#waking up in lore olympus
genericpuff · 6 months
The Extended Mishandling of LO's S3 Midseason Finale Premiere (Pt 2)
Alrighty, I promised a part two back in the first part of this analysis, but found myself busy with Rekindled and my day job, so I'm finally sitting down and finishing this up. If you haven't read that first part yet, please go check it out!
We left off with Hebe and Apollo roleplaying that one scene from The Lion King, albeit with a lot less sense or nuance. Literally all the "drama" so far feels purely manufactured for cheap plot progression and tension and it hardly feels authentic. But now we gotta talk about the second half of this episode, where we finally address the cliffhanger that the FP midseason finale episode left off on - Persephone causing winter.
And what better way to kick it off than with a completely off-base Persephone monologue?
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Now, what's shown here is actually a flashback to the job interview scene from S1, when Persephone asked to see the snow in the Underworld. But it's written as if Persephone has some intimate relationship with snow as a whole, as if she's experienced more than this one time which... she hasn't. There was nothing "romantic" really about that scene following the job interview, she literally just wanted to go out and see something she hadn't seen before.
But that calls into question - why does Persephone constantly act like she has an intimate relationship with snow when it doesn't occur in the Mortal Realm? She even says in the honeymoon episode that it's hot all the time in the Mortal Realm, and the temperature only drops every now and then during rainy days... and she somehow makes this about Hades when it literally has nothing to do with him lmao Persephone monologues are some of the worst /r/im14andthisisdeep moments in the series because she's constantly using word salad to describe feelings we never saw or scenes that never happened.
And this scene is no different. She says that snow is something that's interwoven with her most 'treasured moments' but all the visuals have to show for is that one scene from S1 that, again, didn't even come across as a 'treasured moment', it was just her seeing the snow for the first time, there was nothing 'romantic' about it in a vacuum. All the moments from the series you could call ACTUALLY TREASURED milestones of Hades and Persephone's relationship - and Persephone's supposed "love" for the Underworld - are scenes where snow was completely absent (ex. the scene of Persephone and Hades talking about Sicily in Zeus and Hera's garden, Persephone and Hades spending the night in the cabin during the trial arc, etc.)
But then, to make it even more confusing, she goes on to describe her losing her powers and causing winter a "betrayal". As if the concept of winter owes her anything. As if Erebus owes her anything.
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The allusion to Erebus itself in the visuals implies that she feels "betrayed" over this happening, as if it wasn't made ABUNDANTLY CLEAR TO HER that she would have to sacrifice something. She's gone SO LONG without knowing or caring about what she could have possibly given up, that by the time it finally revealed itself, she's acting all shocked Pikachu because there's finally something she can't just have. Everything that could make her seem imperfect has been washed away, from her SA trauma to those pesky green hands. Now we finally ARE seeing her affected by her own choices and she's basically waxing poetic about how sad it is that her actions have consequences.
That said, she does seem to have a moment of self-awareness here... but I can't be confident it will actually amount to anything seeing as how all the past attempts at 'growth' have been overshadowed by her vanity and ego.
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This line is really confusing / weird in the way that it's written but I think she's trying to say that the source of the cold is from her, she can't pin it on any sort of 'big bad' like she could with Apollo and Kronos. It's just her.
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And again, this could be a moment of realization for her that her actions are her own regardless of whatever she wants to pin it on-
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But she rejects it instead. She's still not capable of acknowledging that her choices affect others, that her actions have consequences, that she's finally paying the price for something she knew had a cost.
If this were any other comic, I would accept her rejection of this, I would have confidence in knowing she may recognize it eventually. But this is LO and we're three seasons in, she's technically already gotten her happily ever after in the form of becoming Queen and married to her 'true love', so all of this feels like a very last-minute attempt to paint Persephone as this "struggling" character. But she's not "struggling", she's just finally experiencing karma catching up to her and as expected for a person like Persephone, she's already cracking under the pressure of realization that she can't have everything she wants.
Again, in any other comic, this would feel satisfying or endearing to see her fall on her own sword, but to me it just feels frustrating in the context of LO because we've spent five years seeing her get everything she wants with barely any real struggle that wasn't manufactured - with all of it painted as a GOOD THING - while still getting away with treating the people around her like shit.
And when I say she rejects this concept of having humility, I don't just mean through her monologuing, but also through her actions.
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If I were to critique LO the same way I would an actual functional series, I would say that this should be the point of realization, the point where we see her crumble under the weight of her not being perfect, not being able to "fix" everything. It all stems back to her entitlement as a bratty main character, someone who can't fathom not being the main character or the "hero".
Because she's not the hero. Demeter is - or at least, she tries to be.
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Again, it's hard to know if this is intentional or if this is yet another attempt to present Demeter as an "overbearing mom", but Persephone here looks and sounds like she's been reduced back to the state of a child crying for her mother in the face of her own failures. Despite now technically being a mother herself (through literal babynapping sigh) Persephone is still not a mature adult. Aging her up 10 years and giving her a husband and baby will not make her an actual functional independent adult who's capable of taking care of themselves or making the right decisions... unlike Demeter who is still, ultimately, more skilled than Persephone. She is an actual experienced and mature adult who's capable of rationalizing and decision making, and knowing when it's time to put aside your ego, walk away and let someone else who's far more qualified take care of things.
What Demeter has is something that one can only gain through true hardship, failing, learning from one's own mistakes, and experience, all of which Persephone does not have because she transitioned from a cage of her own imagination where hard work and responsibility was a virtue, into a gilded cage where true hard work can be passed onto someone else whose efforts she could take credit for while sitting on a throne and buying anything and everything she could ever want.
Despite everything Persephone and the narrative claims to have 'earned', she's still a child. The adults have to take over.
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And like a child, she doesn't let them.
This is not an 'anime moment'. This is not a moment of redemption. This is immaturity and irresponsibility in its most visible form for Persephone - refusing to let go of her ego and shortcomings to "prove herself", even if it means making things worse.
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And Hades enables it.
I want to make it clear there is a massive difference between not being controlling over someone, and actually enabling them.
This is not some small hill to die on. Persephone is literally causing winter, which could very well kill the Mortals. As we've seen in that prior Hebe scene from the first part of this essay, the snow is showing up in Olympus. This isn't something that's happening in the isolation of this single scene, this is happening everywhere and instead of taking the L, Persephone is trying to make things 'better' by simply 'trying harder' which is just not the solution here, Demeter knows this, but Hades is playing the "girlboss" version of a "good husband" by not even bothering to try and convince her to do otherwise. Hades above everyone else should be the one stepping in because he'd likely be the only one she'd actually listen to, but he's refusing to because he has to be the "good husband" who doesn't control the actions of his wife.
So he flat out enables her instead by not even bothering to try and reason with her, to help her see that what she's doing is not helping. Not even so much as a "Persephone, I know you want to help but it's clear something is wrong and if Demeter can figure out what to do to fix this, we should let her", just him saying to Demeter who wants to stop her that he can't stop her from trying... ignoring the fact that he should at least try.
And that's the difference between being controlling and being an enabler. He's not keeping her from doing something that benefits her and doesn't harm him or others. He's not micromanaging her decisions or trying to tell her she's not capable. Now, don't get me wrong, there are definitely things that make Hades a walking red flag especially when it comes to him being a groomer, but when it comes to directly controlling Persephone, most of the time she's doing things of her own accord convinced that it's "the right thing" (which is still just a side effect of the obvious grooming because I really doubt S1 Persephone would have done this shit lmao).
Here, he's not stepping in to even try to reason with her because "well I'd be a bad husband if I stepped in", completely ignoring the fact that it makes him a terrible person, period, to not at least try to calmly reason with his wife and explain to her that her 'help' is not going to help here. Just like when he rewarded her with sex for abusing a nymph in her own home, he's completely complacent to Persephone's actions and doesn't step in to try and help because, according to Wattpad and TikTok, a "good husband" is someone who looks the other way while his life partner does whatever she wants regardless of the consequences to herself and others. "Happy wife, happy life, who cares if the wife wants to be an actual piece of shit to people if it makes her happy".
And thus she makes things worse in her pursuit of "happiness", while Hades stands idly by, watching it all unfold as if he's just an innocent bystander who can absolve himself of any responsibility in this situation. As if she didn't become this way because she ate the pomegranate to be with him and a part of his world.
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Now, there's one other sort-of-blatant smoking gun that I want to talk about that I haven't really seen anyone else mention since this episode went up. Granted, this might be me reading far too much into it, but hey, that's what this blog is for and I think it's something that absolutely needs to be mentioned.
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Persephone goes on about how her powers aren't just gone, they've been replaced, all she can create is decay, and more specifically-
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Now... think of the context of LO's narrative, what it's told us both literally and through subtext, intentional or not.
What does this sound like?
Hades lost his ability to produce children when he ate the pomegranate. He can no longer "create life".
And now, Persephone is finding herself in a similar situation, unable to "create life" the way she knows how. I'd like to think this isn't literal, but it really feels like there's a metaphorical implication here that Persephone losing her ability to create life is meant to be taken literally, that she not only can't create flowers and plant life anymore, but she's lost her fertility entirely. You can go even further back in this when it was established Persephone didn't eat six seeds, but nine, which originally felt like a weirdly random choice, but now seems intentional. I know some people have theorized that it has to do with her possibly being pregnant, but I don't think that's the case, I think it's the opposite - that the 9 months was a metaphor for the 9 months of childbearing that Persephone can no longer do.
And if that's the case... LO truly is no longer a "feminist" piece of work. It barely was before, but if the point of all this winds up being an attempt by Rachel to give Persephone a "flaw" by taking away her ability to bear children... that'll be a punch to the gut.
That said, if it does go somewhere, maybe the point will be Persephone learning she doesn't need to be able to reproduce to have value as a woman. But considering LO's track record with these sorts of plotlines, I can't be confident in the slightest that's where it'll end up. What I can be confident in is that Persephone will likely not stay this way. Like her green hands, she'll likely get her powers back, maybe after the resolution that she's still a real woman deserving of love even if she can't reproduce. I can't possibly know at this point where it's going, all I do know is that LO hasn't done a great job at resolving these sorts of deeper narratives so this just feels like another dart on the wall of bad ideas. Because it's, again, all being framed through Persephone being the "perfect woman", without there being any actual subtext throughout the narrative to imply that this may be a flawed ideology to have, it's just what Persephone has to be and it's sold in the narrative as a positive.
There's one term to describe this with that's rather consistent throughout LO when you peel back the layers of both the comic and Rachel's past work - white feminism. Despite LO's attempts to be "feminist", it's still ultimately being written through a heteronormative male gaze, that women are only "valuable" so long as they're youthful, that any goals or dreams a woman may have should be dropped as soon as they fall in love with a rich and powerful man, and that "other women" who don't fit into that mould of being rich, white, and heterocis are not worthy of love, empathy, or understanding. It's hard to trust that LO will actually challenge these norms when it's been practically enforcing them for five years.
But ultimately, that's a very loaded topic and right now, we don't know where this is going... I'm just not so sure I want to see it after all the missteps the series has pulled over the past half a decade. Like the miracle of childbirth, it's gonna take a miracle for LO to actually stick this landing.
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Now, I'm assuming you read this line of dialogue, and you understood it. Yes? You positive? Okay, great. Why am I asking you this question as if you're an infant who doesn't understand what being "passed out" means? Well, you'll see what I mean in a minute.
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Now, again, like with the whole "I can't bring life to anything anymore" thought process I just went through, I can't know exactly what they're trying to do here, but Demeter is fully in the right. I want to make that abundantly clear that Demeter was right the whole time and it's pretty telling that even a lot of the people reading the comic in good faith are pointing this out in the discussion circles they can actually access.
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Now, in case anyone hasn't noticed, it's clear that Demeter herself is drawing upon the fertility magic of Gaia or Rachel is just alluding to Gaia for some reason. At first I thought it was supposed to be her form of "wrath" until I remembered that (unfortunately) Eris was the only reason for Persephone's wrath, so this is clearly meant to be some allusion to Gaia. Considering the fertility powers were passed down purely through Gaia and Ouranos, this means Demeter is a descendant of Gaia, which... calls into question Rachel's attempts to "remove the incest" from LO, but that's for another topic.
Either way, Demeter is fully in the right here. Hades is a fucking idiot - a useless lump - for not only enabling the shitty actions of his shitty wife, but for not taking even any amount of accountability for the fact that Persephone found out about the pomegranate through him.
"But Puff, she had to eat the pomegranate to beat Kronos!" Did she? Or was that purely manufactured for Rachel's sake because she just had to have an MCU Evil-Robot-Jeff-Bridges villain despite the fact that this FANTASY ROMANCE series didn't need one? The fact that it was written purely to 'force' Persephone into doing something she already wanted to do was completely redundant, it wasn't a 'sacrifice' she made, it was made pretty clear in Episode 165 that she wanted to eat the pomegranate as soon as she found out about it and while that decision is certainly her own, that does not absolve Hades of responsibility for not questioning his future wife's fascination with it or realizing that he unlocked the inner Pandora's Box of Persephone's mind.
And so, Demeter holds him responsible. As she should.
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Okay, you read that, right? But remember that line I asked you about before? We should all know Demeter doesn't mean this literally. We have brains and we should all have a minimum amount of media literacy to understand that Hades was telling the truth when he literally said Persephone was "passed out".
We finish the episode on this panel, which I swear to christ I couldn't tell you in all of my own divine wisdom of the arts what in the world is going on in this panel. I'm literally looking at salad.
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Is it Demeter and Persephone? Just some dying plants? I have no fucking clue, your guess is as good as mine.
But we're not done. Because we have one more glaring issue to talk about with this episode, and it comes in the form of an author's note that was inserted at the end of the episode. It is truly, despite EVERYTHING we've talked about in both parts of this analysis, the dumbest, most airheaded and egregiously pretentious thing I've seen in this entire episode.
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Rachel quite literally put in a fucking disclaimer telling her audience what Hades already told us point blank in the comic - "Don't worry, audience members, Persephone is not literally dead, it's a metaphor for her spring powers being dead!"
I literally can't even express to you how pretentious and shitty this is of her to do. I can't tell if it's legitimately her thinking her writing is "too smart" for even her older audience members to grasp, or if she just wants to dispel the theories that people would want to make about this, or if she completely misconstrued the criticism about her writing not being "clear enough" and thinks that THIS is what people meant. Pardon my tone because I've kept it together relatively well throughout this post, but this is some 2009-era Fanfiction.net level of author's note bullshit.
If she thinks her writing is "too smart" for her audience to grasp, I'm sorry Rachel, but you're just wrong and this is incredibly shitty of you. You think the 14 year olds in your community aren't also reading other webtoons that have deeper writing than LO? I read Death Note when I was fucking 14 and I knew exactly the point of what the story was getting at by the time it was over, despite all the other stories I read at that age that completely flew over my head. And you think LO is somehow more complicated than Death Note, baby's first introduction to the grey areas of morality and justice?
If she's trying to dispel the theories... that actually holds some merit because not only is Rachel notoriously bad at not letting her fandom just talk about their theories without her swooping in to "um actually" them (even if it means killing the fun of theorizing), but the official FP page on FB was closed to new submissions in the hours following this episode and it since hasn't posted any new content. Is it because people aren't posting? Absolutely not. The mods are quite literally holding these posts hostage through the submission and approval system. People are legitimately trying to submit only for the mods to block it entirely from going through. If this is Rachel's attempts at trying to "protect herself" from the criticism this episode has surely earned, then all she's really doing is punishing her own fans who want to talk about it. It doesn't matter anymore that the discussion groups are finally back from 3-4 months of being shut down over the hiatus, they're still not being allowed to operate. The best there is now is the Discord and it's undoubtedly just as heavy moderated as the FB groups.
And as for the third possibility, this also feels like an attempt at Rachel trying to make her writing "more clear" without actually putting in the work of writing a good story. She's undoubtedly seen the criticisms towards LO as a whole that it doesn't express itself clearly, that it constantly flip flops on character motivations and information that has been established, and that any monologuing that's done implies things or events that we've never seen unfold on screen (case in point, the Persephone monologue from the start of this episode) but she seems to have either misconstrued or ignored the point of that criticism entirely by solving it with a quick and shitty author's note at the end explaining her intentions with a scene that was already clearly laid out to us. Instead of putting in the work to write a concise story to explain the things that are a bit more under-developed, she's slapping in a spoonfed explanation for scenes that literally don't need explaining and that ultimately cheapens the scenes that are TRYING to have impact, bringing them down to the same level of mediocrity as the scenes that never had the impact they intended to have to begin with. "You've killed the Goddess of Spring" was plenty clear after Hades said she was passed out, Rachel. Taking the time to explain it in a note at the end is just sad and it really goes to show what you think of your audience, especially when it comes to how you treat your fans in regards to community accessibility in the official discussion groups.
"The haters" didn't set this comic onto the path that it's on or ruin the fanbase experience, Rachel - you did.
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mythsandheather · 6 months
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“But will Persephone ever be the same?”
God willing, no she won’t.
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multifandomeweirdo · 3 months
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monstrumpuella · 10 months
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Time to Wake Up!
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falling-camellias · 2 years
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Are you kidding me rn
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rj-opp · 2 years
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Best panel we got
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moony-2001 · 7 months
What the ✨actual fuck✨ is the Lore Olympus timeline? I never tag anyone, but @genericpuff @minthe-lover if y’all want to add onto or comment on this please I’m all ears.
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You’re telling me that in Persephone’s first week in Olympus in the FIRST 2 DAYS she:
Is given an excess amount of alcohol, blacks out, and wakes up in a unfamiliar man’s house with no idea how she got there or what happened to her
And after returning the next day she is r*ped by her best friend’s brother
Are you fucking kidding me.
It gets worse. This next photo is week 2
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First of all, all this takes place within the course of 3 days. Three. Days. Within 3 days:
Hades breaks up with Minthe, his on-again, off-again partner for years, after a week of officially dating (unsure of whether or not they actually broke up 2x or if that’s just a typo)
Persephone has a traumatic fight with the man who r*aped her in which he tells her that he doesn’t care about her or her well-being and that she “doesn’t have like to like him to be his wife”
And either within the same day or early the next day, she kisses a man who she a) has known for less than 2 weeks b) IS HER FUCKING BOSS and c) JUST DUMPED HIS LONGTIME PARTNER FOR A CHILD HE BARELY KNOWS
And yeah Persephone is a child. When they kiss she’s like what a fresh off the boat adult? Barely 20 if I’m not mistaken? While Hades is thousands of years old? What the actual fuck.
Mind you, all of this happened within the first 2 weeks but has spanned across 110 episodes.
What’s worse is that pretty much everything leading up to the trial takes place over a month. A single month. 4 weeks. You wanna know how many episodes fall in that month? 190 out of the 250 episodes. That is over 3/4s of the series (that is available so far) that is dedicated to a single month.
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I can’t. I hate this comic so damn much. Deadass about to become an anti LO blog /jk
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 6 months
Resonance [Chapter One] Fate [Qin Shi Huang]
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A/n: this will be a short story collection. I will put the masterlist out shortly. Please enjoy. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged. The updates for this might be slow.
Warning(s): gender-neutral reader, Greek lore, questioning worth, lucid dreams, soulmate au.
No Minors Allowed!!
This is a dream. 
You know because you've had it before, more times than you would like to admit. And like those times before, it always ends the same way; with you on your side, writhing in sheer pleasure as someone wrecks you beyond reason.
It is realistic and carnal, as though it is not a dream. You can feel every single thing; the surges of pleasure and the rise and fall of their chest on your back as they thrust into you. It is no wonder you wake up each time a needy, hot mess, wanting more.
This morning is no different.
When you come to, the first thing you feel is the lingering touch on your heated skin, a phantom sensation that tickles your sex. However, they soon fade and yet again you are left with an itch you can not quite scratch. It is infuriating. You have tried, whether it be bringing someone back to your room or masturbating. No matter how enjoyable either is, neither of them compares to the phantom in your dreams. 
There is just something unique about them. It is the best sex you've ever had and that is truly sad. 
With a frustrated sigh, you leave your warm bed and go into the bathroom to wash up. Helios waits for no one, already bringing light into the world with his chariot. You can feel its warm rays pour through your window as you prepare. Once you are dressed, you leave the room and wander outside to take in the fresh flower-scented air. Chloris, the goddess of flowers appears to have visited. The sweet scent permeates your senses, inciting a hum. 
You rush down the stairs from your remote palace and pace across Olympus to the dwelling of your mentor. The Goddess of hearth and home had been kind enough to take you on as her mentee the moment you came to live here. 
No, you are not one of the main twelve, but during the Gigantomachy, a war between the Greek Gods and the Giants, led by Gaia, you had done much to assist Zeus and as a reward, he had granted you residence on the mountain, a generous offer that you could not decline, for you had no real purpose before as a lesser deity.
But now I do.
At the edge of the mountain overlooking the town of Litochoro, you come to a two-floor stone villa. Various Bosnian pines surround the house and to the side is a fenced-in pig pen. You walk up to the door and let yourself in, as Hestia had instructed many times before, hurrying into the living room where a gorgeous fireplace sits.
Picking up a bronze lantern decorated with a key pattern from the mantle, you ignite the lantern with a wooden stick using the flames in the fireplace, then you attach it to your belt. 
A gentle laugh turns your attention to Hestia, who walks into the room from the upper floor; a veil rests over her long blonde curls.
"I almost thought I would have to send for you," she states with a kind smile.
An embarrassed heat spreads to your face. 
"I apologize. Sleep did not come easy to me."
You opt not to mention the heated dream. 
"Morpheus has not been kind to you? I shall have a word with him," Hestia retorts.
"My mind wanders. It's not his fault," you lie.
You do not want to get Morpheus in trouble. It is doubtful that the God of Dreams and Nightmares is the one who gave you the lewd visions. 
"I hope you put to rest whatever thoughts might be troubling you," the Goddess states.
You do too, even though oddly, they are pleasant.
"If this task I have given you should become too much, you would let me know, would you not?" Hestia asks. 
"Of course," you answer. "But it is not too much. I rather like aiding Olympus in your stead." 
It is your task to maintain the hearth fire of the twelve, minus Hephaestus, of course. With the lantern, you can handle the flame from Hestia's hearth. It's a minor duty, but you take pride in it.
"I should get on. The others are waiting," you point out.
Hestia smiles and nods briefly. She then sees you out, waving as you rush from her villa back toward the way you came. 
For the next half hour, you traverse from palace to palace to complete your task, collecting a share of some form of material sacrifice from each of the deities, as promised to Hestia. 
It is when you visit Hermes, the God of trade and wealth - among many other things - in his abode that your life turns upside down. 
A mass of flames rests in your open palm as you sit in front of the burning fireplace in Hermes' home, waiting for him to return. You toy with it, rotating it around your hand and contorting it into the shape of a songbird. The heat does not bother you, though unfortunately you doubt you can manipulate all flames, only the ones given by Lady Hestia herself. 
That is why I must use the lantern when transporting them.
Or else her flames would vanish.
The soft sound of footsteps turns your attention to Hermes as he walks back into the room with a jar in his hand. You send the songbird back into the lantern and stand to meet him.
"Honey for my dear aunt," he points out.
You accept it from him. 
"She will be pleased," you state.
"That I hope," Hermes states. 
His calculating eyes trail over you for a moment, then he hums. 
"There is something different about you today."
You raise a curious brow. 
"Sleep deprivation perhaps." 
"No," Hermes states. "That is not it. You often come here looking tired."
Whether or not he notices your glare, he doesn't make mention of it. His keen eyes trail your body again before he widens them. You are taken off guard having never seen Hermes express such a strong emotion. 
"What is it, Lord Hermes?" 
He points a gloved hand down to your footwear, and when you raise a leg, you notice a thin red string tied around your ankle. There is another tied around the opposite and the length of them spreads further than you can see, leading outside the palace.
"What is this?" You ask in shock.
You try to remove it, but the string slips through your fingers as if it is intangible. It flashes in and out of sight for a moment before remaining seen. An air of panic consumes you. You fear this might be a curse.
"That is peculiar," Hermes states with a hum. 
"Do you know what this is? What does it mean?" You ask. 
The black-haired God hums. 
"I haven't a clue."
He leans down to examine the thread, watching as it slips through his fingers. 
"At first I thought it could be a prank. These strings are identical to the Divine Weapon that Apollo uses, except for the fact they can not be touched."
And the fact they are not shining like the sun, you opt not to mention.
"So I assume the Moirai put them on you for some reason," he adds.
Your eyes widen. Why would the Fates do this to you? What did it mean?
"Am I…about to die?" You ask in fear.
Hermes looks unconcerned. He stands and walks over to the fireplace to look into the fire. 
"Who is to say? I suppose you could ask the Moirai of your destiny. Running tasks for Aunt Hestia must not be what you are meant to do."
If not that, then what? You were certain that you had no worth other than helping out the Twelve Gods of Olympus. 
"I assume I will have to ask Lord Zeus for his permission to seek their aid," you utter. 
"That would be the best decision," Hermes agrees. "Though I suppose if you ask nicely enough, Apollo might offer you some incentive."
You groan. 
There is nothing wrong with Apollo, he is just extremely narcissistic.
"I shall speak with him tomorrow then. There is still much to do," you state. 
Hermes nods. 
"And I shall tell Lord Zeus that you might be coming by."
You are thankful. With a respectful bow, you leave his abode, intent on returning to Hestia with her share of the sacrifices.
I have a job to fulfill after all. 
Even though it isn't your true destiny. 
A dark cloud rests over your head, filling you with despair. You can feel Atropos, the Inflexible One, turning her scissors to your thread.
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kotamagic · 4 months
Lore Olympus is dealing with tough stuff, so let's do this...
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Recapping from last episode is Hera. She's still reeling not only from Apollo's bullshit, but.... did y'all forget that Kronos is still badgering her?
She's feeling super low, to the point where she just wants to sleep and push it all away.
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Oh, but what is this?
It's mom, Metis, here to interject and give Hera the mental and emotional kick in the ass she needs to get back up and running.
Just because Hera had to do some awful things to save the day, she shouldn't beat herself up over it. Somewhere, in the depths of her subconscious (or maybe Metis really is reaching out to her), Hera gets the wake-up call that she direly needs to pick herself up.
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(Sorry the pixels are blurry!)
Even though Hera is so mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, she does the first important thing that she needs to do--- put Kronos in his place.
This isn't just a fuck you to Kronos, though. This is personal affirmation of the truth she hasn't been listening to. There is no bond, only abuse. And since she was created to destroy Kronos, she needn't put it off any longer. (This is just the beginning of it though, I feel.)
The clapback about baby-eating and cigarette extinguish were delightfully needed and on point. You go, girl!
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While Hecate uses magic to locate Erebos, Morpheus takes the moment to apologize for the mess with the dream dives.
As stated in previous posts, what happened during the dream dives was not Morpheus' fault. That was all Kronos' fault and interference.
Persephone raises a good point here as well. It's a new process, and even gods don't always get it right on the first or second round. Please stop beating yourself up over it, Morpheus.
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And last, but not least, we now know where Erebos is. It shouldn't come as a surprise that Erebos is in Tartarus. In a way, it forces these characters to contend with 2 problems at once-- questioning Erebos about Persephone's dilemma as well as facing down Kronos.
Kronos is likely to attack, freshly pissed off by Hera. Not sure if H&P are ready to contend with him to access Erebos, but I doubt there's any other option. Even if they don't defeat Kronos, maybe they can wrest Melinoe away from him.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my LO post!
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dark-elf-writes · 20 days
Honestly the implications that in the Astoria's Kiss AU Harry is probably Thanatos's reincarnation is interesting. And hell, if you want you can easily play with the God reincarnation rules because as the God of Death, who knows if Harry has any of Thanatos's memories or personality. Because why would the God of Death exclude themself from dying at least semi-permanently?
I have so much built up lore for Harry as Thanatos and how the addition of godly power and aura to his already existing magic works, the dynamic of a “minor” god that technically holds power over all of them since even gods can die, and the politics do him being Alex and Andy’s kid first and a god second particularly after the schism between H.E.R.A. and Olympus from the last time Zeus found a reincarnated god in the mortal world.
But the thing that sticks in my head most of all is Harry’s relationship with death, his own power and the one thing that has haunted him for years.
Because Thanatos is different than the other gods. He was before, always apart, ever present but never among them, the reminder that while they were immortal they could still die. Even the way Harry awakened wasn’t the same as other gods. There was no calling him home to Olympus, but the power itself waking in him. In the end the past him had wanted above all else for his future reincarnation to know how to live as well as know what it is to die.
It’s a lot to think about. It’s even more to think about when Harry still has the mind of a teenager while all the other gods have been around since time immemorial. He is different he is something new. He is arguably the most powerful of all of them because no one not even the gods can escape death.
He also really really has issues with authority in general and Zeus in particular.
But while I think he definitely has moments that he feels instinct take over when it comes to his power Harry doesn’t have the memories or personality of his past life, because in the end Thanatos didn’t reincarnate in the same way that the other gods do.
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A/N: I think the next part will be the last and I will be going on a short hiatus for about a month to rest and recuperate
Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! /
 Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /
Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! / 
Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! / Part 20 here! / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / 
Part 23 Here! / Part 24 Here! / Part 25 Here! / Part 26 Here! / Part 27 Here! / 
Part 28 Here!  / Part 29 Here! / Part 30 Here ! / Part 31 Here! / Part 33 Here!
<This is Part 33!>
* “Why didn’t you tell me Thalia’s tree was poisoned, and that Ares is a…camp counselor.” If you could even call it that.
* The wind brushes against your face, offering you a short moment to think of all your grievances.
* ‘I have a lot to be discontent with.’
* Static crinkles on the other side, and you close your eyes and imagine your father shifting his cell phone until it’s wedged against his shoulder and ear.
* “I don’t remember you telling me there were monsters lurking around your school, so we’ll call it even.” In your defense there hardly ever are monsters around you these days—Percy’s a different story though.
* “How is Ares these days?” And then after a moment he adds: “and how are Clarisse and Dennis taking to having family around after all this time.”
* ‘The question of the year.’
* He takes your silence for an answer. “That good, huh?”
* “I think he’s really different from what she imagined—and that’s causing some friction.”
* Clarisse has spent her entire life with a mortal parent she couldn’t entirely relate too—someone prim proper who believed in rules and order.
* When she found out Ares is her father she attributed all her other-ness to him.
* Her rage, her rebelliousness, her desire for control — it was all because of him.
* But now, seeing her Father trail after her like a lost puppy, wearing short shorts and sleeveless tanks, and lounging around all day admitting the stories about him were greatly exaggerated—
* “Oh Hercules? He was a real looker in his prime, a real spitfire, the sexual tension ebbed over the pot a little when he slayed Kyknos.”
* “She’s having trouble coming to terms with the fact that all these ‘negative’ traits she's attributed to her father aren’t his, they’re just…who she is.”
* ‘It’s not a bad thing to be full of wrath and rebellion, after all a goddess’ wrath is the only reason I’m alive.’
* “She’s not even that bad though, Annabeth’s been freaking out about the tree and searching for clues in any book she can get her hands on, and Percy’s even worse because he has only child syndrome.”
* Zagreus snorts on the other end. “That’s rich coming from an only-child.”
* ‘It might be nice to have a sibling, especially one that was made specifically so I would have a friend.’
* “Do you think…do you think Poseidon loves Percy?”
* You’ve classified him as a degenerate for so long that the question surprises you, even when it passes from your own lips.
* It’s unimaginable to you that someone would have a child just for the sake of another of their progeny.
* But gods don’t think should children like mortals do.
* “Have you ever met Poseidon (Y/N)?” The phone crackles on the other end when you tell him no.
* “He’s not as good or bad as you’re thinking he is.”
* ‘What the hell does that mean?’
* You hear a thump beside you, and when you turn you see a certain dark-haired, ocean eyed boy.
* “I have to go Dad, I’ll talk to you soon…Cerberus’ treats are in the pantry, love you too.” You sigh when you click the phone shut, turning to Percy with a smile.
* “What’s up?”
* “I don’t know how much longer I can stand this,” he groans.
* ‘Out of the pan and into the fire.’
* “The tree right, don’t worry, what’s the worst that can happen? Zeus turns us all into trees as punishment? Being a willow tree might not be so bad—”
* “I meant Tyson.”
* ‘Oh,’
* “I thought you liked him?”
* Percy sighs. “I did—I do! I just…I don’t understand it. Why would Poseidon…have a child with a cyclops.”
* “Well…he’s got that forge underwater, right? And there’s a lot of steam so clothes stick—” Percy flushes.
* “N-no, n-not that!” His hand rotates to the back of his neck, an aggravated blush creeping up his face. “Forget the…laws of attraction or whatever, why’d he have to claim him? Everyone’s making fun of me now, it’s like I’m a joke,” he huffs.
* “Is this about the other kids teasing you?” His silence tells you it is. You sigh. “Look Percy…it’s easy for them to make fun of you for a monster-sibling when they’ve got other demi-gods to pick from.”
* His eyebrow quirks up.
* “What do you mean by that?”
* How do you explain this to a child?
* “Tomorrow, if something happens to your mom, Hades forbid, what are you going to do? Who do you have to rely on in this world?”
* “I have you.” He doesn’t hesitate for a second, not even a blink, the answer slips pass his lips like the most basic truth of this world. “A-and I have Annabeth and Grover, and Ch—” He lists each one off using his fingers as a marker, and you feel a soft smile curl on your mouth.
* “And you have Tyson. Even if we’re all pulled away from you because of the Gods' whims, Tyson will always stay on your side.”
* ‘A child literally made to always be on your side—so you’re never alone.’
* You can see that he understands now by the misty glaze in his eyes.
* “I feel like a dick.” Percy mumbles, his face in his hands. All you can offer is a laugh. “I-I’m going to go find Tyson and give him a hug.” Percy abruptly stands up, remembering that he doesn’t know where he’s heading.
* “He’s probably with Beckendorf!” You shout, earning a bright smile and wave from percy as he starts jogging to the forge.
* ‘What a good kid.’
* You feel good about how that went. But the peace doesn’t last long, because a moment later you feel the presence of someone standing behind you.
* You turn to see everyone’s favorite forever flushed, golden curls, counselor.
* He fidgets with makeshift camp halfblood tank top, the hem rolled between his index finger and thumb.
* “Can I sit?” He asks, and he looks so awkward you can’t bring yourself to say ‘no’—not even as a joke.
* You pat the spot beside you on the picnic blanket.
* “It’s a free hill.” Ares sits down beside you, whistling at the spread of food.
* “Are these Persephone’s baklava?” He picks up the container, a smile creeping on his mouth. “Persephone always made the best stuff, even in the old days.”
* “I didn’t know you knew Persephone.”
* “Of course I did, she was famous back in the day—still is.” The Tupperware container creaks as he snaps off the lid. “I still remember watching her turn Titan-sized and then beat the shit out of Kronos.” He snorts, popping a baklava in his mouth.
* His head tilts to the side, the dots in his mind slowly connecting. “I guess that’s something you have in common.”
* ‘I can’t believe Persephone fought Kronos and won…I can’t believe I fought Kronos and won!’
* Looks like beating the odds is in your blood.
* “You know Persephone is kind of the reason Dite and I broke up—”
* A horrifying thought occurs to you, “were you and Persephone…a thing?”
* “Not really, except for those two weeks I pretended I couldn’t read and we kissed a bit—” that’s concerning, “—basically I found out Persephone was a fertility goddess and I thought it would be cool to torment my dad a little by marrying her—” that’s also concerning. “—how was I supposed to know Dite, who’d been fucking all over Thebes and Olympus by the way, was going to get pissed off about it, or that Kore’d already met her Underworld Daddy.”
* Somehow, that’s the most sensible part of the story.
* There’s a moment where the only sound is the wind scraping against your ear and Ares munching on baklava.
* “What’s your endgame with Aphrodite? She’s married to your brother—”
* “Don’t remind me,” he scoffs.
* “—do…do you want to steal her away from him?”
* He looks at you like you just suggested you both go out and kick some puppies.
* “Of course not, I just want to join them.”
* Oh…OH!
* ‘That makes sense.’
* “Hephaestus will agree as long as she’s happy.” He pops another piece of baklava in his mouth. “All I have to do is get Aphrodite to fall in love with me.”
* It’s not the worst thing you’ve ever heard. In a way they’re all already family considering Hephaestus raised most of Aphrodite and Ares’ children.
* “Knowing you, it'll happen sooner or later.” Despite his faults, Ares is earnest and honest. You can…kind of see the appeal.
* He returns your words of kindness with a small smile.
* “I gave you some juicy gossip so now it’s your turn to give me something—“
* ‘And just like that he’s trash again.'
* “—how do I make Clarisse like me?”
* ‘And just like that he’s redeemed himself.’
* “Why do you think she doesn’t like you?”
* He gives you a look.
* “Right.”
* “I…I didn’t realize she’d gotten so big.” He mumbles. “Last time I checked the was barely bigger than my palm, I guess, I thought she’d always be that small.”
* Gods don’t age the same way humans do, that’s why it’s so hard for them to change or realize things.
* It’s sad, but it makes sense that from Ares perspective he turned away for a second and realized his child had completely grown up.
* “Just give her some time, she’s coming to terms with a lot, you can’t expect her to have a great relationship after you’ve been gone her whole life.”
* Ares nods, standing up and brushing off dirt from his shorts.
* “That’s the most boring advice I’ve ever got,” A small smile curls on his face. “but I’ll still give it a try.”
* You sigh, peace and quiet at last.
* ‘All it cost me was an entire tub of Persephone’s baklava.’
* You’re thinking of laying back and soaking in the sunlight when you hear footsteps get closer.
* ‘Probably Dionysus here to complain about the tree, it’s all coming full circle.’
* “A picnic delivered from the Underworld?” Your ears prick at the sound of the voice, unfamiliar and masculine.
* You turn slowly. A man with curly black hair, bright blue eyes, and dressed in a red tracksuit looks back at you.
* Even though you can’t place him you can feel power radiate off of him. His mouth twitches up in a lopsided smile
* “Do you mind if I join you?”
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genericpuff · 8 months
one of these webtoons won the Ringo award for "best webcomic", has 2 Eisners, a #1 NYT bestselling label, and a TV deal
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you're not gonna fucking believe which one it is
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medievildead · 1 year
This is gonna be long and none of you have to read this. I just need to vomit out a happy rant about God of War.
Like I don't know how to describe my joy and I know I keep saying it I know I do but like. Having been a fan of this series since the very first release in the 2000s, loving the story and the depth of Kratos and seeing just how vast and big and huge the fanbase is now. The fanworks people make have made my heart so happy. These games always meant so much to me as a greek mythology kid and its up there with one of the first series me and my dad ever played together (he made me step out of the room during Those Scenes, don't worry)
I remember my dad and I first seeing the demo for the first ever God of War on a ps2 demo disc we got from back when GameStop was still EB Games in Canada. We both thought it was so cool. I watched him play the demo over and over again, until one day he could finally get the full game and we were even more hooked. We beat the game so many times together and watched the bonus content until the disc wouldn't work anymore. We tried our hand at every difficulty just to unlock every costume.
I remember when God of War II came out he was one of the first in line to get it that weekend. He even got the BradyGames player guide, which me and my brother read over and over and over again looking through the pages, all the lore hints and bonus content, all the characters and concept art until the pages ripped out. I still have the poster from that guidebook hanging in my bedroom. I still know where all the secrets are in that game like the back of my hand. When the game was beat and the final cutscene played my gad and I would always day how exited we were for the next installment.
I remember the day my dad got our PSP. He got the God of War bundle, the special red edition with the decal of Kratos on the back, the one that came with Chains of Olympus. I remember waking up early on the weekends to sit with him on the couch and watch him play. And if I ever missed anything because the screen was too small he would describe it to me happily. And when Ghost of Sparta came out I got to experience it all over again.
I remember when we first started seeing trailers for GoW iii and I got so exited. I remember my dad and I playing the demo with the chimera battle and being so, so so happy, saying we couldn't wait for the game to come out. I remember my dad refraining from buying the game on his own, waiting to stop somewhere on the way home from school just to buy it with me. And at this point I was finally old enough to figure out a game controller on my own, without my dad helping me at all, and the thrill of playing as Kratos on my own was a titular moment of me realizing I was growing up. Like not to be emo but playing God of War on my own during my adolescent years hit me more than puberty.
I can go on forever. I remember the day Ascension came out, and booking it to EB Games just to try out all the new features. I remember when I saw the novels for sale at a shop in the city, and not wasting another breath telling my dad I wanted them, and reading them more than I read my books for school reports. I remember almost crying because I didn't own a smartphone and couldn't play God of War: Betrayal and being so relieved to see footage was uploaded online and I was able to experience it that way. The only reason I knew what Soul Calibur even was is because Kratos was playable in Broken Destiny for the PSP. He was my main by the way
TL;DR this series was my childhood. It means so much to me. Every time my dad played he would select easy mode so he could read out the story to me. I hyperfixated on the story. And already being a mythos obsessed kid, GoW encouraged me to research mythos even further. And I was so happy when I would replay the games after learning more and more to understand reference after reference after reference. Teaching myself new glitches and exploits and finding new secrets in hidden areas after every playthrough. Rebuying the games every single time they were ported to a new system or I lost the disc. I own like 3 or 4 copies of each game at this point because I never want to not have them. It was like a new experience every time.
However. The games were always popular yeah. Highly rated. Fun to play. Kratos was a Playstation Icon. but large playerbase meant nothing in the long run for me.
I frequented gaming forums and Facebook in the early days and it was easy to tell most everybody playing these games hardly gave two shits about the story. There was nobody who really wanted to talk about lore. Nobody who really wanted to go in depth about characters. Nobody who really wanted to share ideas beyond the main focus. I remember going on deviantart and seeing people post fanwork on the occasion whenever a new game was released, but then never again. Silence. Interest lost as quickly as it came. Honestly I noticed even when the leaks for the Norse saga were published, the majority of people turned to look, were interested, started talking, but then looked away elsewhere when it wasn't the flavour of the month anymore.
I remember running God of War blogs back in 2012 to 2015 and nothing. Maybe three people interacted. Maybe three people bothered. But there were little to no fans. An audience yes but, fans? Fanartists? Writers? Headcanons? Any kind of fanmade media at all besides a few one off images online? I'd be lucky if I saw a shitpost that mentioned Kratos.
I remember writing fanfiction and posting fanart when I was twelve. I remember having action figures of Kratos decorating my shelf and playing with them till they broke and crying bc I was so upset. I loved enjoying these games. I was having so much fun on my own. I came to terms with an audience of none. Accepting that, despite the popularity of the series, to make fancontent for it, to entertain myself with the deeper lore of it was nothing but a niche.
Even with the release of 2018, as happy as I was for the new hopeful wave of fans, I was always a little upset when I saw people who played that installment as their introduction to God of War, go on to say they had no interest in giving the previous games a whirl because of the difference in gameplay and story.
At the end of it all it was still a niche.
So just... here we are today.
Here we are today and I can go into the God of War tag and be hit with a wave of the most gorgeous shit I've ever seen. Here we are today and I wake up to the most incredible drawings and paintings of the characters I grew up with in the most creative scenarios. The fanfictions that span chapters and rip deep into Kratos and his story. The headcanons that take inspiration from the most obscure lore bits from the series. The OCs that are inspired by this series' specific interpretation of mythology.
I can't put it into words. With the release of the Norse saga it's been... amazing. I just genuinley can't describe my joy. When I was playing the games themselves and the older games, the games I've been hyperfixated on my whole life were mentioned, that was one thing. But seeing other people comment on it. Discuss it. Be invested. Enjoy it enough to be inspired. Its like... So amazing.
I don't know what it is. Maybe its because of how the new games were more story driven than the previous installments. Maybe its because of the protrayal of the characters. Maybe its because of the popularity of norse mythology. I don't know and honestly I do not fucking care what the reason is. All I know is that I'm seeing people fall in love with something that means this much to me. Thank you Santa Monica for not forgetting about the story and games that made Kratos.
Seeing people who finished Ragnarok saying they were finally going to start playing the previous games. Or watching gameplay. Or reading up on the lore. Making fanart of the Greek saga. Fanfiction of it. Talking about it. Talking about the story. The deep, heartbreaking but important story that the games have always been telling and was always there that I have been invested in since childhood. I see fanart of Kratos and Calliope together, of Orkos, of Deimos, AUs and headcanons about them, and I want to cry happy tears.
I know you guys aren't making this content for me specifically. But I still have to say thank you. Thank you for making my heart happy. Thank you for reminding me of my most beloved memories every day with the stuff you make. You make my soul happy. Thank you for making stuff I can love and cherish and share with other fans, OTHER FANS, that I can talk to and listen to and discuss lore and art and ideas with about something so beloved to me and now beloved to others. I see people posting about it in depth and I am so happy to talk to or just hear people talk.
To ALL the fanartists, writers, and just fans in general who actually enjoy my or anyone else's GoW content, all of you on behalf of every long time God of War fan thank you so much for being a part of this community.
The feeling of knowing a series of media that's been so obsessively near and dear to me my entire life is becoming dear to others is indescribable. I know I'm being so emo about this but fr like... having people I can just. Talk to about GoW lore and nodding and agreeing and. Ahhhh.
I'll stop rambling now because I could go on forever but just like. Thank yall for being here. The stuff you guys make and share means more than you think.
Thank ya 💕💕🙏
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Meet (some of) the Gods!
Astria has no one true god. Gods from all type of myth join together and collaborate in their realms and places on what has to be done, jobs and duties. Some of these realms have helpers that consist of witches or warlocks (sometimes wizards) to lighten the load. Very slimly will there be humans picked for these jobs.
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🍷: *snoring*
♥️: Hey! Wake up!
🍷: *moves away* nooo *whines*
♥️: Di come on people are watching!
🍷: mmm *pulls him down and cuddles him* night~
Welcome the Greek God of Wine, Dionysus!
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🏹: yeah I can see, now shut up-
🎧: *pouts* you’re so mean to me
Welcome the Greek God of the Sun, Music and Dance, Apollo && the Greek Goddess of Hunting and the Moon, Artemis!
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⚰️: ….
💀: ya good there big man
⚰️: *nods*
💀: …this is why I don’t like you-
⚰️: *scoffs and rolls his eyes*
Welcome the Egyptian God of Death, Anubis!
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💀: IDIOT!!
🌪️ & 💀: *stare, laugh and squeal hugging each other*
🌪️: Hehe let’s go burn something~ cause a little…chaos~
Welcome the Egyptian God of Chaos, Set!
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🪦: *giggles* Such cute little humans there are~
🔮: do we have to be here Ma Lumière [my light]…there’s a lot of people
🪦: Oh, Mon Amour [my love] don’t worry *kisses her knuckles* They can’t hurt you remember~ You cause them more pain! *beams happily*
Welcome the Norse Goddess of Death, Hel && Greek Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Night, Light, Ghosts, Necromancy and Moon, Hecate!
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Welcome my new babes!~ 🥰 For lore and pats story purposes Ace and Di are together (dated in the past) along with Jay and Set (recently together) and it will be on their profiles! Their profiles will be coming out soon and I’ll be adding stuff to all profiles, things like certain appearance things and maybe hobbies!~ I hope everyone likes the newbies and please treat them well! 🥰
possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟💙 && ⚡💖] @faywithlove​ @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @raiden-oc @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤] @darkmoonsiblings​  @nana-n-nono  @onlyomega-cb  @clubwnderland  @supernaturalcb  @mystical-ocs @domxbot  @ocmyths  @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw @fantasycafexbot @redlight-cb  @theocsnextdoor  @vanillaluna-oc @dawnswonderland-entertainment @k-pop-shelter @fantasy-teez @bluerosemafiacb [🔪❣️] @beastfights-starting  @divineblood-cb @cave-of-celestials @littleprincejae @urtwice @multi-au-center @welcometosector1 @9ateez-multiau-bot @collegeskz @wolfpackcb @mxthxidols @lunaaofthemoon @strluv @yourocboys @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino  [🎶💛]  @k-venturetime @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @reve-rv @yutaalove​ @vanilladaises-rp @k-half-blood @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @kquestrian​ @mechat-kpopcb​ [DM + / -]
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monstrumpuella · 2 years
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Waking up from a dream
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brainlessomniscient · 2 months
Huskerdust hnghhhh
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please enjoy the longest comic I’ve ever made about my newest hyperfixation. It’s inspired by lore Olympus; when Persephone goes to the underworld for the first time, her pink and white is meant to contrast the black and blue. Hades gifts her a fluffy white coat since her scant clothes don’t cover her too well. I hope everyone knows this is ooc only because Angel would not let himself get to this point, he’d kill the sobs who’d try PS Friendship with homestuck ended, friendship with hazbin hotel forged.
PPS Don’t ask me why the colors are so different I literally took them at the same time with the same light
(image description, comic with 9 frames. frame 1: husk is in a dark alley but his attention is caught by a pale, almost glowing, pink something tossed among trash bags. frame 2: angel’s unconscious, with a black eye and busted lip. He has no shirt. Frame 3: husk looks deeply sad down at angel. frame 4: husk picks angel’s long body up, carrying him. You can’t see husk’s eyes. Angel’s arms are wrapped around himself, and his head leans on husk’s shoulder. Angel has no clothes on, not even his trademark thigh highs.
frame 5: angel wakes up in a dark bed, covering his bruised eye. A light blue box sits at the foot of the bed. Half the frame is taken up by a note from husk: “I’ll be honest Angel, it wasn’t pretty. Finding you in the trash, nothing on you… but I found some clothes from my gambling days. Try it on, keep it if you want. Husk”
frame 6: an unhappy, hurt angel pulls aside tissue out of the box
frame 7: angel looks into the box, surprised
frame 8: angel has a white, fluffy coat on and nothing else. He strikes a sexy pose, with one upper arm around his head, with a lower arm touching his hip, causing the coat to open more than it would naturally. He has a trademark smirk on his face. He says “Husker, baby! I think with some adjustments, I can make this look good.”
frame 9: angel is healthy and clothed in his usually attire, but instead of gloves, the big white coat covers him. His upper arms reach above his head, and his lower arms are set on his hips. He’s smirking, with one eyebrow raised.
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