#we love lena luthor
bihters · 3 months
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Have I ever told you you're my favourite person?
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becabeale143 · 2 months
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When guests arrive early…🌹🔥
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natalievoncatte · 2 months
Kara knew something was wrong from Lena’s heartbeat. That alone, the barely detectable change in rhythm and tempo, was enough, but her breathing was erratic and as Kara drew nearer, drifting through the afternoon air, she could hear the soft sobs.
A bad feeling had come over Kara. Things had been quiet between the two of them ever since the wedding; there had been a strange tension between them on that happy day and Kara couldn’t say why
(she knew what she wanted it to be but didn’t dare hope)
and with Alex and Kelly away on their honeymoon, Kara had mostly been on her own. Nia was spending most of her free time with Brainy and Kara sensed a proposal coming, and she was busy preparing for her public interview with Cat Grant. She was going to rip the bandages off and reveal her identity. There was a great deal of work involved, and Kara had spent a lot of time fretting over the details, and in the back of her head she was worried about the ramifications of years spent reporting on Supergirl and using “her” as a source. It was a massive ethical dilemma, and thought it always made sense at the time…
Right now all that mattered was the heartbeat. Kara had been giving Lena the space she sensed she needed, but Jess had called Kara from the Foundation and told her that Lena hadn’t come to work in three days, and no one had heard from her. It was uncharacteristic of someone who ran her life with almost military precision. Kara had even asked Alex to text Lena, but they’d gotten the same single word replies.
Kara pulled in a big breath, feeling her stomach churn as she lighted on the balcony and slid open the door, knowing it would be unlocked. She wished Lena would stop doing that, but also felt a little tilt in her chest from knowing Lena hadn’t locked her out.
She was on the sofa, curled up on her side and asleep. She’d probably had the same pajamas on for two days and there were empty bottles of wine in a neat row on the table in front of her. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her cheeks a little raw. Kara felt an instant pang and reached for her, before stopping to deactivate her suit.
Kneeling next to the sofa, Kara touched her fingers to Lena’s shoulders. Lena woke instantly with a start, head jolting up as she sucked in a reedy breath and her heart raced explosively, sending a shock of terror up Kara’s spine.
“Oh fuck,” Lena blurted, kicking out her legs as she bolted upright. “Oh God, Kara what…”
“Hey,” Kara said softly. “I was… I’m sorry. Are you okay? I came in through the balcony. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Lena’s chest heaved as she gasped for breath, staring at Kara with watery eyes. “Are you real?”
“What? Yes, of course I’m real.”
“I must have been dreaming. It was a dream. Just a dream. I was dreaming,” Lena muttered.
Kara rose from her knees and sat down on the couch.
“Come here.”
Lena almost crashed into her, wrapping her arms tightly around Kara and squeezing hard. She smoothed her fingers over the soft dark waves of Lena’s hair and pulled her in as she began to sob into Kara’s shoulder.
“I dreamed he killed you,” Lena choked out. “He came back again and he killed you and I couldn’t stop it. It felt so real.”
“I’m fine. I’m right here.”
Lena continued to sob, her entire body shaking with the force of it. Kara wrapped her in a fierce hug, trembling as she did.
“Every time I close my eyes he’s there, and when I’m awake all I can think about is that I killed my brother.”
“That didn’t happen in this timeline.”
Lena choked out an angry, frustrated sob. “It happened for me. I aimed a gun at my own brother’s chest and I pulled the trigger. And he came back! He came back and he almost killed you two or three fucking times, I can’t count.”
“He’s gone. He’s not coming back.”
“You can’t just say that!” Lena screamed into Kara’s throat.
Stunned, Kara softened her grip on Lena, only for Lena to pull her in harder, like she was trying to climb inside her.
“Why can’t I stop mourning him? He ruined my life. He was the person I trusted most and he turned out to be a monster. He used me my whole life and my emotions were just a game to him. He tried to to kill the woman I… tortured you, took you away for months and I thought I’d never see you again. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was and how much…”
Lena cut herself off with a sob.
“I know it’s not the same,” Kara murmured, “but when I was a little girl I worshipped my father. I wanted to grow up like him and do what he did. I was going to be a scientist too.”
“You’d have been a good one.”
Kara shook her head. “My father was responsible for the Medusa virus. A bioweapon designed to eradicate non-Kryptonian life. A weapon of genocide.”
Lena shuddered.
Kara swallowed, hard.
“My world wasn’t a paradise. It felt that way because it was simple for me. There wasn’t all the pain of learning alien ways and an alien language and controlling superpowers and everything else. My father taught and protected me and my mom maintained order. But it was wasn’t a paradise. My people were… Krypton was… I think in a lot of worlds out there, we were the bad guys. Okay, the Daxamites were slavers, but on Krypton people were born into the labor guild and did menial jobs their whole lives, while people like me were born into privilege. Is that much better?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I don’t judge you for mourning Lex, Lena. He was your protector and your friend, and it was real to you. If there’s anything I hate him for, it’s hurting you.” Kara swallowed. “The one thing I can’t abide is anyone hurting you. I’ll break all my rules to keep you safe.”
Lena’s breathing eased and Kara could feel her relax.
“I’ve been avoiding you.”
“I figured you needed space. I wasn’t sure why but I trusted you to tell me if you need to.”
There was a long, heavy pause, and then Lena said.
“Kara, I can’t do this. I can’t share you.”
“Share me?”
“When you reveal your identity,” Lena pulled back, “you’re going to be the most famous person in the word. Everyone is going to be all over you. The press, politicians, everybody, and everyone who has a grudge against you or your cousin is going to know exactly where to find you, all the time.”
“I’ll keep you safe, no one will…”
“I didn’t say anything about me. You, Kara. What about you?”
“I’m Supergirl. I’ll be fine.”
“And what about me?” said Lena.
“I told you…”
“No. What about me when I have to watch you getting beaten to a pulp by another alien? What about me when you’re in a coma on the sun bed? What about me when I see on the news that a bomb went off in your apartment and I have to wonder if it was laced with Kryptonite shrapnel? I’m not worried about people coming after me. I’m a billionaire with magic powers. I could put on a goofy costume and join the club if I wanted. I’ve already lost you so many times and I can’t do it again.”
Stunned, Kara sat with her eyes wide, not sure when exactly she’d lifted Lena into her lap.
“It’s so selfish of me,” Lena went on. “You don’t belong to me. I don’t get to make demands of you. But don’t want you to out yourself. I don’t want to lose you again. As soon as you do this you’re going to be hounded by the whole world and they’ll claw you away from me again.”
Kara’s own heart raced now, hammering in her chest. Lena sounded so desperate and so sure, clinging to a Kara like she might disappear.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s your choice and I have to respect it. It’s okay,” she was clearly telling herself.
“No,” Kara choked out, “no it’s not. I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been.”
“Kara,” said Lena.
“No. I have been. I can’t believe I said what I said to you at the wedding, about not being my authentic self. To you, of all people.”
Lena swallowed hard. Kara drew back and looked at her, really looked at her, drinking in the soft beauty of her eyes as she swept back a tear with a brush of her thumb. Lena’s eyes were huge, her lips trembling, and Kara felt an almost painful pang of sorrow and regret and a powerful stirring, long thrust down and buried and now clawing its way forth as Lena stared back, the deep sadness and loss in her own eyes tinged by a hint of forlorn hope.
“I can’t believe that I can see through walls and I’m so blind.”
“Kara?” Lena whispered.
“I’m calling it off. I’ll keep my secret.”
“You don’t have to do that just to please me.”
“I don’t need them. I need you. I’m yours, if you’ll have me.”
Lena’s heart raced so fast that Kara briefly thought she might have to fly her to the hospital. Instinctively, she slipped one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders and stood, lifting Lena as if she weighed nothing.
Eyes wide, Lena bit her lip.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean when you say you’re mine? I need you to say it, Kara. I was too scared at the wedding. I can’t do this. I need you to.”
Kara shifted her Lena’s weight in her arms, bring them closer together. She’d danced this dance before; she thought of the day she came back from the Phantom Zone, when she held Lena in her arms and felt the sun again and she almost did it, she almost just fucking did it…
And she did it.
She kissed Lena, already ready to sputter an apology and find a way out of this, but her words were lost when Lena’s soft lips met hers and Lena was ready to devour her, happily rocketing past chaste first kiss as she grabbed Kara with both hands and pulled her in.
Kara’s stomach flipped. She didn’t know what to do. She’d been kissed, she thought she’d been intimate, but she could see now that those things had been mere stimulation and nothing more. Something soared inside her as she had soared in the sky the very first time she flew. Joy unbridled swelled in her chest and she could feel Lena laughing exultantly into her mouth and even as tears mingled on her cheeks.
She wanted this. She wanted this. It was right here all along.
“Kara,” Lena whispered. “I…”
“Should I put you down?”
“On the bed.”
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toxinoire · 7 months
Interviewer: Supergirl, many people saw that you and Lena Luthor have worked together multiple times. What is your association with her?
Supergirl: Oh she's my best frie-
Supergirl: My best frrriiieee-
Supergirl: Best frrrrr
Interviewer: ...Are you okay?
Dreamer, trying not to laugh: G-Give her time.
Supergirl, struggling: FRRRRHHHH-
Alex: *wheezing*
Kelly: Can they please resolve whatever this is? *mumbles* And confess their feelings for each other?
Brainy: Is she-
Alex, between laughs: No no she's okay.
Lena, just arrived: Hey guys-
Lena: *sees Alex laughing like a madman, Nia looking like she's gonna die, Brainy being confused and Kelly looking tired*
Lena: What is going on?
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jujujun-s · 3 months
i just can't get over how s6 made no sense like im so mad
starting w/ nyxly bc wth??? kara is such an empathic person, she has a huge heart but in the end they just sent her back to the phantom zone w/ lex???? i mean,, nyxly definitely was a good person, she was just so hurt and she deserved a second chance,,, kara and nyxly feeling the other emotions definitely hinted that yeah redemption arc but no they just threw it all away
and don't even get me started on lena. yk i started watching this show bc i love Katie Mcgrath, and one thing about her is that she really understand her characters and in an interview she said smth like: not everyone is a superhero and that's where lena stands, doing what she thinks is right being surrounded by superheros,,, w/ wtv knowledge she has she's just doing the best she can. and w/ s6 being about ppl empowering themselves bc they don't need superheros to protect them,, the character that illustrated this the best was just given powers (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) like be so fr pls she didn't need that,, and ik someone said that its to give lena a queer narrative and give supercorp queer subtext but it still doesn't make any sense for her character????
yk what let's talk about supercorp while we're at it. kara and lena did not spend 3 seasons devouring each other w/ their eyes and then break up arc (s5) for wtv is happening on s6. i am genuinely mad over this bc s5 gave us perfect context for a romance,, like kara spent 3y lying to her best friend and then they have this huge fight abt it and right when they make up kara ends up alone in a terrifying place. it's so freaking easy for romance to bloom here ????? like i honestly think that supercorp should've been the core of s6 bc even as friends kara and lena are each other's most important person and they both went through pretty traumatic events and i think they should've been supporting each other on a much deeper level idk im just so mad
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just-an-ari · 2 years
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day 27- (they fell in love in) october
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formsofcontinuity · 1 year
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chapters 1, 2, and 3 (or, all earlier chaps on AO3)
chapter 4: calling birds
Lena wakes up the morning of Wednesday, December 28th with two hundred and twenty-seven new Twitter followers and over three thousand mentions. There’s also a 2am text from Kara, just Good night, Lena <3, which does nothing to explain Lena’s sudden surge in social media popularity but does serve to warm her cheeks for a minute or two. She's a fool. A simple good night, and it has her blushing like a schoolgirl.
It takes a little digging, Lena still propped in bed in soft pajamas under an even softer duvet, but eventually she finds the source, a tweet from Kara's official publicity account, timestamped 2:17am:
@therealsupergirl: Always happy to serve the people of NC ofc, but have you checked out what @lenaluthor is doing lately @LLFoundation #lenaluthorfoundation? Low-cost water purifiers? High efficiency solar power generators? Safe plastics recycling? She's the real MVP--show her some love! 💙♻️❤️
What follows is a collection of some of the kindest tweets she's ever had directed towards her, most from complete strangers. Sure, there's a wayward screed or two, but of the few dozen she reads before she looks at the time and realizes she has to get up so she can be ready for an 8am Zoom call with a coalition of East Coast investors, eager to donate prior to the New Year for the tax write-off, the vast majority are complementary.
@piratelifeforme: Wow! I spent all morning reading about what @LLFoundation is up to and I had NO IDEA. Do yourself a favor and check it out, then get on board this train. Superheroes are one thing, but humans have the power to help fix this mess we made, too.
@greenplanetnow: yes @therealsupergirl, you're right! The #lenaluthorfoundation cleaned up a massive water contamination issue in my town after months of unanswered calls to the gov. They did it without asking for a cent, but almost no one reported on it. Not all heroes wear capes. 🙏🏾
@drclimatewatch: As one of the scientists following @lenaluthor 's work, I can verify: her Foundation's charter and her team's innovations truly can revolutionize environmental science. We've wasted too much time on petty rumors when we should be supporting her as a brilliant engineer.
Even Sam has retweeted Kara's message, absent her usual snark.
@samarias: Damn straight, @therealsupergirl! @lenaluthor is not only the smartest woman on the planet, but also a great boss and a true friend who will go to hell and back to do the right thing no matter what people think of her.
The investors on the 8am call are more generous than Lena expected, having thoroughly read her Foundation's report and expressing genuine excitement over the work she's doing. They don't mention Supergirl's tweet, but Lena knows it influenced their level of enthusiasm.
Daniel, her Foundation's head of publicity, calls at 9:30, barreling past Lena’s apologies to assure her that he's thrilled to trade in a couple of his vacation days to help navigate this sudden windfall.  After that, she migrates from her home office to the Foundation office and spends the next few hours on the phone with department heads and her research team strategizing ways to capitalize on the good press wrought by Kara's tweet. By noon, Daniel has fielded calls from twenty-six news outlets, local, national and international, and issued a press release thanking Supergirl for her generous endorsement and directing interested parties to the Foundation's robust website, white papers, and quarterly reports. 
"Want me to help craft your personal response?" Lena's social media manager, Rochelle, is on the phone now. Lena's name is trending, for a good reason for the first time in forever, and she's long since stopped trying to keep track of her mentions. 
Rochelle had been typing in the background of their call, but now the clacking pauses. "I had your Foundation account respond several hours ago, but I imagine you want to respond personally, too. Right?"
Oh. Of course, Lena wants to respond personally, but none of the things she's thinking are fit for public consumption. She's pretty sure a declaration of love would shift the conversation in counterproductive ways, for example. Same with asking Kara via tweet about last night's kiss. And then there are the things she wants to say but can't put into words. A wellspring of gratitude. Overwhelming affection. Anxiety about living up to Kara's public declaration of support. Confusion over Kara's decision to tweet that support to the world and to call on her followers to do the same.
"Thanks, Rochelle. Everything you're doing is great. I've been swamped, but I absolutely plan to respond. I think I can manage to come up with something on my own. Is there anything else? I have another call."
"All good, Ms. Luthor. Let me know if you change your mind."
It's a lie. There's no other call, but she needs a moment to think. She needs to talk to Kara. Not tweet at her, just talk. 
Almost immediately, she loses her nerve, the possibilities of all the directions their conversation could go swirling in her mind. Texting seems like a safe compromise, although she bungles it pretty much out of the gate.
Sorry I didn’t message before now. I’m being besieged with tweets for some reason.... 
The reply is immediate. Oh no. Are you mad? 🥺 I just wanted everyone to know how awesome you are. And I wanted you to hear it from them, too, since you never believe me when I say it. 
Lena is not very good at this–gratitude or friendship or whatever social minefield this is that Kara is clearly so much better at navigating. The idea that Kara could possibly think she’d be mad for something so sweet hurts her heart. 
Not mad at all! Sorry. That text was supposed to be – What? Coy? Flirtatious? Funny? It was clearly none of those things; she lands on – thankful. I was just so surprised.
A good surprise?
A lovely surprise, yes.
Lena allows herself a few minutes, then, just to sit and text her best friend, without worrying too much about everything else. She tells her about waking up to the Twitter mentions, about the new investments, about how Daniel and Rochelle were so excited they both offered independently to defer part of their vacation time to help her wrangle media requests and publicity. She doesn't tell her how warm the messages from thousands of people made her feel, that those completely unknown to her might be affected by what she’s done, for good this time, that other people might actually have cause to like and respect her. 
In the end, she settles for a Streetcar Named Desire joke.
I have never depended on the kindness of strangers, Kara.
Kara doesn’t miss a beat. You don’t strike me as a Blanche anyway. Did it feel good, this one time?
Leave it to Kara to cut to the chase. 
It did. Thank you.
My pleasure. 
Lena’s phone beeps. Daniel needs her to talk to some new potential investors in a half hour and has sent along their portfolio. 
I have to go. I’m so sorry.
It's ok. I know you're busy.
Thanks to you, even more so than usual. 😂
Haha. I didn’t think that one through, did I? 
I don’t mind, Kara. I’m thrilled the Foundation is making a difference. 
I mind! When are you going to find time for me if you’re mobbed by all your other adoring fans? 
Lena looks hard at her phone. All your other adoring fans. She could go for teasing deflection or affectionate sincerity in her response, and vacillates for a moment between the two. 
You know you're my favorite. I should have time after tomorrow’s press conference? Coffee? 
I’d love that. 
Before Lena turns to the files Daniel sent, she pulls up Twitter on her computer, and quickly fires off a response before she can talk herself out of it, posting it, with only a hint of trepidation, for all the world to see. 
@lenaluthor:  Thank you all. I want nothing more than to work together to save our planet. It's ours, aliens and humans alike. And Supergirl? I couldn't ask for a better ally or partner, one who challenges and encourages me. Not a day goes by I'm not grateful for you, @therealsupergirl
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eqt-95 · 1 year
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Chapter 4 is up!
Check it out on ao3 orrrr start from the beginning here
-- excerpt --
“I don’t blabber-”
“You do for Kara Danvers. Is that your strategy? You plan on wooing her with a stutter?” Jack asked, teeth scraping the empty wooden skewer. It sent Lena’s own teeth on edge and a bewildered glare directed at him. “What?” he asked innocently. “I’m gay, not blind.”
“What are you talking about?" Lena gawked. "W-what’s that supposed to mean?”
“She’s hot. You’re hot. She’s a lesbian. You’re a lesbian. It’s math, honey. Besides, she’s far too sweet to fold to your boardroom tactics. Unless… well, she did call you 'Miss Luthor', so she might be into it in an entirely different - hey, hey, it’s a joke!” he flailed, dodging another assault. 
It was pure luck that Lena’s motor skills were trained to swat at Jack because her brain had stalled in the middle of a highway during rush hour: "Kara Danvers is gay?" 
Lena asked and the words fell just as pathetically from her painted lips as they sounded. Jack, sweet, blind, corn dog-distracted Jack, blessedly didn’t take notice.
"Honestly, have you ever even watched an episode?"
"Of the show?” Lena shot back in a meager effort to deflect from her unbecoming question. “Why would I? It's all made up of hyperbolized conflict anyway," Lena waved off. “If I wanted reality tv drama I’d watch Sex and the City.”
“You know that’s not reality tv, right?” Jack asked, the empty wooden skewer pointed at her critically.
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hill1203 · 2 years
I don’t watch a lot of TV but I’m assuming people are throwing Talder into the queer baiting pile right next to Supercorp or..? I dunno guys, I stopped watching Supergirl after season 5. I kept a few tabs on it, but I know they didn’t become canon. They’re on my list with Bechloe.
I love the ships, but I swear it’s like they get a bunch of scenes that make us say “okay, now kiss,” and then one of them just gets thrown at a guy or something at the end.
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wristful · 1 year
@rejectory​ / bruce wayne.
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    “-- mr. wayne, as i live and breathe.”   lena is an impeccable host; she meets him halfway into the office and indulges in a wide smile. she keeps the handshake short and steps back into her chair -- this office is not big, not ostentatious, it’s a subtle power hinted at with a backdrop of gotham. she hopes he appreciates the set up. she isn’t setting up an l-corp office here to take wayne enterprises to the mattresses, after all, she intends to inspire partnership and productivity and you get the drift. lena gestures at the gawkish assistant in the doorway (christ, i miss jess) for coffee and redirects her smile back to bruce.   “thank you for coming down. it’s been a while.” 
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rjmac211 · 2 months
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Lena holds a gun to Kara’s chest
Kara: Lena you wouldn’t you love me
Lena: I do love you Kara but I have to do this
Kara: Please Lena I’ll do anything you can’t shoot me
Lena: I have to I guess we always knew it would come down to this
Kara: Lena you don’t have to we can fix this
Lena: A Luthor and A Super can not be on the same side that would just be unfair
Kara: For you Lena I will take the hit just know whatever happens I love you
Lena: I love you too Kara
Lena shoots Kara and Kara falls back onto the ground
Alex: You two are so fucking dramatic it’s paint ball not the hunger games
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narraboths · 7 months
i'd like to think you could just walk into a diner in national city and see supergirl (costume and all, no fucks given) and lena luthor making out like teenagers in a corner booth
The first time Supergirl comes to The Intergalactic, she’s thrown straight through its glass doors by a giant space lizard.
It’s really not how Ellie imagined meeting the city’s superhero. It’s not that she thought she’d actually ever meet Supergirl, least of all at work. Tucked away in a side-street near National City University and surviving in a cramped space, with minimal staff, and decor left from the beginning of the Space Age, The Intergalactic mostly sees harried college students and late-night party-goers in need of some fuel. Alien attacks and billowing capes are usually not on the menu.
She has no time to be disappointed by the circumstances of their chance meeting, though. She cannot feel anything beyond absolute terror, really, given the giant space lizard that just made the Girl of Steel demolish their sleepy burger joint’s entrance.
But then, Supergirl climbs back to her feet as she always does, shoulders squared, arms raised, ready to fight. She winces a little at the damage, shooting an apologetic smile towards Ellie before she’d fly up up and away, dragging the lizard into the sky with her. The sight of it is so fucking cool that for a second, Ellie is even distracted from the absolute wreckage around her.
(Then, her shoes almost catch fire and she’s brought back to the cold, hard, rubble-covered ground of reality.)
Later, when the news reports are loud with praise for another successful Super-save, and Ellie has managed to sweep up most of the broken glass and endured a hysterical call from her boss, Supergirl touches down in front of their doors again.
“Hello,” she waves with a little smile. She still has soot marks on her face, but she stands tall, impossibly dashing. “I’m very sorry for the commotion,” she says, before Ellie could even process the fact that the hero of National City is at her doorstep, again, engaging with her in casual conversation. “I just wanted to check in and see if everyone here was alright.”
“You just fought with an alien lizard,” Ellie blurts out, and Supergirl shrugs, in a hey, just another day on the job kinda way.
“Dracokardosian, actually. Doesn’t matter,” she adds quickly, then plants her hands on her hips. The Super-pose. It makes her shoulders seem even wider, the fabric of her suit straining against her upper arms. Ellie feels giddy. “Listen, I’ll make sure you’ll be reimbursed for the damage, but can I lend a hand with anything?”
“We’re fine, I think. It’s only the storefront that got hit– that you hit. No great damage, no injuries.” Supergirl smiles with palpable relief, and Ellie feels the need to ramble on, to keep her there, to bask in the glory of the superhero a little longer. The smell of still-hot frying oil wafting from the kitchen gives her the prompt before she’d even think about it. “Would you like a burger?”
Supergirl looks at her with a confused frown.
“Aren’t you guys closed up yet?”
“I mean, it’s not like we can really close right now,” Ellie shrugs, gesturing towards the gaping hole where the diner’s entrance used to be. It earns an amused little snort from Supergirl, just enough of a boost for Ellie to press on, heart beating in her throat. “Plus, you’re the only reason the place is still standing at all and I’d really like to be able to brag about having served Supergirl, like how many places get to do that?“
“Well, there’s this great patisserie on Lamarr Ave,” Supergirl says, forehead crinkling in concentration as she mulls over the answer. “And then my regular Chinese place, and this café in Paris–” She cuts herself off with a grin. “Okay, point taken. I would love one. But mind if I fix your door in the meantime?”
Ellie nods so vehemently that she gives herself a headrush.
“It’s a deal.”
Supergirl touches a hand to her earpiece, speaking low and incomprehensible before she’d speed away again and Ellie saunters off to the kitchen.
Inside, Jay is half-napping over the sink. He wakes from his slumber with dark, bleary eyes and stares in disbelief as Ellie rattles off the order, until she tells him it’s for Supergirl. He laughs first (yeah, and I’m the Virgin Mary), then takes a peek outside where Supergirl now busy welding the new doors using her heat vision, with a swarm of nanites hovering nearby for assistance. She stops for a second to wave at them: Ellie feels her heart fluttering and Jay gets all red and sweaty, rushing back to the kitchen and getting to it with such dedication as if the diner making it into the Michelin Guide depended on it.
By the time he’s done, The Intergalactic is sporting a brand new, shiny pair of doors, and Supergirl is sitting in a booth, excitedly drumming on a table with her fingers. Then, one burger swiftly turns into three, plus six sides of fries, two milkshakes, and some fried onions for good measure, Supergirl wolfing it all down at a speed fitting her superhuman appetite. She still finds the time to entertain Ellie and Jay with details of her fight between bites (his name is Spike, he was just scared), joking around with them with such geniality that makes her seem more like one of the nicer jocks from NCU, not a demigod in a supersuit. She’s sunshine personified. She compliments the food about half a dozen times (Jay blushes so hard that his face ends up looking like a ripe tomato), leaves a tip large enough to foot the bill twice, and even though it’s nearing midnight by the time she steps outside, Ellie feels a heavy pang in her heart to watch her leave. Supergirl smiles and waves them goodbye, and Ellie manages to run outside just as she takes off, yelling after her: 
“See you again!”
She thinks she can see Supergirl wink at her before she speeds away.
The second time Supergirl visits the diner, it’s been well over a month since the space lizard incident, and Ellie has honestly given up on ever seeing the Girl of Steel in person again. It’s just past the mid-day rush, the diner mostly emptied out, the staff finally getting a breather. She’s busy cleaning the tables in the back when Lev walks up to her, poking her arm.
“Hey, am I tripping, or is that really Supergirl?”
Ellie turns around at lightning speed, just in time to catch Supergirl leaning against the empty counter with a friendly smile.
"Can I get a booth?” She asks, courteously ignoring the way Lev’s jaw is hanging wide open. “Your burgers smell so fantastic, my mouth has been watering all the way from Metropolis.”
Ellie’s shaking with so much nervous energy that she thinks she might start vibrating like the Flash.
“Make yourself comfortable wherever, I’ll be right with you!”
Supergirl is, well, just super. 
Her visits to The Intergalactic are infrequent enough that the place doesn’t get hounded by paps, or Super-fans, or any villain of the week; arriving almost always in off-hours, when the place is almost as empty as the street outside. But her appearances are plenty enough for every single member of the staff to fall head over heels in love with her. She turns out to be just as ridiculously kind and nice as the CatCo fluff pieces would have the public believe: always praising the food, being as courteous with the staff as she is game to take selfies with them. She chats with Lev about their college studies, gives Ellie an air-lift when her car breaks down one night. She makes people smile just by walking through the door.
She’s the best part of the job.
When Supergirl turns up with Lena Luthor at her side one day, Ellie’s already so used to the outlandishness of their superhero regular that she’s only moderately shaken to see the most notorious public figure of National City striding into the diner with her.
She still almost bites down on her tongue and trips over, because holy shit, Lena Luthor is a sight. There’s always a touch of unreal about Supergirl’s appearance – maybe it’s the suit, maybe it’s the knowledge that she’s an alien, maybe it’s the fact that she always looks like she’s glowing from the inside. Her towering physique and artfully drawn features are awing, but they also seem just right for a superhero.
But Lena Luthor is only an ordinary human, and no ordinary human, all-powerful CEO or not, should look like a Greek goddess personified.
Ellie is so engrossed that she doesn’t even notice at first how Supergirl’s hand is resting on the small of Miss Luthor’s back, how they’re standing so close that their shoulders brush together, Lena Luthor leaning just slightly against the hero.
“Quaint,” she murmurs, low and amused, and though there’s nothing unkind about it, Ellie’s suddenly very aware of how pristine she looks in the middle of their greasy little diner. (Shit, her clothes must be worth more than the whole place.) But then, before she could get flustered, Supergirl snorts, bumping Miss Luthor’s shoulder with a grin.
“Don’t knock it till you try it.”
Their rapport is so charming that at first, it doesn’t even register with Ellie how downright smitten Lena Luthor’s smile is in response to Supergirl’s teasing.
Lena Luthor turns out to be super in her own ways. She’s more reserved than Supergirl, more guarded about her appearances, too, but disarmingly nice all the same. The tabloid headlines screaming ice queen and megalomaniac seem more and more ridiculous with every visit – there’s very little that says Mad Luthor about the small, overworked young woman who makes a point of asking about her day and leaves large enough tips that they can refit the whole kitchen with it and fix up the back room.
They keep odd hours those days, though, popping in for early morning coffees, or late, late night snacks. They share a plate more often than not, and the sight of Supergirl stealing a bite off of Lena Luthor’s fork becomes somewhat of a regular occurrence. (In no particular order, so does the following: Lena Luthor’s head resting on Supergirl’s shoulders, eyes fluttered shut; Supergirl leaning forward a little so Lena Luthor can press a goodbye kiss to her cheek before the superhero would fly off with a grin; Lena Luthor wiping some grease from the corner of Supergirl’s mouth with an indescribably fond smile).
It starts feeling like something that’s just meant to be.
Ellie doesn’t know whether it’s their first kiss or not when she witnesses it.
She’d never want to pry, either. It’s only by accident that she sees it happen at all. But she does see it, late one night, when Supergirl and Miss Luthor are huddled together in one of the booths in the back.
They look a little tired now – Supergirl’s cape is half off her shoulder, Lena Luthor’s hair let down and a touch messy, jarringly for her usually so put-together appearance – but sweet, too, as they always do, and utterly enamored. Supergirl’s hand is cradling Lena’s chin, Lena’s hands are buried in her golden mane, their lips pressing together gently, both of them smiling radiantly, lost in their own world. Then Lena presses forward a little, pushing Supergirl against her seat, and Ellie turns away with a burning face and starts scrubbing a table so hard that she risks putting a hole through the damn thing, trying to pretend she didn’t hear the breathless, overjoyed laugh echoing through the empty room.
It is, strictly speaking, not an issue that National City’s power couple has picked your place of work to be their makeout spot. Supergirl’s still the nicest person alive and Miss Luthor’s tipping habits have only grown more generous. They just take the booth that’s the farthest in the back, Ellie tries not to bother them too much, and if someone catches a glimpse of a red cape or a striking jawline, an emphatic glare and Just be cool, man usually does the trick.
Heroes, they’re just like us.
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
This isn’t really a ficlet. It’s more of a screen test. If I like it and you like it, this might be my next project after my SCBB fic is done. I’ll start posting excerpts of that soon!
CW: Mentions of death and dying, and loss.
Of all the things to kill Lena Luthor, it was a heel shearing off her shoe. It wasn’t even a proper high heel, just a two inch rise on a pair of rather stately shoes from a designer of no particular note. Lena had since passed on the Louboutins, and had long adopted more conservative cuts for her suits and dresses. She’d given up her title as CEO decades ago and now fulfilled the role of director emeritus of L-Corp’s research and development division.
It had been a good life, except for one glaring exception. She’d cured over twenty types of common cancers, developed vaccines, and almost personally reversed global warming. She had only one regret as the heel sheared off her shoe and she went tumbling down the stairs to the floor of the L-Corp lobby.
Curiously, she was only dimly aware of the pain. It was something distant, like it was happening to someone else. She heard more than felt a crushing blow to her hip and when the marble rushed up to fill her vision, the world simply went explosively white and the only thing she felt was cold.
The world stayed white, which had perplexed her. Lena had never believed in any sort of life after death, even though she had a vague sense of the supernatural. Her mother was rumored to be a witch in the Irish village where she grew up, and she’d been told as much when she visited as an adult to seek out her roots. She expected, well, nothing. Not even an awareness that there was nothing, just an absence. As she grew older, on those nights when her mortality came crashing down around her in the fitful depths of the early morning when sleep rejected her, she would rationalize death as simply not having to get up tomorrow.
She did not expect to find herself standing in her old office, the one from a lifetime ago. Her stark minimalist desk dominated the room. Without knowing why, she ran the pads of her fingers along its cool length, a ghost of a sad smile dusting her lips.
The sofa was there, too. She could barely bring herself to look at it. After Kara’s betrayal, she had disposed of it thoroughly and rearranged the office. She’d eventually be driven out of the room entirely by grief and settled into another office on a lower floor and began spending more time at home, but the penthouse gave her no solace, either, and she ended up selling it and ultimately moved the research and development department back to Metropolis and worked there.
Lena’s breath caught at the sight of a familiar photograph on one of her bookcases. She took it in trembling hands, knowing then that this must be an illusion or a dream, because she’d smashed the frame and shredded this photograph in her own two fingers.
It was her and Kara, faces pressed together and grinning, their eyes so radiant with joy that it burned Lena’s heart to see and she immediately hurled it across the room, hurling it at a vase of rare plumerias that Kara had brought for her, leaving behind a full belly and a soaring heart.
A hand plucked it casually from the air and set it on an end table near the sofa. Lena stood her ground, though her legs began to tremble.
Standing in her office was a man she didn’t know, dressed smartly in a black suit that would have been in fashion all those years ago. He had a curiously calm air about him, reserved and almost peaceful.
“Who are you?” said Lena. “I’m dead, right? Are you God? The Devil?”
“I am not a god, nor am I one of the true immortals, though it is said that in strange æons, even death may die.”
“Then who are you?”
“My name is Mxyzptlk. Kara might, perhaps, have told you of me.”
He snorted softly.
“Typical. I am a very long lived being, Lena Luthor. My kind measure our lives in eons, and as a wise human once said, a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. For the last ten thousand years, I have been a troublemaker and an imp. Now I shall be something else. I have decided I shall be grand and wise.”
“What does that have to do with me?” said Lena.
“Not you. Kara. I still owe her a debt, and I must balance myself before I truly transition into my next iteration. I am here to balance that debt.”
“By giving you the opportunity to give love one last chance.”
“I was never in love with-“
“Do not lie to me.”
Lena took a half step back, grabbing the desk for balance. Mxyzptlk took a few steps closer.
“I am as far beyond you as you are beyond an ant, the very forces of chaos and entropy heed my command. All time is an open book to me. Whether you admit it to yourself or not, you never married because you were hoping they Kara would stop giving you space and time to heal like you said you wanted, but never did.”
“How dare you? You don’t-“
“What Kara did to you, the way she manipulated her identities to confuse you, was cruel. Lying to you for so long was cruel.”
“Then why should I take you up on whatever this is?”
“A do-over. You’ll go back with your memories intact. You’ll have the chance to set right what once went wrong, and so will she. Or you can avoid her entirely and seek happiness elsewhere. You can leave National City behind or refuse her lunch invitations or whatever it is you think you wish you’d done. I’m not here to force you to love her. I’m giving you another chance, in truth, on her behalf. One she would pigheadedly refuse out of some misplaced sense of morals or decency.”
“Have you offered this to her?”
“No. Where she has gone now, I cannot follow. I can’t even show you where she is: her god has taken her home to his warm light. She rests in the lush fields of a prehistoric Krypton she never knew, spending eternity with her family. Rao has even used his strength and purpose to talk Mother Sol into allowing the Danvers into his domain.”
Lena’s voice cracked. “What?”
“Kara passed earlier today on Argo, from old age and cumulative injuries from her time as Supergirl, without a yellow star to protect her from them.”
“It sounds like she’s happy,” said Lena, turning away. “I… I still want her to be happy.”
“Rao is a bold god, a strong and protective one, but he is an honest lord. He does not give her the gift of forgetting, and perfect memory of love lost can be make a hell of heaven.”
“She loved me?”
“As much as you loved her. Enough to let you go.”
Lena’s hands began to shake. “It’s been so long. How-“
There was a knock at the door. Lena jumped, almost falling.
Mxyzptlk flashed to her side, crossing the space without moving.
“Choose now.”
“Who’s out there?”
“I don’t know. Whoever has the strongest claim over your soul, I suppose. You must choose now; to delay a true god is beyond even me.”
Lena swallowed, hard.
“Do it,” she whispered.
The world went mad. Everything was spinning, and trying to throw her stomach out of her body through her nose. The acrid smell of jet fuel and burning electronics stung her nose. The pilot beside her was unconscious.
And then…
The spinning slowed, and she was no longer falling. A gentle sense of lift raised her into the air, the city falling away from the cracked glass in front of her. Very gently, the helicopter came to rest on the roof, and she glimpsed a familiar figure in a cape and skirt, and her heart nearly exploded in her chest. There was a gust of wind that rocked the chopper and ice crystals crawled over the glass, crackling in the National City sunshine.
Then, she was there. Kara tore the door loose in a single, fluid motion and climbed inside, pausing to check the pilot, peering through flesh and bone to asses his injuries.
Then she looked at Lena.
Kara’s breath caught, and her pupils blew wide. Kara stared at Lena like she was something knew, unknown and wondrous, the edges of her lips curling just so despite the self serious tone as she asked if Lena was okay.
It was her. Alive, here, now. Lena couldn’t help herself; she lifted a trembling hand to cup Kara’s soft cheek, without thinking. Her throat nearly closed and no words escaped her lips. She just felt that warm, soft skin and stared right back into Kara’s otherworldly eyes, savoring the tickle of Kara’s loose honey curls slipping over the back of her hand.
“Miss Luthor,” Kara said. “Your heart is racing. We’d better get you an ambulance.”
“You saved me,” Lena whispered.
“That’s what I do,” said Kara, winking at her.
Lena almost died again.
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fazedlight · 9 months
Irish (soft season 6 ficlet)
Kara knew something was wrong.
Not dangerous wrong. Lena’s heart rate was steady and calm, and there was no one else in the apartment with her. But as Kara flew above the few buildings left to her apartment, she could see how Lena was hunched over, see the stress and sadness in her body. And it made Kara’s heart ache.
Landing in the open window, Kara stepped inside, the small taps alerting Lena to her entrance. “Kara,” Lena said, trying to hide the distress on her face as she rose from the couch, grabbing at VHS tapes spread in front of the TV. “You’re home early.”
“They put out the fire before I got there,” Kara said softly. “The winds weren’t as bad as they thought.”
Lena nodded, hurriedly placing the pile of tapes into a familiar box. Kara had flown the box back to National City herself - one of the many artifacts carried over from Lena’s mother’s home, which Lena inherited at the age of 18. Lena had only gone once or twice as an adult, until the discovery of her magic made her curious to reconnect to what she could of her mother. “Are you okay?” Kara asked.
“I’m fine,” Lena said.
“Lena.” Kara stepped forward, kneeling on the rug, gently taking Lena’s busy hands into her own. “Lena, I’m here.”
Lena paused, leaving the remaining tapes next to the TV, taking a slow breath as she dropped back to sit on the floorboards instead. “I just didn’t expect to feel this way.”
“Feel what way?”
Lena stared down at the floor, not quite ready to look Kara in the eye. “I was so young. There’s so much I don’t remember.”
Kara took a seat in front of her, still holding Lena’s hands. She waited patiently - silent, and comforting, letting Lena take her time to think or talk as she wished.
“In one of the tapes,” Lena said, her voice a touch deeper than normal, “She sang an Irish lullaby. I haven’t heard it in decades. The melody slammed back into me.”
“I’m sure it was lovely,” Kara said.
“She spoke to me. In Irish. She spoke to me, and I didn’t understand what she was saying,” Lena said, frustrated. “And in the tape, I spoke back, and I didn’t understand what I was saying. It’s all gone.”
And that’s when Kara stiffened, a bolt of lightning running through her as she understood. It was different in her case, of course - she had once thought herself the last to speak a language, carrying a dead culture in her soul. Through sheer luck, she was able to get her father, her mother, her people back - but the feeling of being orphaned, she understood, if in a different way than Lena. “The Luthors don’t speak Irish,” Kara replied.
“Language attrition is common in children who stop speaking their first language before the age of 12,” Lena said softly, in a tone that made Kara realize that Lena must’ve read about this a dozen times before. “I didn’t know what I was losing until it was too late.”
“Lena,” Kara said, leaning forward to give the brunette a hug. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know it sounds so silly,” Lena said. “It’s not like I have much need to speak Irish.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t mourn what you’ve lost,” Kara said, thinking back to a million conversations she’d had with Kelly about her own traumas, even if later they were reversed by fate. “You can still be sad about it.”
Lena sighed, melting into Kara’s arms, and Kara felt relieved. They sat, wrapped in each other’s embrace and breathing in the peace of the evening, Kara rubbing gently at Lena’s back until Lena was ready. “Well, I can put the rest of this away,” Lena said, pulling back, her voice steady for the first time that evening. “We can start cooking dinner.”
Kara nodded, watching as Lena gazed back - a bit mournful, a bit sad, but a certain lightness compared to before. “If it helps,” Kara said gently, with one last thought, “I can learn Irish with you? It may not be like before, but sometimes getting some of the pieces back can mean something.”
Lena looked at her for a moment, before smiling. “I’d like that.”
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trashpandato · 8 months
Despite what people might assume, Lena Luthor is not a morning person. 
Yes, she is awake at 5:30 am most days and at the office before 7am. And yes, that usually means she operates on much less than the recommended eight hours of sleep. She has trained herself for years to function like this, to be productive and effective well before most people crawl out of their sheets in the mornings.
But that doesn’t mean she likes being awake this early.
Kara has learned long ago that Lena is mostly non-verbal before her first cup of coffee at home, that there is a window of time after that coffee when it’s best not to say anything to her because Lena has an uncanny ability to turn even the most mundane sentences into an all-out argument. Kara also knows that Lena spends her mornings in her head, going over the day ahead, rehearsing speeches she needs to give, running through plans for board meetings, mentally preparing for each and every item on her schedule that day. So it is not the best time to ask or tell Lena anything —there’s a good chance she won’t hear it or won’t remember later.
Weekends are a little different. There is less of a schedule, less pressure to be at the office at a specific time, but the general rules still apply: don’t talk to Lena before her first coffee, keep conversations light and shelve important information for later.
It’s a routine that Kara knows well, has known it for a number of years now. So she is a little taken aback when she gets out of bed one Saturday morning to find Lena in the kitchen, with a warm smile, holding out a coffee for Kara.
“Good morning, darling.”
“Morning,” Kara mumbles around a slight frown. “How long have you been up?’
“Not long,” Lena says, and Kara can hear some nervousness in her voice but she still seems a lot more chipper than normal.
Kara nods and accepts the coffee. 
“So, I was wondering, well, I have some thoughts for what we could do today, but I have a question for you first,” Lena starts, and her words are uncharacteristically rambly. 
Kara isn’t entirely sure what’s going on. “Okay?”
She watches Lena fiddle with her fingers and there’s an overall high-strung energy about her that is highly unusual for this time of day.
“Okay. So. Here’s the question.”
And Kara doesn’t hear the rest because her own heartbeat roars loudly in her ears when Lena drops down on one knee in front of her and holds out a bracelet and a ring. She knows Lena will tease her about it for the rest of her life, (“I had the best proposal speech and you didn’t hear a single word of it.”), but right in this moment, all she cares about is seeing the hope and love on Lena’s face and the way tears spring to her eyes as soon as Kara cuts her off and blurts out a loud “yes! Yes, of course, yes.”
Best morning ever.
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goldenempyrean · 5 months
Sleepy Scientist
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〚 Notes - I wrote this AGES ago and forgot to post it... oops. I know I've been "somewhat" (a hell of a lot) absent, I've just been busy with life and other things :,) 〛
〚 Pairing - Lena Luthor x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - Lena is overworked, you take the day to make sure she rests a little 〛
〚 Wordcount - 560 〛
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Lena Luthor was chronically overworked. You knew this. She knew this. Her colleagues knew this. It was just a generally well known fact. Yet despite this nobody ever seemed to be able to get her to slow down a little.
It wasn’t like you didn’t try, you really did. But even with your countless nagging, you’d still catch Lena staying up late to work at her laptop, answering emails or typing up reports. She always seemed to be working.
Of course this was going to catch up to her. You’d warned her it would. As such, you weren’t surprised when after an exhausting week, Lena had woken up feeling crappy.
Low fever, aches and pains. All consequences of pushing herself to the brink then pushing a little extra. Lena's eyes fluttered open as you came back into the bedroom, her tired gaze revealing the telltale signs of exhaustion. With a soft sigh, she glanced at you, "I think you were right about needing more sleep."
“I don’t want to say I told you so, but…” You trailed off, shaking your head softly as you came to sit on the edge of the bed, allowing yourself to gently cup her face, “This is what happens when we don’t take breaks.”
Lena managed a weak smile, her eyes half-closed. "I know, I know. I just can't help it sometimes." She slowly sat up, looking a bit wobbly.
You smiled, taking the glass of water from the nightstand and prompting her to drink it, “How about we just take it slow today. No work, no plans. Just relax.” You suggested, taking the empty glass she handed back to you and set it back down on the side, “We could watch some of those cheesy movies you pretend to hate?”
Lena nodded, appreciating the concern in your eyes. "Cheesy movies and cuddles sound perfect right now," she admitted with a faint chuckle, slowly making her way to the living room. As she settled onto the sofa, your small little black cat jumped up and settling on her lap, causing Lena to smile down at the animal as she pet him gently, “Hi you.”
Your cat meowed contently back at her and you smiled at the pair of them before leaving to go and grab the large blanket from your linen closet. It didn’t take long to get snuggled up beside her, and before long the two of you were cuddled together, her head resting against you as you watched Titanic.
As the movie played, Lena leaned into you, her eyes growing heavier with each passing scene. The warmth of the blanket enveloped both of you, creating herself a cosy cocoon. It was about halfway through the movie, when you felt Lena stir against you, ducking inside your side as she let out a soft, sleepy sneeze.
You chuckled softly, "Bless you, sleepyhead." Gently stroking her hair, you suggested, "Maybe a short nap will do you a world of good, catch up on some of that sleep you desperately need.”
She nodded, yawning as she nuzzled further up against you. You were helpless but to look down at her, love filling your eyes as she let her head fall into your lap, “Get some rest sweetheart.” You whispered, letting your hand rest on her back, “I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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