darkangel319 · 2 months
Heads up seven up
Thanks for tagging me @winterandwords (here)!
Rules: Share seven lines from your WIP.
His eyes were a blazing gold, a stark contrast against his skin, and they seemed to pierce through me. They were like liquid pools of metal, burning with an intensity that drew me in, mesmerizing and terrifying all at once. I was like a moth to his flame, and I couldn't tear my gaze away. His narrowed gaze focused on the hand that gripped onto me. I felt a shiver of fear run down my spine.  Taliesin.  That was the name that they had called him.
Tagging: @wintherlywords, @melpomene-grey, @calicowrites, @spideronthesun, @mrbexwrites, @americanfemcel, @faeriecinna, @sarandipitywrites and an open tag as always!
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darkangel319 · 6 days
WIP Questionnaire
Tagged by @faeriecinna (here) and @wintherlywords (here)
This is kind of late, but I have a ton of tags drafted and I'm slowly working through them when I find my motivation. Here's the response for my current WIP: A Tale of Frost and Flames (still a working title)
✨What was the first part of your wip that you created? ✨
It all started with a knight kneeling before his princess and promising to be her sword and to mow down any enemies that stand in her way. Now it has evolved far past just that.
✨If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?✨
Definitely a powerful instrumental intro with a touch of whimsy.
✨Who are your favorite characters you've made? Why?✨
Taliesin is certainly a favorite of mine because I wanted to create a strong morally grey character who is also a dragon. Although I'm attached to all of them, especially the ones I have yet to introduce. Rhidian because he's a himbo who just wants to be a good person and is stuck being the 3rd son of a king, so his job is to be married off to make an alliance. Despite this he wants to make his arranged marriage work.
✨What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?✨
Anything with a heavy romance element in an in-depth fantasy world. Other Media with political drama, faefolk, magic, and dragons.
✨What has been your biggest struggle with your wip? ✨
My biggest struggle has been with my pacing. Trying to find the right pace for plot points to unfold themselves. Just recently I decided that my pace was going too fast, so to slow it down I'm refocusing book one into more of a focus on where Eirallia is now/who she is rather than pushing her too quickly into evolving into the character that I imagine for her. I'm slowing it down to focus more on her character journey, but it's been a struggle to take a step back and to make that choice.
✨Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!✨
Regular animals so far. There's natural wildlife in the kingdoms. As for Melione...there are a lot of creatures in the wylds. Animalistic and not. There is another character that I have in mind (without a name yet), but she has a secondary form that's cat-like.
✨How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)✨
Horses and carriages in the human kingdoms, along with ships and other vessels. Melione is a special case where there is an abundance of magic. Some have wings and other gifts that can get them around quicker.
✨What part of your wip are you working on rn?✨
After some rough decisions, I split the draft that I had been working with into the beginning and end of book one. So right now, I am working on Eirallia's slow processing of grief while she is being overloaded with responsibilities that don't belong to her in a place where she knows that she isn't wanted.
✨What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?✨
It's my hope that my themes of adversity and overcoming will shine through and draw people in. Along with the progression of growth that all of my characters have to go through in order to find who they're meant to be when not being forced into a mold created by their parents and the society that they live in. There's a heavy theme of grief and trying to fit into a mold made for someone else. Basically, Eira's life is a mess. Her love life, her family life, everything is a mess. She's learning along the way how to be herself while processing big losses in her life.
✨ What are your hopes for your wip?✨
My hopes are pretty simple with this one: To be able to physically hold my wip in my hands.
No Pressure Tags: @fantasywriternimzy, @oodles-of-noodles, @spideronthesun, @melpomene-grey
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darkangel319 · 3 months
Heads up, Seven Up
I was tagged by @winterandwords (Here) and @blind-the-winds (Here) Thank you so much for the tags!
Rules: Post the last 7 sentences that you wrote.
Here's some lines from A tale of Frost and Flames. Princess Eirallia has cornered Soraya, feeling concerned about the fear she has every time she looks at the King.
"Regardless he was loyal to her, keeping her secrets even at the cost of his own sight. When the king discovered this loyalty, he... he took it from him.” “Took what from him?” I knew the answer, but I needed to hear it said out loud. “His sight.” Soraya looked out into the endless night, “He injured my father, leaving him blind. Without his eyes, his gift still thrived. Ever since then, my father has been housebound.” Tears burned my eyes, “And now you bear the responsibility of relaying the information to the king, despite what he did to your family." Soraya nodded, her gaze dropping, "I have no choice. It's my duty."
I'm tagging: @spideronthesun @blueboxsm @bargainbincheese, and as always, an open tag for anyone who wants to join in.
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darkangel319 · 2 months
OC Moodboard Tag
Thanks for the tag @saltysupercomputer! This was fun to do!
I'm tagging: @spideronthesun, @melpomene-grey, @clairelsonao3, @elizaellwrites @winterandwords, and an open tag for anyone who wants to join in!
Rules: Add your OC’s name followed by ‘core’ on Pinterest, then make a moodboard of the first 9 images
I'm honestly surprise by how aesthetic this turned out to be. I chose to do this with one of my main characters, Eirallia from A Tale of Frost and Flame.....It's not far off from Eira's typical vibes.
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darkangel319 · 21 days
Word Find Tag
Thanks for tagging me @winterandwords (here)!!
Rules: Find the given words in your WIP
My words: lose, find, hide, and search
“I don’t want another chance to lose you,” My voice was barely a whisper, “and I know that Mircea wouldn’t want us to go out there seeking revenge. He would have wanted peace to be established between all of the kingdoms including Melione.”
"I know, Eirallia," he sighed, his breath visible in the winter chill. "But it doesn't change how I feel. I can't just switch off what we had. I will do whatever it takes. I will find a way, even if keeping my distance is what it takes."
Hide Hidden
I ripped my hand out of his feeling a surge of irritation at his presence, “Your father kept you sheltered Princess. Most of the world wondered if you existed or if there was some reason King Leoric kept you hidden.”
 Desperation fueled my every movement; each touch a fervent search to find any semblance of salvation. The relentless drumbeat of fear and uncertainty echoed in the darkness, a haunting rhythm paired with the suffocating stillness of the dungeon around me.
I'm tagging @melpomene-grey, @elizaellwrites, @wintherlywords, and anyone who wants to join in!
Your words are: Life, Forever, Absent, Fear
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darkangel319 · 5 months
Word Find Tag (Hunt, Sharp, Cry, Breathe)
Hi @tabswrites! Thank you for tagging me!
Tagging: @mister-writes, @ragnarokproofing, @soulofstarsandink, @clairelsonao3 with an open tag for anyone who wants to join in!
Your words will be: War, Fury, Cruel, and Twisted
These excerpts are from my WIP, A Tale of Frost and Flame (still a working title)
I embarked on a silent hunt through the library's upper floor, following the faint echoes of movement through the shelves. I had to find the source of those faint noises; today wasn't the first time I had heard them.
“Kaius,” The king started, “Escort the princess to her daily studies and stay with her to ensure that she is not slacking off.” He ordered; His voice held a sharp hidden subtext that even I could pick up on.
Breathe & Cry
I placed the flowers delicately upon Mircea’s coffin, allowing my hand to linger. There was no warmth from the wooden coffin beneath. I struggled to breathe, but I reminded myself that he wouldn’t want to see me cry.
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darkangel319 · 6 months
Last line tag
@sarandipitywrites Thank you for tagging me!
Rules- Share the last line you wrote for your WIP (or anything else you've been writing). and then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
From my WIP A Tale of Frost and Flames (working title). The moment when Eira and her mom hear devastating news from the battlefield.
Her form crumpled to the ground as if her body was no longer held up by the cords that kept her in place. That cord snapped; her legs no longer able to support herself.
tagging (with no pressure) @joeys-piano, @just-a-girl-with-interests, @macabremoons, @lycaens, @pb-dot @sarahlizziewrites, @winterandwords, @reysfictionalworlds, and an open tag to anyone else with a line to share :)
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darkangel319 · 4 months
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @pb-dot. Thanks for tagging me!
“In light of recent events that have cast a shadow of grief on all of the kingdom. The loss of my golden son, Prince Mircea, has left a horrific scar upon all of our hearts,” The ballroom had fallen into a silence as the guests await the king to continue, “I would like to announce the well thought over choice my esteemed advisor and I have come to in the recent weeks—”
The resonance of glass shattering interrupted his announcement, as the large windows that encircled the octagonal-shaped ballroom burst into glittering shards.
It's a little more than a line, but here it is.
Im tagging: @winterandwords, @clairelsonao3, @blueboxsm
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darkangel319 · 2 months
OC Bingo Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @faeriecinna (Here)!
Rules: when tagged, fill out the tagger's bingo(s) to see how similar you are to their OCs. Then, make a bingo or two for your own OCs and tag anyone you want to play! Bingo made with BingoBaker (remember to share the link!)
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Down Below, I have Bingo cards of two of my characters from A Tale of Frost and Flames: Eirallia and Rial
I'm tagging (no pressure): @melpomene-grey ,@winterandwords ,@americanfemcel, @clairelsonao3, and an open tag for anyone!
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darkangel319 · 2 months
Character Voice Tag
I was tagged by @melpomene-grey (here), This was a lot tougher than I thought it would be..
Rules: Rewrite the line of dialogue from the person who tagged you into the voice of your OC’s! My line is: I can't believe you solved it!
Scenario: Rial made up a riddle that he challenged the others to find the answer to.
Eira: (Genuinely happy and said with a big smile on her face) "You solved it!"
Kaius: (surprised) "Oh? You solved it already?"
Soraya: "Why didn't I think of that?" She says to herself, "That's great! You got the answer." (Internally beats herself up because she didn't think of that first.)
Taliesin: "It's about time you figured it out." (Said nonchalantly. Though never doubting that it could be done.)
Rial: "You figured it out huh?" (Definitely said with a snarky tone in half disbelief. He thought that his riddle was unsolvable.)
I'm tagging: @faeriecinna, @spideronthesun, and @fantasywriternimzy...of course an open tag for anyone who wants to participate! Your line is: That won't be necessary.
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darkangel319 · 3 months
OC in Three
Thank you for tagging me @blind-the-winds (Here)!
Here to see Soraya and Here to see Eirallia, Kaius, and Taliesin. I'm telling myself now that I'll make a better introduction for my oc's soon. All are from a Tale of Frost and Flame
Here is Rial:
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I'm tagging (no pressure): @mjparkerwriting @faeriecinna @melpomene-grey and an open tag for anyone who wants to share their oc's!
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darkangel319 · 3 months
Out of Context Line Tag
Thanks to @blind-the-winds (Here) for tagging me.
He rolled his eyes, “I don’t loom.” Kaius said defensively.
I'm tagging: @pb-dot @soulofstarsandink @asterhaze and an open tag as always!
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darkangel319 · 3 months
OC in Three
I was tagged by @sarandipitywrites (Here). Thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Introduce a character using three images.
The first time I did this tag, I showcased Taliesin, Eirallia, and Kaius from my current WIP, A Tale of Frost and Flames. You can see that post here.
Here is Soraya:
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I'm tagging: @cjdevlin @faeriecinna @sleepywriter00 and an open tag as always!
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darkangel319 · 2 months
WIP Drinking Game
I was tagged by @faeriecinna (here). Thanks for tagging me! It took a while to get around to doing this.
Rules: Describe a drinking game for your work-in-progress.
For A Tale of Frost and Flames, Drink when....
There's noticeable romantic tension
Rial is up to no good
Eira is worrying
Hearts pound or drop
Mircea is brought up
There's an argument
Leoric tries to control someone else's life
Someone makes questionable choices
A character is lying
Tagging (no pressure): @blackrosesandwhump @theprissythumbelina @melpomene-grey and an open tag for anyone who wants to join in.
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darkangel319 · 4 months
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @clairelsonao3!
From my wip: A Tale of Frost and Flames.
"We didn't stand a chance. They emerged from the shadows, more cunning and relentless than any we'd faced before. The forest became a battleground. In the chaos, we were scattered, fighting for survival. I tried my best to hold them off, to buy time for the others to regroup, but—" He trailed off, the weight of the unspoken words hanging in the air. “You don’t have to keep going.” I placed my hand on his. Kaius’s other hand held mine tightly, his warmth sinking into my chilled skin, “Eira, you’re right. You deserve to know.”
Tagging: @caitlin-devlin, @blueboxsm, @aziz-reads and an open tag to whoever wants to join in.
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darkangel319 · 5 months
OC in three
I was tagged by @winterandwords! Thank you for tagging me, it made me think more about my characters and took a while to find the right vibes.
I've never introduced my characters, so I went ahead and did three of these all from my WIP, A Tale of Frost and Flames.
Rules: Introduce a character using three images.
Here is Eirallia:
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Tagging: @tabswrites, @clairelsonao3, @asterhaze
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