#why does tumblr kill the quality on images :(
necessarymeanstoanend · 3 months
i’m bored so here’s a color study i did of nigel
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balkanbitchart · 9 months
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In delirium of sickness I joined the total drama
(Click for better quality)
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sinistersluts · 1 year
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A piece for my FMP for BTEC Art and Design.
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cowboydisaster · 9 months
could you write a fic about simon and a reader who is going through withdrawals? Sorry if that's not real specific, you can take it in what ever direction you please. Thank you
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem! reader word count: 2k summary: Simon helps you get through withdrawals, offering you hope in the darkest point of your life. a/n: heed the warnings please!!!! I cried a good bit while writing this. You're never alone my friends, and there is always hope. Always. (p.s. there is a mention of wanting children in this fic, so keep that in mind. p.p.s why does tumblr destroy my image quality, it makes me sad.) warnings: opioid addiction, withdrawals, addiction, emetophobia, illness masterlist
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"Si-Simon, I can't do this. I'm n-not strong enough." You whimper, clammy hands gripping onto his shirt with every pathetic ounce of strength that you can muster. Your voice is hoarse, throat thick with mucus and body covered in a stale cold sweat that soaks through your oversized t-shirt. Simon has never seen you so weak, so frail in his arms.
He's seen you take down men twice your size, clear rooms with more than ten enemies. You've faced countless opponents, broken through endless physical and mental barriers,  but in the end, the one thing you couldn't defeat was the pills. 
If you'd known you were trading your life away when you were handed the bottle, you never would have taken it in the first place. 
"For the pain." The doctor had said, "Just until this gunshot wound clears up."
Only it didn't. Before you even realized it, your body was already addicted. You craved the numbness that the damned capsules gave you, the release from the endless pain that singed your nerves day and night. You couldn't give them up. You tried– but the sickness that came when you stopped– you were sure it would kill you. 
Simon didn't know what to do. You lied, you kept him at a distance, never fully explaining to him what was going on. He didn't realize how bad it was. He tried not to pry, or to push you, but Simon put his foot down when he found you on the bathroom floor unconscious, a bottle of pills on the counter, half empty. His words reverberated in your ears, a harsh warning that he wouldn't watch you kill yourself. 
"You have to get clean, Y/N." He'd said from a place of love, but you couldn't help but crumble under his judgment, "I can't watch you do this to yourself anymore. You 'ave to sober up."
So here you are, a heap in Simon's lap, the both of you intertwined on the bathroom floor as you fight the overwhelming illness that accompanies withdrawals. Everything you've survived: loss, wounds, torture– it pales in comparison to the misery you're experiencing now. You refused to go to a detox center, not wanting to lose your position in the Task Force. You promised Simon that you'd let him drive you to the hospital if things got bad, but you want to do this at home. 
Bile rises from your stomach, lingering in the back of your throat as you gag. Immediately, Simon pulls your hair back into his fist, and helps to position you over the toilet. 
You dry heave, gagging on air as both of your cold hands grip the toilet bowl. Your wedding band glints in the dim bathroom light, bringing another layer of anguish to your already broken soul. 
He shouldn't have to deal with this. 
"Easy, love. Get it all out. I've got you." Simon coos as your stomach aches and flips, desperate to rid itself of any contents. Only you haven't been able to eat, so nothing comes up but painful bursts of air. You gasp and heave, collapsing back against Simon and erupting into loud sobs. Your bones ache as you fall onto his chest, and his hands hover over your form, unsure on how to hold you without shattering you even further. 
"I can't– I can't! Simon, please! Please. I'm going to die. M' gonna die–" You panic, "I'm not strong enough. You know that I'm not." You plead, begging for the substance that he has already flushed down the drain, your mind refuses to believe that it's actually gone. 
Simon's previously unbreakable heart manages to crack, and he wishes more than anything to carry the burden of your suffering. You're his wife, and it's his job to take the weight off your shoulders, but he can't do this for you. He can, however, be with you every step of the way. You showed him a new way of living, a way to do more than just survive. You've shown him love when he was undeserving of it. It's unbearable for him to see you, such a beam of light, in so much pain. 
"Look at me, baby. Look at me." Simon holds your face until your eyes meet his. Those chestnut colored irises hold your attention– the same ones you looked into as you read your vows, as you suffered pain, and loss, felt love and lust. They've watched after you through everything. 
"You can do this, yeah? You're the strongest person I know. Stronger than any other soldier in the Task Force, stronger than me. If anyone can beat this, it's you." Simon reassures. 
Your face crumples when you realize he's firm in his decision. You shake your head, clammy palms coming to rest against your face. 
"Please, Simon." You beg once again. Your body is trembling like a leaf held against the wind, cold wraps around your bones suffocatingly, squeezing every ounce of comfort from your being and leaving you high and dry. Pure, unadulterated suffering. 
"Come 'ere." Simon whispers, standing up from the tile floor and scooping you into his arms. He hooks his arms under your head and knees before carrying you into the bedroom. 
The soft bed dips under your shared weight as Simon lays down with you, his body wrapping around your own like a perfect puzzle piece. He pulls your back to his chest, letting you use his tattooed arm as a pillow. Your sobs quiet down to muffled whimpers as you shake lightly, wishing you could go back in time, solve this before it became a problem. 
Father time has never been merciful though, has he? 
"Blanket or no?" Simon asks. You nod your head quickly. 
"Yes, it's so cold. I'm so cold." Your teeth chatter lightly as you reiterate. Simon pulls the thick comforter over your forms, tucking it in around the edges as he adjusts behind you. 
An hour ago you were burning up, stripping off your clothes and sobbing at the heat clawing its way through your body like some sort of fiery plague. He'd put you in a cool bath, checking your temperature probably more often than what was necessary. 
You shake and writhe, whimpers and groans of agony slipping past your lips every once in a while. It's killing Simon to see you like this. Every ounce of light has drained from your eyes, the life has seeped from your pores, replaced with the lingering disease of addiction. He misses your laughter, your smile. It could light up a room. You've gotten the boys through many dark days. You were the sunshine of the Task Force. Failed missions, loss, heartache, no matter how bad things got, your optimism never ceased. Not until recently, anyhow. 
"We'll get there again." Simon tells himself like a mantra in his head,"She'll get better." 
He's personally seeing that you do. He won't allow you the pills to take hold of you, he'll fight. He's seen more soldiers die from pills than bullets. He won't let you meet that fate, he won't. 
He can't lose you. 
The room is covered with a calm silence, only the sound of your quick breathing to let him know you're still alive. Simon is quiet as well, and you drown in the silence, hoping for any kind of distraction to pull you away from your unending misery. You can feel yourself giving up, wanting nothing more than to slip into old habits. You slip your eyes shut, opening them only once a voice rumbles in your ear. 
"I was thinking… when you're better we'll get a bigger house." Simon quietly blurts out from behind you. 
A wrinkle forms in between your brows, and you crane your neck to look at him. You're sure he's trying to distract you, coming up with random conversation to keep your mind off of the present. When you look back, his gaze is far away, fixed on something on the far wall. A small smile graces his uncovered lips– he's been keeping the mask off at home recently, you've noticed. There is a light in his eyes, a light that you used to think would never grace the eyes of Simon Riley. 
"What? Why would we need a bigger house?" You ask with a small chuckle. He's succeeding in his distraction, you realize. 
His eyes flicker down to yours, hand gripping onto your waist as you turn towards him in curiosity. Your eyelids are heavy, another wave of exhaustion coming over you. 
"For the little ones." Simon responds.
He says it on a breath. He says it so plainly, so effortlessly, that tears immediately well in your eyes. He's never responded to your questions about children– usually shutting down or ignoring the topic wholly. Your lip wobbles, and he runs his thumb over the cracked skin. 
"Ch-children?" You ask, a new sense of hope filling your being. A new reason to fight– to get clean. Children. A family. 
"A girl, with your eyes…" Simon chuckles, "Probably with your attitude too." 
You laugh at that, tears slipping down your cheeks in landing on his hand that cups your face. 
"Maybe a boy. Hopefully he gets your features n' not my ugly mug." Simon huffs. 
"What changed…?" You ask, wincing as a wave of nausea pulses through your body. Simon's eyes go wide for a second, and his grip tightens on you, ready in an instant to carry you back into the bathroom if you need. The pain passes and you shake your head, signaling that you're okay. Immediately, he relaxes. It's quiet for a moment as Simon traces his thumb over your paper thin skin.
"A dog, a new house, babies, anything you want. I'll give you anything you want, just get better for me, baby." Simon pleads, a hint of vulnerability tracing his words. It's one of only a few times he's begged you. 
"I don't want a future without you in it. I want my wife. I want our kids terrorizing the place, I want to get old and retire the Force with you. Hell, I'd turn in my letter of resignation today if you asked, just please, fight for me, love."
The tears are falling freely now, you don't try to stop them. Guilt fills your being at the realization of everything you've put your husband through for the past few months. Through it all, he's never left your side. He's still here. Kissing closed your wounds, and promising to plant flowers in their place. 
A soft kiss is pressed to your forehead before amber eyes peek down at you through blonde eyelashes. You chew on your lip, a bad habit. 
Your resolve is set, and even though your body shrieks for the opposite, you'll get through this. You have to. 
You have Sunday mornings to look forward to, lazily pouring Simon a cup of tea in his favorite mug. You have a house to buy, with two bedrooms instead of one. Dragging Simon through the shops and picking out all the different onesies he'll let you bring home. You have walks through the park to go on. You have to pick up takeout on Simon's late nights at work. You have to sit on his desk while you share an entree and talk to him until he forgets about the paperwork he's supposed to be doing. So many little actions to go through, little memories to make. You can't give it up. You won't. 
There is so much to fight for, so much to hope for, all given to you by the man before you. Tears sting your eyes again as you finally speak up. 
"I promise you, Simon. I'll fight. For us, I will."
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magical-wishies · 4 months
To love or not to love, that is the questio-
Ok whoops wrong reference. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I made a MV of the song "Darling Dance" by Kairiki Bear featuring my favourite little tricksters for the occasion!
I'd rather you go straight to Youtube to watch it because Tumblr always finds a way to cut the quality, lol.
Eng subtitles are available too!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy my pride and joy. Basically like a hopeful child but in video format. Reblogs are specially appreciated because Youtube sucks at promoting new channels!
This also acts as a behind-the-scenes post, so let's get straight into that, shall we?
MV Project 1 "Darling Dance"
Illustration time: 37 hours
Editing time: Approx. 30-35 hours
Total: 70 hours
*Cough* Holy freakin' moly does making an MV take so long. Before you roll off your bed, I'll say that part of the reason making the art took so long was because I have trouble drawing Marx consistently.
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Here's some unused assets! Look at them, they're all salty over not making the cut.
In all seriousness though, a lot of times I don't really see a lot of editors/ MV makers getting appreciation for their efforts. And now that I've personally experienced making an MV for the first time, it's also increased my admiration to the people who dedicate their time to this! All the kudos to them.
Now, I'll go scene by scene then comment along the way! Spoilers ahead!
Verse 1
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Pretty good for what it is. In the first image, you see that heart behind Magolor? I discovered the motion of it on complete accident lol. Capcut is hard to figure out..
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I also really like the color palette of 2nd image. That art of Marx was the last one I did during production (aka I drew it this morning), and just look at him. He's such a bastard he's the best.
Pre Chorus 1
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Mmmm yeah it sure is the pre chorus! I put a bar behind the text in the middle because I didn't want people to stare into their soulless eyes for too long. That probably worked!
1st Chorus
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When I first added in the expression change, I fangirled over it a little on the first rewatch. Like, come on! They suddenly look mischievous, and the color change on the background! I know I drew it but still!
For the rest, I experimented a little with all the "Nah"s! I think it ended up well. Most of the lyric editing in this MV is completely original, so I had a couple of things to try out!
Verse 2
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This song is horrifically outdated because it says Twitter instead of X!! (/sarcasm)
This scene is my second favourite. I'm really proud of the details on the tabs and the editing at the beginning! Wish I could put more images but the app only allows ten. Bummer.
Pre Chorus 2
I think it's cute, and I used it as my pfp on YouTube! That's about it though.. image limit is killing me I can't put anything here :(
Chorus 2
...Not gonna spoil it! I like how I drew them, but there ain't anything notable. Unless you look at the last image I put right before the bridge. :)
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This is where my editing comes in freakin' clutch. Ooooooh it's so satisfying to look at. Chef's kiss. Also those Marxs (Marxes?) are really cute.
The second part of the bridge is nice as well! I tried to make the lyrics snap to the rhythm. Glad I added that tv effect in the bg too!
Chorus 3
This scene is my favourite! Wanna know why?
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This sequence right here. I think I will etch it into my brain forever... I love me some snappy editing. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot!
The second part of the chorus is like the original song's MV! I loved the hearts popping in and out whoever thought of that is a genius. Putting it into the MV was a good decision!
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And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy the MV as much as I enjoyed making it. And, stay tuned for next time! I have a feeling a certain jester is getting his own solo MV...
Feel free to leave your thoughts either in the Youtube comments section or here. See you around!
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dragons-and-magic · 1 month
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(Please check out the close ups for less blurry images. Tumblr butchered the quality. Sorry.😭)
Anyways, the main cast of Dragons Of Sodor is here! These are their designs right now, but are subject to change. Also, here's some lore about each of them! I'll put it below the cut! (@hkpika07😁👋)
Edit: I've been tired all day and I just realized this has a ton of typos.🤣 Also, some info I meant to put down is not there. *Sighs* Oh well. I tried. Lol.
Note: The stories mentioned here actually have a LOT more going on than what is mentioned. This is just a more watered down version so it doesn't get too long of a post. Have fun reading!
Thomas: Out main man! The big hero! So what is Thomas's role in this story? Well, here's the thing. Notice how Thomas's eye are gold, like gold dust? That's because he's Lady's next champion. Aka, the chosen one. Lol, all jokes aside, Thomas has an incredible destiny of being the one to protect all of Sodor someday! And lead the clan! This comes with a number of challenges he must face as he grows and learns what it takes to be a hero. Another important part of Thomas's story or his relationship with his adopted Father Edward, and how they navigate the rapidly changing world, that is becoming less and less safe for all dragons.
Percy: Thomas's bestie and resident messenger from clan Gold Scale! Percy is a very curious dragon and enjoys writing his observations in journals. He also very empathetic and cares about everyone. No matter where they are from. Unfortunately, he's also a bit gullible. And this combined leads to some nasty trickery from the Gold Scales rivals (The Iron Hides), somewhere down the line. (Fun fact! He's also a bit deaf. Hence why he sometimes mixes up long complicated words. Him and Thomas will sometimes use sign language to communicate.)
James: Thomas and James have a complicated relationship. At first, they were on okay terms. But something very important happened. Gordon is James mentor. And since Gordon is the Clan's Patriarch, this lead James to thinking he may have a chance at becoming the next one. But when it was revealed Thomas was meant to become leader next, James became bitter and wasn't as friendly as before. However, this changed after he was caught up in a forest fire, (This Au's version of James crash) and Thomas saved him, despite being on bad terms with him. After that, he had a more brotherly relationship. Competitive, but still care about each other's well-being. (Fun fact! James is a rare hybrid between a Dragon and Wyvern. So he's got scales and fluff!)
Edward: Edward is the one of the clan's elders and a talented wizard. His dragon species, a Moon Moth Dragon, are known for being very close to Lady Arcana, and magic in general. He has quite a large library of spell books and general historical records. And plenty of old artifacts as well. Thomas was adopted by him at a very young age, and the two are inseparable. Edward made sure to teach him plenty of skills he would need as Lady's next champion. Especially since he was the last one. Edward also adopted Bill and Ben, two twin dragons that are Thomas's adopted brothers.
Gordon: Out of all the dragons, there is no denying that the most regale, fastest, and proudest dragon, is Gordon, Clan Gold Scales Patriarch. Gordon has a mysterious past that he seldom talks about. Edward and Henry know everything about it. But all everyone else knows is that he is pretty much the last of his kind, as all others were killed off by humans years ago. This trauma, he clearly doesn't talk about, has definitely effected his relationships. As he has a hard time opening up or showing any softness. It's not that doesn't care about them. It that he doesn't know how to show it. But that does change. Eventually. He also played an important role in James's life. James was found as a youngster by Gordon and Edward a long time ago. The patriarch saw potential in this rare dragon and wyvern hybrid. And took him under his wing. James looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.
Henry: Sodor's local tree hugger! Henry loves the forest and is pretty much their guardian in this story. He even lives beneath a large tree's roots in a cozy burrow. (The Wishing Tree to be exact!) He also has some sort of really rare plant magic? Nobody even knows why he even has it. Especially since Titan Class dragons don't have any sort of magical abilities. But regardless, he has it. And it's a good thing too, since he has a few health issues that his powers can help him with. For example, he uses his plant magic to form his prosthetic back leg whenever he needs it! Oh, and he can also talk to any nearby trees and connect into their communication system. Meaning he can pretty much find out what's happening in every part of the forest whenever he wants... It's pretty crazy. You may also notice he has a beak rather than fangs. That because he eat mostly plants. In short, Henry is the clan's lovable but slightly weird woods man that lives in a tree and has over a ten thousand squirrel friends.
Emily: In this story, Emily is an apprentice under Victor! I thought it would fit with her personality and how she's usually the one looking out for the groups health. And also rescuing them a lot. Her and Kevin both train under Victor as the clan's apprentice medicine dragons. Emily is the closest thing Thomas and Percy have to a sister. They love her to bits, and she's always looking out for them. She's also close with Henry. The two share a close bond, almost akin to a grandfather and granddaughter relationship. Henry will sometimes help he needs the herbs she and the other medicine dragons need for cures and stuff.(Fun fact! Since she's Scottish in this AU, I was inspired by the legend of Nessie and the Loch Ness. Hence the reason she's a sea dragon. I was also inspired by Leafy Dragons!)
Toby and Henrietta: Toby and Henrietta have been mates for many years. They are the clan's only wyvern couple and are also part of the clan's elders group. Toby and Henrietta love each other dearly, and have raised quite a few children of their own over the years. For now though, they are simply just enjoying each other's company on Sodor as the local retired couple. (I feel like I should put down more for them. Because they do have roles to play. But, I can't seem to get it all out of my head at the moment. Hopefully I'll solidify their roles better later! Also, Toby is based off of owls, and Henrietta is based off of robins and cardinals! They are heavily associated with birds, so it just fit.)
Bill and Ben: These two young dragon twins are a handful! Luckily, Edward (Their adoptive father,) is very skilled in the art of handling chaos and disorder, and can usually sort things out quickly. These two are the adopted siblings of Thomas, and they always seem to be getting into and/or making trouble. Even more so than Thomas!
And, that's it for now! Hope you all like this! I worked super hard on it! Bye!
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the-solar-system52 · 1 year
Ok ok analysis time!
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HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THEM?? DAYCARE ATTENDANT MY GUY WHAT HAPPENED!? It's pretty clear the fire damaged them enough so now they are a mixture of Sun and Moon (that eclipse arcade game was foreshadowing!!) Their design is so cool and also super creepy holy fucking hell!
Slowing down the clip, we can see that they first open a closet the player was in, so maybe their segment will be some sort of hide-and-seek minigame?? We also see that they first jump at us super aggressively, but then step back at wave at us, more friendly-like. My guess is that Moon will be trying to kill us as usual but Sun will be trying to be nice to us and the two will have to fight for control of the body 'Malachite from Steven Universe' style! This would explain why their movements seem almost frantic and clumsy.
Judging by this, I'm not sure if turning on or off the light will have much effect on them anymore since they are both conscious at the same time? Jesus Christ I feel super bad for Sun someone get this dude some therapy :(
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You can't really see this with tumblr image quality, but in the shot of this endoskeleton, I can make out caution tape around the entrance to the daycare? I don't remember this being in the main game so that means someone must've been there to put them up? I don't know if it was put around the entire pizzaplex cuz of the fire or if it was a reason specific to the daycare attendant, but I guess we'll have to wait and see!
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As for the daycare itself, it ain't looking to good. I know ALL of the Pizzaplex got damaged in the fire but something about seeing the once bright and happy daycare destroyed like this makes me really upset :(
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twipsai · 5 months
what if @askamnesiamoonjumper had tumblr that would be kinda funny
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
I believe I have... over 2000 asks now? Apologies for the delay, I'll try to get to the (actually interesting..) ones soon!
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Anonymous asked: wait, your brother is snatcher??? like. THE subcon snatcher??????? doesnt he like... eat people??????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Maybe... :>
🐱‍👤lefelinapologist Follow
uhhh are we not gonna talk about how problematic this is???? Amy literally has over 10k followers and she supports her brother eating people. wtf????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Your url is "lefelinapologist", but you draw the line at my brother having breakfast????
4,948 notes
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Anonymous asked: so is that rumor that you cook people in a giant cauldron true
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
no, but i think @kizunyanmewku-official does that
shhhh not so loud
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Why are there so many food questions today???
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🎡moon-resident-69 Follow
(srry for low image quality but--) does anyone know what this flower is??? it just kinda showed up in my garden yesterday. all the flowers around it look kinda wilted too..
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
5,892 notes
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Anonymous asked: hey werent you the guy that like destroyed The Actual Fucking Moon????? like wasnt the city demolished and shit cuz of that??????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Oh, yeah! That was me, but I'm not a guy anymore ^^
1,348 notes
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bunnything asked: kys
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Uhuh yeah sure. Anyways Hattie baked brownies do you want some?
🐇 bunnything Follow
brownies?!?!?!? YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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🩻 thesnatcher Follow
no, seriously, STOP GOING TO SUBCON. I WILL KILL AND EAT YOU. this isnt a threat or a joke, its a warning. STOP GOING
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
if you find a bunny changeling eating your flowers, thats mine -_- they got mad at me and now theyve decided to terrorize the world about it
🐇 bunnything Follow
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Can girls do anything anymore :(
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Anonymous asked: hey how come cookies are on your trigger list??
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Soooo funny story, my ex was poisoning me with enchanted cookies when I was living with her...
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
🍪boo did i scared you
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just-some-random-girl · 2 months
It really says something that the Helluva Boss fandom is willing to excuse every evil action Stella does and every evil thing she says, especially her abuse towards Stolas and begging for her to have sympathetic traits, yet not once have I ever seen an HB fan desperately wishing for Crimson or Mammon to be portrayed more sympathetically than they are in the show and call it bad writing when they don't show any redeeming qualities. The fandom just accepts the fact that those guys are pure evil without batting an eye. Nobody asks why they're the way they are. But Stella? Nope, there MUST be a sympathetic reason for her being an abusive bitch to Stolas because it's apparently "unrealistic" for a woman to abuse her husband out of spite never mind the fact that those kinds of women actually exist in real life.
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These images pretty much speak for themselves.
Crimson, Striker, Mammon, Andrealphus and Valentino are no less two-dimensionally evil than Stella is. What reason did Crimson have to murder his own wife and make his son experience it? Just to traumatize him? The show never really says why he does it, he just does it so the audience can have a reason to hate him. What reason does Striker have to help Stella try to kill Stolas? None, as far as we know. What is there to Mammon's character other than abusing Fizzarolli and being a greedy asshole in general? Why does Andrealphus flirt with his own sister and participate in her scheme to have Stolas murdered by Striker? Because reasons. Why is Valentino a rapist who takes advantage of Angel Dust and sexually abuses him? Just because he can. What makes Stella any different from these guys other than being female?
Fans are just asking for her to be more sympathetic because she's a woman and they can't accept the fact that women are capable of abuse without trying to justify it. The whole "behind every bad bitch is a man who made her that way" bullshit. People who see a woman beating her husband in public and automatically assume he did something to deserve it even if they have no evidence or context for what actually happened. Even though Stella has been treating Stolas like shit before he cheated on her, and he likely wouldn't be sleeping with Blitzø if she wasn't so horrible to him in the first place. He never even puts his hands on her and allowed her to abuse him so that Octavia could live and grow up with normal parents. (As normal as Stella and Stolas could possibly get with each other, anyway.)
Stella made fun of Stolas for not participating in sex with her and laughed about it while he was standing 2 feet away from her, and knew he was there. Whether or not she raped him to produce Octavia is a discussion for another day. If anything, Stolas cheating on her was revenge for treating him like garbage for so many years. She humiliated and embarassed him in public before getting a taste of her own medicine when Stolas does the same to her in return. She wouldn't even let him divorce her because she enjoys being mean to him. I wouldn't mind if Stella was given more charaterization outside of "abusive wife" but honestly? I don't really care if she's given sympathy or not. I don't want to sympathize with her. If Valentino isn't gonna change his ways any time soon, I have no reason to believe that Stella can. FFS Stella apologists make me mad. Even if you type in the "anti stella" tag on tumblr there are more posts defending and excusing her actions than those actually opposing her and saying "uh, no, she's just a cruel bitch" meanwhile if you type "anti Stolas" that's exactly what you're gonna get, pretty much exclusively.
Goes to show how hyper-sensitive tumblrinas are over female characters rightfully being portrayed as in the wrong when they fucking are.
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aspaceformbf · 2 months
YB / Beauty and the Beast - Analysis Essay
(Im going to put tumblr and lore posts here later and there so this is considered incomplete!)
I've been thinking about the parallels between YB and the Beast from the beauty and the beast. Specifically how the layers between the Beast and YB relate to each other.
The Beast (outer surface layer / reputation)
The Prince / The Human (inner layer / his purpose / personality)
The Selfish Man (catalyst / also personality)
The Witch (Fuboo / Greta)
1. The Beast
The Beast is like the surface layer and represents how casual enjoyers, people on the outside see him. When you come across him on.. say, Youtube or Tiktok you're usually seeing a crazy, unhinged or violent depiction of him.
One reason why his fame exploded was when popular YouTube streamers started posting themselves playing his game. They would usually describe him as some creepy incel, stalker, murderer or kidnapper in the thumbnails, their description and generally the way they react to him.
So there's always going to be a huge subset of people who are going to..
> Define him for his worst qualities (murder, kidnapping, stalking)
> Make up stuff that he doesn't do (rape, cheat on you)
> Exaggerate existing traits into something worse (making him a serial murderer or depicting him as some horrific abuser that beats up his partner for talking to him wrong)
The Beast's reputation with the villagers and how they turned him into some terrifying boogeyman parallels with how he's treated and depicted by a large part of the audience and how many people choose to depict him in fanart.
Personally I do feel that this treatment does actually get to him and makes him a lot worse in canon as well.
Like how the amputation was initially just a commission and fuboo even mentioned that it's wasn't canon on Twitter. 
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But the image spread like wildfire in the fandom and because it was so prevalent with the audience, the amputation eventually became something canon.
This beast's reputation also reflects a lot in the fandom because many fantasy aus depict him as this primal monstrous animal thing that is dangerous to YN or is to be tamed by YN. 
Which.. if I look at his actual characteristics, it should be the opposite case. He should be the corrupt human, he's no beast. He's intelligent and capable and will dote on you the way a specialized zookeeper will dote on an endangered animal.
He is the seemingly harmless guy who will shelter a brutish killing machine (werewolf/zombie) and quietly assassinate anyone who gets in his way.
He is the android hardwired to fully serve you but his programming doesn't factor in the complexities of human moralities and he takes it too far and becomes a danger to the people around you.. for your sake, it believes.
There's even a beauty and beast meme that I feel relates to some of the fandom. In the meme when the beast turns back into a normal guy, Belle gets the ick and is like
"no I liked you specifically because you're a beast"
It kinda reminds me of the side of the fandom that got attracted to him BECAUSE of the whole "crazy leg chopping kidnapper murderer theme".
2. The Prince
The prince is his inner quality because.. he's literally a guy who's designed to love you.
His life purpose is to take care of you. He doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to be your life partner. He just wants to shower you with affection, gifts, kisses, he wants to give you a happy life.
(Insert wholesome and caring tumblr compilation)
He has a job, he takes good care of rat, he is the kind of nerd that likes to collect bottle caps, he plays the piano, he writes poetry, his teeth is literally pristine because he takes such good care of it.
This is not the qualities of some brainless beast, this is literally prince-like. Human.
I remember there was a lore drop or q&a or something that mentioned that if YN was someone who was stable, loyal and supportive.. he literally wouldn't hurt a fly. 
They mention he CAN be a very good boyfriend it's just he has some instabilities and can go too far if anyone crosses you or if things go bad. He is also mentioned to be a very good dad, he will be equally loving even if the kids technically aren't his. 
Unfortunately this wouldn't reflect in the games plot because of the Witch.
In the game, for the most part he doesn't WANT to kill people, he doesn't WANT to hit you or cut your leg off. But he does it because he is too desperate to keep you (Selfish Man) and because of the Witch's influence (Greta, Fuboo wanting to keep the game as a horror game) forcing him to be worse than his usual.
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He was definitely far more Princelike in the past, especially if you compare the Tumblr to the game after Day 3.
He definitely had his creepy and suspicious moments, but there was a lot more depiction of him being polite, loving, generous, romantic, doting and supportive. 
Patient YB Posting
But as time passes by, his character took a turn for the worse, the cruel, the Beast, especially that turning point in Day 3.
There's still a large subset of the fandom that love him for his more loving qualities though personally I don't really know where to slot this into the essay.
I mean I literally thought, hm, the Beast, The Prince, and the SELFISH PRINCE HAS A PATTERN THAT RELATES TO HIM. I HAVE TO WRITE THIS DOWN!
doesn't mean it describes ALL of the fandom but like.. a pretty big chunk. big enough to identify. in my personal opinion.
3. The Selfish Man
The selfish man are negative or imperfect qualities he always had even before he turned into a beast.
For example, he is someone who looks down or doesn't care about other people.
In fact, he finds other people irritating. In the Tumblr, he only cares about you and would only get along with say, your family because he wants to be closer to you.
Of course this doesn't make him a BEAST because he can still technically get along and be civil with others and he likes and is nice to animals. But he would not do well in say.. a customer service job because having to deal with people OFTEN would be unbearable to him.
And he has no interest in forming any bonds with anyone other than you or unless it's to foster a relationship with you and even then he definitely won't accept a polyamory.
This quality of his does NOT help him when he later turns into a beast.
In the case of Beauty and the Beast, instead of trying to communicate with people and clearing his air and working on his reputation, the beast just locks himself up in the castle and whatever rumors people spread about him based on his appearance just gets worse. 
YB CAN read people, but he does not have the social skills to properly manipulate them. He can get along with people casually but other than that, his social skills just.. kinda suck.
I think another example of the selfish prince is the way he treats his sister in the Tumblr. He would call her names like whore and slut and would literally wish her dead and would definitely kill her given the chance. Even before he met YN, he and his sister would never get along anyway.
4. The Witch
The Witch is represented by Fuboo and Greta. They use his "selfish man" aspect to transform him into the beast. If the witch wasn't there, he wouldn't be as MONSTROUS as he currently is. They purposely bring out and amplify his worst qualities.
YB Regarding Fuboo
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89 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. The Trailer Breakdown is here. Sorry Tumblr killed the image quality. This is Part Three, Part One is HERE and Part Two is HERE.
Same Warning Applies: This will be obscenely long. I have spent hours of my life on this and I even went around Hyrule in BOTW to double check things. I have also watched only one reaction/analysis video (Limcube) whose ideas I reference a few times but the rest is all me. Now, I know many of the oddities and differences could easily be explained by saying we time travel into the past but I’m going to approach this for the most part as if we are not time traveling because it's more fun this way. Also, the colors refer to the corresponding arrows/circles on the image above it.
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Blue: This falling green glowing block inspires many questions (like literally everything else in this dang trailer.) Why is it falling? Is it related to the odd rocks that are everywhere now? Is it similar to an elevator that could bring you down from an island or maybe up to one?  Pink: A green swirly thing!! Haven’t seen one of these in a bit. If these really are the things that send you up into the sky, I’m gonna shout “Beam me up!” before I use them.
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Green: Yup, that’s right. It’s a little hard to see but that is a yellow Korok flower. Ya ha ha, I found you.
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Pink: Ganondorf’s attack reminds me of Princess Mononoke (Studio Ghibli Movie) and that stuff that was wriggling out of the boar god. Fitting considering it curses the main character's arm.  Green: The Master Sword is already covered in malice and Link’s arm is messed up even before Ganondorf does his attack. Now this could be the second attack, Link having partially fought off the first one and sustaining damage, or it could be something else. I think there might be malice coming out from the Master Sword itself. Since it’s the sword that seals the darkness, the past darkness might be escaping as Fi is no longer strong enough to contain it.
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General thoughts: Poor Link looks to be in a lot of pain (understandable because that malice corruption went really far up his arm.) Again I really like the focus on his expressions.
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General thoughts: The simple act of dropping the Master Sword (sorry Fi) says so much about Link’s worry for Zelda. I think we are in for an emotional ride in terms of the TOTK story. Red: This area on his thigh makes me wonder just how far the malice corruption spread down his right side.
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General thoughts: I can’t believe the Champion’s Tunic gets destroyed to such a degree. I mean it’s obvious that someone fixes it later since Link wears it during the rest of this trailer but still. Stupid malice ruining the tunic Zelda made for Link. I’m attached to the damn tunic. Pink: It’s interesting that other parts of Link’s gear appear burned/corroded. I really wonder what watching the full cutscene in game will be like.
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General thoughts: I mean what can I say about this shot other than I’m worried about everyone in it. I’m worried for Zelda’s safety, I’m worried about Link’s injuries, and I’m worried about poor Fi who is also falling and damaged pretty badly. Plus, Link really reached out for Zelda with his injured hand, willing to suffer more pain if he could avoid being separated from her. I love their bond but I’m also expecting Nintendo to make us suffer emotional distress. Words: “Please, lend him your power.” This is what Zelda says in the English dub. When I first heard it I wondered if Zelda was praying to the goddess Hylia. It certainly is an odd choice to play that voice clip right before showing a situation where Zelda seems to be in far more need of power. However, Limcube mentioned that the German dub says something along the lines of “You have to save him” and the “you” in that sentence addresses either a group of people (possibly the Zonai) or someone of extreme importance (could be Hylia.) I also think Zelda could be talking to the spirit hand thing.
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General thoughts: And last but not least, the entire reason I started this account. Soon, my friends. Soon we will be able to play TOTK and get answers to all of our burning questions.
Finally, I congratulate you for making it to the end of my Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown. As you can plainly see, I am perfectly sane about this game. Thank you and have a good day. THE END.
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mukuberry · 2 years
Weakness // Seventina
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So I suddenly remembered that Deco*27 does vocaloid and not just milgram so i wondered if there were any song references in milgram (other than references to his own work) and while I'm not sure if its intentional, its a very very big coincidence! Songs sung by 17 year olds trying to reconnect with themselves, hurting over the past and fearing the future. In Seventina, our protagonist ends up finding comfort in the past which gives them the strength to continue forward. In Weakness however, Haruka cannot get over the past and refuses to move forward and despises the past he misses.
There's alot more references but tumblr image cap is killing me (hence why the image quality is so bad;;)
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thebanishedking · 2 years
i have just spent quite a bit analysing eddie’s room as best as i can through only a blurry bts video and the scarce set pics we have available and would like to share my discoveries, as well as semi decent quality versions of the posters i could find….. i did this mostly for personal use/curiosity, BUT if i can help some eddie fans decorate and/or give more insight on his environment to writers and/or artists it’s a big plus ;)
Alright. first off right when we walk in we’re greeted with this. Lovely image. first seen in episode one,
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but i believe u can see it better here, along with a second poster
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the skull i found pretty easy with just searching the image in pinterest,
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here’s a pretty low quality version of it but. I did see links to people selling the print on ebay, though with some image enhancing i feel you could print this on your own if your heart desires it
for the poster beside it, i couldn’t find the image online, though this could be on me since i didn’t look extremely hard for this one. Sorry. what i made out from it though was that it’s an advertisement for the band Blessed Death performing their album “Kill or Be Killed” live from “the patio” on September 16. Not sure if this is meant to be a poster for an old show Eddie left up, or a future one he planned to attend, but it’s there nonetheless
moving on… To,
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the bedside table! Wooooo!
to get the miscellaneous stuff out of the way first, some of the items are (correct me if i’m wrong about any of these) a deck of cards, two letters, a pair of aviator sunglasses, a bottle of beer (?), ashtray full of cigs, an unopened pack of trojan-enz condoms, empty bullet shells,
[Not Pictured, but they’re there too] a blue guitar pick, a blue toy car, along with a radio (? i think, i’m not too well versed on tech of the 80s) that has a red toy car sitting on top of it. :)
now, for the stuff i feel does matter,
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there’s a magazine about auto parts & accessories! So good news to all you mechanic eddie likers out there… i guess it’s canon that he cares about cars somewhat? At least enough to own a magazine about the topic…
extremely blurry here but,
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a Heavy Metal Summer of ‘86 Mag, Vol 10 #2 (censored from tumblr just in case)
Here it is in subpar quality, (again censored just in case)
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if you’d like to see it upclose. And if you want to buy the mag for yourself, i’ve seen listings on sites like Etsy, Amazon, Ebay, etc etc.
Above the nightstand hangs a print,
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an illustration of the Tomb of Horrors by Gary Gyrax. (DnD adventure module, as wikipedia says. idk jack abt DnD)
Here it is in okay quality,
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it’s not the exact image but i believe it’ll do with some cropping if you so wish to hang an exact replica on your wall!
moving on to above the bed, there’s a Judas Priest “Screaming for Vengeance” poster, with what i'm Pretty Sure is a Slayer tapestry beneath it.
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and here's an image i tweaked with to imitate Eddie's poster,
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im unsure if it's an Exact replica but it's definitely good enough for me
and for the Slayer tapestry, I could not find the exact one online, which is why i'm unsure if i'm even correct, but i'm like 97% sure that's the slayer logo. sooooooooo..................
To the side of the bed, there isn't much except for what i think is another nightstand, and the only thing i can make out on it is a red cup. Two posters hang on the wall over here, and there isn't much seeing as a window & an amp (?) take up almost all of this side of the room.
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the one poster I can actually make out on this side of the room and even then it took me a hot minute to do so, is the bottom one. It's a poster for Anthrax's "Fistful of Metal" album. I looked, and couldn't find the Exact poster, so i made an imitation of it for an attempt at a clearer idea.
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Above the closet, hangs an Anthrax banner.
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now, onto the best quality image we'll have of Eddie's room in this post. Here i'll be describing from left to right, and really only focusing on the wall decor.
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The first thing i can place my finger on here, is behind the dresser there is a poster of Iron Maiden's mascot "Eddie"
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Now obviously this isn't the exact image, (different colours, different background) but if you take a look at what we Can see of it even as it's hidden behind the dresser and banner, it lines up pretty well (the axe, the hand, the bit of shoulder)
the Corroded Coffin banner: An obviously homemade thing, that looks well-loved and worn, even ripping at the top. I wonder if this is one Eddie and his bandmates made for when they play at the Hideout that he ended up keeping?
The acoustic guitar that reads "THIS MACHINE SLAYS DRAGONS": Most likely a reference to Woody Guthrie's "This machine kills fascists"
A lamp is bolted into the wall, and another one of Eddie's black bandanas hangs off of it. Beside the lamp, there is a poster for the band Massacre. Sort of looks like an ad for a show, i'm not tooooo sure. Couldn't find any copies of it online.
The next poster I can make out is for the band Liege Lord, and seems as if it's from a live show from '84. Beside it is a poster for a live "Metal Night", the only band I can see on it is Nasty Savage.
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Above these two, is another two posters, though the only one I can make out is a Judas Priest "Defenders of The Faith" poster. Here it is in clear quality:
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Beside it and a bit under it I'm guessing, is a mirror. Above the mirror there is a mount for Eddie's "Sweetheart" so she hangs down over it. A limited-edition replica of Eddie's guitar was available at Guitar Center, and there were only about 2000 of them made. It retailed for around $899 USD, and even then, that was the lower-priced version. An EXACT recreation would cost almost $5k USD. Jesus H Christ.
Just underneath the guitar, there's again a poster for the band Nasty Savage. In front of the poster, oddly enough, there is a full pepper shaker. I've seen people speculate that Eddie keeps this around just in case, seeing as if you sniff some black pepper during a harsh high, it can help combat anxiety and paranoia.
And a last thing that is probably honestly a stretch, but oh well.
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Above the other window in Eddie's room, there's something hanging. I think this could be a red version of a Hellfire shirt. Don't ask me to explain why, you either see it or you don't.
OH and also, don’t think i forgot because i almost did,
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Eddie’s infamous cuffs he’s got hanging on his wall, i think beside his closet? . An honourable mention for sure.
And that's about it I think. i know I didn't really mention or go into detail on his guitars and amps,but i'm simply not knowledgeable in instruments for that. Though I think in total he has three guitars. idek how many amps don't ask me to count.
If u really just read this all the way to the end I applaud you. I hope you enjoyed and make good use of all this info i just dumped. And if you believe u can help improve this post pls leave a comment i did this all with only my own knowledge.
Tumblr won’t let me paste a link for some reason, but the tiktok video i used for reference and where all of the screenshots are from is by user averilina.
P.S. if i missed out on anything in the room or didn’t mention something in a picture, it’s probably because i literally could not make out what it was/said no matter how hard i tried. My weak little eyes and tiny brain can only do so much. Sighs
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kozzax · 3 days
raarrrghhh why does tumblr kill image quality
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kitschclown · 10 months
is it just me or does tumblr kill image quality even more than twitter does? i save in 300 dpi why is it So blurry
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splintergirl13 · 2 years
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“Are you already tired? The sun only set ten minutes ago!” Herobrine shrugged half heartedly, clearly drifting off. “Safety makes me tired…” “Safety makes you tired–” Steve’s brain short circuited for a moment. “Do I make you feel safe?” But the demon was already asleep against the man's shoulder. An excerpt from @grackles-hoard fic Against the Code REVERSE UNO CARD, I’ve been meaning to draw fanart for this fic and when I read the latest chapter I knew in my heart I wouldn’t be able to resist the fluff
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