#why i hate the television format
ripplestitchskein · 2 months
I just saw the funniest thing about Stolitz and it really reinforced my belief that people just cannot handle the long period between episodes indie animation requires. They just cannot make connections for that long and their own personal expectations and imaginings of what it should be have too much time to percolate. As a recent comer to the HB fandom who watched the entirety of the series in a single afternoon and skipped the Pilot because it’s not canon I am having a completely different experience. I attribute this mostly to the Pilot, as that seems to have colored peoples opinions of Stolas and subsequently Stolitz in such a wild way and they had to sit with that characterization for so long they just cannot fathom that the story is playing out much differently than the Pilot set up. And yes a year is a long time to sit with expectations of a show direction and a characterization I won’t fault them for that.
“They turned Stolas into sad clown boy”. “The show is all about Stolitz relationship drama now”.
Did we watch the same Season 1, Episode 2? Because our first “real” introduction to Stolas is immediately good dad, sad owl boy, relationship with Blitzo. The first episode sets up the current state of the Blitzø/Stolas relationship, sets up the business and overall character dynamics but doesn’t really give us any information on their backgrounds or current emotional states. It hints at a few things coming up, a few things to look into further but nothing beyond surface level. As you’d expect from a first episode. The 2nd episode shows us that some major things were gonna be exploring are Blitzo and Stolas, Stolas and his family situation, Blitzo’s history as a clown and why he hates Fizzarolli bot so much, the Moxxie/Millie dynamic and brief brushings on Loona and how Blitzo interacts with his employees, but I’d say we actually get more information on Stolas and Stolitz earlier on in the show than we do anything else. It was setup from the beginning that these were all major premises we were going to explore and….WE DO. We start the season that way. We end the season a little further down the road but still focusing on those basic things setup in the first two episodes.
I see a lot of criticisms of the writing but from my perspective, watching them all in a row the writing is pretty spot on in terms of set up, change, payoff. And the structure is exactly what we expect for a multi season show. They introduce Stolitz at one point in their relationship in S1 Ep 1, and by Ozzie’s we have a very clear change that was progressed through the other episodes of the season. That same narrative thread, introduced at the beginning of the show is carried through into S2 and the underpinnings of reactions we saw in S1 episodes 1 and 2 are revealed throughout, we now see why Stolas and Blitzø react the way they did in S1Ep1 via the storytelling in S2Ep1 and the structure of those two being the first episodes of their respective seasons is exactly what a writer should do. They feed into each other perfectly. A person watching only those two episodes would have no trouble filling in the rest of the seasons or the story at large and that’s exactly what a serialized writer should do. The show didn’t change anything midstream, it didn’t shift plot points, it very clearly setup these pins to knock them down as we go on. Fizzarolli backstory? Done. Blitzo’s relationship with Millie and Moxie had several episodes of exploration, we see a bit more about Loona and Blitzo and Stolas’s marriage drama is the main catalyst for overall big drama and they are exactly where they should be if you are plotting this out using a three act structure for a television format.
Things are REVEALED they aren’t changed, and while real life concerns and schedules and business things do affect how episodes get released or how things play out or which characters are available to appear, not knowing any of that background until AFTER I had already watched the show I’d say the writers are doing a pretty remarkable job keeping the flow, of developing the characters and relationships and paying off what they setup waaay at the beginning 3 years ago when they released eps 1 and 2. They’ve also done a great job of giving every character a little moment to shine even though, as they established in episodes 1 and 2, the main focus is on Blitzø, Stolas and how their relationship is the catalyst for everything. That it’s why I.M.P does what it does.
I highly suggest people watch it from start to finish without the Pilot, or at least just the first two episodes and S2 Ep 1 and take into account what is shown and setup at the very start versus the story we are currently at and I really think it will show that nothing has changed, the story is progressing as it should, at the pace it should, and that the characters are growing and changing as they should based on the things that have occurred.
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Hi there! How are you? I hope your doing well! I wanted to send in a request if that’s alright with you, if your requests are closed feel free to ignore this—! Anyways, your writing is also really good as well ^-^ Also quick question but do you take matchups by chance? Anyways, 시작하자!
Could I request Alastor and Vox (together or separately if you like) with a Male! Or GN! Reader who’s was a really famous rapper back on earth but sadly died because they were shot outside after finishing a concert? also the reader raps about true stuff like king von did.
Thank you and have a great day! さようなら!
A/N: Hii! Thank you so much for requesting this & I’m so glad you like my work (i was in a writing slump & was afraid i fell off)!! As of right now I’m not currently doing match ups, but possibly in the future I might! As someone who doesn’t listen to rap all that often this was a bit of a challenge, but we got this 😝
(Inspired by several artists)
Warnings: Headcannon format, headcannoned male reader but can be read as GN, SFW all the way, mentions of shootings, mentions of smut but not in detail,
Songs you can listen too while reading: The World is Yours by Nas. Hail Mary by Tupac. Crazy Story 2.0 by King Von.
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!!
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Vox is actually a fan of yours, that’s kind of how you two met
Valentino had been trying to get in contact with a girl on your security team, so he decided to take Vox to a show of yours, the show had just ended and you had been getting asked questions about your life and cameras were everywhere
Now, vox controls the media, television at least, so he decides what makes if on air and what doesn’t and this is how you two talk
you ask him to make a deal with you, nothing negative about your human life gets out into the media and when he asks you to clarify, you tell him
to say he was a bit more than shocked is an understatement
he was TOTALLY shocked to his core and in all honesty he felt bad
so he decides to help your friendship is short and sweet towards the beginning,
your team handling most of the contact the two of you shared so it was usually business talk
untilll he’s invited with valentino to go to a party of yours where the two of you get wasted and end up sleeping together
he’s embarrassed, not of you but of his emotions, is this even right?? did you care at all??
WELLLL turns out you did because the next day when he woke up still at your house you calmly told him of your feelings, and that despite only speaking about business you felt like you two could become more
he almost sheds a tear poor guy is SO OVERJOYED HE WASNT THE ONLY ONE, and from there you two develop a relationship 🫶
your biggest supporter, he is always at concerts and interviews with you to make sure everything goes smoothly ,
he’ll even talk to Velvet to make sure your socials are covered and no one posts anything online about you
want a day to yourself? paparazzi just got a report you’ll be somewhere you totally weren’t thanks to velvet
a crazy fan lied about you? valentino is already on it
you literally never have to worry with Vox around
trust whoever killed you while you were alive WILL be dealt with
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Now, Alastor is a tricky man meaning
he hates anything that isnt Jazz or from his time
so he definitely didn’t like you at first
like he wouldn’t even care to listen to music let alone YOURS he’d just walk away or hum something to himself
Charlie is the one that actually gets him to listen, and she explains that your different from other artists, uniquely you
so he caves and decides to sit and give it a listen
ten seconds in and he’s stopping the music getting up and walking away claiming he still doesn’t like it but again,
Charlie is charlie and REFUSES to stop so she makes him restart the song and listen yet again
by the end of it he still doesn’t particularly like the music you make, and a part of him actually hurts your feelings
“Why share your issues to the world? Sharing that side of you makes you weak. Horrible taste!”
Cue Vaggie rolling her eyes and Husk just scoffing because what is this dude yapping about?
Doesn’t help this all happened before you left for a show so your nervous the entire time
Charlie gets upset and scolds him, telling him it’s wrong to say that and it is in fact your music so you can do what you want and he agrees, it is your music, but he’s not gonna listen to it
he’s definitely more personality based out of the two, he does think your a nice person, and after hearing you got shot he almost chokes, it triggers his memory
you catch him sitting in the library of the hotel reading and try talking to him
the conversation is light before you somehow land on the topic of your death and when you learn Alastor too was shot you feel a bit more connected to him
surprisingly enough alastor is the one to approach you about a potential relationship and you’re like extremely excited because how often is it the radio demon asks to date you?!?!?!
he does start going to your shows more often after you two begin seeing each other, and though he isn’t entirely too crazy about it, he goes to support you <3
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mickedy · 1 month
(1. A cartoon you remember that nobody else does.)
I would say "Popee the Performer" but it has a large enough circle of dedicated fans. I really enjoy Ryuji Masuda's other works though I feel like not enough PTP fans have checked out "Mr. Stain on Junk Alley" it's REALLY GOOD. It's got that surrealist feel of PTP, but it's less horror-esque and more bittersweet and heartfelt
There's so many other things I could say for this one, I spent such a huge amount of my childhood watching Blockbuster VHS tapes of the god damn weirdest cartoons ever. Do you know how many times I watched the film "Kimba the White Lion"? I was obsessed with that one.
Trying to think of one of these forgotten cartoons that I'd actually vouch for. Hmm. "The Little Mermaid" (1975) is really heartfelt and tragic and in some ways I prefer it to the Disney one.
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(3. A cartoon you don’t like but everybody else seems to.)
*looks back and forth really quickly.* I watched Over the Garden Wall a couple years back and I thought it was kind of boring and disjointed. I feel like a lot of the plot threads didn't connect in a very satisfying way. I guess I can appreciate it artistically but I wouldn't say I particularly enjoyed myself while watching it. I've failed you cartoon siblings everywhere
I also don't really like Hazbin Hotel and I thought that it was kind of unanimously agreed to be not very good But it trends pretty often on here... I had to unfollow the aromantic tag because all I was seeing was that one character and it made me realize that I was sort of in the minority for not liking it 💁‍♀️ I didn't really like the pilot when it came out and knowing what we know now about Vivziepop I just don't see a reason to give the show a second chance
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(4. A cartoon you wish would be forgotten.)
STOP WRITING NEW SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS EPISODES we don't need anymore spongebob okay. it's okay. Take my hand. no more spongebob it's alright it was a great show for 3 maybe 4 seasons. it should have ended with the first movie please stop wringing this poor sponge for all he's worth
(10. An animated character you hate the most, and why?)
I hate Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty and if I talked about everything I hate about him and his asshole family and his stupid show I'd be here all day. I have particularly heated feelings about this entire cartoon, and I feel like Rick popularized the "nihilistic tragic asshole" archetype I hate so much
Message to all shows everywhere. Your tragic asshole will never be Bojack Horseman stop trying to be Bojack Horseman
(21. Something you would like to see more than anything in a cartoon.)
More cartoons that play with the format. More concepts like "Learning With Pibby". Video games seem to have nailed meta storytelling and I'd like to see it explored more in television (specifically cartoons because there's so much more you can do)
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! Chapter 2
See on AO3 for better formatting. Tumblr ate it for some reason.
For @aggressivelyclueless @going-dead @currentlylurking
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Human Affairs -> Tourism -> Tourism Problems
Cynosure (OP): @MOD I’m not sure if this is the right place for this thread, so don’t snipe me, but I’m kind of freaking out right now.  Apparently this big paranormal show is coming to Amity.  They’re always garbage, I know, but what if they actually see something?  We already have so many stupid tourists.  This thing is viewed nationally. 
Pharaoh (MOD): Mod here.  OP, we’re going to need some more detail if we’re going to figure out what to do, if anything.  Unfortunately, we can’t actually stop outsiders from coming in.
merknlurk: we could if you weren’t a coward
Pharaoh (MOD): Once again, we’re not killing anyone.
Bog Mummy: Hey OP how do you even know this.  Are you watching this show.
Cynosure (OP): Take your bad grammar and stuff it.  I’m looking for a good link now. 
Phantom (MOD): Is this that Cryptid Crawl thing?  If so don’t worry about it.  National or not no one takes those guys seriously.  We just have to play unfriendly locals and steer them away from any fights. 
Cynosure (OP): I’ve never heard of Cryptid Crawl before.  I’m talking about this. 
Phantom (MOD): ****.
[Video starts, showing two young men standing in front of a bank of old CRT television sets.  The sets initially show static, but moving humanoid figures can soon be distinguished in them.  Eventually, letters resolve from the static to spell out ‘The Investigation.’  Video shifts to a montage of the same two young men in various locations.  Locations include: an underground area shot in night vision, a bridge during the day, walking around a field with backpacks and EMF sensors.  The montage fades out, then fades back in to reveal an office-like space with several conspiracy cork boards.  The two young men walk in.  Both are wearing flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up.  They are joined by a third extremely tall man who is wearing a trench coat and turtleneck sweater.  While the other two men are posed naturally, looking directly at the camera, and smiling, the third man has a thousand-yard stare and is standing completely straight.  Words at the bottom of the screen briefly identify them as Ned, Azrael, and Jimmy.]
NED: Welcome, investigators, to the first half of our very first two-parter. 
AZRAEL: And to those of you joining us for the first time this very special day, welcome to our Investigation into all things paranormal.  I’m Az, and this is my older brother Ned. 
NED: And this is our best friend Jimmy. 
JIMMY: Hng. 
NED: You’re right, we’re not paid for introductions.  What we are paid for is investigating the truth behind paranormal events all across America.  So.  Az, tell us.  What are we doing this week?  Where are we headed?
AZRAEL: This week we’re not headed anywhere.
NED: What?  But we’ve got to go somewhere.
AZRAEL: And we will!  You see, we’re going to be filming the second half of our two-parter live, on location, in the most haunted city in the world: Amity Park, Illinois. 
NED: Allegedly haunted.  And why aren’t we going this week?
AZRAEL: Because if we went this week, we wouldn’t have time to tell our viewers the whole, supernatural history of Amity Park.  That’s how haunted this place is.  We can’t even summarize it in one hour. 
NED (crosses his arms): It sounds like Az fell for the hype machine, huh, Jimmy?
JIMMY: Hng. 
AZRAEL: I did not fall for the hype machine.
NED: You’ve been tourist trapped, little bro. 
AZRAEL: Shut up and let me show you my research, okay?  By the end, Jimmy will be agreeing with me.  But first, I want to let you know we won’t be the only investigators, little i, on the scene.  We’ve got some rivals.
The Smart Twin: Hey, I hate to be that guy, but there’s more.  A whole bunch of the usual suspects were really insulted by the whole Cryptid Crawl thing.  And they’ve teamed up this time. 
Cynosure (OP): Are you telling me there’s three groups of weirdos about to descend on this town?  Three?  We already have the GIW and the Fentons.  If we get any more, we’ll hit some kind of weirdo critical mass. 
Phantom (MOD): Hey!
Thecooltwin: Guess that tells us its thename thief today
The Smart Twin: Anyway, the clip I saw is here.
[Video starts, showing seven young people and a tiger standing in various power poses.  Video has a ‘static’ effect filter.  Dramatic, spooky music plays.  The title ‘Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’ fades in.]
VOICEOVER (more quietly and in a completely different tone): BroughttoyoubyGhostBlastersUnlimitedCorporationinpartnershipwiththeGroovyGangandGhostbreakersExtremethisisnotanendorsementofviolencegoodbye.
Phantom (MOD): ****!
Phrontist (MOD): @Phantom (MOD) Please stop swearing, there are little kids on this server and they look up to you. 
Phantom (MOD): I’m not swearing I’m just saying ****.
Phantom (MOD): ****?
Phantom (MOD): ****
Phantom (MOD): @Pharaoh (MOD) Did you do this?
Pharaoh (MOD): Oops, I forgot about that. 
Phantom (MOD): We’re in the middle of a crisis and you do this to me.  Unbelievable.  
JACK FENTON: this gives me a great idea!!!!!!!!! :)
[@JACK FENTON has been permanently banned.] 
[@JACK FENTON has been restricted from viewing forum posts.]
Phrontist (MOD): I’m not angry.  I just want to know who gave him access to the forums again. 
Phantom (MOD): ****.
Pharaoh (MOD): Crud, I thought I fixed that.  I’ll be back on it after I figure out how Mr. Not Supposed to Be Here got back in. 
Phantom (MOD): Oh you did.  I’m just swearing for real now. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Paranormal Investigator Discussion Board (PINNED)
Phantom (MOD) (OP): As you may have heard by now, three separate groups of out of town paranormal investigators will be coming to Amity Park next week.  These groups range from experienced to clueless and well-regarded to unknown.  They will all be attempting to film ghosts and humans for their viewers.  Please use this board to post any information you have about these or other groups who may be coming as well as any ideas you have for preventing these groups from successfully spreading more information about our ghosts.
Additionally, certain local ghost hunters may attempt to film and post videos online during this time.  As they will undoubtedly complicate the Paranormal Investigator situation, they may be discussed here as well.
Point25Back: why are you saying lOcaL gHoSt HunTeRS we all know its [EDITED BY MOD]
[@Point25Back has been banned for one (1) day.]
Pharaoh (MOD): Speaking of people who are banned, why do we keep letting him back in when he keeps breaking the rules?
Phantom (MOD) (OP): He hasn’t tried to dissect anyone yet.  Puts him ahead of the curve.
Pharaoh (MOD): Our standards are so low.
Lovetheshow: we're getting a crossover?  two crossovers?  Best.  Day.  Ever.
Valorous1: @MOD Maybe I'm not the one who should say this but is this guy even from Amity?  Or Elmerton?
Pharaoh (MOD): Yeah, we checked. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Why are we even trying to stop this?
West of West (OP): I think my question says it all, but just in case it doesn’t, why are we trying to stop the TRUTH from getting out?  It sounds like someone has an ulterior motive.  I say, let the Investigators in.  Tell them everything.  Let the world know. 
Valorous1: If you try to convince any of these idiots that any of the humans in town are ghosts, I will not be responsible for what I do to you. 
ashtree: of course you watch the investigators
West of West (OP): It’s the Investigation!
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Bugs and Complaints -> Complaints
West of West (OP): The mods keep deleting my perfectly reasonable and on-topic threads.  This is tyranny.  We need new mods. 
nobineryginger: why haven’t they deleted this one then lol man bro you just gotta follow the roleplay rules
Phantom (MOD): @nobineryginger It’s because we think it’s funny.
passthemike: Make your own site if it bothers you that much.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Advice Blog
Recent Articles
Paranormal Investigators, Tourists, and Community Safety
Author: Phrontist
This week, we learned that several groups of Paranormal Investigators will be visiting Amity Park.  The last time something similar happened, it was for the one million dollar bounty (since withdrawn) on the ghost Phantom.  During that event, and in the immediate aftermath, the damages accrued by the city totalled more than…
A Statistical Analysis of Tourist Injuries and Tourist Related Injuries
Author: Pharaoh
Everyone has that story.  You know, the one about how some rubbernecking tourist crashed into your car during a ghost fight, completely derailed an orderly evacuation, or gave Technus ammunition because they couldn’t keep their phones in their pocket.  In this article, I’ll be exploring the relationship between high tourist…
Do I really need to explain why hunting people on live TV is bad?  Apparently.
Author: Phantom
Hello, everyone.  I’m Phantom, your friendly neighborhood ghost.  Although this fact seems to escape some people, I am in fact a person, and I don’t enjoy being hunted.  That’s a pretty normal thing.  I read the Most Dangerous Game, too.  That the hunting is being done with a camera and the only thing being killed is my privacy…
Dangerous Ghost Plants and How to Handle Them, Part 17
Author: Photosynthesis
In this latest installment of DGP, we’ll be covering Audrey-type carnivorous plants.  Now, although these critters are named after the star of Little Shop of Horrors, they typically don’t get quite that large, and smaller specimens can be taken care of with careful application of standard gardening tools.  We’ll be going over DIY and professional…
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Advice Blog -> Do I really need to explain why hunting…
Thread: I'm not hunting anyone, I'm a journalist.
West of West (OP): [EDITED BY MOD.]
Pharaoh (MOD): You might not have named names in this, but you included enough personally identifiable information to doxx not only yourself, but several members of this server, so we're deleting it anyway. 
West of West (OP): This is targeted harassment!!!
Photosynthesis (MOD): Keep this up and you'll be on the same thin ice as Point25Back. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Ghosts -> Hunting (INVITE ONLY)
Thread: ‘Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’
Valorous1: I hate to ask, but has anyone here worked with any of the (sigh) ‘Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’ before?  I want to have an idea of what they're like before we start talking about them on the public boards and offering help with the 'problem.'  As you know, I welcome the idea of more ghost hunters in Amity, but, you know.  Competent ones.  The name does not fill me with confidence.
My Hair: They've all worked in Amity before.  Their tiger almost mauled me once.  None of them caught Phantom for the bounty.
The Cooler Phantom: no 1 catches phantom tho xcept val theyr not sprcial
Valorous1: Are you telling me that's a real tiger
JACK FENTON: I caught phantom once!!!!!1!! super excited to teach new hunters the tricks of the trade!!!!! :)
Valorous1: jfc @MOD
[@JACK FENTON has been permanently banned.] 
[@JACK FENTON has been UNINVITED from the Hunting (INVITE ONLY) board.)
[@JACK FENTON has been restricted from viewing forum posts.]
Photosynthesis (MOD): @Pharaoh (MOD) He came back again. 
Pharaoh (MOD): HOW does he keep doing this?!?!?!  He doesn't even know what hacking IS.  I ASKED.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
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Forums -> Advice Blog -> A Statistical Analysis of Tourist Injuries…
Thread: Fine.  You win. 
West of West (OP): Your hype squad makes some good points.  I guess.  I won't expose the TRUTH until the government gets a clue and sets up real ghost countermeasures.  But the Investigators are professionals.  It doesn't matter what I do.  They'll know. 
merknlurk: u know u sound like a comic book villain right
Tubalover: Wow and that's coming from merk. 
merknlurk: what's that supposed to mean
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Bugs and Complaints -> Bugs
Thread: my account stops working all the time :(
JACK FENTON (OP): my account stops working all the time. :(
for a while it workd fine but then I'm not on the page anymore and it wont let me back in.  :(
I keep fixing it but it keeps happening.  :(
FootballPoet: I think thats because youre getting banned dude?????
ashtree: not sure how the mods can make it clearer
tubahater: You break the rules more than @Point25Back 
JACK FENTON (OP): you sound like the guys who tried to take my license :(
but I'm still driving :)
Cynosure: Well, that's horrifying.
Pharaoh (MOD): @JACK FENTON could you tell me how you fixed it?  Maybe that will let me figure out what's breaking.  😇
[@JACK FENTON has been permanently banned.] 
[@JACK FENTON has been restricted from viewing forum posts.]
Pharaoh (MOD): Gotcha.  😈
Bog Mummy: brutal
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Advice Blog -> Paranormal Investigators, Tourists, and…
West of West (OP): I said you win.  You can call off your attack dogs nkw.
Phantom (MOD): Do you think we run the Advice Blog just for you or???
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: But they have a point amigos
Roswell’s Child (OP): you knwo ive been looking at cryptid crawls stuff and they kinda have a point about phantom.  like obv their video stuff has like spectral degradation and all that but its a pretty lit theory you got to admit.  and theresthe whole phantm not being a ghost thing food for thought amigos
Cynosure: [Insert: Incredibles ‘please, I can’t do this again, I’m not strong enough’ meme.]
Locker724: What does this mean?
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socialistexan · 2 months
After my full series watch through, I've put together a list of guilty pleasure Doctor Who stories.
These are stories that are either 1) rated poorly by the Doctor Who fandom but I really enjoy, 2) stories that I ranted poorly but really enjoyed, or 3) have aspects that are widely mocked but I love. I'll try not to count stories that are rated above a 7 by the fandom that I am even higher on (like Warriors' Gate, Kinda, The Haunting Of Villa Diodati) with one notable exception.
(formated as Story (my score / fan score): reason why)
The Chase (7.9 / 6.6):
I adore the campy and just flat out wacky vibe of this serial. From the companions dancing to the Beatles on the Time-Space television to the Daleks fighting Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster, and a Banshee and LOSING. Just so much fun. Pure 60's nonsense.
Monster of Peladon (6.6 / 5.3):
Anyone noticing a pattern? I love camp. I love wacky designs. I love off the wall ideas and bizarre design. I love Alpha Centari. Is this story good, oh g-d no. Did I have fun? You bet.
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (8.0 / 7.5):
Only because people love to hate the rubber Dinosaurs in this episode, but I absolutely adore them. I'm a sucker for kinda crappy practical effects, like, that's why I'm watching this show. I ordered the lemonade!
More under the cut since this is a long post
Image of the Fendahl (8.1 / 5.8(!)):
How is the story not more embraced as a near-classic by the fandom? I'll never know. It has fantastic direction, acting (even from the guest cast which was a rarity in classic Who at times), tone, atmosphere, and vibes. The story is a little derivative of, say, The Daemons, and it has a slightly slower pace with more quiet scenes (though that's a positive for me), but that's really it.
Black Orchid (7.8 / 6.5):
I tended to be higher on shorter serials that felt right for their length and didn't overstay their welcome, and this is that kind of story. Was it amazing? No. Did we get a few fun moments in a non-scifi story? Yeah.
Timelash (4.0 / 4.2)
This is one of the worst episodes the show has ever done, but at least it's the fun kind of bad. It's just so out there and takes so many chances, I kind of commend it for that. It's in that So Bad It's Good territory for me.
Paradise Towers (7.4 / 6.4):
This was camp from the lens of the late-80's. The aesthetics and tone are like a surrealist dream. I think Happiness Patrol is a better version of this story, but you really can't top the neon crab eyes, the roving girl gangs in bright colors, the Monty Python style farsical parody of fascism, or the evil lesbian cannibal grandmas.
New Earth (7.3 / 6.1)
This might be nostalgia talking, but I love this episode. Tennant and Piper are delightful. The cat nurses are so much fun. AND CASSANDRA MY BELOVED. I know 10's first season was rough, but man I loved this.
The Halloween Apocalypse (8.0 / 6.6)
I can could put A LOT of 13's episodes on here, because I was higher on a lot of her episodes (Eve of the Daleks is another I could have chosen here), but I'll pick this one because I was just delighted the whole way through. Big ouppy! Dan's house shrinking! A Nitro-9 reference! And it's set on the best day of the year, Halloween!
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
Okay BEARING in mind please that I have a lot of thought out ATLA opinions (most of them can be found in the tag for my first rewatch) & also that i do not analyze smartly on first watches / read throughs of ANYTHING (examples include that on my first watch of Buffy I shipped Buffy/Xander & hated Dawn, on my first watch of ATLA I disliked Azula for a long time & didn’t care about Jet, on my first watch of Scream I wanted Dewey to be the killer because of Scary Movie. I could go on probably)
—- here are my initial reactions to ATLA LA as someone who’s been having fun watching (usually tipsy) & enjoying my faves in live action even if it’s badly written 😃
Jet is hot
Uh… um. Uh… umm. That was my big one okay..
Oh! Oh! Suki is also hot.
I think Katara’s live action actress did a really nice job even if I don’t always love how she was written I could tell this girl put her heart into it
Same with Azula’s actress tbh. And Aang. Zuko & Iroh also. It took me a second to get used to this Iroh but acting wise ignoring the script Zuko & Iroh did good. (Sokka & Yue were only okay but they didn’t do bad by any means once I got used to them.)
Azula’s intro was super fun. I thought for a second they were even gonna do something fun with her & this whole ratting out the rebellion plot. Also the actress did good & there were a few parts that were well written like her early displays of insecurity & her beating the shit out of that trainer & shooting Zuko’s letter. There was promise until there wasn’t.
They didn’t do a bad job of combining some of the plots. “Masks” was the strongest for me. It did a nice job showcasing several plots & I really enjoyed the significance placed on Zuko valuing the lives of inexperienced soldiers. Everything just came together super well in that episode with the Koh plot & everything. Now that certain criticisms of the Omashu episodes (like Jet’s mischaracterization in hurting his own people) have been brought up to me I dislike those episodes more than on my first watch through but I still think the Freedom Fighters were fun to see. And if you don’t analyze it too hard the plot combinations are fun. Anyway why would you analyze this adaptation too hard?
Why isn’t Azula scared of Ozai? I get it he’s forged her into the perfect weapon & she did what he technically wanted but she disrespected him publicly & he was fine? Okay.
Above mentioned explanation of why Jet wasn’t done right ^^ He shouldn’t be willing to hurt Earth Kingdom citizens. Even if it was fun to see his logic & the Jetara moments & I do think the actor did a good job (no I’m not just saying that ‘cause he’s hot. That helps though).
Katara didn’t have to struggle at all she’s just a #girlboss! Isn’t that great? #feminism!
Who’s this super serious kid who always puts the mission first & where’s my silly goofy guy who wants to go on endless side quests? The actor does decent but that’s just not Aang.
Discount Zhao 😭😂
I just -
Discount Zhao lmaoooo 😭
Overall: I had fun. I will repeat myself - this is like the Harry Potter movies or the Series of Unfortunate Events tv show or any other adaptation of something I loved in its original form that’s never going to get it quite right to me. I hated some things. I had fun with other parts. Mostly? It was just fun to see my faves in a new format. It’ll never ever live up to the original but I never in a million years wanted nor expected that. Quite frankly? I didn’t want this to be made at all. But since it is whether I wanted it or not? I’m glad it was at least entertaining & enjoyable to have fun with.
This was ALWAYS going to be an example of what I call the “Marvelification” of television. Nothing is nuanced everything is quippy everyone’s edges are dulled. I never expected anything else so I’m not even listing that as a con it’s just a given to me. Binge culture whole season releases & the endless remakes & reboots of streaming sites are the death of television. This is again just a given to me I don’t have much more to say about it right now (though I’m sure I do just not now).
The original ATLA will always mean everything to me & this was just a fun little adaptation. Like a fanfic. If it gets renewed? Sure I’ll have fun watching more. But if it doesn’t I truly don’t care. Anyway I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts eventually these are INITIAL reactions please don’t treat them like I signed this post in blood I’m just thinking out loud having just finished this show! That’s all for now lol
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ofcoming4th · 5 months
I'm doing this far too much lately. Saying goodbye to a friend I never met.
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The man in the striped shirt is Shane MacGowan, first lead singer and songwriter for The Pogues - the first Irish punk band anyone had heard of widely in the USA.
He died today, November 30,at the age of 65. With Shane if you didn't know him the first things you might think is, " Oh he passed pretty young" . If you did it was, "Wow he made it that long?"
Shane was a towering talent, a junkie, a poet and often a complete bastard. His own band had to put him out because of his drug problem and general arsehole behavior - supposedly he said, "What took ya so long?"
In the early 80's there were rumbles in the music magazines about a band who went by Pogue Mahone ( which my mom used to yell at people who cut her off in traffic). They had to change it to just The Pogues because too many people knew the same phrase and they could not get any television spots or be on MTV.
Elvis Costello was a fan and helped produce their first widely played USA album "Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash" in 1985. I was in my punk/proto New Wave phase at the time and was able to get someone to drive me to the nearest large city in order to buy the LP in a ratty little store next to a CBGB wanna be bar. I'll admit that the title was the big selling point for my immature self and I had no idea what to expect (as Mr. Joel said, you can't get the sound from the pages of a magazine, even if that magazine was CREAM).
The 5th track was "A Pair of Brown Eyes" and Shane's plaintive not quite on key voice caught me as he mourned the cost of death and hate while staying intensely human. On Side 2 was "Dirty Old Town" by Ewan MacColl. For an Irish American kid from a dying mill town who didn't even have a word for her sexuality the lyrics and Shane's voice put words to my experience even an ocean away from the trauma and violence of Ireland in the 80's. "Dreamed a dream by the old canal. I kissed my girl by the factory wall... " that was me, a bumbling scared girl in a tiny canal and mill town hiding to kiss a girl because it just made more sense even if I knew it would make life even harder.
And that album has never left my possession, changing formats but bringing me back to who I once was when I owned that first LP. Nostalgia is sweet when you know you will never have to be that self in that situation ever again. But good music is good music.
I kept up with Shane through the wild swings of his career and life . Though I don't think his post Pogues music was ever up to the level of those albums - "Red Roses for Me" to "Hell's Ditch" set the standard and pointed the way for bands like Dropkick Murphy's and Flogging Molly with the blending of Irish traditional influence and modern storytelling.
And he made it to 65,changing music, writing the song "Fairytale of New York" ( will somebody explain to me why this is considered a Christmas song staple? Has anyone besides me actually listened to the real lyrics which require cutting on broadcast radio? Just because Christmas is mentioned several times doesn't make this a happy Christmas song!)
I'll stop clutching my pearls and get back on track.
I needed to write this to just get my feelings out . Shane and the other members of the Pogues were the soundtrack to a vital part of my life where I found love, lost it, and found that love had never really gone , I just needed to get my self in good enough shape to accept it.
Thank you Shane, you magnificent, miserable , romantic, drunken junkie of a poet and music maker. Your voice is always in my memories of a muggy summer evening by an abandoned paper mill in Nowhere , New York.
If you haven't heard anything by Shane besides "Fairytale" go now and give a listen to " Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash" and its follow up "If I Should Fall From Grace with God".. You will see that even punk Irish bands during the IRA's height - with all the anger, sorrow and joy that life means, can make you want to get up and dance.
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Genuine question. You said that punk is “actively avoiding marketability, avoiding mainstream and operating outside the norms” and that’s why opp punk is not punk, but Mr Rogers is. Is Mr Rogers not incredibly marketable and mainstream? And ran on mainstream TV channels for years? How do these pieces fit together? Is it because he had many “haters” despite his popularity? But couldn’t the same be argued for pop punk stars? What am I missing?
Mr Roger’s Neighborhood ran on PBS. PBS is not network television. It is not made to be marketable. It is a public service, and one that Mr Rogers went to Congress to argue for funding for.
Because Mr Rogers did not have to sell ad time, he had much more control over the format and content of his show. At the height of Jim Crow when people were literally closing pools rather than de-segregate, Mr Rogers had an episode where he and a black cast member took their shoes off and dipped their feet in a kiddie pool together. He was able to share his values of integration and racial equity in ways many would argue would never have been possible had MRN been on a for-profit network.
Mr Rogers also hated most contemporary children’s shows and worried about children’s attentions spans, so he exclusively used long cuts without editing unless you were taking a trip to Make Believe. He eschewed all contemporary children’s television norms and did not shop Mr Rogers around to for profit companies, but refused to make a “marketable” show in favor of his beliefs.
You are missing all of the corporate and capitalist structures. Just because something BECAME popular DESPITE its anti capitalist anti-market structure does not make it less punk. It may make fans less punk, depending on context, but that’s all.
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Daisy Jones & The Six - An Honest Review
As an avid follower of Reese's Book Club, when Daisy Jones & The Six was announced as the March '19 pick, I was intrigued. I'm always down for a fictional band to follow and fall in love with. If you've seen it, you'll understand why That Thing You Do! holds a very special place in my heart. So when I read that Taylor Jenkins Reid's latest book was inspired by Fleetwood Mac, that was all I needed to be hooked in and ready to invite The Six into my groupie scrapbook.
After another read-through of the book, and diving into the series the moment it dropped, I have a few thoughts to share.
I noticed a few comments on the Hello Sunshine IG page about the format of the paperback being hard to engage with. So I bought the audiobook before the original print version.
I feel it works better as an audiobook - after all, it's an oral history of the band. And I have to give major credit to the voice acting - it was a fun listen, with Jennifer Beals giving Daisy (inevitably) a Stevie Nicks rasp. But Miss Nicks she is not.
Daisy Jones is a precocious, headstrong character whose groovy chick persona gets lost in being repeatedly defined by her red hair and 'stunning big blue eyes - dark, cobalt blue'. No wonder she wants to break out of the box everyone puts her in. In true rock 'n' roll style, she goes off the rails, spiraling into a destructively hedonistic lifestyle with the unstoppable force of a tornado. In the Amazon Prime adaptation, the foundations are laid, but it looks like they're building something entirely different.
A review of the series by Collider calls it 'serviceable as a decent binge for people who get off on reading about how much Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham hated each other[...]' and I have to agree.
From book to screen, the journey back to the 70s is loosely translated. Sure, there are a few references to the Whiskey and the Plaster Casters in TJR's book, giving us just enough of a glimpse into the groupie scene - but this isn't the inner circle. Daisy exists on the fringe of it all, desperate to be one of the It Girls. The first episode's cinematography and costume choices are clearly influenced by Pamela Des Barres' memoir and Almost Famous, with a little bit of Ali McGraw Love Story styling for Camila Morrone thrown in for good measure.
But it falls short in a few places. For starters, the talking heads feel a little disjointed. They're supposed to take place 20 years later, yet the clothes look a little too modern. They haven't aged enough. Although, I have to say Timothy Olyphant is serving some Cougs (John Cougar Mellencamp, for the uninitiated) realness in those later interviews.
When spliced in between the main body of the story, we see nothing of the individual recollections of the characters. It's one singular objective truth. Perhaps that's the nature of the adaptations that get churned out by streaming platforms - keep it simple. Because in terms of storytelling, simplicity equates to watchable, binge-worthy television.
The story of a rock band is always anything but simple.
Maybe we'll see a little more complexity in future episodes. The story so far unfolds slowly, with only a few memorable lines. Tightening the dialogue seems to have been a slight challenge for the writers - at times it feels a little contrived. When you're working with original material that's almost entirely comprised of dialogue, it should lend itself to the screen almost verbatim with relative ease. The changes to the plot seem to have been made in order to accommodate the 10 episode format. As a result, it dulls a little of its glam rock shine.
That being said, props to Hello Sunshine and Amazon for including TJR in the writing process. It gives me a little more faith in the show, just as it did with the production company's previous hits Big Little Lies (still waiting on that third season!) and Little Fires Everywhere.
Amazon's Daisy Jones & The Six may not be as engaging as the book, but I'm still along for the ride.
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aphra7 · 1 year
An analysis of “Perfect Man,” a cover performance by BTS
Official video: BTS - Perfect Man (Original by SHINHWA) https://youtu.be/AMMx1hOwH-4
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“Perfect Man,” originally released by OG Korean boy band Shinhwa in 2002, is an unremarkable pastiche of every 1990s American boy band song ever recorded, complete with familiar backbeat, utterly predictable melodic progression, and nonsensical English rap verse. Even if you’ve never heard this song before, you’re pretty sure you’ve heard it before. If you fed an AI the entire Backstreet Boys catalog plus “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears and told it to write a song, but in Korean with an English rap verse, this is what it would spit out.
BTS covered “Perfect Man” in a televised performance for MBCkpop in December 2015.
Materials and methods 
For the purpose of this study, I reviewed every view and fancam of the December 2015 “Perfect Man” performance that I could identify on YouTube, a minimum of three and a maximum of (probably) 75 times. (See References.)
The “Perfect Man” vocals are indeed perfect, and the choreo is precise and characteristic of other BTS choreography, at least until the bridge. All of the members pour far more passion into its execution than the song probably deserves, but what happens after the bridge, when the performance unexpectedly and quite delightfully blossoms into full-on male exotic dancer territory, is solely the responsibility of one member. 
Comments on individual members in no particular order
Jungkook: For almost anyone other than Jungkook this would be his A-game, but even the most devoted JK bias would have to admit that for him this is a workmanlike performance. One would think that this muscular, aggressive style of choreo would suit him better than Jimin. He looks fantastic, sounds fantastic, and hits all of his marks with his usual precision, but this isn’t his stage and he knows it. I hate to accuse JK of phoning it in, but comparing his execution of the hip thrust before the first chorus to Jimin’s tells you all you need to know.
Jin: Jin, possibly the hardest working member of BTS and the one I want to marry, is tucked so far in back and shown so little on camera that you would have to know his voice as well as I do to realize he sings almost a quarter of the song. Considering how hard he says it is for him to learn choreo and the brute force of will underlying the fact that he never screws up, I’m annoyed. But I also understand, because ultimately there’s one member whose performance matters here and it’s not Jin. 
Suga: Yoongi, along with Tae, is only here to fill out the formation. He’s probably wondering why they bothered to mic him. That said, although listening to him talk you’d think he can’t dance, this performance makes it obvious that he dances just fine, it’s just not his “thing.” He starts having fun about midway through the song. I get the impression that he is fully aware of how lame this song is, and that’s why he’s laughing. Maybe he’s laughing because they’re doing stripper choreography. Maybe he’s just happy that Hobi got stuck doing the goofy English rap verse and not him.
J-Hope: Hobi, as always, is flawless. His dancing is precise and the looks he serves bitingly fierce. Unfortunately, you’d never know from watching the official video, which doesn’t even feature him during the rap verse. Maybe the cameraperson was also (by which I mean, in addition to me) secondhand embarrassed for him for having to rap lines like “Don't let the clues get ya, they not fear.”
V: I wondered why anyone had bothered to make a Tae fancam, because he doesn’t sing at all and is in the back for much of the performance, until I watched it. He’s the only member other than Jimin who sees the potential of the choreography after the bridge, but he’s not the center and can’t capitalize on it. Tae biases will be very satisfied with this fancam. 
Jimin: Where to start? Whether by simple accident of line allotment or by design, this is a relatively rare group performance featuring Jimin as the center. I don’t know why he’s not the center more often; when he is, magic happens. In this case, the magic happens the moment Jimin pulls off his jacket and runs his hand through his hair like a man grimly determined to finish the job once and for all, no matter what it takes. I would not be surprised if he workshopped this move because he saw, correctly, that the costuming was an obstacle to the optimal expression of the choreography. YouTube commenters wonder, “Why can’t I stop watching this?” but the answer is really simple: Jimin’s biceps. Don’t believe me? Just watch JK doing the exact same moves in a double-breasted jacket. The other obvious reason is that he goes for it 1000% harder than the song warrants, but Jimin’s bare arms are why this performance has been viewed over 117 million times. What a freaking genius.
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“Perfect Man” brings me great joy. I watch it for the endorphins. I am really, really tickled by the fact that the choreo is straight out of Magic Mike and that Jimin saw that and gave us what we didn’t know we wanted in as family-friendly a way as any performance of a song this lame that is only two minutes and 21 seconds long and includes that many hip thrusts and concludes with them dropping to their knees can. This is the definition of understanding the assignment. Legend. The fact that the song is called “Perfect Man” is the icing on the cake.
RM: Sorry, Joon. I didn’t even notice you weren’t there until like the seventh viewing. 
Conclusion and recommendations 
They should make Jimin the center more often. And they should do this again, with everyone in short sleeves. Or, maybe not. I’m imagining a modern reenactment of this performance including Namjoon and his current physique and honestly, I don’t think armys could handle it.
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BTS - Perfect Man (Original by, SHINHWA) https://youtu.be/AMMx1hOwH-4
60FPS 1080P | BTS(OT6) Cover Perfectman Most Viewed Video In MBCkpop 20151231 https://youtu.be/LYaBsHc1t6I
[BANGTAN BOMB] BTS (방탄소년단) Perfect boys 2015 https://youtu.be/SgVDQGbnxiM
151231 가요대제전 Gayo Daejejeon - 방탄소년단 BTS - Perfect Man https://youtu.be/sEcnVaqs3_A
BTS - Perfect Man performance (Special Edit.) 방탄소년단 [ 가요대제전 ] 151231 https://youtu.be/1t4vGPHVMT0
《繁中字幕》151231 방탄소년단 BTS - Perfect man (fancam) https://youtu.be/p3flFMzhDF0
151231 가요대제전 방탄소년단 perfect man JIMIN focus https://youtu.be/pl_39WIvMbY
151231 MBC 가요대제전 방탄소년단 - Perfect Man(JIMIN MULTI CAM VER.) https://youtu.be/rS27XxBg0n4
151231 가요대제전 Perfect Man JUNGKOOK FOCUS (ver.multi) https://youtu.be/NA25oWhNz5s
151231 가요대제전 방탄소년단 Perfect Man (정국Focus) https://youtu.be/Aex_MKWVoZM
151231 우리 정구기 19.99살에 찍은 영상 Perfect Man / BTS JUNGKOOK FOCUS FANCAM 방탄소년단 정국직캠 https://youtu.be/sw6tPV3yPGE
[151231] (PERFECT MAN) JIMIN & JUNGKOOK focus https://youtu.be/2juo5rDE-sQ
Perfect Man - [Jin Focus Edit Ver.] (Original by SHINHWA) https://youtu.be/X1nfZdbsv24
❤JIN FOCUS❤ BTS - Perfect Man (151231) https://youtu.be/mLBJWeqfiY0
BTS - Perfect Man, Yoongi Focus (mirrored) https://youtu.be/_jj1C7_9KwY
(BTS)151231 MBC 가요대제전 Perfect Man [J Hope focus] https://youtu.be/_g6qYL1yT0I
151231 가요대제전 ; 방탄소년단 퍼펙트맨 BTS Perfect Man (V. focus) https://youtu.be/CFZ8DdgxGeY
v4, 11/2022
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goodoneguys · 1 year
Now that mid ‘80s to early aughts television is coming back in style (ie. Fuller House, That 90s Show, Quantum Leap, How I Met Your Father, Frasier, iCarly, and Night Court) there are a few things I want to talk about.
The new Night Court airs in a week and I couldn’t be more excited. There are only a couple things I want for the show; I want Abby (Harry’s daughter for those who didn’t know), to wear glasses (sometimes) like Harry, know at least some basic card tricks/slight of hand, either absolutely love or absolutely despise Mel Tormé (there shall be no in between) and last but not least, she has the big gavel. Gonna be honest, if at least one of those things happens, I’ll be satisfied, I wouldn’t even care if they didn’t tell us who the mother is. We know it’s not Christine.
I have a lot of issues with the new Quantum Leap, even though it’s hard for me to be mad at the show because it’s created by the same person (Bellisario). While I don’t mind the show being modernized for a modern audience, I could care less about the people who actually work at Project Quantum Leap, other than Sam and the observer (Al). The original series followed the “[x] of the week” format, meaning that each week would be a new thing to fight/problem to solve, with last week’s episode rarely ever mentioned, unless it is significant to the plot or there is a overarching plot (ie. X-Files). Half of each episode is taken up by this overarching season plot. I want to see the leap, not the people behind it. The new series tries to be a new show and season six at the same time and it’s giving me whiplash going back and forth between the two. I understand how a overarching plot would be necessary to explain why there is a new leaper. But I don’t care that there is a new leaper. This makes the show difficult to watch on both ends. As a returning fan, I want to see a man in new situations not knowing what to do with the help of a zany guide. As a new viewer, all of this non-leaping content is confusing/annoying to me because non of this was in the original. And as a new viewer, I do not want to have to watch five seasons of something else to understand what is going on. It would have been much better off if it wasn’t a revival. The original series premiere was a two hour pilot, TWO HOURS. I wanted two hours with the revival. Instead, I got exposition galore with hardly any leap action. When they went on their mid season break I assumed that there were talks of cancellation. Unless they can redeem themselves and finish the overarching plot by the end of season one, I do not care if it gets cancelled. I don’t think NBC had high hopes for it in the first place since the original series jumped from Sunday, to Friday, to Wednesday, and back to Friday during the first four seasons, with the fifth and final season airing at the coveted Tuesday night slot at 8 p.m. and the revival airs on Monday. One last thing, I absolutely HATE how Ben and I-can’t-be-bothered-to-remember-her-name are engaged. To quote Gordon Ramsay, fucking disgusting. If you wanted to have a romantic relationship between the leaper and the observer, have them fall in love over the course of the leaps. That would have been a better overarching plot than whatever they got going on with Al’s daughter. Or just make them best fucking friends that are inseparable, like Sam and Al. Oh, and one more last thing, WHERE IS SAMANTHA JO FULLER??? She wouldn’t have just quit, so where is she? Also the new set design is ugly.
Speaking of a two hour pilot. Night Court is getting a one hour pilot. ONE HOUR, THE HALF HOUR SITCOM IS GETTING A HOUR PILOT WHILE THE HOUR DRAMEDY GOT A SAD LITTLE HOUR PLOT THAT SOMEHOW TOLD US EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT THE SAME TIME. Why the new Quantum Leap didn’t have a two hour pilot to get all of the exposition out of the way is a question I’ll never be able to answer. Quantum Leap and Night Court are airing in the same network season, as well as their originals. They even aired on the same nights sometimes. Tuesday and the same night as well. I’m really close to spreadsheet territory, so I’ll be brief. NBC has higher expectations for Night Court than Quantum Leap, which you can see just by their scheduling. I don’t think having Quantum Leap air before America’s Got Talent is helping ratings much.
I was gonna have a “in conclusion here” but I don’t know what else I can say, other than reboot era is upon us and I’m here for it. Both Night Court (NBC) and That 90s Show (Netflix) air next week and you should definitely watch them, and please do let me know your thoughts on both.
I know more about Night Court than That 70s Show, but if somehow all of the advertisements have missed you, I’ll sum them up for you and where the new series starts off.
Night Court
At the start of the show, main character, Harold T. “Harry” Stone is appointed municipal court judge. He is described as an “oddball judge” as being one to pull pranks and preform magic tricks in and out of the courtroom. The series follows him and his ever changing cast of court members, with Bull Shannon and Dan Fielding being the only other two characters who stayed for the entire run of the show. Dan Fielding grew up a farm boy and became a womanizer and would do anything to make a quick buck. The new series follows Abby Stone, the daughter of Harry, following her father’s footsteps and becoming a municipal court judge. Dan Fielding is back in the courtroom as well, but this time instead of a district attorney, he is a public defender. It is unclear if he is still a womanizer or if he has settled down at all.
That 70s Show 
The series starts off in Wisconsin in the 70s. It shows the lives of teens trying to make their way in the ever changing world. The main character is Eric Forman, a nerdy teen who is in love with the girl next door, Donna Pinciotti. Eric and Donna date for most of he show but break up towards the end. Eric is absent for most of the eighth and final season because he went off to teach in Africa. He comes back at the end and he and Donna rekindle their relationship. We’re now in 1990s Wisconsin and the daughter of Eric and Donna, Leia, is spending the summer at her grandparents. The new series will follow her and her friends attempts to make it through love and life.
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Suletta Sundays are back!
I gotta say, having the Earth witches in play so soon caught me off guard, but I’m waiting to see how I feel about this development. On the one hand, it’d kinda suck to see the blackmail situation dragged out, especially after the confrontation between Nika and the two (like. Nika must know that they’ll try to kill her again, even if Suletta wins the duel. they have no reason to really abide by the rules, especially when they think the people at school are stupid sheep who benefit from the suffering of Earthians.) On the other, them being in the mix suggests we’re one step closer to seeing what Shaddiq’s goal is (and why his Girl Squad is backing him).
(Like, I just really wanna know what Shaddiq’s deal is—we know he wants to break up the Benerit Group, and that his girl squad supports him, even though they’re presumably the ‘beneficiaries’ of the Grasseley corporation, if not born into it. Also, Shaddiq’s involvement with the PLANT attack will be exposed one of these days, though it sounds like he had possibly banked on that? regardless, it’ll most likely get exposed in a way/time that he did not account for, because everything going his way would make for boring television.)
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this is such a great shot showing off Sophie’s capricious personality—yeah sure that giraffe is her family or whatever, but when something new and shiny comes along she just tosses it away~
What’s really interesting about these girls is that Prospera seems not to know who they are/where they got their gundams (unless I misunderstood what Prospera meant by searching for information on “them”...) It means that there are potentially 3 different types of GUND Format—the one in Aerial, the one in the Earth girls’ gundams, and the once in Pharact (which they explicitly say is different from the Earth girls’). And even if Aerial and the Earth girls’ suits all started off as Lifrith, Aerial’s implied sentience makes her very different from the other machines.
They also seem to establish a link between El5n and Norea in this episode, and the interaction they have implies they both want to bring down the current structure; we know Norea hates Spacians and wants to kill them/make them suffer, but we’re not sure what El5n’s motives are just yet.
Also... I hope this is just me being paranoid, but Lilique has a huge death flag right now, especially with Suletta promising to protect her. I really hope she doesn’t die, but Sophie + Norea are foxes in a henhouse—even if they have to abide by the rules to stay away from Nika (assuming the duel proceeds as usual), there’s nothing that protects the rest of Earth House from them. They could hurt/threaten to hurt the rest of Earth House to keep Nika in line.
(In fact, I think that is pretty likely, considering the scene of Martin asking Nika to tell him what’s going on “for the safety of Earth House”. It’s very likely that one of the kids would get hurt because of the Earth witches (to keep Nika in line/punish her), but that might actually prompt Nika to defy them? idk)
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One of the most baffling criticisms of Scrappy
There are some who don’t like his character, that’s fair, he won’t appeal to everyone. There are some who don’t like the shows that he appeared in, that’s fair.
Most Scrappy criticisms are fair because not everyone will like the same thing. But then there are people who will say something “Scrappy’s role is just a mish mash of the others” “Scrappy can’t do anything useful that the others can’t provide”. It feels to me like they’re saying  Not only is that untrue, but I feel like what makes this argument truly unfair is how it completely perverts the very nature of storytelling itself. It’s true the franchise has a general formula, but remember in the years that formula has shown an ability to be flexible, poke fun at itself, and shift and ebb as needed. Because, even with a format, Storytelling isn’t some kind of chemical equation where everyone “needs” to fill a role. These people are utterly sterilizing the writing process because for some reason they feel the need to justify their love for the original show and their dislike for Scrappy. 
Ironically, however, they actually are hurting their own argument. Nobody watches a show just to watch a series of entities perform a series of roles without flair or emotions. YES SCOOBY HAS A FORMULA, but what that’s what makes the series malleable, not what solely defines it. What makes it entertaining is humor, friendship, and the appeal of demystifying The Things That Go Bump In The Night. Or humor and friendship for 80′s stuff (but 2/3 ain’t bad, to me, at least) Nobody, not the people making this argument, watches a show just to watch a series of narrative devices perform a series of roles merely for the sake of it.
Really, why waste your energy even hating a miscalculated compilation of different devices and roles? I don’t doubt you dislike Scrappy and prefer Scooby-Doo your way, but your argument, as though Scrappy’s existence is only worth the sum of the roles he can perform, actually demeans the show itself and all the characters in it. If it’s as simple as that, then you need to rethink your view on television shows in general.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! Chapter 3
@currentlylurking @going-dead
Formatting is a bit better on the AO3
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: I have an idea
Tubalover (OP): I have an idea but I need to know how cool @Phantom (MOD) the real Phantom is with fake dating before I say it.
Phantom (MOD): I’m okay with fake dating fakeout makeouts whatever but I have standards.
Tubalover (OP): I said I need the rela phantom.
Phantom (MOD): How do you know I’m not the real Phantom?
Tubalover (OP): He uses better punctuation.
The Smart Twin: Incredibly, I think she’s right?
Thecooltwin: Lol and you call youreself the smart one y didn’t you notice this
Phantom (MOD): Like my counterpart said, I’m fine with fake dating, but I do have standards.
Tubalover (OP): GREAT.  So the idea is that in every shot of the Investigators we get someone to make out in the background so they can’t air it.
Lovetheshow: don’t most shows have kissing in them?
Tubalover (OP): Maybe.  But do they have GAY kissing?  Background of every shot we have a gay couple or lesbian couple.  They’re a national show right?  Noway they can put it up.  And if they film you you can just grab a buddy and kiss them.
Roswell’s Child: I bet @West of West would LOVE to get in on this
tubahater: despite my hate for tubas I love you, yet desptie my love for you, I have to ask: do you know what a ‘live’ means when applied to a TV show?
CasperQueen: Girl this has got to be the most convoluted plan I’ve ever seen to avoid asking out a crush.
12th Knight: To be frank, if I heard that an episode of an on-site reality television show was pulled because there were too many gay people kissing in the background, I would be more tempted to visit, not less.
Tubalover (OP): Everyone shut up. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Ghosts -> Phantom -> Speculation
Thread: What ARE Phantom’s standards?
Point25Back (OP): What are Phantom’s standards for fake dating someone?  Asking for a friend who’s too shy.
Phantom (MOD): i like girls that can beat me aup and buffcomputer ners
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Local Businesses -> Discussion
Thread: Weird at my gym
GET-GAINS (OP): Anyone know why we got so many teenagers trying to get gym memberships at the Body Shop all of a sudden?
My Hair: You don’t want to know.
12th Knight: I certainly wish I didn’t.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Possible solutions for the Investigation
Photosynthesis (MOD) (OP): I and the other mods don’t have great ideas for the other two at the moment, but as far as the ‘investigators’ go, I think we might be able to scam them by showing them obviously fake ghosts.  Cheap Halloween decorations, hoaky effects, people giggling in the background, that kind of thing.  Thing is, to cover all the places they might go, we’re going to need a lot of people and a lot of materials.  I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts on this, and if they’d be willing to pitch in.
Point25Back: that’s easy, just get [EDITED BY MOD] to do all of it.  his haunted house room sucked so hard that [EDITED BY MOD]
[@Point25back has been banned for two (2) days.]
Pharaoh (MOD): @Photosynthesis (MOD) I’m begging you to just let me permaban him.
Photosynthesis (MOD): I’m loath to ban someone with that much roid rage and that much access to your meat body.  But to stay on topic, we can’t just force one person to do this.  It’s too much work. 
12th Knight: When you say ‘roid rage,’ that’s rhetorical, right?
12th Knight: @Photosynthesis (MOD) Right?
Roswell’s Child: idk groups like this usually come prepped to fake their own ghosts.  Its like the moon landing
Photosynthesis (MOD):  Here we go.  I guess it was too much to hope for an actually productive thread.
Phantom (MOD): The moon landing was not faked!
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: But what if Roswell’s Child has a point?
Bog Mummy (OP): I’m not talking about the moon thing, but about that old post where she was trying to make out that a certain someone who won’t be named because I don’t want to be banned was a cryptid.  What if we put that certain someone in a bad Phantom cosplay and chuck him in front of Cryptid Crawl/Crawly/whatever his/her/their/whatever name is.  Make CC think that it was always part of the ghost scam. 
passthemike: Crawly is they/them. 
Phantom (MOD): Actually, I like this idea. 
Phantom (MOD): I think there might be some tech we can get from Fentonworks to make it more realistic too. 
Passthemike: So who’s going to do it?
Roswell’s Child: I nominate @West of West
Roswell’s Child: No wait wait amigos @Phantom (MOD) sohuld do it can you imagine
Pharaoh (MOD): @Phantom (MOD) You should do it.  Alive you, I mean. 
ashtree: OMG that would be epic and so ironic
Bog Mummy (OP): Roswell you might be a genius just for this. 
CasperQueen: Please.  As if he could capture even a fraction of Phantom’s natural charisma.
ashtree: That’s the point lol
Bog Mummy (OP): Think about it.  What would be lamer that some random loser kid running a hoax for some random loser town for tourism points.
Phantom (MOD):  Gee thanks.  (I think.)
Roswell’s Child: And think about whow west is gonna react.  Thisll be epic amigos.
Photosynthesis (MOD): Don’t let it go to your head.
Phantom (MOD): But didn’t you want me for that other thing?  The one we were talking about in the chat?
Pharaoh (MOD): No way.  This is much funnier. 
West of West: ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME
Pharaoh (MOD): See what I mean?
Mod Chat
Phantom (MOD): Okay.  So.  How are we going to divide this up? 
Phantom (MOD): I’m thinking we take the GGBE and try and get everyone else to distract the other guys, since the GGBE are the most actively dangerous ones.
Phrontist (MOD): I don’t know how I feel about you directly interacting with people who want to kill you. 
Phantom (MOD): Technically they don’t want to kill me.
Phrontist (MOD): We don’t have to do all that much with them, anyway, do we?  They already know that there are ghosts.  Can’t we just… I don’t know, hack into their cameras or something?
Pharaoh (MOD): Yeah, I’ve been working on it in between banning you know who. 
Phrontist (MOD): Sorry…
Phantom (MOD): I’m less worried about whatever videos they have and more worried about them steamrolling other people.  Or running in front of the investigation or cryptid guys while they’re filming. 
Photosynthesis (MOD): Ugh yeah.  I’ve been lurking the hunter forums, and one guy there said he’d gottne mauled by the tiger at some point. 
Phantom (MOD): Oh yeah, I think that happened to Lance Thunder, too. 
Photosynthesis (MOD):  It’s incredibly unethical for them to even have a tiger.  Who’s letting them keep it after it’s mauled two people???
Photosynthesis (MOD): Do you think we could call animal control on them?
Photosynthesis (MOD): I’m going to go hop over to the city services forums.
Pharaoh (MOD): Good luck.
Pharaoh (MOD): But, yeah, I think that you being a distraction for the GGBE is a good call.  How are going to handle it?
Phantom (MOD): I was thinking I could lead them out to that old industrial park and then play hide and seek.  Or maybe let them stay in the city, but whenever they got too close to something or too destructive, I’d show up and lead them away?  And you guys can spot me and run interference.
Phrontist (MOD):  I guess that if you have to, that would be the way to do it. 
Phantom (MOD): Thanks for the ringing endorsement, sis.
Phantom (MOD): Okay NOW what are we doing. 
Phantom (MOD): I mean, if I’m running around disguised as myself, I can’t very well be distracting the blasters. 
Photosynthesis (MOD): Don’t worry about it.  We’ll figure something out.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Development and Suggestions -> Suggestions
Thread: Videos and music?
Roswell’s Child (OP): I have some epic videos of my cousing reacting and also UFOs but I can’t upload them.  Is that feature coming anytime soon?????  I’d love to do it.  cYou mods do it sometimes and I want to shareeeeeeeee!!
Photosynthesis (MOD): Mod Pharaoh would usually answer these, but he’s busy right now, so you’re stuck with tech unsavvy me.  It’s my understanding that video hosting takes a lot of space.  Space takes money.  We… don’t have a lot of that, so we restrict video capability to Advice Blog posts hosted on our home servers.  If your video isn’t of a sensitive subject, you can upload it to another video hosting site and then link it.  However, be aware that the GIW does monitor internet traffic from Amity Park and has been known to take down ghost-related videos and other information, and even seize the physical equipment such videos are stored on.  Also, mods may remove links to videos that are bigoted or explicit.
merknlurk: i hate living in this ******* dystopian country
merknlurk: can’t even swear without getting censored
Photosynthesis (MOD): @merknlurk Suck it up and make your own secret website that the government won’t shut down, then. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: An idea 🎂🍰
⭐MENU⭐MAVEN⭐: I have the most 🍪💟delicious💟🍪 idea for how to distract the 👻🔫s, children.  It’s quite obvious that anyone who is going around doing these things did not receive proper NUTRITION 🧂 🥓 🥚 🍳 🧇 🥞 🍞 🥐 🥨 🥯 🥖 🧀 🥗 🥙 🥪 🌮 🌯 🍗 🍖 🥩 🍠 🥟 🥝 🥥 🍇 🍈 🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🥭 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍑 🍒 🍓 🍅 🍆 🌽 🌶 🍄 🥑 🥒 🥬 🥦 🥔 🧄 🧅 🥕 growing up.  THEREFORE the only logical option is to bake a giant 🎂.  I will of course supply my expertise.
FootballPoet: Wait, dude, how did you get emojis? 
TECHNUS (MODEST OF MODS): нⷩAͣ!  Iͥᴛⷮ IͥS͛ Iͥ,̓ ᴛⷮEͤCͨнⷩNUͧS͛,̓ MⷨAͣS͛ᴛⷮEͤRͬ OͦF AͣLL ᴛⷮнⷩIͥNGS͛ EͤLEͤCͨᴛⷮRͬOͦNIͥCͨ AͣNDͩ ВⷡEͤEͤРⷬIͥNG!  Iͥ ВⷡEͤCͨAͣMⷨEͤ AͣWAͣRͬEͤ OͦF YOͦUͧRͬ VͮIͥDͩEͤOͦ-̄LAͣCͨᴋⷦIͥNG S͛ᴛⷮAͣᴛⷮEͤ AͣNDͩ нⷩAͣVͮEͤ AͣРⷬРⷬLIͥEͤDͩ MⷨY EͤXͯРⷬEͤRͬᴛⷮIͥS͛Eͤ ᴛⷮOͦ MⷨAͣᴋⷦEͤ ᴛⷮнⷩIͥS͛ AͣРⷬРⷬ РⷬOͦРⷬ OͦFF GOͦVͮEͤRͬNOͦRͬ!
tubahater: Is this some kind of joke?
Tubalover: What the heck did I just read?
Valorous1: Is that a ghost?  Is that a ghost?  Since when are ghosts on here? @MOD are you going to do anything about this?
The Cooler Phantom: ghost s have leays been here val u no that
Valorous1: I didn’t mean you, you’re different. 
12th Knight: Regardless of whether or not there are ghosts on here in general, isn’t Technus the one who wrecked the computer lab at the high school last month? 
Phantom (MOD): As long as they aren’t hurting anyone, I don’t really care. 
Pharaoh (MOD): @Valorous1 I can only handle one crisis at a time and I’ve got at least four.  Deal. 
Cynosure: @Pharaoh (MOD) So, that’s the paranormal people, the guy who keeps unbanning himself, these guys, and what else?
Phantom (MOD): What three isn’t enough for you?  Let the guy have his rhetorical device.
Pharaoh (MOD): I’ve got a paper due at school.
My Hair!: You’re in school?  Please tell me you’re talking about the community college.
Phantom (MOD): Oh ancients I forgot I’m going to die.
My Hair!: You’re in school?
My Hair!: Phantom?
nobineryginger: hey if we can get back on track i’m really into this cake idea like yum
Locker724: Yeah!  This plan sounds like the bee’s knees!
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newagesispage · 2 years
                                                                         JULY  2022
Is Paramount+ bringing season 16 of Criminal Minds to us?? Are Dan Henney and Matthew Gray Gubler the only ending cast members not involved?? I hear that each season will concentrate on a different case to update the format. Will Gub sign on later to be one of the killers they look for? Did Spencer Reid snap after his harrowing ordeals in prison? Has he been too deeply affected by being held hostage and the mental problems of his Mother? Between being forced to take drugs and his own worry about inheriting schizophrenia, there could be a break. Stay Tuned.** BTW, CBS.. Paramount.. As one of the few people that really wants to see the Daytime Emmy’s.. Let me.. And the last category, the big one was cut off for local news? What the fuck?? I suppose I didn’t miss much since Days of our Lives only won for writing. Congrads for that!!
Thank you to the brave souls of the Jan. 6 hearings. Special thanks to Mr. Engel, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Donoghue, Cassidy Hutchinson, Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman. We have heard proof of the Trump administration’s traitorous behavior. The baby tantrums from the former President of food throwing and secret service abuse is shocking but not surprising, if that makes sense. ** There was ketchup dripping down the walls, there was ketchup coming out of his whatever. -Victor Berger IV
Well, the Supreme Court did it. Roe is no more. They have opened a very messy can of worms. Imagine all the lawsuits to come. Let’s clog up the legal system even more. The religious right seems to love to fight. I guess they want to see us in the streets so they have a good excuse to hurt us, to bitch about us. From what I can see, these people seem to hate children. Imagine being so filled with hate, that you want to force unwanted or sick children into existence to see them suffer. Why do women not deserve the same rights as men??**The Court also struck down a NY law that has been in place for years that helped with gun violence. ** While they were at it, they fucked with the Miranda warning too!! In Vega V Tekoh, they ruled that an individual who is denied Miranda warnings and whose compelled statements are introduced against them in a criminal trial cannot sue the police officer who violated their rights even where a criminal jury finds them not guilty of any crime. ** This whole thing is a great distraction from the Jan. 6 hearings. They always want us to look the other way. I am sure that Clarence Thomas is having a ball right now. He seems to be the devil! ** Let’s not forget that they also fucked with climate change with the EPA and ruled in favor of the coach that brings prayer to school.
Check out the cook book from South Carolina’s Miss Emily, Gullah Geechee home cooking.
It seems that Finland and Sweden will join NATO.
Vince McMahon is stepping down as WWW CEO. His daughter has stepped up.
Carol Burnett is going to be on Better Call Saul!!!! Yeow!!!
Marcus Mumford is going solo.
The Hollywood Walk of Fame will honor Paul Walker, Uma Thurman, Mindy Kaling and the Jonas Brothers.
The Television Critics noms include: Rhea Seehorn, Bob Odenkirk, Jeremy Strong, Better Call Saul and Succession for Drama.  Comedy being recognized is Abbott Elementary, Atlanta, Barry, Ghosts, Only Murders in the Building, Bill Hader, Jean Smart, Quinta Brunson, Steve Martin, Janelle James and Reservation Dogs. Variety and talk noms include The Amber Ruffin Show, SNL, I think you should leave with Tim Robinson, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, A black lady sketch show and Late Night with Seth Meyers. OMG, Amber or Seth??? How does one choose?
San Diego Dr. Jennings Staley pled guilty to attempting to smuggle in a barrel of Hydroxychloroquine powder. He claimed the powder was a miracle cure and will spend 30 days in prison and a year of home confinement.  
The FDA, for the first time is jumping into the less nicotine in cigarettes arena.
Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. - James Garfield
Journalist and music publicist Barbara Charone has released Access All Areas: A Backstage pass through 50 years of music and culture.
Hooray for Angeli Gomez, the Mom who rushed in to save her kids from the Texas shooter. I realize we can’t have people running in and out of dangerous situations but when those in charge won’t then what are we to do?? We need more of that!!!
Emma Roberts will join the cast of Madame Web.
Go Camel Rock Studios!!!!! The first Native American owned film and tv studio along with Robert Redford and George R.R. Martin bring us Dark Winds on AMC.
Gen. John Allen has resigned as President of the Brookings institute as the FBI looks into whether he lobbied the Government on behalf of Qatat for the Trump administration.
Todd and Julie Chrisley were found guilty of bank fraud and tax evasion.
The last Howard Johnson closed after the companies 100 years.
Pussy Riot hung a “Matriarchy Now” banner in the Texas State Capitol.** That is the attitude we need. Stop waiting to be offended and stand up for what is right!  
The Cheech Marin Center has opened in Riverside, Ca.  
Marshawn Lynch has signed with Endeavor and Overtime to stat ‘Level Up’ for athletes.
Will Forte will star in Bodkin, the first dark comedic thriller that is part of the Netflix/ Obama deal.
Days alert: OMG, The Emmy winner Cady McClain is back at a crucial time for Jennifer as she lost her oldest child. UGH!! I get that Melissa Reeves can’t always be there but yikes!!** Heartbroken about Abigail because I sort of think of Chad and Abby as the closest to Tom and Alice because they always get thru shit together. They seem like the lifelong solid couple. But, it is Days and she and the baby they may have just conceived could be alive somewhere as the body double lay there dead!! ** We will miss U Tripp!! Come back soon and bring your siblings back for a visit!!** Leo and Clyde may be up to no good. Nancy won’t like that! Is Clyde keeping his ears open in the Brady pub where everybody talks about their secrets? He could have something on the whole fucking town! Why is Shawn getting so close to Jan? I mean, it’s Jan! And now we know Shawn isn’t the Father. This has proven he isn’t the brightest bulb on the force!!
Adam Sandler, Queen Latifah and Heidi Gardner star in Hustle.
Robert Smigel and a field team from Colbert’s late show were charged with unlawful entry. The crew, doing a bit with Triumph the insult comic dog was found on the 6th floor of a congressional office building near the Capitol. CBS released this statement: “Their interviews at the Capitol were authorized and pre-arranged through congressional aides of the members interviewed. After leaving the members offices on their last interview of the day, the production team started to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls when they were detained by Capitol police.” Fox news, of course called it ”Insurrection!!” Colbert joked that it was Conan’s fault.
The Suge Knight trial deadlocked on liable and damages for killing Terry Carter with his Ford truck.
A Japanese court ruled same-sex marriage ban is not unconstitutional.
AFI is honoring Julie Andrews with Lifetime Achievement.
Paul Haggis was detained in Italy on sexual assault charges and aggravated personal injury. He was accused of rape in 2018 as well.
Why in the fuck did NBC break in with the Depp/ Heard verdict? Really? That is important enough to break in??
R.I.P. Phillip Baker Hall, Lee Klein, the latest shooting victims, Afghan Earthquake victims, Barry Sussman, Alec John Such, Jim Seals, Paul Vance, Julee Cruise, Ann Turner Cook, Linda Lawson, Marion Barber III, Alan White, Harrison Wagner, Tyler Sanders, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Raymundo Garduno Cruz, Juan Francisco Gonzalez Aguilar, Victor Paganuzzi, Mary Mara, Joyce Burditt and Mark Shields.
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think-pieces · 21 days
Sunjoy signing on
if there's one thing i love it's a good show. as television declines, i find myself attaching onto nearly any show that's bottom line mediocre in it's writing. House of the Dragon, Bridgerton, hell even Law and Order SVU. Be sure we'll get to the others soon, today. I have a gripe against Bridgerton.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with it. There's something to say about good worldbuilding, and Bridgerton does it well. You're swallowed whole by the show in the best way. It's a well done show. However, when you adapt from a book to a show, everyone will have something they hate about it.
"it's not book accurate" "The characters aren't right" "It's not even historically accurate"
And truth be told, they're valid arguments. I get it. Especially the character thing, and the historical accuracy. And a secret third option, using the other books that exist in the same universe!
In the books, you make up in your head what they look like, yet all the Bridgerton siblings look the same. "Dark chesnut hair" is the most used description. Although, the show did good in differeing Daphne and Francesca, it breaks up how they appear, instead of a wash of similar actors you get a, oh god I hate to say this word, but diverse group of siblings. However, having Violet be a more reddish brown (she was dirty blonde in the books), would be amazing. I digress and bow to the casting director for choosing Ruth Gemmel, she embodies Violet Bridgerton to a near T.
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My main issue with historical accuracy is that hollywood doesn't care. It's nice when they take more care into to purposefully making it seem more historical based. God, Pride and Predjudice 1995?? Stunning, Fabulous, I'm so in love it's seeping out of my pores, it doesn't work for Bridgerton. Bridgerton is truthfully a fantasy, casually set in Regency England. The books take a skinny slice more historical accuracy, not much. to me, perosnally, It's really a fantasy romance; therefore, i can slightly forgive how accurate it is. The costuming is by far the most glorious of it. I really want a behind the scenes in making this solely for the costume designs.
I have read so much of this series. All 8 in the OG Bridgerton set, the prequels, and the first book for the smythe-smith (smith-smythe? smythe-smith? I can't remember). The writers had a real chance of sprinkling in this lore of the Rokseby's and the smythe-smith (they did in queen charlotte, that's a whole other thing), and they didn't. It would be such an amazing easter egg to see it done.
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Julia Quinn's book series, as books would translate terribly onto film if done, scene for scene, line for line verbatim. the only reason it worked for pride and predjuice, is that it was done to a near complete T historical accuracy. (is it fully accurate, no of course not. but damn if it ain't close.). in the first season, the reason why it is the way it is, about 75% of julia quinn's book is smut. season 1 is formatted pretty close to the books. even the books themselves don't have much of a difference in format.
Exhibit A: in the duke and i, about halfway through the book, they get married and the issue of children comes up, and it's all internal thinking done by the characters. which is why what happens, (it didn't need to) but it gives more insight as to why everything happens and how it's resolved. which is why for season 2 they switch it.
Exhibit B: we as viewers flock to rewatch season 2 over and over before considering season 1. season 2 has a stronger B plot (The featheringtons), more filler scenes, and it uses the shitty 8, hour long episode structure better.
Exhibit C: it morphed from a book to screen from season 1 to a drama in season 2. which makes for a better story structure, that's what film is for. To be a tv show, not a book. yes be accurate, but, the truth is, book to screen content exist as a multiverse. NOT an accurate retelling. thinking of it that way is better for your brain. Yes anyone and everyone could sit and talk for hours, and for me days about the inaccuracies, but at some point you gotta except it's a multiverse, not the same thing. and sometimes, it's better that way. (other times not as much, which is my theory on why season 2 is much more different between book and movie)
signing off
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