#which like. until i was in my early 20s\
lowqualitygarbage · 2 months
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Another silly Vault 666 comic, because every time I draw something with Lucifer in it his stupid baby face bugs me. 
It drives him crazy in-universe too, though. He can’t grow facial hair to save his life (only patchy little wisps of almost-invisible blonde peach fuzz). He is 5'2″ and has a baby face and it is SO HARD to get people to take him seriously sometimes. He likes wearing his lab coat outside of his workshop because people still tend to associate “scientist” with “authority” and he will take whatever help he can get at this point.
Doesn’t help that most Wastelanders age like milk due to exposure to elements, poor nutrition, tons of environmental hazards, and radiation everywhere. 
Text translation below cut:
Charlie: Bye guys, be good!
Lucifer: Have fun, girls!
Angel: Must’ve been tough, raisin’ Charlie.
Lucifer: Huh? ...Not really. The vault was safe, and Lilith was SUPER hands-on.
Angel: Well, yeah, but she’s in her 20s now, right? You must’ve been crazy young when she was born.
Lucifer: Uhh... I’m 47.
Arrow to Alastor: 36 years old
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qiekzart · 28 days
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day 36 drawing len until my preorder arrives
eepy today so here's some bad art . gonna get to requests soon ish.
u can send requests in my askbox (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ (5 requests in askbox as of writing)
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sydmarch · 1 year
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anyway this is what i was actually trying to find. fucking thinking about this.
#NEED to know about their young adulthood. acele is described as 'late teens to early twenties' & we have no fucking clue how old evrart#is beyond 'around the same age as harry' which could mean anything when klaasje thinks hes 44 & kim thinks hes 56#but i imagine they ARE actuslly very close in age bcus it'd just make sense wrt the timing of the revolution & all & yknow the parallels#so like they definitely could have been somewhere in their mid or late 20s when they came into power? & this 'at her age' as just a handful#of years before that? (choosing to just believe this line rather than taking it as him only trying to 'kids will be kids'ing away the drug#lab thing & making something up. so i can totally just like imagine lots of anger. at the state of things. about powerlessness. what do we#DO about it? probably getting into trouble & getting in fights for a long time. like leo says they ALWAYS came to help it wasn't just a one#off thing where they defended him it was just that one incident where the bullying stopped. bcus they beat him until he NEEDED STITCHES#like god i can just imagine their childhood & then the adolescent & young adult frustration & all of that coalescing into ok we WILL do#something to make things better. whatever it takes even. coming to the decision it's worth killing for#'your honor it's fine that my little meow meow had someone assassinated he had a bad childhood you see'#im chewing through concrete im throwing up im pacing my enclosure#anyway. me when i'm normal about the video game men#texticles#de#disco elysium#evrart
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
'have you ever had a normal series of thoughts in your life?'
no. today a friend made a lighthearted remark in jest to lift my spirits and objectively i KNEW that and told them i appreciated it but also then went off on a long tangent about my inability to trust said jest at face value because im incapable of not taking everything both extremely literally and seriously, while also prying apart every single possible angle or connotation of the simplest sentences just in case i miss some significant moral or factual implication.
my kid brother had to ask everyone in the family pre-written survey questions as part of his homework last night which turned into a whole affair because i physically cannot answer with a simple agree/disagree/i dont know to each statement because they don't take into account xyz facts or they don't give enough information about the situation and various implications would change my answer drastically.
in other news, every single survey, diagnostic question, medical intake form, etc. is Literal Hell to me because the questions are not clear and specific enough for me to factor in every possibility and give a truthful answer and i can't just give the answer they want or that im 'supposed' to give because that wouldn't be the true answer! it would be lying! and there's no option to give a full 'well technically......' explanation of my answers!
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honeybabymp3 · 10 months
the thing about the evelyn hugo book is that when you are familiar with Um Well You Know you can guess most of the plot bits and it frees up enough brain space to notice. that the writing is not good. so at least i am grateful for it for teaching me the difference between a story you find interesting , and actual good literature. thanks
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exopelagic · 3 months
help I just wanna play splatoon but I have to revise :(
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So, theoretically if I were designing the hexsquad (and maybe others) as pretty cure-inspired magical girls, with Luz as Cure Azura and Amity as Cure Hecate, and I wanted to do ones for the emerald trio as well, should I...
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cetoddle-archive · 11 months
top 10 corpse girls:
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jellogram · 4 months
None of my clothes fucking fit me anymore and I'm like leaning over the bathroom counter gritting my teeth going "this is fine this is fine this is fine" because I'm trying to dress cute for my night out but I haven't dressed cute in so long that none of my cool clothes fit me and I look ridiculous and I want to cry. I'm trying really hard to be okay with my weight but I have this really nice leather jacket I got for my birthday a few years ago and it's too small for me now.
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softichill · 6 months
I need. To start eating 3 full meals a day
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aberooski · 6 months
If I have another breakdown at work tomorrow like I did the last time I worked a Saturday I'm going to kill myself because last time I screamed in the hallway and cried so hard I was shaking because of how stressed I was.
#working at the movie theater sucks I hate people so much#I also hate that the movie theater was the best I could do even with a fucking degree because I've never had a job before#and I haven't even been there a month and I'm already the most fucking competent usher we have#i have to do fucking everything and I'm the only one keeping us on track every fucking day#also the only other ushers I actually like aren't the ones I consistently work with and tomorrow I have to work with the one that I hate#they literally do not pay me enough for this shit#anyway I'm back to considering opening art commissions becauae as I said they don't pay me shit and I really do need the extra money#also another reason I'm pissed about working tomorrow is that I have to miss christmas cookie baking at ny grandma's and that's one of-#-my favorite traditions every year. I'm actually very upset about it I might cry about it at work tomorrow.#alao they're making me come in at 10 am when all the other ushers don't start coming in until like 12 and the first theaters don't let out-#-until like 11:40 so there's literally no point in me being there that early other than to just piss me off#I'll take the extra like fuxking 20 bucka those 2 hours will get me but fuckibg seriously? I know I'm technically available-#-which is probably why but all it's gonna be is me making sure our usher cart is stocked then sitting around for an hour and a half#fuck everything#I fucking hate that this is my life this is awful#I can't have literally anything can I?#abby after dark#abby's having a crisis
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lunarharp · 2 years
a random draft where i was ramblingg about witch hat & art to myself for myself :)
rare time i feel like actually going off about the thing i’m having fun with right now in more detail ... but not on twt where strangers might try to discuss back at me lol sorry but that is scary. (not that you even have the room to soliloquy on there)
i love how there's characters for varying types of artists to relate to. people like agott who have been adept at drawing from a young age but feel overwhelmed by feelings of not meeting their expectations. and are driven mostly by feelings of wanting to prove their worth..
people like oru who have always been around the art but now are burnt out from commissions and wondering just what they're drawing for... and ones i relate to the most personally like coco and qifrey, who started drawing at an older age to the skilled people around them. like coco i'm so happy that i'm in the world of drawing(/magic) now and excited every day but also weighed down by fears that i'll never get to what i where i need to be after starting at this late stage and also whether i'm really cut out for this....
and like qifrey i only started drawing after a narrow escape from trauma... i started drawing to make sense of what my life is now, just as he was invited by beldaruit to become a witch because it was the only safe path he could take. (although i've not been through anything quite like what he's been through... ouagh)
and there’s tetia who just wants to draw to make other people feel happy about what she’s made, to have fun, and spread hope and happiness and gratitude. who feels so happy whenever someone thanks her for what she’s created - i understand now how it feels to want to thank them for thanking her and how making art, when you get a meaningful response, can be a truly warm communal type experience. but you do need that response - her overwhelming happiness when the dragon thing was happy and she said it was the first time she’d ever felt fully appreciated for her magic and it made her soooo happy. she had been drawing until then, but it was the last puzzle in place to make her realise the breadth of what magic can be for her.
and riche who is determined to not lose the “her”-ness from her art, doesn’t want to learn new techniques and become more regular and orthodox in style if it means she feels she’s losing something... i get that!!! precious autistic-coded child... the ways we feel about our art differ depending on our own mental landscapes. hahhhh... shirahama said she began this series because she was having a conversation with artist friends about how it feels like drawing just really is magic. i mean..... it is.
i think writing feels like magic too, and i’m glad i can do both now. any creation is total magic. i’ve drawn scenes that were in my head and that’s let other people see them and if i can trust their comments about it, has moved them in some way or at least let them imagine a scene or a situation that they wouldn’t have imagined otherwise. but it’s different from just telling someone about it. when you draw something, or write something it really exists now - outside of you. THAT’S SO WEIRD.
i liked drawing a lot of takarazuka things (before i realised i got kind of burnt out drawing all this transcore stuff that people were not exactly responding to because it’s so niche and weird lmao) but drawing fanart for something that also ONLY exists in art is so special. it’s not acted by real people. like.. they’re just little people that someone drew and now i draw them too. total magic. and she gets up and draws them every day the same as me...
i love that a manga isn’t just art, it’s storytelling too. doing both writing and drawing at the same time - it feels like such a perfect and fascinating combination of skills and facets of creation. i’m better at writing than drawing, so i don’t feel like i can express my original stories well enough in comic form just yet. but i might just get there.
the world is so confusing and overwhelming and terrible every day. only creation is something i can understand. sometimes i can’t understand it - when i feel REALLY bad, it’s definitely like, what’s the point. and i wish i had more things to experience at present than just creation - i want to be outside and just feel and be as well as create. and at some point i’ll definitely stop posting my creations online. but creating has become something that i don’t need to understand the reason for it - so at those times when i wonder what the real point to any of this is.... lately, i usually still create anyway. just as you’d still breathe and sleep even though you’re hurt and confused by the horrors of the world. it’s becoming how i express myself. i find myself drawing pretty much every day because it’s part of how i make sense of shit now and i naturally want to do it. not doing it is painful.
i hope this magic continues. i hope it becomes far more wonderful than i can even imagine from here.
and i won't lose.
#things really are different if you start drawing in your mid/late 20s or onwards.#you haven't developed your idea of yourself as an 'artist' at the time your brain was developing your identity.#but reading something that is basically saying- it's not too late and you have your own magic that only youan do... is so heartening.#also the manga is very gay. it's not THAT shockingly original and fascinating a story- but like...#i just don't know many ongoing fun series with interesting lovable characters where there are also major representations#for disability race queerness etc.#esp if tetia is trans. shirahama-sensei you can tell me...#MOSTLY IM LOSING MY MIND AT WHERE THE SERIES IS GOING LIKE I AM SCARED. my theories are dark and i fear for qifrey SOMEONE HELP HIMMM..#ONCE AGAIN LET SOMEONE HLEP YOU YOU QUESTIONABLE AND TRAGIC GAY LITTLE SKIRT MAN#i hate that i had to just let my fic be so short. I CANT WRITE ANY MORE RIGHT NOW...i would have to make up so much plot stuff#bc orufrey CANNT happen they cant freaking KISS until so much is sorted out between them which requires the plot moving forward and..#AUGHHH !!!! sensei please just tell me what happens please please please please please please please please please#the next chapter looks hella plot-ful but STILL..it's going to take YEARS..i just want to know if qifrey IS GOING TO SURVIVE THIS SHIT !!!!#if the brimhats [redacted] then he'll [redacted] and THEN WHAT IF [redacted] has to [redacted] I FEEL LIKE SENSEI'LL DO THAT !!! SCARED#SURELLLY she'll have [redacted] have to [redacted] but i dont think shed go as far as [redacted] ??????#i plan to go to japan next year if possible anyway but what if it's too early for an anime-fuelled merch section in animate. please#this is like the first new and non-zuka thing i've been hyperfixated on for years. i need official qifrey and oru items. I need the items#once again i feel weird putting my personal feelings and theories on the internet to an audience of nobody but once again we will die.#am i going to be on my deathbed thinking 'oh i shouldn't have happily gone off about witch hat on tumblr that time how embarrassing' no.#do you know how worthwhile it is to enjoy something. and to basically avoid other fanworks for the most part so you're just surrounded#by your own pure and enjoyable feelings.#i actually went to a local queer art place yesterday and like. man i was very different to them but#there are people somewhat like me out there huh. somewhere. i'm going to make zines and art and express my world. even if just a bit.#literally why would you priv reblog something like this i think there is something wrong with you? i feel better about myself now#i will find the ones like me not the ones like you <3
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arthur-r · 1 year
just finished a drawing for the hhvcd anniversary but the problem is. i spent like eight-ish hours on it???? over the course of many days???? and my goal had been to make three pictures of each of them. and what i have is a singular drawing of haricot
#i hadn’t like. actually spent time on a drawing. in a really long time like i’ve only sketched for like 20 minutes at a time. maybe an hour#so i was very very lofty with my goals!!!! and now idk what to do cause cd is important and i love cd and i really meant to draw them both#i meant to draw them each in three different super cool and unique outfits and poses!!!! but here i am shdhdf#anyway maybe i’ll have time to make cd but i doubt it. maybe i’ll just be late????#i’m proud of myself for spending so much time on this picture like more time than i have in years. but it’s sure an inconvenience shdhdf#i think i will probably hold on to my picture until the day of? but i might show it to my best friends private#problem is the hhvcd people are my best friends. nobody to surprise with a picture of haricot if brian and june see it two days early#anyway i’ll see about making cd in the next two days but like. i don’t think i would’ve finished hh if there wasn’t a snow day today#and making just the two original people was supposed to be making it easier for me shdhdf i was going to do something with fog/maybe maggie#but i knew that would be too much so i did the two people who were actually came up with on the day that i’m making them for#but apparently when i actually make art that i don’t entirely hate that actually takes a lot of time and effort#like i knew it would take multiple hours. just not several evenings of hyperfocus and missing dinner#speaking of which. i should stop typing this and go eat some food. and also turn on the light the sun set two hours ago and i didn’t do that#so im sitting here in complete darkness drawing pictures on my phone lit up in a spooky glow probably#so that’s nice. anyway i have to go eat. excited to show everyone my drawing eventually. see you in a while!!!!#me. my post. mine.#delete later#disordered eating cw#(better safe!!!! obviously it wasn’t on purpose. but good to be safe)#ask to tag
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villa-kulla · 2 years
Since there’s no more BCS this week or ever, you’ll have to suffer through some brief sappy THOUGHTS instead. But last week after the finale I went to go visit my parents and they asked me how the BCS finale was, and I was all like “when I last saw you I was still a girl, but now I return to you a woman.”
And I was just trying to be melodramatic and funny, but then thought about it more, and that is kind of what it feels like to me??? Breaking Bad just consumed my early twenties, I fell in love with it immediately, and it was also what made me finally try writing fan fiction, and then try writing my own things, because all I wanted to do was write something as good as that. I was about to say it was such a creative ‘spark’, but let’s be real, it was a furnace. And then Better Call Saul has carried me THROUGH my twenties, and unlike Breaking Bad (which I binged), I got to grow with it and watch it in real time every year, see it get deeper and more nuanced with every season as it peeled back layers, falling more and more in love with it each new season. And then finally last week we got to watch it all come together and coalesce into one of the most stunning, thoughtful, poignant, mature, bittersweet, breathtaking, and beautiful shows of all time, and it really does feel like a full-circle end of an era.
BrBa and BCS have meant so much to me in different ways, and I’ve never grown with art in quite the same way as those two stories. They’re the ultimates for me. I know it’s unbelievably sappy, but I can’t not say thank you to both shows and everyone involved in making them for being so generous in sharing how they do it. It’s really been such a special ride <3
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toastsnaffler · 22 days
there's an artist I rly like not naming names but one of their ocs looks EXACTLY like [redacted person ik irl] and it always makes me double take whenever they draw them bc for a second im always like ohhh.. that's them..... but they wouldn't do that... it makes me feel soo strange
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tchaikovskym · 2 months
Man this day sucked balls
#i had to get up at 5:45am#that was the first worst sign#it was well until i went home for my zoom lesson#since i was like the main coordinator for one big event which had multiple small events#my boss called me and was like hey where is the portable ultrasound for the event#and she found it but the charger was missing#so i asked people responsible for the smaller events who used that ultrasound if they know anything and they were like nope#and one even managed to throw shade on me bc it has been like 2 weeks since the event#after my zoom lesson i cried abt that stupid charger#but i was like hold up i have 20 minutes only to cry bc i have my next lesson in person and i have to go#and then i went and i managed to forget abt that stupid lost charger#and i was like yay i will learn python#and then i did learn the basics and then it started to get complicated and i was lost and then our task was like#hell#and then i tried to make something at least of my task. to like define functions and stuff#and it wasnt possible#and then our teacher kind of wrote the script for the 1st part of the assignment#and i was like okay#and i tried it and the int thing didnt work it was like no you cant put it there where your teacher put it#and i was like fuck then#i just learned how to write a if else and now i have to make two different triangle area scripts baded on input and so that it would work#for non existing triangles#and like what does it mean a triangle with 4 3 and 9 as edge lengths#what do you want from me? an error output? triangle does not exist? what?#either way im fucked#i have to wake up just as early tomorrow#and i have to do a lecture for schoolkids on saturday and my ppt is not finished#and its not like ill have time tomorrow bc i work from 7am to 9pm bc im maybe a masochist#which means even less sleep#i think i have so much going on i want to just. scream.
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