#we don’t like marisol but we also don’t like cheaters
buddiedaydreamer911 · 29 days
bucks apartment smells like smoke.
buck is now alone in said apartment with christopher.
eddie is not there.
reasonably i know there is still an episode between now and Ashes Ashes/All Fall Down
but what the fuck
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firehose118 · 28 days
One of the main themes of this show is that no matter what you do — no matter how many people you hurt — you can still make amends and learn from it and do better.
You are not defined by your worst moment.
You are still worthy of being loved even if you make mistakes.
It feels like people are missing this with Eddie right now. Is he making a mistake? Absolutely. Is he hurting people in the process? Yes, he will be once they find out. Is he now irredeemable? No, absolutely not.
That goes against the central message of the entire show.
I could go through character by character and outline how this message applies to all of them but let’s focus on the big one:
Bobby not only hurt his family emotionally with his addiction but he also (accidentally) killed them and 145 others.
He’s terrified still that this makes him unworthy of happiness. But does it? The show tells us over and over again that no, it does not. He’s still trying to make amends, and maybe will have to all his life. But he’s trying. He’s doing that work, and the world of 9-1-1 is a better place because Bobby Nash exists within it.
What Bobby did was so, so much bigger than what Eddie is doing. The intent is different, sure, but both happened because the person was in pain. Pain makes people do terrible and selfish things.
Eddie has been Bobby’s parallel before and we’re seeing it again with the Amir storyline. Both of their pasts are coming back to haunt them right now. Both will have to reckon with the consequences of their actions. Both will have to make amends.
In the world of 9-1-1, any action can be forgivable if you are willing to make amends. Anyone and everyone is deserving of love.
So when I see people in the tags outlining why it’s so unforgivable that Eddie is cheating on Marisol and why this means he doesn’t deserve to be with Buck now, I have to wonder… are we watching the same show?
If you don’t understand that he’s cheating NOT because he ‘is a cheater’ but because he sees Kim as a chance to have Shannon back then you don’t understand how deeply and desperately Eddie has rewritten their marriage in his head to be flawless.
If you don’t understand how much pain Eddie has been in over Shannon’s death since 2019 then you don’t understand Eddie.
If you don’t understand how pain will warp your perception of reality and your scope of acceptable actions then you don’t understand pain.
And if you don’t understand how forgiveness and acceptance of a loved one’s flaws are the absolute heart of this show, then you don’t understand 9-1-1.
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littlerosetrove · 28 days
My initial Spoiler Thoughts (as I was watching) for 7x7
Jennifer is so good at crying, she always makes me misty eyed.
The scene with Marisol was so cringe. We know but my gosh Edy is such a bad actress.
Eddie and Marisol agreed to starting over, right? Okay, so why is Chris with them? How is including him taking things slow? Well… we know Eddie uses Chris as a buffer for things, including relationships and his own feelings. Marisol even said something about Eddie and Chris not going anywhere? Sure, but you sure as hell are at some point, and I genuinely don’t get why Marisol is still here. She was used as a catalyst for Eddie’s Catholic guilt, which was not the focus on this episode. Marisol has served her purpose, so again, why is she still here?
The focus of this episode is the fact that Eddie is spiraling and now pursuing a woman that looks like his dead wife. Marisol doesn’t fit into this at all beyond making Eddie a cheater. I would be fine with the soap opera as hell doppelgänger stuff, but cheating? No.
Mara has a brother? My gosh, more trauma for this girl. =/
Oh. I like Amir. And I saw spoilers, so I know he’s connected to Bobby’s past. Oh this is gonna get complicated and who knows what else, I can tell.
Eddie lying to Shannon’s doppelgänger, Kim, that he’s a single father and has a son. Genuinely, what the fuck Eddie. And there’s also the connection of the candle smelling like a beach? Yeah, we know. Eddie is still chasing Shannon’s ghost to the extent of doing. This.
This episode has a theme of stalkers, obviously. Catherine and her daughter being abducted by Kyle. Eddie in his own way was stalking Kim. I don’t know if I’d call Hen and Karen seeking out the parents of Mara’s brother stalking, but Karen did use the word.
Chimney asking Maddie about her past. Oh I loved that scene because have they ever really talked about Maddie’s time with Doug? Or when she was kidnapped? Chimney, so supportive, always. The man that you are!
Wow, even when having an awkward dinner with his girlfriend, Eddie is thinking about a memory (or a skewed one) of Shannon where they’re having sex and then talking about bringing her back into Chris’s life.
If we have to have Devin, Shannon’s actress back, at least she’s actually a decent actress. I’ll take the win where I’ll get them.
Buck full on tackling the shitbag like some linebacker was great.
Poor Maddie having to relive trauma, but I did like how 1) in its own way helped Maddie with her own trauma, which Chimney so lovingly asked her to share with him, and 2) I liked the inclusion of Maddie in the case with Athena. How it was all connected, I liked that. Things like this, the show is at its best when the characters get to interact and work together in a meaningful way.
Hen and Karen getting to be star parents in this episode was such a highlight. Ha, and Karen said something about how they “switch” sometimes? Yeah there’s more than one meaning to that.
Chris may be a young teen, but he still wants to hang out with and spend time with his Buck. I love that so much. And hmmm Buck was trying a new lasagne recipe? There’s something there, but I can’t put my finger on it just yet. Cause remember Buck taking three times to perfect a lasagne recipe from Bobby that he cooked for Eddie and Chris in I think 6x1? Yeah.
Buck knows Eddie’s “good cologne” scent. Yeah sure this is totally normal best friend behavior and knowledge to have. Okay!
Eddie outright lied to Buck about going on a date with Marisol. EDIT: Lied to Buck and also used him in the lie. I think that won't sit well with Buck, even if he has um experience in cheating on a girlfriend.
This mess that Eddie has created is going to blow up in his face, and sooner than he probably anticipates (though I doubt he’s thinking of any consequences right now). He’s creating a mess for himself, for Chris, Buck, and more. This is going to affect more than just him.
Ohhhh shit you could see it in Amir’s subtle acting that he very much has some Feelings about seeing Bobby. Note that all Amir got to see was a, seemingly, unburdened Bobby Nash, still being a firefighter and holding a baby. Like. I think Amir is assuming right now that all is well for and with Bobby, when WE know that to this day Bobby struggles with his survivors guilt, the guilt of the people killed, guilt of whether he deserves a second chance, all of that. And another layer to this? Bobby still feels guilt for those that were killed, but he’s never really… talked about the people who lost the people in the fire. And now he’s going to be confronted with someone that survived and is still dealing with someone’s death. Ohhhh man this story is already juicy.
How darn sweet was it that Maddie and Chimney have a little routine/method of helping Jee-Yun sleep better? What a precious detail.
Right now I’d say I liked everything in this episode except for Eddie’s cheating storyline. I have a TON more to say about that, but I’m going to make that a separate post. Thus I’ll save my venting for that post. Even so, if you’re enjoying the cheating storyline - and it’s truly okay if you are because this is fiction - please do not come to me to chat or debate about this. Do not comment about why you think it’s good or anything, please. Talk to someone who does agree with you because that’s not me.
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lovelylilies · 4 years
bi&pansexuality: a day 9 criticism
Season 3 was really exciting to me when it first started. We weren’t thrown head first into the drama even when Genevieve came, and we could couple up with a female LI more quickly than ever. There was potential! So, so much potential.
I, being the raging bisexual I am, started with Harry and switched to AJ at my first chance. This meant, that when the new three came in, Yasmin would choose my mc, which, from what I could tell, would allow someone a playthrough with entirely female LIs asides from the initial choosing. 
That’s great! It’s definitely fantastic because it opens the gates to our lovely lesbians, as well as giving more options for those of us who lean more on female attracted. It’s quite the difference from season 1 where there was only Talia and season 2 where getting with Marisol was so convoluted I still haven’t successfully done it.
Now, you might be thinking, there seems to be a but somewhere.
Yes, there is a but, a big, beautiful but and it’s not AJ’s. It’s Lily and Rafi.
If you’re like me and you’ve stayed loyal to AJ, I haven’t done Jasmine’s route yet, you’d know that when the two come in, they have their minds set. Lily will be set on mc, which again is great for someone who’s looking to stick to a female LI. 
The issue is Rafi. Well, Rafi and the writers.
At this point, we know AJ is either bi or pan, and I assume the reason Lily is set on mc is to allow lesbians a new option for a LI. Again, really wonderful, and I’d like it if it weren’t for a small detail.
Or, well, a pretty large one.
Rafi comes in and AJ is hooked on him. I assume this is standard for all LIs and whichever new arrival is assigned to be mc’s rival. There’s no bad intentions, it’s meant to cause drama and provide new routes and in any other scenario, I’d get it.
Except, this is the first time we truly have options when it comes to a female LI. I read somewhere that you can get with Elisa in season 2, but I’ve heard next to nothing confirming or adding to this. So, I’m saying that this is the first time we have options.
And the options for females are all made out to be bi or pan from what I can tell.
Why does that matter?
It matters because of a few stereotypes associated with those of us who are bi and pan.Let’s list them shall we?
Cheaters, indecisive, promiscuous, only into women because they can’t get a man, etc.
This entire plotline plays directly into those stereotypes by making mc believe that AJ is into Rafi. In any other situation, I’d have no problem with a LI showing interest in a new islander, it happens in every season! But this is the first time we have a few female LIs and this is the first time that all of those LIs show interest in a male LI. 
Again, I don’t have a problem with their head being turned, I have a problem with the fact that the LI to the female mc has their head turned for a male. Especially with how poorly they made Marisol as a LI. Yes, I said it, Marisol was a shitty LI no matter how interesting I find her. Mainly because she plays into every negative stereotype associated with bi and pan people!
If Fusebox had set a different standard and had varying plotlines for female LIs getting their heads turned, I wouldn’t have a problem. 
Unfortunately they don’t and I have a problem. While I wouldn’t go as far to call it biphobic or panphobic, it’s safe to say that this plotline was done in poor taste. 
However, it’s not fair for me to provide criticism without providing ways for improvement. Which is why I would have liked to see AJ’s head turned for Lily. This would at least negate the idea that bi and pan women are always looking for a man while also allowing for something interesting to happen with mc and Rafi. What I mean to say, is Fusebox could have had mc turn down Rafi with an option that has mc explicitly state she only likes or prefers women. Not just loyalty.
That’s just my thoughts though. It’s 3am here and I’ve barely slept this past week so I don’t know who coherent this ramble is. I’d like to know what y’all think.
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bobbyboops · 4 years
Can you do worst qualities in guys next?
Ask and ye shall receive anon!
Gary: he can be very indecisive, and because he avoids drama so much he often leaves mc to deal with shit on her own. I just wanted him to stand up to Lottie once and tell her to back off!
Noah: again indecisive, and he’s so worried about hurting people’s feelings that he just accepts a mediocre at best relationship.
Rocco: a slimy cheater who never showers. He also is very misogynistic at times. He thinks it’s ok for him to flirt with everything that has a pulse, but if you flirt at all it makes him uncomfortable. ie you showing off your swimsuit. Smh 😒😒😒 also he cheats on you, but then when he is leaving he will try to make the moves on you again!! And if you ask “what about mARiSol?” He says “what about her?” But then when he is outside and Marisol leaps into his arms he kisses her goodbye!! 🤢🤢
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Ibrahim: he again is very indecisive! He switches from mc to Shannon to kissing jo. Then he asks jo to be his girlfriend after 3 days (if not on his route) Like boy have you lost your mind? Cause I’ll help you find it!
Bobby: he is so worried about pleasing everyone that mc gets left behind a lot! ie making cupcakes for Lottie (especially when mc was partnered with Rocco) like why the hell does she need cupcakes?! he’s very protective of priya during ON but never has that energy for mc.
Lucas: his jealousy, and he can sometimes come off as selfish. He is definitely out for number one. Which I guess could be a pro or a con depending on who you are.
Henrik: I don’t know??? He’s just a giant puppy dog. I guess just the lack of apology when he brings Blake back.
Jakub: he is very condescending, and he just gives off a really creepy vibe to me. Like he’s the guy who doesn’t take no for an answer. Then if you really do say no he would come back with “whatever you aren’t even that pretty anyway.”
The casa amor guys I feel like we really don’t get to see that much of their personalities (since they lose them right after casa) but I’ll do my best.
Carl: workaholic, and not great with communication.
Kassam: communication, and jealousy.
Elijah: self involved at times.
Graham: I’m not sure.
Arjun: again not really sure.
Felix: exists.
TBH the biggest problem I had with the guys was the fact that they were never held accountable for anything!!
Gary kisses Lottie but only Lottie catches shit about it.
Noah kisses mc, dumps her for Blake, and then goes right back to hope! Then has the audacity to ask mc to sleep with him on the roof terrace. Once again no consequences.
Bobby was a major part of ON and he gets off Scott free while priya gets dumped on. (Mc as well even if you don’t participate because you get dragged into it anyway) 😒😒
Ibrahim kisses jo behind Shannon’s back, and everyone has to hear about it for DAYS except the one person it involves.
Lurik bring Blake back and there are no consequences for that either.
The only boy who had consequences was Rocco. And thank goodness I didn’t have to look at his dusty stinky ass anymore!
Ok sorry that got ranty! Haha
Thank you so much for the ask!! I love when people as for my opinion! 🤗❤️🥰
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