#what's she up to; what's jimmy up to coming along with her...how's she becoming a leader...how devastated is jimmy at some point abt writing
fellas is it gay to still be together eight years later and now in niagara falls?
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theemporium · 7 months
🧸could you do a Max one where you and him introduces you newborn to Jimmy and Sassy and they become attached to the baby
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“You have to be good.”
“I mean it. Best behaviour from the both of you.”
“If either of you even hiss or think about—”
“Max,” you said in a louder voice, finally catching your husband’s attention as he whirled around to look at you, his face a mix of concern and intrigue. “They are cats. They don’t understand what you’re saying.”
Max puffed his chest out. “They might.”
You snorted. “They don’t. And it’s fine. They will get used to him, slowly but surely.”
However, Max frowned at the phrase.
It had been a concern of his since you told him you were pregnant on whether or not his cats would get along with the newborn. The internet seemed to be full of mixed signals, with some people sharing happy stories and others sharing absolute nightmare situations. And as much as he should have put the baby first, the last thing Max wanted to do was get rid of Sassy and Jimmy.
They were as much his children as little Casper Verstappen was, and he didn’t think he had the heart to get rid of them if they didn’t get along with his son. Maybe that made him a bad father or a bad pet owner, he wasn’t too sure. But these were three beings he loved more than he could explain. He didn’t want to part with any of them.
And now the day had come for them to meet, with Casper and yourself having just been dismissed from the hospital earlier that day. And every part of Max felt on edge.
“Be nice,” he said to the two unbothered cats one last time before he took the car seat from you, the one where little baby Casper slept peacefully in, before he lowered it to the floor. 
Jimmy was the first to approach the car seat, sniffing and cautiously circling it before he stared at the baby lying inside. He leaned forwards, sniffing the baby’s foot before he let out a soft purr. Sassy was a little more hesitant, keeping her distance until she watched Jimmy nudge his foot affectionately. And only then did she make her way over.
In Max’s best case scenario, they would be unbothered by the baby’s presence and be happy to co-exist with him.
The last thing he expected was for his cats to love his baby more than they loved him.
“Really? Again?” Max muttered as he wandered into the room, the sun barely breaking through the horizon as he wandered into the nursery. He found both cats curled in the cot with little Casper, both curling around him in a way that almost seemed protective. “How do you both keep getting in here anyways? I swear I lock the door.”
Both cats just stared up at him blankly.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t forget who feeds you,” Max muttered as he watched Casper reach for Jimmy instead of reaching up for his father like he usually did in the mornings. “And that goes for all three of you. I am being ostracised by my own family.”
Sassy only meowed in response. 
“Yeah, love you too, Sass.”
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
the pet obsession * fem!driver
instances where max verstappen influenced her to get a pet
pairings: max verstappen x fem!driver, sebastian vettel x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver
warnings: -
notes: this took me forever to write BECAUSE? and, there will be more! i imagine she's sort of a pokemon collector like alex with all his pets LMFAO
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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-> australia, 2023
she never actually wanted a pet. never in her life did she find the responsibilities and inconvenience of owning a pet was for her. especially when she had her own — more important — things going on.
until max started gushing about his cats in the club, blabbering about how adorable jimmy and sassy were when he last saw them a couple of days ago.
the thought of coming home to barks and meows were never in your peripheral vision when becoming an adult. suddenly it is, seeing all your friends and colleagues having pets of their own. how cuddly and warm it looks to have an animal cuddle up to your side at the end of the day.
“you know, you’re convincing me to get a pet!” she screams over the music, body still moving along to the beat of the song. “you sold me on the cuddles!”
“seriously?” the drunk dutch asks, stumbling to keep his phone in his pocket. “a pet or a cat?”
“pets, in general!” she laughs, taking a step towards him. she beckons him towards her, the older driver bending down to put his ear by her mouth. “i used to be allergic when i was a kid.”
max raises his eyebrows, pulling away. “not anymore, though?”
“not anymore!”
that’s when max stands up straight, losing his balance slightly. he holds his arms up to regain it as a wide smile creeps on his face. “follow me.”
“what fo– okay,” she says, but not before max already has a firm grip on her wrist and is threading the crowd on the dancefloor with her.
she doesn’t ask questions, why would she when the two-time world champion is being so nice and friendly to her? considering this is one of the rare times he’s starting to really open up to her too.
“where are we going?” she asks softly, tiptoeing for max to be able to hear her. she tries glancing at his phone when they stop by the doors of the club, but he only shakes his head and moves the phone away from her sight. “okay.”
“trust me. you’ll love me after tonight.” max turns towards the door, grip on her wrist again.
but before she can follow suit, sebastian is now standing over the doorframe with a hand held up to stop them. “where are you going?” he glances down at their hands. “you’re not trying to eliminate competition, are you, max?”
max tilts his head, eyebrows furrowing as he follows the older man’s gaze. he gasps loudly and drops her hand, jumping a step away from her. “no, absolutely not!”
“then where are you going?”
“to find her a pet,” max points at the younger girl with an innocent grin. “she said she wants one.”
“what?” she exclaims, a soft smack landing on his arms. “i said i was convinced, not that i want one right now!”
“where were you going to find her a pet?” sebastian’s eyebrows furrow as well, the complexity of the situation not fully processing in his intoxicated brain. “it’s 2am, you guys. it’s closed everywhere.”
max presses his lips together. “i saw a stray cat outside before we came in.”
“oh, that cat is adorable!” she gushes, a hand coming up to cup her own cheeks. she remembers how the cat butted its head on her calves as they awaited for someone to let them in.
“right? if i didn’t have two territorial cats of my own, i’d totally take it home with me right now.”
“you’re right! let’s get the cat!”
sebastian holds his arm out, swiftly catching the girl stomping her way towards the door.
“hey!” she shrieks, a look of disbelief replacing her once ecstatic expression.
“you’re not taking a random stray cat back. your mother will kill me if you catch a disease,” sebastian sighs. he turns back to max with a stern finger point. “you should know better, max! come on!”
max drops his head, lips pouted. “you’re right. we’ll get you a proper, vaccinated cat, (y/n).”
“okay, let’s get back to the dance floor,” sebastian groans, pushing them gently further into the club. he shakes his head. “seriously, i turned my head for one second!”
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“oscar,” she slurs, dropping her weight into her friend’s arms.
“get a grip, come on,” oscar mutters, hands wrapping around her torso to keep her from falling. “you didn’t even drink that much — why are you being like this?”
“seb wouldn’t let me get a cat,” she sighs, her hair falling to cover the sides of her face. she pushes herself off the australian and stumbles a couple of steps to the side, propping herself up on a lamp post. “so rude.”
“i can hear you,” sebastian scoffs, his hand around max’s arm to keep him upright while stepping out of the bar. “it’s just dangerous if it’s a stray cat. you’ve got to bring them to the vet for the initial check up and everything.”
“yeah, but i m- oh my gosh!” she shrieks, hands cupping her cheeks again. they all look at what’s caught her attention, the same cat that max was talking about earlier now at her feet once more. “oh, you’re still here! hello there!”
“(y/n),” oscar says, pulling her back gently. “seb literally just explained why you shouldn’t get a stray cat.”
“but he loves me, look at him!” she squeals, the cat rubbing its side on her feet. the cat makes figure 8’s around her ankles, its tail brushing past her calves while rubbing his head on her. “i have to take her home, oscar!”
“oh, he chose you!” max exclaims, eyes wide and pointing at the black cat. “that cat absolutely ignored the living shit out of me earlier!”
“max,” sebastian sighs, grabbing his shoulders. max cranes his neck, meeting sebastian’s eyes with a tired smile. “shut up.”
when he looks back at her, the girl is now bent down to the ground, reaching forward to take the cat into her arms.
“oh, baby!” she coos, juggling the willing cat in her arms as it meows at her. “seb, i have to bring him home! he loves me!”
oscar’s lips carve into a scowl, exchanging a worried glance with sebastian.
sebastian shakes his head and lets go of max, walking towards the girl. max stumbles, arms coming up to stabilise himself from the sudden loss of the man holding him up. “(y/n), the process will be long and crazy.”
oscar jogs on over to him, replacing sebastian to hold him up. “if she gets this cat, mate…”
“then that’s good. will give her more responsibilities,” max mutters somewhat soberly, pointing at the girl stepping away cautiously from sebastian. “it’s a good benchmark.”
“seb, no!” she shrieks, taking more steps back as sebastian continually approaches her with her arms held out to take the cat. “he already has a name — you can’t possibly take him from me!”
“your mother will shave my head if we go back home with some random street cat in your arms,” sebastian sighs, rubbing his forehead. “for all you know, it could be someone’s cat.”
she frowns, now carrying the cat over her shoulder like a baby. she looks around, the bouncer of the club looking straight ahead as if they hadn’t caused this much commotion.
“hey,” she calls out towards him. “excuse me, bouncer, sir!” he turns to look at her, a welcoming grin on his face. “is this anybody’s cat?”
he presses his lips together, glancing at sebastian’s impatient stare. alas, he can’t lie to the teary eyed girl hugging the cat for dear life. “no, ma’am. he’s a stray cat.”
“thank you!” she smiles, then turning to sebastian with a knowing grin. “i told you. this cat is mine now!”
“what’s his name?” max asks excitedly, stumbling forward to pet the cat on its head.
the girl stands proud and tall, adjusting the cat to face the rest of the group. “his name is kidnapper.”
“that’s gotta be some form of animal abuse,” oscar shakes his head disapprovingly. “why would you name your cat that?”
“because it’s funny,” she says, giving him a stare. “his nickname will be ‘kid’! like seb calls me!”
she grins at sebastian, the older man only folding his arms and breaking their eye contact. “i guess that’s kinda cute.”
“it is cute.”
-> monaco, 2023
“mate,” max looks up from his phone, turning to look at the younger driver sitting on his couch. “you know where we should go?”
she lifts her eyebrow, still patting the jimmy that sits on her lap comfortably. “what?”
“there’s a pet shop nearby. kelly and i walked past it the other day — there’s a really adorable puppy that i think you might like,” max grins, raising an eyebrow at her. “it’s a corgi.”
she pushes herself off the back of the couch, sitting up straight. “a corgi?”
“yeah, a corgi.”
jimmy steps off her lap, allowing her to stand up. “what are you waiting for? let’s go.”
max grabs her back, shaking his head before they make it to the door. “won’t sebastian get mad at us though? another pet from another foreign country. really?”
she lets her stare at him linger. on one hand, she already has a cat she managed to bring home from one race. what’s another?
she shrugs. “i’ll just name it after him or something.”
max raises his eyebrow. “you sure?”
“yeah, maybe i just won’t tell him until it’s too late.”
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"seriously? another pet?" sebastian shouts, staring at the corgi sleeping at the edge of her bed. "you gotta stop adopting pets from other countries, you know. it's not cheap!"
"but how can say no to this face?" she coos, moving over to the dog, pouting while leaning her head on it. "you're a dog person, seb. i know you'd never say no to this face."
sebastian shakes his head. "you can barely keep up with kidnapper in your apartment. what are you going to do with a whole ass dog?"
she presses her lips together, before forming a grin on her face. "blythe will look after them while i'm gone. no big deal."
"not the point."
"totally the point. max helped me get this one!" she cheers, patting the corgi's head. "his name is stubby; we got him from the pet store near his apartment."
sebastian just sighs, shaking his head. he turns around and heads towards the door of her hotel room. "as long as you can get him back without any problems. this is no longer any of my business."
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @love4lando
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Dirty Thirty // Pedro Pascal
Hey everyone :') this is my first time ever writing a one-shot/imagine on Tumblr lol, and I've decided to feed into my Pedro Pascal addiction by adding to my delusions and writing this LMAO. Hope you enjoy!
warnings: age gap (17 years- the reader turns 30 in this), swearing, smut, brief mentions of daddy issues.
word count: 5.2k
synopsis: y/n admits on Jimmy Fallon's talkshow that Pedro Pascal is her celebrity crush, and Pedro turns up at y/n's thirtieth birthday party as a surprise.
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"Our next guest happens to be Hollywood's fastest rising star and first-time Golden Globe winner. She's currently taking the film world by storm with her outstanding roles in Labyrinth, Stranded, and Solitaires, please welcome y/f/n y/l/n!" Jimmy excitedly beckons your presence as you made your way onto the floor, the crowd cheering loudly.
You wave at the audience with a gracious smile playing at your lips, giving Jimmy a hug and a kiss on the cheek to greet him. You took a seat on the chair next to his desk, crossing one of your midnight blue-panted legs over the other. This wasn't your first time on his talk show, so you felt comfortable and at ease.
"It's so good to see you again, y/n. You've been quite the busy woman. How are you?" Jimmy smiles in your direction, folding his hands on top of his desk as he turns toward you, offering you an inviting smile.
"I've been great! Just super busy with filming and press tours. It's been hectic but I'm having the best time." You reply with confidence, and Jimmy asks you a few more questions about the shows you've been filming before he changes the subject.
"So, the world has to know-- is a beautiful world sensation like you single right now?" He folds his hands underneath his chin like a schoolgirl that's about to gossip with their best friend. You grinned nervously, never really liking to talk about your pathetic dating life.
Nowadays, people only wanted to be with you for the fame, and you never had any interest in your co-stars. Quite frankly, your schedule was too hectic to even think about dating at the moment, but that didn't stop you from madly crushing on amazing actor and internet sensation, Pedro Pascal.
"Unfortunately, Jimmy, I'm too busy right now for dating. When the time comes, though, I'll welcome the opportunity with open arms." You giggle softly, rubbing your hands up and down your forearms in what suddenly became nervousness.
"Do you have your eye on anyone? C'monnn tell your best pal Jimmy," he pleaded while dragging his words, "It'll be our secret... along with the rest of the world." His wit was enough to make you genuinely laugh, and you shook your head. You didn't mind confessing your crush on Pedro, mainly because you didn't think you'd ever really have a chance with him anyway.
"Fine. I think Pedro Pascal is handsome... not to mention a phenomenal actor." You exasperated, feeling your cheeks become hot knowing that your secret crush wasn't a secret anymore. Oh well.
"He is a very ruggedly handsome dude," Jimmy urges, and you nod in agreement. "Did you invite him to your thirtieth birthday party? I know that's only a few days away and everyone who's anyone is going." You hadn't even had time to think about your birthday or the party because of how caught up you've been with work and press tours.
"Honestly, I've never even met him, so I doubt he'd go," You laughed aloud, mainly to yourself. "It would be cool to meet him, though." Your eyes scan the audience, the lights too bright on stage to see clearly into the crowd of people.
"He's supposed to be a guest on my show tomorrow night so maybe I can convince him to go to your party." Jimmy wiggles his eyebrows, causing you to hit his shoulder lightly with a fake gasp escaping your lips. The audience laughed and cheered at how flustered the thought of it all actually made you, but you brushed it off for now.
Jimmy finally moved on from the subject, finishing off the interview with a fun game before you said your goodbyes to him and the wonderful audience.
It was finally the day of your long-awaited party, your best friend helping you get the finishing touches of your make-up on.
"Dude, what was that confession on Jimmy Fallon's show all about?" y/b/f/n inquires. She raises her eyebrows at you as she looks at you through the vanity mirror you were sitting in front of, as she graciously offered to do your hair and makeup. You and her met on a set several years ago, as she was your designated hair and makeup artist, and you two immediately clicked and have been inseparable ever since.
"What, about Pedro?" You rolled your eyes at her playfully, "It's not like he'd ever see it. The man doesn't know I exist." You exclaim, laughing at the foolishness.
Little did you know, that was far from the truth.
"And when he shows up at your party ready to dick you down, what then?" y/b/f/n tosses her hands up in the air, quite frankly fed up with your obliviousness. Your looks were killer and your personality was a ten. She knew any man, no matter the age, would be lucky to have you.
"Y/b/f/n!" You gasped in horror, but something deep inside you ignited with excitement at the thought of that actually happening. It made you squirm a bit in your chair, and you sighed.
"Listen, he may be older, and your crush on him may be projected from your unresolved daddy issues, but make no mistake about it-- you two would be so hot together." She nodded, satisfied with her rhetoric.
You rolled your eyes once more, "I do not have unresolved daddy issues," knowing damn well she was right because in all truthfulness, you did. It's not something you talked about often, if at all, but she knew you too well. "My crush on him doesn't stem from that, at all." You shot back finally, standing up from the chair.
You took one last look in the vanity in front of you, feeling satisfied with the smokey eye look bringing out the color of your eyes in the most sensual way. Your hair was in the most perfect blowout style, framing your lovely features in all the right places. You felt hot.
"Perfect as always, y/b/f/n." You give her a hug, which she graciously returns.
"You know I always gotta slay your looks baby. Now, we're too sober for this shit. Let's get you dressed and let's get fucked up!" She shouts, shaking your shoulders in excitement. You nodded vigorously, ready to celebrate your third decade of being on earth.
The party was in full swing and it was packed with some of the most famous faces you've ever seen. If there was a few things y/b/f/n knew how to do, planning and throwing a big party was definitely one of them. You greeted so many people and thanked them for coming, some even bringing presents for you. You felt all the love on your special day, and your best friend made sure of it. You've been working so hard recently, and you needed this to just escape, even if it was for one night.
You were about five shots in at this point, definitely feeling a little tipsy. You were able to hold your liquor well and you knew your limits, so this would be your last one for awhile. You were sipping on a jack and coke, the sweetness of the soda counteracting against the semi-bitter taste of the whiskey. You were standing in a small circle of people that consisted of Oscar Isaac, y/b/f/n, and two other of your co-stars. You were listening in to the group's drunken conversation about TV shows they were currently into, when someone behind you called your name which made you turn your back against the group.
The person wished you a happy birthday with a hug, and you graciously thanked them for coming to the party. That's when you heard the oh-so-familiar voice of the man you've been crushing on for some time now, stopping you dead in your tracks.
There's no fucking way he actually showed up to my party.
Panic started to set in, not wanting to turn around. You felt your whole body get hot, feeling a little woozy.
"Y/n," You heard Oscar's voice call your name, and you swallowed thickly. Fuck. You turn around slowly, trying to keep your cool. Your eyes flickered to y/b/f/n's face, the biggest fucking grin on her mouth. Your eyes moved to Oscar, who was smiling at you with Pedro standing right next to him. Your eyes didn't dare move to Pedro's quite yet. "I want you to meet my best friend, Pedro Pascal. I know you two've never met, so," Oscar trails off, and your eyes snap to Pedro's.
A shy smile spread across your lips, those dark brown eyes making you weak in the knees. You felt like he was literally staring into your soul. Oscar stepped to the side to switch places with Pedro, so he was now standing next to you. His tall stature towered over you, even with you in heels.
"It's nice to finally meet you, y/n," Pedro smiled and stuck out his hand, which you graciously took to shake. You felt electricity surge through your whole body at the touch of his hand, causing you to slightly gasp. Your lips were slightly parted and your breathing became uneven. You shook his hand, finally smiling.
Stop acting like a fucking starstruck weirdo, you scolded yourself in your own thoughts.
"It's nice to meet you as well," You finally squeaked out, "And thank you for coming to my party." A ghost of a smile was on your lips as you tried pulling yourself together. Your eyes scanned over his body as you let go of his hand, causing your mouth to go dry and press your legs together. Luckily you were wearing a floor-length gown, so it wasn't obvious.
He was wearing a dark green suit, which he looked absolutely delicious in. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of you, either, because the way your black dress was hugging your curves in all the right places was quite literally enough to send him over the edge.
He cleared his throat and fixed his collar, excusing himself from the group to get a drink. As soon as he walked away, Oscar and y/b/f/n were both looking at you with raised eyebrows and mischievous grins.
"What?" Your voice falters, being a dead giveaway that your interaction with Pedro had you extremely flustered.
"You could feel that tension from across the room. Damn," Oscar laughed, knowing damn well his best friend had the hots for y/n. "Maybe I should've introduced you guys sooner, since you know, he is your celebrity crush after all." Oscar was full on laughing as he teased you, making you retort with a pout.
"Shut up, Oscar!" You roll your eyes, a pout still evident on your lips.
"Maybe he can finally cure y/n's dry spell." y/b/f/n said slyly, and you felt your whole body get hot once again. It's true, you hadn't had sex in months. You blamed it on your busy work schedule, and while half of it was true, you didn't want to blame your illiteracy of flirting or putting yourself out there.
"You bitch! That was supposed to be our secret. Way to put my business out there." You half-joked, and you were only embarrassed because she was telling the truth. Your body craved to be touched so badly, but your right hand really wasn't cutting it for you anymore.
"What'd I miss?" Pedro rejoined the three of you, but he was being coy. He overheard y/b/f/n talking about your... dry spell. He held a glass of whiskey, neat, in his hand, his eyes finding yours once more. You blushed a little as he took a sip of his drink, not breaking eye contact even once.
That single look alone was enough to make your panties wet. God, this man was so hot. Clenching your thighs wasn't going to cut it anymore.
"Just about work and stuff." You answered him while shrugging, looking down at the marble flooring beneath your feet.
"And stuff?" Pedro repeated, more as a question. Oscar and y/b/f/n exchanged glances, that thick tension between you and Pedro returning once again.
"Hey Oscar, come with me to get a drink." y/b/f/n suggested, and Oscar caught on immediately as he held out his arm for y/b/f/n to hook onto. They both disappeared within the crowd, leaving you and Pedro both to your erratic thoughts.
You peered up at him through your thick false lashes your best friend had put on you, not being able to form a single damn word. The affect this man had on you drove you absolutely insane.
He suddenly smiled at you, raising the glass in his hand so it was just below eye level to you. "Happy birthday, cariña. Salud." He cheers you, clinking his glass with yours. This time, both of you took a sip of your drinks without breaking eye contact with each other.
You're not sure if your sudden boldness came from the previous five shots you've taken, or if it was the unbearable tension between the two of you, but you held out your hand for him to take. He looks down, almost immediately lacing his fingers with yours. You felt heat rise to your cheeks from his touch, loving the way his hand felt in yours.
"Do you wanna, maybe, go upstairs?" You ask him in the most confident way you could muster up.
A look of shock flashes through his eyes, but is quickly replaced with lust and desire. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and gave your hand a slight squeeze. "Lead the way."
Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded, leading in front of him with your hands still intertwined. You knew it was too crowded and people were too drunken to even think of looking for you and Pedro, so you thought this was the perfect opportunity. You lead him up the steps to your bedroom, stopping before the door. You unlaced your fingers from his and opened the mahogany wooden door, stepping inside and he follows suit. You shut the door softly and lock it, just in case.
Your nerves return again as you face him, the full moon beaming into your large-windowed room. The moonlight hit his face perfectly, showing off all of his handsome features.
"So." You began, feeling a bit awkward again. Pedro chuckled at your shyness. He thought it was cute how flustered he made you.
"Do I make you nervous, mama?" He asked, his voice low bedroom voice immediately taking effect. Holy fuck.
You gulped at the pet name, feeling your core heat up even more than it already was. You were pretty sure if he even touched you, you'd orgasm. "Wh-what?" You whisper, losing all of your cool in that moment.
"I said," Pedro steps toward you, towering over you once more, "Do I make you nervous," he leans down to your ear, "mama?"
You couldn't hold it in anymore. You groaned at the pet name, looking up at him pleadingly. He got his answer right then and there, closing the space between the two of you. One of his hands firmly grasped on your hip, the other flush against the small of your back. His brown eyes bored into yours, and you were left wanting, waiting, anticipating.
"Well? What do you want me to do, cariña?" His breath was a mix of mint and the whiskey he was sipping on. He tilted his head, looking at you expectedly.
"Kiss me, please." Your voice was barely above a whisper, but Pedro wasted no time. He closed the distance between you two, finally encapturing your lips with his. You both moan into the kiss, fervor running through the course of your entire being. His kiss was gentle, yet so passionate. Your hands found their way into his hair, tugging slightly which caused him to moan into your mouth. He pulled away from you slowly, cupping one of your cheeks while moving his thumb back and forth, breathing staggered.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly, searching his eyes for any hint that he wanted to stop. There were none.
"Get on the bed," He demands, his eyes watching you as you moved past him and sauntered to your bed, clad in satin sheets. He smirked to himself as he noticed the sheets. "Fancy." He tilts his head toward the sheets, moving to you. You sat upright on the bed, arms straight behind you to hold you up.
He knelt down on one knee and if your dress wasn't on, he'd be eye level with your core. The thought of that made you dripping wet. You bit your lip as he moved his hands to unbuckle the straps of your heels you had on, kissing you right below the inside of your knee on both legs before he dropped your heels to the floor.
He stood up to look down at you, admiring you laid out on the huge bed.
"My god, mama, you're so beautiful." He rasps, unbuttoning his jacket. You quiver at the sound of his voice, becoming more needy as the seconds go by. He moved himself so he could lean over you, one knee between your thighs. He grabs the fabric of your dress from the bottom, sliding the material up your freshly-shaven and lotioned legs. He stops moving the dress up when it was around your hips, and his vision was now met with the black lace thong you had on, which was now soaked. He looks at you for approval, and once you gave him the okay to touch you, he moved his head down between your thighs.
He started to kiss in between your thighs, lightly biting the same spots he kissed which made you yelp in surprise. Pedro smirked at the sound, continuing the journey of his mouth to reach your core. He kissed you through your panties, making you moan loudly. You were glad the doors in your house were heavy and the music downstairs was blasting, because quite frankly you didn't need nosey people knowing you were about to get fucked by one of the hottest men you've ever laid your eyes on.
Pedro moves his hands to hook into the sides of your panties, tapping the sides of your hips. You raise your hips so he can slide them off of your body. He tosses them to the side of him on the floor, grabbing your hips and dragging you to the edge of the bed. He was on his knees at the foot of your bed, mouth salivating as he took the sight of your glistening core in.
"You're this wet and I haven't even touched you yet, cariña. What am I going to do with you?" Pedro was dragging out the teasing, and he knew you wanted his touch so bad. He wasn't helping his case either, because he needed sweet release from his pants that seemed to get tighter around him every minute that passed.
"Fuck me. That's what you should do." You retort, and that was enough to make him lowly growl and move back down between your thighs. He finally kissed your core and started lapping away, his mustache and beard immediately covered by your wetness. His skilled tongue felt heavenly against you. You couldn't help but start writhing once he pulled his tongue away, sliding two fingers into you. He wanted to see you lose it over his touch, and my god, were you the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
He moved his mouth back down, lapping you up once more. The sound of him eating you out and your moans, which were getting louder, echoed throughout the room. You felt a burning desire in the depths of your core, knowing you were close to a sweet release.
"'M gonna cum, oh, fuck." You cursed aloud, your legs starting to stiffen.
"That's it mama, just for me," Pedro coaxed you, his fingers moving at an even faster pace, curling inside of you. You convulsed around him on his command, your head spinning as your orgasm ripped through you. You cried out, your thighs pinching together at the overwhelming high you just experienced.
No one has ever made you come like that.
Though you were still shaky, you stood up and reached toward Pedro to unbutton his shirt. You moved the soft material down his toned, tan arms, admiring the view just as he'd done to you earlier.
"You're so handsome." You wrap your hands around the back of his neck, bringing him closer to you. He smiles softly at your compliment, dipping his head down so his lips met yours. You kissed him with all the passion you held, wanting him to know just how much you wanted him without saying a word. You tasted yourself on his tongue and could feel how soaked his beard really was.
You turn him around and gently push him onto the bed. He stares up at you as you slowly take your dress off, letting it pool around your feet on the floor. You didn't happen to be wearing a bra with the dress, so you were now completely naked.
Pedro groaned in lustful agony at the sight of you, resting his forehead on your stomach as he wrapped his hands around the back of your thighs. He kissed your stomach softly, almost pouting when you moved back from him.
"It's my turn to take care of you." You purred, causing his eyes to widen. You pushed his shoulders down gently, but with enough force to assert some sort of dominance.
You loved being a switch and loved the fact that Pedro was letting you be one.
Your nimble fingers move to Pedro's belt buckle, getting it undone in a swift manner. You unbuttoned his pants, moving the zipper down and he immediately lifts his hips so you can get his pants off of him. He moans at the sweet release from his pants, just aching to be touched by you.
You swallowed thickly once more as you looked down at his briefs, his bulge as clear as day. A surge of confidence washed over you, knowing that you turned him on like that.
You reached up to rest one hand by his head, the other one reaching down toward his briefs. You began to palm him, multiple low groans escaping from his mouth.
"Fuck, I need that pretty mouth of yours already." He whimpered, grabbing a fistful of your hair. You finally decided to stop your teasing and relieve him of his misery. Grabbing his briefs in your hands, you pulled them all the way down and tossed them onto the floor with the rest of your guys' clothing. You stared down at the beautiful man in front of you, naked and clearly unafraid. You were basking in the sight, wondering how the hell you even got to this point in the first place.
You gently grabbed him in your hand, pumping his length slowly. Your thumb ran over the tip, making him hiss in pleasure. You smiled at his reaction as you brought the tip of his length to your mouth, kissing it once, then swirling your tongue slowly-- teasingly.
You ran your tongue down the bottom, going slow enough to have Pedro squirming underneath you.
"Please, y/n," He begged, breathless, "I need to be inside that pretty mouth." That was enough to make your bones jump. Hearing him say your name like that made you want to do unspeakable things with this man.
Relaxing your jaw, you took his full length into your mouth, moving your head up and down at a steady pace.
"That's it, mama, right there," Pedro praises, making you moan against him. "Just like that." His voice was strangled, and when you licked a bold stripe up his protruding vein that was on his length, he gripped your hair tighter and let out a loud moan.
"Fuck, you're so good at this," You picked up the pace, using your hand where your mouth couldn't fit. "Fuck, y/n, princess, I'm close." You felt the tip hit the back of your throat, and that sent him completely over the edge. He cried out your name as he came, feeling the warm liquid shoot down your throat.
You swallowed after he was done, wiping a dribble that got onto your chin.
"That was so fucking hot," Pedro looked at you, breathlessly. "C'mere." You moved up to him and he gave you a rather needy kiss.
"On your knees, princess." He smirked, and you did as you were told. He drank in the delicious sight before him-- your ass up, waiting for him to absolutely demolish you. You got butterflies just thinking about how you'd feel around him.
Pedro stood on his knees behind you, kissing the lower middle of your back before smacking your ass. You gasped at the unexpected contact, but that just made your core clench with excitement. He grabbed onto your hips, steadying you as you felt his length rub up against your ass.
"Are you ready, mama?" He coaxed, fingers digging into your hips slightly. You felt yourself tremble with excitement, barely being able to form any words.
"Yes," you're breathless, anxious and needy. Never in a million years did you think this would become your reality.
You felt one of Pedro's hands leave your hip, taking his length into his own hand as he positioned himself to your entrance. He slowly pushed the tip into you, making you gasp with excitement. You couldn't wait any longer, so you pushed your hips back onto him so he fully sank into your heat.
Groans left both of you, you getting used to his length and him getting used to your tightness. You stayed still for a full second to fully adjust to each other, and then he started to move. Really move.
Your breath almost got knocked out from your lungs as he slid backwards, then came back forward full force.
"Fuck," you gasp, gripping onto the satin beneath your fingers. You grit your teeth with how much he filled your wanting, aching heat, hitting just the right angles as he began to thrust even faster. You started to catch onto his rhythm, moving your hips back with force.
The sound of skin on skin slapping harshly rang throughout the room, moans and groans slipping from both of you. Pedro moved his hand, sliding it up the front of your body, finding its way to your neck. He spread his fingers out, so he had a tight grip on either side of your throat.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
He used the hand wrapped around your throat to coax your body upwards, so your back was against his chest. His hot, staggered breaths met your ear, making you moan. He moved his other free hand off of your hip, slipping it between your legs. His fingers started to rub soft circles around your clit, and the stimulation from it all brought back that warm, patronizing heat deep within.
He was absolutely enthralled with the way your body fit so perfectly with him, enjoying the fact that he was going to be the culprit of your undoing soon enough. You just felt so right on him, your pace and movements flowing with him so naturally.
"Fuck, princess, you feel so good," He groans into your ear, his hands simultaneously tightening around your throat and working at your clit faster. You knew you were done for, and all you could do was just let yourself enjoy the ride... literally.
His thrusts started to become sloppy and his breath was so rigid and uneven, he could barely hold on much longer himself.
"Cum for me, mi amor." He groaned, and his voice was enough to tip you over the edge, once more. That white, hot feeling in the pit of your core exploded, ripping through you once more as you moaned his name so loudly, not really giving a fuck if any of the party guests could hear you riding out your orgasm.
He slipped out of you and seconds later, you felt warm liquid spurting onto your backside as a string of profanities left his mouth. You slumped down onto your bed, completely spent and out of breath. You heard him get up from the bed, walking to the left of your room where the bathroom happened to be. He returned shortly after, cleaning up your backside with a towel before laying down next to you.
You peered up at him, brown eyes already looking back at you. He was trying to steady his breath, hand reaching up to move the hair from your face.
"That was," you trailed off, letting your lungs catch up on the air they were lacking, "So fucking amazing." You said timidly, suddenly feeling shy. All that you could think about in that moment was that Pedro Pascal was literally in your bed. What the fuck?
"It was," He chuckled, reaching his hand out to your chin so he could tilt it up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "You did so well, mama. So tell me... now that you've been fucked by your celebrity crush, will you go out on a date with him, too?"
Your eyes widen in horror, feeling embarrassed that he actually heard about your confession. You groan and bury your face in your hands, making him chuckle.
"Of course I'll go out on a date with him." You laugh, uncovering your face. He grins, taking one of your hands and kissing the back of it.
You're both so enthralled with each other that you almost don't even hear the knock on your bedroom door.
"Y/n, are you in there? We want to sing happy birthday to you!" Y/b/f/n called through the door, her voice muffled.
"Just a second!" You yell in a panic, scrambling off the bed as you go to pick up your dress. Pedro is slightly amused, watching you slip the long gown back on over your body. He gets up and dressed, only taking a couple of minutes.
"Can you zip me up?" You ask him, turning your back toward him so he can easily access the zipper to your dress. You feel his warm hands trail down your back, sending a shiver down your spine. He zips you up slowly, loving the feeling of your hot skin beneath his fingertips. He kisses your shoulder once you're zipped up, and you turn back around to face him. He looks down at the floor, suddenly noticing your lacy underwear at the bottom of his feet.
He bends down to pick them up, not even bothering to hand them over to you. He stuffs them in the back pocket of his pants, giving you a cheeky grin. He leans down to your ear, pressing a feather-like kiss onto it.
"C'mon birthday girl, let's go celebrate you some more." He whispers, kissing you beneath your ear this time. He spins you around and ushers you to the door after you check your hair and makeup.
You totally look freshly fucked, and quite frankly, so does he. You really didn't care, though, because you were feeling so euphoric at tonight's events altogether.
Best. Birthday Ever.
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avadaniels · 18 days
the writing on hacks season 3 (and the whole show) is so good okay and here's why.
the main theme of the show is older and younger generations learning from each other, which is demonstrated mainly through ava and deborah. it started off with ava learning to respect deb's work and her career and understand all the obstacles she faced. this leads to deborah learning from ava: she learns that her story matters, and that by sharing it, she can connect with people and elevate her comedy like never before, which shapes the main plot of the show.
of course, deb also learns from ava about how to treat others. ava is always bringing up social equity, saving the environment and other political issues. a lot of it is trivial and played for comedy -- but now in episode 8, it has become CRUCIAL to deb's career and ultimately has a fantastic payoff.
further credit to the writing, deb's growth is not a straightforward benefit. it realistically portrays the messy and uncertain process of learning and putting your beliefs into action. from what ava has taught her, deb gets frustrated and "blames" ava for making her want more for herself, because learning is an uncomfortable process and hacks has never shied away from that. also, deb abandons the party with her comedy icons because she chose to stand up for ava instead (which hasn't had an immediate material effect on her career, but shows a very realistic conflict between peers, deb making that difficult decision, and ultimately she is the one who achieves higher success and is rewarded for her growth).
of course deb has a lot of people around her who have similar influences on her. dj and marcus and jimmy all have their shining moments where they also push deborah to reflect on herself and help her to grow. another credit to the writing to include so many nuanced relationships that all contribute something special!
but throughout this season they've really demonstrated why ava is so essential to the show. they told us explicitly at the start of season 3 that no one else has a relationship with deb like ava does, and it extends far beyond fashion advice. ava is the central relationship that has the greatest effect on deb's career because they are peers, and they have both put in the work to understand each other and collaborate. and it's ava's gen z qualities, her brash, entitled, unfiltered personality that facilitates the all of the great fights, confrontations, and discussions that have led to deb's growth.
and now, deb has FINALLY gotten her late night show, and it happened because ava convinced her to apologize. it's because of the dynamic that has been building since s1e1--ava calling out deb's bigotry, the feedback loop of them understanding each other's perspectives and growing into better people and better comedians because of it. that dynamic is the direct catalyst of deb's lifelong dream coming true.
we have had similar victories every season, with ava convincing deb to change for herself. ava helped deb write her special, and transformed her career by convincing her to share her story, and listened when deb started opening up in the first place, and was there all along to cheer on the vast untapped potential of a wounded woman using comedy as a mask, to help her evolve, and learn to use to her work to reconcile and heal.
in season 3, things are a little different. deb has to answer to others. she must face up to some real mistakes she's made, and all the little moments of ava correcting deb's language and questioning her actions, that always seemed like a petty annoyance before--now these very issues are the final test that will decide deb's fate.
when the world starts attacking her jokes, of course deb's strongest instinct is to defend herself, as she's had to do now for years and years and years. she's spent all this time building her career all by herself, one joke after the next, and if she spent one second in weakness or second-guessing, she would've been crushed. for deb, defending her career is her deepest, longest-held conviction, and going against that is REAL change. the question is, can deb handle it at this level? can she drop that defense? can she put respect for other people before herself? can she humble herself, admit she was wrong, and apologize?
with ava's help, she can. and for that, she wins.
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raya-hunter01 · 6 months
Fade Into You Part. 7 Final
Prequel Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, masturbation
Summary: This is the Prequel for Lights, Camera, Action! How does an outburst on your first day lead to a lifelong friendship with the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns and the stands the test of time. How does that friendship introduce you to a special group of people that will become your family. 
When did the lines get blurred between friendship and wanting a relationship with one of your best friends Mr. Main Event Jey Uso. Follow the friendships, and relationships of how they all came to be the one big happy family we all know and love in Lights, Camera, Action.
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January 1, 2023
Joe and Tangela’s reception
Jey’s POV
"Wow, Joe must have spent a lot of money on this!" Taraji said loudly looking around as I cringed. Why did I bring her…Better yet, why did I agree to try being a couple? After Shantell’s grandmother’s funeral, we did a couple shows for Raw and Taraji and I ended up tangled back in the sheets again.
Why am I so scared to just ask Shantell out? I mean I’ve had time to get my shit together and I feel I’m ready, but I just can’t take the leap. I don’t want to mess up our friendship.
"Jey, did you hear what I said? I’m about ready to go Taraji," said as I sighed. "Well, I can walk you to your room. Then I'll come back, ''cause' I ain’t ready to leave yet," I said honestly ready to party with my family.
I saw Shantell earlier and she was so beautiful in her gown all the girls were. “I can’t believe they danced to that lewd song," my mom whispered looking over at Shan, Trin, and Sofia as I looked at her funny.
“What are you talking about mama, it wasn’t bad. It was a Beyonce’ song, all they did was choreography from the video,” I said as she frowned at me as Taraji smirked.
“Well Ma Uce, I agree it was a bit tasteless,” she said kissing up to my mom as she smiled at her.  
“Sandra, nothing was wrong with Tangela, and the girls doing a routine to her favorite song. It’s her wedding, she can do what she wants, and what you think doesn’t matter,” pops said as I smiled at him.
“I ain’t judging, I love all the girls, I just don’t feel it was proper for Trin, and Sofia to be out here doing vulgar moves and they are married,” she said as I rolled my eyes.
“Well, your sons seemed to have enjoyed it, so once again your thoughts on it don’t matter. Let them grown folks have fun and keep your opinion to yourself, I’m tryin’ to enjoy myself,” he said as my mother sat back in her chair and closed her mouth.
Looking back, I saw Montez sitting at the table next to me along with Shantell’s mom and they seemed to be having a fun conversation as they were both laughing.
 "What the hell is up with that and why is he here?”I muttered as Shantell went to their table leaned over and whispered something in Montez’s ear.
The smile on his face made my stomach turn as she smiled brightly, pulling him on the dance floor.
"Do you want to dance?" I asked Taraji as she smiled. "Uhm, sure and maybe after that we can go," she said as I nodded in agreement.
I needed to talk to Shantell, but I knew now wasn’t the place. Are you serious? Leave it to Taraji to go and start dancing by Shantell and Montez.
The idiot was beaming as Shantell danced close to him. Man, he is goofy as fuck, and can’t handle a woman like Shantell.
I couldn’t focus, all I could do was think about the many different ways I could kill him.
"You want me to walk you back to your room?" Montez asked as Shantell smiled. "I think you trying to set me up, but yea you can walk me back, "Shantell said laughing as he smiled brightly at her.
"Let’s go then," Montez said gently steering Shantell off the dance floor. "Wait, let me tell my mom I’m leaving," Shantell said walking away from him.
"Aye, let’s go Taraji. I’ll walk you back to your room," I said trying to be nice about wanting to ditch her." I need my coat," she said as I waved her off.
"No problem, I got you," I said jogging over to our table to get it.
"Mama, he’s a friend that is all," Shantell said as her mother laughed. "Well, if you decide to indulge your friend, wrap it up," Tanya said as Shantell blushed.
"I ain’t even going there, night mama," Shantell laughed giving her a hug.
What the fuck was so funny. Ain't nothing about this shit funny. Tevin's ass is outta the picture, now here comes this fool.
"Night, Jey, see you tomorrow," Shantell said waving at me before walking over to leave with Montez.
"Oh, so it’s like dat huh. No hug, kiss on the cheek, nothing just a dry ass good night," I mumbled My fuckin' insides are boiling.
Shantell's Hotel Room
Montez’s POV
"Thanks for walking me to my room," Shantell said unlocking her door as I fidgeted with my hands.
“It was my pleasure,” I said coming closer as she smiled.  "Montez," she warned as I gently shushed her.
"I know we’re friends but, I can’t help I’m attracted to you,” I  said as she blushed. 
“So, you’ve told me a thousand times,” she whispered as I  gently kissed her hand before she walked inside her room.
“Goodnight Beautiful,”I said as she turned and smiled. “Night Tez, I had fun, see you tomorrow,” she said slowly closing the door.
"Damn, she’s a tough one to crack,” I muttered to myself as I felt someone bump me as I turned to leave.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” familiar voice said as I looked up and locked eyes with Jey.
“No problem, Jey, have a good night,” I said walking away not wanting any trouble. I caught how he was looking at me and Shantell on the dance floor.
“Aye, tonight is your last night sniffing around, Bruh. Stay away from Shantell,” he said as I stopped in my tracks.
“What did you say?” I asked, turning around to make sure I heard him correctly, and by the look on his face, he was dead serious.
"I ain’t stutter man, stay away from Shantell or it’s gon’ get ugly,” Jey said boldly as everything began clicking in my head.
 "So that’s your plan huh, you just gon’ threaten and try to push every guy out of Shantell’s life that isn’t you, Jimmy, Solo, or Joe. Man, you selfish as fuck,” I said having figured out Jey’s game.
“No, that ain’t what I’m doing. I just know what you doin’ and it ain’t gon’ work.  She ain’t that type of girl, just stay away,” Jey said as I scoffed at him.
“Well, I know what you doin’ too, Jey. You either need to tell Shantell you like her and put yourselves outta your misery, or let her be happy wit someone else," I said giving him advice.
Hell, everyone knew he liked Shantell except Shantell.
"Who are you to give me advice?" Jey scolded as I sighed. "I’m Shantell’s friend, and I’ma be honest and say I hope someday I can be more, especially if you can’t get yo’ shit together," I said as I saw Jey’s face twitch.
"Get out my business, and just stay away a’ight," Jey said going to Shantell’s room about to knock.
"She’s fine Jey, I didn’t do anything to disrespect her in any way. What you need to worry about is how your new girlfriend’s a user," I said casually.
"What the fuck you talkin’ bout ?"Jey asked walking slowly back to where I was standing.
"Aye, don’t shoot the messenger, just listen. Pop up some Mondays to Raw and I bet you will see some eye-opening things, Jey," I said truly trying to peep him up on Taraji’s game.
"Why do you care?" Jey said staring intently at me.
"Maybe seeing Taraji in her true form will make you feel less guilty about dumping her ass.  Let's be real, you never really wanted to date her anyway," I said and I could tell Jey was mad that I had him figured out.
Jey’s POV
"You don’t know me at all to be judging me, Montez," I said getting irritated.
"I do know you Jey, I see right through you.  You are in love with Shantell but you are scared, you feel you undeserving. You scared you gonna mess up your friendship and lose her forever,” Montez said as I tried to keep my poker face.
I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.  
"Man, gon' on wit the bullshit, and just remember what I told you," I said trying to keep my cool but I already knew I was right.
"Look, you either gon’ step up, and get your woman, or be miserable as fuck watching and someone else love her the way she deserves,” Montez said walking away.
“Who the fuck is he to give me advice?” I muttered passing Shantell’s room, going to my own.
I needed time to think, but deep down I knew Montez was right about everything he was saying.
I needed to get my girl and in a hurry.
Jey’s POV
After that night a few things Montez said began to stick out as I walked the halls in search of Taraji.
“Hey, Nattie you seen Taraji, I just decided to surprise her,” I said as she looked like she had seen a ghost.
“Uh, yeah she’s in the canteen, but I heard her say she was heading back to her dressing room,” she said looking worried, scurrying away from me.
Trying to push the naggin’ feeling away, I went to wait in her dressing room.
I sat in the corner and replayed the interview from a few days ago a fan had tweeted to me.
“Yeah, I date Jey Uso, that’s my guy. I mean you gotta hook you a big fish ladies to succeed in this business. Being with him is definitely helping my career. I like a certain lifestyle and even though he isn’t there yet, it’s close,"” she said laughing as I cringed.
Did she not think someone wouldn’t send this shit? She basically had no problem sayin’ she’s using me to further her career.
Sorry Taraji, this shit stops today. I cut my phone off hearing shuffling and moaning outside the door, as they finally stumbled into the room.
“Wait lock the door,” Taraji moaned as I shook my head in disbelief. There she was kissing another man as they fumbled around the room not seeing me at all. Their hands roamed each other's bodies.
Montez was really tryin’ to hip me to the game. I still don’t like his ass though.  “What about Jey, this can backfire,” I heard the male voice say as I scoffed quietly.  “Don’t worry bout him, baby, he ain’t got a clue,” she moaned as I stood up smirking. 
“You sure Jey ain’t got a clue you loose pussy,” I said startling them as they jumped apart.
“Jey, what are you doing here," Taraji whispered in shock smoothing down her hair as I laughed.
“I came to talk about that foul-ass interview you did the other day and look what I found,” I said looking at Carmelo Hayes.
“Aye, she been comin' on to me, I didn’t know ya’ll were serious,” he said as I nodded in understanding.
“We weren’t serious, just hooked up a few times. She begged me to give a relationship a try but deep down I knew.  You good Uce, I’m through wit her ass. It’s your problem now," I said walking out as Taraji ran after me.
“So that’s it! you ain’t gon’ fight for me or at least pretend to be upset!" Taraji screamed as I shook my head.
"No, 'cause I been knew yo' ass was for the streets when you let me fuck you in a storage closet without even really knowing me. I just tried to see past what was in front of me,” I said as she gasped, reaching out, attempting to slap me as I caught her hand. 
"Save the dramatics, it’s done Taraji,” I said releasing her hand.
“Fuck you, Jey! You just ready to run to her now ain’t you? Your precious Shantell, you ain’t never cared about me anyway,” she said trying to guilt me with her fake tears.
“It’s always been Shantell, and I know I ain’t never said that to you before but you knew it too. In the end, you cheated and that’s on you. Ain’t nobody to blame but you,” I said as I felt the anger radiating off of her.
"Jey, let’s just talk about this," she started as I cut her off with a quickness.
“Have a nice life Taraji because I know I will with Shantell,” I said truthfully not caring about her fake tears, or how it made her feel as I walked away from the dramatic ass scene.
 “You ain’t heard the last of me Jey, this ain’t over!” she yelled as continued walking, I had wasted enough time on her.
I felt relieved it was over because I was never really in it to begin with. I can’t believe I’ve wasted all this time, but I’m back on track now.
I had to tell Shantell how I felt.
Shantell’s Condo
Jey’s POV
“She did what!?” Shantell yelled from the bathroom as I laughed. “You heard me, she was getting’ it on with Melo,” I said as she poked her head out the door.
“Stop it! Lawd! Melo, I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you, how dare you!” Shantell said dramatically as I laughed.
“Man, she tried to lay on the guilt trip too, Iike I ain’t just see you cheatin’,” I said as Shantell shook her head.
“Jey you know how she is. I’m just glad you're free of the drama. You deserve better than that,” Shantell said fixing her hair.
“You think so?” I asked looking at her entranced by her beauty. Damn, I’m stupid as fuck, she’s been in front of me the whole time.
How do I even tell her?
“I know so, after all the shit you’ve been through you deserve all the happiness in the world Josh,” Shantell said taking her outfit off the hanger as I walked away to give her some privacy.
“So when are they gon’ start the remodel?" I asked looking around her bedroom as she got dressed. “In two months, so I got time to find an apartment or loft to rent until it’s done,” Shantell said coming out of the bathroom, trying to zip up her rumper.
“You ain’t gon’ never zip that up by yourself, turn around, I got you,” I whispered as she smiled turning around, looking at herself in the mirror.
"I really need some advice, Shantell," I said trying to build up my nerve to tell her. "Uh, I can try," she said nervously as I smiled.
“I really like somebody, but I don’t know how to tell her,” I said our eyes meeting in the mirror as I slowly began zipping her up.
“Aww, is she pretty?” she asked smiling as I nodded “She’s more beautiful than you could imagine, but it's not the first thing you notice about her though,” I said as Shantell's eyes silently questioned me.
“First thing I noticed about her was her heart, and how she loves everyone around her. She’s always ten toes down for everybody she considers her family. She don’t know it, but she makes me feel like I can do anything,” I said honestly as she smiled.
 “I’m really happy for you, she sounds like an amazing woman,” Shantell said as I sighed, frustrated, and flustered that she wasn’t catching on to the fact I was talking about her.
“She really is, I just hate that she doesn’t know how amazing she is.  I’d move heaven and earth just to have a chance to prove I’m worthy of her,” I said rubbing her shoulders as I stared into her eyes through the mirror.
I was laying my soul bare, I had nothing to lose.
Shantell’s POV
Trying to control my breathing I cleared my throat. “Um, well you should tell her how you feel Jey, you won’t know until you try,” I said as he sighed, placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder as I relaxed against him truly enjoying being in his arms again.
I knew moments like this were going to be few and far between when he finally told this girl how he felt.
I’m glad I really accepted us being friends because this would have crushed me deeply. He just gives off so many mixed signals that it frustrates me at times.
“You are going to be fine, just tell her. She won’t know until you let her know you like her,” I encouraged as he held me tighter. It was so simple but yet so intimate.
“What if she doesn’t feel the same way about me?” Jey whispered as I turned in his arms and hugged him.
I felt him exhale as my arms enclosed around his neck.
“I don’t think you’ll have a problem Josh, you’re an amazing guy. Stop second-guessing on yourself,” I said pulling away, and giving him a kiss on the cheek before going into my closet to look for my shoes.
“Maybe I’ll tell her soon,” Jey said as I nodded continued in search of my shoes.
“You better! It sounds like that girl is the one and you shouldn’t let her get away if she's that amazing. Stop wasting time, Uce,” I said honestly happy for him.
“Yea, I wasted too much time, if you knew how much, you'd probably slap my ass, but I’ma tell her," Jey said as I turned and smiled brightly at the boyish grin he was sporting.
 “Uh…I’ll let you finish getting dressed, and meet you downstairs. I’ve bothered you enough,” he said leaving quickly before I even could respond.
Poor guy, I hope he tells the girl soon I’ve never seen Jey so crossed up.
Girls Night Out
Roller Rink Bar
Shantell’s POV
“Shantell, are you serious!?” Sofia exclaimed as I laughed. “Why you making a big deal out of it? A woman can be a virgin in this day in age,” I said as Trin gave me a high-five.
“Take yo' time take sis, the dating pool these days is a mess,” she said as I clapped my hand in agreement.
“Thank you! I just want it to be with someone I love and trust,” I said taking a shot, looking at Montez and a friend of his by the rink, nursing a beer.  
“Someone like Jey I bet, but I have to say that tall cup of hot cocoa over there ain’t too bad,” Sofia said pointing at Montez as I sighed.
“See there you go, Montez and I are friends so it ain’t happening,” I said, shaking my head and ordering another shot to go with my drink.
“Alright a toast to the lady of the hour, Trin we are so proud of you and this new endeavor with TNA,” Tangela said as we raised our glasses.
“I got another month before my contract runs out with WWE before I can even sign,” she said as I reassured her.
"You got this in the bag, so celebrate. Paul told me to tell you congrats and he's proud," I said reassuring her as she smiled brightly at me.
“Ya’ll, I hate I can’t drink,” Sofia said as Tangela reached over and rubbed her belly.
“Cameron your aunties are ready to see you. We gon' spoil you rotten," she said as Sofia laughed.
“I’m ready for him to come out, Ma Uce is getting on my nerves. Somebody be at the hospital with Dominos and a bottle of wine,” Sofia said as Trin laughed.  
“We got you, sis,” I said as we saw Joe, Jimmy, and Jey walking back into the bar.
"Damn buzz kill, our personal Ubers and bodyguards are back. I guess their guy's night out was boring,” Trin snickered pointing at them as I almost spit out my drink.
"Damn, they could have given us another hour. Don't kill our vibe 'cause your night was boring,” Sofia scoffed seeing her husband come in behind his brothers.
"Girl, I’m so lit, it’s probably best we go," I said starting to feel the effects of the drinks I had. "Ooouu, here come hot coco, be cool ya'll," Tangela said as Montez approached our table.
"Damn, you sure you don't wanna climb dat tree Shantell," Sofia whispered to me as I gave her a pleading look to chill as Montez leaned over and without shame and shared his intentions.
"Hey, ladies, ya'll look beautiful tonight. I was just trying to see if Shantell wanted to cut a rug before ya'll leave," he said as Trin looked at me smiling.
"Sure, I'm cool with it," she said as Tangela chimed in her two cents as well.
“Yeah, dance wit the man Shantell,” Tangela said as I shook my head.
“I been drinking, and I don’t think I can skate, and dance at the same time right now,” I said as Montez smirked at me.
“Just lean on me, I got you beautiful,” he whispered as Trin smirked at me.
“Girl, go on and dance wit that man, and tell me if he can kiss. He looks like he can suck a soul out of a body quick,” Sofia whispered as I gasped.
"See, I don't know what I'ma do wit you,” I whispered before standing up to go over with him to the skate rental station as she laughed.
Jey’s POV
“Aye, ya’ll ready to go? Pool tournament at the bar next door was a bust,” Joe said looking around for Shantell.
“Where is Shantell?" Jimmy asked as I began skimming the room.
“Montez asked her for a dance since he knew we were about to leave,” Tangela said casually as I felt my eye twitch.
Motherfucka just won’t stop will he.
“You alright Jey?” Trin asked as I tried to play it off. “Yea, why wouldn’t I be?” I said trying to keep my emotions under control as I walked off to in search of Shantell.
Usher's and Beyonce's Love in this Club remix ll was ringing in my damn ears as I saw Shantell and Montez skating.
He was standing behind her as they maneuvered across the floor. They looked like a couple and I didn’t like it.
Asshole was whispering in Shantell’s ear as she threw her head back laughing. “He can’t be that damn funny Shantell,” I hissed as he locked his arm around her waist.
Now, baby girl, there ain't nothing more that I can say
You know by now, I want it more than anything
If I walk away and just let you leave
You'll be stuck in my head like a melody
“Hey! Don’t let me fall!” Shantell exclaimed over the music as they moved sensually in sync to the song.
“That motherfucka,” I growled as I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Aye, calm down, they just dancin’, “Jimmy said as I rolled my eyes.
" Look at that shit!" I said as Shantell playfully pushed Montez away as he continued to skate backwards, holding her hand as she slowly whined to the floor and back up again.
I know you want it (yeah)
But I'm hesitating (why)
You must be crazy, I got a man, you got a lady
I know we here together
So this must be something special
'Cause you could be anywhere you wanted
“You betta do dat shit Shan!” Sofia yelled as I sighed. Tonight wasn’t supposed to go like this.
“Bro you can’t even be mad? You ain’t even told her how you feel about her,” Solo said as I rolled my eyes.
 “Yes, hell I did!” I hissed as I watched them dance, getting even more pissed.
  "No the fuck you didn’t! I mean you confessed, but you said it was another girl that you felt that way about," Jimmy said as Solo looked at me like I was dumb as hell.
"Jey, ain’t nobody tryin’ read between the lines and play Blue's Clues wit yo', dumb ass," Jimmy said as I shook my head.
I knew he was right, I had chickened out the minute she looked at me.
"Josh, tell her before you lose her man,” Solo said as I felt my head bout to explode as Shantell and Montez glided by us as he spun her around.
But you decided to be here with me
No coincidence, it was meant to be
Don't be shy, come let your boy get in
I saw the look on her face, she was lit as fuck. She was singing and feeling the song more than she was his ass.
She slyly pushed him away and began dancing on her own as he admired her lickin’ his lips.  
So you can tell all of your friends
You was on the remix, like
In this club, in this club
“A’ight don’t fall now,” he yelled as she laughed continuing to dance as he followed her undressing her with his eyes.
"If he looks at her one more time and bites his lip, I’ma break his fuckin face, and knock out every last one of that motherfucka's teeth out,” I said as Jimmy and Solo laughed.
"Well do sumin’ bout it then,” Solo said shrugging his shoulders.
Thankful, the DJ called for a break, as Montez helped Shantell off the rink.
Shantell’s POV
“Thank you for the dance,” Montez whispered as I smiled. “I enjoyed it, thank you,” I said as Montez helped me take my skates off and then his own.  
“I think your bodyguards are coming,” Montez said as I looked, and saw Jey, Jimmy, and Solo approaching us so I stood to meet them.
“Hey ya’ll, this place is so cool,” I said as Jey frowned at Montez and he returned the gesture.
“Yea, uh, the girls are ready Shantell,” Jey said as Montez gave me a hug.
“Thanks for the dance, I’ll text you,” I said as I heard Jey growl. What the fuck was his problem?
“I’ll be on the lookout, enjoy your night Shan,” he said going back over to join his friends.
“Jey, was all that really necessary, you were rude,” I said as Jey looked at me intensely. His gaze paralyzes me, as it's intense, damn near primal.
 “I’m bout to leave and you betta be right behind me, Shan,” Jey said firmly as I raised my eyebrows in shock, as he left before I could respond.
“What the fuck is his problem?” I asked Solo as he tried to calm me down.
"Ignore him, he just is in his feelings," Jimmy said as I frowned. "In his feelings about what?" I asked as Jimmy gave me a hug.
"You gotta ask him that sis, I'll hit you up later," he said leaving to go back over to the table to join the others.
 “You know can ride home with one of us. We don't need ya'll fighting,” Solo said as I tried to seem unbothered.
“I’ll be fine, we aren’t going to fight. I’ll let you know when I get home, and let the girls and Joe know I’m good," I said giving him a hug before walking towards the exit.
“A’ight I’ll call you!” he yelled over the music as I waved at him. As I walked out of the club Jey already had his car in front of the entrance.
Slowly he walked around and opened the passenger door.
 “Get in the car Shantell,” he said as I sighed, getting in as he slammed the door, and quickly made his way back to the driver's side.
"Well tear your own shit up then, stupid," I mumbled as he got in and started the car without a word.
“Jey, I think you need to tell me what the problem is before we go anywhere,” I said trying to figure out what was going on and why he was acting this way.
 "Don’t worry bout it," he grumbled pulling out of the parking lot.
"Well, I think I should worry because you trippin'. I was having a nice night with the girls, and you come in acting like an asshole," I said as I saw his hand grip the steering wheel.  
"Yea, you were having you a real good fuckin' time, huh, he mumbled as I looked at him and the light bulb went off.
 “Is this about me dancing with Tez," I asked as I saw the muscles in his face twitch.
"Oh! He’s Tez to you now, huh. So is you fuckin' him?" Jey hissed as I was getting pissed with the attitude.
"Wait, time out this conversation already pissin' me off. You go from being big mad about me dancing with a friend, too is you fuckin' him? I said as Jey sucked his teeth.
"Don't play wit me Shantell, just answer the question," Jey mumbled as tried to process what we really were arguing about.
"You really questioning me, like you my man or somethin'. Like you just didn't do a fuckin’ monologue earlier about liking another woman!" I yelled as Jey growled.
"It wasn't a fuckin monologue! It was the truth, but you ain't listening! "Jey yelled as it was my time to growl in frustration.
What the fuck did he want from me?
"I listened as your friend, and I gave you advice!" I exclaimed as Jey shook his head focusing on the road.
"You make shit so fuckin’ hard for me. You don’t listen,” he said as I leaned back against the door wanting to reach over and smack da fuck outta his ass.
"I make shit hard for you! Well, I tell you what motherfucka, pull this shit over! I’ll make it easy on us both, and I’ll fuckin walk home!" I hissed as Jey sucked on his teeth.
“I ain’t doin' shit but taking you home, and putting you to bed, drunk ass, "Jey said as I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, I ain’t drunk by a long shot. I’m sober enough to know I ain’t riding another mile with yo' jealous, selfish, I wanna have my cake, and eat it too ass! GOT DAMN IT, PULL OVER!!" I yelled even louder hitting the dashboard with my hand.
"Fine! Walk yo' ass home then, I ain’t beggin’ you Shantell!” Jey yelled pulling over as I got out before the car came to a full stop, slamming the door, and started walking.
“Aye, get yo’ ass back in here Shan!” Jey called after me as I ignored him and kept walking.
"Where yo’ ass gon' go, we in the middle of nowhere,” Jey said walking in front of the car as I turned around and threw both my middle fingers up in the air for him to see.
“I got two feet, I got two fuckin' thumbs!” I said before turning back around, trying to find my phone in my purse.
“Get back in the car Sahntell, we ain’t done with this fuckin' conversation," he said as I continued to walk.
"Oh yes we are, I'm done with it," I said almost stumbling but regained my balance. "Get back in the fuckin’ car before you break yo' damn ankle with them high-ass shoes on Shantell!” Jey demanded having caught up to me but walking a couple steps behind.
“Leave me alone Jey, my subdivision is like a couple miles up the road. Ok, so I'm good," I said trying to just tune him out.
Jey’s POV
“Shantell you ain’t good, cause' deep down you know what’s up, and dats why you runnin’ scared! You don’t want me to tell you!” I yelled as Shantell screamed in frustration, finally turning around to face me.
“Runnin’… Oh no! See that’s your department!  I don’t run I stand in my truth, when are you goin' to stand in yours,” Shantell said smartly as I groaned at her truthful words.
 “You drive me fuckin crazy! I'm tryin' to stand in my truth! I’m tryin’ to tell yo’ ass! ” I yelled pulling her close as she pushed me away.
“Well stand in it! Tell me what you wanna say. I'm right here Josh, and I ain’t runnin’. TELL ME! " Shantell demanded hitting my chest in desperation as I caught her off guard, claiming her lips in a passionate kiss.
Her shocked whimpers set my soul on fire as I deepened our kiss. Her hands caressed my face as I pulled her closer. It was like we couldn't get close enough to each other.
 Our New Year's Eve kiss had nothing on this one. “If you would just let me talk, I’d tell you a million times, it's you, baby," I moaned against her lips, stealing another earth-shattering kiss before pulling away.
Trying to catch her breath, and process what was happening, Shantell looked at me with unsure eyes.
 “The girl I was talkin’ about earlier was you. Don’t you see? I want you, and only you Shantell. I wanna be your man, I want you to be my woman I said pointing between us.
"There, I finally said it,” I whispered releasing the breath I was holding as I saw a few tears escape her beautiful eyes.
I had finally done it, I had confessed my heart's desires and the ball was in Shantell's court now.
“Why do you want me, Josh? Out of every girl in the world why me?” she whispered as I gently wiped her tears and kissed her tenderly on the forehead as she melted into my arms.
“Cause your you, baby,” I declared, my voice filled with emotions that only she stirred within me.
Unashamed, I let my own tears fall as I held her close. I had bared my soul and she didn’t run, she welcomed me with open arms.
“What are we going to do?” Shantell asked as I scooped her up in my arms, as she snuggled her face into my neck.
“We gon’ figure this it out, 'cause I can’t lose you now,” I whispered truthfully holding her close as I carried her back to the car.
Shantell’s POV
I know I’m a little lit, but damn he just shocked the shit out of me…How long had he felt this way?
Were his feelings recent, or did they develop over time?
Oh, God, did he have feelings for me all along? My head was spinning, Jey wanted us to be together. Shantell shut the fuck up and stop overthinking.
"Live in the present and be happy, fool," I muttered to myself as Jey placed me gently in the car." What did you say baby?" he asked as I smiled at him.
“Thank you, I was saying thanks for carrying me to the car” I whispered as Jey buckled my seatbelt.
I leaned my head up against the seat, closing my eyes. I needed a bed asap, this was too much for one night.
“Uh huh, see dat brown liquor gettin’ to yo ass ain’t it? That’s why I told you to bring yo ass on earlier, so I could put you to bed,” Jey said as I shot him a look as he laughed, closing my door.
"Hell, it wasn't just the liquor, it was yo' fine ass too," I muttered to myself as he got back in the car.
"A'ight let me get you home, so I can put yo' fine ass to bed. You bout sleep now," Jey said buckling his seatbelt as I giggled.
“So you wanna put me to bed, huh,. Well I’ll have you to know that you gon’ have to work for this good, good, cause I’m a lady,” I said pointing at him and winking as he laughed.
 “Yea, but you my lady, so best believe I don't mind workin' real hard for dat good, good," Jey whispered caressing my thigh, licking his lips as I shivered at the thought.
Fuck, resisting him is going to be a challenge. Shit, he can pop this cherry now and I'd have no regrets.
"We gon' finish this conversation when yo’ ass is sober, Ms. Good, Good. Now go to sleep,” Jey teased as I smiled closing my eyes as he drove back to my place.
The Next Morning
Shantell's Condo
Jey’s POV
The best sleep I’ve had in a long time. I was afraid she wouldn’t remember anything from last night but she woke my ass up an hour ago and we been talkin’ ever since.
“You know I won’t pressure you,” I said caressing her beautiful face as she looked down at me with those sexy innocent eyes.
“I know, I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t want to rush things,” she whispered against my lips.
This morning included beautiful conversation and stolen kisses. "I’m following your lead," I whispered letting her know I’m ready when she is. I ain’t screwing this up.
"I don't want to ruin our friendship," Shantell moaned as I gently kissed her neck, lightly tracing circles on her lower back with my fingertips as she ran her fingers through my hair.
"Ain't you heard? Friends make the best lovers," I groaned, gently nipping at her neck as she moaned in satisfaction.
"Fuck you sound and look so sexy. I'ma enjoy finding all the spots that make yo' fine ass hot," I growled taking her in a demanding kiss.
Shantell's POV
Damn, I'm in trouble, his hands, tongue, and mouth are fuckin lethal.
"Mmm, Jey we gotta stop, I hear something," I moaned pulling away as we both were trying to catch our breath.
"Did you invite anybody over?" jey asked as I shook my head no.
Hearing Joe's voice downstairs Jey groaned. "See this is why you don’t give everybody a key," he said as I laughed climbing off his lap.
"Well, we have plenty of time," I said throwing his words back at him as Joe knocked on my bedroom door
"Shantell is the coast clear?" Joe asked as Jey growled, throwing myself back on the bed as I snickered.
"Sure, we’re good, come on in," I said as he came in smiling. "Hey Uce, what you doing here?" Jey asked as Joe smirked at us.
"I just wanted to check on ya’ll, shit was intense at the bar last night," he said as I groaned remembering how I acted after Jey and I left the bar.
"We talked Joe, everything is good," I said going to sit beside Jey as he sat up and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips before turning and smirking at Joe.
"About damn time!" Joe shouted as he and Jey laughed doing their secret handshake. "Oh, god stop, "I whined as Joe smirked at me.
"Jimmy owes me fifty bucks, I knew something was gon’ give last night," Joe said as Jey laughed.
"Man, you don't even know half of what she did, " Jey said as I playfully hit him on the shoulder to stop him from running his mouth.
"Uh, everything went good Uce, no problems at all," Jey lied as I nodded in agreement.
"Who ya'll think you foolin'? I saw Shantell's face when she followed you out of the bar last night. She broke yo' ass down like a fraction in that car last night... It's ok to admit it, we've all been there, Uce," Joe said patting Jey on the shoulder.
"Man, fuck you, Uce," Jey said as I shook my head at their antics
I hoped we all stayed this way because life was too short to be anything but happy.
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Liked by @Uceyjuicey @jonathonfatu @romanreigns @saronasnkuewwe @trinity_fatu and 3,000 others.
To my beautiful sister, last night you proved them all wrong and I’m so proud of you. It was an honor to watch you shine in person. A lot of ya'll haters were talking about the size of the building, and tryin' to clown her big moment, but not on my watch. As her family, we're celebrating TNA's appreciation of her amazing talent, and all those extra zeros, and commas in her new TNA contract. NOW CLOCK THAT TEA, HATERS! Cheers to an amazing new adventure and future. Love you, Trin!! #Feeltheglow
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Shantell’s POV
"Sis, he got a point, what goes on between you guys is ya'll's business. Nobody here can judge anybody. Thirty-two and thirty-eight ain’t that much of an age difference," Joe said as I shook my head in defiance.
"I ain’t sayin' it is, but tell it to Mama Fatu. She all but asked how we were going to handle it. I mean she seems to like me, but she made it seem like Jey was robbing the cradle when we told her we were dating," I said cringing thinking about the conversation.
"Oh no she didn’t? Joe said as I shook my head in shame. "It was so embarrassing bear," I whined as he cleared his throat looking around to make sure nobody was listening.
"What did Unk say?" Joe asked as I smiled despite myself. "He told her to mind her own fuckin’ business," I said as Joe laughed.
"Joe it ain’t funny," I said as his laugh got louder. "Yes hell, it is because I know him," he said as I snickered.
"Just be happy sis, and take it slow. This is about you and Jey, not anybody else," Joe said as I smiled. "You got it, dude, "I said as he kissed my cheek before going to get dressed.
Grabbing my headset I sat beside Paul who seemed concerned. "Are you ok Shantell?" he asked as I nodded.
"Ok, we’re going to pace on to start the show, I need a crowd pan and then que Joe's music," I said writing down my notes. "We are on in ten everyone," I said as I saw Jey coming up. I smiled at him but he didn’t return it.
He began to pace rubbing his hands over his face."Are you ok?" I whispered as he shook his head.
"Nah, I ain’t ok baby," he said as Paul looked between us in shock. "Um, Baby," he said as I blushed.
"Jey," I started as he cut me off. "No, Shantell I gotta say this, we are together, me and you… Dats our business, and I don’t give a fuck what people think or who knows for that matter,” Jey said as my mouth dropped open in shock as people had begun to gather in  Gorilla for the start of the show.
 "If I wanna kiss you, I’ma kiss the fuck outta you. Half the people here cheat on their damn spouses and the other half are fucking coworkers on the road. Who da fuck are they to judge us," he said reaching over, gently taking me in an earthshattering kiss as I moaned before I could stop myself.
The whistles and murmurs of the people around us should have made me blush but I could care less.
"Have a great show baby," he whispered stealing another kiss. “You too,” I whispered as Paul cleared his throat as Jey grinned.
"Sorry boss, I just had to get some business straight," Jey said as I blushed.
Well, the secret was outta the bag..Everyone definitely knew now.
"Well I don’t blame you Jey, sometimes we gotta stand on business,” Paul said as they shook hands.  
"Don’t boost him up wit that stand on business bullshit," I said as they laughed.
"Can I work now?" I whispered as Jey grinned at me. “Sure Ma, make me look good out there,” he said as I laughed “You don’t need my help in that department, go kill it, babe,” I said as he winked at me before heading to the curtain.
I looked around at the stares and some were happy some not so happy.
"Aye, I don’t pay ya’ll to stand around and be nosey. Get ready for the show," Paul said as the crowd disbanded and Jimmy, Joe, and Solo came up.
"What did we miss, why all these folks up here?" Solo asked as Paul smirked. "Oh, nothin’ just yo brother causin' a scene in the name of love," Paul whispered as I cringed.
"I’ll tell you later," I said as he put his towel on his head getting in the zone.
"Let’s make it count ya’ll we got a few more weeks of this before the Civil War match," Joe said as Jimmy seemed to upset about his statement.
"Go kill it ya’ll! I yelled as Joe’s theme dropped and he walked out to the crowd erupting.  Next Jey and Jimmy head out to face off against Joe and Solo.
"Do you think this is going to work Paul?" I said as he smiled at me. "Hell yeah, this is just the beginning for them Shantell. The next month is going to take the fans on a rollercoaster ride, then it's smooth cruisin' into MITB and the possibilities after that are endless," Paul said as we looked at them on my monitor.
The breakup of the bloodline was starting and I wasn’t ready not by a long shot. I knew they all were going to knock it out of the park and thrive in their new roles in the story….
This is it....This is history..
Pensacola Memorial Hospital
Shantell’s  POV
"Shan, I got the pizzas what you doin’?” Jey asked as I  put Sofia’s wine in my purse. “I had to put Sofia’s bottle of wine in here,” I said as we walked inside the hospital.
“So you really gon’ give it to her,” Jey asked as I laughed. “Damn right, she just birthed a whole human. If the mama wants wine, she gon’ have damn wine,” I  said as we got on the elevator.
"I can’t wait to see him," Jey said as l smiled at him. "I can’t either," I said as we got off the elevator.
"Damn, I hear them from here," Jey said as we passed the nurses station.
It had been quiet when we left about an hour ago, as Sofia was in recovery and they had taken the baby to be cleaned up.
Going in I couldn’t help but smile as it seemed like a scene out of a movie. A big family gathered around laughing and welcoming their new loved one into the family.
"Man, he looks just like you, little brother," Jimmy said as Trin placed Cameron in his grandmother's arms. Solo was beaming from ear to ear as I saw Sofia's eyes light up.
"Whooo, is that my pizza?" Sofia asked looking at the boxes in Jey’s hand.
"Yep, you know we got you, yours is on top and I got extra for everybody else," Jey said putting a box in front of her.
"Don’t forget this," I said pulling out a huge bottle of red wine. “You remembered!” Sofia exclaimed as Solo laughed.
“Yes, I did, and it’s here for when you want it," l said as I gave Sofia a hug.
"Sis, you can sit here so you can hold the baby," Solo said getting out of his seat. He ain't had to tell me twice, I all but ran to his chair. I was ready to hold my nephew.
"Ok, now hold his little head," Mama Fatu instructed placing Cameron in my arms.
“Hey Cam, I’m your auntie and this is your uncle," I said pointing at Jey who had kneeled beside me caressing his tiny face as he slept.
“Man he’s beautiful bro,” Jey said admiring his nephew. "You look good with a baby in your arms Shantell," Papa Kish said as I smiled, despite knowing my future of being a mom would be a hard road to travel.
"Maybe it will happen one day pops," I said caressing Cameron's tiny head as he slept. "Hey, it will," Jey said wrapping his arms around Cameron and me as I leaned on him.
"I promise you it will baby," he whispered placing a gentle kiss on top of my head.
I would love to be a mother and a wife someday. Jey's wife...
Maybe I can finally tell this man I love him. He’s amazing in every way and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
We had a few more days off before it was back to the grind of the road, but I think there was one thing we all could agree on.
Every extra minute we had was going to be spent spoiling Cameron.
Welcome to the world Cameron "Gram" Fatu….
The end.
For the sequel head over and check out Light, Camera, Action!
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
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@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real @ trc-punzel
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saintmagx · 7 months
I Knew you were Trouble❤️‍🔥
Part 3
Pairing: Jimmy Uso x reader
AN: if you would like tagged let me know 💖 Trinity is still with WWE. No specific timeline
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity, jealous Jimmy, bad writing, cringe story telling, the Usos (because they are a warning in themselves) ⚠️
JIMMY IS SO FINE LIKE 😭🤤 HELP!!!! Also is anyone else just loving how much fun he’s having on Smackdown right now????? YEEET 🤪 NO YEET 😐
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The hustle and bustle of the gorilla can be a bit much for some people but not me, it strangely helps me get in the zone, ready to become my onscreen persona and throw yn out the window. Hunter confirmed the timeline for myself and trinity to win the tag team titles - five weeks away at Summerslam. Trin was still determined to get us an in ring team name and had enlisted Beverly the seamstress to start working on matching outfits - I love her but when she sets her mind to something - nothing and I mean nothing stands in her way.
Tonight I had a singles match against Liv Morgan, a simple one on one match with a clean win for me. Waiting for my cue the Uso’s come through the curtain after finishing their match. Josh greets me with his huge infectious smile and warm embrace, Jon on the other hand greets me with his signature fiery stare.
“Good luck out there yn. The crowd is on fire tonight!”
Josh walks away leaving me standing with Jon once more.
“We need to stop meeting like this.” Jon says with a smirk
“Ah yes, however it is hard when we work at the same place and are friends with the same people, the likelihood of us continually bumping into each other is pretty high.” Proud of my self for my reply I look at him smiling awaiting his response.
“Ya know, for a pretty girl you have a pretty smartass mouth. I sure hope you ain’t all talk and can back up that mouth babygirl.” He gives me a final once over and heads over to Josh who is standing chatting to his cousin Joe.
Focus yn, focus.
“Yn, you’ve missed your cue, get out there NOW.”
Shit. I don’t need distractions right now, I need to prove to Hunter and everyone backstage that i deserve to be here and I deserve these titles.
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My match against Liv went to plan, we only had a 7 minute slot so it was quick and effective.
Hey so a few of us are heading to dinner before you guys have to be back on the road for the European tour. You in?
Of course girl, lemme get ready and I’ll meet you at the car 💗
I’ve already left the arena, but Jon and Josh are still there, tag along with them and I’ll see you at dinner 💕
Great. The more I try to keep away from Jon the more fate keeps throwing us together.
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The car ride to the restaurant was pretty normal actually. Jon and Josh were in the front talking tactics from their match and goofing off. Me on the other hand was a simple bystander to this, it was nice. The bond the boys have is special, really warms the heart.
“Earth to yn!”
Josh snaps me out of my thoughts
“Sorry, um what were you saying?”
“Damn, not even paying attention to me huh.”
“Oh shush Josh, I’m tired.” I say laughing, I wouldn’t tell them that the real reason I was preoccupied was because I was in awe of them and their bond, those boys don’t need bigger heads.
With Josh fake falling out with me, I turn my attention to Jon.
“Can you tell me what he said?”
“Please?” I beg batting my eyelids, being a little flirtatious always gave me the upper hand, but with Jon it was dangerous territory I was entering.
Looking at me from the mirror he licks his lips.
“Sorry yn! Ain’t no way I ain’t siding with my bro.”
“That’s right uce. Day ones!”
Josh turns to me with a smug ass look on his face. Rolling my eyes I turn my attention to my phone ignoring them both.
Sighing I question “how am I going to manage myself with you two double teaming me.”
Jon’s eyes dart to the mirror with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Im sure you’ll be able to take us.” His eyes revert back to the road as we pull up to the restaurant.
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Fluttering. Everywhere. That’s the only way I can describe it. There wasn’t a part in my body left that hadn’t been effected by Jon and his words. When I said double teaming me I hadn’t meant anything by it other than then ganging up on me but now, all I can think about is both their hands on me, Josh attacking my neck, Jon all over my breasts sucking and caressing them.
“You’ve been pretty quiet tonight, what’s up?” Trin enquires.
Truth is I’ve been distracted, Jon’s words in the car, watching Jon interact with Trin like a normal husband and wife, the feeling of jealousy and shame washing over me.
“I’m just tired honestly, plus I’ve still got so much to do before I leave for Europe tomorrow.”
“And moody, was all pissy with me in the car earlier, right Jon?”
“She sure was.”
I look at the twins and flip them off making the everyone at the table laugh lightening the mood. I hate how one man has effect me so much. And I know it’s only going to get worse once we kick of the European tour. No wife and me close by for 7 whole days - it has disaster written all over it.
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Sorry it’s kinda short, felt like this was a good place to end! Anyhooo
Tagged: @southerngirl41 @missfamilyjeweles @jeyusos-girl @christinabae @jeyusosgirl @raya-hunter01 @harlem11680 @theogsamoanqueen @harmshake
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sidneycarter · 1 month
love the idea that post The Situation thomas is just increasingly obtuse when it comes to jimmy's feelings.
so when one day mrs hughes mentions in passing at how much easier it is to handle james now he's settled down, thomas is incredibly confused. and a little bit heartbroken too of course.
it gets even stranger when on valentine's day alfred sulkily asks jimmy how many cards he's sent that year and jimmy merely shrugs and smirks. mrs patmore chastises them for gossiping and announces that surely, jimmy's only got one to be sending.
then one night, most of the staff are enjoying a rare night off in the pub. as usual, a host of pretty girls surround jimmy, and one particularly brave one asks jimmy if he's got any plans on one of his half days. jimmy throws her a cheeky wink and says "sorry, darling, but i'm spoken for."
thomas starts feeling really rather hurt. he's known all along that this would happen eventually - that jimmy would eventually move on and find a nice village lass, but it still stings to hear it. somehow, it hurts even more knowing that clearly jimmy has fallen for someone but he hasn't even told thomas.
thomas puts on a brave face and elbows daisy in the side. "d'ya hear that? jimmy's kept that quiet 'asn't he?"
daisy looks at him with a frown and cocks her head to the side. "well, not really--" but before she can say anything else she's swept up into the rowdy conversation of the table.
a few weeks later, thomas and jimmy are alone in the servants hall, with thomas reading the paper in his rocking chair and jimmy tapping out melodies on the piano. the tune he's playing is sweet and gentle, and thomas finds himself swaying his head along. as the song draws to a close, a gentle round of applause sounds from the doorway.
baxter stands smiling. "let me call you sweetheart is one of my favourites. it was beautiful, jimmy."
jimmy blushes prettily and stands, closing the piano lid. "thank you, mrs baxter. good night."
after he's gone from the room, baxter enters to fill herself a glass of water. she smiles fondly at thomas. "he's so smitten you know. head over heels." she rolls her eyes affectionately.
it takes months until thomas finally figures out the truth of what's going on. well, to say he figures it out is somewhat generous.
he's in the servants hall again, this time feeling a little despondent with a cup of tea. jimmy had gone to the pictures with alfred of all people, their friendship seemingly improved since jimmy's given up on chasing ivy's skirt. thomas is resolutely not waiting up to make sure jimmy gets home safe. anna is the only other person still up, and she sits opposite thomas stitching one of lady mary's hemlines in companionable silence.
thomas dwells on his own thoughts for a while, until anna rests her sewing on the table and fixes him with a worried look. "are you quite alright, mr barrow?"
"hm? oh, yes anna, i'm very well thank you." he takes a sip of his tea to hide his moue.
anna looks unconvinced. "thomas," she says seriously, "is it-- have you and jimmy had a falling out?"
that genuinely surprises thomas. for all his worry and sadness over jimmy's as yet unknown love interest, they'd never fallen out. "no, no, of course not. he's just busy, that's all, which is to be expected now he's, you know," thomas waves his cup vaguely in the air, "courting the mystery lady."
anna chokes on a laugh. "the mystery lady?"
"yes. he's-- he's courting someone, isn't he? everyone keeps saying that he's... or suggesting that he's taken with someone." Thomas adds somewhat bitterly, "seems quite serious if you ask me. not that he's told me anything about it of course."
anna stops giggling and looks at him oddly. "thomas you-- you can't mean--"
"-- do you know who she is, anna?" thomas interrupts a little desperately. he's becoming tired of it all and he just wants to know-- how bad it is, for how long he's going to have to tend to his broken heart.
"thomas. thomas, jimmy's sweetheart is-- well, it's you."
"me?" thomas has a brief, sickening memory of his feelings before, and how miss o'brien toyed with them so badly. but he knows in his gut, that anna would never, and could never do that. he knows she's being honest, as confusing and terrifying as the statement may be.
"yes." anna smiles. "he's like a little puppy when he's with you. surely you've noticed? he gazes at you with stars in his eyes. he wants to do everything you do, and it seems like every other conversation is all about what you've been telling him this week. he only ever plays love songs on the piano when you're in the room. he laughs at all your jokes and he's not even glanced in the direction of a girl since last year." anna shakes her head. "i thought you knew and were just letting him get used to it."
"no i didn't -- i didn't know, i thought," thomas can feel himself blushing, "i don't know what i thought."
anna stands with a stifled yawn. "you make each other very happy. if you really didn't know, i think you ought to talk to him. good night, mr barrow."
"good night anna. and thank you."
thomas is left in the still and quiet of the room, watching the steam spiral up from his cup. a private and hopeful smile spreads across his face. yes, he thinks, nodding his head, perhaps we should talk.
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dmysterioblog · 7 months
Chapter XIII ✧ The Last Time
Paring; Rhea Ripley x Roman Reigns
Summary: Rhea throws herself in the fire…literally
Warnings; angst
Word Count: 7.3k
A/n: Yall ain’t see this one coming…
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“You wanna chew?” Zoey asked as she arched an eyebrow at Rhea who was almost rushing in eating her breakfast. Both of them, as well as Raquel and Shayna, all sat together that Monday morning at the cafeteria as they had their breakfast at 9:00 AM. “You’re gonna choke yourself, slow down.”
“I’m gonna be late for this meeting- I need to hurry.” Rhea only said as she drank some of her juice after managing to immediately eat her sandwich.
“Well, we can take you there. Where is it at though?”
“Triple H’s office.” She quickly said as she gulped down her juice before she wiped her hands and mouth with a napkin. Raquel took a bite out of her toast before she ate it as she spoke.
“I spoke with Liv yesterday, like I told you.” She told Rhea who finished wiping her mouth and hands and looked at her.
“Did she say anything?”
“Well, she said she still wants the match, unfortunately.” Raquel began- causing Shayna to roll her eyes and mumble a ‘of course she does’ underneath her breath while Raquel continued speaking. “But she does want to talk to you personally before we go into Raw.”
“Talk about what? She clearly hates Rhea for what she did to her— no offense, Ripley—“ Zoey quickly pointed out as she looked at Rhea for a second before she turned back to the others. “What else could she possibly want aside from, you know, revenge? Payback?”
“Rhea’s title.” Shayna pointed out as she leaned back and drank her coffee.
“And that’s where you’re wrong. Cuz I’m taking it away from her.”
“In your dreams.” Rhea scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“I mean, I almost took it away from you at Crown Jewel, so…”
“I think all of us almost did.” Raquel clarified. “But to be fair, Rhea won in the end, so.”
“I mean hey, as long as Rhea doesn’t become a part-time champ like Roman—“ Zoey was cut off when Rhea gave her a look from where she sat. She immediately contemplated on what she said as she then took it back. “… I’m joking.”
“I’m gonna remember that when we step in the ring at Survivor Series.” Rhea told her before she sat up while Zoey grimaced.
“Should’ve kept your mouth shut.”
“Shut up, Shayna.”
“Okay, are we done here? We need to move now, órale pues.” Raquel urged them as she finished her breakfast while she also sat up.
“Yeah, we’re done, let’s go.”
The four began to walk away from the cafeteria as they chatted with one another. As she listened to Raquel speak about how she was possibly going to have a match against Nia next week, she then suddenly spotted Roman walking out the elevator along with Jimmy and Solo.
Part of her wanted to walk up to him, but she opted to look away and listen to Raquel speak and even chuckle in amusement. “Try to leave your make-up on her gear again, see how she’ll react.”
“Oh she’ll not like it. Trust me.” Shayna laughed as the four walked outside and went to Raquel’s rental car. “I’ll be the first one howling in laughter when that happens.”
“You gotta let Rhea deal with her next though.” Zoey told Raquel as they got inside the car. “Or- hold on, let Shayna deal with her.”
“Zoey, do you hate me that much?”
“Pft, no.”
Rhea was about to connect her phone to the car’s Bluetooth when Raquel beat her to it. “Nope, we’ll play mine today.” Rhea arched an eyebrow at that.
“Okay, Miss-Wants-To-Do-Everything, I see you.”
“It’s Monday, we gotta wake up.”
“Oh I know how to wake y’all up, hold on.” Zoey immediately rolled her window down before she crawled out and sat, pointing at Rhea and herself as she began to yell. “I want everyone here to look at us here, because we’re gonna beat the hell out of each other at Survivor-fucking-Series! WOO!”
“Oh my god—“ Rhea rubbed her face while Shayna laughed while Raquel chuckled and shook her head. Turning the engine on before she began to drive them away with Zoey crawling back inside the car. They were only five minutes away from their destination until Raquel had to head to the gas station to fill up the car’s tank. Shayna volunteered in doing so while Zoey went with her to buy something. Leaving both Raquel and Rhea inside the car.
“Hey Raq?”
“What?” Raquel asked as she was scrolling through her phone while Rhea spoke.
“Can you be honest with me? Brutally honest.”
“Yeah, sure, why?”
“… was I in the wrong for turning on Liv a year ago?”
Raquel lowered her phone at that as she remained silent for a few seconds before she spoke. “… look. Turning on her just to find your own way wasn’t the right way to go. I’ll admit it. You did her wrong.” She told her best friend. “If I were you, I would’ve ended things differently with her. You wanted to be successful, you wanted to become stronger- prove yourself, and I get that. But you didn’t have to hurt Liv in order to prove that.”
Rhea remained silent as she leaned back on her seat while Raquel turned to her. She then seemed to ponder before Raquel decided to speak. “But I had my fault in that too, Rhe Rhe. I did the same thing to you years ago. Which is why I really, really wanted to talk to you about all of this, along with Liv.”
“Rhea. We need to move on. All of us.”
“… I know.” She mumbled as she looked down. “I need to talk to her. And Dom. And possibly Reigns and—“
“Whoa slow down, just one at a time. Remember, you said you needed time, okay?”
“Raq, what if today’s my last day I get to live?”
“Oh please, don’t be dramatic—“
“I’m serious!” Rhea blurted out. “Just- okay, let’s say, if I was told and proven that my last day to live was today, what do you think would be the first thing I do?”
“Okay, one, you’re literally 27, you’re too young to die. You’re active, you’re healthy, and if someone tried to kill you then they wouldn’t even stand a chance to begin with.” Raquel scoffed. “And two, if you’re going to make amends, I’d say just talk to them separately. But please please give yourself a break too. You need it.”
“Yup! What she said!” They heard Zoey say as she got inside the car while Shayna was filling up the tank. “I don’t know what you guys are talking about but I agree.”
“¿Ya ves?” Raquel told Rhea. “Don’t overthink it, Rips. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Guys, I don’t want to rush but I kinda need to go and train with Shayna in like thirty minutes.” Zoey said as she looked at the time on her phone.
“Well, tell Shayna to hurry.”
“Gotcha- Shayna, hurry your ass up, Rhea’s gonna be late for her meeting!”
“I’m almost done, damn!”
After Shayna was finished, she got back inside the car as she gave the fuel receipt to Raquel before she drove off with them.
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“Call us when you’re done! We’ll meet back at the hotel to get ready!” Raquel called out from her car as Rhea walked away after bidding them goodbye.
“I will!”
She then watched as another car pulled over as soon as Raquel drove away. Standing near the building, she saw that it was Iyo and Damian as the latter was dropping him off. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before he got out of the car as she drove away. Arching an eyebrow, she watched as he went up to her.
“So does this mean Bayley knows already?”
“Yeah well, about that… Dakota knows. And Kairi.” Damian told her as they both walked together inside the building. “Iyo wants to plan on telling Bayley today.”
“And you’re okay with it?”
“Well, just as long as Bayley doesn’t give me the stink eye, I think we’re good.” He simply said as he folded his hands inside his pockets before he turned to her. “And you? How have you been?”
“I’m fine, I guess.” Rhea told him as they both walked down the hall. “I mean, aside from feeling like crap… I’m okay.”
“Dom has been wanting to talk to you.” Damian stated to her. At that, she blinked as she turned to face him and stopped walking.
“He did?”
“Yeah. He asked me if it was the right thing to do. He didn’t know if he should either ignore you or settle things once and for all.” He said to her, “I told him you both should talk.”
“I’m probably gonna get a ‘I wouldn’t want us to talk again’ kind of thing.”
“Nah, you won’t.” Damián reassured her as she turned to face him.
“And how do you know that?”
“You’ll see. Oh, here they come.” He gestured behind her as they turned to see Finn and Dominik walk inside the building, along with the Bloodline as well.
“Sorry we’re late, traffic jam.” Finn said as he greeted the two with a fist bump.
“It’s all good man.”
“Yeah, you’re good. We only have fifteen minutes until the meeting.” Rhea reassured. Jimmy was then the next that came up to them as he also greeted them.
“Y’all ready for tonight? Cuz guess who just got permission to be your fourth member for War Games.” Jimmy said with a huge grin. At that, Finn, Damian, and Dom’s brows rose at the same time as they looked at him.
“Wait, for real?”
“But how- You’re on Smackdown—“
“Hey, our groups are officially gonna be 100% unified, remember?” The Uso twin told them. “We’re gonna be taking over Raw AND Smackdown soon!”
“Shit, you’re right.” Damián mumbled before a smile appeared on his face. “Well, we did prove that this deal did come in handy.”
“Hell yeah, Uce! Oh- by the way, should we come up with a new name? I don’t know, like I kinda don’t wanna ruin the whole vibe, you know what I’m saying?”
“Yeah, no, true,” Finn agreed. “But we should let Rhea and Roman decide that, we can talk about it more after the meeting—“
“Yeah, for sure—“
The group chatted amongst each other while Rhea also crossed her arms and leaned against the wall as she listened on. She then decided to take a seat to wait until they were called up for the meeting when Dom suddenly walked up and sat beside her.
“Oh. Hey…” Rhea mumbled, looking at him momentarily before she looked down.
“… how have you been?” Dom was the first to ask while he also looked down on the floor. Another wave of guilt hit her yet again, knowing damn well that she should’ve been asking him that question instead, even though she already knew the answer to it.
“… I haven’t been doing well.” She mumbled as she leaned back on her seat. “It’s been…”
“I know.” Dom mumbled before he nodded in understanding. “Everything happened so fast and… we didn’t get the chance to properly talk about everything.”
At that, Rhea looked up at him while he seemed to think about what he wanted to tell her before he opened his mouth yet again. “Priest told me that… you had a mental breakdown after everything that happened at Crown Jewel.”
“What?” She blurted out as she blinked. “How did…?”
“Raquel told him. He was trying to check up on you, so he asked her.”
“Oh… right, yeah, that makes sense.”
“Yeah, well… anyways, I… I got worried.” He told her sincerely. “But I was also hurt, Rhea. I mean, if we’re going to be realistic here… you cheated on me. Twice.”
“And I would do anything to take it all back.” She told him while she swallowed back the knot that was forming in her throat. “I know that an apology isn’t going to fix this but… I don’t want us to end badly, Dom. I really don’t want you to…”
“To hate you?”
“… Yeah.”
She then closed her eyes after she gave her answer, still willing herself not to cry as Dom then spoke yet again.
“I don’t think I can even hate you right now, Rhea. It’s just…” Dom hesitated at first, pausing mid sentence before he took a deep breath. “… I don’t think it’s gonna work out between us this time. I think- I think we’re better off as friends. You have a lot to process and I need time too. But the last thing that I want you to think is that I’m gonna hate you. Because you’ve made it impossible for me to hate you.”
Rhea could only look down as he said this. Her urge to cry was still being held back as she took a deep breath which went noticed by him as he stood up with her.
“Hey, come here.” He told her softly as he embraced her while she also returned the hug. She pursed her lips together in a thin line as she tried her best not to cry right then and there. “I’m not mad anymore, okay? But… just know that this is for the better. We both deserve better. Even you.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I know.” He broke away slightly only to cup her face before he placed a hand on her shoulder. “But I’m not going to stop talking to you or anything, okay? Just because we’re breaking up, doesn’t mean that I’m going to leave Judgement Day- I mean, if we can even call it that at this point. We can still be friends, just like how we started off, remember?”
“Yeah… yeah.” She nodded while she gave him a sad, small smile, while he also returned it.
“Also… I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but,” He folded his hands inside his pocket. ���Give the guy a chance.”
“Excuse me?”
“Roman. I'm talking about Roman, Rhea.”
“Oh, that’s not— I don’t think that—“
“Ahhhh come on, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.” He said as he chuckled. “You both stopped talking. Is there a reason why?”
“I uh… I asked him to give me space after everything that went down.” She told him as she folded her arms together. “It’s like you said, I have a lot to think about…”
“Well, if you want my advice, don’t overthink it.” Dom said to her as he patted her shoulder. “It’s gonna hurt your head a lot. Trust me, I know what it feels like.”
They both chuckled when they were suddenly called up for the meeting. At that, the group began to gather together as they made their way to Triple H’s office. At one point, Rhea suddenly tapped Dom’s shoulder.
“Hey Dom?”
“… thanks for choosing me to be in your life.”
Dom turned his head and smiled at that, before he placed an arm around her shoulders. “It’s something I won’t regret. Ever.”
She smiled at that before the two went to join the group as they all went inside the office. What Rhea didn’t know was that this could more than likely be the last conversation she would have with him.
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7:00 PM
“Wait wait wait wait, WAIT.” Raquel immediately dragged Rhea to the corner of the locker room as they both looked around to make sure no one was listening. “Drew? As in THE Drew McIntyre?”
“Yeah, he’s gonna be the fifth member for war games.” Rhea whispered to her. “But don’t tell anyone.”
“Oh no, my lips are sealed, no worries.” She immediately told her before they both went inside the women’s bathroom. “But Drew? How did you—?”
“Well, he has beef with Jey for what he did back when he was in the Bloodline, and now even with Seth after losing at Crown Jewel, so.” Rhea explained to her as they checked themselves in the mirror. “And sure, he is aware that the Bloodline is allied with us, but he only wants this to be a temporary alliance just to get his payback, and that’s it.”
“Damn.” Raquel mumbled as she fixed her hair. “If it wasn’t because you had a title match against Zoey at Survivor Series…”
“What? What about it?”
“Well I mean, I’m glad you’re giving Zoey a chance and all, but I kinda wished you formed a group for War Games.”
“Well yeah, duh. It would be you, me, Zoey, Shayna, and maybe, just maybe—“ Their conversation was cut off when they heard the door open as they turned to see Liv walk in when she suddenly noticed the two and paused in her steps.
“Oh… I was looking for you.” Liv suddenly told Rhea. At that, Rhea looked at her while Raquel looked between the two.
“I’ll… leave you guys alone- but don’t beat each other up. Please.” She then walked away and left the bathroom as she closed the door. Rhea then sighed, placing both hands by the corner of the sink as she spoke.
“If you’re here to humiliate me even further—“
“No. No, I’m not here for that.” Liv immediately told her as she took a deep breath. “… I just want to talk. And look, we only have an hour before Raw starts, so we still have time to talk and decide if you really want to do this match or not, because if you don’t, then I’ll go to Pearce and call it off.”
The room was silent only for a few minutes as Rhea could gaze down at the sink. This gave Liv the opportunity to speak further as she went beside her.
“… I wish you would’ve spoken to me back then.” She mumbled as she also looked down at the sink. “I know you were struggling to reach the top and wanting to be the best, and I completely understand, because I was trying to do that too. But that wasn’t an excuse to hurt me or push me away.”
“I was going to make a plan to see you fail, to see you lose your championship and make you pay when I came back here after I got medically cleared, but… I couldn’t do it. Because I know I wouldn’t gain anything by watching you lose.”
“… you would just gain a title.”
At that, Liv scoffed. “Do you think I even care about that right now? I might be moved to Smackdown temporarily just for War Games to join Bianca’s team, I’m not going to have time to deal with you by then.” She mumbled. Her voice even cracked when she spoke. “I knew that deep down when you said that I was dead to you, you were lying. Because that’s your way to project, and it’s not okay. Not for you, at least.”
The taller woman listened to her as she kept gazing down before she looked up, letting out a sharp exhale before it was her turn to speak. “You’re right.” She whispered, before she decided to speak a bit more clearly. “I was… tired of feeling weak and vulnerable. I was tired of losing and I couldn’t no longer do it. And I know. I made the wrong approach. I should’ve done it differently. I should’ve spoken to you, I should’ve let you know in a more peaceful way that I was going to go my own way. And… and for that, I’m sorry.”
“… that’s all I ever wanted to hear all this time.” Liv mumbled. “I understand your perspective. But… even if the damage is already done and dusted, a part of me is wishing that you did speak to me back then. It would’ve been less painful if you did. I would’ve rather you let me down slowly than making me ask myself what I did to deserve all of this.”
The bathroom was silent yet again as Rhea couldn’t find the words to speak. Liv was debating on whether she should leave the bathroom or not as she was just about to walk out the door when Rhea stopped her.
“Don’t call off the match.”
“You said you would have rather had us end things differently back then.” She told her as she finally faced her while Liv looked back at her. “So… No matter which one of us wins that match, I want to end it on good terms this time. No more stabs, no more fights… I want to end all of this in a truce.”
Liv’s face softened only slightly at that. Before she could speak, she suddenly heard her phone ring as she took it out of her pocket and looked at it. “Ah crap, I need to get ready. I need my makeup.” She put her phone back inside her pocket. “We can talk more after Raw ends, I’m kinda in a hurry.” She turned to walk away once more.
“Yeah?” She turned her head to face Rhea as soon as her hand was placed around the doorknob.
“It… wouldn’t also hurt to start all over again. After the match, as friends. If that’s okay with you.”
Liv looked at her momentarily before she also looked down, pondering until she made her choice as she glanced back at her. “I’ll give you my answer after Raw.” With that, she opened the door and walked away while Rhea stood there. She then saw as Raquel went in, looking a bit surprised as she blinked at her.
“That went… different than I expected it would.”
“Yeah… it did.” She mumbled.
“You okay though?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Rhea reassured her with a small smile before she also looked at the time. “I need to gather with the boys. You need anything before I leave?”
“No, I’m good. I’m just gonna go hang out with Zoey and Shayna, but if you need anything, just come down to us.”
“Will do.” With that, both women left the bathroom, closing the door behind them before they went their separate ways with Rhea deciding to meet up with her crew at their locker room, along with the Bloodline who were also there as well.
Soon enough, Monday Night Raw had just begun. Damian, Finn, Dom, and Jimmy were just getting themselves ready to interrupt Cody, Jey, Sami, and Seth’s segment as the group watched from the TV inside the locker room when suddenly, a Pyro went off in the background. Which somewhat confused the group and even made Dom yelp a bit in his spot.
“Hey, now, come on,” Sami had spoken as he chuckled, almost as an attempt to calm the audience around the arena. “I know this is an exciting thing but—“
He was cut off when the Pyro still went off once again. This time, the group grew even more confused.
“Hey, what’s the deal with tech lately? Are they seeing this?” Damian asked as he blinked.
“The real question is, are they even triggering those things in the first place?”
“Uh, can we get someone to check on these things? They’re not supposed to go off…” Sami’s uneasy voice was heard through the screen.
“Yeah man, Cody and I haven’t won back the tag titles yet, relax.” A nervous chuckle could also be heard from Jey. The group didn’t care much about Jey’s comment as they watched until another Pyro went off in the background.
“Dude what the hell—“ Suddenly, from the entrance backstage, they could see a small source of fire beginning to form, right where the Pyro was going off lately. At that, the audience began to panic which was noticed by the four superstars in the ring. Cody then began to call out for help as a group from maintenance immediately came down to shut off the fire when suddenly, from the top of the ceiling, another Pyro had gone off as well and even started to catch fire. Another which was near the ring did the same, startling the four wrestlers, the audience, as well as the locker room.
“Everyone out! Now!” They could all hear Pearce’s voice call out through the screen. “Everyone step away from the arena asap in a orderly manner, there will be officials and security escorting you all out—“
“Guys I smell smoke—“ Dom immediately said as he sat.
“What the fuck is happening—“
“Guys we have to go.” Rhea urged the group as she gathered her things. “Now!”
Without any questions, they all began to immediately leave the locker room, taking all of their stuff with them, such as their bags, belts, and including Damian’s briefcase. When they passed by the entrance through the arena, they saw that the fire was beginning to slowly grow due to the pyro having malfunctioned, urging them to run faster until other superstars also joined in. It was a heavy and large crowd, all of them urgently going through the parking area as soon as they left backstage. Some of them walked all the way to the front of the building to start gathering while others just went into their cars to do so. When they arrived, everyone grouped up along with the audience that were present that night for the show.
“The hell was that all about—?!” Miz’s voice asked through the crowd.
“Don’t know, but I’m being told that Pearce is contacting Triple H and that the fire squad should be on their way.” Cody stated, causing a bewildered reaction from a few of the gathered superstars.
“Fire squad? Wait— is the fire—?”
“Apparently it’s going to get worse. The other pyros within the arena and hanging from the ceiling also started to malfunction as soon as everyone began to be escorted out the building.”
“What the fuck…” Becky was the one to blurt out that comment at her husband’s explanation.
“Well, at least everyone’s out, right?” Indi’s voice also came through the crowd as everyone looked around. Making sure that everyone was present and that they were all okay.
Rhea looked around, just as soon as she made sure her group was okay, with the addition of Raquel, Zoey, and Shayna. Everyone was too busy checking on each other, but there was one thing that Rhea couldn’t hear nor notice among the crowd. Something felt off. Something was wrong.
Liv was nowhere to be seen.
She suddenly paused as she looked around before she glanced back at the building. The last time she saw Liv was her leaving the women’s bathroom to grab her makeup and gear to get ready. After that, she didn’t see her again. And it’s been fifteen minutes since they all evacuated the building and the fire was more than likely starting to get worse and—
Liv was still inside.
Once again she looked around, noting how the crowd didn’t take any notice of Liv nor was her name even uttered by any of them. At that, panic began to settle in as she looked between the crowd, then the building. The fire squad wasn’t still here, and the fire is probably going to take up the entire building at this rate…
Why wasn’t anyone even wondering where she was?!
She looked down at the purple bandana that hung from her pocket before she took it in her hand. An idea came to her as she looked at it, before she glanced up at the building, then back at the crowd, who were yet again all still discussing about how the hell the fire even happened. They were too busy still talking about a bunch of nonsense when they should be focusing on the only missing person among their group. And because of that, she made her choice.
Making sure the group didn’t cast a glance at her, she went through the crowd unnoticed as she placed the bandana on the lower side of her face, covering only her mouth and nose, before she managed to find a way inside the building where no one could spot her.
She had to get Liv out of there.
Because if she didn’t, no one else was, and it would be too late.
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She almost cried out as she attempted to lift herself, only for her left leg to still be stuck underneath the large chest that was also buried by a large amount of iron poles and other heavy objects that had fallen when the fire began to worsen. She coughed, the smell of smoke overwhelming her as she was trying her best to break free. Liv turned slightly just to place both hands on her trapped leg in an attempt to pull it out, but not even her own strength allowed her to do so. She braced her hands on the floor, trying to support herself and avoid fainting from all the smoke inhalation. It’s been already twenty minutes since the fire had begun to spread around the building and she was still trapped backstage.
Now, the fire was growing worse and it would only be a matter of time until the smoke would make her breathing become even more difficult or until she was burned alive.
“Help! HELP!” Liv cried out. “Somebody help! Please!”
She coughed, the smoke still overwhelming her, tears running down her cheeks as she struggled to get out. She then looked up and more panic settled in when she saw the fire beginning to grow worse
“HELP! SOMEONE! PLEASE!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Using her other leg in an attempt to push the chest away.
At the voice, Liv immediately stopped as her eyes widened. Abruptly, she turned her head to the source of the voice as she saw none other than Rhea running up to her, a bandana covering the lower part of her face. Immediately, she removed her own bandana and placed it around Liv’s lower half of her face instead.
“No, Rhea— wait, don’t do that—!”
“I’m getting you out, just hang on.” Rhea immediately said as she looked and analyzed the situation before her, seeing how Liv’s left leg was stuck underneath the large chest and cluster of iron poles. She then looked at the direction to where the smoke was coming from the fire nearby before she decided to immediately act, taking out all the poles at a rapid pace.
“Rhea— Rhea, you need to cover yourself—“
“I’ll be fine, just focus on getting you out of here okay?!” Rhea blurted out.
“Damn it Liv, I’m not leaving you all alone here!” She yelled once again. “I’m not letting you die on my watch. We’re gonna get out of here alive, you understand me?!”
Liv watched as Rhea began to remove every heavy object on top of the chest immediately. Five more minutes had already passed until all the objects from the chest had been removed. Using all her strength, Rhea grunted as she began to lift and push the heavy chest away until she was able to free Liv’s leg. When she attempted to move it, Liv almost cried out in pain. Her leg had been fractured from her fall as well as from the damage that it took from all the heavy objects that had fallen underneath it. At that, Rhea didn’t hesitate as she helped Liv up, placing the smaller woman's arm around her shoulders for support while she held Liv’s waist. When Liv realized that the fire was getting worse yet again, she turned to Rhea.
“Rhea we need to go—“
“I know—“ She said as she helped Liv, the two of them rushing off with Liv using her good leg as support. The fire around them didn’t help much as the path was already unrecognizable at this rate, but still, Rhea was more than determined to get Liv out of there.
Even if it was the last thing that she did.
Ten more minutes had passed, the two trying to find an exit as they looked around and tried to dodge the fire as much as they could. However, Liv suddenly paused when she heard Rhea cough and turned to her.
“Rhea, wear this—“ She was about to take off the bandana when Rhea stopped her.
“No- don’t.” Her voice sounded a bit raspy. “You’ve been here longer than me.”
“Rhea, you’re barely breathing.” Liv insisted. “Please just wear it—“
“No, Livie— I’m fine…” She insisted as she grunted and still kept dragging the two of them out.
However, Liv was right. Because of all the force Rhea had used back when she was freeing her and because of the smoke inhalation, Rhea was barely even taking a minute to breathe. She was only focusing on freeing Liv that she didn’t even care about herself in the first place. And now because she didn’t have any protection, she was inhaling more smoke. And that wasn’t a good sign.
Five more minutes had passed. Rhea and Liv were moments away from looking for an exit when the taller woman’s pace began to slow down.
“Rhea?” Liv turned to look at her in concern. “Rhea, what’s wrong?”
“I…” Rhea didn’t had time to process as she began to see her vision blurry. At that moment, she began to focus on trying to find her breathing after not being able to for a long time.
But she was too late.
She passed out.
“Rhea? RHEA!?” Liv fell down on the floor along with Rhea’ unconscious body. She began to panic immediately and tried to wake her up.
“Rhe Rhe wake up! I need you to wake up!” She shook Rhea's body, “Please! We can start over okay? We can but for that I need you to wake up!” Liv checked for a pulse but it was mild. She realized that Rhea wasn’t going to wake up and began to scream for help in hopes that someone would hear her.
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“The fire squad is on the way in a minute.” Pearce announced, walking back to the group of superstars as he carried a clipboard with him while they stood away from the building. “Now, I want to make sure that we’re all here, okay? I know it’s been a while since we evacuated but we need to make sure that everyone’s here.”
“About time.” Damian scoffed through the crowd as everyone looked around while talking amongst themselves, all the while Adam kept verifying and double checking that everyone was there.
Suddenly, Raquel looked concerned as she looked around. Her eyes tried to scan through the crowd when realization dawned on her.
What she said next made everyone immediately pause what they were doing and turn to face her.
“Where’s Liv and Rhea?”
Everyone went silent as they all looked around. “Wait, Rhea, she was with us earlier…” Damian trailed off as he shared a look with Dom, Finn, Jimmy, Solo, Paul, and Roman. “… wasn’t she?”
“Yeah she was but—“ Finn paused mid sentence as he pondered. “We looked away for a second—“
“”A second?” Raquel blurted out. “What about Liv? Has anyone seen her? Anyone? Someone?”
“The last time I saw her she was heading to the bathroom to get herself ready before the fire started and—“ Indi also paused mid sentence before she realized. At that, everyone shared a look as they all froze.
“Liv is still inside.”
“Can you get the paramedics and the fire squad to hurry up?!” Seth yelled at Pearce. “Someone is stuck in there, it’s been thirty minutes!”
“Seth, I am doing everything I can.” Pearce told him calmly. “The fire squad will be here any second and I will be in touch with the paramedics asap and—“
“Rhea.” Dom suddenly interrupted. “She was with us here a few minutes ago. She’s not here anymore, where is she?”
“Did someone see her go somewhere else?”
“Someone try calling her, quick.” Out of everyone in the group, Damian was the first to reach for his phone and call Rhea’s. He began to call her when suddenly, they heard the faint sound of a phone ringing from afar. Everyone began to look around for the source of the noise until Roman was the first to detect it. He saw a phone laying on the ground several feet away from the building. At that, he grew wary as he went up to grab it when the others noticed.
He picked the phone up and when he did, he realized whose phone this was as Damian was the one calling it.
It was Rhea’s.
“Uce?” Jimmy called out. “Uce, what’s that?”
Slowly, Roman turned and walked back to the group as he had Rhea’s phone in hand and showed it to them. At that, Damian hung up, looking at the phone, then at Roman as they shared a look. “She dropped her phone—“
“She’s inside, she went after Liv…” Raquel suddenly spoke, dread suddenly filling her as she ran a hand through her hair.
“What? Rhea going after Liv?”
“Come on Raquel, that’s impossible, she wouldn’t—“
“Yes, she fucking would, Jey!” Raquel snapped at the other Uso twin.
“If she went after Liv then that means—“ Zoey was cut off when they all suddenly saw Roman approach Pearce.
“Pearce, how long until they get here?”
“Roman, I need you to stay put and—“
“I don’t give a fuck, when are they getting here?”
“Look- guys, we don’t know for sure if Rhea just either left or if she actually went in.” Cody tried to be the voice of reason. At that, Roman turned to face him. “Let’s just all calm down and—“
“Cody, you realize that no one was watching Rhea the past thirty damn minutes since we left the building?”
“I understand Roman, but—“
“No one was watching her, no one. If she was leaving, she would’ve fucking told us. But like Raquel said, if Liv is stuck in the building, Rhea would’ve gone after her.”
“Oh no.” Becky mumbled, her and her husband sharing a look before they looked at the building. “Oh no, what was that lass thinking—“
“Fuck— Reigns is right.” Damian said as he paced around before he looked at Pearce. “Pearce- can’t you just fucking rush these paramedics?”
“Damian, I’ve done all I can. For now we need to wait and… hope for them to get out safely.”
“Well, I’m not.” Roman suddenly said before he began to walk away. At that, everyone grew alarmed.
“Roman, where are you going?!”
“Hey, HEY! Roman!”
“Uce, don’t do this—“ Jimmy tried to stop his cousin as he tried to grab his arm but Roman shoved it away. He ignored every attempt from everyone stopping him as he walked straight towards the building. Suddenly, from the group, Dom was the next to walk away after Damian tried to stop him as well.
“Roman, wait!” He called out as he caught up to him and made him pause, taking out two purple bandanas from his pocket as he gave one to him. “Wear this. I’m going in with you.”
Roman stared at him for a few seconds, then at the cloth that he held. Without any questions or comments, he simply took it. Both of them wearing the piece of cloths on the lower half of their faces before they barged inside the building.
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“Rhea please…” Liv almost choked out, trying her best to wake Rhea up. Liv had dragged them both away from the fire and somewhere safe within the building where the fire still didn’t reach them. However, the smoke was still around the building, which didn’t help Rhea as she was unable to wake up. Liv couldn’t do much as she had only dragged the two of them across the floor due to her injured leg.
“I need you right now, Rhea. Please.” Tears fell from her eyes. “You can’t die on me. Please. Please.”
She sat with her injured leg stretched on the floor while she held Rhea’s head on her lap. Looking up, she yelled once again, clinging onto the last bit of hope that she had.
“Liv?!” She suddenly heard a male voice, and she turned her head to see two figures rush towards them.
Dom and Roman.
“Guys— help—!” She cried out as she tried to sit up straight, but cried out in pain as her injured leg protested yet again.
When the two noticed that she protested in pain due to her leg as they got closer, they also noticed Rhea unconscious in her arms and froze right then and there.
“I— she barely had a pulse right now— it-it’s faint...” Liv choked out as she desperately tried to explain. “She- she went here to find me, I tried to tell her to cover herself but she wouldn’t listen, I was stuck in a rubble, she took me out of it, she was barely even breathing even when she tried to get me out of her and—and—“
She was cut off when the two men immediately knelt down both in front of them, Roman checking for a pulse on Rhea while Dominik went to assist Liv as he helped her up. At one point, Roman also noticed that Rhea’s pulse was faint. Wasting no time, he immediately carried her in his arms as he looked at Dom and Liv.
“Let’s get out of here.”
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The paramedics and fire squad had arrived by the time the four were out of the building. At the sight of Rhea unconscious and in Roman’s arms, Damian and Raquel were the first ones to rush towards them along with the paramedics with Finn, Jimmy, and Solo trailing behind them. The other superstars also paused what they were doing as they looked, and many of them were shocked by what they saw.
The paramedics immediately carried two stretchers, one for Liv, and the other for Rhea. They had Roman place Rhea on the stretcher while Liv had some assistance in being placed on hers.
“What happened?” Damian immediately asked as they followed the group. “Reigns, Dom, what the hell happene—“
“I feel a faint pulse, her airway could be clogged.” One of the paramedics called out as they were treating Rhea. “How long has she been inside the building?”
“T-twenty minutes.” Liv said.
“She’ll need to be rushed to the hospital, her airway is more than likely compromised due to the smoke inhalation.”
“Compromised—? Is she going to be alright—?“ Raquel tried to ask as they followed the paramedics to the ambulances.
“Ma’am, we don’t know yet, but we need to rush her to the hospital asap. If we waste another minute, she’ll die.”
This was loud enough for everyone to hear. They could only watch as the paramedics immediately made their last preparations to transport Liv and Rhea to the hospital before getting them inside the ambulances. Without a word, Roman decided to follow along with Rhea until one of the paramedics stopped him.
“Sir— what is your relation to her?”
Roman paused as he looked at the paramedic, not even noticing that everyone’s attention was set on him as they all watched.
Raquel, Dom, Finn, Jimmy, Solo, and Damian were the ones to approach beside Roman. “We’re her friends- if it’s possible if we can—“
“Yes, but only two people can go in with her, I’m afraid. There’s not enough space.”
“You guys can go, we’ll follow.” Dom told Roman and Raquel. At that, Raquel nodded as her and Roman got inside the ambulance along with Rhea before they all left.
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@sassginaswanmills @riptideripley @eepyslut
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rynnthefangirl · 5 months
Been thinking about the theme of accountability in Better Call Saul, and how Jimmy & Chuck and Kim & Howard each represent opposite ends of the spectrum of guilt.
Jimmy & Chuck both refuse to take accountability for their actions. Jimmy tells himself that he doesn't feel guilty for Chuck's death, and places that blame on Howard instead. Then when Howard dies because of Jimmy's scheme, he insists that it was entirely on Lalo and not at all on him and Kim. The guilt is too much to bear, so he shoves it down beneath the veneer of Saul Goodman. And without that guilt to guide his behavior, he becomes steadily more horrible, and people continue to get hurt. Chuck meanwhile tells himself that Jimmy's scheming ways are because he was just born like that. It is an inevitable part of Jimmy's nature. He never reflects on whether the way that he treats his brother is pushing him further down that path, and that his lack of faith in Jimmy may be a self fulfilling prophecy. And then when the insurance issues come along, it is again always someone else's fault— first the insurance agency, then Howard's. And Chuck would rather burn down the firm he spent his life building (and himself) than admit that he is the problem.
Howard & Kim are the opposite, taking TOO much accountability to the point where it cripples them. Howard is a complete mess when Chuck dies, blaming himself even though he was only acting in the firm's best interest and Chuck's own choices led him down that path. And HHM nearly goes under because Howard is struggling so intensely from the guilt of his actions. Kim suffers similarly when Howard dies, taking on the full brunt of that responsibility because her scam led Howard to his fate. While I do think Kim should feel guilty, she takes it to the extreme. She didn't pull the trigger, never once imagined Howard would lose his life, and yet she gives up everything she cares about and spends the next six years in a paralyzing state of misery, unwilling to make even the smallest decision. And it's not just Kim who loses because of this— due of her guilt, she is no longer helping people and making a positive differences in the lives of others.
Through the parallels in these two relationships, BCS portrays the need for a balance of taking accountability for yourself and your actions without wallowing so heavily that you no longer are able to be the person you need to be. This is the crux of Jimmy's character growth, when at the end of the show he confesses to all of his crimes and accepts that Chuck's (and everyone else's) death is a cross he needs to bear. It's only through this clarity that he is able to shed the selfishness of Saul and become a better version of himself. Both Howard and Kim also reach a healthier place with their guilt, Howard through therapy and Kim through coming clean about what she did. Kim even begins helping people again, volunteering at the legal aid. Chuck is the only one who is unable to learn to live with his mistakes and his grief, adding another layer of tragedy to his death.
Jimmy, Kim, Chuck, and Howard are so interesting. There is just an endless amount of parallels to be drawn between them, and it says so much about the deeper meaning of BCS. What an excellent set of characters and what an excellent show.
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spicy-dumbass · 4 months
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Lizzie as The Flash
Recently I started getting really into the CW Flash TV show, and like any poor fool it spiraled out of hand resulting in 8 pages of notes!!
Meet Lizzie, the lead character in the Blue Blur au! Mainly inspired by the life series and empires, Blue Blur is set in the fictional Empire City and follows Lizzie after an accident resulted in her gaining super speed.
More on Lizzie's general story under
Lizzie is a slightly stressed and constantly late forensic scientist working for the Empire City PD. Her parents were killed when she and her brother were children, forcing Lizzie to become her brother’s sole provider before they were taken in by Grian’s family. Jimmy and Lizzie are close, and originally Lizzie joined the CSI unit as a way to help better protect her brother. 
Lizzie and Jimmy were taken in by Grian’s family after a while, Grian effectively becoming a brother to the pair. Grian joined up with the police as a detective after hearing about Lizzie’s plan to join up on her own. Grian and Lizzie are surprisingly close, enough for it to be a problem for the police chief. Grian is the one who always seems to cover for Lizzie when she’s late or missed a call. 
Lizzie was always the sibling most interested in science, so when she heard about the reactor turning on, a major event, Lizzie drags them along with her. Things go sideways when Jimmy’s bag gets stolen and Lizzie chases after them, resulting in her getting stranded when the reactor explodes. In a panic Lizzie attempts to find her brothers, completely drenched and rushing through crowds, but in the end she gets struck by lightning, becoming comatose. 
Lizzie stays under for 9 months before coming out of it in a lab. She’s panicking, she needs to see her brothers, she needs to check on her lab. The scientists (Scar, Mumbo, Gem and Tango) try their best to stop her but she’s already out the door. 
It takes her a moment to realise she was being housed under the labs, and at that point she just starts running, she needs to get to the station. Because Grian would know what’s going on right? She trusts Grian, he’s looked after her brother for ages so he- he. And then she’s just in front of the station. Her heart is pounding and she can barely breath, she makes her way in, still in the clothes she’s collapsed in and spots Grian. 
Grian in shock grabs her, asking what she’s doing here, when she’d woken up? All she says is that she needed to see him, her legs give way and he drives her back to the labs in a panic, with Lizzie barely conscious. Grian goes off on the scientist, to which Mumbo is barely able to calm him down and escort him out. 
Gem is the first one to really ask how she’s doing, Scar and Tango more focused on her vitals than her. Lizzie explains what happened, but Gem is mostly interested in the fact Lizzie said she ran to the station. She’d barely been gone half an hour, with most of that time being taken up by Grian driving her back. Gem checks the soles of her shoes, before panicking and practically ripping them off her, mostly because they’d almost melted to her feet. 
Turns out Lizzie has super speed now, cue main plot.
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arianjpeg · 1 year
I wrote down the things Martyn said about his lore during the stream (mostly about the poems), here's what I could put together in short time:
Episode 04:
Every grain that passes come to rest - Time passing
A pilar built another test - Beginning of the watchers influence on betraying Scott. Also another layer of the Watchers putting Martyn above the other players because they have interest on him, he's fun to torment and while being very loyal, he's happy to switch on people if need be. During "another test" we hear the tone of the tune when the boogeyman is picked, but pitched down.
These fickle fields, unguided hand - Recognition that Ren wasn't on this season, so a switch on Martyn's comfort and familiarity.
Forever molding in the sands - The idea that all would wash up on the shore
The thrill to kill, the fleeting gill - Excitement of betraying someone and how fragile the alliance was.
All washed ashore to settle still - Same of "forever molding in the sands"
A single day and then it's gone - About their timers.
Episode 07:
Pause, unpause. We paralyze - Recognition of the AFK episode and Grian's role within the story, bringing a more joyous yet chaotic side, which is bad for the Watchers since they feed in negative emotions. Text is in upper case cause the Watchers are pissed at Grian.
A vacant stare. For wandering eyes - Watchers being able to paralyze Grian and make him a bystander on the game, trying their best to get rid of him. Forcing him to only watch.
Canary call, the first to fall - Jimmy's death (reference to the canary in coal mine story)
Forever caged in different walls - The nature of the loop of the games and how it's happening again and again, with him dying first
Echoes bring for brief exchange - The listeners are a temporary wrinkle
Disruptions by the ones estranged - The listeners managed to interrupt the games briefly to replace Pearl and Cleo. Lizzie was tapped in cause Pearl hasn't quite recovered from the events of Double Life and was really traumatized. Cleo had never made it so far before Double Life so it took a toll on her, she never witnessed this much destruction before. Cleo and Pearl don't know they got swapped.
Martyn said this about Joel recognizing Lizzie and I had to quote cause it broke me:
"It makes sense that Joel was the only one to recognize Lizzie for being soulmates and married in another life. Joel will always recognize Lizzie no matter what, no matter when"
Our gaze would bring untimely deaf - For a listener to not hear anymore it would be close to death, symbolically.
"None of the Evo players are Listeners. Only Grian has become a Watcher, but everyone else is a player"
Episode 08:
The vignette at the end of Martyn's episode is the Watchers getting more and more frustrated (they hate Scott for refusing to play along, Impulse being willing to die and ruining the negative emotions, annoyed at the Listeners for swapping bodies before). The ending was too civil and nice for their taste.
It's not the Watchers fully possessing Martyn, they're feeding negative emotions into him and making him angrier than he should be. The Watchers wanted a show.
A reminder that it can't always end civil, a reminder of why they're there.
Martyn wanted to add clips of voice lines of important moments of c!Martyn during the count down but there wasn't enough time for that
The main voice on each number of the count down:
10 - Jimmy
9 - Pearl
8- Grian
7- Impulse
6- Scott
5- Etho
(After that it doesn't really has a main one).
There are some who watch, we are those who listen - The Listeners speaking. c!Martyn isn't really responsive or aware of what's happening
Not yet free - The cycle will continue
Still you flee from a weighted decision - Recognition that they were trying to run away from the Watchers on Evo. Also about the betrayal on Scott.
Woven the fragments that make up a soul:
A fragment isn't a shard of the Vtuber lore. The fragments were losses on the life series, a large fragment is lost from his soul/body after experiencing a great amount of distress.
The one in his chest represents Double Life, the one on his hand is Limited Life and the one on his face is Third Life (on his cheek, representing a tear after Ren fell, Ren's death broke him and made c!Martyn more selfish). The one for Last Life is beneath his clothing, between his shoulder blades.
Because of his win, one of the Listeners "cures" the fragment on his hand. They're trying to free/liberate him, while the Watchers are trying to feed on him.
His character is in a constant state of falling at the end because it's the only fear humans are born with, so the Watchers can feed of something while waiting for the next game.
Evo is part of the timeline, while other SMP's (hermitcraft, empires) are almost like other planes. While they're on the subconscious state they can go to these other planes.
c!Martyn doesn't know about anything going on. He gets a glimpse of the truth on Last Life but he didn't comprehend it. c!Grian is aware
Watchers thoughts on some members:
The watchers have a slight grip with all the Evo members
They're slightly fond towards Skizz and Joel because they tend to be chaotic.
They hate Scott. So much.
They took Lizzie and Mumbo out of rotation because the Watchers thought they couldn't take another season on a row, they would be too broken.
That's what I could note down while watching the stream, hopefully it makes enough sense!
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johnsbleu · 3 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 169
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Author’s Note: This chapter might be a little heavy for some people, so I’m putting a warning out there. This chapter deals with abuse, specifically child abuse, verbal abuse, and mental abuse. While there are no actual scenes of this happening, but there are conversations around it. So please be advised and just know that if this could potentially trigger you, it would be best if you don’t read. I only want the best for you all. I won’t be offended if you need to sit this one out 💖
warnings: slight nsfw moments, mentions of child abuse hmh masterlist
Today is errand day for you, so you dropped Ronan off with your mom since she was asking to take her--her new friends were bringing their grandkids to the park and she insisted on bringing Ronan. You love when Ronan tags along for errand days but you didn’t want your mom to be the only without her grandchild, so you dropped her off.
Since you got everything done, you were running ahead of schedule which meant you had time to stop into Jimmy’s shop. Of course you love stopping in every now and then to see Jimmy--you’ve even brought him lunch--but right now there’s a dark haired, brown eyed man that is probably sitting down in the office that you desperately want to see. Hopefully he wants to see you just as bad.
“Hey, Logan,” you smile as you walk into Jimmy’s workshop, and he jogs over to hug you. “How are things?”
Logan shrugs, “Great at work.”
“Yeah…” you nod sympathetically, “I heard you’re doing really well here.”
“I really like it. Mr. Hendricks is teaching me a lot.”
Jimmy scoffs as he walks up beside you with John next to him, “Come on, man. Mr. Hendricks is my father.”
You roll your eyes and laugh as you look at John, giving him a small wave. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to hug you. You haven’t seen him since this morning since he came to the shop to help Jimmy with some things.
“I better get back to work,” Logan says, and you smile at him before he turns and walks back over to what looks like a desk he’s working on with another guy.
“How’s he doing here?”
Jimmy nods, “Great. He’s a great kid. He’s picking up everything, but I think he’s having trouble at home.”
“Yeah,” John nods, looking down at you, “He came over the other day when you were gone. I was home, just working in the yard. He’s been hanging around more often--not that we mind. We told him we’re cool with it, but…”
You bite your cheek as you look over at Logan.
It’s no secret that Logan doesn’t have the best home life. When the accident happened and you spoke with his parents, they were so mean to him. Greg, his dad, was clearly an asshole, and neither you nor John liked the way he talked to Logan. He got a job working with Jimmy and has just absolutely excelled at everything there. Jimmy speaks so highly of him and his ability to pick things up quickly, along with his willingness to learn.
Ever since the accident, Logan has been working at the shop with Jimmy, but he still stops by your place. He’ll hang out with John and learn stuff about bookbinding, he’ll tend to the yard with him, he’ll even play with Ronan. You came home one day and he was in the pool with her swimming while John was making steaks on the grill.
You trust him. He’s a great kid! There was even a time when something came up and you called him last minute to babysit Ronan. You were only gone for three hours, but he was more than happy to come watch her, and she loves him. She always runs to him whenever she sees him. He’s become a part of your lives now and you’re all incredibly protective of him.
“He always is very adamant about putting his bike in the garage,” Jimmy says, waving for you to walk with him to his office, “I think he’s telling his parents he’s going for a bike ride, but he’s actually coming over to our place. He showed up the other day and Tess said he was just so withdrawn.”
“John and I have noticed the bike thing too,” you say, sitting down in John’s lap when he sits in the chair, “He brought it into the backyard one day.”
John rubs your side, “Maybe we should just keep an eye on him?”
“Yeah,” Jimmy sighs, looking out at Logan, “He’s a great kid. I know that Greg is a piece of shit, so…let’s definitely keep an eye on him.”
You all sit in silence for a few moments before John bounces you on his knee to get you to look at him.
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I can’t just stop by and see my brother-in-law.”
Jimmy laughs, “You did not come here to see me.”
“I have before!”
“Okay, that’s true.” he laughs, nodding his head before he looks at John, “She even brought me lunch.”
You smile proudly as you look at John, “Yes, I did!”
“You never bring me lunch,” John says, and you scrunch your face up as he laughs. “Okay, yeah, you do.”
“I was just driving by after running some errands and saw your car out front and wanted to stop by.”
John laughs, “I’m about to leave in an hour or so.”
“Oh, okay, wow…” you get off his lap and roll your eyes playfully, “I guess next time I won’t come visit you.”
“Stop,” he laughs, pulling you back to him, “You can come visit me anytime.”
Jimmy laughs, “Not me though. Gonna put a sign up with your picture on it that says ‘keep this woman off these premises.’”
“Okay, then I’ll never make that casserole that you like again.” you cross your arms and watch Jimmy widen his eyes as John laughs, “Yeah, two can play that game.”
“Forgive me.” he says, and you all start to laugh.
John reaches up and rubs his thumb over your eyebrow, “Did you get your eyebrows waxed or something? They’re a little red.”
“I did,” you touch your brow, “She put some stuff over it but it’s still really sore.”
“And you got a haircut,” John says, running his fingers through the length of your hair, “You look great, baby.”
You didn’t do anything major to your hair, but you did get about three inches cut off, just the dead stuff. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a small trim, John always notices. He genuinely pays attention to you, it blows your mind.
You scratch your nails against John’s scalp, “I got all my errands done, but now I’m gonna head over to the store and grab some things for tonight. Can you get Ro?”
“Yeah,” he nods, and you lean down to kiss him a few times. When you’re close enough, John whispers, “Thank you for coming to see me. I wanted to see you too.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” you smile at him, then you playfully narrow your eyes at Jimmy and point at him, “Watch yourself.”
Jimmy does the same thing back, “Yeah, you too.”
Looking over at John, you smile as sweet as you can, “I love you, baby.”
“I love you,” he laughs as Jimmy jokingly crosses his arms and shakes his head.
You give them both a wave before you walk back out to the shop. You spot Logan, so you wave at him again when he looks at you. He smiles and waves back, then he goes back to what he’s doing as you head out to your car.
Laughter bursts from the backyard as everyone sits around and eats. John made a ton of food, so everyone’s stuffing their faces. Amanda brought over a bunch of desserts too, and you can’t wait to get your hands on those.
“Gotta pee,” you whisper to John, then you hop up and head inside, smiling when you walk past all the kids playing in the grass. You quickly use the bathroom and wash your hands before you turn the corner to head to the backyard, but something catches your eye. You furrow your brow and lean over more to see Logan walking down the driveway. You quickly rush to the door and open it, “Logan, what are you doing out here?”
“Oh, I just…” he takes a few steps back towards the house, “I just wanted to…never mind. You’re all busy.”
You laugh, waving him over, “I mean what are you doing out here? We’re all in the back. Come on, there’s tons of food.”
Logan nods his head and walks up to the house with his head down. He’s recently gotten a haircut so his hair isn’t so floppy and you can actually see his face, and you immediately notice the busted lip he’s sporting.
“Hey,” you put your hand on his shoulder and look at him, “What happened to your lip?”
“Oh,” he chuckles, avoiding your gaze, “Just work. Wasn’t paying attention.”
You watch him closely when he glances at you, “Oh…okay.”
Keeping a close eye on Logan, you follow behind him through the kitchen to the backyard. He grabs a plate and starts to put food on it, and you quickly look away when he looks at you. You smile and reach for Ronan when she toddles over to you, immediately lifting her up and hugging her. Your eyes wander back over to Logan as he sits down at the table where Amanda’s nephew is--he’s staying with them while he looks at a few colleges out here.
“Hey,” John comes up the steps and smiles as he reaches out to touch Ronan’s cheek, “What are you doing?”
“Something is going on with Logan.” you whisper, and John looks at him, “He was out front when I went to the bathroom, and…he has a bloody lip.”
John clenches his jaw and shakes his head, “Greg.”
“What do we do? He said it happened at work but I don’t believe that. Someone once got a splinter and Jimmy freaked out. He’s so protective of them there.” you hold John’s gaze, “If he got it at work, we’d know about it. Jimmy would have mentioned it.”
“Oh, yeah, skateboarding,” Logan says as everyone stares at him, “Fell earlier.”
You and John both look at each other. Logan can’t even keep his lies straight, most likely because he’s scared and nervous. John sighs as he comes up to stand next to you, then he makes eye contact with Jimmy--he knows something is up too.
“What do we do?”
“Get him out of that house as soon as possible,” John says, and you look up at him, “He’ll stay with us.”
You nod, “Okay.”
“We’ll find him a place eventually, but he needs to get out of that house. He can’t stay there anymore.” John shakes his head as he walks away, “I won’t allow it.”
You’re sitting around the table with everyone while the kids are still playing in the grass. Ronan will need to go down for a nap soon, but right now she’s having fun with Harper and you definitely don’t want to pull her away kicking and screaming for a nap. She’ll give all her tired cues when she’s ready for a nap. You look over at John as he stares at the table, and he flinches when you reach for his hand. A small spreads on your face, and he squeezes your hand before leaning over to kiss your temple.
Logan, Benji, and Amanda’s nephew, Devin, have decided to go fishing off the dock behind the house, so you’re all sitting here trying to figure out what to do.
“I want him out of that house,” John says, and you all look at him. “Something about this whole thing…it just pisses me off.”
You nod, “Rightfully so, John. I’m pissed too. I want him out of that house too.”
Jimmy shakes his head, “Greg might put up a fight, but my guess is he won’t if you’re there.”
“Oh, I’ll be there,” John says when Jimmy gestures to him.
“He can stay here. We have plenty of room.” you say as they look at you, “I just don’t want him there anymore. I say that we get him out of there tomorrow.”
Tess leans forward, “Talk to him. Get his opinion. I’m sure he wants out of there too, but let him know that he has the option. You don’t want him to feel like he’s being forced.”
“He’ll need a lot of things. We can help with that.” Amanda says, and you smile softly at her.
Aurelio nods, “I can get him a car too.”
Your heart swells as you look at your friends, “Thank you.”
John sighs heavily beside you, so you look at him. He squeezes your hand but keeps his gaze down. Ronan toddles over and reaches up for her daddy, and he smiles as he brings her into his lap. She leans against his chest and pops her thumb into her mouth, then she smiles as she looks over at you.
“Hi, bug.” you lean over and kiss her forehead, “You getting sleepy?”
Ronan nods her head before she leans back to look at John. She tries her best to talk to him about something--he’s absolutely not sure what but he listens intently. He smiles at her and kisses her, then she lays back against his chest, closing her eyes.
The back gate opens as Benji runs through it, rushing over to Aurelio, “Dad, we just caught a huuuuge fish. Devin threw it back though.”
You look up as Devin and Logan came into the backyard, and they stand back and talk. They’ve really hit it off since Devin’s been here. Aurelio stopped into the shop with him the other day to talk to Jimmy about something, and Logan and Devin instantly became friends. Logan seems to be in a bit of a better mood too now that he has a friend.
“It’s getting dark, I better head home.” Logan says, and you sit up a little. “Thanks for letting me come over. The food was great.”
“Hey, you’re welcome at our places any time, Logan,” Tess says, waving at him, “You know Finny loves you.”
You get up and walk with Logan inside, working up the courage to ask if things are okay at home. You know they’re not but you don’t want to cross any lines. John follows behind you and clears his throat when Logan gets to the door.
“Hey, Logan, can we talk to you?”
“Of course,” he turns around and looks at you both.
Taking a deep breath, you look at him and feel John’s hand on your back, “You didn’t get hurt at work.”
“Uh…” he looks down and shakes his head, “No.”
“Was it your dad?” you ask, and Logan nods his head. “How many times has he done this?”
Logan takes a few moments before he looks at you, “He usually just pushes me around, but this was the first time that he…”
“What about your mom?” John asks, and Logan’s eyes fill with tears as he nods.
“She’s…slapped me before.”
You take a deep breath and let it out shakily, “We don’t want you going back there. We want you to come stay with us. We’ll find a place for you. I know you’re 18 now and you’ve just graduated, but we want you to come stay here for a few weeks. We’ll find you an apartment too. Would you want to do this?”
Logan stares at you and John before he nods his head, “Yes. I’ve been looking for a place but it’s just too expensive.”
“Let us worry about that,” John says, and you nod in agreement. “Can you stay somewhere else tonight? You’re welcome here too.”
“I was actually gonna ask if I could stay at Aurelio’s tonight. Devin wanted to play a game. I just…needed to ask my parents.”
You smile at him, “You and Devin seem to get along.”
“Yeah, he’s cool. We like a lot of the same things.” he says, perking up, “He wants to move out here for school.”
Chatter fills the house as everyone comes back inside, and you look over at Aurelio tickling Ronan’s tummy as she laughs. He sets her down and watches as she runs over to grab one of her toys, then she brings it to him. He leans down and listens to her as she talks about it.
“I’m gonna ask my parents if I can stay the night. They’ll probably say yes, they don’t really care what I do.” he says, and you grip John’s hand. “I’ll text you.”
Devin nods his head, “Cool.”
You quickly follow Logan outside, “Hey, we’re serious, by the way.”
“Me too, Mrs. Wick.” he says, smiling at you, “Thanks.”
“Tomorrow.” you say as he nods, “Tomorrow we’ll pack up your things and you’ll come live here.”
Logan nods again, “Sounds good.”
Walking back into the house, everyone looks at you and waits for what you’re going to say. You give them all a small smile, then you walk over and sit down on the couch, exhaling softly.
“Well, we’ll get out of your hair,” Amanda says, scooping up Harper into her arms, “Call us and let us know what he needs.”
“We will,” John nods, then he looks over at you, “I’m going to walk them out.”
You nod your head, “Okay. Bye guys, thanks for coming.”
Tess leans down and hugs you, “Let us know what we can do too. We’re happy to help.”
“Thank you.”
After the door closes, you look over at Ronan and see her curled up on the couch asleep. You smile as you walk over and pick her up, then you take her up to her room to get her changed. She’s still asleep even as you change her into her pajamas, and you laugh quietly when she only moves around a little after you’ve put her in her crib.
“Is she asleep?” John whispers as he comes in, then he leans down and kisses her forehead, “Damn, I wanted to snuggle her before she fell asleep.”
“She’ll be right there in the morning,” you smile as he looks at you, “You can snuggle her then.”
John nods, “Right.”
The two of you hold hands as you walk down to your room, and you sit on the edge of your bed in silence as John undresses. He stands in front of you in his boxers for a moment before he tilts your chin up so you’ll look at him. Your eyes trail down his body before you stand up and wrap your arms around him, hugging him tight.
“I love you so much,” you whisper as he holds you, “You’re such a good man.”
“This will change things around here a little.” he says, and you nod, “We’ll have someone else living here, but that’s okay, right?”
You lean back and look into his warm brown eyes, “He needs to get out of that house. I can’t sleep knowing he’s there.”
“Yeah, me either,” he smooths your hair back and leans down to kiss you. “This will be good for him.”
“I think so too.”
You wrap your arms around John and close your eyes, listening to the sound of his heart beating. He rests his cheek on top of your head, and you stand in his warm embrace. A comfort that nothing compares to.
Logan seemed to be having second thoughts about moving out, so he called and told you that he wanted to wait and see how things were going at home first. He said they had gotten better since he was over the night you talked to him, but you weren’t convinced that they wouldn’t get bad again.
Obviously it’s a scary thing to move out and you’re sure he’s even more scared since his parents pretty much suck. You told him that you and John will support him no matter what, but you both ultimately want him to move in for the time being. He just doesn’t need to be around his parents. John is still hoping that he’ll change his mind and has even had a couple of boxes near the front door for a few days just in case he calls and needs to be moved out as quickly as possible.
It’s scary knowing that he could just be at home when Greg is there, and he could be taking out his anger on him--his mom too. You’re trying not to think about it which is why you’ve been throwing yourself into work all day. You went to the shop and decided to go through some old boxes of books that need to be donated to the library.
Just as you close the box up, you hear the bell above the door. You’re a little surprised that anyone is coming out since it’s storming really bad today. You get up and head out to greet them, but your stomach drops when you see Logan standing there drenched from the rain.
“Logan, oh my god…” you grab John’s sweatshirt that he’s left at work and rush out to warm him up, “Why are you out in the rain?”
“They were yelling at me,” he whispers, his eye red from tears.
You escort him back to the office and gesture for him to sit down, “What happened?”
“They were yelling at me. We were arguing about college. I don’t want to go to school to be a fucking lawyer,” he says, then he looks at you, “Pardon my language.”
You shake your head since it’s the least of your worries right now, but don’t say anything. You just let him talk.
“I said I was leaving, so he…” he shakes his head and looks down, “He was just yelling at me and…calling me names. I went to your house but no one was home, so I came here.”
“I’m so sorry,” you sit next to him, “John is out with Ro.”
Logan uses the sweatshirt to wipe his face dry, then he looks over at you, “I can’t stay there anymore. I know I can’t. I have to leave.”
“I know,” your eyes soften as you look at him, “I want you out of there. Now. I’m gonna call John.”
Logan nods his head as you get up and grab your phone from the desk. You press his name and cradle your phone between your ear and shoulder as you gather your things.
“Hey, peach.”
“Hey, uh, Logan is here.” you say, and he glances up at you. “He needs to move right now. I mean literally right this minute.”
John is quiet for a moment, “Okay. I’m actually on my way home right now. I’ll drop Ro off with Tess. Meet me at the house.”
“Okay,” you hang up the phone and look at Logan, “Let’s go.”
The shop is empty aside from Tony, so you walk over to quickly let him know that you won’t be back and that he can close up the shop whenever he feels like it. With the rain, no one is coming in anyway. You open your umbrella and wait for Logan to get under it, then you rush out to your car to get in.
“I just want you to be one hundred percent sure that you want to move out.”
Logan looks out the window and nods his head before he looks at you, a slight bruising forming around his eye that you couldn’t see earlier since you were on the other side of him.
That’s enough to light a fire inside of you. If you were mad before, you’re fucking livid now.
“Yeah. I’m one hundred percent sure.”
John is waiting in the living room when you get into the house. He gets up and walks over, eyeing Logan and sighing when he sees the bruise on his face. He looks over at you, checking to see if you’re okay too. You give him a small nod.
“You’re sure, Logan?”
“Yes, sir,” he nods, shivering a little, from his wet clothes and probably nerves.
John nods, “Let’s go then.”
It’s still storming outside and it only seems to be getting worse as you drive down the street to Logan’s house. You look back at him when you pull up to it, and he wrings his hands together.
“We’re gonna go in with you.” John says, and Logan gets out of the car.
You all rush up to the door and step inside, and when the door opens, all hell breaks loose.
“Logan, that better be you!” Greg yells, stomping his way to the front door. He stops when he sees you and John, “What are you two doing here?”
“Go get your things.” you say softly, and Logan runs up the stairs to his room.
John moves so you’re behind him, “Logan is coming to stay with us.”
“You can’t do that,” Greg laughs. “He’s our child.”
“He’s eighteen. He can go wherever he likes.” you say as you grip the back of John’s shirt to keep him in place, “He’s not going to be staying here with you.”
Greg laughs in disbelief, “Laura, get out here. You won’t believe this.”
Laura walks out drying her hands on a tea towel. She stops when she sees you and John, “What’s going on?”
“They’re trying to take Logan.” Greg says, gesturing to you and John, “Unbelievable.”
“We’re not trying to take him, he’s coming with us. He chose this on his own,” you look at Laura and shake your head, “He’s tired of being treated like shit.”
Laura scoffs, “We do not treat him like that.”
“Really? Where did the black eye come from? How about that busted lip he had?” John asks, staring them down, “Because we all know it didn’t happen from skateboarding. He doesn’t even like skateboarding.”
You look up the stairs to see Logan standing there, and he waves you up. You start towards the staircase but Laura stands in your way. You stare her down until she moves aside. You get into his room and immediately start helping him pack his bags, but you hear Laura coming in.
“You can’t take our son!”
“We’re not taking him,” you say as you turn around to look at Laura. You tap your temple, “You’re not fucking getting it! I’m not taking your son. He’s leaving. He can’t stand to be here anymore.”
Laura shakes her head, “This isn’t even your business.”
“Logan made it my business when he showed up with bloodshot eyes and a blood on his face!” you exclaim as she gazes at you in astonishment, “He made it my business when he told me how shitty you are to him! Laura, he’s your child! As a mother, it is your responsibility to protect and cherish your child; however, you have repeatedly failed to do so. I cannot sit back and allow him to stay in this house.”
John moves past and starts helping you and Logan pack things up. You offer a gentle smile to Logan, placing your hand on his arm while nodding reassuringly, letting him know that everything will be okay.
“I can’t…” Laura talks to herself quietly, “She’s taking him from me. She’s taking him!”
You set aside one bag and grab a few things to put in the bag that John is packing. He looks up at you and gently touches your hand, holding your gaze for a moment before you flinch when Greg yells. John instantly tenses up and turns around to protect you.
“I’ve called the police! They’re on their way.”
“Dad, come on.” Logan finally speaks up, “I’m leaving. I’m going to stay with them, then I’m getting my own place. I can’t stay here. You guys don’t even want me here anyway.”
Laura shakes her head, “That is not true and you know it!”
“Mom, you know you don’t want me here, and I know you only don’t want me to leave because you don’t like her,” he says, gesturing to you, and you look at him, “Mrs. Wick is nice to me. She actually listens to me.”
Laura scoffs and tosses the tea towel to the ground, "Oh please, don't fool yourself into thinking she actually values your input. I'm not naive to her motives; it's obvious why she's so eager for you to move in. It won't be long until she's pregnant. I know she has ulterior motives.”
You stare at her for a moment before you start to laugh since that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard in your fucking life, “Are you serious? Are you seriously saying I’m going to be inappropriate with him?”
“Mom, she’s like a big sister.” Logan says, and Laura purses her lips and looks away.
“Laura, I have no intentions to do anything with your son, and I’m beyond offended that you think that of me. That is the furthest thing from my mind. What I do have intentions of is taking care of your son because you two are doing a terrible job at that.” you look back at Logan, his face ghost white and frightened, “He’s coming to stay with us.”
There’s a knock at the door, so Greg goes down to answer it. It’s obviously the police, but everyone knows that there isn’t much that can be done. Logan is eighteen and he’s allowed to leave. Plus the police know all about Greg, and you’re sure Jimmy has given them a heads up about what’s been happening.
“You can’t take him!”
You roll your eyes as you turn around and begin helping Logan again. It’s John’s turn to argue with them now.
“Laura, I understand that this must be hard--”
“You don’t know anything!” she yells at John, and you turn to look at her, narrowing your eyes.
She sure as shit is not going to yell at John like that. You gesture for him to help Logan instead, and you go back to arguing with her.
“Why?” you ask her, and she furrows her brow, “Why do you care what happens to him when you don’t even bother to pay attention to him? He’s been begging for attention for years, yet he goes unnoticed.”
“Why do you care?”
You start to laugh, “Because as crazy as this may sound to someone with no soul, I actually care about people. I care about Logan, and I care about what happens to him. As a mother, I can’t stand here and watch you treat him like that.”
Laura says something not very nice about you under her breath that makes John stand up straight and absolutely glare at her. You roll your eyes and grab a bag of Logan’s things to bring downstairs. Laura actually moves out of the way but she follows you back down to the front door where Greg is talking to the police.
“Well, he’s eighteen, so…” the officer nods at John, then he looks at Greg, “There’s nothing we can do. If he wants to go stay with them, he’s legally an adult and can do that.”
“So, she gets to just take my son from me?” Laura stands next to Greg and shakes her head, “This whore gets to just take our son!”
John takes a deep breath before he sets the bag down, “I haven’t said much because I’m trying my best to control my anger right now, but if you speak about my wife like that one more time, I promise I won’t be able to control it.”
“You can be as upset as you like, but Logan made this choice on his own. He doesn’t want to stay here in this environment anymore, and we’re offering him a way out.” you hold Laura’s gaze, “If you weren’t going to love your child, then you never should have had them.”
Laura fumes as she takes a step forward, “You bitch--”
You swat Laura’s hand out of your face before you shove her back. She stumbles into Greg and widens her eyes, looking over at the police officer and pointing at you. She looks like a petulant child. She starts her way back to you but you grab her arm when she tries to hit you again.
“Don’t.” you warn her firmly, “I promise you that you don’t want to do that because you won’t like what happens next. News fucking flash: you cannot put your hands on people! You don’t know me, so I’m warning you right now. If you put your hands on me, you won’t like the outcome.”
Greg puffs up his chest and steps forward, which sets John off. It happens in a flurry. One moment you’re looking at Laura and the next you see Greg making his way towards you. You’re sure he’s just protecting his wife, but John is also protecting his. He steps in front of you and his fist connects with Greg’s jaw, knocking his back against the staircase.
“Enough!” the cops yells, and you quickly pull John back towards you after he got a few good hits in.
Lacing your fingers through John’s, you hold him tight next to you since you know he’ll go back to Greg if you don’t have a hold of him.
When Logan tries to move past to the doorway, Greg stands in front of him, just staring him down, and Logan puts his head down and doesn’t move. He just shrinks as Greg towers over him. Logan’s not a short kid, but Greg just makes him look so small and powerless. If Logan really wanted to, he could probably really hurt Greg.
“Logan, you can’t just leave…” Laura says, reaching out for him but he backs away, “Honey, we’ll talk about it.”
You touch his back and lean forward to look at him, “Put your things in the car. We’ll be out shortly.”
The police officer shrugs, “There’s nothing I can do. He’s made his decision. If he feels like he’s better off with them, then that’s what he should do. Either way, he shouldn’t be here. He’s clearly not comfortable.”
“So, that’s it? They get to waltz in here and take him from us?” Greg throws his hands up, “Absolute bullshit!”
Logan opens the door and puts his cell phone on the table, “I don’t want to see you two right now. Not for a while. Maybe later down the road, but not right now. You can have your phone back. I’ll get my own. Mom, I know this is hard, but this is a decision I made for myself. You guys don’t care if I’m here or not.”
“Honey, that is not true.”
“If it wasn’t true, then you would have noticed that I wasn’t home for the past week.” he says, and you all look at him, “I never came home. I was staying with a friend, or…sleeping on a bench. I even crashed in the Wick’s backyard one night--I didn’t want to wake you guys up.”
You shake your head and wave it off, “We don’t care about that, Logan. We just want you to be safe.”
“You haven’t even noticed that I’ve been gone. It’s okay, mom.” he says softly as she cries, “Maybe we can work things out later on in life.”
John reaches for your hand and tugs it a little, pulling you to the door. You open the door and wait for Logan to step outside, then you walk to the car with him. He gets in the back and looks out the window as Laura stands on the front step with her hands over her head to shield herself from the rain. You turn around and look back at Logan, and he exhales in relief before putting his head down and closing his eyes.
When you got home, you quickly made up the guest bedroom for Logan. You gave him new sheets and told him that you’d make some dinner but he wasn’t obligated to come out or anything. In the end, he decided to just take his food to his room, which was fine by you. He said he wanted to eat and just watch some TV before falling asleep. He’s so emotionally and mentally exhausted, so you don’t blame him for wanting to just rest.
Sighing loudly, you flop down in bed and close your eyes. John trails his nails up your back and into your hair, and you hum before you open your eyes to look at him. He holds your gaze as you sit up, then he pulls you into his arms and hugs you. You melt into the warmth of his embrace, scooting up more so you’re comfortable.
John leans back and sighs, “You think he’s okay?”
“He will be,” you whisper, nodding your head, “It’s just going to be an adjustment for now. It doesn’t help that we literally live down the street from them but he’s safe here.”
“What Laura said about you earlier,” he shakes his head, “None of that is true.”
You start to laugh, “She called me a slut! And a whore! Can you believe that? Me? A slut?”
“You’re certainly not a slut,” John says, chuckling a little.
“Well, I mean, I am a slut for you.” you say, which makes John laugh harder than he has all day. “The fact that her mind even went there disgusts me. I have never looked at him like that. He’s like…a little brother or a son, really.”
John nods, “She’s just upset. I’m not justifying it, but there’s no way anyone would think that about you. She’s just mad.”
“I know,” you look down at your hands and shrug, “I feel so bad for him. I can’t imagine…ever treating Ro like that. She’s my baby. I’m suppose to love and protect her, not hurt her.”
“I think I see a lot of myself in Logan,” John admits as you look at him, “I think that’s why this situation is so hard for me and why I get so protective of him. It’s hard for me to control my anger more than it should be. I just see so much of myself in him. He’s so lost and unloved, and he really needs someone to show him that he has worth. What better person to do that than you. You did it for me.”
You tear up as you look at him, “You have so much worth, babe. Logan does too. And you both had it before I ever even came along.” Silence blankets the room for a few minutes before you look at John. “Were people…mean to you too when you were younger?” you ask, and he inhales deeply before looking over at you with the saddest eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“It just comes with the territory.”
“It shouldn’t.” you say, holding his gaze, “No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not a child. Especially not you.”
John leans over, cupping your face and kissing you. You scoot closer to him and pull the blanket up so you can touch him, and you both lay back on the bed but his lips never leave yours. You start to pull his boxers down a little, but you’re startled by a knock on the door.
John leans up a little and looks over his shoulder at the door, “Think Ronan knows how to get out of her bed and knock yet?”
“No,” you laugh, getting out of bed. You open the door and smile when Logan stands with his back to you, “I’m decent, Logan.”
“Oh, okay,” he turns around and looks over your shoulder at John before looking at you, “I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here. I promise I won’t be a hassle or anything.”
You smile, “We’re not worried about it. We’re just glad you’re here and that you’re safe. Not that you’ll have to worry about it again, but next time you’re looking for somewhere to stay, you can come here. You don’t have to sleep on a bench.”
“Or in our backyard.” John chimes in, and you laugh as you move to the side so they can see each other. “That’s kind of creepy.”
Logan grimaces before smiling, “I didn’t want to wake up Ronan.”
You wave it off, “We’d rather deal with a sleepy baby than you getting sick or being uncomfortable outside.”
“About the stuff my mom said…”
You wave your hand again, “Don’t worry about it.”
“It wasn’t very nice.”
“Well, no, but she’s upset. I’m not worried about it. I know it’s not true. I’m pretty crazy about that big dope back there,” you say, using your thumb to gesture to John over your shoulder, and John starts to laugh, “Plus I’m almost old enough to be your mom, so I’m not really interested in you.”
Logan scrunches up his face, “Yeah, that’s gross. You’re like a big sister.”
John laughs, “Good. I’d fight you otherwise, kid.”
“I believe it.” Logan laughs, then he smiles at you.
“Hey, speaking of…” John gets up and walks over to join you, “I’m sorry--well, I’m not sorry that I did it--but sorry you had to see me…you know…”
Logan nods when John imitates punching his own jaw, “Oh, no, he deserved it.”
“I will do anything that I have to do to protect her,” John says, gesturing to you, “I protect my family. I hope you know that includes you.”
That totally touched Logan but he plays it off and just nods his head. The light catches a tear in his eye though. Fucking adorable.
“I won’t be loud or anything since I’m going to bed and I know Ro is sleeping, but I just wanted to let you guys know I’m watching TV.”
“You don’t have to tell us what you’re doing every minute, bud,” John says as he backs away, “You’re welcome to do whatever. Obviously Ro is sleeping, but whatever you do in your room is your business. Tomorrow we can go and get the rest of the things you need and get you a new phone as well.”
Logan looks down, “I need to get a new bank account too. My parents have me on theirs, so…”
“We’ll take care of everything that we can tomorrow.” you say to him, and he nods. “Go get some rest. If you get hungry, there’s plenty of food as well.”
“I can just get anything I want?” he says, perking up when you nod. “Wow.”
You reach out and hug him, “You’re safe here, Logan.”
“Thank you,” he hugs you tighter before he lets go, “I’ll see you two in the morning.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
Logan turns around and stares at you for a moment like he’s seeing a ghost, “Goodnight.”
Has no one ever said goodnight to him before?
Closing the door, you turn back to John and smile at him as he watches you. You crawl into bed and laugh when he leans down and kisses you several times, and you lean back to hold his gaze. His hand is resting on your hip, and you squint your eyes playfully at him.
“You arguing with Laura was pretty sexy.”
You start to laugh, “God, you’re so weird.”
“I just think you’re sexy when you get angry.”
“I don’t get this reaction when I get mad at you for leaving the toilet seat up.”
John cocks up his brow, “I don’t leave the toilet seat up.”
“Yeah, true,” you cup his face and look into his eyes, “Thanks for being such a good man.”
“I want to be the best man for you.”
A smile spreads across your face, “You are the best man for me. Ronan and I are so lucky. And you know what? Logan is lucky too. Thank you for taking him under your wing. We are so lucky to have you in our lives, babe.”
John nods as he looks down, then he looks at you with tears in his eyes, “Thank you.”
You start to tear up as you look at him, so you hug him tight and close your eyes, just holding each other for a few minutes. You start to laugh when John’s left hand slides down your thigh, and you lean back to look at him, raising your brows a little.
“You have to be insanely quiet.”
“I can do that,” he whispers as he crawls on top of you, “I can be so quiet.”
Laughing quietly, you lift your hips up so John can get your shorts off, and he licks his lips and leans down to kiss your stomach as he hums. He moves lower and inhales deeply when he gets between your legs, and you laugh when he closes his eyes and drops his head.
“God, you smell so good!”
“Quiet,” you whisper as you pull him up to you, “You have to be quiet.”
John grins as he leans down to kiss you, then he shakes his head, “It’s not me I’m worried about.”
You bite your lip as you start to laugh, “Okay, I’ll be quiet too.”
Your left arm is draped over John’s pillow and as soon as he brushes his lip between your legs, you grab his pillow and press it to your face. Yeah, being quiet is harder than it seems.
@multifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @scream-queen-25 @ladyren33
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 4 months
sometimes that's just the way that it goes
or, joel smallishbeans joins the tokyo lift (an mcyt blaseball au fic)
the thing about joel is- well, there's a lot of things about joel, but the most relevant thing, is that he never really got in to blaseball.
he'd gone to few of grian and jimmy's games in college, been brought to an equal number of pearl's minor league games, and mostly paid attention in conversation about it after his entire friend group became obsessed with the splort seemingly overnight.
but then he'd moved out to tokyo after college, where the blaseball scene had yet to expand to a proper minor league; let alone a major league. he got a non-splorts related job. he had non-splorts related hobbies. and he was suddenly in a timezone 17 hours ahead from all his friends who cared about these things.
so maybe he managed to forget basically all the knowledge he had about the game. sue him.
by the time the ILB expanded to tokyo with the lift, joel was certainly more knowledgeable on the splort than he'd ever been. he had basically the entire league's schedule in his calendar at all times, he voted in the elections, he kept a close eye on weather forecasts across the globe. a small side effect of most of your friends playing a splort that started killing people 10 years ago.
but here's the thing- despite joel's expansive knowledge of what's happening the ILB on any given day, despite his stockpile of votes, despite his constant presence as someone's plus one at any given ILB event or party-
despite all of that...
joel doesn't really know how to play.
which is a problem, when, on a whim that he now knows was definitely some divine intervention at play, he decides to actually go to one of his friend's games on a day they happen to be playing in tokyo. and it becomes more of a problem when an umpire goes rogue, and in the blink of an eye, joel finds himself vaulting a railing and picking up a bat that, until two minutes ago, belonged to a toyko lift player.
and now belongs to a new tokyo lift player.
and that is how joel finds himself here, on a stool in stress and false's bathroom, staring at his actively-being-dyed hair in the mirror and considering.
he didn't know stress and false very well before joining the lift. he'd met them, of course, at the aforementioned parties and events he'd been brought to, but they weren't close by any means. but seeing as they were the only members of his new team he'd been properly introduced to prior to becoming their coworker, he found himself following them around like a lost puppy from day one. they seemed mostly endeared by this, so far, which joel was taking as an embarrassing but necessary fact of his new career.
the "sitting in their bathroom getting his hair dyed" part of his current situation had come about a few days prior, when the wild card teams were announced and the lift had officially made their first ever post season. joel's remark that they should do something for the occasion had spiraled into stress lending him her bathroom and hair dye to dye the streak in his hair pink in celebration.
by the time they actually got around to it, the lift had been knocked out of the post season by the wild wings in a two game sweep, but joel hadn't backed out, so here they were.
stress was mixing the pink dye while joel got the green bleached out of his hair, humming along to a song joel wasn't really listening to. the bathroom isn't large enough to fit false as well, with joel on a stool, so she's hovering outside doing... something. joel's kinda lost track of her exact movements due to his aforementioned considering.
joel hasn't actually played a lot with the lift, yet. he'd joined the team in the last 20 days or so of the season, so they've gotten a good 20 games worth of a look at his... let's say, skill, and they've all presumably figured out that he's not very good. no one's said anything, but that doesn't mean they haven't been thinking it. but it's also possible they haven't been thinking it, and if joel brings it up right now, then they'll all realize that he's terrible. but also, joel knows he needs to fix this problem, because he's seen what happens to bad players.
so he's sucking it up.
"stress, can i admit something to you?" joel says, as confident and nonchalant as he can manage. it's not very nonchalant.
"hm?" stress says, looking up from where she's fidgeting about. "sure, i don't see why not."
joel takes a deep breath before he continues. "now, i don't know if any of you have noticed this yet, but... i don't really know how to play blaseball."
this is when false chooses to poke her head in from whatever she'd been doing to comment. "sorry, repeat yourself?"
"well, despite the fact that all of my friends have played this game for years, i haven't been paying much attention to how it actually works. so i don't think i actually know how to play, which wasn't a problem for me until about three weeks ago. and now it's a very big problem."
"oh," false says, looking him up and down. joel tries not to feel scrutinized. "i wouldn't have guessed that from your stats, but yeah, in hindsight, that makes sense."
"you looked at my stats?" joel sputters.
"yeah is that not-" false looks at stress, desperation clear on her face. "do people not usually do that?"
"i mean, i don't, but i don't know what all you other geezers are up to."
joel has yet to move on from the stats thing. "i haven't even looked at my stats. what- are they good? actually, no i don't want to know. or, if they're bad, i don't want to know. if they're good you can tell me."
false laughs. "you're fine, overall. not a good pitcher, but that's not your problem. everything else is pretty average, but your batting is your best stat, and it's pretty up there. not really indicative of someone who doesn't know how to play."
"oh!" joel thinks about this. he doesn't think he's been a particularly special batter thus far, but he's not objecting to whoever's quantifying his skill saying he's good. not at all. "ok, well, i kinda know how to play. i think. i know enough that i've been able to be passable, but i want to be good next season."
"are you asking us to coach you?" stress says as she starts the tap to wash the bleach out of joel's hair.
"uh, if you want to, yeah. you're both good, i think."
false, who is now leaning in the doorway instead of poking her head in, laughs again. "yeah, i'd say we're alright." from her tone, joel suspects they're actually very good, and he once again has no idea what he's talking about.
"but we'd love to!" stress says, lightly pushing joel to put his head into the sink. her next words are slightly drowned out by the running water. "obviously the lift practice in the off season already, but we could spend a bit of time doing one on one stuff with you. show you the ropes, you know?"
joel, still in the sink, answers with a thumbs up. as he sits back up and takes the towel stress offers him, he sees false leave the doorway and go back to whatever she was doing, decision seemingly reached.
joel dries off his hair and stress moves in with the pink dye and a dye brush, humming along to another song he doesn't know. he definitely doesn't need her help dying his hair- he's been doing it on his own for years now. but she'd offered the dye she already had so he didn't have to buy a new color, and apparently that offer came along with her doing most of the work as well.
and for once in his life, joel is going to take the help without a fuss.
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shallowseeker · 5 months
Hey shall, what's your favourite/fun headcanons on why cas keeps getting resurrected at first I tought it was cause god/chuck liked him (like remember when ppl in the destiel fandom talked about how chuck ships them... good times) Then yea, that just didn't turn out to be true lol
Ohh, this is fun. I have some nice uplifting ones and one very evil one. I could probably come up with a ton of these, and I'm not feeling super eloquent this week, but have my mental popcorn instead:
CHUCK/NETWORK NEEDED CAS -> Popularity ...and it bit Chuck in the ass because he accidentally allowed Cas to grow more and more powerful, even when he (and the writers) worked so hard to weaken him and kill him off. I don't have the exact quotes, but I know there are numerous instances that imply the writers worked hard to weaken Cas.
When the writers have to work to make Cas weaker, and to make Dean and Sam stronger, it shows that Cas is the bigger threat, in terms of cosmic power.
Emotional consequences: Because Cas is important to Dean, Cas is often resurrected specifically because Dean loses hope without him. After his first death, Cas literarily functions as The Lost Husband/The Animal Bridegroom/The Artificial Husband for Dean specifically. Unlike characters like Sam's Amelia (season 8), Dean is obsessed with clinging to his loved ones, saying to CAS: "I did not leave you!" and to NAOMI through CAS: "Take it! But you're gonna have to kill me first. Come on, you coward. Do it. Do it!" In his insistance to look for Cas in Purgatory and keep not giving up on Cas, he sets himself apart from his many mirrors. He's a lot like the human consort in many of the “supernatural spouse” tales, brave and insistent in his trials, even when death separates him from his lover. NOTE: Amelia Novak also becomes a heroine in this regard when she decided to go looking for her "lost husband," Jimmy Novak but becoming ensnared and dies in season 10. ANYWAY, Dean and Cas tend to die when the other isn't around, and they both get so depressed it makes for pretty abysmal watching. Chuck doesn't like Cas, but he needs Cas because Dean needs Cas. Dean won't behave unless he has Cas with him. DEAN from 13x03: "This life, hunting, monsters, there’s no joy in it. There’s nothing but pain, horror and death." And DEAN from 13x05: BILLIE: Maybe you’re not that guy anymore, they guy who saves the world, the guy who always thinks he’ll win no matter what. You have changed. And you tell people it’s not a big deal. You tell people you’ll work through it but you know you won’t, you can’t and that scares the hell out of you. Or… am I wrong? DEAN: What do you want me to say? Doesn’t matter. I don’t matter.
TETHERED TO A BROTHER or TWIN -> Functions as a thrown lifeline; i.e. one shield must fall before the other can
Not Cas-specific, but so long as your "tethered" twin is alive you cannot die. We see this with Amara and Chuck, that taking out Chuck requires killing Amara. This appears often in SPN, like with Charlie and There's No Place Like Home and the Wizard. It makes you wonder if Michael and Lucifer are similar. If you squint, Chuck does not seem able to kill Michael in 15x19 until after Lucifer has been killed. Makes you wonder if that was his intent on having them kill each other all along. That by having one kill the other, he could finally take out the son-rivals, as in the style of archetypical God-father who, because of their immortality, sees sons as threat to power. So what does that mean for Cas? Not sure, but he could be tethered to an angel that's still living. Maybe jack himself? (Or Dean's soul, for that matter.) It's assumed that Jack wakes up Cas, but there's juicy potential for it to have been Dean doing it all along, something Jack tapped into when Dean was screaming in grief during the Sam fight: DEAN: He manipulated him, he made him promises, said, ‘paradise on earth’ and Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead! Now you might be able to forget about that, but I can’t! [JACK looks distressed outside the room.] JACK: Castiel. [JACK’S eyes glow gold.]
As to quote Gabriel, "they are like cancer," he has to eradicate them, as they represent wars of old which are no longer needed. I know the rising-and-dying deity motif is something of a modern configuration, but since it appears in Remember the Titans, you have to wonder if this is a nature intrinsic to Cas himself. As angels are unable to sleep, they are unable to die. From 8x16: ZEUS: Tell me, has Prometheus experienced the child's death yet? [HAYLEY gives a nod.] How did he take it? Did he hurt? [HAYLEY nods again.] Good. ...I never get tired of watching you die. [ZEUS, holding SHANE up, says it right into his ear.] Your boy is going on the mountain. (Interestingly, the mountain forward-references to the episode Moriah.) From 14x08: COSMIC ENTITY: Stop interrupting! Start paying attention. I'm taking him. And where I'm taking you is worse than Hell… because at least Hell is something. Ohh. Ohh, God, they look scared. Does that hurt you? Good… because I want it to. In this interpretation, the Shadow is a higher God, and it has cursed Castiel for helping humanity the same way Prometheus helped humanity. It uses similar linguistics!
EVIL CAS/SHADOW MEANING -> God's most trusted double agent
Cas is resurrected by Chuck because he's secretly an intractable agent of Chuck, God's most trusted, analogues to how Ruby was "the best of those sons of bitches." This would take on a Christian overtone, that Chuck and Jack are the same person. Evil interpretation where Cas having been an agent of Fate all along. With this shadow meaning, "Cas helped" from 15x20 becomes especially ominous. But there's also "it's not the bait, it's the fish, I think they're beginning to anticipate me" from 15x06 right after Dean accuses him of being "the something that always goes wrong." There's something eerie in the idea that Chuck and Jack are in fact the same person, and Castiel is loyal to Him above all. "This lie won't hurt them," from Gimme Shelter etc etc. This would make Dean, like Sally in "Last Call" the real symbolic fish. If hunting is recklessness, fishing is patience, and Cas/God/Jack were being patient and fishing Dean's soul all along, baiting him with Love. Cas as a honey trap is a frightening thought, honestly, and although I don't prefer this shadow interpretation, it IS scary if someone wanted to explore it or have Dean simply fear this possibility, you know? Dean has an inherent fear of large powers, like Godstiel, and Jack's power, and he's right to fear it. At the end of the story, Cas and Jack are the only main characters still alive, so there's a real possibility that it is Cas who won the long game, not Chuck.
edit - there’s also cas has a soul theory, that he cannot sleep in the empty the sand way jack becomes aware of heaven in byzantium
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bridgyrose · 1 month
AU where Neo’s ascension sends her to a Modern AU, with all of her powers stripped in order to live in this new world. (Maybe she becomes a child as well? Could be adopted by loving parents in order to have a second chance at childhood)
(I think I can run with this one)
“Over here Trivia!” 
Neo paused for a moment as the noise and lights of the city practically overwhelmed her. She had remembered jumping off the tree and then a bright light as she fell… only to be met with concrete against her hands along with bright lights and loud cars driving down the road. She picked herself up and looked over at her mother, almost not recognizing her. 
Carmel smiled at her and held out a hand for her to grab. “We dont want to be late to dinner. Your father has been making sure that all the preparations for your birthday are perfect.” 
Neo nodded and took her mother’s hand, still not used to hearing her old name. But what really caught her off guard was that her reflection looked like a child again. She looked like she was almost seven again, brown hair pulled back into braided pigtails, the dress she wore was just like the one she had worn all those years ago, though she did notice she wasnt wearing any of the contacts she was forced to wear before. Her mismatched pink and brown eyes werent hidden like they’d been before. 
“Dont lollygag,” Carmel said as she pulled Neo forward. “We’re going to be late if we take too long.” 
Neo sighed but walked a bit closer to keep up with her mother, already dreading her birthday. She still wasnt entirely sure what the plan was, but at least here, she didnt seem to be expected to conform to a particular look. And beyond the lack of dust, Vale still looked mostly the same. Busy streets, shops that catered to particular tastes in fashion, food, hobbies and the like… it all seemed… normal. 
She followed her mother into a restaurant that seemed to have just opened up for the day, still empty as a few of the staff made their way around the tables to make sure everything was set up and in place. Le Mistraili, a name she was familiar with as a favorite of her mother’s for a restaurant. Not that she was ever allowed to go when she was younger, always left at home to be kept out of sight. 
“Carmel!” Jimmy called out from near the back of the restaurant. “Over here! I made sure to get a great table for us and our little Neo!” 
Neo raised a brow when she heard her father call her Neo, not quite sure how she felt about it. 
Carmel sighed. “Do you have to call her ‘Neo’ out here?” 
“Its just a harmless nickname. Her eyes remind me of the icecream flavor-” 
“And you know she doesnt like attention being drawn to them.” 
“She’s too young to care. Besides, she might grow to like the name.” 
“Like you used to be called ‘Sprinkles’ in college?” 
Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Lets focus on our daughter. She doesnt turn eight every day.” 
Neo smiled a bit as she listened to her parents and climbed up into her chair, still just a bit too short to see over the table well. It was strange to see her parents get along, let alone want her around, though she had to admit that it felt nice to be included. Even as she waited for the smiles to fade and the fighting to start, she relaxed as she watched a waitress come over with a few menus while other patrons started to file in and take their seats. For once, she could admit she was happy. 
At least, until she felt a piece of her missing. A piece she couldnt place as she stared at her reflection in her silverware, almost as if something had been stripped away. 
Carmel put a hand on her shoulder. “Everything okay dear? If its too loud, we can find somewhere else to eat.” 
Neo shook her head and slowly signed as the knowledge of the language almost seemed to flow into her mind. “I’m fine. I feel a bit…” she stopped for a moment as she tried to think of the right word, finally signing once more. “...lost.”
“She’s probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything,” Jimmy answered. “We’re in a new part of town, she’s going to be starting school again in just a couple weeks without the friends she had before, I’d be nervous too.” 
“Let us know if you need us to leave, okay Trivia?” 
Neo nodded and tried to push her feelings aside. She’d figure out what was missing later. For now, she wanted to enjoy spending time with her parents, a dream she never thought would come true.
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