#we are all org 13 members now
chenoehi · 30 days
been thinking thoughts about KH3, MoM theories, etc a lot lately and this is my current brain rot:
All the Org XIII ancient keyblade wielders seem to treat Sora with either derision or kindness.
Eg. Marluxia and Luxord are friendly to Sora when they’re fading away. Marluxia thanks him and Luxord gives him a card to help him. Luxord was arguably never unkind to Sora prior but he was still antagonistic. Larxene isn’t kind per se but she shows a different side briefly and even smiles at him in the end, which for her actually seemed genuine.
Meanwhile you have Xigbar/Luxu and Demyx. Both of which are, frankly, bastards (affectionately! I love them your honor) to Sora in KH2, DDD, and KH3 even when they don’t need to be. Like, just thinking about Xigbar antagonizing the shit out of Sora in KH2/Radiant Garden and like Cardi B I’m wondering what was tf reason.
Based on what we know of him now, we can make educated guesses as to why he acts that way — his character file is illuminating and offers a lot of insight as to why he may feel differently about Sora, in addition to how nosey af we know Luxu is.
Demyx initially acts friendly but that’s really just him addressing Roxas imo which he makes pretty obvious by speaking directly to Roxas in KH2. And while he was objectively terrible to Roxas in terms of ditching him on missions in Days, he was never actually rude or unkind to him that I remember. For the most part he’s friendly with him both in game and in comics (that I know of). And he seemed alright with Xion.
Sora? Nah. He’s sarcastic as shit and while I love me some barbs, I tend to agree with the opinion that sarcasm is veiled contempt.
In fact contempt is the word I feel fits best for how both Xigbar and Demyx act/feel toward Sora.
But Riku? Demyx calls out to him in Remind and starts talking like they’re besties, he smiles at him softly — which is not at all weird or like his soft smile for Ienzo, no not similar in the slightest — and he gets up in his personal space, which, while not entirely unusual for Demyx, is in contrast to his interactions with Sora. It’s made a little creepy by the odd familiarity with which he’s treating someone he’s supposedly just met — and not even properly. (it’s actually crazy to me but rn I’m realizing the org members almost never introduce themselves to anyone lol Sora has no idea who these people are, like he literally doesn’t know what to call them so he just says “it’s org 13” bc names? what’s a name?)
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And this single solitary interaction between Riku-Demyx for me is all just so strange because there’s few people on record in the games that Demyx is actually friendly toward. Xigbar, Ienzo, Roxas, maybe Xion, now Riku. That’s an ..interesting mix. I’m not counting Vexen because dude was finding every excuse to walk away from science boy in RG before getting sucked into the scheme via manipulation (and arguably his own ego, cause you know, he’s the only one who could pull it off bc no one would suspect him). He literally claims himself that he had no real friends outside of Xigbar and we know that association alone is 👀 At one point Axel speaks somewhat kindly of him, but then Demyx was saying how much quieter it was and how he’s glad the loudmouths were unalived in Castle Oblivion. Not very neighborly of him, but then again Axel and Zexion were friendly enough to bet on who’d die next only for Axel to axe (aheh) him so a lot of that backstabbing shit went on. So maybe he was cool with Axel but clearly not enough to be friends with him, even though he apparently wanted friends. (On another note, I still find it super odd Axel chose to defend Demyx to Roxas instead of piling on, we never even saw them interact. It’s weird.)
It’s unfortunate we don’t get to see Xigbar/Luxu interact with Riku on his own but, like with Demyx, I think he would be less bastardly than he is with Sora. Maybe it’s a keyblade master thing, maybe Riku’s just earned more respect, or maybe he just can’t stand that Sora is the ‘hero’ putting others (Riku et al) in danger constantly by needing to be rescued or protected — at least from Xigbar/Luxu’s perspective.
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dreamcast-official · 6 months
Hwy fucker. Kingdom hearts. What's the Norting about.
!!!! ok so im assuming you mean the whole deal with how multiple people are xehanort. the basic version is that master xehanort is like, trying to pull a "i am going to fulfil the prophecy with my own hands!!!" by creating the 13 darknesses himself. it just so happens that the way hes doing this is by putting his own heart into other people to make them vessels for his will and his darkness.
this is the purpose of organization xiii; 13 vessels for xehanort's will, one of them being xehanort's nobody himself (xemnas). as we know though a good chunk of org. xiii ended up Fucking Dying so that didnt happen! its important to note though that at least two members of the original org. xiii were successfully norted (saïx and xigbar)
org. xiii is not the first instance of norting though! master xehanort first put his heart into terra 10 years before kh1, making terra essentially the new xehanort since his own heart was pushed out (not destroyed, he does get it back, but still.) terranort as he is called remembers Nothing other than the name xehanort. he studies under ansem the wise for a while. when his heart gets separated from his body (again) his heartless calls himself ansem (seeker of darkness) and his nobody calls himself xemnas, and thus org. xiii.
anyway! in dream drop distance, xehanort's plan gets back into action so he tries to nort more guys. his plan is to have all versions of himself throughout time in one place so he can obtain his final vessel: sora. fortunately for everyone, sora is saved and doesnt get norted, but this is when we find out saïx was successfully norted - at least halfway. dream drop distance is also where the "me? i'm alreasy HALF XEHANORT!" line from xigbar comes from so thats also neat.
anyway, in kh3, we get the real org. xiii: more xehanort vessels! this includes members of the original org. xiii (demyx, marluxia and larxene), now revived to be better xehanort vessels. vanitas is also included. the success of the norting of these guys i dont remember but i dont think it worked all that well bc they all died (except vanitas.) no one else will ever be norted bc mastee xehanort (the old fuck himself) dieded. 👍
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
I can probably write entire novels out of Days like our lord, and master Kanemaki, but the latter half of Days is making me understand one of the core aspects of post-KH2 games, and even more prominently post-BBS stories have such messy payoffs is the whole Abrams-esque mystery box storytelling.
First half of Days works well since the mystery of Xion is not the core plot, and it is drowned by many other mysteries. There is a plot irrespective of the mystery arc. This is also why S1-S2 of ARC-V work better than S3.
Once the mystery arc becomes the plot, as it happens in Days/Coded/BBS (the latter trio as I like to call them), the overarching narrative starts to hang. However, unlike the even later ones, there is still a main plot ongoing.
Dark Road sort of gets away by playing the mystery arcs for mostly laughs, and KH3 mostly gets away with this by being a long boss rush, so the mysteries are mostly set-up for later games. Original chi also sort gets away with this, since it was written without the context of MoM being the next Big Bad, though without fully scrubbing that possibility.
I guess this is partly why I'm optimistic about MoM arc, Nomura has a clear vision here like he did in the original trio, and even if the arc overall falls short due to Nomura's low-writing quality, it is not going to be the end of the series. While there will inevitably be dropped plot-lines that will be expanded the likely reboot (this is Square after all).
Of course, one more thing we need to discuss is the problem of DLC. KH4 will very likely have two batches of DLC at least, possibly released in one year, or possibly released in two years.
Since there isn't going to be the usual Org. battles, this makes one wonder how they will deal with this, KH1's optional bosses were mostly Disney/FF characters, Heartless, and the usual next game promo. Additionally, since KH4 is not the conclusion of anything, we can't really expect an expanded final boss either.
So, with also the idea of Supergroupies artwork characters being possible side party members in various worlds, or various quests of Quadratum, best option would be more optional side-quests with more characters, but that's not quite Nomura's style, and it will take away from KH5's ideas.
Another issue I guess will be how they justify Sora's power reset in KH6. In the hypothetical Verum Rex spin-off(s), and KH5, they can just have Sora dying again for Strelitzia's return to life, but beyond that they will need to find some other gimmick.
We already messed around Riku, and Kairi through all the numbered titles, and besides Donald & Goofy & Jiminy, Sora doesn't have any strong relationships with any of the recurring cast members not named Naminé. KH3 sort of reestablishes connections with Roxas, and Lea, but within the context of MoM arc, those pale in importance to Ventus, due to his direct connection to MoM.
Easiest way to achieve this narratively would be doing the DDD situation again with MoM, and Foretellers that remain loyal to him becoming close to victory to force Sora's Level to reboot to 1 in KH6, but that would be incredibly cheap, and quite contrived narratively, especially considering the 13 lights vs. 7 darknesses thing we are now doing.
This is kind of important, since DDD, and CoM's plots largely exist for this power reset.
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minijenn · 2 years
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Hey hey hey remember that Anastasia KH AU I drew some stuff for awhile ago? Well I drew more. Specifically, the royal siblings, who uhhhhhh yeah they all go through some shit. I drew them young and happy before old man ‘nort took over first. So we got cute lil 3 year old Xion, adorbs 5 year old Roxas, absolutely precious 8 year old Sora and somewhat grumpy but still very cute Vanitas (those two are twins, obvs), and cool big 13 year old Ven. And then Xehanort came and ruined all their lives, killed their parents, took their kingdom, ya know, the whole nine yards. He actually kept all those kids alive though, just in case, but boy are just about none of them ok. Xion is basically the Organization’s child slave at 11, Roxas is essentially locked in some tower from ages 5 to 13 (but one of the Org members, Axel, does sneak him some food from time to time), Sora was the one that got away but lost his memories and was stuck in some orphanage until age 16, Vanitas arguably has it the worst  as Xehanort basically brainwashes him into a soulless masked assassin (oh wow where have I heard that one before in an AU of my invention...?) and he has the now 20 year old Ven holed up in the castle dungeon (but at least one of the guards, Terra, fills him in on how his siblings are doing from time to time). So yeah, the kids are NOT ok! But how will things resolve for each of them...? Again, keep an eye out for a potential upcoming fic to find out... ;3
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midethefangirl · 3 years
captain america: the winter soldier and civil war - poor planning from the star spangled man with a plan.
(yep, I’m back on my team cap/steve rogers critical bullshit)
now, if a steve stan or a pro team cap stan should see this, i don’t hate steve or anyone on team cap but there are some issues that i have with them especially steve, clint and wanda. this post is mainly focused on steve in the winter soldier and civil war (if you are a natasha romanoff stan, you might want to tread with caution here too)
i remember watching the winter soldier many times because it was and it is still my most favourite captain america movie in the ca trilogy, that being said, there was a lot of poor planning on the part of steve, a supposed “star spangled man with a plan”.
i’ll assume everyone has watched the winter soldier where nick fury after having an assassination attempt on him tells steve SHIELD has been compromised before the winter soldier comes to finish his job on fury (well, apparently finish his job)
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turns out that SHIELD has been infiltrated by HYDRA and project insight wasn’t actually meant to kill off terrorists before they act, it was meant to kill people who would dare challenge HYDRA’s new world order and that is where we can see steve’s poor planning come into place.
the first person steve goes to is sam, a man he had just met after jogging with him around the potomac. anyone with a brain cell would go to a teammate (like tony stark or bruce banner, you know, the folks who are also a target of project insight?) but no, steve goes to a man he just met.
now, this is not me saying that sam is a HYDRA sleeper (so don’t bring your madness here, i’ve got no chill for anyone’s bs) but what is the possibility of that happening in ca:tws? this was a man that steve had just met; SHIELD is infiltrated by a neo-nazi org; we all learnt that the “nurse” neighbour is actually sharon carter (agent 13) who was set in place to keep an eye on steve, so what is the possibility that sam wouldn’t have been a sleeper agent? however, the star-sprangled man with a plan decides to visit sam for help. thankfully, sam is actually not a HYDRA mole and he decides to help steve out. despite the poor planning here, lady fortuna is on steve’s side.
now, after steve, nat and sam were rescued from uncertain death by maria hill, they are taken to a bunker and we all find out nick fury is not dead (yay!). they all have to stop project insight from turning many innocent people into chopped liver, nick fury decides “hey maybe we should try to salvage all that is left of SHIELD” and steve goes “oh hell naw, everything goes down”, not really a bad plan, right?
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sike, i lied, it gets worse. from there, steve and his little team decides to stop project insight…right on top of the fucking potomac! where there are people who were probably jogging! where there were people who went on their daily business around that area. at least, someone should have evacuated them from that area before all that, right? but none of that happens and the helicarriers crash into the potomac.
it doesn’t end there guys, we then see natasha dumping SHIELD files on the internet! to those who don’t realize the implication of this, while HYDRA sleeper agents might get apprehended, SHIELD agents who were merely doing their jobs could be endangered by that! a terrorist/criminal organization might decide to search up the name of a member who once joined them and it turns out said agent was an undercover agent. so, what happens to them? their family? their neighbours? i can’t believe nick fury would be okay with this idea in the first place especially with the consequences that would follow with this.
oh, a few movies later, we would see that these actions bring in dire consequences. in civil war, when thaddeus “dick” ross comes in to brief the avengers on the accords, we see video footages of new york, sokovia, lagos …and washington. of the four main footages shown, there are two which showed incidents in which steve was directly responsible for.
it turns out that the helicarriers crashed into the potomac and *shockingly* there were people around the lake and many of them lost their lives
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oh and it gets worse, zemo is able to get information and locate vasily (or whatever the fuck is that kgb dude’s name?) using the leaked SHIELD files which he was able to crack the encryption. if zemo was able to access those files, what is the possibility that more dangerous organizations won’t be able to do the same thing and even worse to SHIELD agents who have previously infiltrated them?
the last but not the least, steve’s poor planning would rear its ugly head in the prologue of civil war where he leads sam, nat and wanda on a mission in lagos. there is a lot of things wrong here but i would pick out three: one, steve does not alert the nigerian government ahead of time (as much as i view the nigerian government as being useless, they won’t hesitate to accept aid especially when it is against a bio terrorist) that he’d be treading nigerian soil; two, he does not evacuate the people on that soil. in fact, the mission is around an open market. as someone who has lived in nigeria, if there is one thing you have to know about nigerian open markets, it is the fact that they have a huge crowd of people - this is the most dangerous place to carry out a mission because people will die should anything happen (spoiler alert, some people actually lost their lives in lagos)
notice how i only dropped two points? here is the last one - they brought in a partly trained avenger (wanda) into a mission field and it makes me laugh how many team cap stans claim tony “kidnapped and blackmailed a 14-year-old kid” while ignoring the fact that steve brought in a member who cannot fully control her powers into a field. if anything, the mission is treated as some kind of trial and error for her rather than a crucial life-and-death mission. let’s not even get started on how wanda’s control over her powers seems to fluctuate in civil war.
as a leader, strategic planning is an important characteristic yet for a character that should be the leader and planner, steve seems to lack in that department in the mcu and it annoys me to see that the writers don’t know what to do with his character. is he the star-sprangled man with a plan or is that title just a decoration just like “captain america”?
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wehatejulietsimms · 3 years
TW: ab*se, t*rture, su!cide, mental il!ness, ab!eism
So, before I forget, we really need to discuss Scientology (quick note: if you're easily grossed out and/or are already terrified for Andy, I suggest not reading this).
Scientology. Not only is their whole 'religion' a scam to avoid paying taxes and the police coming after them for all the controversies surrounding them because of the religious freedom America grants in the Constitution, but their religion has been dumped on quite a few times because the founder of it, L. Ron Hubbard, is a science-fiction author. Their beliefs are that Xenu, the leader of the 'Galactic Confederacy', brought billions of people to Earth in a spacecraft, stacked them with volcanoes, and then blew them all up with hydrogen bombs. They also believe that humans are 'Thetans', immortal aliens who reincarnate into child's bodies (which is why they treat children like adults, they believe children are just adults in children's bodies) and live in one eternal lifetime. Sounds a little like something straight out of a science-fiction book, right?
But to stray away from the religious part of it, let's focus on the parts that make me sick:
1. Scientologists punish people if they question or talk back to them.
2. They cut people off from their social life, work, family, friends, etc. and engulf them in Scientology only and try to cut off any ties to the outside world.
3. They force women to have abortions while at sea because they believe that no child should be born at sea.
4. There have been many allegations of abuse against staff and members.
5. They enforce child labor and have many allegations of child abuse.
6. The Sea Org, a Scientology organization, makes people sign a billion year contract.
7. They're ableist and don't believe in psychology, doctors, medicine, mental health, etc. and force people to take vitamins in replacement of their prescribed medicines, which caused multiple suicides and murders.
8. They're extremely greedy. In fact, what they claim to be the 'Bridge to Freedom' that puts people 'in the Clear' is given through million-dollar books and classes, and when a person almost reaches the last level before they reveal the 'big secret', they claim that more works have been 'found' and that they must start the process all over again to pay thousands of dollars again.
9. They're homophobic. While they believe that mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, BPD, schizophrenia, etc. and even physical disorders like arthritis and the common cold are caused by a 'reactive mind' that causes 'ailments' and can be healed through saunas and sci-fi lessons, they also believe that homosexuality is also an 'ailment'.
10. The whole religion thing only started because the IRS came for them with billion-dollar debt and they retaliated with 'We're a religion' so the IRS let them off the hook (and they filed lawsuits against every single person working in the IRS and were the very first people to 'beat' the IRS and get away with tax evasion).
11. They have absolutely no scientific evidence to prove any of their theories towards 'healing' their members or their alien beliefs.
12. Every single story of someone who has entered the Church of Scientology ends with them getting hundreds of text messages, emails, phone calls, letters, etc. from the cult asking if they want to join or be 'audited'.
13. Practice indentured servitude.
14. One girl was 'allegedly' held prisoner on a boat that belonged to Scientology for eleven years.
15. They claim that they have over ten million members worldwide, but that's only because they count everyone who enters a building or buys one of the books, not every actual member. The real number is about 25,000 today (down from 50,000 in the 1990's).
16. Read the story Hollis Jane Andrews, a woman who was interviewed to be a nanny for Scientologists' children, and the list of requirements were absolutely bat-shit crazy. It read things like 'If the kids hurt themselves, keep them quiet and apply Dianetics'. 'If the kids start crying take them outside'. 'Take them for a run and throw rocks and run with them', 'Don't stop them running ever', 'Whilst they are asleep you magically transform into a cleaning nazi', 'No phones of your own at all during work hours', 'Tidy up the bathroom, empty out the stinking poo poo bin', 'Clean the bathrooms', 'Do the laundry', 'Clean their bedrooms', 'Look for more to clean when you're finished', etc.
17. Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology leader David Miscavige, hasn't been seen in the public eye since 2007, and whenever anyone asked about her, David would throw a fit of rage (some people suspect she's being held prisoner in 'The Hole', which I'll talk about later).
18. Their 'rehabilitation centers' are literally just prisons.
19. In Bible classes in some Christian schools, they have students do a project where they go to a different church they weren't a part of and do a study on it. One girl went to the Church of Scientology and the teacher explained why the students shouldn't do that and now 'Church of Scientology' is on some lists of churches the students are not allowed to go to for that project.
20. For most- if not all- of the members, they have them read a few books/courses then take them to an underground sauna everyday for weeks straight without a single day off, make them run for thirty minutes, put them in a sauna for four hours, and give them high doses of Niacin (or concentrated Vitamin B) that made them sweat profusely to release all the toxins their body, and then they take you on to the 'Bridge of Freedom' to work on your mind.
21. David Miscavige's father, Ron, left Scientology and wrote a book about him where he stated that David hit and beat people multiple times (Leah Remini confirmed this).
Now let's talk about the Gold Base. The Gold Base is the international headquarters in San Jacinto, California in the San Jacinto mountains. In the Gold Base (which is huge and holds the giant mansion Hubbard used to live in), there is an 'alleged' (hint hint) dungeon prison called 'The Hole'. Scientology members get sent there if they violate the code of ethics (from doubting Scientology to merely pissing off the leader). It can house up to 100 people and there is no furniture. People sleep cramped on the packed floor or on desks, it's infested with bugs, people get tortured there, people are humiliated and abused, a lot of racist, sexist, and homophobic actions take place, some are forced to walk on all fours for hours while confessing to the 'crimes' they've committed (sometimes, crimes they haven't), and there's literally no way out. The Hole is surrounded by razor-wire fences (with razors that point in both directions), motion detectors, cameras, and even snipers. So the question is, why hasn't this been shut down or investigated? 'Religious rights' under the First Amendment.
And that's all I have to say about Scientology for now. If anyone wants to know about exactly what Scientology believes they're doing to people's minds with auditing and Dianetics, just let me know and thanks for coming to my TED Talk ✌🏽
this is why Andy can't "just leave". i know everyone wants him to and i wish it were that easy but some people just are unaware of the power that these people have. i hope he'll get out in time and it's looking good for him but it'll take awhile.
(also i'm not claiming Andy has ever been subjected to anything listed i'm just saying these people have a tight grip on people involved in the church so Andy can't just leave.)
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trans-advice · 4 years
[NOTE: we changed the bullets to numbers in order to help with readability of this relatively long post. there is no other purpose for the list numbering.]
Redistribute resources to support Black trans liberation and survival! Split a donation to all the orgs listed on this page OR allocate specific amounts to individual groups. Then be sure to share this page once you're done.
**All funds donated go directly to the groups listed via ActBlue. Feel free to reach out to them if you have any questions**
Last week, many people shared that it was hard to track down a centralized place to find a list of specifically Black trans groups. This page is part of an effort to create an easier way for people to find and donate specifically to Black trans work and people right now. We know that this list is not complete, and it will be continually updated. If you have questions or would like to add an org in your area to this page, please email: [email protected].
The groups listed in this first section only accept donations through PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo. Please support their important work by clicking over to their websites here:
Trans Sistas of Color Project Detroit: Exists to uplift, impact and influence that lives and welfare of transgender women of color in Detroit.
En-Poder-Arte (Colombia) Founded by an Afro-Colombian trans woman and other trans women of color. A few months ago, they launched a community house, which provides safe housing to Black trans women and trans women of color.
F2L Relief Fund: Provides commissary support (and legal representation & financial assistance) for incarcerated LGBTQ and Two-Spirit POC in NY State.
Middle Tennessee Black and Indigenous Support Fund: A community fund for Black and Indigenous queer and trans folks living and participating in rural Middle TN, with a goal to foster wealth redistribution in its larger community, direct the funds to Black and Indigenous community members, and build the leadership of Black and Indigenous community members.
Tournament Haus Fund: Mutual Aid fund for protestors and Trans/NonBinary BIPOC in the ballroom scene in Portland/Tacoma/Seattle.
TAKE Birmingham: A peer support group for trans women of color to come together and share their narratives. Also organizing around discrimination in the workplace, housing advocacy, & support for sex workers.
Black Excellence Collective Transport for Black NYC LGBTQ+ Protestors: Raising funds to provide safe transport for Black LGBTQ+ Protestors.
Kween Culture: Provides programming towards social and cultural empowerment of transgender women of color.
Black Trans Travel Fund : A mutual aid project developed to provide Black transgender women with the financial resources to self-determine safer alternatives to travel, so they feel less likely to experience verbal harassment or physical harm.
Heaux History Project: A documentary series and archival project exploring Black and Brown erotic labor history and the fight for sex workers’ rights.
Homeless Black Trans Women Fund: Supports Black Trans women that live in Atlanta and are sex workers and/or homeless.
Reproductive Justice Access Collective (ReJAC): A New Orleans network that aims to share information, resources, ideas, and human power to create and implement projects in our community that operate within the reproductive justice framework.
Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko/RSM (Democratic Republic of Congo): Fights for the Promotion of the rights and equality of LGBTQ people in DRC and is today facing this covid-19 crisis which further weakens Black LGBTQ people and more particularly transgender Black women.
Compiled direct donation links for individual Black Trans folks A compilation of direct donation links to Black trans people, including GoFundMes and CashApp handles. Email address on page to add to this list.
Below are the orgs you can support through the split donation form (on the right, if you're on a computer, or below if you're on a mobile device):
For The Gworls: This fund provides assistance to Black trans folks around travel to and from medical facilities, and co-pay assistance for prescriptions and (virtual) office visits. ⁣
Black Trans Fund: The first national fund in the country dedicated to uplifting and resourcing Black trans social justice leaders. BTF seeks to address the lack of funding for Black trans communities in the U.S. through direct grantmaking, capacity building support, and funder organizing to transform philanthropy.
Nationz Foundation: Provides education and information related to HIV prevention and overall health and wellness, while inspiring the community to take responsibility for their health while working towards a more inclusive Central Virginia for LGBTQIA+ identified individuals.
Trans Justice Funding Project: Supports grassroots trans justice groups run by and for trans people, focusing on organizing around racism, economic injustice, transmisogyny, ableism, immigration, and incarceration.
Third Wave Fund: An activist fund led by and for women of color, intersex, queer, and trans people under 35 years of age to resource the political power, well-being, and self determination of communities of color and low-income communities. Includes rapid response grantmaking, multi-year unrestricted grants, and the Sex Worker Giving Circle.
Unique Womens Coalition: The first Los Angeles based supportive organization for and by Transgender people of color, committed to fostering the next generation of black trans leadership from within community through mentorship, scholarship, and community care engagement work.
Black Trans Women Inc.: A national nonprofit organization committed to providing the trans-feminine community with programs and resources to help inspire individual growth and contributions to the greater good of society to meet its mission of uplifting the voice, heart and soul of black transwomen.
Black Trans Men Inc.: The first national nonprofit social advocacy organization with a specific focus on empowering African American transgender men by addressing multi-layered issues of injustice faced at the intersections of racial, sexual orientation, and gender identities.
SisTers/Brothers PGH: A transgender drop-in space, resource provider and shelter transitioning program based in Pittsburgh, PA.
Love Me Unlimited for Life: A catalyst that helps our transgender community members reach their goals and fulfill their potential through advocacy and outreach activities.
My Sistah's House Memphis: Designed to bring about social change within the Trans Community in Memphis, by providing a safe meeting space and living spaces for those who are most vulnerable in the LGBTQ+ community.
Black LGBTQIA Migrant Project: Builds and centers the power of Black LGBTQIA+ migrants through community-building, political education, direct services, and organizing across borders. BLMP is providing cash assistance to Black LGBTQ+ migrants and first generation people dealing with the impact of COVID-19.
Taja’s Coalition at St. James Infirmary: Empowers their community in navigating housing, medical services, legal services, and the workplace, as well as regularly training agencies in the SF Bay Area.
Marsha P. Johnson Institute: Helps employ black trans people, build more strategic campaigns, launch winning initiatives, and interrupt the people who are standing in the way of more being possible in the world for BLACK Trans people, and all people.
Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund organized by Black Trans Femme in the Arts Collective : Supports Black trans protestors with resources like bail and medical care.
Black & Pink Bail Fund: A national prison abolitionist organization dedicated to dismantling the criminal punishment system and the harms caused to LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by the system through advocacy, support, and organizing.
Black Visions Collective (MN): Black Visions Collective centers their work in healing and transformative justice principles and develops Minnesota’s emerging Black leadership, creating the conditions for long term success and transformation.
SNaPCo: A Black, trans-led, broad-based collaborative to restore an Atlanta where every person has the opportunity to grow and thrive without facing unfair barriers, especially from the criminal legal system.
Brave Space Alliance: Created to fill a gap in the organizing of and services to trans and gender-nonconforming people on the South and West Sides of Chicago, where very few LGBTQ advocacy networks exist.
Okra Project/Tony McDade and Nina Pop Mental Health Fund: Provides Black Trans people with quality mental health & therapy. Also addresses food security in Black trans communities.
House of GG: A nonprofit, founded by legendary trans activist Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, that is raising money to build a permanent home where Transgender people can come, feel safe, and be part of a growing network of Southern trans people who are working for social justice.
TGI Justice Project: TGI Justice Project is a group of transgender, gender variant and intersex people -- inside and outside of prisons, jails and detention centers -- challenging and ending human rights abuses committed against TGI people in California prisons, jails, detention centers and beyond.
Trans Women of Color Collective: TWOCC exists to create revolutionary change by uplifting the narratives, leadership, and lived experience of trans people of color.
Youth Breakout: BreakOUT! seeks to end the criminalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth to build a safer and more just New Orleans, organizing with youth ages 13-25 who are directly impacted by the criminal justice system.
Translash: A trans-led project uses the power of individual stories to help save trans lives, shifting the cultural understanding of what it means to be transgender, especially during a time of social backlash, to foster inclusion and decrease anti-trans hostility.
TRANScending Barriers: A trans-led trans-issue focused organization whose mission is to empower the transgender and gender non-conforming community in Georgia through community organizing with leadership building, advocacy, and direct services.
My Sistah's House: A trans-led nonprofit providing first hand experience as well as field research to create a one-stop shop for finding doctors, social groups and safe spaces for the trans community, providing emergency shelter, access to sexual health services, and social services.
Dem Bois: A national organization with the mission to provide charitable economical aid for female to male, FTM, trans-masculine identified person(s) of color ages twenty-one years old and older for them to obtain chest reconstruction surgery, and or genital reassignment surgery in order to help them on their journey to live a more fulfilled physical, mental, and self-authentic life.
G.L.I.T.S: Approaches the health and rights crises faced by transgender sex workers holistically using harm reduction, human rights principles, economic and social justice, along with a commitment to empowerment and pride in finding solutions from our own community.
Emergency Release Fund: Aims to ensure that no trans person at risk in New York City jails remains in detention before trial; if ​cash bail is set for a trans person in New York City and no bars to release are in place, ​bail will be paid by the Emergency Release Fund.
HEARD: Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities: Supports deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, deafdisabled, and disabled (“deaf/disabled”) people at every stage of the criminal legal system process, up to and including during and after incarceration.
Black Trans Advocacy Coalition COVID-19 Community Response Grant: Works daily to end discrimination and inequities faced in health, employment, housing and education to improve the lived experience of transgender people.
Princess Janae Place: Provides referrals to housing for chronically homeless LGBTQ adults in the New York Tri-state area, with direct emphasis on Trans/GNC people of color.
The Transgender District: Aims to stabilize and economically empower the transgender community through ownership of homes, businesses, historic and cultural sites, and safe community spaces.
Assata’s Daughters: A Black woman-led, young person-directed organization rooted in the Black Radical Tradition. AD organizes young Black people in Chicago by providing them with political education, leadership development, mentorship, and revolutionary services.  
Collective Action for Safe Spaces: A grassroots organization that uses comprehensive, community-based solutions through an intersectional lens to eliminate public gendered harassment and assault in the DC area.
The Knights and Orchids Society (TKO): Strives to build the power of the TLGB community for African Americans throughout rural areas in Alabama & across the south, to obtain our dream of justice and equality through group economics, education, leadership development, and organizing cultural work.
The Outlaw Project: Based on the principles of intersectionality to prioritize the leadership of people of color, transgender women, gender non-binary and migrants for sex worker rights in Phoenix, AZ. Ensuring our rights and health as a first step will ensure the rights and health of all sex workers.
WeCare TN: Supports trans women of color in Memphis, TN, through education, and empowerment, with the goal to ensure that transwomen of color have the same equity and quality of life as envisioned.
HEARD (Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities): Supports deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, deafdisabled, and disabled (“deaf/disabled”) people at every stage of the criminal legal system process, up to and including during and after incarceration.
Community Ele'te (Richmond, VA) To establish unity, provide safe sex awareness and education, linkage to resources, emergency housing assistance, and empower the community to make positive lifestyle decisions.
TAJA's Coalition: An organization dedicated to ending violence against Black Trans women and Trans women of color based in San Francisco
Black Trans Task Force: (BTTF) is an intersectional, multi-generational project of community building, research, and political action addressing the crisis of violence against Black Trans people in the Seattle-Tacoma area.
The Transgender District: Aims to stabilize and economically empower the transgender community through ownership of homes, businesses, historic and cultural sites, and safe community spaces.
Trans Sistas of Color Project Detroit: exists to uplift, impact and influence that lives and welfare of transgender women of color in Detroit.
Black Trans Media (Brooklyn, NY): We are #blacktranseverything storytellers, organizers, poets, healers, filmmakers, facilitators here to confront racism and transphobia trans people of the diaspora committed to decolonizing media and community education
Garden of Peace, Inc.(Pittsburgh, PA): Centers black trans & queer youth, elevates and empowers the narratives and lived experiences of black youth and their caretakers, and guides revolutionary spaces of healing and truth through art, education, and mentorship.
House of Pentacles (Durham, NC): HOP is a Film Training Program and Production House designed to launch Black trans youth (ages 18-35) into the film industry and tell stories woven at the intersection of being Black and Trans. We have a simple mission: to train the next generation of Black trans storytellers and filmmakers, to leverage our brand to get Black trans filmmakers paid projects in their communities, and to pay Black trans trainees to work on HOP projects that further the stories of Black trans people globally.
Minnesota Transgender Health Coalition (Minneapolis, MN): is committed to improving health care access and the quality of health care received by trans and gender non-conforming people through education, resources, and advocacy.
RARE Productions (Minneapolis, MN): Arts and entertainment media production company for LGBTQ people of color that promotes, produces, and co-creates opportunities and events utilizing innovative artistic methods and strategies.
Baltimore Safe Haven: providing opportunities for a higher quality of life for transgender people in Baltimore City living in survival mode.
Transgender Emergency Fund of Massachusetts: recently helped organize a Trans Resistance Vigil and March through Boston, in place of the Boston Pride Parade that was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Semillas: In Borikén/Puerto Rico, our trans, gender non-conforming and queer communities are facing many obstacles to our survival, and not only due to Mariá.
Street Youth Rise Up: Our campaign is to change the way Chicago sees and treats its homeless home free and street based youth who do what they have to do to survive.
Trans(forming): A membership-based organization led by trans men, intersex, gender non-conforming people of color, to provide resources and all around transitional support.
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minnesotadruids · 3 years
Hasidic Druids of North America (HDNA) Analysis
Year founded: 1976
Location Founded: Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Origins, inspirations, or parent org: Parent - Schismatic Druids of North America (SDNA). Inspirations - New Reformed Druids of North America (NRDNA), Jewish heritage, mysticism, and “repaganized” cultural and religious customs.
Founders: Isaac Bonewits, Vicki Rhodes
Official Symbols: Not specified in the modern historic record. One third-party example exists as a Star of David with RDNA Druid Sigil at the center. The inverse would also work.
Theological compatibility: Intended for pagans with Jewish heritage, spirituality, culture, mysticism, neopagan syncretism and eclecticism, especially people who really like lots of rules in their religion.
Founder prior involvements: Isaac Bonewits - RDNA, occultism, LaVeyan Satanism, witchcraft. Vicki Rhodes - RDNA, Jewish & neopagan practices.
Active, Hiatus, or Defunct, & Rebootability: Defunct from late 1970s to 2001, active from 2002-2003 before becoming defunct again. Is rebootable. Rebooting would require RDNA or NRDNA Third Order ordination lineage.
Centrally organized: Under SDNA umbrella.
Governing body: The Provisional Council of Arch-Druids (PCOAD) was formed to voice their concerns on behalf of their Groves, though it seems the authority for all legislative decisions was still held by Bonewits to make it easier to get things done, effectively as “benevolent dictator.”
Study Program or Mentorship: No formal study program but had narrower guidelines than regular SDNA educational policy.
Member degrees, ranks, or levels of achievement: Initially identical to RDNA - First Order (entry level), Second Order (training for priesthood), Third Order (priesthood), plus seven higher orders of priesthood as areas of focus or dedication. There is also the Order of the Acorn as a self-dedication rite for those who wish to affiliate with the RDNA or its direct offshoots. The SDNA later began to develop a rank system of Circles - First, Second, and Third Circle, allegedly with more than one circle below First. Specifics now seem to be lost, but a ranking system of five circles were later incorporated into ADF until the 1990s and are likely close approximations to the SDNA. The SDNA and ADF are otherwise very similar, the latter being founded a year after the SDNA became defunct.
There will most assuredly be rituals that are open only to members who have been admitted to the First Circle or higher, and rituals closed to lower Circles. -The Fifth Epistle of Isaac, A Reformed Druid Anthology, 2nd ed.
Membership fees and recurrence: Like the RDNA, membership to the HDNA is free. Individual Groves have the autonomy to charge membership dues to offset operating costs. Entering the Third Order (priesthood) informally costs “breakfast” to feed the person who ordains you. It is viewed as a courtesy, not a requirement, after the All-Night Vigil and ordination ceremony.
Estimated membership: 0.
Estimated number of Groves or study groups: 0
Current grand poobah & title: N/A currently and no definitive title was recorded. Whoever becomes the next SDNA or HDNA priest would first have to be an RDNA or NRDNA Third Order, but we might suggest adopting the title “Benevolent Dictator” or at the very least, Chairperson of PCOAD.
Cult danger (A. B. C. D. E. F. version 2.7) estimated rating: LOW-MODERATE
Alleged cult criteria:
Dogma - Strict requirements detailed across 13 chapters that are vaguely reminiscent of Levitical Law but much more pagan.
Sexual Manipulation - Nine laws regarding sexual conduct including the expectation of sex on weekends and holidays, no restrictions on the grounds of age or species, bonded partners are expected to gratify each other at least weekly, menstrual periods are to be enjoyed and celebrated, and another creepy one is “Be careful about seducing their [outsiders’] children.”
Lots of these rules have caveats and exceptions akin to “void where prohibited” but some of them just shouldn’t be rules if they need disclaimers. If anyone wants to reboot the HDNA they should seriously amend the rules and laws to make them more acceptable to reasonable society.
If anything needs to be rectified, please contact me with proof for correction.
Return to Druid Order List
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
Day 94.
This one is short, but important.
The Day starts with Xemnas's speech at Altar of Naught, where he claims Kingdom Hearts (Hearts of All Men) will grant them power, in a manner that they will not be bound to the heart's wishes.
This is kind of a plot important line, since as we discussed before Xemnas's plan is not to give Org. members their hearts back, but give them completely new ones that will fit their Nobody personalities.
Since each of the Org. members were also meant to be vessels for 13 Darknesses, the implication is that Xemnas expected Org members to supress Darknesses' influence with their new hearts.
Xemnas also states this will lead to a new world, which you would assume is his prose, but he is actually serious about resetting the multiverse, just like his origin Terranort, and his origin Master Xehanort. Xemnas's reset would not be a blank state presumably, but more of a soft reboot, with himself as the new Maitreya rather than Master Xehanort's attempt to become God Emperor of All Mankind.
Emergence of Hearts of All Men means it will now be visible on The Grey Room, which means unlike what KH2's script implies, Roxas & Xion (and rest of the Org.) already did most of the job until this time. It is a nice indicator of you screwing up, but you assume this is actually a success.
Before the mission, if you opened 80 chests, Axel will give you a Lightning Shard.
The mission is short, as it is just about a boss rush with two Snapper Dogs, and one Neoshadow. Lumiere stealth segment is unimportant for the objective.
Mission ends with Roxas questioning Xemnas's role in the Org., as Beast takes initiative by defeating the Heartless, but Xion is more concerned about Belle, since she still thinks she is a human like her, and not a replica.
Ice Cream scene is about the trio discussing what this means, with Roxas continuing to be non-cooperative.
You get Treasure Magnet from this mission.
Roxas's diary entry is about him being confused about the situation, and wonders why Xemnas wants hearts if he doesn't want the hearts to overpower them.
This Day takes after a 16 day skip from Day 78, and it is the first glimpse of Roxas acting against the Org., but largely out of being tired than any moral dilemma.
0 notes
yeonchi · 3 years
Kisekae Insights #26: The Superhero Project Prelude (a preview of things to come)
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(Art by blakehunter)
My journey into tokusatsu began in 2013 when I watched Power Rangers Samurai on television and was enthralled at the use of kanji in the series. This led me to learn about Super Sentai through watching its counterpart, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Later, I began to learn about Kamen Rider through watching Decade thanks to its crossover arc with Shinkenger, which would lead me to watch other Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series. Eventually, I also learnt about Metal Heroes through watching crossover movies and Ultramen after watching some episodes of Orb online out of curiosity (Ultraman was on TVB through satellite back in the day, though I never really cared for it).
While the adaptations of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider in Gokaiger and Decade were among the initial elements teased and hyped for the Moushouden Series, it should be noted that they had their roots in previous series. In the final instalment of the second run of Kisekae Insights, allow me to walk you through how I implemented Super Sentai before 2018 and give you all a little bit of a preview of what is to come.
Samurai Mode: The prototype powers
The second half of Series 9 in 2014 featured the Doctor and his companions becoming beta testers for the Superhero Project in the form of Samurai Mode. The arsenal of Shinkenger was adapted, but the names were kept close to their adaptation counterparts, with the exception of the core rangers’ morphers, which are named the ShodoPhones. The Samurai Morpher and the Gold Ranger’s powers were the first to be developed for alpha testing; their tester, Hiroki’s assistant who was also one of his “triad” comrades, would go on to become ShinkenGold when the Superhero Project was launched. Akari had also managed to get her hands on a ShodoPhone as well, presumably having been stolen from UNIT.
Red Samurai Ranger: Hiroki Ichigo
Blue Samurai Ranger: Momoka Mizutani
Pink Samurai Ranger: Angelina Mouseling
Green Samurai Ranger: The Doctor
Yellow Samurai Ranger: Satoyuki Saitō
Gold Samurai Ranger: Hiroki’s assistant
Female Red Samurai Ranger: Akari Ichigo
Samurai Mode was first used by the Doctor and his companions on Destination One, but unlike in Shinkenger, they weren’t fighting demons or monsters; they were fighting Girl Power and their allies. Following that adventure, the Doctor passed his ShodoPhone on to Storm Dasher, who used it when he fought Lord Tirek alongside Twilight Sparkle on Equestria. Dasher did not transform into the Green Samurai Ranger, but he did temporarily transform into an alicorn – an unintentional foreshadowing of things to come in the Moushouden Series. Dasher gave his ShodoPhone back to the Doctor at the end of the episode.
As for the other five, they went on to fight at Sekigahara, Osaka and Kyoto (Honnōji and Nijō Castle), though they never used their Samurai Mode powers at Sekigahara. The Doctor would rejoin them when they fought the final battle in Yokohama as he had been on Trenzalore during the events of the Series 9 finale.
The year after, I wrote a “director’s cut” version of the arc which is basically just a remake but with the Samurai Mode powers given more prominence than they did during the series while also toning down on influences from Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and Final Fantasy. I also used Mega Mode outside of a Megazord setting (instead of it being a combination of power-ups) and featured Megazord finishers on human-sized opponents with the Mega Blade. Because the events of the director’s cut version are different to the original episodes, I consider them to be non-canon.
The road of the Xtreme Legend
Before Gokaiger and Decade premiered, a set of prelude stories were made for Series 10 and 11 in 2017; to complement the BBC Series 8 and 9 having 12 episodes each, I write a total of four episodes – one to replace Deep Breath (titled The Advent of the Doctor), two extra original episodes (one for each series) and an original Christmas Special (titled Dawn of the Space Pirates).
After Girl Power’s defeat, everyone began focusing on their high school studies. By 2016, the first wave of UNIT’s Superhero Project teams were launched; alongside the new Shinkengers led by Akari that replaced the beta testing team, the Gekirangers, Go-Ongers, Goseigers and Zyuohgers were formed as well. The five teams got into a conflict with the Doctor, Hiroki and his assistant while they were investigating a conspiracy involving the Clockwork Droids harvesting organs from students who had committed suicide over their studies and a company giving students unfair advantages in their studies (through cheating).
The year after everyone graduated high school (2017), Hiroki, Akari and Narutaki discover the return of Kawakara, the lost city of Akari’s grandfather, Antoni. Later that year, Narutaki went missing after she and Hiroki were freed from the possession of Evil Death (the Grim Reaper, not to be mistaken for Good Death based on the character played by Simon Farnaby in Horrible Histories) and her role as ShinkenBlue was replaced by another member of Girl Power. Around the same time, Takumi Kamijō and his team at Torchwood Pleiades became the Magirangers after testing a prototype system during the Superhero Project’s beta testing phase.
That Christmas, Hiroki encountered a demon named Suira, also named Sui after the demon in Chinese folklore that explained the origin of money in red pockets. Suira transformed Hiroki into Gyūki after having done so 17 years earlier in an effort to help him get revenge on his parents after being sent to time out. Meanwhile, the Doctor began gathering up the Gokaigers in response to the Zangyack Armada’s vanguard fleet attacking cities. They fought Shikabanen before they help the other Rangers fight Suira, who had transformed into a demonic orge named Dokkaebi (based in Korean folklore) and later combined with Gyūki and Nian (the Chinese New Year Monster) to become the Krlunk Smasher. Although the Rangers defeat the Krlunk Smasher, he grows giant and the Gokaigers form the Legendary Megazord to defeat it.
From the Doctor’s point of view, the 2017 Christmas Special and the events of Gokaiger take place between Series 11 and 12 – after Hell Bent but before The Husbands of River Song and the episodes featuring Nardole, which are collectively known as the Nardole Saga.
A look at the first wave teams
So in summary, the first wave of Superhero Project teams shown in the preludes to Gokaiger and Decade are the Magirangers, Gekirangers, Go-Ongers, Shinkengers, Goseigers, Gokaigers and Zyuohgers. For the most part, the names of their arsenal are derived from their original Super Sentai series, but there are a couple of exceptions; the Shinkengers’ arsenal uses the names from Power Rangers Samurai (as stated earlier) while the Gokaigers’ Zords and Megazord combinations uses names derived from Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
Very few teams had Megazords in Gokaiger due to time constraints; in fact, the only teams that have Megazords featured (aside from the Gokaigers) are those that have a button on their morphers to summon or combine their Zords. Out of the teams in the first wave, the Zyuohgers are in this category, though Cyber Knight and the Gosei Ground Megazord would appear mid-way into Gokaiger.
Speaking of the Shinkengers, what happened to the beta testers for the Superhero Project? Hiroki would go on to become Kamen Rider Decade; Hiroki’s assistant would retain his equipment and become ShinkenGold; the Doctor and Angelina would become part of the Gokaigers; and Momoka and Satoyuki would resign. The ShodoPhones were handed back to UNIT and four of the new Shinkengers received the Samuraizers (from Samurai) as their morphers; Akari retained her ShodoPhone when she became the official ShinkenRed.
Power-ups for the Shinkengers and Goseigers were also introduced; the Black Box and Shark Disc were introduced in Series 9, while the Super Goseigers were introduced in the 2017 Christmas Special.
And that’s all I’m going to tease for the third run of Kisekae Insights. As I stated in the last instalment, this is going to be final instalment of the second run as I want to focus on other things, including the Doctor Who Series 13 reviews and finishing off my personal project. I don’t know when I’ll begin work on the third run, but right now, I’m currently dreading the time until then because of various things, particularly in regards to current affairs.
Kisekae Insights will return, but be warned that things might not be the same. I leave you with my take on an English version of the Shinkenger opening song that I wrote in 2018 after being inspired by Psychic Lover’s take on it. For the most part it’s the same, but I modified the lyrics to fit with the tone of the Shinkenger arc in Series 9.
That’s it again from me. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Tumblr to see more of my posts.
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger English Lyrics (modified by me)
Original lyrics here
Dance! Dance! Get up! Fight together! Chop! Chop! Take down Girl Power! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Forever! Year upon year it goes This Time War never ends Humans, Time Lords and Daleks are fighting again So we are serious And we are dangerous When we see your weaknesses Your future is over! Let the words light up the sky The elements make us strong! These heroes are makin’ noise They’re fighting for us all! Swords clash, gunshots blazing loud Go Go Samurai Power Rangers! Just do it! Fight for time and for our universe! Don’t! Don’t give up! Don't be afraid We say ‘Banzai’ in the end When Rangers get together, it’s Samurai forever! That’s ‘Bushido’ Hey bring it on! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Forever! What are we fighting for? Harmony or discord? We indeed fight for peace To understand your drive When we get serious Regrets are part of us We practice so we can fight with no more regrets! Let the words light up the sky The elements make us strong! These heroes are makin’ noise They’re fighting for us all! Flowers blossom, moon sun storm Go Go Samurai Power Rangers! Just do it! Fight for those who really believe in you! Fighting, dancing, shining, dreaming For our future, don’t be afraid! When we combine our powers We will not be beaten! That's 'Bushido' Cut with the sword! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger We are dreaming of the day when the world will be at peace If you don’t wanna understand, then we will take you down! Dance! Dance! Get up! Fight together! Chop! Chop! Take down Girl Power! Our love and courage is what powers our swords! Dance! Dance! Go Go Samurai! Chop! Chop! Go Go Power Rangers! Altogether we will break the darkness of the world That's 'Bushido' Hey bring it on! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Forever!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it?  My dinner had broccoli and bell peppers in it.
What was your last Facebook notification for?  It was Aliyah replying to our comment thread on one of my posts. There wasn’t anything in her comment that was worth replying to anymore, so I just reverted with a Haha react.
What bands have you seen live? Paramore, Coldplay (not super legally), and One Direction.
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother:  She almost became a flight attendant, but she failed the final screening because of her height. I think the idea of her nearly having a completely different career is very interesting.
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13?  In my case, probably getting my period. I got my first one when I was barely 10.
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore?  Chicken curry. I also hateeeeeeeed Dora the Explorer with a passion, but now I find the show hilarious haha.
What are your plans later today? My work sched this week had been so fucking PACKED, that I want to do nothing but catch up on sleep all weekend. But seeing as I’m a proponent of revenge bedtime procrastination, I also highly doubt I’d let myself fall into a nap (Exhibit A: Me currently taking this survey at 2 AM...) If anything, I’ll probably just continue watching BTS In The Soop and finally start on Season 2 of Bon Voyage.
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?  Well, it’s the weekend already, so...that ^ I will also have to take Cooper to the vet this Sunday.
Who do you talk to the most? Other than my team at work, Angela. I’ve been extra talkative these days because of our now-mutual excessive love for BTS, that I sometimes feel bad that I keep bombarding her with messages.
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old?  Talk to my friends who are still in college, especially when they update me about the current happenings in UP that I have absolutely no clue about anymore.
Who is your best guy friend(s)?  I don’t have any best guy friends.
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?  Neither; I’m fine with my tannish skin tone.
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it?  Keep it; I already do.
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? Nah. My last one had been nearly 5 years ago, when I needed to get my back checked for scoliosis.
Do you think your first love still loves you?  No. And that’s okay. :)
What is something that is “going right” in your life?  EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGG I am so so happy with my life right now weeeee. I have the job of my dreams – I’m even working with THE ACTUAL K-POP GROUP SLASH PHENOMENON SLASH ICONS BTS for one of the clients I handle FHKDHGKHGFDKGHDKGH, I have the best and most supportive friends in the world, and I am now starting to grow my collection of BTS merch with my hard-earned money. Everything is going abso-fucking-lutely perfectly, and to think I didn’t think I would make it past 2020.
When did you feel ready to start dating?  Middle of high school.
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s?  I was play fighting with Cooper earlier tonight, and he got a little bit excited and ended up biting my upper lip quite harder than usual. It stung for a while, but it’s okay now.
Where were you the last time you made out?  I think it was my bedroom.
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? Yesterday.
How do you type your sad smileys?  Just this :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house?  Nope.
What was the last soda you drank?  Probably the Coke I drank at an org event last year, pre-pandemic, out of sheer thirst. There wasn’t any water being served so I just gulped down the soda and tried to ignore the annoying fizziness. I don’t drink soda.
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for?  I was having a video call session with my workmates this afternoon as a way to end the week on a good note, and I recounted my experience of being locked out of the office while I was in the middle of a presentation for a client, and how I managed to get myself back in.
Have you ever had any type of surgery?  Nope.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent?  No.
Who was the last person to hit on you?  No one has in a while.
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to?  A deliverable a client asked me to do. It can wait til Monday.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone?  Maybe straight up admitting to my mom that she can be hurtful sometimes. It’s hard because she never actually processes things like that and they do nothing but vanish into thin air, even though it takes everything in me to be that honest.
What do you put on hot dogs?  Mayonnaise.
Ever fallen in the shower?  Like once, when I was 10 or 11.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever called someone you care about?  Continued from last night. It was probably ‘bitch.’ Based on what I’ve learned from my mom, I put extra effort in particuarly watching what comes out of my mouth, because I know how words stick.
Do you think that things will get better?  I did, and now it has.
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life?  I think I may have. The story is a little triggering though, so I wouldn’t share it.
What’s your favourite book genre?  Doesn’t really count as a genre but I like auto/biographies.
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre?  I’ve felt like it, but I’ve never done it.
Do dogs like you?  Yes, at least for 99.5% of my experiences.
Would you say that you project an air of authority?  In certain circles. But there are some groups where I trust others to lead rather than me.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool?  Nah, because I’ve never seen one. But even if I did, I think I would be too scared to do it hahaha.
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body)  One. I use it to wash my entire body already.
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes?  No.
Who do you know that had a baby recently?  The son of one of my old college instructors. I believe she had been born in March because that prof recently posted family photos on Facebook that celebrated the baby’s first monthsary.
Do you like Usher’s songs?  Not in particular.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark?  Not a big fan of these as I find them unhygienic haha. The last time must have been...like anywhere between 12-15 years ago.
Have you ever ridden a train? Just once, and I had to go with Jum because I didn’t want to go alone.
What do you eat your French fries with?  Mayonnaise. If there isn’t any available, I’d want the fries to at least be generously sprinkled with salt; otherwise I’d find it too bland.
Do you have family problems?  Nothing blatant, but I know we are more dysfunctional than how we make it out to be.
What’s the last food you ate that was stale?  Pizza. I got two extra large boxes for my birthday last Wednesday and until now we still have some of it around :((( I ate some slices at around 3 AM earlier and they were tough as fuck to chew, hahaha. Still good, though.
How do you like your grilled cheese?  I don’t have grilled cheese sandwiches often. Surprise me.
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked?  I don’t cook.
What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid?  I liked watching my cousin play video games; playing outside; and answering my friends’ autograph books (aka my pre-survey days, lol).
Have you ever been close to drowning? Yup but just once. I was swimming and was just about to come up for air when one of my cousins, coming from the bottom of the pool, suddenly started to playfully pull me down. I was nearly out of breath by then and he had a much stronger grip on me, so I struggled for a while and ended up panicking and thrashing around a bit before I was able to wriggle myself free.
Have you ever had a panic attack?  It’s rare that it happens, but when it does it’s really bad and there’s no telling when it would subside.
Do you like doing housework?  Some, and only if I’m in the mood to. If I feel like I have to do it, then I get lazy.
Would you ever get implants?  I considered it before as a teen, back when small-chested girls were still bullied or made fun of on an everyday basis. How fucked up is that? I’m so relieved at how much social media has progressed.
Do you own a robe?  No.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? I have a younger sister but she’s barely a baby; she’s literally turning 21 this year. Nina.
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off?  I like crust as long as it’s normal crust or stuffed crust. I can’t stand thin crust.
What was the last song you listened to?  Euphoria - credited to BTS, but it’s a Jungkook solo.
Have any of your family members been to jail?  Not blood relatives, but I know of super extended unrelated family members who’ve been to prison. Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with?  I don’t think so. Sometimes no closure is closure.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read?  I can’t, actually. All I remember is that I suddenly wanted to read everything by the time I was 5 and asked for nothing but storybooks every Christmas.
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most?  College. Gabie also had a very big influence on me during our relationship.
Have you ever had any teeth pulled?  Yes, but it was because it was already decayed.
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school?  No, but I do elements of it in my work so that works out well for me. I wanted to be an author when I was in grade school, and today I regularly write various materials in my job.
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into?  I just wanna get reconnected with The Crown again. I was already into it but I had to stop watching for a LONG time, because the show had some personal connections to my ex and so it seemed hard to get into the new season without breaking down lol. Now that I’m doing fine, I feel like it’s a good time to revisit the show.
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military?  Won’t happen here, but it’s the kind of situation where I wouldn’t really have a choice and would have to follow.
What is your favorite Queen song?  I don’t have any.
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? What do you mean, use...? Don’t you just use money to pay?? Hahaha or if you mean convert, then yeah I know how to do that with several currencies – US dollar, Korean won, Euro, Japanese yen, and whatever official name the pound has.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you?  Nope.
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test?  I have not.
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do?  I usually don’t have plans laid out on weekends these days anymore, so lately it’s all been a matter of winging it and just wanting to make sure that by the end of the day I get to say I made the most out of my free time.
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl?  The time we did museum hopping + Italian dinner, or the one where we had French dinner + jazz bar.
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once?  I never do rewatches for movies still in cinemas.
What is the reason you’re still alive?  I was stubborn and wanted to see if life would get better; I didn’t want to leave my dogs behind; I didn’t want to miss out on how potentially great and exciting my life could end up being; I didn’t want to cause and leave an even bigger emotional rift on my family.
I’m so happy I stayed.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom?  Yeah. Not the best decision, and I wouldn’t do it again lol.
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed?  Sometimes, so that it doesn’t look like a bird’s nest when I wake up the next day.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.)  I don’t think so. I have definitely imagined it in...other ways, though.
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it?  Both in the superficial and loaded senses, yeah. 
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about?  I felt kind of like shit, just because I slept for only 1.5 hours – my body automatically wakes me up by a certain time, no matter what time I fell asleep. And also because my back and shoulder muscles were killing me with how sore they felt.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them?  I show it, but I don’t say it. I’m pretty stingy when it comes to that phrase.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with?  Yes? It shouldn’t be limited to people you’re dating? I express it to Anj and Andi all the time.
Have you ever been threatened before?  Sure.
Would you date someone with a physical disability?  Yes.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you?  Purely guessing, it’s likely. I’m not updated about her life anymore, though; life has been going on as if she never existed.
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it?  I’ve never had it dyed.
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid?  I went out by myself, so I paid.
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income?  Yeah. I had a very good saving streak in which I was able to save anywhere around 50-60% every month...and thennnn I became a fan of BTS early this month LOOOOOL so now I’m back to like square three when it comes to my savings haha. Like I still know my limits and when to fucking stop taking out money from my bank account, but I’ve been spending dramatically more than I have been in the last few months.
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits?  I used to go much more regularly, to the point where it was a part of my daily routine. Now I go at least once a month. I usually check out the Ask Reddit (for anecdotes), Today I Learned (for trivia), and GMM subreddits. Sometimes I’ll get on the Squared Circle subreddit as well to be updated on wrestling.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little?  Many times as a flower girl, yeah.
Are your parents in good health?  Fortunately, yes.
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative?  Nope.
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason?  Not that I know of.
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like?  I don’t have pajama sets since I find them too warm.
Do you have any interesting pillow cases?  Eh, I don’t think so.
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be?  Shoulder muscles or my lower back.
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees?  Bees.
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like?  No.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you?  Native American.
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fatehbaz · 4 years
January 2020: Pyramid Lake Paitue Tribe leads local reintroduction of bighorn sheep in Pyramid Lake Range, where sheep had been driven to local extinction about a century ago
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Excerpts from article for Carson Now dot org, “For Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, bighorn sheep reintroduction part of decades-long effort to recover wildlife” (24 January 2020″)
Tribal members, conservationists and students, bundled up in thick coats and beanies, gathered in two rows fanning out from transport trailers to watch the release into tribal land, an area usually closed to the public. Bighorn sheep, separated into two trailers, rushed out in waves.
First came the ewes. The rams came next. As the sun went down behind Pyramid Lake, more than 20 sheep leaped off transport trailers and sprinted back to their historic range. Reintroducing bighorn sheep to the Lake Range “was something that we needed to do,” said Alan Mandell, the vice chairman of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Once numerous on the peaks above Pyramid Lake, bighorn sheep have not been seen in the mountains for about a century.
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For decades, tribal officials and conservationists worked with state wildlife managers to figure out a way to reintroduce bighorn sheep to the Lake Range, which rises east of the desert lake. Bighorn sheep all but disappeared on the tribe’s land — and across the West — in the early 1900s as Western expansion decimated their ranks through disease and overhunting. [...]
Now the sheep are heading north. Biologists believe that the bighorn sheep will repopulate in the area around Hell’s Kitchen Canyon. It’s on Pyramid Lake’s northeast shore and it leads up to rocky terrain. There are natural water sources and good vegetation at high elevations. And the rugged terrain provides plenty of escape routes.
“Mountain lions aren’t as quick on the rocks,” said Emily Hagler, a biologist for the tribe.
The release earlier this month was a daylong effort years in the making. [...] There is a sparse written record of bighorn sheep at Pyramid Lake. But sheep are documented on petroglyphs dating back thousands of years. [...]
In the early 1900s, the federal government helped construct a dam on the Truckee River to bring irrigation water to nearby Fallon. But doing so diverted water away from Pyramid Lake, disrupting fish habitats and access to spawning grounds for the cui-ui and the cutthroat trout, two fish species that tribal members relied on for food and to support their local economy.
After decades, cutthroat trout were eventually reintroduced to Pyramid Lake, translocated from populations of fish at Summit Lake in Humboldt County. [...]
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Caption by Nevada Appeal, AP: “In this Monday, Jan. 13 [...] photo, the Nevada Department of Wildlife and Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe released about 20 bighorn sheep into the Pyramid Lake Range in western Nevada, in an effort to revive the sheep population in the area. The sheep are believed to be the first of their species in the area in nearly 100 years. (Colton Loch/head / Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP).”
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cuddliestbear · 4 years
Okay, so recently, because of a walkthrough vid for kh3 my friend showed me, I decided I MUST replay the games.
And then quickly realized that the first game is hard af, so I went onto the second game.
Anyways, the STORY my dudes. Square did NOT need to go so hard with the feels but they did. I love every one of the group of the trios more than some members of my family.
First we've got the Og from Drstiny island, Sora, Riku and Kairi.
Sora:Lovely energetic boy, kinda sassy, but also stupidly brave and loyal to his friends and I love that for him. 10/10 would pick him up and hug him tightly.
Riku: also sassy, kind of like that older bro friend that's always busting your balls. Had a thing for Kairi but now loves Namine or something. Whatever give my angsty boi some love! 12/10 would hold him gently, he needs it.
Kairi: not orginally one of my faves, I kinda was put off by the whole damsel in distress thing she has goin on. But, she is too pure for this world, unfortunately her being too pure for this world puts her in danger. 9/10 would give a pat on the head and then protecc from evil Nobodies and Xehanort.
Then we've got the three half pints
Already went over Sora but his relationship with Donald and Goofy is precious and I love that for them. This kids power is making friends and I am A-okay with that.
Donald: classic always quick to anger boi that loves his friends, good at magic..in the later games. 8/10 for all the times Donald didn't heal me in kh 1 when he could have.
Goofy: the glue that keep Sora and Donald from killing each other because they are both bullheaded. 10/10 can relate.
Then, oh then, we have Axel, Roxas and Xion from Org 13, from 358/2 days.
Axel: used to be Lea, who made friends with Ventus in B.B.S. Soft assassin boi, likes ice cream, just wants his friends back, 15/10 would sacrifice my own life to make this boi happy.
Roxas: very angry confused boi. Mostly sad, but he had Axel and I love that for him. Also loves ice cream but mainly because Axel does. Soft boi who just wants to be a real peoples. 20/10 would do whatever it took so him and Axel could hang out on the tower in twilight town eating sea salt ice cream like they used to.
Xion: soft girl, sweet baby child, we love her a lot. Looks like Kairi but dark, so an upgrade! Also loves Axel and Roxas because they see her as a people. 25/10 would die for her.
Then we have our cast from B.B.S.
Ventus: strong boi, very good noodle. Wants Terra to be safe and come home so bad, also REALLY good at making friends like Sora is. Just wants his big bro home and safe. 100000/10, would sell my soul so he could be happy with his friends again.
Aqua: the mature sister of the group, has to chase after her two idiot bois because they decided to world hop. Best badass good girl there is. Legit best keyblade weilder, and I am not taking questions at this time. 3000000/10 would give her the world if I could.
Terra: Older bro, kinda a dark boi, angsty man. Would def be the older bro that threatens to kick your ass if you go do something stupid and will follow through on the threat. He is soft for Aqua and Ven though. They are his pals and if you hurt them, you are dead. 5000000/10 would not mess with Terra, or I die.
Anyways now that my completely arbitrary rating system is out of the way...I finished watching the playthrough of kh3, and WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?!?!
I grew UP with these games. From the time I was eight until now. My mom showed me the first kh, and then later I played B.B.S. on my psp. Then I played kh2 at my moms house. Then i bought all the games for myself when I became and adult and they released the entirety of the series so far before kh3 for only 60 bucks.
I want to buy kh3 so bad but idk if I'm strong enough, its bad enough watching it, but I can't lie I am GOING to burst into tears of uncontrollable happiness and sorrow while playing this game once I buy it. I just dont know if I'm strong enough because....my heart. My heart!!!
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kingdomheartsmarts · 4 years
Hello, hello, dear. I'd love to request a shy fem!reader who's in the org 13 but has a crush on Sora. Like hardcore reader exe. Has stopped working. So she refuses to fight him, ever, only dodges or legit runs away. She'll leave notes about what the o13 will do next and neat gifts because face to face flirting out the door, thinking he wouldn't even *consider* being with her. And it's cute and fluffy/ maybe a about bit angsty because ya main villain hopelessly in love with main hero 🙏
yeah okay this is becoming multi chapter. thank you for requesting! i’m having too much fun to leave it at a one shot. i hope you enjoy chapter 1~
(yeah i know real original title for a kingdom hearts fanfiction l e a v e m e a l o n e) 
first multi chapter fic! 
another a-n: this Axel is not the nice Axel in 358/2 Days. this is based off of Castle Oblivion/how he was before roxas. 
Whatever Lies Beyond This MorningSora/Reader~ Chapter 1 
“They went that way!” You heard the duck yell, running behind a tree while panting, trying to stay quiet while you dropped a small piece of paper, before opening a dark corridor and sprinting through it. 
You opened the other side of the corridor, ending up in Twilight Town, quietly walking, trying to calm down your racing heart and calm the blush which thickly covered your face; quietly walking along the nighttime streets while thinking about everything that just happened. You were being sent on a normal mission, Sora finding you, your emotions that shouldn’t be there taking over, and running away- the same cycle that always happened when faced with Sora. You knew you shouldn’t even feel, much less feel this way for the one you were fighting against, but here you were- a foreign, fluttering feeling in your gut every time you laid your eyes on him and a burning of the emotions you developed for him- all in vain; you knew it was. It would always be in vain if it was the one you were suppose to hate- 
“Hey! Did your mission really take that long?” a familiar voice called out to you, your gaze meeting his before you smiled: Axel. 
“Yeah, it was supposed to be a small one but…” You trailed off, trying to avoid what really happened. Axel was always suspicious of your developing feelings, knowing that something seemed to go wrong with a lot of your missions, while he didn’t know what. 
“But what?” 
“I ran into some trouble,” You defected the question, walking to be beside him. 
“What trouble? You’re a good fighter,” Axel finally said, causing you to pause. 
“I ran into Sora,” You finally said, frustration thick in your tone, despite it being a ploy to get Axel to drop it. 
“Well, you’re with me tomorrow, so if we run into him, we won’t be running away,” He said, an odd, low tone to his voice while he opened a corridor for you, “Come on, I wanna take a nap.” 
“You always want to nap,” You said, while a sinking feeling weighed on your stomach- we won’t be running away. 
You stepped out into the harsh sunshine, something that, despite frequent visits to Twilight Town, always seemed to stun you with the sharp contrast from the World That Never Was. 
“This should be quick; it’s the two of us anyway,” Axel teased, lightly punching your arm while the two of you continued on. 
“Hopefully. Keep an eye out though; this is where Sora was yesterday,” You said as an empty warning, hoping to buy yourself some time before you saw him again. 
“Great, then Xemnas will think we’re great when we eliminate him,” He said lowly, a cold statement that made your gut sink. 
“Or, we could keep this short,” You hastily suggested. 
“Why do you always seem to get so flustered when Sora comes up,” Axel asked you with a slight annoyance, turning to face you. 
“Nothing! Really!” You insisted while your face heated slightly with blush. Axel scanned your face before finally deciding on his response. 
“Could it be that you have a little crush?” He sneered. 
“I don’t believe you,” 
“Honestly I-” 
“There’s some of the Organization!” You were interrupted by the same duck, and despite all your encounters, refused to learn his name. 
“Oh wow, would you look at that; it’s a little friend of Sora’s,” Axel sneered again, shoving your hood on you before they were able to see your face. 
“Hey! I’ve told you my name before!”
“Wow, you can tell how rememberable you are,” 
“And who are you?” Sora finally asked, Axel motioning for you to move behind him. 
“I’m Axel. Got it memorized?” 
“And who’s that?” 
“Why,” Axel sneered, “This is our newest member who has told us where you’ve been.” 
You raised your eyes enough to see Sora’s, the shadow of your hood covering your face despite you knowing he saw your glance, just enough for him to know that you were the one who told him- who told him what the organization would be doing. 
“Why you- You organization members are no good! ” The duck charged at Axel, just for him to kick it back to the other two. 
“Axel-” You tried to stop him, only for him to shove you back. 
“Now, we have to finish our mission. Without your interruption,” Axel said, leading you to another dark corridor, you rushing behind him before leaving one last glance to Sora, confusion heavy while he knelt beside the duck. 
“Stop trying to stop our job because of a crush,” Axel warned you before scoping out the area, noticing trails left by the heartless, “I’m going to go this way. Go that direction,” he instructed, walking to the prints to your right, pointing for you to go left, “Call me if there’s any trouble.” 
You nodded, starting your journey through the mossy forest, attempting to be silent with the exception of a few twigs. Your thoughts wandered, thinking about the way Sora finally made eye contact with you while you had no choice but to follow Axel; the confusion and the curiosity that filled a childish rage, all pointed at you. You raised your eyes, seeing no heartless but hearing the footsteps of something close to you. You froze, listening out for any heartless while you knew that Axel was far enough away to where you wouldn’t hear anything. 
“Hey! You’re the one with Axel!” You heard Sora’s voice call from behind you, but now you were trapped; on a mission with one of your higher ups who wouldn’t let you leave. 
You stayed in place, attempting to think through something while he stopped behind you. 
“Go away while you can,” You said in a soft voice, attempting to walk off. 
“You’re the one who keeps on leaving me little pieces of paper, aren’t you?” He asked, the fighting fire out of his voice while you turned to face him, despite your hood. 
“Keep your voice down,” 
“But are you?”
You paused, looking him over; he had retreated his keyblade, instead standing at full height a ways from you, giving you space while he was alone. 
“Because, I don’t want you to get hurt. Now leave,” You said, turning again and continuing down the path of the footprints. 
“Wait!” He said, you hearing him run behind you, grabbing your shoulder and tumbling with you to the ground. 
“Why are you helping me?” 
“WHy are you tackling me to the ground?” you retorted, blush heavy on your face while you tried to push him off of you. 
“Hey!-” Sora said, shoving you back gently, but your hood falling off nonetheless; his eyes resting on your face while you could of sworn you saw a soft pink blush grace his cheeks. 
“He-hey,” He repeated softly, his eyes looking over your face. 
“Get off of her,” Axel’s irritated voice broke your staring contest, Sora jumping off of you while Axel grabbed your arm, pulling you off the ground, “Are you okay?” 
You quickly nodded, Axel’s emerald eyes cutting into Sora. 
“Go back to the Castle. Tell saix what happened,” He said sharply, summoning his chahrams and a dark corridor for you to go through. You nodded again, rushing through to go back to the hall that lead everyone to their rooms. 
“But what did just happen?”
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Pluralistic: 29 Feb 2020 (EFF dream-job, Medicare For All Bond Villain, Bloomberg's Sackler connection, Tory housing crisis and more!)
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Today's links
EFF is hiring a new tech projects director: It's a once-in-a-lifetime dream job.
Bond villain monologue, Medicare for All edition: "No, Mr Bond, I expect you to sign a binding arbitration waiver."
FUCK TRUMP AND HIS STUPID FUCKING WALL: A 26% alcohol habanero spirit from Empirical Spirits.
Mike Bloomberg helped the Sacklers launder their reputations: Just helping out the "Friends of Mike."
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with a climate plan as big as the climate crisis: No one ever asked how we'd pay for WWII.
Cutting the UK housing subsidy led to massive homelessness payouts: Tories are always swallowing spiders to catch their flies.
This day in history: 2012, 2016 (leap years!)
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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EFF is hiring a new tech projects director (permalink)
There are lots of ways techies can help EFF – contributing code to our projects like Certbot, Privacy Badger and HTTPS Everywhere and/or joining up and writing a check. But right now, there's a rare chance to work directly to make profound change with us.
That's because EFF is hiring a Tech Projects Director.
It's a huge gig, the kind of thing that only comes up once in a very long while. You don't just get to oversee the impressive roster of EFF projects, you also get to set future priorities.
"Some people join EFF having been burned by unfeeling tech companies or corporate law jobs, and coming to EFF can feel like coming home – a place where everyone genuinely wants you to be successful, where we do our best to leave drama at the door even as passion is welcomed."
I've been with the org for EIGHTEEN YEARS and this is so, so true.
Even if you're not right for this gig, keep checking in with our help wanted page.
We're growing fast, first because the world is severely messed up, and second because our member-donors recognize how well situated we are to make a difference and they're funding us to expand.
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Bond villain monologue, Medicare for All edition (permalink)
We're all familiar with the Bond villain setup: "Mr. Bond, I see you've ingested my poison."
But what follows in Matt Haughey's "Monologuing" is a fabulous satirical take on the Medicare For All moment.
"No, Mr Bond, I expect you to…"
Locate in-network doctors on our website
Cross-reference with the benefits PDF you were sent last month
Create a login
Verify your last three home addresses
(before the poison hits)
Call your doctor and agree to see a physician's assistant so you can get treatment in less than 3 week
Agree to a $100 urgent-care co-pay
Pay $1200 for the ambulance to the ER
"Do you expect me to talk?"
"No, I expect you to continue to wait on hold because your call is very important to us and may be monitored for quality assurance purposes."
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"FUCK TRUMP AND HIS STUPID FUCKING WALL" is "a habanero spirit made from a base of pearled barley, Belgian saison yeast, and koji. The clear product is rectified with a habanero vinegar that gives it a 27% ABV. This imparts an intensely fruity habanero profile without any of the heat."
It actually sounds delicious.
It's $85 plus $35 S+H in the USA for 750ml.
Serving suggestion: "With red grapefruit juice, topped with sparkling water and cornichon as garnish"
I'm a little bummed that they take out the capsaicin, as I love spicy booze.
My current favorite is a spicy, sugar-free Old Fashioned:
2 shakes Hellfire bitters 2 shakes Angostura bitters 1 jigger decent bourbon Orange zest (wipe over rim, squeeze into glass, then drop in the drink) Serve over a whiskey rock in a lowball glass
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Mike Bloomberg helped the Sacklers launder their reputations (permalink)
The Sackler family became some of the world's richest billionaires through the actions of the family business, Purdue Pharma, which committed a string of felonies as it conspired to addict the world to its killer opioid, Oxycontin. The company's bribery of doctors, scientific frauds, and corruption of its regulators allowed it to kickstart the opioid epidemic, which has so far claimed 200,000 US lives, more than were lost in Vietnam.
And yet, until very recently, the Sackler family was primarily known for its art philanthropy, firehosing its money and name over some of the world's most prominent art institutions. As the family's role in corporate mass murder came to light, artists demanded that institutions remove the Sackler name. It worked! Nan Goldin's stunt of showering the Guggenheim with Sackler opioid prescriptions was just one of many amazing actions.
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The Louvre also removed every mention of the Sacklers from its spaces.
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But you know who DIDN'T ditch the Sacklers as they were becoming social pariahs? Guess who expressed rock solid billionaire class solidarity with the poor, beleaguered plutes when their reputation laundry failed them?
Mike Bloomberg, of course!
As @propublica reports, when the Sacklers worried about their collapsing reputations, they knew who to turn to: the ex-mayor whose return to his news organization meant that reporters who chased billionaires were sidelined.
While Bloomberg had been mayor, his newsroom created a "billionaires team" that investigated the doings of the super-rich, including the "Friends of Mike" (FOMs) whom everyone understood to be untouchable under Bloomberg's management.
Upon his return, he heaped scorn upon these investigative reporters: "Why is that news? Why do we have to probe into that stuff?" Mike's return to the newsroom created "a culture of not wanting to upset billionaires."
So naturally the Sacklers turned to him! And Bloomberg obliged. After meeting with Mortimer Sackler, Bloomberg gave the Sacklers crisis communications advice and helped them his old mayoral press secretary, Stu Loeser. According to Bloomberg, Loeser was perfect because of his new communications company's "political instincts and deep connections."
Loeser went on to work with the Sacklers as they pushed out the story that opioid addiction was the fault of weak-willed criminal addicts, not corporate drug-pushers.
Loeser now works as a Bloomberg presidential campaign spokesman.
With Bloomberg's help, the Sacklers were able to continue to leverage their philanthropic donations to shore up their reputations, particularly by embarking on joint projects with Bloomberg Philanthropies. Bloomberg posed with Sackler heiresses at the opening of the Sackler Wing of London's Serpentine Gallery (which eventually took the Sackler name off the building), and then served as chair of the Serpentine Sackler Galleries.
His news organization ran multiple, glowing stories about the Sacklers' generosity, and continued to work closely with the Sackler families, even as they were committing a string of crimes.
For example, money laundry to the tune of billions.
Fraudulent misrepresentations of the company's role in the opioid epidemic.
And giving some of the weirdest, most risible, most terrible testimony in the history of corporate criminal depositions.
Just more Friends of Mike!
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Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with a climate plan as big as the climate crisis (permalink)
The climate crisis is an existential threat to our species (and many other species besides). It turns out that Keynes was more prescient that we knew. He proposed that you could start an economy by paying half the unemployed to dig holes and the other half to fill them in. Instead, we spent more than a century subsidizing our ancestors to dig up fossil fuels and now we'll have to pay our descendants to spend 200-300 years getting all that carbon back into the ground.
If we don't, our civilization will collapse and our species may go extinct. There's no time for half-measures. That's why Bernie Sanders's version of the Green New Deal is such a big deal.
He's the only leadership candidate whose plan actually confronts the scale of the crisis.
The $16T (yes, TRILLION) plan includes $2.5T to convert all US energy to renewables, "ending subsidies, mountaintop-removal coal mining, and the import and export of fossil fuels."
He'll also ask the DoJ to investigate criminal frauds committed by energy sector companies that spent millions to delay action on climate by pumping out disinformation along with their CO2.
The budget also includes $2T for a retrofit of our homes and workplaces, $1T to retrofit roads and other infrastructure.
There's $3.6T to convert the US's vehicles to electric, $85B for charging stations and $100B to improve electric car manufacture.
There's $900B for mass transit and high-speed rail, and $150B to improve emissions from aviation and marine transport.
In all, the plan creates "20 million jobs, while offering wage guarantees, job training, and other assistance to displaced energy workers."
As James Temple writes in MIT Tech Review, there are some odd quirks, like a rejection of carbon capture, but these are issues in the margin that administrative agencies staffed by independent experts (not corporate shills) might tweak.
But this is the plan we need. Remember, no one ever asked how we'd pay for WWII, and a Nazi victory would have merely put half the human race in mortal peril, while the climate crisis threatens us all, and without the hope of regime change down the road.
The purpose of the economy, the justification for markets, is that they promote human prosperity and progress. Scratching in flooded rubble for canned goods and drinking your own urine is not "progress." If our spreadsheets can't figure out how to allocate capital to heading off an extinction-level event, we need new spreadsheets. As our friends at Prager "University" like to remind us, "facts don't care about your feelings."
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Cutting the UK housing subsidy led to massive homelessness payouts (permalink)
Margaret Thatcher sold off council houses to create more Tories, on the theory that home ownership made you a Conservative. But the end of council estates just meant that private landlords were able to gouge local governments for substandard housing for poor people. Predictably, this only worsened, with rents spiraling for poorly maintained, dangerous housing. Eventually, David Cameron got a genius idea: he'd cut how much money families could spend on private rent.
After all, this was much more politically feasible than ordering landlords to provide decent housing at a fair price. Landlords make campaign contributions and vote Tory, and a majority of Tory MPs are landlords themselves.
By contrast, council tenants vote Labour and are (by definition) too poor to bribe politicians. Just as with Thatcher's selloff, the outcome of Cameron's policy was totally predictable to anyone whose wealth didn't depend on their denying it.
People couldn't pay their rent, so they became homeless.
You know what's more expensive than paying rent for poor people? Helping homeless people. The savings from Cameron's cruel policy of limiting rent subsidies were totally wiped out by the millions more that local governments had to pay to find temporary shelter for the wave of homelessness Cameron had created.
That's not all, of course. Voter turnout among affected households plummeted, and when they did vote, it was in the Brexit referendum, where the housing benefit cuts strongly correlated with a Leave vote: "We also observe that a one standard deviation increase in the level of exposure to the cut in a district is associated with up to a 2.2 percentage point greater level of support for 'Leave'."
The inability of the British private sector to build affordable housing and the unwillingness of the public sector to fill in the gap has produced a ghastly quality of life. In Camden, £1500/month gets you a 27sqm "flat" whose bed is literally a mattress wedged next to the toilet.
And yet, Greater London has never had a better ratio of bedrooms to people. It's just that HALF the beds in the region are empty on any given night. But with 60% of the UK national wealth represented by property in the southeast, the last thing the Tories want to do is fix this misallocation, which has been such a boon to the ownership class.
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This day in history (permalink)
#8yrsago In Minecraft, a fountain of cats at the top of the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iNw2YcAK9Wc#!
#8yrsago Smithsonian building archive of printable 3D scans https://www.cnet.com/news/smithsonian-turns-to-3d-to-bring-collection-to-the-world/
#8yrsago Finance industry bemoans hard times in an era of reduced bonuses https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-02-29/wall-street-bonus-withdrawal-means-trading-aspen-for-cheap-chex
#4yrsago Crapgadget apocalypse: the IoT devices that punch through your firewall and expose your network https://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/02/this-is-why-people-fear-the-internet-of-things/
#4yrsago Press looks the other way as thousands march for Sanders in 45+ cities https://web.archive.org/web/20160314104804/http://usuncut.com/politics/media-blackout-as-thousands-of-bernie-supporters-march-in-45-cities/
#4yrsago FBI claims it has no records of its decision to delete its recommendation to encrypt your phone https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160226/14181133727/fbi-claims-it-has-no-record-why-it-deleted-recommendation-to-encrypt-phones.shtml
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Alice Taylor (https://twitter.com/wonderlandblog), Naked Capitalism (https://nakedcapitalism.com/) and Slashdot (https://slashdot.org/.
Hugo nominators! My story "Unauthorized Bread" is eligible in the Novella category and you can read it free on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/
Upcoming appearances:
Canada Reads Kelowna: March 5, 6PM, Kelowna Library, 1380 Ellis Street, with CBC's Sarah Penton https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cbc-radio-presents-in-conversation-with-cory-doctorow-tickets-96154415445
Currently writing: I just finished a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel now, though the timing is going to depend on another pending commission (I've been solicited by an NGO) to write a short story set in the world's prehistory.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: Gopher: When Adversarial Interoperability Burrowed Under the Gatekeepers' Fortresses: https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/02/24/gopher-when-adversarial-interoperability-burrowed-under-the-gatekeepers-fortresses/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020.
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a very special, s00per s33kr1t intro.
11 notes · View notes
angeltriestoblog · 4 years
I figured out what I want to do with my life! And made a vision board!
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It came to me in a flash, really. One minute, I was watching a handpainted narration of the life and death of one of the greatest painters of all time, and next thing you know, I've abandoned it completely and started furiously typing away at my laptop about what I envisioned myself to be in five years' time. And I know I've had my fair share of false alarms in life: I thought I had what it takes to be a lawyer after seeing Legally Blonde for the first time while on my way to a school field trip, and seriously considered pursuing a career as a fashion blogger or MTV VJ because I was kind of fed up with school.
But this one just makes sense. Advising and assisting clients in producing content, collaterals, and campaigns according to their business objectives and based on collected data! It marries my love for writing, my knack for snooping around (the academic term is research!), and the specialty in technology and management my university ensures I'll have at the end of my four-year degree. i have yet to see how it’ll allow me to give back to society since that’s also a factor I want to consider in looking for a dream job but I’ll make it work. I found it hard to sleep that night, thanks to this nerdy, giddy kind of adrenaline rush I had. I broke down this big idea into smaller and smaller action steps until all I had left was a refined list of ideas and intentions, and a splitting headache.
I needed to make sure I was constantly reminded of their existence so all my choices and decisions would serve as a step closer to reaching all of them. So I caved in to the wishes of the "law of attraction" side of the Internet, and created my very own vision board! Simply put, this act of visualization is a powerful technique that can be used to manifest desires and reach goals. Our subconscious minds mainly recognize symbols and images: by merely looking at our vision boards everyday, subliminal messages are being sent to our brains, which will encourage them to work tirelessly to achieve the statements we are feeding to them. I can't find any explanation for this that's less abstract but since many people seem to swear on it and I have a lot of free time and printer ink, I figured why not, right?
It was convenient that I had this small corkboard from Daiso already stuck to one corner of my bedroom wall with several layers of double-sided tape. It used to be a year-long calendar of birthdays but I realized that I've never referred to it and often have to rely on either Facebook reminders or stock knowledge--there is no in between. All I had to do was to look at my list of goals, and compile photos that correspond to each of them, cut them up and arrange them in an aesthetically pleasing manner. You'll see below that I lacked the stereotypical luxury car and beachfront mansion with a walk-in closet and that's because I decided to focus on my goals for the next five years so it looks even a little bit more achievable.  
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Here's the finished product, along with explanations for each picture, to make this how-to more personal and to also hold myself accountable.
 Make my girl Jenna Rink and everybody at Poise proud by writing for a magazine | I had listed a specific one at the time, and if you follow me on Twitter and Instagram, you already know what it is and how this endeavor turned out - but on this blog, I'll shroud it in a little cloud of mystery for now and talk about it more in a future post. I'm very happy producing content for this space of mine and have no intention of stopping any time soon. But at the same time I know that I'd be missing out if I didn't take the chance to be part of a community that leads me to like-minded individuals, allows me to grow even more in my craft, and "gives creators a space to speak their minds and push the limits of their artistry, without imposing any restrictions or expectations", as I stated in my application form.
 Be active in three organizations next school year | (I had to blur one of them out because I'm not a member yet and I don't want to jinx it.) I know it's bold of me to assume that we'll be returning to school any time soon, but if we are ever lucky enough, I want to outdo myself when it comes to the orgs I'm a part of. I have been a good follower throughout my first two years of college but now I believe it's my time to try my hand at leading a group of people and being more involved in the conceptualization and execution of projects.
 Go on a trip to Europe | Not even just a specific group of countries anymore (I used to be a France, Italy, Spain supremacist)--I mean the entire continent! (But then again, with its rich history and culture, picturesque tourist spots, diverse cuisines... even the sheer adrenaline rush that comes with being in a land completely different from the one you come from, how could anyone not want to go?
 and 12. Get the job of my dreams | I actually nicked these photos from the website of a cooperative I want to work for once I graduate from college. I know that I can't plan out the rest of my career trajectory as early as now: things are bound to change at some point, but I hope that I stay in a field that combines creativity and business strategy to craft campaigns, create meaningful content, and market solutions to brands.
 Expand my network | I acknowledge how knowing people who know people who know people can open windows of opportunities that I wouldn't have been able to have anywhere else. But I also look forward to building genuine connections with people from all sorts of industries. Talking to the same circle of friends can sometimes feel like you're trapped in an echo chamber: there is certainly much to learn from others' viewpoints.
 Volunteer to teach kids | I don't think the written word could have changed my life as much as it did, had it not been for the presence of English teachers who believed in the power of the language to shape the minds of the youth. I guess this is just me trying to give back and help the next generation express their ideas and bring them to life by channeling my inner John Keating.
 Maintain a clean workspace that is conducive to productivity | Especially during these days, I spend a solid 18 out of 24 hours sat at my desk, trying my best to make magic happen. It's very important that I keep it a constant and active source of inspiration, free from any distractions, and at the right level of comfort. Although it's not as minimalist as I hoped it would be and my table is about an inch too high for my liking, I'm still pretty satisfied!
 Document memories consistently, be it through a physical or online journal | Speaking of clearing out my room, I recently found around 20 notebooks I had filled up over the years. Though maintaining them must have been such a hassle especially as I got older and reading through them was a distraction from completing the task at hand, I am thankful I painstakingly chronicled everything going on in my life and kept them in good condition. Seeing the goals I had set for myself all those years ago and how I achieved most of them without making a conscious effort has inspired me to do my older self a favor by putting in the work now so she can reap the rewards. (While I'm on this note, can anyone recommend a good app for journaling? I keep all my current entries in my Mac's Notes app because even though I am more of an analog person, I seemed to have lost the patience and persistence required to keep a physical journal. But at the same time, I'm scared of my laptop suddenly cr*shing and wiping out everything I had stored)
 Stay focused on my work always | I didn't know how to show this without having to spell it out in words so I Photoshopped my face onto the head of a woman working in a cafe because those who study in coffee shops along Katip always look like they're getting stuff done.
 Keep learning about the world even when I'm outside of the classroom | And this is not limited to frequenting the nearby museum, although that does sound like a great idea right now. This could also mean attending seminars, workshops, and talks, buying books and binge-watching documentaries or YouTube videos about a topic that I find interesting, engaging in discourse with someone (plus points if they have a different viewpoint!)
 Write my own book | Before I even found out that humans were destined to pick a career and work until they died, I already knew that I wanted to spend my days as a writer. Specifically, I wanted to see my name on the cover of a book: By Angel Martinez. (Please refer to the 4:32 of this video and look at how far this dream actually goes back.) But once I realized that I wanted to enter the world of business, I thought I would have to give this up altogether. Thankfully, I now know that one's ability to get published is not reliant on their career--I mean, even beauty gurus get book deals these days. I'm not really sure what it's going to be about but I'd honestly be down for anything: even if it's just a compilation of my best entries on this blog.
13. Go all out when I take myself on self-care dates | I'm talking about picnics at the beach, with a basket full of fruits, a posh looking hat, and a good piece of classic literature! Or fancy dinners for one complete with as many glasses of red wine as I can down! People watching at Downtown Disneyland like my paternal grandmother in hand, with a plastic bag of souvenirs on one hand and a cream cheese pretzel on the other! (The possibilities are endless and I'm already mapping most of them out.)
14. Be financially stable enough to re-enact that one scene in Pretty Woman where Vivian Ward struts down the streets of Beverly Hills in a chic white dress and black hat, an endless number of shopping bags in tow | The part where I humiliate a sales lady who snubbed me the day before because she didn't think I could afford what she was selling by saying, "You work on commission, right? That's right. Big mistake, big, huge." is entirely optional.
I also included some two inspirational sayings that were originally laptop wallpapers from The Everygirl. I feel like they perfectly sum up the attitude I want to have as I forge my own path and accomplish everything I have set out for myself. If I was somehow able to convince you that this activity serves as the perfect springboard for all your dreams and aspirations, here are a couple of tips that could hopefully help you make yours!
Be ready for some intense introspection | Though it may look like a simple arts and crafts activity at the surface, making an effective vision board simply cannot be achieved if you're not willing to do some much needed reflection and watch it balloon into a full-on existential crisis. Identify which areas of your life are most important to you and how you would like to see them evolve over a period of time.
Specificity is key | The trick is to make your goals as concrete as possible, then translate them into visual elements. I know some people who wanted to get into particular universities, who have Photoshopped their names onto acceptance letters and pinned those to their corkboards. As stupid as that may sound in retrospect, I reckon it's an elaborate way of claiming something that's right within your reach.
Design it any way you want | Don't feel pressured to make it look like it's worthy to be on someone else's Pinterest because that's exactly how you lose sight of why you're doing it in the first place. The only person your final output has to resonate with is you.
Don't get discouraged | Although a vision board can attract positive energy and manifest your intentions to the universe, one thing it isn't capable of doing is granting your wishes in an instant. Don't be upset if what you have cut out and stuck on has yet to happen: I truly believe in the saying that the more you look for something, the more it seems to avoid you. Instead, continue to work hard and focus on the progress that you have already made.
Have you made a vision board of your own already? How has it turned out, and how many of the things you had put up have come true? I know you may be a complete stranger from the other side of the world but I'd be happy to hear from you anyway! Wishing you love and light always, especially during trying times such as this. Wash your hands, pray for our frontliners, and check your privilege!
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