#wig vent
masatos-wig · 2 years
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gonegrove · 10 months
Thinking about Steve bewitching Heather with his big brown eyes and boyish smile. Like she’s literally the meanest bitch in Hawkins and he’s just so babygirl that it borderline tames her (only kinda and pm just with him). Like so bewitched by his pretty lil face and preppy wifeguy boyfriend vibes she goes Literally Insane and is like, a good girlfriend and even gets as sappy and shmoopy as he does. Like doesn’t even realize how this mid ass midwest malewife has completely enthralled her until she’s wearing an engagement ring and staring down a framed sears couples photo complete with matching outfits.
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campgender · 2 months
uh oh. once again crying over losing my hair (it’s been over 2 years)
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bl33ditout · 2 months
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yukikorogashi · 3 months
Also, sorry, it's super weird if you aren't following me BUT still like posts like my permanent starter calls or inbox calls OR still send in for things (Like, not even an IC ask to the muse or anything. BUT free shit... And yes, I will forever be haunted by people I have never seen before liking and sending in for free drawings or graphics, lol).
And, when I try to politely point this out to you, you block me.
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ask-artsy-oncie · 4 months
I'm just so sick - I'm fucking ill.
I just want someone to look at me and see a man. Please. Even if it only happens just one more time.
Is that really too much to ask for?
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mell0w0dyssey · 2 years
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Guess who got scammed buying the lying duo?? Bootleg Mago have the worst quality I've seen in a plush and the stitching on bootleg Marx's hat is so awful that he might go bald at any moment I'm not okay with this 🥲
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800-dick-pics · 11 months
if someone wants to help me replace my wigs and alt shoe collection ill love u forever c:
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qumiiiquinnquin · 10 months
if i ever were to cosplay marie , would anyone get mad at me for wearing her eyepatch on the other eye
i kinda have to because my right eye is far worse than my left and i typically see using my left eye...people would understand right?
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curiouscalembour · 1 year
going to perm and trim my hair!!
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am I the only system that has a fucked up perception of people who don't have clear roles or responsibilities or patterns of behavior like what are you for
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vattendrag · 1 year
Mentally preparing myself that shaving my head might be a thing I have to do soon.
The treatment is working really well but the doctor wanted me to do another 3 months so I'm only going to lose more hair and I've already started to develop a bald spot behind my ears and the back of my head 🫠
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jestercoven · 1 year
im about to cut my hair in a few minutes and im terrified of all the countless little things that could go wrong Emotionally. ive already been pretty.. in and out today so this making me all anxious is not helping!!?
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I think at some point we need to like... make United States legislation around the language of "protecting the kids".
Hear me out.
What we need to do is make sure that if your legislation has those words in it, you list the FULL benefits of why that law would help children in particular, what age group, what problem is being addressed in EXCRUCIATING DETAIL (literally leave nothing out. It can't be "because this is harmful." Explain why, I dare you.)
And, most importantly, YEARS of scientific studies that are peer reviewed on BOTH sides of the political parties and within smaller parties if available need to be presented with the bill, with certifications that these groups are unbiased. There needs to be REAL data backing this up, unfunded by any religious group or biased group with stances that lean hard any one way. Laws and bills should not take months to pass when concerning human rights, they should take a lot LONGER unless in the case of global or national crisis, which would be detailed.
"For the kids" without consulting the actual children in question is the biggest playing field for anyone who wants to pass a bill that is bigoted or incorrect. Anti-trans legislation, censorship, anti-LGBTQ legislation, surveillance... all of it is "for the kids" but no one is actually asking the children or looking at real, peer reviewed studies of what actually helps those kids. Because the thing is, censorship doesn't help children. Education does.
I would have been so much better off if someone had just explained in detail to me when I was a teen what internet safety was and why. What consent was, and why. How to protect myself, instead of adults telling me just not to do a thing. Explanations help kids' minds grow and help them make their own informed choices.
We can't keep covering their eyes when they're gonna peek through our fingers anyways. We might as well answer the questions that are gonna come up, and keep them safe with education.
And all of those bills harm very real adults. The level of care plummets once you're an adult. "For the kids" not only harms children who don't have the information they need, but very real, living breathing adults who have lives. Adults of color, lgbtq,
We need to protect children, sure, but... this isn't the way to do it. And I think at some point, it's high time we legislate that language and make sure that no one can ever use it again for unfair discrimination and force.
Policing language is one thing. Taking away a HUGE scapegoat that doesn't do what it says it does and is used as a smokescreen to target very real adults is another.
We need to stop being "for the kids." We just need to start protecting them and educating them.
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fluffyselfships · 2 years
figures that i start feeling better then i see a double for one of my main f/os for the first time in forevwr and it dont feel good lmao
bruh why does god hate me /hj
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tnuthan · 1 year
Can't a girl with an abnormally large head find a wig that fits? God! You can get them in medium, small, x-small but try to find a modern wig in a large size, it's nearly impossible. I'm so tired, I've accepted my hairloss but it's so annoying I can't find one I like that fits. It's like clothes shopping, I see all these amazing, pretty pieces but you go looking for your size and nope, nothing and it's not like I can diet to lose weight on my head.
I've two choices, I get a custom one made, I'd have to fly to another country and spend anything over 5,000 for or learn to make them myself..... Why can't things just be straightforward. 😩
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