#we all deserve to notice the sand and shells now and enjoy making sand castles
zillychu · 6 months
I feel like what the world needs aren't messages like "do your best and all your dreams will come true!" but rather "no matter your success, you can still be happy!"
we need more media telling us it's okay to fail. that most of us fail. that trying your best and not succeeding doesn't mean you effort was wasted. that you don't need to always try your best for everything. do what you can, when you can, and realize that no matter how things turn out, you can still find a way to be happy day to day. dreams come and go, it's okay to miss your catch and watch them pass by or change into something else entirely.
life is always full of opportunities to be happy!
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snowbellewells · 3 years
A Cottage by the Sea {Part Five}
Here we are at last! After months off (I’m truly sorry for that wait, by the way!) I’m back with the next to last addition to this @cssns20 story - only the final part/epilogue left to go.  I meant to have this up much earlier today, but I had several different things come up that made me later.  I hope you all who are still reading will enjoy... :)
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Summary: Princess Emma has always been drawn to the shores of Misthaven, where the sea meets the sand near her parents’ castle. When an unknown boy washes up on the beach, with eyes as fathomless and blue as the waters that brought him to her, he soon becomes Emma’s best friend, her partner in crime, and her other half.  But the tides give and the tides take away, and as her blue-eyed boy sails in her father’s navy and risks all in defense of those who made him family, unexpected danger and challenge will try to tear them apart, and might well show him just where he came from that day he first appeared to her from the sea…
From the beginning on AO3, and here on Tumblr
Part Five
Calypso looked on with a mother’s concern and doting affection, treasuring the chance to see her son happy.  After so many years separated from her children, to have one of them here on her island where she could speak to him each day, brush back the wild dark hair from his face as she had done when he was just a little boy, no longer having to miss him, and knowing he would always be safe. It was nearly inducement enough to put a protective barrier up around her hidden home - an enchantment as she’d had before letting it down to allowing Killian’s princess passage, that would keep others out, and her son and his beloved in.
Yet, tempting as it was, the sea nymph knew better than most that she could do no such thing. Killian might find contentment here, now that Emma was by his side, but she could never force him to stay in such a manner. She would be parting him cruelly from the life he had worked hard to make for himself, and from the people who had taken him in - those who had become hs family when Davy had taken he and Liam from her arms. Having been forced to live with such loss, she would force no such thing on anyone else.
No, she would not make her beloved boy - long since become a man - remain here. She knew he would go, and even as she feared what might await him on his journey back to Misthaven; almost sensing that the threat from the deep was not yet over, she could only treasure this interlude she had been granted, to see Killian again, and to let him know he and his elder brother had always been loved and wanted.
Far below in the depths, fathoms beneath where Calypso watched anxiously, eyes drinking in every second of her son’s presence she could, and where Killian Jones and his royal lady love splashed and frolicked in the tide, another pair of eyes waited and watched, biding his time. True, he used supernatural means to do so - a dark orb of swirling greenish water housed in a gigantic open half shell platform brought the image to his underwater lair - but it was just as effective. Twice his younger son had escaped his clutches - once washed ashore as a youth before he could drag Killian down in his watery hold, and the second time foiled by the righteous nymph who fancied herself saving the whelp’s life. ‘Saving him? Bah!’ Davy’s glowering evil mind recanted. What could be more glorious than receiving his destiny? Sitting at his other side with Liam, ruling over the deep?
All these years, he’d been missing the set, the pair; he had his elder son - the wreck nearly a decade ago had seen to that - but he would not rest until both his sons were with him, his rule and legacy complete.
Of course, though he might hold his firstborn in thrall - unable to escape and return to the land of the living unless Davy released him, not after so long under the sea - that did not mean his eldest remained willingly. A dark glance over his shoulder gave him a view of Liam silently waiting and watching until orders were given him. Brooding, was more accurate, the immortal fiend thought angrily. Unlike the other souls lost and gathered into his unholy crew, Liam still looked much as he had when he had first been pulled below. He was not a mindless shade, hollowed and twisted beyond recognition as many of Davy’s captives for any length of time became. He still stood young, proud, and tall; broad-shouldered and handsome, just the sort of right hand a king of the deep would require, and Davy knew it well; it was just as he had envisioned long ago when he sent the typhoon that had claimed Liam’s young life. Unfortunately, the flaw in his plan was that it was meant to have brought him Killian as well, both his heirs to flank him and support him - his powerful living legacy. Instead his youngest had slipped through his clutches by chance or Fate - or interference from the dratted creature he had once charmed into loving him, who had borne him two strapping lads. To his way of thinking, Calypso had known full well just who he was and the darkness within him, but had then grown a conscience and set herself to oppose him at every turn.
“Liam!” he bellowed. Though he knew his eldest lingered just nearby, rekindled temper made his voice boom and reverberate in the small space, bouncing off the cavernous rock that encased his throne room. “It’s time my boy,” he pronounced, evil fire lighting eyes that had once been as blue and mesmeric as either of his sons’ but were now clouded and dark - foreboding whatever his mood. “Kilian will join us soon, as he should have long ago.”
The elder Jones brother, face steady and resolved, without flicker of emotion to betray his true thoughts came to stand at his father’s side dutifully when beckoned. He nodded at the boastful proclamation without comment, though if one looked closely - as Davy was too absorbed to do - they would have seen the strain in Liam’s every muscle, the tension radiating from his clenched jaw and tightly balled fist. His concern for his long-missed younger sibling would have been evident if one were watching, though he had learned long ago that luckily his power-mad sire noticed only what pleased him and related to his own concerns. He didn’t want Killian with him out of any genuine desire to reunite his family, but through some twisted ideal of dynastic completion.
Though he couldn’t hide all of his concern, Liam schooled his face into a mask of bland curiosity and obedience as he looked to Davy who growled, “You remember the job you are to do?” 
“Aye,” Liam affirmed simply with a curt nod, leaving out that he had every intention of doing the opposite when the moment came.
He left soon after, knowing his keeper - all the moniker his pitiless sire truly deserved - would never suspect him to do anything other than exactly as he decreed. ‘Thank the gods for small mercies on that score,’ Liam thought as he swam from the lair with unnaturally strong, tireless strokes. Such blind tunnel vision was all he really had to count on in his hopes to turn the tide.
Emma was genuinely surprised by Calypso’s warmth and affection as the gracious sea numph accepted her thanks for her aid and guidance in finding Ogygia before drifting lost at sea interminably. Of course this otherworldly being - uncannily graceful and stunning in all respects - was Killian’s mother! Not wonder he had always been able to charm any person he met with a mere smile or twinkle of his eyes! The part that staggered Emma was that the woman would embrace her and bless them as a couple rather than begrudge her pulling Killian away when she had just found him again. Princess trained in regal bearing and dignity she might be, but all the same, Emma could only tightly hug Killian’s mother in return, blubbering an apology about not being able to desert her parents and her people, which Calypso acknowledged with a calm gesture of understanding, and then boarded the ship, trying to quickly wipe away the stray tears that had escaped down her cheeks. She was glad to be able to say she had met his mother, and Killian deserved a moment alone to say his farewells - at least for the moment.
“Your princess is truly a lovely young woman,” Calypso told her son warmly, squeezing his hands in her own, hating to think that soon Killian would once again be out of her reach. “She is as enchanting and kind as her lady mother, Misthaven’s Queen, is reputed to be. I have no doubt that she will rule justly and well when the time comes.”
“Nor do I,” Killian agreed softly, his assurance, and the pride her felt for his beloved clear in word and tone. “But Mother, I…”
“And she loves you,” Calypso continued, cutting him off because she knew she must tell him all before her emotions choked her. “Above all else, she holds you closest to her heart, my son. Right where you deserve to be. It does a mother’s heart good to see it.”
Killian bowed his head, flushing to the tips of his ears, pointed like hers he realized now with pleasure to have a trait in common with this mother he hated to part from. “And I love her,” he replied without hesitation, “But you know that I love you as well… don’t you?” He pressed their joined hands to his chest, just over his heart. “That I do not wish to leave you?  Emma’s people look to her; they need her… and I have responsibilities as well.  Her parents, they took me in…”
“Never fear, Killian,” Calypso soothed her son easily. “I do know. And you will never fully leave me. You will always be my baby boy. You - and she - will always be welcomed here, should you ever wish to return.”
For a long, heavily charged moment mother and son leaned into a lingering embrace - full of comfort, which neither wished to let go. Foreheads touching, Killian tried to breath in her scent, to memorize the sound of her voice - all the things he had forgotten before. 
“I will always be here for you, Son,” she promised as he turned to stride across the sand and into the ship to sail home. “You know where to find me… whenever you need.”
Her son waved one last time before joining his princess at the bow, and soon their little ship was no more than a speck on the horizon, drifting further and further away.
They had been on the water some hours when a gentle bubbling and foaming disturbance of the surface appeared just ahead of their boat. Both Killian and Emma noted it, but were not terribly concerned at first. It was only when the waves around them began to roll and grow choppy, forcing Emma to grasp the sides tight-lipped and white-knuckled and Killian to eye the frothing, churning, and ever-expanding disturbance with worry he did not wish to voice. This was clearly no mere passing dolphin or larger tide as he had first hoped. He remembered too just how malevolently and suddenly the storm which wrecked his vessel and drowned the rest of his crew had blown up. He could not bear to see such a calamity befall Emma.
Glancing to his side, Killian’s heart swelled with admiration and affection for her as she braced herself and remained calm, neither crying nor panicking as many an untested sailor might have done. She was silent and steady - every bit as determined to hold her own as he was to see her home safely. However, he was about to caution her to wrap a length of rope around her oar-lock and then her waist securely, so that if she were tossed overboard he could haul her back in before she was lost, when suddenly their small craft bucked and lurched so strongly that she was thrown to the deck on hands and knees, and he nearly toppled down on her, despite his own more seasoned sea legs.
Before Killian could even reach to help her up, some unknown form broke the surface in the center of the spinning waters, and once it did, the worst of the pitching and rolling calmed. A head, then broad shoulders, emerged seemingly from the deep - as impossible as it should have seemed. However, they did just leave the island of his mother the sea nymph, so neither felt quite as supported by usual logic as they once had been. It was only as the figure glided toward them on the waves, as if they could simply float atop the water weightlessly without the effort of swimming, that Kilian recognized its build and look with a shock of disbelief. As the mysterious arrival raised unmistakably blue eyes to meet their awestruck gazes, the single word fell from his mouth on a harsh, ragged breath. “L- Liam?”
Emma’s head whirled to stare at him, then the aquatic visitor, and back, slack-jawed and goggle-eyed. She wanted to make sure she’d heard him correctly. Liam? The brother who had died when Killian was a child? Who had been lost to the sea at the same time it brought Killian to her? How was that possible? The thoughts cropped up in her mind one after another, but turning to see the intensity and confusion, the pain and the dawning joy on Killian’s face made her hold her tongue.
Tears started in the corners of her own eyes all the same, though he managed to speak again softly, “Brother? ...Is it really you? You- you drowned.” His face almost crumpled, and Emma wanted desperately to take his hand in comfort, but she held back, sensing that the brothers needed this moment - however it was happening. “I thought you were lost.”
Somberly, the shaggy head of hair lighter and curlier than Killian’s nodded to confirm his words. “Aye, it’s me, Little Brother.” He glided closer, out of the water up to his waist, until he was right next to their vessel, facing Killian as he reached out tentatively. “I was drowned… more or less. But I have not really died, not as one normally understands it.  Oh blast, am I buggering this up!”
Emma knew her face must match the look of perplexity covering her sailor’s. The words this man was uttering didn’t make sense. And yet, Killian would not - could not - leave him hanging, regardless of his confusion. He reached forward and met Liam in a tight, frantic hug of reunion after so many years apart, She heard a strangled sob leave the younger Jones, muffled against his elder brother’s shoulder, which was in turn shaking rather markedly with a soundless anguish and relief of its own.
When they finally parted, Liam’s hands were resting on Killian’s shoulders as he peered into his brother’s eyes intently. “I will explain all - as best I can anyway. I swear it, Killian. I am sorry I could not make myself known to you sooner.”
Killian nodded in acceptance of those words, looking almost dazed - as if afraid to even blink or speak for fear his beloved sibling would vanish from him again.
“But first,” the elder Jones continued, “I must tell you how I have reached you now - and warn you to be on your guard.” 
Tremors ran down Emma’s spine at the words themselves, and the tone in which they were spoken. This was not idle chatter, but a true threat, and she could only imagine who, or what, he might warn was coming their way.
Killian gave his older brother a curt nod of understanding, urging Liam on. It was clear how they would have worked impeccably well together - an unstoppable team on any ship - if things had been different, if they had been allowed to sail into adulthood side-by-side. They do not argue or waste time, but instead each obviously trusted the other at their word, without a second’s hesitation, and moved forward without fail toward what must be done - not allowing room for doubt nor fear.
Liam cleared his throat, eyes lowered to avoid quite holding contact with either of their faces when he continued, voice gravel-rough and low. “Of course you know of Davy Jones and his infernal locker…” he began..
Again, Killian nodded in confirmation, “Aye, naturally.”
“What most do not know - what I myself could not have known all those years ago, still just a lad, and would never have believed, is that Davy Jones and the legend surrounding him - his locker, his cursed crew, the Flying Dutchman - all of it is true.”
Neither Killian nor Emma spoke to interrupt him, though it was a near thing, both of them staring frozen and gobsmacked, trying to figure out how they must have misunderstood Liam’s words. Finally, Killian gathered his wits enough to sputter incredulously, “You mean to say that you’ve been held prisoner - a part of that villain’s crew all this time? How - how is that possible?”
Liam shook his head resignedly, answering with little more than a shrug and a low voice. “I do not begin to know the whys and wherefores, Little Brother. Until seeing you here before me, I had genuinely lost all sense of time passing, and much memory of who I once was and what I felt long ago - a sort of suspended animation, if you will.”
Emma had remained quiet throughout their exchange - partially stunned into speechlessness and partially from a desire to allow Killian the time and space to be reunited with the sibling he had mourned as long as she had known him. Yet, with this revelation, she found her curiosity overruling her previous restraint. “What allowed you to come to us now then?” she questioned, tilting her head as she attempted to study his face - familiar, but not as open to her as Killian’s had ever been. She didn’t mean to be mistrustful, but all of this tale was strange - straining belief, in fact - and his arrival to warn them at just the opportune moment seemed almost too much a coincidence.
“A fair question indeed, your Highness,” Liam answered respectfully, with a slight dip of his chin in differential bow. For a moment, his gaze slid back over to Killian with such proud approbation, as if congratulating him in finding such a sharp lass and valuing that about her, that Emma felt herself flush with pleasure.
He granted her a small but transformative smile; in truth, the way it lightened his whole aspect made him seem an entirely different person. Not only that, but the familial similarities between he and the brother she had grown up beside became all the more evident when his expression drew her in just as Killian so easily did. “In answer to your question - as fair warning, as much as it is in my power to offer you - Davy sent me to the surface anyway. He made me have you in my sights, ready to do his bidding at the moment he chooses to strike. I did not know whether I would be able to thwart his intent and show myself or speak to you ahead of when he wished, but it seems I can, and it was worth any effort for me to at least try. I believe he knows my loyalty is not fully his, in whatever degree I am free of his influence, and so he has not told me all. Have no doubt he will attack when you are weakest though, when the moment is most opportune for his victory. Please, both of you, be wary and ready. I will help you in any way I can, but I can never be fully assured how much of my will might be my own.”
Kililan’s brow furrowed in anger and disgust, his concern for the sibling he loved clear as he asked disbelievingly, “He controls you?”
Liam bobbed his head in grudging confirmation, but he wanted them to know as well as possible just what they were up against. “To a large degree, yes. If he wills it, that seems often to be the case, at any rate. Thankfully, he has numerous minions, most much more eager to serve as they are grateful to be - at least in some measure - alive. He is often distracted and not actively ordering me to do anything, and as such, I am often able to do as I will. Not that I have much to see or do here trapped within the ocean. It would have been better for me to have perished outright, but he did not allow that - not when he sent that storm to gather us both to his side.”
The elder Jones shook his head in frustration, gritting his teeth before concluding ominously, “I fear he will never rest until he has captured your soul as well, Brother… And I do not know how much I will be able to aid you or resist his orders when he directly states otherwise.”
Before he could divert his gaze, obviously ashamed that he could be used as a pawn, made to hurt those he most wished to protect, Killian brought his hand quickly to grasp his brother’s forearm, bringing Liam’s stormy gaze up to look on his own, clasping his long lost hero’s hand in a firm, brotherly grip. Killian vowed solemnly. “Understood. We will be on our guard. But do not think for a moment we will hold you to blame for something beyond your control, either.”
Emma stepped closer, looking into the slightly greyer, more muted blue of the brother she had just met’s eyes as well. “Take care of yourself too. See that you weather the storm as well so we can meet again. And thank you… for the warning.”
The shaggy head, which had once been carefully close-cropped and tended light brown curls nodded, seeming to know better - just as his younger brother always had - than to argue with a princess so prepossessed and determined. There was a sheen of unshed tears filming those wise, weary eyes as he hesitated every second he felt able, but in the end he dared not linger further, loath to draw Davy Jones’ attention to the princess and lieutenant if they could by pass his waters undetected.
Unfortunately, the entire sea was the evil being’s domain - and all those upon it a part of his purview. All three of them knew - and Liam from a sickening knowledge of seeing and living the aftermath of when struggle against Davy for survival ultimately failed - it was a battle that would take all they had, with the outcome Emma spoke of anything but assured.  Still, the fact that they knew it was coming, could steel themselves and prepare for the worst, somehow steadied them. Neither Killian nor Emma had ever been people who had backed down from a fight - and they were calling on every bit of that resolve in the moment.
Though Liam was more than reluctant to leave his brother and Killian’s beloved - a princess! And a woman he already found himself feelings  brotherly affection for - he knew he must do so soon. The last thing he wanted was to destroy their one advantage and let Davy know they were aware of his plot. Nor did he wish to lead his predatory sire right to Killian and Emma; let them get as close to their home and safety as they could before the nefarious, supernatural captain caught them up.
“Aye,” he finally managed to choke out harshly. “May we do so.” One more quick bow of his head, reverence in the gesture before he offered a warm, loving smile and then sunk so smoothly beneath the surface of the water that it barely rippled, unlike when he had appeared. Almost as though he had never been there at all; leaving Killian and Emma to turn to each other, vowing to fight through together, to find Liam again, their eyes promised it even if no words were spoken, whatever they were about to face. 
Sure enough, they might have hoped otherwise, Killian and Emma felt Davy Jones’ presence approaching before they reached Misthaven’s shores. The otherworldly menace’s arrival was heralded as much by the change in the wind and the waters around them as the chill of foreboding that made the hair at their napes stand on end. Though he had not yet shown his cursed visage, the way what had simply been a pleasant breeze now picked up to whip at the sails, their hair and clothes, and to howl in their ears, and the way what had been a light blue sky turned a sickening chartreuse full of scudding grey clouds ever-darkening with ominous intent.
For an extended moment, Kilian’s eyes sought Emma’s across the small hull of their rolling vessel, being tossed more and more as the waves crested higher. “If we capsize, Emma,” he spoke slowly, firmly, as if to imprint his words on her memory if he were not still there at her side. “Swim for land in this same direction,” he indicated the way they had been traveling, over her shoulder. “We nearly reached the harbor. A strong swimmer - which you are, Love - might yet make it on their own strength.”
She wanted to ignore his words, to shake her head in wild denial that she might need knowledge he wouldn’t be there to provide. She had no intention of losing him again. And yet, the confrontation they had hoped to avoid was surely coming any minute; they would not outrun the master of those lost to the Deep.  The little vessel that had taken her so far, and had nearly borne them home again was no longer managing any progress forward, merely struggling to remain afloat as it rode wildly up and down on the ever-rising swells.
And then, at long last, with a loud, whooshing roar, it was as if the ocean itself parted, a huge, dark shape, which solidified into the monstrous hulk of a ship surged up from the depths of the open chasm. As it leapt to the surface, righting itself to mount a wall of water, the split in the waves fell closed once more, leaving the blackened, ruinous black ghost of the Flying Dutchman towering before them not more than fifteen feet away - like a shark poised to swallow smaller fish too stunned or too late to flee.
No sooner had Emma been able to swallow hard in a throat suddenly parched with apprehension, her fingers clenched in the material of Killian’s sleeve, above all else determined she wouldn’t let him be taken from her again, when everything around them went horribly, unnaturally still. The waves, the wind, all their surroundings silently seeming to hold their breath before all chaos broke loose. For one last moment, she and her lieutenant fixed their eyes on each other; wordlessly swearing to see each other on the other side, whether or not it was within their power to follow through on such a promise.  Then he turned to face his sire - if one could truly be made to believe that the monstrous captain towering over them at the prow of the other ship could have had any connection to the true and honorable man Killian had become. Intending to remain at his back, to do whatever she could to help him fight and keep them afloat, Emma straightened her shoulders and stiffened her spine as they waited and watched.
Sound and fury returned to the world around them as the accursed captain reached the very helm of his ship, bringing him fully into view as his low, malevolent chuckle at their show of resolve seemed to set the waves crashing and churning once more. “Oh ho, Killian, you’ve brought your intended to our long-awaited reunion, have you? Not particularly well-advised, but she is a pretty wench. I supposed I can see why you’d be loath to leave her behind.”
Killian’s frown deepend, the muscle in his jaw working as he bit down on his anger. Those eyes that she usually likened to the brilliance of a summer sky or the blue of his beloved ocean were instead lit with the pale fire of the hottest of flames at Davy’s callous words. “Hardly,” he clipped in a low growl. “I had no intention of meeting you at all. And I’ll not have you getting anywhere near Emma.”
“Is that so?” Davy snarled, his own temper seeming to erupt at his offspring’s defiance. “We’ll just see about that!”
The waves their little boat floated upon suddenly seemed propelled forward, rising on a towering crest of water as if drawn to Davy’s hand. Skilled a sailor as Killian was, there was no steering them anywhere else when the very elements were turned against them. The air seemed to quiver just as Emma found herself doing, in spite of her best efforts as they came face-to-face with the accursed being. The boards of the vessel beneath their feet groaned and creaked as the frothing sea bearing it seemed ready to dash it to kindling. The air whistled and howled, whipping her hair against her face until she was nearly blinded. And yet, she saw the horrifying shade who faced them, the dark cloud of obsession clouding eyes which might once have been clear and striking as the sons he claimed as his own. He stood taller than the average man, seeming even larger with the wild hair and wide-brimmed, ostentatiously old-fashioned hat atop his head. All his dress was from a more ornate and bygone age, and yet looked gone to ruin rather than impressive, almost mildewed, or perhaps it was a growth of some sort of moss or coral upon his apparel after so long within the sea. Beyond the visible appearance however, the aura of evil power practically radiated from his being, and Emma felt herself draw back before even realizing she had done so.
Pleased with the nightmare impression he never failed to make, Davy Jones chortled in maniacal glee. “Oh yes, I see you there, Princess. Try not to fret overmuch. No matter how brave, they always cower before me in the end.”
She wanted to contradict his words, to call back that Killian wasn’t afraid and that she believed in him, but Emma found her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth, speechless and unable to react other than to stare, frozen, until with one last murderous crow, Davy cackled, “You’re both in my clutches, and no hope to escape. Look your last on the world above.”
Then they were falling, plummeting back to the surface with such speed and force that the boat rolled and cracked in two when it hit the water again. Swept underwater and swirled around dizzyingly, Emma fought to retain any sense of which way was up and to break free of the whirlpool ravenously threatening to suck her further down.
Her lungs burned; her rational mind knowing she would have to draw breath soon - and that it would be nothing but saltwater and spell the beginning of the end. She paddled madly, flailing for some sort of light, when suddenly, a solid arm caught her around the middle and pulled her back toward the air at last.
Certainly she had expected for Killian to have somehow reached her, though she couldn’t begin to account for the strength and speed with which she was fished from the drink. However, upon gulping her first sweet breath of air and catching a glimpse of her savior, she found not Killian, but his brother keeping her afloat. Coughing up the water she had somehow swallowed and attempting to speak her thanks, the words died on her tongue at the seeming blank and unknowing countenance Liam bore, nothing like the warmth with which he had looked at her mere hours ago.
“Liam?” she attempted to gain his recognition, even as an awful feeling stole her breath yet again. “What’s wrong? It’s Emma… don’t you remember me?”
Still he made no response, solidifying the frightened certainty that he was under Davy’s control once more and no longer acting of his own volition. Wriggling and kicking to try to break free, Emma found quickly that her efforts were useless. There was no escaping the iron grip he had on her.
Yet, even as her own panic rose to as crescendo, Emma found herself needing to find Killian, to know if he were better or worse off - and already praying that he had not somehow been swallowed by the vicious waves his sire had conjured to claim them. As her eyes flew across the distance, they came to rest on both a thrilling and blood-curdling scene. Her love stood feet planted on the overturned shell of their boat, splintered oar in hand as the only weapon available to him, and waiting as Davy drew near, magically skimming across the tops of the waves, ready to face him once again and for all.
She struggled anew against Liam’s iron hold, but he barely moved; her efforts to free herself having so little effect they might as well not have happened at all. He didn’t speak, though his expression was tormented, torn as if he were indeed in conflict between what he wished to do himself and the command that decreed his actions otherwise. Yet that did not stop Emma’s trying to reason with him, trying to break through. “Liam, please. You know me. I’m on your side, remember?” she pleaded, even as she continued to try to escape his hold. “We want the same thing. Let me go and we’ll help Killian, alright? Look, he needs us.” She flung her arm out desperately, hoping to make him see the real place they should be focused.
Liam’s gaze did move to his younger sibling for a moment, and Emma’s heartbeat quickened at the longing she saw in the elder brother’s countenance; the aching need to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and fight together for something good and true once more. But then he jerked his gaze from the scene of impending conflict once more, muttering to himself as if to drive home a point he would not have himself forget. “Not yet, not yet,” his lips were moving as he repeated it almost like a mantra. “Must wait for the opportune moment…”
Puzzled, Emma worried that she had heard him say that very phrase before, when cautioning them that Davy would choose the opportune moment to strike. All she could take from that was the fact that he woudln’t release her and hadn’t yet gone to his brother’s aid was that his father did have him under his command. Yet, Liam also looked far from peacefully mindless; he might be under duress, but he was aware and hating every second of it. Even as she was in danger from him, even as every fiber of her being clawed to get to Killian’s side and help him any way she could, her heart still broke for Liam.
“You can beat this, Liam,” she murmured fervently, trying to catch his gaze and ceasing in her struggles to rest her hand over his much larger one in solidarity. “You’ve fought him this long, hang in there a little longer.”
Something sparked in his gaze at her words, something Emma didn’t fully understand - and yet, it gave her hope. It was conscious and alive, and truly him, not Davy holding his mind captive. Had she gotten through? Had he already broken free? Then what was he waiting for?
Both of their attention snapped back to the battle sides drawn before them once more at the taunting voice of Davy Jones. “Come now, boy. You had to know you would lose to me. A mere mortal - and with something so precious to lose. Join me, part of the ship and crew that sails forever, scourge of the sea. You’ll have power, your birthright, your brother with you again. Plus, as you can see, Liam holds my ace in the hole. We’ll see your princess safely to shore if you join us. Refuse and fight, and she becomes one of us as well.”
Even at a distance, Emma could see the rage in Killian’s eyes at the demon’s words - the threat to himself already known, but unwilling to stand for the threat to her. He glanced their way only briefly, but it was enough for Emma to see Liam give the tiniest jerk of his head to the side, an unspoken denial to whatever Killian had asked with his look. “Opportune moment,” she heard him vow in a whisper once more as he held his younger brother’s stare for a resolute second longer.
Then Killian whipped back to face their sire once more with a defiant glare and what could only be called a battle cry. “Never!” he snarled, fire in his eye and retribution in his bearing. Though Emma could do nothing but watch, and though the dire situation seemed completely unchanged, she was galvanized by her love’s certainty, believing that he would prevail. Whatever had passed between he and his brother, it had been the final push he had needed.
With a roar of vengeance, the taker of imperiled souls surged forward, Emma’s gasp swallowed by the howling, churning elements at his command swelling along with his ire. As certain as she had been mere moments ago that Killian could stand firm, she was terrified that she was about to see him consumed, and the rest of them with him. Still, just as Davy’s huge bulk and accompanying wave towered over her sailor, ready to cascade over his head and bury him in the rolling depths, Killian released another feral howl and charged forward himself, meeting his villainous father head on. Boldly welding the broken spar of the boat before him, he stabbed with a force Davy could not have reckoned on, sinking the jagged tip of the wooden stake into the monster’s chest.
For a horrible beat of time, their foe appeared unfazed, and then it was as if he began to deflate, then shrink - as if no one had managed to strike such a blow before, and his defenses were not actually equal to the task. Lurching with outstretched hand to grasp either Killian or his weapon in a final strike, there was suddenly an explosion so loud it seemedd to shake the very atmosphere. A blinding flash of light radiated from where man and monster grappled to the death, then darkness fell - equally blinding - and Emma was suddenly adrift. No longer held, unable to place anything in the black night that had suddenly engulfed her, she paddled to stay afloat, and seemingly alone. Lost and completely at sea.
Bobbing aimlessly on the surface, it was hard to tell how much time had gone by, or how far she had been carried by the waves. The huge crests and white caps had receded, leaving it a gentle rise and fall that Emma was in no danger from, yet she could not feel that all was well until she understood what had happened, where she was - and where Killian was as well. Trying she might to strain and peer through the darkness however, she couldn’t make out any recognizable landmarks; nothing but the waves surrounding her and buoying her up. It was as if she had gone from the center of battle to being the only person left on Earth or sea, the silence and dark felt so immense.
Eventually, the repetitive motion of the gently rolling swells soothed her into a doze, her eyelids fluttering closed. Despite her concern for her beloved lieutenant and her occasional unconscious paddle to stay upright, after all she had been through, Emma succumbed to a restless sleep.
Her eyes didn’t open again until her feet drug across rough stones, having finally been carried into the shallows and touching the rough bottom not yet become sand. She jerked back into awareness with a gasp; alarmed and not at all sure where she was. Blessedly, when she looked around herself, Emma could see once more - the endless horizon stretched out before her streaked with peaches, yellows, and pinks as hte sun rose over the ocean. Even more relieving, at her back she could see rocky, deserted coastline. Devoid of people or buildings, but land all the same.
She struck out for the shore, gladly swimming toward the land that was nearer than she could have guessed. Was this Misthaven yet? Had she been carried elsewhere as she drifted and slept? There was no way to know, and she found she didn’t even care in comparison to simply getting out safely. If only she knew where Killian was…  
She had barely scrabbled out upon the rough, sandy beach, feeling water-logged and half alive and at a lost for what to do, when she heard her name called over the water. “Swan!” the moniker that only he had ever used, an affectionate shorthand between the two of them, hit her ears with the welcome impact of beautiful music.
Turning, her mouth fell open in awe at the sight of him rising out of the water with otherworldly grace - as if right in his element (which, in truth, he must be). There was an ethereal glow about him, gleaming from his dark hair and the tips of his rather pointed ears, outlining his strong arms and slender waist as he emerged from the deep, sent back to her on the tide once more. “Emma” he repeated, voice low and ragged with emotion though relief and joy showed across his face. “We made it, Love. He’s gone and we’re still here!”
Unable to hold back any longer, as impossible as it was to believe, when he opened his glowing arms in welcome, standing in the ankle deep water, she felt tears of joy spilling over as she cried out his name on a sob and ran to meet him. 
Feet splashing through the shallows, the slap of her skin against the near-velvet texture of the wet sand as the water splashed up with each steps, Emma was laughing and crying all at once as she gained speed. The exhaustion and defeat that had dogged her mere moemtns before completely gone at the sight of his smile. She hit his arms in a flat out run, bowling them both over and into the water again, witha  yelp of surprise from Killian, a laughing tangle of limbs.
She was kissing across his cheeks, his forehead, his chin, anxious to press her lips to every bit of his skin, having feared that he had finally disappeared where she couldn’t follow. Pulling back fro only a second as he tangled his fingers in her wet hair and cradled the back of her head in his palm, she tried ot splutter out enough words to make sense. “H- how is this possible? How did you - How are you here?”
Killian chuckled, a low, comforting rumble that vibrated from his chest to her palm where it rested over his heart. He licked those gorgeous lips, parting them to answer her, and suddenly she couldn’t stand not to be kissing them for even a moment longer. The explanation could wait.
Surging forward, she captured that luscious mouth with her own, just barely murmuring, “Never mind… it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad you’re here.”
Killian might have been taken aback by her enthusiasm at frist, but he recovered admirably. Pushing back, his tongue entered the fray in a delicious bid for control of the kiss, which she ceded, humming in pleasant abandon as he rolled her to her back in the sand and surf, breaking lightly and pleasantly against their bodies. Hovering over her, his eyes sparkled in enchanting glee, and he had the audacity to lick his lips as though she were a delicacy laid out before him. “Emma, my love,” he breathed hoarsely, lowering his ips to graze along her collarbone, licking and nipping in a way that made her squirm with blissful anticipation. “We’ve made it home.”
“Mmm,” she tried to answer, but the wordless sound was all the confirmation she could muster with her body humming pleasantly from his attentions.
“We should go to your parents, Love,” Killian suggested, though half heartedly at best. “Let them know we’re alive.”
She nodded, but made no move to go anywhere, merely sinking her fingers into the muscles of his forearms, gasping and arching toward him in supplication as his nose pushed aside her wet and slightly askew bodice and that wicked mouth latched onto the flesh it had been covering. 
“Later,” she finally managed breathily, having all she could do to hold on for dear life to him. “We have all the time in the world.”
Tagging: @cssns @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @searchingwardrobes @laschatzi @whimsicallyenchantedrose @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @optomisticgirl @tiganasummertree @thislassishooked @winterbaby89 @jrob64 @stahlop @elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @drowned-dreamer @shireness-says @thisonesatellite @lfh1226-linda @ultraluckycatnd @gingerchangeling​ @xsajx​
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#8 Boy-Crazy Stacey: Chapter 10
Stacey makes a fool of herself. And she’s still a bitch.
I guess Stacey wrote this notebook entry to Kristy on a mini-postcard, because it's all abbreviated and sounds like she's updating her Twitter: K- Noth. new to rept. Kids fine. B. still afrd. of H2O. -S. You know Kristy is enjoying this, because it sounds all official, like she's getting a daily briefing from her troops.
Or, maybe she's being concise in her BSC update, because her postcard to Claudia has an entirely different tone. Basically, it's her lamenting to Claudia that she's such a jerk and she wouldn't listen to Mary Anne about Scott and she feels like such a jerk and just wouldn't listen to Mary Anne's warnings and did I mention she thinks she's a jerk and she should have paid attention to Mary Anne? Seriously, that's all the postcard is, those things repeated over and over again. She ends by saying she'll explain in the next postcard, then tells us she had to write Claudia three more postcards to tell her the whole story. Holy crap, Stacey, why didn't you just write an actual letter to Claudia and save yourself three stamps? I'm sure you could find a piece of paper and an envelope somewhere. Maybe she was so heartbroken, she couldn't think straight.
Stacey explains that she was having a great time in Sea City. Her hair's now two shades lighter, thanks to the Sun-Lite. So how is she going to explain that to her parents? "It was the sun, honest!" She's got actual tan lines at the edges of her skimpy little bikini that makes her look sooooooo sophisticated. And she bought a new bikini in town. In case you care, it's pink with palm trees and parrots all over it. Which sounds more like something Claudia would wear. But don't worry, Claudia's still kind of sophisticated, so Stacey's sophistication hasn't been affected!
Mary Anne, however, hasn't been faring as well. Her sunburn's gone but she's now dealing with the aftermath of blotchy pink skin. So she isn't in a good mood about that and is still staying under the umbrella as covered up as possible when they go to the beach.
Oh, and Stacey’s diabetes hasn't been an issue and her mom has only called twice! So Stacey is sitting pretty at this point, especially because the best part is she's been spending lots of time with Scott! Saturday, the Pike parents make another run for it so they don't have to spend time with the kids and head to Atlantic City, so Stacey and Mary Anne are in charge. Maybe that’s how the Pikes can afford this huge beach house every year - they’re good at gambling!
Stacey spends the whole day ignoring her responsibilities and parks herself up by the lifeguard stand, leaving Mary Anne alone. By the end of the day, Mary Anne is royally pissed off and accuses Stacey of spending too much time with Scott, while leaving her to do all the work. Stacey, in turn, pulls the "UR JUST JELIS!!!!!!!!" card. Seriously, let me post the next two paragraphs in their entirety so you all can see what a heinous bitch Stacey is. And I usually reserve that term for talking about Dawn or Kristy at their worst, so you know this is bad:
Personally, I think she was jealous. And if I were Mary Anne, I'd have been jealous, too. That nerdy mother's helper had been hanging around her endlessly, and the two of them were always doing stuff with the kids, like building sand castles, or collecting shells to make a moat around the towels and umbrellas. Mary Anne says I'm not spending enough time with the children, but I AM doing something important when I'm on the beach. I post myself by the lifeguard stand and watch the kids when they're in the water - and Adam and Jordan are in the water nonstop. I can't help it if Scott talks to me every now and then, or asks for a soda or something.
Oh my, where do I start. First off, she honestly thinks Mary Anne's jealous that she’s off flirting with an 18-year-old lifeguard? And she hasn’t even met the mother's helper guy and she's calling him a nerd and assumes he's bothering Mary Anne. The Pikes should be paying HIM because he's doing the job Stacey’s getting paid for! Of course they're playing with the kids; they're babysitters, it's their responsibility to watch over the kids, something Stacey isn’t doing! I still can't get over her accusing Mary Anne of being jealous. I guess everyone can't be a sophisticated New Yorker, with barely-there bikinis and heavenly boobs that fill out said bikinis. Part of me kind of wishes that Mary Anne tattled on Stacey, just to see how the Pikes would react. But since they're such free-spirits, with almost no rules, they probably wouldn't care. And Mary Anne's such a doormat, she'd never speak up, so there goes that fantasy. 
And way to pretend you're doing your job, Stacey. Someone's in denial! Adam could get pulled away by a riptide and Stacey would be too occupied with fetching Scott a can of soda to notice.
So while Mary Anne's watching the Pike Army with the help of the boy mother's helper (who deserves a medal for going out of his way to keep helping Mary Anne), Scott inflates Stacey ego some more by telling her she's beautiful. And she swoons because the only other people who call her beautiful are her parents. Well, and herself, but I don't think that counts. He gets cut off from telling her something else so he can blow one of his many whistles to alert some kids they're out too far in the ocean. See, Stacey? He isn't neglecting his job! And you know the kids he's warning are Adam and Jordan, who Stacey claimed she was watching.
Stacey asks him what he meant to say before he was rudely interrupted by those damn kids who were too far out in the water and Scott quickly says she's the greatest. Stacey giggles to herself that he's just too shy to tell her up front that he LUVS her too. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, honey.
Later that afternoon, Stacey tries talking with Mary Anne, who isn't saying much and obviously wants nothing to do with her. Stacey tries making conversation and offers to get her a soda but it's no use. That's pretty much the only interaction they have the rest of the day until they leave the beach.
Stacey says Mr. and Mrs. Pike returned from Atlantic City in a “great mood,” so I think we can all conclude what they did there in between winning enough money to pay for next year's trip to Sea City. They're in such a good mood, they decide to be nice and spend the evening with their kids, giving Stacey and Mary Anne the night off. Mrs. Pike invites them to come with the family to Gurber Garden, so they can use Nicky's coupon for four free dinners, but says they can go off on their own too. Stacey's excited and begs Mary Anne to not be mad at her, so they can have fun for the next five hours. Mary Anne began to look a teeny bit interested. And by the time our bikinis were off, we had showered, and our boardwalk clothes were on, she was actually speaking to me. That makes it sound like they showered together! I guess Stacey decided to use her powers of persuasion.
They select their boardwalk outfits carefully, Stacey hoping they run into Scott. Oh, you will...it just won't be as you imagined it.
Their boardwalk outfits are actually pretty decent. Stacey's wearing a white cotton vest over a pink cotton dress, and has a big white bow in her hair that's flopping over the side of her head. Ok, it was good up until the bow. Mary Anne has nothing she feels like wearing so Stacey loans her some of her stuff. Mary Anne ends up wearing yellow pedal pushers, a white and yellow striped tank top and an oversized white jacket. Ok, her's was good up until the white jacket. It makes it sound like she's wearing a lab coat over her outfit. And if Stacey's got magical boobs of wonder and Mary Anne doesn't, that tank top must be baggy on her.
They have dinner at a burger place, and Mary Anne has fudge for dessert. Stacey obviously can't. Then they go and buy souvenirs. Mary Anne gets visors for Dawn and Kristy, and Stacey gets Claudia a bright yellow t-shirt with a surfer on it because she thinks the surfer looks like Scott. Oh, that'll be fun explaining that gift. "Oh this shirt I'm wearing with my purple plaid capri pants and matching high-tops? My best friend bought it in Sea City. She said the surfer looks like this guy she had a crush on who then broke her heart. Dibble, right?"
After they play some arcade games, Mary Anne suggests they go for a ferris wheel ride. On the way there, I'm sure Stacey is puzzled at all the teenage/college-aged girls wearing whistles around their necks. They buy their tickets and the guy in the booth calls Stacey “cutie.” Mary Anne is getting denied here! While they're on the ferris wheel, Stacey decides out of the blue that she should buy Scott a present. "Hmph" is the only response she gets from Mary Anne. I guess she takes that as a yes because once they get off the ferris wheel, she drags Mary Anne to practically every gift shop on the boardwalk.
While Stacey ponders what to get him, she says Mary Anne waits in each shop patiently. Though knowing Mary Anne, she's suppressing the rage and saving it up, making herself a ticking time bomb that explodes when she lets all that pent-up anger loose at a later time. Among the gifts Stacey chooses, then unchooses, are a book about shells (what), a blue hat, and a custom-made t-shirt that says "STACEY + SCOTT = LUV." Yikes. More like if she gave that shirt to Scott, it would be "STACEY + SCOTT = CREEPY" or "STACEY + SCOTT = RESTRAINING ORDER."
They come to a candy shop and Stacey, ignoring the fact that just being around chocolate will make her go into diabetic shock, runs in and drops 10 bucks on a giant, red satin, heart-shaped box of chocolates. She triumphantly shows her gift to Mary Anne, who's looking at something else. She tries to stop Stacey from looking but it's too late. Stacey turns around to find Scott behind her, curled up on a bench and sucking face with an OLDER GIRL. Well, older for Stacey, because the girl was at least 18. And, to make matters worse, she's curvy and gorgeous!
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Ok, does anyone have an inkling that Mary Anne purposely made herself look distracted so Stacey would look and see Scott "cheating" on her, just so she would stop lusting after him and go back to doing her job? Or is her evil side not big enough to pull that off?
Stacey thrusts the box of chocolates at Mary Anne and says, "Guess I won't be needing this. You take it. You deserve it. You were right all along. Enjoy your prize." Then she breaks down sobbing. Surprisingly, Mary Anne doesn't join her in crying and instead puts her arm around Stacey walks her back to the house. LEAVING THE BIG EXPENSIVE BOX OF CHOCOLATES ON THE BENCH!!!!! This annoyed from the first time I read this book years ago and it still annoys me. Stacey spent 10 freakin dollars on that, bring it back home with you!
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gwenbrightly · 4 years
The Little Mermaid Incident (aka the beach day everyone deserves)
Crossposted from ffnet. I’ve been meaning to do a beach day themed chapter for Of Milk and Cookies for awhile now, so here it is!
“This feels… weird…” Lloyd commented absently, digging his toes into the sand. Kai gave his brother an odd look.  
“The sand feels weird?”
“No. This. Being here, at the beach to relax without the threat of an evil warlord bent on world domination looming over us?” he explained, tilting his face toward the sun and enjoying its warmth. Nya slung an arm around his shoulders.
“After everything you’ve been through, you’ve earned it, Lloyd. Taking today to chill and have fun is exactly what you need! And just look how happy your dad is.” she told him, watching as the former villain helped his wife spread out a picnic blanket not far away. The sound of laughter floated over to them. Lloyd grinned.
“I wasn’t sure, at first. If they were gonna figure stuff out. You know?” he admitted hesitantly, “But they’ve both been really great about it so far.”  
Kai gave his hair a ruffle and said, “I’m really happy for you, green bean.”  
“Me too,” Nya agreed, “now let’s get over there and join the others before Cole completely buries Jay.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Lloyd noted with a laugh. The two ninja in question were throwing sand at each other with gusto. The buckets they had brought for sand castles had been long forgotten. He followed Kai and Nya as they approached them, ignoring his slight limp. The lingering effects of his injuries made it difficult to completely forget the events leading up to this moment, but he was happy to put the memories out of his mind for now.  
“Do I even want to know what’s happening right now? I thought you were gonna make a scale model of the city.” asked Nya as she ducked a wayward clump of wet sand. Jay gave her a look that clearly meant save me.  
“We were. But dirt clod over here decided it’d be funny to bury me instead…” he complained.  
“So I know this looks bad but-” Cole began to protest before Kai interrupted him.
“Nah, I can definitely see the appeal in torturing Jay.”
“Hey!” the master of lightning glared at Kai, “not helping.”
“Listen. You know those pictures where people bury their legs in sand and make it look like they have mermaid tails and stuff? I was just thinking it’d be funny to take one of those and send it to Zane.” Cole explained, resisting the urge to toss more sand at his best friend. They had all been a bit disappointed that their nindroid brother couldn’t wouldn’t be joining them til later in the day, but they understood his desire to spend as much time as possible with his father. There was no way of knowing how much longer they had. Lloyd’s eyes lit up.  
“Oh, that does sound like fun!”
“Okay but I don’t see why I have to be the mermaid,” Jay said, giving Cole a dirty look, “Nya’s like, way prettier.”  
“Um… thank you?” she replied. Her cheeks flushed slightly at his awkward compliment.  
“Well, I mean, your hair could almost pass for red in this light.” Cole offered.  
“And you did grow up in a junkyard. I’m sure you do have whozits and whatzits galore lying around.” Nya added.  
“And thingamabobs. He’s definitely got at least twenty of those.” Lloyd joined in with glee.  
“But who cares. No big deal. He wants mooore.” Kai began to sing. He wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity to mess with Jay.  
“Jay wants to be where the people are. Jay wants to see, wants to see them dancing,” the others joined in loudly and more than a little off key, “Walkin' around on those, Whad'ya call 'em?”
“Oh, feet!” Nya practically shouted. Jay shook his head in resignation. His family had become far too invested in this for his liking.
“O-okay fine. I’ll do it. But only if you stop singing about me like that.”  
“Thanks for being such a good sport, buddy.” Cole told him, slapping his back. He sighed and then plopped himself down on a particularly nice-looking patch of sand.  
“Well, might as well get comfortable, I guess. I expect to look fabulous by the time this is over.” the master of lightning joked, already scooping up whatever sand was within arm’s reach.
“Oh, don’t worry. You will.” his girlfriend promised. Lloyd nodded enthusiastically.  
“We got you covered.” he declared before grabbing a bucket and wandering off in search of seashells to decorate with. This beach was much nicer than the one on the island. He hadn’t enjoyed that experience very much; it had been gloomy and cold and had quite honestly been full of traumatizing experiences. But here there was sun, and warmth and pretty shells, and sea glass that had washed up with the tide. It was peaceful. Lloyd found himself wishing they’d done this sooner. His parents probably weren’t going to appreciate all his newfound treasures, though. Most of the things he’d put in his bucket were not going to be donated to Jay’s new look. He smiled with delight, spotting another sand dollar to add to his collection.  
“Yo, Lloyd, get your butt over here.” the Green Ninja heard Kai shouting in the distance. He pocketed it and trotted back to the others. They had managed to completely bury Jay’s legs while he was gone and now Cole was carving a scaly design into the sand-tail.  
“Oh, yes. These will work great!” Nya exclaimed, rooting through his Lloyd’s bucket. He snatched away some of his more precious finds before she could claim them for Jay.  
“Betcha I could help you make a lanyard with one of these pieces of sea glass later, if you want? I saw a tutorial on Ninterest that looked cool.” she offered. Lloyd considered this for a moment. It would make a nice gift for his mother – a peace offering to show that he was doing his best to let go of their rocky past.
“Sure, that’d be neat.” he agreed.  
“Okay, you two. Show me the goods. I get full veto power on anything that isn’t mermaidy enough.” Jay told them, doing his best to hold still so he wouldn’t disturb the sand piled on his legs.
“Is that even a word?” Kai wondered. The master of lightning gave him a look.  
“It is now. I’m a mermaid so I would know.”
Nya rolled her eyes and held up one of the shells she’d snagged from Lloyd.  
“Whaddya think, Ariel, is this one a keeper?” she asked her boyfriend. He examined it carefully.  
“Ooh yeah, I like it.” he replied.  
“What about…” Lloyd took his time choosing another shell, “This one? “
“Nah, that one has a piece chipped off, see? Mermaid princesses don’t wear chipped shells.”
“More for me, then.” Lloyd shrugged, happy to return the shell to his collection. They cycled through more shells and eventually they began to run out of places to put them.  
“Please tell me that was the last of them? If we add any more shells, Jay’s gonna start looking tacky.” said Cole.  
“It is. Unless you wanna fight Lloyd to the death for his ‘favorites’ or something.” Nya assured him.
“I just think they’re cool, okay?” Lloyd defended, pulling the bucket closer.
“How about we take that picture, now.” Kai suggested gently. Jay nodded in agreement. He was starting to lose feeling in his feet.  
“Please. As fun as this has been, I can’t hold still much longer.”
They called Garmadon, who wisely refrained from asking questions, over to take the picture for them on Cole’s phone. He waited patiently as they arranged themselves so that everyone was visible, the sight of his son so happy making it all worthwhile. Once everyone was in position (which was an adventure in itself), they smiled brightly while the former warlord snapped several pictures.
“Thank you,” Cole said as he took his phone back from Garmadon and flipped through the images, “guys! These are gold!”
The others crowded around so they could see too. Nya turned to Jay, who was still half buried, and offered her hands.
“Want some help up?” she asked.
“Sure,” he grinned, wanting to see himself in all his mermaid glory before Cole sent the picture to Zane. The master of lightning grabbed his girlfriend’s hands and prepared to be launched from his sandy prison. Unfortunately for both of them, Nya yanked a bit too hard. They both ended up sprawled on the sand, prompting Cole to take even more pictures. Kai and Lloyd snickered as the two struggled to disentangle themselves.  
“You better not post those on Chirp.” Nya muttered. The master of earth shrugged in a way that made it clear he planned to do exactly that the first chance he got.  
“Alright, lemme see.” Jay demanded once he was back on his feet. Cole tossed him his phone. He smiled broadly when he saw the results of his mermaidy suffering.
“Oh, yes. I can’t wait to see Zane’s reaction to this.”
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could do with a bit less sand covering my entire body. I’m gonna go rinse off.” Nya declared, heading for the water. Lloyd watched absently as she, Jay, and Cole raced towards the waves after sending Zane a copy of their shenanigans. Kai stood next to him. He didn’t seem interested in joining the others.  
“You’re not gonna go swimming?” Lloyd asked.
“Nah. Water’s not really my thing. And besides. You look like you’ve got something on your mind.” Kai told him.
“I’m just… wondering what happens next, that’s all.” Lloyd explained. Kai regarded him carefully for a moment before responding. There were a lot of unknowns now that the world was beginning to return to normal. But that didn’t mean Lloyd should be stressing out about the future. So Kai settled for something simple.  
“You get to be a kid, Lloyd. You go home and find a good hiding place for all that stuff you’ve got in your bucket. You spend time with your parents and stay up way too late reading comic books,” his brother cracked a grin at this, “Maybe even get Nya to help you with your multiplication tables so you can stop counting on your fingers – don’t think I haven’t noticed that. But at the end of the day, whatever you decide, it’s your choice. I know eventually Master Wu will have stuff for you to do, but in the meantime? Just be a kid, okay? You deserve that much.”
“O-okay. I think I can do that.” Lloyd decided. He hadn’t exactly gotten to just be a kid lately. It sounded… nice.
“Good.” Kai told him, ruffling his hair.  
“Thanks.” he replied, giving the older boy a hug. Returning it, Kai said, “It’s what big brothers do, green bean.”  
They stood there in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the peacefulness of the afternoon. The sound of Nya screeching as Jay dunked her could be heard in the distance, bringing them back to reality.
“You sure you don’t wanna go in the water?” Lloyd broke the silence.
“Would… would you believe me if I told you I can’t swim?” Kai admitted, looking sheepish. Lloyd stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out if he was lying.
“You do realize you were the first to suggest swimming back to ninjago when we got stuck on the island, right?” he said at last.
“I… yes that is true…” the master of fire stated. Lloyd smacked him.
“Dude, you need serious help. You could’ve died.” he exclaimed.  
Kai held up his hands in surrender.
“I know, I know. Getting myself killed would’ve been a dumb move.”
“The dumbest,” Lloyd agreed, dragging him towards the water, “but you’re at least gonna come put your feet in. And we are so revisiting this later.”
“Okay, but I take no responsibility for any splashing that might happen as a result of your pestering.” joked Kai, giving in to Lloyd’s demands with little protest. After all, the sun was bright and the water was cool, and in this moment, the world was at peace. Whatever the future held could wait.  
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ethien · 5 years
Link x mermaid s/o?
Let me say: I love it. I love mermaids so much, Little mermaid is still my favorite disney movie and my acutal bedwear is little mermaid I know too much information.
I made it a bit longer and it’s more a story how they meet and how reader will tell it. Hope you like it as much I like it.
Under the sea
Genre: Fluff, little drama (soft drama)
Words: 3.018
“I congratsyou, my dears. All of you were successful in the test and the most important,you reached the age for our survival mission. I know the goal is hard toachieve. But I believe in all of you. Please spread yourselves over the sea andfind your mate outside the water surface. Everyone here will be waiting foryour comeback”
Everyoneapplauded and seemed touched by the words of the queen. Everyone could hear herconfidence for the new generation of the tribe. Of course, her dear daughterwas under it. You glanced to her. You saw how luckily she was to go on thismission and making her mother proud. It was true happiness. She needed it asthe future queen. You tried also to be happy but you couldn’t. You knew it wasimportant for you and your tribe. However, you hated the way the tradition washold. It was a must for every young mermaid. The only thing which brightenedyour mood was the journey to the outside of the ocean.
You werehighly curious to see how the world was. You only saw pieces when you hide inthe reef in the night.
You wereborn as a mermaid. Your type was a sub type to the normal hylian. For more than10.000 years, your ancestors escaped the rising evil ganon by transformthemselves in hybrids to live under the sea. In all the years, they used theirleft magic abilities to create a new life form: mermaids.
They couldlive in piece under the sea without facing the evil. But the price was high.They were shield for the rest of the world, so no one knew about them. Ofcourse, the transformation wasn’t completely successful. Only the royal bloodmermaid could mate with each other. Everyone could not propagate with eachother. That’s why only female could go on the mission. However, there were notmany kingdoms under the sea for the royal mermaid, so all mermaids needed to goto the outside of the ocean. This is the rest of the magic from theirancestors: They could transform themselves into a typical hylian to walk overthe surface. On the surface, they need to find a mate, propagate with them andafter this, returning to the ocean to give after some month’s birth to a newgeneration. To go on this journey, every mermaid need a training in fightingand living outside the well-known sea. And a minimum age.
Youachieved both of them, but it didn’t change the fact you didn’t like thetradition. The evil was gone long ago, there was no need to hide. And itsounded very unromantically in your ears to make love to someone and having noopportunity to see each other again. You did not understand the urge to stillhiding. However, there was no rule how long your journey should be. There was alimitation of your well-being on the ground but you had a good solution for it:You only need to be in the near of water.
Because themaximum limit outside without water contact was two days. After this, youdehydrate faster and this would mean your death. You were confident you won’tget this problem.
The thoughttraveling around the country you only knew from stories and books fascinatedyou. And of course the feeling of having a mate. Just without the urge topropagate. You wanted to stay at the outside.
Yourjourney started in a cave near Lurelin Village. It was the only place you knew.You dived out the water and sat yourself on a stone. You concentrated and feelhow your fin turned into beautiful legs. You did this many times before butevery time you were astonished by the result. It needed some time to get enoughstrength to stand and walk. You made slow steps around the cave to search yourlittle chest with some clothes to wear. It was pretty usual to wear nothing asa mermaid, so you were naked. You would not mind going out naked. But youlearned from the stories and your own observation that nudity was anembarrassing issue.
You tookthe cloths on and went out. You took a deep breath in and enjoyed the view. Thesun started setting. It was a good opportunity to walk around. That’s why youwent to the Village. The fact the evening came do not change the mood forpeople walking around. You had seen some before but now, you were one of themand they were so close. It made you really happy. The darker it got, morepeople went away. Despite the excitement you totally forgot where you will besleeping. Well, you had luck or you could call it coincidence when you bumpinto someone. It wasn’t a hard impact but it still surprised you. Neverthelessto say, you bump in a male hylian. He should be around your age, hadblond-golden hair and deep blue eyes. He had a good posture and the sword onhis back would mean he could fight. You found him quite handsome.
“Oh sorry,I didn’t see you” he apologized and offered you a hand. You took them and nowyou stand next to him. You didn’t know why but he made you a bit nervous.
“It’s okay.I did not see you either. My mind was in a bubble” you blurt out as an answer.He looked serious at you.
“You shouldnot walk around at this time. It’s quite dangerous outside in the night. Youshould go to bed” he said to you and wanted to continue his way.
“I…I don’thave a place…to rest” you murmur. He turned around and went back to you.
“You had nohome?”
You nod.
“And let meguess, you don’t own any rupees?”
You nodagain. You hide the urge to ask what rupees are. You guessed something forpaying. Like the shells at your home.
You heardhim sighed. You knew you are very careless. But you were full of happiness soyou simply forget the easiest things.
“I willhelp you” you heard him saying and got you back of your thoughts. You nod andfollowed him.
That wasthe beginning of your first friendship with a person outside the sea and yourjourney with him. His name is Link and you could say, he was a knight from thekingdom. He travelled a lot around Hyrule and fight monsters, solves miraclesand dungeons and helped people. You had a feeling he liked and hated it at thesame time – He was quite surprised you never heard of him or his adventures.You knew from the tales a hero appeared and defeat the evil. You guessed inthis time, it was him. You were very happy to be around him. He had learnedfast you had no idea of Hyrule. You said to him you were from far away and youreally wanted to visit it. Well, not everything was the true but he believedyou. The friendship grow between you while you travel and fight with him. Youknew you gave him at your first visit the view of the careless woman without orientation.But you had learned to fight and you could fight. The fact your orientation isbad was forgotten.
You had noproblem with finding a good water spot every second day – It seemed quitenormal to bath every day. It played you in your cards.
You had alot of fun times, playing around or just relaxing the field admiring the sky orthe sunset. You went to festivals with him or to marvelous temple. You got toknow castle town and had an audience with princess Zelda. It was a short talk,but you feel her love for Hyrule.
You spendevery day together.
You bothgrow close together. It took some months after you realized your feelings forLink. Maybe it was a bit of your instinct of finding a mate to survive. But themost part were from getting to know him more and more. You were afraid hewouldn’t feel the same for you. You never read how to confess feelings. Well,you really did not get a chance to confess.
You and hewere in a battle and it went well. At the end a silver Lynel appeared and thefight was horrible. The Lynel injured both of you, but you two made it todefeat it. You were exhausted and tired. You went to him and wanted tocongratulate for the win when he suddenly hug you. You could feel how hetrembled a bit. He did not let you ask what was. He put lovely his lips onyours. It was a short one, but soft and full of emotions and desire. After youtwo parted, he lean his forehead against yours.
“I wasafraid…the Lynel would defeat us. The fear to lose you was so intensive and nowI am so glad we both successes. Please…[Y/N]…Stay by my side”
Youanswered it with a deep kiss.
The monthspassed while you travelled with Link and being his girlfriend. You had the urgeto tell him your true nature – he deserved it. But you did not know how.
You did notknow at the moment the gerudo desert would give you a good moment when youshould tell him. You knew from Link’s telling it was quite hot and dry in thisarea. You were afraid to go there but also interested. You just hoped it willbe a good trip.
It wasn’t.
The momentyou took your feet on the sand, you suffered. You could feel how much you sweatand how your mouth went dry. Both of you had a lot of water on the trip to the oases.Well, you emptied them on the first half of the walk.
You wereglad he was a caring person. He noticed how you walked more slowly and yourheavy sighing rang in his ears. He also noticed how fast you ran out of waterand how pale your face got.
Heremembered you said you had some problems with extreme heat and dry humanity.He never expected it this worse. He wanted to travel to gerudo town to show youaround. He knew he had to wear his vai gerudo armor but the fact you alreadystruggle at the way to the oases worried him. He could see you were close to collapse.He supported you with his shoulders and his water savings. It was just enoughto arrive at the oases.
He sat youand himself under a tree to cool down. You were shaken and thirsty.
“Don’tworry – I will get you something to drink” he said and you watched how he buyssome drinks and food. You knew it would help a bit. Deep inside you knew itwasn’t enough. You had to go in the water. This was one of the rare moments youwanted to swim with your fin. You glanced to the little spring in the oases. Itwas like you act automatically when you jumped in the water.
You couldfeel the change immediately. Of course, Link noticed how you jumped in. He wasstill worried but chuckled a bit when he saw how happy you were in the water.
“Glad you’renow better. The next time, we will jump directly in the water” he said andjumped to you.
You wereglad he didn’t notice. But it also made you sad he did not notice. There were alot of moments he could think you were different.
Youremembered good how both of you swam. You could also swim very fast as ahylian, much faster as Link. You noticed a lot of hylians had problems withswimming for a long time. He often needs breaks and he was astonished by yourstamina.
He had toknow it. But how?
You twoabort your visit and went back. You really wanted to Lurelin Village. You saidto him you had a surprise for him. You had his attention.
During thewalk, you got nervous. You really did not know how he would react. A lot oflies will be revealed. He would learn why you react so badly to heat. Why youcould swim so well. Why you said you wanted to be intimate when married. Youwere afraid he would leave you.
“Iseverything alright? You’re quiet the whole way”
“Everythingokay. I am just a bit nervous”
He nods. Itconfused him why a surprise made you so nervous but he said nothing.
You arrivedand rest a bit. In the evening, you took him for a walk. You walked in the cavewhere you started your journey.
“I have totell you something…about me” you started while you watched the water in thecave.
“I…I hidesomething really important before you.” You started. “I lied when I said I amfrom a far away country. My home was always next to Hyrule, but no one can seeit.”
“What…doyou mean?” he asked hesitated and confused.
“My home isthe sea”
He tooksome steps back from you. “W-What?” he just asked.
“I am…I-Iam not a fully hylian person. We are a rare culture who lives under the sea –we’re mermaids.”
You saw hiswiden eyes and his shocked expression.
“There is atradition at my home. We should travel to the ground, find a mate, makingbabies and return to the home…to give birth to a new generation. We also hide,but it wasn’t necessary in my opinion. I hate this tradition, but it was theonly way to get to know this beautiful landscape…” you said and look himstraight in the eyes. “And it was the only way to get to know you…and fallingin love with you”
He saidnothing and did nothing to break the distance. You could see he was confused,feared and a bit hurt.
“I…I reallywanted to tell you sooner. Really. But I never had a good moment and I wasafraid you would think I only use you for the one thing. That was never myintention”
It wasquite between you two. The atmosphere was intense and you really had no ideahow Link thought about it.
You wantedto scream – the pressure of a silent Link was huge. You could not read hisface.
He took astep to you, he had a serious look on his face.
“[Y/N]…I…Inever expect this…as your surprise. I am kind of hurt you lie a lot to me”
Your heartclenched by his words, but you deserved it. It was the truth.
“I am soangry and confused at the same time. I really don’t know how long it will needto trust you fully again..”
You feelhow tears appeared in your eyes. You knew it would come and he had every rightto be angry. It did not change the fact it hurt you and made you sad…
“But I alsocan’t forget my feelings for you. I can also understand a bit your reasons tohide despite the fact it was wrong to lie…”
Suddenly,you were in his arms. You really did not expect this.
“Like Isaid after the Lynel fight…I don’t want to lose you. You’re the only one whereI can feel so free and calm. It will need some time to heal this wound…But to throwmy love away only because you had your reasons for hiding…isn’t fair for you…orfor me…I love you, [Y/N]. No matter if you’re fully hylian or not”
With this,you kiss him passionate. You also cried a bit. You were highly afraid he wouldleave you. But he accepted it and it made you to the happiest person. You feelhis hands on your waist which took you closer to him. You put your arms aroundhis neck and caress the back of his head.
The momentwent long and you two parted your lips. You saw a curious light in his eyes.
“Would you….wouldyou show me….how you looked?” Link asked a bit shyly. You nodded.
At first henearly falls from the stone when you fully undressed yourself. He saw you nakedbefore but this was very sudden. You jumped in the water and concentrate a bit.It took some time. You dived out and saw how his mouth was wide open.
“Oh hylia..”he said more to himself than to you. You feel a bit embarrassed. It should benormal for you being naked around him. But you were yourself before him and howhe admires your whole body made you shiver.
“Can I…touchyour…?”
Instead ofanswering, you took his hand and lay them on your fin. He could feel how warmit was…and how wet.  Your sheds were indifferent colors and shine brightly.
“You’rebeautiful” he only said and sat himself next to you. It was again quiet betweenyou. This time, it was a good silence.
“Ahm..” hestarted and you looked at him. He blushed hardly and looked shy away.
“Is yourtrue form the reason…we..you know…?”
You gotwhat he means and also blushed. You nodded.
“Well…yes.We mermaids are very fertile and despite the fact how much I love the idea ofhaving a family with you…at the moment, I don’t want one. Is this….okay for you…towait?”
His blushincreased and scratched the back of his neck. He chuckled shyly.
“I am gladit’s that reason. To tell the true, I really did not believe the reason withthe marriage. I really thought…you…ahm…don’t like my…my…my master sword…”
You werenow red like a tomato. Then you chuckled. He also started to chuckle.
“I couldnever hate you or your magnificent master sword.” You started and got an embarrassedglance from him.
“I love you…Link”
“I loveyou, too…[Y/N]”
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ness-writes · 7 years
Headcanon where Keith can't swim and Lance comes to his rescue?
“Good news, team!” Allura’s voice rang through the commonroom, sudden and loud. Pidge glanced up from their holopad, Hunk made analarmed sound, and Lance started so badly he nearly fell off of the couch.Rolling his eyes, Keith turned his attention from the plans he’d been goingover with Shiro to the Princess.
Shiro laughed as Lance righted himself, the Blue paladinglaring in Allura’s direction. “What good news would that be, princess?” Heasked curiously, setting his notebook aside. Everyone’s attention had beencaught by the sudden intrusion, Allura’s smile huge as the paladins gathered inthe living area. Keith made his way over to the couch, sitting between Lanceand Pidge, and Shiro stood behind them.
“Well, you all have been working so hard, lately, and Ithink we all deserve a bit of a break.” She announced, unable to keep the smileoff of her face. “We’re hovering near a planet that has a similar climate toearth–and while Coran and I were researching it to see if it’d be a good placeto land and recoup, we discovered a large body of water. Once we can test thewater and make sure it’s safe, it seems like it’d act similar to a beach fromearth.”
“Woah woah woah-“ Lance said to her, sitting up straighterimmediately. “Are you tellin’ me that we might be able to go to the beach?”
Allura nodded, her smile widening. “I figured going landingsomewhere similar to your home planet would be a nice break for you all. We’llbe landing in just a few minutes, and after that, you’ll be free to explore.”
“Seriously?” Lance jumped up from the couch, his own smilerivaling Allura’s. “Oh man, sweet!”
“I wonder if it’ll have crops similar to earth too.” Hunksaid, grinning as he sat up.
“Forget crops! I’m going swimming!” Lance disappeared downthe hallway.
Pidge rolled their eyes, though they stood as well. “I missearth. I’m going to go find some sort of umbrella for the beach.” He said,following Lance out of the common area.
Shiro wrapped an arm around Allura’s shoulders, smiling ather. “I think this will definitely boost morale.” He said, kissing the top ofher head.
Smiling up at him, she placed a hand on his chest. “Shall wego and get ready for the beach, then? Alteans love swimming.”
As everyone began filtering out of the room, Hunk went overand patter Keith’s shoulder. “Hey, are you going to come swimming witheveryone?” He asked curiously.
“I don’t like the water.” Keith said, though he stood withthe intent to follow suit. “I guess I’ll just hang out on the beach withPidge.” He mused, heading down to his own room to change.
~~~An hour later, the water had been tested, the temperature was fine, and thepaladins were headed off of the castle ship for the first time in a long while.
Lance, with a huge grin and a towel wrapped around hisshoulders, kicked off his shoes and ran down into the sand, whooping andhollering as he pulled his shirt off in preparation to get into the water. Hunkfollowed suit, just as excited to try out the water, as Shiro and Allurasauntered down hand in hand. Keith and Pidge had both set up towels under a big,umbrella like contraption.
Without much hesitation, the yellow and blue paladins werestripped down and running into the water, and Shiro and Allura were undressingin preparation to join them. Shiro gave Pidge and Keith a smile. “Are you guysgoing to get into the water? You guys deserve this break, everyone should takeit easy and enjoy the water.” He said tossing his shirt to the side.
“I might go see if I can find any sea life, but I’m justgoing to watch for now.” Pidge said, waving their hand. “Let those morons testthe waters before I worry about it.”
Shiro rolled his eyes. “Keith, what about you? You look likeyou could use some sun.” He said, glancing to the sky. “Well. Light, I guess.”
Keith shrugged, clad in shorts and a tank top that Lance hadloaned him, because everything he had was either long sleeved or jeans. “I’mnot a big fan of the water.” He said simply, shaking his head. “I think I’mfine right here.”
“Come on, Keith!” Called Lance, from somewhere off of shore.He was already drenched, Hunk knee deep in the water as well. Without warning,Lance jumped on Hunk, wrapping his legs around him and subsequently sendingthem both into the water with a huge splash. Lance surfaced seconds later, hiseyes bright and his smile huge. “Don’t be a buzzkill, man, get in the water!”
“I don’t want to-“ Keith called back, glaring halfheartedlyas Allura and Shiro made their way toward the water. “Who knows what’s inthere?”
Lance stuck his tongue out, falling backwards into thewater. “Laaaame, Keith!”
Pidge rolled their eyes before standing slowly, shootingKeith a sheepish smile.
“Pidge, no.” Keith moaned. “Don’t abandon me, we have tostay strong! You can’t just join them!”
“Sorry, Keith, the water looks nice.” Pidge said, taking offtheir shoes. “Just come get in the water, you’ll be fine.” They insisted, makingtheir way down to the shore.
Huffing tiredly, Keith wrapped his arms around his knees,glaring at the body of water before him. Everyone was having a great time,messing around and playing. Hunk had Lance on his shoulders, and Shiro hadAllura on his, splashing each other and falling over and laughing wildly.
Groaning audible, Keith bent over to take off his shoesbefore standing up. Emerging from the waist up, Lance grinned at him, wavinghim over. “Come on, Keithy-boy! Really, the water feels great.”
Unable to help the hint of a smile that came to his face,Keith nodded, making his way toward the water. As long as his feet touched theground, he’d be fine.
The water was the perfect temperature, cool enough to becomfortable but not enough to give him goosebumps. The sand was a strange, gray-ishcolor, but the water was clear, and he could see tons of foreign lookingfossils and shells through it. When he glanced up, Lance was wading over,grinning hugely at him.
“Isn’t this great?” He asked, water cascading down his chestsince he’d just emerged from underwater again. “It’s just like the beach onearth. This whole planet looks like it-“ He said, glancing wistfully at thehorizon.
“Yeah, it does.” Keith said, following Lance’s gaze to thefamiliar looking trees and foliage. “Maybe we can explore a little, see whatkinds of plans they have and all that.” Keith mused, turning back to look atLance, only to find the blue paladins eyes on him. As Lance glanced away, Keithcould’ve sworn he saw the slightest hint of a blush, but he was quick to turnback to the water. “Come on, get your feet wet.” He joked, grabbing his wrist. “Alittle water isn’t going to ruin your hair.”
Keith rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help the spike ofnervousness as he waded further into the water. Still, he followed Lance out tomeet the others, relieved when he found everyone was only waist deep in thewater.  
Everyone had settled down a little, though everyone wasthoroughly drenched at this point. There were small waves, though, whichsplashed up to Keith’s torso, and he had the undeniable urge to step a littlefurther away, toward the shore.
Then, though, Lance was on top of him, dragging him into thewater as the others giggled around them. His vision went white, his stomach droppingwhen he went underwater. Despite Lance’s arms around him at first, they disappearedquickly, and when Keith flailed, his feet trying to find the ground, he found thewaves pushing him further down.
Quickly, panic overcame him, and he inhaled sharply, chokingon the water. He managed to surface, briefly, choking before another wave cameover him and forced him back under. How he’d managed to get so deep so quickly,he had no idea, but his toes barely reached the sand, and he couldn’t get hishead above the water. He was struggling, splashing, hoping that someone wouldnotice, but then his vision was darkening at the edges, and his chest burnedwith the lack of oxygen and the sting of the inhaled water.
Just as Keith was giving up, he felt strong arms around him,pulling him to the surface and toward the shallows of the water. Head lollingback, Keith felt his consciousness waver, though not before he heard theterrified shouting from whoever dragged him toward the shore.
The next thing Keith knew, he was heaving over to the side,choking up water into the sand. His head felt like it was floating as he inhaledsharply, his lungs aching with the lack of breath. Hacking, he coughed upwhatever had gotten into his lungs, his vision blurred and spotty as his bodytried, valiantly, to get the oxygen it needed.
“Jesus, Keith, what the hell?” Keith flopped over on hisback, desperately trying to catch his breath. Lance was looming over him, hisown chest heaving, hair dripping. “What happened? Are you okay, oh my god–“
Keith closed his eyes, sucking in stinging breaths, unableto get his head to stop floating. “I’m fine.” He croaked, his voice soundinglike he’d gargled nails.
Allura jogged over, dropping to her knees with a water bottle.Both she and Lance helped Keith sit up, and she offered him a bottle of water. “Drink,Keith, it’ll help. Are you sure you’re alright? What happened?”
Keith couldn’t help the burning shame that spread across hisface as he accepted the water with trembling hands, taking a couple of slowsips and wincing at how it felt going down. “I’m fine, I’m sorry for worryingyou, I just…” He sighed, the tips of his ears colored a deep red. “I can’tswim, very well. I thought I’d be fine, since we weren’t in deep, but I couldn’tget my footing, and…”
“Oh my god.” Lance said again, and for the first time, Keithgot a good look at his face. The distress was easy to see, the anxiety andpanic in his eyes hard to ignore. “Holy shit, man, I’m so sorry.” Suddenly,Lance’s arms were around him, and Keith couldn’t help but lean into theembrace, all but exhausted. “It was totally my fault, I should have-“
“No, Lance, it’s fine.” Keith muttered back, awkwardlywrapping his arms around him. “I should have said something about it earlier.
Lance pulled away after a long moment, taking in the pallorof Keith’s face, the trembling of his hands. “Man, you scared the shit out ofme.” He breathed, the tension finally falling from his shoulders.
“You scared all of us.” Shiro added, his arms crossed overhis chest. “You have to be more careful than that, Keith, that could have endedvery differently. If Lance hadn’t gotten you, I don’t know what would havehappened.”
With a glance toward his supposed savior, Keith felt hischeeks go warm again. “Thank you, Lance. I owe you one.” He said simply, the eyecontact only making it more unbearable.
Lance, after a moment’s hesitation, laughed shortly andrubbed the back of his neck. “Hey, no problem, buddy. I think you probably needto get back to the castle, though, so you can get dry and get some rest. I’llwalk you up there.” He said, standing up and holding a hand out to him.
Keith accepted the offered help, noting that Lance did mostof the work in pulling himself to his feet, and he still almost immediatelylisted sideways.
“Woah there, man, take it easy. Just keep breathing, we’lltake it slow.” Lance promised, one arm already around Keith’s waist to keep himsteady. Shiro wrapped the towel around Keith’s shoulders, smiling warmly.
“You two get back to the castle, we’ll be up in a littlewhile. Be careful.” He warned, ruffling Keith’s hair and earning a sour lookbefore Lance started their trek back to the ship.
It was silent, for a few minutes, their walk slow whileKeith’s body regained its equilibrium.
“Hey, Lance.” Keith said, glancing over at the blue paladin,Lance turning to look at him with a small smile. “Thank you, really. I’m sorrythat I scared you.”
Lance grinned, rolling his eyes. “Hey, no worries. Just got tobe more careful next time, got it? I can’t go being your hero all the time.”
Keith snorted, shaking his head. “Oh please, in your dream.This was just payback for that time I saved you from the air lock.” He teased.
“Hey! That wasn’t even my fault-“ Lance said, glaring. “I watchedyou almost get destroyed by that robot, you can’t hold it against me!”
Keith couldn’t help the eye roll, but as they finally madetheir way into the castle, he couldn’t help but think that he wouldn’t havetraded the moment for anything.
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