#whoops that was quite a tangent
refinedbuffoonery · 2 years
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anyway this is why i do what i do
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senblades · 2 months
Just realized that Crow and Violet enter the Phantom thieves group with the same condition, though not the same circumstances.
They both first Joined as a fake of themselves, fooling everyone. Then they were a 2-phase boss fight, where the true self gets revealed. Then they join the team, for good and for real.
I'll always be a little sad that Atlus never went all-in on the SumiGoro friendship/parallels potential... o7 another fallen dynamic for the pit
in all seriousness, though: many people have talked about the Akechi and Sumire parallels far better than I ever could, but I'll talk some more anyway!
I think the most obvious parallel is in who they admire/resent. Sumire, obviously, admires Kasumi in every way- undercut with resentment that she's scared to ackowledge. Akechi, meanwhile, resents Joker to hell and back, undercut with layers of admiration that he refuses to admit to (+ uh. shauke angst HAHA)
Both are lying to themselves about their other halves, but even more interestingly: Both Kasumi and Joker see Sumire and Akechi respectively as their equals/rivals, despite everything, and even though it may seem that one half is clearly better than the other at first glance.
Sumire's coach, during the Faith confidant, tells Sumire how Kasumi had worked so hard because she knew if she didn't, Sumire would catch up to her- that Kasumi was jealous of Sumire's grace (Ironic, as meanwhile Sumire was desperate to emulate Kasumi's boldness)
Joker's a bit different -silent protag, and all- but, even still: "I'll hold onto you're glove", "I won't lose"- so much of Joker's dialogue about Akechi makes it clear that he takes the other seriously. Plus, the consistent reminders that the promise for a rematch hasn't been fulfilled: clearly, Joker doesn't consider the interrogation room nor the engine room 'fair fights', or true indicators of either's skill (stop me before I go on a tangent)
It's not just Joker=Kasumi and Sumire=Akechi, though. The fact that both sides of each equation are equals means that some lines get crossed. I'm thinking Kasumi's "Because that's my right, as the elder sister!" vs. Akechi's "Going all out against a junior seems a bit gauche, don't you think?"- both Kasumi and Akechi seem to have this idea that they have to be better (a bit of speculation on my part, for Kasumi)- they have no excuse to lose; it's only natural if they win, and incredibly dissapointing otherwise.
back to crow/violet parallels, they also act as excellent foils for each other in the royal trio dynamic: Sumire, when faced with low self-esteem and terrible circumstances, latches onto people that she considers "better"- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all! And Sumire has imitation in spades.
Akechi, meanwhile, distances himself from pretty much everyone. He seems to value shallow praise of people that don't really see, rather than experience the mortifying ordeal of being known, and whatnot.
but even then, Akechi does have some similar tendencies to Sumire- he just hides it under layers of deflection and lying to himself. He claims to absolutely hate Shido and Joker, and while I don't doubt that, necessarily, it's clearly far more complicated than that. Akechi, no matter how he feels about them, lives and dies by the will of his obsessions- and by the time of the third semster, he's had enough. (while, conversely, Sumire hasn't quite learned to stand on her own)
Actually, speaking of the third semester; Maruki's reality also highlights some similarities between the two, as the two people most egregiously edited by the false reality: Sumire, back to believing she's Kasumi, and Akechi as "I've never had a violent thought in my life!" pleasant boy. Those two are the only members of the PT where Maruki goes straight for the personality.
whoops. long post HAHA
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hell-raven · 9 months
absurdly long tangent/analysis
EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this isn't to dissuade anyone from interpreting the canon as they want i just wanted to share my personal opinions based on the preexisting canon that may or may not be very passionate, please just have fun do whatever you want none of this is fact
i really hate how utsuho is flanderized to death and constantly boiled down to "the dumb bird girl" because if you actually sit down and Read her dialogue instead of relying on secondhand information you learn quite a few things about her (when i say this is absurdly long i mean it so keep reading at your own risk)
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extrapolating from her own dialogue:
she actually wanted to blow everything up in th11 for real and it wasnt just a "hehe whoops" kind of thing. she was bestowed an extremely powerful ability and deliberately wanted to use it to cause destruction/take over gensokyo
she is extremely knowledgeable about her ability and job (anything related to nuclear power and regulating the flames of blazing hell, or just things about former hell itself)
she takes her job very seriously and supposedly does it very well
but there are a few things that get people: she has poor memory, other characters refer to her as "birdbrained" or "empty-headed, and there are a select few instances of dialogue from hisouten/gouyoku ibun that catch peoples attention. its one of those things where because other characters (and people) say shes stupid, it influences everyone else! in my opinion, i think her own actions straight from the source are much more indicative of who she is rather than the quick judgements of other characters.
the first major point before i get into the specific dialogue in the fighting games: "kanako needed an empty-headed hell raven, and utsuho fit the bill"
what exactly is meant by "empty-headed"? this is going to be more of an abstraction, so definitely take it with a grain of salt. we dont know much about utsuho before she gained her powers, just that she worked as a lowly hell raven that helped around the palace of the earth spirits/hell. to me, it sounds like an incredibly mind-numbing job that really doesnt require much thinking to begin with, so of course you wouldn't expect some kind of supergenius from it. im also going to go out on a limb and say that utsuho was a candidate for kanako's plan because she's also considered a pet. many unfortunately conclude that pets can't be intelligent, and even the title of "pet" carries the connotation of inferiority. even if she was truly empty-headed as previously suggested, this doesn't mean that she stayed as such with no change at all. when i first played th11, i would have never guessed that she would be "the stupid one".
small note: ZUN's comment on her theme ("even a fool that possesses great power can't cause too much harm")
the problem i have with this is that she really would have caused a lot of harm if the protagonists hadn't stopped her. you could say shes a fool for letting the power get to her head, but objectively i cant exactly point to anything in th11's dialogue/scenarios that suggests she's foolish unless you really want to count bad memory-retention as such. not gonna argue this too hard, but it seems like "fool" is a word thrown around very freely with little thought to how you can actually apply it to a situation.
IN HISOUTEN: sanae beats her up and afterwards says "youre trying to help me, actually" to which utsuho is like "Oh Ok". you could argue this is probably her dumbest moment, but would you really not follow or listen to the person who defeated you in battle? its not the most defensible point, but she didnt even seem completely oblivious either when she was asking sanae about the incident. my personal interpretation is that she has a bit of a short temper related to how important her job is. there are plenty of other 2hus who are generally sillier than this, it doesnt make much sense why utsuho is the only one who gets this treatment.
IN GOUYOKU IBUN: utsuho doesnt notice reimu before she starts blasting her to bits, which to be fair reimu wears all red in Hell (her fault honestly) + correct me if im wrong but is the power of nuclear fusion not extremely blinding? supporting this, in the events of GI its also implied that shes being overworked due to the oil incident, and we already established that she takes her job very seriously, so to me it makes sense that her first thought is to "remove the contaminant" and to use a lot of her energy in the process. a lot of people in general sometimes get wrapped up in their own work to the point of hyperfocusing, i say the bird can do it too
i also havent brought up the fact that we dont exactly know wtf eating a god does to your brain, whos to say it didnt fuck with you a little bit?
past all of this though i still think utsuho is funny as hell with her particularly bold and uncaring personality, its just that people seem to think that a couple of goofy moments make up her whole character and its just mildly annoying to me.. subterranean animism will probably be my favorite portrayal of utsuho because of how seriously they all treat her (mostly) but overall i wish more touhou fans would actually indulge in the source material and think a bit deeper about this neat little piece of fiction that i am WAY too passionate about (also its just way more fun to look at characters from a complex perspective)
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abiiors · 1 year
George is black cat bf and golden retriever gf coded <3 (do what you will with that)
Sorry it took me so long to do this and also this is so sappy but I hope you like 💞
I’m already saying this but I’m gonna write a smutty part 2 for this 
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George is content sitting in the corner of the room tonight. 
He leans back on the leather sofa, feeling quite at home in his expensive and stylish suit and sips on some Scotch. People mill about around him; chatting, engaging in small talk (the horrors) but his eyes are focused on the person at the centre of it all. 
You flit around from one person to the other and then to the next. They’re all here for you after all—your adoring fans and critics alike, here to get their book signed and have a chance to meet their favourite author. Most of them are young people, girls just entering their twenties and boys who are the literary types. Some of them have tried to chat with George too. 
To his credit, he’s done a great job of blending in with the crowd, just another fan but he does get recognised every once in a while. He smiles and nods, says a polite hello but makes sure to tell them that he’s just there in support tonight. 
The small bookstore is decorated in the colour scheme of the book—A soft pink and red, hints of teal and gold but they just barely peek through. He’s read this book now, more times than perhaps even your editor has. He has been here for all the drafts, for all the frustrated tears and the whoops of joy. He has been there to drag you back to bed when the kitchen light is still on at 3 am and you’re hunched over your laptop, or neck-deep in research. He’s been there through your indecisiveness between two cover designs and your countless attempts at taking the perfect author photo and now here he sits tonight. 
Every time he looks at you, at the brilliant joy on your face, he feels the ball of pride in his chest grow bigger. 
Halfway through the conversation you’re having, your eyes wander over to him. He is, of course, already looking so he just smiles wider and raises his glass in cheers. The smile slips a little when he sees you looking apologetic. He’s about to indicate something when he sees you excuse yourself and run over to him. 
The gorgeous purple dress he’s helped you pick out sways and swishes perfectly every time you move. And now as you get closer, he’s once again in awe of how well you’ve carried yourself this evening. 
‘Sorry, sorry,’ you pant a little, ‘I’ve practically abandoned you all night, I’m so sorry.’
The apologetic smile is back on your face and he all but pulls you down on his lap right there. 
‘Baby, don’t apologise,’ he extends a hand for you to hold, ‘it’s your event!’
You grab a hold of it gratefully and sink into the sofa next to him. It’s been a fantastic evening but it’s also been tiring, to say the least. The drink in his hand looks delicious and he wastes no time handing you the glass once he sees you eyeing it. 
‘Go on,’ he signals, ‘you look like you need a breather.’
This is how it goes. He offers a drink, offers to listen to whatever you have to say; be it after a frustrating day of work or right in the middle of a bustling event. There are several tangents to your stories, there always are. Incoherent thoughts that need to be all brought together first before they can be streamlined. 
‘I just,’ you take a sip and let it rest in your mouth for a second, ‘I can’t believe it’s out into the world you know? I worked so hard on it.’
‘I know you did,’ he encourages. 
‘I don’t want to let go of her,’ you confess. ‘All the nights I spent doing research and all the revisions and new drafts. It feels like this book is a part of me and now that she’s finally out into the world, I’m gonna have to let her go.’
George rests a hand on your knee. He knows this feeling perfectly well; he knows what it’s like to feverishly work on something, to dedicate all your waking hours to one thing before it’s finally time to put it into the world. He knows the bittersweetness that comes with it. And he feels a new kinship when he sees it on your face tonight. 
‘It will always be a part of you,’ he says quietly, ‘even when you start something new, even when your next project consumes you.’
You consider his words, let them mull over as you take another sip. 
‘God, you’re so wise,’ you tease. 
That makes him laugh. It’s deep and rich, his first real laugh all evening that goes beyond polite smiles. ‘It’s all the weed,’ he whispers conspiratorially. 
‘You’re right, though. I—’
‘Sorry, excuse me?’ A sheepish-looking guy cuts in. ‘I was just wondering if you were free for a photo?’ He extends a hand in greeting, names the literary magazine he’s from and George watches the recognition dawn on your face. Along with the excitement. 
You’re already turning to him, about to say sorry but he interrupts quickly. ‘Go. Be a social butterfly.’ Then he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on your lips, ‘I’m so proud of you,’ he whispers, ‘and I’m right here.’
You smile gratefully and hand his glass back to him and just like that you’re off with the guy chatting animatedly about something or the other. The glass in his hands is almost empty now. He realises that you needed it far more than he thought. 
He traces a finger over the small lipstick smudge on the rim and smiles to himself. He doesn’t mind being left in the corner for one night. Actually, he’s perfectly content just watching you shine from the sidelines.
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if reqs are alright rn, may I request a reader who has a hyper interest in psychology and behaviors, with arkhamverse dork squad? Like they raddle on about different psych facts that may come to mind with every day things or out of nowhere, and sometimes psychoanalyzes the boys without meaning to- I hope this is alright!
Psych Hyperfixative Reader w/ the Dork Squad (Arkhamverse flavor)
Absolutely alright! Very fun (and maybe a tad relatable, whoops). I wasn't sure if you wanted outright romantic, so I went more caring could go either way.
TW: Mentions of Jervis's mind control
Mad Hatter
- It's something you love and are interested in! He cares for you so therefore he's giving you full attention.
- You might get neuroscience facts back, even if they seem confusing the way Jervis explains them. He promises they relate! It is usually related, just hard to see unless you are also a neuroscientist.
- It's so funny to talk about why people do things, especially since he can make them do things! The psychology of the compliant.
- Be wary of analyzing him. When talking strictly about behaviors or mannerisms, hes likely to ooo and ah over your "expertise."
- "How clever! I do that all the time and I never noticed... how lucky am I to have you at my side forever!"
- If, though, you were to start psychoanalyzing him, there are a couple things that can happen. Keep in mind a lot of this is because he can be unpredictable.
- One is that he gets paranoid. Why are you saying things like that? This whole time have you been a spy for The Red Queen? He goes off on tangents/delusions that are unhealthy for his mindset.
- He laughs it off as you being a card "like Jon."
- He gets snippy or aggressive. Just what are you accusing him of...? He doesn't want to talk about the bad things he did. The horrible things he did...
- finally, he's in a more lucid period and seems anxious, remorseful, but trying to be supportive of your interest still.
- The rambling gets a lot of "uh-huh" "oh interesting" because he wants you to feel sort of like you're being listened to, but doesn't want to put in effort when the conversation isn't about him or something he wants to talk about. It's your interest but... he's been around a lot of psychology over the years. Plus he gets it from Jon. The fact he's trying instead of telling you to fuck off is a big deal.
- "Congratulations on being more intelligent than my psychiatrist in Arkham. It's not a difficult feat, but it's still an accomplishment you should be proud of. Maybe."
- Has a love-hate relationship with being analyzed. Loves talking about himself, he could do that for hours. Hates having his vulnerable bits poked at. Ask him what fascinates him about making riddlerbots, not more nonsense about his father.
- Also be prepared to have those tables turned on you if you press too hard, even accidentally. He can make quite a few astute observations about people in a short time. Blunt verging on cruel. If you get upset, he'll stand by it but definitely feel like a dick.
- He thinks the chatter is charming, actually. Reminds him of when he had students. You might be his favorite teacher's pet, though.
- Likely he'll respond back with his own facts or even relatable experiences from the Before. Before he was disgraced, before he lost his mind, before the mauling- When he was practicing.
- He's the one to realize any psychoanalysis by you is not intentional. At very first he was intent on showing you he could get into your mind better than you his-
- But you either apologize or he notes a rather... oblivious tone to the way you speak. Ah, it's not meant to be a dig or you trying to be coy.
- What he might do is try to redirect you a little. You know, the best way to get certain kinds of information from someone is x, y, and z as questions.
- Subtly, he'll do it back to see if you notice. Nothing too harsh or deep into any trauma, though he certainly could go there if he's feeling prickly.
- However, he does his best to realize this is a hyperfixation and not to get defensive if you accidentally hit a sore spot.
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takenbypeter · 1 year
The Perfect Boyfriend
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Steven Grant x reader
Words: 839
Number 23: “What do you mean, ‘whoops’?”
Author’s note: got this as inspiration form a comment someone left on one of my other Steven fics so thank you to @queerponcho
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Steven was the perfect boyfriend. He was respectful. He was thoughtful. You adored his tangents and found it quite cute how he could so easily switch topics just as quickly as he started them.
He wasn’t one for quiet. Typically the room was filled with his own voice or that of a recent podcast that he’d be listening to. But today the room was quiet.
You two were spending the time reading, with you curled up with your legs beside you in one corner of the couch while Steven sat on the opposite side, facing you with his knees tucked into his chest.
You were nose deep in your book, fully invested in the drama you were currently reading. You were so focused that you didn’t even notice Steven had set his book down lines ago.
He hadn’t meant to get distracted, I mean who truly does. He was reading his book when his eyes grew slightly tired from the words. So tearing his eyes away from his own book his eyes just so happen to have naturally drifted before he caught sight of you. You were trying to suppress a wide toothed grin which clearly wasn’t working because you quickly gave into the smile.
And when you smiled, so did he. He watched, surely entertained at how your expressions clearly portrayed an event that was happening in your book.
When something funny happened you grinned, when something sad happened the corners of your lips tugged slightly into a frown. When something surprising happened your jaw dropped wide open. When you found something hard to believe your eyebrows pressed together creating a crease in the middle. He was admiring it all. He found it all so endearing. This wasn’t the first time Steven’s gotten distracted by you and it certainly won’t be the last, but most of the time he didn’t even know he was doing it.
You were just about smiling again at a line you’d read when your eyes suddenly left the page and met his catching him slightly off guard as he didn’t expect the sudden eye contact. It wouldn’t have been so bad if this was the first time you’ve caught him like this today, but…it wasn’t.
Your wide smile softened slightly as you locked eyes with Steven, who looked back down at his book before his eyes went up again meeting yours. In the next moment you tried to suppress your smile from reaching your cheeks as you held your book up to hide your face.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you breathed out from behind the pages.
You couldn’t see him but he put a hand to his chest genuinely apologetic, “whoops, I’m sorry. Was I staring?”
You put your book back to your side as you let out a laugh at his reaction, “whoops? What do you mean whoops?” You teased finding his response slightly funny.
He laughed a little with you before he started again, “no, I mean I’m sorry I hadn’t meant to be staring, you just…” he paused which was very unlike him. Typically Steven would continue carrying on with the conversation quickly but this time he paused. “Truth be told I was admiring you. Sorry that sounds so weird doesn’t it? No but seriously, the way the light is bouncing off you right now, and your hair…”
With each and every compliment he gave, you honestly didn’t know how to react, you couldn’t even look him in the eye with how embarrassed you had suddenly become. You weren’t sure if you should hide again or make a dumb joke about it all to make the moment pass by quickly. But despite how awkward you felt about the compliments Steven would constantly give you, you couldn’t help but feel good about them as well. His words always held a sincerity to them that had you truly believing what he said and you loved him for that.
“You look just absolutely perfect. Well I mean you always look perfect of course—“
Steven’s small tangent got interrupted by a couch pillow flying across the way. He managed to close his eyes right as the cushion hit him flat in the face before falling straight down.
His eyes reopened and found yours. Your cheeks had become engulfed in warmth by now and your smile had reached your eyes, creating crinkles around the corners.
“Don’t sell yourself short, you are just as perfect Steven, maybe even more so,” now it was his turn to become flustered.
“Well I don’t know about that.”
You interrupted before he could get on further with that thought, “You don't have to know about that, because I know it for a fact. You are a much more than perfect boyfriend than I could’ve ever imagined.”
His eyes darted away from your then back before he leaned in, “well if you say it so then it must be true.”
You giggled a little as you smacked his leg at his silly demeanor.
Yeah Steven was the perfect boyfriend.
Dialogue Prompts
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brakingpoint · 8 months
It's also been weird to me to see sects of fandom demonize McLaren for dropping Ricciardo for underperforming, then demonizing AT them for taking him back 'just for PR' as if that makes any sense. Then criticise Red Bull for dropping an underperforming driver 'too soon' (??? honey welcome to business and sport??), and then criticise Red Bull for not dropping the driver they brought into replace him as older experience for an untested rookie.
The fandom removes the concept of drivers own agency, but also it straight cannot make up its mind. It's a new breed of crazy sports fans mixed with modern social media moral grandstanders.
i do think, to be fair, that a lot of the specific examples in this ask are coming from different sides of the fandom (like i don't think the people lambasting mclaren for dropping ricciardo are usually the same fans begging for lawson to replace him full time at AT, yknow?) but i do find when you look at specific driver or team fandoms there's a degree of hypocrisy going on. like, i'd say there's probably more of an overlap between daniel fans who were furious with mclaren for dropping him for underperforming, and daniel fans who are entirely in favour of red bull dropping checo for underperforming. this discourse was not meant to turn into ricciardo wank but apparently that's where we are this afternoon. whoops
anyway, of course some level of hypocrisy in sports opinions is justifiable and entirely expected, in part because Sports Fans Are Biased And That Is The Nature Of Being A Sports Fan, and also because sometimes the circumstances are different enough to warrant a different opinion on the morals of a given sacking (for example i personally think that "firing a driver who frequently struggles to reach Q3 in a championship winning car", or "firing a driver who, over 2 years in a theoretically competitive midfield car, failed time and time again to consistently extract the same results from it as his teammate", is quite different to "firing a rookie 10 races into the season because he is having unremarkable - but not terrible, with the car's awful performance taken into account - results compared to his teammate with 2 years' experience in that team")
BUT i think it can come off the wrong way when fans are openly biased (in terms of rooting for a driver to get sacked so your fave can get a seat) and act like performance-related sackings are inflicted by cruel and uncaring teams for Vague Evil Reasons Involving Lots Of Conspiracies And Sabotage. which is why i think - to bring this massive tangent back from "complaining about a subsection of daniel fans" and back to the point i was making in my original post lmfao - both the Athletes' Mental Health issue and the Teams Are Allowed To Fire Drivers Who Are Not Doing Well issue need to be allowed to coexist in this fandom with considerably more nuance
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kira-moonrabbit · 16 days
As a rhythm game fan, I shall represent a few of my fave songs 🫡
系ぎて / Tsunagite by rintaro soma : https://youtu.be/q26OmWO8ccg
Serves as the climax at one of the biggest rhythm arcade game events ever. Despite its slow speed, it still packs a punch. The name translates to “connect (with me)”.
World Ender by sasakure.UK x TJ.hangneil : https://youtu.be/lAYw5ZTJztE
It’s hard to describe TJ.hangneil songs in general, since they’re “otherworldly”- in an alien-sorta sense. (sasakure and hangneil are the same person, but for RP purposes they collabed via “five-dimensional data interference”.)
Some others:
opia by rN: Neurofunk makes for pretty interesting sounds. (https://youtu.be/a9woc3gxC4E)
Upshift by Iriss-Frantzz: More of a typical “dance” genre. (https://youtu.be/twlSwHYPOG0)
Heavensdoor by LeaF: Meant to evoke a feeling of hollowness- ever heard a song with only kicks? (https://youtu.be/-r4DH6sJFDA)
Inori by 光吉猛修 VS 穴山大輔 VS Kai VS 水野健治 VS 大国奏音: Hard to describe this one, definitely feels like a Boss Song. (https://youtu.be/rjB6waYflTg)
That’s all I’ll put for now, sorry for the disturbance ^^’
Salutes you back, boss. Since I'm feeling epic... I'll tell you what I thought of every song! Long story short: Very good, and gave me a lot to think about... But under a cut for dashboardyness. There's also tangents!
系ぎて / Tsunagite - VERY niceys! Probably the coolest sequence of looking at a floating crystal ever, that music video is. It gave me a feeling of like... hope! beyond hellish circumstances! It was nice.
World Ender - It's like running... it makes me feel like running, and there's a countdown. The music video as displayed also definitely conveys SOMETHING.
As a whole, I can see why the above two songs were your first picks of showing off. They're real heavy hitters, emotionally... I'm no good at expressing how songs make me feel, but they give off the same sort of "hopeful desperation." One leans more on hope, the other on desperation.
As a side note, I've never really paid much attention to rhythm games that aren't a little silly with it (examples of being a little silly with it including rhythm heaven and rhythm doctor... yes, you can boo me off the stage). These all really make me want to reconsider, but at the same time, the video reccomendations youtube's been giving me on the side make it seem like they're liable to break your fingers if you play wrong. I can still definitely enjoy the music on the side. ...But speaking of music!!! whoops!!!!
opia - Neurofunk, huh. They love to give silly names to genres. A genre I know I like that I can give a name to is like, Slushwave. That sounds like something straight out of Hypnospace Outlaw, but no, it's real! And back to the song at hand, this gives me a solid first impression of what neurofunk is. I love the piano backing... It never quite fades into obscurity. Despite the beats being so fast, every sound counts! No wasted space. ...Music can never waste space, but you know what I mean.
Upshift - I admit, this got me to dance a little. Well, wiggle a little in my chair. Still! Listening to it again to keep it at the forefront of my thoughts is making me resume my silly wiggling. In fact, I can barely pause to write anything down... that's how you know something's really made me happy. I can't say anything about it because every time I try to think of something meaningful, I start wiggling happily instead of thinking!
Heavensdoor - At first, I got a little confused when I saw the turn of phrase "a song with only kicks." But now I understand. This song is something monks have to listen to in order to reach enlightenment in the subject of music, I think. But in all seriousness, it's preddy good. All evidence also shows that this song scares rhythm game players, which makes me honored that you showed a "normie" like me as a first suggestion.
But here's a small aside that your description made me think. You say heavensdoor is made to evoke hollowness... at first I went in thinking this was going to be lower key, and then I got surprised when it wasn't what I was thinking. And I guess it is lower key compared to the rest of these songs! It goes to show that hollowness has many meanings. Because it's got less "empty" hollowness and more "uncaring" hollowness to it, if that makes sense? Here, I gotta grab something.... Here, this song, Flicker Trail from Yume 2kki. I went in expecting something a bit more like this. I love me some ambiance-flavored music. But I also need things that aren't ambiance! And this is why I got so excited when I started listening, enough to start writing all this down. Music is good! i love music! i love talking about music!!!! Oh, but I have one last song to say my thoughts about....
Inori - You really saved the best for last, be it intentionally or no. This one's my favorite of this group you've shown me... I love songs where it feels like a battle for fate is going on. And it uses choirs preddy good too. This song SLAPS, if you pardon my french!!! i'm going to drag this to my bestie who has shown interest in music like this.
And last sidenote. I listened to these all while just staring and listening. But some people I know can only listen to new music while doing something else. That would make it tough to pay attention to the minutae of the song for me! But it does fill me with wonder... there's many ways to experience a song. And how you experience it will shape your opinion of it! It's a genuinely cool phenomena to me...
And that's all........ I'm going to have to restrain myself from giving a really detailed list of reccomendations back as thanks for the dinner, both because this post is already long enough, and because my music taste doesn't have many other songs like this (yet). But I can give you one song in exchange. Present World Overhaul from Len'en 3... it goes really nuts. it's noisy and kinda screechy. it's got trumpets for days. and most of all, it rewired my neurons. If you want a more proper description, alas, I'm not the one to call for normal music descriptions...
But anyways! thank you so so so much for the reccomendations!!! And hey, it's no disturbance if it's something i went and asked for!
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the-girl-from-dres · 9 months
helloooo!!! you said one of your interests is D&D (me too) and i was wondering if you could tell me about one of your characters or ocs from other rp’s!! u seem super interesting and i wanna hear about ur stuff :P
(also is that a bill and ted reference i see in ur pinned post?)
Hmm... Well, a character I've been rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken for a bit now is related to a homebrew race I've been cooking up a little recently... It's essentially a fairly novel (at least I think so) take on slime folks:
Essentially, the idea is that salamanders need to keep their skin moist and covered in a special mucus in order to survive -it helps them breathe, among other things.
And then I thought, what if some salamander had a thick dermal layer of mucus that was a non-newtonian fluid?
For anyone who doesn't know, a non Newtonian fluid is a fluid which changes how viscous it is depending on how much stress it's experiencing -Oobleck (made of water and corn starch), for example, gets more solid and hard the harder you press on it. I thought this would be a really interesting concept for a D&D race as it'd allow for some interesting combat fuckery!
My idea is essentially that a salamander would have resistance to slashing and piercing damage, thanks to its mucus layer hardening under the force of the blade, but it would also have a vulnerability to bludgeoning (and possibly also force) damage; a harder material transfers percussive force much more easily than a soft one.
There would be a few areas this thick non-newtonian mucus isn't present, namely the mouth, eyes and hands (these places have different skin with a thinner layer of more traditional mucus), but everywhere else would be covered.
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Here's a pretty bad drawing of Aeran the Yellow, a fairly typical salamander warrior. With the mucus providing a fairly strong layer of protection, most salamander armour is heavily padded to protect against percussive blows. At least two layers of thick gambeson on the torso is expected, and often more. A fairly popular addition to the chest armour is a woven wicker breastplate and plackart -if woven properly this can be quite springy and can help absorb blows to the chest and abdomen.
Aeran here wears a human-made steel bascinet -a fairly popular design among salamanders thanks to its ergonomic shape. In fact, human armourers have started making bascinets especially for salamanders, with thinner armour around the head which makes room for more intricate suspension systems -which helps the helmet absorb blunt impacts more effectively. Some also feature special two-part visors which open to the sides in order to protect a salamander's more vulnerable mouth area -injuries to the jaw are not uncommon for a salamander in a line of work like Aeran the Yellow's. They carry a Goedendag, a two handed, heavy pole-like club with a sizeable spike on the end. It's an effective blunt weapon -something useful for fighting other salamanders- and it also has a good thrusting capability. You do not want to be stabbed with a Goedendag, trust me. The extra weight means there's more force behind the thrust, too.
Salamanders are often valued for their ability to break up spear and pike formations thanks to their relative resistance to spear thrusts, which allows them to close in and force pikemen to drop their pikes and draw sidearms to deal with the threat in front of them, resulting in gaps appearing in the formation which can be exploited by the other soldiers in a regiment. In response to the use of Salamanders like this most pikemen will carry maces as sidearms -You know a tactic is effective if another group has to change theirs to deal with it!
Well guess who went on a tangent of speculative medieval warfare... whoops. Hope you liked Aeran the Yellow!
(and yes. That is a bill and ted reference. A most excellent piece of media indeed)
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 months
wyll questions 3 & 4 for majexatli!!
What did your character think about Wyll’s relationship with his father? Did they help Wyll save his father and repair their bond, or did Duke Ravengard die?
I think personally, Majexatli doesn't like Wyll's father (or at least his past actions). To Majexatli, it's clear that Ulder was entirely in the wrong to kick Wyll out. Majexatli has personal experience with being kicked out of the only home you've ever known right after a traumatic injury, so it's hard for their own feelings not to bleed into how they view Ulder. But they also know it's not up to them in the end to judge or decide how Wyll's relationship with his father was. They don't hesitate to tell Wyll how they think it's wrong how his father treated him after he made his pact.
Majexatli doesn't have a lot of context for familial relations, given that they never had any family growing up, so I think they are aware they don't quite understand the type of bond a parent and child might have (aside from what they imagine life would have been like if they had a chance to give birth to their child).
For Ulder's fate, Majexatli as mentioned, does have the maturity to let Wyll make decisions about his own soul and his father's fate. Their opinion is that Wyll deserves to be free of his pact, in part because Majexatli like just, at this point in their life, can no longer find honor in being self-sacrificing and selfless to the point of neglecting your own needs. There's a line in a WIP outline of Majexatli's:
I don’t know how much longer I can find divinity or honor in letting others pick my bones clean
Wyll ended up breaking free of his pact, and when they saw how much it pained Wyll to lose his father, Majexatli was very adamant that they will do everything they can to save Ulder--regardless of how they feel about Ulder, they care more about what Wyll wants. And they do successfully save Ulder, it's a bloodbath and horrifically stressful and Majexatli took an obscene amount of damage doing it, but they want to do everything in their power to support Wyll and make him happy.
“Courage. Insight. Strategy. Justice.” Did your character support Wyll’s taught tenets as a hero or not?
(I tried to answer this and ended up going on tangents about Wyll and Majexatli's view of heroism, whoops. It might not fully answer this but I am too Brain Foggy to rewrite it all.)
I think Majexatli has complicated feelings about heroism and what it entails. They don't necessarily disagree with those tenets, they're certainly important and are important, I just think Majexatli is just like... man, it's complicated.
Majexatli doesn't think themselves a hero or someone who upholds those tenets. They're a malarite, they hunt animals and even people and eat them and burn the rest as offerings to a chaotic evil god who believes that only the strong should survive and that there is no balance. They've done heroic things, but they don't see themselves as a hero, the same way they are sickened by being named Faithwarden.
I think Majexatli admires Wyll's heroism and his beliefs in it, they think he actually is a hero. But they think most people who talk about heroism or strive to be a hero are out of touch with the world and that hero is such an arbitrary title and has such arbitrary meaning that it's meaningless at best. I mean, Wyll was taught those 4 tenets by his father but his father didn't really follow those.
Father taught me the four pillars of power. Courage. Insight. Strategy. Justice. He reckoned I'd follow in his footsteps - first as a Fist Marshal, then as a duke. Vanquish evil, maintain order, save the world. But a duke makes bedfellows with more monsters than he slays. Father called it 'diplomacy'. I called it 'hypocrisy'. In the frontiers, there is no posturing, no diplomacy. I slay monsters, I don't consort with them.
I suppose Majexatli agrees with Wyll, they don't care for the posturing or diplomacy that they feel is behind the 4 tenets. Actions are better than words, they have more respect for Wyll than they do for the 4 tenets. I think Wyll and Majexatli are quite similar minds and views in many ways, but as Majexatli sees it, Wyll is a Hero who may have done monstrous things (making a pact with a warlock, doing Mizora's bidding), and Majexatli sees themselves as a Monster who has done heroic things.
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dragoonwys · 3 months
#2 The yearly Shifting is RNG pain
"Whoops, I dropped the game board again. Give me one sec to fix it. Huh? What do you mean this isn't what it looked like before??" -DM Moli
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(Yes this dialog is a Madagascar reference and it fits LOL)
A majority of the land formation on Molibium actually shuffles around every year. The outline of the continent doesn't change, but the contents inside sure do! The change in landscape isn't completely random however. They can be described to be in a situation similar to the hexagon tiles found in tabletop games, but with odd sizes and an extra random effect table attached. This is why on Molibium, you could find a piece of desert right next to lush green lands and its completely normal.
Which reminds me of a tangent. This is DM Moli, or rather the figurative representation of the world of Molibium.
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(Everything makes more sense when you imagine the world being run by a clumsy Dungeon Master and dice tables.)
Anyway back on topic, every end of the year the Shifting occurs. Its a event that lasts a few days. Most people stay in their homes or shelter and pray for the best. It is considered extremely silly and dangerous to go out during the Shifting as it is too unpredictable.
There are 4 outcomes that could happen to any size of land based on RNG, these are:
The area stays where it is, unchanged
The area stays where it is with local changes
The area gets moved or swapped with another area
The area gets moved or swapped with another area with local changes
Everyone usually deals with this shift in locations in their own way, some even forming alliances with each other to make reorganizing their trade routes smoother.
Most people can't tell you exactly where the boundaries of the 'area pieces' they live on are, so to speak. So, there are plenty of situations where someone's neighbor might get swapped with a forest while their own home stayed in place.
The distance of where an area is moved from its original spot is also randomized to an extent, the range of a Shift can start from merely showing up next door up to a whole continent over. But, it can be stated that the latter is a bit of a rare case. Most areas have a tendency to be region locked into their overall place in the world. Example: Crown areas have the highest likelihood of swapping between each other than with a region in the far west of the world.
If you figure staying in place with changes counts you as one of the lucky ones, well not quite. It does come with it's own can of worms. The places that experience changes can range from the mundane to the drastic. It could range from everyone's socks turning pink after the Shifting to everyone is now made of cheese, delicious edible cheddar cheese!
Well okay, let's not talk about the human cheese.
The Shifting is both a blessing and a curse to the inhabitants of Molibium, but it is what it is. Just your average yearly event.
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minuy600 · 6 months
Atari 2600 Chronicles 1980 #9 - Dragster
Dragster is interesting, it's a game whose legacy is far more significant than what the title actually has to offer. Todd Rodgers, anyone?
Yeah. The guy who claimed to have popped off hard and 'beat the simulations' back in '82, as he supposedly did with various other Activision games as well. That, he didn't do. As proven by a disassembly of the code that showed that Rodgers' claimed time was a whole 0.06 faster than what was legitemately possible. He was stripped of all his 'achievements' just a couple years back in 2018. Whoops!
The gameplay itself, I kid you not, is nothing more than accelerating, shifting gear on time and MAYBE steering if you have set it to the appropiate setting. That's IT. A round lasts no more than 10 seconds. However, I will maintain, that those 10 seconds are actually really quite fun to get a grasp off. It's immensely satisfying to follow a certain rhythm and shave off a couple more hundreds of a second. This is the kinda time trial I do seriously enjoy, even if it's only a fraction of it's potential that is being utilised here. Gives me memories of when I was trying to be seriously competitive on Mario Kart and F1 2021.
Still, this game was never worth it's original price tag. If you're only gonna make the gameplay loop shallow, at least add some confetti and sprinkles to it in the way of wacky extra modes. Multiplayer and a real-life patch can only get you so far.
The Verdict
Graphics (7): This is a weird one. It's hard to see what the drag racing car is supposed to be since it lacks any and all color, but damn, something about the color scheming otherwise and the subtle animation details is quite satisfying to me. I like it. Obviously, Activision bias applies here, the fonts are also significantly more polished than what Atari was doing.
Sound (7): Hmmm, this is a step up over other 2600 racing games I think. What I like the most about it has gotta be how realistic (for 1980 standards) it is to have to listen to the engine firing up gradually and shifting just as it sounds like it's gonna blow. Would be a little bit before we'd see that properly recreated on a home system once more, I reckon.
Fun Factor (8): As mentioned earlier, this may only be a small smidge of how expansive it could be, but this is a perfect example of how superb it is to learn how to get FAST at a game. Either via a time trial mode or straight up speedrunning. The essentials are all there. Learning the controls > completing a run > getting gradually faster > trying another mode. The controls are not even that easy, you wouldn't know how many times I blew the engine by putting on too much gas or popped the brakes too eary. Thankfully, you're not punished particularly severely if you lose out, so as long as you keep your console close to you. The game is very quick to reset with the flick of the switch, it doesn't hesitate in starting the countdown right as you do so.
As a little side tangent, man, the DualShock 2 feels amazing to use with this game. I know not everything is made equal on Activision Anthology, but this is one of those good ones. Clicky stick, solid X button to press down, the Select button is what functions as a game reset, it's bliss. Definitely a recommendation to play first and foremost if you nab a copy.
Longevity (5): Strictly, and I mean STRICTLY, for those with the patience of a monk and desire to join a site like Twin Galaxies. If you need elaborate mind games and/or external factors to make it worth playing for more than maybe an hour total, you already more or less lost this argument. If you do fit the criteria needed to enjoy the grind, this score can be a little higher. It's one of the very earliest speedrunning games after all. I'm personally quite happy with being in the low 6 seconds territory, but I could be persuaded to get below that milestone.
In Conclusion
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
lmao @marscats37’s tags on that Ares n’ Ker post about how Ker just couldn’t care less that Thanatos is ✨deceased✨ like. yeah. that thought has inspired this tangent. whoops accidentally wrote an essay! also I didn’t proofread this at all so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make ANY sense
disclaimer ig yes thanatos has done awful awful things but that’s not what I’m talking about right now so bear with me - ANYWAY -
my point begins with, it’s funny because in current canon and for QUITE some time prior I’m always talking about Thanatos in the past tense like oh he Did That and he Traumatized This Person and Because of Him This Is Like This — like now he’s just the ~villain ghost of the narrative~
but for a while he WAS a character who would actually appear in the Elysiumverse, not even just to show up and cause a bloody scene (he did that too 😔) but prior to Neo’s kidnapping that got him arrested sometimes he would just Be There™ loosely in the Underworld to be a bitch to Maci and Tory (the contents of those convos are heavily from the before-april-thought-to-archive-things-time and are mostly lost to the sands of time) -
and the POINT of this rambling is that like, delightfully I think the personality and character of Thanatos is something that I don’t get to talk about much lately or right now!?? we know he was among the most despicable assholes in the elysium’verse and we know his list of egregious crimes and we know that By The Time We (as in, you all, as in the events that I mostly ever talk about here) Got To Meet Him he was already on a spiral down into the full unmasked supervillainry that led to his downfall— but like. what was he like to interact with beforehand.
…..as an aside please know that even with Maci’s history with him and even though she remained terrified of him at her core, Maci had buried all that down (to not deal with for. Years) and so whenever she and thanatos ran into each other in those aforementioned beforetimes - which wAS MORE TIMES THAN YOU’D THINK - their interactions were less “cowering from a scythe” that you might be imagining and more “loudly bickering at each other bc Maci couldn’t let him know he was getting to her” so that’s. Yes yes before Thanatos reactivated™ he was more of a nuisance fggkfk
and so, in regards to Thanatos and Ker……. What WAS he like to interact with beforehand well. Ker can tell you! oh she fuckin couldn’t stand him LOLL. sure they considered each other allies - despite being distant siblings they did I think hook up quite… frequently which. okay yeah gross but Greek mythy disclaimer, and this is hardly the worst thing they’ve ever done at least not tHANATOS - insufferable as she found him he was attractive at least I mean 😐 anyway - but Ker like. did not LIKE him?!!!
Ker IS an Elysium villain but honestly…. really JUST due to her relationship with Chal, don’t forget Ker has never actually DONE anything against maci and Tory other than allow Chal to be born as a weapon against them (Thanatos’s idea) and stand there menacingly when Neo was kidnapped (and rip Chal’s shoulder off at the time). She’s disliked Maci because fucking everyone dislikes Maci and disliked Tory because Maci really plucked this destined-to-die-mortal up and ascended him out of deaths grip how dare He Do That but like. Ker’s priority has always been her job and duty as Death
And so her relationship with Thanatos is 1) obligation based - based on the fact that he’s the only other death and if anything happened to him she’d have more work to do. dddddid she kinda sorta definitely encourage his murdery tendencies when he was a fucked up child!! okay yes she did do that but. he took that and ran with it. Like I said Thanatos and Ker ARE siblings many centuries apart and the concept of a second death exists because Ker (and Morpheus, that’s another story) had gone to the fates long before Thanatos was born to get some Fucking Help. and then this is what she ended up with?!!! because number TWO-
her relationship w him was ANNOYANCE BASED!??? because thanatos did not ever give a shit about his own duty and instead was constantly distracted murdering people he wasn’t supposed to (Ker did cover for him, so I guess that’s a crime to add to her own list) . He was constantly getting tangled in needless drama that HE started all the time with the palace or with whoever he was tormenting at the time. To be fair…….. Ker did absolutely enable all this to happen so again she’s not like,a good person but her allyship with thanatos was soooo reluctant lol
Like, Thanatos annoyed the shit out of her! At his “height” he was popular and charismatic and chatty (in the underworld - on olympus he was bitchier, as warranted<33 tho he did schmooze with Ares too who was like. I see right thru u dude you’re fucked up gtfo). he was constantly wrapped up with his stupid little schemes and power plays while Ker and her all business zero sense of humor personality was like. fucking god can you focus. literally like? Evil deathy version of Dog Person/Cat Person.
when thanatos came to her as his own insanity was ramping up and was like Can You Do Me A Favor Pleaase Please Pleeeeeeaaaaseeeee I Need You To Have An Evil Baby With Me her response was basically are you fucking kidding me. he got her to agree with the promise that a double death born god would be evil and cool. (It was Chal, and she was not either of those things fgkkfg). but it was also to get him to just stop whining at her about it.
Meanwhile, Thanatos - knew Ker hated him, first of all - but also knew that she was/is WAY stronger than him, as she could (and did. Sometimes. When he was particularly irritating) break bones or make anyone spit up ichor with just a blink of her eye as goddess of violent death - and so Thanatos calculated that he could not afford to have her an as enemy. but… Thanatos also HATED that she was stronger than him, raging cocky misogynist beneath the surface that he was. and so to her face he tolerated her back and even batted his eyelashes and acted as companion and ally— but seethed under his breath about having to feign friendship and respect to Some Dumb Bitch
…and every time Ker HEARD HIM SAY THAT UNDER HIS BREATH she’d snarl at him until he backed down fgkgkg
and so once Neo was born and Ker realized that SHE DIDNT NEED THANATOS ANYMORE she really checked the fuck out of the situation and just. Politely waited for him to fucking die. it did take a few years but sure enough he was euthanized and in exchange Ker got Neo, who despite being the daughter of the prince and princess that she really disliked was… comparatively not that bad.<333 and they all lived happily ever after
so in conclusion!!! yes Ker didn’t gaf that thanatos was gone lmao. not in the slightest. Thanatos and Melinoe were committing murders for each other’s honor during the height of their villainy but when Thanatos was exploded into literal chunks, KER was like….. :-) hmm ok. that’s fine.
this went all over the place but I hope this has been a fun look at a separately bizarre dynamic taking place on the outskirts of Elysium this whole entire time <3 the end
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lovettarabbit · 3 months
you ever have a blorbo that used to be like really popular that only like two (2) people make content for across the entire internet so you're stuck rereading the same fanfics and consuming the same art praying that the original media updates or revives or something so more new people make more new content for this specific blorbo and you're too scared to randomly start making content for yourself cause 1) it feels fundamentally cringe (makes no sense) and 2) you don't wanna be "late to the trend" and seen as weird even though nobody cares because you're a tiny account and nobody consumes media of said character in the first place anyways so you trod along creating fake scenarios related to said blorbo (or at least similar if you're the type who exclusively lives vicariously through your own original properties so you adapt an au of your guilty pleasure comfort ocs tailored to said blorbo and your main oc self insert so you can feel both original consuming said blorbo content, inspired by building off of preexisting stories and scenarios while adapting new ones, and not embarrassed about self shipping because WHOOPS these characters aren't blorbo and you, they are actually oc 1 and oc 2!) without any idea how long this obsession will last and fearing and praying for the day you lose interest in the blorbo because although you are free you may no longer have self insert guilty pleasure fuel for while you try to go to sleep because this blorbo is the fuel for your bedtime fantasy scenarios which are your way of ignoring the world around you and processing your need for the specific type of love you believe blorbo can provide even to the most extreme extent so now youre stuck trying to savor what little blorbo content exists considering the blorbo fandom was already quite small and niche in its hay day and you're slowing running out of wait oops what was this about again?
oh yeah
so thats. like i can't relate. lul. this isn't about any indie horror game that a smooth voiced horror youtuber played once like 2 years ago or anything. lul. lmao, even.
yeah weird of you to go on a crazy tangent like that and like unprompted too like why you would you do that li
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haunted-artist · 10 months
whoops its Ghost Story Time cause i remember things so, be me, I'm working at B&N. Working the cash register, alright work. I like making small talk with people, cause hey its something to do and you get to chat with people. (work enrichment even cause god it gets boring otherwise) Checking out this old couple, don't really remember what they bought but it probably wasn't much. Talking, yadada. Suddenly, they give me like. this big ass pamphlet for some church or religious thing. I'm like, What. I'm supposed to be giving you things you're not supposed to give me things. Course I didn't say that but that's what was goin on in my head. Think I tried to decline them as nicely as possible, cause I'm not really a religious person and also this is kinda uncomfortable! They insist however and I end up holding onto it for the rest of the day (very confused). My town's pretty religious (churches on everyyyyy cornerrrr), and I've certainly had my fair share of religious nutjobs yelling on campus (when I was still in college) about god and sinners and shit. Usually it's really easy to just say "NO THANKS" as you walk on by them to wherever you're going. Think that was generally what people did cause man that's like, blegh. That's probably the one time I was like, I could not run away and I didn't want to be mean to a customer if I didn't have a reason to be. (Well, not like I really could anyway, I usually had to call a manager or someone else for help cause I would start getting nervous cause I don't wanna be meannnnn. Mostly reminded of the time we had a bunch of customers cause its Christmas and ALL HANDS ON DECKKKK kinda busy. I was talking to this lovely elderly lady and also trying to help her sign up for a store card, cause she had a lot of books and she could get a better discount. *However*, she also had her asshole of a son there. This was also when everyone was still masking, so I also had a mask on. I remember he told me like, 2 times to speak louder? (Even though *he* wasn't the one I was talking to, I was talking to his mama!) I don't quite remember why he was there, but I remember one of my managers was at the register too, probably something that needed his help. However, the asshole suddenly *yelled* at me to speak up or, something, don't quite remember what he said be it was directed at me cause I wasn't being loud enough. Might have asked me to take off my mask even though I didn't want to. Memory gets a bit fuzzy there for a moment cause I kinda like, blanked for a moment from nerves and fear? Remember suddenly stuttering and babbling cause, hhhh. My manager ended up taking over and confronting the guy, telling him that he was not allowed to yell at his employees. Don't remember the full conversation, but apparently asshole cussed at him and manager told him to get out and not come back. After that was over I got asked if I was ok and if I needed to go to the back (which I did cause that was wayyy too much I needed a moment). Awful SoB I hope he stubs his toe on everything. ANYWAY THAT WAS A TANGENT-)
Anywayyyy I'm not really good with dealing with like. Conflict I guess. Least in person. I either get really emotional or like, walked over I guess? Well, maybe not "walked over" but I have a hard time saying "no" to some things I guess. Like, my job was pretty good don't get me wrong! Enjoyed working there (sides from the pay i hope the unionizers win against em!!) and most of my coworkers were great! Just sometimes had the lil stories that stood out for the bizarre or the bad.
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xenoshadow13 · 10 months
So why do you have an "about me" page when you already got one in your carrd? Also when the heck are you gonna revamp that rp blog of yours like you said you would?
To be honest? I left it because why not lol.
Well, alright, that's only the partial truth. The main reason is that I might leave it because it was made with this personal side-blog in mind.
I probably should update it a bit since it's been a few years now, but... well... I guess you can say I'm a little lazy about that? Eh, Idek. All I can say is that it isn't really a top priority of mine. *shrugs*
As for your other question, it'll probably be for some time before I finally get around to it. Gotta put it under a readmore tho cuz whoops this got a bit long lol.
I know I said it in the pinned post on that blog, but I want to revamp the blog from a single-muse one to a mult-muse one. Axel will still be around, of course; he just won't be the only muse anymore.
However, my stubborn butt doesn't want to do any of the revamp until I've gotten at least one or two profiles done as well as acquired some RP icons for them. Well, okay, the icons aren't really that big of a deal there, and tbh I've already long since accepted that I might not be able to acquire much for all of my muses easily. Still, as someone who often struggles with words at times, RP icons are a big help and as such, I'd like to be able at least acquire a couple before going through with the revamp.
Now, because I know someone will ask, I'm planning to commission a few rp icons. As I still don't have my own means of online payment even after all these years (yeah yeah I know a shock, zip it please), I'm unfortunately somewhat reliant on my dad and my brother when it comes to anything that involves paying online. Not really a big deal but it can be a little annoying when Dad feels the need to make an ass of himself simply cuz he doesn't understand why I'd play this much for "a simple drawing".
And I'm just gonna stop there or else I'll risk going on a tangent here lol.
Anyway, tldr the revamp will eventually happen but it's not exactly a top priority for me as of now so it'll likely be quite some time before I finally get to it.
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