asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! Welcome to chapter five! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna ( @epithymiahua ) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help! She’s incredible and deserves so much credit for working on this alongside me cause she works so hard. And I feel horrible that she isn’t getting the credit deserves. Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Luna’s blog! 
This chapter features a mention of poisoning, it’s quite brief and only about paragraph but nonetheless here’s your warning. Also, if you have any questions about swords and the reasoning behind Min-Jun’s sword having a name, feel free to ask Luna on her blog, she is great at explaining the lore behind it all and very patient to help you understand. 
As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. There are very subtle mentions of lore within the previous chapters so perhaps read back and see if you can catch it. 
Under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander, the included lore on different types of merfolk will as always, be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We will not take credit for its writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out!
Also! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so that you don’t miss a new chapter! Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy!
If you’ve missed any chapters here’s the link to the masterlist for this story Secrets of the Darkened Seas 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 5: The Sea Serpent’s Venom
Everything happened in a span of mere seconds. Regulus and Tadase both woke up in fear, the crew claimed their weapons, the boys were pulled away by Opal and hidden away, Remus drew his sword, Sirius’ sword clanged against his, and the invading pirates boarded the Dragon’s Pearl. 
Remus glared at the offending man, he stepped back when other pirates began to draw closer. One of the pirates stood next to Sirius Black. He was lean and tall, he wore round spectacles, light skin, the most unruly black hair Remus had ever seen, and a sword at the ready. 
Remus blocked the first to his head, retaliating by swinging his sword. The pirate in spectacles charged at Quinn, who only smirked in response. Easily dancing around the younger pirate, disarming him rather quickly by grabbing the spectacles of the pirate. The man yelled out in surprise, shouting at the unfairness of it all. 
Another pirate, this time a woman with bright green eyes and fiery red hair, charged after Opal. Having just joined the fray, she quickly blocked a blow to her side. She was not amused, nor did she want to deal with practical children, minus Remus of course, trying to steal their ship.
“Where is he?!” Sirius snarled out, his sword pressed against Remus’.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” He snapped in return. Pushing his sword down against the Black.
“Don’t play coy, I know your captain kidnapped my brother!” Sirius pulled his sword free and twirled it with his wrist. “Kidnapped?! My captain practically saved him!” Remus widened his stance, putting the hilt of his sword to his chest.
Sirius didn’t even bother to respond to that, only frowning at the answer Remus gave him. He surged forward again, aiming for Remus’ torso. He blocked and began to advance while Sirius began to retreat to the stairs. He was heading for the Captain’s quarters. In a moment of quick thinking, Remus threw his sword. Sirius found himself pinned to the wall- Remus’ sword piercing his sleeve to the wood of the railing.
Sirius tugged his wrist, trying to pull free, he glared at Remus who only offered a smirk in return. His expression falters at the sight of a young lanky man with dusty blonde hair and grey eyes. The young man’s eyes darted around nervously, he quickly ran towards Sirius, handing the object in his arms to him. 
It was Min-Jun’s sword, the one with a dark green sheath with gold accents. Dú hǎi. Remus paled. The lanky boy had snuck into the Captain’s quarters. Sirius smirked, taking the hilt of the sword.
The crew of the Dragon’s Pearl paused, watching Sirius. With all of the attention on him, Sirius spoke. 
“I’ll be taking over this ship, unless you hand over Regulus Black. If you don’t, I’ll have the Dragon’s Pearl kill you all.” The crew merely looked at the Black in confusion.  
Sirius frowns, he lifts the sword up for the crew to see. “See this! This sword controls the ship, and I hold the sword.” 
Remus looked to Quinn, an intense desire to wring the young Black’s neck was clear upon his face. Quinn merely shook his head, sheathing his sword, and leaned against the railing. Remus only looked at Sirius as if he was watching a child wave a stick and calling it a magic wand.  
Sirius’ brows frowned further into frustration at the lack of a response from the crew, in anger, he pulls the sword from its sheath. Instantly dropping the sword, blood dripping to the deck. Sirius clutched his hand tightly, a tiny metallic gold snake with emerald eyes wrapped its body around Sirius’ wrist, its fangs piercing the skin. 
The metallic gold snake released its fangs, leaving two puncture holes, uncoiling its body, and it fell to the floor. Then slithered its way to the hilt of the sword where it fits perfectly to the deep grooves of the metal hilt that had appeared to have lost a large piece. The snake froze and became inanimate once more. Its emerald eyes shimmering. 
Sirius looked to Remus and Quinn. His vision began to fog up around the edges, his mind felt heavy. “What did you do to me? What is that sword?!”
“Us? We’ve done nothing.” Quinn replied with a shrug.
Remus sheathed his sword and walked forward. His expression was neutral as the crew began to drive out the remaining pirates who had grown in fear at the sight of the sword’s snake coming to life. “That sword, is called Dú hǎi.” 
Sirius fell to his knees, he looked up to Remus. “What the bloody hell does that have to do with anything?!” 
Remus remains passive. “Dú hǎi translates to Venomous Sea.” He crouched down next to the pirate. “You were bitten by the spirit of the sword, and now have its venom running in your veins.” 
The pirate glared at Remus. “Give me the antidote!” 
“I don’t have it, only the White Sea Serpent has it,” Remus answered calmly.  
Sirius froze, he had heard that title before. The White Sea Serpent was a man who had vanquished many pirates and had a magical sword that only served one master. “Who is he?! Where can I find him to give me the antidote!?” 
“He’s my captain,” Remus smirked. “Captain Min-Jun Hua. And I doubt he would give someone like you the antidote. He doesn’t take too kindly to trespassers on his ship.”  
Sirius struggled to keep his eyes open, his heart began to slow, he fell to his side. Quinn walked forward. 
“You got bitten by the White Sea Serpent mate. You’ll become legendary if you survive. Which you won’t since its venom is hell without the antidote.” He leans down to grin at the pirate. “You’d best start praying my captain returns soon, eh?”  
Sirius couldn’t respond, he fell unconscious. Quinn tsks, shaking his head. He stood, “Take him to the infirmary, make sure he stays alive long enough for Min-Jun to arrive.” 
The crew gets to work. Remus watches them drag Sirius away, his arms crossed. “Defeated by the captain’s sword when the captain was nowhere in sight. What a terrible way to die. He doesn’t even have the honor to die with the captain present. How tragic.” 
“Well, now you know how it looks in person. This is why no one has managed to take the ship.” Quinn adds, he grabs the fallen sword, speaking quietly to it. A small hiss answers in return, Quinn resheaths the sword.  
“I’ll go check on the children. They got quite the scare.” Remus offered. He personally wanted to make sure the children weren’t harmed during the fight. 
“Alright, try to get some sleep,” Quinn adds as he looks to the ship that was sailing away. “His own crew left him, not that I blame them. They wouldn’t even be able to help him.” Quinn turned to the infirmary. Dú hǎi in his hand. 
When Remus joined the children, Brielle had taken to hiding Regulus as well. She snarled when the cabin door opened, but stopped when she saw that it was Remus. 
“How are they?” Remus asked softly, kneeling on the ground. The mermaid had not spoken once, but it was clear she could understand them. The mermaid only communicated with Remus telepathically, but even then Remus still struggled to understand the complex mer language. 
Brielle simply looked to her right, the children were huddled under a blanket. She looked back to Remus, her eyes turning silver as she spoke to Remus telepathically.
Remus instantly raised his hands to try to stop her, his head shaking. “Alright, I understand. Please stop doing that, it feels so loud my head might burst.” He looks to Brielle who’s shoulders slumped. He sighs. “At least until I know about your language.” 
Brielle looks away, her hair falling over her shoulder. Remus turned his attention to the blanket, lifting it up a tad to peek at the children underneath. Two pairs of wide eyes stared back at him. Remus couldn’t help but smile. 
“Are you both alright?” The boys nod. Tadase crawls out from the blanket, curling up to the older mer’s side. Purring contentedly. Regulus crawled out as well, hesitantly watching the two mers interact, it looked like he wanted comfort too.  
Without warning, Remus pulled Regulus onto his lap, hugging him tightly. Regulus struggled to pull himself free, but gradually came to a stop. The child’s shoulders began to shake, before he began to sob. 
Remus only rubbed his back in an attempt to soothe him. A sigh leaving his lips, he was angry. Regulus had been so small and thin, he hadn’t spoken a single word for nearly all four days. Only flinching whenever someone mentioned the Blacks. What had they done to him?
“He feels abandoned.” Remus snapped his head up, eyes wide as he looked to the mermaid. She had spoken. In english!
Brielle looked undisturbed with her sudden ability to speak. She watched the boy closely. “I feel, loneliness from him. He feels abandoned.” 
Remus frowned. He wasn’t surprised. The Blacks all but unloved the frail boy in his arms. Regulus was neglected for so long, it must have felt like rejection and abandonment. Brielle tilts her head, the mer child in her arms has fallen asleep. Gently, she places Tadase down beside her. She turns to Remus, her arms stretched, reaching for Regulus. 
“I’ll sing. To help him sleep. No more nightmares.” 
Remus’ eyes widened in surprise. “Mermaid’s can be rid of nightmares?” 
Brielle nodded. “Mothers do, for their babies. I will do it for him.” She pulls the boy into her arms, her clawed hands were so gentle, it amazed Remus how such a fierce creature could become so gentle and tender to others. He had much to learn about his fellow mers it seemed. 
Once settled comfortably upon her lap, Brielle began to sing. And her lullaby soothed out the frown on his face, falling deep into sleep. Tadase curled closer to her. Her lullaby seemed to calm the rage within Remus’ own mind, and all the crew slept well for the first time in days. Even Sirius Black who was fighting for his life, the pain seemed to dull. 
Her song reached everyone aboard the Dragon’s Pearl.
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! Welcome to chapter seven! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna ( @ladynightmare913 ) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help! She’s incredible and deserves so much credit for working on this alongside me cause she works so hard. And I feel horrible that she isn’t getting the credit deserves. Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Luna’s blog!
As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. There are very subtle mentions of lore within the previous chapters so perhaps read back and see if you can catch it.
Under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander, the included lore on different types of merfolk will as always, be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We will not take credit for its writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out!
Also! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so that you don’t miss a new chapter! Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy!
If you’ve missed any chapters here’s the link to the masterlist for this story Secrets of the Darkened Seas 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 7: Searching for Answers
Sirius was restrained to a bedpost, Remus had many questions, mainly concerning why the Captain of the Dragon’s pearl didn’t succumb to Brielle’s song. Roughly an hour later, Quinn and the rest of the crew had woken up and set back to work. The only one who was still unconscious was Opal, and so Quinn carefully picked the woman up in his arms and gently laid her down upon one of the infirmary beds. Then began helping the crew finish the preparations to set sail. 
“Why didn’t the song affect Min-Jun?” Remus followed Quinn instantly when the man had woken up and left the room. 
“What song?” He smiled, evading Remus easily as he carried a box of biscuits down to the kitchens. 
Remus glared. “You know exactly what I am talking about.”  
“Honestly Remus, you’re speaking in riddles.” Quinn tsks with a shake of his head.  
“Quinn, why are you evading my question?” Remus asked with crossed arms, eyes narrowing as he observed the auburn-haired man.
Quinn sighed, walking past Remus down the hallway below the deck. “Remus, just let it go.” 
“Why? It’s obviously important. You were barely affected for long, same with the rest of the crew. Yet Brielle, Min-Jun, and I were the only ones awake.” Remus stated matter of factly, “Shouldn’t I know the answer?”
The young man sighed heavily, he looked at Remus with a quizzical expression. “What do you know about Min-Jun?”
Remus blinked, surprised at the question. “Not much.”
Quinn nodded his head. “Exactly why I can’t say anything about it. If you are so curious, ask him yourself.” With that, he walked back above deck leaving Remus with his thoughts and musings.
Remus watched the first mate walk away in silence, till he was the only one remaining in the halls. Asking the Captain outright would get him the direct answers he seeks. But, he wanted to figure this out for himself before having to resort to desperation. Resolve in mind, Remus headed off to the Dragon’s Pearl library.
After spending nearly the entire day searching the library, Remus had begun to feel frustrated. His search while informative was rather fruitless in results. He looked over the Chinese characters as he slowly translated them to English. 
All that he could really understand was that Min-Jun’s parent's names were Iseul and Taeyong. Iseul was Chinese, and Taeyong was Korean. Who was who, Remus didn’t know just yet. 
Remus looked over his other notes that laid scattered around the floor. One thing that kept recurring was the emblem of the dragon that adorned the flag of the Dragon’s Pearl. He sighed as he rubbed his head. 
The door opened, Opal entered the library, rubbing the back of her neck. She frowned at the sight of scattered pages on the ground. “What are you doing Remus?” 
“Research,” Remus answered, looking up to the woman. “How are you feeling?”
“Well, Min-Jun gave me a tonic to soothe my head, Brielle’s song echoes there,” She laughed gently. Then walked over to join him, crouching down she looked at the pages. “What’s the research about?” 
Remus sighed, “When Brielle sang her song, everyone fell unconscious…” Remus paused, “But Min-Jun didn’t. He was completely fine. As if he was immune to her voice.” 
Opal nodded silently, urging the young man to continue his explanation.
“And Quinn is avoiding my questions so I took matters into my own hands.” 
“Why don’t you ask? Min-Jun wouldn’t lie, not to you.” 
“....I wanted to try and figure out on my own. Not to mention I don’t know how to translate from Chinese characters to English…” 
Opal sighed, “Sometimes you’re too quizzical for your own good Remus.” She muttered under her breath, then looked over the papers, “Some of these are Chinese characters, but not all. Look,” She pointed over a square character, “I‘m pretty sure these are Korean characters. What languages can you read?” 
Remus shook his head, “Only Welsh, English, a bit of Latin, and the basics of Chinese.” 
Opal hummed in thought, “I think you are trying to translate Korean characters alongside Chinese ones, and it’s confusing you. That’s why it’s not working.” 
Remus mused for a moment, pondering over Opal’s words. It made sense. He looked back to the papers, “I think you’re right.”
“Quinn said he’s fluent in both Korean and Chinese, Newt and Tina as well.” She looked at the page with the dragon emblem. “They’re friends with Min-Jun’s parents.” 
Remus nodded, he knew this already, considering Quinn had often said that he and Min-Jun were practically raised together, and considered themselves as brothers. 
“You should speak to Brielle, I noticed she wouldn’t stop glaring at the Captain. Maybe she’ll help you.”
Remus thought it over. Brielle had looked at the captain in surprise when he hadn’t fallen into a trance-like state. And when she had been escorted back, she kept speaking to Remus telepathically, asking if he had known. 
“Maybe she can, I don’t believe I’ll get any more answers here,” Remus admits.
“Go, I’ll put these away.” She replied with a smile.
Remus smiles in thanks before he goes to Brielle’s quarters. It wasn’t a long walk to her cabin. Knocking on the cabin door, he waits until he can hear the muffled sounds of unbalanced footsteps getting closer.
Brielle opened the door, smiling at Remus. “Remus.”  
Remus smiled in return, “Hello Brielle.”
She opened the door wider, already used to Remus coming to her room to check on the children. Somehow, it had become Brielle’s job to look after Regulus. “They are sleeping.” 
“I’m glad.” He says as he looks towards the slumbering boys, then looks back to Brielle, “But, I wanted to ask you about something.”
“Come in.” 
Brielle slowly walked over to the chair nearest to her, taking her seat. “What do you wish to speak about?”
Remus took his seat opposite her. “I wanted to talk about the captain.”
At the mention of the maintenance of the captain, the mermaid spoke. “Captain Hua has been very kind, he says he is planning to sail to the Asian Sea, to return us home.” She says quietly, frowning. 
“That’s excellent news.” Remus smiled. “Brielle, remember when you sang your song earlier today?” 
The mermaid nodded her head. “Yes, to calm Sirius.”
“Yes exactly. Well, see the thing is, I wanted to ask you about Min-Jun,” Remus paused, leaning closer to Brielle, “Why didn’t the song work on him?” 
Brielle leaned back into her chair, she avoided Remus’ gaze, instead opting to look at the sleeping children. She was silent for a long time. The longer she went without speaking, Remus’ nervousness grew. “Brielle?” 
Seeming to have been brought to reality, Brielle looked to the mer before her. “Captain Hua… cannot be human…” 
Remus frowned, “What?” 
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Luara: I have taught him a lesson
Cassandra: You fucked up a perfectly lovable man is what you did. *Points to Red* Look at him. He’s got anxiety!
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