#will herondale starter
multistoty · 2 years
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margareturtle · 6 months
Deciding to bring out the hot takes today
A Matthew/Lucie/Jesse love triangle would’ve been superior to the Matthew/Cordelia/James one we got
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Jace Lightwood Wayland Herondale Quote Rp Meme
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I don't want to be a man,I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead."
Don’t touch my weapons without my permission."
You love each other-anyone can see that, looking at you- that kind of love that could burn the world down or raise it in glory.”
When you love someone, you dont have a choice. Love takes away your choices.”
There is a fine line between sarcasm and outright hostility, and you seem to have crossed it.”
“Usually I'm remarkably good-natured. Try me on any day that doesn't end in y.”
If you knew how to cook, maybe I would eat.”
The meek may inherit the earth, but at the moment it is for the conceited like me.” “
I think they’ll probably put that on my gravestone ‘he was heterosexual and had low expectations.’”
“It’s a pretty wet parade already.”
It means Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234'
You would do anything to save him, whatever it cost you, whatever you might owe to Hell or Heaven, would you not?”
That does it,I'm going to get you a dictionary for Christmas.”
If there were such a thing as terminal literalism, you would have been dead as a child.”
Dear God . . . the dread hour is nigh.”
Declarations of love amuse me. Especially the unrequited kind.”
“To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed.”
Don’t want him, don’t go with him. Be with me. Want me. Stay with me. I don’t know how to be without you.”
“Have a little faith.”
“To love is a contradiction.”
My hair is naturally blonde… Just for the record”
I guess it's true what they say, there are no straight men in the trenches."
Love is the most powerful force in the world. Love can do anything.”
I don't do what I'm told, but I might do what you what you want if you ask nicely.”
Just kissing? How quickly you dismiss our love.”
Keeping your clothes on? I could say I wouldn’t look but that would be a lie.”
My rapier wit hides my inner pain.”
I've heard the word 'fear'. I simply choose to believe that it doesn’t apply to me.”
'It's my cologne. Eau de Recent Injury.'
It will bring you light even among the darkest shadows of this world.
It's just this one night. In the grand scheme of things, how much can this one night matter?"
Even if one of them spills a drink on my new shoes?"
Well I'd certainly hate to interrupt your pleasant night stroll with my sudden death.”
If I wanted to lie on a couch and
complain to someone about my parents, I’d hire a psychiatrist.”
My Romanian is pretty much limited to useful phrases like, 'Are these snakes poisonous?' and 'But you look much too young to be a police officer.”
I can see why you like it here, there's a thin layer of nerd everywhere.”
It doesn’t change what we are to each other. It’s like there’s always been a piece of my soul missing, and it’s inside you”
It’s me,Watching me play scrabble often makes women swoon. Imagine if I put in an effort.”
I'm not unhappy,Only people without a purpose are unhappy. I’ve got a purpose.”
I know it's wrong - God, it's all kinds of wrong - but I just want to lie down with you and wake up with you, just once, just once ever in my life.”
I love you,and I will love you until I die,and if there's a life after that,I'll love you then.”
Have you fallen in love with wrong person yet?”
We are meant to protect each other, but not from everything. Not from
the truth. That’s what it means to love someone but let them be themselves.
and I'm worried that if you get into the habit of making out with your instructors, you'll wind up making out with him, too."
"Theoretically the planet can crack in half, leaving me on one side and you on the other side, forever and tragically parted, but I'm not worried about that, either. Some things are just too unlikely to dwell upon.
Do you remember at the hotel when you promised that if we lived, you’d get dressed up in a nurse’s outfit and give me a sponge bath?"
"You want to kiss me, don’t you?”
You could have had anything else in the world and you chose me.”
Code names?I shall be Baron Hotschaft Von Hugenstein.”
Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains myself."
“I got the wrong window at first. Gave your friend in the next cell something of a shock. Attractive fellow, what with the beard and the rags. Kind of reminds me of the street folk back home.”
"Neither does this,but I don't care. I'm sick of trying to pretend I can live without you. Don't you understand that? Can't you see it's killing me?”
“I hate brooklyn.”
Are you sure? Because viewing my naked chest has caused many women to seriously injure themselves stampeding to get to me.”
You've got a drawing emergency. You need a nude model. “
“Because you’re lying to me. And you’re lying to yourself.”
“That you seem to be dating my dad?You’re a little young for him, to be honest.”
A diary with no drawings of me in it? Where are the torrid fantasies? The romance covers?”
Probably because going around and around in a dryer can be fatal,whereas pasta is rarely fatal.”
"I like anyone killing things, especially me."
I should have warned her about your habit of never doing what your told.”
You do seem obsessed with my look…Could it be that you're attracted to me?"
"I'm not sure about this wind and howling darkness business smells more like landfill to me. You sure you're not from Staten Island?”
“I am a man, and men do not consume pink beverages. Get thee gone, woman, and bring me something brown.”
"You may be right,I've met an attractive weasel or two in my time. He looks more like a rat.”
I've always known that about you. I don't know why I had to fall in love with someone who's more stubborn than I am.”
Nobody should get nothing on their birthday. Birthdays should be special.”
I wasn't planning to.I can't shrug anything off. My shoulder's dislocated."
"Exactly. Despite my staggering good looks , you actually don't like me that way.”
But God knows, I don't want anyone but you. I don’t want to want anyone but you.”
"I wish you'd stop desperately trying to get my attention like this,It's becoming embarrassing."
My shoulder will never be the same. I expect you to nurse me back to health.”
"You don't like 'hotstuff'? You think 'sweet cheeks' might be better? "Love crumpet'? Really? That last one's stretching it a bit. Though, technically my family is British-“
I could point out that that's not a dress, that's underwear, but I doubt it would be in my best interest."
He could bring a six-foot tall pink rabbit in a bikini back home with him if he wanted to. It’s not my business. But if you’re asking me if I’ve brought any girls back here, the answer is no. I don’t want anybody but you.”
"Well, aside from mine, of course,And I'm sure my blood is fan-tastic.”
There might be a God, and there might be none, but we are all on our own.”
“Because I’m tiny, blonde, and look good in pigtails? “
Despite everything, I can’t bear the thought of this ring being lost forever, any more than I can bear the thought of leaving you forever. And though I have no choice about the one, at least I can choose about the other.”
If I made a joke about just dropping by, would you write me off as cliche?”
"You're not happy to see me, then? I have to say, I'm surprised. I've always been told my presence brightened up any room. One might think that went doubly for dank underground cells.”
Sometimes I dream you're gone,I keep wondering when you'll figure out how much better you could do and leave me.”
My eyes are usually described as golden… and luminous.”
Sorry, I think I fell asleep for a moment. Do, continue with whatever mesmerizing thing you were saying.”
I can’t believe he took you to an actual restaurant. I assumed his idea of a date would be making you watch him play World of Warcraft with his nerd friends.”
Just because you call an electric eel a rubber duck doesn't make it a rubber duck, does it? And God help the poor bastard who decides they want to take a bath with the duckie.”
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heroestales · 9 months
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Jace quirked a brow with humor at the edges of his turned up mouth. Who knew London pub food was so much better. he was in the land of Herondales after all. Even if the food had drastically different names here. "A festival? Why does that matter? Do I look like I have pinterest boards?" Its good natured humor though clear sarcasm. There was a coldness to his lion eyes when he was truly angry. A drunk and well meaning person was something he could wether even without being a shadowhunter. "But it is nice to see this place look happy for once. Are you a coachella type person? Or just festitive?"
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foundationbuilt · 3 months
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❝ I let them think they saved me. ❞
@sarcasticsnackpack liked for one-liner.
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luminescenc1e · 6 months
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" You do have to admit...that I was right this time. " And every other time, he wanted to add, but didn't, he could add that later, for optimum annoyance.
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wcrriorhearts · 2 years
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Something had gone wrong, she was sure of that. Maybe she should have put more time into research, shouldn’t have blindly run into something she barely understood, shouldn’t have been so STUBBORN to attempt this on her own, just because she had lost trust and faith in her brother and friends. Jamie would have never understood why she attempted to bring Jesse back from the dead, but maybe he could have talked sense into his younger sister, who was barely growing into her powers just now and still didn’t know her own limitations. She should have been smarter - but she had been blinded by what she felt for a dead boy. Wasn’t that how great love stories began? Maybe not exactly like that, but in Lucie’s mind this had been the beginning of something magical - just not in the literal sense of the word and meaning a magical accident that shouldn’t have happened.  Lucie hadn’t been conscious enough to truly realize that Malcom Fade had taken her and Jesse away from the Institute, but by the time her lids fluttered open, she was far from home already. Her body felt weak, as if all the life had been drained from it and maybe that was what had happened? Maybe she had given all of her life and strength to someone who should have been buried a long time ago. “I messed up, didn’t I?” Her voice sounded almost unfamiliar, hoarse and tired, blue hues fixed on the blurry outlines of the warlock who she had bargained with.
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authcrwriites · 3 months
open starter ; jace herondale.
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" why do i believe this plan of yours is going to get us killed? " he would follow the other without a second though, even to hell, but jace was a little over the end of a world scenario they kept finding themselves in.
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famefckrmoved · 10 months
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the    ghost    has    always    loved    when    visitors    come    to    her    institute.    getting    to    talk    to    new    people    is    so    exciting.    jessamine    has    always    loved    talking.    ❝    you    are    so    handsome.    are    you    sure    you're    not    my    descendant..?    oh,    well,    i    suppose    i    never    got    the    chance    to    have    a    child    of    my    own,    so    that    wouldn't    be    possible.    there    must    be    lovelace    in    your    bloodline    somewhere.    ❞
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@lovemaim for jace herondale!
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halothief · 2 years
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midnight passes with the clanging of the grand tower bell, its dulcet tone echoing in the streets of london. william wonders its necessity — wonders if it serves more as a disruption than a reminder of time passing, many having long-abandoned the streets from the chill of the evening air, finding little reason to be out so late in the evening. as he wanders, stele twirling between two fingers as if he were a conductor of an orchestra, william thinks of the institute. of one thing he is certain: he knows james would not support his current academic pursuit, yet he must continue trying.
melancholy thoughts are disrupted by an unnatural hiss, one he has grown familiar with over the years. angel blade wielding, william pursues the sound to an abandoned alleyway, noting the presence of an unfamiliar blonde. he is alert, eyes fixed on the demon five feet to her left.
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      ‘ ah — if you are attempting to befriend the locals, perhaps your time would be better spent at the local jazz bar. your new companion there is rather demonic. ’
@fabreai​ ♡’d
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multistoty · 1 year
Like, reblog,or message for a shadowhunters muse book/show/movie
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Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fray,Selective Jace Herondale,Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Cecily Herondale, Lucie Herondale, WIll herondale, Tessa gray, Charlotte Branwell, Emma Carstairs, Julian blackthorn, Livy Blackthorn, Rafeal Lightwood Bane, Helen Blackthorn, and Max lightwood bane
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Clockwork Angel Quote Rp Meme
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“One must always be careful of books,and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”
“There's plenty of sense in nonsense sometimes, if you wish to look for it.” 
“It isn't against the law to be an idiot.” 
“Dear me. Such harsh truths so early in the morning cannot be good for the digestion.” 
“Let me give you a piece of advice. The handsome young fellow who's trying to rescue you from a hideous fate is never wrong. Not even if he says the sky is purple and made of hedgehogs.”
“Sometimes, when I have to do something I don't want to do, I pretend I'm a character from a book. It's easier to know what they would do.” 
“Are you implying that shreds of my reputation remain intact?" 
“It is as great a thing to love as it is to be loved. Love is not something that can be wasted.” 
cleverness that comes too late is hardly cleverness at all?” 
“I see you're determined to miss my point."
"I believe we are dust and shadows. What else is there?” 
"If you're point is that there was a pretty girl in the room and it was distracting you, then I think I've taken your point handily."”
How rude. Many who have gazed upon me have compared the experience to gazing at the radiance of the sun."
“It is not the same thing to be good and to be kind.”
“Whoever loves you now—and you must also love yourself—will love the truth of you.”  
“For that was love, wasnt it--to burn bright in someone else's eyes?” 
“You could know a man not by what his friends said about him, but by how he treated his servants.” 
“Do you normally turn up in gentlemen's bedrooms in the middle of the night? If I'd known that, I would have campaigned harder to make sure they let you stay.”
“Remember when you tried to convince me to feed a poultry pie to the mallards in the park to see if you could breed a race of cannibal ducks?"
“It's all right to love someone who doesn't love you back, as long as they're worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it.” 
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” 
"What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” 
“Beauty fades, but cooking is eternal.” 
“There is more to living than not dying.” 
“Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.” 
“Black hair and blue eyes are my favorite combination.”
“Do reasons matter when there's nothing that can be done to change things.” 
“Dreams can be dangerous things.” 
"Is it dreadful, being so evil? Are you worried you'll go to hell?"
“I know you feel inhuman, and as if you are set apart, away from life and love, but... I promise you, the right man won't care.” 
“You've always been what you are. That's not new. What you'll get used to is knowing it.” 
"Perhaps we do need a chaperon.”
“If no one in the entire world cared about you, did you really exist at all?” 
“Oh, I can never get enough. Which, incidentally, is what your sister said when--” 
“With God on your side, what does luck matter?” 
“Magic is dangerous - but love is more dangerous still” 
“Inanimate objects are harmless indeed. But one cannot always say the same of the men who use them.” 
“I had such plans for this evening. The pursuit of blind drunkenness and wayward women was my goal. But alas, it was not to be. No sooner had I consumed my third drink in the Devil than I was accosted by a delightful small flower selling child who asked me for two pence for a daisy. The price seemed steep, so I refused. When I told the girl as much, she proceeded to rob me.”
“You can keep it a secret.... But secrets have their own weight, and it can be a very heavy one.” 
"Of course they are.... Look at him. The face of a bad angel and eyes like the night sky in Hell.” 
“I've never seen anyone get so excited over books before. You'd think they were diamonds.”
"Dear me, massive blood loss. Death could be imminent.” 
"You read novels. Obviously, I'm here to rescue you. Don't I look like Sir Galahad? ... My strength is as the strength of ten, Because my heart is pure - "
“Maybe I want a black eye. Did you think of that?” 
“I do not believe you can threaten people into goodness.”
“And I think that you do not understand that sometimes the only choice is between acceptance and madness.” 
"She doesn't smell like anything.”
“Do you often sleep tied to the bed?” 
“Unless there was a reason for me to stay.”
“It’s also rude to go about grabbing at ladies you haven’t been introduced to,hasn’t anyone told you that?”
“It wasn't enough, not nearly enough, but it was all there was.” 
“There was something peculiarly gratifying about shouting in a blind rage until your words ran out.” 
Concerned about my safety, are you?”
“I have lost everything. Lost everything.Everything.”
“It’s bad form to bite,”
“If love is great, then it is worth fighting for.” 
“I must say, I rather like the way you manage him.” 
“Goodness, my nose is enormous.Why didn't anyone tell me?” 
“Goodness, real goodness, has it's own sort of cruelty to it.” 
“I do not walk like a duck.” 
“There are more important things than being careful.” 
“I played it for my bride, and one day you will play for yours.”
“I’m boasting of my investigative skills, and I would prefer to do it without interruption. Where was I?” 
“Has no one respect for the classics these days?” 
“Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.” 
“Looking for an entirely reliable informant is like looking for a chaste mistress.” 
“I mean, is there a chance for me? To have another life after this, a better one?” 
“Where is your angel now?”
“It can be... difficult to to learn how the world truly is, to see it in its true shape and form... most human beings never do. Most could not bear it.” 
“Is there a particular reason you keep biting vampires?"
We must away at once to the nearest brothel. I seek scandal and low companionship.” 
“We shall throw him out onto the streets, I promise you he'll be gone by morning.Oh-no, you can't mean that-Of course I don't. But you felt better for a moment there, didn't you?” 
“I believe in good and evil, and I believe the soul is eternal. But I don't believe in the fiery pit, the pitchforks, or endless torment. I do not believe you can threaten people into goodness.” 
“Were you thinking about eating me?” 
“Not really, but after that I think about how I could kill him while he slept if I really wanted to, and then I feel better.” 
“the less you had, the more careful you had to be about everything you did have.” 
“The best lies are based on the truth, at least in part” 
“It would be wonderful if we all knew who we were. But that knowledge doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside.” “The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve. Man's flaw is that he can deteriorate; and his virtue is that he can improve.” 
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heroestales · 10 months
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Jace couldn't help but roll his eyes fondly at the figure who sidled up to him and mentioned the time. It was the afternoon and with the day he had- he didn't think anyone should judge the fact that he was half way through his second glass of vodka. He had to find his girlfriend and family. And figure out whatever portal or world had thrown them into this london esque street. He had an institute to run. And nephews to watch. "Considering your at the bar, darling, i wouldn't judge. I can hold my liquor pretty well."
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luminescenc1e · 2 years
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“ You seem to be under the IMPRESSION that you are irresistible. Sorry to burst whatever bubble of delusion you’re under. But if the compliment was directed at anyone, you have to admit it could ONLY have been… “ Jace points at his chest and then shrugs. ” Nothing else just makes any sense. “ 
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aleswiftgron · 11 months
Okay i don't know about y'all but i NEED to know the fucking family tree
Like Ari and Anna are said to be wanting to adopt a child at the end of ChoT, and Alastair and Thomas having kids (and i quote): "saved as a hazy future question"
Also the one to continue the fairchild line is Matthew, right??
Technically we do have the Herondale line for both of the current Herondales (Kit and Jace)
But I'd really like to know about the Blackthorns and the Lightwoods and all the other families, because there are like a thousand wronged (and cringy to be honest) family trees out there
So Cassandra, babe, do it for real, it can be that hard if you already have the starters of the lines (TLH Gang)
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famefckrmoved · 11 months
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❝    jaaaaaace.    ❞    emma    whines,    draping    her    arms    over    his    shoulders    from    the    side,    resting    her    head    against    his.    ❝    will    you    please    spar    with    me?    pretty    please?    pretty    please    with    brown    sugar    and    honey    on    top?    if    i'm    going    to    be    the    jace    herondale    of    shadowhunters    my    age,    i    should    train    with    the    jace    herondale,    don't    you    think?    ❞
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