#what a lovely reminder that Konig is so fucking dangerous
ghouljams · 1 year
So we’ve seen protective fae ghost! But I NEED to see protective Fae König! You don’t understand! Would it make Liebling more trusting of him? Or would it make them more weary? He seems pretty nervous all the time  and pretty willing to back down for someone in the court, so I need to see him MAD!  Please!
Anyways I LOVE your work! Your an amazing writer and I can’t wait to see what else that beautiful mind of yours comes up with ❤️
Oh goodie, let's make the nasty boy mad! Let's unban him from the shop and make sure Liebling knows he would do anything for her.
You think sometimes that your actual customers might be worse than the Fae that linger around your shop. At least the monsters are polite. At least they follow the rules you have pinned behind the counter.
There's a loud clatter as one of your displays is knocked over. Poppies and peonies rolling across the floor only to be smashed underfoot. You wince, your poor flowers. "Take it outside guys," You call, grabbing a mop to clean up the water starting to pool. The two men who are, unfortunately, human ignore you. Continuing to roughhouse and laugh at the annoyed looks the rest of your patrons shoot them. You glower at them as you try to right your bucket display.
One of them stops you, grinning at your less than pleased expression. "Oi, slag," you grimace, "how about you give me your number, yeah?"
"How about fuck off," You shoulder past him, only to be stopped by the other one.
"Now that's not very nice."
"I'm not very nice," You tell him plainly, "now kindly move."
They bark out a sarcastic laugh before grabbing your arm, "Listen here shop girl, my friend and I are-"
"Are you going to leave or do I have to make you?" You ask, unwilling to listen to whatever bullshit they have to say.
"Oh," One of them grins, "She's gonna make us. Pretty little thing like you, I'd like to see you try." Well, he's got you there. You don't really have anyone else working that could help you, and god only knows the monsters that haunt the place won't intervene without asking the world from you in return. Fuck, you wish that big mother fucker with the teeth was unbanned. His presence alone would probably scare these guys off. He is definitely getting unbanned.
König's head jerks to stare at the door to the shop. The threshold is gone. He doesn't waste time with curiosity, folding himself into the shop almost as quickly as he's allowed. He wonders what changed, what made you finally decide to let him in again. Then he sees them, feels his teeth and claws itch with the overwhelming urge to rip and tear, and wastes even less time.
You hear the low snarl before you see his hands wrap around the men's necks. Barely human as he lifts them up like ragdolls, their hands clawing at his fingers where he squeezes their throats. The deep black claws dig into the soft vulnerable -entirely human- flesh of the men’s necks, blood bubbling to the surface where the razor's edge of König’s claws press. One of them screams, legs kicking out to try and gain any semblance of leverage against the monster holding him tight. 
“They’re just assholes,” You tell him, voice edged with fear. You don’t know what to say to keep him from spilling blood in your shop.
“And soon they will be corpses,” König replies, like it’s that easy. You think it is that easy for him. His hood hardly seems to be in the way when he digs his wicked teeth to one of the men’s trapezius and rips.
A cool hand wraps over your eyes, shielding you from the violence. A gentle voice in your ear above the sickening gurgle of blood as it bursts from the torn musculature, “I know it’s against the rules, touching you, but you don’t want to see this.” 
You feel a sob grip your chest, and press a hand to your mouth out of instinct. The air tastes like iron, like blood, like the sound of splintering bone. You thought there’d be more pleading in death, something other than the animalistic panting and growling. The hand over your eyes shakes in the silence.
“Gib sie mir,” König growls, you can feel the shadow of him in front of you. The hand doesn’t move until you feel it ripped away from you with a shout of pain. König’s eyes stare into you, holding your face in blood stained hands. “It’s just a bad dream, Liebling,” He tells you firmly, his fingers pressing to your forehead as you try to keep your eyes on him and not the warmth soaking into your shoes, “that’s all.”
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
Stranger danger (slasher!Konig x fem!Reader)
You never wanted to go to this stupid party. Turns out, you were right all along - it doesn't save you from this weird guy in a Ghostface mask though. Warnings and tags: Non-con, size difference, knives, slasher-y, slight degradation, obsessive Konig, yandere Konig, praise kink Word count: 3069 AO3
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You told your friends you didn’t want to go to this stupid party. No one cared. You asked them for at least a funny group costume, and everyone agreed – only to bail at the fucking party, so you were the only one who went as a freaking ant from that one extremely sad meme. With a little handkerchief on a stick and everything. No one got it. 
You told your friends that you wouldn’t want to get drunk unless they would be with you because, honestly, college parties are the worst, and you don’t want anyone to get roofied. They left you by the snack table, making you eat smarties and occasional chips like salt counts don’t exist. 
You were munching on a particularly tough pretzel – the packaging was saying something in German, as exotic as this college could fucking get without being too scared of spices – when The Guy dropped himself on the couch next to you. 
Yes, The Guy – because you were in no right to call him just a guy, a dude, a lil’ bro, or anything like that. He was way over 6 feet, probably creeping on being the new form of a fancy light post, and built like a bear that was eating nothing but protein and particularly tasty American tourists. Dressed in all black, very original, he must love spending time in various shops and choosing between 50 shadows of the same dark attire. 
At this point, you were not surprised that he was wearing a Ghostface mask. At this point, you lost all of your capabilities to be surprised – only slightly intrigued, perhaps, and a little bit aroused when he manspreaded his legs and pushed his knee right against your leg, not stopping until he crammed you to the corner of a sofa. How the one man could take so much space, you had no idea. What he was eating to grow up this big – also. 
He looked like at least three frat boys from a sports team crammed together in one body. Tight muscles that could be seen even through the bagginess of his clothes – you aren’t sure if you could survive looking at his pecks without wanting to give up all of your life earnings for a gym membership. 
— Hey. 
A master of flirting, you just needed someone to talk to. 
The Guy didn’t respond. 
You frowned – a typical college boy would already try to flirt with you, probably getting you drunk to get an easy lay for the next 10 seconds of pure physical exercise. If he wasn’t interested in a conversation, he probably shouldn’t have sat in your corner – unless he wanted to steal snacks, of course. Something in his figure told you that he would be a freaking hurricane in the snack aisle. 
He smells like metal – weird, you think. Not like you wanted to smell him, of course not. You were just crammed in a really tight place against his shoulders, your nose forced to press into his shirt and inhale the deep scent of some generic perfume, a surprising hint at laundry detergent and cleaning supplies – and, of course, said metal. 
You expected sweat and cheap booze – but this means it smells like a butcher and a cleaning lady at the same time. 
To closer observation, he looked…nervous, almost. Hands fidgeting with a fake knife that he probably snatched from some Halloween supply shop – it’s surprisingly heavy looking, without that cheap shine that a lot of Ghostface costume knives have, and you feel almost endeared by the way he fidgets and spins the knife in his hands. Still, somehow, he looked anxious. 
— Are you alright? 
He continues to sit here silently. You fight the savior instinct inside of you, reminding yourself that you do not need to nurse and mother a grown-up college boy who is probably too high to talk right now or simply dozed off in his mask with no one to notice this – but still, something in his hunched posture made you feel…soft. Tender. This, or you’re too drunk to not be a doting mommy, since all of your friends ditched you and your sad ant cosplay to be slutty fish sticks. 
— Ja, I’m fine. 
German accent. This is a surprise for a college boy at this party. Guys who are usually visiting those places can barely speak English, so knowing German with that perfect weird accent of his makes you feel…things. Never too much for accents, you still sat a bit closer, your face pressed against his shoulder. Cheek smashed on his skin – he doesn’t say anything about extreme physical contact. You’re surprised at your own confidence. 
— From which program are you? 
— What? 
— Like…which school. What do you study? 
He paused. Flicks the knife in his hands – from this angle, it looks way too sharp for a simple plastic knife. Guy must be a crazy cosplayer who spends hours on trying to make foam and metallic paint look this realistic – you admire this level of nerdiness a little bit. With this skill, he could be more than a generic Ghostface. 
He shrugs, leaving you without an answer. Alright, not much of a talker. Probably from computing, STEM boys always act like contact with females would make them pregnant. 
— Are you enjoying the party? 
— Ja. 
— You came alone? 
— Ja. 
— What do you…alright, just tell me if I’m annoying. I’ll stop bothering you. 
He chuckles – your cheeks are immediately heated when he presses his hand closer to your thigh. The actions is suggestive, and you don’t quite…don’t quite mind it. You always had a thing for masks, and his body resembles the one of a greek statue – you wouldn’t want to pass on this opportunity. Definitely not for sex, not the type to hook up with a random boy on Halloween, but maybe a sloppy makeout and some number exchange would take place. 
König had different plans. 
Honestly, you made it too fucking easy for him. Good girl, polite girl, nice girl who actually fucking asked him if he was alright because his hands were shaking from the adrenaline he got from killing some weird asshole trying to get a drunk girl in his bed. He was shaking because he knew he’d get away with it – there were so many drugs on the venue, police wouldn’t even want to open this rathole and try to search for a killer in that random ass city he got on a break after the latest contract. 
You made it too easy – your weird costume, your sad face, and your attempts at caring for him actually made his blood boil from excitement, and his nerves(and his dick, throbbing in that baggy black pants) stir. You tucked in the corner, all by yourself, surrounded by loud noises and intoxicated people who couldn’t give less shit about your safety. He can slit your throat, and everyone would think it’s a costume. 
He can…and he can also take a little treat for having such a good last mission. Might even take you with him if you’d promise to be a good girl and don’t fight him in the trunk of his car. 
You can’t even scream when he pushes his hands on your throat, squeezing. You wanted to, he knew by the look in your eyes that there was a fire inside of you – so he extinguished it as fast as he possibly could, laughing at your pathetic attempts at fighting him off. Just like your friends, you are weirdly easy for him to handle. Just a bunch of drunk college mates, nothing compared to his experience. He’d say that he stood too low, so crazy on his leave, that he decided to search for the easiest prey imaginable, but sometimes you need to choose yourself and find some easy hobbies that you can partake in without taking too much from your psychological sources. 
Sometimes, you just need to kill a bunch of drugged students and take home one of them – for mental health reasons. Konis is sure that KorTac would allow him to take you to the base if he’d prove that you are his psychological support pet. Maybe he could even share you with some of his officers as a treat. You’d be so sweet for Krueger, he can tell just from that terrified look on your face when he pushes his hands further, blocking your windpipe. 
König is strong – stronger than anyone you know, probably. He knows how to use this strength for the better and for worse, and he isn’t afraid of pushing a bit too far, not enough to break you, but just freaking perfect to make you dazed and turn your brain into mush. So sweet for him, such tasty little noises and scratches of your nails on his gloved hands. He must leave some marks on you later since you’re so sweet to him now. 
— Not so talkative now, Schatzi? 
You squirm, trying to punch him right in his dick, and he only moans when your knees are jerking in a poor attempt at kicking his balls. If anything, it feels like a really nice massage. So fucking obedient for him, he can’t even imagine how cute you’ll look chained to his bed, forced to play his little girlfriend while he is searching for your friends to finish them off. 
Taking off your clothes is ridiculously easy. Even while you decided not to wear a slutty costume for Halloween, the cheap fabric isn’t a good barrier between him and his desire to freaking crush you – he exposes your breasts, covering them with one of his hands right about now, keeping his other hand firmly seated on your throat. You whimper and cry as he plays with your soft buds, making them harden, undoubtedly creating a pool in your shorts. God, you’re beautiful like this. 
He actually grieves wearing a mask that can’t be moved this easily – he’d love to munch on your breasts, to try your nipples with his tongue, and roll his teeth over your soft mounds. He can’t, not right now, at least – you’re not nearly broken enough not to tell the police about his face, and he doesn’t want you to close your eyes. Need to make sure you’ll see every inch of his dick. 
His rough gloves are creating a weird but pleasurable pressure on your buds – you whine and sob as he pushes his hands to stimulate you more, not caring that you don’t want it. Tugging and teasing with his fingertips, you actually feel like you’re going crazy just from the way he is playing with your breasts. Pushing from side to side, touching soft flesh, not even allowing you to moan as every time you try to open your mouth, he grips your throat tighter. 
When he is finally done playing with your boobs, you can almost feel bruises forming from his rough touches. You whine when he goes to rip your shorts – his touches feel like lava spreading between your legs, no matter how much you wanted him to stop, your tongue never came to actually beg him for it. 
To his delight, you are soaking. 
Your pretty pussy on full display for him – twitching and squeezing for nothing, poor thing, he might as well just push the finger already, stretching you out just enough to let you feel the burn without breaking you. König would love to just push his dick inside without all of these dancing around nothing, but he is aware of his size – and very, very aware of yours. Little things might not be as small as he likes to think you are, but you’re freaking tiny compared to him. Weak and fragile, you have no fucking excuse to just parade yourself like men around you aren’t a bunch of wolves that would love to rip you apart and fuck what remains. 
You can barely breathe while he pushes his fingers inside, just one digit is enough to make you squirm under him. You’re wet, pussy damp from all of the juices – lack of oxygen makes you dumber, pliable, make you his best little thing in the world. A girl like you has no business going to parties and whoring yourself to a bunch of early alcoholics – you should stay at home, his home, cooking him dinner and warming his dick. Cleaning his knife after he’d gut some dumb fuck, making sure to get your tongue into all the sharp edges. 
Scheisse, just the thought makes him harder than ever. Perhaps he needs to stop playing the nice guy and finally give you the pounding you deserve. 
Tired of just holding his hand on your throat, he forces the blade of his knife to take its place. Not nearly enough to cut your skin, but a constant reminder – if you’re a bad girl and would try to escape, he might slit your fucking throat as easily as butter. If you’re a good girl, unlike your friends, he might just take you with him. What a beautiful option. 
One finger turns to two very quickly – and, since he doesn’t stop you from moaning and talking, you finally gain your voice back. Poor girl, too dumb to understand that all of your little threats and cries and everything is just a fucking delight to his ears. Might as well record it for his alarm clock. 
— Get…get off me!
Such a strong words for such a weak girl. He’d spank you right away, but his fingers are too busy playing with your folds, smearing your juices all over your clit and trembling pussy. You’re dripping like a slut, and it busts his ego – a fancy college girl like you, so wet and needy for a nasty criminal. He knows how to treat you right and has all the resources for it – but somehow, it feels like you’d enjoy being treated like his doll. 
He can be sweet after he has fucked you raw. 
— Please, you can’t…I won’t tell anyone if you just stop, I promise! 
— Shatzi, why do you think I’d let you go after this? 
— I…I will scream. 
— Ja, you can scream. Do this for me, please.
He laughs as he plunges in, giving you sweet seconds to become accustomed to the feeling of his dick impaling you. Bulging in the outline of your soft tummy, another boost to his ego – just to think, he was so anxious about crashing this party, knowing it would be filled with prissy students who all get to live the life he dreamed of, but you made it all worth it. You’re sweet and fiery, and you grip him like a glove. No matter how wet you were and how much pre-cum he had leaked, you’re still tight for him. Too tight. 
You scream when he plunges it, and you continue to scream when he pushes deeper, further, when he moves back a little bit, only to push forward again. His hand finds your clit, never stopping until you’re squirming and crying full-on under him. Such a shame he can’t kiss you, not with this stupid mask – he can only play with your slit and push a knife against your throat over and over again, never allowing the adrenaline in your system to run dry. 
Over and over, pushing you further and further until he plunged inside fully – you’re so puffy around him, your pussy lips swollen and spread for him, your clit is throbbing from the pleasure he gives you. Getting you off like that is easy for him – but he has to make sure he isn’t taking it too far, not with how warm and tight you are. He hates being in a position of weakness, but you’re just so perfect, he can’t help but push further and further until you are a sobbing mess and he is on the edge of orgasm. 
He forces himself to be slower, his pushes are more and more deliberate – he doesn’t want to cum so fast, even though the mix of your sobs and his adrenaline high from the killing almost makes it impossible. He doesn’t want to stop like this, so fucking easy, but you’re so welcoming and cute and…
— Please, please, don’t…don’t come inside, I’m not on the pill, I’m…
God, you’re so sweet for him. Did the devil finally give him his gift for Halloween? 
He laughs as you sob softly, pushes you more and more, and your poor pussy is getting stretched far beyond its limits. He steals this orgasm from your decency, robs you of any accountability – you just lay here, under him, receiving his dick like a good girl you are. Couldn’t have it any other way, just wanted to have you pinned under his body forever. 
Your orgasm is crushing, painful in a way – you're all too sensitive for a dick this large to impale you, you sob, and you cry, begging for him to stop before he’d cum inside. Your biggest nightmare is alive when he pushes the knife away from your throat, squeezing it again just so he can cum in the tightness of your hole. 
He stays like this, connected to your deepest parts, for a good few minutes, dumb out after the orgasm. You try to squirm from under him, but he only laughs, slowly pushing away from your body. Just one load is enough to make your pussy all messy and even more wet. You’re so dirty for him, it’s actually impossible not to love you even more when you’re like this, dumb and sensitive and so, so fucking cute. 
His cum drips from your overflown pussy, pearly white liquid stuffs you ever so perfectly, König laughs, putting his clothes back together and getting one last look at your ruined hole, clenching around nothing. You can’t even talk at this point, poor thing – just how can he leave you here to be found by your perverted friends who would only take advantage of you? 
It’s only natural that he sneaks your limp body through the window, holding you like a beloved possession while he is getting in his car. 
It’s only natural that you fall asleep in his arms, your pussy stuffed so full, he just knows that he’ll add to the mess once he’d get rid of the body of a dumb college guy he killed moments ago. 
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gofishygo · 19 days
i had a thought about marine life cod something something sighhhh and now i wanna draw them. all of them.
the first thing i thought of was vampire squid!konig.... you get what i see right, or like, he could be some other (massive) squid
gaz reminds me of a nurse shark.. number one, they're cute and look sweet, number two they look awfully boopable🎀🎀 there's no number three but just look at pictures of them that's literally gaz
soap would be a ray maybe?? specifically a spotted eagle ray. he could be a narwhal too because they're silly <3
phantom jellyfish!ghost obviously!!!
i'm thinking price could be a whale, but i'm not sure what yet? i;m so indecisive... beluga!price or humpback whale!price, perhaps?
and nikolai is a pilot whale like are you joking
i have no ideas for the others yet sadly because i have a little pea brain, but ill probably come up with some things soon...
fellow anon, DRAW THEM . I LOVE MARINE LIFE COD AUS SO MUCH RRHHRHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHH !!!!!!!!! please pleasep lease dra them if u have time ....... they give me brain juices... .. . .. .
yayaya !!!! konig could definetly be a vampire squid !! tbh ive always seen him as maybe under the octopoda order (mostly due to the insane amounts of cthulu nd octo konig in this fandom) but i can certainly see him as a vampire squid !!! he gives the vibes- generally trying to contain the power he has and not get unnecessary blood on his hands (vampire squids are detritivore) nd a lot less menacing than it seems . more of an avoidant personality as well !!
and YAYAYYYAYAYYA gas is definitely some type of less aggressive shark !!! honestly nurse shark matches him the best but i occasionally believe he is a catshark or epaulette , they're easygoing and docile (IF UNPROVOKED) and so so cutie patootie i project my fav sharks on him bc he is my fav character
and soap does give ray vibes, but hear me out : eel soap >!?!! especially variants that hunt via electricity (like him !! but he uses bombs that arent necessarily IEDs but SAME THING) and r super duper energetic a lot , but oh em gee,,,,,,, he would make such a good spotted eagle ray .....
ok we all agree on phantom jelly ghost its cannon guys he is literally the big mysterious jelly
and price , although i like to think of him as a great white (better dynamics w/ other characters), he honestly would match a lot of species of whale much better . i forgot the name of this species specifically , but i do believe it was some type of bleaked whale ?? they scar white from injuries over time, and have a long lifespan . most of them will turn white over their lifespan due to the injuries that they get, and i think that does go after price's military career and how his scars the events he's lived through have sort of become part of him (ghost could definitely be this species too now i think about it), and how he's lived past points where his allies have fallen .
i would like to think that laswell would be some form of species of whale , maybe one that is intelligent and capable of many forms of mutalism relationships due to her being ... yknow .... insanely based ....
makarov would be an orca. highly intelligent, only realised to be extremely dangerous once studied. ganging up on every fucking fish in the world. capable of competing with other apex predators like great whites.
graves.... unpopular opinion, but he is a stonefish . sneaky bastard and incredibly fucking dangerous . but stupid looking and a silly skrumkle very much so .
nyways i am too tired to think but i will go to sleep dreaming of the 141 eating salmon tonight ......... thank u very mysterious but very lovely fishy anon ...........
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ghouljams · 9 months
Cowboy!Konig definitely has a breeding kink. I feel like he’s trying to get her pregnant every time they fuck. It fulfills his little trad wife fantasy. The thought of coming home to his pregnant wife and eventually his wife and kids. Man eats that up.
God he fucking does he is so rrrrrrrrr
He loves that Bee is so smart and capable, loves that she's a wizard with tech, loves that this woman is so hopeless with farm shit because she's so crammed full of other information. Goddammit he wants to see her with a baby on her hip so fucking bad. Bee thinks he's just dirty talking her but he's 100% serious.
König pushes back into you with a groan, holding your leg high to watch his cock enter your cunt. He thrusts into you slow and shallow, and you whine. “We’ve got to keep it all in Schöne,” He murmurs, pressing his lips to your ear, "don't want to waste a drop."
When he talks to you like that, his cock slick with both your cum, you can't think. Your head spins, wound tight and sensitive even after orgasm. He doesn't stop, keeps fucking his cum into you with a purpose that you should find dangerous, but it's all fun right? There's no harm in clenching around his thick cock, trying to get more heat, more friction, trying to feel the veins running along his heavy length. Right?
He hits so deeply inside you, rolls his hips to keep the head of his cock nestled against your cervix and you think he is actually trying to get you pregnant. He knows you're on birth control, knows he isn't really going to breed you. You both know that. You're sure he knows that.
"You'd look so cute with my babies," he murmurs in your ear, "sehr gut Mama, keep clenching on me like that, braves Mädchen." You shiver, arch back against him as he drives into your poor cunt. It's not enough apparently. König pulls out and turns you onto your back to settle between your legs again. "One more, ja?" He rubs his cock over your slit, his balls knocking against your ass. Heavy, full, waiting to fill you to the brim.
Big man, big appetites, you remind yourself, your morning cuddles all but forgotten. You nod your head quickly, always desperate for him, and watch him press his cock into you. His hands grip under your knees and push them up, folding you in half as he starts fucking you again. He angles his hips, hits you right in that soft sweet spot that makes you gasp. König leans down to kiss you, stealing them between your breaths with a smile.
"Good, so good for me," he tells you, his voice rough, "Ich werde dich schwängern, du dummes Mädchen, also nimm einfach alles und sag Danke." You whine and shake your head, watch him bring his fingers to his mouth to wet them before rubbing them over your clit. "Danke mein Herr," he reminds you, eyes keeping you from looking away even as you squirm.
"Thank you, Sir," you whimper, watching his eyes roll a little, his pace losing its rhythm briefly. You love what you can do to him. You are a little worried about what he's going to do to you though...
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
"either sex, maybe something that you just know he wanted to try, but are too afraid of breaking you to try" 👀👀👀👀👀 do share with the class please, what things would he want to try??
Hehe! I feel like Konig has a lot of unexplored kinks because he doesn't have a rich sex life and his experiences are mostly vanilla, maybe a quickie with fellow soldier or a very drunk sex after a bar crawl. He doesn't get to indulge in himself often, usually just opting to watch some weird freaking porn and then go to have very sweet and slow sex with you - it's only when you are taking his laptop to see what he was watching, or ask him directly, you'd be able to see what kind of kinks he wants to explore. More under the cut!
Anal sex. Yes, I know, it might sound like a vanilla, but not with someone Konig's size. He knows he is big and your holes aren't trained enough to take him - he wants to try it, still, but even your pussy took a while to take him fully, and he doesn't want to hurt you. This man would occasionally slide his finger in your ass while fucking you in the pussy, fantasizing about somehow filling both of your holes at once - but the best gift you can give him is literally just meet him in the bedroom, big buttplug preparing your ass for him - even half-way, he'd still fold and almost cum too fast just from the understanding that you were willing to go through so much effort to please him. 2. Daddy kink. He doesn't really want kids, at least in my interpretation, but he gets off your age difference - he knows that he is an old dog who is too perverted and dark for someone as innocent as you, but he likes to indulge in this difference anyway. So, meeting him on your knees, not even waiting for him to take off his boots before meowling "Welcome home, daddy" and getting him in your mouth...he'd fold immediately, this man has a few pleasures. He is afraid of voicing this because he feels like it would make you uncomfortable - he doesn't like being reminded of his age, and he doesn't want you to acknowledge how much older he is, and that you can find someone younger and more appropriate. 3. Tactical uniform. He'd love to imagine a roleplay with you as his enemy, a captive soldier that he has to interrogate - he'd tie you down, maybe put you in his tactical vest so you'd look more dangerous, and would spend hours mockingly interrogate and edge you, maybe cutting you a little bit or giving your pussy good spanking until you'd cry. He is able to last a very long time like this, making you cry and cum over and over again, getting off your helpless state and pleading for mercy. This is his favorite fantasy - j you, tied to a chair, and he, doing whatever he wants. Konig has a passion for torturing and a passion for you...which could only mean wild things for a soft ol' thing. He'd love to be able to take your ass during those roleplays, maybe even adding a lesser amount of lube playing the whole torturing and interrogation thing - he would be so, so soft later, but when your pussy is burning from his slaps and you've cum under his mocking third time already, you really don't feel like it's your loving husband anymore...
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ghouljams · 11 months
In the post where Liebling gets asked to be the godmother, you have a tag that says Konig wouldn't have hurt her but he would have scared her so I'm kind of curious, what would the big guy have done exactly? The guy adores her but I can't help but wonder
I really meant he'll scare her in direct reflection of his actions in the ficlet. That he wouldn't have done anything to hurt her in that moment but he did scare her. That's one of the reasons Love was so watchful of him after that, looking out for her bestie.
I've actually gotten multiple asks about that ficlet. I didn't know it would be so worthy of further interrogation lol. So I'm gonna answer a couple of them under the cut.
Why does König blame Liebling/Why is he mad at Liebling when he didn't want the seed either?
This is a tricky one because it's sort of hard to answer without really hitting König's emotions in that moment and without looking at how he's sort of changed through his relationship with his Darling. The TL;DR is that he was hit very suddenly with the idea that Liebling might not care as much about their relationship as he does. If there are things in their shared home that Love can take, it's because they're not important to them. So he sort of had a really big leap in logic. Ghost had to remind him that he also didn't want the seed and that there was no way of knowing what it would grow into, so they made a smart choice. Weirdly enough I think König trusts Ghost to some extent, so this helped.
Why does Ghost have the Cabbage if he's talking to König, isn't that dangerous?
What's König gonna do? Take her? And risk getting ripped apart by two very aggressive fae/fae-touched parents? And getting in trouble with Liebling? The cabbage is always safe with Ghost don't worry.
If I was Liebling I would ward the fuck out of my house after this.
Yeah she, uh, she does. König scared her and that's a no-go for her. That wasn't fun fear, that was "I'm maybe going to have a decision taken from me" fear. I think Liebling has a lot of well founded but serious anxiety around having children, and it's sort of weird trying to navigate that around König's breeding kink.
I sort of never planned on Liebling and König having kids, in my mind Liebling is (God how do I put this) too immature? I think the idea of having a family scares her in a very "I have more life to live before then" way. This got away from me.
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