#vivere campaign
dovelydraws · 7 months
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Another little backstory piece for my tiefling- I sketched this whole thing out nearly two months ago, and finishing it to this level wasn't the original plan then, but, well, here we are!
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jinbugs · 3 months
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“Do you think you deserve it? To be punished?” “I think so, yes.”
A Pathfinder 2e Campaign Introduction Post!
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REVUN (@dovelydraws)
26 years old
A duel-wielding tiefling fighter. Easy-going freelance mercenary from Alephia, looking for a job that pays well and a little company.
FERRA (@artpepkin)
87 years old
A beastkin elven rogue from Chiei Thya. Playful vagabond who finds herself wherever the wind takes her. She's maybe gotten herself in a little over her head.
POLITES (@mossy-garden)
17 years old
A tiefling champion. Proud kingdom guard of Crimyria under the goddess Vildeas, who is willing and anxious to prove himself.
KWAN (@jinbugs)
39 years old
A human investigator. Cunning Po Lian scholar-official informant who is in pursuit of a dangerous secret, the centurion pearl. At any cost.
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Glitch (@eternalglitch), our game master, weaves all our loose threads into one coherent story.
One fun rule we’ve incorporated into this campaign: players CANNOT share their character backstories with each other outside of gameplay.
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It gives more mystery fun! It’s also driving us insane. Pray for us.
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(Map created by @dovelydraws, summary also written by Dove)
A lot has gone into the cultures and politics of each of the countries our characters come from. Enough so that it doesn't make sense to get into all of it on an introductory post! But perhaps later in a reblog.
As of the writing of this post, we have now played 5 sessions of the campaign.
Our party all met each other in the small seaside town of Plumeport, Crimyria. We were all brought together in pursuit of the same thing: a legendary man-eating boar, said to hold the power of immortality.
It is believed that consuming the flesh of this boar would grant eternal life, and even just a bit of its fur or blood can extend a person's life, for a time. The King of Crimyria himself has offered whoever can take down this boar a large sum of wealth and a small offering of its blood for personal consumption. He wants the job to be done in time for the Crimyrian Festival of Flight, in a couple months time.
The bounty on the boar's head has drawn adventurers from all over the continent, but none so far have been able to take it down. Many have lost their lives. While each of our party members have their own reasons for wanting to take on this job, Kwan has a very personal stake in their success.
He has, reluctantly, revealed that he once knew the boar before it obtained the power it has today. He has reason to believe it has swallowed something once known as a centurion pearl: a powerful artifact that caused the fall of a once great kingdom, and threw the continent into tumultuous conflict. Kwan is adamant that this power should not be handed over to any king. Once it is killed, they want to extract the pearl from its body to make sure it can never fall into the wrong hands.
So far, Kwan has only revealed this to Revun. Polites, meanwhile, works directly under the king and wants to succeed on this mission to make him proud. Ferra seems to only be interested in the money and adventure. Revun has also said they were in this for the money, but vaguely admitted to Kwan that they also had their own personal reasons to go after the boar, and if he truly believes its power is too dangerous, they will follow his lead.
Once faced with the boar, however, the party was unprepared and outmatched. It was massive, its eyes as large as their heads, emanating a golden glow. It moved unlike a normal animal, and seemingly bore a higher level of intelligence than it should.
After a deceptively strong start, Polites went down in battle, and they were all forced to run to ensure everyone's survival. Before retreating though, Kwan shot the boar with a strange arrow, claiming they would be able to track it again later.
The party camped outside of the marsh, unable to sleep while waiting for Polites to wake up. They discussed next steps- going back to the city to regroup, get proper healing, and perhaps find a sponsor to help them in their next try. They still have a few weeks to get things figured out.
And that's all, so far! We're all pretty stoked and making tons of art and written works, so keep a look out, we might publish a zine when the sessions start wrapping up. Bye-bye, for now!
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eternalglitch · 6 months
One of the villains in the campaign I'm DM'ing for is a true piece of work (worse than lfls!Draxum) and I had to go to that player's dms and be like hey... Can I Say These Things To You.
Writing out this dialogue: perfect, horrifying, achieves the drop in your stomach exactly as wanted.
Me saying them out loud, IN CHARACTER... I am blushing and trying not to burst into apologies to my friend
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artpepkin · 3 months
Get vivere campaigned <3
Revun belongs to @dovelydraws
Kwan belongs to @jinbugs
Polites belongs to @mossy-garden
Ferra belongs to me
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Have you seen this tiefling?
Artfight art for @dovelydraws
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Glacier Caravan 2023 - Legambiente's journey through the Alps during the phases of the climate crisis.
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The 2023 Glacier Caravan campaign through the Alps, organized by Legambiente, has officially begun.
Embark on a meaningful adventure with Legambiente Alpi with the Carovana dei Ghiacciai 2023. This journey will take you through the breathtaking Alps to observe and learn about the impact of the climate crisis stages on our planet.
Legambiente Onlus is launching the Glacier Caravan from August 20th to September 10th, 2023! They will cross the Alps with CIPRA and its Italian representative living in the Alps - CIPRA rappresentanza italiana - vivere nelle Alpi - along with the Italian Glaciological Committee - Comitato Glaciologico Italiano  - to document the dramatic retreat of glaciers caused by global warming.
This tour includes six stops between Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. It involves monitoring, hiking, art, and music to raise awareness about protecting our glaciers.
From 1997 to 2022, glaciers in Europe lost approximately 880 cubic kilometers of ice. The hardest-hit region is the Alps, where the average glacier ice thickness has reduced by 34 meters.
So let's join Legambiente Onlus on their Glacier Caravan journey through the Alps to document the devastating effects of global warming on glaciers. This tour includes monitoring, hiking, art, and music to raise awareness about protecting our glaciers. Let's take action to preserve our planet earth!
So, in the end, from the 20th of August to the 10th of September, a journey in 6 stages crosses national borders for the first time. The journey begins in Valle d'Aosta with the Rutor glacier, continues to Piedmont with the Belvedere glacier, then to Lombardy with the Dosdè glaciers, and further to Trentino-Alto Adige with the Lares and Mandrone glaciers. Eventually, the journey reaches Austria with the Ochsental Glacier and Switzerland with the Morteratsch Glacier.
And most of all, recognizing that the climate crisis is accelerating, causing devastating effects such as fires, droughts, heat waves, and record temperatures worldwide, is crucial. The Alpine glaciers are not immune to the impact of climate change and global warming. They are becoming more fragile, vulnerable, and unstable, posing an increased threat to their existence.
📍📍📍 So, do you really care about the environment? Please read on:
This was initially published by Domenico Letizia in: Caravana Ghiacciai 2023
We appreciate your kind presence and attention to today's story. Thank you for joining us today.
⏩ The Board Behind
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fritalianblr · 1 year
My favourite french podcast "Le Coeur sur la Table" (heart on the table, lit.), could be translated in italian ! The italian team need 12 500 € to do so, and there's a crowdfunding campaign to achieve this.
"Le Coeur sur la Table" / Il Cuore Scoperto parla dell'amore (romantico ma non solo) e di relazioni. È un'indagine documentaria che intreccia testimonianze, interviste di esperte/i e musiche originali per esplorare due grandi questioni:
in che modo i sistemi oppressivi di genere, razza e di classe modellano, limitano e danneggiano le nostre relazioni affettive, amorose, sessuali e amicali?
quali pratiche concrete possiamo mettere in campo, individualmente e collettivamente, per creare, nutrire e vivere, nonostante tutto, delle relazioni profonde e egualitarie.
Che si parli di eterosessualità, di carico  mentale, di violenze coniugali, di piacere sessuale, di monogamia, di uguaglianza… in fondo, è sempre questione d’amore. L’amore è il grande argomento della nostra epoca, ed è un argomento politico. Si tratta di politicizzare la sfera intima, ponendoci delle nuove domande.
"Le Coeur sur la Table" has opened my mind on many subjects. I recommend it with every fiber of my heart. So if it can be translated in italian and reach more people, I'm all in for that !
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daniela--anna · 2 years
settembre 2022
"Puoi vivere felice per sempre"
Perché TUTTI dovremmo studiare la Bibbia, o almeno conoscerne il contenuto?
Perché la Bibbia è l'unico libro al mondo che risponde alle più importanti domande che l'uomo si fa da sempre, tra cui:
•Qual è lo scopo della vita?
•Perché si soffre e si muore?
•Cosa riserva il futuro?
•Dio si interessa di me?
Vi siete mai posti domande simili? Se è così, non siete i soli. In tutto il mondo ci sono persone che riflettono sui grandi interrogativi della vita, e grazie alle esperienze di molti di loro, abbiamo una ulteriore conferma della validità della Bibbia in quanto a soddisfare questo naturale desiderio e necessità, di sapere e conoscere la verità.
Queste esperienze ci ricordano anche le parole di Gesù: “Felici quelli che si rendono conto del loro bisogno spirituale” (Matteo 5:3).
È proprio così, gli esseri umani hanno un innato bisogno spirituale che solo Dio è in grado di soddisfare e lo fa proprio tramite la sua Parola, la Bibbia.
La Bibbia è un libro universale i cui insegnamenti e principi rimangono validi in ogni tempo, ma tanto più ora in questo particolare e difficile momento della storia umana, non possiamo lasciarci sfuggire l'occasione di trovare speranza e conforto nelle sue pagine.
Quindi alla domanda:
"Vi piacerebbe studiare la Bibbia?"
Se la risposta è sì, questo corso fa proprio al caso vostro!
September 2022
"You can live happy forever"
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djhmusic1970 · 1 year
SCHWARZWALD from D.J. Highlanders on Vimeo.
ENG SCHWARZWALD is the new piece of music signed by D.J. Highlanders with his friend Riccardo Rinaldi (Ohmguru studio). A new song that contains within itself a set of different worlds, but somehow close. SCHWARZWALD, is the name of the Black Forest, located in Germany and enveloping the city of Freiburg, the largest country within an area of 6,000 km2 where the most "famous" wooded area in Europe develops. It represents a part of the "green lung" that still exists in the Old Continent. The policies of the countries that have been part of the European continent for several years have been concentrated in a serious and "vital" popular awareness campaign and concrete actions to safeguard the entire planet... But the journey has just begun and there there is still a long way to go. We encourage the efforts they make, we participate concretely in the resolutions they adopt so that man has less and less "impact" on the planet that offers him a "home" where he can live. As far as the piece of music is concerned, we are in the world of Worldbeat, where the contaminations intertwine and get lost in the rhythmic percussion that accompanies the listener from the beginning to the end of the piece. It's an energetic and at the same time relaxing music, ethnic and at the same time modern... SCHWARZWALD is the third single that leads towards the creation of a new Ep.... already ready! Just waiting to enter your hearts, yes, but, little by little! For now, enjoy this wonderful new song!
ITA SCHWARZWALD è il nuovo brano musicale firmato da D.J. Highlanders con l'amico Riccardo Rinaldi (Ohmguru studio). Una nuova canzone che racchiude dentro di se un insieme di mondi diversi, ma in qualche modo vicini. SCHWARZWALD, è il nome della Foresta Nera, che si trova in Germania e avvolge la città di Friburgo, il più grande paese dentro l'area di 6.000 Km2 dove si sviluppa la più “famosa” area boschiva d'Europa. Rappresenta una parte di “polmone verde” ancora esistente nel Vecchio Continente. Le politiche dei paesi che fanno parte del continente europeo, da diversi anni, sono concentrate in una seria e “vitale” campagna di sensibilizzazione popolare e di azioni concrete per salvaguardare l'intero pianeta... Ma il cammino è appena iniziato e c'è tanta strada ancora da fare. Incoraggiamo gli sforzi che fanno, partecipiamo concretamente alle risoluzioni che adottano perché l'uomo sia sempre meno “impattante” sul pianeta che gli offre la “casa” dove poter vivere. Per quanto riguarda il brano musicale, siamo nel mondo della Worldbeat, dove le contaminazioni si intrecciano e si perdono nella ritmica delle percussioni che accompagnano l'ascoltatore dall'inizio alla fine del brano. E' una musica energetica e nel contempo rilassante, etnica e allo stesso tempo moderna... SCHWARZWALD è il terzo singolo che porta verso la realizzazione di un nuovo Ep.... già pronto! Aspetta solo di entrare nei vostri cuori, si, ma, poco per volta! Per ora godetevi questo nuovo brano meraviglioso!
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tonkitrip · 2 years
Carpe diem edc
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If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again. Refunds are done within 10 Business days of the approval of the return If the return is approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. that was received with the purchase)Īny item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)Īny item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error. Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer. To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase. It must also be in the original packaging and include all the pamphlets or documentation included with the product. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Antique Bronze Finish (Brass Alloy - Chemically Aged).The Carpe Diem Coins are minted in the USA, by America's oldest mint founded in 1835. I decided to use latin for the text on the new coins: "TEMPUS FUGIT" for "Time Flies," and "MEMENTO MORI" for "Remember Death." The reverse shows a "tree of life" with the words "CARPE DIEM" for "Seize the Day." Surrounding the tree of life are the words "FAC VITAM INCREDIBILEM" for "Make an Incredible Life," and "MEMENTO VIVERE" for "Remember to Live." These two sayings are separated by roses, a subtle suggestion to take time to stop and smell the roses.Ĭarpe Diem Coins are 39mm in diameter, and approximately 2.7mm thick (10 gauge). The obverse has my original skull design re-worked with more detail to represent death, and the escapement gear, hourglasses and an hour / minute track, to represent the passing of time. Be present in the lives of friends and family.įor my Kickstarter Campaign, I re-introduced a newly designed Carpe Diem Coin, and had them professionally minted from custom engraved dies. Do good for others not as fortunate as you. The back ("reverse") side of my Original Carpe Diem Coin had a simple message: "Carpe Diem" which means "Seize the Day," and "Make Your Life Extraordinary." Make the most of every day you have. "Death Waits" was my very real, although grim reminder that at the end of all my uncertain days alive, there is only the certainty of death. "Time Flies" was becoming more of a reality every day as I approached 50 years of age. When I designed my Original Carpe Diem Coin, I wanted a challenge coin that could be carried and given away to friends and family, that would remind the holder that time is fleeting, that death waits at the end for all of us, and that it is important to make the most of every day. I designed the front ("obverse") side of the coin with a skull to represent death, with an escapement gear (found in all mechanical clocks and watches) in the forehead of the skull to represent the passing of time.
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seotoolskit · 2 years
What is the best local SEO for Orlando?
There is no definitive answer, as the best local SEO for Orlando will vary depending on your specific business and marketing goals. However, some tips to help you get started include optimizing your Google My Business profile, building local citations, and creating high-quality content relevant to your target audience. Businesses or Orlando SEO agencies can do a few things to improve their local search engine ranking.
1. Claim your business listing on Google My Business. This will help your business show up in local searches and the Google Maps app.
2. Make sure your website is optimized for local search. Include your city and state in your website's title tag and meta description, and make sure your address is included on every page of your website.
3. Publish high-quality content about your city or neighborhood on your website and social media accounts. This will help to establish you as an authority on local topics.
Visit Seotoolskit for more exciting and free SEO Content.  
4. Use local keywords in your online marketing campaigns. For example, if you are a dentist in Orlando, you could use the keyword "Orlando dentists" in your ads and website content.
5. Get involved with the local community. Sponsor events, donate to charity or participate in local meetups and networking events. This will help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
In terms of content creation, focus on relevant topics to your target audience. This could include writing blog posts about local events, tips for living in Orlando, or the best places to eat and drink. Not only will this help to attract new customers, but it will also help to boost your website's SEO ranking.
Local SEO can be a great way to improve your business's visibility online and attract more customers from your local area. Some of the best local SEO agencies are:
Viver: Viver is a digital marketing and web design firm based in Orlando, Florida. If you're looking for the best local SEO services in Orlando, look no further. With their natural search techniques, they'll bring your company to its full potential.
Marioss Agency: They are one of the top SEO brokers in Florida. Their number one priority is always keeping their clients educated on all things.
Visit Seotoolskit for more exciting and free SEO Content.  
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dovelydraws · 3 months
I miss having a computer lol
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jinbugs · 2 months
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eternalglitch · 2 months
Vivere Backstory Snippet - Unraveling - Revun
As I'm dming for the Vivere Campaign, I've been occasionally writing little fanfics of my player's characters for fun. I've decided to share them every so often here since I've been having fun writing them!
First up: Revun
Cw: Violence
Credit to @dovelydraws for the character, general backstory, and the piece of art in this post.
Note: Vivere campaign spoilers ahead! Other players do not read
Basic character context:
An intro to the campaign. Some context to Mylene and Revun's relationship. Some context to Revun and Beyleth's relationship. This takes place months prior to the beginning of the campaign, and is the last night that Revun sees both Beyleth and Mylene alive. After several months acting as a guard to Mylene's family's vineyard, it turns out that Revun's mercenary group, the Ruby Syndicate, were hired for an ulterior purpose...
Mylene turned to look back at Revun, the moonlight haloing her soft brown hair into an ethereal silver. Her expression was mischievous, and she opened up her mouth–
The night was splintered into shards by a scream which abruptly cut off in a way that was not natural.
"Mylene–" Revun started to order, but her head had already swiveled to look back in the direction that they had just come from.
"What was that?" she quietly asked, but the rhetorical question hung in the air as she had already started to move, to slip off and go towards the sound.
Revun moved before his brain processed it, drawing his sword with one motion and grabbing her wrist with another.
"Don't," he whispered to her, his heartbeat echoing in his ears. His eyes darted around, along the walls; how many were there? Was this a random breaking and entering or planned? No one should have gotten this close to the vineyard without the Ruby Syndicate sending out an alarm.
Unless this was planned, and whoever it was was good enough to get around the others.
The two stared at each other, Mylene's eyes wide and scared yet her brow set and her jaw clenched in that stubborn little manner that until tonight had always made Revun laugh.
There's another scream, followed by angry shouting. Revun unconsciously shifted stances, his tail lashing once, but even as his gaze strayed for just one second, Mylene grabbed at his hand with her free one and wrenched herself free. She was sprinting away before Revun could react, too conscious of the sword to jerk around and possibly hurt her. He bit down a cry after her, because no, he couldn't risk alerting anyone to their location, he couldn't draw attention to her like that.
He cursed silently at whatever gods are watching and took off after her, sparing only a quick glance at the bloodied corpse of the groundskeeper left to bleed out right by the garden's gate.
Past the garden was chaos; one of the stable boys was trying to calm a rearing horse even as a figure in a hood darted around the horse, the moon pointing an accusing finger at the flash of metal and the telltale copper tang in the air giving away the rest. It was enough to give Revun pause, his eyes adjusting automatically to the dimmer lighting. Several other servants were trying to flee, but foreign figures flickering through the darkness were making quick work of the unarmed group.
Revun started to run again, only making a quick check for each corpse that laid at his boots. The house. She must have headed for the house, surely she headed for the house, she was smart and quick and could have made it to the house why did he look away from her for even a second–
He wrenched the door open, the lock already broken, and caught a glimpse of the back of her nightgown and now-loose hair as she turned a corner. Thank the gods. But the relief was fragile, short-lived; the house was not silent; there was loud banging and clattering echoing down every corridor, in every gaping and dark doorway.
"M– stop!" he dared to call. His mentor's voice echoed in his ears, no names. Nothing to identify you with.
But it worked, and she turned to look at him, skidding to a halt as her chest heaved for breath.
"My family–"
"It's not safe–"
"–have to make sure they're okay!"
Revun shook his head. "Beyleth will protect them– please, I promise we'll meet up with them, we need to go–"
Mylene drew in a ragged breath. Revun reached out, offering her his hand opened upwards, but she shook her head slowly at first and then harder. There's a scream, and then the two were running again, down the corridor, past the wine cellar, beyond the kitchen–
Mylene kept going. Revun did not.
There were bodies, in the kitchen.
But towering over them were two people, two distinct heights, one slightly taller and the other just shorter than Beyleth. And Revun would know, because he had seen him standing to Beyleth's right himself.
"Cordell-" his relief was cut as sharply as the bloodied knife he saw Cordell wrench out of the cook's chest.
Cordell and– the taller one would be Allumin, he recognized that slender build now that he was looking– straightened up, and Revun took an uncertain step back as Cordell grinned at him.
"Here to join the party? We're just finishing up this floor– hey!" Cordell shouted after him, but Revun was gone, moving, scrambling for the stairs that Mylene had already started to scale two at a time. "Revun!"
They made it to the top, past the family portrait, down the last hallway where more ominous new dark splatters adorned doorways. To the master suite, and Revun pushed himself harder, faster, closing the gap and grabbing Mylene by the shoulder–
"Stop, don't…" he trailed off as he stumbled to a stop, barely managing not to bowl her over.
Beyleth had often rapped his knuckle against Revun's horns before a mission, had told him to do well with a calm, steady look and a small nod.
That was the same expression he wore now. Calm. Confident. He emerged out of the darkness of the bedroom, the candles inside all blown out just like the rest of the house. He carried one of his blades in each hand.
There was blood dripping down them.
Mylene made a small sound, almost like she was choking, and that was all the time Revun had to brace himself before she screamed, throwing herself forward. Revun dropped his sword in his haste to yank her back, to hold onto her–
Beyleth sighed. "You're too loud," he said, sounding disapproving. Gone was the clinical business tone he had held with Mylene, his more casual, caustic manner of speaking fully coming to the surface. "They can't hear you from that realm, anyways, little miss."
Mylene went silent again, leaning against Revun's chest suddenly, and Beyleth glanced up to look Revun in the eyes. "Hold her still for me."
Like he was asking for Revun to pass the whetstone around the fire.
He would never know what Mylene's expression was at that moment. If she doubted him, or hated him for what he had brought as company to her doorstep. All he could focus on was the way her body was still limp and unguarded in his hands.
His eyes slid back to his mentor, but Revun couldn't think. There's just static. His mouth tasted like smoke, and he rasped out a question. "Why didn't you tell me?" He shoved Mylene behind him, and luckily she didn't fight him on it, mutely letting Revun protect her. "Beyleth. What… why?"
Beyleth raised an eyebrow at him. "Look at yourself, boy. Then tell me why." His eyes narrowed, his face darkening. "Now. Either you hold her still, Revun, or kill her by your own hands. Now."
Revun couldn't reply, couldn't voice his dissent. But he could give it, and give it he did, a quick shake of his head sealing it all into blood.
Beyleth had long called Revun inhuman. It had been both a praise and a colder statement of fact. But as Revun watching Beyleth tower over him, his mouth drawing open into a snarl, Beyleth looked far more inhuman than Revun had ever been.
Revun dove to grab his dropped sword just as Beyleth swung.
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[ID: Revun having a nightmare months later after the campaign has officially started about fighting Beyleth like that again. They awake with a dagger clutched under their pillow.]
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artpepkin · 5 months
Happy thanksgiving!
A little animation of me and my friends dnd characters cause I love them <33
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thxngam · 3 years
do you know of any au fic in tww?
Yes I do, but I’m assuming you mean AUs other than just canon-divergence? Because samjosh is obviously not canon (tho it could be if aaron sorkin had the balls to actually push boundaries in terms of casting and relationships) so it’s technically an AU? Either way I’m going to exclude fics that are solely AU bc of relationships. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3925696--an American girl raised on promises by rillrill: a genderswapped sam seaborn with a shit ton of internalized misogyny! it’s a wonderful AU fic that makes me feel alllllll the things
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7829509/chapters/17872447--rarely make history by alongthewatchtower: another genderswapped fic! this time it’s female!josh set in the pilot episode. this one is definitely more lighthearted than the one above--it’s basically canon with female josh with (for me, being a woman) a more relatable thought process lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12791685--vere vivere by ninjalanternshark: a trans!sam seaborn fic that covers him from childhood to the administration and a little after that. it’s so so so good, and it’s...i don’t know how to describe it other than a feel good fic. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/322076/chapters/518419--a magic mirror family by @snowdarkred: completely AU, where the found family dynamics of the show were put into an actual family, where the senior staff are jed bartlet’s actual adopted children. very very cute. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/322850--Heart, Temper, Touch by @snowdarkred: I put this in my favorite tww fics ask too; sam seaborn but a lesbian. so so so good, and oddly vindicating? 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27034612--we belong to you and me by perfect_little_fool: like 50%/75% smut but it’s a soulmate au between josh and donna! smut is 10/10 btw
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25528132--what moments divine by @slightlyraspberry: josh is a sad sad boy in a ‘verse where sam won the 47th the first time and is also in an out relationship with will bailey. doesn’t cover their relationship at all, it’s mostly just Josh’s introspection, but i’m putting it here bc it’s a major story twist. also i love it so much that i will put it here anyway. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14194866--Lay Me Down in a Secret Grave by Innocentfighter: an AU where Sam was in the military before the administration. so so good and such an interesting concept! 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16826584--Ink Me to this Promised Land by Innocentfighter: another soulmate au! this time it’s samjosh an no smut, rather a sadder fic. it deals pretty heavily with the homophobia of having another man’s name, so don’t read if some mentions of slurs and period-typical homophobia bother you! if it doesn’t definitely do read!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19134469--a safe place to land by joshlyman: a fic where sam and josh are opposing campaigns! it is samjosh heavy but the canon divergence is heavy enough that i think i can get away with putting it on this list! some smut, but not that heavy, mostly pining heavy lmao
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28022466/chapters/68645985--Where the Heart Is by Nkala99: an AU where...actually I’m not gonna say bc spoilers and it’s not even mentioned in the summary of the fic, but it’s finished and you’ll know like two chapters in. such a good fic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26397058--One Black Coffee by Lily_Padd_23: even tww has its coffee shop aus! samjosh centric when they were in college with amy gardner thrown in for extra fun. such a good fic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/651090--All In The Family by gutsandglitter: similar to the other a magic mirror family fic that I rec’d above, but this is a little different! more charlie centric too and more a slice of life than an elaborate backstory
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4350353/chapters/9867797--Tommy Boy by DestielsDestiny: an ICONIC fic. You know I can’t explain bc it would spoil i guess? But either way, it’s fantastic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28654149--Put to Sky by @augendz: the most Au-y AU, couldn’t be further from canon lol. A Marvel/superhero verse! Pining boys! superpowers! donna being smarter than everyone in the room! samjosh!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19445527--This Love Would Burn So Yellow by WaxyWolf: another literal family fic! it also comes with a sequel that’s linked right below this. so so cute!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24141931/chapters/58129324--Talk the Stars Down From the Sky by WaxyWolf: the sequal/companion to the above fic! a 4+1, completely fluffy and sweet! (i do wish there was more in this verse, these two fics are so good) 
Okay, I’ll stop here, I think you got a lot more than I mean to give, but all of these fics are fantastic!
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