#well at least /hj
lnvaded · 2 years
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I am ZIM, the fictive host of my system (Strawberry Fields System). I am acknowledged by my psychiatrist as a System, though I support and recognize nondiagnosed systems!! This is a SIDEBLOG, I follow back from ineptfool
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I am an Adult, so please only 16+ at the LEAST!! I use he/they/it pronouns. I am married to my wife, TAK, the fictive host of her own system. Me and TAK are also dating anither ZIM. This blog will be for me being open about myself and system and such. I personally am antiproship, and I am very triggered by the ship ZA/DR
Please TAG za/dr, and spar/kle care
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some funny banners i found (these banners are/j ofc)
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yuikomorii · 1 month
// I think it’s amazing to share the same amount of braincells with your lover.
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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Owen → Cringe gays [affectionate] → Wife
[cowboy au]
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"fenris hates all mages" counterpoint: he just has beef with Anders Specifically
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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hershelwidget · 10 months
Actually now I think about it. We’re barely scratched the SURFACE that is my Big Brained Thoughts About Radio Star. so to fix that here’s me throwing damn near all the drawings I never showed y’all. go bonkers. also im not going to explain a SINGLE ONE OF THESE you have to find any possible context in the tags im so sorry
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oh thats. l. less than i thought. uhm.
can i offer you then This Thing
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and uhhh uhh uh. scrambles. some select Words from my Note and Document about him respectively
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ok so funny story. half my radio star content is straight up Missing :)
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rubeebeeb · 2 years
Say what you will about any decision the writers have made ever, but I think the ACTUAL worst thing ever done in Ninjago was killing off Zane’s dad off screen between seasons and having him be like “nah it’s fine it happens”
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ashleyishere24 · 4 months
that… face….
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heartonxions · 5 months
need to get some type of locket and put gajevy in it and every time i open it i can stare at them like a lost lover because it sure feels like that right now . slow romantic songs playing AND gajevy thoughts? oh i am done for. now that im stuck at a computer during school and having little time for art … writing gajevy has become and outlet and my goodness do i hope i can get some kind of writing habit out of this because its so IAUAYAYAYSYSYWYWHAAAAAA GAAAJEEEEBVVYYY . they’re so perfect to me i love them so badly it hurts sometimes… maybe its wonderful that hopeless romantic aroace me could sort of fixate on the way two fictional characters love and maybe its probably oh so awful
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madb0nes · 6 months
guys guys i swear stupid whiteboard sketches isn't the only shit i draw guys im working on another castoff animation and some other stuff guys it takes time guys i swear guys GUYS
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clovercow8228 · 16 hours
i deadass thought your post was a transcript of kanye west bieng a trans ally
if one more person. misreads kanye malevolent as kayne west in my presence.
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homeless202 · 1 year
Eunyung and stealing
HJ | Parallels | Details
Eunyung had never stolen anything before the first time he was accused of it, after running away the first time. He didn't steal those headphones, yet still got beaten up for it.
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His dad didn't even let him explain himself before starting to hit him. Only afterwards did EY get the chance to say he didn't do it so his dad could hear, who ofc didn't care enough to believe him. Instead of trusting him or at least listening to him, he asked EY to apologize for sth he didn’t do and just get the whole thing over with.
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^^ Here, EY was caught off guard by his dad's "gentleness" (<- not hitting him) when he leaned down and whispered to him (hence the small blush above). To me, it seems like he had a sliver of hope that his dad would be nice to him for once. But the gentleness vanished quickly as his dad then proceeded shaming and guilt-tripping him into apologizing (hence the blush below).
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That tactic didn't work bc EY knows how unfair the thing he's being asked to do is. He knows he's innocent bc he really didn't steal anything. When he refused and insisted he really didn't do it, his dad pulled the "I'm so disappointed in you. You never change"-card.
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Now, that tactic worked. In the end he just gave in and apologized as told in order to avoid more conflict and finally get out of that uncomfortable situation -> Something like resignation
(^^ This also ties into why EY was so upset with HJ's words during Thanksgiving's arc -> he hates the idea that he can't change and will stay like this forever. That's also a reason why he apologized despite being innocent -> EY wanted to prove his dad wrong: He can change. He can be something other than a disappointment not worth anyone's time.)
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The guy who actually did it got away with it and EY got made fun of for being stupid enough to take the blame. He sought out the guy to take revenge bc he knew there'd be no other type of justice for someone like him.
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His dad’s actions that day (wrongly accusing and forcing EY to take the blame) is what pushed him to try stealing -> If he was going to suffer the consequences anyway, he should at least benefit from it somehow by actually stealing sth and profit from whatever he stole. That way the accusation would at least be valid.
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That day, EY learned to seek justice by himself because no one else would; and he learned to steal. He started stealing in his first year of middle school, one month after running away from home for the first time. All because of his dad. EY never had a father, he had the opposite of a role model -> he knew what he did not want to be.
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it's so painful to think abt because yes, the spiral is going to be saved because of the prophecy, and all these lives are saved - but ambrose really went "needs of the many" and basically deprived a whole child of their personhood and maybe even their identity outside of "savior of the spiral" with the depersonalization of the wizard and how it starts with literally entering the wizard world. you pick a new name for your wizard and you very much can Tell that most names like that dont exist where the YW came from so their initial identity gets erased and then the NEW identity they try to build gets erased too to the point where i have to be impressed but also severely worried that the the YW is STILL internalizing how they feel and being essentially constantly sent on more quests and
this is complete rambling that probably hardly makes sense but god its just how screwed up w101's plot is deep down
Like that's something so interesting to think about like how and why did the YW choose their new name? Did Ambrose choose it for them; did he merely encourage them to take on a more "appropriate" identity to match their new culture?? Did the Wizard ever want to change their name in the first place? How does their name change affect their journey and their personality going forwards?
And you're so right because like in a sense, you're literally CREATING a new character to fit into this new world. Irl you're choosing their appearance, their name and their gender, everything. Build-A-Bear starting from scratch. And even though the character creation bit has no underlying meaning to it, I think it unintentionally has such a heavy metaphor that you are no longer a human from Earth, but a Wizard in the Spiral. You're not "Holly LastName" with regular Earth clothes, you're now "Holly Steelcry" with a bitchin' purple and yellow outfit that is now SUITED for the Spiral. Yippee!!!
Like I don't even think the Pirate goes through this shit; weren't they born in the Spiral? Like didn't they have parents that were originally FROM the Spiral in the first place???? It's just the Wizard that's been yoinked from their original homeland and into a new one 💀
And that's one of the things that Holly learns throughout their life in the Spiral - is that her Earth self, her original personality and heritage... is not enough. What they were before was not what the Spiral needed. The world doesn't want Holly, it wants Holly STEELCRY. Their family, friends, pets, past hobbies and their ultimate sacrifice in leaving them behind is not what matters to Ambrose, to the Council of Light, to the entire universe. What everyone needed was a HERO and Holly was NOT a hero, which is why they made her INTO one. Unfortunately, it was that erasure and depersonalization you mentioned that Ambrose, and later Holly themself, thought was necessary in order to save everyone. Now you have a Wizard who may or may not be an entirely different person than what you started out with and for NO GOOD REASON. It's that "sacrifice yourself for others" trope that I love and hate so much 😭😭😭😭😭
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The sillys <3
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solivagantingrebel · 3 months
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It's going to be me and him and the editing ™️ tomorrow because I did not notice time flying by.
My tired ass not finishing this editing session today.
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devildom-moss · 3 months
Schedule Update
I'm going to be away from my computer for the next week and half or so. I've been really slow with writing. I didn't get much done last week despite spending multiple hours trying to catch up and get ahead, so I could just schedule the stuff to post on time.
Anyway, I am not going to try to write and format what will probably be a +3k word post (nor a second, probably longer post) on my phone. I still want to get the rest of the shorts requests done this month, and I'll probably do some work on them while I'm away. I'll try to get them up near the end of the latter half of the month.
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