. Quickly lifting her skirt the woman rushed down the stairs. 
The three rush down the stairs and into the large dimly lit basement, which could only be described as a very large study with storage. Bookshelves lined the walls and the shelves themselves were stacked with a variety of mythical things one would only believe to be within the tales. Color bottles and vials littered the shelves of the room, various plants were in every corner of the room. In the center of the basement, a large man with a cutlass scoured the room with a harsh glare for the man who was hiding. The man wielding the cutlass was large, nearly the height of Min-Jun and Quinn, he had a vicious looking face, with very long matted grey hair in dreads, a scar going across his right eye, the iris pale compared to it’s twin which was pitch black. His left ear had a gold hoop earring, his teeth were visible as he sneered at others who interrupted his dual. 
Remus’ eyes could only widen as he looked upon the large man, his breathing quickening and grip tightening on his sword. Every part of him grew defensive and fearful, his instincts screaming at him to get out. To run. He’s heard of this man before, Fenrir Greyback, notorious and ruthless hunter of mers alike, capturing and selling mers for profit, or simply to just experiment on them. Other times he’d simply slaughter any merfolk he could find.
Greyback’s knuckles looked raw and battered with blood as he gripped his weapon tightly, his long yellowish nails were easily spotted as his right hand pressed against his chest, a wound with fresh blood seeping through his grey shirt. “This isn’t over.” He snarled before he ran out the basement door. 
Hidden behind a bookcase, was a middle aged man with tousled red-brown hair with long bangs parted to the left, light colored skin and blue eyes. He wore a simple navy blue shirt underneath a grey robe, light brown pants and dark brown boots. Eyes trained as he watched the burly man closely, sword drawn at the ready to continue the duel. He made no notion to move as Greyback snarled in warning, back pressed flush against the wood until he could hear the pounding footsteps a safe distance away. 
Relaxing marginally, he exits his retreat behind the bookcase and sighs, “That man is repulsive.” He mutters under his breath.
“You’re not wrong about that father.” Quinn chuckles as he gently pats his father’s shoulder. 
“Why would Greyback come all the way out here? Why would he attack you?” Remus looked at the older man.
“Probably because my husband has something he wants.” The older woman looks to her husband. “Are you alright?”  
The older man looks to his wife and nods, “I’m alright. If anything Greyback’s in much worse shape. That wound is going to leave quite a scar if untreated.”
“What was he after?” Remus looked between the older couple. 
“Something no one should know exists.” The woman looked around the room. Muttering under her breath at the state of the room. “But rumors are a powerful thing, especially when they hold truths.” 
“And especially if it makes you incredibly well known in the nautical world.” The man continued with a sigh. Moving aside his robe, he pulls free a rather thick leather book from an inner pocket and looks down to it. “He’d be a fool to think I’d just leave it lying about.”
Remus’ eyes looked over the leather book. At first glance it was nothing out of the ordinary, but Remus knew better than to judge a book by its cover. It was what’s inside the book that Greyback took a slash to the chest in order to obtain. And failed. Whatever information that was contained inside the book was important. Why else would such a siege upon this small home occur? Enough to bring both Greyback and the Blacks themselves here. 
“This book is the only one in existence.”  The woman looked at Remus as she stood beside her husband. “It’s about your kind.” Gently taking the book from her husbands’ hands, she holds the book to Remus. “My husband wrote everything he learned about the magical creatures of the sea.” She smiles as she encourages Remus to take the book. 
“About my kind…” He repeats at a whisper before a realization comes to mind, amber eyes widening at the thought, “That’s why he wanted the book. To hunt more merfolk.” A cold shudder runs down his spine at the thought of Greyback getting his hands upon this book. No wonder the older man fought to protect it with his life. Mers alike would be in even more danger than in the past. And after seeing the man in person, Remus felt as though the rumors didn’t give any accurate insight as to how gruesome the pirate actually appeared, and the snarling tone of his voice would most likely echo in his mind for days. 
At the older man’s nod in confirmation, he looked back at him.  “How long have you been working on this?” Remus asked as he took the book, with careful hands.
“Many years. I was a bit younger than you when I first started writing the beginning pages.”
Remus looks down to the worn leather book and opens to a well kept page, Fantastic Nautical Creatures, by Newt Scamander.  Remus’ eyes widen at the title and familiar name, pausing mid turn of a page. Wait. Remus looks to Quinn with wide eyes, before he looks back to the older couple. 
“You’re Newt Scamander,” He looks to the woman, “And you’re Porpetina Scamander!” 
“Please, call me Tina dear.” She rubs Remus’ arm in a comforting manner. 
Remus looks to Quinn, an unreadable expression upon his face. Quinn had called them mother and father. That means… “You’re their son?!” 
“Quinton Scamander is my real name.” Quinn answered with a simple shrug. “Sandoval was the first thing I could come up with when you asked for my name. I’m not exactly used to keeping an alias.” He looks at his parents. “Why couldn’t you have just kept it at Quinn?” 
“And leave the Scamander tradition of giving horrible names? I couldn’t possibly.” Tina chuckled.
“Oh, you wound me mother. What a way to keep tradition.” Quinn replies with a wince. 
“It’s not like my family did any better.” Tina retorts just as the sound of cannon fire boomed, echoing throughout the basement. Tensing, everyone turned their heads to the back door, and with a nod from Newt, they exited the damaged basement and headed to the cliffs.
As the group ran back towards the shoreline, Remus could see The Dragon’s Pearl exchanging cannon fire with The Ophiuchus.  The ships both suffered blows from the other, only The Dragon’s Pearl wasn’t on fire. And what appeared to be Min-Jun, swinging on a rope, from the Ophiuchus back to the Dragon’s Pearl.
Quinn only groaned at the sight. “And he gives me lectures about swinging from rope.” Hypocrite. “Why are you like this…” He mumbled under his breath.
Tina and Newt only chuckled as their son scowled at the captain. They ran to the docks just as the Ophiuchus began to make their retreat, and the Dragon’s Pearl making its way to the loading docks. Opal was the first rush down to welcome Quinn and Remus back. 
Quinn had a strange feeling, one that he couldn’t place as he looked over Opal. Relieved that the woman wasn’t injured in the crossfire, although he was well aware that she could easily handle herself. “Ti synévi?” What happened?  He asked.
“To shorten it: Min-Jun snuck onto Greyback’s ship, found two mermaids. Brought them back, then proceeded to sneak onto the Ophiuchus, rescue the second Black heir and brought him back.” Opal said with a shake of her head, “How he managed that… I have no idea.” 
“Sounds about right.” Newt replied with a chuckle.
The older couple looked at their son, who had never told them he learned and spoke greek. Newt and Tina looked to each other before sharing a knowing smile. Tina looked to the woman with the greek accent. “I’m Tina Scamander, Quinn’s mother. I wonder why my dear son would fail to mention a lovely lady such as yourself in his letters?” She turns her head slowly to glare at Quinn, who found the sea far more interesting at the moment. Tina looked back to the young woman. “What is your name dear?” 
Opal watched Quinn’s gaze quickly turn to the sea in embarrassment. Oh this awkward man. She fought the urge to tease the poor man she loved, there was time to mess with him another time. Not in front of his parents. She smiled as she looked at Tina. “Opal Teresi. It’s nice to meet you.”
Remus looked to Quinn with a teasing smirk, “Really? You mention me in your letters but not Opal?” 
“Shut. Up.” Quinn says with wide eyes that seemed to promise pain with an unnaturally wide smile.
“You’ll have to write to me dear, Quinn hardly ever writes what’s going on in his life. I have to rely on Min-Jun for that.” She tsks she pats Opal’s hand affectionately.  
“I will.” Opal replies with a nod. 
“May I see them?” Newt asks the young woman. “The mermaids.” 
The young woman pauses for a moment and looks to Newt, “They’re terrified, so yes, please. If there’s any way you could help.”
“Maybe I can get them to calm down?” Remus suggests looking to Opal and Newt. 
“That may be for the best.” Opal agrees, “We better hurry aboard, Min-Jun wants to leave as soon as possible. Before the Blacks notice their son is missing.”  
Opal leads the group to the cabins, walking past many doors until they finally stop at one door with a circular window. Remus peered inside and froze when a pair of glaring eyes locked to his. Inside the room, there was a tall beautiful asian woman with wet long dark brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin and bright red lips. She looked to be about Opal’s age. Her tail was a dazzling array of soft blue scales that looked like mis-shapened spots, with white scales as the base, her flue was nearly a translucent shimmery white. Her skin was pale, her arms were wrapped tightly around the smaller mer. Her tail coiled around them protectively. Remus’ nearly gasped. The mermaid only clutched the child tighter, her glare never leaving Remus’ face.
The mer in her arms was tiny. A child, who couldn’t have been older than four. The mer child had short soft silky black hair that was in a disarray, brown eyes, light sun kissed skin. The child clung tightly to the older mermaid's neck, their tail had pale teal and shimmery white scales with the same patterns as the older mermaid, safely tucked under her arms. The mer child’s shoulders were shaking, pearls littered the blankets beneath them. Tears. They sat alone in the room, laying on top of a few spare blankets for the cabin beds.
Remus’ gaze was pulled away at the sound of running footsteps, a sailor running past them in haste, to the infirmary. On impulse, Remus followed the sailor as they walked through the door. 
There Min-Jun sat on a chair, looming over a deathly still figure, his face pale. Min-Jun was holding the still figure’s hand. 
Remus gulped, scared to find out who the figure was. “Who…” 
Min-Jun looked up to see Remus. With pained eyes he looked back down to the figure. Gently putting the cold hand to rest on their chest. 
“Ethan’s dead.” 
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