#walkaround 3
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barnaby please, he'll give you the hotdogs, just let him go. not wally, he's fine where he is
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miks-fantrolls · 1 year
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blender project im workin on
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rockafirevevo · 5 months
i just found out about dog nightmares and it's really good but it is throwing me off that the best friend reminds me of jasper
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this sounds like a stretch and kind of a mean one but i promise i say it with the utmost respect. he has weimaraner vibes and looks good in plaid
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tinysylveon · 4 months
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leighsartworks216 · 3 months
Walten Files 4 Notes/Messages Transcribed
Anything I couldn't read is in [], with my best guess at what it says or "can't read", if there isn't enough information to make a guess with, or "unsure" if I cannot understand the writing.
At 2:54
Charles Brook: 10.10.1970 Hi! Just got hired officially as the computer supervisor for "Unnamed Bunny Smiles Restaurant" (though I've been coming up with a few names myself) I've known these guys for a while, they're family! I've done some work for them along with Susan for years now, even before CyberFun Tech! Getting to meet the Waltens and the Krankens has been super fun! So excited to get to work! The future is bright. C. B. P. 27:12
Worth noting, P. 27:12 is a proverb from the bible, "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty."
At 8:40, in text that is upside down and flipped
Mr. Kranken This is Norman. I’m sending you this letter on behalf of our deal between Bunny Smiles and CyberFun Tech and most importantly, the well-being of our Cyberfun staff. We’ve been getting a lot of complaints about a member of our staff going missing who was highly associated with you and your team. Susan Woodings has been missing for a week now and here in CyberFun Tech we are working as hard as we can to try and manage to get in contact with her. Is there perhaps any detail you could hand us to help locate our missing employee? I’m going to be entirely honest with you, Mr. Kranken, and tell you I have a ton of questions and suspicions about whatever is going on with your company. Whatever it is, it’s making both your company and mine look bad to public light so, again, if there’s anything that could help us find Susan, write us back immediately. Thank you. I’ll see you Monday.
A second later, a sentence appears
At 9:14
Employee Notes #[404?] By: C. B. BSI Notes [crossed out] The BSI Console The Bunny Smiles Incorporated console allows the robots of Bon's Burgers feel a lot more lifelike and allow for a more fun and interesting experience. I think this is an ambitious and innovating concept I would've never expected to make in my life. Susan did not disappoint at all. Absolutely stunning and delicate work. Jack was fascinated. Never seen anything like it! Felix was both amazed and scared, he doesn't understand a thing about how it works!
At 9:20
Walkaround Test (Week 1-2) By: C. B. Week 1: Banny knocked over the table! Rework room recognizing feature!  Bon test went well, recognized Sophie right away! Sha is next Boozoo's magic trick bit went well, [unsure] but he'll do better next time. Week 2: Banny fixed, test went as planned. Mask broke down from last incident. Bon walkaround test went well, way better than expected. Mask broke down Get new mask by Friday! There should be a spare one in the workshop
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genericpuff · 1 month
the funniest thing happened while i was at the convention
i was doing my walkarounds to other tables to say hi, treat myself to some prints and stickers, and either just get to know anyone who i didn't know or reconnect with those who i did and hadn't seen since last year
one such table included a duo of very nice ladies who specialize in making D&D dice, who i remembered from last year
we shot the shit over how the convention had gone for both of us, and it ended with one of them saying to me "okay, I said the most embarrassing thing to you last year that's kept me up at night" and i'm like oh god what, i've definitely already forgotten about it so let's have a laugh
"well last year when you were here you told me it was your first time working as a vendor at a convention and i told you that you were on your way to becoming a professional artist. and then after the convention i checked your instagram and saw you're a tattoo artist so you're already a professional artist so that was a whoops"
and as these things go, i don't remember them saying that to me at ALL and def had no ill will towards it LMAOO so i said it then and i'll say it again here if those pals happen to read this at any point - I hope you can finally get some sleep at night knowing that there are no hard feelings LMAO it was very nice to see you again and if you're ever in my area, I'd be down to tattoo you sometime ;3
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avengerchuck · 4 months
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MY GOAL FOR TODAY WAS TO POST AT LEAST SOMETHING CEC ART RELATED. IT IS 10:46 PM. Here's a quick/messy little avenger jasper, I am practicing how I'd like to draw him!! he has the plastic 3 stage mask eyes more or less, the snout from the walkaround, and the fluffy ears on my stuffed animals of him :o)
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doomsdaydicecascader · 9 months
wow you’re the first person i’ve seen actually support the retcon, that’s cool
i’ve always been neutral on it but would you be down with explaining your opinions on the retcon?
so my number one feeling is that the way homestuck is most like a game is not in its framing or its many subsystems within itself, but in that homestuck is a challenge to the reader first and foremost. it challenges a lot of existing preconceptions about what stories are, what stories can be.
sometimes this is in some stupid ways, but a lot of the time, it's in very palateable ways. hussie describes stuff like the juxtaposition of the earthbound walksprite panels and hussnasty mode as a "creative power move", something that keeps readers on their toes, something which kind of prods at your expectations and why you have those expectations.
and it helps to ask, what challenge is homestuck presenting to me, the reader, by doing this. this is the repeated motion of homestuck, like. "oh, what, it's insane that there's a whole playable game", "oh, what, it's insane that the fallout and consequences of an entire session of the game is being given in just three walkarounds". rose's arc is a challenge to the idea of a "coming of age" story, how do you come of age into a world where the metrics for growth and maturity and adulthood are denied to you? what if "adulthood" and "maturity" were fake ideas all along? well, if nothing matters, maybe you should have a drink to rest your mind about it.
one of the most direct challenges is the challenge of what death means in a story - there are a lot of stories where death is a bad end for a character. an impactful enough character death can change culture around itself for as long as it remains relevant. but that's not what death is in homestuck. death in homestuck is the freedom from being in homestuck. this is most prevalent with its deployment of gnostic ideas - yaldabaoth's treasure being homestuck itself expresses this most directly. the creator has made a flawed world and encourages the suffering of its inhabitants.
death is freedom from this flawed world, and this is expressed in terezi: remem8er. characters who did terrible things, horrible things, unforgiveable things, can find peace in death.
and i think the retcon is far and away the headiest challenge, the final boss of storytelling in homestuck's terms, because it directly challenges the idea of continuity, which is, by the way, TOTALLY FAKE.
continuity isnt actually real, its a thing youre actively constructing as you read. the drawings, the words, the music, the animation, the gameplay - all these things can help shape the idea of art, but the art itself, that's produced by you, the reader. and i think this is a good time to switch over to talking about the never-ending story for a moment.
the never-ending story is a story about atreyu. he goes on a fantasy quest, one which involves the death of his beloved steed artax, the plight of the world of fantasia, and confrontations with the nothing, this devouring force which threatens to end it. and ultimately, he loses. the forces of the nothing are just too overwhelming for a fictional character to overcome. the stakes are too high, no ending could be satisfactory and not contrived.
but then he doesn't lose.
because the never-ending story, the movie, is about bastian, and the relationship and empathy he builds with atreyu as he follows him on his adventure, and bastian, as the reader, is capable of caring about atreyu and fantasia even as it's been reduced to nothing. and its bastian caring about it, and bringing his own context, his own experiences - the name of his dead mother - to the story, that allows it to be reborn as something that can be completed.
and then he rides on the big luck dragon falkor and barfs on the bullies from the start of the movie.
homestuck is doing the same thing, but filtered through the language of video games. if youre playing ff9 and lose to black waltz #3 or whatever, it's a video game, that's to be expected. just do better next time. you wiped on the trial, it's normal, regroup and pull again. youve got 90 minutes. and in that time, in that regression, you become the kind of person who could overcome that challenge.
and it's a powerful challenge! it's one most readers don't overcome, because they are still stuck in the terms of thinking about things in what they expect out of it, instead of what it is. and this is kind of the core idea of homestuck.
hussie put it the best themself:
Homestuck, as an examination of all forms of creative practice, whether cosmic or artistic, isolates the tension between perfect, celebrated idealization and specific, flawed instantiation. The purity of the ideal is what's initially sought, but the imperfection of the specific is what has true value. Conflict and suffering arise from the guilt and stress associated with overvaluing the former. Deliverance and humanity come from recognizing and embracing the latter.
and honestly, i like what the retcon does for basically all the characters it changes dramatically. people take issue with rose's alcoholism plotline being resolved with vriska_slap.png but i don't really, because rose's alcoholism isn't like, of itself if that makes sense. it's alcoholism as an extension of nihilism, in a way that doesn't reflect real alcoholism, but it doesn't have to. s'a story. things can mean things nonliterally.
and vriska regresses as a character, but i think this specific regression is the core of homestuck. you get the platonic ideal of vriska-ness, one who didn't see and feel the trauma she inflicted on tavros, one who has completely supplanted gamzee's role as the plot-mover guide in the alpha session. and one who only makes token gestures at reparations and atonement for her misdeeds. one who is still obsessed with being at the center. and between 2016 and 2019, i was so certain that she had died a heroic death in act 7 that it is an immovable core plot point of my own comic.
(homework: why would homestuck call act 7 the rapture?)
and like, those pre-retcon characters literally do still exist, they show up in remem8er. remem8er goes unbelievably hard on giving every single dead character in the comic the best catharsis available to them: deliverance from having to be in homestuck. and i mean that entirely sincerely! the best ending for a homestuck character is not being in homestuck. and that's a tough thing for people to get their minds around.
but again, it kind of comes naturally with taking homestuck as it is, and thinking intently about what it's doing, what conventions it's challenging and how it's challenging them. because sometimes it's deeply stupid (decade-plus of thought on the matter has not made the incest any more palateable or understandable)
but sometimes it's the best shit in the whole world
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calmingpi · 1 year
Unprompted ranking of gg guys based on how much i like their clothes
1. Krosp
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Have you ever seen a more perfect coat for an emperor cat
2. Martellus
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This is undisputed for me. These clothes are so fucking good. I think I forgot both his lab outfits but forget it these outweigh everything else he's worn regardless of how bad it is. He's like a fratboy trying to audition for a disneyland walkaround.
3. Dimo
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These fuck. Like dude gets his clothes by attacking random guys who might be his size and he makes it WORK
4. Klaus
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You all have to leave me alone on this one. I have a coat collection irl
5. Gil
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Gil's wasp fighting outfit is one of my favorite of all time, as is his lab coat from castle arc that I surprisingly forgot to include even though ITS THE OUTFIT I COSPLAYED. I'm also a huge sucker for overalls. The rest of his clothes though are kiiiinda boring. Nice coats but they tend to run together.
6. Tarvek
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Look, man. I draw tarvek in a lot of awesome shit, in my opinion, but the fact of the matter is he is FAR too conventional. BREAK SOME MORE DAMN RULES. YOU DRESS LIKE GIL IN PURPLE AND RED.
7. Maxim
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I think hed be ranked higher if he had more outfits. Obsessed with the implication that he mugged someone for a princess hat, apparently. I relate so hard. Also, purple is my favorite color
8. Hadrian (the good one)
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Wizard of Oz is a good movie
9. Theo
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He dresses... Interestingly, but the winner is the black outfit he's wearing under that coat. Obsessed with it. Wish i owned it.
10. Van
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
Little warning don’t read this if you have eaten recently
Okay so after learning about “the beekeeper troll” the artists private works and fandom harassment, I find it all so ironic.
This concept art and stuff was likely within a few years of the Act 6 Intermission 3 walkaround, which had guest artists make sprites for the dancestors. Xamag did most of em I think, especially Meenah and Aranea’s being the most expressive, smooth and proportional.
Hussie comissioned someone else to make Aradia and Damara’s sprites. Allegedly it was an artist named Chazzerpan.
To sum it up Chazzerpan makes porn. Chazzerpan likes to draw Futanari, not just with human parts, but horse and dog parts as well, especially when it comes to Jade Harley.
Chazzerpan also loved to post on 4Chan and archive /hsg/ threads on the comics board /co/
Chazz hasn’t been around since 2017, but the fact she just left and contributed to Homestuck while beekeeper troll guy was shut out for working on some spinoff game related to Homestuck it’s just, it’s so poetic.
And hey to the anon that told me that artist for HS:BC is also LYSANTHUM on X is beneficial to me, now I know when their comissions open, I did like their work with Vriska and Tavros after all.
All the more hilarious when it is the same Chazz who drew the weed art of Snoop Dogg, Nepeta, and Meulin Leijon.
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It's strange the team picks and choose what coomer shit is allowed and what is not. Macro giant is bad, but apparently getting aroused for shitting your pants is better. But definitely commission Lysanthum. I doubt the Patreon money is gonna help fund Homestuck Beyond Canon, so better give some to her. Request any character or ship art you like!
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grandlinetheorist · 3 months
Screenshots! These are from what I got after watching the latest video. I mostly just put these to make better sense of the writing.
Spoilers Ahead!
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"Charles Brook: 10. 10. 1970
Hi! Just got hired officially as the computer supervisor for 'Unnamed Bunny Smiles Restaurant' (though i've been coming up with a few names myself) "
*small linebreak here*
"I've known these guys for a while, they're family! i've done some work for them along with Susan for years now, even before Cyberfun Tech! Getting to meet the Waltens and the Krankens has been super fun!
So excited to get to work! The future is bright. -C.B
P. 27:12"
['Unnamed Bunny Smiles Restaurant' is most likely Bon's Burgers.]
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"Employee Notes #404[?] By. C.B
The BSI console
The bunny smiles incorporated console allows the robots of Bon's Burgers feel a lot more lifelike and allow for a more fun and interesting experience.
i theatrics & an ambitious and innovating concept i never expected to use[?] in my life.
Susan did not disappoint at all absolutely stunning and delicate work I was fascinated, never seen anything like it! Felix was both amazed and scared, he doesn't understand a thing about how it works!"
[Neither do I. Some of the stuff was hard to see.]
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"Walkaround Test (Week 1-2)
Week 1:
Banny knocked over the table! Rework room recognizing features! Bon test went well, recognized sophie right away! Sha is next. Boozoos magic trick bit went well, little rust but he'll do better next time.
Week 2:
Banny's fixed, test went as planned. Mask broke...from last incident. Get a new one made by....
Bon walkaround test went well, way better than expected... "
[A lot of things were cut off, but I got some of the big parts down.]
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This is Norman, I'm sending you this tenet on behalf of our deal between Bunny Smiles and Cyberfun Tech and most importantly, the wellbeing of our Cyberfun staff. We've been getting a lot of complaints about a member of our staff going missing who was highly associated with you and your team. Susan Woodings has been missing for a week now and here at Cyberfun Tech we are working as hard as we can to try and manage to get in contact with her. Is there perhaps any detail you could lend us to help locate our missing employee?
I'm going to be entirely honest with you Mr.Kranken, and tell you I have a ton of questions and suspicions about whatever is going on with your company. Whatever it is, it's making both your company and mine look bad to public light so, again, if there's anything that would help us find Susan, write us back immediately.
Thank you. I'll see you Monday."
[It cuts off there. Apparently, this is a letter from someone that works at Cyberfun Tech and is most likely a representative or employee. Thank you @humoofsegsual for helping me out with this.]
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[If anyone can edit it see more of the image and see what it says, cool. Because, this is just what I find that I want to figure out.]
Anyways, that's all I have for now. I might post more images that I have later.
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I think since today’s the day, I should get off my chest what I think about Homestuck and the epilogues: the former is good and the latter is like an uncooked steak covered with diahhrea.
To elaborate, Homestuck is a cake that used too much baking soda and cooked in the oven for too short, its the same size as a cake but the outside is too airy and the inside is mushy and liquid batter, disgusting.
But there’s this middle part, between the layers that’s delicious as all hell, it uses grandma’s secret recipe and the chef was running a rush order, it’s a miracle he used the perfect ratio of egg to sugar to flour and milk, you can’t deny most chefs wish they could prepare a cake this good, and when one ingredient is off and it was underbaked, many critics would absolutely drop a solid 9 to a 5/10. It’s still good in my heart.
Now leaving the metaphors, I love this comic to an autistic degree. Its art direction and narration perfectly mix the feel of a strange adventure game published by some studio pushing the boundaries but had no budget so they end up reusing assets from stock images for most of its run, and for the second half abandoned jpgs for minimalist bean shaped heroes.
It has multiple flash animations, interactive walkarounds, and plenty of callbacks and reference to its own story beats and panels, it’s really good and even the secondary characters have a lot of dimension to them! The big issue was the pacing, and by god did Act 5 Act 2 cone out the miracle it did, balancing troll to human conversation perfectly, never abandoning the kids, and leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the mess the trolls were about to make for themselves.
I even like act 6. Yeah I said it. Caliborn is funny, Calliope is eh, Roxy is the obvious character with the most going for her, Dirk has a good arc about his own struggles, but between him and the alpha kids, not so much. Jake had an arc for him to realize who he can be and his linits and how he should stand up for himself, and Jane was learning to trust her friends while being able to sleuth out manipulation or bad actors. Some of these words are in past tense because Hussie was now ping ponging to the boring 3 years where the kids are separated by dream bubbles and a long yard, almost never interacting with each other’s side of the 3 year journey (minus one DISTACTION by Rose and John hammering Bec’s head in with COOL NEW BREATH POWERS)
The pacing was a whole lot and openbound was a waste of time for 10 characters the fans could play with as dolls, but Act 6 Act 6 united both alpha and beta parties to actually do stuff.
But Hussie was also developing a (STILL UNFINISHED) adventure game(s) for his two new kidsonas that were going to give Alternia more breathing room and two new kidsonas an adventure to expand on the lore of Beta earth Roxy, Jake Harley, and a dead flighty broad.
After delaying when the comic should have ended by one and a half years, Hussie says “fuck it” and drops an awesome flash where everyone fucking dies. I was sad a little bit but remembered the comic had to end with the good guys winning so I just slogged another 500 pages watching a cool concept unfold: alter the timeline to unfuck the doomed timeline and fix the time paradox that would cause Lord English to not exist. Cool yeah?
The problem was after undoing 2000 pages of characterization Hussie needs to redo those 2000 pages and give characters worthwhile new arcs to solve, make everything both hunky dory on our way to the finish line but also start a new problem from railroading the characters into this new chance to win the game, and are clearly still coping or ignoring their other timeline’s struggles.
The best Hussie could do was 750 pages.
Build the new universe, kill the bad guys, save the troll race, finish Dave, Dirk, and Roxy’s character arc’s, we’ll finish the rest in a new timeline, the epilogues stuff. Drop in some vague shit at the last minute like “Ultimate Selves” “Aspect design and destiny” and some lip service to how these aren’t the same kids John knew, the look like them but they’re ever so different.
Then for like 6 months that was it, then the credits explained what happened to them and where they are now, and what’s unfinished.
Bonus updates we see a human cosplay space fish horns Hitler, a troll cosplay an immortal time demon hellbent on wrecking the corpse of every Universe he is aware of, and a carapacian cosplay a teleporting radiant dog demon that killed 3 parents. This was for Halloween.
Jane gets kidnapped by the goons you loved back when the comic only had 4 kids 3 adults a dog, some 4 chess friends, Jack, the midnight crew and the felt, and then she mind controls Jack and says she is going to get political.
Also the woobified side characters Wayward Vagabond and Oeregrine Me dicant are no longer “the deterrent of the original bad guy” and “silly marketable plush character who was once a veteran of the bloodiest massacre in Sburban history” they’re dead.
So what an ending huh, that was overwhelming, also unfinished. That epilogue should really tie in loose ends and end the narrative stakes of a work of fiction to a calm and satisfying pace like a traditional narrative does, boy oh boy can’t wait to expect that from the postmodern work of Homestuck hahahahahahahaha.
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fefairys · 4 months
I'm obsessed with the dancestors. If you have the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on a lot of them - none in particular. Just anything you wanna talk about in particular, I wanna hear it. (Haven't gotten to them in my re-read but I'm looking forward to refresh myself on them)
yeah sure i actually just finished the main 3 dancestor walkarounds so its super fresh in my mind!
my thoughts on the dancestors are... mixed. that section sticks out to me as the most mean-spirited part, with how some of the characters are presented. but i do think it is interesting how, even though they have so little screen time, and the fact that they are supposed to be pretty shallow, parody characters without much substance, most of them still have enough depth squeezed into them to be interesting enough to like, obsess over.
like, we are given juuuuust enough information to ostensibly make us actually care about these characters as their own hypothetically complex beings.
some people who love the dancestors say stuff like "if only andrew had treated them like actual characters instead of jokes" but personally i like it the way it is, with only having these crumbs of characters to extrapolate upon. this entire THREE SWEEP LONG session to theorize about. thats the fun part to me.
i do think the most unnecessary thing in homestuck by far was making damara like that. dont like that shit. feels gross. when i was younger i thought it was funny but now its just like eugh. man. did u have to? no. u didnt. not to that extent.
random funny thing that i didnt remember until last night is theres a line where horuss calls damara a "singleton" (because he is plural and she is a singlet) and i found that very funny.
also the look into beforan society through these characters is very intriguing. thats another thing i like, is the subtle world building in there.
thats all i can think to talk about at the moment but feel free to come ramble at me on your thoughts and stuff :) or ask more specific questions abt specific characters n my thoughts on them as well. whatevs
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tiikerikani · 5 days
Started a new panel for my Vappu outfit this year. It's just a cheap chef's apron sort of thing off Aliexpress but since it's quite synthetic material, thus water-resistant, one could theoretically put it on the ground for sitting on if needed.
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It was the warmest Vappu in something like a decade. I haven't needed to wear the overalls with the sleeves around my waist for, well, years, and the sleeves are now stiff from all the patches on them that they just don't flex enough to be tied anymore. I ended up just tucking them in place around the stuff on my belt.
On the other hand, wearing it like this means I can actually bend over or sit down without worrying about ripping any of the stitching on the legs.
Just the textile parts of the costume weigh close to 3 kg. It takes maybe 45 minutes the night before to test-fit and figure out how best to arrange all the accessories, and then another 10-15 to put everything on in the morning.
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At the park I saw a couple of people walk past with an "Ask me about Karaoke Appro" sign and I wanted to chase them down to ask about it but I couldn't leave my position because I was waiting for Coworker. It probably isn't something I'd participate in anyway, despite really wanting more karaoke in my life. It's something about the kind of music I prefer to sing and in a bar crawl situation you're gonna be singing in groups and I don't sing karaoke in groups.
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I'm starting to feel... not necessarily too old, but too tired for all this (especially the student excesses but I was never into the student excesses anyway). Like, it takes an immense amount of effort to leave the apartment more than twice a week. That kind of tired. I didn't even do my usual walkaround of the park to see what wacky picnic/party setups people had; I just said hi to the usual people and met up with Coworker and went off to get my usual tray of fried muikkus and go back downtown where we could sit around by the marina with more space to breathe. (Pro tip, muikkus are cheaper at Kauppatori despite targeting tourists there, than at the Vappu food truck row at Kaivopuisto.)
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allhallowsthemepark · 6 months
All Hallows - County Drakul
At last we come to All Hallows's final themed area (for now). County Drakul is actually the largest part of the park by area, much of it to accommodate the massive Gothic castle and associated ride at the back. The bulk of the space takes the form of an Old European village in a non-specific time period, with design elements spanning from the Middle Ages all the way up through the Victorian era. The streets are cobbled, the buildings mostly half-timber construction, and once off the main walkway the area seems to consist entirely of narrow, winding dead-end alleys. Sharp-eyed guests may notice strings of garlic hanging in the upper-story windows, holy symbols scratched on the shutters, and other evidences that the townsfolk have something to fear at night.
Besides the castle, prominent locations in County Drakul include a small rundown cathedral, a pub, and the town square with its ornate fountain featuring statuary of angels and demons. The area music loop consists of spooky classical pieces, orchestral music from appropriately Gothic horror film scores, and similar.
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The people of County Drakul are suspicious of outsiders and fearful of the creatures of the night—don't expect to get to know any of them. The only named character of significance is of course The Count himself, who appears in portraits and on posters around the town, and on the Castle Drakul ride in animatronic form, but not as a walkaround character. However, you may encounter some of his courtiers at night. It is unwise to approach them for photos without plenty of witnesses around (and they might not show up in the photos anyway).
The Grim Procession: A nightly performance in which black-robed people (monks? specters?) holding candles emerge from the cathedral, slowly march around the town square, take up positions around the fountain, and begin a low chant. They are answered by eerie wails from white-shrouded figures that emerge on the rooftops around the square. The spooky counterpoint continues for a few minutes until the apparent ghosts sink back out of sight, at which point the robed figures march around the square once more and then return to the cathedral. Direct explanations for what just happened are not forthcoming.
2. Danse Macabre: The cathedral is the theatre for this grim but lively show, in which the interior crypts open up and the bones of the dead emerge to dance to the strains of the chapel organ. As the show progresses, the images of the saints—stone statues and stained-glass windows alike—also join in the romp.
3. Into the Catacombs: At the far side of the graveyard attached to the cathedral is a massive mausoleum housing County Drakul's maze attraction: a dismal house of the dead featuring skull-lined passageways, dripping water, shuddering sarcophagi, and other such gruesome sights and sounds.
4. Castle Drakul: The most elaborate ride in the entire park, bar none. It begins as a slow trackless dark ride through the corridors of the castle, but at the halfway point (in the grand ballroom) transitions into a mag-launched roller coaster as guests escape a horde of vampires after inadvertently interrupting their masquerade ball!
5. The Laboratory: A long-form dark ride celebrating the Gothic tradition of mad science. Bubbling beakers, crackling Tesla coils and strange creatures in chains are just some of the things you can expect to see as the ride builds toward its lighting-infused climax!
Shops and Eateries
6. The Wolf's Head: A pub-style restaurant facing onto the town square—low lighting, wood furnishings, and hearty food that doesn't skimp on the garlic.
7. Tomes of Mystery: A hole-in-the-wall bookshop focusing on classic Gothic lit in hardcover, including rare editions. Leather-bound blank journals are also available.
8. La Masquerade: County Drakul's costume shop features archetypes from Gothic literature (and its many film adaptations), elegant period costumes, and religious imagery. Specific examples include: angel, demon/devil, French court, gargoyle, ghost, Grim Reaper, mad scientist, nun, priest, skeleton, steampunk, vampire and Victorian. Individual costume pieces such as masquerade masks, velvet capes, and Goth jewelry are also part of the stock.
9. The Lord's Feast: Situated in a wing of the castle (but not sharing space with any part of the ride), this full table-service restaurant offers a menu of sumptuous food fit for nobility. Reservations for large-group catering can be made in advance.
County Drakul has walkways connecting with both Goblin Woods and Ghoul City.
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