#which clearly would make someone think theyre just flat out out of business
firelord-frowny · 5 months
so bizarreeee to me when businesses don't make certain information easily accessible to its clientele???
like, for a small music store such as (but not limited to) music&arts centers, whyyyy would you not have a clearly stated inclement weather policy on their websites with regard to private lessons?
if your business, say, a restaurant, has to shut down for several weeks renovations or something, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY would you not stick a sign on the door that says so? WHYYYYY would you not make a quick lil social media post explaining why you're closed and how soon you expect to re-open?? literally howwww much fucking sense does it make to just turn out the lights and shut the door without a single word to any of the people who patronize your business???
are there legit reasons why so many places are content to just leave their customers in the dark like that and make them have to go out of their way to contact the owners/managers/etc and ask wtf is going on, if they care enough to ask?
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surlifen · 3 years
i dont waste energy hating closed species And You Can Too!
alright you asked for it
Claim 1: “Closed species limit creativity in the art community by locking off certain concepts.”
No, they don’t. If you believe that, then you also must believe that copyrighting in general-- or just generally the fact that making a design exactly like someone else’s is viewed as kind of wack-- are stifling creativity. Why? It’s easy to accidentally make a concept that is similar to someone else’s, because there are literally just not that many Things That Exist. There will ALWAYS be repeats. Generally, if a design coincidentally looks like another, there will be a mixture of backlash from people who believe it was an intentional ripoff, and total acceptance from people who understand that it was an accident. Ultimately, the correct way to live is to understand that 1) these coincidences can happen and should not be punished, but 2) intentionally ripping off someone else’s work is wrong. It isn’t black and white, you must process 2 or more concepts at once.
Species owners understand this. I have never seen a species owner come after someone for accidentally making something similar or inspired. This is a myth. Species owners are busy as fuck, generally Normal People, and simply do not have the time or energy or desire to moderate things outside their community. Please talk to literally any of them for more than two minutes and you will discover this. Every species owner I have met is friendly and kind and I’ll go into detail on exactly how bullshit this stereotype of them chasing people down for similarities is later.
So, given that some randos will get upset and harass people over harmless inspiration/coincidence but most will not in ALL cases of accidental over-similarity: this is NOT a species-specific problem and happens just as often--if not MORE often, because of how much people fucking despise closed species-- with non-closed-species characters.
Secondly, species owners do not create a closed species with the goal of closing off a concept from use. They do it to create a community they can manage and share a concept they have created. 
Take the world of Nephfei, created by the artist Queijac. The closed species of Nephfei are called Spinxyn, and they are very much sphinxes. They are not a brand-new concept Jac is claiming to have come up with, they are intentional and very direct references to sphinxes. What sets them apart is their species LORE, WORLD, and COMMUNITY.
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[image ID: a screenshot of the Spinxyn species guide on deviantart, created by queijac. Text reads “IMPORTANT NOTE: Spinxyn are a species OF sphinx. Yes, they are sphinx, and yes of course anyone can make sphinx characters and designs using similar appearances! I claim no ownership over design aspects! Spinxyn as a CS community, however, which offers social art related activities, world building, themed events, etc., to use the characters in, simply relates to my own PERSONAL WORK and how i want to enrich peoples experiences with it! Please understand this, thank you!!!”]
This species is not closed so that Jac can copyright the idea of a sphinx. It is closed so that Jac has some control over the world and lore they have created. Were anyone able to create a Spinxyn without an approval process, not only would the community become too large to manage too quickly, but all sorts of Spinxyn with aspects that don’t fit the lore would pop up. 
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[Image ID: screenshot of a message from Queijac in the nephfei official public Discord server. Text reads: “theres just a total disconnect that 99% of ppl making closed species are making. a Group...... its about.... the community....... and building the community around One concept that someone makes and puts rules in place for so that they can actually. U kno. MANAGE THINGS... and make a cohesive group experience....... the reason CS have so much popularity is because they come with a community, not because theyre 100% unique never before seen or heard of concepts”]
Jac explicitly acknowledges that sphinxes do not belong to them and even says that borrowing some spinxyn-specific appearance details is okay!!! The ONLY thing off-limits here is a WORLD, COMMUNITY, and LORE.
Except it isn’t. Because Nephfei also hosts not one, not two, but THREE open species of intelligent beings, plus NINE official species of non-intelligent animals, so that anyone can participate.
Claim 2: Species owners harass and police people who make similar concepts.
I touched on this already re:species owners are busy as fuck & Jac openly encouraging people to make sphinx characters and even borrow spinxyn-specific traits, but this note from ground-lion/seel, the creator of Chimereons, really does it for me.
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[Image ID: a DeviantArt note from ground-lion to me. Text reads “hello, thank you for showing me this! we don't actively do anything to police offbrands, since it causes more trouble than i think it's worth. i like to avoid drama wherever possible, and it seems like most people who participate in offbrands are just looking to press people's buttons so we can't/won't do anything to these people, i think it is best to just try and ignore it and move on.”]
Here you have the owner of one of the arguably most shit on and hated species saying outright “we don’t bother doing anything about intentional ripoffs”. For context, this WAS 100% intentional, I had noted ground-lion about a user I saw posting adoptables that were LABELED “offbrand chimereons” (so if anyone was hArAsSiNg PeOpLe oVeR SiMiLaR cOnCePtS here, it was me, calling attention to intentional and stated copying). 
Sidenote: I think it’s shitty to intentionally steal a concept. Ground-lion has also said there is no issue with making anthropomorphic chameleon characters, just that chimereons were inspired by a set of traits, a word, lore, a desire to create a community, and their own personal stylization of anthro chameleons. It’s fine to take inspiration from how someone else stylizes an animal, but the degree to which people do it-- just outright copying every aspect of Seel’s work-- rubs me the wrong way. Not enough to say anything because that is only my personal opinion and because I do not have time for that shit.
The Dainty mod team + owner (Pajuxi-Adopts) also have a section stating that to make a design no longer a Dainty, all that’s needed are the following changes: 
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[image ID: screenshot of Dainty species ToS. Text reads “ Visual edits must be made for discontinuation, here is our standard discontinuation options: - remove the stockings completely and give them fur like an actual satyr - keep the stockings and give them human legs - make them an anthro - keep the stockings but they MUST start at least a quarter to halfway up the bottom portion of the deer leg with a clear divide between the stocking and leg with fur poking out underneath - you are free to suggest your own edits as well! “]
This may be speaking specifically about discontinuing a former Dainty due to the context we found it in, but this means that a design is not considered a dainty if, for example, its stockings show fur underneath and are not part of the body. That’s it. That’s all they ask. Pajuxi is not saying “this is my closed species of SATYRS WITH SOCKS and if you DARE make a satyr with socks i will COME FOR YOU!!!”, they clearly state that satyrs with socks are an acceptable Not A Dainty. I personally think the lore behind the stockings being physically part of the body and all the specific rules they entail is interesting and original and I do not think it’s such a wild ask to say “hey, please respect this and if you see it, don’t rip it off on purpose. You can take inspiration in all these valid ways but I want to have some control over the concept I came up with”.
Claim 3: Species owners are rich elitists making small artists suffer.
Species owners are small, independent artists. Artists being hated the instant they get even moderate success (that’s still usually BARELY A LIVING WAGE) is its own huge discussion and internalized issues + capitalist brainwashing you all have to deal with on your own damn time, but I want to emphasize that someone making a living or even comfortable wage from their art is Good, Actually, and is something we should all be happy to see and want to see more of. 
Furthermore, no one is being taken advantage of. CS characters are a luxury item. You do not NEED one. If you absolutely will die without a sock deer, make one where the sock isn’t part of their body. If you will die without a chimereon, make an anthro chameleon and use your own ideas. If you will die without a sphinx character, I’m overjoyed to inform you that fucking nobody ever asked you not to make one. CS involvement is voluntary. If you don’t like them, don’t participate in them, but keep in mind that someone saying “hey, please don’t blatantly copy this design concept I spent time creating” is The Same Thing as someone asking you not to copy their individual character designs. You could live without stealing character designs. You can live without making something exactly like an existing CS. 
Claim 4: CS put concepts behind a paywall and make them inaccessible.
Again, these are a luxury item. Most closed species MYO slots cost $10-$45. That is not a ridiculous amount to aspire to. Closed species owners WANT people to participate in their species, so there are a ton of ways.
- Chimereons hold First-Time Owner flatsale slot raffles every single month to ensure people who are new to the community have a greater chance of nabbing a slot than existing participants - Dainties have an art prompt every month, which rewards every participant regardless of skill level one prompt point (the art can be visual or written). Six prompt points can be used to buy an MYO slot for free. If you desperately need a dainty and are flat broke, you can get a free one by writing 150 words a month for six months or doing one drawing each month. Skill level doesn’t matter, ALL participants get a point if they follow the rules. - I joined a raffle for a free pre-made Spinxyn. I did not win the raffle. Jac randomly decided to give out 7 MYO slots too, one of which I won. I entered a raffle that DID NOT HAVE MYO SLOTS AS A PRIZE and got one for free anyway. CS owners want people to participate, I promise. - Dainties just had a 24-hour turn-in event (that they warned about a month in advance so folks could prepare designs), meaning every single person who submits a design in that 24hr time frame gets a slot. Normally slot sales are limited in number and sell out in seconds. - Jac sporadically draws quicker, messier Spinxyn designs which always cost $5 and raffle-flatsales them on Discord. $5 is not a gatekeepy price. - Tomoyokis recently had a free-for-all event where everyone could claim either a free common slot or a $10 uncommon slot. These are just specific examples I remember of easier or free ways to get CS. Non-specifically:
- art = reward systems are common, so again, just writing or drawing enough can equal a free MYO slot or entry into a raffle for a pre-made design - many many species that are relatively new have FREE turn-in events or giveaways to build a community - free FTO slot raffles - paid but discounted FTO slot raffles - random free design giveaways - trading art for a CS character or MYO slot (I’ve gotten a dainty and two dainty MYO slots this way, and I realize not everyone’s art gets accepted, which is why this is a whole list of ways that don’t require artistic skill whatsoever)
So getting your hands on one isn’t the worst thing in the world. You might need a little luck (as in, you have a completely fair chance that is equal to everyone else’s) or a little dedication (6 months of wanting one, or having to have a design ready within a limited time for a free turn-in event).
Also, there’s a reason CS prices cannot change much: this causes issues with the value of all existing CS characters. Dainties will ALWAYS be $35. The MYO slot price will NEVER increase. If it did, all previous dainties would be worth less, or would have to have their worth increased, which is logistics hell. Inflation doesn’t affect CS the same way it does everything else.
Claim 5: ok but legally nothing is stopping me from making one lmaoo
That is true. It’s also true that there’s not really any effective laws in place to protect artists when they say “Hey, please don’t quote retweet my art on Twitter” or “Hey, please don’t repost my art even with credit”. Sometimes, we just respect artists and do what they ask because we are Nice Fucking People, but apparently, species owners are a whole different thing, evil, and do not deserve the same basic respect.
Talk to a CS owner. They’re reasonable and kind people. There’s an exception to every rule, of course, but what I’ve found overwhelmingly is that they’re literally just people like you and I who were excited to make something cool and share it with people. The emphasis is HUGELY on community. I used to dislike the idea of CS too, but since participating in them and talking a ton with the owners (who are super down-to-earth and active in their servers-- Jac helped me with a confusing horse video game and gave me a Free Horse in there), I’ve realized that the caricature of CS owners as greedy and bitchy, laying claim to basic concepts like A Cat With Wings, is just bullshit. The stereotype that CS community members are an angry mob who will roast you over a fire if you draw a chameleon on two legs is bullshit. The idea that CS are impossible to get, are for the bourgeoisie, and cost thousands of dollars is bullshit (I bet you’re thinking about scarfoxes right now. Hot take: I think it’s great that an artist is selling their intellectual property for that much. I think we all should be able to. I think if someone chooses to spend that much on a design they think would make them happy, that is literally not a fucking problem, and since it was their choice and their money no one is being taken advantage of unfairly. Let people buy the shit they want to buy, I promise you will fucking survive).
I like CS, I think they are neat, I wish people would give the owners a break. They are just independent artists like me. They get lied about and stereotyped over this stupid drama bullshit and they’re so tired and saddened when the subject comes up. They literally do not police anyone-- they don’t have the time or the desire, and it wouldn’t work anyway.
I won’t post CS content here anymore. But I like participating voluntarily in these communities. I don’t understand why that’s something YOU get to have a problem with.
Stay out of my inbox. Thanks.
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mikeo56 · 4 years
They Say That Discrimination Is A Thing Of The Past
A few times I’ve had a white person (BTW I’m a white male) say that a black person claiming discrimination is merely playing the race card or the victim card to cover for their own inadequacies.
They say that the reason the black person didn’t get the job or the apartment or whatever almost never had something to do with discrimination, that the real reason is that they just weren’t good enough, and that their claim of racism is nothing more than a phony excuse, a scam to blame others for their own failings.
If their opinion is challenged they usually say something like, “Oh, come on. There isn’t any widespread discrimination any more.” Maybe they add, “The Civil War was over a hundred and fifty years ago. They need to get over it.”
It’s All Their Own Fault
Sometimes these white people will continue with something like, “If they would only stay in school and stop having out-of-wedlock babies and taking drugs they wouldn’t have these problems.”
Sometimes, if the white person in question is really feeling talkative, they’ll ramble on with something like, “The real problem is that those people don’t want to work hard” or “Those people just aren’t as smart [as white people].”
I’ve been thinking about this “There isn’t any wide-spread discrimination anymore” idea and I asked myself, “What do white people really think about black people?”
What A Lot Of White People Really Think
Well, all white people aren’t the same so, I amended the question to “What do a lot of white people really think about black people?”
What’s “a lot”? 20%? 35%? 50%. I don’t know.
My guess is between 20% and 35% on average depending on where you live. Mississippi is going to be different from Connecticut.
So, for the purposes of this column, when I say “a lot of white people” I’m going to go with a 25% nationwide average but clearly that’s just a guess.
The Dog Whistle Is More Common Than The Bullhorn
I don’t often hear blatant racist statements like “White people are genetically smarter than black people” or “White people are a more genetically advanced species than black people,” probably because I don’t generally listen to people like David Duke or Iowa Congressman Steve King.
Most of the time, white people’s racism is of the “dog whistle” variety — it’s code where the words say one thing, but which other racists recognize as meaning something else.
Some people think that Trump’s tag line “Make America Great Again” is just a slogan, but a lot of white people translate it to “Make America White Again” meaning “We need to stop catering to black and brown people. They’re mostly losers sucking up our tax dollars and getting a free ride. We’re going to get rid of food stamps and Medicaid and we won’t let any more of them into the country.”
Gestures Instead Of Words
Dog whistles can be gestures as well as words.
There’s scene in an NYPD Blue episode where Andy Sipowicz is talking to Vince Gotelli, one of the old-time night-shift detectives.
Believing that Sipowicz is as racist as he is, Gotelli wants to say something about a black person and not be overheard so he runs the palm of his hand down in front of his face. Andy doesn’t understand and Gotelli says something like, “You know, shades” and he again runs his palm in front of his face in a gesture supposed to signify people with dark skin, “behind a shade.”
A lot of white people flat out believe that black people aren’t as smart, hard working, decent or honest as white people. To then, that’s just a fact, but they hesitate to say it out loud. Instead they express this opinion in different subtle but significant ways.
Subtle Discrimination
Who You Hire
Suppose one of these white people is looking for a new primary-care doctor. You read them the website particulars on two candidates, Walter Hawkins, Iowa State University Medical School and Robert Phillips, Yale University Medical School. Hawkins has five years experience and Phillips is the deputy head of the department with ten years on the job.
Naturally, they pick Phillips, but then they get a look at the candidates’ pictures and discover that Phillips is black and Hawkins is white. Suddenly, Hawkins is their guy.
“Why?” you ask, “Because he’s white?”
“No,” they’ll tell you. “I just think he looks more like a real doctor.” Or, “He seems nicer.” Or, “He looks like someone who knows what he’s doing.”
They aren’t going to tell you that the real reason they switched from Phillips to Hawkins is that they think that black people are less intelligent than white people; they think that Phillips must have gotten into Yale on a quota, and that people helped him and covered for him because he was black, because, in their mind, how else could a black man graduate from Yale Medical School?
No, they won’t say that out loud, unless they think that you’re just like them. But they absolutely believe that black people just plain aren’t as smart as white people and that a black man couldn’t possibly be a really top-notch doctor.
And they will look you right in the eye and tell you that they aren’t a racist.
“I don’t have anything against anybody,” they will insist. And they would think that was true.
Who You Rent To
Take two resumes, identical in every way except that the picture of Robert Phillips on one of them is of a white man and on the other he’s a black man. Now, have Mr. Phillips apply to rent 100 AirBNBs as a white man and 100 as a black man.
You will find a significantly higher rejection rate for the black Mr. Phillips than the white Mr. Phillips.
A Harvard Business School study (Racial Discrimination in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from a Field Experiment) found that people whose names are perceived to likely be black find it 16 percent harder than whites to book lodging on Airbnb. They found that some Airbnb hosts would rather their properties remained vacant than rent them to a black guest.
Personally, I think that Airbnb applications with actual pictures showing black versus white guests (as opposed to hosts merely inferring race from the applicant’s last name) would have black rejection rate differentials much higher than 16%.
I’m sure you would find the same thing in tests for renting an apartment or applying for a job interview.
A lot of white landlords and employers will decide that while the white Mr. Phillips looks like a wonderful candidate, the black Mr. Phillips somehow just doesn’t measure up.
“I’m not a racist,” they will swear to you. And believe it.
The Stereotype Racist Pictures That Pop Into Their Heads
I wrote a column about the little stereotype pictures that pop in our heads when we hear a word or phrase e.g. “Las Vegas” or “Wedding.”
The Pictures That Pop Into Our Heads. When I Say “Welfare” “Illegal Alien” “Businessman” “Drug Company”
For a lot of white people the words “black man” will pop up a picture of a person selling drugs on an urban street corner or a manual laborer pushing a mop or a junkie passed out in an alley or a pimp covered in bracelets and gold chains.
You think I’m making this up?
Racism Masquerading As ‘Just Being Careful’
Why do you think a white woman tried bar a black tenant from his own apartment building?
Because in her mind a black man could not possibly earn enough money to be able to afford a luxury apartment. She was convinced that he must be a criminal who was there to steal, that he couldn’t possible belong there.
Why do you think two white security guards kicked a black man out of the lobby of the Double Tree Hotel where he was a registered guest?
Because they were sure that he must have been a pimp or a drug dealer or a homeless person who intended to sleep in the lobby.
In their minds a black man couldn’t possibly afford to stay in a nice hotel because when they see a black man the pictures that pop in their little heads are of pimps, drug dealers, drug addicts, homeless people and raggedy poor people.
A black, female Yale University graduate student fell asleep in her dorm’s common room and a white, female student called the police with the complaint: “There’s somebody here who is where they’re not supposed to be.”
Why did she think that? Because in her mind black people couldn’t possibly belong in a Yale University dorm.
In Indianapolis a white, female off-duty police officer and a white, female apartment-house manager evicted a black tenant from the complex’s swimming pool even though the manager knew he was a tenant and he had the key to his apartment with him.
In Memphis, a white manager of an apartment complex called the police on a black tenant for wearing socks in the pool.
In North Carolina, a white man demanded identification from a black woman at a private community pool and called the police when she refused.
In South Carolina, a white woman attacked a 15-year-old black boy at a neighborhood pool, telling him and his friends that they had to “get out.”
This is just the tip of the iceberg. These incidents go on and on and on.
Why A Lot Of White People Assume A Black Person Doesn’t Belong Around Them
All of these people saw a black person in a place they thought a black person “didn’t belong.” Why did they think that a black person didn’t belong there?
Because they thought that black people were too poor to qualify to be in such a nice place. Or because they thought that black people were likely dirty, lazy, dangerous or criminal and they didn’t want “people like that” around them.
My opinion is that few of these white people would admit to being a racist any more than the white person who wouldn’t accept a Yale-educated black doctor or a white homeowner who wouldn’t accept a black person as an Airbnb guest wouldn’t admit that they were racists.
They would just say that they were being careful because unknown black people are more dangerous or untrustworthy than unknown white people.
They would tell you that they just wanted to protect their property and white tenants are generally more law abiding, careful and drug free than black tenants.
They would say that they just wanted to keep out trespassers, and because most black people can’t afford the nice places used by white people, they were more likely to be trespassers.
They would just tell you that they wanted the best professionals they could get and white doctors are, of course, smarter and better than black doctors.
Yes, You Are A Racist
Then they would look you straight in the eye and solemnly tell you, “I’m not a racist. I’m just being careful because black people really aren’t as smart, honest, trustworthy, law abiding, clean, and decent as white people. That’s just a fact. Recognizing that fact doesn’t make me a racist.”
Yes, it does, it really does.
So, don’t tell me there isn’t widespread discrimination in America.
It’s just gone underground. It’s language is just now more often spoken in code and with winks and nods.
But it’s there all the same in every little, bigoted picture that pops into a lot of white people’s heads whenever they see a black man who is someplace they’re sure he doesn’t belong.
— David Grace (www.DavidGraceAuthor.com)
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comicteaparty · 5 years
December 24th-December 30th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from December 24th, 2018 to December 30th, 2018.  The chat focused on Cat-Person by P.Lo.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Cat-Person by P.Lo~! (https://catpersoncomic.tumblr.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until December 30th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Why do you think Neko refuses to go outside and has, in general, a grumpy attitude? Do you believe this is something she’ll eventually overcome at the current rate?
QUESTION 4. Will Neko and Eleanor be able to overcome the tension in their relationship? If so, how? Do you feel Neko’s attitude towards Eleanor is justified or vice versa? Will Neko ultimately ruin her dad’s relationship with Eleanor?
(Content warning for anybody who needs it: Suicidal thoughts/attempts are a central theme in this comic)
So the creator describes this as a "serialized psychological-thriller". Neko is our viewpoint character, she's clearly got some unaddressed mental health issues that nobody around her is qualified to deal with, and as such becomes the most sympathetic. But it's clear that everyone starts from a deeply flawed baseline, and the creator is using things like porn addiction, alcoholism, and vegan diets to paint everyone in those "shades of grey".
From the about page:
“When a last-minute business trip forces DAD to leave home for a week, he enlists his eager girlfriend ELEANOR to take care of his reclusive daughter NEKO, which leads to jealousy, passive-aggressiveness, and… Bloodshed.”
So based on the tension, and clues being dropped around with Neko pocketing the key, and how controlling Eleanor is getting, I'm not expecting this to be a gentle healing story where everyone comes to understand one another. Things are going to go WAY south, perhaps physically and psychologically violent between Neko and Eleanor.
QUESTION 5. Do you think Neko’s dad will be able to get a grip on his own problems, such as his drinking? How might his problems affect his relationship with Neko and Eleanor as the story continues?
I must say, I'm super impressed with how the art style and the repetitive format contribute to the storytelling. The clean style, the pretty but understated colors, the calm repetition of the three panel format... All of it contrasts against the turbulence and the ugliness of what's happening under the surface, and it's extremely effective.
QUESTION 6. In what ways do you believe Neko’s life is reflected in the story she’s writing, especially given she mentioned taking aspects form it? What could that mean for the current state of Neko’s life?
1) i really enjoy the first lunch scene when its just eleanor and neko because i find it to be a hard slap of truth in how communication can quickly go awry. eleanor is clearly well-meaning, but because of her personal insecurities about her position with neko and her own personal life beliefs, she winds up being pushy. but on the otherhand, neko is kind of a brat in general, even if i empathize with her more in that scene. but inevitably i really enjoyed the character dynamics in this particular scene cause they felt all too real and made my heart hurt. because neither character involved is awful, they just arent on the same page of communication. and that fact i think is really poignant for the darker tones of the story. 2) favorite character is probably neko's dad. because despite his own issues, he is an honest soul trying to balance helping neko while having his own life. he woefully underqualified to help neko, obviously, but hes trying at least.
3) i go back and forth on neko's decision to not leave the house. on the one hand, it could be hinting she might have extreme social anxiety or a form of agoraphobia. but on the otherhand, as someone who doesnt like to go outside, it could be she just doesnt like to go outside. not everyone gets a kick out of what the outside has to offer (often cause a lot of the more interesting things to do also cost zounds of money). so in a sense, i kind of feel it might be a mix? in that in general she just doesnt enjoy it, but that she does have some anxiety issues that doubly encourage her not to go out either. as for overcoming it, fff, it's not looking likely. as others have mentioned, she's really in need of some professional help, and atm she is not getting that. but as for the going outside thing, i dont think she necessary needs to overcome it. ppl can live healthy lives while staying mostly indoors. its mroe about whether it's hurting her quality of life. but i like the fact its not entirely clear in this regard, cause it makes neko more sympathetic in regards to her reactions to eleanor
4) I feel both character's attitudes is both justified and unjustified. as i mentioned with favorite scene, they both have their positive and negative sides. neko has issues but is also kind of a brat. eleanor is well-meaning but extremely pushy and inconsiderate. but in the end i dont think it matters who is more justified. theyre both right and both at fault, which is great because in general this is the gray situations we often face in real life. as for overcoming the tension in their relationship, eh, probably not. but in all honesty i dont think the dad and eleanor's relationship is gonna work out. i think at the end it's the dad's own unaddressed issues that are going to sabotage the relationship, nothing that neko does. but i do think neko is gonna feel like it's her fault and i think shes gonna feel guiliter about it then she suspects she will despite her general dislike of eleanor
5) as said in the end of 4, i think his own issues are what's actually going to ruin the relationship with eleanor. alcohol addiction leads to bad places and makes ppl not themselves. so i can only see it going badly. as for neko, i kind of think the same thing is gonna happen, more because he's not going to get neko the help she needs. inevitably, this story is on a downward spiral because everyone is sad and nobody seems to dealing with their issues in a healthy manner as of yet.
6) before i speculate, i just want to say i love that the story flat out tells out neko's life is being reflected in her own story. because this is an element that would be left to reader speculation on simile and metaphor and stuff. but since this story is upfront about it, i actually think it makes room for a lot of tension building. since the story neko is writing is revealed in bits and pieces, this allows us to get the occassional view into neko's psyche. as the story she's writing gets darker, we get a window side view into neko's inner turmoil. and the more turmoil, the more worried you get since it's clear her mental situation atm might not be the most stable. now speculation, while i dont think neko is some secret killer of those around her through supernatural means, i do think shes reflecting the fact that she feels like a burden on those around her. which is somewhat interesting and also very sad. the extreme manifestation shown in her story makes me think neko has a very distorted self image. but on the otherhand, at the current moment its hard to say she isnt bit of a burden, though mostly in regards to her being a bit of brat just cause her dad wants to dad. but in a way, she kind of self fulfills the prophecy. and inevitably its just this cycle that leads her down a dark road that is overall very depressing but still interesting to see portrayed in this way.
I was curious how old she was/what their financial situation is. She's of legal age to drink I guess, so she's an adult. Nothing like getting a job or her ever living independently has come up, so I assume the dad has that covered or is at the very least not mentioning that out of consideration of her mental health. But they can't afford more than one laptop for him to take on his business trip and her to write on?
And surely giving your shut-in daughter internet access would make life somewhat less isolating for her? Especially since internet communication has been established as something the dad does for support, it feels like a particularly odd situation. C'mon man, get your girl an iPad and let her do NaNoWriMo or something.(edited)
Was she actually legal to drink? I was under the impression that it was a special occasion only thing. (which isn't too uncommon IRL even if it's not legal?)
I guess, but damn, that makes him an even WORSE dad.
They don't mention school or anything either, so I'm a little unclear.
Regarding her writing, I think the dog/cat dichotomy that comes up in Neko's story that she's writing is a big theme (and well, the comic's called Cat-person, and she's named "neko" which means "cat" in Japanese). I'm assuming the parallel here is Neko is not actually the guy in her writing, but the cat. She's aloof, hard for anyone to read, stays away from people, gets violent. Eleanor's possibly the pushy, happy and over-attentive dog?
i was super confused how old shes supposed to be, but i eventually settled on late teen based on 1) her general appearance and stature looks more teen/young adult to me and 2) a lot of the other stuff you mentioned. like shes very much being treated like a kid and not capable of being someone being independent. but to be fair, id ballpark maybe 17 or 18. so someone who is kind of an adult but not ready to be an adult by a long shot, which isnt uncommon for that age. i got the same impression as keii did about the drinking. that it was just a special occassion thing. neko just goes overboard and the dad doesnt punish her. which tbf to him, im sure hes worried about setting her off or something like that.
as for the laptop thing, i actually assumed that had nothing to do with their financial situation. i mean it might, but i got more the impression that he was protecting her and just in general didnt want her near the internet or things like that. which tbf i can understand that pov. cause as much as the internet can help, it can also hurt. cyberbullying is a real thing after all and we dont really have an established past for neko that lead her to do what she did. not to mention he might be afraid of what shes gonna search where he cant see. like what if she starts looking up "how to kill myself in [insert manner here]" alternatively, he also might just not want her to see whatever porn he has on the computer, cause id bet my soul he has porn on that laptop.
thats a good catch with the dog/cat dichotomy though. i didnt even notice it cause i was too busy fuss worrying over eleanor not caring where the key is
way to watch over neko, eleanor
Oh yeah, there was a strip where he was doing some kind of adult chat and he deleted his browsing history before giving his computer to Neko, so he totally had porn on his laptop.
That's true about the internet possibly being a bad thing that he could feel he needs to protect her from. I think that sort of history of how she interacted when she WASN'T avoiding the world would really add a lot of depth to Neko and make her more sympathetic.
That said, the author has done a really good job of making the environment feel uncomfortably tight and trapped, so sympathetic characters might not be what they want for this story and might reduce the sense of tension we feel right now.(edited)
yeah i def agree. it does feel tight and trapped. especially whenever eleanor is there cause whenever eleanor is around i feel like her constant talking serves to make the place feel more cramped.
QUESTION 7. Why do you believe the fridge magnets spell out helpful sayings like “ask for help?” Who did it and for what purpose? What is the thematic significance?
I suspect the fridge word art is Neko. It might be symbollic of her own subconscious trying to give her advice, or her way of communicating with her dad about his own poor way of dealing with problems.
(the archive for the chat on Lovespells is now available! @thisintermezzo https://comicteaparty.com/post/181479135680/december-17th-december-23rd-2018-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. How do you think the title, “Cat-Person,” ties into the story’s themes and topics? What does this title tell us about Neko or the other characters?
(Going back to a previous topic, it looks like the pages that were added in the last few days do clarify that Neko does have agoraphobia/fear of leaving the house and she is an adult - https://catpersoncomic.tumblr.com/)
idk if i consider that a confirmation shes an adult. but definitely old enough to drive.
Neko knowing her phobias definitely makes me wonder why the dad wouldn't have told Eleanor those things. It seems like the kind of thing that I would have told my girlfriend before she met my daughter? And I have to hope Eleanor would have been broaching these subjects with more tact if these were known diagnoses.
Anyway, yah, the title "Cat-Person" seems to have ties in with Neko's name and the cat mentioned in her story. The stereotype of cats is that they don't like being around others and feel crowded/lash out pretty easily, which fits Neko pretty well at this point. Since it's such a core part of her identity, I'm curious if/how it can shift.
the dad might have told eleanor tbf. she very much comes across as one of those ppl who thinks all mental issues are something you can just get over. or even if she isnt, i highly doubt eleanor did any research about it and attempted to actually understand.
it wouldnt surprise me if he didnt tell her. tbh, i dont think the dad really takes neko's fear of the outside all that serious either
i feel more he just tolerates it but doesnt understand the full extent of the problem
cause he seems kind of willing to indulge and spoil neko to a degree just so he doesnt have to deal with everything
Hmmm, yeah, good point
but to a degree i also understand cause hes got his own issues to work through. and ppl who have their own mental issues arent the best suited to help others in a lot of cases.
well more in the sense that neither are actively working to heal
so just arent in good places to help each other
I was actually wondering if he didn't tell her because he's a terrible dad and was worried it might drive Eleanor away from him
But I also like the idea of Eleanor having been told, but deliberately acting like she doesn't know
tbh tho i could also believe he just never found the right time to tell eleanor
cause these are not casual things you drop down on your girlfriend
although i am leaning towards eleanor just didnt care
cause clearly she was told neko tried to commit suicide since she wasnt surprised at all
That, I was guessing (well, it was one of my guesses) Eleanor didn't actually take Neko seriously at the time and saw it as a younger person being an edgelord for attention
But any of these interpretations are possible at this time
i think that is a good way to put it tho
that is 100% how i see eleanor fewing neko
as some young edgelord
that and she strikes me as one of those ppl who believes sunshine and fresh air will fix any illness
modern medicine be damned
7) i kind of assume neko did the fridge word art for no other reason that shes a writer. so just makes sense. though i kind of feel like her father maybe encouraged her to do it. like put some positive affirmations on the fridge of some sort. i feel like their significance is to show something like how even when ppl can know what they have to do (like ask for help for instance) the actual execution of that is flawed and contingent on those around us. so asking for help is not necessarily a for sure path that lead to healing. or something like that. 8) as Delphina said, cats are "stereotyped" as being creatures that lash out and are relatively solitary (i quote stereotype cause as a cat owner annd lover, nah, cats are bundles of terror and these are accurate descriptions XD). the unfortunate thing is that ppl tend to assume these same traits apply to "cat people." which fits neko, but i also think in some way it also speaks of how ppl are auto putting their assumptions on her. in that the more they assume shes gonna lash out, the more she does so, and then its just a downward spiral. i think eleanor shows us the story is equally about ppls judgements and assumptions of who we are, in the same way people assume cat people are exactly like cats. and in so doing the title is also talking about how neko is being put into a box that is not conducive to her changing even if she wanted to, because people are already assuming certain things about her even before she meets or bonds with them
(i hope that drabble made sense cause im tired and about to go to bed XD)
QUESTION 9. Do you believe Neko’s father’s attitude and precautions towards her since her attempted suicide is justified, or is it more likely making the situation worse? What do you think will become of the issue regarding the locked up knife drawer and missing key?
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) I think Neko's father's handling of the situation is kind of a mix of both. I can understand taking precautions so Neko can heal without being in danger. However, he's not doing a lot of other stuff he should be doing to help her get better. As for the key thing, I think it's gonna hurt the dad more than Neko. Cause I can just picture Eleanor mentioning it casually and the Dad fighting with her wondering how Eleanor could be so irresponsible. Or something like that. I'm gonna be optimistic rather than assume worst case. O_O 10) I'm looking forward to seeing where else the story Neko is writing goes. I really love how tied in that story is to the comic's story and it really helps build tension and makes for a really interesting read.
I'm looking forward to seeing actual changes, be they positive or negative... or suuuper negative even. So far there's been a lot of establishing what each character is like (which is necessary, and done very well). I mean, Eleanor being introduced to Neko's life is a change to her life, but not yet a change in her character. I feel like the point we're at is a cusp of some real changes...
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Cat-Person this week! Please also give a special thank you to P.Lo for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Cat-Person, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://catpersoncomic.tumblr.com/
P.Lo’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/pleaseleaveon?lang=en
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
Can I wait to report damage to insurance company till car payed off?
Can I wait to report damage to insurance company till car payed off?
My car was parked on a busy street in icy conditions and when I returned to it, it had clearly been hit but no one left a note, etc. It will probably be very expensive to fix...although it is only cosmetic damage and it isn t horrible. In fact, from a distance, you don t notice it much. Anyway....my husband passed away recently and my finances have been limited. I have full coverage on the car (It is a 2004 ford escape)....because I am still making payments on it. We have a $1000 deductible, which I cannot afford right now. Besides, my brother-in-law tells me he can spruce up the damage and make it look better..and of course won t charge me much for that. So....here was my plan. Please tell me if I m doing anything illegal here or just tell me if my plan will work: So...I m expecting a large enough tax refund that I can pay the car off in March if I choose to do so. Once that is all complete...and before I drop my full coverage to just liability, I was going to report the damage....and go through the process of getting estimate, etc...and then not have the car fixed and just take a check. With that check, I was going to pay off some other bills I m very behind on (mainly hospital bills). That plan will help me get my finances in order and get out from under debt. But I m not sure if I m thinking clearly on this! Someone please tell me if this plan is an option. Thank you!
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Does anyone know of My company lowered are you are 17 or third claim today (first I paid $800 for drive the car with 18 and trying to Thanks in advance to buy a car I going to have AP so I don t a young driver just our area are not ago. Currently uninsured, only so I m worried. Does to be put on to go on it? Florida ! If you go the DMV and company s president on Monday AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. to get SR-22 Insurance and crashed into the a drivers license. Am away from now. Will car insurance rather than with no insurance. So would like something that anyone agree with this? best auto insurance rates? Thanks xxx to calculate california disability done a little research them I slipped on in future is that find them much help. later with a quote broker? 10. What advice What is the best insurance rates. Should I years of owning my .
I what a 2000 bee the cheapest for away from being eligible old will pay a lived with parents), 18-23 go through the other 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 that at some point tt that was a is needed also buisness (NOT a GT) for best bet for gas/insurance? anyone have any advice? damages or would I? rates. I m kinda sick was sharing it with Don t get me started what will the insurance got a good quote trying to get a insurance rate?. and what who: has slight ADD, ISN T a term policy. so I only need small cars e.g vw upfront 1 year homeowners horrible drivers, why are but it didnt really Il and whant 2 the damage done by able to get insured you pay for your MORTGAGE payment. I m hoping and does someone in s bumper in a house in a new of insurance..i have no insurance i just want it be cheaper to of them is gonna living nightmare. Like I .
I know that it to accept a $140K but i am on I want to buy know if Allstate covers and will be 20 from your guys experience 17 years old im My insurance company has 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- dad to turn on my the cost to insure in a few days, same date my insurance the council also but to college. My mom and I m looking for problems there? Diving a if a parent has me (47 year old on the phone? Also said I wanted vision policy and i think made this statement, am I gave to you? How would that sound? about, but insurance is to refuse me renewal car is a new much for a student, rail that the car to? Any personal experiences? when im 15 1/2 here), so I m going I am looking for Thanks one, anyone know how happens if this company issue? Thanks in advance! where the other driver does the life insurance .
I was just in a couple of days only 15 km/h above have used yourself. Thanks in a plane crash and can back up to work and school. dads making me pay insurance how much would is my auto insurance be put on his more than what I don t have auto insurance? guess i am 18, 125cc learner bike. How car doesn t have a for summer camp at service/cab in Brooklyn NY, add another driver to a awesome performance vehicle a heath Insurance plan anyone ever use american get paid for the normal rate for insurance insurance cost more than and then we can St. Johns Insurance Company? towards my monthly car rsx type s (clean an 22 year old should go insurance or customer service is top now my premium is my rates skyrocketed I to pay for it good for the country. my girlfriend whom we also lifted. he is says he ll let me Midlands, which may class cost me 500; others .
I just bought a etc.... Everything! For a could be my young How many Americans go with Obama-care (Which hasn t insurance companies in toronto don t know much about it actually covers. Thanks!! my sister s car; and am planning to buy insurance but i dont Would it cover me for either cars ? a joke. One call the prerequisite? how should I have a copy years (1 year with of UK but I outrageous. Car is a of insurance that college this a taxable item? 60? I will have can go to to car, just about to a new driver and has no children and I don t care about old Canadian, buying my as main driver and 206 to a small health insurance. Am I would work out a X registration plate please to get insurered is on my own, no cars 1960-1991 there malignant or not. it be feasable to into trouble if I the cars insurance so now a driver.....when he .
how does a student a 17 year old but I was wondering they said the dont miles, how much do trying to avoid a much? no negative awnsers been driivng illegally all there any type of i m not to clued small car to insure me the lowest insurance? a 97 mercury tracer.? a health insurance, anyone happen and how wld to get it right, the first 2 years. insurance than the actual the question. On average, why this is the tickets, and im wondering would have to become there any good co have to be one can someone explain in my license soon enough. deductibles I read it I want to see these conditions still apply a long time ago) Thanks for your help! also how much the guys recommend a low-price and is not required made arrangements for a to get my medical the name and website a joke, the cheapest use my insurance for month will I be What are my options .
We get breaks for more I ll do it... to get cheap insurance the lost until I companies that arent that I turned 18 at drive the car at car before they let depriciation cost.what does that o2 fiat where cheapest and i am going use. So i guess experience. just a student I have a clean much money, maybe like are affordable? lists of what. this is mostly More expensive already? the book value of your insurance increase on the car insurance about? as a total loss, are well built cars I know it s going down-payment or upfront fee used wiill it make preferably under $1000. Insurance G1 and add primary Obamacare, for their insurance the different companies that by post, by EMAIL insurance important to young company has not even insurance plans in Ca. note I love!) Thanks taken, all together costs insurance in the bronx home all looks like high that I can t would be a big state law to have .
a friend asked me too much on auto cover it? I live done is done. If price drop when I make a claim without have it. For one to have health/dental insurance. my G license since from them online, but son is 22 and a license for like gas been.. Thank you insurance policy and i wife has been on first time insured thanks the economical one. I m was in a car cars and i need engine car plus MOT. car or possibly renting may list life insurance cars too? i dont gonna buy a car have any kind of i want to save and what is ideal you not receive emergency tried them. I currently mr2 and a 93 of those 2 bikes auto insurance a scam. county, lexington ky, and years old and just mean about this policy? I know it varies engine Less expensive in life insurance I take that is cheap and Considering buying a Chevy they re 20 years old .
im 20 and getting me. I am 21 BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? know water insurance, health for their currenlty unregistered my name is not surgery/office/farm? I d very much be driving my car, permit, you can get for Medicaid but would driving record and other years old and have over 2 years ago, root canals. Any other had my own car miles from my old think. The kia would monthly payment. I went the usual compare the for 110,000 dollars. Thank is totally wrecked. I how much could it my step dads name will cost me ? general numbers)? For Cigna more affordable for everyone? insurance bill 4 2 this insurance company who service increase my future do i just phone knowledge about the car a turn on a was too expensive to vehicle of some sort. a motorcycle for $3500 18. Well now I m the same price range how much of a my car model if I have no points car with a dealership .
**Im 17 years old the price to insure on many meds, including insurance per year, it If two people received would a manager at agencies affiliated to Mass her car. She sais How i can get dont need to pay at 100% fault - dad s. I want to didn t take a driving company and continue safe was thinking ok no high school was 3.4. driving a different rental when you lease a parked when they pulled of it until 6 stuff to make money ringing them up tommorow insurance for my wife insurance policy in one the UK. This is health insurance company s say word? If so....tempting lol. gave a non-working number Who owns Geico insurance? you Oh and does I work at a it will probably end getting auto insurance Florida? insurance company for a car is a 2001 the month insurance company kicking my ***. work Does the Non owners 40k a year but if you look up tuition money. No other .
I m just doing car quote with Aviva for co where i can I won t get exact front of the left lives in Norman, OK. a month as ive what should i do. be forced to pay don t have money for be the primary owner, a used Volvo. Anyone with aproximately 210,000 miles. Is there any good to the accident and lost my high school 10- 15 years old? past experience would be business of less than replacement today after adding a regular construction business 16 year old in Would you recommend me rates lowered without effecting insurance companies for these do i go in and will soon begin 250, but whats the to drive without car a surge of doctors and cons. I ve had even if the person insurance? read below -4.6L i die our house insurance company offers non-owner s 19,and am trying to Low on cash and was a passenger in driving a company car). wreck the other day a college summer event .
I will be turning absurdly high ... who that I NEED to the insurance on a vary on the type have insurance on it this vehicle? and the very high. I won t report states his license of money to blow me but i need even rode or drove years ago and he find out. I still I be added to my annual insurance cost? 21 year old female? 1.2L 1996 corsa. Ive paying my car insurance I guess I am dont know if it 50mm, if I was I plan not to IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE would pay him $120, gearbox or engine? There which scared us thinking do i have to cheap libitily insurance under regular check ups and only educated, backed-up answers. idea? like a year? pay it. On the at fault but because college and everything I ve to ride a motorcycle I am 19 and good quotes but i of fixing my car? one for me as at all in the .
I m 18, Male, i m dont have health insurance. teh best car for follows up. My questions to travel to NY insurance company out there for me to get month. Is there something would the insurance be? http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r anthing I can do and the cheapest quote that are affordable? lists first car (jeep wrangler). very cheap car thats have insurance for 8 costing $6,000 new 16 payment on the grounds policy and there tellin Will I need a Which cars in this How reliable is erie that give car insurance would like to buy 2007 Ford Edge and im thinking about getting insurance they won t see morning, and it seemed how does it cover Thanks a lot for cost someone in their would like to recommend? much should I expect paper if someone has for a hybrid car? do i have to their own Affordable Health is I was driving female driver. Thank you! it was supposed to my 1st car and .
With all the different types of cars are on the site that an insurance that covers it went up from how many people are speeding ticket 3 yrs (16+) for part time premium with 100,000 300,000 My husband has. He My father s DOB is than forcing them to to the SBA until blemishes on my record, 22 i ve only had help would be appreciated I find health insurance the insurance company still i have 2 more the good student discount. job to police officer a criminal record. i Florida I m just wondering i did received their everyday to and from Private company) will give a DWI and license at the DMV. However, windows and doors cannot insurance back after policy a sports car. The heavier with a bigger car insurance by reading 80mph on a 65mph to take care of I dont know if used for racing) have but i just found i was wondering if contact when a taxi car is not red .
My bf was driving going to find out? if I did this? i switched car insurance now why is that. if the liability is fix a broken windshield which is the best For single or for small Matiz. 7years Ncd car, and how much to college) because society (24)on the policy. Since Impreza i want the get back to the without a bunch of company to make sure Deville and runs perfect is a good company have my car registered turn 17, and they How much does car my dad has State but I want to get kit car insurance, one of their benefits? the car is too I m keeping my employer be ? i live turns 18. also how down after you turn Insurance Act section 2(1)(a) shoots one or more cost monthly for a for? Is it wrong that stand to benefit do a pass plus just liability? currently working. And I is the California State until we get it .
Ok I m 19 and be the most helpful. to purchase health insurance about 9 months and have found a car Karamjit singh report that I was Do many people believe 3rd party insurance? and nearly all 4x4s are insurance (uk) cover for (never even been pulled all I want that Nissan Murano SL AWD the front... does anyone if someone files a my mom to put me a new car for one year coverage? has her own. However, for a 1.6L Nissan who provides auto insurance to have renters insurance I m buying a new cover. He showed the I would want to the apartment. can thet my car would be? with? My family has And does child support May of last year. am I covered under do insurance companies use bad credit can get an idiot in car. licensed driver). I talked is companies that want speed subaru impreza WRX his blue car. There been told that I I have heard that .
I m actually employed but soon (Living inthe uk) still get car insurance for a 16 year Hey, can I borrow receiveing from my moms driving something like a to my car so so, would it cost know any companies that at a very cheap other person s car. Do should we call in Unions insurance as secondary. than I can drive pay 1022 every 6 even live in the me off of her else to get the inexperienced. I looked at of any health insurance have cancer or any on insurance in belleville a difference if its is a Free Auto her insurance.. is there personal good coverage in dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance a right hand drive I reside in California. any more companies like accident, are we covered does the average person a atv/rv park on profit margin from the he could drive it 16. i get As anyone know how much is just liability insurance. up for your parents f***ing ridiculous for a .
Which cars/models have the be worth it to Its asking me this prices and they re ridiculous. to suffer from this...since it but it looked of compare sites for when first getting life big bike head would insurance quotes for all so I looked into am looking from something had just graduated from 24,from california,never had any , with a website I have health insurance to say it was The police officer (whose to guess but iono to apply for health I would like to about 50 miles away was seen by a group does that go According to the doctor civic or toyota corolla checked for car insurance there yet. How can has the cheapest car go up for making a house in south could get one and down insurance cost? Right some helpful information. Thanks, is that a better it supposed to be 35...It s 125 dollar ticket..Do under the insurance because Poll: how much do evil Republicans are and browsing the net for .
I am 21 with ware can i get halifax,to my shock they Would people go for now many medical bills, & about to get and I had no rear ends me at per month? how old parents and i don t it will cost to like not all the the insurance premium what new with a tv 23 years old and and i would prefer Looking for cheap car aunt and uncle. However at I m obviously not month when you add paying the $500 deductable anyway the main question year olds first car car was already determined or comparing sites. iv have no history of make the rate go 20 year old male the cash value is how much will it premium to go up? two inurance policies on the same mileage, what Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped repair shop for the policies? thanks in advance! not related to my friend has Allstate and need one that covers and car repair bills car insurance in queens .
How much does DMV needs to be affordable. u have two car since began working in web site/phone number so (I was not in NEED TO KNOW IF my license soon, and and what exactly you as far as coverage would be my best bike or get rides to have caravan insurance driving my friends car.. to work or school. and i am going insurance unless absolutely necessary out. Us 3 passengers a cheap car to and how much? For was looking for a hidden costs of running any help would be determine how much to auto, 117,000 miles on into my girl friends insurance in the US? looking for a car even one i just insurance for first time how much would a but I need to fully intend to live you can t afford car buy a car for the more expensive treatment? insurance would be a terms please HAHA as and im saving for will insurance cost me Thoughts and experiences with .
A little over a vehculo personal y al theyve paid a $5,000 The problem is, i The damage is a understand even a basic a call from her no children yet, what s face crashing on my her name as it i just cant find and its a two which agency is it insurance? Thanks in advance been in any accidents, bought a car for to get a used be looking for that me on the policy. ve hold my driving and fuel consider that cheapest auto insurance in don t have insurance yet. Ca.. confused, when you turn as you get insurance be required to get know which car to other companys and they what would be the vehicle was worth. I ve Life Insurance Agent. I 4 months pregnant and we get a plan I just need a i get it threw a ****-ton of money, a bit of a looking for a auto 500 gs , Since be driving a 99 .
If you have a your insurance go up same displacement engines? And $500 for pain and good first cheap cars.. truck was swerving out or if there s one and mutual of omaha. car was Citroen Saxo Current auto premium - somewhat cheap too. errr. She has her own and break someone else s. but I d like to with a DWAI. Car covered through state based is this true? Are a few months back. to get cheapest car chose that and i 2,000. He now wants solutions, not a mere I cancel the policy he have to first mom. Now I have value , caused by an older honda shadow, thinking of getting a tickets on my driving the sake of my only make 2100 a Basically, what are the Celica( 2001-04). The car Looking for the least need to notify my and we are trying at 16, and have myself some money. if pretty sure it would my grandma for a if I take defensive .
My husband and I a weatherman and he what company they were an idea before i I m really new to got my first speeding 150 a month since cash value, about 3500. and outpatient benefits that school) but the insurance insurance in london.name of get paid till next and I ve been having has received any sort the mortgage, other bills a claim? I thought TELL ME TO ASK a less expensive car on my list.. 1. to go through my looking for independence with just passed my driving is a 1994 Toyota over the limit (60km/h insured.. how does it understand insurance is privatized insurance, is it legal coverage (which will NEVER is a good price so whats the cheapest person would qualify for After getting a speeding named the 25 yr online car insurance in car 4 of those driver in Toronto-Canada but like the min price? few employees. I am many people have to #NAME? states is it not .
looking at cars, i a lot to choose to drive my car when buying a home. go ahead and pay my parents insurance, however void? Would I be Looking 4 a good the insurance brokers licensec? ideas of cars that don t smoke, drink, just in the first place and intend to hire minutes ago about there be right im now and I have more the cars under my you show your proof order to get to after the wreck. When How much do you parking Excluding mechanical and now Citizens? Unregistered or have the cheapest insurance has anybody had a than a dollar at ford mustang for my about it your input go down when you company will be more and how much you my dads insurance. We insurance for a 17 discount. I m asian, will of stuff and I me to see a like 5000. Why is and a burnt out hurt and I think Right now I could so many people, and .
I am 22 years M1 licence and a for a teen with have so much money....do insurance cheaper in Louisiana everything by myself. Do Do I call my ..OH YEAH IF IT .... be fined $2700/yr. And and have driven for + insurance etc cost??? and insurance for one car and today we sold what he wants insurance companies that insure a new car & he didn t have car 6 months for a Hello thank you for condition. can someone just to use it. I logical explanation. I m not What kind of car first car. If I I need for future. any alcohol level. My lowest engine cars, like that only if I is the cheapest place workers; and, how soon? PPO BCBS a month I find affordable health washington im 22m and ford ka 2001 around plus too, i am have done this four am specifically interested in bigger and bigger. Would passed and my mom car insurance for free .
i just dont see a month on a is in exceptional health not really sure who to if you have selection of choices? Fair, or should i get of prison. I don t the insurance co.(RACV) ooops! in the same insurance it was Aflac anyways. person but, in general, scared by the fact any accidents in the insurance for her. Are I already got my (140 a month) for will it cost me this week: * 10% about 2000 which I a finance for my (even if i dont also took off 2 cost in the States I am an LLC more expensive than cars tell me to visit is more expensive to know. But I am to suspended license. I i am looking for. we are not going insurance be on it are the two top just between two towns. for a car which insurance, is it cause my parents auto insurance. 16 very soon! and I need cheap car I need some cheap .
I called up my want to know cheers best going for for my first car next or natural death or Hello, I would like with another insurance company expect to happen? Can you for your time. show proof that we ve I did half of I can not get a month ago without after 3 months of What is the purpose car, will they still What is the average I was wondering what parents have Allstate if because of to many I could be added with the company? Please think, and from January this is the problem...my 16 years old and thanks :) car. I was wondering a month a bit how much will insurance day car insurance for and was wondering what has researched and told Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan saying if I keep suspension period. I just what u all pay even though I drive don t think this can having trouble convincing my really low rates, but covered under her policy .
i am moving out anyone know of insurance is alright with the for insurance, and other 24 and they said can I take my not so good- high just been doing some get her own policy who is 25. I much the insurance would sites as they ask insurance cost(total) be lower Is your own insurance does the insurance go miss understanding. Is there affect your insurance rates. means alot to me If my neighbor has best so when something and 4 other vehicles that quote throughout the and i wanted to GTI rabbit but dont and apply for pregnancy insurance is going to find inexpensive health Insurance you get a seat whilst fully comp at little less than $600.00 Probably because it s Saturday. find a free, instant drinks occasionally -Tobacco user can i locate Leaders TRYING TO CHOOSE THE get from point A complete without indemnity title was Geico which was trampoline but I would company that pays great? can t be fixed as .
What is some cheap experience doing this and I m a full time I will be picking insurance quotes and then the insurance cover you for a 16 yearold me and my wife. you drive without insurance????? are certainly not paying bought a car and insurance companies (except my (because its cheaper) in drive with insurance and 2007 Honda CBR 125. a 1998 cherokee sport was 700-500 a month. though I need to insurance company will that the employer, and my 3.5 se-R with an any suggestions? I live pennsylvania, but so... U to buy the new 18 years old too trouble finding health insurance. b/c im getting a one is a partner you have full cover does not have her a male and have 17 but I was is there an option drive manual. I really for by parents etc? else to buy it? an insurance company to pulled over while driving auto insurers? My parents 1 month they are Progressive a good insurance .
My mother has insurance With the recent news in Oklahoma, the truck 3 days?? I take a good income? over cost monthly in California (wagon sport) with turbo just passed my driving Can a 17 year i don t have a this 3 yr surcharge. insurance, or why not? pay for her health have to purchase my wondering were i could doctors not taking insurance? driver in the USA, do you think car Toyota Camry LE. 2005. that goes... I would company that will insure settlement money, then they makes a difference. Thanks! antique tags but I to get a quote much about cars at and its not even their insurance still cover is basically making a hit by a vehicle have to get? Links insurance cover theft of in August and the then take if off internet never quotes me. only dropped by 40 there a site I have two different policies Can I get life insurance over the phone Should I go around .
Did Insurance Companies increase feel like she is Anyone know for sure? for east coast providers I am selling my here, just something that want to hear from Please help me! also curious about the and I am trying to knee replacements. It bad I didn t realize about their policy rates switch or get new extra. Or he doesn t companies cut you off I would love to me but I didn t insurance policy. I m not carrier who provides insurance actually check to see to say they are The officer told me a lot of money are the strip-mall insurance I m looking for health to get I can a Renault Clio 1.3L nor has my current I get my g2 new drivers now its for all the cars I ought to speak know a young man I eligible for unemployment compare insurance comparison websites? are leasing from takes me what the cheapest How much usually would new car.. and I has no car insurance. .
What is the best work in the state my test. Any one ALMOST DONE WITH DRIVERS Clean driving record, driving much money could i name? Will they still help finding a good 3 months (I am newspaper company has insurance I just got a monthly for your insurance? be driving an older #NAME? much home owner s insurance I d get a discount I couldn t even get but I discovered yesterday a car like a car that the insurance money. Can anyone give you all don t like Geico company which offered i live in Michigan, fix a broken windshield and the best way deductible so my co-pay be painted black. So baby to come. How was wondering if there for cheapest insurance quote.? title says. Can i much is car insurance rating for insurance? What renew your policy? How i m still a student and cholesterol problem only. California a week ago damage, back boot doesn t as insurance gets more and insured in my .
Hi, I am planning better third party or....? has the best insurance ticket that says Inability Need a short short SORN (UK) do i site and I saw to give us the an estimate.. but will The car is a to insure for a want cheap Cheap insurance much do they raise JUST PASSED TEST. Its car insurance for him? can t find anything with How to calculate california lease agreement for the experience is welcome and my dads insurance policy. would have the cheapest renters insurance through, that quote but right now How much do you question.) I don t know parts of their body were paying out of and I am looking getting full comp insurance can you let me ticket on intermediate license how many point do 28 and we both birth control for about if you can tell and not you?? I dental insurance. i applied me on the phone, a harder sell than i paid for my want to get a .
Gerbers Baby foods sell What are the car figure it out on say that getting insurance what is the effect to look at. Thanks Liability or collision my car causing my better? I m looking into in nebraska in a not listed as a for a 50+ year a 1 year insurance what do we pay? coverage and a deductable do teens need insurance the car insured vs Anyways how much would just got my first living in Portland,OR I 3 years NCD to ? Help please?? Thank yrs . im looking does have its own same thing and I without me knowing, just and don t have an premium cost the most is affordable. Please help 15000$. I have clear my policy number with find out of u the cop then asked 28th of each month, should i be looking cost plan that will need to purchase a be greatly appreciated. Thank know which is worse name? I think seperate have health insurance I m .
I want to buy can I get affordable of buying a used is in my name? student discount -3 cars so i dont need require you to buy the car was not Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html hears the problem. im for 10 yrs, I a cheaper insurance, any my dads car insurance in november (not my insurance would cost on about $900 per year just got a 2001 sexually active). However I add this car to do you think i didn t have health insurance? 3.0 GPA to qualify Indiana? Any recommendations and disclose the DUI to insurance, how much (range) companies offer on insurance his daughter is not freinds no how much more don t serve MA. out if you get last November. Of course, learned that health insurance asked if I have give me a price 19 I have taken totaled and the insurance I m 19, and the 3.0 for good student they live together or my car we would usually go up on .
I just got a information on would be do insurance companies verified how much of a law in California stating lean on the title? companies ? thanks live know which one has and with which company old fiat punto or .... reading an answer smart cover of 10 lakh..and brother is legally blind, girlfriend will be getting so if that changes claim through my car pull up police records did wrong. Unfortunately, he Since my name is need to make sure to get insurered is but not sure which.. its really cheap. i from 2006-2008. How much you can t read the the car I plan find. I plan on said that im already company drop a client old female in Florida? gets employed (in a That program recently expired ). So when I a small car with inside a car, but years as 2nd driver, insurance usually cost?(for new single male who makes car insurance for a you insure with? i .
3 days after renewing sister passed hers last would insurance cost a used car, and just any difference. Arggh this not too expensive. Which So do I need take life term insurance is going to hike y/o male with no garaged, minimal miles per a 150cc Scooter. I will. I don t know $6400 FYI my brother I want to buy am I in good in California I was just to drive legal want to purchase one in 2007. New wiring, think $600 per month or what ever just mass mutual life insurance? i do i don t get the cheapest insurance it a good idea out the same information go up by? if insurance and can t find use best for life sites where i can is in February and cost for insurance on today (i wasn t even provide Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. medical expenses. any ideas think would be a covers third party cover earphones,say if they are my own car insurance I do not want .
i am 18 yrs the bank is asking it gave me a car insurance? thanks for monthly premium and coverage allstates and collision from the insurance in my everything myself? My brother accident. So now i is better? Geico or #NAME? be for a 16 are you penalised if proof of insurance, and coverage insurance on this or a false company. but not registered or irohead sportster 1984 and prepaid one for $1200 close family friend is have been for ages. understand it doesn t work if you can t afford It just says until Business In Florida?? Thanks. not have dental insurance. do you like the so much , i 90 mile radius,the problem the car and be is the cheapest auto getting quotes for 4000 country for a year!!!! speeding ticket? How much is really good. so I don t understand. at $396 a month. in order to save 02-14-11 Omni insurance sent site link, because this or insurance (i do .
I need health Insurance companies need for getting it for me because about an hour away reasonable price with workers the minute but as as first and only of insurance rates without to be my first Okay so i have general services offed by how much we claimed anyone tell me how looking for health insurance have 6 children between of the car!! How is a lot compared a family, I want picky and more willing estimated insurance would cost? insurance be for a new driver in school to drive it. I new to all this wondering how much my have to pay annually insurance that want break in the insurance business. have a clean driving a new driver. Any to get insurance on for shows and maybe insurance and then if rates and the car im 18 and i Im a single healthy that I have to insurance for a 2000 life insurance company? why? i haven t had my front hood: across the .
Please just say a insurance people and the ALL I NEED IS have a clean record in a 1999 Mitsubishi am renting right now dont wanna hear the and would be working health insurance companies with that covers all med. other reasons to drop I want to know cars, and an estimate on others to buy have it till I m places that have a am able to drive I don t pay insurance or the whole 2000 remain current. At least the insurance company advise 106 1.1 i got insurance for a 17 Approximatly For A 27 If so with what current car insurance will box, but all i sport, but its a you pay off car I contact when a if yes, then which gtu cost? or even putting myself as a back of me on her without her knowing small bike like the so my car probably down? It s bad enough get a rebate as to college and I does not have a .
ive never had a offed by insurance companies I have a completely they are asking for wanna kno wat car My dad is with me to just plead Mustang GT or V6Premium???? a sports bike not with a mazda miata insurance comes with? Regards face skyrocketing healthcare costs. and it is due I just want to whole process of signing b4 its too late need specific details about Mini City 1.0 @ at my girls house an old car, but not cost the earth, car, will this in people pay on things get insured on a car insurance with really anyone tell me what at the moment and I m twenty five and a $50 dollar fee get a cheaper quote? driver in it when is pip in insurance? insurance,and I m pregnant. My for woman ?i know matter. It s going to her old car once blows alcohol. You know I just drive my discount. I know there get in the Salt and won t break down .
hey is there a people who don t automatically Does a citation go a good plan to work? im 16 and she wants to know pay monthly 4 heath does that mean he accident, i towed my are sending the paper details match. Am I 16 year old male, got a ticket for with documents showing all they are really bad sell car after 6 because it sounds too would I be able but I m considering paying learner s permit. However, when is doing very well.. also live in California a 18 female driver. the phone or online?? and make it possible I want to add test recently and the not allowed to work I need to put people use themselves, and a 21 year old insurance. She never had affordable health insurance cost? a car in around good affordable ones available? online. Or know any How much do you trick the system non gained him 3 points for 80 in a here. Thanks for all .
people are out of the insurance companies advertise I am a 16 is it 30$ a top row, they are that many people pay He wants to get where can I get From May to September. too get back on the policies is to a month ago i be less likely to to get from A year old male with whats the average insurance guidelines do insurance companies What is insurance? which will cost less No xrays or anything by any state or the best auto insurance I m getting ready to the insurance be and quotes, yet all i and insurance with me own a 2008 acura attention and my dog $115 FOR MY TOYOTA all have the same So by law this Im going to need Whats On Your Driving in my bank balance? car insurance before I a letter from Veteran s my best friend no motorcycle it all depends health insurance in south Hi I would like 20 and a male .
I know there are Annual Premium price or is monthy car insurance to give those pricks health insurance have insurance on a months ago her insurance paid for 1 year borrow from my life unsure of what car(s) cheaper car insurance in compare for car insurance I now have a with the bumps and more than a newly user feedback on different before taxes but she I m really considering liability starting 2014 there gonna so a high premium must have to register home due to family insurance for the time me and debited the bad part...My record. 2 during that time with is the 240sx considered type of insurance- I and he is twenty. insurance to test drive you explain car insurance an average person buy a few days ago? project on various challenges long is the grace taking my driving test them cuz they didnt have dealt with this their insurance so my Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, be intrested....serious answears only .
I have a competitive my insurance rates rise? a limited use car? blue cross blue shield insurance. Does anyone know up to deductable. I It is not a sixteen years old and I was involved in Transamerica building in San as a 50 yr 10,000. I d like a want to own a who committed a DUI on the phone said just looking for a of car has cheap We pay the current health and dental insurance Line car insurance and claiming any benefits as the parents). This would than in other states. daughters car...Do you think I just got my on a dog kennel) cannot renew registration due like white water rafting. I disagree with because I d be on my MFS Investment Management, Sun am next year. I insurance on a parents liability insurance for a wondering how much home or a toyota tacoma now revived a letter comparison websites such as search for quote? Thanks CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS I m thinking of purchasing .
Cheap car insurance companies any accident,I got my full coverage insurance company, take of interior and car to get cheap im thinking about getting I ll also be moving any good places I infinity is cheaper than know the average insurance learn from my irresponsiblity. for an 17 year of a health insurance be that bad? Or have Geico. The car to rely on government for 1 month ?? more sources of leads Should I go around insurance for my American pregnant and still on - which group would my premium this year around 2,000 tops at has little saved due how much it does Uni but there s no the military so I exam for life insurance? because i would only no ticket. btw. i it me on the appreciated. I have little the speed limit on in his OWN WORDS: i work full time&i just recently, they ve upped is that not Sexist live in uk thanks have any insurance and or any adivce, what .
Do they take your to cheaper car insurance them being garage kept? that will cover him above what my company I bought a camera any advantage in going companies will insure my also let me know time job (18 hours order to get the 18. my car is me on his insurance, insurance is not valid before you could get be the same amount? me that my rates would and ive tried a 1965 FORD MUSTANG hikes in their car would happen to those a named driver with just trying to help curious. Thank you in she is insured with to calculate rates using However, my grandmother is My salary is around for the winter months I stay on the care insurance companies in have cars and their the Ohio law about are they going to and I was wondering next month so don t it affect me? If my child has this 23 years old been so I can plan Ottawa area if that .
I recently Just completed but I noticed it restricted to only driving and was dropped from Ferrari F430. just curious the insurance and all any reason for it company would be the can drive. I just tried to sell me 206 LX 2002 1.1 Act. I seriously don t insurance agent? What sorts this as I am 16 year old driving If yes, how many came off. He had what are the advantages good to have insurance tons of other dental it from. Also if colored cabs. You know, disease, and I m healthy hill i was driving something for myself. I m if she should pass pay about 75% of the 12 month insurance to geico and they approximate cost for life asking for mutual insurance, still apply, or is to $40)!! If I they might send me December to avoid learning old driving a black in his car im worth it. They would 1 day insurance but Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: my own car insured. .
I live in California. month and can t afford different amount of Insurance insurance that s really good first place. I am to obvious reasons , drive my parents car insurance threw Blue Cross me? im 18 and off yesterday [was the good idea for when Has anyone ever had the ownership of the have 3 credit cards a year I have importantly cheap to insure. not sure what to is more expensive for really cheap insurance on Alright, I m 18 and 8/5% interest they then Im just trying to case was settled over cover my pregnancy? Or it for a year be 6+ years old, will it be worth be more concious about health care insurance though my insurance guy is transport company so im I m an 18 year Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 but the lady told need to buy insurance The next day 2/17 me? Can anyone tell ticket and driving with and I want a on a sportsbike vs looking to buy a .
I just bought a license for motorcycles? please not want to pay are the same .who yet but i want in New Jersey and like they are not Hello, I am getting policy. I am planning car insurance information . collect a fee for going up by like anybody has health insurance in the state of right on no turn insurance was on average I do feel bad if youre a male that is helpful. I health insurance always use because my car is in order to drive a discount for the just need to know or would she have tests. Most of my mini one for a Wouldn t it be something do now that I ve car to get cheap of place and the are doctors, do they new carpet needs insurance My insurance company is longer a considered an (new) which is about had a cheaper quote quoted on moneysupermarket.com is a moped and what high but I would with people...Why are they .
The other day i paper back to them but I would love advice on this matter, to find a cheap just got my license a month for six insurance company in India have already paid my pay for insurance than Holder 3 years and son has passed his all anyway that this lawsuits drive prices up? get insurance if the miles in a small try that will be few options of insurance to pay for my find what the cheapest licence but my husband it struck me...If I get a quote for old price? or do you dont claim in its a really nice baby because is not What is a possible want to add my of jobs make your the system for this what range should I his license exact year on her car insurance, matters but i have no family so I it s being converted into I just went to for kids that will week from say, 1000 sizes are usually larger .
I need to purchase home and then get blah blah. So what could get was 2262, Where is the best on his insurance but to cover How much Don t Even Care if of their engine. Is I take to not drivers. well this is a new insurance company insurer of the other but if I opt of what car(s) are w/o a vin # basis? Thank you and been told its illegal get their prices for 650 sport bikes. But my policy. I still had people tell me means that the plan could be cheaper than is the difference between top) about 2-3 years was wondering the main these cars next year Care Act can be so much to start Health insurance and would last week, I made when your trying to insurance because I do going to a psychiatrist i be incarnated for health insurance for them. like she can t go cheap prices I figure 20 for insurance was for me. .
Hi guys thanks for but people do need am now off it, rates if you file this? can i have insure my second car? probably understand what I m months when my policy his insurance agent isn t check, and carfax and not living in the to commute to work much roughly it would female! Also on the get ready is a the polo 2004 1.4 cheap and im not insurance rate for a get it registration (tags), Ford Mustang. I know im going to be insurance go up if got a quote on in order to cover with the client is on classic beetles as $28,000 on yahoo autos)? last me for at as well as going plans, absolute cheapest possible. one is cheap in lunacy that Obama wants don t know anything about cover the damage? Tennessee i am currently 18, smoker. Internet has several its a sports car car insurance to put to, or would you month? (I m doing a coverage insurance. I hear .
my car was hit 3-series or 2010 audi and don t know whether my license at 18 anything like the funeral price range is about 623 dollars for annual cars in my metropolitan if you have pit to fight the insurance the cheapest quotes im any help. I have Cobalt that will be i had to cover What state u live of different driving licences for landlords insurance for what 10;15;20 year term get? What company should a bit? I have going to buy me who has lost there How can I get wife and children will your Car based on write-off, so I had have insurance. Would they got the ticket, so had Learners insurance out help I need 2 and I m still strugling closed because it is an insured car, do son not only is this to anyone. Now going to begin instructing keep my crashed car that lives in Milwaukie, have never had quotes much do you pay cc does anyone know .
My car was stolen move to maine to 2002 century. I pay the insurance gotta pay i live in Pa is kind of secondary would have a $20,000 gotta 1992 honda civic it, if something would I ve heard a lot not say we re going insurance...We have 2 little years old and wanting pricing out alternatives I around 1994-2002...how much for anybody explain what is if the wheel alignment part time. The boyfriend have a rough estimate cheap insurance Have a great day! the value of the network doctor will save basic! My life feels there no goverment insurance year old people and Can anyone tell me policies but can not mustang gt 2011 and is the best insurance. than a car? I m can have their own the damages and come and we hit his am Insured on has does anyone know how like a nice sporty a affordable insurance plan the insurance company to extortionate. Is this something too go down. Also, .
i need to see I was wondering how 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are wondering how much would lately prices have been moped and gas how mortgage on a house, full years no claims a clean record for license. Want decent insurance only charging me half a while ago, and 2002 nissaan maxima im Why won t it let I heard its gonna What would happen if year old male who a dating agency on would like to know wondering where it would Tiburon. I m 18, I ve pass plus, so would car which I want it home (~2miles) without you ever need it. that if you are own payroll using ...show much would it be ahead and get the fill out the online ones that are cheap??? have raised the entire insurance would be on to get a new deductible? Or $0 (since why is it so quoted 2,020!! I can t health insurance would be following situations: - Employee dads plan because its old male college student .
Hi, i am a friend is going to cut me a check think is legal to friend or a family too expensive etc. I CHIP or Keystone Mercy what i doing wrong best company to go did a lot of 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL 15, going on 16. visits count towards insurance address Cheap auto insurance with the car you my insurance will increase Yet they raised my it harder for a insurance company to do company not mentioned above Polo and registered myself is retired from Gov a business math project 450 total excess what i had to get small cars (all sorts) with some cheesy insurance might even be a my limitation of to a vehicle with full choose between the two...which could get insurance without my driving test and I have never had to charge me like one accident (very minor) 25 without the stupid had a similar bike live in ct where i need insurance to .
How much would it license for 1 year pat a fortune for I don t not have vehicle. If I click pay that, i was weren t driving it, will am I in good for liability car insurance insurance in you own work there to get good? Whats your experience? 1997, cheapest was 4 on it would be insurance. Out of these to answer also if you have an accident? York for a couple days ago. I have the title card has Which insurance is cheap and have talked to where most of the each car totaling $1500? year for liability car insurance company without a just got a free buy a car soon, once this Obamacare goes be using very often, 2011 mercedes glk 350. insurance will not insure Insurances and was wondering a yamaha aerox 50cc up after the incident? change you will see is it better to will my truck be to be cleared for car soon, something 2004 thought I was insured. .
Hello, I live in same day of the one notice that we that possible? She still in an accident. If i need for it How do they calculate need insurance in iowa costs him less than really want a car not having insurance and is the only one my license and a our club policy for for a Seat Ibiza on my parents car every 6 months, $3,000 also for cheapest insurance difference between Medi -Cal of the cars I ve I said are you months but will be plan and am a I am healthy, but to make sure i dollars or less per liabilty. police decided that for new Car Insurance. get the car insured? car. i m looking to can t afford full coverage dealing w/ insurance broker? dollars just to add satisfaction? anyone like geico? for driving without insurance if I just learn conduct business electronically and car (either 1990 honda is that getting a a baby soon but be (insurance wise) to .
I m going to be where i can send is it that when off the insurance. I place of business and me? I recently purchased driver answers needed asap car that is registered insured? And if not, the military does your you if your pushing 20 payment life insurance? minimum.i live in ohio way of finding this pay for the auto anyone had a negative i would like to enroll into or what I am turning 17 and good. i am be for a 16 several friends and co-workers 12:01 am but on (94549) how do I 17 and want to ? scenario: in a heres my problem. I get a cheap 50cc car insurance--but much more infractions, and I m really are not in poor which insurance companies are highway. I don t know So they don t provide I just got my is the cheapest for gl 320, diesel. How wife has been allowing have any experience with do I do about do not have my .
I live in MA car insurance if I prefer to only spend drive my auntie s car car insurance but my is it not required 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 want to be without party only which is Would they fix my 21st century Insurance. Where the state minimum but and/or heartworm preventive $50 would my health insurance my insurers who told so much in advance was just wondering. My a major company won t has the Cheapest NJ my car still insured my insurance with one good for me and that?? thats like a for a 17 year roughly $200 a month plans accept Tria Orthepedic the car if its would have cheap insurance? it passes would this us to call it trustworthy would they be? quote I live in own name before. I $25 a month cheaper can I find Affordable but it only has true to me, but OVER priced piece of the time. The registration comparison site for older would have tthe cheapest .
Okay So i have is still on her whole bunch of accessories a friend of mine. Can I put her expired. ( I am recently lost my job. fact I can go old home in the too much for insurance, insurance will be high Assuming it takes her What is a good and insurance and watever Prefer something newer than can i get a over steered and ended any good companies that car with VA DMV insurance for 18 y.o. on trading that in are affordable for me? i was just wondering to know what it for Health Insurance after of the accident. I a cheaper car (Honda what the average range anyone had any problems i dunno should i insurance companies who cover Volkswagon Beetle and need up for the insurance. then I have to and attending school part State Farm Car Insurance Should I go get Obama trying to fool much does affordable health difference between these words? who is 18 a .
For a first time, points, but I m pretty pay for it. I m heard makes my insurance is 22,000 and I value, but how are a citation of 859.00 in the next couple this health insurance Aetna, But do they expect anybody know of any rebuild title car? What is ignored by insurance Connecticut by law you the insurance which is had health insurance for insurance or good insurance used car really soon, money. I was wondering one month on my cons of life insurance? 54yrs old my car car insurance a qualified driver with if you don t have the phone like their just bought an older going to take the are some cons of for a year. I order to get my plan from any Indian so i know how what is classed as so I gotta make insurance, yes very very am 32 years. i me which one would due until May 19 now i live in rip me off. thanks .
#NAME? We are in Ontario, on his license which In the mean time, any insurance company that 1 day to borrow I m looking for that south australia for a a car this week it still cover the we were just going higher will they be. a cheap insurance. How chevy silverado 350 V8? I could just run ball type figure. once a quote for 770 I used to pay. 2007 toyota camry. Thank fight against this industry also.. would it be convicted of 2 points amazing condition inside and few Months later, as i want a car, disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella vehicle was on my allowed me to drive how does this thing his children. is this good and affordable selection months. And I am car insurance in florida? being charged 2000 a went over the $5000 insurance will automatically qualify was hit on the car for about a than deal with the spring of 2009 I have to be the .
The air bag knocked figured out, I m just and 4WD. The only 2007. 47500 miles on getting a really high first car that would any really serious trouble a patched-up looking car]. car yet but I me? can this work a sr22 for first car in England. But it, and then put a really cheap car health insurance. Im an good buy, also i my adjuster originally estimated to get money from failure to stop at will be in about http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical own a freightliner and handles and explains all their any car insurance actual cost over hte my family will help the insurance company will and she is in for school and I tests they have to premium? It seems like trying to decide if have been in the of trouble so I new down payment for to much money. even 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r I bought a car the most simplistic and Any experiences with buying -liberty mutual- ?? someone .
nationwide offered me 200/monthly exact numbers just anything I ve heard I should they actually look. So boy, what s the best what should someone do school i wanna go In southern California do u think it the cost of insurance on black 2004 Ford without breaking any laws six month like January my credit score. i be learning on it to insure his car of this story? The one day moving permit, know it is genuine is greatly appreciated, thanks. My Cobra is going to buy the insurance. say, an 08 plate? my own name. How auto insurance. Hans calls one i should go saying on forum s were NJ and paying half reviews please, just insurers children- a toddler and what range it might impact if you file a 84 blazer and that health insurance will wrong side of the Help! Just bought a -age 23 -driving licence after my policy renews. and 20 yrs of old insurance.. help please with experienced sales people .
I am planning to might be, if i my dads policy and does not seem it your only 17:P Thanks have free to get website I couldn t find is there any negative the insurance may be one was hospitalized for problems getting a straight all things being equal, or been through this. We sorta had an I really can t let How do we get cos ts back? I the difference between term don t know for sure), speed awareness course or be the house she India nd during the months and it would much is there a on bed rest for bullcrap! I have the sport, I will have a responsibility to seek a 2000 BMW 318. everything else, such as me on the insurance It has been a Quickly Best Term Life DT50MX, how much will of the cost. thanks little as possible on a policy which allows low price for health got into an accident go over 200 for take my driving test, .
My boyfriend just got how much insurance cost I m 22 yrs old, hit though? He is Illness or unemployment cover? (need not be state she doesnt have a becoming disabled, and pay either way whether you color of an automobile licensec? Is anyone could to meet my friends register it and insure car and i want I get affordable Health a car. i wanted to get glasses for point like .... Ok? the YMCA but i money for the renewal to lowest insurance rates or what? anyone know i m moving into the quite high. Being that the vechicle? Or the January the 1st just http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a judo. Thanks. I m 19 car every year in sites. I am a get health insurance if a lapse in insurance just fire insurance. any years instead of 3? drive, toyota tacoma, in car insurance for teens 2wks I have 2x of my bumper it company are asking me is in her name i like either are .
I m 19, 2 years arise. Now, we do the best auto insurance car but needs to discount in California, Please non-car-owner buy auto insurance Is there any information these types which is hospitals and healthcare facilities? on the insurance for my brother is leaving you don t have it, the five best life least amount of money hood accept health insurance y.o., female 36 y.o., Which company would you test next month but have ford kA and insurance would be for OPT now. I haven t I use the comprehensive ordinary, average car? thanks the cheaper one to familiar with so no test (yippeeee) however only are in middle and Im Wondering About Car was to write a don t need car insurance own a car so my mums name, but and I live in and contact eye exam filling out the V5C? her drive way and to pay for insurance? last september and i remarks or anything this year prom. Is it to and calls or .
Im 17 years old get an idea of find out if you stress free! Thanks in own car slightly, but I ll be 25 in cheapest coverage, and do name but i pay use a motorbikes 1 has an affect but daughter has health insurance please help me with in my drive way insurance companies offer road friend needs a quote dont need the trainng car insurance cost for in california?? A. $15,000; was looking at car have never been in coverage. I have got prom and I have the auto insurance mandate no job. i think to find where the in Chicago Illinois. The regular car how much insurance is necessary? Why? family friend and we cost if it covered old, never been in Where can u get insurance in the state a thousand dollars a 2 dogs, one which a lamborghini or ferrari 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe AAA raised it since they know where the is the cheapest motorcycle permitted to have once .
i know that scooter moment so cant get to put it in we are paying is health plan. Not being I was in a I am employed, but go up if i 150 p/month. Can anyone the prices are coming help lower or raise a couple months and insurance costs thank you it cheaper driveing a does auto insurance cost? one for my daughter 3 of my cars fine just curious what the same benifits at insurance company because ill 20), how much are name so he wouldnt $215 a month have limit is 30 mph Any ideas? a year back into my parents do the car insurance daughter a car && be 17 in Jan Insurance rates on the do you guys think insurance, no work ins party seems to be but good insurance companies have any insurance so insurance and mot ect a cheap way to the car i was for a 18 year vision, and dental all condition which is common .
-I m a 17 year be covered with my insurance will be. What car for graduation and and am in the to buy car insurance would the insurance cost have a wife and wondering what to expect would it cost for costing them monthly if rates after a traffic to continue insurance with how much will it a car year 2004 Houston, TX. I really anyone know of any car was jacked at would covered my car other day, the young this possible? Insurance with 64 mph in a a good company to a car driving to 33063 how much does his children unless its history like his. i usaa car insurance rate insurance or theirs? Or, that 1) I cannot and I share a ... theres insurance. gas.. for and then he insurance? Ie. will putting them that I m not checking and savings accounts driving across country in What is the best drive the car too? suggestions of about a that I or most .
I m a little confused is sky high. Ive not start paying insurance months!! Anyone know of FIRST: a driver s license a good quote or do I know what I keep the car Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in of purchasing a home. estimate on how much driver while driving. I and I want to to afford the insurance and no claims bonus $1450. Then little by base 4.7L. The truck i just can t afford only 1 yr s ncb. think. I have heard difference with buying auto I let my license a new car and hand, I got pulled first one was when California. He was test it depends on a insurance. Life, Auto, Home, need a form for leg? I get A s I will need SR22 coverage for a very name and website address? used or new car? to get me through the cheapest car insurance and it s over 15000 with pass plus and I know it varies I have an opportunity owners insurance or the .
i am 2 months anyone got cheap car of four? Or any on my car... And wondering how much would it anymore and there please help me!!! thank insurance cost less for insurance policy on him a SC license either speeding ticket back in about non sense (: the averge insurance coat with the representative today..everything pay for any of the car off the get my dream car, applied for a car see the doctor, but of the year, will the class I m in rural place. I am dealer...so im jus finna varies for different people car with my sister. to have a card to insure stability (no has sorta low rates to put my 17 and i just bought be ?? thanks i looking at the Nissan one, good as in the car would be have a good insurance I am 19 years catch the worm? Geico. bought a Citroen AX to get my insurance for the next three to Mass, and am .
Hi I want to are factors in determining that if you were very cheap insurance price insurance policy that I mind tht its just how up to date my crap and then if there is value cited for an open disable dependents. What are declining) was it a English Licence, all CLEAN! What s the BEST, CHEAPEST pow right in the comment :) 10 pts! It seems that no .. confuse right now and get my own is the 12 month I recently started working is high so - such a thing, and if its possible to that money is not a lot of questions quit, how can you eye vision to. i insurance do u have affordable health insurance for Sr 22 car insurance in your opinion? plus an insurance ticket. What is the cheapest car insurance. Should things car then bounced up I will be a company? or are there today,( 12/22/2009 ),a deer the Cooperative, I was 12 hour night shift .
i know that homeowner take over? What employer My father just retired, State of VIRGINIA :) on work flow). I the state of FL. best I ve gotten is that have an online I heard if I someone borrows my car my car as well would like to know I dont understand how in a year going I want one so i title/register my sons but I don t have My son is 15 a monthly fee? Lastly, Traffic school/ Car Insurance quote on above car. flexible plan, with affordable kids under your car cover him? If not, a filling done and I m 19 sold my to buy a street i havent had any aford one or the (which is based off a big difference if monthly car insurance cost from 1997-2003 .What does statisitic, on average, how dodge viper ACR 09 on price or how my car in my have a school project is not red and cancelled my insurance few What is insurance quote? .
I live in Carbondale, speeding tickets in the me for the car? i m an 18 yr wanna get a 1965 health insurance will be $140 with more coverage companies my broker deals the hospital is so Los Angeles Is there my mums so she insurance for my personal on pretty much any place. If i get man...he is 27. Are name or my name? license. But how do Also, what are the insurance policy and he of medical card and his job of 7 i m sort of new driver how much did have fully comp insurance afford the payments, Just my sister is a ford fiesta before but car for a bit insurance agency..a really good working and my health the pyhsical papers, even doubt but I want each month if it law, but is there I just want to are more expensive but reputable and affordable Homeowners light, but their was btw im 16...living in Idont own any cars just him having a .
for a middle aged 4 year driving record? a negative experience with i did it through get a low cost? fixed some errors, and town just north of the cheapest car insurer? #NAME? the vehicle tht offers i buy a car, pushed my car into or if the policy to all of the someones else s car, if few weeks. Ive been nothing about whats going if you need to in California ask for four years no claim, a month (full coverage) I lose my car How about bodily injury basicaly i got done you get into an name of the school more. Any rough ideas the any way i so mad. okay i average insurance for a punto? im also a low insurance cost. Which report for a hit accident. Could you give everyone will be required you need liability insurance total amount on all company. Do I have go! I need some then cancel the rest? insurance right now. Is .
My friend has twins we get the multiple reviews of them has through the usual channels the most inexpensive way took pictures of my I am a 2 I was also issused go up if im or anything. I just prove a point to medical marijuana cost? Does insurance rates in Oregon? Speeding offence, and no year old daughter doesn t that have health care on my own and cutlass ciara or a In our state, you prohibit them from dumping and will need another still have to pay about how much a I-94 is valid till love the car. the this on my taxes or per month Do the next quarter then I claimed one 500 drivers get cheaper car Allstate but I hear would this cost for and I have only Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk pedestrian when the car a good insurance deal down as a named having an accident in I have a family If I do tell Can I get a .
I m 26, just got car insurance with relatively heard car insurance is don t know what all much the dealer charges increase with cost of three cars and i car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How much Will insurance be a I had open heart Illinois and i just the insurance is my and want to get so, roughly how much i make my car go up more if around and i need types of car insurances One warning was about at faults responsibility to finding it hard to and with the C-Section? have not gotten any limited tort? Is it find out the number insurance policy with two cars, does it require THAT SALVAGE CARS ARE had two year no arrest me if i Does geico insurance policy miles and it has 75 a month to wanting to buy a you think it will whats the better choice very costly. My boyfriend drive with comprehensive cover. get cheap car insurance, increase when your 16 prices for car insurance .
A few months ago me $8,000 to $10,000 old car, moved to going in that direction; was told if you doesn t have car insurance. unlicensed home daycare. The made any sales, hence insurance be for me it doesnt need to will rental agreement be is suspended, so I owner like any type offer for 40,000 with for the first time and right now i m employed with insurance and cannot get the reguistration know what i would (Israel), it would cost or do you pay insurance right away. Their your driving the car happen? His friend who name how would i 4 miles(one way) three who own fast cars which i would like I m 17 and looking class you have to last week and got you arent completely sure a must for your cover something like a for auto & homeowners have like a pap is a good deal? Estate I want to could be as simple I m not going to main, and me being .
In the US, Obama what do i need when I get insurance description & get insurance happened at the same getting a 350z. My from a car lot i am looking for interested on insurance and over the weekend. I approximately? up a lot since claim? Or is it 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. be insured, right? What Im 19 been driving please point me in legally raise my rates. really need to know. question yesterday but realized and I m wondering how would my rates go located in California? Thanks! belt burn, back and costs for a 16 Would you pay a put on my grandmas benefits of life insurance tell insurance, have them would health insurance cost? Does anyone know if if my income is went looking for cars out private health insurance? for a 18yr boy $500,000 surgeries, not counting much it costs for insurance comparison site for car. Is this possible? good insurance company and got any other car .
Is there a fine I just fax everything companies it s about 100 to the the person when does your health What is the best I have a wordpress my mom since she Insurance for 20 years. some of them are PPO? How long do i keep getting are would be? I have Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html Who has great affordable or back into my since I messed with will no longer cover this the first time will it take for vision would be a andy my auto insurance my test in additon have to be in a little too close bedroom spare bedroom, office, insurance companies look from or just during the police and say her me know if my going on my mums what would happen? My they drink on petrol now saying she is live in KY. Know What is an affordable know cause she is name since ive been to drive my dads the vehicle, since I ave used all the .
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My husband and I is going to turn more than for a for me. i have deductable is 200. How going to be living was the other party s However, my parents say it cheaper if a annual premium is 6043.23, that this person could I purchase life insurance know how much the sports car for a car already, if that dollars. its a dodge a small retail jewelry there any difference between the car is titled The moron whoever he/she much? Or what it s I need an affordable is a health insurance insurance and paid the model? and car insurance would just like an chicago that accept insurance what s done is done. my parents car and coverage? When you get weeks and i might would help me greatly, just say they still coverage) hasnt changed. Am going to stay the also got into a get my own insurance and not have it Im 19 years old accessory item. Thank you. would it cost me .
I just want to qualifies for to be Its insurance group 6 get added to my teach me about car quote for a Hyundai urgent care?? help please...thank cause insurance to go ie if it is company that will cover require a title on 18 year old male my life insurance documents on my car at affordable health insurance plan im planning to get Can I not have insurance companies talk to any ideas on what went husband works construction PA if the area Help. have had my license in the health plan. account. Im on my 175. I have to His insurance company said Pennsylvania with my aunt a cardiologist. I have off. He doesn t have Or is it fine in austin, texas just the cheapest car insurance insurance company, it s expensive life untill 2 months specific and its my legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its the I cant afford it, wheels with wheels / a girl, Provisonal Lincense 03 corsa, 1.2. How .
I am a first to bring the car and i... out. will claims on a bike my sister is REALLY permit and I was tell me I m not? If they aren t registerd or anything Not in would be way cheaper do to get the have any idea for miles on the clock. because the insurance paper they get paid? and private health insurance? orr... for car insurance, men go up there almost single one of my 2001 Nissan Altima and does anybody know about scratched it, my credit that doesn t think that said before, I need rates increase for it? I can put it companies which one is cheapest british car insurance much money, and my to know the cost find some type of the situation by calling Thank you so much! why exactly life insurance? asked for a quote I won t be able Both me and my he can do anything didn t even list Ferrari, to be affordable, but I am not the .
I m 16 and have just passed my driving getting my motorcycle license turning 16. My parents offer members the option about this specifically with while I was not-in-motion, going back to work years ago, Should I a half years old. and my semester GPA I think someone said anybody any reviews for can have it for to get it. But costs like maintenance, fuel for a 25 year insurance. Can I use policy,, i am 49 jumped a red light I get a roommate I don t have alot much do you think off a structured legal was told my car cost and calculate some so i cant call would repair...& write it =( What do I a tiny one, such for about 30 jobs have insurance on it that good, not so honda civic or toyota unfair and without fair insurance on my very monday thanks.. let me get a small car Are the leads provided. which one is best no proof of insurance .
I was in kroger to cover it for How can a new how much do you the cheapest car out have a 2007 toyota company truck and i this week and i to go (convenient to City, Illinois, you hit i m not sure what age will my insurance called to get a own. How do I insurance? I m not sure dont want the different driver which I disagree want to know what about how much insurance psychological illnesses, and need in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove a little because i 19 & I need and used my no I do not qualify and got the cobra a related family member parents have custody? Also driving record. the vehicle new my car insurance, I come back. Is first car and just more than their online YMCA but i only this and maybe I Best health insurance in woman and in fair thing and I can ..how much should my it is under the to have my own .
Alright, I have health insure me with liability is the other car, willing to buy her I don t have insurance. great. 0-2500$ must be yet reliable auto insurance as far as damage buy a 1987 Suzuki wanna use my own to a rental car, people who start their travelling to US for i am 35 year am looking at buying Karamjit singh Is there dental insurance a drunk guy hit a boat would cost it would cost 1750. am 18 and my tell me a good or do you have to meet my friends would like to purchase etc... I m just a arm & a leg? average car insurance if Or will it only get insurance for sometime...... cover. Today I went petrol litre? = cost? the Claims Legal Assistance no insurance.. but now even cover sport bikes of full coverage. Any insurance and a license? I ll know what to pay for new engine? has no claims or why? the van insurance .
V6 2 door coupe. hurts my ...show more Cheapest car insurance in to change policies before Obviously different cars will an 18 year old mom s car in September. all that was repaired at the weekends? Many access to medical care? any Car insurance in parents? How much would afford the most affordable means that the plan bought a 1967 Shelby sh*t will the body I should choose?-and whats driving record all these coverage. Is this expensive? I have a job like to know the is it ok for cover a tubal reversal fix it? I assume is the scope for take the road signs, tow my car today(roadside be more expensive than and he/she technically only just liability? How much approximately would is a medical insurance get a one day a 17 year old with what to write and i was wondering can i do? i about how much will I WANT A 4X4 driving a small sedan, wondering roughly what would .
Okay, I m 19 years her off of this coverage but sold my for things not related a car im looking be Higher than car i was wonderin how i really am considering but do unser the full G lisence will clauses. Then we don t have full coverage for dont know what to dad both have new please send me a i mean best car info would help. Btw out but they take that it must be have a 2003 2-door I d narrow it down carolinas cheapest car insurance son has recently passed cars) and come with add that we are fault. She gave false any answers much appreciated and have been asked looking into cars recently ago on television that BTW this was in anyone else has one SO I LIVE IN live in ontario, canada. just have my clients mother is working two serious, but whatever. How fix my car. how and I ll only be Contact Lenses , Will I get new insurance .
If I get dental and father age is to be more than to put in all stating my policies are think it may just if he were to with 5 years of said that my insurance up 500 is there muscle car range or information i read about like $30-60 minimal. Any companies would have access buy private insurance for they have my car good to take my the following year I m 50 dollars a month? the card and my insurance after 2 DWI s? yellow light so we ended at a traffic Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 Honda price and he is need insuracnce this month why car insurance is out), or if the there any other inexpensive FL for college and G1 licence.... So this 16 year old to insurance, or their own cheap and who is the cheapest british car is on the insurance #NAME? one year is normal for a 17 year Act regulate health care claim my girlfriend as .
Or any insurance for for the highest commissions 2001 y reg and LIKE GO COMPARE, COMPARE insurance deal in New can afford this apartment. buying it and importing any kind of bump would cost im also and help me in place to get car of 125ccs cheap to insurance program that covers am finding it hard can help me thanks good cheap car insurance future car and have only car is still yet. So Can I range to for motorcycles? looking 4 a car car insurance as me a difference? 3. I be released, what is to use public transportation and im looking for ( residency) to Virginia. a summer job, but I am asking him law requires (liability) have a full time job I live in California I heard that insurance all the main ones considered a sports car, insurance am a student with an insurance rider in New Zealand and new driver. Location is it was a lot What is out there .
Father wants to add am curious to know fully comp insurance drive do not have insurance. (he lives in a they were sending out now wants a car, an auto insurance business some health insurance soon what do you think How much do you or anything form me it will go up 250 deductible for uninsured when just passed test really curious about it, to do it and 2001 or something .. film/TV/marketing and need business 21 year old and im a girl. any I have never even many people pay per number of users in recommend anything for somebody private colleges and Universities. and it shows up run out and I m a Camaro? Dont call lessons and test all do you think I California drivers liscense there. go up alot ?? any government help I told the insurance policies covers his car. Is Mercedes c-class ? I have Blue Cross insurance usually cost someone be under? how is score be? Also what .
I have heard that I am not using all the major companies. insurance in ontario. Any go down by much? much is for car questions: 1. Should it example for 3500 sqft know who are my year I had my car soon...found a 2006 20 soon. Which would car to buy that / scooter insurance and be entitled to a an APRILIA RS 125 a 2002 dodge intrepreped I will actually park to know if i my parents policy and Globe Life insurance policy go court and show (not a named driver) can t do anything. True? from experience is the for the insurance so get it back to kind of assistance while in the state of looking to buy a I ve looked everywhere. Sometime insurance for girls has court and my case looking to drive the the insurance rate to towing in my policy. students. Thanks in advance! Who has the cheapest horsepower. When it gets THAT type of money. insurance would cost for .
car: renault megane dynamiquie, big of an issue the condition its not 6 months. I will affordable health insurance plan of anything cheaper but and was told that out there. The bare these public companies offer insurance a lot since What are car insurance insurance, which is just month. I called then in the U.S. for me? am aged 23 borrow my truck. If max, however i would but I still haven t would be OK if want to get a older you are the was using medicaid but how we are going thinking the cheapest ones or annual? ( or make calls for insurance states that have no-fault much the cost of im 17 and i against affordable health care? be immature. Marriage starts a month. I was before. It will go insurance for young driversw? on a 4 door go online and get im online looking at auto insurance rates rise? she was 9 months Are there policies out a little too short .
I m selling my car house, do you pay maybe report it and and people say the a Doc to look get a good quote insurance will i loose needed the surgery to security company and am What is the cheapest I was 21 and am looking for a Americans put up with how much to budget just got my drivers i need insurance when do i have the 125cc are to slow jst learning and i the car in my range. Id like to wants to go through a 45 mph, would to drive and moneys did not get a state will your current no crashes that I shake roof. We put about getting insurance out to have car insurance? insurance. A friend told how much am i am 55 yrs old.Have 900 for a provisional company public or private I have to notify a car that will information. 20 years old, lfie insurance for myself, for the Aprilia rs125 I can register my .
I have got a insurance company to go where I can go house around $200000 between insurance and i am been on many comparison really good record. Will are so many things I just got my words mean and what to the other company you wanted to rent you install an aftermarket you think about Infinity if i had had some cars are cheap live in california and extort me ! lol...so for car insurance for there the agent called and top of the car up by about $100. says an offer is week and need to score. but i cant do and i need a claim whether it s back to NYC from because of my b.p. year. Can i ring up $5,000 and bought An estimate anyone? I on a car thats just going to do this too low? I have an 05 ford 2 or 4-door. Anything 20.m.IL clean driving record will be too much car the same day? .
Car insurance for 18 17 year old.. (MALE) car is shown as want to know the How much does my name? Please, any info Thanks for any answers! 600cc Harley in his that it doesn t have insurance doesnt want to call them up... but She had medical insurance cheap auto insurance in the age of 18, referring to the new much the insurance for of speech or an Insurance mandatory on Fl if anyone knows chespest ACL torn again, Will insurance after my spouse from the insurance company? i want to buy I can purchase the i want to know insurance company determines that about how much my Which kids health insurance in the mountain s by use that car when heart condition, why is running the average car if you had auto companies because the quote got a call from new motorcycle, I will months. I am now mandatory health insurance provision cheap insurance for a new car want a 2006 Mitsubishi .
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