#where i alienate ppl even further so im not doing that im trying my best to be nice :) and not express this shit :) at all :)
toastsnaffler · 8 months
still in suchhhh a funk
0 notes
gffa · 3 years
Dude the one response you wrote to another anon about having a hard time being a Real Person ™️ and interacting with others online bc of anxiety and stuff hit me so hard bc like BIG SAME.
I seriously appreciate how honest you are about this, bc I have very similar issues and I try really hard to leave comments on fics or reply to comments on my fics and sometimes my brain just says NO. And then too much time passes and then it's just awkward to reply later?? And then like, if you comment on a fic and the author replies and it opens the way for more conversation... Am I supposed to reply again??? I mean like obvs I know I don't have to, so usually I don't bc STRESS. But. ???? Idk.
What's the worst is that I have this same issue in "Brick Life" (IRL?)... Like, texting/emailing/chatting with friends and aquaintences??? How?? I overthink like EVERYTHING. And I wish I could just say, "yeah hey I have these problems so sometimes I can't reply! Or my reply might come off as weird to you bc I spent an hour rewording it and now I sound like an alien!" But I don't know how??? And I've tried doing like PSAs but ppl are like "oh you're so brave for admitting you have mental health issues. I'm so proud that you're reaching out" and then they go on with their lives like I don't have debilitating anxiety and seem to expect me to interact with them in whatever way they think is "normal" and im like 🙃🙃🙃
Anyway. Socially anxious high five from me to you. And you totally don't have to reply to this at all if you don't want to! I just read what you say sometimes about having anxiety and stuff and my brain goes "!!!!!! SAME HAT!!!!!"
Have a good day/night/time 💞
GOD, I REWROTE THIS RESPONSE LIKE FIVE TIMES, no, I’m not kidding. Yes, it’s funny because that’s what this response is about but also I really did. So, I’m going to start with this: And I wish I could just say, "yeah hey I have these problems so sometimes I can't reply! Or my reply might come off as weird to you bc I spent an hour rewording it and now I sound like an alien!" But I don't know how??? ^ Say exactly this!  Seriously!  It doesn’t have to be a big, huge conversation piece about how you’re anxious, you can just drop that in quick at the beginning, just tell the person, “Hey, brain weasels are really wriggling around up there today, so this took me awhile to cough up, so if it sounds like it’s weirdly terse or something, that’s not the intention, I’m just anxious about it.” and then go right on into the conversation. I’ve found that the shame of social anxiety is a real pain in the ass, but so is letting it define me.  It’s a thing I have!  It sucks massively!  I have to deal with it every day and in almost every conversation!  People want to help, and when I can tell them specifically what I need (usually it’s just that I need some extra understanding if I sound stilted or terse or disjointed, to know that it’s not that I’m being an asshole, it’s that I’m herding cats up there and this was the best I could get out in the moment), it goes a long way, because people are very understanding! Or, for example, sometimes I go on a little too much because I can’t stop myself and then I’ll tack on something like, “LOL GOD SORRY I know this is obnoxious, I just had FEELINGS, I’ll let you go now.” and throw in an emoji something to lighten the mood. Or, if you’re friendly with someone and they’re like, “What’s wrong, you seem off today.” and you can reply with, “[tosses a rock at] SOCIAL ANXIETY SUCKS AND I HATE MY LIZARD BRAIN.  (Okay, I’m being dramatic, but sometimes you gotta be over the top about these things!)” Or even something as simple as “/Social Anxiety Having Nerd Trying To Be Totally Normal Level Of Cool To Interact With” at the start/end of something as a reminder to people. Make it silly, even when the feelings are real, while also letting yourself off the hook for feeling this way! A lot of us are dealing with anxiety or other various forms of mental health issues, many of which are going to be with us for a long time, if not the rest of our lives.  It can be exhausting to carry this shit around, to feel like you have to do so much more work than other people do just to have a goddamned conversation.  And there are absolutely times to be deadly serious about it, especially if you’re having a bad day and need to vent or just need some commiseration.  Figure out what you need from your friends, what they specifically can do to help, but also have some humor with it and remember that, hey, if other people can fake it until you can’t tell they had anxiety, then you can fake it so that others can’t tell you have anxiety. Remember that there almost always will be more chances in the future to interact with someone, another fic will come along, another conversation will come along, another meta will come along, there will be more chances, so if you have to let some pass by because you don’t have the energy to get up over the anxiety hill to comment, then that’s okay, too.  A lot of us are dealing with this stuff and some missed chances are because we’re human. I mean, if you do get up the energy to respond and don’t know where to go from there, it’s okay to not respond back!  It’s okay if they don’t respond back!  People are but blobs floating in the currents of the ocean, sometimes they bob closer, sometimes they bob further away, but they’ll always come back and go away and come back again.  And that goes for you, too.  If responding to something makes your brain go N O P E, then don’t stress about it.  If you’re just kinda nervous, remember that other people can’t tell NEARLY as much about you as you think they can. Everyone is up their own asses about their own stuff, so you can be a trainwreck over here and hardly anyone is going to notice because they’re too busy thinking about their own trainwreck!  I promise you, people are not NEARLY as perceptive as you fear they are, when it comes to piercing the veil of your social anxiety, and so it’s okay to just let stuff slide or be a little twitchy, because you’re a person and so is everyone else.  ♥
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sovonight · 6 years
also for the dating sim, i originally wrote a final final date for ford back in september 2017, when i still had the energy to entertain a longer farewell.
this got cut, of course, and honestly it’s more suited for the last day of an entire summer with ford instead of the last day of 2-3 weeks, but it happened in my heart:
The week is coming to its end, and with it, your time in Gravity Falls. You can't help but feel uncertain about the end; will it come with a sense of promise, or finality?
This really began w the abducted by aliens bad ending idea but. the extended train of thought im goin for is:
ford takes u to see the ufo as a dual "sending u off w a grand sight" & "trying to convince you that gravity falls is worth coming back to-- and he is worth coming back to, too"
ford seems to show the place off to ppl particularly close to him so. rite of passage lol
TBH i dont know what ford would possibly have to show you that’s just This but it’s like one of the more mindblowing gf things and the most visually impressive location even if it is just a husk of its former self
if u did badly & continue to do badly then you call this alien stuff stupid and underwhelming and press a dead button or two to demonstrate and summon an alien prison bot thing. ford tries to keep u calm but too late, ur gone, whoops. BAD END: you rot in ancient unused alien prison
THAT SAID i'm probably gonna keep tossing ideas out and seeing where things can fit, not totally sold on this one
Last evening, you had lingered with Ford after dinner, having found another rare moment in which to enjoy his company. He'd asked to show you something, if you woke before dawn to accompany him there.
(PERFECT) (look up sunrise times) You wake before dawn, of course, the sky outside still dark. It is another few moments while you get dressed, and just as you finish putting on your shoes you hear the familiar weight of Ford's footsteps.
You open the door just as Ford's hand is poised to knock, and surprise crosses his face before it is replaced by a steady smile.
ford "I see you're eager. All set to go?"
You wake groggily to a couple hard knocks at the door, and sit up on the mattress in vague confusion for a few moments. You hear a door-muffled voice that you recognize, at length, as Ford's.
ford "[playername]? Are you ready?"
Oh. Oh, right! You were supposed to be going with Ford on some morning walk or other. You look down at your rumpled blankets and sleeping attire, and realize you have about five minutes to pull this off. You call out towards the door.
player "Almost! Just give me five minutes!"
You get dressed in record time, all as you imagine Ford impatiently checking his watch outside. You'd planned to wake up earlier, you really had, but things just didn't work out that way.
You open the door to a Ford who looks patient but perhaps a little exasperated. Oh, no-- that was way more than five minutes, then, wasn't it? Ford folds his hands behind his back, but you see his watch peeking out over the cuff of his sweater sleeve.
ford "All set to go?"
(BAD) You wake up at your usual mid-morning time to a sense of having forgotten something. You can't imagine what it could've been, but as you walk out to get breakfast, something slowly comes back to you.
Oh. Oh, no.... You were supposed to wake up early to join Ford for a walk. It can't be too late, can it? You don't see Ford anywhere, though, and as you look you run into Stan, who looks..a little disapproving.
stan "Lookin' for Ford? He left for one of his loner thinking spots in the forest."
stan "I don't know where it is, so don't bother asking."
The day is open to you now, but you're not sure how you feel about having stood Ford up.
<gen end>
player "Well, I'm dressed, but I wasn't sure what to bring."
ford "Just bring yourself. I've made preparations for the both of us, don't worry."
He offers his hand to you, and you take it.
Ford leads you out of the shack, and though the steps are as familiar as that first day you accompanied him on his search for Mothman, the warmth of his hand in yours brings an elation to your heart that you can't explain. You only realize you're smiling when Ford comes to a stop and looks back to you with a chuckle.
ford "I don't think I've ever seen someone so happy to be up so early."
ford "Here-- where we're going is usually a two day scenic hike, but I found a shortcut last summer that brings the journey down to a matter of hours."
player "How is that possible?"
ford "I don't know! Not yet, anyway. I have a hypothesis on how it works, but haven't had the time to devise an appropriate experiment. You see..."
"Ford continues talking as he leads you deeper into the forest, the faint path underfoot fading into the underbrush the further you walk. He holds onto your hand the entire way, a touching gesture that seems to become a necessity as the alternating sunlight and shadow crowd into your vision."
"There is a weight, and an emptiness, and a confusion, in the depths of the blur of the foliage you pass through. You think that if Ford hadn't been holding on to you, you would've lost him."
ford "Still with me?"
"You find that Ford has led you to a sunny, open space upon a cliff, with a view of the entire town."
player "..Yes. Yes, I think so."
ford "Good! Any thoughts on my hypothesis now that you've experienced the phenomenon yourself?"
"What? Oh no-- you'd been too preoccupied with the sensation of passing incorrectly through time and space to remember what he'd said! Time for a change of subject."
player "This view of the town is amazing! Were we going to watch the sunrise from here?"
ford "What? Oh-- Ah, the /sunrise/. Because it's before dawn. No, I just consider this the best time to travel."
ford "Though if you'd like to, nothing else I have planned is time-sensitive."
"Watch the sunrise together":
watch sunrise
"Let Ford lead on":
lead on
watch sunrise
"You move to sit on a conspicuous rock just a short distance away, and Ford joins you, a small smile playing on his face."
<he's amused 'cause now his ufo introduction can be even better>
"A comfortable quiet settles in, and though it might just be the early morning chill, all you can focus on is Ford's constant warmth by your side. Your gaze lingers, for a moment, watching him watch the sky, until you find his eyes meeting yours."
"You turn your gaze quickly back towards a view of the sky, where it belongs. At your left, Ford chuckles."
ford "You can look, you know."
"You know you should feel a little more shame at being caught, but what grows in your heart is a bright, tentative excitement."
player "And miss the sunrise?"
ford "[playername], there are plenty of sunrises left for you and I. But moments like these? They only come once in a while."
ford "It doesn't hurt to cherish them, while they last."
""You and I"?":
"Ford seems to catch himself, cheeks reddening in the brightening light of the early sunrise."
ford "I mean to say, we'll both see many more sunrises in our lives. Separately..or not."
"There's a lot of potential in that "or not"."
"(Kiss him)":
<you kiss him and it's great i guess? not really the best choice>
"I wish this moment could last forever."
ford "The earth would have to stop spinning, my dear, and then we'd be flung across the earth at the speed of its rotation."
"...The moment just ended."
"The sun comes up over the horizon, <something beautiful about its pink orange hues>"
ford "Now. Ready to see what I wanted to show you?"
"You nod, and accept the hand he offers to pull you up."
player "Is it further ahead?"
ford "Try below your feet. Stand aside, now--"
"He pushes the rock aside with ease, and you can't help but marvel at the strength he holds. He must be dedicated to his exercise regimen, whatever it might be."
<ufo section happens, ford pulls out the magnet gun the one invention that brought the two of you together in the first place, proceed on cool abandoned tech tour, he stops in one particular room for its echo sound properties, he’s like i actually scavenged-- i mean re-purposed-- parts from here>
ford "Together, we've tracked down a cryptid, battled through fictional dungeons, and faced Mabel's matchmaking. I thought having one more adventure together would be a good way to send you off."
ford "And..."
ford "I was hoping this would show you there's still more to discover about Gravity Falls than you might think. That perhaps you'd find that this place is worth coming back to, someday...even with all its faults, and weirdness."
"So you brought me to this husk of a place? It's a dump!":
"Oh, Ford...":
"Ford gives you that familiar warm smile, though the look in his eyes remains tentative."
"Consider me convinced!":
"Before you realize it Ford's swept you up into an embrace, lifting you off the ground for a joyous spin before returning you to it. He holds you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, grinning."
ford "--But wait, you understood the metaphor, right? The town as a metaphor for--"
player "Yes, Ford, I'd want to come back to see you."
"Ford laughs in relief."
ford "Did you know that the concept of a metaphor doesn't exist in some dimensions? It's ridiculous! Nonsensical! Who came up with those things?"
"His joy is infectious, you can’t stop smiling yourself."
player "Those dimensions, you mean?"
ford "Yes! I have some choice words for whatever cosmic events laid out {i}those{/i} plans."
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 4th-February 10th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 4th, 2019 to February 10th, 2019.  The chat focused on Offshore Comic by Stefan Gasic.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Offshore Comic by Stefan Gasic~! (http://www.offshorecomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until February 10th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite strip in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Given the comic’s focus on financial markets and all that composes them, what is something this comic has taught you about the subject? Alternatively, what is something you wished you understood better to understand the comic’s comedy?
QUESTION 4. How do you think the comic’s illustrative style and choices help the comedy of the comic? What is one moment where a particular design or image really stood out to you and helped the point the strip was trying to convey?
QUESTION 5. The comic features several recurring subjects like the legitimacy of IQ scores, LLCs, and more. Which of these recurring topics did you like the most? What about it caught your interest?
Stefan G
Hello everyone, 1) Just updated www.offshorecomic.com with a new strip. Check it out. 2) RebelVampire, are your questions intended for me or any new reader? Ciao, Stefan the creator of #Offshorecomic
They're intended for both (still working through the archive)!
Is there a way to get permalinks for individual strips, so I can come back to specific ones at a later time?
Stefan G
Thanks & okay, snuffysam keii4ii, unfortunately there’s no way to get permalinks for individual strips ... I coded the website myself as a side project and am not that good a coder
Oh man, I can relate to that... If I ever get rich, comic website coding and maintenance stuff is the first thing I'll hire someone to do for me
I do like how it loads and makes it easy to read through the archive, for what it's worth.
Stefan G
Thanks for the feedback ... and I totally, totally agree. One could spend a fortune for a coder to take care of all the fixings and stuff ... now I’m learning on the side whenever there’s time left over from work & family.
Stefan G
Answer to Q1 => readers have found the “happiness” strip the best. It’s also one of my favourite ones [succinct & clever & relatable] ...I truly don’t have a favourite strip, but the attached Reto & Urs -strips make me chuckle whenever I read them [I appreciate below-the-waist-humour and/or humour where people are really, really selfish].
lomcia (princess_lom)
1. The newest one is so funny
2. Trader
3. i dont work in office but i cant find nothing to improve that comic, i think the design of characters and humor is on really high lvl 12/10 for me
4. Style is perfect ffor that comic, i wouldnt change it
Stefan G
Answer to Q2 => at the moment my favourite character is the Economist. He’s a genuine IYI [intellectual-yet-idiot] ... which the world is full of and the finance industry in particular. The Economist is easy to write for because I’ve discovered a never ending source of humorous material called the daily financial newspaper ... please find attached also one of my favourite strips
Thank you, lomcia (princess_lom) for your feedback.
lomcia (princess_lom)
your welcome I hope i didnt misunderstood question 3 xD
Stefan G
I think you got everything just right
lomcia (princess_lom)
Stefan G
Answer/comment to Q3 => I’ve spend my professional life in finance, hence, I know every nuance of the industry. However, for the layperson the finance industry [money, banking, insurance, etcetc...] is a big black box of unnecessary complication. My humble attempt with #Offshorecomic is to untangle this complexity and make money related topics more accessible/understandable to anyone ... using humour as my main tool. Finance is more stupid than you think; trust me
I’ll answer the rest tomorrow. Gotta go to now. is like in a totally different time zone and all that Thx again y’all !
QUESTION 6. Which joke not related to finance did you enjoy the most? What about it made it stand out to you among all the others?
1) i really enjoyed the life coaching strip about facing reality and lying to yourself. i just really enjoy the bluntness and simplicity by which the self-deception line is delivered. A+ comedy right. 2) i like p-bird because i consider him a much needed counter balance to many of the other characters. he at least has more feet planted in reality. 3) hedge funds. not that i understand them perfectly from the comic, but now theyre more than just a financial word i see tossed around. and despite the very negative absurdist humor regarding them, was still interesting to get some insight into what they actually involved. 4) i think the style overall really balances well with the comedy. a lot of the comedy is reliant on the dialogue, so keeping the illustrations clean, bold, and somewhat simple really helps direct attention to the words. i also really just enjoy the character designs cause every single one really hits that idiot or absurdist mark that needs to be hit. 5) actually i really liked the address of IQ scores. because literally these characters seem like the type whod wind up on r/iamverysmart and use their IQs to talk about how cool they are. so it was kind of nice to see some evidence for that with the subject. that and i always like seeing the concept of IQ being torn apart. 6) i actually liked a lot of the jokes that pertained to the academic sphere in regards to things like publishing and teaching. selfishly it most just stood out to me because academia is something im more familiar with in regards to its simultaneous setup of worthless class structures and cutthroat profs trying to further their careers.
Stefan G
Thank you, RebelVampire, for your thoughtful analysis & feedback I believe that the writing is the most important part in comics ... and the best humorous writing is often blunt & simple [you hit the nail on the head with that comment]. Furthermore, I intentionally designed the strip in a simplistic style in order to A) highlight the writing/gag, B) to save time and C) cuz simple drawings are funny I love to make fun of pompous, self righteous folks ... academics are thus some of my main targets [due to the same reasons I make fun of financial professionals].
Stefan G
Answer to Q4 => My childhood inspiration and spark for cartoons/drawing came from F.Ibanez [Clever & Smart] ... very funny yet simple style. Nowadays I enjoy Dilbert by Scott Adams or the political cartoons from cartoonist Jari Elsilä; also both of them are hilarious without wasting unnecessary lines. I believe a straightforward style highlights the writing and that’s what I’m trying to achieve. Moreover, I love to have backgrounds in my comics [to steer the reader to a particular thought or mood] but hate to draw them and/or dislike it when they clutter the cartoon ... I’m rather happy with a style that I’ve developed over time where I draw the background but reduce the opacity to 25 %. I think that works pretty nice
Stefan G
Answer to Q5 => My favourite themes are 1) anyone predicting the future, 2) mistaking luck for awesome skill and 3) incompetent yet pompous professionals ... there is so much hilarious material right there
Answer to Q6 => I often use the characters Reto und Urs for jokes/strips that are not necessarily financial because they are so endearingly stupid [well, mostly Urs is]. This one makes me chuckle
QUESTION 7. In what ways have any of the strips changed the way you think about life, finances, or any other topic covered in them? Alternatively, what have the strips portrayed that you wish more people knew?
(the archive for the chat on Poco Adventures is now available https://comicteaparty.com/post/182650076295/january-28th-february-3rd-2019-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Of all the parodies and jabs at financial markets and life, which do you consider the most on the nose as far as its representation in the comic goes?
7) the strips have made me realize in a way that this is another industry where basically theres lots of ridiculous junk going on in the background cause you can never remove human faults completely. cause when it comes to finance theres lots of advanced vocabulary and concepts being thrown around usually, so for someone untrained it can sound intimidating and hard to follow. i think these strips do a great job of humanizing things tho and showing that the concepts arent all that alien cause at the end they were created by humans and reflect the desires of humans in a way. 8) one of my faves that i think is totally on the nose is this one where the economist is telling p-bird about ppl on twitter debating him being ignorant. and that his facts and stuff will prevail but p-bird points out that wouldnt even work on the economist. and the economist goes home confused. i think this is way too true for what its like to argue on the internet and how facts and logic get infinitely buried for the sake of narrative.
Stefan G
Excellent analysis/comments, RebelVampire really constructive. The human element is everywhere and money is such an emotionally laden topic that it’s easy to get confused even without the unnecessary complicated vocabulary ...which is often misused even by so-called “professionals”. If my strip has helped you understand all of that and un-demonised the beast, you’ve made me a very happy man Yeah, the Twitter-Fact-Confusion strip is one of my more relatable strips ... I’ve given up on trying to change people’s minds with facts; if changing minds is possible, it can only be achieved through via emotions. It sounds more logical the other way around but that’s not how we work. Here’s a special academically oriented strip just for you, RebelVampire Enjoy
haven't been able to get all the way through the archive yet, but my answer to both #2 and #8 is the Regional Manager. I love all the characters, but there's something to be said for the simplicity of having a guy literally run around headless.
Stefan G
Thanks , snuffysam. I almost forgot about the regional manager. I have to bring him back to life; I also like him ... by the way, there are 308 strips in total.
Answer to Q7 => I can’t claim that any one strip has changed the way I think about life and/or other things ... however, I do believe that writing & drawing Offshore strips has reinforced in me some of the main ideas from my favourite author, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who’s books have influenced me deeply [e.g. Black Swan, Antifragile, etc etc] ... luck versus skill, thinking about risk and stuff like that. I regularly come back to his books for inspiration and recommend his books & Twitter -feed. Here are two strips that highlight my point ...sort of
Answer to Q8 => wow tough question ... with 99 % of my strips I genuinely try to convey some message about basic human quirks and/or outright stupidities that actually take place on a regular basis when handling money + and then I add my own personal humours twist to it. Here are a few strips with the message never to buy something you don’t understand [a hint: they always have complicated names]...
QUESTION 9. What other finance related topics are you hoping to see the comic explore? Which characters are you hoping to see involved with the topic?
Stefan G
Answer to Q9 => As the creator of the strip I’m obviously biased to answer this question, but I’d love to hear what the new readers have to say. I don’t have a particular preference for any topic [except make fun of pompous forecasters ] ... but I feel myself wanting to write & draw more strips for the Markets-Weasel and Reto und Urs. And that’s surprisingly hard to do; forcing it doesn’t work [at least not for me] ... Offshore’s main characters were supposed to be Reto und Urs and somehow P-Bird and the Economist and the trader stole the show. I guess that happens when you get to know your characters better. Funny how that happens ... here’s one nostalgic strip from my early work that I really enjoy
Stefan G
Addition to Q9 => ... I’ve steadily build up an audience on Twitter [@NonMeek] which consist mainly of likeminded financial and/or other professionals ...hence, hearing the viewpoints from anyone outside that sphere would be awesome
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) idk about specific topics, but id like to see the CEO who i think appeared in like one strip. I'm really interested to see the CEO dynamic with the other characters in terms of finance. learn how they view what theyre doing, how they view what the others are doing, etc. but im all for bringing the regional manager back too cause i enjoyed that character as well. a lot of great humor picking fun at how some managerial positions are kind of ridiculous to even exist to a degree. 10) learning more, mostly. overall its nice to see a harder to cover topic in comics. ive enjoyed how approachable and humanized the strips make finances, and how they remind you that professionals can be like this and actually have no clue what theyre doing. @Stefan G that academic oriented strip you shared was actually one of my faves. not necessarily in college, but i see this a lot in the blogosphere where ppl do a thing once and try to pass themselves as qualified experts to deliver advice. XD
Stefan G
@RebelVampire Thanks again for your opinions. Those really help with the development of the strip ... finance is a hard topic indeed and there are no really finance oriented strips out there [that I know of anyway], which is funny cuz the industry is filled with emotions and mind blowing mental errors. I guess people still believe finance & investing is some sort of scientific discipline which it’s really not ... there are hardly any black & white answers to anything even though there’s lots and lots of historical data ... it’s time to fix that myth with Offshore I’m glad you enjoyed that academic strip. It resonated rather well on Twitter too
@RebelVampire [adding to my previous answer] ... I agree that the managers need to be reanimated and given another chance. I’ll try to do that and see how they resonate. I never know beforehand which characters will work and which will fizzle out; e.g. der Compliance Offizier is one of my favourite characters, yet, resonates weakly outside the banking circles ‍♂️ [I love the strip below ].
I would like to see more strips that cracks jokes about this very specific context of finances! Things like that strip about funds blowing up on day 252. I think that gives this comic its own flavor. Readers get to laugh about not just any kind of incompetent people, but incompetent people in this specific field. Readers with no background in finances don't know the context, so more strips that shed light on the context of the jokes would be great.
Stefan G
@keii4ii All valid and excellent points ... I genuinely try to write & design my cartoons in such a way that the joke is understandable even though you don’t know the context. It’s a hard thing to do ... my wife is my toughest critic and she tells me the same as you ... but keep following Offshore and I promise to come up with more stuff like that 252 strip
Answer to Q10 => My ambition with Offshore is to 1) amuse myself first and see if anyone shares my sense of humour [if a cartoon doesn’t amuse me, I don’t publish it]. It’s a splendid way of letting out some frustration from work ... and 2) to make investing & finance more approachable to the layperson by infusing some humour into it in the form of cartoons ... which by the way nobody thought of doing on a serious basis. Weird. However, to produce material on a semi-regular basis I figured that writing only gags/jokes is too much work and/or too shallow of an approach, hence, the characters in the strip need to be interesting/relatable enough in order to create humorous material by mere interaction with each other. That’s easier said than done. I’m quite satisfied with my characters so far but am continuously looking for new interesting characters to add to the strip [either permanently or impermanently]. Like Scott Adams once told me: “The trick with comics is to reflect the reader's own experience. To allow people to say, "That's me!" I’ll conclude with this sneak peek strip [only for you guys] that should relate to the experience of anybody working in a big corporation.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Offshore Comic this week! Please also give a special thank you to Stefan Gasic for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Offshore Comic, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.offshorecomic.com/
Stefan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/NonMeek
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