#winx hcs
magix-winx-club · 2 years
Winx Club PJ's
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Bloom is the cozy kind of girl
She likes soft fabric that is comfy and warm
She is a sleepy girl, so she needs something that will let her sleep for a long time without waking up cold or uncomfy
She likes slow mornings and drawing a bit so no expensive things that she would be worried about ruining
She likes to read before bed
She struggles sleeping at times with all the things going on about her world being turned upside down so she needs something that will make her feel warm and safe
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Stella is a princess and she likes to feel like one
She likes soft, silky and expenssive fabric
She likes to have some beautiful tailing to it, such as lace
She appreciates her beauty sleep but also looking beautiful while sleeping
Stella likes dresses and skirts and the same counts for her sleepwear
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Flora is the soft girl
She carries her feminine style into her sleepwear
Cute patterns, frills and any kind of cute details
It looks like the short is a skirt so she will put on some fluffy houseshoes and a cute and warm bathrobe
Flora likes wearing two pieces not only in her everyday wear but also in her sleepwear
She likes to have mobility but also showcase the things she loves such as flowers, plants all kind of nature things
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Musa stole this hoodie 100%
Not saying she stole it from Riven but...
And then would play innocent
She likes to sleep in oversized stuff, it is big and comfy and just fun
Also it looks super cute when she wears it with her hair
Sometimes she wears some shorts underneath like when the girls have a sleepover
But when she is dead on her feet she will just undress, throw her clothes on the floor slip into the hoodie and fall into bed
And don't you dare wake her up then
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Tecna likes to be covered on the bottom
She likes to play with shapes on her top, where one part is different than the other in f.ex. color
Yet she needs to be able to be comfy as she likes to stay up late and work on her computer (fewer distractions)
She doesn't wear oversized things but her sleeping wear is not tight either so she can move around without being restricted
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Layla likes a bit more simple things
Fun but also pretty
She likes her shorts to be a bit shorter as her and Musa listen to music in the evening and Layla will usually get up and dance
Layla moves around a lot in her sleep
So she does not wear anything that will tangle in her legs
There is nothing worse than waking from a nightmare and trying to get your legs free
Especially since she sleeps with more than one blanket
She likes to be warm while sleeping yet wearing long pants is annoying to her for so many different reasons such as them riding up when she moves
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susanvstorm · 11 months
i have decided i will be rambling on here, which is nice because it's kinda like yelling into nothing given no one reads this... but i was thinking about winx club my beloved and about how it never made sense to me that no one would recognize bloom. so in my improved and hced winx club universe, time moves a lot faster in the magic dimension than it does on earth. like 1 year on earth is 1000 in the magic dimension.
which means, with bloom being 16, it had been 16,000 years since the destruction of domino (or spark, but idk the name of stuff in english), which is how daphne came to be a legend, and how no one figured she was, in fact, the lost princess.
and i also like the idea that this means a year in alfea for bloom is like... a week to her parents or something, so they only relatively miss her.
edit: yes, this makes faragonda like 50.000 years old and i am DOWN for this. ig she figures out who bloom is kind of early-ish but keeps it for herself because ? she has to do ancient fairy stuff things. mysterious for no reason. that, or she doesn't remember exactly/know what happened on domino (same for every member of the... group that faced the three witches? what do u call it in english lol) because she's too old and too much time has passed and stuff turned to legends. tho i wanna say it's kind of well known that daphne used to be the princess of domino and that she fell in the battle, but no one knows exactly how. i like the idea of domino being a legend with like lots of lore but no one knows exactly what happened
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choco-bloop · 1 month
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This took way longer than I wanted to but the casual outfits for the other three Hermitgals for my hc Winx au are done :)
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drops-of-moonlights · 8 months
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inherited curse
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vynnytypesstuff · 2 years
Glad to see another Winx Club fan!
May I please request headcanons for Brandon, Sky, Helia, and Riven reacting to their female S/O (who's normally calm, cool, and collected) kicking major ass against someone who's trying to rob her?
꒰୨୧﹒Winx Club - Sky, Brandon, Helia, and Riven Reacting to Their Female S/O Retaliating Against a Robber
This came out way way WAY later than I intended it to be. My apologies for the wait, it's always busy during this time of the year pfft.
To be honest, I was trying to alter my writing on this one just a tiny bit but it didn't come out as I envisioned, I hope you enjoy though!
Warnings: Minor violence? I leave it extremely vague 
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As king of Eraklyon, Sky is a natural-born leader who is eager to spring into action during moments of crisis. This is, perhaps, why he’s sometimes prone to jumping to conclusions and making sudden decisions. That’s where his S/O comes in. When he needs it, she helps to keep him grounded and reassess situations. 
The night had been a calm one. With schoolwork/training out of the way, the couple had decided to go on a small date together. Sky was a stickler to classic dates, meaning the two had decided to go out to a local restaurant for dinner. After a night filled with delicious food and light-hearted conversations, they contently left the restaurant to go for a late-night walk around the more secluded areas nearby. The stroll was peaceful for the most part, loving the other's presence as they enjoyed some much-needed downtime, before they heard a voice from behind them shout, holding a sharp weapon towards them and commanding them not to move. 
Sky, always quick to act on a situation, went to step in front of his S/O. However, she was quicker, extending her arm out to prevent him from doing so. The stranger urged them both to hold still as he cautiously paced over to them. Beginning to get a bit too close to his S/O, Sky was about to fend off the stranger when, to his surprise, his S/O grabbed onto the stranger's wrists and shoved them to the ground. 
Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), Sky is the most shocked out of the four. When he first met his S/O, she immediately reminded him of Brandon. The two of them were the definition of calm and collected and restrained (a familiarity that could’ve possibly drawn him to her). He genuinely had no idea his S/O could defend herself and he feels a bit naïve for underestimating her. 
By the time his speechless stuttering has ceased, the stranger had already been scrambling off (albeit, barely). He feels proud to have such a capable S/O, though there’s a small part of himself that wishes she still needed his help.
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Don't underestimate Brandon's so-called "superficialness" and overly flirtatious tendencies. He's a strategic thinker who rarely acts impulsively. In this way, him and his S/O were similar. Pair them together and the two make for an unstoppable duo.
Brandon and his S/O had been wandering through Solaria's famed shopping district, periodically scurrying from store to store to cover as many stores as they could for their weekly shopping trip. It was a long weekend, so the area was much busier then it usual, meaning trouble could be brewing at any corner. The two had been lucky to avoid any mishaps so far, but their moment of solitude wouldn't last for long. While his S/O was occupied with browsing the items on the shelves, she felt a hand swipe past her pockets and grab a valuable item of hers before bolting towards the store's exit. She quickly disregarded what she was doing and chased after him, Brandon following suite.
There were waves of people outside, causing him to get lost in the crowd. He was growing increasingly worried as he searched for where the robber and his S/O had run off to. Finally, he had managed to locate the pair in a secluded alleyway, where he stumbled upon a bit of an unexpected sight. There they were, his S/O and the one who had robbed her, fighting in an all-out brawl, a loud *slam* resounding as she pinned him to the wall.
Brandon shakes his head as he runs a hand through his hair. He doesn't know why he was so worried. It's not like he assumed that his S/O was helpless. He was aware that she knew how to fight, but he had no idea she packed this much of a punch. He’s even a little intimidated by it, but in a good way.
With the criminal knocked out, Brandon finally speaks. He gives his S/O an amused look, joking about writing himself a reminder to never make her angry. Of course he’s taking the opportunity to throw a bunch of teasing comments, but he’s genuinely impressed.
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Helia and his S/O seemed so alike that it was uncanny. They were both known to be the mature ones in their respective friend groups, seemingly lacking in temper and aggression. Their extreme levels of patience, temperance, and open-mindedness were unmatched. Due to this, it can be a bit of a shocker to others when they drop the pacifism.
The two had decided to take a daytime stroll through a quaint park outside of Magix City. It was a peaceful day, the warmth of the sun bouncing off their skin as they admired the vibrant outdoor scenery. The pair had taken a pit stop at the edge of a small lake, with Helia wanting to take a quick sketch of it's beauty. As she watched him stroke his pencil across the pages in his sketchbook from a distance, she was caught off-guard when someone wrapped their arms around her waist, pulling her backwards in an attempt to restrain her and reaching for the contents in her pockets.
The lack of talking followed by a string of grunts drew Helia's attention from his sketchbook to the troubled state of his S/O. Though he preferred to avoid fighting, he couldn't help but feel the need to step in and protect her (a likely result of his specialist training), however, she didn't seem to need any protection as she was quick to turn the tables on the robber.
Helia stops in his tracks, simply watching as his S/O lands hit after hit. He was a bit surprised to see his calm and collected S/O go physically all out against this robber, but his shock quickly faded away into an loving sigh. He had always trusted that she would be capable of defending herself when she needed to, and he was glad that his hunch wasn't wrong. In general, he's the quickest to accept her fighting spirit, and it just makes him love her even more.
When his S/O has had her fill, the robber runs off, leaving the two of them alone. Helia double checks to make sure she isn't hurt. Once she reassures him, he chuckles to himself, wrapping an arm around her in affection. 
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Riven's hot-headed nature was a stark contrast to his S/O's laid-back demeanor. The other specialists couldn't deny that Riven was a blunt guy who had a very direct approach when it came to conflict. Meanwhile, his S/O had an eerie ability to remain calm, even in dire situations. The two appeared to be complete opposites, leaving a number of people to question their relationship (not that they cared for others opinions).
Whilst wandering through the Magix City, Riven had stopped to purchase lunch at a nearby food stall while his S/O stood and waited nearby. She decided to occupy herself, so she reached into her bag to grab her phone. That's when she felt the sudden grasp of a hand on her wrist as a masked stranger attempted to grab her purse.  Seeing no other way out of the situation, she took a step back, taking her free arm and weaving it through the robber's wrists to stop their movements before using her strength to free herself.
Riven, who had come back after realizing he left his wallet in his S/O's purse, caught sight of the fight that was transpiring, at least, if you could even call it a fight considering the fact that one of the figures was losing tremendously. Once he realizes that the winning figure is his S/O, his reaction is a mixed bag. On one hand, he was impressed by her independence and skill. He had seen her train in the past, but that was nothing compared to how she held herself in a real fight.
That being said, there's part of him that can't help but feel a bit insecure. Seeing her in action would make him wonder if she truly needed him or not. After all, she can defend for themself, so does that mean she'd leave him?
He doesn't bring up his insecurity. Instead he walks over to his S/O and silently makes sure they aren't severely injured, all while chewing out the robber that was now laying flat on the ground. After he's calmed down, he applauds his S/O for defending herself. He sounds reluctant in doing this, but he's trying his best.
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darlenicy · 5 months
Okay, but hear me out: Darcy wears glasses not only because of her eyesight, but also because she is, because of her powers, sensitive to sunlight. This is why her glasses are tinted.
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When she transforms into her witch form, her eyes work perfectly fine because of the magic and therefore glasses are unnecessary.
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gdaynic · 19 days
I was re-watching winx 1st season and then... *GAY PANIC*
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I need more their fandom content! I beg for more their fandom content! 😭
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envyoat · 1 month
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hehe it��s the end of lesbian visibility week love u girls
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partiallypearl · 6 months
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E for Eraklyon
a mountainous realm that is barren. eraklyon once was a realm filled of warriors, and woodsmiths, but was destroyed in the war. all of the direct royal family is dead.
Royal Family
Queen Annalise - the late Queen. Went to Red Fountain in the 60s. Died in the final attacks on Eraklyon.
King Reinhard- the late King Consort. Went to Red Fountain in the 60s. Died in the final attacks on Eraklyon.
Prince Elias- the late prince. Went to Red Fountain in the 80s. Died in the final attacks on Eraklyon.
Prince Andreas - the Crown prince. Went to Alfea in the late 90s. Died twice.
Prince Sky - Heir to the nonexistant throne. Goes to Alfea. So many daddy issues.
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artistamateurieuse · 7 months
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I needed some soft cat-dad Daniel vibes to lift my spirits - maybe it will lift yours, too! <33
(the cat is still mental property of @papa-evershed)
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shiningclown69 · 1 year
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“Under the light of Solaria, I will always remain in her shadow.”
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d-arcyky · 6 months
Rare event where I talk about the winx but ik damn well that musa, aisha/layla and tecna have gaming nights together with Bloom occasionally joining
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emoxxzombie · 7 months
Winx Club Headcanons: Darcy
-She's a hopeless romantic and loves romcoms (she won't admit it though) -She's bisexual with a preference for men -She suffers from insomnia -Her favorite scent is lavender -She sleeps with stuffed animals (mostly teddy bears) -She actually enjoys studying and loves gaining new information/knowledge -She's a bookworm -She's the second tallest trix and stands at about 5'7-5'8 -She can actually be pretty flirty at times -She's the most talented of the trix when it comes to makeup and likes to give Icy and Stormy tips here and there -She often listens to psychedelic rock, witch house, and electric music -She's the better singer of the trix and her voice is actually pretty soothing and soft when she sings -She loves decoding cipher puzzles and challenging herself with strategic games -Darcy has an extensive vinyl record collection -She prefers shopping at thrift stores and has a good eye for hidden gems
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choco-bloop · 2 months
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i haven't done art for this Au in a good while but casual outfit designs for Gem and Cleo
Yes, Cleo is very different from her original look in the earlier posts, her lore / backstory has changed slightly so I've updated her design.
Also I love the cursive / unique signatures they had in Winx so I had to do that here too :)
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spilledmilkfkdies · 10 months
-) Despite his somewhat cold upbringing he absolutely loves mundane activities with the people he considers his family these days and will schedule things such as movie or game nights every once in a while, under the guise of it being a teambuilding thing. If you consider scrabble teambuilding, sure. Will still pretend he's forced to be there though, especially if an activity is planned by someone else.
-) The amount of assassination attempts this man has survived is almost comical. A compilation of them would still take up an hour or two. He progressively became less phased by them as they went on as well, reacting with a mere sigh to the last few.
-) Horses are his favorite animal with cats a close second, but if he spots a horse and a cat next to each other, you bet the horse has his full attention. Knows how to care for them because his family owned a couple of horses themselves back in the day, his favorite one being his mother's. Ogron didn't learn how to ride one himself until a couple years after he left home.
-) Vain. So very vain. His hair routine takes forever and his skincare even longer. Buttering his pale ass up is unironically one of the quickest ways to get to him. In whatever way. Unfortunately the nature of his magic causes physical distortion to happen more quickly, so he gets fixed up the most frequently.
-) Cannot handle spicy food. It will make him go as red as his hair, cry real tears, no longer be able to breathe through his nose, it's awful. Has threatened people over this and consumed SO much milk. Most lactose tolerant person on the planet.
-) His father's side of the family used to consist of noble and high-ranking magic users, but they all began seeking out human partners to dilute the magical bloodline due to. Prior agreements. With certain "people". Ogron himself would've been forced to marry a human as well, but obviously chose to make an attempt at saving what little remained of the ancient magic roots in his blood instead.
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part-time-pixie · 5 months
I don't know if someone already said it, but I think it'll be cool if Marc's magic complimented Nathaniel. Maybe if Nath is a fairy of ink/paint, Marc could be a fairy of paper? (I know it's dumb, but I'm not sure how to use him being a writer as a magic)
I've been thinking about this ask so much and I finally came up with something! Thank you for helping my brain out 🤧
What if Nathaniel's fairy magic works by absorbing colors and the colors he absorbs represent a different element or power. Which means that if he absorbs the color orange for example, he can cast a weak fire spell (I imagine his magic to look like watercolors)
He can also combine colors/powers, so if he absorbs dark blue and white (water and air), he can choose to either cast them as separate spells or combine the colors to create light blue (ice powers)
And so, what if Marc is the fairy of Papercraft? Which means he can create any kind of origami creature. As long as he can describe it with his magical quill, he can create it! (I just really want to include him being a writer somehow even if that doesn't make a lot of sense haha)
Now imagine combining these two powers: Marc can create items or creatures made out of paper and Nathaniel can grant them powers based on the colors he chooses to paint them with! I think that would be a really fun concept ☺
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(Nathaniel and Marc kissing for over 10 minutes)
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