#witness the beauty of life!!!! i'm not gonna tho but you should
guinevereslancelot · 16 days
how can you not believe in miracles when the sun literally rises every morning. i will literally never get up early enough to witness that by choice btw but that's not the point ☺️
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salvy-deldroid · 10 months
Hi there! I am pretty new to this site so I dunno if I'm doing this currently or not. I've read some of your works on Wattpad and am a bit familiar with your writing. Can you write me a few fix headcannons for an ABO creepypasta idea? Alpha Jeff the killer and his Fem omega darling in the classic mansion AU? Darling isnt much of a combat and kill person, however due to being a product of two omega parents, shee does have a mutation in her genes leading to extra powerful pheromones on will. The pheromones can help assert her will on anyone, much like midnight's quirk in MHA. Person feels sleepy and couldn't process shit apart from what they're being told, and then end up complying to it. Slenderman uses it to it's full extent, sending the darling out in recruiting missions and using her to make sealed lips speak. I would love headcannons on how they met and how Jeff sees her! You can make it a bit of dark yandere! I don't have much preferences on clothing but I'll like it if darling's dressed in a beautiful dress with a half faced kitsune mask, it adds to her innocently mysterious aesthetic! It's okay if you can't tho, lots of love <333
Hi there Hon!! That's one specific request XD but it makes things easier imo. I really love the described environment (and the ABO is just the cherry topping the cake!) and am excited to see how this is gonna turn out to be!!! 
So let's start! I'll make it in headcanon format! 
Being a child born of an affair between two omegas didn't make your life any easier. However, it did make it a hell lot of interesting and adventurous. A teeny tiny Lil mutation in your DNA had granted you with something akin to a quirk, and you're grateful for it. The mutation causes you to secrete a special type of pheromone (that too on will, talk about winning the jackpot), which makes it easier for you to control and brainwash someone. Once inhaled, their brain fogs up and the person is temporarily moved to a little space kind of mindset, the only thing they're able to fully register being you and your demands. And hence, you could ask them or command them to do anything and they'll happily oblige. The effect of the pheromones stay as long as they're inhaling it, and a few differences in dosage can make large differences.
When it comes to recruiting, your pheromones are just used as a tranquiliser. You tell the now fogged up creep about the mansion, the advantages and the reasons why they should come with you. And in most cases, they agree and follow you like a lost puppy. In a rare few cases where they refuse, you have to command them to yield, because if you come back empty handed Slender would personally make sure you're punished accordingly.
And that's how you and the asshole of the household first met, on yet another one of your recruition missions. The fairly new creepypasta had been going on a bloody rampage each week, his kill streak enough to catch Slenderman's attention. And off you were dispatched, just 3 weeks after his debut, to find and recruit him.
Oh, it was bloody hell finding that crusty sewer rat. It took you a total of 4 days just tracking his position down. However, you finally found him lurking near the woods the mansion was in, a pretty convenient place. Following your usual set of actions, you start secreting the pheromones before approaching.
For Jeffrey however, the first time seeing you was something akin to witnessing an angel on earth. The previous week's had been rough, the police hot on his trail, laying low during the day and murdering in the night, along with the scarcity of food and water due to his current homelessness. In this subsistence crisis of a life, that beautiful aroma coming from the woods surely caught him off guard. His brain fogged up, all the reasonable thoughts and warning bells muffled as his only concern became to try and find the source of such heavenly smell. 
And as you waltzed out of the woods, wearing that beautifully crafted dress and the intricate kitsune mask hiding the upper half of your face, he was awestruck. He should've ran away, he should've attack and kill you, He should've demanded to know how you found him and what you wanted. But he didn't- he couldn't. At that moment, the only thing that existent to him was you, your offer about joining this mansion family shit where he would be kept safe and provided for and whatever, the beautiful scent, and this dark urge to own you. Something so fucking beautiful needed protection from all the horrors of the world. Something so soft needed someone to hold her close and keep her safe and secure. Something so mystical needed to be looked away and provided for.
You needed him and his protection, and he would gladly give it to you. 
He had absolutely no qualms about the mansion at all, ready to follow you to the depths of hell if it meant being in your mystic presence. He melted at the sight of you, making things times easier. He followed you back to the mansion, up the stairs and to Slenderman's office without any objections, not caring about neither the fact that there were other people looking at him with either curiosity or distaste, nor the giant faceless person in front of him going on and on about having to stamp some pact to join them and becoming a part of the pack completely. All he cared about the soft gaze on your face and the supportive, understanding smile on your soft lips. 
Finally, after being taken to his assigned room, did the fog clear after you closed the door and left. The reality crashed in on him, as he slid down into the floor questioning what, how and why.
This was only the start of the long spiral down the obsession lane for him. Those secret glances at you at the dining table would soon become hard glares at the other Alpha's you'd interact with. Before long he'd start tailing you during your missions, observing each and every interaction of yours. Soon small articles started going missing, nothing too much at first. Just a misplaced bracelet, lost earrings and forgotten scrunchies. Soon however, those little accesories turned into missing panties, lost bras and what not.
While this was going on behind the scenes, on the front stage Jeffrey had already started to get himself acquainted with you. Something out of your reach? Lemme geddit for ya shortie. Why so lonely? You can always play video games with me. He was everywhere, keeping an eye on you or straight up being the one hogging your attention. Oh, he just loved how your oblivious little self would squirm around, the queasiness of being watched. Those frightened little glaces you'd give while walking down the woods alone, your subconscious nagging at you about the presence of a viable alpha. Your jumpiness just added fuel to the fire, firming his belief that you needed someone to take care of you. You need him to take care of you.
A year or two passed by, the alpha within him getting more impatient as you went over to recruit more and more creeps. The thought that everyone here had smelt that sweet aroma of yours atleast once made his blood boil. He would need to act out soon, now that you had a fair amount of viable mates around you.
Soon, the time came. You had started to nest, getting ready for your bi monthly heats. Pillows, shirts and blankets thrown down into your little safe corner and molded into your fortress of fluff, your beautiful nest. This, coupled with your heat suppressants, would be enough for yet another heat without any trouble.
And as on que, our beloved yandere alpha started to put his plans to action. The minty suppressants in the bottle were replaced with mint candies, nothing too much for your oblivious self to notice. Sweet little omegas like you shouldn't use suppressants in that much amount, it would be bad for you. Soon little break in and sneaks into your room started to occur, all your stuff apart from your nest being lightly scented. Not enough for you to notice but prevalent enough for your hindbrain to go crazy. Most of the work had been done, now it's just about time….
Finally, the fateful day of your heart striked. Cramps times worse than what you've experienced in the last couple of years, your foggy brain not being coherent enough. The burning sensation throughout your entire body, you felt like crying. You had forgotten how painful heats can be. This was just one of the worse ones right? 
However, your world came crashing down as you opened your door, entering your room. The jar open door forgotten, all your attention got hogged by what has happened to your little den. 
The entire place just reeked of an alpha, from your bedding to your dresser and wardrobe. Taking low, dreadful steps into your defiled safe space, you should've felt bile rise up your throat. But your heart addled brain just added fuel to the fire, your subconscious screaming at you to go into your nest and wait for alpha instead of investigating. Taking slow, dreadful steps towards your nest, you held your breath in hoping for it all to be a dream 
But it wasn't. The scent of the foreign alpha was the most dense over your best, soon you found out why. Shirts, blankets and articles from your loved ones had been thrown out and replaced, as white hoodies, jackets, black shirts and unknown pillows and comforters lay in their place. All your stuffed toys now were aggressively scented and accompanied by larger toys you didn't recognise. Your nest, the safest place for an omega, had been thoroughly scented and 'perfected' by someone.
Your nest- your den had been marked by an Alpha. And as the realization dawned, you were broken out of your reverie by the sound of your door closing and locking. Snapping around, your eyes met with the figure of him, putting all the pieces together. You started backing away as he turned to meet you, the sickening smile on his face.
He'll make sure it would be a night you'll never forget. 
Hope this is what you wanted! Sorry if I made any mistakes 😅
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ladylooch · 9 months
There is so much of T & Em's relationship to explore, so many moments with baby Lee, I don't want to pass it on to them with even more children (🤭🫣), but Timo, a girl's dad fixing the baby's hair and buying little pink clothes put me in combustion
We bounce around plenty, so we will definitely be back to the three of them. But let's go visit life with Liv for a bit.
"Babe?" Emma comes rushing into the closet where I am buttoning my pants together. She looks so gorgeous, I physically can't move for a minute. Her teal dress accents all the curves I like to run my hands over. Her hair is back to blonde with this honey dew glow that begs for my fingers through it. The guests at this wedding are going to have a hard time not looking at her. Fuck, I'm going to have a hard time not looking at her.
"Holy shit, Em. You are... stunning." She blushes, laughing and closing her eyes for a moment.
"That made me feel good."
"It should. Wow." I reach for her fingers, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb. I tug and she falls into my chest. I tighten my arms around her until she can't move. She whines.
"No, no, no. We don't have time and I need your help."
"Lee is having a meltdown and is demanding cuddles on the couch. Can you please finish dressing Liv and fixing her hair." I widen my eyes and release my wife.
"I'm a little out of my element with that. Can I take Lee?"
"No. He insisted on me." I scrunch my nose.
"Why doesn't he want me?"
"Sometimes, you just need your mom." She leans up to kiss my lips, rushing away entirely too soon. "Liv is on our bed for you." 
"Ooooookay." I trail off, stuffing my arms into my button up. I work on my buttons as I walk into the room. Our daughter is in the center of the bed in only a diaper, staring at the TV. It's some toddler TV show I always get wrong. "Hi beautiful." I murmur, reaching for her. 
"Dadadadada." She immediately babbles. 
"Yeah? Then what happened?" I ask her, tickling her little belly. I reach down, blowing a raspberry into her plumped skin. She giggles, reaching for my head and patting at it. "Patty cake huh? Maybe we can do that while we get dressed, yeah? But where did mommy put your dress?" I wonder, scanning the room. I find it on Emma's velvet chaise by the window. "Oh, Liv you're gonna look so pretty in this. And you're gonna match your hot mama." 
I put Liv into a sitting position on the bed again, chuckling as she keeps trying to make a break for it by crawling away.
"Hey!" I pretend to yell, grabbing her ankle and pulling her gently back to me. She shrieks in excitement, giggles shaking her little body. I finally pull the tulle and silk over her head. She immediately begins to ball the skirt up in her little hands, shaking her head.
“Yeah, baby.” 
“No.” She starts to wail, getting frustrated.
I power through, ignoring the part of me that wants to appease her. She will be fine and is working through some frustration with textures right now. The doctor says it’s normal. Lio never went through anything like this, but that’s been the story with our second child. Her and her brother are nothing alike.
“Baby!” I exclaim when she’s all zipped together. “You are the most beautiful baby girl in the entire world.” I smooch at her cheeks as I gather her back into my arms. “Lee and I are lucky to be walking in with our gorgeous girls.” I scan her light brown hair, noting the way it holds static electricity and shoots out in the back. “Mama said do your hair… and I have no clue. So this seems like a headband thing… except if I put a headband on you, you are going to scream.” I bite my lip beginning to wander into Liv’s room next to ours to see what my options are. 
Liv grips at my jaw as we walk. She leans forward, beginning to mouth at my cheek.
“Mmm thank you.” She just learned to give kisses from Lio, so she likes to lick at people’s faces now, thinking they’re kisses. “Little less tongue tho, baby. We don’t want the boys getting the wrong idea.” 
“No.” She says with excitement. I snort on my laughter.
I scan the various hair accessories Emma has in the top drawer of Liv’s dresser. It is all headbands and hair clips. Liv’s hair isn’t long enough for anything else except maybe a rat tail at the base of her skull. Emma Meier would kill me if I brought her downstairs like that.
“Since I value my life, hair clip it is.” I reach for one with a daisy on it, then set Liv on top of the dresser, to put it in place. I swoop her hair back on the right side, then put the clip in. It looks good enough to me. “Okay, now daddy has to finish getting ready.”
I hold Liv on my hip while I do the finishing touches on my wedding look. When I’m done, I grab my suit jacket and head downstairs to join Em and Lio. Our son’s teary face is munched into Emma’s cleavage watching TV. She strokes her fingers through his hair, lip pressing there every so often.
“How we doing?” I ask, running a hand over Lio’s back. “We feeling brave, buddy?” 
“Yeah.” He responds, pushing up from Emma. “Mama said Lucie is coming.”
“She is.” I confirm. The wedding is for a fellow teammate and Nico is a groomsman. “But you’re going to have to be good during the ceremony, okay?” 
“Yeah, mama told me.” Emma stands, wiggling her skirt back into place. I offer her my arm, wrapping a hand around her waist as she slips back into her black pumps. She smiles, then frowns when she sees Liv.
“Okay. Hair is not your thing.”
“What? What is wrong with it?” 
“Babe, just because the hair clip is attached to her hair doesn’t mean it looks good.” She reaches for our daughter. “Mommy will fix it.” She coos.
I’m too busy looking at the sway of her ass to even be mad.
“You tell mama she looked pretty?” I ask Lio, running a hand over his hair.
“Yeah. Then she left stuff on my cheek.” He points to where her pink lipstick is smudged into his cheek. Lucky kid.
“Trust me, one day, you’ll love it.” 
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bebe-thewriter · 2 years
Yo I’m BeBe and I have a book on wattpad that’s not getting any attention sooooooo I decided to share it here! Tho, I feel like I should start with an introduction blog🤔 you know what it is what it is.
In this story connie is a drummer in a band and y/n is a amazing singer! Now without further ado the boos no one asked for “bare with me”!!!!
 ~ I bet you fell it now baby.~
"Y/n what's so good about them?" A girl with black hair and two pigtails says.
~Especially since we've only known each other one day but,~
"You don't understand Mikasa, S.C.O.U.T.S have some of the best music our generation has ever heard! I mean listen to it, don't you feel something?"
~I'm exorcising Demons, got ''em running round the block now~
I stare at Mikasa and slowly start to see her reacting to the song. "Your right y/n his voice is kinda...." "see I told you, this bands music makes you feel things you have never felt before." I say as I watch Mikasa start to sway.
~location drop now~
"Y/n who is this singing he sounds..... interesting" "girl is that your way of saying his voice makes you horny?" I see Mikasa softly blush, "y/n" "ok, ok damn, his name is eren Yeager, he's the lead vocalist" she slightly hums "eren hmm" I don't blame mikasa for her reaction, eren indeed has a voice that could bring out a side in people they didn't even know existed, but for me it isn't the voice that gets me all hot and bothered no, it's the drums.
Connie springer. S.C.O.U.T.S drummer and backup vocalist. He plays like he's a teen who just experienced their 3rd high, you can tell he's experienced but not to the point that it's intimidating, but to a point where it's playful. I sway to the music my hands trailing up and down my body conscious of what's coming next. I wait in anticipation and bam it's here.
~ the waters getting colder, let me in your ocean, swim~
There it is Connie's designated drum's, mikasa and I both start dancing like nobody's watching, bumping, grinding, flipping, you name it. Whenever Connie's drums come on I can't help my self, he's so talented and it makes me well...... anyway.
I start singing along to the song, losing myself in the music. "Y/n your voice is beautiful when are you gonna get yourself a record deal" mikasa says. "Girl stop playing I'm not that good" mikasa just stares with a 😑🤨 face as if she's thinking 'you know damn well your that good' "seriously y/n you need to do something about that gift of yours, your singing is way to good for just random humming while cleaning school bathrooms" "idk mikasa, stuff like that takes time to develop and I'm too scared to even sing infront of my mom. I think I'll hang low for now" you say. Mikasa looks at you and nods her head while both of you go back to listening to your neawest "obsession" S.C.O.U.T.S. Unknowing to you that your life is about to change forever.
Y/n and Mikasa sit in their assigned seats at the back of the class, both bored out of their minds and spacing out.
Music class is supposed to be fun, but when you only read music everyday, hear wannabe pop stars do that dumb Billie eillish growl, and witness kids trying to show off all the time, you kinda just want the class to be over with.
"Alright class settle down" the teacher says. "We have some very special gust coming to our school." I lean over my desk, my interest was peaked.
"Their gonna come to our school to host a talent show! Their looking for another vocalist, and a new type of sound." Everyone in the class is now silent trying to get as much information they can. There was just one question on everyone's tongue, who?
"The band that is hosting this event goes by S.C.O.U.T.S!!"
Everyone in the room erupts into chatter while Mikasa stared daggers in your head. "Girl what do you want?" You say. "I want you to enter your scary ass in that competition" She replies. Before you can say something back the teacher continues.
"In fact they should be here any second now"
Now this threw yo ass off guard. There was no way S.C.O.U.T.S we're actually coming to your scho-
"Yo what's going on?" A deep voice says. You look up to see Jean Kirsten standing in-front of the class with his signature guitar in hand. Everyone starts to fangirl including the dudes.
"How's everyone doing?" You look at the second voice only to see none other than Sasha the potato enthusiast with a keyboard next to her.
Mikasa taps your arm in excitement. "Y/n, lookkkkkk" you do as she says and sees him eren Yeager "mf looks mustier in person" you say louder then you meant to. "Pffftttt eren she just called you musty lmao" that voice, you know that voice. It was deep but not to the point that you cant understand some word like mr. mike, it was raspy.
Eren hmps then goes back to introducing himself while Connie stares. "I'm Connie springer, nice to meet y'all" he says as his eyes stare into mine.
The rest of the group introduced themselves as I check Connie out. My eyes slowly trail done his neck and stops to see a neck tattoo in Spanish. My eyes continue to lower and notice his muscles, 'not to big but big enough to see them through his shirt lorddddd' I think. I slowly reach the bottom half of his body and see the waist line of his underwear poking out of his grey sweat pant's, but before I go any lower I bring my eyes to his face and see that he was doing the same for me. His eyes traced my body up and down while he licked his lips muttering a small "daymn." As we both lock eyes he smiles slightly, well more like a smirk.
"What a gyalis" mikasa says to you having whitenesses the whole interaction. "Damn y'all was really eye fucking in class wow" you turn to see yamir smirking at you. "Can both of y'all sthu damn, always in black folk business.
"I can't wait to see all the participants show us what they got!" Connie says eyes still on you, and only you.
"Your auditioning for the talent show right?"
Mikasa, Yamir, and I were now eating lunch discussing the exciting opportunity we were gifted.
"Idk Yamir, the auditions are tomorrow and I don't have a song, honestly why did they wait to tell us about it?" I said biting into my food.
"Nobody knows and frankly nobody cares. Y/n if you were given the opportunity of your life time and learn that its actually legit would you hesitate?" Mikasa asked.
"Yeah, if you have no idea what the outcome may be." I reply seeing mikasa lowly shake her head.
"I severely hope you wouldn't , do you know how many people would kill for this? Do you? Y/n the people at this school are all here for the same reason you are, make it big in the music industry, and I guarantee you they WONT hesitate."
Mikasa was right, they do attend an ART school, and the people at art schools have their sights set on what they want to do, and will do anything to get it.
"Ok ok your right I should cease the moment, I should be bold, I'm gonna try out for that talent show and do my best!"
"Girl you think to small, your gonna enter the talent show and your gonna win!" Yamir corrects.
The 3 girls laughed together finishing their food and started heading to the last class of the day.
"Oh shit." I muttered.
"What's wrong" asked Mikasa.
"I just thought about it, what the hell am I gonna sing?"
This is important the song you pick could make or break you, and being a singer who can't go to high limits me to an infuriating degree.
(All my altos who Can kinda sing high but sounds better in a lower register please stand up).
"Damn your right uhhhhhhhh let me see." Yamir says. Digging in her bag she pulls out her phone.
"I'm gonna look through my play list." Yamir said. "Do you want something sexy, cute, badass, or calming." I thought about it for awhile, this whole talent show was made to find a new singer for their band, meaning I should do a song that sounds like something the band would play at a gig, and I knew exactly what type of sound that is.
"It's your lucky day, it seems Amaare has a new song with Kali uchi called sad girlz luv money, have a listen" she hands me her EarPods and phone.  And at that moment I knew this was the mother fucking song.
"Yamir your a genius, your actually insane! But how did you find such a perfect song so fast?!?"
"Y/n as an inspiring producer you have to know what's happening in the industry at all times and I just so happen to be one of the top producers in the school" she really is amazing!
Mikasa interrupts my gushing over Yamir and states that  I should start prepping for the audition to which I agree.
The day finally ends, mikasa, Yamir and I take the subway to my apartment since I live off campus. When we finally arrive the three of us almost immediately get to work. Mikasa design's hair, makeup, and cloths for me (mikasa focuses on cosmetology and fashion design in this book) Yamir preps the music and try's to bend the track to my vocal range along with adding some cool events to the backing track, and I just sing, sing my gigantic heart out, I do vocal exorcises, sing random ass songs, hell I even called my parents and performed for them, I just did anything that could prep me for tomorrow not knowing if my hard work would pay off or not.
-Next day-
I wake up and hour before my alarm the nerves getting to me. Mikasa and Yamir slept over as we were gonna put everything together before school started.
"Y/n get ready auditions are all day today so we have to leave right now or we'll catch a big ass line or some shit" Yamir says
I start to get ready singing the song to myself making sure i don't stumble on any words.
I finish getting ready and check myself out
I look at my pink and black wig and almost went to Mikasas room and ate her out because how do you even come up with something like that, and the fitttttt broooo I look like a black version of nana osaki! She deserves all the food in the word bro.
I step out the bathroom and walk t words the kitchen to show the girls how I look in the outfit.
"I just creamed"
"Yamir please, don't nobody want to hear all that" you say with a chuckle while mikasa is dying of laughter. Times like these make you really appreciate your friends.
"Alright babe you ready?" Mikasa asks.
"Ready as I'll ever be" you replie as the three of you walk and and hand to the talent show, not knowing that y'all lives were about to change forever.
At the auditions (Connie's pov)
"Thank you for that proformance well let you know if you got in later this afternoon!" Eren said knowing full well that performance was ass.
"Dude I don't think we're gonna find any good contestants we've been sitting here for 2hours and have only found like 4 good singers we need at least 10!" Sasha says waving her hands around
"Exactly we've only been doing this for 2 hours be patient" Jean says
While they chat I see the door slowly open and a girl with half pink hair stroll in.
"Guys shut the fuck up, look" they all stop.
I zero in on her face and realize she's the girl I was checking out yesterday! And boy was she a stunner. Her wig was slayed to a tee, her outfit fit her perfectly, and her makeup was neat.
"Hi my name is y/n I'm 19 years old and I'm from Minneapolis Minnesota"
God even her voice was beautiful
"What's a girl like you doing in New York?" Jean asks
"Obviously she's here to make it big idiot" armin chimes in.
"Anyway please tell us when your ready y/n" I say making sure I say her name slowly.
"I'm ready" she says
Y/n's pov
"Tell us when your ready y/n" boy was that deadly his eyes were lowers slightly and he slowly sat back in his chair spreading his legs. Oooo he just know he fine. I take a big breath and say "I'm ready"
(Play the song)
Oh, there's dollars all around
Dolla, dolla bills, yeah
Dolla, dolla bills
Yeah, you've been staring at me
I don't really know how long now
I slowly start to sway, doing my little dancey dance. I see the band lean into their seats as I slowly start to wind my hips doing a little hip pop to the beat, eyes closed,
I don't need no fake love
No, I don't need no favor
I know my time go come
Just me and my maker
I'm gonna make the paper
I'm gonna make the paper
I'm gonna make the dollar bills
I'm gonna get paid yeah
I lower my self to the floor and arch my back to the beat and I know all eyes are on me.
I really like to party
I really like to party
I really like to party
I cannot control my body
So when this song is starting
Just cancel all your plans oh
It's evident in my dancing
Moonwalk like Michael Jackson
I here whistling and see Sasha mouth you Betta fuck it up. Connie's focus is on me nothing els, I see him smirk and whisper something to eren. It then hits me.
'I'm totally getting in'
I really like your body, I really like your body
I don't know why you hide it
I wanna see you behind me
You know you don't gotta lie to me
Yo quiero sentirte inside of me
Todo el día imaginándote
Lo quiero pa' mí to' la noche
And you know I don't need no favors
You know I don't need no fake love
I'm that bitch on and off of the cameras
Type of bitch few people can handle
And I walk like I know my pussy dangerous
Talk like my words are made of angel dust
When I whisper to you in a couple languages
Lo que quiero, papi, es besos en la espalda, pues
Como cien millón de besos todo el día
That's the only thing que me da alegría
Sabes que yo quiero hacerte cosas sucias
Y quemarte con estas caricias
Tu lengua en todo mi cuerpo
Cuando termines te quedas por dentro
Tu lengua en todo mi cuerpo
Y cuando termines te quedas por dentro
When it gets to the Spanish part all hell breaks loose "stop the music, stop the music" Connie orders
"Mama you can't come out here act all shy and timid, and proceed to tear the roof down. With the way you were dancing and the sudden Spanish being thrown in their i nearly had a heart attack!"
I frown "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No it's not a bad thing it's a really good thing. Do you know what you were saying in Spanish?" I nod my head.
"Oh mama, that's dangerous territory your crossing and I like it" he states while he strokes his hair. (What hair?🤨)
"He's right y/n you did that!" Sasha adds throwing a plate at me. "You ate girl" I laugh
"Thank you"
"No, thank you! I was loosing hope!" Jean says
"You'll figure out this afternoon if you got in" eren informs while armin mouths 'you got in'
"Thank you all" i say walking out of the room. I walk up to mikasa and Yamir
"Girl. You fucked that shit upppppp" yamir states as we all celebrate
Now it's time to wait and see what happens next
Ight so the spacing is real weird but that’s because I paced all 3 chapters of my book onto here, I didn’t see the point of posting 3 times🤣 but yeah if anyone actually reads this, you want me to continue? Ight BeBe out💃🏾
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Pt. 6
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, Wild Thoughts™️, Angst, Yearning, 18+, Walmart shopping, Anime discussion, Anthony Ramos. Lots of Plot
Word Count: 2.8 K
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal in the form of their Blindspotting musical, Bay Boys. Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, star of the superhero movie series Invincible.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were toxic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
A/N: Keep in mind that this the same AU as Arrivals, with Holly Woods, but is BEFORE Rafa and Holly get together. 
Read the previous chapter.
Isabela, Puerto Rico, May 2023
“We are about 30 minutes from our destination. Please stay seated with your seatbelts fastened. The pilot will let you know when it is safe to do otherwise. Enjoy the rest of the flight.”
The flight attendant’s announcement woke up Daveed. He felt warm and happy. And he had you in his arms.
Daveed moved his head down into your curls, and kissed the top of your head., checking to see if anyone was watching. Everyone was knocked the fuck out. 
You had fallen asleep on his shoulder about 45 minutes into the flight after passing around champagne bottles. You were so cute, but he could tell that your neck was gonna be wrecked when you awoke.
Daveed had carefully maneuvered you so that he could pull up the armrest without waking you. You were dead to the world, so you waking up wasn’t a problem. 
Then, he pulled you to his chest, situating the blanket around you two and leaning back.  If he wanted anything from you right now, at the top of the list would be to be able to hold you like this and to show love.
He questioned that word in his mind. Love, really? He did love you, even if it was only as a good friend. But could it be more? Were you ready for that? Was he?
Daveed looked around to see Craig watching him and giving a thumbs up.  No one else noticed, Rafa was on his laptop and he could have sworn that Anthony and Jasmine were doing something nasty under their blanket behind you.  
He settled back into this feeling of being with you and fell asleep too, happy and content.
You woke up to a strange rhythm under your ear. It was a blue covered heartbeat, you recognized as you opened one eye, and it was insistent and hard, yet warm and safe. You shifted, held Daveed’s torso tighter and tried to drift back off. His arms tightened around you in response.
 Then your eyes popped open.
“Oh shit!”  You realized what was going on. You sat up slowly and squinted at Daveed’s smile and his damn low sexy voice. 
“Hey sleepyhead.”
You blushed and wiped your mouth. 
“Shit, I’m sorry…” you wiped at his onesie. “I think I drooled all over  your…” 
You didn’t finish the sentence when you glanced at Daveed and caught his eye. 
What you said that night came back to both of you. D’s eyes darkened and he licked his lips. For a minute, you were trapped by the static energy of your attraction. Daveed could do a lot with those lips right now if you’d let him. 
But of course you fought it.
You took a deep breath and sat up, separating from Daveed more fully. You had to get it together. You reached for your phone and checked your face, making sure you weren’t too crusty.
“Practically perfect in every way.” Daveed was watching you.
“That’s your first mistake.” You clicked your camera off. “ Anything that’s perfect isn’t real. Or alive.”  You had learned a lot in therapy.
“Truth.” Daveed looked at you appraisingly. “Such wisdom from a young one.” He leaned close to you.  “That’s why I said, ‘practically.’”  He was staring at your lips, not wanting to give up on meeting them again.
“I’m not a ‘young one.’ I’m thirty in two days.” 
You lifted your chin as a child would do, Daveed noted.  It was appropriate, because you were being stubborn as fuck right now.
He chuckled and stayed close, not letting you off the hook.  
“And I’m 40. I could be your…”  
The timbre of his voice was causing your pussy to vibrate. Holy fuck.
“...Daddy,” you said, huskily.  
You opened your mouth to breathe, as Daveed grunted quietly in his throat. God, you wanted to fuck him. You remembered that you knew how big he was. Your eyes widened and you watched his mouth.
Daveed would teach you about Daddy. He wanted to rail you until your pussy curved to his dick.  Got damn.
Daveed wanted you and you wanted him. It was crystal clear. He began to reach for you under the blanket when the flight attendant’s voice intruded on your vibe.
“We are beginning our descent into Rafael Hernández Airport, please stay seated with your seatbelts fastened and bring your tray tables and seats to an upright and locked position. The temperature is 75 degrees and the current time is 12:47 am.  We should be at our gate shortly. Thank you.”
That’s it. The moment was gone. You reached for your water bottle and took a drink to cool down. You were grateful.
Daveed was frustrated, as he sat back, brought his seat up, but held the blanket on his lap for a little while longer. It wasn’t fair, he almost had you. He closed his eyes. Now he felt like a child.
The crew finally arrived in town around 2 am, after the two hour flight and renting a couple of cars to get to Isabela, a village on the seaside.
Loud music was playing to avoid falling asleep, Rafael driving one car and Ant the other.
Arriving in town, the two cars headed straight to the Walmart to get some food and things. It was almost 2 am, but everyone was re-energized and playing around, glad to be free for the time being on the island.
Daveed had to concentrate to read the titles in the video section.  His mind kept going back to the moment on the airplane.  But he vowed not to chase you up and down this island. He didn’t want to crowd you.  It had to be your decision.
You had to come to him. And  the thought of you made him want to cum. He’d have you to think about in the shower tonight, or today, whatever.
He needed to stop thinking about it.
Daveed was looking for Black Dynamite to watch in the condo in case it rained. He knew better than to think that Walmart had it, but he tried anyway.
He did see Afro Samurai tho… He picked it up as Rafa approached him with a toy xylophone and a big grin.
Puerto Rico did something to all of you. It was like some weird no inhibitions pollen or something. When you stepped off the plane you decided to not overthink shit. You were just going to respond naturally, fuck the consequences.
This was your weekend, after all.
You walked into the entertainment section and heard some vaguely familiar music. As you got closer, you realized what it was.
Daveed was in the book section rapping “Rubber Duckie” as Rafa played a toy xylophone.
I got my rubber duckie
I'm in the tub with bubblies
He isn't very fuzzy
I know my duckie loves me
Call up my homie Ernie,
You know the orange one, ya heard me
D was going in, being silly and laughing with his bestie. He was fucking adorable.  You grinned at them and turned down the dvd aisle.
“I can’t believe they don’t have Cowboy Bebop.”  
You shook your head as Daveed and Rafa walked up and flanked you at the display, a shopping cart by Daveed’s side.
“It’s a classic.  Children will be referencing the War on Titan and it's after effects a hundred years from now."
Rafa just nodded and stroked his chin, having enough sense to be quiet.
“Wait, Attack on Titan is right here Lindy…” Daveed reached for a dvd and held it up in front of you.
Rafa shook his head and covered it with his hand.
"Spike Spiegel wasn't in Attack on Titan.  That's an entirely different anime series, my dude." 
The sardonic wit in your voice. Daveed just nodded, face on the floor, and put the blu ray down.
You squinted at what D had in his hand. 
"Afro Samurai is 20 years old as well.  You know that and not Cowboy Bebop? You put shame on your house. Old Man.”
You gave him a sexy grin and sauntered away shaking your head.
Rafa had been watching the scene, head on a swivel. All he had to say after you left was, “Boom. Roasted.” 
Daveed just chuckled, surprised and exhilarated at the same time. It seemed that you were up to letting loose a little bit.
He looked at Rafa who just watched Daveed falling. He couldn’t catch him this time.
"Man. Tonight looks like the beginning of an EPIC weekend,” Rafa said as he pushed some more dvds into Daveed’s cart.
Then he pulled a pack of Magnum XLs off the shelf that he had been hiding under his arm from you.
Daveed looked at him. Rafa stared back.
“What?  All these beautiful women on this island. I’m not gonna be unprepared or take any chances.”
Daveed shook his head, grimaced and looked around to see where you went, but you were nowhere to be found.
You were busy eating some Hot Cheetos that you’d grabbed on the chip aisle and were turning down the candy aisle when you saw Grumpy Care Bear standing there with a basket full of food, dvds and shit, looking at some sour patch kids.
"Oh hell,"  you said as you turned right back around.
"Ay, yo.  Lindy. You can get your candy. I'm not going to assault you with my inferior anime knowledge."
He laughed that sexy laugh and held up his hands. He sort of regretted calling you back because you walking away...Damn. Even in the Pikachu onesie.
Daveed continued to hold up his hands to show he didn't intend any harm, a smile on the lips that were your weakness earlier.  Fuck me, you thought.
You smiled back at him and went for the Jelly Bellys. You crunched loudly on your Cheetos as you clocked him out on the low. You felt bad. A little. 
"Look, I'm sorry about that in the dvds.  I'm just passionate about what I like."
Daveed wondered if you liked him. Like liked him liked him. He allowed himself to go there. 
You sucked the Cheeto dust off your fingers and it was making D feel some kinda way as he watched your fingers go in and out of your mouth. His eyes began to slide down your body.
He needed to stop. Daveed cleared his throat and looked at your face.
"No problem. I get it. It's all good." 
Diggs unconsciously licked his lips and grinned, causing you to stare for a second at his casual hotness. This couldn't continue. You frowned.
Daveed sensed the change in mood, grabbed his Sour Patch kids and backed away.
“I’ll leave you to it.”
That was a close call you thought as you felt some weird pang of disappointment at him leaving. But it was what it was.
Soon enough, you all left the store.  Rafa stole some of your Jelly Belly’s. You just handed over the pack to him and pulled out some more. You were prepared.
When the crew finally got to the house, you dropped your bags and ran to the beach, celebrating four days of freedom from work, acting, fame, fortune, and expectations.
After a few minutes of staring at the waves, y’all made your way back up to the house.
When you walked in before Jazzy turned the lights on, you recognized a large dark expanse which seemed to be the back wall. As your eyes got adjusted, you noticed the white rolls of the waves on the shore. 
The back wall was floor to ceiling glass.  When the lights came up, it turned into a mirror and 6 characters in onesies stared back at you.
You were at the back of an open concept space with a huge u-shaped sectional sofa and a beautiful, big kitchen with a bar.
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Daaaammmmmmnnn! This place is gorgeous!  Craig’s mouth was hanging open. You reached over and closed it.
“Welcome to our home away from home!” Anthony was bleary eyed and smiling wide. 
He pointed to the right of the house.
“Me and Jazzy’s room is over there,” he then pointed to the right of the house. 
“The birthday girl’s room is opposite over there, a mirror of the master,” then he pointed to the back of the house behind you and to the right,  “and the other four bedrooms are here.” 
Ant started pulling their luggage toward their room, talking over his shoulder. 
“Everybody gets their own room, even me, when I fuck up.” 
All of you cracked up laughing whole Jasmine nodded her head.
It was almost 4 am, so you all were tired.  You gladly pulled your suitcase to your room, feeling grateful and warm for being the guest of honor of your friends.  Your room was the bomb.
You walked into a spacious room with bamboo wood floors,and exposed wooden beam ceilings and several floor to ceiling windows.  There was a huge fluffy white rug under a comfortable king sized bed in the middle of the room. 
Two uniquely designed bamboo lounge chairs and white pillow ottomans faced a window where you could look through and see the pool and beach.
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It was a luxury get away and right now, all you wanted was a shower and the bed.
You put your suitcase on the floor and got down and opened it.  You shook your head at what you saw.
Daveed, Craig and Jasmine came running at your screams.  Rafa and Ant were behind.
“What happened.”
You were embarrassed. But so irritated.
“Craig. You got the wrong suitcase.  This is Mark’s shit that he never came to get.  None of my clothes are here.  I have nothing to wear.”  You felt like crying.
“I’m sorry Lindy, you said that your summer clothes and bathing suits were in the rolling soft Louis bag…”
I mean the large one. This is the medium one. It’s okay, Craig.
“You have nothing to wear hunh?”
Daveed was smirking at you and you ignored it, crossing your arms and tapping your foot.
“But it’s perfect!”  You looked at Jasmine and her chipper British accent.
“We can go shopping for your birthday tomorrow. Treat yourself!”
You couldn’t help but smile at Jazzy’s happiness. She was right. Rafa and Ant went away and left y’all to that talk. Daveed was glued to his spot.
“OOooooh. Good Idea.” Craig was in. 
“Ok.I’m tired as fuck. I just wanna shower and sleep now. I’ll not need anything tonight.
Daveed couldn’t get the image of you in the shower and naked in bed out of his head now. He cleared his throat.
“I can give you something to wear shopping tomorrow, Lindy.”
His voice was soft.  You smiled at him and he was a goner.
“Man, you are like three times bigger than she is?”  Jasmine didn’t understand.
“Hold up. Are you willing to sacrifice, D?  Can we cut up one of your t-shirts and jeans?”
Daveed felt pain. The only t-shirts he had were Oaklandish.  
“Let’s compromise. You can cut my jeans all you want, but not the shirt.”
Craig smiled wide.  “Deal, if you throw in a belt.”
“Damn, Diggs…” was all that Jasmine said, smiling and shaking her head.
“Thank you Daveed. I appreciate it.” You were blown away.
Daveed played it off. “No problem…” And then he just turned around and walked out of your room.
“Girlllllllll!!!!”  Craig and Jasmine squealed at you and it took you a minute to get them out of your room.
You walked into the en suite bathroom and marveled at its beauty. It was large, with a huge tub and a walk in glass encased shower with an overhead waterfall  shower head. 
You turned on the shower to get it hot, stripped off your onesie and your underwear, wrapped yourself in a towel and went back into the bedroom.
You stopped short, because there was Daveed standing in your room, clothes in hand.
He had immediately gone to find his least favorite jeans and the Oakland shirt that would suit you the best.  He decided that you would look beautiful in blue.
You just in a towel was a sight to behold. He was sure that underneath that towel was paradise.
You stared at each other for a minute, Your eyes were glued to his.  
“Th-thank you again Daveed.”  He couldn’t discern if your hesitant, sexy voice was for him or from embarrassment.
“Sorry, I…. didn’t think you’d be… sorry.” He put his hands up and backed out of the room.
“Daveed.” You called, softly. “Stop.”
You approached him with a smile on your face. Daveed’s eyes were wide, not knowing what was going to happen.
“Thank you. I mean it.”
You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, your lips lingering. Daveed closed his eyes and fought the urge to grab you and hold you close to him.
“You’re welcome.” His smile wrinkled his eyes as he smiled down at you. 
“Goodnight, Linden. Have sweet dreams for me.”
You just stared at him as he turned and left the room.
Daveed was just outside your door when he heard your reply.
“Yes, Sir.”
Read the Next Chapter.
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misterbitches · 3 years
some thots. having a bad time so this is rougher than usual. oh well
i guess he really does know hiim best cos if that was my mans (man specifically cos if anyone else did that id take it more srsly) i would be like oh my god ur singing me a love song? i would love it but i woudl SCREAM in embarrassment. UNLESS it was a really deep love song that's about us dying together.
like i want to eat ur skin type of thing (drain u nirvana) lmaoa but i really like this song it reminds me of that velvet underground song (the only one i know cos of juno lmao) and nico or whatever 'i'm sticking with you)
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my adhd would be out of fucking control i had to spend my time listening to this looking around i kept getting distracted by a tissue and thinking "wow this song is nice but i wish it would end bc i am getting distracted" and lo and behold i paused it and i have to pee and i know it's gonna take forever to undo this
ok about 12m later i turned it back on and they kissed and then he bit the corn then that night li chen also lost his virgin teas after watching gay porn and being like "hm interesting" and he'll be like "i see, ur dick is not medium sized"
i'm honestly gagging i cannot at this 12 year old marrying his mom
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beautiful theyre beautiful
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ayea you fucking psycho we do too because he was 17 and we had to witness it (or well, other people did cos i didnt watch the show even tho wayne song is [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEP] and i want him to [BEEEEEEEP] and ppl even liked it which is fine like i get it in theory but they put this in my eyeballs so i'm gonna make fun of it bc it's fuckin DUMB lmao like i can't I CANNOT and he said "u were so persistent" BITCH UR 30??!?!???!?!?!?)capi hve it on mute and i tried to get a screencap of li chen and mu ren like together and not just his face but i cant find the timestamp and seeing their faces as they get married is literalyl traumattizing i'm like scremaing at my screen going "HE'S 5 HE'S 5 HE'S 5" and every time theyre like "we acn live forever together" like no bitch ur bones rae creaking
also is the officiator white? if anyone knows why or if that's common i'd love to know more. EDIT: HE ISN'T I JUST THOUGHT HE LOOKED LIKE MOBY FROM THAT ANGLE
anyway here
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i'm almost done with this fucking bullshit and i am in a really ould mood and usu they make it a bit better but imo it's kind of....annoying i guess balancing all these story elements and introducin gother couples (even in the periphery) since the story in itself can't focus. i feel like all in all the time spent with these two is a lot more limited and we get the feel for the rship because of their chemistry as actors, irl chemistry as friends and colleagues, and hopefully being happy and working on a good set. so it isn't the strength of the writing or production.
for some reason they get like less dynamic ways of being together which i think is part of their charm, they do things their own way, but the writers really should have substantiated this more. it's really just the way everyone in the show has managed to deliver these AWFUL story lines and production decisions (like seriously who the fuck was on costume? lighting?)
like maybe hot take but all the moments that are cringe and insane in the show are not pleasant, per se, because they aren't thought out clearly. so they're not a joy to watch in the normal sense but the actors are good enough to pull it off. i didn't cringe at the talks they had because it felt like actors like acting these lines out instead of us being embarrassed for it and you CAN TELL theyre embarrassed.
this is a huge kudos to the casting director and the actors and whatever crew that actually did a good job. i don't particularly like watching bo xiang and his grandfather husband not because of the content but because i feel like, to me, they're so awkward even though they have chemistry. i don't have that issue with xing si and his rapist brother boyfriend because watching them is actually really pleasant, it's intimate. this isn't to do with the story though because when it hits you how devoid this other person is and how stupid the situation is it changes (for me, for me, for me, this is all my opinion think whateverrrr u want im not telling u 2 ok!)
so truly kudos to this cast. idk if i'm misremembering here but imo the most cast appropriate series in this was crossing the line and close to you. one is a decent atmosphere and execution (yes even with that brother story line, notice the major key differences though because that's a sincere false equivalence. they try to execute power imbalances soooo badly and then fail every time but here's one meant to shock too and it was just likelmao ok girl?)
it may not make sense to say either in a writing way or for the character to do it but i believe that whoever the characters these people are supposed to be especially those super not well written on the page still get that message aacross (yong jie's actor is a good ex. not sure if i should ccongratulate him for having the worst job on earth and the worst character and his character is flat but. ostensibly they should let their actions speak for themselevs but what they do is they back themselves into a ccorner with unsuretyabout their characters or a dilemma that pops up they just want to excuse it. well guess hwat u couldnt do enough legwork. but to some extent the disposable side couple works here on a um "our eyes see them and get it" way
also to me it seems like they chose this story just to have this specific wedding. like it's a timely topic and i'm pretty sure like another provision? (correction? idk) was made WRT taiwanese same-sex marriage so it's topical but it isn't like a "papa and daddy" situation where they're interacting in it and there (for ex: the pride parade) and there being like real life terms and consequences. here it seems like they were like ah yes wedding ah yes dumb couple from modc bc we kiled off the other one sooooo (then outsource them to life love on the line u__u) then hamfisting in some fucking message which is funny bc
- despite the hints peppered in and the clear attraction they both acknowledge ur like ~not gay just him~ even tho...i mean i just. again they dont read over what they write i don't think considering. but wahtever.
- the only gay dude (verbally said) is with his rapist brother with an awful power dynamic oh or IS a rapist (gao) (or his brother but i think it was just a "im a psycho so it's him" thing unless they said it. in which case idc cos i wasnt paying attn but that's also not great) or i guess the wedding but like....that's also a ridiculously inappropriate and dumb relationship taht it's built on. i mean i don't really see much respect her so i dont particularly want to hear abt gay weddings being important when they didn't even utilize it in the story beforehand and have we ever. this is a huge indication to me that it was a reverse engineered chosen story beforehand (if it was one) or thought of
so reversal of that....it didnt give us enough time to breathe with these two at all but for both of the actors they can capitalize what's on the page and the writers didn't. like their dynamic is very i give/you give like taking car eof each other etc that's why
again, no artist worth their salt will ever say their work meant nothing. that's a cover up. i'm sick of lazy production and then getting away with it claiming being subversive or attacking an issue by not doing anything. we show crazy shit all the time but it has a POINT and ur point is "i like the gays" then girl.....i mean it's not great
but the acting really carried it. i have a feeling if this series continues it might continue to use more experienced actors cos maybe the budget goes up but they also have less inhibitions now when it comes to acting. i like the way li chen expresss himself and teng teng too. i like anson a lot and there's some angles that did not do any favors and i think eh has to get more control of his body movements (bc he's SO LARGE and thin) but he wasn't bad at all and there were real human tears. of course i, personally, favor charles tu. he has more control over his body because he has...less to work with and he's a bit bigger and he was really great in this role. he's a himbo a bit of a meathead but you like him. you like them. there's some things i think they had them say and do that they wouldn't let happen if they stuck to the characters and the story (mainly liking that dumb idiot rapist)
what i notice is that the reprehensible actions people criticize others for in the show and in real human life lalways gets turned around. teng teng being surprised that this boy's grandfather boyfriend met him when he was a junior in high school and he's 12 years older and him apologizing for being shocked and then whatshisface going "ur better at it than most people" and then the convo about gao with whatshisface and then rapist brother comes to pick him up. they are admonishing gao but thinking that rapist brother is noble for doin gwhat he did (and oh rapist brother shows up) like the hypocrisy and the decisions are immense. so now it's like "guys see he's a great guy" like girl STICK TO SOMETHING but whatever so i live in this universe where muren and li chen do everything right and have lots of different interesting fun seex with all their friends. i would write this but i cannot i am dying
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joyisntyoj · 3 years
Seal stamps, stamps with whatever designs, papers and pens, stickers, pictures, dried flowers, heartwarming messages, and a lot more.
When was the last time you wrote something on a literal piece of paper for someone?
Have you ever personally given someone a handwritten letter or sent it from the post office?
Is writing a letter still a thing today, or you just use whatever app you have because what is the point if other ways are more convenient, right?
Maybe, you are more the vocal type of person and, you just say what you feel instead of writing it down?
Perhaps, you are none of the above because what is important is your presence in their lives and, that is more than enough?
Still, how lovely it is to keep something that has sentimental value. It unnecessarily means that you are hoarding something because what's to not treasure from precious memories in a small piece of paper in an envelope?
This story is for those who never get tired of expressing themselves in whatever form they know, but most especially to those who write.
May you never run out of papers, inks, and thoughts to compose. to more unforgotten memories preserved in letters.
To: Mayari.
How are you? I wish things were getting better, just like what I always pray. These days, sleeping at night suddenly became serene as well as waking up in the morning. Sometimes my days are dull and typical...I believe? But most of the time, it's either I'm feeling blue or extra sad, or was that the same? I kept on blaming the pandemic, but for real, I'm just a mess. Silent battles are truly tough. I wish I had the courage and strength just like yours. Be safe. Stay sane. I'm really trying my best to be legit all right.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Liway is the name, exhausted with life. Mayari, someone out there, maybe a supreme being or plausibly not always receives Liway's letters. Sometimes Liway writes 10 messages at once and sometimes none at all. Mayari is the only recipient of such letters that even Liway never knew they were received by the random recipient it thought was just nobody. It all genuinely started on having a recipient written on the "To:" part at the post office. Though seriously, it doesn't even have any home address. It's super weird that it's for Mayari and no address, and were received.
To: Mayari.
The night has come. This time, it feels heavier than usual. Tears are suddenly falling. I noticed that an unwelcome visitor came. The familiar pain is hugging me again, so tight that breathing is getting harder. I hate everything. Yet, I came to realize a lot of things. Afterward, I'm feeling blessed and grateful. Am I getting crazy? Before I went to bed, at the dinner table, I felt uncomfortable with the conversation we had, my family, about myself back then. I really hate it when they keep on bringing up what happened in the past. I already moved on... I think... so can they stop mentioning those moments? Honestly, whenever anything from the past is introduced again and remembered, I tend to feel like it just happened yesterday. Everything is coming back so fresh and new; fun, pain, sweats, and tears. I hate it.
PS. Mayari, can you send me some courage? Preferably in capsules, So I can have it in my intakes and be sure I'll be really having it in my system literally.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Continues writing so many letters filled with how living is like. Liway felt tired and exhausted. A few days ago, it was super overwhelmed that crying is unavoidable. Then this morning, Ms. Walmy called for a little chat and checking up because it's never too bad to check up on somebody, most especially when you're a counselor. It's your job, so uh? Anyway, though Liway was out of focus on the call, it was able to be accomodating and warm in return. It reciprocated the thoughtfulness with a sweet smile.
To: Mayari
Hey! Today I was mad because firsthand, I experienced that thing I usually hear from other people. The "don't-post-something-revealing-on-social-media-but-love-yourself-but-that's-not-appropriate". Well, I don't even know why I'm reacting super outrage towards it. Because knowing that my family is just concerned for me since the internet is frankly scary. I mean, I did nothing wrong, so why? Maybe deciding to be confident on the internet is not necessary for them. But for me, it is! So how should I deal with this? A friend consoled me, and I feel better. Still tho, my mood is already ruined. Oh gosh.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways, 
Welcoming a new week, the usual Liway is busy with the household chores. Some may find it stressful, but this one is pretty different. Scrubbing the floor, washing the dishes, brooming on the side. Later on, folding the clothes, fixing the bed, and a lot more things. It looks like it'll be tiring its body out until the nose bleeds, and passing out is the last resort to rest. How come it's easier to clean an actual mess than the one inside the head and heart?
To: Mayari.
Beloa visited me today. My childhood and the only friend left I have up to this day from elementary school. If you get what I mean? It's been a long time since we had a chat, especially that things are super complicated these days. She's doing really well, and I couldn't be more proud. I'm still amazed at how we manage to be friends because we both don't like each other to begin with. It's so funny that we even pulled each other's hair in the 4th grade while the class is taking the annual picture for the school year remembrance. What are the odds in this even, right? HAHAHA. Today was warm and bright.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Dates suddenly don't vary in these letters. Even the concept of time is somehow gone. What's important is regardless of not having these "important details" like the usual, Liway can keep up and be consistent in sending its letters. Liway never missed a chance to send a letter to the address less recipient, which left the post office staff to ponder with it. But as time goes by, Alle, the clerk, is no more surprised 'coz she's used to everything now. The envelopes unfailingly vanished the moment it was dropped inside the mailing box. Indeed, a magical mailbox.
To: Mayari.
I never knew how amazing pretending could be. You know that thing where someone usually says I'm okay, but really not? The inner saboteur that was triggered by their trauma is real-real-real. A car is useless when it's not moving if you wanted to travel to faraway places. Does that make sense?
PS. It sucks that our bathroom is the only "semi-safe space".
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
Polar bears are really fascinating. They get to hibernate. Then, after the time being, back on hunting and living their lives. Ligaya was one of Liway's hero. A lot knew Ligaya for being a superhero, although she does not have that fantasy powers. Just like the polar bears, too, Ligaya has been hibernating for quite some time but kept on saying that she was not. Liway saw it all. Maybe a bear's hibernation is different from a human-being, hmm?
To: Mayari.
IDK what to say, but I just wanted to be consistent at the very least in sending you letters.
PS. The radio was broken, but in my head, it's working. It kept on playing nonstop music. Is this a poetic way of saying I'm overthinking things?
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
To: Mayari.
A lot happened lately. Somebody lost a precious one, and here I am, having a renaissance moment. It's a crazy ride, but for all it's worth, the pea has grown into a beautiful plant. Hope it made sense coz finally, everything is making sense to me now. Little by little, slowly and surely.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways,
To: Mayari
Hey!! I hope you are doing great!!! These days, everything felt surreal. I get to be active everywhere. It's draining, yet I feel so alive than ever. I had this thought that time is indeed just a concept, hmm? I mean, anytime is the right time to do what you want and whatever it is. Nothing is too late, most especially when it comes to growth. OH, being late in class still counts but FOR REAL RIP TO THE ONLINE CLASS SETUP -_-
PS. May we never run out of time to be the best versions of ourselves. LOVE WHOEVER YOU WANT. fck the situation, but SOON, GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT. SPEND FOR YOURSELF AND FOR YOUR LOVED ONES. FEEL EVERYTHING.
PSS. May we leave this world with fewer regrets and more amazing memories.
With so much love and kindness always and all ways, 
Quite a lot of letters were already sent. The post office is getting more and more letters, as well as Mayari. Still, NO REPLY. Maybe some other, Liway will be able to hear Mayari's words.
To: Mayari.
*here's an envelope just in case you want to write me something*
With so much love annd kindness always and all ways, 
'Tis the season to be jolly. LOL Nah. Liway has been out for the past weeks. By out, means on a hibernation mode. A L O T R E A L L Y happened. It's hard to put it into words. I guess Liway will end these letter-sending shenanigans or just lazy and trying to give out some excuses //
To: Mayari. 
Ever since I was taught how to move around the kitchen, I've been assigned to be Mom's assistant while cooking for the feast every event/occasion we'll be celebrating. It's tiring but super fun. Getting your fingers bleed and while unaware is cool LOL~ 
PS. Why does it feel so good to overthink things while doing the dishes? What's with that scenario.........
With so much love and kindness always and all ways, 
Tireless hands, heart, and mind with countless thoughts and feelings, papers, and pens everywhere—WRITING; it surely is one of the best ways to vent. Though letters can’t hug and wipe one's tears, witness waves of laughter, ease the pain, and such, the comfort from every word written is more than enough.
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Suddenly time barge in and reminded me that this is enough. THIS IS ENOUGH FOR 2020...
A new chapter has arrived, and maybe it's time to move forward. Maybe this is where it all gonna stop for a while. I mean, writing is somehow tiring, literally. Probably, Mayari might reply with the number of letters sent anytime soon, so maybe waiting is all that needed.
No rush in moving on.
Little did nobody know, Liway is writing a letter to her "ideal" self.
The letter-sending-to-nobody thingy of Liway is really mind-boggling, right?
Mayari is Liway. Liway is Mayari.
The things that Liway wanted to say but cannot articulate well were always sent to Mayari. Mayari is the version of Liway it wishes to become in the future. 
The weak Liway longs and hopes to have "that" someone by her side to look up to. That's why she always writes letters and keeps them in the memory box.
The post office thingy was actually her shared room at home: the table at the corner with no lights but so much mess. It's that post office.
It's pandemic, so how can a post office be open and how brave she is to go out, right?
That saying, "be the hero you wanted to have when you were little", is the best explanation of Liway's way of venting and expressing.
Nobody knows when Mayari will come to life because it's no certainty that we can be the ideal self we all wanted to happen. 
For now, Liway is fighting her battles and screaming louder to the universe,
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To be continued...
Happy New Year, Mayari. ✨💜
This is like an excerpt from my quarantine shenanigans for 2020 LOL.
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lukalew · 4 years
- - - The Affectionner - - A Creepypasta Origin
Axel Coss, black haired boy, with a white streak of hair going down the middle of his front hair. Strange really, not many kids a white streak of hair. But, moving on from that, he lived with his mom, Cece Coss, his dad, James Coss, and his two brothers, Ames and A.J. Triplets of course, they did everything together . Play, draw, clean, and otherwise. They all five lived in St. George, Utah, on a empty land, with their house and field. After the triplets were born tho, James and Cece decided to move to Kansas. But that didn't work out well. So, they moved to Mississippi. Where the triplets are now 15. School was pretty easy and all, everyone loved them. Well, the majority of people in their school. Axel was really the quiet and calm one, Ames, the short tempered, and A.J, the awkward type. So, they all kinda just stuck together like a pod. A couple more and now they are all 25 , well...two are at least. Ames and Axel- now , A.J ... when he turned to the age of 22, he got kidnapped and was tortured to death. LITERALLY. Nobody was able to find him. Until 2 months later, after he died he was found in a rusty old grey building. Almost looking like it was gonna collapse. His face torn, ripped...his arm and legs broken. It was just a nightmare, but thats only the start of it.
Ames got pretty emotional afterwards - Axel didn't say much after as well. He sometimes stayed in his room for hours , not eating, sleeping, nothing really, just thinking. 4 months passed and later on, Cece and James had been kidnapped by the same guys from when A.J was. And the parents died as well. The kidnappers had been caught and taken to jail. Ames soon left Axel, and if he was being honest to himself..he was glad Ames left. After everything that happened Ames started to drink and abuse Axel. Thats when his life became even more of a living hell. Work got harder, the bills were too much, and nothing could really make him happy at this point. Except for thing. Stitching. He would stitch blankets, stuffed animals, and when he got a bad cut- sometimes even himself. That was the only thing...for now. He was like cursed or something. Thats when he got to point- - -"Your fired." "What?" his voice shuddered as he clicked his pen a few times. "Your..FIRED!! You always mess up on the cars when we are on break- and you are too quiet- good for nothing piece of roadkill!" his boss, Keith, screeched as he took a fair raise of the hand and slapped him across his ear to mouth-that somehow cutting him. I mean, he was holding a wrench so- that probably why. Axel gently ran his finger down his face from his ear to mouth and felt the blood rushing out. "O-okay, under-s-stood..sir." the male exhaled taking th scarf he brought in with him because it was usually cold in the warehouse. Axel slid it on and ran home. At this point it was too much. He sat on the dining room chair rethinking his entire existence. "Do i even matter?...Of course i don't- not to my parents, not to my boss, ...not to my family.." out of the corner of his eye- he spotted a small, brown and white gun. "Thats it..." he said to himself, with a faint- but crazy smile. He walked to the gun, and made sure it was loaded. The black haired male pointed it to his heart and shot himself. Blood splattering on the wall and carpet. No screams, no cries, no pain. With the last bit of energy that he had, he shot himself in the head...
"Hey! Ax! Over here!" his brother A.J shouted waving from the field. He smiled softly and ran to the other versions of him. "whats up?" he asked kneeling down to his height. "Why do you always wear that scarf? It kinda looks like its from the eighteen hundreds." Ames spoke lifting a piece of the scarf up from Axel's neck. "Well, this girl at school gave it to me." He laughed softly rubbing the back of his neck. "Ooooooo!- Axel has a crush! Axel has a cru-" Ames interrupted what A.J said by pushing him backwards- "Oh shut up, its probably just a present." he sighed. "Whatever you say, maybe you should ask her out! Whats her name??" A.J declared getting up and picking some dandelions from the ground and putting them in his hair. "O-Oh uhh, her name is Jane-." Axel slightly blushed. Ames sighed laying down with his hands behind his head. "Yup, just as i expected- good old Jane Arkensaw.. she's kinda a brat if you ask me." "H-hey! Thats not true, she's actually really nice if you get to know her." A.J looked confused. "Isn't she the one who hasn't been coming to school for some time?" Ames glared at A.J- "Yes, yes she is." Axel replied taking the dandelions out of A.J's hair and putting them in a row at the top of his black silk hair, seeing he was struggling to put them in since they just get falling out. "i hope she's okay tho..."
HIs eyes shot open and then rubbed his head. "just another stupid nightmare..." he calls them nightmares because, well to him they are just painful memories. He put on his boots and looked at the calendar, "Huh....Macy Stars...well, this should be fun." He sighed and git his scalpel, stitching utensils, needles, thread, and his scarf. Ax put the scarf on and walked out with his drawstring bag.
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(This is the bag btw)
He followed the directions where it told him to go. Now, he would normally go on his own free will and time, but it was like Slender decided when she dies. He shrugged it off and soon arrived. "This must be it huh?" Ax sighed ruffling his own hair a bit so his scar would show as much. He thought if you had scars it makes you weak, can't take care of your self. Anyways, he quietly entered through her back door,which was unlocked. "Who leaves their back door unlocked at a time like this?" The medium hight male said looking at the sunset and took in a deep breath then exhaled. That sorta calmed him down. Axel walked up the stairs and looked in the bathroom to see her doing her makeup. He had to admit she was beautiful, but still worthless to him. She was in fact a girl that went to his school. "There we go!" She smiled at herself in the mirror and did a duck face as if the mirror was taking a photo of her. She was really nice to him and all, but he didn't care, he didn't care about any of the victims of his. "They don't deserve this love...." he shuddered under his breath. Axel walked in holding a scalpel and his eyes now looking fully gold. The brown faded away, no mercy in his look. Macy spotted him in the mirror and screamed backing up her back hitting the sink. "How did you get in my house?!" She screamed and reached for a small mirror of hers and hid it behind her. "That's a pretty stupid question to ask...more concerned how I got in your house...then how your gonna survive this? Well, I can answer that for you. Your not." He walked to her and slashed the scalpel across her face- giving her a scar as well, "OWW- YOU LITTLE-" She screamed in pain holding one side of her face and taking the mirror and trying to hit him with it. Axel sighed seeing her on the ground, she had fell. He bent down, and grabbed her arms- putting them together. "W-wh-What are you doing....?!" She asked in a shaky tone. No response, he softly held them tightly tighter and took out his stitching utensils and started to weave her arms together. "Ow stop please!!" She begged trying to kick him- but he was almost done with the stitching process. Is she really that weak, stitches don't even hurt that bad, it's like poking yourself with a sharp en or pencil. Macy looked down at her sewn arms and her eyes as wide as the galaxy. "I really don't like loud noises you know... so, if you would have just been quiet I wouldn't had have to do this.." he softly whispered in her ear and sew her mouth together. No matter how hard she tried to scream- it was all just muffled noises. "There we go. Now, if you don't mind me, I will proceed to kill you." Her eyes were wider now. Tears formed in her eyes and just looked down. "Aww.. come on now-" he started to say, lifting up her chin and wiping the tears away. "I'm just putting you out of your misery- we only live in this world to die, it just is stressful for me to see people in pain like this." That was a lie of course. He didn't care if his victims were hurt, physically or mentally.
He cut open her stomach and found her heart. "There it is..." he took another piece of thread and needle then started to stitch a X into her heart. Soon, a golden piece of light came out of her heart and Axel held his arm out-the light transferred to his arm and he sighed in relief. "That felt good," he thought then looked down at Macy. "You know, life is as valuable as your love.." he smiled then ripped her heart out in one light pull. Her body falling to the floor . He smiled softly and set the heart near her makeup. He always set the heart of theirs next to something they loved. "Now that that's done," he sighed getting up and grabbing all his things and heading out.
His appearance strikes so many people, sometimes he would pretend to be a human to lure in victims. He is a handsome, kind, boy- so it's pretty easy. But he doesn't do it often, only when there's nobody really good to kill.
He still has his black hair with the white streak. And of course, he wear a big grey scarf around his neck with a small black X at the bottom of the end of the scarf. A beige, sorta brown jacket. Sometimes he would wear a black zipped up leather coat, but that's only when it's really cold outside. Black pants with a chain going form the top right corner of his belt, to the lower half of his left side. Sorta like his scar. Black boots with a stitched in X at the bottom corner of both boots. Some witnesses have said he is a tall, around 5'5 , male. Some people say he takes in emotions, that's not really it tho...
See, what he can do is- he only takes peoples lives, who get a lot of love, and give a lot of love, and not really sad people. He would climb through their windows at night , or when they are alone. But in some cases he just breaks in wherever he can. Axel is a ghost, spirit, otherwise. But he doesn't really like doing all of that appearing in thin air thing. Ever since people have reported sightings of him, he tries his bets you stay of out sight. Axel will use his stitches to sew a big X into their heart so he can acquire all the love that has been given to the person, or, the love that they have to share. If they attempt to scream or fight back, he will sew their mouths closed- or arms and legs together. The reason he takes the affection from his victims is because, his parents gave him none- and when he was alive, nobody gave him any either. After some time, the affection runs out, so he needs to restock it every 2-4 days. If one of his victims try to give him affection before they die, he will go to their height smile at them , and say...
"Im afraid ...your love means nothing to me.."
He also has another famous quote which is..
"Life is as valuable as your love."
If he were to go on a mission with a creepypasta - his most compatible people would be
-Jason The Tomaker
-Eyeless Jack
- Laughing Jack
- Jane The Killer
- Sally
- Zero
- and Judge Angels
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mintchanniemint · 2 years
bestie i get the fear. it’s very valid. and it’s especially frightening because stayblr isn’t as interactive as it used to be *sobs* buttttt i can assure you that you’re doing wonderfully and i’m looking forward to your updates and for chan and y/n to FINALLYYYY get together 🤩🤩🤩🤩 so exciting!!
heheh ngl i feel a little emotional too bcs you’re literally i think one of THREE blogs that are still active from old stayblr. like. the ones i remember discovering back then. i’m sure there are a lot more but i only know three from 2020. it reminded me of when i first stanned skz and started reading chan fics as a way to cope with the pandemic :’)
your blog is such a beautiful reminder of that period of time in my life and i am very very grateful 💛 genuinely.
The combo of reading this text while listening to a quite emotional movie ost playlist rn JUST FINISHED ME-
I get that, too! I think I started writing here at the end of 2019 more or less and I can't believe so much time has passed already... And I see how stayblr has changed, I've witnessed it all as an outsider from my little corner, basically 😭 I know that if I like a story I should post it and be proud of it no matter what and etc etc but if there's no feedback or anything like that then I can literally keep all these stories in my pretty Gdrive folders🥴 you can't imagine how many AUs I have in there lmao and they probably will never even debut in here-
ANYWAY, this is totally fine and you can't imagine how grateful I am! It's an honour for me to see how my blog is important to some people, really. And I'm also truly glad I got to know you! I hope I will get a bit more active in here so we can also interact more!! ♡
ALSO👀👀👀who said chan and mc are gonna get together🤨🤨🤨I never said that, did I🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 nah I'm joking, I'm joking jshfjsjs (am I tho-)
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shelllessturtle · 7 years
Behind the scenes of this livetext: Mycroft gets a new phone and identifies Iago via haiku; Iago sees Hamilton; "Pride and Prejudice but in Starfleet" becomes a thing; Iago quits their job; SO MANY PUNS; and it turns out that Mycroft has never finished Avatar: the Last Airbender. A year in the making (I'm not even fucking kidding), I present you with: Iago Reads Wizards At War (lightly edited for ease of reading)
Mycroft: Better start bracing yourself for book 8 now
Iago: Oh sweet Jesus
Mycroft: There, no you can't say I didn't warn you
Iago: But you /know/ it's funnier when I get to threaten you with gruesome death!
Iago: Are you ready for this?
Iago: ...one of the chapter titles is "Acceptable Losses". /I/ am not ready for this.
Iago: Nita needs a vacation from her vacation. Nita sweetie...
Iago: "Neets, is it true he destroyed a whole alien culture in just ten days?" Carmela Rodriguez is my Patronus
Mycroft: Right?
Mycroft: She just keeps getting better
Iago: Roll call at the Callahan home: "three humans, one humanoid, one tree, and one giant bug" and I'm quietly cackling in public
Iago: "The centipede pointed a couple spare eyes at the Christmas tree." Taken out of context, I think that may be the most bizarre sentence I've ever read. In context, it makes perfect sense. I don't know which amuses me more.
Mycroft: Yesssss
Iago: "But her mom had loved those lilacs, and wouldn't be seeing them again." OKAY OW
Iago: Oh sweet minty Jesus
Iago: You weren't wrong.
Iago: And I wasn't prepared.
Mycroft: So not prepared
Mycroft: What's that in response to specifically?
Iago: Basically the entire series of events leading to Kit and Nita becoming Seniors
Iago: Descriptions of wizardries in action never fail to be beautiful
Iago: "The changes in the structure of space then start affecting the thought processes and reactions of all living beings in the area. Their behavior will start to become less and less rational...less committed to Life."
Mycroft: Oh you have no idea
Iago: God help my soul
Mycroft: So yes, welcome to Tom's Wizardly PowerPoint of universal doom
Iago: I should just go see Moana again. It's far less depressing
Iago: "Uh-oh". Now Nita's getting in on it
Mycroft: Indeed
Iago: Looks like Nita's playing "fake it 'til you make it"
Iago: I don't know if that's good or bad, to be honest
Mycroft: Fairly characteristic tho
Iago: True
Iago: "...yet another lollipop sticking out of his face." That is the greatest description of someone with a sucker in their mouth that I've ever witnessed
Mycroft: Roshaun and his lollipop addiction
Mycroft: The real OTP
Iago: *chokes* oh my gOD
Iago: Sker'ret just called Nita "Senior". I think both Nita and I had a quick internal freak-out
Mycroft: ;__;
Iago: "The universe has started expanding too fast, and we have to stop it before it tears itself apart."
"Um. Okay, I see why you might need a few extra days off for that."
*slightly hysterical laughter*
Mycroft: Same
Iago: "Two weeks to save the universe". Sounds like an album title
Mycroft: I'd listen to it
Iago: "What /is/ grenfelzing, exactly?"
"It's kind of like emmfozing, but with chocolate."
Have I ever mentioned that I both hate and love your ability to quote these goddamn books at me when I ask questions?
Mycroft: I can't recall, but I'm glad to hear it
Mycroft: Also I mean that's the only canon explanation so really, what else could I say
Iago: But you quoted it /word for word/
Mycroft: Admittedly, that was at least partially For The Meme
Iago: I'll allow it
Iago: "...a brief, profound case of amnesia. They'd instantly forgotten why they were there" sounds like my life
Iago: Oh my god what is Spot doing with the TV
Iago: *whispers* How bad is it that my mind is currently in the gutter
Mycroft: Dataaaaaa
Mycroft: It's certainly something
Iago: "But most of the aliens are here for the cocoa plants." Well, I can't exactly blame them...
Iago: Carmela Rodriguez remains a gift
Iago: Oh god Ronan's back
Mycroft: Yessssss Carmela and Ronan
Mycroft: A dangerous combination
Iago: Ronan keeps the Spear in a pen
Iago: *checks date published*
Iago: Feels a bit Percy Jackson to me
Iago: Carmela has the insta-hots for Ronan. This is gonna be fun
Iago: "The fucking heir of an almighty something or other" is still a really good description for Roshaun. In case you were wondering if I had warmed up to him any more
Iago: Whale On The Moon is the name of my new techno jazz band
Mycroft: Can I join?
Mycroft: I'll learn any new instrument you need
Iago: ...having thought about it, I'm legitimately not certain what instruments would be /played/ in a techno jazz band. So, I mean, if you want to learn the synthesizer...
Iago: Young Wizards book 8 alternate title: Wizards' Reunion
Iago: Lots of air quotes going on right now
Iago: ....I want Darryl's manual
Iago: "Where's your adjunct talent?"
"Playing with rocks, as usual."
Okay now I really want a puppy
Iago: "Twychild". Have I mentioned lately that the worldbuilding in these books gives me a case of the warm fuzzies?
Mycroft: Yesssss Tuyet and Nguyet
Iago: *whispers* Why is there a thought-voice talking in second-person in Kit's head
Iago: The description of Roshaun's living space send help
Iago: "A three-way collision between an antique furniture warehouse, a jewelry story, and a Gothic cathedral carved and decorated by the artistically insane."
Iago: So my brain has given Roshaun's father the voice of Mark Hamill.
Iago: There's a decent chance I'm going to just call him the Phoenix King
Iago: "Speaking truth to power is never 'out'." DAIRINE REMAINS GOD
Iago: (Also if I ever go to a protest I'm putting that on my sign.)
Mycroft: Yessss do it
Mycroft: And which kind of Mark Hamill are we talking here: Skywalker, Firelord or Joker?
Iago: Firelord. Thus the Phoenix King comment
Iago: Oh my god Dairine in the face of implications that she and Roshaun are ~involved~
Mycroft: Blessss
Iago: "You tell those people that they are completely nuts!"
Iago: Did...did Roshaun just /whine/ at his mother?
Mycroft: Yes
Mycroft: Not so dignified now
Iago: *falls off the table in laughter*
Iago: Oh god is Roshaun developing a Thing for Dairine
Mycroft: Bless
Iago: This is my favorite game
Mycroft: I know a fair few YW fans who have a particular talent for it
Iago: I have a list. I use them in my stories for bands my characters like
Mycroft: Most excellent
Iago: Ponch wants blue food
Mycroft: As do we all
Iago: I /could/ go for some blue Jolly Ranchers
Iago: Ponch, to Ronan: "You two just talk among yourselves."
Dog sass is best sass
Iago: "It's math, Kit, but not as we know it."
Iago: I'm going to go curl up in a corner and cry with laughter now
Mycroft: Yup
Mycroft: What a nerd, right
Iago: Pot, kettle
Iago: Oh shit Sker'ret is having a fight with his parent
Iago: ...I currently have a desire to cuddle what amounts to a giant centipede. What have you done to me
Mycroft: The magic of Young Wizards
Iago: That was terrible
Iago: But, then again, I love terrible
Iago: Okay so the description of dark matter
Mycroft: Yes?
Iago: I feel like I have something crawling around under my skin
Mycroft: It's unsettling, isn't it
Mycroft: That gets worse
Iago: Oh god
Iago: "Nita for the first time actually saw someone else look out of Ronan's eyes. The expression was one of recognition coupled with a very controlled anger. The one who looked out had seen something like this before."
Oh. Shit. Oh /shit/.
Mycroft: Yessssss
Mycroft: Shit just got real
Iago: I am not prepared for this
Mycroft: Correct
Iago: GIGO
Mycroft: :D
Iago: "For transits like this, we temporarily rewrite the kernel that manages local gravity and mass in our solar system. It's no big deal."
oh my gOD
Iago: They are actually Dairine's children
Mycroft: They've been busy since we last saw them
Mycroft: And it's awesome
Iago: "A world of true computer wizards" get the fuck out
Iago: They're actually calling her Mother s e n d h e l p
Mycroft: RIGHT
Iago: I'm not crying you're crying
Mycroft: I'm not crying I'm eating a quaesadilla
Mycroft: The crying one must be you
Iago: Well I can't see to tell you so who knows
Iago: "Guys," [Dairine] said after a moment, "you make me proud."
"That is our other purpose," Beanpole said. "Our first one."
Iago: I A M D E A D
Mycroft: I knowwww
Iago: "Life's all the time sending /me/ messages I can't read." [Dairine] flicked just a second's glance at Roshaun, who she was starting to think was yet another of those messages.
Iago: Oh lordy
Iago: Oh god above send help
Iago: Spot's becoming less of a machine, more alive. I don't know if I'm in support of this change
Mycroft: Everyone needs upgrades now and then :P
Iago: I don't like change
Iago: I kind of adore the mobiles all bowing to Dairine
Iago: Roshaun raised his eyebrows and produced another lollipop, which he held out to her.
"How many of those things do you have?" Dairine said.
"Not nearly enough," Roshaun said.
Iago: Please excuse me while I go laugh myself sick
Mycroft: Roshaun has his priorities in order
Mycroft: There was always a jar of lollipops on hand at CrossingsCon in his honor
Iago: Perfect
Iago: "I'll give you a dysfunction where you'll have trouble finding it again."
Totally stealing that don't even care
Mycroft: Excellent
Iago: "I may be a mother, but you are /mine/."
Maybe I didn't take enough time to recover after finishing The Slow Regard of Silent Things I'm going to go collapse in an emotional heap
Mycroft: So many Dairine feels, I knowww
Iago: "Enthusiasmic incorporation of the Hesper--"
What? What?! What does it say? What does it mean? I NEED TO KNOW
Mycroft: [rubs hands together; evil laughter] I'M SAYING NOTHING
Iago: Oh god is time moving faster on Metemne
Mycroft: MAYBE
Iago: Oh fuck it's relativity isn't it. Because they're near the source of the dark matter, they're moving faster than the rest of the Universe
Mycroft: Very possible
Iago: Oh no. Introduction of Della Cantrell and MY EMOTIONS CAN'T TAKE THIS HALP
Mycroft: Oh boy
Iago: Nita's phone call to her dad. Direct hit to the feels.
Mycroft: Harry Callahan is such a good dad
Iago: That is part of why it hurts so much
Iago: "Nita, could you please get off me before we accidentally become more than just good friends?"
*cackles maniacally*
Mycroft: BEST
Mycroft: Wait what
Mycroft: Remind me of the context for that
Iago: On Rashah. The creatures destroying the trees are almond-shaped and have eight legs. Almond spiders
Mycroft: Oh ok that's what I figured
Mycroft: WHY NOT
Iago: "They've been fighting each other, on and off, for /millions/ of years?"
"They must be really enjoying it, to keep the war going so long."
Sker'ret is so great
Mycroft: Rashah is not exactly a great vacation destination, that's for sure
Iago: Oh sweet minty Jesus the almond spiders are a remnant after an atomic holocaust I need a drink
Iago: And...they're all avatars...of the Lone Wanker. Better make that two drinks.
Iago: Where is Nita's dad
Iago: I am Concerned
Iago: Also
Iago: I will never get tired of the "check your spelling" joke
Mycroft: Same
Iago: "Words had just failed Dairine." Gods above have mercy on us all
Mycroft: I appreciate that the narration pauses to note how unthinkable that is
Iago: Also, a "bright" version of the Lone Power
Iago: What does that mean
Iago: Why is bright in quotes
Mycroft: To indicate it's kind of a rough description of a more complex subject, mostly
Iago: But does it mean that we're getting a version of the Lone Power that's more on the good side or a version that's worse than usual
Mycroft: There's more explanation later, but basically picture the LP's non-evil twin
Mycroft: Like its opposite, basically
Iago: I thought /you/ were refusing to give spoilers
Mycroft: Meh, I saw that as more clarification on what you already read, ymmv
Mycroft: But stay tuned
Iago: Well obviously
Iago: Nita doesn't like shooting people who are shooting at her
Mycroft: Krakens don't count but I don't think they were as sentient
Iago: "I'm a wizard, not an engineer" goddammit /again/?!
Mycroft: Yesss
Iago: I shall take myself off to the laughing corner
Iago: Oh god self-destruct at the Crossings
Mycroft: Kind of a terrifying prospect
Iago: Nita just blew up a giant gun
Mycroft: Yesss
Iago: "High-fiving a giant centipede can take a while."
Up next on Winning Understatements....
Mycroft: That is so fun to picture
Iago: I know!
Iago: "I don't wear socks."
"Just as well. You'd bankrupt yourself."
That is /also/ fun to picture
Mycroft: As an antidote to the tense battle scene, have a bunch of centipede leg jokes
Iago: Pretty much
Iago: Wait
Iago: /Carmela/?!
Mycroft: Hahahaha yesss
Iago: What
Iago: WHAT
Iago: Okay, Sker'ret just /swallowed/ the self-destruct panel
Mycroft: He's got a talent for that kind of thing
Iago: Which, I mean, okay, great way to not lose it
Iago: But
Iago: Can't he digest, like, /everything/?
Iago: And the self-destruct sequence is still going?
Iago: What happens if he takes too long to get the panel back out?
Mycroft: Rirhait stomach work in mysterious ways
Iago: ...is that the canon explanation or your way of saying "don't think about it too hard"
Mycroft: Yes
Iago: Why did I let you talk me into this
Mycroft: Because it's awesome, come on
Iago: Ugh
Iago: *quiet noises of agreement*
Iago: "So I took steps." CARMELA
Iago: (Carmela is the reason I let you talk me into this.)
Mycroft: That's the best answer
Mycroft: This book is Peak Carmela honestly
Iago: *whispers emphatically* Juanita Louise
Mycroft: Yessssss
Iago: Carmela just referred to Filif as "my favorite Christmas tree" and Carmela is all of us in that moment
Mycroft: So true
Mycroft: Filif is tree-mendous
Iago: I fucking hate you so much right now. :b
Mycroft: :D
Iago: "We are on errantry, and we greet you."
"Not that you particularly /merit/ greeting." Nita pls
Mycroft: She's earned the right to some snark, I'd say
Iago: Clearly
Iago: "You get more honey with flies. Wait a minute, that's not how it goes." CARMELA PLS
Mycroft: Oh my god
Mycroft: Get ready for another legendary Carmela moment
Mycroft: YEAH
Mycroft: And now you know why this book made Carmela everyone's favorite
Iago: I mean Dairine is always going to be my eternal favorite but yeah Carmela's a close second
Mycroft: Relatable
Iago: Oh my god now she's threatening to /eat/ the chocolate right in front of them I'm crying
Iago: Ponch the almond spider is trying to catch his non-existent tail
Mycroft: Omfg I forgot about that
Iago: It's a hilarious picture
Iago: I think I just witnessed a cult gathering
Iago: "You let me worry about this planet, and I'll let you worry about all the others." HARRY CALLAHAN IS BEST DAD
Iago: NO
Mycroft: And also Nita
Iago: S E N D H E L P
Iago: Wait are Rirhait mostly purple
Iago: Because if yes than they are my new favorites
Mycroft: They also come in blue, green, and pink, but yeah
Mycroft: I'm pretty sure Sker'ret in particular is purple
Iago: Well I saw that but the book makes a point to say that there are a /lot/ of shades of purple and I fucking love purple
Mycroft: You're in luck, then
Iago: "I would never lose my balance. I am a paragon of grace and stability."
"Oh, yeah. Who said /that/?"
Someone help me
Iago: I cannot
Mycroft: Pffft
Mycroft: Classic Roshaun
Iago: Kit is hiding his eyes from "sex stuff" and I'm laughing
Iago: "My dog brings home strays." Kit your dog is a fucking gift
Iago: A ducking gift who knows how to work a situation to get dog treats
Iago: And...and then he gave the treat to the Yaldiv that he brought home.
Iago: Ponch is a good dog.
Mycroft: Ponch is a good dog
Iago: "What is it with these Callahan women that they're always after yelling at you and giving you grief?"
"Not always. Just when it's going to get most on your nerves."
Kit just be glad Nita isn't here because she'd sock you
Iago: Oh
Iago: Oh shit
Iago: Just head the story of the dogs' Choice
Iago: And
Iago: everything is fine
Mycroft: E V E R Y T H I N G I S F I N E
Iago: "Even when people mean to do good things, bad things happen in the world."
"They're happening already. Pretending they're not won't help."
Memeki the almond spider is speaking to my soul I'm gonna go start a revolution now
Mycroft: Yes please do
Mycroft: I'm greatly enjoying your dedication to calling the Yaldiv almond spiders
Iago: Also
Iago: What does it mean that Memeki was honored by the Great One
Iago: Is she pregnant
Iago: Is she being nommed from the inside
Iago: Oh. Oh shit. What does Memeki mean by "my time"
Iago: I mean
Iago: She's not currently getting et
Iago: But
Iago: Eggses
Iago: Okay apparently the thing Nita was supposed to bring was /not/ in fact Carmela but rather hEART-WRENCHING MEMORIES OF HER MOTHER'S DEATH
Iago: Oh god Carmela is yanking Kit's chain about having found a manual and I'm experiencing emotional whiplash halp
Mycroft: Carmela is dedicated to yanking as many chains as possible, the audience's included
Iago: *inhuman screeching*
Iago: "Oops," said Carmela...and, very slowly, smiled.
Mycroft: OOPS
Mycroft: The holy grail of Carmela badass
Iago: *screams a lot*
Iago: *so much screaming*
Iago: Oh, now This Bitch is rising from the ashes, because obviously
Iago: *snarls a lot*
Iago: *basically continuous snarling*
Iago: R O N A N
Iago: *screams forever*
Iago: *interrupts eternal screaming for a breath* oh yes Sker'ret is in fact purple *continues screaming*
Iago: *still screaming*
Iago: P O N C H
Iago: *cries forever*
Iago: *is also still screaming*
Mycroft: The dog did the opposite of dying, ultimately
Iago: Okay I'm going to go collapse in an emotionally exhausted heap and probably read all of A Wizard of Mars tomorrow. So. Be ready for that.
Mycroft: CONGRATS you made it to the last stop on the emotional roller coaster that is Wizards at War
Mycroft: You win a free trip to Mars
Mycroft: Where definitely nothing will go wrong
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