#binging brba was like pounding back shots of tequila and red bull and squeezing lime juice into your eyes
villa-kulla · 2 years
Since there’s no more BCS this week or ever, you’ll have to suffer through some brief sappy THOUGHTS instead. But last week after the finale I went to go visit my parents and they asked me how the BCS finale was, and I was all like “when I last saw you I was still a girl, but now I return to you a woman.”
And I was just trying to be melodramatic and funny, but then thought about it more, and that is kind of what it feels like to me??? Breaking Bad just consumed my early twenties, I fell in love with it immediately, and it was also what made me finally try writing fan fiction, and then try writing my own things, because all I wanted to do was write something as good as that. I was about to say it was such a creative ‘spark’, but let’s be real, it was a furnace. And then Better Call Saul has carried me THROUGH my twenties, and unlike Breaking Bad (which I binged), I got to grow with it and watch it in real time every year, see it get deeper and more nuanced with every season as it peeled back layers, falling more and more in love with it each new season. And then finally last week we got to watch it all come together and coalesce into one of the most stunning, thoughtful, poignant, mature, bittersweet, breathtaking, and beautiful shows of all time, and it really does feel like a full-circle end of an era.
BrBa and BCS have meant so much to me in different ways, and I’ve never grown with art in quite the same way as those two stories. They’re the ultimates for me. I know it’s unbelievably sappy, but I can’t not say thank you to both shows and everyone involved in making them for being so generous in sharing how they do it. It’s really been such a special ride <3
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