#who also isn't a pokemon expert
pokeprofshowdown · 1 year
Welcome to the first (Unofficial) Pokemon Professor Showdown!!
Hello pokemon fans of tumblr. You've likely seen several other polls of this kind going around ever since the fabled Tumblr Sexyman Poll and it's epic rematch, as did I, at which point I, like many others, thought, "hey, there's nothing stopping me from doing that" and so, here we are.
After a few preliminary polls, we have thirty-two Professor and Professor-adjacent characters ready to duke it out until one reigns supreme, all they need is your vote to help them get there.
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Each poll will last for one day, with the winner moving on to the next round. We're also doing both sides at the same time bcs why not.
Below the readmore will be a list of all the polls with links that I will update as the competition continues!
That's all! Good luck, and may the best Professor win o7
Round One:
Gary Oak vs. Professor Willow Professor Hastings vs. Professor Burnet Samson Oak vs. Professor Yanase Professor Phorus vs. Professor Rowan Professor Cozmo vs. Professor Juniper Jaqc vs. Professor Oak Professor Laventon vs. Professor Turo Professor Magnolia vs. Professor Elm
Professor Sada vs. Professor Sonia Professor Bellis vs. Professor Krane Professor Sycamore vs. Professor Amaranth Professor Mirror vs. Professor Birch Professor Kukui vs. Professor Cerise Hop vs. Fennel Professor Ivy vs. Professor Carolina Bill vs. Raifort
Round Two:
Gary Oak vs. Professor Burnet Samson Oak vs. Professor Rowan Professor Juniper vs. Professor Oak Professor Laventon vs. Professor Elm
Professor Sonia vs. Professor Bellis Professor Sycamore vs. Professor Birch Professor Kukui vs. Hop Professor Ivy vs. Raifort
Round Three:
Professor Burnet vs. Professor Rowan Professor Juniper vs. Professor Laventon
Professor Sonia vs. Professor Sycamore Professor Kukui vs. Raifort
Round Four:
Professor Laventon vs. Professor Burnet
Professor Sycamore vs. Professor Kukui
Professor Laventon vs. Professor Kukui
Professor Kukui vs. Professor Gible
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
I live the idea of Gene being there and her not knowing who he is because Spare is upset with "Generic Protagonist" not "Gene Protagonist" because she doesn't know what a nickname is, or that Protagonist is a weird last name. Or the whole "people change what they wear" thing so she's expecting the original outfit.
Another thing that popped into my head in this scenario is the bio teacher, Jacq, approaching Gene with some concerns about the DeRosa kid. She doesn't seem to have any friends, spends a lot of time alone training her pokemon, and he thinks he overheard her say something about the "arrogance of humanity" to her mon one time. Gene has a lot of experience with evil team types, is this evil team talk? Because it sounds like it might be and he has no idea how to deal with it if she fell in with the wrong crowd. But if it's not the case he doesn't want to make her feel persecuted and even more isolated.
I think gene might keep the scruff after pla too so that definitely won't help with her recognition kfjldksjfsd
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bogleech · 4 months
Hello! as a fictional bug expert, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Bloodflies from Dishonored 2? (fun fact: i searched your blog to see if you’d mentioned them and the only post that came up was an ask from years ago, also from me, talking about the river krusts in dishonored 1 lmao. i swear i play other games!!)
Oh yeah I remember the krusts, and how the wiki thinks they're mollusks and they even make "pearls" but they are definitely goose barnacles! The bloodflies are funny because officially they're supposed to be insects, from what I've read, but anatomically they're as different from insects as insects are from shrimp.
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Maybe that's just because it wasn't designed by anyone who really wanted to create a realistic speculative insect, but these only have four legs, each leg only has four segments, they have perfect ball joints that aren't quite like any current Arthropod, the mouth structure isn't anything like the proboscis of any modern fly or mosquito, the body seems fused into one large streamlined segment, they have no tarsal claws and their inner organs look totally alien. Then there's the fact that apparently these are a juvenile stage, and they become what the wiki calls a kind of wingless "beetle" when they mature. Do they call them beetles in-game? It doesn't look like that stage even has official artwork? In our world all flying insects are already adults. Except for one weird group of mayflies who go through two different winged stages, any insect you see with usable wings is finished growing for good, so for an arthropod to go backwards from that is completely alien!
Aesthetically I like how bird-like they look, like stirges from D&D
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Maybe that was even a part of their inspiration?
If they did evolve or mutate from an insect though, I bet it was a lousefly
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This is making me want to do more articles on my actual website that just break down a single creature or monster, without necessarily being part of a whole series like the Pokemon reviews. I did think for a while that I should do just "random" daily creature analyses or by request. I should probably go back to that.
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detectiphoenix · 5 months
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A silly little Viravos-centric Pokemon AU where Viren is a Pokemon Professor, and Aaravos is a near-immortal Mythical Pokemon disguised as a human ~
I'll be tagging all art in this AU #phoenix's tdp pokemon au, so if the content bothers you, please block said tag! On the other hand, if you decide to make art/content of this AU, please use said tag 👀
Typed out tidbits underneath the cut!
Is "The Fallen Star"
Can appear as either his draconic Pokémon form or human - can also sprout horns and a tail if comfortable
Likes living as a human. Likes creating rumors about himself more
In his many years of life, has mastered fluent human Standard speak, but can also communicate telepathically
Horribly enamoured by the cute little Professor who thinks he's on top of the world
Commands the easiest gym in the region, but boasts an impressive combat threat outside of gym battles
Celebrated for having extremely deep connections to her Pokémon
Favorite part about being a gym leader is giving new trainers their first badge
Pokémon enthusiast!
Is very serious about his "catch-em-all" mission
Met Rayla when they were both trying to catch the same Pokémon
Acknowledges his last name is the name of the tree, and won't stop talking about his fate being to be a Pokémon Professor
Wanted to stay with her father to help him with his research, but he convinced her to stay with Soren for the time being
Determined to be a Pokémon Professor one day
An expert with her items and consumables
Cheers every time a trainer engages her in battle
Is almost old enough to get his starter Pokémon, but isn't sure if he wants to be a trainer
Sneaks treats to all of the Pokémon under his watch
He thinks he's being sneaky, but everyone knows he's sneaking treats and no one says anything because all of the Pokémon adore him
Defends his title with pride and a bright smile
Popular for his natural charisma, even outside of his region
His great-grandfather was a Pokémon Professor
Pip, a Talonflame he raised from a Fletchling, is his star fighter
Despite being the newest member, is considered to be the most difficult challenge of the four
Often described as having a threatening aura during battle
After battle, however, her kind nature is clear
Got the Pokémon
Determined to be the Champion one day
Wants to make her dads proud (they're already proud)
Began her journey saying she would only fight using stronger Pokémon to increase her chances at becoming the Champion, but gets extremely attached to every Pokémon she catches
Used to be the region's Champion, before retiring to spend more time with his husband and adopted daughter
Isn't that old, but has enough funds from his championship that he is able to live comfortably without a job
Still assists his husband, Ethari, with his Battle Items Shop
The trainer that will run up to you and engage you in a Pokémon battle
Determined to be the Champion one day, or at least a cool gym leader in his home region
Very suspicious of that guy who keeps spending time with his father
Likes to travel across regions and bring his father Pokémon that don't appear in their home region
Has spent the vast majority of his life researching "The Fallen Star"
Believes Aaravos to be a researcher as passionate as himself in the same field
Wants to be the first to discover "The Fallen Star", sees Aaravos as frustratingly intelligent competition
Needs reading glasses to read, but despises wearing them
Would have found "The Fallen Star" already, if not for an insufferably attractive individual's meddling
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rubykgrant · 27 days
How do you imagine Junior's interactions with people other than Tucker? You could do just the Blood Gulch Crew, but others like Freelancers or Chorusians would be interesting too.
While Junior is VERY big and physically intimidating, he's still not an adult, so most people see him and don't realize this is a KID... the Reds and Blues are aware of this, though. If they were in a situation where they have the time to actually think about it (and aren't currently in the middle of something that has everybody all stressed-out/riled-up), they'd try to make attempts to be nice to him (though some of them are so out of practice, they are unsure how to like... entertain children)
-Carolina wasn't good with kids even when she WAS a kid. Once she figures out how to make Junior laugh, she latches on to that, she's going to be the Funny Aunt (she also shows off, doing lots of cool stunts)
-Sarge is like "Hey kid, wanna see me blow something up?"
-Junior remembers Doc, and they're both automatically fond of each other. Doc knows what kind of snacks he likes, and will make it fun by having a whole "pretend restaurant" when they cook stuff together (O'Malley will be the one sho asks "Are any other kids picking on you? Wait, one of the PARENTS made a rude comment? I SHALL DESTROY THEM")
-Simmons is SO out of his depth at first, he's like "OK, Junior is a kid... like, a toddler? No, wait, he plays basketball, he's on a team... is he he in middle school? A teenager?". Once Junior shows any interest in books/building toys, Simmons forgets to be nervous and accidentally becomes very entertaining/nurturing (seriously, he doesn't even realize he's good at it)
-Grif is a big bro, he knows how to be fun. He shows Junior every version of the Ninja Turtles and Batman that exists, Junior thinks Grif is like the EXPERT on super hero stuff
-Tex will just buy him whatever he wants; A new bike? You got it. Oh, the bike broke? Well, I'll get you a heavy-duty MOTORCYCLE. Also, ALL OF THE POKEMON CARDS
-Donut tries to be helpful and warn Junior about "dangerous addictive substances", but also lets the kid drink coffee
-Wash is initially awkward about being left alone with Junior, but once the kid shows Wash what cartoons he likes to watch, Wash is like THANK GOODNESS, they can bond over that (once he really gets to know Junior, Wash is the fussy worry-wart who gets over-protective)
-Kai is the "big event" person, she'll take him to an amusement park or the movies, something really cool like that
-Church has decided he no longer thinks Junior is a "gross parasite", and refuses to admit he ever acted like that (if anybody tries to bring it up, Church just goes "What? I never said that. You're crazy"). When Church realizes Junior thinks he's cool, he takes that VERY seriously. The Fragments also help, they all like Junior a lot (Church definitely doesn't want children of his own, but he's actually very caring and even nurturing... when he isn't trying to be a jerk)
-Caboose is very passionate about telling Junior stories, so the kid will know all about what everybody was up to when they couldn't be together. Caboose will also collect lots of things he thinks Junior will like, putting them into little music boxes (whenever Caboose sees Junior, the kid feels like he's getting a magical gift of precious treasures)
-Lopez likes sharing different crafts with Junior, and teaches the kid how do things that are practical, like work on vehicles, but also creative things like carve wood and paint
-Locus is supremely ashamed of all the horrible things he ever did, he doesn't feel like he should even be allowed to be liked by Junior. He will remain invisible, but still keep Junior safe, and make sure the kid has whatever food or toys he wants. Junior thinks he has a friendly ghost following him around
-Everybody on Chorus either treats Junior like a very important ambassador (which is technically true) or royalty (which is possibly true?), but once people like Kimball, Grey, and the Lieutenants get to know him, they try to be very friendly and acknowledge his needs as a kid (Palomo and Matthews are arguably the best at entertaining him)
EDIT; fixed it, now complete with Caboose~
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wyrdwulf · 5 months
I've been looking at Palworld discourse as I come across it because it's something that interests me in a few ways. Discussions of AI usage and of plagiarism in media affects artists, and I am a big Pokemon guy even if I am highly critical of the games and company practices rnow. I think there's a lot of valid reason not to support Palworld/studio that made it, and to criticize the game-- the dev being a huge fan of using AI in making games and Cryptobro is enough for me, tbh. But I also feel like there are some arguments and reactions being had about why the game is bad where there's like, validity to them to an extent, but that people are working on assumptions or being overly reactive in a way that muddies valid arguments that can and should be made? And I think overlooking that is. I dunno. Not helpful in trying to have conversations on what is and isn't bad form in making art.
One of the big things is the whole accusation that the monster designs in Palworld are AI generated. I will be perfectly upfront with my take-- based on comments and tweets made by the dev, (especially the one below) I really do suspect that AI could have been used to either make monster designs wholesale, or to 'help' the process along. However, there is no definitive proof of this. This has not been confirmed. But I see so many people spreading that 'fact' as if it is. And again, I really do suspect that could be the case, but like. It's not helpful to spread misinformation, even if it's for a cause that might be good. Both because misinfo is just generally harmful and because it can do so much harm to your argument when you include falsities or state conjecture as fact to people.
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Side note-- I've been seeing now that there are claims that the Palworld models are either direct rips of or heavily copy Pokemon models. For that, too, I've already been seeing that the claims of them being full rips can be proven false, but that it is very arguable that there are some severe similarities between elements of certain models, etc. I'm no 3D modelling expert, so for me I really just want to take this information with a grain of salt and wait until I see definitive proof one way or another.
Another thing I've been thinking about is the claims of the monsters fully plagiarizing existing Pokemon... To start, there's a whole question of parody and what constitutes being fair parody versus just stealing which I feel could be debated here. From what I've seen, the game was kinda marketed as parody, and looking at for example the Salazzle clone, its description really seems like it's parodying Salazzle to me. But moving past that, I do really feel that some of the Palworld monster designs are blatantly ripping off Pokemon-- however, I think that it's like, WAY less than I see a lot of people asserting. I've seen some people arguing that the Palmons are legally distinct enough that none are ripoffs but like, c'mon--
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I genuinely think someone who argues that this guy doesn't look like Luxray is lacking observational skills.
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This is another one for me that like, yes, the silhouette and certain features are different enough to make it 'distinct', but I feel like anyone with pattern recognition should be able to see the colors and design elements being waay too similar here to be a coincidence.
Also, there are definitely designs that feel like mashups of multiple Pokemon features to me, like this guy feeling like it's got Meganium, Serperior, Lilligant, Goodra in it--
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But then there are some that I see people using as examples of plagiarism where I'm just like. Brother. That's just Common JRPG Mob Design.
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I'll just use this guy as my one example but like. Claims that this is just a Wooloo rip are wild to me. This looks like I can find it in like half of fantasy JRPGs. There's other examples like this where I'm just like... I get that because a good amount of these monsters ARE very likely ripoffs/inspired by existing Pokemon, people are trying to find the Pokemon 'in' each Palmon, but I feel like so many of the comparisons are stretches which can weaken genuine argument.
Also this is an aside but a very petty thing-- I'll be seeing people claim X palmon is a ripoff of Y Pokemon when there's a different Pokemon that feels like a better comparison, like this guy?
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So much closer to the unreleased water starter line from gen 2 than Lapras. C'mooooon.
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I guess tl;dr though, I think there are genuine issues about artistic integrity, plagiarism, possible AI use and such which should be discussed about this game, and again, the company's ties with AI and crypto are reason enough to not support them, but. I feel like when having these conversations it's best to critically think about what's proven fact and what's speculation, and to consider what's a strong argument for why it might suck and what's not.
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So...that new fallout show huh? Arceus help me I'm back on my bullshit. I'm only like three episodes in but I LOVE it. And of course my pokemon loving ass couldn't resist this. So far The Ghoul is my favorite character, so I've decided to do his team first! I'm actually gonna do two teams for him, this one being the Ghoul and the other being Cooper. Without further ado:
Team Ghoul
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1. Mudsdale
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This one was the first one I decided on for him. If you think he wouldn't have horse like pokemon on his team, where is your head? Not to mention Mudsdale is pretty tanky and can take a hit like it's nothing. I imagine this is probably his oldest pokemon from his current team (probably the last surviving one from his previous team). Mudsdale is deeply loyal to his trainer and does his best to help when he can.
2. Flygon
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This one was a little last minute but I actually think flygon would be really cool and really convenient for him to have. Little dude is good at retaining information as well as keeping tabs on targets. Flygon is rare in the wasteland, as many trapinch don't survive long even in those harsh conditions. I actually headcanon that this was a reverse catching: Cooper got caught by a trapinch and was like "welp, I can't get you off so you're coming with me". Flygon is a little speed demon as well, which is also very convenient.
3. Kabutops
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Okay so this one I had to actually think about. I'd imagine fossil types would be impossible to bring back now but this is my blog so if I want Cooper to have a kick ass kabutops he's gonna have one...okay, okay...look dude needs a water type pokemon and I actually forgot kabutops was a water type. I feel like it would blend in and adapt pretty well to the wasteland. Being water type is incredibly useful. The fact it looks cool is just a perk.
4. Steelix
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Caught as an onix, this pokemon is mudsdale's rival in terms of strength and loyalty. The first pokemon to be caught for this new team, he evolved it after searching every-goddamn-where for a metal coat. Steel type pokemon are rare in most places, most having been hunted to near extinction for scrapmetal/parts. I'd imagine this particular steelix feels lucky...
5. Mightyena
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Coop likes dogs.
That's it. That's the whole thing...
Okay maybe it isn't. Alright so we all know he likes dogs, and I'll admit it was a challenge to decide what dog like pokemon he'd have. Packs of mightyena are common, so I Imagine coop was able to snag a poochyena from its pack and raise it as his companion. He knows ice fang, which surprises folks who dare challenge this thing. Mightyena is also an excellent tracker and doesn't give up once he's on a mission to hunt with his human. He tends to have a sour attitude and sometimes picks fights with mudsdale and steelix.
6. Banette
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Going into this, I knew I wanted to give him a ghost type. Babette is just a freaky little dude that just wouldn't stop following him around. Every team needs a gremlin who causes problems on purpose and this dude is definitely it. He's a pain in the ass but he's a mostly loveable one. Not to mention he's an expert at stealing drugs that coop needs. So he's a lovable, useful, pain in the ass.
And that concludes today's team. I may do cooper's team before the bombs dropped, which will probably be a mirror to this team. Let me know what you guys think ^.^
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The discussion about the mistrust of the player character in PLA had me thinking a bit about this whole "outsider to the outsiders" thing going on.
While the player character is very innocent and not deserving of the shunning, I think people tend to interpret the betrayal as a sign that the village(of outsiders) doesn't like outsiders at all which is obviously not the case. They are literal refugees, traders, farmers, academics, etc from all around and they are very much trying to reach out and incorporate the clans into their relations. So that's not why they turn on you.
It's more of your standard rumor mill witch trial born from you falling from the sky(where the spooky rift is!) in a big showy spectacle. Then having strange clothes and an almost inhuman ease with pokemon that even the experts who have been training and studying with them cannot fathom. Now these new problems have started and the magical sky person is the only one who can fix it! Witchcraft!
YES EXACTLY!!! oooooh this ask made me so excited when i saw it in my inbox you have no idea. like, an argument can be made that the clans are isolationist, especially wrt each other (and early dialogue abt mai also suggests that jubilife and the clans are also still relatively remote but that's off topic), but by nature jubilife can't be the same way. kamado even self-describes the galaxy team as a "group of outsiders" in hisui. a security corps guard jokingly refers to them as the "Ragtag Expedition Team." so to say that they're fearful of strangers, or don't easily accept them, is clearly wrong.
not only that, but there's a list of galaxy team principles framed in the player's house, and one of them is "Those who are weaker must be helped." so like, while kamado & other people in the team tend to be rather harsh about everyone paying their due, it's really not a matter of like, disliking new people in the team, y'know? it's more about the fact that survival in hisui is difficult, and they're constantly fighting an uphill battle to sustain everyone, so there really is basically no wiggle room for anyone to not contribute whatever they're able to, which is something that's reiterated over and over in the early game. (also there's like, a considerable amount of old/older people in the village, which to my understanding is fairly unusual for this kind of project since it demands so much physical labor under trying conditions, so presumably that also contributes to the sense that everyone's jumping on this strong able-bodied young person. and also i'm curious about the reasons behind that demographic being so well-represented. this is me getting sidetracked that's just a thing i've been wondering about.)
anyway yeah. the reason ppl are distrustful of you is that you FELL OUT OF THE SKY. you have no past but some ambiguous link to the crack in reality which people already see as some kind of bad omen or worse. and then you're like, instantly all buddy-buddy with these creatures that most people not in the survey or security corps are scared shitless of, to the point of being terrified to leave the safety of the village for fear of encountering any. like that's the other thing to me is that your talent with pokemon isn't just seen as weird, to people already scared of them it would probably be actively really intimidating. especially since you don't have the credentials of prior training, like zisu and the rest of the security/survey corps do! they're just taking it on faith that you do know what you're doing. even if you're very nice and helpful, the more fearful jubilife people would probably see you as a passive threat to the village on account of all those weapons of mass destruction you're casually carrying around in your back pocket that may or may not even be under your proper control.
& then like you said, the rumor mill has its way with you, compounded by the situation with the nobles, and by the red sky event, i mean, i don't think most of the village hates you. not after you've done so many fetch quests for all of them whwjkwhk. it's just that they're quietly sort of afraid of you, which is not at all an emotion negated by how helpful you've been. and that's why you get kicked out.
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the-nimbasa-trio · 1 month
*Echo smiled, blue eyes lighting up.*
"That's so sweet! I know how hard a language barrier can be, it was uh-hm." *She paused, before pushing forward.* "I'm an empath. It's meant to connect me with Titan and other pokemon. Part of the whole-" *She gestured to her hair.* "Shiny business. Doesn't allow me to do much other than know if a pokemon is happy or sad or whatever. But it made me a very weird kid, especially since I couldn't tell what other *people* were feeling."
*She shrugged, a lax expression on her face.*
"Like I said, kids would bully me, but their pokemon would protect me. Started up a rumor that I was mind controlling pokemon, and since I could only tell the...vibes of the pokemon, who *liked me*, it was exceptionally easy for me to be tricked into getting hurt. And then the pokemon would realize their trainer was hurting me in some way, and that'd cause infighting, and it just-"
*She sighs, looking over at the twins.*
"It was so hard, feeling like I was speaking a language nobody else could understand. I can only imagine how hard it is to *actually be in that situation.* I'm sure you guys were probably the one good thing happening to Elesa when everything else seemed like it was horrible."
*She smiled at their comment on trains, rocking back and forth slightly.*
"I'm no expert when it comes to trains, but I'm well aware you guys are. When we have some free time, you should *absolutely* infodump on me. The steam engine is a work of *art* and you guys could probably give me the entire history on the paints alone."
Ingo nodded in understanding, but towards the infodumping he perked up. He had to hold himself back, and Emmet, from infodumping right there and then. Now was not the time. "Well, don't worry, Mx. Echo! We'll keep you safe."
Emmet nodded in agreement and gave a respectful solute. "I know how it is to get bullied," they commented and shrugged a bit, brushing it off. "It isn't fun. I also have the curse of knowing if someone is lying, too. If someone lied to my face, I'd sense something is wrong. I'll try and get more information. As a result, it makes me kind of weird."
"It's useful," Ingo replied and patted his brother on the back. "But hey, we're just a group of weirdos that can stick together. That's why we befriended Elesa, too! He needed a friend that understood him. We happened to fit the criteria! Now we're inseparable, and no matter what happens, we'll stick together."
"Yup yup! So now you're part of the squad. Welcome!" Emmet cheered which, surprisingly, went along with the sudden cheers of the crowd around them.
The twins spun on their heels to look at the battle, and on the screen behind Elesa, it displayed how many Pokemon each trainer had. Elesa was down to Typhoon, who looked tired and weakened, while the opponent had only his Togekiss. Ingo and Emmet were caught off-guard by how quickly the battle was nearing its end, but when they checked their respective watches, it's been going on for far longer than expected.
When the opponent trainer flew his hand out in front of him, he didn't need to call a command. The Togekiss flew forward and a ball of pink energy formed in front of her mouth, and she torpedoed it forward. The Moonblast struck its target despite Typhoon's attempt at avoiding the fast strike, and smoke flung in every direction from the sheer power this Togekiss wielded.
Emmet shielded Echo and the Zorua from the smoke, while Ingo coughed and acted as an extra barrier. Once the smoke cleared, Elesa's dumbfounded expression and posture became visible, and Typhoon's fainted body laid on the runway. The opponent was the victor.
Elesa gave a small smile and recalled Typhoon into his pokeball. He sighed and walked up to the purple-haired trainer. He extended his hand and clasped the opponent's in a show of sportsmanship. "Congratulations, Dolor, for defeating the Nimbasa City gym. You fought well out there."
When he pulled away, the badge was in Dolor's hand. It shone brilliantly in the light of the stadium. "It was a pleasure, Elesa. You fought brilliantly, as well."
Elesa nodded in response and turned towards the crowd. "And here you have it! The winner of the battle! I'll sign autographs in ten minutes, so get ready for a personal meet and greet!"
The crowd began cheering again as Elesa left behind stage.
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northernwindsglory · 3 months
[an audio recording of glory's interview with marcelo regarding what pokemon may be a good service pokemon]
[There is an attatched transcript. Read it?]
Glory: Right. I have everything set up. We may begin. Please introduce yourself.
*Marcelo Laughs.*
Glory: What's so funny?
Marcelo: I thought you were just going to ask me some questions? Why are we making this so official?
Glory: Because this is an important topic and-
Marcelo: You want to make the right choice. Right. I'm not really an expert on service pokemon, and I feel like having a formal interview is a bit much.
Glory: You are much more familiar with the Paldea and the pokemon here than I am. Please introduce yourself so that we may continue the interview.
*several papers are audibly moved around. this comes up quite clearly on the recording and the sound may be slightly uncomfortable to listen to. my apologies*
Marcelo: I don't see the point since you already know me but fine. I'm Marcelo and I'm a professional pokemon battler who offers tutoring and lessons meant to help young trainers improve their skill at pokemon battling, as well as help pokemon get more comfortable and familiar with both listening to commands, and figuring out how to improvise in battle on the fly while staying within League regulations.
Glory: Thank you. In your opinion, what type is the most suited towards being utilized as a service pokemon.
Marcelo: I don't think any one type would excel, I mean different pokemon are useful for different things even if they share a type. Depends on if you need a physical service pokemon or emotional support pokemon, and it would probably depend on what you specifically need it for. I mean I guess normal types since they tend to have the most varied move sets allowing for you to teach them more specific moves that help with their duties, or psychic types for their intelligence? You could make arguments for pretty much anything. If you spoke to someone that actually trained service pokemon they could probably give you a real answer, Glory. One of Cypress' friends works with service pokemon, you know? If you go ask your brother I'm sure he can find a day to introduce you to her? I think she's usually free on Tuesd-
Glory: I'll consider it. Let's get back to the interview. What pokemon do you think of when you hear the words "service pokemon"
Marcelo: Uhhh a lot of canine pokemon, honestly. I know eeveelutions are popular choices for a variety of purposes. Despite being dark types, I think mabosstiff are kinda popular since they're strong and loyal? A mabosstiff might work for you actually, both as a physical service pokemon and as an emotional support- *Marcelo notices the expression I am making here* Right, no dark types after what happened with your parents. I forgot.
Glory: Please refrain from mentioning my parents.
Marcelo: Right. Okay I'm just gonna start talking about you because that's easier than acting like I'm an expert here for some weird thing you're doing. Uh you'd need something to help carry and hold things right? There's other canine pokemon that do stuff like mabosstiff without being dark types. I think Furfrou are popular? I know they're not native to Paldea, but they're popular pokemon. There's like a lot of breeders in Mesagoza, and Cypress' friend also has a few. Other than dogs, a lot of psychic types are more humanoid and have hands? Plus their psychic abilities are useful for both emotional support stuff and doing more physical stuff like holding objects or keeping you steady or something. People always say they're smarter too. Combining both the humanoid and canine, there's lucario? They're strong fighting types, and they have all that weird aura stuff going on.
*sigh* Listen, Glory. There's a lot of choices, and I know a lot about pokemon, but I don't know a lot about what you need this for. If you were asking for a normal starter or something I could probably find something to pair you up with easily, but this isn't really what I do. Let's just talk to your brothers friend, and you can ask her questions. And preferably normally but if you need to do this weird journalist interview thing please tell us beforehand so we can let her know and she won't be caught off guard.
*there is a long pause*
Glory: Fine. I'll speak to Cypress and arrange a meeting.
[End of Transcript]
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ranger-rai · 1 year
I am physically unable to remember if we already sent this ask or not, but
we were sent a Cosmogg egg and it's looking like it's going to hatch soon, pls help??? How can we maintain and take care of it, and its evolutions???
Ok well seeing as that whole line is native to Alola, and I'm located in Sinnoh, it's not typically my area of expertise, but learning about pokemon of all types is my thing so I'll see what I can do.
It's also a bit tricky seeing as technically this line is a legendary pokemon breed.
I dont advocate for the training and capture of legendaries because of their powerful nature and importance to the ecosystem.
However you ended up with that egg isn't important, what I recommend if getting that pokemon back into its native land, perhaps discussing with someone who's an expert like Kukui, who can guide you much better.
While I respect that you would want to care for such a powerful species, I can't really advocate it for a normal trainer.
Not to mention that having a pokmon like this would put a pretty big target on your back for anyone who would want to take it by any means necessary.
While the pokemon is powerful, you are still just a person.
I can't force you to do anything, but I will say that making the right decision for a creature is almost always better than doing what you would rather do.
My advice would be to take it back to Alola, talk to some professionals there, and maybe they could advocate if you'll be a good trainer to raise it.
I'm sorry if this isn't the type of answer you would want to hear, but my job is to think about the safety of all creatures and people, and this is a very specific situation.
If you are in the area, we can help get you in contact with some Rangers out in Alola to help get you there.
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noizo1d · 1 year
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20 (human years)
None but identifies as female (she/her)
Aroace (she's not repulsed by sex or romance, she just doesn't care and doesn't want it)
Voiceclaim: Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt English dub) (voiced by Monica Rial)
Laika was an ordinary fembot who changed her appearance to look more cutesy and feminine because she liked the aesthetic.
Her cutesy appearance and cheerful exterior hides a crass, spiteful, and short-tempered personality. She's naturally quite rude, but people she doesn't know have it even worse. Despite that, she's more than happy to volunteer at the lab and sing and perform as a hobby. She doesn't look like it, but she's actually quite an expert with statistics.
Knows Tsuga and Sharktooth for god knows why, but sees them on a very infrequent basis. When she does visit them, she terrorizes them much like she does with everyone else, but treats them better than she usually does. She's also familiar with Cygnus and Mach and does get along with them somewhat, but doesn't act rude to them because Laika usually volunteers in a specific field of the lab where they don't see each other very often and they haven't really done anything to earn her ire. She does badmouth them in secret sometimes, however.
Laika's trying to make a name for herself in the music sphere. She released a denpa and J-Pop inspired album titled "ULTRA★KISS," containing tracks such as "Love Rotation," "Friday Night Funkin Fans Be Like 'Yo This Shit's Fire'," and "Pokemon Was Never Good." Several of the songs are alleged to have subliminal messages advocating for mass deaths of Genshin Impact and Sonic fans, but considering the album only sold 5 copies it may very well be some sort of strange marketing scheme devised by Laika herself. Her obscurity sure isn't letting her down, though - she's already making plans for a follow-up spoken word album titled "ULTRA★KISS ~Narrative Soundscape~"!
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awn-moo · 11 months
{Guess who'z back! I'm feeling a lot better! So I'm ba-ack in the phone! Vic asked me to record this, so heere you go!}
<[Video ID: It's the stage for the Team Curiosity Book Fair. Above the stage is a banner for the Trainer Showcase. There's a few grunts on the side of the stage, with one of them motioning for someone to come onstage. From the right side, out comes Vic with his Ace Dyre right at his side. He looks confident, as if he's used to being in front of large crowds. As he approaches center stage, he clears his throat.
"Bonjour, Hello, and こんにちは! My name is Victor Yamashita-Rousseau, some may know me as a former Champion, others as a Depot Agent on the battle subway. But really, I'm just a ghost enthusiast who can't seem to stay away from battling."
He laughs softly at his own joke, then looks towards Dyre.
"But right now, it's not about me. It's about my partner pokemon, Dyre. Now, if it hasn't been obvious, Dyre is Albino. And that's where the differences between him and other Gengar stop. Because of Dyre's albinism, people always ask if he's any different than normal Gengar. To that I say, I don't know. I haven't actually raised any other Gastly, so I wouldn't know. But every vet visit, he's always on top of it all. I think the only difference has been that his toxins are a bit less potent than normal, but that is all."
Vic pauses for a sec, then looks back at Dyre, who gives him a small nod.
"I'm not a vet or anyone who claims to be an expert on genetic deviations, so that's all I have on that subject. What I really want to share is what it's been like raising the Gastly Line. I met Dyre when I was 10, so everything I did with Dyre was a learning curve. And real quick here, but here's what an albino Gastly looks like."
Vic motions behind him to the large screen that's lowered. On it, clicks a photo of a young boy(?) standing next to a Gastly. The ball that makes up the body is a soft grey, with the flame-like wisps of gas being a white with a subtle pink hue.
"Now, caring for Gastly is quite a challenge. It's not as easy as it seems. You have to be careful of any windy days, especially careful to make sure you're not downwind of a Gastly. The range of the gas is actually quite large, extending a good foot or two away from the visible wisps. The color of the gas actually identifies how strong it is. The invisible range isn't deadly at all, but does cause some nausea and dizziness. The visible wisps can be deadly, but only after 10min of constant exposure. Now the core? That's deadly within minutes. That's also where the sickly sweet smell of Gastly is the strongest. If you smell anything that's sweet and nutty that's a Gastly, with the stronger the scent, the more potent the toxin."
Vic clears his throat then continues.
"Another thing to be aware of is rain. These pokemon may be gaseous, but anything that will pass through them will be affected. Found that out during someone using rain dance. The ground underneath Dyre quickly died out."
Vic clicks something and the photo changes to show a soft grey Haunter, its eyes and tongue a soft red.
"Now, onto Haunter. The gas that made up Gastly condenses the closer it is to evolving. This will result later on in Haunter's gas being more condensed into its 'body'. The gas range has decreased drastically, same with the potency. Instead of a foot, it's now about half that, with only minimal effects. The main body will leave you dizzy and nauseated if engulfed, but not deadly. The tongue actually gathers those toxins together. General care changes as well. Luckily, you don't have to worry about rain like with Gastly, but wind is still an issue."
Vic shifts slightly, then clicks something again. The photo switches to a mega keystone.
"Caring for Dyre as a Gengar is just like any other, but I do want to show this off. When I went through my Kalos run, I found out about Mega Evolution. Dyre seemed excited about it, and well, we honestly had a lot of fun. It's not common for us to use it anymore, but, watch this."
Vic smiles excitedly and pulls out a necklace, with a keystone attached, from his pocket, and nods at Dyre as he steps back. He then lightly taps the keystone a few times, causing it to light up. On Dyre's end, the keystone keychain attached to the service backpack glows, same with the mon. In a quick flash of light, similar to that of normal evolution, Dyre comes forth mega-evolved. But instead of the expectant white coloration, Dyre's coloration is akin to a regular shiny Gengar.
"Now this is exciting! Shiny Mega Gengar are white in coloration, whereas a Mega Albino Gengar is shiny in coloration! It's quite fascinating! I unfortunately don't fully understand mega evolution yet, so I cannot speak much on that care, but-"
In a soft flash of light, Dyre reverts back to normal.
"It's tiring, to say the least. Uhm, that's all I have for now, but I hope you enjoyed! Dyre had a lot of fun too!"
Vic and Dyre smile out to the crowd and wave. Then Vic quickly walks off stage, Dyre trailing behind.]
{Wazn't that fun!!}
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crystalelemental · 7 months
Did you know that sometimes I write for stuff that isn't Pokemon? Unbelievable, I know. I'm back on MagiRevo. I've been reading the light novels, specifically got through the first three and finally received book 4 today, and listen. Listen. I am well aware that Lainie/Ilia is the canon pair. But Book 2 provided me crumbs, and I am a scavenger at heart, so consider: Lainie/Tilty.
First point! The crumbs in question largely come from how Tilty is presented, and how she acts in Book 2. This is somehow who is effectively a shut-in, does not like to interact with others, and only expresses interest in curses and the occasional Anis shenanigans. This is contrasted immediately when Lainie joins the villa, as Tilty is the one most directly helping get her powers under control, then starts showing up regularly at the villa just to check in on her. For someone who never leaves, and apparently never bothers going to Anis, this feels like a big deal.
Second point! Similarities do exist between their respective histories. Tilty has tremendous magical power that causes her to go wild when she uses it too much, the only solution to which is "never use your magic ever," making her exceedingly bitter about her own life and loss, and being the one most adamant about living for oneself. On the other hand, we have Lainie, whose powers have been a life-long curse that made people either adore her unconditionally, or loathe her based on the perceived slight of her not returning their attentions. Tilty receded into her manor due to her powers, but also out of choice. Lainie wants nothing more than to be left alone, but initially feels duty-bound to do what she can in service of others. Which is why she goes maid route. But like. You see where I'm going with this?
Third point! Okay come on, be honest with me. Tilty's basically the medical expert of the group and is super gloomy and dresses all in black and lives how she wants, while Lainie is a vampire that dresses all in white and is super mild-mannered and feels obligated to give back to people. That's a nice contrast, right? Do you feel what I feel? Are our hearts beating as one?
Probably not. I dunno. This is my first foray into specifically non-canon pairings. No all the Pokemon stuff doesn't really count; nothing is made canon so nothing is hardline unconfirmed either. This is the only time I've gone in defiance of canon for a ship. In what is, admittedly, a fairly small fandom space. I feel like if one person likes this one, I'd consider it well received. I wrote this for me. And that...might show a little. Look, I tend to write my relationships very PG, and while I wouldn't really call this anything serious, I aimed to make their engagement a little spicier than my usual fare. Which is like. "Mild curry made in the northeastern US" level spice, but I am prudish by nature and I have to build up the tolerance. I need you to understand, the first actual pairing fic I wrote where people kissed? I could not let this go while talking about it to my wife. Wife, do you understand? They're going to kiss. On the mouth. No, not with tongue, that is way too much, what do you take me for? I am a particularly repressed victorian maiden, I have to fan myself writing something like this and they're fully clothed. I'm trying my best, okay?
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prof-lemon · 1 year
<a package arrived from hoenn. It contains a portable battery connected to a travel incubator. Inside is an egg.>
You have been chosen for a giveaway. The package delivered contains a Pokémon egg from an experiment making ultra domesticated Pokemon. The egg you have received is a domesticated poochyena.
You are free to pass the egg on to another individual as long as they are qualified.
We simply breed the calmest, most friendly Pokémon of a species together to get Pokémon better suited to interacting with large groups of people. Side effects, like all domestic creatures is stuff like spots, curly tails, and floppy ears! We also have a preference for stereotypical aggressive pokemon to fight against the biases. :)
Another Pokemon with large teeth. Hmm.
I'll be sending it to local Pokemon rangers. I am not in a position to care for a new Pokemon, especially one with potential health issues. I did some brief research. Breeding for one specific trait can lead to neglect of other traits, leading to health issues further down the line. There is also the fact that many of these breeding facilities are not good for the Pokemon involved.
What exactly makes a Pokemon more domesticated? More docile, more playful, or more afraid?
I am not an expert on Pokemon breeding. But I regard an anonymous organization focusing on selective breeding with extreme caution and skepticism.
There are better ways to fight bias, as well. Spreading awareness, or adopting these Pokemon that live their whole lives in shelters because of stigma, are great ways to help. Why should the Pokemon need to change because of bias? Shouldn't those who hold this stigma change instead?
Is a normal Poochyena, raised in captivity, friendly and playful, not enough? Why should the Pokemon change when the people are at fault?
Isn't Poochyena, or Sandile, or Tyrunt, enough?
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gaylordsmansion · 1 year
The guy behind @athena-appreciation-page here, how ya goin'
Figured I'd ask since you're the Simon Blackquill expert & are currently rotating an AA Pokemon AU in your head to my knowledge, because I desperately need to know for a bunch of teams I'm writing out for myself...
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is this bugger Simon-core or nah?
They've got the hair and glare for it, with plenty of cutting moves and a Dark typing. I need a replacement for Kartana on teams where he isn't out for blood and this stuck out to me as a potential candidate. No pressure! Just a thought I had.
I would say "probably". Funny enough, I was thinking about this guy the other day, myself. I really like the wind theming for Shiftry, especially given that they're not flying-type. There are also a lot of really good picks in general, some of which you might prefer to this one, it just really depends on the context of the AU, you know? Like if it took place in Hoenn, I think Shiftry is a much better pick than if it took place in Sinnoh.
Since I'm not privy to the full context [or if traditional regions are being used at all], and since it took me all day to get around to answering this anyway, I thought I'd slap together some choices from each region, making sure to include a starter.
Therefore this is gonna be a long post
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Honestly, the starter could go any way & I think it could work. I also think Pidgeot in place of Fearow is okay, but I am a big Fearow stan, so use that one.
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Another gen where the starter could go any way & I think it would work. But I chose the one that shows up in Hisui. Murkrow and Sneasel were partially chosen here because Gen 4 is so full of good mons that I picked their pre-evos instead.
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Look who made it! I don't feel like I need to elaborate, honestly. Though one could make a case for Flygon or Salamence, the actual Gen 3 mon that almost made it was Gardevoir. But you and I both know that's an Athena mon.
Also, while I'm trying hard to avoid too much personal bias, I can't help it with this gen. I won't be hearing arguements against Absol's inclusion.
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This was the easiest one. Because I chose the pre-evolutions for Weavile and Honchkrow previously. LMAO
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This is a big region, so there are plenty of other decent options. I just think the ones I chose are cooler Pokémon. Nobody cares about Unfezant, Bisharp is cooler. Nobody cares about Swanna, Zoroark is cooler.
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For a small dex, I was presented with a challenge. Then I looked at the starters and said "all of these suck, I'm not picking any of them." Besides, Yveltal is infinitely more badass than any of those starters, so maybe he just started with Yveltal. Then I remembered Hawlucha isn't a bird, so I told myself to avoid that one, too. This is what I ended up with.
Yes, I did just imply Malamar is cooler than Greninja. Because it's true.
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As much as I adore Alola and Gen 7, I was shocked when I found this to be the hardest one yet, aside from the starter. I felt obligated to pick The Bird at this point, though I'm not sure I feel Toucannon is a great pick overall. I want to consider Golisopod, though I don't really want to pick the main mon of a prominent character in story. Also, since Oricorio can change formes easily enough, I don't think forme matters too much.
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Even easier than gen 4. As it should be, given that the region's dex is just as painfully British as Simon himself is. Why isn't Swanna in Galar, though? I'd have chosen it here.
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Hisui may have a small amount of additions, but there was enough for me to work with. I think Arcanine could work, too, given that the species has "guardian" lore & speed theming. Note: Samurott is probably on par with Decidueye for appropriateness.
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If you wanted it to be all birds, Ceruledge can be swapped for Kilowattrel, but nothing about that mon seems particularly Simon to me other than "its a burd lol". Ceruledge on the other hand IS SORD. Also, the honourable mention goes to the lazy-ass Kingambit.
Feel free to pick & choose from things I mentioned here if you want, lol, I just wanted to have fun making this tbh and I did
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