#we were all self assured dumbasses at 17
spnshameblog · 1 year
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#beloved mutual. unfollowed. blocked. has me blocked. beloved mutual. who tf is that. blocked. wow your opinion on that sure has changed.
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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Hes tiny
411 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. Januar 2022
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Literally me looking at castiel
423 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. April 2022
I like imagining dean going "43 huh? I really am an old man now :)" and he means it in a positive way, bc he never expected to live past 30, but cas gets so OFFENDED on his behalf like "dean you are NOT old, the average life expectancy is around 80, you are barely half that age!"
And dean finds it hilariously funny so he decides to egg cas on like "no but cas, cant you see these crows feet? Also i swear i found a grey hair yesterday and my stamina isnt what it used to be..."
"Dean if this is about your sexual prowess, i can assure you-"
708 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. Januar 2022
Personally, im fond of "dean thinks he already confessed and cas doesnt return his feelings" truthing, bc it makes both of them look like dumbasses.
Dean thinks his feelings were obvious since almost saying "i love you" in the crypt, but he thinks cas DEFINITELY knows after his prayer in the trap, so cas not saying anything back must mean hes trying to let him down easy, right? He doesnt need to explicitly state his feelings and intentions, because they must be embarrassingly obvious. Cas has to know he is loved, forgiven and wanted, the fact that he doesnt reciprocate and keeps leaving is a clear enough answer in itself.
Except, cas is kind of a tunnel visioned autism boy and he NEEDS stuff spelled out for him at least once.
So while dean is over there being an emotionally repressed bag of "if i never talk about my humiliatingly soft feelings out loud, i cant ever be rejected out loud. people just have to KNOW", we have cas going "too bad my embarrassingly soft feelings obviously arent returned, i better keep them to myself so i dont ruin the friendship i have by being greedy" and theyre both wrong and most other people can easily see that.
Cas NEEDS it said out loud, thats why his verbal confession made him so happy, the words had been choking him for ages. Meanwhile dean is visibly confused bc why now and why is cas acting like his feelings arent returned when he KNOWS that dean.... and by the time dean has processed all of it, its too late.
Them overcoming their trust issues, low self esteem and bad communication skills together is essential to me in any post-canon fix it. Dean needs to know that its ok to talk about feelings and that cas deserves the security of an actual confession and cas needs to learn that not everything has to be explicitly spelled out for it to be true and he can just trust deans love for him.
818 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. Juli 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
I think cas is so cute like teethclenching, stomachache, squeeze, cry cute, like i cant fucking handle it cute and idk why???
1.020 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Januar 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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demenior · 4 years
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again!!!!!!!
I don’t understand why everyone in the 100 fandom hates Finn???????
he was a kid raised in an incredibly hostile and violent environment (death penalty for any breaking of the rules. Solitary confinement if under 18, with likelihood of being sentenced to death upon turning 18) and you know what this kid wanted??? PEACE. He wanted to change!!!!
“bUt he chEAteD on RavEN!!” he was a dumbass 17yo who had been practically living with Raven for his whole life, and was very happy with her (he was willing!!! to take the punishment for her spacewalk!!!! he wanted nothing but happiness for her!!!!) but do you think this boy ever had a chance to know anything else? Of course not!! And so then he meets Clarke, who is also amazing, and Finn realizes that while he loves Raven... he loves Clarke!!! He was 17!!!! He didn’t know what love was!! He probably still didn’t when he DIED!!!!
“But hE DIdn’T TeLL ClaRKe!!” of COURSE HE DIDN’T!!!! Life on the ground was insane!!!! They all expected to die like every 30 seconds, and were being attacked by strange people AND each other AND he was trying to change an entire society of people and figure out just what peace/non-violence looked like when he himself had never actually known it, other than the fact that he wanted something different!!! So why on earth (pun intended) would he throw a wrench between him and Clarke??? 
I fully believe he intended to tell Clarke about Raven, just as he fully intended to end things with Raven, but these kids were literally dodging near-death on the regular and terrified out of their minds, so sorry he wasn’t absolutely perfect??? Sorry he wasn’t “cool” or “edgy” or “willing to be violent” like every single other character. Sorry he tried to do better!!! And sorry he failed!!!!!
I don’t even think Finn is in my top 10 fav characters on this show, but I have nothing but sympathy for him and what he wanted to achieve. 
[there’s another post in here about how Finn and Lincoln are incredible characters for how they defy their societies conditioning for violence/rejection of the unknown, and their mutual longing for peace.]
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wosoimagines · 5 years
Roller Coasters and Popsicles
So, I’m back. This is the first story I’m going to be posting today. Keep sending me requests. I’m getting all of them and I’m working on them. I’ve got most of the ones that are in my inbox jotted down into my notebook. You guys can send me ones for certain players too. I get a lot of requests for baby R on the USWNT, and I love those, but I don’t want you guys to feel like that’s all I write.
prompt: I love your writing my dude!! If you don’t mind could you write one where Reader is the youngest on the USWNT and also the smartest and goes to Harvard. She’s always ranting about random stuff to the team and one day after a hard practice she’s ranting about something random. But someone snaps at her and so she never does it again. Flash forward and everyone notices she doesn’t talk as much and they all feel bad cuz they were just tired and didn’t mean to make their baby feel bad.
warnings: Swearing.
words: 1879
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It was weird being for me to actually be preparing for the World Cup. I had been with the national team since I was 17, but it was still hard for me to grasp now that I was an 18-year-old soon-to-be 19-year-old. The team was really easy to get along with for the most part. I was sure that it was mainly because the team saw me as the baby and they just loved being overprotective.
With a family as big, weird, and dysfunctional as we were, it wasn’t too surprising to me that they loved to be overprotective. The whole team could be that way with all of the younger players. Because of that, I always had to remind them that I didn’t want them to go easy on me.
“Come on, Sonnett. You haven’t been able to stop me all day,” I ran past the defender after getting another ball into the goal. I was aware that it wouldn’t be this easy to get a goal at the World Cup.
Sonnett grumbled as we both ran to get set up again. Jill had us scrimmaging today and I wanted to take advantage of going up against the women who made up the best team in the world. Especially since I was the only one on the team that was in college. It was why I had to give every practice everything I had, and I couldn’t allow the others to go easy on me.
Practice never got harder when I went against Sonnett and it didn’t completely surprise me when she had to stay back and talk with Jill. I waited around for her since we normally sat together on the bus. When Sonnett got out of the shower, I joined her side as we were the last two heading to the bus.
“You should get a popsicle,” I said causing Sonnett to look at me. “I eat popsicles all the time after I have a rough practice or game. Always helps me. I guess that’s why I keep eating them.”
“I don’t want a popsicle, (Y/N),” Sonnett said. I slowly nodded and I didn’t blame her. I only had popsicles after I had rough games or practices because it was something my Dad had started to do with me.
“Did you know that popsicles were created by complete accident?” I asked as I knew my eyes had to light up like they always did when I got to tell anyone about the facts that I knew. “A boy named Frank Epperson created the first one on accident in 1905 when-”
“I don’t care about your stupid facts, (Y/N)!” Sonnett cut me off as I looked at her. “I don’t care that you know everything that you do, (Y/N)! I don’t care that you go to Havard! And I don’t care that you’re the smartest one here! If I wanted to know the fucking history behind popsicles, I would have asked Siri instead of you. At least she isn’t as annoying.”
I ducked my head down as I refused to let her see the tears that the harsh words were brought to my eyes. Sonnett stalked on ahead of me as I wiped at my eyes before pulling my headphones out. I pulled them on so that the others on the bus wouldn’t talk to me on our way back to the hotel. Sonnett climbed onto the bus before I did and I saw her sitting by Lindsey, so I slid into a seat by myself upfront.
I was the first one off of the bus when we pulled up to the hotel. I kept my head down as I headed into the hotel with my headphones still on. I just wanted to get to my room to take a nap before we went out for team dinner.
Tierna POV
I sat next to (Y/N) throughout dinner, but it seemed like I was the only one who she would talk to. She stayed pretty quiet throughout dinner. The most surprising was that we hadn’t gotten any of her weird facts that we normally heard from her.
“You ok?” I nudged (Y/N). She looked at me a little confused but nodded. “Haven’t heard any facts from you tonight.”
“Guess I’ve just run out,” (Y/N) shrugged. I furrowed my own brow in confusion as (Y/N) turned back to listen to what Pinoe was saying. I couldn’t help through the rest of the night as I paid a bit more attention to (Y/N). She wasn’t even talking a lot much less telling anyone her little weird facts we had started to know her by.
I stuck close to the younger college player when we headed back to the hotel. I noticed that she was also hesitant to hang out with the rest of us. She did drift closer to Tobin and even A.D. throughout the night. It wasn’t entirely surprising since (Y/N) was closer with the Thorns players on the team since she grew up in Portland so she was in Portland all the time when she wasn’t at Harvard. It was a little surprising, however, that (Y/N) avoided Sonnett and, by extension, Lindsey.
Eventually, Alex forced (Y/N) to head to bed. Alex turned to have me make sure that (Y/N) got to bed since we were sharing a room this camp. I had assured her that (Y/N) would get to bed before 1:00 am. (Y/N) didn’t even seem like fighting the bedtime that Alex had set for her. (Y/N) just seemed off.
“Has anyone else noticed the change in (Y/N)?” I asked as I sat down at the large table to eat breakfast. It was our day off and (Y/N) had decided to sleep in today so, I was leaving our room when she was getting up. It was the best time to bring up the unusual behavior from (Y/N) last night. Everyone turned their attention to me.
“What are you talking about?” Kelley asked. I was a little surprised that Kelley and Alex hadn’t noticed the change in (Y/N). The two of them had named themselves as (Y/N)’s moms on the team.
“She didn’t talk a lot last night,” A.D. pointed out.
“So, (Y/N) didn’t talk last night, that’s not unusual,” Crystal said. I rolled my eyes because it seemed that no one else had noticed the change in (Y/N).
“I didn’t hear a fact out of her any last night after dinner,” Tobin said.
“She didn’t say any during dinner either,” I added to draw the attention back to me. “When I asked her about it, she said that she had run out of facts.”
“(Y/N) ran out of facts to tell us?” Kelley asked causing me to nod my head. “Impossible. She’s like the encyclopedia of weird facts.” Alex put a hand on Kelley’s shoulder so that Kelley would lower her voice.
“So what happened?” Alex asked. Sonnett winced when that question was asked, and I wasn’t the only one to notice.
“What did you do?” Kelley turned to Sonnett. It was a little weird to see Kelley trying to get to Sonnett. She would have if Alex wasn’t holding her back. We were all looking at Sonnett. But Sonnett seemed like if she wasn’t sure if she would tell us what had happened or not. “What did you do, Emily?”
“I didn’t mean to. It just happened,” Sonnett defended. Alex let go of Kelley so that the older defender could get into Sonnett’s face.
“What did you do?” Kelley’s voice dropped and we could hear the anger in Kelley’s voice.
“I had a bad day yesterday and I took it out on (Y/N),” Sonnett said. Most of us were throwing glares at Sonnett. Kelley opened her mouth to probably ask Sonnett what exactly had happened, but she didn’t need to. “I couldn’t stop her yesterday at practice and afterward she told me that I should get a popsicle before trying to tell me how popsicles were created.”
“What did you say?” Alex asked with a glare pointed at Sonnett. It was obvious how much Kelley and Alex cared about (Y/N).
“I told her that I didn’t care about her facts or that she went to Harvard,” Sonnett ducked her head down. Some of the others launched their food at the defender in question.
“You’re a dumbass,” Ash called out. Ali slapped Ash’s shoulder but kept a glare pointed at Sonnett.
“You can’t just fucking tell someone that, Emily,” Pinoe added. The others were nodding in agreement. Some that were closer to Sonnett, made a point to hit the defender.
“You’re going to fix this,” Kelley hissed. Sonnett looked up at the older defender. “I don’t care how, but (Y/N) better be her normal self by dinner.”
Today had been a little weird as most everyone on the team had come through to spend some time in mine and Tierna’s room until the past hour. There was a knock on the door and I was going to ignore it, but whoever it was wouldn’t stop.
“I’m coming,” I called out as I rolled out of my bed. I opened the door without looking through the peephole, and I tried to shut the door when I saw who was on the other side. Sonnett stopped me from shutting the door.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Sonnett immediately said. I was still trying to shut the door as she was pushing to keep it open. “I brought you some popsicles since you probably had a bad day after what I said.”
I stopped pushing the door and leaned my head against the door. I groaned but I held my hand out for the popsicles. Sonnett put the box in my hands and I looked at it. Sonnett stayed outside the door. I pulled the door open some more so that Sonnett would come in.
“I shouldn’t have said what I did yesterday,” Sonnett started. “Your facts are stupid and I do care about hearing them. I do care that you go to Harvard. You’re probably the smartest person on this team, you know.”
“Why did you say those things?”
“I had a rough day yesterday. You were just easy to take it out on,” Sonnett looked away from me. I couldn’t help but think that I was the cause of that as well, though. I shut the door as I turned and got back into my bed. I opened the box of popsicles and held one out to Sonnett. Sonnett took the popsicle before joining me on the bed. I smiled before picking out my own popsicle. 
“Tell me something.”
“You know how roller coasters were created?” I didn’t have to wait for Sonnett’s shake of her head because I knew that she didn’t. “They were invented to distract Americans from sin.”
Sonnett shook her head in disbelief. I smiled because she seemed like she really wanted to know about the fact. I couldn’t help but tell her about the history of roller coasters before going back and finishing the history of popsicles as we ate through the box of popsicles.
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7-wonders · 5 years
As Above, So Below Ch. 17
Summary: Your average, mundane life as a college student is flipped upside down when the man you thought you knew as your next-door neighbor turns out to be the God of the dead. When Michael lures you down to Hell, everything that you thought you knew about the world is proven wrong.
Word Count: 4387
A/N: Wow, this chapter was incredibly hard to write, and I think that’s because this story’s starting to come to an end. I’m sad, but happy that this has been so well-received. Feedback is always appreciated, and I would love it if you liked and reblogged if you enjoyed!
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17: Running Out of Time
A child’s imagination is endless, made up of numerous worlds crafted from nothing more than their minds. As a child, you would spend hours upon hours with other neighborhood children, playing as pirates, astronauts, cowboys and cowgirls, time travellers, and royalty. Bike helmets would serve as protection from the lack of oxygen in outer space, fallen branches acted as swords and pistols, daisy chains were crowns, and blankets were capes. These fairy tales, however, were just that: tales, imaginary scenarios that children dreamt up. At least, they were just tales until you fell down a Hellmouth with the God of the Dead. Five-year-old you, if she could see you right at this moment, would be absolutely green with envy.
Zoe, Madison, and Desa dress you, as they have so many times before, but it’s a silent affair this time. The tension in the room is thick and lingering, everybody on edge about the events soon to transpire. The three women are already dressed, and you assume the reason that it’s taking so long for them to get you dressed is a way to get rid of some nerves: by nitpicking about every aspect of your outfit, it allows them to visualize their stress.
The dress that they’ve decided on is off-the-shoulder and accentuates your curves before flowing like a ball gown down the rest of your body. It’s made of some sort of crushed velvet, although the material feels a lot more luxurious than the velvet that you’re used to. What takes some getting used to is the color, a deep burgundy that is darker than anything that you’ve worn since you first arrived in the Underworld. You can’t say that you hate it, mainly because it makes you look elegant in a way that you’ve never looked before. Lighter shades of red lick up the hem of the dress, making it look like you’re trailing flames.
Your makeup’s been done to perfection, but you wouldn’t expect anything else when Madison’s in charge. A silver necklace accented with rubies drips down your neck, and Zoe’s tongue pokes out of her mouth in concentration as she attaches matching ruby earrings to your earlobes. Reaching up to twist the silver ring with a cloudy gray pearl that sits on your index finger, you realize that your hands are shaking.
“Hey,” Madison calls to get your attention, “stop shaking or else you are going to end up sounding like a windchime with your necklace clanking around.” It’s a lame attempt to get you to smile, and the most you can force out is a halfhearted chuckle.
“I’ll try my hardest.”
“Whatever happens, (Y/N), we’re doing this together. Luckily for you, I don’t tolerate losing, so our only option is to win.”
“Ladies, it is time.” A knock sounds a second before the door opens, Thanatos peeking his head in.
“Are you ready?” Desa asks.
“Nope, but that doesn’t really matter since we’re doing this.” You blink away a sudden rush of tears when you smile at Desa for what may be the last time, taking a deep breath and nodding. “Now or never, then.”
Even from outside of the Grand Hall, you can still tell that the regality of this affair is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Just seeing the procession ahead of you of demons, mythical beings, and gods is insanely intimidating. Although you and Michael have gone through how the coronation will go, and what to say and do, you’re still worried that you’ll mess up. Before you can have any more time to worry, however, the large doors open and the orchestral music swells.
Every person, or creature, stands the moment you enter. In this moment, you wish more than ever that Michael was by your side. Madison would absolutely berate you in this moment if she could, the sight of you trying to avoid shaking like a leaf as you walk down the aisle presumably rage-inducing. Everybody’s eyes are glued to you, the train of your dress trailing behind you. It honestly feels like a wedding, and you’re extremely thankful that you’re not actually marrying, or becoming queen, today. You love Michael, but the thought of anything as extravagant as what you’re experiencing right now is nauseating.
Michael stands on a raised altar, wearing his finest black uniform and a red cape with ornate attachments. A sword is sheathed at his side, the bejeweled hilt resting just above his hip. That beautiful black crown, adorned with red rubies, sits perched atop his golden curls; Michael’s ethereally intimidating, and you can see how his quiet demeanor is enough to rule over all of the dead. You smile shakily when you reach him, but he doesn’t break his stern face as he holds out a hand for you to grasp. He helps you sink to your knees, handmaidens fixing your dress behind you.
“Sirs and Madams, I present to you (Y/N) (Y/L/N), your undoubted Queen. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?” Cassius, a high-ranking demon, has agreed to act as the master of ceremonies for today’s fake coronation and begins the proceedings. The crowd all affirms that they are willing, and Cassius turns to stand next to Michael and face you.
“Will you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), solemnly promise and swear to govern the peoples of the Underworld, and all of its domains, by the respective laws and customs?” Michael looks down at you and asks. Your hands rest in your lap, fingers twisting and turning nervously as you nod.
“I solemnly promise so to do,” you recite with a shaking voice.
“Will you to your power cause law and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?”
“I will.”
“Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of the Underworld and preserve its legacy?”
“I will.”
The handmaidens walk forward at this cue and place a shimmering gold cape that drapes over your shoulders. Michael’s handed a small bowl with an ‘anointing oil’ inside of it. Due to the fact that this is a fake coronation, the oil is actually just water mixed with some lavender extract. Dipping his thumb into the ‘oil,’ he draws a symbol on your forehead while proclaiming something in Latin. You briefly realize that you’re going to have to learn Latin soon enough, a daunting task that you’ll push to the side for now as Michael takes your crown from the pedestal it sits upon.
Zoe had told you that there would be a special crown designed for the event, but you didn’t realize just how beautiful it would be. Delicate silver filigree connects the silver leaves to the base of the crown, creating a tiara that childhood you would have gone absolutely crazy for. Your favorite part, however, is the small flowers crafted out of the black onyx that Michael’s so fond of, small rubies dotting the center of each one. Although this isn’t an actual coronation, you’d be honored to wear a crown as beautiful and as regal as this one.
You hold your breath as the crown is placed on top of your head, sure that Satan’s going to tear the roof off of the building. Based on what you’re expecting, it’s anticlimactic when you’re crowned and nothing happens. Michael, to the outside eye, doesn’t look concerned, but you can see the confusion on his face. Where’s the uproar, the screaming? Nobody was planning on this to actually go off without a hitch. Michael proceeds as if nothing unexpected has happened, taking your hands and pulling you up to your feet.
“Queen (Y/N), ruler of the Underworld. Long may she reign.” Michael formally presents you to the crowd of people, who all stand in recognition.
“Long may she reign,” they repeat before cheering.
“Oh yes, long may she reign,” a mocking voice sounds above the cheering, sending the attendees into silence. A man steps into the aisle, calmly approaching the altar that you and Michael stand on. He’s tall, his unruly black hair somehow manages to look like he styled it that way, and his hazel eyes seem to flicker and crackle with sparks. Guards stand at attention, ready to protect you if the need arises, but a mere flick of the man’s hand sends the guards falling to the ground in a heap. “My son, are you really so naive as to believe that I would not find out about this secret coronation of yours?”
Michael steps ahead, putting a protective arm in front of your body. It’s at this moment that you realize two things: One, that Satan was able to assume a human form in order to sneak into the coronation. While this is frightening, the second thing that you realize assures you that the plan is not completely derailed, and this is that Satan doesn’t realize that this is a fake coronation. He thinks that you’ve just been legitimately crowned queen, which means that Michael’s assumption about his father’s impulsiveness proves correct.
“Oh, I’m not naive at all. In fact, I like to believe that I planned this perfectly. You are, after all, our honored guest this afternoon.” Satan quirks an eyebrow, scoffing at Michael’s vague statement.
“Pardon my bluntness, but what exactly are you getting at?”
“He’s saying that we’ve got you right where we want you, dumbass,” Madison speaks up from amongst the crowd, self-assured voice ringing loud and clear. Satan slowly looks over his shoulder, smiling a smile that, you realize with a pang in your chest, is the exact same feral grin that you’ve seen multiple times on Michael.
“The Goddess of Witchcraft. I was wondering when you would grace us with your presence,” Satan sarcastically retorts. “Let us stop with these games, Michael. You know what I want, and you know that I can and will get it with whatever means necessary.” You hold back a shudder when he turns those cold eyes towards you; if there was ever a time to describe someone as having eyes filled with hellfire, it would be now.
“Then you should also know, Father, that I don’t cater to the whims of those below me.”
“‘Below’ you?” Satan’s impulsiveness strikes once again as he steps closer, standing on the bottom step of the altar while pointing a long finger at Michael. “I created you, boy, and you would do well to remember that.”
“Madison?” Michael calls, the goddess fluidly raising a hand in the air. You watch with bated breath as she draws out the tension before closing her hand into a fist. Like a mirage, the crowd of spectators shimmer before disappearing into thin air. The once-full Grand Hall is now deserted, save for you, Madison, Zoe, Michael, Thanatos, and Satan.
“A clever parlor trick, but I do not see how this factors into your grand plan.”
“It’s simply a way to avoid collateral damage,” Michael smirks.
When Satan goes to question Michael again, his face is frozen in an open-mouthed, angry expression. You’re momentarily confused until you glance over and see Madison and Zoe working together to keep him frozen to his spot.
“The spell won’t keep him like this for too long; we need to transmute now, or else we’ll lose our chance,” Zoe commands in a rare show of dominance. Michael clasps one of your hands as you form a circle around Satan, Zoe grabbing onto your other hand to connect the chain of magic. Once everyone has a hold on someone else’s hand, Madison nods.
“I’m going to release him from his bonds. The second I let go, we need to transmute.” You nod, nerves being overtaken by the desire to defeat this man who, for all intents and purposes, has attempted to make your life a living hell. “Now!”
Even with everyone’s powers being combined, the toll that it takes on your mortal body to help move the Devil through time and space is extremely noticeable. You’re panting, chest heaving as if you’ve just ran a marathon. Your overheated body, however, quickly becomes chilled when the eternal winter air of Cocytus freezes your nerve endings. The sleeveless coronation gown does little to protect you from the elements, and you clench your jaw to keep your teeth from chattering. Satan stumbles forward as he suddenly regains control of his body, synapses trying to catch up to the reflexes that were delayed while he was under Madison’s control. Madison, Zoe, and Thanatos go to work at discreetly heating up the thick layer of ice that lays beneath Satan’s feet, while you and Michael start to distract him.
“I admire your desire to move this little battle of yours to the edge of your domain in an attempt to minimize casualties, Michael. However, this will make it quite difficult for your subjects to recover your bodies after I am done with you five.” Although Satan’s got his eyes locked on Michael’s, shivers still wrack down your spine from the intensity of it all.
“You’ve always been far too cocky for your own good, Father,” Michael says.
“And you have always been too churlish. My problem, though, does not lie with you.”
Satan steps towards you slowly, hair barely rustling even with the icy wind whipping across the flat landscape. Michael attempts to put himself in front of you, offering his body as your shield, but you place your hand on his shoulder to stop him. No words are exchanged between you, but the look in your eyes says it all. You need to do this, need to keep the Devil occupied with the misguided hope that he could take his ‘enemy’ out easily. The ice is too thick for just Madison, Zoe, and Thanatos to melt, and he would figure out the plan immediately if you were to start helping. It needs to be you that captures his attention.
“Look, I never wanted any of this in the first place. You know that I wasn’t originally brought here of my own volition, right?” Your eyes shift quickly from Satan to his son, letting the golden-haired god know to start helping the others.
“I figured as much upon seeing how you reacted to your first few days in the Underworld. Indeed, I had hoped that you would find your way back Above without my intervention. After all, I have never been one for getting my hands dirty. But once you attended that ball with Michael, I knew that I needed to make an appearance in order to…spur everyone into saving the life of their sweet, innocent little human pet,” Satan mocks with a wide grin. “Imagine my surprise and delight when the Underworld attempted to expel you itself.”
“So you didn’t know that the Underworld was slowly killing me?” It’s a dumb question to ask, but it masks the subtle cracking of the ice as the structure starts to weaken.
“I did not, but it certainly worked to my advantage. That is, until you decided to attempt the test of the Seven Wonders with the expectation that, if you passed, your title of Supreme Witch would allow you more time in the Underworld.”
“And now I’m here,” you mutter, flexing your frozen fingers to keep from shaking with nerves. Your life has been full of fears being faced in recent months, but nothing you’ve seen so far compares to the fear you feel from being in front of the embodiment of the antithesis of good.
“And now you are here,” Satan agrees. “I must admit, (Y/N), I admire your fiery tenacity. Your dedication to those that you care about is one of the few positive human traits that I shall miss upon my destruction of humanity.”
“Who says you’ll even get the chance to destroy humanity?” Satan laughs loudly, spreading his arms as if to prove a point.
“How can any of you expect to defeat me, when I have already won? All of the magic in the universe would not be able to kill me; your attempts, while noble, have proven fruitless. And now, you all must die.”
When your lungs start burning for air, it takes your brain a moment to realize what’s happening. It’s ironic that the lack of oxygen is preventing you from registering that your airway is obviously being cut off, and it’s only when you see Satan’s hand flexing at his side that your mind makes the connection that it’s his powers that are suffocating you. A loud gasping noise is the only sound you can make as your hands come up to your throat, fingers clawing at the invisible hands that have you in a vice like grip. He laughs as he lifts his hand, the invisible hand holding you captive forcing your body up in the air. Michael’s attention is drawn away from his task when he senses your distress, and you have to furiously shake your head to let him know that you’ve got things under control.
Black spots dance across your vision as you hold your own hand out, trying to summon the large chunk of ice that you can see laying thirty feet away. You’re pleased to know that, even on the verge of losing consciousness, your powers still remain as potent as they have been since you finished your last wonder. The frozen mass wobbles before propelling forwards, smacking against Satan’s skull before he can comprehend the giant ice ball flying straight at him. It doesn’t knock him out, but it does knock him down and jar his concentration, releasing you from his grasp.
The burning in your lungs is even worse as you hurriedly breathe heavy gasps of air, body trying to make up for the lack of oxygen it’s experienced. You’re on your hands and knees, coughing while you try to blink your vision back into place. The three Satans that keep weaving in and out of your eyesight are slow to get up, and you’re already back on your feet by the time he manages to crawl to his knees.
“It truly is a shame that, after all the trouble your friends went through to save their precious human, you will die at my hand.” Satan morphs from his human body to the being that you first saw him as, with a coal-black body that moves as if it’s made of smoke, raised etchings decorating his ‘skin.’ Those burning embers that constitute his eyes are somehow less terrifying than his piercing human gaze, but they still burn down upon you.
Satan’s transformation into his original form, which he sees as his final show of power before he kills you once and for all, works to your advantage. The ice, slowly yet surely cracking beneath him the entire time, now starts to rupture loudly from the combination of the weakening structure and the sudden extra weight standing on top of it. Satan yells when he looks down to see what’s happening underneath him, stepping back to escape the danger. When you combine your power with theirs, it is the missing link that is needed to fully melt the ice underneath him. A tremendous breaking sound rings through the air, the ice finally giving way to the freezing waters that flow below.
His claws scrabble across the ice as his lower half is submerged, but even Satan is no match to the freezing shock to the nervous system that falling through ice provides. The fire in his eyes is extinguished as he bobs up and down in the water, slowly sinking down into the depths of Cocytus. You watch with bated breath as the once-great creature is reduced to nothing more than a block of ice, his outstretched hand being the last part of him that you see. You all look at each other in disbelief, trying to find the words to accurately describe how you’re feeling.
“Did…did we do it?” Zoe asks, hands on her hips as she tries to gather her breath.
“I think so,” Thanatos replies, peering into the rushing, dark water for any sign of life.
Michael smiles at you, and you start to make your way towards him from across the ice. His face, however, quickly turns into a look of alarm when you hear cracking from under your feet. Whether the ice was overheated from the combination of your powers or Satan’s weight had more of an effect on the surface than any of you realized, it doesn’t matter in this moment.
“Run!” A chorus of voices start screaming, three sets of eyes and one set of empty eye sockets watching as you stumble through the snow to try and get to safety. Ice, unfortunately, is much faster than you. You can barely form a scream before the ice breaks beneath you, plunging you into the freezing waters.
Inadvertently gasping at the shock of suddenly being in the coldest water you’ve ever felt, your lungs become flooded with the water. Everytime your body tries to cough it up, you inhale more. Your arms and legs thrash around you as you try to remember how to swim, but the panic and the shock make it impossible to even think. You don’t even know which way is up, the water so disorienting that every direction seems to be the same.
Up above, Madison screams after you disappear. Michael surges forward, forgetting the apparent danger that comes with unstable ice. He starts to kick at the snow, uncovering the ice to try and see if he can find your body. Zoe looks into the hole where you fell through, tracking the current that moves the water, and your body, downstream.
“The current’s this way!” She yells, gaining the attention of the three others who are furiously kicking snow out of the way.
“Michael, breathe,” Madison touches his shoulders to make him focus on her. “Pinpoint her life force, use your powers.”
Michael nods, hands raking through his hair while he tries to find you. When he does locate your spirit, he runs along the direction of the current, falling to his knees and clearing the snow away from the ice. He starts to pound his fists against the ice, desperately trying to break through before he loses his chance.
It’s funny, you dimly think, how this dying experience is so much different than your last. When you were dying of the fever, your body killing itself as a response to being in the Underworld, you were terrified. You didn’t want to die, and the disorienting blur of events frightened your already-scared self. Now, though, you’re calm. Maybe you’re already dead? After the panic subsided, the only thing left was a serene sense of peace. The current that you’re drifting along with is comforting, wrapping around you like a thick blanket and completely enveloping you.
The last thing that you think about is Michael, but that’s not too surprising. You imagine his smile and how he was never able to understand your millennial jokes. You can almost feel his hands clutching yours, surprisingly warm considering he’s the God of the Dead. You wish you had more time with him, imagining all of the things that you would be able to do if you weren’t going to die in this water. Sure, you would have had to find some way to remain in the Underworld that was more permanent than being the Supreme, but you could handle anything as long as Michael was at your side. “I’m sorry, Michael,” you think.
“Get back!” Madison waits for Thanatos to drag Michael away before muttering an explosion spell. There’s no way that Michael would have been able to smash his way through the thick ice, and his bloodied fists would only become worse if she allowed him to continue his futile pursuit. The spell helps to make some progress, but Madison has to repeat the spell two more times before the ice breaks away and exposes the water.
Michael crawls to the jagged lip of broken ice, jeweled hand reaching into the freezing water to try and fish you out. He searches through the water, your body bumping into him right as he was starting to consider jumping in himself. You’re dead weight, and Michael has to wrap both of his arms around you to drag you back up onto the ice. Your lips are a sickening blue, and Michael panics when he can’t find your pulse.
CPR isn’t something he’s too familiar with, but he knows enough about the process to start pumping at your chest and administering compressions. Zoe clutches onto Madison, tears freezing as they make tracks down her cheeks. Thanatos, so used to being the one to help, can do nothing but watch as Michael tries to resuscitate you. Michael pinches your nose shut and tilts your chin back, breathing into your mouth before starting compressions again. When you cough up buckets of water, chest heaving as your lungs get rid of the water while simultaneously attempting to breathe normally again, Michael sobs. When your eyes blink open and you look around, everybody, even Madison, sobs.
“Hi, darling,” Michael mumbles, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. You smile weakly, Michael stopping you as you try to speak through your coughing. “Shh, it’s okay. You don’t need to say anything.”
Although he tells you not to speak, there’s a million things that you want to say. How grateful you are for being saved, the happiness you feel at Satan being gone, the excitement at what comes next, how tired you are after coming back to life, and especially how cold you are. Michael doesn’t need to hear you say it out loud though, smiling as he hears your inner monologue. He stands with you in his arms, carrying you off of the death trap of a frozen lake so that he can transmute with you and get you warmed up before you go into shock, Madison, Zoe, and Thanatos staying behind to freeze the river back over again to fully trap Satan and his consciousness. There’s a million things that you want to say, but now you have all the time in the world to say it.
@nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @lichellaw @sebastianshoe @pastel-cloudz @ultragibbycentralworld @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @dolceandchalamet @everything-is-awesomesauce @langdonslove@ccodyfern @consultingsnowqueen @readsalot73 @jimmlangdon @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @hplotrfan @omg-hellgirl @gallxntdean @storminmytwistedmind @venusxxlangdon @langdonsdemon @kahhlo @americanhorrorstudies @antichristwrites @xxxmaterialistic @forgetting5sos @sadsadiesworld @michaelsapostle @izuniias @grippleback-galaxy 
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emathevampire · 4 years
17, 24, 38, 50 for Eridane and Orinn
thanks for the ask!!! These two are like, polar opposites, so it was interesting to do them together like this.
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?     Eridañe is Chaotic Evil. So... any time she feels threatened, she has no qualms about lashing out physically with whatever it takes to defend herself. And being unable to communicate easily, as well as afflicted with a plethora of anxieties and paranoias encouraged by the whispers of evil that haunt her, she feels threatened by just about everything. This is partly why Victor is so well equipped to care for her: He’s just short of impossible to kill, understands what she’s going through, and has the patience and mastery over his own chaotic evil urges to help her learn to do better. And she is, slowly but surely, learning better.     Orinn meanwhile is Chaotic Good. He doesn’t necessarily like violence, and he’s not exceptionally good at it either (though he tries his best). If he were to play a video game, he’d pick something open world where he could just explore at his own pace and make friends with the bugs instead of having to smush them. He’s ultimately a very gentle soul. But he doesn’t shy away from it when it comes to protecting others, or defending what he believes in.
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically?     Eridañe... has major dysphoria/dysmorphia, no thanks to the magic mirror of dysphoria given to her by the Lord of Hate (her father), which warps your perception of your self and... yeah has led to lots of issues, because he’s literally the physical manifestation of hatred and wanted her to hate herself. She doesn’t really have much consideration for others at all, much less about their physical appearances, as she has that classic skewed perception problem of “Everyone is amazing except for me specifically.”     Orinn also has the “everyone is so much cooler than me” problem, but it’s more of a self esteem thing than any active hatred. He’s never really had many friends, being the weird nerdy kid growing up (and also being half elf, so he stayed a weird nerdy kid longer than any of the other weird nerdy kids). He grew up in the country that directly borders the Forest of Demons, and during the war that started as a result of Draconic Park, so he has some unfortunate prejudices against tieflings and similar races, as well as Kamatians. So he doesn’t consider horns and tails and other physical signs of fiendish influences, or the deathly pale skin and creepy dead eyes of his elven cousins, particularly attractive. He’s not really the judgemental type though, and even if he was, he’s dealt with enough rude remarks about his ears that he would never voice these opinions (and doesn’t even really consider them HIS opinions).
038. What bad habits do they have?     Eridañe has... so... many... i would be typing here forever. Eating things that aren’t food, refusing to eat real food, self harm, reacting with violence as a first solution, running away and hiding as a second solution, just... generally all the feral, chaotic, bastardous things you would expect from an alley cat that’s doing its best but just does not understand how human beings socialise.     Orinn’s worst habit is that he’s a people-pleaser and a harebrained-scheme-enabler. He doesn’t really know how to make friends, so he just... goes along with their crazy schemes, hoping that this makes him look cool, and that they’ll want to keep in touch after whatever job they hired him for is done. He has the good sense to know things are bad ideas, but also that good-natured chaotic dumbass spirit that makes him REALLY want to do the bad idea anyway. Because hey, supposing it goes well, against all odds, it’ll make for a really good story!
050. How does your character feel about their own mortality?     Eridañe spent her entire life in a prison tower in a layer of the Abyss that, when you die, resurrects you with corrupt energy. So she only... SORT of understands death. She understands that it hurts a lot, and that if it happens too much it’s permanent, and that she’s afraid of it because she expects to get resurrected back in the tower in the Abyss... and she’d be trapped there again, away from all the people who cared enough to rescue her. Dimas (the party’s Drow paladin) assures her that won’t happen, and Victor assures her that even if it DID happen he would not rest until he rescued her again, but she’s still afraid of dying because what if they’re wrong?     Orinn has had enough close (and closer than close) calls with death to know he doesn’t like it and it scares him. When they were in the Abyss, he died in a Dance of Ruin after the party stood their ground against three Vrocks despite his suggestion that they make a tactical retreat... and spent the next month or so trying to recover as the toll that death took on him was severe. The party eventually teamed up with Victor to find potions to cure the afflictions the corruption struck him with, but... he’s never really mentally recovered from the trauma. He doesn’t begrudge the party for their poor life choices. But he’s also a lot more stressed about hanging out with them, considering the rather cavalier way they treat death (if we can fix it, why worry right?) and grievous injury.
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Broken Arrow pt. 1
Author’s note: So this Fic was inspired by the song by Daughtry of the same name. I will post the next chapter in the next day or so. Love you *evil laugh because of the fic
Rating: M for swearing and suggested intimacy
“Subject name: Lian Alice Nguyen-Harper. Age: 17 years, 9 months. Species: Human. Race: Mixed; Caucasian, and Asian. Powers: None. Disabilities: None. Height: 1.68 meters. Weight: 85. 28 kilograms,” Irey’s voice is cold and detached. Lian wonders how long she’s been awake. Jai gives her a look from the control center that tells her it’s been at least 36 hours since his sister has slept. Lian reties her ponytail, making a mental note to slip something into Irey’s food at lunch. These monthly assessments are hell on the speedster,” Testing: Reaction time, facial recognition, agility, and reflexes. The test is comprised of five levels at one-minute intervals. Is the subject ready?”
         “Ready to go,” Lian says, checking her quiver one last time. The arrows are different than her normal ones. They’re specially designed by Jai for these tests. Lian takes her place. She takes a deep breath in like her father taught her. When the first hologram comes at her, she releases it along with an arrow.
The first round is easy, just hitting targets as they run at her. It takes nothing for her to draw the bow and fire arrow after arrow.
The second and third rounds are similar, only faster and adding weapons (short range at level two, long range at level three). Lian flips and slides around the room. She might not be an acrobat like Mar’i but she can hold her own in the field.
In the fourth level, they introduce civilians. Lian fires an arrow into the neck of a bad guy, narrowly avoiding the old woman in front of him. A little harder, but she’s got this.
At the last level, the holograms change into people she knows. Well, heroes and villains. If the report wasn’t going to the league, she would totally shoot the Damian hologram in the ass. The timer on the clock tells her she has 5 seconds left. The last hologram comes at her. Lian freezes. It’s her mother. Well, Cheshire, but there’s no difference really. The time runs out just as the hologram thrusts its fake blade through her chest. Lian exhales.
“Test has ended,” Irey begins reciting the data for the camera, while Jai jumps down and walks towards her. He removes the sticky patches on her skin that have been sending her vitals to his laptop.
“You ok, babe?” He asks. Lian nods,” The computer was on randomize. I didn’t ken- “
“It’s ok,” Lian assures him. Ok, it’s not, but he doesn’t need to know that. She nods at Irey, who’s turned the camera off and is now typing on her laptop,” How worried should I be?”
“We have one more round of tests on Mar’i and Jon to run. Then we’re done ‘til next month.” Jai’s arm wraps itself around her waist.
“You two have a break anytime soon?” They’re both still watching Irey, whose face is blank as she reviews the footage and makes notes.
“Yeah. Here in like two minutes.”
“Good. I might go find Batjerk and tell him he needs to spend some time with his girlfriend.”
“I will never get over the fact that Damian Wayne is dating my sister.” Jai shakes his head.
“I don’t think anyone is over the fact that we’re dating.” Lian points out,” I know Uncle Jason isn’t.”
Jai groans,” You know, most boyfriends only have to worry about their girlfriends’ dads. Not their psychopathic, gun loving godfathers.”
Lian laughs at this. She stands up on her tiptoes to kiss him,” Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
Jai smiles at the kiss, pulling her closer to his chest and holding the back of her head with one hand. Lian’s missed this. Missed him. They saw each other every weekend when their team would meet up at their tower, but the days in between were typically hell. Lian pushes the bad thoughts from her head, burying her hands in his hair, trying to deepen the kiss,
Of course, Damian chooses that moment to walk in. Lian and Jai breakaway, more annoyed at being interrupted than embarrassed at being caught. Jai grumbles under his breath-something about their teammates and cockblocking. Damian raises an eyebrow at them,” Really?”
“I’ve caught you and Irey doing worse things,” Lian says to her co-leader. It’s true. A few weeks ago, she’d walked into Irey’s room to ask her friend a question. To say they were in a compromising would be an understatement. Lian’s not sure who was angrier- Damian or Irey. Well, maybe Irey because the speedster had dropped her in the ocean about a mile from the tower.
“Because you refuse to knock on the door before entering a room,” Damian replies simply,” Mar’i also wanted me to inform you that lunch is ready.”
He walks over to Irey. The resident super genius doesn’t look up as her boyfriend slides his arms around her, but her fingers pause in their typing. Lian smiles at her friends. Despite his assholeishness, Damian is always sweet with Irey. He’s the only one who can pull her away from her work when the others have tried everything. Actually, now that she thinks about it, Irey’s the only one that can pull Damian from his work.
“what?” Jai asks as Lian snorts.
“When two workaholics fall in love,” She says with a gesture to his sister and her boyfriend. Jai laughs at his.
“So, are we ‘when two smartasses fall in love?’” They start towards the living area.
“More ‘when a smartass falls in love with a dumbass,’” Lian playfully bumps his hip with hers. Jai acts offended, trying hard not to give her the smirk that he knows drives her crazy. Lian rolls her eyes as she pushes ahead. She bites her lower lip to keep from smiling.
“Don’t forget you fell in love with this dumbass,” Jai teases.
Lian doesn’t bother answering him. Instead, she tortures him a little by pulling the elastic from her hair, letting the black locks fall down her back. She grins at the small groan Jai gives.
“You’re gonna kill me one day, Lian Harper.” Jai looks at her like she’s everything to him.
“That’s the plan,” She says with a wink. Lian enters the living area. It’s a mix of a living room, dining room, and kitchen. Her other best friend and godsister, Mar’i Grayson, sits on the kitchen counter, rubbing her leg in pain. Lian walks up to her,” Charley horse?”
“You would think being half Tamaranian would mean I do not have to deal with Earth shit like this. Perhaps that was not in the gods’ plan for me,” Mar’i grumbles. Lian smiles at her lack of contractions. Mar’i had grown up on Tamaran until she was 8 years old. Until her mother passed away and she had been sent to live with her father. She understands English far better than when she first came to earth, but some things she just couldn’t grasp.
“Here you go, Shooting Star,” Jon Kent hands Mar’i a warm towel. Mar’i takes the towel with thanks, pressing it to her upper thigh. Jon blushes and looks away. Lian rolls her eyes at this. Superman’s son has been dating Batman’s granddaughter for almost two years. He’s been sleeping with her for at least a year and a half of that (Damian tried to murder him when he found out), yet he still blushes at the drop of a hat.
Jai, Damian, and Irey join them a minute later. Lunch today seems to be leftovers and whatever sandwiches Mar’i could throw together. The team sits at the table. Irey is on one side of Lian and Jon on the other. Lian laughs at some story Jon tells them, about a mission that he and Damian had gone on years and years ago. Damian does that weird -tt- thing of his. Lian can see the smile on his face.
Irey talks about a marathon coming up. She’s more or less back to her old self- bouncing up and down in her seat, eating more than all of them combine, tightening her fiery ponytail. The life has come back to her intelligent green eyes. It’s a wonder that anyone knows she and Jai are related let alone twins. Irey’s fair and freckled complexion and short, lean body completely contradicts her brother’s tan skin and tall, muscular body. Jai’s hair is pitch black and styled messily. His warm brown eyes meet hers, grinning over leftover lo mien. Jai and Irey talk about the experiments together, switching to Korean. Neither of them realizes they do this when they talk, just the two of them. No one on the team is surprised by this, so they talk amongst themselves.
Everything in this moment is perfect.
“Oh, Jesus Christ, are they at it again?” A gruff voice asks. Mar’i and Lian both look up. Jason Todd looks at his goddaughters, leather jacket covered in soot and a burn mark across his cheek. The girls jump up, Mar’i actually flying over the table. They throw their arms around him. He hugs both of them tighter than normal. Damian gives his older brother the customary head nod. Irey and Jai smile at Jason, Irey a little easier than Jai.
“What are you doing here?” Lian asks, looking behind him,” I thought you and Dad were on that mission. Is he with you?”
Lian is so wrapped up in searching for her father that she misses the sad look Jason gives her. The others catch it though. They all recognize it and their stomachs drop. Lian moves away because her dad has hidden from her before. Just before he jumps out and hugs her. He always does this. Ever since she came back from the dead. Lian turns, a big smile on her face.
“Uncle Jay, where’s Dad?”
“Lian, what do you know about our mission?” Jason asks. He desperate to keep her from finding out what happened.
“You and Dad were responding to a level 3 threat in Bolivia.” Lian’s still looking around,” Dad said it was personal- “
“It was your mother.” Lian’s smile drops. None of her friends can tell if she’s breathing,” It was your mom, kiddo. We-we found her and tracked her to a hotel in Bolivia. There some bad people after her though. They found her there and-”
“Jason Peter Todd-Wayne,” Lian tries to keep her voice from cracking,” Where are my parents?”
“Lian…there was a fire. Your dad…he went back inside because your mom was there,” Lian’s blood goes ice cold. The room starts spinning. She’s going to throw up,” The-There weren’t any survivors. I’m so, so sorry, honey.”
Irey covers her mouth. Jai looks at Lian, trying to figure out what’s going on. Damian and Mar’i are both silent. Jon looks like he’s going to throw up. It takes Lian a minute to speak,” You’re lying.”
“Lian- “
“You’re lying to me. You’re lying. Dad’s ok,” She can’t breathe. Why can’t she breathe?
“Honey. We looked at dental records. It’s your parents,” Jason tries to hug her. Lian shoves the gunner back.
“No! No! You’re lying!” Her throat feels like it’s ripping at the scream. She slams her hands into his chest. Jason lets her,” Dad wouldn’t-he wouldn’t have left me alone! He-he said he could bring Mom home to us, t-t-t-to me! HE SAID WE COULD BE A FAMILY AGAIN!”
Her body finally gives out. She collapses on the ground, screaming. Someone’s holding her, but she isn’t sure who. She screams and screams and screams. Two days ago, she and her dad had been eating breakfast. She was telling him about some stupid biology test she had. Dad had given her a kiss and hugged her tight. Just like he always did before he left for a mission. She’d taken a moment to let him hold her. Like always. He’d told her he loved her. He called her pum’kin. She reminded him he promised to not call her that anymore. He’d laughed and sent her on her way.
Lian screams and screams and screams until her voice gives out. The moment it gives is worse. Because as soon as her voice gives out, she’s silent. All the light fades from her eyes. She lays in Jason’s arms. Unmoving. Unfeeling. Gone.
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dropdeadesu · 7 years
I’ve had a lot of messages asking about A Tom interactions, so here it is!! I got to spend a good chunk of time with him :]
A Tom was a wild ride from start to finish.
I had a little bit of an interaction earlier when I was mostly talking with Hojoon. I was wearing long sleeves, and my sweater's sleeve had started to fall up while I had my hands up, exposing my wrist piercings (two dermals, one on each wrist). While talking to Hojoon, I noticed that A Tom was staring. Getting his attention, I asked if he wanted to see - this is a super common thing. I have people ask me to look at them all the time at work. He nodded, mouth full of food, and I leaned over the table just a bit to show him. After staring for a moment, a new wave of food came by and he literally ate off the serving plate. Its good, because Hojoon looked a bit uncomfortable (more with his story). 
A while after, we mentioned that someone at that end of the table thought A Tom was handsome/they were biased with him, and Manager went "Tommy! Tommy!!" A Tom perked, asparagus still hanging from his mouth as he played musical chairs and swapped around. (The fact that he goes by 'Tommy' is one of my favorite things.)
"Australia?? Are you from Australia?" And we corrected him "No, America" and his eyes light up.
"Americaaaaa! I like America, I like Americans!"
I almost made a comment about 'at least someone does', but I didn't think he would catch my sarcasm well so I refrained.
He asked where we were from, and we told him Salt Lake. He perked. "New York!?"
"No, A Tom."
He looked confused for a minute, so I pulled out my phone. While I pulled up where we were from, I tried to tell him it was where the Olypmics were since the other members seemed to know about that. When it loaded, A Tom straight up took my phone OUT OF MY HAND and scrolled through pictures. "Oh, its pretty!!"
"Yea, theres a lot of mountains. And snow."
He started to just go through my phone at that point. Finally, when he set it down, he looked around and started asking everyone how old we were - I had learned by now this would happen with every single member.
Laira and I are near PGoon's age, and we mentioned we were Noona's, and he asked "Oh, PGoon?" And we nodded. He looked at Rae and asked if she was a noona, and she shook her head and he goes "Oh! Dongsaeng!! Chingu, friend!" He then fist bumped her. It was cute, so we all laughed - until he turned to us and goes "Ahjumma~"
Laira and Cheri's faces both dropped. I sat there like a dumbass and nodded, going 'sure!', which of course made him laugh in the very typical A Tom style. Laira was not pleased, and he picked up on this, going “Sorry, sorry!” 
I was confused, and it wasn’t until later I found out that he was  calling us Grandma’s. 
He then started asking everyone their name, and asking how to spell it since he wasn't entirely used to western names. When it got to me he was very confused (Des, they were understanding as 'death' or DETH - I had to pull out my phone again and spell it so he understood). With Rae he got REAL excited because apparently he likes an artist that's spelled the same way her name is, so he asked me for my phone again - this time I gave him my iPod, it's less dangerous to go through that. He pulled up Apple Music and started to go through my library until I switched it over and he put the artist in. (After he went through my music and ended up in my Vocaloid section. He asked me for help after that).
"Listen - if you like Rap, they're good! You like rap?"
We love rap and hip hop, so we told him yes. He grinned.
"You like rappers~?"
Once again, we told him yes. And at this point, Laira decides to spill the beans on Rae.
"She really likes rap - and she thinks you're handsome!"
A Tom grinned. "I am handsome~"
I couldn't stop laughing. His playful self confidence just SCREAMED Gemini, and it was funny, even if he was being extremely casual. I still prefer it over a fake persona.
He pulled his drink closer and started to talk about how he liked coffee a lot - he was drinking it black, over ice, through a bendy straw. It seemed to really fit his personality, honestly. Laira pointed something out I didn't really notice.
"A Tom, what happened to your hand?"
He looked down at his thumb - it was entirely wrapped in a bandage, it looked like it had been sprained or something. "Oh, this?" He leaned back and sighed. "It was a fight."
"A fight??"
"Yea.. 17 men."
Are you serious. We played along.
"Oh, really?" I leaned forward a bit, "All trying to fight you?"
"Yea, man!" He grinned.
"Did you win?"
"Of course! I fought them, all 17.” He paused barely for dramatic effect, “All at once!"
I wanted to make a reference to Old Boy at this point, but almost deemed it inappropriate. He sat, smiling and nodding for a bit, before he looked across us all.
"....I was playing basketball."
We laughed, so did he.
"Yea, just tell people you fought the 17 men."
He laughed at my joke and pulled his drink forward again.
I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I really wanted to give some of the members their stuff. "We brought presents!"
"Present?" He set his drink down, and I nodded and pointed to the two duffel bags sitting next to him - his eyes almost bulged out of his head.
"...For us?"
"What is it?"
"Lots of stuff!"
He continued to stare at the bags, so I leaned over just a bit. "....Do you wanna see?"
When he nodded, I unzipped the bag - A Tom was the first person we started handing things out to, so I dug through the contents and pulled out his labeled bag of candy and card. I handed them to him and he looked over them, and grinned.
"Is this chocolate?"
He laughed, then proceeded to speak in an American accent, saying "Chocolate" mostly over and over again. He looked at the bag - at this point I felt the need to point out something vital.
"Oh, some stuff in there you can't eat."
He looked up. "What?"
We had put honey sticks in, and also glow sticks, so I pulled out some of the glowsticks and cracked them and shook them before putting one around his wrist. It was super bright in the room, so the effects weren’t very apparent. Cupping his hand over his wrist, he looked down into the shining glowstick. “Aww right...We clubbin’!” He laughed and waved his arm around, seeming rather pleased.
Laira grinned. “Would you like to take us to some clubs? We don’t know where any are!!” 
A Tom lowered his arm, “Ah...I actually don’t really like clubs....” He laughed, seeming almost sheepish at this. 
“No, thats okay!” I shook my own head, “We’ve been nervous to go to any alone.. But what about arcades?” He looked up, “What kind?” I wasn’t really sure what he meant, really. We had been to an arcade the day before that seemed like a Nickle-cade or something similar we’d have in America, but we had also seen a couple of claw-machines that were labeled arcade. Knowing that he’d done a ‘date’ type video before at one of those, we  started talking about those. “The claw machines!” He stared, looking puzzled. Laira then began to pantomime a claw machine reaching down and taking a toy, with her balled up fist being the toy. He watched, seeming very amused, and then laughed.    “Oh!! Doll machines!” We nodded, “Yea, those!! We have a bunch by our hotel!!” We started telling him stories about how we got a bunch the other day and how a guy even stopped to help us get them. The entire time, he was nodding and listening, going over the bag of candy we had given him.
"...Pop rocks!!!" He pointed these out.
"Yea! You don't have those here, do you?"
"No, but I know what they are."
I reached under and pulled out another one of A Tom's gifts - Twister. I handed it to him, and his eyes sorta went wide.
I explained how you put the mat on the floor, and how we were sure he's seen other people do it and play it, and we told him we thought it would be a fun thing to live stream on V or something. He seemed to like that idea.
Even though he had been extremely casual, I'm sure he was worried that he had crossed a line into offensive territory without meaning to. We told him a few times that he hadn't, and that he was fine.
I have an obsession with hair, so now was around the time I decided to ask A Tom about his.
"A Tom, do you like having your shorter hair?" I was mostly curious because BJoo and Hansol both stated that they preferred their hair shorter and more natural now. Seeing that A Tom was younger than them and we hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to Yano much, I was curious.
He looked at me for a sec, and smiled, running his hand along the side of his head as he seemed to think. He did this a lot while he spoke, actually.
"It's not bad! It looks good."
We asked him if he liked it better than his old 'broccoli' hair and he was quiet again for a minute.
"I'm not teasing!" I assured him, a bit worried that he thought we were. "We liked it, a lot! But its new, so we were wondering since other members changed too."
He sighed, still smiling. "I miss it. That was my favorite hair, but Korea hated it - so I change to something they liked."
I genuinely felt bad. That sucks. We all expressed sympathy for him and he shook his head.
"See! This is why I like my fans - they liked the Broccoli hair like I did!" He picked up his drink and gave us a flirty, 'idol' look. "I love you guys~"
"We love you too, A Tom!!"
He was taking a sip of his coffee right as we said this, and I don't think he expected such an enthusiastic response, because he snorted into his coffee and slid back in his chair. There was an intense search for Napkins, and Laira offered him to use her sleeve (which he was adamant on not taking), but I think after that he was embarrassed regardless of how much we tried to console him.  That was around the time that Xero started to yell that he was coming over to hang out with us and more or less kicked A Tom out of his seat. I didn't get to see much more of A Tom later on, he sorta just moseyed around. He was leaving his stuff strewn around everywhere, so I grabbed his card and handed it back to him to make sure he took it before he ran off.
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