#why does this ancient make the healthy sick and the sick healthy?
little-pondhead · 1 year
DP AU idea:
There is an Ancient of Rot.
DP x DC AU idea:
The Ancient of Rot is the Lazarus Pits, either banished to the mortal realm or too weak to form correctly and go back home.
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🗒 ꒰⸝⸝₊ General Dating Headcanons ❛ ✧
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Featuring: Astarion, Gale, Wyll & Halsin
# Note: content warning for very brief talk of abuse and general trauma back to navigation ´ˎ˗
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Talk about touch and attention starved. This guy wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it hit him in the face. Whenever you're nice to him or touch him without any innuendo, he's on edge. You must want something from him. Why else would you be doing this? It doesn't make sense.
Speaking of which, touching him out of nowhere usually doesn't end well. He has a tendency to flinch. He cackles and says he just thought he saw a bug, "Silly me," but you both know better than that.
He grows used to it, however. It just takes some warming up to. Eventually, the discomfort fades, replaced by a yearning so strong he swore he felt his heart beat again. When his brain realizes you don't want to hurt him and it's safe to be around you, he starts craving more contact. He's too prideful to ask, but he's not good at hiding it, either.
He loves any kind of compliment, don't get him wrong, but the ones that have nothing to do with his appearance seem to stick more. He's heard every single little praise possible for his face and body — but for his personality? For his mannerisms? If it ever happened before, he can't remember it.
Insists he doesn't like cuddling and only does it because you want to. But the one night you didn't, you woke up to him clinging to you anyway. He said he must've done so in his sleep, completely ignoring the fact elves can't sleep. Deception: critical failure.
Surprisingly protective. If you get hurt during a fight he goes ham on the enemy while yelling for someone else to take care of your wounds right now. He lost everything he had after Cazador — lost even himself to the hands of that sick, wicked man. He can't afford to lose you too.
The relationship started with him trying to manipulate you, sure, but that's not the case anymore. He cares. He genuinely cares for something other than himself for the first time in two centuries, and he's scared you still think you're being tricked by his charms. Again, he's too prideful for constant displays of affection, but he does say "I love you" more often than ever. Maybe if he says it enough times, you'll believe it.
He stares a lot. There's just something so endearing about seeing you in your own little world, oblivious to everything else, or at least oblivious to his gawking. It's the most honest part of you, the most yourself you could be, and he enjoys it from afar.
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So needy. You leave him at camp for a few hours and you come back to him acting like he needs to be sent to the seaside for his health. A year of living as a hermit does things to a man's necessities for attention.
Loves your scent. He doesn't share his clothes with anyone (that fabric is expensive, dammit), but he insists you wear them so that they smell like you later.
Despite being a cat owner, he's very dog-coded. Will do things with the sole purpose of receiving praise or kisses from you and gets extremely pouty when he doesn't.
Speaking of kisses, he takes any excuse conceivable to kiss you. Good morning, good night and good luck kisses are very much mandatory. Doesn't even have to be on his lips, he's more than satisfied with a cheek or forehead kiss as well.
He enjoys being taken care of, even if he complains. When you scold him for not sleeping over some ancient tome, he can't help but feel loved. Will return the favour, of course — especially if it comes to food. He's very insistent with the "three meals a day" thing.
Will read to you, there's no way around it. It's relaxing for both of you, so he doesn't see why he shouldn't. He also says he can pay attention better to the text when he says it out loud, anyway. You having your head on his lap as he does it is merely a bonus.
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If this man has any flaw, it's that he's always trying to make every moment you spend together perfect and forgets to just lay back and enjoy himself. Even then, he only does it because of how much he loves you.
The last romantic! Goes all out with dates and gifts — fancy restaurants and the biggest bouquets you've ever seen. Money is no object when it comes to you. Truly a good old-fashioned lover boy.
Definitely has a saviour complex — the type to say "I can fix them" unironically. He just loved you and wants you to be okay, and if he has to drag you there himself he will.
Will go on rants about how smitten he is with you and how perfect you are on a daily basis. If you have to leave for the day, he'll write it as a love letter instead.
Always holding you close, but there's no possessiveness to it. It's a display of affection, not ownership. He's yours as much as you are his.
Loves taking showers together. Not for any sexual reason (though he wouldn't complain if things ended up going down that path), he just finds it incredibly intimate and genuinely enjoys washing your hair for you.
You're not just another romance to him — you're the love of his life, the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, if the gods allow it.
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Despite the whole "Desire flourishes wherever it finds purchase" thing, he genuinely doesn't see himself falling for anyone else as he did for you. It's nice to know he could still indulge if he wanted, but for now, he doesn't.
Loves having his hair played with. There's just something so soothing about it. Or maybe it's his wild shape talking, asking for pets. We'll never know.
Always finds an excuse for you to sit on his lap. Again, not for sexual reasons, he just likes wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your head or shoulder.
Even though he isn't one for commitment, he has a constant, extremely severe case of baby fever. He obviously wouldn't push you if you're not ready, but he does make his sentiments on the matter known.
Stepping dangerously close to smut territory with this one, but he loves how small you are compared to him. The way he engulfs you entirely when he hugs you or how your hand disappears under his as he holds it — it's endearing to him.
I cannot go without mentioning how good his hugs are. Like, seriously. He's so warm and gentle but still strong and it makes you feel safe. It's the best thing in Faerun.
Loves how you look like wearing his clothes. It ties into the size difference thing, since they just look huge on you. Also, much like Gale, he has a thing for your scent, so there's really no downsides.
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wariocompany · 8 months
My actual CVC headcanons written as I trudge through episode after episode in the hopes that I might see him for twenty glorious seconds (LONG)
Cookie Monster is his bestie, they hang out and act Strange together
He has phases of enjoying counting in certain ways. There are some days when counting zero of something is like hell to him, and others when it's all he wants to do.
His memory is borderline photographic; that's both how and why he keeps his counting diary. It helps him empty his head and show he's able to keep track of countable things that would otherwise be forgotten.
He moved to Sesame because he was getting sick of the same-same life of back home, restricted by whatever more ancient relics of count life were supposed to be; especially having to spend time talking to other Important People. On Sesame he gets to do what he wants and be like everyone else, even if he is different. It's also why he says his name is because of his hobby and not, like, the actual reason
He went to an international/accelerated school, where Matilda also went; it was indeed maths oriented, but the Count is exaggerating a bit when he says it was a "counting school".
He did actually catch a bit of an Australian accent from Matilda as a child, as she was his main source of English speaking, but it faded after she moved; all the teachers were either American-accented or had accents like his
He actually has no negative physical reaction to sunlight, he just doesn't like it because of the 'tism
He actually needs the monocle, it's a glasses lens, he read way too much in the dark as a kid
He didn't realise that hyponotising people for his counting purposes could upset people and had to be informed of the fact; but of course, this happened quite quickly, which is why it only happened a few times.
He loves watching sports and pays a great deal of attention to the stats. He especially loves sports analysis shows with "360" in the title. Book keeping etc has also, of course, always been of great interest to him, as well as anything else stats-based in pop culture, such as the census (as we know), elections, algorithms, and so on.
However, he isn't some sort of betting wizard. He is certainly good at counting up things, but putting them into practice and making an analysis of them takes more effort for him, especially if it's a synthesis of a variety of factors.
While he doesn't need a steady job these days, he does do odd accounting jobs during tax time to get himself something nice
He can do all sorts of mathematics, but he simply finds the most interest in counting (and by proxy smaller multiplication tables). He can help you with more challenging maths if you ask him; however, it isn't very interesting for him and he only knows it because of his time at his cute little special boy school
He and the Countess do speak Hungarian reasonably frequently, but not all the time
They knew each other before they met on Sesame, but only vaguely, through friends of friends of friends as children
He was nocturnal for a pretty long while but after he made more friends on Sesame he started to change his sleep schedule for convenience
^ In general, a lot of his vampirisms started to naturally go away after he made friends, and a healthy dose of counting every day keeps him hunky dory.
34,696 was only his favourite number on the day they asked; it changes constantly
He has one of those birthday cake books which teach you how to make numbers for kids' birthdays and we frequently bakes them for friends' birthdays as well as for whenever CM comes over
I'll add more later
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entropyvoid · 10 months
HKVH Fic Recs List
I had such a stupid amount of tabs full of HKVH fics open that I was reluctant to close, that I decided to just bite the bullet and compile a list of fic recs. And I figured if I was going to do that, I may as well share them. Unorganized and in no particular order.
every good intention (is interpolation)
A month after Alhaitham has gone missing, Kaveh finds a journal when rumaging through his things. The journal is encrypted in an ancient script that few know, and the only reason Kaveh does,
is because Alhaitham had him learn it during their shared project in the Akademiya.
Below are the transcripts.
Alhaitham character study, angsty with a happy ending, might come for your kneecaps if you’ve got autism feels™
Flower Language, Sickly Sweet
It would not happen. Not ever. Not with the way they always fight, nor the way Haitham subtly knocks his ego down a peg, nor the way Haitham ignores his presence altogether when he doesn't feel like entertaining Kaveh’s whims. It’s not the actions of a man in love. Kaveh would know. He’s been in love for years.
He’d only just recently accepted it, but it is true, undeniably so, and a sick sort of dread had crept up his stomach ever since he figured it out. Not the fluttering butterflies of an innocent crush, but the weight of knowledge that can never be shared.
Boundaries. He reminds himself. Essential for a healthy bond.
Kaveh starts coughing up Padisarah petals just as his life starts turning around—of course this would happen, with his luck.
Hanahaki fic with a happy ending.
Spend A Little Too Much Time Together
Kaveh finds a young Rtawahist scholar breaking down in the corner of Lambad's, and makes the best mistake of his life: adopting her with Alhaitham.
Found family fluff with some funny moments.
truck, barter, and trade
People keep coming up to Kaveh to congratulate him. Kaveh doesn’t really know why, and he’s a little too scared to ask at this point, so he heads back home, content if not a little bemused.
He is, unfortunately, reminded of it the very next day, when the door slams open and Al-Haitham stalks in. “Mind telling me why everyone was congratulating me today?” he demands. “About your pregnancy?"
Or: Al-Haitham is, without a doubt, the most annoying person Kaveh knows. Maybe the world’s second-most annoying person can help Kaveh figure him out.
Another comedic and fluffy found family fic with Kaveh and Alhaitham accidentally adopting someone, but this time the child is Wanderer.
hemlock lovers
He pulls out his cards, and then Kaveh watches as Alhaitham pauses for a second, blinking quickly. Like trying to focus his eyesight. He had only had two glasses, hadn’t he? Surely Alhaitham wasn’t already feeling the alcohol. He was not a lightweight like Kaveh was.
A night in the Tavern goes awry, fast.
Sickfic, Alhaitham gets poisoned.
…and they were roommates
Kaveh is looking for his keys. Al Haitham is a brat. And Nahida? Well, Nahida knows her things. In words of General Mahamatra: being roommates always meant somehing more interesting.
Short and comedic.
Like This
Alhaitham wakes and recognizes not the maroon of his wine nor the crimson cover of tonight’s text, but the garnet of irises near enough to his own that he can clearly see the flicks of obsidian within them. This is the common room, he realizes. He has fallen asleep here while reading often enough for that thought to come easily. All others, unfortunately, ping uselessly against his consciousness like water droplets sliding over oiled skin. How can he think, in this situation? He has lifted a gaze blurred with sleep only to find Kaveh leaning over him — a hand braced somewhere on the back of the divan and a knee pressed into the cushion between Alhaitham’s thighs.
Or, in which Kaveh crosses the line between them and Alhaitham does not let him take it back.
fast as you can
“I returned to the tavern after I brought you home, found the man whose name you told me and punched him square in the face. Are you happy now?” Alhaitham leaned closer towards Kaveh. “Do you believe me?” There was a strange intensity to his eyes.
The unexpected honesty had Kaveh utterly confused. For a moment, he was quiet as he ran his fingers over his temples.
“I don't understand why you would do this for me. Is it to put me in even more debt? Don't I owe you enough already? Tighnari is convinced you did it for my sake.” He let out a dry laugh. “Unless you're like, secretly in love with me, there'd be no-” Kaveh's words, uttered without much thought, got stuck in his throat when for the shortest of moments, a conflicted expression ghosted over Alhaitham's face. Kaveh felt like the air was being pushed out of his lungs.
“W- what was that?!”
A Quiet Thing
Alhaitham cursed, clawing at the creature whose jaws were still firmly affixed around the delicate bones of his wing. He felt warm liquid rush down his hand as he pushed at the creature’s face, heart rate spiking as he realized it must be blood.
Then, a noise that would stick with him for the rest of his life.
Alhaitham obtains a grievous injury during an investigation, and learns to deal with the aftermath. Kaveh is there to help, but the road to recovery is not a smooth one.
Wingfic, injury/recovery and getting together, a bit on the longer side.
Scarlet Sands and Crimson Eyes
Inspired by the movies Hush (2016) and Revenge (2017)
During a mission out into the desert to round-up an extremist group being led by one of the former Sages, Alhaitham's headphones are destroyed. He decides to stay behind through the night to fix them, but gets ambushed by leftovers of the Eremites and dragged across the desert. He gets nearly assaulted, thrown off a cliff, impaled on a tree, stabbed, and shot, and all the while can't stop thinking about Kaveh. It must be because he didn't want to die while Kaveh was still living under his roof, right?
Deaf!Alhaitham fic, dude goes through it but it a badass. Pretty long but will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Appeal to Stone, Ascend to the Skies
“So much for solidarity,” Alhaitham said.
“You’re not even on your own side, you harpy,” Kaveh grumbled in reply.
Alhaitham unexpectedly wakes up with wings, and must learn to come to terms with absurdity.
12 chapter wingfic, a bit of a character study for both of them (but mostly focusing on Alhaitham.)
Wine Red
A scene has been on replay in Al-Haitham's head for the past two weeks, so vivid that it only seemed like yesterday that it happened.
It began like this: Kaveh was absolutely hammered at the bar, and although Al-Haitham had reservations about bringing him home with him, the tavern owner begged him to take his roommate home. And so, Al-Haitham had an arm slung over his shoulder, supporting Kaveh as he stumbled like a newborn foal, quiet and dazed.
And with that one tiny, drunkenly made compliment from Kaveh, his daily routine was thrown into disarray.
OR: Al-Haitham has feelings, disregards them, but is forced to confront them anyways. How lovely it is to be in love with your roommate. Hurrah.
testing, testing
When Kaveh discovers that Alhaitham has been reading a book about human sexuality and kinks, he generously offers to assist Alhaitham with some sexual exploration. It’s a risky proposal, and one that could end very badly—thanks to their falling-out years ago, the two of them have trust issues galore.
But it turns out that Kaveh and Alhaitham are surprisingly good at trust and communication when it comes to sex…which raises some questions about the nature of their relationship, and where exactly this whole experiment is leading them.
“Look,” Kaveh says, “if you’re going to approach sexual pleasure like an experiment, most potential partners won’t take too kindly to the idea of you having sex with them for science. Therefore, to spare all the poor people you’d inevitably insult in your quest for data, I am willing to be that person.”
“How charitable of you,” Alhaitham says.
“And I assume that you’re somewhat comfortable with the idea of having sex with me,” Kaveh adds, “or else you wouldn’t have been so willing to have my fingers in your mouth just now.”
but what would you do if I went to touch you now?
Al Haitham directs half-lidded eyes at Kaveh, his wet hair sticking to his forehead, his sweater stretching over the planes of his torso as he raises his arms to lay his head on his hands. Kaveh finds the charcoal and resists the urgent need to tell Al Haitham to stay still so he can capture him like this, made up of shadows and comfort. “I suppose having a rope doing the work for me would be best for the mental and physical effort of it. I commend you for thinking of that.”
“Don’t flatter me now,” Kaveh half-heartedly protests, wincing slightly. It’s so odd when Al Haitham does that; as much as Kaveh complains about him being rude, there’s nothing more off-putting than Al Haitham’s backhanded idea of compliments. Finally pulling out the cotton rope, Kaveh sighs and makes eye contact with him, shaking the item in his hand. “You might hate this.”
“I might like it,” Al Haitham refutes, raising an eyebrow. Kaveh struggles to justify the little jolt from his heart at the idea.
In which Al Haitham (rather charitably) allows Kaveh to use him as a model for his art projects, Kaveh has an idea, and it all spirals from there.
The Dragon Rises in Wartime
The anonymous complaints confessions of a long-suffering Sumeru resident regarding his horrible roommate and his one-man war against said horrible roommate's purchase of the ugliest bed in all of Teyvat.
Although really, the most important question here probably is:
Why are you sleeping in your roommate's bed?
A really funny reddit-post style fic, with a little bit of explicit recordings on the side.
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It's funny to think that the like massive glaring issue of Dean throwing Cas out with nothing is in part caused by like. The show removing money as an obstacle for the characters. Like, if you just make it so Sam and Dean don't have infinity resources and magic credit cards then then situation becomes much more understandable. If all Dean has to offer is the cash in his wallet, a fake credit card that'll eventually start getting declined and whatever advice he can give him on the way out the door, it makes more sense that Cas would be struggling. If getting Cas money was causing visible inconvenience for Dean it would make more sense for Cas to refuse his help and try to be self reliant.
Like I think the bunker can work great here as a resource for Sam and Dean that makes things easier for them: they are no longer homeless, they don't have to worry about the expense of motel rooms whenever they're not actively on a case, they probably don't have to worry about buying things like spell components or specialized bullets depending on how stocked the men of letters armory is. Maybe even there are even unappetizing but serviceable rations they can rely on if they every find themselves with no money for groceries. But these aren't really things that can benefit Cas if he's not living with them, and Sam and Dean still don't have a strady income they can rely on. They have resources in the bunker that they can turn around for a lot of cash, like ancient artifacts and all those classic cars, but not without time and effort, and that could be like. An ongoing conflict. Instead of choosing Sam over Cas once Dean is like, constantly having to choose whether he puts time and resources into making sure Cas is safe or managing the situation with Sam, and failing both of them because he can't be honest with either of them.
Then the only issue is like, why can't Cas stay with someone else? And the answer is that he's being hunted down by the angels and he's not willing to risk someone's life who's offering him hospitality. Especially if he thinks that the danger is why Dean kicked him out, he'd be less willing to stay in one place at all and being on the move would only make it harder for him. Like I think having Cas be more explicitly "on the run" would also go along way to making it seem less like Dean is being careless with his well being bc then like, he would be both less well situated to provide for himself And Dean might have a harder time staying in consistent contact with him.
I think ideally Dean would send Cas to Jody, thinking he could stay there indefinitely, and then he ends up skipping town within like a week, and when Dean finds out and manages to contact him he's like, I know why you kicked me out, it's because you're worried the angels would come looking for me, well I don't want to lead them to Jody either. And Dean like, it's too close to the truth to Deny it but it does let him say like, It's just because Sam is sick, and as soon as he's better you can come home, which causes issues down the line when Cas gets to see Sam up and about and apparently healthy because of Gadreel, and Dean still hasn't/won't let him come home, and he starts to consider other reasons Dean might not want him there.
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chthonicgodling · 2 months
🍕 🎹 for Eel! :)
Side note, do gods even need to eat? Or is it just for fun? Are there any gods who hate to eat?
[ask game here!] tyyy! FIRST Lemme answer that side question -
Gods DO need to eat but - not really mortal food haha. They all do cause it’s fun and tasty but. The only required dietary needs of the Greek gods are nectar (special glowing liquid) and ambrosia (special glowing solid), it tastes better than anything you could ever imagine (sayeth Tory and Jesse, former mortals) and keeps gods healthy! if they dont eat this regularly they WILL become sick and weak! Sooo Mortal food is just fun optional bonus food but,,, it’s tastes fine, plus lots of people in the palace like to cook, plus its easier to feed lots of people with like, real food, plus having wide variety is fun…. They just mix ambrosia into everything they eat :) daemons like Epi and Ker also prefer eating 💞human flesh💞 (and anyone who hates to eat - well KER does not eat mortal food unless you mean food that is made out of mortals,,)
The Norse gods - are similar, though instead of nectar/ambrosia, the only crucial part of their god diet are the Apples of Idunn, which prevent illness too but also prevent aging! (The Greek gods don’t age past a certain point - norse gods CAN grow indefinitely old… IF.)
lmfao I think ambrosia is completely flavorless to Loki & any of the Norse gods. Loki imports an infinite supply of these from…. ?:) don’t worry about it:) and also has always taken care to make sure all his kids, Norse/Greek pantheon blended babies as they are, just in case are fed plenty of appy slices and applesauce as babies so—
Anywayyy back to my favorite oc lmfao
🍕 - What is Loki’s favorite food?
with all of the above being said. Loki had never really bothered to investigate ✨Midgardian cuisine✨ prior to moving into the palace although yknow, Norse Viking Prince background, staple diet of like. infinite meat and mead.
…long story short the palace introduced him to ice cream 🥺
He’s very fond of anything frozen, particularly ice pops and frozen fruit. no need to ask why 💙 shhh
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
primarily Loki loves to read, he’s got an extensive library in his bedroom, all sorts of literature from all sorts of realms and all sorts of ancient creepy spellbooks from every dark corner of the universe! Always withdrawn and cagey from everyone else lmao,while the rest of the palace is piled on top of each other on the couch platonically snuggling Loki’s often shut up in his bedroom with books until someone peels him out or the kids come to play with him — note Loki is withdrawn and cagey BUT NEVER EVER EVER WITH HIS CHILDREN and will ALWAYS bend over backwards to goof off and play with them :)
He likes doing little academia things like researching and note taking like upon first coming to Elysium first task at hand was an EXTENSIVE deep dive into the details of Greek mythology and mapping out the entire new pantheon of which he now found himself residing. Heeeee also likes writing and journaling and has kept infinite journals through basically his whole life - except for the few brief periods when he was out of his mind trying to take over a planet - those journals are all heavily encrypted, written in invisible runes, and will also explode if they’re opened for too long by anyone who’s not him. I don’t even think anyone KNOWS he keeps journals they are incredibly well hidden obviously
….finally I would also like to state that Deliberately Pushing Other People’s Buttons is a genuine hobby of Loki’s, as well as mild tricks and pranks and encouraging chaos and shenanigans amongst his gaggle of children 😇😇
thank you for the asks!!!!
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ninhaoma-ya · 1 year
Chapter 1078 — Escape limit
I really enjoy the cover story! Good for Judge and Caesar; sad for Reiju and Ichiji, sighing in defeat. Maybe there is hope for the next generation of Vinsmokes after all?
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Confirmation about the Void Century research conducted on Egghead! As well as a nice little nod to the difference between government-sponsored weapons research (Egghead) and ancient institutionalised academia (Ohara) — one you can just bomb, the other will bomb you back.
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Cool use of the silhouette-against-explosion-trope here.
She is one cold-blooded snake, stomping Pythagoras like that, tho’ :(
I wonder if Boa and S-Snake’s powers are reversible through haki? If Law’s earlier negation of Doc Q’s sick-sick fruit is anything to go by, I’d say yes; her mero-mero power just has the unfortunate side effect of paralyzation, making your haki useless… power-up for Franky in the pipeline?
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Backup! Backup! Backup!
The flying thing is cool as well.
And Atlas is one big girl.
We knew that. But still.
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All rights, it’s nice that Sanji’s embracing his human-exoskeleton-thing. And his eyebrow has reversed, so it’s proper Germa Science! going on. But does he have to look so pleased with himself?
Ooo, also a lot of ideas about how his mum sacrificed herself so he could be normal and all the love she had and how that could be seen as the power of love too and how he continues the love and—
—and Luffy and Zoro are being absolute morons again.
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On the other hand, Kaku’ snot showing his critical thinking skills either right now, reacting way too late to being called Usopp.
And Luffy, really? You’ve fought Pigeon Guy earlier, why are you surprised he’d happily eliminate the weaker links to rattle the stronger ones? He’s done it before. You threatened/tricked him into not doing that once this fight is finished!
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On one hand, it’s the exact same tactic Luffy had against Kaido: bash your head against the wall until you think of something else.
On the other hand, I miss his earlier adaptation and quick battle-thinking. After the time-skip it feels like he’s just… hitting things again and again. Which, don’t read me wrong, is a pleasure at times (see: pummelling Caesar, pummelling Doflamingo, pummelling Cracker, pummelling Kaido…). But I do miss the wacky pre-timeskip fights: Luffy having to figure out how to fight with a ton of gold hanging of his arm. Luffy with a Door through his face. Luffy breaking Kuro’s swords. Water Luffy.
But we move on, to what will be known as the Egghead Incident, apparently.
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What do Bonney see? What secrets do Kuma’s memories hold? O_o
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Traitor speaking, how may I help you?
Love Angry Lilith in the background.
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Although art quality has gone down, Oda really can tell a story. This is the last panels on the spread and we still don’t know who it is. But it is someone huge: they have to bend to fit through the door and their shadow is massive on Vegapunk.
But who can it be?
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York is huge.
She was petrified by S-Snake; did she manage to unpetrify her as well in the chaos? Does she have an antidote? Do S-Snakes powers, unlike Boa’s, only last for a certain amount of time before unraveling?
I wonder if killing of the satellites destroys that part of Vegapunk’s personality or if they.. return, somehow?
And it’s a really nice comment on the need for balance in people. You are not only your feelings or desires: you are the combination of those, keeping each other in check and balance. People who lose their feelings make worse decisions that people with a healthy blend of rationality and emotion, for example, and no human can be completely rational. Vegapunk let his desires lose on the world, and where did that leave him? Prisoner in his own cellar.
And York: they don’t let you become a Celestial Dragon just like that, you know that, right Guessing the Elder Star on their ways has a special mission with regards to her…
Interesting chapter, nice plot drop. I give it a treasonous heart and a desire for the extravagant things in life (and total ignorance of the suffering producing those things).
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What would its pee even be like anyway? I know it's probably weird to ask but now I am curious. I know you flesh things out and enjoy worldbuilding so it's a legitimate question!
lmao you have me pinned, Anon, with my obcessive lore and worldbuilding.
And yeah, that ask got me wondering too! So... Yugoth's internal biological systems work differently than any normal creature. It is an eldritch fungus, and it's connected to the Sculk around it. It is able to allow the sculk to summon animated creatures to protect the growth, this being the wardens you encounter in game, this particular one is the one in control of all of it. This, in fact, is a big reason it puts the goop in Tiavel's mane, since those composites attack intruders. The goop makes Tiavel smell like part of the sculk and warden itself so if any of them are awakened, Tiavel isn't hurt. They take Yugoth's energy to maintain, however, so it generally keeps that inactive. Barely anything goes down there to the ancient ruins, so it sees no point.
Tangeant aside, it is omnivorous with an herbivorous tendency. It is able to eat meat, but it must be starting to decay or cooked. It also eats bone, though digests this much more slowly. A fun side effect of this is that Yugoth could swallow a small creature that passed away, digest the meat, and cough up the clean bones if it does that soon enough. It would be like an owl pellet or hairball. Not that it has any reason to do that, but it's possible! The bone from whatever it eats gets integrated with the boney growths on its shoulders and down its back, as well as its claws and teeth.
Being a fungal creature, it does need water. It drinks quite a bit. It helps it digest, and helps keep it healthy and comfortable. Yugoth wouldn't do well in dry heat, and would need to be around fresh water. Salt water would not work for it, too much salt would make it really sick or even kill it.
Like any creature, not everything it ingests is broken down fully, and anything that doesn't get used is passed out the other end. Its body is quite efficient so what is passed is actually mostly odorless (Might have an odd fungal or moldy smell, but wouldn't smell like the poop of a normal creature... This remains true even if it eats a bunch of rotting flesh from zombies it attacks), but also has a lot of micro-nutrients for the soil. The reason it likes bread is that it’s very easy to break down, but Yugoth also quite enjoys rotting wood. This is another part of why it drinks so much, makes the wood wet in its system, allowing it to break it down effectively. It can not eat fresh wood, it must be dead and rotting. Yugoth's saliva actually has a powerful antibiotic property to it. Even dangerous stuff found in rotting flesh doesn't effect it. The side effect of this is that its saliva can actually completely get rid of infection, so if you know a warden and it doesn't hate you and you get hurt, it can lick your wounds and keep them from getting infected.
And, FINALLY… on to your actual question. It drinks a lot of water, which helps it digest, especially when it eats things that are dry and thus… it pees frequently. It’s clear blue in color, and actually has a glow to it, though this fades within a few hours. If you find part of the ground glowing near the ancient city, well, that’s what it is. xD
It functions to clear out metabolites and anything Yugoth’s body doesn’t need and to pass excess water, but it also serves a territorial purpose. The pee would have a very strong, and very distinct, smell but it wouldn’t be anything like a normal animal’s pee. The smell would be hard to describe, not particularly pleasant but also not particularly unpleasant. Just strange and very different. It’d be something that you’d easily recognize once you’ve smelled it once. A unique thing about it is there’d be no breaking down into ammonia and other toxic materials. It’d just break down into water and inert minerals, meaning that there’d be absolutely no contamination of the area around it. In fact, having Yugoth around would be incredibly beneficial if you could get it to not want to sonic shriek you into the stratosphere, because it can eat stuff that would be unsafe, break it down, and basically pass plant fertilizer out the other end. A living composter that smells like a crushed mushroom.
Yugoth actively hunts creepers. They are moss creatures, and it will lure them closer, then Sonic Shriek them to death. Drag them near its nest, wait for them to begin to decay, and then eat them. This could, even, be a way for you to avoid getting attacked if you want to interact with it. Lure a creeper towards Yugoth and let it kill it. Yugoth is sapient, capable of logic, emotion and reasoning so it’d be smart enough to realize you are useful. The earmuff Tiavel made it have had a calming effect on it because with them on it is in a lot less pain, and thus less angry. It’ll still be hostile until Tiavel calms it down, but it’s not as quick to attack, and is more likely to observe for a bit, and attack if you do anything that angers it.
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freebiblestudies · 2 years
Psalm 23 Lesson 05: Tables and Anointing Oil
Psalm 23:4 is one of the most well-known Bible verses in the world.  Even non-Christians are familiar with the first phrase “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.”  However, not many people know Psalm 23:5.  Today, we will study this verse together.
Let’s read together Psalm 23:5
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.”
What does the phrase “you prepare a table before me” mean?
Let’s read together Exodus 24:1-11; Psalm 78:18-20; Isaiah 21:4-5; Hebrews 9:2; and Revelation 3:20.
Some Bibles translate this phrase as “you prepare a meal before me” or “you prepare a feast before me.”  This phrase is also evocative of the sanctuary in the time of Moses.  We can also consider this phrase in terms of having a covenant meal.  We know David was literally on the run from his enemies, but he was blessed by God during those difficult times in the wilderness.
What about the phrase “you anoint my head with oil”?
Let’s read together Exodus 29:7; Exodus 30:25-31; Numbers 35:25; 1 Samuel 10:1; 1 Samuel 16:1-13; Psalm 133:2; John 12:3; and Hebrews 1:9.
This phrase also seems to be sanctuary language.  The high priest was anointed with oil.  In another sense, anointing oil was used to consecrate someone to a higher calling.  The prophet Samuel anointing Saul and David to be kings of Israel.  Jesus also received an anointing of sorts before His crucifixion.
While these interpretations of Psalm 23:5 are valid, let’s not forget the original context of this psalm.  It was in relation of a sheep to its shepherd.
Let’s read together John 10:1-16; Luke 11:13; Romans 8:1-2; Hebrews 13:5.
Shepherds have to find good and safe places for their flocks to feed.  Tablelands are elevated plateaus which are considered ideal feeding grounds in the summer.  Oftentimes, a shepherd will scout out these areas in advance, pull out weeds that can make the sheep sick, and note areas of potential danger.
Once the flock arrive in the tablelands and are grazing, the shepherd must keep watch for “enemies” of the sheep.  These enemies would include predators such as mountain lions, coyotes, wolves, or even bears.
What about anointing a sheep’s head with oil?  Why would a shepherd do that?
Let’s read together Exodus 12:5; Leviticus 1:10; Mark 6:13; James 5:14; and 1 Peter 1:19.
Sheep can be attacked by flies that may try to lay eggs in their nasal mucus membranes.  An afflicted sheep may behave erratically, thrashing about and smashing its head against rocks or trees.  Such a sheep may spook the flock, causing them to all run off.
Sheep scab is a contagious parasitic disease caused by mites.  Sheep scab can cause wool loss.  Sheep may have a poor skin condition, including irritated red skin or lesions.
Untreated sheep may go blind or even die.  A flock may be decimated if a shepherd does not act quickly.
In ancient times, shepherds used an oil mixture to treat afflicted sheep.  A shepherd may have to dip the sheep completely to coat its body.  A shepherd would have to treat the sheep’s head by hand, liberally and gently applying the oil.
Jesus, as our good shepherd, knows how to keep us safe in the presence of spiritual predators and forces that would seek to harm us.  He leads us to study His Word, the Bible (John 6:35).  He anoints us with the Holy Spirit (John 14:26) to empower us to stay strong and not to succumb to harmful worldly influences. 
Psalm 23:5 is a promise Jesus will provide for us and keep us spiritually healthy, despite Satan’s attempts to destroy us.
Friend, will you allow Jesus to prepare a table for you and to anoint you?
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acupressureequipment · 2 months
Use of Hand Acupressure Points Chart for Health Healing
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Our health needs to have unadulterated things like food, water, etc. One such thing is medicine, too. However, according to health research, one should not take medicines frequently because they can reduce our body's natural antibodies and weaken the immune system. 
But the question is, how can we make our bodies fit and healthy without medicine? This is where traditional health practices like Acupressure come into the picture. 
For those who feel curious about reflexology or acupressure, the human body has a lot of points where pressure can be applied for healing and relaxation. Some regard these locations, such as pressure points, as being used to stimulate other body parts and the entire health system.
Ancient science proves that pressure points can be used to promote a person's recovery from injuries and other health conditions. The application of pressure is a non-intrusive kind of therapy; therefore, it’s compatible with any other treatment that a doctor recommends.
Let’s get into the next sections to go deeper into the hand acupressure points chart and its uses. 
How do pressure points work?
Pressure points are used in acupressure and reflexology, which explore the bodily relationships of mind and body. This is why hands are said to have several of the body's strongest pressure points.
Reflexology practitioners say that applying pressure to specific points on the hands can energise and treat various body areas, including internal organs if you're tired or sick. 
Acupressure can improve numerous health concerns and using the points with the right hand acupressure tools and chart does not have any side effects because they are noninvasive and nonpharmaceutical. 
It is simple and one can also stimulate their pressure points at home or anytime, anywhere. 
What are the hand pressure points?
Hand acupressure points chart can become a valuable tool for beginners and people seeking self-care techniques. This chart defines the hand's key points corresponding to different body areas and specific health concerns. 
From relieving headaches and reducing stress to improving digestion and promoting better sleep, the chart offers a comprehensive guide to addressing a wide range of health issues naturally. 
Here we are discussing eight essential pressure points in the hand. Where they are, what they do, and how you can stimulate them for your benefit:
Heart 7
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In the crook of your wrist is the Heart 7 pressure point. It lines up with the space between your little finger and ring finger.
Next to this pressure point is a bone inline. Acupressure therapists say that putting light pressure on this spot may help in the prevention of sadness, anxiety, insomnia, and heart palpitations.
Small Intestine 3
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The pressing point ‘Small Intestine 3’ is on the outside of your hand, right on the edge. The point is where your hand curves down just below your pinky finger.
People believe that putting light pressure on this point can help with back of the head headaches, neck pain, and earaches.
Lung Meridian
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Just look at the edge of your hand to find the pressure point known as the lung line. It starts at the base of your thumb and goes down the side of your hand, finishing just below the wrist crease.
Following this line with your finger or any hand acupressure tools if you have a cold, might help ease the chills, coughing, runny nose, and sore throat.
Inner Gate Point
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You can find the inner gate point in a certain place on the inside of your wrist. With one hand, feel about 3 cm away from the middle point where your wrists touched.
According to acupressure, you should rub this point with your thumb to help yourself with digestion and ease any stomach pain or sickness.
Outer Gate Point
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The outside gate point is on the back of the arm, between the two tendons. It is on the back of your wrist, put three fingers from your other hand on top of your wrist is that point.   
Some acupressure experts also think that putting pressure on this part of the hand could give your immune system a quick boost.
Wrist Point 1
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Your wrist point 1 is on your wrist. Follow the line of your finger down your pinky to the crease in your wrist. You will get this point right there.
Reflexologists putting pressure on point 1 on your wrist will help you be happier by keeping your feelings in check.
Base of Thumb Point
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Your base of the thumb is this point. Put your finger on the base of your thumb and run it down to the crease in your wrist. Gently pressing on and rubbing this point with your finger can help with breathing and respiratory problems.
Hand Valley Point
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The hand valley point is in the thick skin between the thumb and index finger. Acupressure theory says that putting a firm touch on this pressure point may help lower stress and ease headaches, toothaches, shoulder tightness, and neck pain.
The Bottom Line
Reflexology is not a field valid in medicinal sciences. It's not the same as going to the doctor when you're sick or hurt because you can acupressure yourself. However, it could help you get better faster and generally keep you healthy.
There is no chance that acupressure will hurt you, so you can do it without any worries with the help of a hand acupressure points chart.
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glucotrustpriceau · 1 year
Glucotrust Australia (Trusted Or Fake) Read Side Effects!
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What is Glucotrust Australia?
Glucotrust Australia is the leap forward dietary complement for blood sugar aid that has natural antioxidants. It is scientifically designed to control the blood sugar degrees inside the body by way of stimulating the regenerative capacity that lies dormant inner you. The Glucotrust Australia components efficaciously improves healthy blood glucose metabolism and burns excess sugar for energizing cells. It boosts the frame’s herbal capability to aid wholesome blood glucose ranges and improves blood circulate for more advantageous properly-being and energy.
The Glucotrust Australia supplement is made as terrific-herbal and simple drugs, making the consumption convenient to provide the favored outcomes for any consumer no matter age or gender. The producer has made the tablets beneath strict safety requirements that make the dosage secure with zero facet consequences.
Why Glucotrust Australia?
Exceeding the ranges of blood sugar may motive extreme health issues and forestall you from playing your life-style. It would possibly come up with diverse painful signs and symptoms at the side of debilitating sicknesses like stroke, excessive blood strain, kidney issues, and more. While the huge range of current blood sugar supplements and practices fails, we want a few precise answers to control blood sugar levels obviously. Glucotrust Australia is a reliable product created to repair the underlying cause of exceeding blood sugar with herbal extracts. 
How does the Glucotrust Australia formula paintings?
A healthful frame is crucial for living a healthful way of life. Having healthy blood levels is vital for healthy functions of organs and dwelling the existence with normal well-being. But the toxic molecule within the body attacks the functions of the liver, pancreas, and coronary heart. It hijacks the blood go with the flow and causes arteries suffocation. This tiny molecule is discovered inside the body of a diabetic, which makes the fat cells enter the bloodstream and clog the healthy capabilities of organs. It also stops the pancreas from secreting insulin and consequences in excess blood sugar levels that might lead to kind 2 diabetes.
Hence, the Glucotrust Australia formula is designed as a DIABETES-REVERSING FORMULA that can flush out the toxic fat and cause insulin manufacturing. Thus, you could gain the blood sugar tiers inside the normal range and beautify blood movement essential for different organ features within the body. The Glucotrust Australia drugs additionally heal the damage because of the pollution and prevent irritation to save you type 2 diabetes dangers.
What does the Glucotrust Australia elements list consist of?
The author of Glucotrust Australia complement has made this innovative solution primarily based on the secrets extracted from the TIBETAN TEA that could decorate your blood degrees and manage the extra sugar degrees. The ingredients are one hundred% herbal, safe and precise, with no dangerous fillers protected in the answer. They work in synergy and optimize healthful blood sugar degrees.
What are the Glucotrust Australia advantages?
Controls blood sugar: The Glucotrust Australia supplement is made to control healthful insulin secretion by way of fixing its root cause and restricting the float of sugar entering the bloodstream. 
Combats type 2 diabetes: It takes entire manipulate of regulating the insulin stages to restriction the blood sugar. Hence, there may be no risk of kind 2 diabetes dangers worried and its painful symptoms.
Safe formulation: The Glucotrust Australia supplement is made from the ancient secret, which incorporates plant-primarily based nutrients with out artificial additives. Thus, you can gain safe effects with out inflicting any detrimental facet effects.
Supports health: The Glucotrust Australia pills have natural antioxidants that detoxify your body from dangerous chemical substances. It improves wholesome blood waft, improves the healthy feature of organs, and forestalls troubles like visual impairment, kidney harm, brain fog, and greater.
Guaranteed purchase: There is a 60-day refund policy provided to make you sense danger-unfastened with the purchase and come up with the self belief to try this unique blood sugar support formula.
What is the price of Glucotrust Australia bottles?
The Glucotrust Canada supplement involves a one-time cost and is obtainable at an lower priced fee. There aren't any extra fees protected, which makes you assured. There are three unique applications available with several buy deals and reductions.
What if Glucotrust Australia doesn’t paintings for me?
The Glucotrust Australia complement is made specific, and it really works for any adult. Since each one has unique frame traits, the outcomes may also vary from every other. Hence, the writer has offered a 60-day cash-lower back guarantee which lets you claim your refund while you feel unhappy with the consequences for any cause. You can ship an e mail and get returned a full, spark off refund and not using a hassles worried.
How to take Glucotrust Australia capsules?
As desired, you can take 1 Glucotrust Australia pill every day with a tumbler of water. It absorbs the vitamins and provides you with the favored blood sugar manipulate efficaciously.
Know whether Glucotrust Australia is official to apply!
The Glucotrust Australia is a simple nutritional tablet that works appropriately and successfully with the natural system. The Glucotrust Australia is secure to devour and makes the preferred blood sugar manipulate without a side outcomes, as stated through lots of effective consumer opinions. You also can get the a hundred% legit Glucotrust Australia product with the aid of ordering directly from the creator with numerous offers. The components are displayed on the label for consumer reference. It is likewise counseled to apply the Glucotrust Australia supplement after clinical consultation if you are already underneath medicinal drug.
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froshele · 1 year
jackalope and mermaid? 🥺
🐇 do you have any conflicting characteristics?
sure, everyone does - it's not like that means people aren't honest or genuine or whole as they are, it's just that they have situational heuristics for their behaviour. nobody thinking about it seriously would morally judge a horse for simultaneously being an anxious herbivore and opportunistically eating squirrels for calcium, right? they'd just add the behaviour to their list of what this horse habitually does, maybe ask someone if it's normal, be answered in the affirmative and shrug it off.
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personally, i'm relatively mentally healthy and therefore i think of myself as a harmonious whole in relation with others -- as does the horse, but mileage may vary. i imagine people in different places might find different things difficult to reconcile. maybe an answer that would satisfy the nature of this particular ask (featuring a list) might be something like "simultaneously profoundly humanist philosophically and not at all trusting of strangers", but i mean, guest right and partaking of the social contract is a different thing from assuming by default that everyone wants to be around you for honest reasons, i think.
🧜‍♀️ how do you define beauty?
beautiful things feel right, like they should be exactly where they are. when it's a landscape and you find it beautiful i think what you're meant to feel is something like awe, or at least an appreciation of the context you're in. a sense of inherent goodness helps, too. humans tend to like forests and jungles for this, but even desert and steppe can inspire it.
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this place is incontrovertibly Real and Good. i lived around here (on baie de la bouteille, in the unincorporated area) for half a year, can confirm it was always beautiful.
when it's a person individually (human, animal, botanical) it's sort of the inverse of that, beautiful creatures are the ones that are firmly in a place and also appreciating it. feeling awe, feeling wonder, laughing, pondering, melancholising a little - almost any state but not fear and anger, no one can find those beautiful, i don't think. they have to be at ease, in reasonable health, doing something good to do -- helping, experiencing, being what they are in peace. all healthy squirrels just minding their own nose having squirrel experiences are beautiful.
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i think that because for humans it's a transient state (nothing and nobody with an ego radiates sublimity all the time, although frogs do, because they have none) it's not something to worry about. everyone and everything is beautiful at those times when health, affect and onlooker perspective line up to make them so. otherwise too much symmetry is intimidating and too little is monstrous, and goodness knows where the line is for an individual in the moment.
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like, here, my cat looks like she's a little too well acquainted with the vagaries of time and the soothing embrace of heroin in this photo. she's damp and a little shitty and fresh from a nightmare.
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same cat, same pose, same bed, but in this one she's not miserable.
see? it's transient. this is the same cat with the same conventional feline body.
nobody is beautiful when they're sick or suffering and miserable -- because first of all it's such an imposition on their work (healing) to insert aesthetic preferences into their recovery, but secondly they get shut into their own head with all their mental critics, and that's always ugly.
no one has such a wonderful inside-of-the-head that hearing it constantly echo around and around a sickroom or a blog or a public transport space and ricochet into you is appealing. eventually you get hit with a stray piece of shrapnel (in the form of a biting remark or actual teeth) and you're like what the fuck, dude, I'm trying to help you, why are you digging up ancient dirt on me to make me feel bad? because sickness and misery make people aggressive and some people are generally aggressive relationally, that's why. it's not about you personally, but the impact is personal. it's hard to find a loved one beautiful when you don't even like them right now, but that doesn't diminish the fact that you do love them. love is the thing they need, not assurance that they're attractive.
the whole thing is that sickness and misery are not supposed to be appealing, not because if you're sad or hurt then woe is you for no one wants to mate, but because it's creepy as hell of people to victorian about the place overcome by a sense of awe before beauty when they should be helping.
people don't get sick for the aesthetic. sick and hurt and scared people are ugly and mean. it drives everyone away so they can recover in peace, or not, as their destiny dictates. love is when you stick around to make sure they're ok anyway. some believe that we became human when we started doing that.
anyway, about beauty.
people can be sexually appealing and i don't really connect that as a concept to their beauty, which in turn is a different thing from how conventionally modelesque they are. most models are too miserable to be beautiful to me and too much not my type to be appealing, but i am capable of acknowledging that yes, this (for some reason) is what the advertisers would like us to aspire to being. that's not beauty, though. nothing confined is, only its perseverance in the face of confinement.
thanks for your time :^)
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ssashealthcare · 1 year
Creating a Healthier Workplace With Office Plants: The Importance Of Biophilia
Biophilia is the innate human need to connect with nature. It's also the name of an exhibition at New York's Museum of Modern Art that explores this phenomenon. At its core, biophilia explains why we feel so much better when we're surrounded by plants and other living things.
Studies show that having plants in your workspace can make you happier, healthier, and more productive--and they don't even cost much!
The Benefits of Office Plants
Office plants can improve air quality, enhance productivity and reduce stress in the workplace.
Improving Air Quality: Plants help to filter out pollutants in the air, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. They also remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the environment which are linked with allergies and asthma symptoms.
Enhancing Productivity: Studies have shown that having plants around you while working can increase productivity by up to This because a distraction-free environment where employees can focus on their tasks without being distracted by their surroundings or other people around them who may be talking loudly on phones or moving about constantly throughout meetings etcetera; all things that can make it difficult for some people's brains to concentrate properly when trying hard at work!
Popular Office Plants
There are a few popular office plants that you can use to create a healthier workplace. These include:* Snake Plant (also known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue) - This plant is very hardy, and it doesn't need much light or water. It's also ideal for people who have pets or children because it doesn't have any poisonous leaves or berries.
Spider Plant - This plant is perfect for hanging baskets on your desk because it can grow up to six feet tall! The spider plant thrives in indirect sunlight and prefers moist soil with good drainage. It does not like cold drafts so make sure you keep an eye on where your hanging basket is placed if you want this plant to thrive inside your office space!
Rubber Tree - The rubber tree has been around since ancient times; its name comes from the fact that its sap was used by early European explorers as "rubber" (a term used today). If you're looking for something unique but still easy to care for then consider adding one of these beauties to your workspace today!
Maintenance Tips for Office Plants
Pest Control
Health Benefits of Office Plants
Office plants can help you create a healthier workplace. They have been shown to reduce sick days, improve concentration, lower blood pressure and boost mood.
There are many benefits of office plants that go beyond just making your office look nicer. They help keep employees healthy by reducing stress levels while increasing productivity at work.
The Impact of Office Plants on the Environment
Office plants have several benefits for your business. They can help you to reduce carbon dioxide levels, lower pollution levels and increase oxygen levels in the office environment. All of these factors contribute towards a workspace while also helping with productivity and reducing absenteeism.
Reducing Carbon Dioxide Levels
Carbon dioxide is produced when people breathe out, but it's also emitted by machines such as computers and printers that use electricity to operate. This gas has been linked with increasing global temperatures because it traps heat within our atmosphere - so having fewer sources of CO2 around will help keep things cooler!
The Psychology of Office Plants
Plants have a way of improving morale, enhancing creativity, and providing a sense of well-being.
In a recent study conducted by the University of Exeter, researchers found that people who work in offices with plants are more productive than those who don't have them around. They also reported feeling less stressed out during their workday.
The Economics of Office Plants
Reducing Energy Costs
Increasing Employee Satisfaction
Enhancing Workplace Image
According to a study conducted by the American Society of Horticultural Science, employees who work in environments with plants report fewer sick days, better job satisfaction, and increased productivity. Another study conducted by the University of Exeter found that employees who work in offices with plants showed a 15% increase in productivity compared to those without plants. Furthermore, a study by the University of Technology in Sydney found that plants in the workplace can reduce stress levels by up to 50%.
Creating a healthier workplace is essential for the well-being and productivity of employees. Incorporating office plants, such as snake plants and spider plants, can offer numerous health benefits, such as improving air quality, reducing stress levels, and enhancing concentration and productivity. As the statistics show, a healthier workplace can lead to fewer sick days, better job satisfaction, and increased productivity. By incorporating biophilic design elements into the office environment, employers can create a more positive and productive work environment.
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Does Salt have Astrological Benefits too?
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Salt is the ingredient whose existence is not detected, but the lack of which renders everything bland. We might all know that salt is important from a scientific point of view. It has a role in the preservation of food and also plays an essential part in the composition of a diet that is both healthy and well-balanced. If you don’t get enough of it, you can get goiter. But did you know that salt is also important in astrology? It is important in science, and it makes our taste buds happy.
Know about the Benefits of Salt according to Astrology. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
The astrological significance of each and every item we use can be traced back to ancient times. Any common household item, from lemons to salt, may perform miracles and bring untold joy into one’s existence. The salt gets rid of the effect of negative energies and makes the environment more balanced. This blog will teach you how to utilize salt to tilt the balance of power in your favor and spin the wheel of destiny in your direction.
Negativity is banished by salt
Family life can get tense when members focus on trivial matters rather than the big picture. Your money keeps going down, but you don’t know why or what’s going on. When your residence becomes a dumping ground for bad feelings, all of these things are bound to happen.
The only effective treatment is to mix some Himalayan salt into a pail of water and drink it. Every day, mop your floor with this salty water because salt keeps bad things from coming into your home and makes your current situation better. Not to mention, if you or a family member suffers from any kind of stomach trouble. Considered useful is the practice of mopping the kitchen floor with salty water before going to sleep at night.
Read Also:- Most Inspiring Quality of Each Zodiac Sign?
Salt makes relationships stronger
Use Himalayan salt cure to turn things around if there are arguments at home or if your loved ones aren’t satisfied with your efforts to keep the peace. Himalayan salt stored in a receptacle on either side of the front door is a good luck charm. You can also color or decorate it as you like. It can work like magic for you. It makes your guests fall in love with you and makes your relationship with them stronger.
Cuts down on the effects of Vastu Dosha
The salt makes your home less negative. According to Vastu, if your home’s north or northeast orientation contains rooms or bathrooms, then you will never be able to flourish, and your home will never be stable. So, if you put salt in a pot or other object and retain it in those locations, it helps to balance out the bad energy and makes good things happen. It takes in all the bad things and filters them out. But it’s also essential that you swap it every so often.
Keeps Negative Thoughts at Bay
If you have a lot of bad thoughts and they really bother you, salt can help you a lot. If you want to take a salty bath, add a pinch of Mountain salt to the water, but be careful not to splash it on your face or head. Soon, you’ll notice that your bad thoughts are turning into good ones, which will bring you happiness and luck.
Salt is good for the health
Put some in a container and place it near anybody in your household who is sick, depressed, or otherwise in need of comfort. It will get rid of the bad energy and start a good time.
Keep an evil eye away from you
Not only does it help one’s health and relationships, but it also keeps an evil eye away. This treatment has been used for a long time, especially in India. It does work, as demonstrated frequently by mothers who take a fistful of salt and repeatedly wrap it around their child. It is supposed to shield its owner from the negative effects of an evil eye along with other forms of negativity.
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tpanan · 1 year
My Saturday Daily Blessings
February 25, 2023
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........                                                              
Saturday after Ash Wednesday (Roman Rite Calendar) Lectionary 222, Cycle A
First Reading: Isaiah 58:9b-14
Thus says the LORD: If you remove from your midst oppression, false accusation and malicious speech; If you bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted; Then light shall rise for you in the darkness, and the gloom shall become for you like midday; Then the LORD will guide you always and give you plenty even on the parched land. He will renew your strength, and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails. The ancient ruins shall be rebuilt for your sake, and the foundations from ages past you shall raise up; ""Repairer of the breach,"" they shall call you, ""Restorer of ruined homesteads."" If you hold back your foot on the sabbath from following your own pursuits on my holy day; If you call the sabbath a delight, and the LORD's holy day honorable; If you honor it by not following your ways, seeking your own interests, or speaking with malice-- Then you shall delight in the LORD, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; I will nourish you with the heritage of Jacob, your father, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 86:1-2,3-4 5-6
"Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth."
Verse before the Gospel: Ezekiel 33:11
"I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked man, says the Lord, but rather in his conversion, that he may live."
**Gospel: Luke 5:27-32
Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs post. He said to him, "Follow me." And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him. Then Levi gave a great banquet for him in his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were at table with them. The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus said to them in reply, "Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners."
What does it mean to "leave all and follow the Lord"? Bede the Venerable (673-735 AD), an Anglo-Saxon monk who wrote numerous commentaries on the Scriptures, explains what it meant for Matthew and for us to "follow" as disciples of the Lord Jesus: 
When your neighbor stumbles through sin or ignorance, do you point the finger to criticize or do you lend a helping hand to lift him or her up? The prophet Isaiah tells us that God repays each in kind. When we bless others, especially those who need spiritual as well as physical and material help, God in turn blesses us.
Who do you point the finger at? When Jesus called a despised tax collector to be his disciple he surprised everyone including Levi (also known as Matthew). The religious leaders were especially upset with Jesus' behavior towards public sinners like Levi. The Jewish people were roughly divided into two groups: the orthodox Jews who rigidly kept the law and all its petty regulations, and the rest who didn't keep all the minute regulations. The orthodox treated the latter like second class citizens. They scrupulously avoided their company, refused to do business with them, refused to give or receive anything from them, refused to intermarry, and avoided any form of friendship with them, including table fellowship. Jesus' association with the latter, especially with tax collectors and public sinners, shocked the sensibilities of these orthodox Jews.
A true physician of body, mind, and soul When the Pharisees challenged Jesus unorthodox behavior in eating with public sinners, Jesus' defense was quite simple. A doctor doesn't need to treat healthy people - instead he goes to those who are sick. Jesus likewise sought out those in the greatest need. A true physician seeks healing of the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. Jesus came as the divine physician and good shepherd to care for his people and to restore them to wholeness of life. 
The orthodox were so preoccupied with their own practice of religion that they neglected to help the very people who needed the greatest care. Their religion was selfish because they didn't want to have anything to do with people not like themselves. Jesus stated his mission in unequivocal terms: I came not to call the righteous, but to call sinners. Ironically the orthodox were as needy as those they despised. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Do you thank the Lord for the great mercy he has shown to you? And do you seek the good of all your neighbors and show them mercy and kindness?
Leave all and follow Christ "By 'follow' he meant not so much the movement of feet as of the heart, the carrying out of a way of life. For one who says that he lives in Christ ought himself to walk just as he walked, not to aim at earthly things, not to pursue perishable gains, but to flee base praise, to embrace willingly the contempt of all that is worldly for the sake of heavenly glory, to do good to all, to inflict injuries upon no one in bitterness, to suffer patiently those injuries that come to oneself, to ask God's forgiveness for those who oppress, never to seek one's own glory but always God's, and to uphold whatever helps one love heavenly things. This is what is meant by following Christ. In this way, disregarding earthly gains, Matthew attached himself to the band of followers of One who had no riches. For the Lord himself, who outwardly called Matthew by a word, inwardly bestowed upon him the gift of an invisible impulse so that he was able to follow."Are you ready to forsake all for the Lord Jesus Christ?
Lord Jesus, our Savior, let us now come to you: Our hearts are cold; Lord, warm them with your selfless love. Our hearts are sinful; cleanse them with your precious blood. Our hearts are weak; strengthen them with your joyous Spirit. Our hearts are empty; fill them with your divine presence. Lord Jesus, our hearts are yours; possess them always and only for yourself.
Lectionary for Mass for use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, copyright (c) 2001, 1998, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain (c) 1968, 1981, 1997, international committee on english in the liturgy, Inc All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner 
**Meditations may be freely reprinted and translated into other languages for non-profit use only. Please cite copyright and original source. Copyright 2021 Daily Scripture Readings and Meditation, dailyscripture.net author Don Schwager
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williamsonjace · 1 year
How To Start Morning With Healthy Manuka Honey Diet To Change Your Immune System - DownUnderHoney
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Manuka honey is a kind of honey that originates in specific parts of New Zealand and Australia. Honey bees that fertilize the flowers grown on a type of tea tree manuka bush produce this valuable honey in the regions of those two countries.
People have conventionally utilized manuka honey to heal injuries, prevent tooth decay and soothe sore throats after purchasing it from a wholesale New Zealand honey supplier. Plus, research has found that they can consume manuka honey to help avert ulcers and treat acne. Now the question that might be coming to your mind is, what are the properties of manuka honey? This blog section discusses this question’s answer below.
Manuka honey has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. It gets its antimicrobial impacts from an active ingredient known as methylglyoxal. The conversion of another composite called dihydroxyacetone has helped develop methylglyoxal in manuka honey—the greater the concentration of methylglyoxal, the studier the manuka honey’s antibacterial qualities. Experts consider Manuka honey monofloral honey, often produced from the nectar of a single kind of flower.
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How Should People Consume New Zealand Manuka Honey?
People should consume manuka honey in the morning to boost their immune systems. Experts recommend that if people suffer from a digestive flare-up, they should consume two tablespoons of manuka honey in the morning and at night unless their signs ease. They can also mix an everyday dose of manuka honey into their morning cup. If people are interested in adding Manuka honey to their meal plan, they must think about spreading it onto a whole grain toast slice or mixing it in their yogurt.
Tea consumers can also add a spoonful of healthy manuka honey diet to their morning cups. If people have suffered from a sore throat or they are interested in becoming proactive, they should consume one-half to one tablespoon full of Manuka honey every day. If they are not ill, this might help improve their immunity and ensure they do not get sick. If people are already suffering from a sore throat, Manuka honey can play a crucial role in easing their symptoms of this health problem. These are some of the manuka honey health benefits which people can avail by consuming it.
How Does Manuka Honey Benefits of Immunity System?
Research has found that raw Manuka honey is filled with nutrients and antioxidants that are mainly a part of the pollen it consists of. Manuka honey also features strong antimicrobial qualities and enzymes that are highly advantageous for the immune system. Apart from that, research has found that Manuka honey features anti-inflammatory qualities, further supporting the notion that it has advantages for the immune system. Since ancient times, people have been utilizing raw honey for treating diseases. This makes honey one of the most outdated medications known to man.
But only now, with the help of scientific research, have humans realized why honey is so unique. Whenever winter arrives, it is an essential time for people to emphasize their health and ensure that their immune system is in excellent shape to guarantee that they do not suffer from flu and winter colds. Everyone needs to take a little extra care in the cold weather, and raw manuka honey’s natural goodness is the only thing that will boost their human body. But what precisely contributes to the advantages of Manuka honey for the immunity system?
There are many theories on why Manuka honey might be advantageous for the immune system, and the research is yet in its infancy. Nevertheless, one study has demonstrated promising outcomes in comprehending the underpinning mechanisms behind the benefits of the immune system for Manuka honey. Research published in 2020 indicated that Manuka honey increased the discharge of the number of cytokines, essentially for the immune response.
Cytokines play a crucial role in letting white blood cells eliminate and find damaged or infected tissues. The high antioxidant levels of Manuka honey could also strengthen and reform gut microbiome and immunity levels whenever ingested as well. Manuka honey features antibacterial qualities which play a crucial role in supporting the immune and respiratory systems of the human body.
Benefits of Consuming New Zealand Manuka Honey:
It Helps Heal Wounds:
Since ancient times, people have consumed honey to treat boils, sores, burns, and wounds. In 2007, the American food and drug regulatory body approved manuka honey for treating injuries. Many studies have found that Manuka honey can improve wound healing, amplify tissue generation and even ease the pain of burns patients. For instance, fourteen-day research investigated the impacts of Manuka honey dressing on forty persons with non-healing injuries. The results demonstrated that eighty-eight percent of the injuries decreased in magnitude. Moreover, it played a key role in developing an acidic wound atmosphere, which favors the healing of wounds. Manuka honey might play a helpful role in healing diabetic ulcers.
Saudi Arabian research has shown that Manuka honey injury dressings, whenever utilized in combination with traditional wound treatment, cured diabetic ulcers more efficiently than traditional treatment alone. Apart from that, Greek research has found that Manuka honey injury dressings lowered curing time and disinfected injuries in patients suffering from diabetic foot ulcers. Another study observed the efficiency of Manuka honey in curing eyelid injuries following surgery. They found that every eyelid wound healed effectively, irrespective of whether the injuries were treated with Vaseline or Manuka honey. Nevertheless, patients were informed that their disfiguring treated with Manuka honey was less painful and stiff than disfiguring treated with Vaseline.
It Promotes Oral Health of Manuka Honey:
According to the American health agency, almost half of Americans suffer from some type of periodontal illness; it keeps gums healthy and circumvents tooth decay; it is essential to minimize dangerous oral microbes that can result in plaque formation. It is also vital not to fully clean the nice oral microbes that help people keep their mouths healthy. Researchers have found that Manuka honey effectively inhibits the growth of dangerous oral microbes due to its high antibacterial activity. The research assessed the impacts of sucking or chewing on a honey chew on decreasing gingivitis and plaque. The honey chew was made of Manuka honey, like honey candy.
After their three everyday meals, participants were guided to either suck or chew on the honey chew for six hundred seconds or chew a sugar-free resin. The honey-chew group demonstrated a significant decrease in gingival bleeding and plaque compared to people who masticated the sugar-free gum. The notion of consuming honey for decent oral health is counterintuitive, as it is often said that consuming too many sweets can produce cavities. Nevertheless, contrary to refined sugar and candy, the substantial antibacterial impacts of Manuka honey make it unlikely to decay teeth or contribute to cavities.
Cure a Sore Throat of Manuka Honey:
If people are suffering from sore throats, Manuka honey might play a key role in providing some relief. Its antimicrobial and antiviral qualities can cut down inflammation and attack the microbes that result in pain. A recent research in patients experiencing chemotherapy treatment for neck and head cancer observed the impacts of Manuka honey consumption on streptococcus mutants, a kind of microbes causing sore throats. Interestingly, scientists found a scientific decline in Streptococcus mutans after their consumption of Manuka honey.
Moreover, Manuka honey reduces dangerous oral bacteria that lead to mucositis, chemotherapy, and radiation’s common side effect. For quite some time, different kinds of honey have been flaunted as natural cough suppressants, and how honey bee survives in winter is as efficient as a common cough suppressant. Though researchers did not utilize Manuka honey in that study, it will probably be just as efficient at suppressing coughs.
Enhances Digestive Symptoms of New Zealand Manuka Honey:
Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the common digestive diseases. Its associated signs encompass irregular bowel movements, abdominal aches, diarrhea, and constipation. Interestingly, scientists have found that regular Manuka honey consumption might help reduce these symptoms. It has been proved that Manuka honey reduces inflammation and enhances antioxidant status in rats suffering from ulcerative colitis, a kind of inflammatory bowel disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Manuka honey has also attacked Clostridium difficile’s strains.
Clostridium difficile is a kind of bacterial infectious disease that results in bowel inflammation and severe diarrhea. Doctors often treat Clostridium difficile with antibiotics. Nevertheless, recent research showed the Manuka honey’s efficiency on Clostridium difficile strains. Manuka honey eliminated Clostridium difficile cells, making it a potentially efficient treatment. It is essential to notice that the above research showed the influence of Manuka honey on microbial infections in test-tube research and rats. Further studies are needed to help scientists reach a complete conclusion regarding its effect on the bowel’s microbial infections.
It Might Treat Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms of Manuka Honey:
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that harms the lungs and can also adversely influence the human digestive system and the rest of the organs. It influences the cells that make mucus, resulting in the production of abnormally sticky and thick mucus. This thick mucus blocks ducts and airways, leading to breathing problems. Unluckily, upper respiratory infections are very common in people suffering from cystic fibrosis. Research has found that Manuka honey fights microbes that make people suffer from upper respiratory diseases.
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